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Upper Paleocene-EarlyEocene mollusks ofSilveirinha (Figueira da … · (Figueira da Foz, West...

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( Ciencias da Terra (UN L) Lisboa W 15 pp.83-90 2 Figs., I PI. I 2003 Abst rac t Upper Paleocene-Early Eocene mollusks of Silveirinha (Figueira da Foz, West Central Portugal) Pedro Ca llapez Departamento de Ciencias da Terra, Universidade de Coimbra, 3000·272 Coimbra, Portugal. callapez @ci.uc.pt. Key-words: Upper Palaeocene, Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Silveirinha Formation, Portugal. A collection of fossil gastropods and bivalves assembled at the ThanctianIYpresian vertebrate site of Silveirinha (Figueira da Foz, West Central Portugal) is analysed from the point of view of systematics and palaeoecology. The diversity is scarce but the age and exceptional characteristics of the site are factors thaI substantiate a detailed study. The taxa identified are: Btthynia sourest sp. nov., Gyraulus antunesi sp. nov., Chlamys sp. and Card iiacea gen. sp. indet. The preva iling of freshwater gastropods and the oeeurrence of 2 fragments of marine bivalves suggest a palaeoenv ironmental setting that is in conformity with interpretations already establ ished, which are based both in sedimento logic and vertebrate data. These interpretations point out the existence of a freshwater cnv ironment opened from time to time to marine influences, resulting from a palacoatlantic coast placed some kilometres westwards. Resume Palav ras-c have: Paleocenico superior, Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Areias e Argilas de Silveirinha. Proccdc-sc ao estudo sistematico c palcoccologico de uma colecceo de moluscos gastropodes e bivalves efectuada na jazida de Silveirinha (Formacao das Areias e argi las de Silveirinha, de idade tanetiana a ipresiana), situada J3 km a SuI de Figueira da Poz, junto a EN109. 0 elenco sistemat ico e pouco diversificado, mas a particularidade da sua idadc, eontexto faunistico e ecclogico, confcrcrn-lhe urn interesse 6bv io dentro das faunas de moluscos eenoz6ieos de Portugal. Os taxa dcscritos silo: Bithynia soaresi sp. nov., Gyraulus antunesi sp. nov., Chlamys sp. e Cardiacea gen. sp. indet. A dominencia de gastr6podes de ague dcce, a par de 2 Iragmentos rotados de bivalves pertencemes a farmlias tipicas de ambientes marinhos ou salobros, silo aspectos que concordam com as sinteses paleoecol6gicas ja existentes e fundamentadas na analise dos vertebrados e em dados sedimcntol6gieos. Tais slnteses apontam para ambiente de natureza fluvial, sujeito a influencias marinhas esporadicas. Introduction During the last two de cades the clay- pi t ofS ilvei ri nha (fig. I) has been recognized as one of the most not o rious vertebrate sites f or the cont inental Palaeogene of West em Eu rope. The first verteb rate rema ins we re found in 1977, by R. Pena dos Reis, and studied by M. Telles A ntunes {R ci s et al., 1981a, 198 1b; Antu nes & Russel, 1981; A ntu nes et aI., 1987). Ever si nce, the clay units of Silveirin ha have bee n ex ha ust ive ly s amp le d f or palaeontologie purposes, and bec ame the main subject of ma ny syste mat ic and stra tigraph ic stud ies (sec Ant unes et al., 1997, for exhaustive refere nces ). Wit h a few exceptions, all researches on palaeontology were foc used with the descr ipt ion of ve rte b ra te re mai ns, many of thcm gathered by la boratorial was h ing and s ieving of sedi ments. However, the same sediments a lso yielded s hells and m ould s o f a quat ic invert ebrat es , as we ll vegetal r emain s. Firs t ev ide nces abo ut t his fa una of small invertebrates were m entioned by M . Telles A ntunes (in 83
Page 1: Upper Paleocene-EarlyEocene mollusks ofSilveirinha (Figueira da … · (Figueira da Foz, West Central Portugal) Pedro Callapez Departamento de Ciencias da Terra, Universidade de Coimbra,

( Ciencias da Terra (UN L) Lisboa W 15pp.83-90

2 Figs., I PI. I 2003

Abst rac t

Upper Paleocene-Early Eocene mollusks of Silveirinha(Figueira da Foz, West Central Portugal)

Pedro Callapez

Departamento de Ciencias da Terra, Universidade de Coimbra, 3000·272 Coimbra, Portugal. callapez @ci.uc.pt.

