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uscisquestions.com This document is the property of Efficient Life Software U.S. Citizenship Test Questions PDF [Last updated: 29 July 2021] This pdf document contains the answers to all 100 questions on the official USCIS naturalization test. On the day of the test, the immigration officer will ask you 10 questions out of the 100. You need to answer at least 6 correctly to pass the test. We wish you the best of luck! Please review the questions in the pdf and use our US Citizenship Test app on the Google Play Store to help you review the questions and test yourself so that you will be ready on the day. We hope that you will find freedom, wealth and opportunity here in the United States! Disclaimer: Whilst Efficient Life Software (“we”) makes every attempt to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information contained in this document, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the information in this document for any purpose. Any reliance you place on such material is therefore strictly at your own risk. The official list of questions can be found on the USCIS website at www.uscis.gov. HOW IS THIS DOCUMENT DIFFERENT FROM THE ONE PROVIDED BY THE USCIS? There are certain questions whose answers change on a regular basis (e.g. Q28: What is the name of the President). The official USCIS document refers the user to another website to get the answers to these questions, which is inconvenient. This pdf document makes everything convenient by providing all the necessary information in one document. There are other questions that are state or congressional district specific (e.g. Q23: Name your U.S. Representative). The USCIS document simply says that “answers may vary” and leaves the onus on the user to find the answer. This pdf document provides the full list of answers and the user can look up their state and district in the list to know which answer applies to them WANT TO USE AN APP INSTEAD? US Citizenship Test 2021 (It’s free!)

uscisquestions.com This document is the property of Efficient Life Software

U.S. Citizenship Test Questions PDF [Last updated: 29 July 2021]

This pdf document contains the answers to all 100 questions on the official USCIS naturalization test. On the day of

the test, the immigration officer will ask you 10 questions out of the 100. You need to answer at least 6 correctly to

pass the test.

We wish you the best of luck! Please review the questions in the pdf and use our US Citizenship Test app on the

Google Play Store to help you review the questions and test yourself so that you will be ready on the day.

We hope that you will find freedom, wealth and opportunity here in the United States!

Disclaimer: Whilst Efficient Life Software (“we”) makes every attempt to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information contained in this

document, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or

availability with respect to the information in this document for any purpose. Any reliance you place on such material is therefore strictly at your own

risk. The official list of questions can be found on the USCIS website at www.uscis.gov.


▪ There are certain questions whose answers change on a regular basis (e.g. Q28: What is the name of the President).

The official USCIS document refers the user to another website to get the answers to these questions, which is

inconvenient. This pdf document makes everything convenient by providing all the necessary information in one


▪ There are other questions that are state or congressional district specific (e.g. Q23: Name your U.S. Representative).

The USCIS document simply says that “answers may vary” and leaves the onus on the user to find the answer. This pdf

document provides the full list of answers and the user can look up their state and district in the list to know which

answer applies to them


US Citizenship Test 2021

(It’s free!)

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A. Principles of American Democracy

1. What is the supreme law of the land?

▪ the Constitution

2. What does the Constitution do?

▪ sets up the government

▪ defines the government

▪ protects basic rights of Americans

3. The idea of self-government is in the first three words of the Constitution. What are these words?

▪ We the People

4. What is an amendment?

▪ a change (to the Constitution)

▪ an addition (to the Constitution)

5. What do we call the first ten amendments to the Constitution?

▪ the Bill of Rights

6. What is one right or freedom from the First Amendment?

▪ speech

▪ religion

▪ assembly

▪ press

▪ petition the government

7. How many amendments does the Constitution have?

▪ twenty-seven (27)

8. What did the Declaration of Independence do?

▪ announced our independence (from Great Britain)

▪ declared our independence (from Great Britain)

▪ said that the United States is free (from Great Britain)

9. What are two rights in the Declaration of Independence?

▪ life

▪ liberty

▪ pursuit of happiness

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10. What is freedom of religion?

▪ You can practice any religion, or not practice a religion.

11. What is the economic system in the United States?

▪ capitalist economy

▪ market economy

12. What is the “rule of law”?

▪ Everyone must follow the law.

▪ Leaders must obey the law.

▪ Government must obey the law.

▪ No one is above the law.

B. System of Government

13. Name one branch or part of the government.

▪ Congress

▪ legislative

▪ President

▪ executive

▪ the courts

▪ judicial

14. What stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful?

▪ checks and balances

▪ separation of powers

15. Who is in charge of the executive branch?

▪ the President

16. Who makes federal laws?

▪ Congress

▪ Senate and House (of Representatives)

▪ (U.S. or national) legislature

17. What are the two parts of the U.S. Congress?

▪ the Senate and House (of Representatives)

18. How many U.S. Senators are there?

▪ one hundred (100)

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19. We elect a U.S. Senator for how many years?

▪ six (6)

