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urai)Ru. Or. innni - Fultonhistory.com 12/Warsaw NY... · leg Roller, Jap'd wire Horse Shoe, and...

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,— x -. -l»~--t- mm WYOMING COUNTY MIRROR—W Alt SAW, TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 1852. ••,W»A'BJW &/** We have once published the follow- ing, but we cannot resist the temptation to publish them again : * * Thrilling Verses; NEW GOODS Cheaper Thau Ever. r RMIF snb^sribtffl hav just returned from the JBL eastern markets with a The circumstances which induced the j WW4 Selected ®fqci of Goo rfiiirig ot'these touching and thrilling lines \ *J ,ch *•£• PWred' to sell ckaq.tr than any * .. ,, . ° i i •• ° XT other establishment in the County. iutl »ws :—A voting ladv in i\ew "Another Scientific Wonder! DR. J. S. HOUGHTON'S GREAT DYSPEPSIA CURERI *l» 1 c I. wrjw in the habit ol ult'ip.kia Ledger on the !!>ce. Her writing mm mg lady in j*«w i Our Goods wer* not bought by the advice a:.d I writing for the | counsel of any ofi our neighboring merchants, a Rubject.cf Tern- j (who, if »h**y did npviae* would advise usfarthe s so full of pathos i btSl '. ;1 a i i P r o h , ! > i l i l ),) but were bought farjlash: ;\ evinced such deep emotions of soul. and if anyone has better facilities tor buying L'oods we have yet to learn it. We would sav lo " of 11 n friend of hers accused h e r o f being a j the goods buying conintun ty thai our (ftfccli liiMB m the subject of Temperance,! I>ry LSooris is JBx^eiK«ive, and those wishing coon BARGAINS would do well t to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere ; as j our motto is. to undersell ail others. B. F. FARGO 4 CO. Warsaw, Oct 3, 1851. erftupoa she: wrote the following lines o -V*1 what 1 have felt, Go bvar what 1 hava borne— j'k *neuth the blow a father dealt, And the cold world** proud acorn; THE TRUE DIGESTIVE FLUID, OR LH.X \m mm u. •»' *- s>—» —••i •«•—• OBT»Wr.5 flATESi & GARRETSE!-:, having eoi vJT their '>e,v FU'RNA.CK, are pitpareTd t( Cookivg, Box and Flute Stoves, ,-n suffer on from rear to rear— 1 .»e. sole relief the scorching tear. Q« kt.eel as 1 have knelt, Implore, beseech and pray— . St.ive the besotted head to melt, The downv.erd c curse to stay; He dashed with bitter curse aside, , Your prayers burlesqued, pour tsars defied. Go weep as 1 have wept * O'er a loved father's full- Bee every premised blessing swept— Youth's sweetness turned to gall— Life's fading flowers strewed all the way, That brought me up to woman's day. Go see what I have seen, r Behold the strong man bow— With gnashing teeth—lips bathed in bloiid-r' And cold and jivid brow; - Go catch his withered glance and sea There Inirrored. his soul's misery. Go to thy mother's side, And her crushed bosom cheer, Thine own deep anguish hide; Wipe from her cheek the bitter tear; Mark her worn frame and withered brow— Th© gray that streaks ber dark hair now— With fading frame and trembling limb; . And trace the ruin back to hi in Whose plighted faith in early youth, Promised eternal love and truth. But who, forsworn, hath yielded up That promise to the cursed cup; \ And led her down, through love and light, And alt that made her prospects bright; And chained hefThere, 'mid want and strife, That lowly thing, a drunak rd's wife—> And stamped ou childhood's brow so mild, That withering blight, the drunkard's child ! G o hear,* and feel, and sec, and know, All that my soul hath felt and known. Then look upon the wine cup's glow, See if*|ts beauty can atone— Think if its flavor you will try When all proclaim, "'tis drink and die !" Tell me I hate the bowl— Hate is a feeble word, I loatheabhormy very soul Witft strong disgust is stirr'd,' Whene'er I see, or hear, or tell, Of the dark Beverage of Hell! ! CLOTH IXC.'• W E are veil posted in this department; and-j our stock is complete. * all and see fori yourselves as our mono in this department is to i 4 beat the Jews." No. 14 Alain street, Warsaw. | / B. F. FARGO & C o . GASTRIC JUICE P BEPArt. L> lion ivv.ii.itt, w i n e loiinft stom- ach of the Ox. afie.r direptijms bv Baron Lie- bijr. the great p logical Chetnist* by J. S. w r»i:ocjL , uiES. r E have a good assortment of Groceries, j With remind to price and quality, we . challenge li:e cot-iny. Call and test the truth of { what w e say by examining for yourselves. B. F. FARGO & Co. .JLAIME8 LOOK ,HEUE ! I We have just receiv d a splendid assortment of j Silk, Satin and VeL^t Hats which we are selling j at less than New \ ork prices Those wishing a I Good Hat for a low price would do well to give us j a call, as our Motio is io undersell all others B. F. FARGO, &. Co j Warsaw, Dec 2 \ 1351 HOUGHTON, M. B M Philadelphia, Pa This is a truly wouderlnl remedy for Indiges- tion, Dyspepsia, .faitiidjce. Liver-cbniplaint.Coti- stipatioa, and debility, curing after Nature's own method, by Nature** own agent, tiic Gastric Juice. 13" Half a teappoonfiil of Ptp«in, InfuseJ in water, will d;<;:?3t or dissolve, tjve pound.! ol roast heel in about two hours out of the siomach. Pepsin is the <*!nef eh merit, or great' digestive principle of the CJasric Juice—the solvent i*f the food, the purifying, preserving, and <tiinnl:iting agent ol the stomach and iatesiin s It is extrac- ted from the digestive i-ioinach 'of the OK tiius lormingan artilicial digestive I'uid, pr-cis^ly like die tuitura! Gas!n< Juice in ns chemical pov ers, and furr.iahing a complete and perfect suhstituts MACHINE SHOP. ompleted o do all kinds of j'ib ^astjnj|a upon .>!iort notice, and upon reasonable ttiuis. / Cauldron on Iiujieii, Plough Points, 4'r., if**u, •Kept on Ir^nu and for sale, al wholesale or retai., to Deaers and Pedlors At their M it. ft •• ^as^ 1 *•' Adjoining fneir Fninace. they have id operati \\ ood and Iron Turning Lathes, Buitjd Saws ning Machine, andare prcii.'.icd to tc make to der T Meal the Sieli !! Kettles, Sleigh Shoes, 1 _ J. j i.'j SHOP, tion. Epkming J a c k i ^ d Jennies, Wood UIHJ Iroii/T£?rj;!£^ Fursan Iilii, A w»i tin And all tmiiticr of lull then, ' He I laws, Corn-Sfo>/lers\ Dril/sA clones. : Stove, JLiKiwaje ••"Hi. for it. Bv tl Is of of ti and e\ i re am ndigestion i •G ju.'-t as they WOII'I! !><• t>y a healthy ftouiacli. DEACON BARNKS AND THE DRINKARD. —A man once addicted to intemperance, but who for some months had entirely ab- stained, though he had not joined the Tem- perance Society, took occasion not long since to relate, in a temperance meetingr his experience in regard to the influence of temperate drinkers, of respectable standing in society, upon the habits of the drunkard. "Many a time," said he, "have I gone to Capt. Johnson's tavern, and waited for half an hour, or an hour, lor some respecta- ble man to come in and go to the bar and call for liquor. After a while, Deacon Barnes would come in and call for some, spirits and water. Then 1 could get up to the bar and do as he did.'' Deacon Dames, hearing of this, asked him if it was so. .4 ** It is," said the man. *' Well," rejoined the FJ ft acon, '! you shall hang on me no longer. * I joined the tem- perance Society vesterdsv." ** Did you ?' ; "Yes." " Well, then, I will join to-day, for I can do without liquor as long as Deacon Barnes can." He did join, and remained a consistent temperance man afterwards. Edward P. Folger & Co., IMPORTERS & DEALERS IN HARD-1 \\ ARE, IUOX,SADD 1 -.EUY,GOACFI- HAUDWA11B, AND TRUNK TRIM-1 MINGS—* 192 Main Street, ISuffalo, IT OPPOSITE THE FARMER'S HOTEL, j T HE Subscribers Continue, at their old stand, | to keep constcntlv on hand a full stock and I general assortment of L Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails, Etc., which they are prepared to ofier at the lowest pri- | ces. There have been considerable reductions in j jhe cost of j Looks and House Trimmings within the last year, which they are enabled to give L their customers the full benefit of. Tersons in j want of HOUSE TRIMMINGS, of any kind, ] would find it to their advantage to call. * If E C H A IIUS^ TOOLS. They have a full stock of best quality of Tools, i which are offered at reduced prices. Cabinet Hardware, including Till Locks, 3, 4, 6 and 12 keyed, of va- j rious qualities. Socket, Table and Pivot Castors, I etc., etc. Iron, Steel, Springs. Axles, Etc. j j They devote a great deal ofattenlion to this branch j I of their business and feel coirflident, that in Assortment, Quality'and Price, they can successfully compete with any aud all in the trade. They have common English, Welch, j English Refined, and American common and Re- \ fined Tire of all sizes. American refined Rounds j and Squares, WARRANTKU GOOD. «' Stetts," "Ea- gle" and Scrap Horse Shapes of all sizes. "Mc- Farlane's " Spring Steel, " TVF »' aud " UB " Norwegian Nail Rods. Anvils, Vices and Blacksmith's TOOLS. American, Foster's Wright's and Wil- kinson's Steel faced Anvils, AM. WARRANTED.— New York Cast-Steel Jaw anil Solid Box. Brass Solid Box, Colter Key and plain bright Vices— " King's " superior Stocks and Hies, of all sizes and arrangements of Taps and Dies. They are Manufacturers' agents for the side of BLACK- SMrrHS' BELLOWS, andjhavca full supply of all the sizes and description^. The ** solid bar gudgeon" anew stvle/and well calculated for heavy smiths' use. In SADDLEUY and COACH HAUDYVA ICE Ac TICEUMEYttS, Trunk Trimmings, Etc., they can ofFer decided inducements to Deal- ers, Saddlers and Coach Trimmers. They are agents for the sale of " Briggs " Self-adjusting Pad Trees and Patent Trace Swivels, '-Gardiner's" 'Haines, etc., and are "interested" in the manu- facture of a large variety of Saddlers' Goods.— ' Pope's " self-adjusting Pad Trees, Jap'd Ro'd leg Roller, Jap'd wire Horse Shoe, and every va- riety of Brass and Silver plated Buckles, Jap'd, Silver and Brass Plated Terretsj and Hooks, Snaf- fles, etc, etc. "Ward's" Patent and Enamelled Leather all colors, "Crocket's" Patent Enameled Cloth, all colors and widths ; also India Rubber e ualed and other enameled Cloljhs of cheaper qual- | ity—Pomeroy's patent Screw and half patent j Axles—Carriage Bolts etc. etc. Dealers, Mechanics, and all w h o are in want of I goods in our assortment, are respectfullv invited to (call. * EDWARD F FOLGER'& CO. iiiwpn paiation, the pmis nia dv spep r ia are rcmov- It is doing winders for dyspeptics, curii<g c.^es of debility, emaciation, nervous decline, and dyspep- tic Consumption, supposed to be on ihe v£rge of the Grave. The sejenliric evidence upon which it is based, 13 in the hig!ie3t degree curious and remarkable. SclenUfio 3vider.ee. Baron l.iebig in hisCfleb sited work on Animal C h e m i s t r y , s;iys=: "An anifieiid ds-gfstjve Fluid, analagoiis to the Gastrin Juice, may he readily prepared from the mucous membrane of the stom- ach of the calf, in whirh various articles of food as meat and eggs, will be s-oftcned changed and digested!, just in. 1 be same manner as they would be in the human stomach." Dr. Comb, in his valuable wrtti 'gs on the • Physiology of Digertion," observes that 4 a dim- inution of the due quantity 01 the Gasttic Juice is a prominent and all-pre ailing cause ofdjspt'P* sia;" and he states that * a distinguished profes- sor ol medicine in London, who was severely af- flicted rt'itn this complaint, finding everyt >iug else to faii,*tmd recourse to the Gastric Juice ob- tained from me stomachs of living animals,which proved completely successful." Dr. 'iraham, author of the famous work on ' Vegetable Diet," says: "It is a remarkable fact in Physiology, that the stomachs of animals ^lac- erated in water, impart to the fluid the property ofuissolving vaneus articles of tbod t and of effec- ting a kind of artificial digeMioii of them in no wise ees>.-. ; k iiii fclorc.l At their. Old Stand, on the cast sit.y of Main I Stwet they keep a full ai:d heavy as,-oihi:rttt|ot Stoves, 1*in, llai die-!re, Iron, JYuils, G.'ams SusJt, Japan JViire, (•utlcrii, §-c. I They h ive purchased the entire Brick Bioi ajad now occiu.v boiu kiorcc, as one. I Any quanitiy oi \Ve!l$ Ci.'ern jpunrs, f^ad Pipe, FlL, ILhiji and A/'..*<.'//./ iiVyr, S't»vcls, //<H;|, SfMi'Jm, .Ixcs, Scg'ucs, {.Vi>/d liursl M "Wools, Carp an- VWiME proprietors, f H toes of «)R. S full of confidence in the vir BALM PILLS, which n.ive gained for them- selves such an enviable reputation in the'short spoce ol time they have been lufoie the public— the tunny cures of disease they have performed— some ol the patients having been conlitied to their be is Par m o n t h s and ye;irs—are truly astonishing now chaih nge the world* to produce their equal. For lottg standing Dy.pepsia and habitual 1 os- tiveness, they have never iaile.d. when taken ac- cording to ilirections to eiY ct a cure or g'.ve per- inancin relief. (>ld LiverCon-.plaints.Jaundice, Ac., can be permanently curedW>y the use of these I ills, as they operate directly upon the Liver, find cause it to perform a natural and heal- thy action.•'. F-cr sudden attacks in Children— si^ch as Colds. Ft ver, Worms, Ac. for Gravel, fiheumatism. Spinal AjIVctibn-,Headache. Con^h ! and Cold*, they luive proved an 1 trainable Rem- edy. They cleanse Hnxlpirify the blood, and ure WESTE1JN NEW YOllK COLLEGE OF HEALTH IVo. 207 Maiu Street. Daffalo,' N. V. i)R. Or. OTVAUGHN'S urau innniB mm ii 'T'lMf! colchnitf/ remedv is constantly iHcreasing iufaMe b* * die many core* it is making ALL OVER THE WCRLD. It hn* now Iwoiw ft? O:I!II mciiicivc fur family use, and is |i.-irtieuUirly reconiincu.i^l for UROPSY: h'\ stn?p« of t'lis complaint innnpcliiMy relieved, no matter of hovv Ion? standiiis. See VtnnphUt Jor 7'rttimnnp. Tlti* cli^n"e is as fnslul'«l H» ("IHII.KRA, and the »U>»- and drearftul prOiTi'«»s ol' the malady, l>loatin« the •> stem to "a decree whrah liters the putieirt utterly unable to move, tiorms one of iU t distre*=in»r features. IF IQTIIERTO INCURABLE, I s ilk Axe$% I'lac dilTerent lioin the uatuia! digestive jno- A CAT IS THE MEAL. Two barrels marked " new corn meal" came into the dejiot in this city, by Carpenter's Express, directed to no one. Marshal Jones, hap- pening lo be round, thought that it looked like a suspicious heap. '• It may be meal," said he, " but there can be no barm in ex- amining into it." Accordingly he waited upon the express man, and took the barrels into his own custody. On opening them each ofi© contained another barrel, sur- rounded by a little "new corn meal "—one of them full of rum, at»d the other full of brandy. As they were directed to nobody* nobody has lost an\thing,— Augusta Far-\ meri Buffalo, August 13, 1851. 23 CABINET WARE A" CHAIRS! npHE suBscm- •* BEKcontinnes to manufacture and keep on hand at his Ware-Rooms qn Water Street, an extensive assortment of CHAIRS, Finished in accordance with tbe latest styles, and comprising a variety of Boston Recking and Sewing Chairs, Maple and Fancy Cane Seatst Fancy and Cot- tage Flag Seats, Windsors, a[nd a great varie- ty of Rocking; and Childrens'jChairs, Settees, Settee-Cradles-, 8ie. He has also a rjew and heautiful style fifPARL0R C H AIRS called (UP Call on the agent and get a descriptive cir- cular, gratis, giving a large amount of scientific evidence, similar to the «bove, v together with re- ports of remarkable cure?, from all parts of the United States. A3 a Dyspepsia Curer, Dr.--Houghton's Pepsin has produced the most" marvellous edectM, in curing cases of Debility, Emaciation, Neivous Decline and Dy>p«ptic Consumption. It is impossible to .give the de- tails of cases in the limits of this advertisement ; but authenticated ceniiicatcs have been given of more than Two Hundred Remarkable Cures, in Philadelphia, New York and Boston alone. These were nearly ail det-perate cases, and the cures were not only rapid and wonderful, but perma- nent. . * It.is a great nervous antidote, and particularly useful for tendency to Bilious disorder;. Liver Complaint, Fever a»d Aage, or badly treated le- ver and Ague, and the evil effects of Quinine, Mercury, and oilier drugs upon the digestive or- gans, alter a long s ckness. Aho, for excess in eating, and the loo tree use of ardent spitits It almost reconciles Health with Intemperance. Old Stomach Complaints. There is no form of old Stomach Complaints whicb it does not seem to reach and remove at once. No matnr hlow bad they may be it gives instant relief! A single dose i> moves all the un- pleasant symptom?; and it only needs to be. re- peated tor a short time to make these good effects permanent. Purity of blood, and vigor of body follow at once. Is particuiaily excellent in cases of Nausea, Vomiting, cramps, soreness of the pit of the stomach, distress after eating, low, coid state of the blood, Heaviness lowness of spirits, despondency, Emaciation, weakness, tendency to insanity, suicide, &c. Dr. Hongh'ou's Pepsin is sold by nearlyall the dealers in fine drugs and popular medicine thro'- out the United States. It is prepared in Powder and in Fluid form—and iu prescription vials for the use of Physicians Private circulars for the use of physicians may be obtained of Dr. Houghton or hisjagents, de- scribing the whole process of preparation, and giving ihe authorities upon which the claims of this new remedy are based. »As it is uot a se- cret remedy, no objection can he raised against use by Physicians in respectable standing aud regular practice Price ONE DOLLAR per bottle [LTl Observe this !