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Upstream b2 - 17.10

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  • 8/19/2019 Upstream b2 - 17.10



  • 8/19/2019 Upstream b2 - 17.10


    Unit 7

    Penny Wise,Pound Foolish

  • 8/19/2019 Upstream b2 - 17.10


    Ex. 1a Identify the shops in the pictures.



    clothinshop b!"er`s



    shop $e%eller


  • 8/19/2019 Upstream b2 - 17.10


    Ex. 1b Where would you expect to hearthe following? What can you buy in eachshop?



    ! 1. Is there a brac"et to #atch?$. %wo loa&es of rye' please.(. )a&e you got this in a large?*. Can I try on the other one?

    +. Could you cut it into portions' please?,. o you deli&er?-. Are you fra#es included in the price?


  • 8/19/2019 Upstream b2 - 17.10


    E&' 2 Fill in the (issin letters to #or(co(pound nouns, !s in the e&!(ple'



    f #il"highlow


    s scarf tie







    epiercedclip on











    !c" et

  • 8/19/2019 Upstream b2 - 17.10


    E&' ) *ross out the odd %ord' Which roupo# oods do the rest o# the %ords'

    1. hammer - screwdriver - bracelet - drill$. table - book - chair - dresser(. ring - earrings - necklace - dress*. screwdriver - bread - meat - pasta+. washing powder - bleach - fowers -

    urniture polish,. towel - deodorant - shampoo - toothpaste-. pen - envelopes - paper - ribbons0. jumper - umbrella - coat - shirt

    . lipstick - CD player - cooker - ridge

    e & '

  • 8/19/2019 Upstream b2 - 17.10


    E&' + *o(plete the sentences %ith thecorrect %ord #ro( the list'

    • deli hted

    • conser !tie

    • dedic!ted • be!r • %o en • bud et

    -' Un#ortun!tely, . c!n/t !0ord it bec!use ./( on ! ti ht


    2' This rin (i ht not be e&pensi e, but it/s o#re!t ''''''''''''''''''''''''' !lue to (e'

    )' e/s deter(ined to succeed bec!use he/s ! ery

    1111111' (!n'

    +' Tony is re!lly'''''''''''''''''''''''''''to his c!reer'

    3' Ple!se '''''''''''''''''''''''''''' in (ind th!t the shops %ill be

    closed on Sund!y'

    4' S!lly %!s ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' %ith the bou5uet o# 6o%ers

    she recei ed'

    • i(ported

    • !(bitious • senti(ent!l

    • enuinely bud et




    deli ht


    %o enconser !ti



  • 8/19/2019 Upstream b2 - 17.10


    1. %hat was one of the #ost interestin 2l#s I ha&e e&er


    $. We got a &ery %!r( welco#e when we 2nally arri&ed.

    (. %his restaurant is re!t ' if you li"e international cuisine.

    *. I thin" her new dress loo"s dre!d#ul .

    +. 3he always buys che!p clothes.

    ,. %his dish ta"es half an hour to coo" if you use #ro8en


    E&' 3 Repl!ce the !d$ecti es in bold%ith their opposites'

    • borin• e&pensie

    • (odern

    • #resh • cool

    • loc!l• #!nt!stic • ti ht


    ti ht







  • 8/19/2019 Upstream b2 - 17.10


    Ex. , 4atch the description of theclothes to the pictures below.

    1. short slee&ed' yellow cotton dress with whitecollar

    $. blac" suit(. chec"ed shirt

    *. tight white % shirt+. striped cotton shorts,. soc"s-. trainers0. /eans


  • 8/19/2019 Upstream b2 - 17.10


    Ex. - Write down 2&e ite#s of clothingyou ha&e in your wardrobe and describethe#.

  • 8/19/2019 Upstream b2 - 17.10


    E&' 9 *ircle the correct response'

    - A= >o you thin" . should et M!ry ! *> #orher birthd!y?