20. Who is one of your state’s U.S. Senators now?

▪ Alabama - Richard C. Shelby

▪ Alabama - Tommy Tuberville

▪ Alaska - Lisa Murkowski

▪ Alaska - Dan Sullivan

▪ Arizona - Kyrsten Sinema

▪ Arizona - Mark Kelly

▪ Arkansas - John Boozman

▪ Arkansas - Tom Cotton

▪ California - Dianne Feinstein

▪ California - Alex Padilla

▪ Colorado - Michael Bennet

▪ Colorado - John Hickenlooper

▪ Connecticut - Richard Blumenthal

▪ Connecticut - Christopher S. Murphy

▪ Delaware - Thomas R. Carper

▪ Delaware - Christopher A. Coons

▪ Florida - Marco Rubio

▪ Florida - Rick Scott

▪ Georgia - Jon Ossoff

▪ Georgia - Raphael Warnock

▪ Hawaii - Brian Schatz

▪ Hawaii - Mazie K. Hirono

▪ Idaho - Michael D. Crapo

▪ Idaho - Jim Risch

▪ Illinois - Richard J. Durbin

▪ Illinois - Tammy Duckworth

▪ Indiana - Todd Young

▪ Indiana - Mike Braun

▪ Iowa - Charles E. Grassley

▪ Iowa - Joni Ernst

▪ Kansas - Jerry Moran

▪ Kansas - Roger Marshall

▪ Kentucky - Mitch McConnell

▪ Kentucky - Rand Paul

▪ Louisiana - Bill Cassidy

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▪ Louisiana - John Kennedy

▪ Maine - Susan Collins

▪ Maine - Angus King

▪ Maryland - Benjamin L. Cardin

▪ Maryland - Chris Van Hollen

▪ Massachusetts - Elizabeth Warren

▪ Massachusetts - Edward J. Markey

▪ Michigan - Debbie Stabenow

▪ Michigan - Gary Peters

▪ Minnesota - Amy Klobuchar

▪ Minnesota - Tina Smith

▪ Mississippi - Roger Wicker

▪ Mississippi - Cindy Hyde-Smith

▪ Missouri - Roy Blunt

▪ Missouri - Joshua Hawley

▪ Montana - Jon Tester

▪ Montana - Steve Daines

▪ Nebraska - Deb Fischer

▪ Nebraska - Ben Sasse

▪ Nevada - Catherine Cortez Masto

▪ Nevada - Jacky Rosen

▪ New Hampshire - Jeanne Shaheen

▪ New Hampshire - Margaret Hassan

▪ New Jersey - Robert Menendez

▪ New Jersey - Cory Booker

▪ New Mexico - Martin Heinrich

▪ New Mexico - Ben R. Luján

▪ New York - Charles E. Schumer

▪ New York - Kirsten E. Gillibrand

▪ North Carolina - Richard M. Burr

▪ North Carolina - Thom Tillis

▪ North Dakota - John Hoeven

▪ North Dakota - Kevin Cramer

▪ Ohio - Sherrod Brown

▪ Ohio - Rob Portman

▪ Oklahoma - James M. Inhofe

▪ Oklahoma - James Lankford

▪ Oregon - Ron Wyden

▪ Oregon - Jeff Merkley

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▪ Pennsylvania - Bob Casey

▪ Pennsylvania - Patrick J. Toomey

▪ Rhode Island - Jack Reed

▪ Rhode Island - Sheldon Whitehouse

▪ South Carolina - Lindsey Graham

▪ South Carolina - Tim Scott

▪ South Dakota - John Thune

▪ South Dakota - Mike Rounds

▪ Tennessee - Marsha Blackburn

▪ Tennessee - Bill Hagerty

▪ Texas - John Cornyn

▪ Texas - Ted Cruz

▪ Utah - Mike Lee

▪ Utah - Mitt Romney

▪ Vermont - Patrick J. Leahy

▪ Vermont - Bernard Sanders

▪ Virginia - Mark Warner

▪ Virginia - Tim Kaine

▪ Washington - Patty Murray

▪ Washington - Maria Cantwell

▪ West Virginia - Joe Manchin

▪ West Virginia - Shelley M. Capito

▪ Wisconsin - Ron Johnson

▪ Wisconsin - Tammy Baldwin

▪ Wyoming - John Barrasso

▪ Wyoming - Cynthia M. Lummis

▪ American Samoa - American Samoa has no U.S. senators

▪ Guam - Guam has no U.S. senators

▪ Northern Mariana Islands - Northern Mariana Islands has no U.S. senators

▪ Puerto Rico - Puerto Rico has no U.S. senators

▪ U.S. Virgin Islands - U.S. Virgin Islands has no U.S. senators

▪ District of Columbia - D.C. has no U.S. senators

21. The House of Representatives has how many voting members?

▪ four hundred thirty-five (435)

22. We elect a U.S. Representative for how many years?

▪ two (2)

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23. Name your U.S. Representative.

▪ Please see APPENDIX A: HOUSE REPRESENTATIVE at the end of the pdf

24. Who does a U.S. Senator represent?

▪ all people of the state

25. Why do some states have more Representatives than other states?

▪ (because of) the state’s population

▪ (because) they have more people

▪ (because) some states have more people

26. We elect a President for how many years?

▪ four (4)

27. In what month do we vote for President?

▪ November

28. What is the name of the President of the United States now?

▪ Joseph R. Biden, Jr.

▪ Joe Biden

▪ Biden

29. What is the name of the Vice President of the United States now?

▪ Kamala D. Harris

▪ Kamala Harris

▪ Harris

30. If the President can no longer serve, who becomes President?

▪ the Vice President

31. If both the President and the Vice President can no longer serve, who becomes President?

▪ the Speaker of the House

32. Who is the Commander in Chief of the military?

▪ the President

33. Who signs bills to become laws?

▪ the President

34. Who vetoes bills?

▪ the President

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35. What does the President’s Cabinet do?

▪ advises the President

36. What are two Cabinet-level positions?

▪ Secretary of Agriculture

▪ Secretary of Commerce

▪ Secretary of Defense

▪ Secretary of Education

▪ Secretary of Energy

▪ Secretary of Health and Human Services

▪ Secretary of Homeland Security

▪ Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

▪ Secretary of the Interior

▪ Secretary of Labor

▪ Secretary of State

▪ Secretary of Transportation

▪ Secretary of the Treasury

▪ Secretary of Veterans Affairs

▪ Attorney General

▪ Vice President

37. What does the judicial branch do?

▪ reviews laws

▪ explains laws

▪ resolves disputes (disagreements)

▪ decides if a law goes against the Constitution

38. What is the highest court in the United States?

▪ the Supreme Court

39. How many justices are on the Supreme Court?

▪ nine (9)

40. Who is the Chief Justice of the United States now?

▪ John Roberts

▪ John G. Roberts, Jr.