—4^very bottle of the genu- ine Pepsin bears the written signature of J. S. Houghton, M. D , sole proprietor, Philadelphia, Pa. Copy right and .Trade Mark secured. [LT Sold % all druggists and dealers in medi- cines. AGKNTS—E. H. Lansing, Warsaw, Wholesale and retail agent for Wyoming county; Win. lea- ver &Son, Batavia; K. Hohister & Co, Buffalo. * llou<-e TfiKiniii-gc, ters' 1 § doiuhs- Pools May he found on hand. The Celebrated Flint E^-nciled eitfe, A hew Patent art! co!iiiiit'ri(Jed :n 11.e" unci other eas-tern p and duiabliiiv, for i iiKKle in Venn"iit, recently Tribune, asid Evening Journal, ipprs, and mieqttailcd in brauty ale; o'yty, at their store. P L O U G H S ofr.ll kirn •u CASTU'.F, LIVINGSTON and OF.NESEE LjOLt-ilIfe wall kiiius -Act ecinirly cheap. Pine and Hemlock Shingles and Lumber^— 1000 Corn Brooms. Warsaw, April 4. It. 1 ) Ij. | SETH M GATES, 1 HENRY GARRI;TSF:E| thficlorc an e.'IVciu.tlreme itilow yiells to tins remedy— and Physicians nse it nnhliely ami privately with perleot niiccess. I>et any one wi'O lias ever had a symptom of l)rwrwjj of aHy nharaeter. keep dns, article b> them, and If they wouF.l avoid the unnatural APPLICATION OF THE KKIFE, to perforate the system and let the accumulated water flow nwav, onlv to fill up train, and finally end lit n dretulfui death, let them jtm use this remedy in season, and a recovery is sure. Let them try it nt any stage ol" this uiseuse. and a cure is certain, il they will give it a lair trial. GEAVEL, and -ill diseases of the nrinary organs j for tliese distress!nt? complaints it stands atone \ no other article can relieve you ; and the cures testified to will convince the most skeptical; see pamphlet. DEBILITY OF THE SYSTEM, weak Uncle, weakness of the Kidneys, & c , or inflummntiott of same, .is immediately relieved by a ft>w days' use of this medicine, and a cure is always a result ot its use. It stands as A CERTAIN KEMEDY for such complaints, and aUo for derangements ot" the femolu lrame, . IEEEGULAErnES, SUPPEESSIONS, painful menstruations. No article has ever been offertd except this, which would touch this kind of derangements. It may Ike relied upon as a sure and effective remedy, and did we fed permitted to do so, could give A THOUSAND NAMES as proof of cures in this distressing class o F complaints. See pamphlet. All broken down, debilitated constitutions, from the etl'eet of mercury, will find the bracing power of this «rtt- c!e to act immediately, and the poisonous mineral eradicated from the system. The 22 distinct properties which compose this article, mani- fest themselves particularly in the application of the com- pound, for the distressing class of complaints whirh bead tins paragraph. For centuries there has been used in the north of Europe, a ^_ CERTAIN BOTANICAL AGENT, which in all diseases or derangements of the female frame, obstructions, difficulties, painful Myistruations. & c , has effected a cure. This root is indigenws to our soil, and found in large quantities, and as a medicinal property, stands with, ont an cnnal; it forms one of the compounds in the prepara- r, i ! tion, which, as a whole, is the best remedy ever given to a (I, U n o t i d a g a CO, IM. I.,fc,.Ii. Lansing I debilitated female: it is sure^and the system will be restored oilar & Stevens ' to health bv its use. - For the relief of all Sympathetic Dite*fm*ttendant on preK. nancy: it allays those distressing and paHW troubles which often occur both to married and unmarried females, and re. for Scrofolai Eristp- fVonian impure state eliis, ni>d all'dtset off lie blood. f Ef.vvAffK(Or rouNTKKFirrs ! ! — A s there are "spurious pills in circulation called^Orientdl or Sovcreiiin Balm, be sure to sre before von buv thai the name of " D. E. L. BOOLE & CO." is otr the fare of tl e boxes. None others can be g^n- uiuc. We are not yvvare thi't any one who is making a sputions article has yet d;sred to make use ot our name ; but t-ome of them have h;id the inspndeiice to imitate our bo.xes and copy our cir- cular?, cartillcaies, Ac. Unless the public are careful when t[i!y will be deceived. OJf'The geriuin** SWereign Balm Pills can be had wholesale and retail of Dr. E L. Soule &, Co., Euc i Warsaw: G Dorrince, Attica; C Wyoming; and by agents in every town in the country. 21—ly —__.: , _____ jf t- For Bale. T HE subscriber offers for sale his entire stock I iu uade, together with the two Stores, Iron licuse, Se>sion llo.se, and Dwelling HOUSP, ATI of said buildings are in the tiiost convenien.1 and desirable condition, lotted up by. the subscriber Sloan's Popular Medicines A RE sold wholesale alid retail, at the proprie- /TL tor's price?, at f LOAN'S MKUICIMK DkPOT, next door to "the United States Hotel, Terrace St., opposite the tefmination of the Niagara Fallt Rai Road Buffalo. N. Y. Also sold by E H. Lansing, Warsaw; Jason Lathrop, Perry Centre. u8 FABIJLY OINTMENT It MUM, Safe, 'i\or<nt!ru a:d thr irrtalnt 'Krlrrnil Rem*- df Utr vietl. It is tamftattd <d~ I'egttmbU Kitracts «w| pmjmM'mmtl' v».:y«»,'></ U tUe miuaii uf Midicint fur lh$ cure vf I fumnuitinn/ Duuases, It is universally ac1iiiowlc(ti;ed lo !<e an Infallible remedy, in every cas> win re it lias i;>.e.i laitbiuity applied on Uie huninp systciii, + .r 4>ruiii0.iii!i l:isensi;df lVS*pirauon, and. it< uivaliial'l<«iii ail 'iW:i>etsof!fie,llesh. ' ibstinate I Icera, Old So:e>, Ohilibl.;i:i , S,)reThroat, Harm, (Utt-. C'utr.iieoua Eruptions, S<*e Nip; Its, si 0 r ( ; ilre.ist, i'iseiisesof »he V.yc, Agile in i?c I'ariv. Kbemnatic I'aiiitt, (iHJiractrd t'ord?, Paiu ii. UK' .-Stic, 'M,~\: aini oilier pu/i* of the sywem.s&ald) lle^d, ISrui.^r.s, !'r«>.u \\'iniuiit, i'iUf, and every kind of son: eomajii»ii'ia t tlic 1: si panicle of luflaiuuistioii, are* lierinaiiei.iiy cured i,y.Uiis peat reutedy. ? ^ FE&LtlcGVIRTITES. It is a yn'i, .ii^|ic;iii:ate.i Nprv, as well A* all over the t^tatn, and iiiiiee-'i tTje e, li\di: wes'i-ru s-tatet;. Ulnl ^loaa's Medicines navi att*.tiir<J a wide .spread celebrity, and re- . pi.iauoii. U> wir..-:, Jwy ere pt*\ > enlisted by their "ktaliug tirtMut,- nad }*j\\«-rs. iV.-a/e I.OI anu g «h«4«e who arc proiie to ctidor: i etfi-ry pitVVp Jiuui'. -ua ilia I ronitrs alon^. and ia ir:ir i'^f.-r.'-e I..IW JHta; •".; o ir t>:idors<'i(<t>ui unti we have bee.! abie ic ni's| lf eyl»ar.H'.cc douliiy =iire, not oni) oy t'rsunn iln'ii" ].<'r-•aialiy 0'ir»'-!ves. but I'roai itie u»stb IllOlry o f a liut-ieru'ls |H'rti'jii of l,';e COiiillillIlity liviiij iroutid i.s.—'.illlfoi* ««<•!>'. spirit l:t. li-.-,fi moves those periodical obstructions which arise from taking cold, &c. CONSUMPTION AND LIVER COMPLAINT, Biliou* Ms-' eases, Inflammation of thf /.lines. Coughs, Colds, Hoarse- ness t Nip/it Sweats, Weakness. 3'C, for all these diseases no Medicine lias ever been its equal. FEVER AND AGUE. To tne Great West especially, and wherever tliese com- plaints prevail, this medicine is offered. NO MINERAL AGENT, with the intention of ocenpving them himself for f no deleterious con/poujid is a part of thisanixture, It cures life. The business Jslarce and desirable—enough S^^l^SMjf'*^^ ^ celeritJ ;" tad ioe * not lea * e His jmadeof roots alone, and is purely * Vegetable Prepura- tion, and has nothing iu i* v s composition whieh dan in ^ie least injure any person tfnder any circumstances whatever. No- for several men to look after. AH of said proper- ty can be had at a bargain and the terms are easy. Man knpwetll not what the morrow maysAfing iriertfus certificates of the highest respeettibility are published f o | h - I have unexpectedly got into a large bnsj'- 4 in the pamphlet, wluch a re J^u_b_ntedBratuitously VE DYSFE T A B LE IA BITTERS, THK-MOST # r§PULAR /% PAM'iLy M E D I C I N E •« A G_^ of Tlifr Stnmfiii O F T H E Used by Physicians These BITTERS remove all^morbid secretions, parity the blood, givejfrcat tone and vigor to th«" aigestive.orjrans, foi tifytlte system against all fiitur*; diseasec«ai>*be taken,wi;)i satiety, at no time debili.-' tat ing the pRtient—being gratuful to the most deli. ! cate stomach, and remarkable for their'cheering, invigorating, strengthening, and restorative proper- ties, and an invaluable and sure remedy for DYSPEPSIA IN ITS WORST FORMS. Also, Liver Complaints, Jaundice. Heartburn, Cos- tiveness, Faintness, Disorders of the £kin and Liver, Loss of Appetite, Low Spirits, Nervous Headache,- Giddiness, Palpitation of the Heart, Sinking and Full- ness of Weight at the Stomach, and all other diseases caused by an impure state of the blood, liver, etc, which tend to debilitate and weaken the system. FEMALES Who suffer from a morbid and unnatural condition will find this Medicine of ness in Yates and Sieuben counties, which re- quires IrOm 50 to 80 nieii to carry it along; and 1 wish to give it my personal attentMMg* In the mean time the goods on hand will be sold caer.p ehout.h'pven for the mo t pinching buyers— with' a view o! reducing trie stock to as small an a- mount as possible (which is now over $^0,000 worth) between this and spring, at which time I wish to give it nit, or beore if desired. Perry Sept. 25, 1851.. E P. CLARK. . P. S.— I have Lumberon hand: also Waggons, Harnesses Cutters, and a gteat variety of differ- ent kinds of property to dispose of cheap. 29 -** ' : s ! IVolice to {Creditors. N 'OTICTJ is hereby given according lo law, to all persons having claims against George Brown, l»te of .he towriol Machhis. in the county of Cattaraugus,"deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same with the vouchers (hereof to the subscriber, the administrator of all and singu- lar, the goods, chattels, and credits of the said de- ceased, at hisdwelling- house in thr- town of Frank- lin ville, on or before the first day of July next \VM. McVKIGH, ^duiinistnjtor Dated, Decembei 17. 1851 Joim Rapalje & Co., r ii>ikJ-ig'aHws«« ii JEi\»r to which ne invites attentior}. Old Parron M., of Torringford^ was a rjiiener sort of a man. One time when his ^i.gregation had most of them fairly dis- j fosed themselves for their afternoon nap,; e startled tliem, as well as their, ideas of j • -rppnety, by a-ki;.g in his loudest tone,! 1 IVhafs the pnee of butter?" At anoih^r time, some str«ingers coining ; Court times and on public days, . « c k .rc\\ whh liim, the congregation paid j AI'.ANSOxN on- attention to them than they did to him. ? Wats " 1 ' ' March, ISoi. He has un hand Bedsteads, ike., and intends hereafler to assortment of CABINET VV ALSO he continues to keejf a BOARDING HOUSE to accommodate Jurors and otheis at I,I>D?S," Bureaus, Stands, keep a complete ARE. BARTLETT. it?. New York Importers and Jobbers, FREEMAN, 0ODGE8 & CO, 58 Liiberty Street, NEAR THE POST-OFFICE, ^m?JK-2~*MS/~ '3t3L"«».BR«S.."SO«:.» 7^/ K are receiving, by daily arrivals from Eu- W-. rope, our Fall and \\ inter assortmeat of rich fashionable Fancy Silf: and Millinery Goods. We respectfully invite all cash purchasers thor- oughly ta examine our stoek and prices? and, as interest governs, vie feel couiiden.t our goods and ^ INESTIMABLE VALUE. In AU CASES of GENERAL DEBILITY, this iMedi cine ACTS LIKE A CHARM \ THOUSANDS Have tested its efficacy, and thousands more are now under treatment"; and" not one solitary case of failure has yet been reported? Volumes could be filled with certificates of those who have been permanently cured. Call on the Agent, and get a PAMPHLET, Containing the Certificates of Remarkable Cures, and the high estimation in which this Medicine is held by the Public Press—can be had of the Agents, free. Sold by all the Genuine Medicine- Depots in the United States. $&- Price 50 Cents per Large Bottle. Principal Office, 122 FtJLTON ST., N. Y., up stairs E. 11. LAJN^LVG. Warsaw,.general. Agent %r Wyoming county. [43. .. -—* 1 I ; Z ^ ;—! , , ~ ^ i House and Lot fer Sale. ^I^IIE House and Lot occupied by Mrs.Bald- *• w in, nrar the iMethodist Meeting Huusf, in Warsaw Village, is for eale. Enquire of F. h E. Miller. Warsaw, Murch 25. 1851. i "Davy Crocket,*] New Cook Stove that took the First Premi- um at the State Fair. Call and see it. HODGE <fc MORRIS. Warsaw, p e t . 1 4 1 8 5 1 . i HATS Ac CAPS. A N end)e-s variety of Hats and '"apg, cheaptr than the cheapest,at the store of B. F. FARGO & Co. Manufacturers and Dealers In all kinds of AirrictaHtn*al Iiiapleisient^k (•arden astel Field Seeds, &c. j ROCHESTER, N. t. f 13 No. 65, Buffalo Street. G-ates & Garretsee ^ 4 RE receiving New Goods, Hardware, Cutlery, Flint Euamelled Ware, and almost every ar- ticle enumerated in the advertisements of E. F. Folger &, Co. and Stout &. Folger, in anojther col- umn of the Mirror. Having been iu business about twice as lonjr as either of those houses, we are ac- quainted with the wants of the country and pur- chase accordingly. W e are familiar with their re- tail prices, and are enabled to say to our country customers that we buy our goods as cheap as they do, and in several instances that have come to our knowledge; cheaper, and we can sell them goods an aa good terms, and on longer credits than they give, and save them the expense of a trip to Buillt- lo. Call and see. | ' s *>«*. A New, Light, Two Horse, Pedlcrs' Waggon forisale. j , They have also just got out a new Cooking Stove called the " EAGLE," an improvement upon the Clinton. GATES & GARRETSEE. Warsaw, August 25,1851. 24. PILES, a complaint of a most painful character, is IMMEDIATELY BELIEVED, and a enra follows by a few days use off this article : it Is far before any other preparation for this dispone, or for any other disease originating-fiom impure blood, tree pamphlet. EBTJPTTVE DISEASES will find the alterative properties of this article PURIFY THE BLOOD, and drive'snch diseases from the system. Pee pnmplilet lor testimony of cures in all diseases, which the limits of an adver- tisement will not permit to be named here. Agents pi\e ihein away ; they contain & pages of certificates of high character, and « stronger ., ARRAY OF PROOF of the virtues of a medicine, never appeared. It is one of the peculiar features of this article that it never fails to b,enelit in any case, and if bone and muscle are left to build upon let the •emaciated and lingering invalid %>PE ON, ; and keen takinc the medicine as long as there is tin improve ruent. The proprietor, would CAUTION THE PUBLIC against a number of articles^hich come out under the nead of SARSAPARTLLAS. SYRUPS, &c., as cures for Dropsy, Gravel, &c: They are good for nothing, and concocted lo gull th^ unwary ; TOUCH THBM NOT. Thrir inventors never tlioiiffht of curinar such di-ease* till this article had I done it. A particular study of the pamphlet if earnestly solicited. , Agents and all who sell the article roe GLAD TO CIRCULATE jrmtuitonsly! Put up in SO oz. bottles.*t I I ; 12 or. do. at 60 c. each — the larger holding (j oz. more than two small hot. ties. Look out and not pet imposed upon. Every bottle has " Vanghn's Vegetable Lithontri|iti<< Mixture," blown upon the glass, the written signature of " G. C. Vauj-'hu " on the directions, and "G- C." vaushn, Buffalo," stamped on the^ eark. None other are genuine. Prepared by Dr. ti. C. * Vnnshn, and sold at the Principal Office, '20' Main street,. Buffalo, at wholesale and retail. No attention given lo letters unless post paid post paid letters, or verbal communications soliciting advice, promptly attended to, gratis. Wholesale A'.rents. Olcott. McKesson & Robins; No. 127, Maiden Lane, New York City ; Mr-. E. Kidder Si Co., Pnf. ton ; C. S. Burdsall & Co., Cincinnati: J. Owen &. C o . . De. troit: Sears & Bay, Chicago; Kiskfir.Hall, Cleveland: R. E. Sellers, Pittsburgh ; Winer t Pirns, tiamu »n, C W , and for sale by all the respectable Druggists throughout the United States and Canada, and at retail b 1 AGISTS—E H.