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HAL Id: hal-03494140 https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-03494140 Submitted on 18 Dec 2021 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- entific research documents, whether they are pub- lished or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. Uplink Transmission Probability Functions for LoRa-Based Direct-to-Satellite IoT: A Case Study Kai Vogelgesang, Juan Andrés A Fraire, Holger Hermanns To cite this version: Kai Vogelgesang, Juan Andrés A Fraire, Holger Hermanns. Uplink Transmission Probability Functions for LoRa-Based Direct-to-Satellite IoT: A Case Study. GLOBECOM 2021 - IEEE Global Communi- cations Conference, Dec 2021, Madrid, Spain. pp.1-6. hal-03494140
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HAL Id: hal-03494140https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-03494140

Submitted on 18 Dec 2021

HAL is a multi-disciplinary open accessarchive for the deposit and dissemination of sci-entific research documents, whether they are pub-lished or not. The documents may come fromteaching and research institutions in France orabroad, or from public or private research centers.

L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, estdestinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documentsscientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non,émanant des établissements d’enseignement et derecherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoirespublics ou privés.

Uplink Transmission Probability Functions forLoRa-Based Direct-to-Satellite IoT: A Case Study

Kai Vogelgesang, Juan Andrés A Fraire, Holger Hermanns

To cite this version:Kai Vogelgesang, Juan Andrés A Fraire, Holger Hermanns. Uplink Transmission Probability Functionsfor LoRa-Based Direct-to-Satellite IoT: A Case Study. GLOBECOM 2021 - IEEE Global Communi-cations Conference, Dec 2021, Madrid, Spain. pp.1-6. �hal-03494140�

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Uplink Transmission Probability Functions forLoRa-Based Direct-to-Satellite IoT: A Case Study

Kai Vogelgesang∗, Juan A. Fraire∗†, Holger Hermanns∗∗Saarland University, Saarland Informatics Campus, Saarbrucken, Germany†Univ Lyon, Inria, INSA Lyon, CITI, F-69621 Villeurbanne, France

Abstract—Direct-to-Satellite IoT allows devices on the Earthsurface to directly reach Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) satellitespassing over them. Although an appealing approach towards atruly global IoT vision, scalability issues as well as highly dynamictopologies ask for dedicated protocol adaptations supportedby novel models. This paper contributes to this research byintroducing estimators and a transmission probability functionto dynamically control the contending set of devices on aframed slotted Aloha model compatible with the LoRaWANspecification. In particular, we discuss techniques that account forparticularities in the dynamics of sparse DtS-IoT constellations.Simulation analyses of a realistic case study show that >86% ofthe theoretical throughput is achievable in practice.

Index Terms—MAC, Direct-to-Satellite IoT, LoRaWAN.


The internet of things (IoT) is just around the corner. Emerg-ing standards such as 5G are designed to accommodate largenumbers of machine-to-machine (M2M) communications [1]leveraging novel Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) technologiessuch as LoRaWAN, LR-FHSS and NB-IoT [2, 3, 4, 5]. Appli-cations ranging from agriculture to smart grid, environmentalmonitoring, emergency management, among others can beunblocked by enabling the transmission of small amounts ofinformation from long distances (100s km, at <50 Kbps) [6].By 2023, it is expected that more than 14 billion connections–50% of all network connections– will involve massive, cheapand power-efficient IoT devices [7]. A global IoT servicewill thus be crucial to uphold the IoT trend. In this context,constellations of Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites are centralto support this ambitious goal [8].