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41. Under our Constitution, some powers belong to the federal government. What is one power of the federal


▪ to print money

▪ to declare war

▪ to create an army

▪ to make treaties

42. Under our Constitution, some powers belong to the states. What is one power of the states?

▪ provide schooling and education

▪ provide protection (police)

▪ provide safety (fire departments)

▪ give a driver’s license

▪ approve zoning and land use

43. Who is the Governor of your state now?

▪ Alabama - Kay Ivey

▪ Alaska - Mike Dunleavy

▪ Arizona - Doug Ducey

▪ Arkansas - Asa Hutchinson

▪ California - Gavin Newsom

▪ Colorado - Jared Polis

▪ Connecticut - Ned Lamont

▪ Delaware - John Carney

▪ Florida - Ron DeSantis

▪ Georgia - Brian Kemp

▪ Hawaii - David Ige

▪ Idaho - Brad Little

▪ Illinois - Jay Robert (J.B.) Pritzker

▪ Indiana - Eric Holcomb

▪ Iowa - Kim Reynolds

▪ Kansas - Laura Kelly

▪ Kentucky - Andy Beshear

▪ Louisiana - John Bel Edwards

▪ Maine - Janet Mills

▪ Maryland - Larry Hogan

▪ Massachusetts - Charlie Baker

▪ Michigan - Gretchen Whitmer

▪ Minnesota - Tim Walz

▪ Mississippi - Tate Reeves

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▪ Missouri - Mike Parson

▪ Montana - Greg Gianforte

▪ Nebraska - Pete Ricketts

▪ Nevada - Steve Sisolak

▪ New Hampshire - Chris Sununu

▪ New Jersey - Phil Murphy

▪ New Mexico - Michelle Lujan Grisham

▪ New York - Andrew Cuomo

▪ North Carolina - Roy Cooper

▪ North Dakota - Doug Burgum

▪ Ohio - Mike DeWine

▪ Oklahoma - Kevin Stitt

▪ Oregon - Kate Brown

▪ Pennsylvania - Tom Wolf

▪ Rhode Island - Daniel McKee

▪ South Carolina - Henry McMaster

▪ South Dakota - Kristi Noem

▪ Tennessee - Bill Lee

▪ Texas - Greg Abbott

▪ Utah - Spencer Cox

▪ Vermont - Phil Scott

▪ Virginia - Ralph Northam

▪ Washington - Jay Inslee

▪ West Virginia - Jim Justice

▪ Wisconsin - Tony Evers

▪ Wyoming - Mark Gordon

▪ American Samoa - Lemanu Peleti Mauga

▪ Guam - Lou Leon Guerrero

▪ Northern Mariana Islands - Ralph Torres

▪ Puerto Rico - Pedro Pierluisi

▪ U.S. Virgin Islands - Albert Bryan

▪ District of Columbia - D.C. does not have a Governor

44. What is the capital of your state?

▪ Alabama - Montgomery

▪ Alaska - Juneau

▪ Arizona - Phoenix

▪ Arkansas - Little Rock

▪ California - Sacramento

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▪ Colorado - Denver

▪ Connecticut - Hartford

▪ Delaware - Dover

▪ Florida - Tallahassee

▪ Georgia - Atlanta

▪ Hawaii - Honolulu

▪ Idaho - Boise

▪ Illinois - Springfield

▪ Indiana - Indianapolis

▪ Iowa - Des Moines

▪ Kansas - Topeka

▪ Kentucky - Frankfort

▪ Louisiana - Baton Rouge

▪ Maine - Augusta

▪ Maryland - Annapolis

▪ Massachusetts - Boston

▪ Michigan - Lansing

▪ Minnesota - Saint Paul

▪ Mississippi - Jackson

▪ Missouri - Jefferson City

▪ Montana - Helena

▪ Nebraska - Lincoln

▪ Nevada - Carson City

▪ New Hampshire - Concord

▪ New Jersey - Trenton

▪ New Mexico - Santa Fe

▪ New York - Albany

▪ North Carolina - Raleigh

▪ North Dakota - Bismarck

▪ Ohio - Columbus

▪ Oklahoma - Oklahoma City

▪ Oregon - Salem

▪ Pennsylvania - Harrisburg

▪ Rhode Island - Providence

▪ South Carolina - Columbia

▪ South Dakota - Pierre

▪ Tennessee - Nashville

▪ Texas - Austin

▪ Utah - Salt Lake City

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▪ Vermont - Montpelier

▪ Virginia - Richmond

▪ Washington - Olympia

▪ West Virginia - Charleston

▪ Wisconsin - Madison

▪ Wyoming - Cheyenne

▪ American Samoa - Pago Pago

▪ Guam - Hagåtña

▪ Northern Mariana Islands - Saipan

▪ Puerto Rico - San Juan

▪ U.S. Virgin Islands - Charlotte Amalie

▪ District of Columbia - D.C. is not a state and does not have a capital

45. What are the two major political parties in the United States?

▪ Democratic and Republican

46. What is the political party of the President now?

▪ Democratic (Party)

47. What is the name of the Speaker of the House of Representatives now?

▪ Nancy Pelosi

▪ Pelosi

C. Rights and Responsibilities

48. There are four amendments to the Constitution about who can vote. Describe one of them.

▪ Citizens eighteen (18) and older (can vote).

▪ You don’t have to pay (a poll tax) to vote.

▪ Any citizen can vote. (Women and men can vote.)

▪ A male citizen of any race (can vote).

49. What is one responsibility that is only for United States citizens?

▪ serve on a jury

▪ vote in a federal election

50. Name one right only for United States citizens.

▪ vote in a federal election

▪ run for federal office

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51. What are two rights of everyone living in the United States?