-Lansing, Warsaw; Collar A; Stevens. Wyoming: -Mitchell & Higgins, Perry : J. G. Pierce, Castile; Jas. Bronson. North Java and North Wetfiersfield; t— Page, Hermitage ; Dr. Dorrance, Attica; J. W»Llovd, Pike; L. Trues- dell, Portage. 29. Agency off I > r . Fitch't Celebrated Medicines. Pulmonary Balsam, 5f Pepurative Syrup, Pectoral Expectorant, \ Heart L'oTrector, Pulmonary liniment, Humor Correcior, Pure and Medical Cod Liver Oil. ^nti-DyspepiicNixture,Cough and Cathartic PH1» Nervine*; ' ,, . Female Pills, Veftolfuget.. •> Female Specific, Sec, &c, Used by'^rtrjl^constarr^y and with unprecedented 1 :• 8u%cc»8 iA.-Vthe treatment ot* Colds, Coughs, Consumption, Asthma, Heart Diseases, Dyspep%a, Scrofula, Skin Diseases, IihejLULutism, Female f ComplaintsfTnesrSc, efc. ., />/,. .Fitch's nnequallfd Patent Silver Plated Abdominal iityrfiprtefys. Dr. Fitch's Im- proved Plated Stetl Spring Hhoul- Brac*. '.Dr.JFitch's Silvei Inhading? Tube, ARK wotildre?pectful- noounce te' bin former patPlr)! 1 and the public iioiiernl^' that lie has returned- frotu the ci*r°f ?few York, where lie has gpeuf the Inst winter *n inakinp hitusell tliorouclily aebjbaihted w it hnl I the modern i injimvcineiits in Dental Science, and \Voukl be happy tosee all who need his ••servicesi professionally, pledging liitnself io give entire saiisfaction to all favoriii" liim with their patreuat-'c. . rj'CIII/HtOI'OKMuiveii and tcclliextracted without pa'in. and with perfect s.'leiy. ; oriico ROOMS in Frank's New Block opposite flu Tem- perance House. Warsaw. JulV 8. i?50. .. t/tf Dr. Fitch's Celebrated Six Lectures ON THt PRKVKNJIOrT AM) CUBE OF Cotsiiinptiun, Asthma, Diseases of the Heart, tj?*c, and on the method jaf preserving Health and Beauty to old age. This Book should be in everv family. To the Cousurupt ve tt points out the onlv reasonable hope for icIieT To mothers, the directions it give* for he care and education of Children are in vamable. 78.000 copies of this Bor k have passed through the .press, and the sale continues unabated. For Sale by S^S. Filth $• Co., 707 Broad u;ty, .Yew ) orkMso byE. //. LA.YS1NG, H'arsaic, and KH. LA.YSI.YG # CO., Ferry, A\ Y. IXT Dr. Fi'ch'e GUIDE T# INVALIDS, or Directions to per.-ons using Dr. Filch's Remedies to he had, gratis, of all his agents. 29/ A . O . ANDREWS, Sole Travelling Agent for the Slate of N. York. FRANK MILLERS IT T EAS.— A targe quniity ofour celebrated 3s Tea. whicti is unsurpassed by any bought ai any other stor«? in this place; also,all other kinils ot Teas just received at the storeof DARLING 4c BRECK. C ONTAIN near the prices will induce lieliiiient, Particu hnery Goods, and factured expressly nil n\] i>'itie:ir*e, he st«»[>}ied in* his ser- j v .1 s»t<4: 4 'Th.ose folks in my pew tj?y o.»u>ins Iruiii 11. ; ^a you need'nl M iheiij anv Kiorc' A ' -BaUifhorc Pa- 1\ II. JIAR 2^H %3UE« BOOK BINDER, BURNS' BUILDING? om^r of State and Buiidlo Streets, c . OVER SAGE tt BROTHER'S BOOR-STOB>. UAP FROM l V x c n . — D i a l o e u e lietween jMwta rWhlets, Periodicals A;c, Bound iu II. ..»..! «. A K:„ AI- .i " a , n ai, n rancv Binding ; Old Bocks re-bound ; g H.yHul ond his grandlather, in Blank Book, ruled to «nfpattern and bound lo or- B vnL::;g.stci" g:v6o the old gCDtlc- j der: Public and Private Libraries repaired at short notice. Packages containing directions for Binding punctually atieiuled to. , , J3 llociicstcr. |fJ Y. * Dr. J. L. CLARK will act as agent for Warsaw- arid vicinilv. i dvice. .".Tom. — Have a weed grandpa? L ;t.—A what, sir ? ..•r T o m . — A weed, a signr, you 4 . iH.idpa.—Certainly not, sir, I never •oked in my life. Master Tom.—Ah ! then I wouldn't ad- vise you to begin. A CAPITAL PLX.—The Milwaukee Ad- i isernhsi-s surnsr up the hanging ques- >n :— K :*A-flf* a careful con>ider«tion of all ' o f!f»unieiits for and against capital pun- -umeiit, we iiave come to ihe conclusion at the 'debt of nature' should never be •-id, if it can't be collected without an 'ex- -•ution.'" 44 You have stolen my soul, divine one !'* exclaimed Mr. Sickly to his adored. "Pardon me," responded the lady, "I ; s'« noi in Ike habit of picking up' little .vng*." ERASTIS DARROW, Bookseller, Publisher, and Stationer, Corner Main A: S t . Paul Sts., ROCHESTER. N . Y . P UBLISHES Adams' Arithmelicai Chart, Lives of Madison and Monroe, bv John Quincv Ad- ams; Contributions to Herography, by the Author; Fire-s.-dt Lectures on the Ten Commandments, by Dr. Alcott; Ditlercnces between Old and New School Presbyterians, hv Chtcsenuin; Wilson on i the Prophecies: S. School Teacher's Class-Book; I Kenyon's English Grammar; Bridal Keepsake, j (Mrs. Coleman;) Scicntilic Agtficnlture, ( Rodg- * ers;) Pnvsiciil, Edacuion and Medical Manage- j metit of Children, (Do;) Darrow's Workman's | Weekly Time-Book; Monthly di>. do.; S. School Secretary's Register: Tupper's Proverbial Philos- ! ophy. 21. EKASTt'S DARBOW. JAMES H. GREGORY. S EAMLESS BAGS— Two bales, received by ! AB«VST KRINK. them to s h ct lrom our estab- Tar a t t e n t i o n is devoted to Mil- many of the arrcles are inanu- to our order, and cannot be surpassed in beauty, style and cheapness. Beautiful Paris Ribbons for hat, cup, neck and : belt. Satin and taliet ribon.s of all • widths and j colors". Silks sating, velvets and uneut velvets for hats. Feather^, American and French artiri- i cial flowers. Puffings and cap trimmings Dress j trimmings, large as-£crtment Einiiroideries capes. | collars, undert-leeves arrd culli. Fine embroidered | reviere and hemstk'th cambric handkerchiefs.— Crapes, Lisses, TjKklonF, iHusiTin and cup laces. ; Valencicnes, Brussels, thread, silk-and Lisle j thread laces. Kid, silk, sewing silk rfsle thread, [ meii;io gloves and mi us. Figured and plain Swiss, book! bishop lawn and jaconet muslins. English, French, American and Italian STKAVS GOODS. July. 18.M. 25 " FRANX HILLERS 7 Leather Preservative and Water Proof OIL BLACKING. rTHHIS BLAKINd is not designed to pro- -*- dnce a Polish, but to render the JLeathr r Soft, Pliable, Water Prool>and much more Durable. The Inventor has had many years experi- ence in the A T H O M E A«AII¥!!k CI.ARK is at home again and ready to attend to all who need his service, and grateful far past favors solicits a continuance of the same. m fork, vizs ZVcxv S u p p l y of Melodcons. S EVEN NEW MELODEONS just received frcm Carhart ct Needhani of Nevv Y One C Octave, full piano fuiiaH^ 4 Three 5 > do seioll le^s. Three -.4$ do do' do, Also, one 6 Octave, full piano finish, on hand. CERMAN SWEET. Perry, Aug. 1,1851. 21 % a STEVENS & SMITH, Slcrage, Porwardrng; and Commissioi msazsEFc: "»r«.at3 jtdts: jm_ ?«&*- rjrn Large Blue Warehouse, Lest oj lk<t iiii. Depot, ATTICA, X.'\. D EALERS in Butter.Cheese, Pork. Kisli,Grains.Coarsf and Fine Salt, Plaster and Coal. Contracts.taken at the .Bowe«st Hates, for thr Shipme(il oftjooflshyCaiial. to and from New Vorkand A ibtitiy.antf intermediate |.laces. Be rwirtieular and mark Packages "Care of Slerensfc S.nit/i. Jttica. , \ *tn46 i ..'•; •' ... 1 ; 1 1 ' Farm^tor Sale. NING* about 265 Acres of Land— »ntre of .Orangeville, Wyoming County, G miles from W^aWw, the County S^at, 5 tpiles from the Butfu|o and Ne-» York City Raijroad, and 9 niil^s from the Buflalo and R«»ch-* ester Hailroad. About 180 acren are improved^ the balance is well timberedjjnd watered There' are two good Orchards, it first rate Dwelling House, and three barns, all in good repair. T w e n t y - F o u r C o w s , :*' One span of Horses, Wagaon and Harness. Farm- ing and Dairy Tools, will be eiold with ihe premt' ses if desired. • j Orangeville, Julv 9, 1851. li)-tt 'EPHRUM WHEELER. ]* j F EATHERS—One hundred pounds for sale. AUGUSTUS FJIANK. Mechanic's, Look Here 1 <X NEW INVENTION. V Hodge's Graduated. Spirit Level. . FS^IIE subscriber has at length perfected his JflL Spirit Level, and is now manufacturing them in Warsaw Village Wyoming < ovnl.y, where they may be obiaihed at wtiole^ale or retail. This invention is entirely different from anything heretofore presented "to the'public. It consists of a Spirit Level, with a Sfint Vial which may be graduated on ihe Quadrant, with which it is con- nected, to any desirable degree. ThU Level may LEATHER PRESERVATIVE Fa Harness, (Noriage Tops, &c. T I S A FACT well known, that clear Oil has no other good effect on Leather than tnsofien it foratjhurt time, while it has the bad effect lo open the pore*-, and allow water ;<nd dirt to penetrate more easily than if noth- ing had been applied. If Leather is permitted often to become wet and dry, it will soon be- came hard and stiff, and will crack. The effect uf this. arliHe is to 6often the leather, and at the same tune fill the pores vutha healthful, adhesive substance, which will resist water and dirt." The life and strength of the Leather are thus preserved. Directions for Using On the inside of the cover oLeach Box. n2. *5P*ISTOL"S 8 A B S A P^A-JRXL L A FnUNDED IN 1832. CESTjt/LDEPOTZ\ COVRTLANDT-ST.,H. Y. THIS OLD ESTiBLI^HED REMEDY In now put up in tire % LARGEST SIZED BOTTLES! And is acknowledged to be the 'TTEST S1RSAPAR1LLA! # made, as is certified by Ihe « / WONDERFUL CURES it has performed"—tlyongj*«il copies of which are in the pfjsspsion of the proprietor. RE T31: n ttr.ti That BRISTOL'S is Uie only TRUE AfyD ORIGINAL ARTICLE And4t now brought he'ore the public in a - LAR<iER BOTTLE! "Than ever ottered By any vender. \ :. II LACK SILK MITTS—long and short—a great variety. Black silk Lace Veils, silk Lace Fmbroidered Undersleeves, French wrought Exhibition Collars, Dimity bands &c. &c. AUGUSTUS FRANK: ^HILLING M . D E LANES as \ be bouglit elsewhere at eighteen pen^e. jMahufactiired by FRANK MILlfER, WARSAW, N. Y. t* FOR SALE at i': through the country. e Stores generality n2. goqid as cam Tht extra nice— »est g^tods manmactured4-at Oat Shillins and sixpence. AUGUSTUS I'RANK. 1 AILE. , Thayer Esq., of New York, andioc upied e Countv Clerk, in the village ot Warsaw is JIOISE & LOT I Oil & 4 fWl H E valuable House and Lot owntid by ffl JL ,T" by th Tanning and Shce-Haking Business, i now offeredfersale. Ten rods front on Buffalo ..~A i „» «,„„. ,„-i «h.L „.,'ii u street, a very valuable fruit yard* house and barn and has prepared thts art cle, havinsr snent . !• c .. j •< * i• . r , * r •. , " ° f , recently fitted up, two wells of water, new front niich time in perlectmg it, with a view sole- ly to t h e G o o o OF LKATHER., fence, & c , & c . Liberal terms of pavmenf siven. S IVL GATES, Asent. Warsaw. Nov. 15, 1851. 36tf. J EFFERSON AIR-TIGHT STOVEr-elevat- ed oven—just received and for sale by the sub*; scribers. This is the best elevated oven Cook Stove ever sold. HODGE & MOHEIS. Warsaw, December 3, 1851. M OURNING DRESS GOODS—Plainbl'k, Embroidered and printed Lawns. Silk Tis- *»«e, Barege Poplins and Ginghams Mourning Cuffs, Cyllais, Und<rsleeve8 Veils and Ribbons. A large ass. rtient ofthese goods and ver- cheap; •::' yv ^AUGUSTUS FRANK. P OPLINS-Water'd and Figured, Chene, and Camelion Poplins—a large ttock a»d the best goods in this market, at the Wyoming Co. Cheap Store. A. FRANK. L ADIES' Black andCol'd Silk Hose, Black, White and C?o|'d Silk Gloves, al the Wyo- ming Co. Cheap Store. AUGUSTUS FKANK. B ROWN SHEETINGS.—A good heavy sheeting at sixpence. I am sellingaUUinds of fine and coarse brown sheetings at great bar- gains. AUGUSTUS FRANK. D OTTED, Book and Swiss Muslins, Cambric and Muslin Edgings and Inserting—a great A Bounty Land Bill H AS just passed Congress giving lands toall soldiers wno have served in the U. S. Ser- vice in any Indian Warsince 1190, and to soldiers of the War of 1812, as follows, viz: All who en- gaged for 12 and served 9 months—160 acres. All who engaged for 6 and served 4 months—80 acres. Any who actuclly served 1 month—40 acres of Iandf"and the same to the widow or minor children. The subscribers have been long in the business and oiler their services to all who have claims of the kind to urge, and trust they shall be able to give better satisfaction than mo*t others could do. LYNDE &. WOOD. Warsaw, Oct. 5, 1850. 30. CIH AWLS.—A large and chice lot of summer shawl? ot . O every description andrfu;<t!ty from,4s to 8'u. 00 and splendid Ifcmask t.'rape sli.-nvlsJor^.i^OO* Warsaw, May 7 rp H E^roprictor i s * t c r mined t ha 11 he JL it has acquired for the last 13 year*s i acquired tur the last I ed. no metier at whataacrUKe. lAftf must he careful, i ft £H REPCTATIOJI fshan v he maintain- Rift rnrcha«H* must he careful, if they wishthc PURE EX- TRAC'l ..f>:(irsa|»arrilla.lo call for •' llriftol'B Original •Sar.-aj>arilla." in the largettsiitd bottle*ever offered, at One Dollar per liottle. VA Cr' 1'lie above medicine can be found in Wnrsaw. at c .. E //. LAXSIXG'S DRUG STORE, who is the ouly be used lor measuring the height ot any object^actborized agent forjjii* pjgee. «»• where a Base Line can be obtained. All that is necessary far that purpose is to place the sights ol the filevekin the direction of the object and notice the degree indicated on the Quadrant by the index of the Spirit Vial f then by referring that degree to the Scale connected with the Level, the height will be shown in figures. *; This Level may also be used in all places where a common Spirit Level can be used. Any further information in relation to them may b e obtained by writing to the subscriber. PERRY HODGE. (Warsaw, June 25, 1850. 15 T . IrtU. Rich RUNG &. BRECK. variety. AUGUSTUS FRANK. B LACK and Colored S.Ik Shawls.—A lar?s assortment just received by express W e s e " these goods at great bargains. Warsaw June 3'I. AUGUSTUS FRANK. FOR SALE. A GOOD TOP BUGGY and a GOOD CUTTKR. Inquire this of- fice. *> B L-4CA" SILK LACE VEILS.*-The greatest variely at any store in the county, and at much less pricen, Auousrus FRANK. W y o m i n g C o u n t y Jflirror. T HR Mirror in pii-blishi d every Tuesday morning, al Warsaw Wyoming county, N, Y. The fullowingare T h e T e r m s of Subscription: fash in advance - - - - $.'1 ^ I'airl duriugthtrlirsHix months - - 1 75 Dtiriugthelcj>tsix months . . . 2 00 Baric r pay, payable during he year jen into ibscribcr will complain.if we insist upon th* If the size uf our paper is* ta^en^ into consideration, w* ink nosidiscri" foregoing rates Advertiscmentf-inserlcdntthe usual rates. BOOK AND JOB WORK. Our facilitievfnrthis kind^if work are-teldom gurpa*set in* country otliccs. an,:! our cus'omersmay defend upon having their printing done in gciod style, and at reasonable prices. We have'on hand n Urge assortment of Blanks— ougoodpapcrand well printed. A. HOLLY, Warsaw.Sept ember.1-49. RO\L SPAVIN LINIMENT That Will CURB HESF Obsmnate ailments, with which so many valuable horses are afflicted, Can Be Cured Byfne use off. RKMiNGTON'S LJNIMENT, and all the proprietor asks, is a fair and thorough trial-to convince the most skeptical ol the truths ofthisassenton. Unlike many of the "Heme* " dies" that arc afloat, this is recommended for but j ODe class of diseases, vis: Ring Bones, Bone and Blood Spavins, and Splints, and other complaints having their origin in a wrenched or inflamed joint, by which an unnatural bony deposit is formed. A pamphlet treating upon the subject, and con- taining certificates from men of ;he first standing aod respectability in Ontario, Genesee and other counties of Western New York, who have used the Liniment, may be found in the bands of his agents* to whicn the attention of the reader ie in- vited. For sale in the Village of Warsaw by E H . LANSING: Wyoming, D & W. Keith: Attica, G. Dorraiice; Alexander, H. R. Montgomery; Perry Mitchell & Higgins ; Castile, IJalsted & Matthews; Castile Centre, NicholasScveraiice. 17-Iy '• WARSAW TEMPERANCE HOUSE, B y F a r so, Formerly by the late Dr. Augustus .Frank. G \ OOO accommodations for, and particular at- T tention given to, the travelling public. Board by the Day or Week, with "oF without rooms. . The patronage of citizens from different parts oi .the County, visiting the County Seat,, is respect- fully solicited. ' ^ 3 Warsaw, April 1, 1851. S UtiAKS tc MOLASSES.—A.t.y amount ofthese neces- sary articles, of the very best' qualities, atnl cheaper * I than ever, at the stere of DARLING & BRECK. A LOT Of Justice?act! other 1 Ui.l>«. ju*i nr i n f c ! a* th ZlofBce. A Moll's Agricultural iDrcare & llic Dairy Kai Tj'ORsale attheestablishment of Warsaw. A:i !»>»» iioncr. *. MORRW. .-. *5 Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
Page 1: urai)Ru. Or. innni - Fultonhistory.com 12/Warsaw NY... · leg Roller, Jap'd wire Horse Shoe, and every va riety of Brass an d Silver plate Buckles, Jap'd, Silver and Brass Plated