Key-w ords: Upper Palaeocene, Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Silveirinha Formation, Portugal.

A collection of fossi l gastropods and bivalves assembled at the ThanctianIYpresian vertebrate site of Silveirinha (Figueira daFoz, West Central Portugal) is analysed from the point of view ofsystematics and palaeoecology. The diversity is scarce but the ageand exceptional characteristics of the site are factors tha I substantiate a detailed study. The taxa identified are: Btthynia sourest sp .nov., Gyraulus antunesi sp. nov., Chlamys sp. and Card iiacea gen. sp. indet. The preva iling of freshwater gastropods and theoeeurrence of 2 fragments of marine bivalves suggest a palaeoenv ironmental setting that is in conformity with interpretationsalready establ ished, which are based both in sedimento logic and vertebrate data. These interpretations point out the existence of afreshwater cnvironment opened from time to time to marine influences, resulting from a palacoatlantic coast placed some kilometreswestwards.


Palavras-chave: Paleocenico superior, Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Areias e Argilas de Silveirinha.

Proccdc-sc ao estudo sistematico c palcoccologico de uma co lecceo de moluscos gastropodes e bivalves efectuada na jazida deSilveirinha (Formacao das Areias e argi las de Silveirinha, de idade tanetiana a ipresiana), situada J3 km a SuI de Figueira da Poz,junto aEN109. 0 elenco sistemat ico epouco divers ificado, mas a particularidade da sua idadc, eontexto faunistico e ecclogico,confcrcrn-lhe urn interesse 6bvio dentro das faunas de moluscos eenoz6ieos de Portugal. Os taxa dcscritos silo: Bithynia soaresi sp.nov., Gyraulus antunesi sp . nov., Chlamys sp. e Cardiacea gen. sp. indet. A dominencia de gastr6podes de ague dcce, a par de 2Iragmentos rotados de bivalves pertencemes a farmlias tipicas de ambientes marinhos ou salobros, siloaspectos que concordam comas sinteses paleoecol6gicas ja existentes e fundamentadas na analise dos vertebrados e em dados sedimcntol6gieos. Tais slntesesapontam para ambiente de natureza fluvial, sujeito a influencias marinhas esporadicas.


Duri ng the last two de cades the clay-pi t ofSilveirinha

(fi g. I ) has been recogn ized as one of the most notoriousvertebra te s ites for the cont inental Palaeogene of WestemEurope. The first vertebrate remains we re found in 1977,by R. Pena do s Reis , and studied by M. Telles Antunes{Rci s et al., 1981 a, 198 1b; A ntu nes & Ru ssel , 198 1;A ntunes et aI., 19 87). Ever s ince, the cl ay u nits ofSilveirinha h a v e been e x haustive ly s amp led for

palaeontologie purposes, and became the main subject ofma ny systematic and stra tig raph ic stud ies (sec Antunes etal., 1997, fo r exh austive references).

Wit h a few exceptions, a ll researches on palaeon tologywere foc used with the descr iption of ve rte bra te re mai ns,many ofthcm gathered by laborato ria l washing and sievingo f sediments. However, the same sedi me nts also yie lded

shells and moulds of aquatic invertebrat es , as we ll vegetalremain s. First evidences abou t this fa una of sm a llinvertebra tes we re mentioned by M . Telles Antunes (in


Page 2: Upper Paleocene-EarlyEocene mollusks ofSilveirinha (Figueira da … · (Figueira da Foz, West Central Portugal) Pedro Callapez Departamento de Ciencias da Terra, Universidade de Coimbra,

Cibldasda T~rra (UNLJ, 15

Figure I - Simplified map of Baixo Mondego with indicationof the d ay pit of Silveirinha.

