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Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best

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  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best



    Debate is a life-changing activity, preparing students for success in school and beyond. Tothrive, urban debate leagues need the support of a strong bench of dedicated volunteers. The

    following manual outlines the steps needed to increase volunteer engagement and retention

    within the urban debate community, while taking into account the constraints that many leagues

    face in allocating resources to volunteer management.

     A first step to effective recruiting is to consider both the needs of the league and the volunteers.

     As league staff, we must consider our strategic priorities and how volunteers can help us

    advance them. We must also consider how we will provide our volunteers with the direction,

    alignment, and commitment they need to become engaged members of our community.

    When recruiting volunteers, offering a diversity of volunteer roles is essential to accommodate

    different skill sets and time commitments. The five primary volunteer roles in urban debate are

    volunteer coordinator, tournament udge, tournament support, mentor!coach, and financial

    donor. As volunteers invest more in their debate leagues and become more valuable, they

    should have the opportunity to take on more challenging roles with more responsibility.

    "oth debate veterans and debate newcomers make e#cellent volunteers. These two groups

    bring uni$ue perspectives and life e#periences to the urban debate community. While veterans

    can often ump right into udging or mentoring at higher levels, debate newcomers sometimes

    feel more comfortable starting in less intense roles like middle school or novice udging, hosting,

    or helping with tabulation. "oth veterans and newcomers can be recruited via mass messagingand community partnerships, but word of mouth is almost always the most effective method of


    %A&D' has designed a sign-up process to streamline recruitment efforts. The process captures

    registration data and introduces volunteers to why urban debate matters and what roles are

    available to them. (nce a volunteer completes the sign-up process and potentially a

    background check, the system sends confirmation emails about the volunteer opportunity,

    contact information for the league)s volunteer coordinator, and appropriate training materials.

    Training helps set volunteers up for success in their assignments. Training documents includedin this manual should be customi*ed and sent to a new volunteer before her first shift. +t is also

    recommended to start out volunteer shifts at tournaments with an orientation session. +f

    possible, newcomers should be allowed to shadow seasoned volunteers to learn their roles and

    get ac$uainted with how tournaments run. #perienced volunteers can check in with

    newcomers to answer $uestions and offer support. aking community spaces available allows

    volunteers to sociali*e and informally interact with debaters.


  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    /onsistent demonstrations of volunteer appreciation from staff and students are essential for

    retaining volunteers and strengthening debate communities. Thanking can take the form of

    verbal recognition at the end of a shift, a letter in the mail, or a volunteer awards ceremony at

    the end of the season.

    0oliciting feedback from volunteers on their service e#perience helps us to continue to learn andimprove. eedback can be given through online surveys, which allow leagues to discover

    insights and measure how their volunteer engagement efforts are performing over time.

     A note about this document. We hope that this manual supports you in growing urban debate. +f

    you have suggestions for how this document could be improved 2edits, ideas, etc.3, please

    make a note of it using the comments feature in 4oogle Docs 2+nsert!/omment3.


  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best



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    The %eeds of (ur 7olunteers

    7olunteer 8oles

    8ole :rogression (ver Time

    +7 8/8&+T%T

     A 0pecial %ote on 8ecruiting a 7olunteer /oordinator 

    Debate %ewcomers

    Debate 7eterans

    (utreach 0trategies

    ass essaging - 4ood

    /ommunity :artnerships - "etter 

    Word of outh - "est

    0ign-&p :rocess

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    9outh :rotection :olicy7+  T;A%

  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    (rientation 0ession Trainer %otes

    7olunteer /oordinator Training

    Tournament =udge Training 4uide

    Tournament 0upport 7olunteer Training

    entor!Assistant /oach Training aterials

    9outh :rotection :olicyThank 9ou mail :ost Tournament

    7olunteer etrics


  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best



    &rban debate changes lives. We know that students in urban public schools have little morethan a @ percent chance of graduating from high school. 9et, for urban debaters, those odds go

    up to B percent. &rban debaters not only graduate on time, but they graduate prepared for the

    ne#t steps in their lives. Debate e$uips them with the skills and knowledge to succeed in college

    and their careers, and to contribute to their communities.

    &rban debate takes place in 1B cities across the country. The national leader of the urban

    debate movement, the %ational Association of &rban Debate 'eagues 2%A&D'3, works with

    partner leagues to provide urban middle and high school students with debate programming.

    +n 11, %A&D' set an ambitious five-year goal to triple the number of urban debaters in the&.0. +n 11, we had ?, debaters. +n the 15-1? school year we had C,?

    debaters nationwide. We are both proud of what we)ve accomplished and committed to pressing

    forward towards our goal.

    (ur ne#t wave of growth as a movement is likely to come from improved volunteer engagement.

    7olunteers are the lifeblood of our work and the better we can engage and retain them, the

    more students we can get debating.

    That is why %A&D' has developed this manual. With funding from /iti oundation, advisors

    from urban debate leagues, and a partnership with 0erve 0mart, we sought to discover urban

    debate volunteer engagement at its best. We conducted ? interviews, cataloged e#istingresources, analy*ed results, and identified patterns. &sing what we learned, we created this

    manual on volunteer engagement.

    This manual was written to help you develop or enhance your volunteer program. 9ou know

    your league best, and you know what your volunteer engagement goals are. This manual will

    hopefully serve as a tool to help you achieve those goals. ost of the recommendations do not

    re$uire e#tra funding. 0ome will re$uire e#tra time to get up and running, but will save staff time

    and money down the road. Throughout this manual you will find sections that have headers that

    read, 'eague 0pecific-/ustomi*e.E &se these sections as guides and suggestions, and

    populate them according to your league)s standards and uni$ue needs.

    +f you have ideas or suggestions on how to make this manual more practical and user friendly,

    please email them to %A&D' at infoFurbandebate.org. We)d also like to hear what)s working

    for you in volunteer engagement. +f you have a strategy or success story that other leagues

    might benefit from, please send it to us.

    'astly, thank you. 9our passion for urban debate and hard work change lives every day.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best



     At our best, urban debate leagues develop relationships with volunteers that are mutually

    nourishing and sustained over time. The unifying theme that ties together our findings isvolunteer retention. 7olunteer retention is essential for the following reasons.

    A. Saves Resources and Time

    7olunteer retention can be a lifesaver for staff time and resources. 0pending hours to get

    a new recruit signed up, trained, and oriented is an investment in that volunteer.

    8etaining volunteers reduces turnover and e#tra work for staff.

    B. Improves Quality

     As volunteers gain e#perience, they gain confidence and skill in their roles and begin to

    see the difference their contribution is making. (ver time, returning volunteers become

    more invested in urban debate, they become role models for students, and they are

    more likely to bring more sophisticated levels of support to the league.

    C. Builds Community

     A strong community keeps both students and volunteers coming back to urban debate.

    /ommitted volunteers build relationships over time, resulting in friendships with staff and

    other volunteers, and mentorships with students. A strong debate community manifests

    as a young debater looking forward to feedback from his favorite udge at tournament

    and a staff member knowing she can count on the tournament host to show up on time

    with donuts and coffee. 0trong community makes people feel welcome in urban debate,

    and it is the best possible result of our volunteer retention efforts.

    %ow that we are clear on the vision of cost-effective volunteer retention, let)s get into our

    discoveries about how to make this happen.


  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best



     A successful volunteer program brokers a mutual e#change of value between leagues and

    volunteers. +f we design our volunteer roles correctly, both leagues and volunteers walk awayfrom the relationship feeling served and wanting more.

    A. The Needs of Your League

    Designing a volunteer program begins with you and your mission. These are points to get you

    thinking about what your league needs from a volunteer program and how you)ll make it

    happen. We highly recommend printing and filling out the 7olunteer :rogram %eeds

     Assessment handouts to assist with this process.