▪ freedom of expression

▪ freedom of speech

▪ freedom of assembly

▪ freedom to petition the government

▪ freedom of religion

▪ the right to bear arms

52. What do we show loyalty to when we say the Pledge of Allegiance?

▪ the United States

▪ the flag

53. What is one promise you make when you become a United States citizen?

▪ give up loyalty to other countries

▪ defend the Constitution and laws of the United States

▪ obey the laws of the United States

▪ serve in the U.S. military (if needed)

▪ serve (do important work for) the nation (if needed)

▪ be loyal to the United States

54. How old do citizens have to be to vote for President?

▪ eighteen (18) and older

55. What are two ways that Americans can participate in their democracy?

▪ vote

▪ join a political party

▪ help with a campaign

▪ join a civic group

▪ join a community group

▪ give an elected official your opinion on an issue

▪ call Senators and Representatives

▪ publicly support or oppose an issue or policy

▪ run for office

▪ write to a newspaper

56. When is the last day you can send in federal income tax forms?

▪ April 15

57. When must all men register for the Selective Service?

▪ at age eighteen (18)

▪ between eighteen (18) and twenty-six (26)

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A. Colonial Period and Independence

58. What is one reason colonists came to America?

▪ freedom

▪ political liberty

▪ religious freedom

▪ economic opportunity

▪ practice their religion

▪ escape persecution

59. Who lived in America before the Europeans arrived?

▪ American Indians

▪ Native Americans

60. What group of people was taken to America and sold as slaves?

▪ Africans

▪ people from Africa

61. Why did the colonists fight the British?

▪ because of high taxes (taxation without representation)

▪ because the British army stayed in their houses (boarding, quartering)

▪ because they didn’t have self-government

62. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

▪ (Thomas) Jefferson

63. When was the Declaration of Independence adopted?

▪ July 4, 1776

64. There were 13 original states. Name three.

▪ New Hampshire

▪ Massachusetts

▪ Rhode Island

▪ Connecticut

▪ New York

▪ New Jersey

▪ Pennsylvania

▪ Delaware

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▪ Maryland

▪ Virginia

▪ North Carolina

▪ South Carolina

▪ Georgia

65. What happened at the Constitutional Convention?

▪ The Constitution was written.

▪ The Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution.

66. When was the Constitution written?

▪ 1787

67. The Federalist Papers supported the passage of the U.S. Constitution. Name one of the writers.

▪ (James) Madison

▪ (Alexander) Hamilton

▪ (John) Jay

▪ Publius

68. What is one thing Benjamin Franklin is famous for?

▪ U.S. diplomat

▪ oldest member of the Constitutional Convention

▪ first Postmaster General of the United States

▪ writer of “Poor Richard’s Almanac”

▪ started the first free libraries

69. Who is the “Father of Our Country”?

▪ (George) Washington

70. Who was the first President?

▪ (George) Washington

B. 1800s

71. What territory did the United States buy from France in 1803?

▪ the Louisiana Territory

▪ Louisiana

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72. Name one war fought by the United States in the 1800s.

▪ War of 1812

▪ Mexican-American War

▪ Civil War

▪ Spanish-American War

73. Name the U.S. war between the North and the South.

▪ the Civil War

▪ the War between the States

74. Name one problem that led to the Civil War.

▪ slavery

▪ economic reasons

▪ states’ rights

75. What was one important thing that Abraham Lincoln did?

▪ freed the slaves (Emancipation Proclamation)

▪ saved (or preserved) the Union

▪ led the United States during the Civil War

76. What did the Emancipation Proclamation do?

▪ freed the slaves

▪ freed slaves in the Confederacy

▪ freed slaves in the Confederate states

▪ freed slaves in most Southern states

77. What did Susan B. Anthony do?

▪ fought for women’s rights

▪ fought for civil rights

C. Recent American History and Other Important Historical Information

78. Name one war fought by the United States in the 1900s.

▪ World War I

▪ World War II

▪ Korean War

▪ Vietnam War

▪ (Persian) Gulf War

79. Who was President during World War I?

▪ (Woodrow) Wilson

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80. Who was President during the Great Depression and World War II?

▪ (Franklin) Roosevelt

81. Who did the United States fight in World War II?

▪ Japan, Germany, and Italy

82. Before he was President, Eisenhower was a general. What war was he in?

▪ World War II

83. During the Cold War, what was the main concern of the United States?

▪ Communism

84. What movement tried to end racial discrimination?

▪ civil rights (movement)

85. What did Martin Luther King, Jr. do?

▪ fought for civil rights

▪ worked for equality for all Americans

86. What major event happened on September 11, 2001, in the United States?

▪ Terrorists attacked the United States.

87. Name one American Indian tribe in the United States.

▪ [USCIS Officers will be supplied with a list of federally recognized American Indian tribes.]

▪ Cherokee

▪ Navajo

▪ Sioux

▪ Chippewa

▪ Choctaw

▪ Pueblo

▪ Apache

▪ Iroquois

▪ Creek

▪ Blackfeet

▪ Seminole

▪ Cheyenne

▪ Arawak

▪ Shawnee

▪ Mohegan

▪ Huron

▪ Oneida

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▪ Lakota

▪ Crow

▪ Teton

▪ Hopi

▪ Inuit


A. Geography

88. Name one of the two longest rivers in the United States.

▪ Missouri (River)

▪ Mississippi (River)

89. What ocean is on the West Coast of the United States?

▪ Pacific (Ocean)

90. What ocean is on the East Coast of the United States?

▪ Atlantic (Ocean)

91. Name one U.S. territory.

▪ Puerto Rico

▪ U.S. Virgin Islands

▪ American Samoa

▪ Northern Mariana Islands

▪ Guam

92. Name one state that borders Canada.

▪ Maine

▪ New Hampshire

▪ Vermont

▪ New York

▪ Pennsylvania

▪ Ohio

▪ Michigan

▪ Minnesota

▪ North Dakota

▪ Montana

▪ Idaho

▪ Washington

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▪ Alaska

93. Name one state that borders Mexico.

▪ California

▪ Arizona

▪ New Mexico

▪ Texas

94. What is the capital of the United States?

▪ Washington, D.C.

95. Where is the Statue of Liberty?

▪ New York (Harbor)

▪ Liberty Island

▪ [Also acceptable are New Jersey, near New York City, and on the Hudson (River).]