Rcis et al., 198 1a) and M. Telles Antun es & D. Russel( 1981), as pan of preliminary check-lists that pointed outthe palaeontologie importan ce and divers ity of this site.

The inverteb rate fossils of'S ilveirinha are representedby a few species o f aq uatic gas tropo ds, biv alves andostracods. Neve rthele ss the scarce d iversity of this fauna,especia lly whe n co mpared with the large number ofve rtebrates a lready kn own, the age and ex ceptiona lcharacteristics of the site are factors that substantiate adetailed study.

The present paper sets out to rev iew the fossil molluscso f S ilve irinha , w ith emphasis on syste mati c a ndpalaeobiologic data.

Phylum MOLLUSCA Linn e, 1758Class GASTROPODA Cuvier, 1797Subc lass PROSOBRANCH IA Milne & Edwards, 1848Order MESOGASTROPODA Th iele, 1925Famil y Bithyn iidae Gray, 185 7Genus Birhyn ia Leach, in Abel, 1818[Type spec ies: Bithynia tentaaslata (Linne, 1758) ]

The ne xt systemati c description s ari se from acollec tion housed in the Earth Sciences Department o fthe New Unive rsi ty of Lisbon and asse mbled underguidance o f M. Telles An tunes.

The systema tic analysi s o f Proso bra nc h ia andBasommatoph ora we re ba sed , re spe ct iv e ly, in th eextensive monographs ofW. Wenz (1938-44) and A. Zileh(1959-60). Bivalves were systematized after R. Moo re(1969) and R. Abbott & K. Boss (1989).

Systematic descriptions

Fro m th e po int of view o f th e Me so- Ceno zo icsed imentary evo lution of this continental margin, theSilve irinha Formation can be considered as the onshoreexpression of a major tectono-sedimentary seq uence,posterior to the well-known late Campanian-Maastrichtianeve nts recorded by Taveiro and other contemporaneousformations (Cunha, 1992 ; Cunha & Reis, 1992, 1995;Reis, 1998). Th is early Palaeogene sequence (SLD6 sensuCunha, 1992) is also doc umented in adjacent sectors ofthe continental platform, be ing thicker and dominated bycar bonate facie s (Boillot et al.. 1975).

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Geolog ical setting

The fossiliferous units ofSilveirinha outcrop near thena tio nal road EN I 09, about 13 Km so uthward theMondego estuary and the coasta l town of Figuei ra da Foz(West Central Portugal).

Th e abundant fossil remains were found within asuccession o f lenticular beds of ca lclititic conglo merates,laminated and cross-bedded sandstones, andbrownis h-redclays (Reis, 1981; Reis et al., 1981; Soares & Reis, 1982;Soares et al., 1986). These siliciclastic units are articulatedas positive elementary sequences dominated by peliti cfacies , which are macroscopically analogous to the lateCretaceous continenta l sedi ments of Tave iro Formation(Antunes & Pais, 1978; Antun es, 1979; Reis, 1981).

The s ilic ilas tic unit s of S ilveirinha and adj ace ntoutcro ps are usually designated as Silveirinha Formationor Silve irinha Sands and Clays (=Areias e Argilas deS ilveirinha in Soa res & Reis, 1980, 1982 ; Reis et al.,198 1a, 1981b) . Evidence from fossil vertebrates suggeststhat the Formation is o f late Palaeocene and/or lowerEoce ne age (Antunes in Reis et al., 1981a ; Antunes &Russel, 1981;Antunes et al., 1987,Antunes et al., 1997,Estravis, 1992). These biostratigraphic data also corroborateth at S ilveirinha Formation is th e most s igni fica ntsedimentary record ofThanetian-Ypresian age outcroppingin the onshore of the West Portuguese Margin.