    I Remember your goals. Does your league seek to grow the number of student debaters> Are

    you aiming to increase the $uality of your league)s programming> All volunteer engagement

    efforts should be in service to your league)s larger strategic priorities.I Take stock. What is the status of your current volunteer program> +s it a sleek rocket that can

    take you to the moon. (r, are you still pulling together the necessary parts> +dentifying your

    program)s strengths and weaknesses can help you learn what to sustain and what to improve.● Make a plan. As you go through this guide, take notes on easy wins and big opportunities that

    your league could act on in the coming months. 8eview your notes to create a plan that feels

    both reasonable and energi*ing.● Mobilie support. +t takes a village to raise a child, and it takes a league to engage volunteers.

    Think through whom you can invite to help you turn your plans into reality or help you hold

    yourself accountable for following through. 9ou may want your team to go through this needs

    assessment as well.● Take action. ake it happen. :ut your plan into action and pull in the volunteer support that you

    and your league are looking for to keep changing lives.

    B. The Needs of Our Volunteers7olunteers look to leagues to provide them with three thingsJ direction, alignment, and

    commitment. This framework, developed by the /enter for /reative 'eadership, is a useful

    criteria for shaping the design of your volunteer program.

    I !irection. &nderstanding what your league is seeking to accomplish and why the work is

    important.● Alignment. /larity in what is e#pected of them. This includes how to perform their duties,

    behavior e#pectations, and how their efforts contribute to the larger success of the league.● Commitment. otivation to contribute to the success of the league. :eople volunteer with

    urban debate for a variety of reasons. ;ere are a few of the most common drivers of volunteer



  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    7olunteer /oordinator Tournament =udgeTournament 0upportentor!

     Assistant /oachinancial 7olunteer 

    &rban Debate 7olunteer 8oles

    " ake a difference. 7olunteers seek to make contributions that matter. This means believing in

    the cause and in the value of their contribution.K #perience flow. (ur lives are filled with everythings from tasks that are effortless to nearly

    impossible. 7olunteers love the feeling of working hard on a task, but also e#periencing


    " Develop skills. 7olunteers want to learn new knowledge and practice new skills. They want to bechallenged and grow." /onnect with others. 7olunteers want to feel connected. They want to interact with students.

    They want to be seen and valued. They want to feel part of a community. They want to connect

    with like-minded individuals. They want to make friends.

    C. Volunteer RolesThe following are roles that align volunteer needs with the needs of leagues. 8oles help

    volunteers know what is e#pected of them. 7olunteers vary in their skills, interests, and

    availability, and our volunteer roles need to take this into account. (ur interviews surfaced the

    need for a dedicated volunteer coordinator position, plus additional volunteers to fill four primaryvolunteer roles. 9our league might have slightly different needs or titles. As always, please feel

    free to tailor this to your specific conte#t.

    #$ %olunteer Coordinator 

    The volunteer coordinator is the lynchpin to the league)s volunteer engagement efforts.

    This role oversees the recruitment, training, and thanking of volunteers. 0ome leagues

    are able to commit a full time staff member to the volunteer coordinator position. (ther

    leagues use a committed part time volunteer. The important thing is that each league

    has someone who is dedicated to leading volunteer engagement. ore details on this

    role can be found in the 7olunteer /oordinator 8ole Description.

    &$ Tournament 'udge

    ore tournament udges are needed than any other volunteer position within urban debate. (ur

    research found that every udge allows four more students to debate in a tournament. =udges

    observe and take notes on debate rounds, provide feedback, and choose the winning team.

    ore details on this role can be found in the Tournament =udge 8ole Description.

    ($ Tournament Support


  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    0ome volunteers are best at helping out behind the scenes. Tournament support roles

    include food preparation, host, promoter, tab room operator, and driver. These behind-

    the-scenes roles help ensure the tournaments are both welcoming and well run events.

    ore details on these roles can be found in the Tournament 0upport 8ole Descriptions.

    )$ Mentor*Assistant Coac+Debate alumni have noted that some of their most impactful volunteer relationships have

    been with mentors, both inside and outside of the classroom. Debate mentors connect

    with a single debate team, lead career discussions, and udge practice debates. This

    role can be customi*ed by the league to include some coaching duties. ore details on

    this role can be found in the entor!Assistant /oach 8ole Description.

    ,$ -inancial %olunteer 

    It was also noted that some volunteers prefer to contribute financially as opposed to, or

    in addition to, making contributions of their time. inancial volunteers help garner the

    resources necessary to fund our work. This role falls under the auspices of league

    fundraising staff, but it is mentioned here to highlight the link between volunteer

    engagement and fundraising efforts.

    D. Role Progression Over Time

     A volunteer)s responsibilities should grow in sync with his or her debate e#pertise and

    commitment. The diagram below shows ust some of the paths for how a volunteer might

    progress through different roles over time.


  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    Tournament =udge %ovice =udge =7!7arsity =udge=udge Trainer, 0upervisor 

    0ample 8ole :rogressions (ver Time

    Tournament 0upport;ost, Tab 8oom, :romoter, Driver 'ead f or ;ost, Tab, :romoter Train and 0upervise (thers

    entor entor!

     Assistant /oach/oach

    inancial 7olunteer Donor:ersonally 0ignificant 4iftundraiser, "oard ember 


    7olunteer 0ustained, /ommitted/hampion to (thers

    4uest 0peaker 



  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best



  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best



    %ow that we have defined the roles we)re looking to fill, the ne#t step is to track down the rightvolunteers to fill them. 4iven the critical nature of the volunteer coordinator role, we begin with

    recruitment tactics for that position. We then look at the differences between debate newcomers

    and debate veterans, including what they)re good at, what they need, and how to recruit them.

    This section ends with an outline of the ideal user e#perience for volunteers signing up for their

    placements online.

    A. A !e"ial Note on Re"ruiting a Volunteer Coordinator

    inding someone to serve as your league)s volunteer coordinator is perhaps the single most

    impactful move you can make to improve volunteer retention. This role can be full or part time,

    paid or volunteer. What is important is that there is someone with a dedicated focus on

    volunteer engagement.

    /onsider the following avenues for finding a volunteer coordinatorJ

    I :romoting an e#isting volunteer who is already contributing leadership to the league. Talk with

    them about their passions and goals, and e#plore how those things might connect with the

    league)s need for a volunteer coordinator.I ;iring a stipended intern, part-time staff member, or full-time staff member. or some leagues,

    this is absolutely the right investment, strengthening programming while freeing up other stafffor fundraising.

    I 0ponsoring an Ameri/orps 7+0TA. ultiple leagues use 7+0TAs to fill critical staffing roles. A

    7+0TA is a full-time employee who serves with your league for a year, with a the financial

    obligation of your league ranging from free to ten thousand dollars. 9ou can learn more about

    the opportunity and application process in this brochure on "ecoming an Ameri/orps 7+0TA

    :roect 0ponsor . %atanya eyer at %A&D' can offer additional help with the application

    process and can be reached at natanyameyerFurbandebate.org.

    %ow that we)ve covered the specifics for recruiting a volunteer coordinator, let)s e#plore how we

    recruit volunteers for other roles.

    B. De#ate Ne$"omers

    #$ +at T+ey /00er 

    Debate newcomers have had little or no e#perience with debate. They bring a wealth

    and diversity of backgrounds and perspectives to the leagues. As mentors and udges,

    they encourage debaters to adapt their arguments for different audiences. Debate


    https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7AxCGrQzA9AbDhLaXl2U3lQb2M&authuser=0https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7AxCGrQzA9AbDhLaXl2U3lQb2M&authuser=0https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7AxCGrQzA9AbDhLaXl2U3lQb2M&authuser=0mailto:[email protected]://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7AxCGrQzA9AbDhLaXl2U3lQb2M&authuser=0https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7AxCGrQzA9AbDhLaXl2U3lQb2M&authuser=0mailto:[email protected]

  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    newcomers are often less competitive about debate than veterans. This can be

    beneficial because debate newcomers tend to view the development of the individual

    debater as e$ually important to whether or not the debater wins the tournament.

    &$ +at T+ey 1eed

    The most important thing to note about debate newcomers is that they do not yet knowor love debate. ;elp them see why urban debate matters and how their contributions are

    critical to urban debate)s success. 4ive them clear, argon-free training. ake them feel

    valued with a role that)s appropriate to their skill set and e#perience. 4ive them an

    opportunity to connect with students and other volunteers. ;elp them find their place in

    this uni$ue culture that is urban debate.