,—x-. - l » ~ - - t - mm

WYOMING COUNTY M I R R O R — W A l t S A W , T U E S D A Y , MARCH 16, 1852. • • , W » A ' B J W

&/** We have once published the follow­

ing, but we cannot resist the temptation to

publish them again : * *

T h r i l l i n g V e r s e s ;

N E W GOODS Cheaper Thau Ever. r R M I F snb^sribtffl hav jus t returned from the

JBL eastern markets with a

The circumstances which induced the j WW4 Selected ®fqci of Goo rfiiirig ot'these touching and thrilling lines \ * J , c h * • £ • PWred' to sell ckaq.tr than any

* .. ,, . ° i i •• ° XT other establishment in the County. iutl »ws :—A voting ladv in i \ew

"Another Scientific Wonder! DR. J. S. HOUGHTON'S


* l »

1 c

I. wrjw in the habit ol ult'ip.kia Ledger on the

!!>ce. Her writing mm

m g l a d y in j * « w i Our G o o d s wer* not bought by the advice a:.d I w r i t i n g for t h e | counse l of any ofi our ne ighbor ing merchants , a Rubject.cf Tern- j (who, if »h**y did npviae* would advise us far the s s o full o f p a t h o s i b t S l '.;1 a i i P r o h , ! > i l i l ) , ) but were bought farjlash:

;\ evinced such deep emotions of soul. and if a n y o n e has better faci l i t ies tor buying L'oods w e have yet to learn it. W e would sav lo

" of 11 n f r i e n d o f h e r s a c c u s e d h e r o f b e i n g a j the goods buying conintun ty thai our (ftfccli

liiMB m the subject of Temperance , ! I>ry LSooris i s JBx^eiK«ive, and those w i sh ing c o o n BARGAINS would do well

t to g i v e us a call before purchas ing e l s e w h e r e ; as j our motto is. to undersell ail others.

B. F. FARGO 4 CO. Warsaw, Oct 3, 1851.

erftupoa she: wrote the following lines o -V*1 what 1 have felt,

Go bvar what 1 hava borne—

j ' k *neuth the blow a father dealt,

And the cold world** proud acorn;



LH.X \m — m m u . •»' *- s>—» — • • i • « • — • O B T » W r . 5

f l A T E S i & G A R R E T S E ! - : , having eoi vJT their '>e,v FU'RNA.CK, are pitpareTd t(

Cookivg, Box and Flute Stoves,

,-n suffer on from rear to r e a r — 1 .»e. sole relief the scorching tear.

Q « kt.eel as 1 have knel t , Implore , beseech and pray— .

S t . i v e the besotted h e a d to mel t ,

T h e downv.erd c curse to stay;

He dashed with bitter curse aside, ,

Your prayers burlesqued, pour tsars defied.

G o w e e p as 1 have wept *

O'er a loved father's f u l l -

B e e every premised blessing s w e p t —

Youth ' s swee tnes s turned to g a l l —

Life 's fading flowers strewed all the w a y ,

T h a t brought m e up to w o m a n ' s day.