Bithyn ia sooresi sp. nov.(Plate I, figs. Ia-b. za-b, Sa-b, 5- 12)

Type material: 3 incomplete shells and 365 calcareousope rcula .

Repository of specime ns : All spec imens arc housed inthe co llections of pa laeontolo gy of the Earth SciencesDepartment of the New Univers ity of Lisbon .

EI)'moloc': The speci fic name is an homage to Prof.A. Ferreira Soares , author of fundamental ideas andcontributions conce rning the Meso-Cenozoic stratigraphyand palaeontology of the West Portuguese Basin.

Descripti on of the holctype: She ll small and thin,ovo idlyconical, with a minute protoconch and 4 convex whorlscrossed by very fine grow th-lines; aperture ova l, wit h aslightly ang led upper corner. Diameter: 3,4 mm; Height:2,4 rom.

Additio na l descripti ons: Both holotype and paratypesare incomplete shells and internal moulds, witho ut thebody whorl an d the last part o f the spire preserved.How ever, the real dimensions and the num ber of orig inalwhorls could be inferred, aft er a comparison with thenum erous calcareous opercula fou nd together. These


Page 3: Upper Paleocene-EarlyEocene mollusks ofSilveirinha (Figueira da … · (Figueira da Foz, West Central Portugal) Pedro Callapez Departamento de Ciencias da Terra, Universidade de Coimbra,

Cuncias da Terra ( UNL), 15

operc ula are rather thickened and oval, with a subtriangularupper comer. The external surface is sculptured with manycon cent ric gro wth lines and lamellae. The maximal heightand width measured are, respectively, of5,0 mm and 3,8mm. These dimensions are equivalent to mature spec imenswith estimated height of 12-14 mm and 5,5-6 whorls ofcoiling.

Remarks: Fossil mem bers of the prcsobranch familyBithyniidae occur in fluvial and lacustrine sediments sincethe beginning of Cenozo ic (Zilch, 1960) . The presentspec ies is, much probably, the o lder member of the ge nusrecorded in Portugal.

Oxfordian carbonaceous facies of Cabo Mondego, in theNort hern Sector of the Lusitanian Basin.Also in Portugal,other evidence is only documented from Cenozoic, mainlyN eogen ic , lacustrine de posits of Tagus Ba sin . Theoccurrence ofGyraulus antunesi in the Thanetian-Ypresianof Silveiri nha is the o lder record of this family found inthe Palaeogene of Portugal.

Comparisons with contemporaneous Planorbidae fromforeign European countries are difficult at present time.Gyraulus and other related ge nera are characterized bymorpho logi c con vergence a nd st rong re sem bl ancebetween spec ies. This difficulty is increased by a poorpreservation of many fossil spec imens, allowing no morethan gcneralistic approaches.

Subclass PULMONATA Cuvier, 1817Order BASOMMATOPHORA Schmidt, 1855Family Planorbidae Rafinesque, 1815Genus Gyraulus Charpentier, 1837Subgenus Gyraulus s. str.[Type species: Gyraulus (Gyraulus) hispidus (Draparnaud,1805)]

Class BIVALVIA Linne, 1758Subcl ass PTERIOMORPHIA Beurlen, 1944Order PTERIOIDA Newell , 1965Family Pectinidae Rafinesque, 1815Genus Chlamys Reding, 179 8(Type species: Chlamys islandicus Muller, 1776 )

Material : A small fragment of va lve with the she ll•sculpture pre served .

Material: A fragment of valve with the shell sculpturepartly preserved.

Chlamys sp.(Platc I, fig. 4)

Repository of sp ecimens: The specimen is housed in theco llections of palaeonto logy of th e Earth Sc iencesDepartment of the New Unive rsity of Lisbon.