    This is where a dedicated volunteer coordinator can prove essential. "y helping

    newcomers get signed up, keeping them in the loop about upcoming events and

    opportunities, and making new volunteers feel like valued members of the community, a

    good volunteer coordinator can help volunteer newcomers fall in love with urban debate.

    ($ 2ntry 3oints

    While most volunteers will serve as udges, it is important to make other volunteer

    positions available, when possible, to accommodate different interests and comfort

    levels. +f you find yourself with a particularly hesitant volunteer, it might make sense to

    partner him or her with a supportive and seasoned volunteer while the new volunteer

    gets ac$uainted with the debate process.


  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    Tournament =udge %ovice =udge=7!7arsity =udge

    =udge Trainer, 0upervisor 

    ntry 8oles for Debate %ewcomers

    Tournament 0upport;ost, Tab 8oom, :romoter, Driver 'ead for ;ost, Tab, :romoter, TransportTrain and 0upervise (thers


    /oachentor   Assistant /oach /oach

    inancial 7olunteer Donor  :ersonally 0ignificant 4iftundr aiser, "oard ember 

    %ew 7olunteer 0ustained, /ommitted/hampion to (thers

    )$ +ere e -ind T+em

    Debate newcomers come to us from all walks of life, including law firms and other

    corporations, local and national service organi*ations, universities and schools, as well

    as through family and friends. We reach them through community partnerships and

    personal asks. ass messaging through press releases and volunteer databases is

    another marketing tool, but is not usually as effective as focused appeals to debate

    friendly audiences.


  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    Where We ind Debate %ewcomers

    edia 0tudents 8ecruit

    %ational 7olunteer Databases /oaches 8ecruit

    /ity 7olunteer Databases 7olunteers 8ecruit


    ass essaging"0T

    Word of outh


    /ommunity :artnerships

    /ivic (rg. :artners

    /orporate, 'aw irm :artners

    &niversity :artners


    'et)s make the newbie e#perience concrete with a story about van, a volunteer recently

    recruited to support the %ew 9ork /ity &rban Debate 'eague. van is a 51-year-old marketing

    associate from /itibank)s %ew 9ork office. ;e)s never debated, but he has done some public

    speaking and stand-up comedy, and he understands that e#pressing one)s self in front of an

    audience is a great way to build confidence. van gets an email from his human resourcesrepresentative about a company-sponsored volunteer opportunity with the %9&D'. After doing

    some research on their website, van signs up to volunteer at the ne#t tournament. "ased on

    his skills and interests, he signs up to assist in the tab room and also ends up giving a short

    talk on humor in persuasive speaking during lunch. van is e#cited to use his talents at the

    tournament, enoys his interactions with students and other volunteers, and plans on signing

    up for the ne#t tournament.


  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    C. De#ate Veterans

    #$ +at T+ey /00er 

    Debate veterans already know and love debate. These volunteers tend to be currenthigh school or university debaters or alumni, either from inside or outside of the urban

    debate community. 7eterans bring both the gift of e#perience and an easier recruitment

    sell. They may even have personal e#periences about the way that debate can

    transform lives. ven if they)re new to your specific league, debate veterans are likely to

    feel at ease in a tournament setting. They understand what kind of feedback students

    need to become better debaters, are better e$uipped to ump into higher responsibility

    roles, and are more likely to share urban debate with friends, family, and colleagues.

    &$ +at T+ey 1eed

    While debate veterans may bring vast e#perience in arguing cases, many are new to

    leadership roles like mentoring and udging. They)ll need perspective and coaching on

    what it)s like to sit on the other side of the table and deliver feedback that is both

    challenging and supportive. This is not usually a steep learning curve, but is an essential

    part of training for all new volunteers. 8eiterate why urban debate and volunteering

    matters, as they might not have had a chance to think about debate from a social impact

    perspective. 4ive veterans opportunities to connect to the debate communityL e$uip

    them with training on soft skills, such as positive youth development and feedback

    deliveryL and make sure they embrace the community and confidence-building aspects

    of urban debate, not ust the competition. Debaters who come back as volunteers are an

    incredibly valuable resource. 'ets make them feel respected for their knowledge and

    appreciated for their time and effort.

    ($ 2ntry 3oints

    ost debate veterans arrive ready to ump into more senior roles. ind a match between

    their interests and the needs of the league and invite them to make a recurring



  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    Tournament =udge %ovice =udge =7!7arsity =udge=udge Trainer, 0upervisor 

    ntry 8oles for Debate 7eterans

    Tournament 0upport;ost, Tab 8oom, :romoter, Driver 'ead for ;ost, Tab, :romoter, TransportTrain and 0upervise (thers


    /oachentor Assistant /oach /oach

    inancial 7olunteer  Donor :ersonally 0ignificant 4iftundraiser, "oard ember 

    %ew 7olunteer 0ustained, /ommitted/hampion to (thers

    )$ +ere e -ind T+em

    /onnecting with debate veterans about volunteer opportunities is best done with

    targeted outreach. ine alumni databases. orm community partnerships with localdebate teams, universities, and law firms. ;ave alumni, coaches, parents, and students

    make personal asks. ncourage graduating debaters to keep in touch through league

    social media pages.


  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    Where We ind Debate 7eterans

    0tudents 8ecruit

    /oaches 8ecruit

    7olunteers 8ecruit


    Word of outh


    /ommunity :artnerships

    'aw irm :artners

    &niversity :artners


    'et)s make the debate veteran e#perience concrete with another story. 8obin is a -year-old

    pre-law student at the &niversity of Te#as at Dallas. 0he discovered debate as a high school

    freshman. During the ne#t four years, debate transformed 8obin from an unfocused wall

    flower to a confident young woman who speaks her mind. 8obin will tell you how debate

    changed her life, and she is motivated to help others get the same opportunities she did. 0he

    found the perfect opportunity when the professor of her communications class told her thatshe could earn service learning credits as a volunteer with her old debate league. That same

    week, 8obin)s old policy debate partner from high school sent her a acebook message

    asking her to volunteer as a unior varsity udge. 8obin couldn)t resist the opportunity to give

    back, earn e#tra credit, and reunite with an old friend. %ow 8obin udges at least four times a

    year, and occasionally writes blog posts for the league)s website about the tournaments she



  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    D. Outrea"h trategies

    ;ere are concrete tactics for recruiting volunteers. ake sure your recruiting efforts emphasi*ehow debate builds confidence and community, improves performance in school, and increases

    college enrollment. "elow are some strategies you can use to reach potential volunteers.

    %& 'ass 'essaging ( )ood

    ass messaging, like T7 and radio ads, has the appeal of reaching a large audience.

    ;owever, when time and financial constraints are considered, it)s usually more effective

    to target focused audiences. +f you do use mass messaging, there are a few cost-

    effective methods that may help you find a friendly audience. 'earn more about mass

    messaging methods in 8ecruiting with ass essaging.

    The Dallas league was recently covered on the Dallas morning news, which led to apartnership with the "ush /enter.

    *& Communit+ Partnershi!s ( Better

    /ommunity partnerships form the cornerstone of many successful urban debate

    leagues. A strong partnership can be a wellspring of volunteer energy and leadership

    that can be sustained across multiple years. 'earn more about these partnerships in

    8ecruiting with /ommunity :artnerships.

    The 8hode +sland, %ew 9ork, 'os Angeles, Denver, and Atlanta leagues have hadconsiderable success in their partnerships with corporations, law firms, communityorgani*ations, and local universities.

    ,& -ord of 'outh ( Best

    8ecruiting volunteers via word of mouth is by far the most effective method. :eople are

    more likely to say yes when asked personally. 'earn about some word-of-mouth

    methods in 8ecruiting with Word of outh.

    The %ew 9ork league has been $uite successful using social media to stir up volunteerengagement.