G o s ee what I h a v e s e e n , r

Behold the strong m a n b o w —

W i t h gnashing teeth—lips bathed in bloiid-r'

A n d cold and j iv id brow; -

G o catch his withered g lance and sea

T h e r e Inirrored. his soul ' s misery.

G o to thy mother's s ide ,

A n d her crushed bosom cheer,

T h i n e own deep anguish hide;

W i p e from her c h e e k the bitter tear;

Mark her worn frame and withered brow—

Th© gray that streaks ber dark hair n o w —

W i t h fading frame and trembling limb; .

A n d trace the ruin back to hi in

W h o s e plighted faith in early youth,

Promised eternal love and truth.

But w h o , forsworn, hath yielded up

T h a t promise to the cursed cup; \

A n d led her d o w n , through love and light,

A n d alt that made her prospects bright;

A n d chained hefThere , 'mid want and strife,

T h a t lowly thing, a drunak rd's wife—>

A n d stamped ou chi ldhood's brow so mild,

T h a t withering bl ight, the drunkard's child !

G o hear,* and feel , and s e c , and k n o w ,

A l l that my soul hath felt and k n o w n .

T h e n look upon the wine cup's g low,

S e e if*|ts beauty can a t o n e —

T h i n k if its flavor you will try

W h e n all proclaim, " ' t i s drink and die ! "

Te l l m e I hate the b o w l —

Hate i s a feeble word,

I loathe—abhor—my very soul

Witft strong disgust is stirr'd,'

W h e n e ' e r I s e e , or hear, or tell,

O f t h e d a r k Beverage of Hell! !

C L O T H I X C . ' •

WE are v e i l posted in this department; and-j our stock is comple te . * all and see fori

y o u r s e l v e s as our m o n o in this department is to i 4 beat the J e w s . " N o . 14 Alain street, W a r s a w . |

/ B . F . F A R G O & C o .

GASTRIC JUICE PBEPArt . L> l i o n ivv.ii.itt, w i n e loiinft s tom­

ach of the O x . afie.r direptijms bv Baron L ie -bijr. the great p logical Chetnist* by J . S .

w r»i:ocjL ,uiES. r E have a good assortment of Groceries , j

With remind to price and qual i ty , we . c h a l l e n g e li:e cot- iny . Cal l and test the truth of { what w e say by e x a m i n i n g for yourse lves .

B . F . F A R G O & C o .

. J L A I M E 8 L O O K , H E U E ! I W e have just r e c e i v d a splendid assortment of j

S i lk , Satin and V e L ^ t Hats which w e are se l l ing j at less than N e w \ ork prices T h o s e wi sh ing a I Good Hat for a low price would do we l l to g ive us j a cal l , as our Mot io is io undersell all others

B . F . F A R G O , &. C o j W a r s a w , D e c 2 \ 1351

HOUGHTON, M . B M Philadelphia, Pa T h i s is a truly wouderlnl remedy for Indiges­

tion, Dyspeps ia , .faitiidjce. Liver-cbnipla int .Cot i -stipatioa, and debil ity, curing after Nature 's own method, by Nature** o w n agent , tiic Gastric J u i c e .

1 3 " Half a teappoonfiil of Ptp«in , InfuseJ in water, will d;<;:?3t or disso lve , tjve pound.! ol roast heel in about two hours out of the s iomach.

Pepsin is the <*!nef e h merit, or great' digest ive principle of the CJasric Ju ice—the solvent i*f the food, the purifying, preserving, and <tiinnl:iting agent ol the stomach and iatesiin s It is extrac­ted from the digestive i-ioinach 'of the OK tiius l o r m i n g a n artilicial digest ive I'uid, pr-cis^ly like die tuitura! Gas!n< Ju ice in ns chemical pov ers, and furr.iahing a complete and perfect suhstituts

MACHINE SHOP. ompleted

o do all k inds of j'ib ^astjnj|a upon .>!iort not ice , and upon reasonable t t iu i s . /

Cauldron on Iiujieii,

Plough Points, 4'r., if**u, •Kept on Ir^nu and for sale, al wholesa le or retai., to D e a e r s and Pedlors

A t their M it. ft

•• ^ a s ^ 1 *•' Adjoining fneir F n i n a c e . they have id operati \ \ ood and Iron Turn ing Lathes , Buitjd S a w s ning Machine , a n d a r e prcii.'.icd to tc m a k e to der T

M e a l t h e S ie l i ! !

Kettles, Sleigh Shoes,

1 _ J. j i.'j SHOP, tion.

Epkming J a c k i ^ d Jennies,

W o o d U I H J I r o i i / T £ ? r j ; ! £ ^ Fursan Iilii, A w»i t i n

And all tmiiticr of

lull then,

' He I laws,

Corn-Sfo>/lers\ Dril/sA c lones .

: Stove, JLiKiwaje • • " H i .

for it. Bv tl Is of

of ti and e\ i

re am ndigestion

i •G ju.'-t as they WOII'I! !><• t>y a healthy ftouiacli.


—A man once addicted to intemperance, but who for some months had entirely ab­stained, though he had not joined the Tem­perance Society, took occasion not long since to relate, in a temperance meetingr his experience in regard to the influence of temperate drinkers, of respectable standing in society, upon the habits of the drunkard.

" M a n y a time," said he, "have I gone to Capt. Johnson's tavern, and waited for half an hour, or an hour, lor some respecta­ble man to come in and go to the bar and call for liquor. After a while, Deacon Barnes would come in and call for some, spirits and water. Then 1 could get up to the bar and do as he did.''

Deacon Dames, hearing of this, asked him if it was so. . 4

** It is ," said the man. *' Well," rejoined the FJftacon, '! you shall

hang on me no longer. * I joined the tem­perance Society vesterdsv."

• ** Did you ?' ;

" Y e s . " " Well, then, I will join to-day, for I can

do without liquor as long as Deacon Barnes can ."

He did join, and remained a consistent temperance man afterwards.

E d w a r d P . F o l g e r & Co. , |« IMPORTERS & DEALERS IN HARD-1


1 9 2 M a i n S t r e e t , I S u f f a l o , I T OPPOSITE THE FARMER'S HOTEL, j

TH E Subscribers Continue, at their old stand, | to keep constcntlv on hand a full stock and I

general assortment of L

Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails, Etc., • w h i c h they are prepared to ofier at the lowest pri- | ces . T h e r e have been considerable reduct ions in j jhe cost of • j

L o o k s a n d H o u s e T r i m m i n g s within the last year, w h i c h they are enabled to give L their cus tomers the full benefit of. Tersons in j want of HOUSE TRIMMINGS, of any kind, ] would find it to their advantage to call. *

I f E C H A I I U S ^ T O O L S . T h e y have a full stock of best quality of T o o l s , i which are offered at reduced prices .

C a b i n e t H a r d w a r e , including Till L o c k s , 3 , 4 , 6 and 12 keyed, of v a - j rious qualit ies . Socke t , T a b l e and Pivot Castors,

I e t c . , e tc .

I r o n , S t e e l , S p r i n g s . A x l e s , E t c . j j T h e y devote a great deal ofat tenl ion to this branch j I of their business and feel coirflident, that in

Assortment, Quality'and Price, they can successful ly compete with any aud all in the trade. T h e y have c o m m o n E n g l i s h , W e l c h , j Eng l i sh Ref ined, and A m e r i c a n c o m m o n and R e - \ fined Tire of all s izes . Amer ican refined R o u n d s j and Squares , WARRANTKU GOOD. «' S t e t t s , " " E a ­g l e " and Scrap Horse S h a p e s of all sizes. " M c -Farlane 's " Spr ing Stee l , " T V F »' aud " U B " N o r w e g i a n Nai l Rods .

A n v i l s , V i c e s a n d B l a c k s m i t h ' s T O O L S . A m e r i c a n , Foster's Wright ' s and Wil ­kinson's Steel faced A n v i l s , A M . W A R R A N T E D . — N e w Y o r k Cast-Steel Jaw anil Solid Box. Brass Solid Box, Colter K e y and plain bright V i c e s — " K i n g ' s " superior Stocks and Hies , of all sizes and arrangements of T a p s and Dies . T h e y are M a n u f a c t u r e r s ' agent s for the side of BLACK-SMrrHS' BELLOWS, a n d j h a v c a full supply of all the sizes and description^. T h e ** solid bar g u d g e o n " a n e w s t v l e / a n d well calculated for heavy smi ths ' u se . In

S A D D L E U Y a n d C O A C H

H A U D Y V A I C E Ac T I C E U M E Y t t S ,

T r u n k T r i m m i n g s , E t c . , they can ofFer decided inducements to Dea l ­ers, Saddlers and Coach T r i m m e r s . T h e y are agents for the sale of " Br iggs " Self-adjust ing Pad T r e e s and Patent Trace S w i v e l s , ' -Gardiner 's" 'Haines , e tc . , and are " i n t e r e s t e d " in the m a n u ­facture of a large variety of Saddlers ' G o o d s . — ' Pope's " self-adjusting Pad T r e e s , Jap'd Ro'd

l eg Rol ler , Jap'd wire Horse S h o e , and every va­riety of Brass and Si lver plated Buck le s , Jap'd, Si lver and Brass Plated Terretsj and Hooks , Snaf­fles, e t c , etc . " W a r d ' s " Patent and Enamel led Leather all colors, " C r o c k e t ' s " Patent Enameled Cloth, all colors and widths ; also India Rubber e ualed and other enameled Cloljhs of cheaper qual-

| i ty—Pomeroy's patent S c r e w and half patent j Axles—Carr iage Bolts etc . etc.

Dealers , Mechan ic s , and all w h o are in want of I goods in our assortment, are respectfullv invited to ( c a l l . * E D W A R D F F O L G E R ' & C O .

iiiwpn paiation, the p m i s nia dv spep r ia are rcmov-

It is doing w i n d e r s for dyspeptics , curii<g c .^es of debility, emaciat ion, nervous decl ine , and dyspep­tic Consumpt ion , supposed to be on ihe v£rge of the Grave. T h e sejenliric ev idence upon which it is based, 13 in the hig!ie3t degree curious and remarkable.

SclenUfio 3vider.ee. Baron l . i eb ig in h i sCf leb sited work on Animal

Chemistry , s;iys=: " A n anifieiid ds-gfstjve F lu id , analagoiis to the Gastrin Ju ice , may he readily prepared from the mucous membrane of the s tom­ach of the calf, in whirh various articles of food as meat and eggs , will be s-oftcned changed and digested!, just in. 1 be same manner as they would be in the human s t o m a c h . "

Dr. C o m b , in his valuable wrtti 'gs on the • Physiology of Diger t ion ," observes that 4a dim­inution of the due quantity 01 the Gastt ic Ju ice is a prominent and all-pre ai l ing cause ofdjspt'P* s i a ; " and he states that * a dist inguished profes­sor ol medicine in London, who w a s severely af­flicted rt'itn this complaint, finding everyt >iug e l se to faii,*tmd recourse to the Gastric Ju ice ob­tained from me stomachs of l iving an imals ,which proved complete ly succes s fu l ."

Dr . ' i raham, author of the famous work on ' Vegetable D i e t , " says: "I t is a remarkable fact in Phys io logy , that the s tomachs of animals ^lac­erated in water, impart to the fluid the property o f u i s s o l v i n g v a n e u s articles of tbod t and of effec­t ing a kind of artificial digeMioii of them in no wise ees>.-.;

k iiii fclorc.l At their. Old Stand, on the cast sit.y of Main

I S t w e t they keep a full ai:d heavy as,-oihi:rttt|ot

Stoves, 1*in, llai die-!re, Iron, JYuils, G.'ams

SusJt, Japan JViire, (•utlcrii, §-c. I T h e y h ive purchased the entire Brick Bioi

ajad now occiu.v boiu kiorcc, as one. I Any quanitiy oi

\Ve!l$ Ci.'ern jpunrs, f^ad Pipe, FlL, ILhiji and A/'..*<.'//./ iiVyr, S't»vcls, / /<H; | ,

SfMi'Jm, .Ixcs, Scg'ucs, {.Vi>/d liursl M "Wools, Carp an-

VWiME proprietors , f H t o e s of «)R. S

full of conf idence in the vir

B A L M P I L L S , wh ich n.ive gained for t h e m ­se lves such an e n v i a b l e reputation in the'short spoce ol t ime they have been l u f o i e the p u b l i c — the tunny cures of d i sease they have performed— some ol the pat ients hav ing been conlit ied to their be is Par m o n t h s and ye; irs—are truly as tonish ing n o w chaih nge the world* to produce their equal . For lottg s tanding D y . p e p s i a and habitual 1 o s -t i v e n e s s , they have never iaile.d. when taken a c ­cording to i l irect ions to eiY ct a cure or g'.ve per-inancin relief. (>ld L iverCon- .p la in t s .Jaundice , A c . , can be permanent ly curedW>y the use of these I i l l s , as they operate direct ly upon the Liver , find cause it to perform a natural and heal­thy action.•'. F-cr sudden a t tacks in Chi ldren— si^ch as C o l d s . Ft ver, W o r m s , A c . — for G r a v e l , f iheumat i sm. Spinal AjIVctibn- ,Headache. Con^h

! and Cold*, they luive proved an 1 t r a i n a b l e R e m ­edy . T h e y c l e a n s e Hnxlpirify the blood, and ure


COLLEGE OF HEALTH IVo. 207 Maiu Street. Daffalo,' N. V.

i ) R . Or. O T V A U G H N ' S

urau innniB mm ii 'T'lMf! colchnitf/ remedv is constantly iHcreasing iufaMe b * * die many core* it is making

ALL OVER THE WCRLD. It hn* now I w o i w ft? O:I!II mciiicivc fur family use, and is |i.-irtieuUirly reconiincu.i^l for

UROPSY: h'\ stn?p« of t'lis complaint innnpcliiMy relieved, no matter of hovv Ion? standiiis. See VtnnphUt Jor 7'rttimnnp. Tlti* cli^n"e is as fnslul'«l H» ("IHII.KRA, and the »U>»- and drearftul prOiTi'«»s ol' the malady, l>loatin« the •> stem to "a decree whrah

liters the putieirt utterly unable to move, tiorms one of iU t distre*=in»r features. IF IQTIIERTO INCURABLE,

Isilk Axe$% I'lac

dilTerent l ioin the uatuia! d igest ive jno-

A C A T IS THE M E A L . Two barrels marked " new corn m e a l " came into the dejiot in this city, by Carpenter's Express, directed to no one. Marshal Jones, hap­pening lo be round, thought that it looked like a suspicious heap. '• It may be meal," said he, " but there can be no barm in ex­amining into it ." Accordingly he waited upon the express man, and took the barrels into his own custody. On opening them each ofi© contained another barrel, sur­rounded by a little " n e w corn meal "—one of them full of rum, at»d the other full of brandy. As they were directed to nobody* nobody has lost an\thing,—Augusta Far-\ meri

Buffalo, A u g u s t 13 , 1851 . 23

CABINET WARE A" CHAIRS! npHE suBscm-• * B E K c o n t i n n e s

t o m a n u f a c t u r e and k e e p o n hand a t h i s

W a r e - R o o m s qn W a t e r S t r e e t , an e x t e n s i v e a s s o r t m e n t o f

CHAIRS, Finished in accordance with tbe latest styles, and comprising a variety of

Boston Recking and Sewing Chairs, Maple and Fancy Cane Seatst Fancy and Cot­tage Flag Seats, Windsors, a[nd a great varie­ty of Rocking; and Childrens'jChairs, Settees, Settee-Cradles-, 8ie.