The so-called Direct-to-Satellite IoT (DtS-IoT) paradigmconstitutes the holy grail of satellite-based IoT [9]. Thecore idea is to succeed in connecting resource-constraineddevices on ground directly to LEO satellites without rely-ing on intermediate gateways [10]. DtS-IoT is particularlyattractive in regions where deploying infrastructure is difficult,economically uninteresting (i.e., about half of the inhabitedarea of the planet [11]), or impossible due to disaster condi-tions. Recent in-orbit demonstration of the LoRaWAN-basedLacunaSat-1 nano-satellite evidenced the practical feasibilityand commercial attractiveness of the DtS-IoT concept [12].Furthermore, recent work showed that DtS-IoT services canalready be provided with just a dozen of satellites acting asopportunistic data mules [9] (a.k.a. sparse constellations, incontrast to resource-hungry mega-constellations).

The problem of DtS-IoT is that satellites orbiting in LEOmove at more than 25,000 km/h, and so does their areacoverage on the Earth surface. Furthermore, at altitudes inthe order of 500 km, a LEO satellite completes a pass over aserviced region in less than 10 minutes. Besides the challengeof coordinating the service to potentially thousands of IoTdevices at the sight of the passing-by LEO satellite, the overallnetwork dynamics of DtS-IoT are far from the use cases thatare motivated by traditional terrestrial IoT protocols.

In this work, we tackle the medium access control chal-lenges of sparse DtS-IoT. First, we propose a framed slottedAloha [13] model that can be materialized with standardbeacon-based LoRaWAN devices and gateways [14]. Sec-ondly, we deal with the scalability aspect by providing anestimator of the successful extraction rate for a given amountof contending nodes. Based on this, we derive a TransmissionProbability Function (TPF) that, by beaconing the resultingvalue, enables an accurate control of the cardinality of the con-tending set during the frame, Thirdly, we uncover a non trivialproblem in frame-based sparse DtS-IoT. Devices might receivethe beacon but the fast-paced LEO satellite dynamics couldleave them out-of-sight by the time an uplink transmissionis scheduled. Since sparse constellations might not providean immediate new satellite over the horizon, we proposetwo practical solutions to mitigate this issue: i) throttling theestimator to compensate, and ii) empower perceptive devicesto account for trajectory information. Finally, we presenta realistic DtS-IoT scenario with thousands of devices toevaluate and assess the proposed approaches.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Sec-tion II introduces the framed slotted Aloha DtS-IoT model.The TPF function, estimators and waste transmission mitiga-tion schemes are introduced in Section III. Section IV presentsa realistic case study where the methods are evaluated bymeans of simulations. Conclusions are drawn in Section V.


A. Framed Slotted Aloha DtS-IoT

Our DtS-IoT model, illustrated in Fig. 1, assumes that thecommunication between the satellite and the IoT devices onground is organized in frames. The IoT gateway payload onthe satellite transmits a periodic beacon to mark the beginningof a frame. A device that decodes the beacon is assumed tohave the satellite in line of sight while enjoying good enoughchannel conditions to reach the gateway back. Thus, an uplink

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frame 2...

frame fframe 1nf = 4

collision set


n0 = 5collision set

frame 2...

frame fframe 1


frame 2...

frame fframe 1n1 = 9

collision set


TfSlotted period





w slots

k1 = 4transmission set


Fig. 1. DtS-IoT framed slotted ALOHA model

transmission could occur immediately after the beacon with atleast the most robust modulation and coding scheme available.

This model can be, for instance, materialized by standardLoRaWAN Class-B mode [2], where the beacon is modulatedby the most robust spreading factor (SF12), while devices useany SF7-12 for the uplink, depending on the measured channelconditions. As discussed in [9], the absence of a passing-bysatellite for a period of no more than 2 hours (i.e., beacon-less period) is enough to keep a network-wide synchronization,enabling sparse LoRa-based and power-effective DtS-IoT con-stellations. In a LoRaWAN-based DtS-IoT, the design of theframe size an d structure will depend on the downlink dutycycle α, and the maximum devices’ clock drift ∆m. Assuminga satellite pass time Tp over a device with f packets to sendover f frames (i.e., 1 packet to 1 frame ratio), the frameduration Tf is constrained by

Tbα≤ Tf ≤

Tp + Tb −∆m

f + 1. (1)

Indeed, the frame length has to be longer than Tb

α , whereTb denotes the beacon duration. Also, the frame has to beshort enough for a device to transmit f times in f different

frames, considering the maximum clock drift between twosatellite passes. In compliance with LoRaWAN Class-B, abeacon period Tf of 120 seconds is feasible, rendering a dutycycle of nearly 1% assuming SF12 (airtime 1.32 seconds, at20 Bytes and coding rate 4/5).