Cardiacea gen. sp. indet.(Plate I, fig. 18)

HETERODONTA Neuma yr, 1884VENEROlDA H. & A. Adams, 1857


Description: Small fragment of an obliquely ovate andslightly convex valve, with four radial ribs and part oftheventral marg in. The sculpture is composed of rad ial ribs,na rrow and prominen t , w ith ro und ed sectio ns; theintercalated interspaces have just abo ut the same width ofthe contiguous ribs, and are crossed by delicate growth-lines.

Rem arks: Th is fragment shows elements of a typicalsculpture of a Peet inidae from the Chlamys gro up.However, some other diagnostic features related with theauricles and the umbonal region couldn 't be observed.Asa result, the generic attribution of Chlamys is used here ina broad sense.

The same valve also shows trace s of mechanica labrasion, suggesting a prolonged biostratonomic transportprevious to sedimenta tion.

Repository of specimens : All specimens are housed inthe coll ections of palaeo ntology of the Earth Scie ncesDepartment of the New University of Lisbon.

Gyraulus antunesi sp. nov.(Plate I , figs. l 3a-b, 14-17)

Description of th e holotype: Shell small, hype rstrop hic,compressed and discoid, with slightly concave upper andlower surfaces . Apex submerged. Spire with 4 finelygrooved round and co nve x whorls. The shape of theaperture is unknown. Diameter: 3,8 mm; Height: 1,1 mm.

Remarks: Planorbidae is one of the most import ant andwidespread family of freshwater gastropods. Recent andfossil speci es are characterized by discoid and frequentlykeeled sinis tra l she lls , charac teristic of fluv ial andlacustr ine facies from middle Jurassic to present time.

Amo ng the oldest known occurrences of this familyare the pavem ents of "Pla norbis" found in the Lat e

Etymology: The specific name is an acknowledgementto Prof. M. Telles Antun es, who stimulated the studies ofverte brate palaeontol ogy in Portugal and initiated twodecades of pa laeontologie research es at the site ofSilveirinha .

Additional descriptions: The holotype is an incompleteshell, in wh ich the body whorl and the aperture were notpreserved. The type material also includes two internalmoulds with a quarter of whorl each, suggesting that thewhole shell ofa mature spec imen could have at least 5-6whorls and 6 mm long.The rema ining types arc two minutefragments of spire, showing a submerged apcx.

Type material: Four fragments of shell and two internalmoulds of a quarter of whorl.


Page 4: Upper Paleocene-EarlyEocene mollusks ofSilveirinha (Figueira da … · (Figueira da Foz, West Central Portugal) Pedro Callapez Departamento de Ciencias da Terra, Universidade de Coimbra,

CienciaJda Tura (UNL},15

Re pository of speci mens : The specimen is housed in theco llect io ns o f pa laeontology of the Earth SciencesDepartment of the New University of Lisbon .

Descr ip ti on : Small fragment o f va lve with 6 nun longand 5 mm hei ght. The origina l she ll scu lpture waspreserved and consists of 4 radia l ribs separa ted by narrowand deep interspaces. Th ese ribs have subrectangu larsections and arc covered by 3-4 fine radia l sulcus, andcrossed by growth-lines .

Rema r ks: The sty le of sculpture observed resembles theribbing of Heterod onta from the superfamily Cardiacea.However, the fragment is too small and incomplete toallow a more accurate detennination .

Pataeobtotoglc sign ifica nce

T he Bithyniidae a re a n interest ing exa mp le ofprosobranch gas tropods adap ted to freshw ater envi ron­ments. Th is fam ily of opercu lated and ovoidly conicalshells includes the common and widespread Palaearti cBithynia tentaculata (Linne, 1758), which is the bestknown modem European representa tive of th is archaicgroup (Matos, 1993), with or igins that back away, at leastto the Palaeocene. Co nside ring the ecolog ic adap tat ionsofthis and other modem rela ted species, we can infer witha substan tial degree of confidence that Bithynia soaresiwas also a freshwater species, inhabitant ofsoft and organi cric h bottoms o f fluvial cha nne ls, ponds, marshes andinundated margins (fig. 2). Th is analysis is in conformitywith the palacobiologic and palaeobiogeographic inter­pretations already es tab lished for Silveirinha, which arebased both in Vertebrate and sedimen tologic data (Antu nesin Reis et al., 198 1a; Antunes & Russel, 198 1). The samekind of analog ies can be made about Gyraulus antunesi.T he Planorb id ae a rc a typi cal group o f freshwater

Basom matophora , common in lacustrine and alluvial en­vironments since the middle Jurass ic.