    B= ! o% !bout th!t one? b @es, but (!"e sure it isn`t oneshe`s !lre!dy ot'

    2 A= et`s h! e the p!rty to(orro% ni ht' B= ! Trouble is, (ore people %illh! e (!de other pl!ns by no%' b . thin" you should'

    )A= The s!les(!n s!id . couldn/t e&ch!n e theshirt you bou ht #or (e'

    B= ! @ou should o b!c" !nd spe!" to the(!n! er'

    b o% !bout %!itin until to(orro%?

  • 8/19/2019 Upstream b2 - 17.10


    E&' 9 *ircle the correct response'

    +A= . thou ht you %!nted to o to the cine(!toni ht '

    B= ! Any%!y, it doesn/t (!tter to (e' b . did, but there isn t !nythin ood

    on'3A= Which blouse do you thin" . should et,the red or the pin" one? B= ! . thin" the red one loo"s better onyou'

    b Anyho%, pin" doesn/t suit you'4A= Fr!n"Cs re!lly upset %ith (e, .shouldn/t h! e been so rude to hi(' B= ! o% !bout !s"in Fr!n" !boutit?

    b @ou should !polo ise to hi('

  • 8/19/2019 Upstream b2 - 17.10


    E&' 9 *ircle the correct response'

    7A= Sh!ll . (!"e reser !tions !t th!t ne%Th!i rest!ur!nt? B= ! @ou should c!ll the rest!ur!nt rst'

    b Trouble is, it s ! little e&pensi e'

    9A= We decided to t!"e French lessons'

    B= ! . thin" th!t/s ! re!t ide!D b Any%!y, you !re ood !t l!n u! es'

  • 8/19/2019 Upstream b2 - 17.10


    1. Jane will take care o the baby while we re away. 5ane .............................................while we6re away.

    ". #our new trousers look great$ they are e%actly the right si&e.

    8our new trousers ....................................... 9 they loo" great.

    '. (he police are investigating the case.

    %he police ............................... the case.

    *. ) really appreciate all your help.

    l:# really ................................... all your help.

    +. ) asked Carol and she said we could wear jeans and trainers to the


    E&' : *o(plete the sentences belo%%ith t%o to e %ords, includin the%ords in bold'


    lo e



    %ill loo" !#ter the b!by

    t you li"e ! lo e

    !re loo"in into

    r!te#ul to you #or

    c!su!lcould %e!r c!su!lclothes

  • 8/19/2019 Upstream b2 - 17.10


    *. Jim took his suit to the dry cleaner s. 5i# ....................................... at the dry cleaner;s.

    +. ,he can think about nothing else but her career.

    3he ................................... her career.

    . ) returned the blouse because there was a big mark on the back.

    I too" the blouse bac" to the shop because it ................................. on

    the bac".

    . (he manager re used to give me my money back$ even though the

    mirror was cracked.

    I couldn;t ......................... for the crac"ed #irror.

    E&' : *o(plete the sentences belo%%ith t%o to e %ords, includin the%ords in bold'





    h!d his suit cle!ned

    is obsessed %ith

    h!d ! bi st!in

    et ! re#und

    enh!nceto enh!nce their

  • 8/19/2019 Upstream b2 - 17.10


    E&' -;! M!tch the #ollo%in , thenco(plete the sentences'

    be o0


    neither here


    be in

    "eep it

    under your h!this shoes


    his shirt

    nor there

    the record

  • 8/19/2019 Upstream b2 - 17.10


    E&' -;b *o(p!re thesentences'

    be o0duty•

    loose hisshirt• be in under your


    neither here northere• "eep it hisshoes

    • o0 the record1. If he "eeps in&esting all his #oney in the stoc" #ar"et' he:s

    going to ...............................

    $. )e agreed to the inter&iew only if e&erything he saidwas ............................

    (. I:# afraid =olice Constable )arrison ............................ right now.

    *. I thin" 4arcia is going to be pro#oted' but no one else "nows'

    so ..............................

    +. I wouldn:t want to ......................... when his father 2nds out that

    he crashed the car.