He has also a rjew and heautiful style f i f P A R L 0 R C H A I R S called

(UP Call on the agent and get a descriptive cir­cular, gratis, g iv ing a large amount of scientific ev idence , similar to the «bove,v together with re­ports of remarkable cure?, from all parts of the United States .

A3 a Dyspepsia Curer, Dr. - -Houghton ' s Pepsin has produced the most" marvellous edectM, in cur ing cases of Debi l i ty , Emaciat ion , N e i v o u s D e c l i n e and Dy>p«ptic Consumption. It is impossible to .g ive the d e ­tails of cases in the limits of this advertisement ; but authenticated ceni i i catcs have been given of more than T w o Hundred Remarkable Cures , in Philadelphia, N e w York and Boston a lone . T h e s e were nearly ail det-perate cases , and the cures were not only rapid and wonderful, but perma­nent. . * •

It.is a great nervous antidote, and particularly useful for tendency to Bilious disorder;. Liver Complaint , Fever a»d A a g e , or badly treated l e ­ver and A g u e , and the evil effects of Quin ine , Mercury, and oilier drugs upon the digest ive or­gans , alter a long s ckness . A h o , for e x c e s s in eat ing, and the loo tree use of ardent spitits It almost reconciles Health with Intemperance.

Old Stomach Complaints. There is no form of old Stomach Complaints

whicb it does not seem to reach and remove at once . N o m a t n r hlow bad they may be it g ives instant relief! A single dose i> moves all the un­pleasant symptom?; and it only needs to be. re­peated tor a short time to make these good effects permanent. Purity of blood, and vigor of body follow at once . Is particuiaily exce l lent in cases of Nausea , Vomit ing, cramps, soreness of the pit of the stomach, distress after eat ing , l o w , coid state of the blood, Heaviness lowness of spirits, despondency, Emaciation, weakness , tendency to insanity, suic ide , &c.

D r . Hongh 'ou ' s Pepsin is sold by nearlyal l the dealers in fine drugs and popular medicine thro'-out the United States . It is prepared in Powder and in Fluid form—and iu prescription vials for the use of Physic ians

Private circulars for the use of physic ians may be obtained of Dr. Houghton or h i s j a g e n t s , de­scribing the whole process of preparation, and g iv ing ihe authorities upon which the c la ims of this new remedy are based. »As it is uot a s e ­cret remedy, no objection can he raised against use by Phys ic ians in respectable standing aud regular practice Price O N E D O L L A R per bottle

[LTl Observe this !—4^very bottle of the g e n u ­ine Pepsin bears the written signature of J . S. Houghton, M . D , sole proprietor, Philadelphia, Pa. Copy right and .Trade Mark secured.

[LT Sold % all druggists and dealers in m e d i ­c i n e s .

A G K N T S — E . H . Lans ing , W a r s a w , Wholesa le and retail agent for W y o m i n g county; Win . l e a ­ver & S o n , Batavia; K. Hohister & Co, Buffalo.

* llou<-e TfiKiniii-gc, ters'1 § doiuhs- Pools

May he found on hand. T h e Celebrated

Flint E^-nciled eitfe, A h e w Patent art! co!iiiiit'ri(Jed :n 11.e" unci other eas-tern p and duiabl i i iv , for i

iiKKle in Venn"i i t , recently Tribune, asid E v e n i n g Journal, ipprs, and mieqttailcd in brauty ale; o'yty, at their store.

P L O U G H S ofr.ll kirn

•u CASTU'.F, LIVINGSTON and OF.NESEE LjOLt-ilIfe w a l l kiiius -Act ecinirly cheap. Pine and H e m l o c k S h i n g l e s and Lumber^—

1000 Corn B r o o m s . W a r s a w , April 4 . It.1) Ij.


thf ic lorc an e.'IVciu.tlreme

i t i low yiells to tins remedy— and Physicians nse it nnhliely ami privately with perleot niiccess. I>et any one wi'O lias ever had a symptom of l)rwrwjj of aHy nharaeter. keep dns, article b> them, and If they wouF.l avoid the unnatural

APPLICATION OF THE KKIFE, to perforate the system and let the accumulated water flow nwav, onlv to fill up train, and finally end lit n dretulfui death, let them jtm use this remedy in season, and a recovery is sure. Let them try it nt any stage ol" this uiseuse. and a cure is certain, il they will give it a lair trial.

GEAVEL, and -ill diseases of the nrinary organs j for tliese distress!nt? complaints it stands atone \ no other article can relieve you ; and the cures testified to will convince the most skeptical; — see pamphlet.

DEBILITY OF THE SYSTEM, weak Uncle, weakness of the Kidneys, & c , or inflummntiott of same, .is immediately relieved by a ft>w days' use of this medicine, and a cure is always a result ot its use. It stands as

A CERTAIN KEMEDY for such complaints, and aUo for derangements ot" the femolu lrame, .

IEEEGULAErnES, SUPPEESSIONS, painful menstruations. No article has ever been offertd except this, which would touch this kind of derangements. It may Ike relied upon as a sure and effective remedy, and did we fed permitted to do so, could give

A THOUSAND NAMES as proof of cures in this distressing class oF complaints. See pamphlet. All broken down, debilitated constitutions, from the etl'eet of mercury, will find the bracing power of this «rtt-c!e to act immediately, and the poisonous mineral eradicated from the system.

The 22 distinct properties which compose this article, mani­fest themselves particularly in the application of the com­pound, for the distressing class of complaints whirh bead tins paragraph. For centuries there has been used in the north of Europe, a ^_

CERTAIN BOTANICAL AGENT, • which in all diseases or derangements of the female frame, obstructions, difficulties, painful Myistruations. & c , has effected a cure. This root is indigenws to our soil, and found in large quantities, and as a medicinal property, stands with, ont an cnnal; it forms one of the compounds in the prepara-

r, i ! tion, which, as a whole, is the best remedy ever given to a (I, Unotidaga CO, IM. I . , fc,. I i . Lans ing I debilitated female: it is sure^and the system will be restored

o i l a r & S t e v e n s ' to health bv its use. -For the relief of all Sympathetic Dite*fm*ttendant on preK.

nancy: it allays those distressing and paHW troubles which often occur both to married and unmarried females, and re.

for Scrofolai Eristp-fVonian impure state eliis, ni>d al l 'dtset

of f lie blood. f Ef.vvAffK(Or rouNTKKFirrs ! ! — A s there are "spurious p i l l s in c irculat ion called^Orientdl or Sovcrei i in Balm, be sure to sre before von buv thai the name of " D . E . L . B O O L E & C O . " is otr the fare of tl e boxes . None others can be g^n-uiuc. W e are not yvvare thi't any one w h o is making a s p u t i o n s article has yet d;sred to make use ot our name ; but t-ome of them have h;id the inspndeiice to imitate our bo.xes and copy our cir­cular?, carti l lcaies , A c . Unles s the public are careful when t[i!y wil l be dece ived .

OJf 'The geriuin** S W e r e i g n Balm Pi l ls can be had wholesa le and retail of Dr . E L. S o u l e &, Co., E u c i Warsaw: G Dorr ince , Att ica; C W y o m i n g ; and by agents in every town in the country. 21—ly — _ _ . : , _ _ _ _ _ j f t -

F o r B a l e .

TH E subscriber offers for sale his entire stock I iu u a d e , together with the two Stores , Iron

l i c u s e , Se>sion l l o . s e , and Dwel l ing H O U S P , ATI of said bui ld ings are in the tiiost convenien.1 and des irable condit ion, lotted up by. the subscriber

S l o a n ' s P o p u l a r M e d i c i n e s A R E so ld w h o l e s a l e alid retail , at the proprie-

/TL tor's price?, at f LOAN'S MKUICIMK DkPOT, next door to "the United States H o t e l , Terrace St. , opposite the tefmination of the N i a g a r a F a l l t R a i Road Buffalo. N . Y.

A l s o sold by E H . L a n s i n g , W a r s a w ; Jason Lathrop, Perry C e n t r e . u 8

FABIJLY OINTMENT It MUM, Safe, 'i\or<nt!ru a:d thr irrtalnt 'Krlrrnil Rem*-

df Utr vietl. It is tamftattd <d~ I'egttmbU Kitracts « w | pmjmM'mmtl' v».:y«»,'></ U tUe miuaii uf Midicint fur lh$ cure vf I fumnuitinn/ Duuases, •

It is universally ac1iiiowlc(ti;ed lo !<e an Infallible remedy, in every cas> win re it lias i;>.e.i laitbiuity applied on Uie huninp systciii, + .r 4>ruiii0.iii!i l:isensi;df lVS*pirauon, and. it< uivaliial'l<«iii ail 'iW:i>etsof!fie,llesh. ' ibstinate I Icera, Old So:e>, Ohilibl.;i:i , S,)reThroat, Harm, (Utt-. C'utr.iieoua Eruptions, S<*e Nip; Its, si0r(; ilre.ist, i'iseiisesof »he V.yc, Agile in i?c I'ariv. Kbemnatic I'aiiitt, (iHJiractrd t'ord?, Paiu ii. UK' .-Stic, 'M,~\: aini oilier pu/i* of the sywem.s&ald) lle^d, ISrui.̂ r.s, !'r«>.u \\'iniuiit, i'iUf, and every kind of son: eomajii»ii'iat tlic 1: si panicle of luflaiuuistioii, are* lierinaiiei.iiy cured i,y.Uiis peat reutedy.

? ^ FE&LtlcGVIRTITES. It is a yn'i, .ii^|ic;iii:ate.i Nprv, as well A* all over the

t^tatn, and iiiiiee-'i tTje e, li\di: wes'i-ru s-tatet;. Ulnl ^loaa's Medicines navi att*.tiir<J a wide .spread celebrity, and re-

. pi.iauoii. U> wir..-:, Jwy ere pt*\ > enlisted by their "ktaliug tirtMut,- nad }*j\\«-rs. iV.-a/e I.OI a n u g «h«4«e who arc proiie to ctidor: i etfi-ry pitVVp Jiuui'. -ua ilia I ronitrs alon^. and ia ir:ir i'^f.-r.'-e I..IW JHta; •".; o ir t>:idors<'i(<t>ui unti we have bee.! abie ic ni's|lfeyl»ar.H'.cc douliiy =iire, not oni) oy t'rsunn iln'ii" ].<'r-•aialiy 0'ir»'-!ves. but I'roai itie u»stb IllOlry o f a l i u t - i e r u ' l s |H'rti 'j i i o f l,';e COi i i l l i l l I l i ty l i v i i i j iroutid i.s.—'.illlfoi* ««<•!>'. spirit l:t. li-.-,fi

moves those periodical obstructions which arise from taking cold, &c.

C O N S U M P T I O N AND L I V E R C O M P L A I N T , Biliou* Ms-' eases, Inflammation of thf /.lines. Coughs, Colds, Hoarse-nesst Nip/it Sweats, Weakness. 3'C, for all these diseases no Medicine lias ever been its equal.

FEVER AND AGUE. To tne Great West especially, and wherever tliese com­

plaints prevail, this medicine is offered. NO MINERAL AGENT,

with the intention of o c e n p v i n g them himse l f for f no deleterious con/poujid is a part of thisanixture, It cures life. T h e business Jslarce and desirable—enough S ^ ^ l ^ S M j f ' * ^ ^ ^ c e l e r i t J;" t a d i o e * n o t l e a* e

His jmadeof roots alone, and is purely * Vegetable Prepura-tion, and has nothing iu i*vs composition whieh dan in ^ie least injure any person tfnder any circumstances whatever. No-

for several men to look after. AH of said proper­ty can be had at a bargain and the terms are easy.

Man knpwetll not what the morrow maysAfing iriertfus certificates of the highest respeettibility are published f o | h - I have unexpected ly got into a large bnsj'- 4 in the pamphlet, wluch areJ^u_b_ntedBratuitously




P A M ' i L y M E D I C I N E •« A G_^

of Tlifr Stnmfiii O F T H E

Used by Physicians These BITTERS remove all^morbid secretions,

parity the blood, givejfrcat tone and vigor to th«" aigestive.orjrans, foi tifytlte system against all fiitur*; diseasec«ai>*be taken,wi;)i satiety, at no time debili.-' tat ing the pRtient—being gratuful to the most deli.!

cate stomach, and remarkable for their'cheering, invigorating, strengthening, and restorative proper­ties, and an invaluable and sure remedy for

DYSPEPSIA IN ITS WORST FORMS. Also, Liver Complaints, Jaundice. Heartburn, Cos-

tiveness, Faintness, Disorders of the £kin and Liver, Loss of Appetite, Low Spirits, Nervous Headache,-Giddiness, Palpitation of the Heart, Sinking and Full­ness of Weight at the Stomach, and all other diseases caused by an impure state of the blood, liver, etc , which tend to debilitate and weaken the system.

F E M A L E S Who suffer from a morbid and unnatural condition

will find this Medicine of

ness in Yates and S i e u b e n count i e s , wh ich re­quires IrOm 50 to 8 0 nieii to carry it a l o n g ; and 1 wish to g ive it my personal attentMMg* In the mean time the goods on hand wi l l be sold caer.p ehout.h'pven for the mo t p inch ing buyers— with' a view o! reducing trie stock to as small an a-mount as possible ( w h i c h is n o w over $ ^ 0 , 0 0 0 w o r t h ) between this and spring, at which t ime I w i s h to g ive it nit, or b e o r e i f desired.

Perry Sept . 2 5 , 1851.. E P. C L A R K .

. P . S . — I have L u m b e r o n hand: also W a g g o n s , Harnesses Cutters , and a gteat variety of differ­ent kinds of property to dispose of cheap . 2 9

- * * ' : s • !

IVol ice t o {Cred i to r s .

