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UrbanLife Magazine

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Issue 1 from Urban Life Publications.
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NOV/DEC 2012


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What’s hood? (no typo). My name is Dok Avila editor of Urban Life Magazine and a Graphic Design graduate from the Art Institute of California Inland Empire. My message to the young people of this world is to push yourself to become the person you want to be, never settle for less than what you are capable of, and most importantly get yourself the best education you can to get to where you want to be. The birth of Urban Life came from a school project that I had no idea was going to be so big. This is my first publication production and I’m hoping it won’t be my last. This project took a lot of work to complete and I feel that the outcome was a success. I’m hoping that with the attention this magazine gets and depending on the reviews, it may grow and become an actual publication and be successful throughout time. My inspiration comes from some of my favorite magazines like XXL, VIBE, and COMPLEX. I only hope to one day be on the same level as these great publications or grab their attention for future business. With this first issue I chose to give the readers a view of the urban culture, movement, and lifestlye. From an interpretation of graffiti street art, a look at old celebrations brought to urban america, and an exclusive interview with a local young entrepreneur. To my readers, I hope you enjoy this magazine and stay tuned for more to come!



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[email protected]

publication ¤ graphic design ¤ editorial layout

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Decorative skulls are sold in stores throughout many cities.Olvera St, Los Angeles California

Teens pose in their colorful celebratory garments before performing a folkloric dance.Olvera St, Los Angeles California

The ritual known as Dia de Los Muertos (day of the dead) goes back at least 3,000 years. Mainly celebrated in Mexico, Dia de Los Muertos has found its way into urban America where the Hispanic population has kept the ritual going. This celebration comes from the Aztecs and other Meso-American civilizations that kept skulls as a sort of trophy and showed them off during rituals. The skulls symbolize death and rebirth and were used to honor their lost relatives whom they believed came back to visit during the month long ritual. The natives embraced death instead of fearing it and saw it as a continuation of life rather than the end. As the Spaniards began to settle in Mexico they also tried to take over the rituals and celebrate their way. It was eventually moved to November 1st and 2nd to make the ritual more Christian and that is when it is celebrated today. Today Dia De Los Muertos is celebrated in Mexico, Central America, and The United States. In Mexico, families visit their lost relatives in cemeteries where they are buried. They spend the day decorating their gravesite with flowers, candles, and treasured items of their loved ones. During the celebration, families also make their lost members their favorite meal and enjoy it next to the grave. In the United States, families build and dedicate altars in their homes for the dead. These altars are also decorated with candles, flowers, and food. These families view it as paying homage and celebrating their life on this earth while keeping their spirit alive. Celebrations and different interpretations of the ritual are held in many Hispanic parts of the United States such as California, Arizona, and Texas. In Los Angeles, in Placita Olvera, performers dress up in folkloric dresses and button

up shirts, have their faces turned into skulls and painted with bright flowers, and perform a dance for tourists and guests in the area. Sugar skulls, wooden skeleton toys, and other elements having to do with the ritual are sold throughout stores and given as gifts to friends and families being celebrated. Holiday foods are made such as pan de muerto (bread of the dead) and decorated with white frosting to appear as bones. Bread shaped skulls are made and enjoyed by families during the celebration. Marigold petals are scattered around as a guide for the dead spirits back to the living world for a reunion. Although Dia de Los Muertos is celebrated so close to Halloween, it is far from a scary

holiday as far as the title goes. This celebration is for families to bring life and death together as one and reminisce on the times spent with their loved ones. Sometimes in life we lose people close to us and as time passes their memory may fade away. We are left only with memories of treasured moments and times spent with the ones we have lost. This celebration is a great way to keep the spirit living on throughout death and into the end of time. Dia de Los Muertos should be celebrated by all people, not in a specific way but through honoring, remembering, and celebrating any person that you may have lost in life. ¤

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Were here with Johnny Gee, founder of Insanity Ink. He's a young entrepreneur looking to come out big in the apparel industry. I want to go inside this “insane” mind of yours to find out how you got to where you're at right now and how far u want to go. What's good big homie? Lets get this interview going.

DOK: Tell our readers who you are and describe your movement.

JOHNNY GEE: Well for starters I'm Johnny Gee. What up fam! As for our movement, we live by the Insanity of the brand and we love Ink. We're doing the impossible and making actual change. We are the percentage they say will fail and won't make anything out of ourselves. We are still out striving and we will prevail. All it takes is time and patience

DOK: Who wears your brand?