In our DtS-IoT model, each frame consists of a fixed numberw of slots (echoing a well-studied slotted ALOHA variant forLoRaWAN [14]). Each slot is a time episode in which an IoTdevice can choose to perform an uplink transmission. It picksone of the slots in the current frame with uniform probabilityto then schedule a packet in such time period, provided it hassuccessfully decoded the beacon and indeed has data readyfor uplink. As a result, packets with airtime up to the slotduration can be sent to the satellite; however, adequate safe-guard margins should be considered. For instance, the slantrange with a LEO over the horizon can be as large as 2,000 km,which implies a ∼7 ms device-to-gateway propagation delay.

If more than one devices pick the same slot, destructiveinterference or a collision occurs, rendering all colliding mes-sages unusable (we disregard the so-called capture effect [15]).Thus, slots can be classified as idle (not used), extracted (a sin-gle transmission that made it to the gateway on the satellite) orcollided (two or more collided transmissions lost) [16]. Sincefor the satellite, many IoT devices willing to transmit mightbe in view at the same time (comprising the so-called collisionset), the likelihood of collisions in DtS-IoT is typically higherthan in traditional less-crowded ground IoT deployments. Inparticular, if there are more transmitting devices than slotsin the frame, collisions are guaranteed, unless some deviceswere refraining from participating in the frame. Our focus istherefore the investigation of a means to limit the number ofcontending devices (deriving a transmission set, a subset ofthe collision set), while considering the LEO dynamics.

a) Collision Set Cardinality Estimation: In order to con-trol the cardinality of the transmission set k, the cardinalityof the collision set n needs to be estimated upfront. EarlyDtS-IoT deployments will likely allow operators to exploit apriori knowledge of the position and traffic shape of servicedIoT devices. This information can be uploaded to the satellitein advance so that the number of reachable and contendingdevices can be determined for each frame. However, moreautomated and dynamic approaches are also conceivable. Forinstance, the satellite operator might build in machine learningtechniques based on patterns recorded from previous passesover the same region (especially applicable for Earth-repeatorbits [17]). On the other hand, well-studied collision setestimation techniques for dynamic frame-length Aloha proto-cols [18] can be enhanced. Among these, efficient estimatorsare available [16] which can be adapted to the time-evolvingcollision set as observed from the passing-by DtS-IoT satellite.The DtS-IoT collision cardinality learning/estimation is thuspossible, but the specific means to achieve them are out of thescope of this paper. We do assume that the satellite can profitfrom such an estimate to beacon derived relevant informationto the IoT devices on ground.

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Knowing the collision set cardinality does, in principle,allow the construction of an explicit schedule assigning adedicated slot to each device with data to send. Nevertheless,such a coordination would be prohibitive to compute, tomaintain, and costly to roll out (wrt. both bandwidth andpower), thereby reducing the DtS-IoT network flexibility andscalability. Instead, relevant information related to the collisionset cardinality can be included in the beacon with the aim atyielding better performance than plain slotted Aloha. To thisend, we design a Transmission Probability Function, TPF, thatmaps the number of competing nodes to the probability ofindeed contending in the current frame. With the collision setcardinality n and the TPF routine available at the satellite, theresulting transmission probability p can be broadcast on eachbeacon, giving the satellite some degree of control over thecardinality k of the transmission set as a function of n. Then,devices participate in the frame (i.e., select one of its w slotsand transmit data on it) with this probability. The remainderof this work formalizes and evaluates the value of using TPFin DtS-IoT networks based on framed slotted Aloha.