    . ign(/! Pro"ess


  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    7olunteer 0ign-up :rocess

    1. Why This atters?. /onfirm5. 8egister 

    . ;ow to ;elp

    Why &rban Debate atters Display /onfirmation and :re Available 0hifts8ole Description

    Why 7olunteers atter +mmediate mail with /onfirmation a8ole it Mui*

    Day "efore mail with /onfirmation a"ackgroud /heck

    0ign-up orm

    'eague 0pecific - /ustomi*e

     After we)ve reached our potential volunteers with a compelling message, the final step is for

    them to go online and sign-up. This can be done in person with pen and paper, but moving the

    sign-up process online helps streamline data capture and centrali*es communications. This

    section covers what our research revealed about how to structure a $uality sign-up process.

    'uke ;ill at %A&D' is in the process of developing the database and webpage integration for

    volunteer sign-up. /ontact 'uke at lukehillFurbandebate.org to find out the latest best practices

    for streamlining your sign-up process.

    #$ +y %olunteer4When a potential volunteer visits an urban debate league)s sign-up page, he or she

    needs to first learn why the success of urban debate is so important, and why volunteers

    are a critical piece of that success. This whyE section needs to be told with both

    numbers and stories, ideally with photos and $uotes from former debaters and

    volunteers. ;ere)s an e#ample of a Why 7olunteer :age that you can use in your sign-

    up system.


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    &$ Role Selection

    %ow that the volunteer has determined that volunteering for urban debate is worthwhile

    and potentially gratifying, he or she needs to learn about the different ways to help. This

    section includes volunteer role descriptions, as well as the 9our :erfect Debate

    7olunteer 8ole $ui* that helps volunteers find the best role for them.

    ($ Registration

     At this point, the volunteer gets to select from concrete volunteer slots for specific roles.

    The form should include which roles are available, at what times and dates, and at which

    locations. The volunteer enters his or her contact information and agrees that it will be

    used for a $uick criminal background check. The volunteer is given a one-click option to

    share the opportunity with friends via acebook, Twitter, and 'inked+n. "elow are some

    possible form templates that could be used for registration and background checks.

    I 0ign-&p :rocess 0ample - 8egistration :age 1

    This page allows the volunteer to enter their information, availability, and role preference.

    I 0ign-&p :rocess 0ample- 8egistration :age (nce the volunteer submits the info on :age 1, :age loads with several assignment options to

    choose from.I 0ign-&p :rocess 0ample - 8egistration :age 5

    (nce the volunteer submits their assignment choice on :age , :age 5 loads with a

    confirmation message.

    )$ Background C+ecks

    /riminal background checks are optional depending on the league, but if you)re not

    screening, we recommend that your league consider adopting it as a best practice. (ne

    in ten volunteer background checks come back with a previously undisclosed criminal

    history. "ackground checks not only help ensure the safety of our students, but they also

    reduce the liability that a league takes on when recruiting new volunteers. This article

    from 7erified 7olunteers provides more information on why background checks are

    important, especially for organi*ations that work with young adultsJ To 0creen or %ot to


    %A&D' is in negotiations with 7erified 7olunteers to offer leagues a significantly

    discounted rate on volunteer background checks, with the added option of letting

    volunteers choose to pay for their own background check. 0ome leagues have also

    been successful obtaining discounted or free background checks through their school


    The emphis and "oston leagues have put a background check policy in place that

    has become a crucial part of their volunteer recruiting process.

    ,$ Con0irmation 2mails



  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    &pon completion of the sign-up forms and background check, the volunteer receives a message

    that he or she is confirmed for a volunteer slot, pending the results of the background check in

    the ne#t couple of days. The message should reiterate information on the role for which the

    volunteer registered, time slot, and location. The message should also include a photo and

    contact information for the league)s volunteer coordinator and an invitation to find this person at

    the tournament host table. +f possible, the volunteer coordinator should reach out to each newvolunteer with a personal email or phone call. 'astly, the message should include links to

    general and role-specific training materials that the volunteer can review before the tournament.

     All information in the confirmation message is automatically sent out to the volunteer via email

    upon submission, and once again the day before the volunteer commitment. This 7olunteer

    :lacement / onfirmation mail Template can be used for new volunteers.


  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    V TRAII"

    'eague 0pecific - /ustomi*e

    +magine that you)re a new debate volunteer who is going to udge at a tournament ne#t

    weekend. 9ou want to make a difference, you want to do a good ob, and you want to connect

    with people at your placement.

     At our best, we offer a passionate purpose, connection to others within the urban debate

    community, and training in the skills volunteers need to be successful in their roles.

    We must also communicate in ways that newcomers are likely to understand. This can be tough

    because, as e#perts in debate, you and your colleagues can easily succumb to The /urse of

  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    Drawing from these (rientation 0ession Trainer %otes, a session leader supports the volunteers

    in connecting with one another and sharing the key purpose that motivates them to volunteer

    with urban debate. This orientation session creates a sense of comradery and connection to the

    underlying purpose of the work. The session also covers some basics of positive youth

    development, a volunteer code of ethics, shift schedule, and tournament logistics.

     At the end of the group orientation session, most of your debate newcomers should have the

    basics in hand and be ready to go. or less confident volunteers, however, your league might

    want to consider offering debate newcomers the chance to shadow a debate veteran to learn

    the ropes. This isn)t critical but is an option for providing a gentler on-ramp when appropriate.

    The following are role specific training materials that you can use with your volunteersJ

    I 7olunteer /oordinator Training aterialsI Tournament =udge Training aterialsI Tournament 0upport Training aterialsI entor!Assistant /oach Training aterials

    B. u!ervisionvery volunteer should have a point person he or she can go to with $uestions. This is likely to

    be the volunteer coordinator, host, or a champion volunteer. The point person should check in

    with less e#perienced volunteers from time to time, especially when newcomers are first starting

    out. These check-ins help volunteers feel supported and valued. This is also a great chance to

    answer any unresolved $uestions, help volunteers process their e#periences, and suggest

    course corrections as volunteers begin settling into their roles.

    C. Communit+ !a"es0ome volunteers find the din of background discussions energi*ing. (thers find it e#hausting.

    Design your community spaces so that there are options for those wanting to sociali*e and

    those wanting silence. The volunteer lounge can be a place of retreat for introverted volunteers.

    8eserve it for volunteers and staff only.

    /onversely, udge!debater interactions outside of rounds offer potentially significant moments for 

    mentorship and connection. /onsider hosting a lunchtime career panel where volunteers are

    interviewed, or perhaps optional topic tables where students can oin volunteers at tables

    dedicated to a specific topic of the volunteer)s choice.

    D. Youth Prote"tion Poli"+

    &rban debate leagues are committed to creating a safe environment for our young debaters.

    "ecause of this commitment, we recommend that all leagues adopt a youth protection policy.


  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    This presentation from entoring.org outlines why a 9outh :rotection :olicy is so important for

    programs that work with youthJ 4oing "eyond the "ackground /heckJ +ncorporating 0A

    :ractices in 7olunteer :rograms.

    %A&D' is implementing this 9outh :rotection :olicy for national tournaments. :ending a youth

    protection policy for all of urban debate, we strongly encourage leagues to adopt and train all oftheir volunteers in a youth protection policy. While a policy like this is primarily for the protection

    of our debaters, it also serves to protect adult staff and volunteers.



  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    VI T#A$I"

    +t)s critical to volunteer retention that volunteers feel their contribution is valued and appreciated.

    There are a couple of underlying principles that should undergird our thanking efforts, and thereare a handful of tried and true appreciation activities that we recommend. We end this section

    with an emphasis upon the importance of gathering and learning from volunteer feedback as a

    means of improving your program over time.

    A. Prin"i!les of Than0ing Acts of appreciation must flow from an attitude of appreciation. At our best, our leagues have a

    strong cultural norm of appreciating volunteer contributions.

    0imilarly, students should be part of the thanking process whenever possible. +t is more

    meaningful for a volunteer to hear a student e#press appreciation for how debate volunteering is

    impacting his or her life than for a staff member to thank the volunteer on behalf of students.

    'astly, thank often. At our best, volunteers are consistently recogni*ed for their contribution. A

    volunteer who has already been thanked in person will likely feel all the more appreciated when

    he or she receives a kind note or email.