    ,. 3he has to spend #ore ti#e on her ho#ewor". Whether she

    loose hisshirt

    o0 therecord

    is o0 duty

    "eep it his

    shoes be in underyour h!t

    neitherhere nor

  • 8/19/2019 Upstream b2 - 17.10


    Ex. 11 %ic" the correct preposition. %hen #a"e sentences.

    of to with fro# inproud



    protectta"e pride


    e & '

  • 8/19/2019 Upstream b2 - 17.10


    Ex. 1$ Co#plete the phrasal&erbs.

    1 I ha&e pro#ised to loo" ............. #y neighbour:s.$ %he police let hi# .............. with a warning.( %hey loo"ed ................ hi# because he wasn:tinterested in poetry.* on:t rely on >arry' he:ll only let you ...........+ 4ary hired a pri&ate detecti&e to loo" ......... herhusband:s disappearance.

    , 3he let ....... a loud screa# when the #ouse ran o&erher foot.- 4ary had to let ............ her s"irt because she:dgained weight.0 After the earth ua"e' we had an engineerloo" ............... the building to #a"e sure that there was



    o er




  • 8/19/2019 Upstream b2 - 17.10


    Ex. 1( >oo" at the photograph and answerthe uestions?

    1. What can you see in thepictures?

    $. What are they doing?

    (. What do you thin" they ha&ebeen doing?*. What could they ha&e

    bought?+. )ow do you feel? Why?,. What are they going to do

    next?-. )ow often do you go

    shopping? Who with?

  • 8/19/2019 Upstream b2 - 17.10


    Ex. 1+ @ead the article again. Foruestions 1 1+ choose fro# the stars A F.

    A uarius 5anuary $< February 10 A uarians areusually &ery #odern and li"e to recei&e gifts whichare out of the ordinary. It is not a good idea to buy

    an A uarian an anti ue. %hey will be far #orei#pressed with the latest piece of technology or anup to the #inute gadget. %hey lo&e it when peoplegi&e the# electronic #achines or e uip#ent theycan use in their unusual hobbies. Al#ost e&eryA uarian is an in&entor at heart and they lo&eanything connected to the future. If you still needideas' don;t forget that all A uarians li"e original'one of a "ind ite#s. Why not surprise and delightthe A uarian in your life with a hand printed shirt' or

  • 8/19/2019 Upstream b2 - 17.10


    Ex. 1+ @ead the article again. Foruestions 1 1+ choose fro# the stars A F.

    =isces February 1 4arch $< =isceans are gentleand sensiti&e so they are truly happy with any giftyou decide to gi&e the#. In their eyes' the fact thatyou re#e#bered to buy the# a present is #orei#portant than the present itself. )owe&er' if youreally want to buy a =iscean so#ething which willsuit his or her personality' you can he sure that theywill be o&er/oyed to recei&e theatre tic"ets' a C ora &ideo of their fa&ourite 2l#. E&ery =iscean has aninterest in the arts' and #ost are &ery creati&e' soperhaps you could buy the# a gift which will helpthe# to express the#sel&es through dance'

    painting or writing. =isceans are water signs' so theywill also be char#ed b an a uariu# full of colourful

  • 8/19/2019 Upstream b2 - 17.10


    Ex. 1+ @ead the article again. Foruestions 1 1+ choose fro# the stars A F.

    Aries 4arch $1 April 1 When it co#es topresents' Ariens are li"e energetic children. %heyadore recei&ing lots of gifts' but they are not "eenon unwrapping anything practical. Aries people aread&enturous and full of energy' and they want theirgifts to re ect that. %hey arc not do#esticcharacters' so it is not a good idea to buy the#ite#s for use in the ho#e. If you do ha&e to gi&ethe# a house war#ing present' the safest option isred glassware' as Ariens lo&e the colour red. %o trulyi#press your Arien friends' howe&er' you can donothing better than oDer the# eternal fa#e. )ow

    about ha&ing their na#e put on a pla ue in a publiclace? 8ou can be sure the will be thrilled' as all

  • 8/19/2019 Upstream b2 - 17.10


    Ex. 1+ @ead the article again. Foruestions 1 1+ choose fro# the stars A F.