JOHNNY GEE: Our target audiences is different people with different styles. We first started in the rave scene which you may know as EDM(electronic dance music) now. Insanity Ink is for people who go that extra mile. Right now we have a long list of supporters including; The Hooligans, Poetic Death, Unscene, 60 East, Nyce of the Finatticz, Feddie Flipstones(Nyce's manager), AlexGoesHard, StrikesDaBarber, and Jose Reynoso. We also have DJ's like 50 Carrot, G3nius, Bulimiatron, Rudy V ,GrimmGroove, Mr.Brooks, Atomic Project, The Stooges, Voltron , Narkotix, Many Fiend, Lithiyum, JoshC, Mind Control, and WndrBrd. We continue to look for parterships and are always open to team up with anyone that has the same passion as we do. We appreciate everyone and if I

forgot to mention anyone else, you know who you are. Much love!

DOK: What are the concepts behind your designs?

JOHNNY GEE: It's Insanity with a twist of Ink. We have different designs made by different designers. Ryseone, Mistermanny, and Jaxon the mad scientist are on the team and helped create designs through all of our ideas.

DOK: We got so many brands and styles out right now. What is your favorite clothing brand out right now?

JOHNNY GEE: Lets see, at the moment I'm going to have to say Insanity Ink [laughs].We have brands we also support like Boof Clothing, High Class, Lukrative19, Big Chiefs, Imperio Emfermo, Yikes, 3EV and Known Clothing. As for the big brands out there Im going to have to say LRG, Panic, IM KING, The Hundreds, DGK, Diamond Supply and Acrylick.

DOK: Do you have a favorite quote or words you live by?

JOHNNY GEE: Don't let the little needs affect your day, stay positive, and thank GOD daily. I'm not perfect. If I fall, I just get back up.

DOK: Always thank GOD for everything everyday man. Amen to that. What has been your biggest achievement so far?

JOHNNY GEE: Being able to say I started this out of nothing. No investors. From the start we've been a do it yourself company.

DOK: That's a big inspiration to a lot of people who might feel like they just can't do it. Anything is possible. What has been your

biggest struggle through your grind that you have had to overcome?

JOHNNY GEE: My vacation in 2010. Going to jail was no biggie, but isn't anything to brag about either. I'm not going back there again. Now I'm staying positive and taking life day by day. That experience made me the man I am today. It was a reality check, but now I'm getting things done and coming to the table correct.

DOK: What is your educational background and how did you get into the clothing industry? Who inspired you?

JOHNNY GEE: I graduated high school only because I think my teachers loved me. Then again when they would think I wouldn't do their assignments, I would love to prove them wrong. So that's probably what got me through high school. Plus my friends with the brains would always pass me the answers so that helped too. [laughs] I got into the clothing line industry because I was wearing shirts from LRG, The Hundreds, Panic, Diamond and DGK and it just got me to the point were I wanted to make my own shirts. Funds were getting good. Like Too Short said, “Getting it While the Getting is Good.” So we had to go out and get it.

DOK: What do you hope to achieve with your company?

JOHNNY GEE: I want to step it up to the next level. Not just shirts and sweaters but also hats, beanies, pants, shoes, and accessories. I don't want to be just statewide or even countrywide, but we're going global with Insanity Ink. All it takes is time and we'll get there.

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DOK: That’s a great achievement to have and even greater when you accomplish it. Where do you see yourself in five years?

JOHNNY GEE: In five years I'll be 29. Thanks for reminding me that I'm getting old! [laughs] That's quite some time from now so I'm not really sure yet. On the real I'm not worried about five years from now. Just know yesterday, today, and tomorrow we're working hard and making big moves. I believe my team and I have been given an opportunity to do something right and positive so were taking it and running. There's no turning back. Failure was left behind a very long time ago.

DOK: Man that was well said. Focus on the present to perfect the future. I see where you're coming from. You got all this going on man so when you do get free time to yourself what do you do?

JOHNNY GEE: I love to take long walks on the beach, catch the sunset, and make smores around the fire.[laughs] No really though I love what I do so I'm usually always on my free time. Its a mixture of everything from talking to friends and reading. Knowledge is key. I like looking for new garments. We go out and set up booths in areas like Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego and of course our headquarters and hometown in the Inland Empire.

DOK: 100 percent productive that's how you get things done ladies and gentlemen. You got a good amount of designs out right now, which one is your favorite?