Our overall goal is to maximize the expected number ofsuccessful messages that can be decoded at the gateway. Weintroduced p as the transmission probability, n as the numberof IoT devices on the collision set, and k as the size ofthe transmission set. Since k depends on the transmissionprobability p, we assign a random variable K that indicatesthis size. Furthermore, we denote the number of successfullyextracted transmissions as S, which is also a random variable.In the following, we will derive an expression for the expectedvalue E[S] in relation to p (or E[S | p]). This will give us anestimator E(p) of the expected packet extraction performance,depending on how we set the transmit probability.

First, we fix K = k, as this case is straightforwardto analyze: Let X1, . . . , Xk be random variables, such thatXi = 1 if the i-th device has a unique slot, and 0 otherwise.Looking at an individual device, we get

P [Xi = 1] =

(1− 1


)k−1= E[Xi], (2)

since all of the k− 1 other devices need to pick a slot that isdifferent from the one picked by device i. As these randomvariables are 1 with the aforementioned probability and 0otherwise, this probability is equal to their expected value.From these indicator variables, we can derive the expectedvalue of successes E[S], since the expected value is linear:

E[S∣∣ K = k

]= E





E[Xi] = k·(

1− 1


)k−1Of course, this holds only in the case where the size of thetransmission set is exactly k. Since the cases for different k aredisjoint, however, we can get the combined value of E[S] byweighting these disjoint cases with their respective probability.

All nodes decide independently whether they should com-pete, based on p. Therefore, K follows a binomial distribution,

and we can express the probability for an individual transmis-sion set cardinality k as

P [K = k] =



)· pk · (1− p)n−k,

which we can then apply as described above to find E[S]:

E[S] =


E[S∣∣ K = k

]· P [K = k]





)· pk · (1− p)n−k · k ·

(1− 1


)k−1This rather complicated expression for the estimator can besimplified as follows (proof included in the appendix):

E[S] = np(

1− p


)n−1=: E(p) (3)

This value only depends on the slot count w, the collisionset cardinality n, and on the transmission probability p. Theformer is known and n can be assumed to be estimatedas described above. We can therefore pick p such that theestimator is maximized. To find this maximum, take thederivative of E by p and look at the roots:


(p) =n


(1− p


)n−2· (w − np)

Indeed, we find a root at p = w/n, which indicates a globalmaximum: It holds that E is continuous, E(0) = 0 = E(w),and E(p) > 0 for 0 < p < w. Thus, the expected success rateE[S] is maximized if p = w/n. Of course, if w is greaterthan n, this maximum is outside the valid range [0, 1] for p.In these cases, the highest expected number of successes wecan achieve is at p = 1.

The transmit probability p that our TPF should return, givena collision set of n nodes and a frame length of w slots canthus be calculated with the following expression:

TPF(n) = arg maxp∈(0,1)

E(p) = min(



)A. Wasted Transmissions

There is a specific phenomenon from the LEO satellite passdynamics that is not properly represented in our model so far, atime-evolving variant of what is known as the hidden-terminaleffect. Consider an IoT device that can see the satellite as itpasses over the horizon as illustrated in Fig. 2.

Since the satellite moves along its orbit, it might onlystay visible for the device for a shorter time than the frameduration Tf . If a new frame begins in this situation, the finalslots of the frame will occur after the satellite has droppedbelow the horizon. Assuming that this is not known to thedevice, it might, according to the presented frame slottedAloha protocol, decide to transmit without the satellite beingat sight. These wasted transmissions would never be observedby the satellite, and consequently account for neither a successnor a collision.

In order to improve the accuracy of the transmission set car-dinality estimation in this condition, we study two approachesof concrete practical value, as we discuss in Section IV.