    B. Ta"ti"s for Than0ingTournament volunteers can be thanked in person in a variety of ways. or e#ample, after each

    round, debaters should be encouraged to individually thank their udges. This creates aconnection between volunteers and students, as well as promotes an environment of gratitude.

    'ikewise, at the end of a work shift, volunteers should have a final huddle to debrief and be

    thanked by the host and!or training supervisor. Tournament award ceremonies can include

    awards for udges, nominated by students during lunchtime. The awards can be something as

    simple as a certificate in a frame. The gift is far less important than the sentiment.

    7olunteer coordinators should receive auto-generated reports at the end of tournaments

    covering who volunteered, for what role, and how they can be contacted. 0taff or students

    should use these reports for to send out hand-written thank you postcards. Depending upon

    league capacity, volunteers could also receive a phone call from staff thanking them for their

    service and soliciting feedback.

    +n addition to personal touch points, 'uke ;ill at %A&D', lukehillFurbandebate.org, is working

    on an automated email out to volunteers after tournaments that includes a $uick word of thanks

    and a feedback survey. This Thank 9ou mail Template is the starting point for the note of



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  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    0ome leagues have shown interest in giving token gifts to volunteers, such as &D' branded

    swag, pins, or gift cards. Another possibility is achievement badges for repeat service that

    volunteers can add to their nametags. "elow are some companies that will put your logo on ust

    about anythingJ

    I +nkhead

    I ?+mprintI /afe :ress

    /onsider hosting an appreciation picnic or awards ceremonies for volunteers at the end of the

    school year. Again, there)s no need to break your budget on these events. A potluck barbe$ue at

    a city park will work. Whatever path you choose, make sure that your volunteers know that they

    are valued members of the league community.

    C. 1eed#a"0eedback loops allow your league to learn how to improve its volunteer engagement efforts,

    thus increasing retention over time. 'uke ;ill at %A&D', lukehillFurbandebate.org, isdeveloping a survey that will go out to volunteers to track your league)s volunteer engagement

    efforts. 9ou can check out the 0urvey ock-&p to get an idea of the types of $uestions that it

    will ask.

     After volunteers fill out their feedback surveys, responses will be sent to leagues, along with

    data collected from the volunteer sign-up process. This report will give you actionable insights

    into your volunteer program)s performance, allowing you to refine your program over time. The

    7olunteer etrics handout gives you a sneak peek into some of the items likely to be in the



    http://www.inkhead.com/nonprofit/http://www.4imprint.com/tag/3333/Nonprofit-Organizationshttp://www.cafepress.com/make/design-your-ownmailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?PREVIEW_MODE=DO_NOT_USE_THIS_LINK_FOR_COLLECTION&sm=S9CJPHALu1F%2Bv1uH4Qa8ULz0aGWXhrxUuvKmk0VCwrI%3Dhttp://www.inkhead.com/nonprofit/http://www.4imprint.com/tag/3333/Nonprofit-Organizationshttp://www.cafepress.com/make/design-your-ownmailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?PREVIEW_MODE=DO_NOT_USE_THIS_LINK_FOR_COLLECTION&sm=S9CJPHALu1F%2Bv1uH4Qa8ULz0aGWXhrxUuvKmk0VCwrI%3D

  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    VII COCLUSIO&rban debate is a powerful pathway for students to achieve academic and life success. The

    e#perience can be e$ually beneficial for those who volunteer with urban debate, but only if we

    set our volunteers up for success. This begins with careful planning, effective recruiting,thoughtful placement, and $uality training. +t ends with a warm thank you and a re$uest for


     As a key leader within your league, you)re positioned to help urban debate reali*e its potential

    for impact. &se the recommendations in this manual as guides to create the volunteer program

    you want to see. The wider urban debate community is here to support you. +f you have ideas or 

    suggestions on how to make this manual more practical and user friendly, please email them to



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  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best



    Volunteer Program Needs Assessment

    0ure, this volunteer manual could make for some pleasant bedside reading, but you)re not

    looking for a new pastime. 9ou)re looking to make real change. These worksheets are here to

    help you chart your volunteer program upgrade. :rint them out. :ut pen to paper and plans into


    Remember 5our 6oals

    "egin with your destination in mind. Does your league seek to grow the number of student

    debaters> Are you aiming to increase the $uality of your league)s programming> Any volunteer

    engagement efforts should be in service to your league)s larger strategic priorities.

    My league7s strategic priorities 0or t+isacademic year are...

    Is volunteer engagement relevant to t+ispriority4 I0 so8 +o94

    (example: Our big push this year is to startour middle school debate program. Our goalis to grow from zero middle school debaterslast year to 50 this year).

    (example: It is going to tae a lot of wor toget the middle school program off the ground.!. "e already ha#e the school district

     partnership but need four teachers to ser#eas coaches. I guess they$re #olunteers in

    some ways and will need to be recruited%trained% and thaned. &. "e will also needaround a dozen 'udges and a few other#olunteers to run the middle schooltournament. . astly% better managing our#olunteers at the high school le#el could freeup more of my time to focus on building themiddle school program).


  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    Take Stock

    What is the status of your current volunteer program> +s it a sleek rocket that can take you to

    the moon. (r, are you still pulling together the necessary parts> +dentify your program)s

    strengths and weaknesses to help you know what to leverage and what to improve.

     A. =ot down as many notes as you can about your volunteer program)s assets. Don)t forget names

    of great volunteers, words that describe great parts of your program)s culture, etc.

    ". 8eview your inventory and circle the items that are your biggest strengths./. 8epeat the above steps, this time for your volunteer program)s weaknesses.D. %ew strengths and weaknesses might come up for you as you read through this manual. That is

    great because it means you)re considering new ideasN

    Strengt+s and assets o0 our volunteerprogram

    Areas o0 our volunteer program in need o0improvement

    (example: !. "e ha#e a highly committedcore group of #olunteers who show up e#erytournament. &. "e ha#e a strong culture ofcamaraderie and mentorship betweendebaters% coaches% staff% #olunteers% etc.)

    (example: !. "hen we recruit new#olunteers% we rarely say why urban debateis so important. &. "e could do a much better 

     'ob of thaning #olunteers for their ser#ice.)

    Make a 3lan

    This is where the rubber hits the road. What are you going to do to upgrade your league)s

    volunteer program>


  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


     A. Articulate your vision for volunteer engagement in your league. ake sure it is a 0A8T

    20pecific, easurable, Achievable, 8elevant, Time bound3

    My vision 0or volunteer engagement in my league is:(example: *y +ecember of next year% I want to see us double the number of deeply

    committed #olunteers who show up to e#ery tournament from our current six to twel#e).

    ". 8ead through the volunteer engagement manual and take notes as you go. 'ook for easy wins

    and big opportunities that your league could act on in the coming months.

    Big result (example: ,tart holding an#olunteer orientation beforetournaments)

    (example: ,ponsor a -I,/to ser#e as -olunteeroordinator next year).

    Small result (example: ,tart sending

    than1you notes aftertournaments)

    (example: 2et a radio public

    ser#ice announcement calling for #olunteers)

    Small e00ort to make+appen

    Big e00ort to make +appen

    /. /hoose the tactics that strike the right balance between reasonable and energi*ing. These

    should be tactics that you feel e#cited about putting into practice in the coming months. +dentify

    the immediate ne#t step for putting that tactic into action.

    Tactics I7m committed to acting on to ramp T+e immediate ne;t action step to get t+is


  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    up volunteer engagement in my league... tactic moving 0or9ard...

    (example: "e$re going to get a committed#olunteer to tae on the role of #olunteercoordinator. his will be a huge step forwardfor our league$s ability to consistently engageour #olunteers.)

    (example: 3anis would be perfect for this role.,he already fulfills it in an informal capacity%and I bet that she$d be eager to tae it onmore formally for a few hours per wee. /s anext step% I$m going to gi#e her a calltomorrow to see if she$s a#ailable to meetabout this o#er coffee.)

    Mobilie Support

    It takes a village to raise a child, and it takes a league to engage volunteers. Who can oin youon your volunteer engagement taskforce> Who can help hold you accountable for following


    T+ese are people I7m going to mobilie tosupport t+is volunteer program upgrade...