JOHNNY GEE: I love all our designs, but if I had to pick it would be the one that started it all

which is the Insanity Ink original logo. It was designed by my boy RYSEONE. That's probably going to be my nexttattoo.

DOK: Who gave you your first big break that you felt jump started your movement?

JOHNNY GEE: The correctional officer that told to get out! It's time to go home. That was the start of the big break. [laughs] That was probably the start of my first big break. I'm just thankful for all my family, friends, and fans support. It wasn't easy but everyone that bought shirts helped out our movement. That support is very appreciated and doesn't go unrecognized. They are what keeps me going. The big breaks also came with everyone that we now sponsor. They help us get out there and we return the favor. I'm also grateful for the clubs and events that let us set up booths.

DOK: Have you ever had a breaking point where you felt like giving up?How did you handle it?

JOHNNY GEE: There was plenty of times when that happened but that was just my mind playing tricks on me. It got to the point where I felt like we were doing everything wrong and getting no where with it. I really just needed to take a step back, breath, and relax. That was a point in time where we were just doing a lot all at once. I just had the mind set where it felt like it wasn't going fast enough. Until I came to realize that I had to put GOD first and that it was going to take time. I really had to remind myself to be patient. If I would have got a large settlement back then I probably would of signed and took it to the top. I

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would’ve got reckless with the earnings and probably lost everything in a downward spiral, that's just real talk! It's where my mind was at during those times. Now I won't sign anything! This hard work is ours. We are those looney entrepreneurs that started this and were blessed to have the opportunity. I know we can't take this for granted at all.

DOK: Yea man most important and above all put it in God's hands and he will guide you in that right direction. Is there any new products or new designs to look out for?

JOHNNY GEE: Our next designs coming out is mixed with a little bit if flavor from everybody on the team. Every design has a concept behind it and is a struggle or accomplishment of things we're doing. You might even relate to it.

For now you can visit our website, www.insanityinkclothing.com and find the new releases there.

DOK: Who is your team and whats your work ethic?

JOHNNY GEE: The fam is MisterManny, James Molina, Miss Pinks Panda, Casey Justiz, Eric Gee, Jorge Gee, Ryse, Jesus Gee, Woody Gee, Alex Goes Hard, Ayoo Sammy, Dok Avila. DOK: Wait, Dok Avila? He sounds real familiar. [both laugh] Straight representing Insanity! Newest recruit by the way.

JOHNNY GEE: Yup welcome to the fam. Also on the team is Kayla Dj Pinkk Lithiyum, Jaxon, Robert B an Blake H aka Dj Guttuh Freqs, Josh C, Mike Drex, Ill and Mad Matt. Thats pretty much the fam right Our work ethic is having everyone

put in where they can. We want to continue to grow in knowledge and Keep ourselves informed of new concepts and strategies. We like to stay posititve with everything and understand that time, patience, and creativity lead to success. Trust me you'll be seeing more of us. I'll wink to that! [laughs]

DOK: So what advice do you have for aspiring entrepreneurs like yourself?

JOHNNY GEE: Do what you love and and be ready for trials and setbacks. You have to be strong-minded and with God all things are possible. Doors have been opening left and right and remember that once it feels like work it's okay to take breaks. Its not going to happen over night you have to work hard for it, but it's kay to relax. Besides that this is what

The Hooligans

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Ayoo Sammy (left) and Johnny Gee (right) prepare and discuss which t-shirts will be on display at the booth setup to promote Insanity Ink Clothing brand.

this was all for was to be able to have that peace of mind and relax. Take care of family and the close circle of friends.

DOK: Alright man well to wrap it up is there any last words you want to say or anything you want to add?

JOHNNY GEE: Thanks for letting me be apart of this. Shout out to

Urban Life and my boy Dok! Be sure to keep updated with us on all social networks like Instagram:@InsanityInkClothing Storenvy:Insanity Ink Clothing Facebook:Insanity Ink Clothing Tmblr:Insanity Ink Pinterest:Insanity Ink Twitter:@InsanityInkTM YouTube:InsanityInkTV. Choose one or all. Keep up with us. We follow back too on the sites that allow it. I know people will judge for things I

said but it doesn't matter I love all of you. You wanted to get in the mind of the Insane, I'm just keeping it one-hundred for you. My drives and I won't stop! Live your life. Peace and GOD bless. ¤

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