The presence of two abraded fragments of marinebivalves (Chlamys sp . and Cardiacea indet.) deserves adifferen t explanation. Not excluding the possibility of thesefragmen ts bei ng of reworked shel ls, its occurrence is morelikely an indication ofthe pro ximity of litto ral. The fresh­water environment of Silveirinha was probably ope nedfrom time to time to marine influences, as the result of apalaeo atlantic coast placed some kilometres westwards.These marine influences were already noted aftcr the iden­tificat ion o f verteb rate species be long ing to grou ps withbrack ish or marginal marine affinities (Antunes in Reis etal., 1981a; Antunes & Russel , 198 1).

Fig. 2

We wish to thank Professor M. Telles Antunes , who kindlypla ced to our d isposa l the collection o f fossil molluscsfrom Silvcirinha, and to Dr. R. Albuquerque de Matos forthe critical review of the man uscript.

Refere nces

Abbott, R. & Boss, K. (1989) - A Classification a/the living Mollusca. American Malacologists Inc., Melbourne, Florida, 195 p.

Antunes, M. (1979) - Ensaio de stntesc eritica acerca do Crctacico terminal e do Paleocenico de Portugal. Ctenctas da Terra.l isboa, 5: 145-174.

Antunes, M.; Casanovas, M.; Cuesta, M.; Checa, L.; Samafe, 1. & Agusti, 1. (1997) - Eocene Mammals from Iberian Peninsula,Actes Con gres BiochroM'97, Mem. Trav. E.P.H.E., lnsl. Mon rpellie r, 21: 337-352.

Antunes, M.; Estravis, C. & Russell, D. (1987) - A new Condylarth (Mammalia) from the Early Eocene of Silv eiri nha, Portugal.Miinchner Geowiss. AM. , (A) 10: 219-224.

Antunes, M. & Pais, J. (1978) - Now sabre os depositos de Taveiro: estratigra f ia,paleomologia, idade, paleoecologia. Ciencias daTerra. Lisboa, 4 : 109-128.

Antunes, M. & Russel, D. (1981) - Le giscmenl de Silveirinha (Bas Mondego, Portugal): la plus ancicnne faune de vertebreseocenesconnue en Europe. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, II, 293: 1099-1102.

Boillot, G ; Dupe uble , P.& Musel lec, P. (1975)- Carte geol6giquedu plateaucontinental nord-portugais. Bulleti" Societe GeologiqueFrance, Paris, 7(14): 462-480.


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Cunha, P. ( 1992) - F.sl raligrafia e sedi menlologia dos depOsitos do Cn:uicico Superior e Tercian'o de Ponugal Central. a lnte deCoimbra. Unpublished PhD Thesis, Univers ity ofCoi mbra, 262 p.

Cunha, P. & Reis, R. ( 1992) - Stmese da evolucao geod inamica e palcogeografica do sector norte da Bacia Lusnamca, durante 0

Cretscico e Terciario. Aetas /II Congreso Geologico de Espana y VII Congreso Latinoamericano de Geologia, I : 107- 112.

Cunha, P. & Reis, R. (1995) - Cretaceous sedimentary and tectonic evolut ion ofthe northern sector of the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal).Cretaceous Research, 16: 155·170.

Estra vis, C. (1992) - £Studo dos mamijeros do Eocentco inferior de Sifvei rinha (Bauo Mondego). Unpubl. PhD Thesis, FCTtUNL ,Lisboa.