  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    (example: 4arc from my board has beenbugging me about #olunteer training already.e$s capable and already passionate about#olunteer engagement.)

    (example: I$ll see if 4arc will gi#e mefeedbac on my #olunteer program action

     plan and then a 0 min weely call with me tochec in on how things are going.)

    Take Action Alright. This is your moment. /lose your eyes.

     A. 8emember why this work matters to you. +s it the face of an alumni whose life you know was

    transformed by debate> +s it a life-shaping conversation that you had with a debater at the last

    tournament> +s it the impact that debate has made in your own life> 8emember your purpose.

    ". %ow, envision what will be possible when you)ve been wildly successful at improving your

    league)s volunteer engagement. +magine the amplification of this beautiful work, what it will look

    like and what people will be saying.

    /. And commit yourself. /ommit to making this future a reality.

    D. Act.


  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    'eague 0pecific - /ustomi*e

    Volunteer Coordinator Role Des"ri!tion

    The 7olunteer /oordinator is a staff position responsible for supporting our volunteer population.

    (ther volunteers rely on you to successfully fulfill their roles.

    !esired Traits

    I :assion for the empowerment of urban youthI 0trong interpersonal and communications skillsI Ability to actively listen to volunteers and match them with their ideal rolesI (rgani*ed and detail oriented enough that everyone on a list gets thanked, and able to prioriti*e

    between different tasksI 7ersed in the use of social media, especially acebookI /omfortable leading training sessions with groups of volunteersI

  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    2;ample Candidate

    'et)s look at an ideal fit for the volunteer coordinator role. Tanya =ohnson has been volunteering

    as a udge with her urban debate league for three years. 0he is on a first-name basis with

    league staff and many of the repeat volunteers. 0he is friendly and a natural networker. +t is the

    human element of connecting with people and giving back that keeps her engaged and fulfilled.

    The league leadership recogni*es Tanya)s dedication and vocali*es the need for someone to

    coordinate volunteers. Tanya reviews the ob description and asks for a few adustments to the

    role and then commits for an entire season. 0he brings her talents, personality, and ideas to the

     ob, while also learning from this manual and the volunteer coordinators for other urban debate

    leagues. Tanya meets with league staff on a regular basis to keep volunteer engagement efforts

    on track.


  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    'eague 0pecific - /ustomi*e

    Tournament 2udge Role Des"ri!tion

    We are looking for a passionate individual who is eager to participate in the empowerment of

    youth in urban communities. A successful udge will interact with and guide students through

    their learning process. This volunteer will preside over debate rounds, setting the tone, marking

    time, offering encouragement, and determining the winner. 0tudents eagerly anticipate and

    welcome thoughtful udge feedback, as it helps them become better debaters.

    !esired TraitsI :assion for the empowerment of urban youth and making a difference in the lives of teensI 0trong interpersonal and communication skillsI Ability to actively listen and take notes during debate roundsI +nterest in current events and government policyI Ability to leave opinions and biases at the door and udge arguments obectively


    I :repare for each assignment by studying training documents and videosI Actively listen and take notes on each debater)s argumentsI 4ive each debater concise, useful feedback on what they did well and where they need to

    improveI 0core the debaters and select a winner I +nteract with debaters outside of the debate rounds to build trust and community


  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    'eague 0pecific - /ustomi*e

    Tournament u!!ort Role Des"ri!tions

    Tournament support volunteers are critical to the successful running of each debate tournament,

    both for the logistical support they provide and for the engaging, friendly environment they

    create. Tournament support roles include driver, host!food prep, tab room operator, ballot table

    coordinator, promoter, and hall monitor.

    !river Responsibilities

    I ust have valid driver)s license and clean driving recordI :rovide transportation to tournaments for debaters and volunteers when neededI /oordinate rideshare opportunities of udge shuttles from work sites or universities

  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    'eague 0pecific - /ustomi*e

    'entor3Assistant Coa"h Role Des"ri!tion

    We are looking for mentors and assistant coaches to inspire and guide the urban debaters of

    our community. This is a chance to nurture young minds and help them build the confidence

    they need to succeed in debate tournaments and their academic lives. The students we serve

    need role models they can look to for guidance, support, and encouragement to step outside of

    their comfort *ones and grow.

    !esired Traits

    I :assion for the empowerment of urban youth and working with teensI 0trong interpersonal and communication skillsI +nterest in actively listen to youth


    I /onsistent presence at weekly debate practicesI Weekly coordination of lesson ideas and goals with coachesI Attend a training prior to beginning the program and be available by email or phone periodically

    to discuss progress at your schoolI Attend tournaments to support your debatersI "e a positive and affirming role model who promotes the values and mission of the leagueI Assistant coaching duties as assigned


  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    Re"ruiting $ith 'ass 'essaging

    1e9s Articles

    Is one of your debaters a super star> (kay, so they all are. "ut maybe one of them has aparticularly compelling story. (r maybe you have an alumnus who made it into college and a

    fulfilling career because of debate. +f you)ve got a compelling human interest story, it)s likely

    there)s a local newspaper, T7 station, radio station, or blog that)s interested in telling it. ost

    news media websites have submission information on their /ontact &sE page. 9ou can send

    story ideas 2preferably with images or video3, or write the article or press release yourself, and

    save them the work. "e sure the article touches on how volunteers are essential to urban

    debate, and include a call for volunteers either in the article body or your headline. ;ere are a

    few resources on how to write a press releaseJ

    I %onprofit ar/ommunity - ;ow to ormat a %ews 8elease

    I assachusetts %onprofit %etwork - :ress 8eleases for %onprofitsJ +nformation and 0ample8eleases

    I ?4ood - %onprofit :ress 8elease Template

    Idealist and /t+er %olunteer Sites

    Websites that allow volunteers to match skills and interests with opportunities can be a great

    way to connect with potential debate newcomers in your area. 0ome of these sites, like +dealist,

    have fees for posting volunteer opportunities, and some of the ;ands(n sites have a per-

    volunteer fee. The ;ands(n network also has regional affiliates in many maor cities. /heck the

    ;ands(n %etwork action center map to find an affiliate near your league. (ther great volunteermatching sites include 7olunteeratch and Allfor4ood.

    -lyers at =niversity and College Campuses

    /reating and posting a flyer advertising volunteer opportunities is a relatively cheap and

    sometimes effective way to get the word out. ake sure to your homework and place the flyers

    in places where they)ll be seen. 0earch online for 'aw and /ommunications departments at

    local universities, and in which buildings they reside on campus. These are great locations for

    posting on bulletin boards.

    When making the flyer, use the software you have availableJ icrosoft :ublisher 2part of the 0

    (ffice 0uite3, 4oogle 'ucidpress 2a free app3, or even :ower:oint or 4oogle Apps. "e sure to

    use bright colors and large te#t. An image of students debating would be ideal. 9our flyer will

    probably be competing for attention with many others in the posting space.

  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    ost publication software comes with flyer templates built in. ;ere are a few websites with ideas

    and free flyer templates as well.

    I ?(ver? - H 8 lyer Templates for %on :rofit (rgani*ations

    I %et:rint - 'eaflet lyer TemplatesI e;ow - ;ow to ake a 7olunteer lyer 



  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    Re"ruiting $ith Communit+ Partnershi!s

     A strong community partnership can make all the difference for an urban debate league. 8hode

    +sland &rban Debate 'eague)s partnership with "rown &niversity, for e#ample, has been theleague)s single largest source of volunteer talent and leadership. This guide lays out the basic

    steps for establishing a community partnership.

    +at Makes a 6ood 3artners+ip4

    0uccessful partnerships are built upon a mutual e#change of value. The relationship needs to

    be a win-win, where you)re both better off as a result of the collaboration. Ask not ust what

    potential partners can do for urban debate, but what urban debate can do for your partners.

    9ou (ffer :artnersJ

    I ngagement - /ompanies interested in increased employee satisfaction want their employees

    engaged in community service. 0chool courses that re$uire community service hours needpartner organi*ations to host their students.

