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U.S Civil War

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U.S Civil War. Kristalyn Lima. Before The War. South. North. -There were 11 Southern states during the years of 1860 and 1861 -South wanted slavery mostly for Farming -The slaves did most work on the large farms -The South wanted to be its own nation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

-There were 22 Northern states during the years of 1860 and 1861

-The North didn’t want slavery

-The North manufactured many items

-They wanted to be one whole nation

-The North had more people

-There were 11 Southern states during the years of 1860 and 1861

-South wanted slavery mostly forFarming

-The slaves did most work on the large farms

-The South wanted to be its own nation

-The thing they did the most in the South was farming

-January 1863, Lincoln issues the Emancipation Proclamationafter presenting it to his cabinet

-In the spring of 1863, riots broke out in a number of Southern towns

-54th Massachusetts Regiment was one of the first African-AmericanRegiments organized in the North , it earned its greatest fame in July 1863 , when it led a heroic attack on Fort Wagner in SouthCarolina

-July 1863 Battle of Gettysburg was on. It was Between Lee andUnion troops

-On July 4, 1863, the Union had received news that in Mississippi, General Ulysses S. Grant had defeated Confederate troops at theSiege of Vicksburg

-Lee fled west, while Grant followed in pursuit. Later he sent amessage to General Grant saying he is ready to surrender.On April 9, 1865, Lee and Grant met in the small Virginia town of Appomattox Court House too arrange the surrender

-In January 1865, Lincoln urged Congress to try again to end slavery. This measure passed as the 13th amendment

-April 1865, President Abraham Lincoln is Assassinated

-After 1865, people no longer said “the United States are” but “the United states is”

-September 1865, English officials arrest Fenian leaders of planned uprising in Ireland

Lincoln's AssassinationLincoln's Assassination-Five days after Lee’s surrender at Appomattox, Lincoln andHis wife went to see a play at Ford’s Theatre in D.C.

-During the play, a Confederate supporter, John Wilkes Booth,Crept into the balcony where Lincoln sat and shot him fromThe back of the head

-Then he jumped over the railing and landed on the stage. Although he broke his leg, he managed to escape the theater

-Although Booth escaped the theater after the shooting, Union Troops found him and killed him several days later

-After Lincoln was shot, he was carried to a house that was across the theater, however the bullet in his brain wasn’t able to be removed. April 15, 1865, Lincoln died

13th Amendment13th Amendment

-One of the greatest effects of the war was freeing of millions ofEnslaved people

-As the Union army moved through the South during and after war,Union soldiers released African Americans from bondage

-In 1864, President Lincoln had approved of a constitutionalAmendment to end slavery, but failed to pass congress

-In January 1865, Lincoln urged Congress to try again to end slavery.

-This Time, the measure passed as the 13th amendment

14th Amendment-Republicans weren't satisfied with the passing laws that ensuredEqual rights, they wanted equality to be protected by theConstitution itself

-To achieve this goal, the Congress proposed the 14th amendment in 1866

-It is stated that all people born in the U.S were citizens and hadthe same rights

-It declared that any state that kept African Americans fromVoting would loose representatives in Congress

-This meant that Southern states would have less power if theydid not grant black men their vote

15th Amendment15th Amendment-After Grant’s victory, Radical Republicans worried that the Southernstates might try to keep African Americans from voting in future elections

-To prevent this, Radical leaders stated a new constitutional amendment

-The 15th amendment stated that citizens could not be stopped From voting “on account of race, color, or previous conditions ofServitude.”

-The amendment was ratified in 1870

-With the 15th amendment, the nation again turned toward democracy

-The 15th amendment did not apply to women. Women were mad


-North had more People than South

-The North was more wealthier than South

-North wanted slavery toend

-North wanted to beone whole nation

-North wanted to cut the economy so theconfederate would surrender

-South wanted slavery To expand all over thenation

-South didn’t want North to stop slavery

-South wanted to takeover North

-South wanted todefeat the North soslavery wasn’t banned

-South was knownfor farming


-They both are American

-They both had developedIn 1800

-They both fought againstEach other

-They both had heavy injuryAfter the war

-They both get sick becauseOf the virus during Civil War