N' O T I C T J is hereby given according lo l aw, to all persons having c la ims against George

B r o w n , l»te of .he towriol Machhis. in the county of Cattaraugus ,"deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same with the vouchers (hereof to the subscriber, the administrator of all and s i n g u ­lar, the goods, chattels , and credits of the said de­ceased, at h i sdwel l ing- house in thr- town of Frank­lin ville, on or before the first day of July next

\ V M . M c V K I G H , ^duiinistnjtor Dated , Decembei 17. 1851

J o i m R a p a l j e & Co., |«



ii JEi\»r to which ne invites attentior}.

Old Parron M., of Torringford^ was a rjiiener sort of a man. One time when his ^i .gregation had most of them fairly dis- j fosed themselves for their afternoon nap,;

e startled tliem, as well as their, ideas of j • -rppnety, by a-ki;.g in his loudest tone,! 1 IVhafs the pnee of butter?"

At anoih^r time, some str«ingers coining ; Court times and on public days, . « ck .rc\\ whh liim, the congregation paid j AI'.ANSOxN

on- attention to them than they did to him. ? W a t s " 1 ' ' March, ISoi.

H e has un hand B e d s t e a d s , i k e . , and i n t e n d s h e r e a f l e r t o assortment of CABINET VV

A L S O he cont inues to keejf a B O A R D I N G H O U S E to accommodate Jurors and othe i s at

I , I > D ? S , "

Bureaus, Stands, keep a complete ARE.


New York Importers and Jobbers, FREEMAN, 0ODGE8 & CO,

5 8 L i i b e r t y S t r e e t , NEAR THE POST-OFFICE,

^ m ? J K - 2 ~ * M S / ~ '3t3L"«».BR«S.."SO«:.»

7 ^ / K are r e c e i v i n g , by daily arrivals from E u -W-. rope, our Fal l and \ \ inter assortmeat of

rich fashionable

Fancy Silf: and Millinery Goods. W e respectful ly invi te all cash purchasers thor­

oughly ta e x a m i n e our stoek and prices? and, as interest g o v e r n s , vie feel couiiden.t our goods and




T H O U S A N D S Have tested its efficacy, and thousands more are now under treatment"; and" not one solitary case of failure has yet been reported? Volumes could be filled with certificates of those who have been permanently cured. Call on the Agent, and get a PAMPHLET, Containing the Certificates of Remarkable Cures, and the high estimation in which this Medicine is held by the Public Press—can be had of the Agents, free.

Sold by all the Genuine Medicine- Depots in the United States.

$&- Price 50 Cents per Large Bottle. Principal Office, 122 FtJLTON ST., N. Y., up stairs

E . 11. L A J N ^ L V G . Warsaw,.general . A g e n t %r W y o m i n g county. [ 4 3 . .. -—* 1 — I — ; Z — ^ ;—! , , ~ ^ i

House and Lot fer Sale. ^I^IIE House and Lot occupied by Mrs.Bald-*• w in, nrar the iMethodist Meeting Huusf,

in Warsaw Village, is for eale. Enquire of F . h E. Miller.

Warsaw, Murch 25. 1851.

i " D a v y C r o c k e t , * ] N e w Cook S tove that took the First Premi­um at the State Fair. Cal l and see it.

H O D G E <fc M O R R I S . W a r s a w , p e t . 14 1 8 5 1 .


H A T S Ac C A P S .

AN end)e-s variety of Hats and '"apg, c h e a p t r than the c h e a p e s t , a t the store of

B. F . F A R G O & C o .

Manufacturers and Dealers In all kinds of

AirrictaHtn*al I i iapleis ient^k ( • a r d e n astel F i e l d S e e d s , & c . j

ROCHESTER, N. t . f 13 N o . 65 , Buffalo Street.

G-ates & Garretsee ^

4R E receiving N e w Goods, Hardware, Cutlery, Flint Euamel led Ware , and almost every ar­

ticle enumerated in the advertisements of E . F . Folger &, Co. and Stout &. Folger, in anojther col­umn of the Mirror. Hav ing been iu business about twice as lonjr as either of those houses , w e are ac­quainted with the wants of the country and pur­chase accordingly. W e are familiar with their re­tail prices, and are enabled to say to our country customers that w e buy our goods as cheap as they do, and in several instances that have come to our knowledge; cheaper, and w e can sell them goods an aa good terms, and on longer credits than they give, and save them the expense of a trip to Buillt-lo. Call and see . | 's*>«*.

A New, Light, Two Horse, Pedlcrs' Waggon forisale. j ,

T h e y have also just got out a new Cooking Stove called the " E A G L E , " an improvement upon the Clinton. G A T E S & G A R R E T S E E .

W a r s a w , August 2 5 , 1 8 5 1 . 24 .

PILES, a complaint of a most painful character, is

IMMEDIATELY BELIEVED, and a enra follows by a few days use off this article : it Is far before any other preparation for this dispone, or for any other disease originating-fiom impure blood, tree pamphlet.

EBTJPTTVE DISEASES will find the alterative properties of this article

PURIFY THE BLOOD, and drive'snch diseases from the system. Pee pnmplilet lor testimony of cures in all diseases, which the limits of an adver­tisement will not permit to be named here. Agents pi\e ihein away ; they contain & pages of certificates of high character, and « stronger .,

ARRAY OF PROOF of the virtues of a medicine, never appeared. It is one of the peculiar features of this article that it never fails to b,enelit in any case, and if bone and muscle are left to build upon let the •emaciated and lingering invalid

%>PE ON, ; and keen takinc the medicine as long as there is tin improve ruent. The proprietor, would

CAUTION THE PUBLIC against a number of articles^hich come out under the nead of

SARSAPARTLLAS. SYRUPS, &c., as cures for Dropsy, Gravel, & c : They are good for nothing, and concocted lo gull th^ unwary ;

TOUCH THBM NOT. Thrir inventors never tlioiiffht of curinar such di-ease* till this article had I done it. A particular study of the pamphlet if earnestly solicited. • ,

Agents and all who sell the article roe

GLAD TO CIRCULATE jrmtuitonsly! Put up in SO oz. bottles.*t I I ; 12 or. do. at 60 c. each — the larger holding (j oz. more than two small hot. ties. Look out and not pet imposed upon. Every bottle has " Vanghn's Vegetable Lithontri|iti<< Mixture," blown upon the glass, the written signature of " G. C. Vauj-'hu " on the directions, and " G - C." vaushn, Buffalo," stamped on the^ eark. None other are genuine. Prepared by Dr. t i . C. * Vnnshn, and sold at the Principal Office, '20' Main street,. Buffalo, at wholesale and retail. No attention given lo letters unless post paid — post paid letters, or verbal communications soliciting advice, promptly attended to, gratis.

Wholesale A'.rents. Olcott. McKesson & Robins; No. 127, Maiden Lane, New York City ; Mr-. E. Kidder Si Co., Pnf. ton ; C. S. Burdsall & Co., Cincinnati: J. Owen &. Co. . De. troit: Sears & Bay, Chicago; Kisk fir. Hall, Cleveland: R. E. Sellers, Pittsburgh ; Winer t Pirns, tiamu »n, C W , and for sale by all the respectable Druggists throughout the United States and Canada, and at retail b1

A G I S T S — E H . - L a n s i n g , W a r s a w ; Collar A; S t e v e n s . W y o m i n g : -Mitchel l & H i g g i n s , Perry : J . G . Pierce, Casti le; Jas . Bronson. North Java and North Wetfiersfield; —t— Page , Hermitage ; Dr. Dorrance, Att ica; J . W»Llovd, Pike; L . T r u e s -dell, Portage. 2 9 .

Agency off I>r . F i t c h ' t

Celebrated Medicines. Pulmonary Balsam, 5 f Pepurat ive S y r u p , Pectoral Expectorant , \ Heart L'oTrector, Pulmonary l i n i m e n t , Humor Correcior,

Pure and M e d i c a l Cod Liver O i l . ^ n t i - D y s p e p i i c N i x t u r e , C o u g h and Cathartic PH1»

Nervine*; ' ,, . Female Pi l ls , Veftolfuget . . •> F e m a l e Spec i f i c , Sec, & c ,

Used by'^rtrjl^constarr^y and with unprecedented 1 :• 8u%cc»8 iA.-Vthe treatment ot* Colds, Coughs, Consumption, Asthma, Heart

Diseases, Dyspep%a, Scrofula, Skin Diseases, IihejLULutism, Female f

ComplaintsfTnesrSc, efc. ., /> / , . .Fitch's nnequallfd Patent Silver Plated

Abdominal iityrfiprtefys. Dr. Fitch's Im­proved Plated Stetl Spring Hhoul-

Brac*. '.Dr.JFitch's Silvei Inhading? Tube,

ARK wotildre?pectful-noounce te' bin former

patPlr)!1 and the public iioiiernl^' that lie has returned- frotu the ci*r°f ?few York, where lie has gpeuf the Inst winter *n inakinp hitusell tliorouclily aebjbaihted w it hnl I the modern i injimvcineiits

in Dental Science, and \Voukl be happy tosee all who need his ••servicesi professionally, pledging liitnself io give entire saiisfaction to all favoriii" liim with their patreuat-'c. .

rj'CIII/HtOI'OKMuiveii and tcclliextracted without pa'in. and with perfect s.'leiy. ;

oriico ROOMS in Frank's New Block opposite flu Tem­perance House.

Warsaw. JulV 8. i?50. .. t / t f

Dr. Fitch's Celebrated Six Lectures ON T H t PRKVKNJIOrT AM) CUBE OF

Cotsiiinptiun, Asthma, Diseases of the Heart, tj?*c, and on the method jaf preserving

Health and Beauty to old age.

T h i s Book should be in everv family. T o the Cousurupt ve tt points out the onlv reasonable h o p e for icIieT T o mothers, the directions it g ive* for he care and education of Children are in v a m a b l e .

78 .000 copies of this Bor k have passed through the .press, and the sale cont inues unabated.

For Sale by S^S. Filth $• Co., 707 Broad u;ty, .Yew ) orkMso byE. / / . LA.YS1NG, H'arsaic, and KH. LA.YSI.YG # CO., Ferry, A\ Y.

IXT Dr. Fi'ch'e GUIDE T # INVALIDS, or Directions to per.-ons using Dr. F i l c h ' s R e m e d i e s to he had, g r a t i s , of all his a g e n t s .

2 9 / A . O. A N D R E W S , So le Trave l l ing A g e n t for the Slate of N . York.


TEAS.— A targe quniity ofour celebrated 3s Tea. whicti is unsurpassed by any bought ai any other stor«? in this

place; also,all other kinils ot Teas just received at the storeof DARLING 4c BRECK.

CONTAIN near the

prices wi l l induce lieliiiient, Particu hnery Goods , and factured express ly

nil n\] i>'itie:ir*e, he st«»[>}ied in* his ser- j v .1 s»t<4: 4'Th.ose folks in my pew

tj?y o.»u>ins Iruiii 11. ; ^a you need'nl M iheiij anv Kiorc'

A ' -BaUifhorc Pa-

1 \ I I . J I A R 2^H %3UE« B O O K B I N D E R ,

BURNS' BUILDING? om^r of State and Buiidlo Streets,

c . O V E R S A G E t t B R O T H E R ' S B O O R - S T O B > .

U A P FROM l V x c n . — D i a l o e u e l i e t w e e n j M w t a r W h l e t s , Periodicals A ; c , Bound iu I I . . .». .! « . A K : „ AI- . i • " a , n a i , n r a n c v Binding ; Old Bocks re-bound ;

g H . y H u l o n d h i s g r a n d l a t h e r , in Blank B o o k , ruled to « n f p a t t e r n and bound lo or-B vnL::;g.stci" g : v 6 o t h e o ld gCDt lc - j d e r : Public and Private Libraries repaired at short

not ice . Packages containing directions for Binding punctually atieiuled to . , , J 3

l l o c i i c s t c r . | fJ Y . * Dr. J. L . C L A R K will act a s agent for Warsaw-

arid vicinilv. i

d v i c e .

.".Tom. — Have a weed grandpa? L ;t.—A what, sir ?

..•r T o m . — A weed, a signr, you

4 . iH.idpa.—Certainly not, sir, I never •oked in my life. Master Tom.—Ah ! then I wouldn't ad­

vise you to begin. •

A CAPITAL P L X . — T h e Milwaukee Ad-• i isernhsi-s surnsr up the hanging ques->n :—K:*A-flf* a careful con>ider«tion of all

' o f!f»unieiits for and against capital pun--umeiit, we iiave come to ihe conclusion at the 'debt of nature ' should never be

•-id, if it can't be collected without an ' ex-- • u t i o n . ' "

44 You have stolen my soul, divine one !'* exclaimed Mr. Sickly to his adored.

"Pardon me," responded the lady, " I ;s'« noi in Ike habit of picking up' little .vng*."

E R A S T I S D A R R O W ,

Bookseller, Publisher, and Stationer, C o r n e r M a i n A: S t . P a u l S t s . ,

R O C H E S T E R . N . Y .

PU B L I S H E S A d a m s ' Arithmelicai Chart, L ives of Madison and Monroe, bv John Quincv A d ­

ams; Contributions to Herography, by the Author; Fire-s.-dt Lectures on the T e n C o m m a n d m e n t s , by Dr. A l c o t t ; Ditlercnces between Old and N e w School Presbyterians, hv C h t c s e n u i n ; Wi l son on i the Prophecies: S . School Teacher's Class-Book; I Kenyon's Engl i sh G r a m m a r ; Bridal Keepsake , j ( M r s . C o l e m a n ; ) Scicnti l ic Agtficnlture, ( Rodg- * ers ; ) Pnvsicii l , E d a c u i o n and Medical M a n a g e - j metit of Children, ( D o ; ) Darrow's Workman's | W e e k l y T i m e - B o o k ; Monthly di>. do . ; S. School Secretary's Reg i s ter : Tupper ' s Proverbial Philos- ! ophy. 21 .


S EAMLESS BAGS— T w o bales, received by ! A B « V S T K R I N K .

them to s h ct lrom our estab-Tar attention is devoted to Mil-many of the a r r c l e s are inanu-to our order, and cannot be

surpassed in beauty, s ty le and cheapness . Beautiful Paris Ribbons for hat, cup, neck and

: belt. Sat in and taliet ribon.s of all • widths and j colors". S i l k s sating, ve lvets and uneut ve lvets

for hats. Feather^, American and French artiri-i cial flowers. Puffings and cap tr immings Dress j tr immings , large as-£crtment Einiiroideries capes . | col lars, undert-leeves arrd cu l l i . F i n e embroidered | reviere and hemstk'th cambric handkerchiefs .—

Crapes, L i s s e s , TjKklonF, iHusiTin and cup laces . ; V a l e n c i c n e s , Brusse ls , thread, s i l k - a n d L i s l e j thread laces . Kid , s i lk , s e w i n g silk rfsle thread, [ meii; io g loves and mi us . Figured and plain S w i s s ,

book! bishop lawn and jaconet mus l ins .