    I 8ecognition - An organi*ation can use its partnership with an urban debate league as a

    marketing tool for both recruitment efforts and positive brand recognition.● =ob 0kills - /ompanies can use debate volunteering as a training grounds for their employees to

    learn mentorship, public speaking and feedback delivery.

    :artners (ffer 9ouJ

    I Time - (rgani*ations who value community service can often mobili*e a large number

    employees to give their time.I Talent - (rgani*ations can provide professional volunteers with years of e#perience in the

    workforce.I Treasure - /ommunity partnerships will often result in not only in donated time and talent, but

    also donated funds. 0ome organi*ations include grants in their community partnerships.

    +ere S+ould e >ook 0or 3otential 3artners4

    "ased upon the e#periences of the wider urban debate community, you should consider the

    following groupings as good potential partners for your league.


    I &niversity Debate Teams - 0ome leagues have been adoptedE by

    local university debate teams. 7olunteering with the league then becomes the e#pectednorm for college debaters. +f successful, this type of engagement can be a wealth of

    volunteers on an ongoing basis throughout the year.I &niversity 0ervice!/ommunity ngagement (ffices - The staff at a

    university)s community engagement office can match students or campus service groups

    with your league.I 0pecific &niversity /ourses - :rofessors who teach courses

    dealing with youth development, youth empowerment, public speaking, debate,


  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    communications, and others topics may be interested in offering e#tra credit to students

    who volunteer with your league.I 0ervice /lubs - ost universities have a handful of clubs dedicate

    to community service who would be interested in sending members to your league. 'ook

    for /ircle

    I 2;plore a 3artners+ip - "e prepared walking into a meeting and know your audience. During

    the meeting, talk about how you)d like to e#plore a partnership. Talk about why urban debate is

    important and what you)re looking for in volunteers. "ut first, ask to hear more about theirorgani*ation and what they look for in their partnerships and volunteer opportunities. 'isten first.

    Then share, making sure that your points map back to what they)re looking for.

    I 2ducate and Ask - Ask if you can give a short presentation to the entire group of potential

    volunteers. 0hare why urban debate is important. ;ave an alumni or student share their own

    debate e#periences and what debate means to him or her. 8eveal how members of the group

    can help and invite them to sign up to volunteer. "ring a laptop or tablet so they can sign up on


  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    the spot. 'eave them something, like a $uarter-sheet of paper flyer, with instructions for how to

    sign-up online.

    I 3ilot t+e Relations+ip - The first time that members of the organi*ation volunteer with your

    league, think of it as going on a first date. Take things slow. +f the volunteer e#perience goes

    well, then it might make sense to ask for a second date or initiate a more enduring partnership.

    ● -ind 5our C+ampion - (rgani*ations don)t say yes, people do. +f you want to establish a more

    enduring partnership, you)ll need to find someone in the organi*ation who wants to champion

    your cause. This person will invite colleagues, promote the opportunity, and be your point

    person for coordinating the efforts of the partnership.

    'eague 0pecific - /ustomi*e

    Community 3artners+ip Call Script/alling to ask for partnerships can be an intimidating task. "elow is a sample script to help you

    start those conversations.

    i +r. 6. 4y name is 7honda% and I$m with the ,t. ouis 8rban +ebate eague. /m I catching

    you at a good time9 (If they can$t tal% try to schedule a time when you can call bac.)

    I$m calling to see if your members might be interested in #olunteering with the ,t. ouis 8rban

    +ebate eague. "e use debate to help middle and high school students succeed in school and

    in life. +o you thin that your members might be interested in learning about how they could get

    in#ol#ed9 "onderful. (/s uestions such as% now what types of #olunteer opportunities do

    your members tend to be interested in9 ow do you let them now about opportunities9 Is there

    a meeting I could present at or would you prefer that I sent you information #ia email9 /nd% are

    there any uestions you ha#e for me9)


  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    Re"ruiting $ith -ord of 'outh

    Word of mouth tends to be the most effective method for recruiting volunteers. +t work within

    pre-e#isting social networks and is highly personal. 9es, it takes more time to reach people byphone than by newspaper, but the conversion rate of people asked to people saying yes is

    manyfold higher. oreover, new databases and social media channels open up the possibility of 

    mobili*ing an entire network of relevant people with ease.

    -riends and -amily

    riends and family who have witnessed the life-changing effects of urban debate will be the

    most receptive group to your volunteer re$uests. They already care. 9our ob is ust to let them

    know that they are needed. Try and create a cultural norm within your league where students,

    coaches, volunteers and staff all reach out to people they know asking them to get involved.

    6raduating !ebaters

    4raduating seniors are an incredibly valuable volunteer resource that shouldn)t be lost. ;ave

    coaches and mentors talk to graduating debaters about staying in touch via your league)s

    acebook page, blog, or newsletter. +f they are planning on going to college in a different city,

    ask them to like the acebook page of the local urban debate league there as well. ;ave them

    look into receiving service learning credits at their university for volunteering with urban debate.

    8emind them how important volunteers are to leagues and how much their e#perience will be

    valued as returning alumni.

    Alumni !atabases

    %A&D' has prioriti*ed the development and upkeep of an alumni database. This offers thepotential for easily reaching out to alumni in your area. /ontact 'uke ;ill from %A&D' at

    lukehillFurbandebate.org to re$uest a list of debate alumni in your area.

    Social Media

    0ites like acebook, Twitter, and 'inked+n are not ust for showing off the latest tournament

    results. These tools can be an electronic rallying point for your league community. +f a large

    number of people follow your league)s acebook page, it might prove a successful channel for

    promoting volunteer opportunities. ven easier than building a league following is simply to

    have league members post a call for volunteers on their personal accounts.

    Additional Resources;ere)s some resources on how to use social media as a tool for volunteer recruitment.

    I /onstant /ontact - ngage, +nform, 8ecruitJ ;ow %onprofits /an &se 0ocial edia to 8ecruit

    7olunteers I %:M - ;ow %onprofits &se 0ocial edia to ngage with their /ommunitiesI The /ase oundation - @ Tips to 0tarting a %onprofit "log



  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    -h+ Volunteer In /r#an De#ate4

    Thank you for considering a volunteer position with urban debate. (ur organi*ation and

    tournaments could not run without passionate, dedicated people like you. The work we are

    doing with urban youth is life changing, not only for our debaters, but for our entire community.

    +y =rban !ebate Matters

    We are facing an educational crisis. 0tudents in urban public schools have little more than a fifty

    percent chance of graduating from high school. This couldn)t be more significant. %ot graduating

    from high school makes one twice as likely to live in poverty as compared to someone with a

    college degree, and G5 times more likely to face incarceration.

    &rban debate provides students with a powerful pathway to progress. BO of debaters in urban

    schools graduate, as opposed to @O of their peers. What is more, each semester that a

    student debates, his or her grades improve. &rban debaters not only graduate on time, but they

    graduate prepared. ach semester that a student debates, he or she becomes more likely to

    test as college ready, enroll in college, and graduate from college.

    'et)s bring these stats home with a brief video from %A&D' about 8ashid /ampbell, a former

    debater with the "ay Area &rban Debate 'eague. 8ashid was homeless while in high school

    and debate provided him with the support and opportunities that he needed to graduate and

    enroll in college at the &niversity of (klahoma.

    &rban debate is powerful. And we)d like to invite you to become a member of our community.

    :lease read on to discover how you can support urban debate.



  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    Volunteer Assignment Confirmation mail Tem!late

    ;ello, vanN

    Welcome to the 0t. 'ouis &rban Debate 'eagueN y name is 0unny onroe, and + am the

    7olunteer /oordinator here at the 0t. 'ouis &rban Debate 'eague. We rely on dedicated

    volunteers like yourself to make our tournaments happen, so we are deeply grateful for your

    time and energy. We hope you find urban debate as e#citing as our debaters do.

    9ou are confirmed for the following volunteer assignmentJ

    Tournament 3olicy 'udge8 !ec #?8 @#&

    ennedy Middle Sc+ool

    #&( 'ones Street

    St. >ouis8 M/ ?(##?