B. Symbols

96. Why does the flag have 13 stripes?

▪ because there were 13 original colonies

▪ because the stripes represent the original colonies

97. Why does the flag have 50 stars?

▪ because there is one star for each state

▪ because each star represents a state

▪ because there are 50 states

98. What is the name of the national anthem?

▪ The Star-Spangled Banner

C. Holidays

99. When do we celebrate Independence Day?

▪ July 4

100. Name two national U.S. holidays.

▪ New Year’s Day

▪ Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

▪ Presidents’ Day

▪ Memorial Day

▪ Juneteenth National Independence Day

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▪ Independence Day

▪ Labor Day

▪ Columbus Day

▪ Veterans Day

▪ Thanksgiving

▪ Christmas

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23. Name your U.S. Representative.

[Don’t know which district you belong to? Please visit https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative

where they have a tool to help you find this out]

▪ For residents of territories, besides the names of the nonvoting Delegates or Resident Commissioners, they may

also answer that the territory has no (voting) Representatives in Congress

▪ Alabama 1st District - Jerry Carl

▪ Alabama 2nd District - Barry Moore

▪ Alabama 3rd District - Mike D. Rogers

▪ Alabama 4th District - Robert B. Aderholt

▪ Alabama 5th District - Mo Brooks

▪ Alabama 6th District - Gary Palmer

▪ Alabama 7th District - Terri Sewell

▪ Alaska - Don Young

▪ Arizona 1st District - Tom O'Halleran

▪ Arizona 2nd District - Ann Kirkpatrick

▪ Arizona 3rd District - Raúl M. Grijalva

▪ Arizona 4th District - Paul Gosar

▪ Arizona 5th District - Andy Biggs

▪ Arizona 6th District - David Schweikert

▪ Arizona 7th District - Ruben Gallego

▪ Arizona 8th District - Debbie Lesko

▪ Arizona 9th District - Greg Stanton

▪ Arkansas 1st District - Rick Crawford

▪ Arkansas 2nd District - French Hill

▪ Arkansas 3rd District - Steve Womack

▪ Arkansas 4th District - Bruce Westerman

▪ California 1st District - Doug LaMalfa

▪ California 2nd District - Jared Huffman

▪ California 3rd District - John Garamendi

▪ California 4th District - Tom McClintock

▪ California 5th District - Mike Thompson

▪ California 6th District - Doris Matsui

▪ California 7th District - Ami Bera

▪ California 8th District - Jay Obernolte

▪ California 9th District - Jerry McNerney

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▪ California 10th District - Josh Harder

▪ California 11th District - Mark DeSaulnier

▪ California 12th District - Nancy Pelosi

▪ California 13th District - Barbara Lee

▪ California 14th District - Jackie Speier

▪ California 15th District - Eric Swalwell

▪ California 16th District - Jim Costa

▪ California 17th District - Ro Khanna

▪ California 18th District - Anna G. Eshoo

▪ California 19th District - Zoe Lofgren

▪ California 20th District - Jimmy Panetta

▪ California 21st District - David Valadao

▪ California 22nd District - Devin Nunes

▪ California 23rd District - Kevin McCarthy

▪ California 24th District - Salud Carbajal

▪ California 25th District - Mike Garcia

▪ California 26th District - Julia Brownley

▪ California 27th District - Judy Chu

▪ California 28th District - Adam B. Schiff

▪ California 29th District - Tony Cárdenas

▪ California 30th District - Brad Sherman

▪ California 31st District - Pete Aguilar

▪ California 32nd District - Grace F. Napolitano

▪ California 33rd District - Ted Lieu

▪ California 34th District - Jimmy Gomez

▪ California 35th District - Norma Torres

▪ California 36th District - Raul Ruiz

▪ California 37th District - Karen Bass

▪ California 38th District - Linda T. Sánchez

▪ California 39th District - Young Kim

▪ California 40th District - Lucille Roybal-Allard

▪ California 41st District - Mark Takano

▪ California 42nd District - Ken Calvert

▪ California 43rd District - Maxine Waters

▪ California 44th District - Nanette Barragán

▪ California 45th District - Katie Porter

▪ California 46th District - J. L. Correa

▪ California 47th District - Alan Lowenthal

▪ California 48th District - Michelle Steel

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▪ California 49th District - Mike Levin

▪ California 50th District - Darrell Issa

▪ California 51st District - Juan Vargas

▪ California 52nd District - Scott Peters

▪ California 53rd District - Sara Jacobs

▪ Colorado 1st District - Diana DeGette

▪ Colorado 2nd District - Joe Neguse

▪ Colorado 3rd District - Lauren Boebert

▪ Colorado 4th District - Ken Buck

▪ Colorado 5th District - Doug Lamborn

▪ Colorado 6th District - Jason Crow

▪ Colorado 7th District - Ed Perlmutter

▪ Connecticut 1st District - John B. Larson

▪ Connecticut 2nd District - Joe Courtney

▪ Connecticut 3rd District - Rosa DeLauro

▪ Connecticut 4th District - Jim Himes

▪ Connecticut 5th District - Jahana Hayes

▪ Delaware - Lisa Blunt Rochester

▪ Florida 1st District - Matt Gaetz

▪ Florida 2nd District - Neal Dunn

▪ Florida 3rd District - Kat Cammack

▪ Florida 4th District - John Rutherford

▪ Florida 5th District - Al Lawson

▪ Florida 6th District - Michael Waltz

▪ Florida 7th District - Stephanie Murphy

▪ Florida 8th District - Bill Posey

▪ Florida 9th District - Darren Soto

▪ Florida 10th District - Val Demings

▪ Florida 11th District - Daniel Webster

▪ Florida 12th District - Gus Bilirakis

▪ Florida 13th District - Charlie Crist

▪ Florida 14th District - Kathy Castor

▪ Florida 15th District - Scott Franklin

▪ Florida 16th District - Vern Buchanan

▪ Florida 17th District - Greg Steube

▪ Florida 18th District - Brian Mast

▪ Florida 19th District - Byron Donalds

▪ Florida 20th District - Currently vacant. Previously held by Alcee L. Hastings

▪ Florida 21st District - Lois Frankel

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▪ Florida 22nd District - Ted Deutch