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Wasted slotsUseful slotsBeacon


t2t1 t3


Fig. 2. Useful and wasted slots. Mountains illustrate the horizon of visibility(a.k.a. elevation profile) for the device in blue. Other devices will have adifferent one, and thus another proportion of useful and wasted slots for thesame frame.

a) Estimator Throttling: As we will discuss below, thesimulator tool introduced in Section IV enables us to quantifythat the relative proportion of wasted transmissions is inde-pendent from the transmission probability p (see in Fig. 4 thatwasted is a linear expression of p). Since a fixed percentageof senders waste their messages regardless of the transmitprobability, we might as well consider this fixed percentage asnon-contending devices in the first place. For instance, at thetop of Fig. 4, four sample frames f = 1, 2, 3, 4 with collisionset cardinality nf of 137, 287, 268 and 179 are presentedwith their resulting wasted transmissions for different p values.Since Wc=38% of the 287 devices in the second frame wastetheir transmissions, the throttled estimator ET (p) would runthe original one with collision set cardinality n = 177, whichis 62% of the total amount of participating devices. In otherwords, this approach corrects the estimator to maximize theextraction ratio, by ignoring wasted packets. But IoT devicesare still performing useless transmissions after the satellitehides behind their individual horizon.

b) Perceptive Devices: To save energy on constrainedIoT devices, transmissions when no satellite is at sight shoulddirectly be avoided. To this end, we change the devices’behavior to only pick slots where devices can see the satellite.Indeed, we assume some kind of trajectory information ismade available to the device via the beacon or other means,an approach already proven practical in Lacuna DtS-IoT satel-lites [12]. This makes it impossible for wasted transmissionsto occur, but it also invalidates the assumption that all slotsare picked with equal probability. Therefore, applying E(p)to perceptive devices might deliver a sub-optimal extractionratio.


In this section we evaluate the applicability of the presentedmodel and TPF approaches in a realistic DtS-IoT use case.

A. Case Study Setup

We evaluate a DtS-IoT scenario comprised of 1500 IoTdevices deployed uniformly over a circular region on thesurface of the planet. We consider a LEO satellite configuredwith a polar orbit at 600 km altitude, an inclination of 98◦,a right ascension of the ascending node (RAAN) of 20◦,

and an argument of perigee of 0◦ (epoch set to 1/1/202100:00:00). The resulting trajectory is computed using the Two-Body propagator included in the Systems Toolkit (STK) fromAGI. The resulting dynamics are illustrated in Fig. 3.

We study two coverage configurations regarding the IoTgateway the spacecraft is equipped with. One of them assumesa beamwidth of 90◦, the other of 120◦. Each antenna is facingthe nadir direction, and the 90◦ antenna can at any time serveonly a subset of the devices in the 120◦ configuration.

A simulator that reads the fixed Earth-Center Inertial (ECI)position of the orbital trajectories and IoT devices was devel-oped1. The tool is written in RUST, delivering competitiveperformance and memory safety guarantees while keepingthe code clean and readable. For the devices, we includedan embedded LUAJIT runtime environment. This enablesflexible comparisons across different device behaviors, whichwe implement in LUA, without recompiling the simulator. Wespawn one co-routine per device, and provide an interface todefine device’s actions, which can dynamically react to otherevents within the simulation.

We set the frame length to 120 slots of one second each. Inthe provided scenario, this gives us four useful frames for the90◦ case, and six for the 120◦ one. Each of the IoT devices inthe evaluated scenario will attempt an uplink on every frame,an aggressive configuration for IoT, convenient to stress theTPF evaluation.

B. Results

For every possible p in frames in the 90◦ and 120◦ cases, westudy the successful extracted messages and the lost messages,comprising collisions and wasted transmissions (only for non-perceptive devices). These results are collected for simulationswith and without perceptive devices (50 seeds for each p fora total of 20k simulations), as well as the expected value ofthe estimator with and without throttling. Plots are presentedin Fig. 4, and described in the caption.