    :lease check in at the information table ust inside the main entrance. 9ou)ll be directed to room

    G for volunteer orientation, where you)ll meet me. The following are training documents and

    videos you can use to prepare for your assignmentJ

    I Tournament =udge TrainingI %ew =udges ;andoutI /ommon Debate TermsI 7ideo demonstration of udging a policy debate round

    :lease email me at smonroeFudl.org if you have any $uestions. We)re e#cited to have you


    Thank you,

    0unny onroe

    0t. 'ouis &rban Debate 'eague 7olunteer /oordinator 



  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    'eague 0pecific- /ustomi*e

    Volunteer -el"ome Pa"0et Che"0list

    This is a sample list that may be customi*ed for your league.

    ❏ %ame tag❏ /lipboard and timers for udges❏ 8ole descriptions❏ 0tart and end time of assignment❏ %ame and contact information of volunteer coordinator ❏  Address of tournament location and map indicating parking, check-in area, and rooms where

     udging will take place❏ /opy of basic training materials❏ /opy of youth protection policy


  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    'eague 0pecific - /ustomi*e

    Orientation ession Trainer Notes

    This is a sample agenda for a one-hour volunteer orientation session. eel free to tailor it to

    your league. The goal of this session is to set volunteers up for success, giving them the

    direction, alignment, and commitment they need to contribute while enoying their e#perience.


    I 7olunteers will touch base with the purpose behind urban debate and articulate their personal

    motivations for volunteering.

    I 7olunteers will receive recognition and appreciation for their time and effort.I 7olunteers will get to know other volunteers so that they feel connected to the urban debate

    community.I 7olunteers will receive training in giving feedback and the other core functions of their roles.

    Sample Agenda

    T++%4 A/T+7+T9

    minutes + Welcome and Thank 9ou

    1 minutes ++ Who +s in the 8oom

    @ minutes +++ The &rban Debate ovement

    minutes +7 ;ow 9ou ake a Difference P Drew Dudley video

    1@ minutes 7 8eview 8oles

    @ minutes 7+ inal Muestions

    @H +% T(TA'

    elcome and T+ank 5ou

    Take a few minutes to welcome your volunteers, thank them for coming, and introduce staff.

    +o Is in t+e Room4;elp the volunteers get to know each other and what brought them to urban debate. or small

    groups, share in a circle. or larger groups, break into groups of four. 0uggest a conversation

    starter like, There are a lot of places you could be right now. Why did you choose to be here>

    4oing around the circle, please share your name and why you chose to volunteer with urban


    T+e =rban !ebate Movement


  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    +n this section, draw from Why 7olunteer . ;ere are some points you might touch onJ

    I 4ive statistics on how debate improves school performance, graduation rates, and college

    enrollment rates. &rban youth are systemically disadvantaged in terms of achieving academic

    and career success. Debate is a powerful correcting mechanism, a pathway to progress.

    Debaters go on to be successful in college and are prepared to be knowledge workers intwenty-first century workforce. This is the purpose behind our workJ preparing urban youth for

    success in school and life. ;ere)s some statistics from the %A&D' website you might useJK Debate takes our youth from @O likely to BO likely to graduate from high school.K ach semester that a student debates, his!her grades will improve.K Debaters are more likely to test as college ready.K After graduating from high school, CGO of urban debaters enroll in college.K &rban debaters are CO more likely to graduate from college.K &rban debate e$uips students with twenty-first century ob skills like research and critical


    I Discuss the conse$uences of high dropout rates on citiesJK ;igh school dropouts are twice as likely to live in poverty versus individuals with college

    degrees.K ;igh school dropouts have G5 times the incarceration rate compared to college graduates.

    I ;istorically, debate has been available to youth in well funded suburban schools, not students in

    urban schools, who are disproportionately students of color.

    I &rban debate is a national movement that makes debate accessible to urban youth. We have

    1B regional leagues that receive guidance and support from the %ational Association of &rban

    Debate 'eagues 2%A&D'3.

    I (ne of the things that makes debate special is the positive, encouraging community we create

    for the students and for each other.

    I ake these points concrete with a testimonial video from the %A&D' website.K ;ope 0auceda, ;ouston &D'K ichael "arlow, Atlanta &D'K

  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    I (ne of the most important spaces for mentorship is in the feedback process. 9ou can use the

    following is a script and e#ercise to discuss useful feedback with your volunteersJ

    One of the most important things that we can do for our debaters is let them now how they are

    doing. ,ometimes% they need some help ; some constructi#e feedbac. 4ore often% they need

    to now what they are doing well so they can continue to build on that. et$s tae a minute andtal about gi#ing effecti#e feedbac.

    hin about a time when you recei#ed effecti#e feedbac.

  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    I Direct volunteers to go through the udge training materials packet.

    I 0how the +ntroduction to =udging :olicy Debate presentation.

    I 4o over the three roles of a udge - educator, decision maker, and arbitrator - and what these

    roles entail 2see Tournament =udge Training aterials3.

    I /larify logistics such as schedules, room assignments, and how to fill out the ballots.


    Take $uestions from the volunteers as time allows.



  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    'eague 0pecific - /ustomi*e

    Volunteer Coordinator Training

    /ongratulations and welcome to the teamN


    irst and foremost, thank you for stepping into your new role as your league)s volunteer

    coordinator. Without you, we cannot support our volunteer population. Without volunteers, urban

    debate does not sustain, much less grow. :lease refer to Why 7olunteer in &rban Debate for

    more insight on why our work is so important.

    To prepare for your responsibilities, please take some time to look through the entire &rban

    Debate 7olunteer ngagement anual. very section of the manual will be relevant to your

    position. "elow is an overview of your duties.


    9ou will spend at least 5O of your time getting the word out about volunteer opportunities in

    our league. :lease review the recruiting links below. ass messaging and community

    partnerships are useful methods for outreach, but nothing is more effective than word of mouth.

    That means not only face time at tournaments and volunteer re$uests on the league)s acebook

    page, but also building and activating your network of urban debate champions within thecommunity.

    I 8ecruiting with ass essaging I 8ecruiting with /ommunity :artnersI 8ecruiting with Word of outh

    Matc+ing %olunteers 9it+ Roles

    any volunteers will select their own roles, or choose a role based on the skills and interests

    $ui* in the online sign-up process. ;owever, not all volunteers will sign up through the online

    form, and some may need guidance on which role is right for their e#perience and availability. +n

    these cases, get a feel for their e#perience and comfort level, and walk them through the roles

    that might be a good fit. "elow are the volunteer role descriptions.

    I Tournament =udge =ob DescriptionI Tournament 0upport =ob DescriptionsI entor =ob Description

    %olunteer Communication



  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best



    &rban debate leagues are serious about creating the most secure environment possible for our

    young members. To maintain such an environment, we have developed a 9outh :rotection

    :olicy. As with all members of the urban debate community, it is your responsibility to uphold the

    9outh :rotection :olicy.

    !eepening 5our Training

    'astly, there is an immense trove of volunteer coordination resources on the internet. These

    won)t be tailored to urban debate but can still be $uite valuable. ;ere are few recommended

    resources to take your training deeperJ

    I (nline learning developed by :oints of 'ight I :D anual on 7olunteer ngagement developed by ;ands (n %etworkI 'ist of best practices in volunteer engagement curated by +dealist.orgI anuals on :lanning, 8ecruiting and anaging volunteers by Ameri/orps.I 0ometimes volunteers can detract from the mission of urban debate. +t is a situation that we)d

    prefer never happen, but it is important to be aware of the possibility. This article will help younavigate the difficult world of volunteer boundaries.



  • 8/16/2019 Urban Debate Volunteer Engagement at its Best


    Tournament 2udge Training )uide


    /ongratulations and welcome to the teamN

    Thank youN

    Tournament udging is the engine that makes urban debate possible. "ecause of you,

    four more students are able to participate in urban debate, four more young people have

    the opportunity to challenge themselves, improve their public speaking skills, and

    increase their passion for learning. Thank you for your contributionN +f you would like to

    know more about why this work is so important, please refer to Why 7olunteer in &rban


     A %ote on 0afety&rban debate is committed to providing our youth with the most secure environment

    possible. To maintain such