▪ Florida 23rd District - Debbie Wasserman Schultz

▪ Florida 24th District - Frederica Wilson

▪ Florida 25th District - Mario Diaz-Balart

▪ Florida 26th District - Carlos Giménez

▪ Florida 27th District - Maria E. Salazar

▪ Georgia 1st District - Buddy Carter

▪ Georgia 2nd District - Sanford D. Bishop

▪ Georgia 3rd District - A. D. Ferguson

▪ Georgia 4th District - Hank Johnson

▪ Georgia 5th District - Nikema Williams

▪ Georgia 6th District - Lucy McBath

▪ Georgia 7th District - Carolyn Bourdeaux

▪ Georgia 8th District - Austin Scott

▪ Georgia 9th District - Andrew Clyde

▪ Georgia 10th District - Jody Hice

▪ Georgia 11th District - Barry Loudermilk

▪ Georgia 12th District - Rick Allen

▪ Georgia 13th District - David Scott

▪ Georgia 14th District - Marjorie T. Greene

▪ Hawaii 1st District - Ed Case

▪ Hawaii 2nd District - Kaialiʻi Kahele

▪ Idaho 1st District - Russ Fulcher

▪ Idaho 2nd District - Mike Simpson

▪ Illinois 1st District - Bobby L. Rush

▪ Illinois 2nd District - Robin Kelly

▪ Illinois 3rd District - Marie Newman

▪ Illinois 4th District - Jesús García

▪ Illinois 5th District - Mike Quigley

▪ Illinois 6th District - Sean Casten

▪ Illinois 7th District - Danny K. Davis

▪ Illinois 8th District - Raja Krishnamoorthi

▪ Illinois 9th District - Jan Schakowsky

▪ Illinois 10th District - Brad Schneider

▪ Illinois 11th District - Bill Foster

▪ Illinois 12th District - Mike Bost

▪ Illinois 13th District - Rodney Davis

▪ Illinois 14th District - Lauren Underwood

▪ Illinois 15th District - Mary Miller

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▪ Illinois 16th District - Adam Kinzinger

▪ Illinois 17th District - Cheri Bustos

▪ Illinois 18th District - Darin M. LaHood

▪ Indiana 1st District - Frank Mrvan

▪ Indiana 2nd District - Jackie Walorski

▪ Indiana 3rd District - Jim Banks

▪ Indiana 4th District - James Baird

▪ Indiana 5th District - Victoria Spartz

▪ Indiana 6th District - Greg Pence

▪ Indiana 7th District - André Carson

▪ Indiana 8th District - Larry Bucshon

▪ Indiana 9th District - Trey Hollingsworth

▪ Iowa 1st District - Ashley Hinson

▪ Iowa 2nd District - Mariannette Miller-Meeks

▪ Iowa 3rd District - Cynthia Axne

▪ Iowa 4th District - Randy Feenstra

▪ Kansas 1st District - Tracey Mann

▪ Kansas 2nd District - Jake LaTurner

▪ Kansas 3rd District - Sharice Davids

▪ Kansas 4th District - Ron Estes

▪ Kentucky 1st District - James Comer

▪ Kentucky 2nd District - Brett Guthrie

▪ Kentucky 3rd District - John Yarmuth

▪ Kentucky 4th District - Thomas Massie

▪ Kentucky 5th District - Harold Rogers

▪ Kentucky 6th District - Andy Barr

▪ Louisiana 1st District - Steve Scalise

▪ Louisiana 2nd District - Troy Carter

▪ Louisiana 3rd District - Clay Higgins

▪ Louisiana 4th District - Mike Johnson

▪ Louisiana 5th District - Julia Letlow

▪ Louisiana 6th District - Garret Graves

▪ Maine 1st District - Chellie Pingree

▪ Maine 2nd District - Jared Golden

▪ Maryland 1st District - Andy Harris

▪ Maryland 2nd District - Charles Albert "Dutch" Ruppersberger

▪ Maryland 3rd District - John Sarbanes

▪ Maryland 4th District - Anthony Brown

▪ Maryland 5th District - Steny H. Hoyer

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▪ Maryland 6th District - David Trone

▪ Maryland 7th District - Kweisi Mfume

▪ Maryland 8th District - Jamie Raskin

▪ Massachusetts 1st District - Richard E. Neal

▪ Massachusetts 2nd District - Jim McGovern

▪ Massachusetts 3rd District - Lori Trahan

▪ Massachusetts 4th District - Jake Auchincloss

▪ Massachusetts 5th District - Katherine Clark

▪ Massachusetts 6th District - Seth Moulton

▪ Massachusetts 7th District - Ayanna Pressley

▪ Massachusetts 8th District - Stephen F. Lynch

▪ Massachusetts 9th District - Bill Keating

▪ Michigan 1st District - Jack Bergman

▪ Michigan 2nd District - Bill Huizenga

▪ Michigan 3rd District - Peter Meijer

▪ Michigan 4th District - John Moolenaar

▪ Michigan 5th District - Dan Kildee

▪ Michigan 6th District - Fred Upton

▪ Michigan 7th District - Tim Walberg

▪ Michigan 8th District - Elissa Slotkin

▪ Michigan 9th District - Andy Levin

▪ Michigan 10th District - Lisa McClain

▪ Michigan 11th District - Haley Stevens

▪ Michigan 12th District - Debbie Dingell

▪ Michigan 13th District - Rashida Tlaib

▪ Michigan 14th District - Brenda Lawrence

▪ Minnesota 1st District - Jim Hagedorn

▪ Minnesota 2nd District - Angie Craig

▪ Minnesota 3rd District - Dean Phillips

▪ Minnesota 4th District - Betty McCollum

▪ Minnesota 5th District - Ilhan Omar

▪ Minnesota 6th District - Tom Emmer

▪ Minnesota 7th District - Michelle Fischbach

▪ Minnesota 8th District - Pete Stauber

▪ Mississippi 1st District - Trent Kelly

▪ Mississippi 2nd District - Bennie Thompson

▪ Mississippi 3rd District - Michael Guest

▪ Mississippi 4th District - Steven Palazzo

▪ Missouri 1st District - Cori Bush

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▪ Missouri 2nd District - Ann Wagner