In general, initial and final frames of the two evaluatedpasses (i.e., frames at the edge of the circular serviced region)present a reduced number of nodes in the collision set ncompared to central frames. Indeed, central frames of the 120◦

case pose the highest challenge in terms of scalability, withn3 = 940 and n4 = 931 collision set cardinality contendingfor the 120 slots in the third and fourth frame. Thus, whilemost congested frames achieve the optimal transmission suc-cess with p < 0.2, initial and final frames are used optimallyif p > 0.8 values are beaconed.

While the estimators theoretically approach the slottedAloha maximum throughput, simulations not always follow.In particular, estimators for earlier frames at the beginningof the pass provide accurate values, and simulations reachthe optimal extraction rates. But as the satellite flies into theservice region, more devices start to go out of sight of thegateway and wasted messages become predominant towardsthe end of the pass. The distribution of devices in these frames


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frame 2

frame 3

frame 5

frame 6

frame 4

frame 1

LEO satellitewith 120 deg

beamwithof coverage

1500 IoTdevices


in a circularregion

120 deg bw90 deg bw

Fig. 3. Case study DtS-IoT satellite scenario. 90◦ and 120◦ beamwidth cases are considered.

ExtractionsExtractionsw/perceptivedevicesEstimator T(p)w/throttlingEstimator (p)











n2 = 137(nw

min = 138, nwmax = 297)

n3 = 287(nw

min = 267, nwmax = 309)

n4 = 268(nw

min = 180, nwmax = 269)

n5 = 179(nw

min = 7, nwmax = 180) 90 scenario

(4 frames, on the left)

t.tput: 86% avg.t.tput percept.: 75% avg.

lost tx: 52% avg.lost tx percept.: 46% avg.

WastedCollisions Collisionsw/perceptivedevices










wasted = 0.24 pWc=18%

wasted = 1.09 pWc=38%

wasted = 1.13 pWc=42%

wasted = 0.93 pWc=52%

120 scenario(6 frames, on the bottom)

t.tput: 89% avg.t.tput percept.: 83% avg.

lost tx: 25% avg.lost tx percept.: 23% avg.











n1 = 149(nw

min = 151, nwmax = 592)

n2 = 587(nw

min = 595, nwmax = 938)

n3 = 940(nw

min = 936, nwmax = 1036)

n4 = 931(nw

min = 523, nwmax = 932)

n5 = 523(nw

min = 173, nwmax = 520)

n6 = 171(nw

min = 0, nwmax = 171)

0 50 100Transmit probability [%]










wasted = 0.00 pWc=0%

0 50 100Transmit probability [%]

wasted = 0.09 pWc=1%

0 50 100Transmit probability [%]

wasted = 1.09 pWc=12%

0 50 100Transmit probability [%]

wasted = 2.24 pWc=25%

0 50 100Transmit probability [%]

wasted = 1.86 pWc=35%

0 50 100Transmit probability [%]

wasted = 1.04 pWc=60%

Fig. 4. Evaluation metrics for extraction and lost messages in the 90◦ and 120◦ coverage scenarios comprising four (top) and six (bottom) useful framesrespectively. Plots can be read as a time evolution of the satellite pass from left to right. Simulation and estimator metrics are presented for every possiblep for each frame to evaluate the consequences of the p selection. Averaged percentage of the theoretical throughput and percentage of lost transmissionsare summarized on the top right. The optimum values of p found by the estimators are marked with a vertical dotted line, and the theoretically achievablethroughput upper bound of plain slotted Aloha [13] with 120 slots is marked with a dotted horizontal dotted line (at 44 extracted packets, 36.7% of the slots).The amount of devices reachable in the beacon of frame f (and considered for the beaconed p at that moment) are noted as nf . Also, the min and maxnodes reachable in all slots of the frame (nmin and nmax) are indicated. Note that nmax may be larger than nf , since new nodes come into view as thesatellite moves in orbit. These nodes did not observe the beacon and are thus not part of the collision set.