Matos, R. (1993) - lisle des gasteropodes terrestres, ffuviaules et d 'eux sawnatres du Portugal. Tentative d'acrualisation. Vertigo,3: 33-45.

MOCJre. R. (1969)- Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, part N. MoIlu.u:a 6 - Bivalvw , 3 vols. Univ. Kansas Press, Boulder, 1224 p.

Reis, R. (1981 ) - La sedimentation continentale du Cretace terminal au Miocene sur 10 Bordure Occidentale du Portugal. entreCoimbra et Leiria. Unpublished PhD Thesis, University o f Nancy I, Nancy, 153 p.

Reis. R. (1998) - Late Cretaceous sedimentation and controls in Nazar e region (W Portugal ). Geologos, 2: 117-120.

Reis, R.; Soares, A. & Antunes, M. ( 198 1a) - As Areias c Argilas de Silvei rinha. Memorias e Noticias , Coimbra , 91-92: 244·267.

Rcis, R.; Soares, A. & Antunes, M. (I 98 1b) - As Areias c Argilas de Silveirinha . Comun. lJ Encontro Nactonol de Geocimcias,Coimbra.

Soares, A.; Lapa, M. & Marques, J. (1986) -Contribuit;1o para 0 conhecimento da Iitologia das unidades mesc-cenozcicas da BaciaLusitaniana a Norte do "acidente" da Nazare (Sub-zona Setentrional). Memorim e Notieias , Coimbra, 102: 23-41 .

Soares, A. & Reis, R. (1980)- Considerat;Oessa bre as unidades litostratigraficas pes-jurass leas na regil o do Baixo Mondego. Livrode Hom enagem a Orlando Ribei ro, Lisboa: 183-202.

Soares. A. & Reis . R. (1982 ) - Esboco de enquadramento crc ncs tratigra fico das unidades lltic as pes-j ura ssic as da OrlaMcso-Cenozoica Ocidental entre os paralelus de Pombal e Aveiro. Memories e Noticias, Coimbra, 93: 77-91 .

Wenz, W. (1938-44) - Gastropoda, Teil I : Allge meiner teil und Prosobranchia. /landbuch Paidozoologie; 6, 1639 p.

Zilch, A. ( 1959-60) - Gastropoda, vol 2: Euthyneura. Gebriider Bom traeger ed., Berlin, 834 p.


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Plate I

Ia-b - Bithynia soaresi sp. nov. (x5). Paratype.

2a-b - Bithynia soaresi sp. nov. (x5). Holotype .

3a-b - Bithynia soaresi sp. nov. (x5). Paratype.

4 - Chlamys sp. (x7). Fragment of valve with part of the ventral margin.

5 - Bithynia soaresi sp. nov. (x4). External view of operculum.

6 - Bithyn ia soaresi sp. nov. (x4). Internal view of operculum.

7 - Bithynia soares t sp. nov. (x4). External view ofoperculum.

8 - Bithynia soaresi sp. nov. (x4) . Internal view ofope rculu m.

9 - Bithynia soaresi sp. nov. (x4) . Internal view ofoperculum.

10 - Bithynia soarest sp. nov. (x4). Internal view ofope rculum.

II - Bithynia soaresi sp. nov. (x4). External view of operculum.

12 - Bithyn ia soarest sp. nov. (x4) . Externa l view of operculum.

13a-b - Gyrau/us antunest sp. nov. (x4). Hototype.

14 - Gyrau/us antunesi sp. nov. (x4). Fragment of who rl.

15 - Gyrau/us antunesi sp. nov. (x4). Fragment of whorJ.

16 - Gyrau/us antunesi sp. nov. (x7 ). Fragment of spire showing the submerged apex.

17 - Gyraulus antunesi sp. nov. (x7). Fragment of spire showing the submerged apex.

18 - Cardiacea gen. sp. indet. (x7). Fragment of valve.


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