▪ Missouri 3rd District - Blaine Luetkemeyer

▪ Missouri 4th District - Vicky Hartzler

▪ Missouri 5th District - Emanuel Cleaver

▪ Missouri 6th District - Sam Graves

▪ Missouri 7th District - Billy Long

▪ Missouri 8th District - Jason Smith

▪ Montana - Matt Rosendale

▪ Nebraska 1st District - Jeff Fortenberry

▪ Nebraska 2nd District - Don Bacon

▪ Nebraska 3rd District - Adrian Smith

▪ Nevada 1st District - Dina Titus

▪ Nevada 2nd District - Mark Amodei

▪ Nevada 3rd District - Susie Lee

▪ Nevada 4th District - Steven Horsford

▪ New Hampshire 1st District - Chris Pappas

▪ New Hampshire 2nd District - Ann M. Kuster

▪ New Jersey 1st District - Donald W. Norcross

▪ New Jersey 2nd District - Jefferson Van Drew

▪ New Jersey 3rd District - Andy Kim

▪ New Jersey 4th District - Christopher H. Smith

▪ New Jersey 5th District - Josh Gottheimer

▪ New Jersey 6th District - Frank Pallone

▪ New Jersey 7th District - Tom Malinowski

▪ New Jersey 8th District - Albio Sires

▪ New Jersey 9th District - Bill Pascrell

▪ New Jersey 10th District - Donald M. Payne

▪ New Jersey 11th District - Mikie Sherrill

▪ New Jersey 12th District - Bonnie Watson Coleman

▪ New Mexico 1st District - Melanie Stansbury

▪ New Mexico 2nd District - Yvette Herrell

▪ New Mexico 3rd District - Teresa L. Fernandez

▪ New York 1st District - Lee Zeldin

▪ New York 2nd District - Andrew Garbarino

▪ New York 3rd District - Thomas Suozzi

▪ New York 4th District - Kathleen Rice

▪ New York 5th District - Gregory W. Meeks

▪ New York 6th District - Grace Meng

▪ New York 7th District - Nydia M. Velázquez

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▪ New York 8th District - Hakeem Jeffries

▪ New York 9th District - Yvette D. Clarke

▪ New York 10th District - Jerrold Nadler

▪ New York 11th District - Nicole Malliotakis

▪ New York 12th District - Carolyn B. Maloney

▪ New York 13th District - Adriano Espaillat

▪ New York 14th District - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

▪ New York 15th District - Ritchie Torres

▪ New York 16th District - Jamaal Bowman

▪ New York 17th District - Mondaire Jones

▪ New York 18th District - Sean P. Maloney

▪ New York 19th District - Antonio Delgado

▪ New York 20th District - Paul Tonko

▪ New York 21st District - Elise Stefanik

▪ New York 22nd District - Claudia Tenney

▪ New York 23rd District - Tom Reed

▪ New York 24th District - John Katko

▪ New York 25th District - Joe Morelle

▪ New York 26th District - Brian Higgins

▪ New York 27th District - Chris Jacobs

▪ North Carolina 1st District - G. K. Butterfield

▪ North Carolina 2nd District - Deborah Ross

▪ North Carolina 3rd District - Greg Murphy

▪ North Carolina 4th District - David E. Price

▪ North Carolina 5th District - Virginia Foxx

▪ North Carolina 6th District - Kathy Manning

▪ North Carolina 7th District - David Rouzer

▪ North Carolina 8th District - Richard Hudson

▪ North Carolina 9th District - Dan Bishop

▪ North Carolina 10th District - Patrick T. McHenry

▪ North Carolina 11th District - Madison Cawthorn

▪ North Carolina 12th District - Alma Adams

▪ North Carolina 13th District - Ted Budd

▪ North Dakota - Kelly Armstrong

▪ Ohio 1st District - Steven J. Chabot

▪ Ohio 2nd District - Brad Wenstrup

▪ Ohio 3rd District - Joyce Beatty

▪ Ohio 4th District - Jim Jordan

▪ Ohio 5th District - Robert E. Latta

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▪ Ohio 6th District - Bill Johnson

▪ Ohio 7th District - Bob Gibbs

▪ Ohio 8th District - Warren Davidson

▪ Ohio 9th District - Marcy Kaptur

▪ Ohio 10th District - Michael R. Turner

▪ Ohio 11th District - Currently vacant. Previously held by Marcia Fudge

▪ Ohio 12th District - Troy Balderson

▪ Ohio 13th District - Tim Ryan

▪ Ohio 14th District - Dave Joyce

▪ Ohio 15th District - Currently vacant. Previously held by Steve Stivers

▪ Ohio 16th District - Anthony Gonzalez

▪ Oklahoma 1st District - Kevin Hern

▪ Oklahoma 2nd District - Markwayne Mullin

▪ Oklahoma 3rd District - Frank D. Lucas

▪ Oklahoma 4th District - Tom Cole

▪ Oklahoma 5th District - Stephanie Bice

▪ Oregon 1st District - Suzanne Bonamici

▪ Oregon 2nd District - Cliff Bentz

▪ Oregon 3rd District - Earl Blumenauer

▪ Oregon 4th District - Peter A. DeFazio

▪ Oregon 5th District - Kurt Schrader

▪ Pennsylvania 1st District - Brian Fitzpatrick

▪ Pennsylvania 2nd District - Brendan Boyle

▪ Pennsylvania 3rd District - Dwight Evans

▪ Pennsylvania 4th District - Madeleine Dean

▪ Pennsylvania 5th District - Mary G. Scanlon

▪ Pennsylvania 6th District - Chrissy Houlahan

▪ Pennsylvania 7th District - Susan Wild

▪ Pennsylvania 8th District - Matt Cartwright

▪ Pennsylvania 9th District - Daniel Meuser

▪ Pennsylvania 10th District - Scott Perry

▪ Pennsylvania 11th District - Lloyd Smucker

▪ Pennsylvania 12th District - Fred Keller

▪ Pennsylvania 13th District - John Joyce

▪ Pennsylvania 14th District - Guy Reschenthaler

▪ Pennsylvania 15th District - Glenn Thompson

▪ Pennsylvania 16th District - Mike Kelly

▪ Pennsylvania 17th District - Conor Lamb

▪ Pennsylvania 18th District - Mike Doyle

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▪ Rhode Island 1st District - David Cicilline