English, French, American and Italian STKAVS GOODS.

J u l y . 18.M. 2 5


Leather Preservative and Water Proof

OIL BLACKING. rTHHIS BLAKINd is not designed to pro--*- dnce a Polish, but to render the JLeathr r

Soft, Pliable, Water Prool>and much more Durable.

The Inventor has had many years experi­ence in the

A T H O M E A « A I I ¥ ! ! k C I . A R K is at home again and ready to attend

to all who need his service , and grateful far past favors solicits a cont inuance of the same. m

fork, vizs

ZVcxv S u p p l y of M e l o d c o n s .

SE V E N N E W M E L O D E O N S just received frcm Carhart c t Needhani of Nevv Y O n e C Octave , full piano fuiiaH^4

T h r e e 5 > do seioll l e^s . Three- .4$ do do' do ,

Also , one 6 Octave , full piano finish, on hand. C E R M A N S W E E T .

Perry, A u g . 1 , 1 8 5 1 . 21 % a

STEVENS & SMITH, Slcrage, Porwardrng; and Commissioi

msazsEFc: "»r« .a t3 j t d t s : jm_ ?«&*- rjrn Large Blue Warehouse, Lest oj lk<t iiii. Depot,

A T T I C A , X.'\.

DEALERS in Butter.Cheese, Pork. Kisli,Grains.Coarsf and Fine Salt, Plaster and Coal.

Contracts.taken at the .Bowe«st Hates, for thr Shipme(il oftjooflshyCaiial. to and from New Vorkand A ibtitiy.antf intermediate |.laces.

Be rwirtieular and mark Packages "Care of Slerensfc S.nit/i. Jttica.,\ *tn46

i ..'•; •' ... 1 ; 1 1 '

F a r m ^ t o r S a l e . N I N G * about 2 6 5 A c r e s of L a n d —

»ntre of .Orangevi l l e , W y o m i n g C o u n t y , G miles from W^aWw, the County S^at, 5 tpiles from the Butfu|o and Ne-» York City Raijroad, and 9 niil^s from the Buflalo and R«»ch-* ester Hailroad. About 180 acren are i m p r o v e d ^ the balance is wel l timberedjjnd watered There' are two good Orchards, it first rate D w e l l i n g H o u s e , and three barns, all in good repair.

T w e n t y - F o u r C o w s , :*' O n e span of Horses , W a g a o n and Harness . F a r m ­ing and Dairy T o o l s , wi l l be eiold with ihe premt' s e s if desired. • j

Orangev i l l e , Julv 9, 1851 . l i)-tt ' E P H R U M W H E E L E R .

]* j

F EATHERS—One hundred pounds for sale. AUGUSTUS F J I A N K .

M e c h a n i c ' s , L o o k H e r e 1<X NEW INVENTION. V

Hodge's Graduated. Spirit Level. . F S ^ I I E subscriber has at length perfected his JflL Spir i t L e v e l , and is now manufacturing them

in Warsaw Village Wyoming < ovnl.y, w h e r e they may be obiaihed at wtiole^ale or retail.

T h i s invention is entirely different from anything heretofore presented "to the'publ ic . It cons i s t s of a Spirit Level, wi th a Sfint Vial w h i c h m a y be graduated on ihe Quadrant, wi th which it is c o n ­nected, to any desirable degree . T h U Leve l may

L E A T H E R P R E S E R V A T I V E Fa Harness, (Noriage Tops, &c.

T I S A F A C T w e l l k n o w n , t h a t c l ear Oi l has n o o t h e r g o o d e f f e c t on L e a t h e r than

t n s o f i e n i t f o r a t j h u r t t i m e , w h i l e i t has t h e bad e f fec t l o o p e n t h e pore*-, and a l l o w w a t e r ;<nd dirt t o p e n e t r a t e m o r e e a s i l y than if n o t h ­i n g had b e e n a p p l i e d . If L e a t h e r is p e r m i t t e d o f t en t o b e c o m e w e t and dry, it w i l l s o o n b e ­c a m e hard and stiff, and wi l l c r a c k .

T h e e f f ec t uf t h i s . a r l i H e i s t o 6o f t en t h e l e a t h e r , and a t t h e s a m e t u n e fill t h e p o r e s v u t h a h e a l t h f u l , a d h e s i v e s u b s t a n c e , w h i c h wi l l r e s i s t w a t e r and dirt." T h e l i fe and s t r e n g t h of t h e L e a t h e r are t h u s p r e s e r v e d .

Directions for Using On the inside of the cover oLeach Box. n2.


8 A B S A P ^ A - J R X L L A FnUNDED IN 1832.



O L D E S T i B L I ^ H E D R E M E D Y In now put up in tire

% LARGEST SIZED BOTTLES! And is acknowledged to be the

'TTEST S1RSAPAR1LLA! # made, as is certified by Ihe « /

WONDERFUL CURES it has performed"—tlyongj*«il copies of which are in the

pfjsspsion of the proprietor.

R E T 3 1 : n ttr.ti That BRISTOL'S is Uie only

TRUE AfyD ORIGINAL ARTICLE And4t now brought he'ore the public in a -

LAR<iER BOTTLE! "Than ever ottered By any vender.



II L A C K S I L K M I T T S — l o n g and short—a great variety . Black silk Lace Ve i l s , silk

Lace Fmbroidered Unders leeves , French wrought Exhibi t ion Collars, D i m i t y bands & c . & c .


^ H I L L I N G M . D E L A N E S as \ be bouglit e l s ewhere at e ighteen pen^e.

jMahufactiired by FRANK MILlfER, WARSAW, N . Y.

t *

FOR SALE at i': through the country.

e Stores generality n2.

goqid as cam T h t

extra n i c e — »est g^tods manmactured4-at Oat Shillins and sixpence. A U G U S T U S I ' R A N K . 1

A I L E .

, T h a y e r E s q . , of N e w York, and ioc upied e C o u n t v C l e r k , in the vi l lage ot Warsaw is

J I O I S E & L O T I O i l &4

f W l H E valuable House and Lot owntid by f f l JL ,T"

by th

Tanning and Shce-Haking Business, i now offered fer sale. Ten rods front on Buffalo ..~A i „» « , „ „ . ,„-i «h.L „ . , ' i i u street, a very valuable fruit yard* house and barn and h a s prepared t h t s art c l e , havinsr s n e n t . !• c . . j •< * i• . • r , * r •. , " ° f , recently fitted up, two w e l l s of water, new front n i i c h t i m e in p e r l e c t m g i t , w i t h a v i e w s o l e ­ly t o t h e G o o o O F L K A T H E R . ,

fence , & c , & c . Liberal terms of pavmenf s i v e n . S IVL G A T E S , A s e n t .

W a r s a w . N o v . 15, 1851 . 36tf.

J E F F E R S O N A I R - T I G H T S T O V E r - e l e v a t -ed oven—just received and for sale by the sub*;

scribers. T h i s is the best elevated oven Cook Stove ever sold. H O D G E & M O H E I S .

Warsaw, D e c e m b e r 3 , 1851 .

MO U R N I N G D R E S S G O O D S — P l a i n b l ' k , Embroidered and printed L a w n s . Silk T i s -

*»«e, Barege Pop l ins and G i n g h a m s Mourning Cuffs, Cy l la i s , Und<rsleeve8 Ve i l s and Ribbons. A large ass. r t i e n t o f t h e s e goods and ver- cheap; •::' y v ^AUGUSTUS F R A N K .

PO P L I N S - W a t e r ' d and Figured, C h e n e , and Camel ion Popl ins—a large ttock a»d the best

goods in this market, at the W y o m i n g C o . Cheap Store. A . F R A N K .

LA D I E S ' Black a n d C o l ' d Si lk H o s e , Black, Whi te and C?o|'d S i lk G l o v e s , al the W y o ­

ming C o . Cheap Store . • AUGUSTUS F K A N K .

BR O W N S H E E T I N G S . — A good heavy sheet ing at sixpence. I am se l l ingaUUinds

of fine and coarse brown shee t ings at great bar­gains. AUGUSTUS F R A N K .

DO T T E D , Book and S w i s s Musl ins , Cambric and Musl in E d g i n g s and Insert ing—a great

A B o u n t y L a n d B i l l

HA S jus t passed C o n g r e s s g i v i n g lands t o a l l so ldiers w n o have served in the U . S . Ser ­

v ice in any Indian W a r s i n c e 1190, and to soldiers of the W a r of 1 8 1 2 , as fo l lows , v iz: A l l w h o e n ­gaged for 12 and served 9 m o n t h s — 1 6 0 acres . A l l who e n g a g e d for 6 and served 4 months—80 acres. A n y w h o actuc l ly served 1 m o n t h — 4 0 acres of Iandf"and the same to the widow or minor children.

T h e subscribers have been long in the bus iness and oiler their s erv ices to all w h o have c la ims of the kind to urge , and trust they shall be able to give better satisfaction than mo*t others could do .

L Y N D E &. W O O D . W a r s a w , O c t . 5 , 1 8 5 0 . 3 0 .

CIH AWLS.—A large and chice lot of summer shawl? ot . O every description andrfu;<t!ty from,4s to 8 ' u . 0 0

and splendid Ifcmask t.'rape sli.-nvlsJor^.i^OO* Warsaw, May 7

r p H E^roprictor i s * t c r mined t ha 11 he JL it has acquired for the last 13 year*s i acquired tur the last I

ed. no metier at whataacrUKe. lAftf must he careful, i ft

£H REPCTATIOJI fshanvhe maintain-


rnrcha«H* must he careful, if they wishthc PURE EX-TRAC'l ..f>:(irsa|»arrilla.lo call for •' llriftol'B Original •Sar.-aj>arilla." in the largettsiitd bottle*ever offered, at One Dollar per liottle. VA

Cr' 1'lie above medicine can be found in Wnrsaw. at c • .. E //. LAXSIXG'S DRUG STORE, who is the ouly

be used lor measuring the he ight ot any object^actborized agent forjjii* pjgee. «»• where a • Base Line can be obtained. A l l that is necessary far that purpose is to place the s ights ol the filevekin the direction of the object and notice the degree indicated on the Quadrant by the index of the Spirit Vial f then by referring that degree to the Scale connected with the L e v e l , the height wil l be s h o w n in figures. *;

T h i s Leve l may also be used in all places where a common Spirit Leve l can be used. A n y further information in relation to them may b e obtained by wri t ing to the subscr iber .

P E R R Y H O D G E . (Warsaw, J u n e 2 5 , 1850 . 15

T .




variety. AUGUSTUS F R A N K .

BL A C K and Colored S.Ik S h a w l s . — A lar?s assortment just received by express W e s e "

these goods at great bargains. Warsaw June 3'I. AUGUSTUS F R A N K .

F O R S A L E . A G O O D T O P B U G G Y and a

GOOD C U T T K R . Inquire a« this of­fice. *>

BL-4CA" SILK LACE VEILS.*-The g rea tes t variely at any store in the county, and at much

less pricen, Auousrus F R A N K .

W y o m i n g C o u n t y J f l i r r o r . THR Mirror in pii-blishi d every Tuesday morning, al

Warsaw Wyoming county, N, Y. The fullowingare T h e T e r m s of S u b s c r i p t i o n :

f a s h in advance - - - - $.'1 ^ I'airl duriugthtrlirsHix months - - 1 75 Dtiriugthelcj>tsix months . . . 2 00 Baric r pay, payable during he year

jen into ibscribcr will complain.if we insist upon th*

If the size uf our paper is* ta^en^ into consideration, w* ink nosidiscri"

foregoing rates Advertiscmentf-inserlcdntthe usual rates.

BOOK A N D JOB WORK. Our facilitievfnrthis kind^if work are-teldom gurpa*set

in* country otliccs. an,:! our cus'omersmay defend upon having their printing done in gciod style, and at reasonable prices. We have'on hand n Urge assortment of Blanks— ougoodpapcrand well printed.

A. HOLLY, Warsaw.Sept ember.1-49.

R O \ L


H E S F Obsmnate a i l m e n t s , with w h i c h s o many valuable horses are afflicted,

C a n B e C u r e d Byfne use off. RKMiNGTON'S LJNIMENT, and all the proprietor asks, is a fair and thorough trial-to c o n v i n c e the most skept ical ol the truths o f t h i s a s s e n t o n . U n l i k e many of the " H e m e * " d i e s " that arc afloat, th i s is recommended for but

jODe c lass of diseases , v i s : R i n g B o n e s , Bone and Blood S p a v i n s , and Sp l in t s , and other compla ints having their origin in a wrenched or inflamed joint, by w h i c h an unnatural bony deposit i s formed.

A pamphlet treating upon the subject, and c o n ­taining certificates from men of ;he first s tanding aod respectability in Ontario , G e n e s e e and other count ies of Western N e w York, w h o have used the L i n i m e n t , may be found in the bands of his agents* to whicn the attention of the reader ie i n ­vited.

For sale in the V i l l a g e of W a r s a w by E H . L A N S I N G : W y o m i n g , D & W . Ke i th : A t t i c a , G . Dorraiice; A l e x a n d e r , H . R. M o n t g o m e r y ; Perry Mitchel l & H i g g i n s ; C a s t i l e , IJalsted & M a t t h e w s ; Cast i le Centre , N i c h o l a s S c v e r a i i c e .

1 7 - I y '•


T E M P E R A N C E H O U S E , B y F a r s o ,

Formerly by the late Dr. Augustus .Frank.

G \ O O O accommodat ions for, and particular a t -T tention g iven to, the travelling public .

Board by the D a y or W e e k , with "oF w i t h o u t rooms. .

T h e patronage of c i t i zens from different parts o i . the County , v is i t ing the County Seat , , i s respect­fully so l ic i ted. ' ^ 3

Warsaw, April 1, 1 8 5 1 .

SUtiAKS tc MOLASSES.—A.t.y amount ofthese neces­sary articles, of the very best' qualities, atnl cheaper

* I

than ever, at the stere of DARLING & BRECK.

A LOT Of Justice?act! other 1 Ui.l>«. ju*i n r i n f c ! a* th ZlofBce. • A

Moll's Agricultural iDrcare & llic Dairy Kai Tj'ORsale attheestablishment of

Warsaw. A:i !»>»» iioncr. *. MORRW.

.-. * 5

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