is also skewed such that only very few nodes can use the lateslots: For instance, in the 90◦ case, the number of participantsin frame 3 drops from initially 287 (beacon n3) to 65, andin frame 5 the count goes down from initially 179 (beaconn5) to 7 for the very last slot. Note that despite nmin are267 and 269 for those frames, only 65 and 7 were able topick up the beacon at the beginning. Indeed, the number ofparticipating devices for which the satellite has not yet passedthe horizon can only exhibit a monotonous decrease. This isbecause devices that are just coming into view did not observe

the beacon, and are thus unable to transmit while others aremoving out of sight. Since the estimators assume all slots tobe equally likely and usable, their accuracy is lowered. Thiseffect is especially pronounced for the later frames where therelative drop is more significant.

a) Estimator Throttling: We still observe the best packetdelivery in all frames with the non-perceptive devices, at thetransmit probability given by the throttled estimator (86% and89% of the theoretical throughput). However, this comes with acost in terms of wasted messages. Since these accumulate with

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collisions to account for the total packet loss, we can concludethat such extraction rates are obtained at the price of energylosses. The throttled approach is however suitable for a multi-gateway setup on which another satellite has already enteredthe service region and is in conditions of picking up thoseotherwise wasted packets. Although multi-gateway approachesare part of the LoRaWAN IoT specification, their study forDtS-IoT based on TPF is left as future work.

b) Perceptive Devices: On the other hand, the perceptivedevices completely avoid the waste effect, at the expense ofa higher collision rates (at the end of the pass, where moredevices will compete for the earlier slots of the last frame)and a slightly sub-optimal extraction ratio (75% and 83%).In both throttled estimator and perceptive devices approaches,the obtained metrics outperform the baseline (i.e., p = 1).


A global Internet of Things is possible if Direct-to-SatelliteIoT via LEO satellites can be realized. To this end, existingIoT protocols need to be adapted to cope with unprecedentedscale due to the large satellite coverage combined with a fast-paced network dynamics imposed by the passing-by gatewayin LEO. In this work, we approached the challenge with aframed slotted Aloha model implementable by means of minoradaptations of the LoRaWAN standard. We proposed specificcollision cardinality estimators and derived solutions to controlthe contention of devices under coverage even in demandingLEO dynamics. Simulation results on a realistic case studyproved that 87% of the theoretical throughout can be achievedin practice, although with 38% of useless transmissions. Aperceptive device with enhanced intelligence on the satellitetrajectory delivered 79% of optimality at a lower overheadof 34% lost packets. Future work includes expanding theestimator to model the waste phenomenon, which could beapproached by changing the Xi in Equation 2 to not counttransmissions that would be wasted. Improvements on theperceptive approach where the slot selection probability mightbe twisted to favoring late vs. early slots to counter the skewin slot usability are on also on the roadmap.


Proof of Equation 3: We can start counting at 1 because thefirst term of the sum is zero:




)· pk · (1− p)n−k · k ·

(1− 1



We apply(nk

)· k =

(n−1k−1)· n

= n ·n∑k=1

(n− 1

k − 1

)· pk · (1− p)n−k

(1− 1



Now we perform an index shift (j = k − 1)

=n ·n−1∑j=0

(n− 1


)· p(j+1) · (1− p)n−(j+1)

(1− 1



=np ·n−1∑j=0

(n− 1


)(p ·(

1− 1


))j· (1− p)(n−1)−j

Finally, we apply the binomial theorem

= np ·

(p ·(

1− 1


)+ (1− p)

)n−1= np

(1− p



This research has received support from the ERC AdvancedGrant 695614 (POWVER) and by the DFG Grant 389792660,as part of TRR 248 (https://perspicuous-computing.science).It has also been supported by the Project STICAMSUD 21-STIC-12.


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