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Urbanization and Health: Oxymoron or Opportunity? - Janine Schooley

Date post: 19-Feb-2017
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We are rapidly urbanizing 70% by 2050! 54% of the world’s population resides in urban areas; urban growth uneven Megacities (10m or more) increased from 14-29 in last 20 yrs CORE Fall Meeting October 2016

We are rapidly urbanizing 70% by 2050! 54% of the world’s population resides in urban areas; urban growth uneven Megacities (10m or more) increased from 14-29 in last 20 yrs

CORE Fall Meeting October 2016

Challenges include: • Changes in family patterns • Slums & informal settlements • Provision of services • Climate change • Exclusion & rising inequalities

Population density (eg, Ebola) • Rising insecurity • Upsurge in migration

Urbanization as a transformative force? • Platforms for production, innovation &


• Formal & informal employment

• Improved quality of life

• Role of rapid & large scale deployment of information and communication technology


Pacaya Volcano

Volcán de Agua

Volcán de Fuego Tolimán Volcano

Assessment and Data Collection: Mapping

Tools for collecting information on housing, water and sanitation, basic services, transportation, protection & crime

Additional information from secondary sources is then all layered together in a process called D-Risk…

And is used to facilitate decisions such as identifying high risk areas and zoning neighborhoods, priority setting, etc.

Then comes designing and planning with considerations including health, risk mitigation, disability accommodation, etc.

We then take those plans and implement them with a wide array of public and private partners

Community, Public & Private Partners

Barrio Mio utilizes a comprehensive, integrated and participatory approach where health is seen as not just the absence of disease… • WASH and health/nutrition • Air quality • Prevention of accidents • Evacuation routes • Violence prevention • Full inclusion • Mental health • Awareness and prevention eg, NCDs • Social determinants of health • Empowerment of all, but especially women

Barrio Mio and Health

Women at the Center of Urban Renewal

PCI’s Women Empowered Initiative is a savings-led social and economic development program focused on unleashing the power of women as change agents in their community

Awareness + Mobilization + Empowerment = Social change

So what’s next? Barrio Mio Tijuana and beyond!

Gracias!! [email protected]

• What has been your experience with urban programming?

• What are the key challenges with health programming in the urban setting?

• What are the best opportunities for health programming in the urban setting in your own work re: program design, community mobilization, SBC, measurement, etc.?

• Is “urbanization & health” an oxymoron or an opportunity?

Be prepared to BRIEFLY present the key take aways from your discussion!

Table Top Discussion Topics