▪ Rhode Island 2nd District - Jim Langevin

▪ South Carolina 1st District - Nancy Mace

▪ South Carolina 2nd District - Joe Wilson

▪ South Carolina 3rd District - Jeffrey Duncan

▪ South Carolina 4th District - William Timmons

▪ South Carolina 5th District - Ralph Norman

▪ South Carolina 6th District - James E. Clyburn

▪ South Carolina 7th District - Tom Rice

▪ South Dakota - Dusty Johnson

▪ Tennessee 1st District - Diana Harshbarger

▪ Tennessee 2nd District - Tim Burchett

▪ Tennessee 3rd District - Chuck Fleischmann

▪ Tennessee 4th District - Scott DesJarlais

▪ Tennessee 5th District - Jim Cooper

▪ Tennessee 6th District - John Rose

▪ Tennessee 7th District - Mark Green

▪ Tennessee 8th District - David Kustoff

▪ Tennessee 9th District - Steve Cohen

▪ Texas 1st District - Louie Gohmert

▪ Texas 2nd District - Dan Crenshaw

▪ Texas 3rd District - Van Taylor

▪ Texas 4th District - Pat Fallon

▪ Texas 5th District - Lance Gooden

▪ Texas 6th District - Currently vacant. Previously held by Ron Wright

▪ Texas 7th District - Lizzie Fletcher

▪ Texas 8th District - Kevin Brady

▪ Texas 9th District - Al Green

▪ Texas 10th District - Michael McCaul

▪ Texas 11th District - August Pfluger

▪ Texas 12th District - Kay Granger

▪ Texas 13th District - Ronny Jackson

▪ Texas 14th District - Randy Weber

▪ Texas 15th District - Vicente Gonzalez

▪ Texas 16th District - Veronica Escobar

▪ Texas 17th District - Pete Sessions

▪ Texas 18th District - Sheila Jackson Lee

▪ Texas 19th District - Jodey Arrington

▪ Texas 20th District - Joaquin Castro

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▪ Texas 21st District - Chip Roy

▪ Texas 22nd District - Troy Nehls

▪ Texas 23rd District - Tony Gonzales

▪ Texas 24th District - Beth Van Duyne

▪ Texas 25th District - Roger Williams

▪ Texas 26th District - Michael C. Burgess

▪ Texas 27th District - Michael Cloud

▪ Texas 28th District - Henry Cuellar

▪ Texas 29th District - Sylvia Garcia

▪ Texas 30th District - Eddie B. Johnson

▪ Texas 31st District - John Carter

▪ Texas 32nd District - Colin Allred

▪ Texas 33rd District - Marc Veasey

▪ Texas 34th District - Filemon Vela

▪ Texas 35th District - Lloyd Doggett

▪ Texas 36th District - Brian Babin

▪ Utah 1st District - Blake Moore

▪ Utah 2nd District - Chris Stewart

▪ Utah 3rd District - John Curtis

▪ Utah 4th District - Burgess Owens

▪ Vermont - Peter Welch

▪ Virginia 1st District - Robert J. Wittman

▪ Virginia 2nd District - Elaine Luria

▪ Virginia 3rd District - Robert C. Scott

▪ Virginia 4th District - A. D. McEachin

▪ Virginia 5th District - Robert Good

▪ Virginia 6th District - Ben Cline

▪ Virginia 7th District - Abigail Spanberger

▪ Virginia 8th District - Donald Beyer

▪ Virginia 9th District - Morgan Griffith

▪ Virginia 10th District - Jennifer Wexton

▪ Virginia 11th District - Gerald E. Connolly

▪ Washington 1st District - Suzan K. DelBene

▪ Washington 2nd District - Rick Larsen

▪ Washington 3rd District - Jaime Herrera Beutler

▪ Washington 4th District - Dan Newhouse

▪ Washington 5th District - Cathy McMorris Rodgers

▪ Washington 6th District - Derek Kilmer

▪ Washington 7th District - Pramila Jayapal

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▪ Washington 8th District - Kim Schrier

▪ Washington 9th District - Adam Smith

▪ Washington 10th District - Marilyn Strickland

▪ West Virginia 1st District - David McKinley

▪ West Virginia 2nd District - Alex Mooney

▪ West Virginia 3rd District - Carol Miller

▪ Wisconsin 1st District - Bryan Steil

▪ Wisconsin 2nd District - Mark Pocan

▪ Wisconsin 3rd District - Ron Kind

▪ Wisconsin 4th District - Gwen Moore

▪ Wisconsin 5th District - Scott Fitzgerald

▪ Wisconsin 6th District - Glenn Grothman

▪ Wisconsin 7th District - Tom Tiffany

▪ Wisconsin 8th District - Mike Gallagher

▪ Wyoming - Liz Cheney

▪ American Samoa - Amata C. Radewagen

▪ Guam - Michael San Nicolas

▪ Northern Mariana Islands - Gregorio K. Sablan

▪ Puerto Rico - Jenniffer González Colón

▪ U.S. Virgin Islands - Stacey Plaskett

▪ District of Columbia - Eleanor H. Norton