    !e#ini 4ay $1 5une $1 !e#ini people ha&e &eryshort attention spans' and they lose interest inthings extre#ely uic"ly. %hey hate nothing #orethan boredo#. 8ou would be wise to re#e#ber thiswhen choosing a gift for your !e#ini friends Aga#e or a craft "it is an excellent idea for a !e#ini'as it will "eep the# entertained and challenge the#at the sa#e ti#e. %hey also lo&e reading' but theboo" you buy the# had better be short and easy topic" up and put down whene&er they feel li"e it!e#inis lo&e to socialise' so two tic"ets to anythingis an ideal present. As #ost people born under the

    sign of the twins are rather tal"ati&e' they will alsobe leased to recei&e a #obile hone.

  • 8/19/2019 Upstream b2 - 17.10


    Ex. 1+ @ead the article again. Foruestions 1 1+ choose fro# the stars A F.

    >eo 5uly $( August $$ %here is nothing a >eo li"es#ore than recei&ing gifts. It doesn;t e&en #atterthat #uch what the gift is' as long as it is beautifullywrapped and loo"s special. )owe&er' they will notbe i#pressed with /ewellery or spar"ly trin"etsunless they are the real thing >eos belie&e thatthey deser&e the best' and anything less than goldwould be an insult to the#. %he "ing li"e >eo lo&es

    to be spoilt' so why not treat the# li"e royalty andhire a li#ousine for the e&ening' or arrange for the#to be the star guest at a special e&ent or party.

  • 8/19/2019 Upstream b2 - 17.10


    Ex. 1+ @ead the article again. Foruestions 1 1+ choose fro# the stars A F.

    3corpio ctober $( Go&e#ber $1 3corpios en/oyplaying at being detecti&e' so they will adore thechallenge of 2nding hidden presents or being sent apresent in secret. %hey li"e to disco&er new thingsand sol&e #ysteries' so cri#e no&els and horrorstories i" are an excellent idea for all ages.Che#istry sets will also please young 3corpios.=eople born under this sign are "een on life;s

    luxuries' so you can be sure that they will be happywith a gift of exotic perfu#e or satin sheets. If youbuy the# so#ething personal. though. he carefulnot to show how well you "now the#. 3corpios lo&e

    to thin" that they are #ysterious.

  • 8/19/2019 Upstream b2 - 17.10


  • 8/19/2019 Upstream b2 - 17.10


    E&' -7 Fill in the !ps' Then, in p!irs,re!d the di!lo ue !loud'

    p!ssport •

    in#or(!tion •


    p!y slip •

    !pplic!tionCustomer . d li"e to !pply #or ! credit c!rd,ple!se/ank Clerk Ri ht . ll need so(e det!ils be#ore .

    c!n process your - 111111''Customer h, . see Wh!t do you need, then?/ank Clerk . ll need to see t%o di0erent #or(so# photo .>Customer G' . e ot (y dri in 2 111'' !nd(y ) 11111'/ank Clerk Th!t s ne' . ll $ust (!"e ! copy o#the(Customer >o you need !ny other +

    1111111 ?


    licence p!ssport


    p!y slip

  • 8/19/2019 Upstream b2 - 17.10



    rye H JKLEn lish Bul !ri!n

    portions MNHOPP





    highVlowfat #il"



    sil" YNMHPLQEn lish Bul !ri!n

    earrings N[POP



    clip on


    ]PMYN P^LP

    N[POPlinen TKLKLV

    MTQ\LKLbracelet _HP LQ

  • 8/19/2019 Upstream b2 - 17.10



    ha##er ` YEn lish Bul !ri!n

    screwdri&er N\ KH\YQ

    drill [NHZQ PLQ

    bleach [KTPLQ

    en&elope MTPY

    genuinely PXYHKLNEn lish Bul !ri!n

    tight X\K_LQ\VX\KXLK

    deter#ined HK P\KTKLrecei&ed MHPKV\

    rug YPTPZ

    dreadful JQXKLlipstic" `KH PTN

    delighted SRP\KL

    d di t d MNX K\KL

    loose RTQ[Q
