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US COALBED METHANE - MapCruzin...The CBM proved reserves data are from the EIA's U.S. Crude Oil,...

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Panel 2 of 2 US COALBED METHANE The Past: Production The Present: Reserves The Future: Resources Annual coalbed methane gas production data through 12/31/2006 was obtained from 17 state oil & gas regulatory entities or geological surveys and one producing company. Data for 2006 were not yet available for West Virginia and Pennsylvania so the 2005 volumes were assumed to repeat in 2006. Produced CBM gas volumes from each state were classified by basin. The cumulative production pie chart to the left shows the sum of all reported CBM gas volumes by basin through 2006. The San Juan Basin dominates the chart. The only other basin to exceed 10% is the Powder River Basin (12%). Relative cumulative production volumes by basin are spatially depicted in the choropleth map at the top right. The CBM basins have been subdivided into four tiers based on their 2006 annual production volumes, as shown in the four graphs below the pie chart and map. This permits clear visualization of the production trends of the smaller volume basins. Note the significant vertical (volumetric) scale differences among the four graphs. Total annual CBM production volumes from 1980 (the first separately reported CBM volumes) to 2006 for all 17 basins are shown as a dotted black line on the first graph to the left. The three CBM basins which produce between 115 and 1,000 billion cubic feet of CBM gas per year (BCF/year) (San Juan, Powder River, and Black Warrior) are classed as Tier 1 basins and are individually shown. Fourteen other (smaller) basins are combined and shown as the purple line. The most obvious trends are (1) the dominance of the San Juan Basin since the late 1980's and beginning a slight decline in 2000; and (2) the rapid increase of the Powder River Basin beginning in the late 1990's. Tier 2 (30-115 BCF/year) is comprised of the Raton, Uinta, Central Appalachian, Arkoma, and Cherokee basins. The second graph on the left reveals that production is still increasing in all of them except the Uinta Basin. The dashed black line indicates total production of the Tier 2 basins. The graph for the Tier 3 basins (0.5 - 5 BCF/year, top one on right) looks more "spiky" than those of the first two tiers owing to expansion of the vertical scale. This graph contrasts growing production in the Wind River, Northern Appalachian, and Greater Green River basins with declining production in the Gulf Coast Basin and nearly flat production in the Piceance Basin. The fourth graph (bottom one on right) displays the four smallest CBM production basins which comprise Tier 4 (<10 million cubic feet of CBM gas/year (MMCF/year)). Three of them have declined to zero production (Hanna-Carbon, Alaska-Susitna, and Wyoming Thrust Belt). Only the Illinois Basin is on the rise and those volumes represent only one operator in one field (BPI, Saline County Coal Gas Field). Note that these production volumes came from the individual state oil and gas regulatory agencies (and BPI) and are therefore slightly different from the CBM production volumes EIA has collected annually since 1989 on its Form EIA-23 Proved reserves are the quantities of gas that geologic and engineering data demonstrate with reasonable certainty to be recoverable in future years from known reservoirs under existing economic and operating conditions. The CBM proved reserves data are from the EIA's U.S. Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and Natural Gas Liquids Reserves, 2006 Annual Report. Illinois Basin, Wind River Basin and Forest City Basin reserves are not shown to protect the confidentiality of operators' estimates, and Piceance and Gulf Coast Basin reserves are not shown due to inadequate reporting. The pie chart at left shows the division of CBM proved reserves by basin in 2005. The San Juan Basin dominates the chart with just less than half (43%) of the total proved reserves. Four other basins exceed 10% of the resererves total: Raton (14%), Powder River (12%), Black Warrior (11%) and Central Appalachian (10%). Relative CBM proved reserves by basin are spatially depicted in the choropleth map at the right. Recoverable resource estimates of coalbed natural gas are those volumes which are potentially recoverable under existing and foreseen technological conditions. They have not yet been discovered or developed, and do not include proved reserves or cumulative production. These CBM resource estimates are from Potential Supply of Natural Gas in the United States, Report of the Potential Gas Committee (PGC), 12/31/2006 (www.mines.edu/research/pga/index.html). The committee is comprised of volunteer experts from the gas industry, government, and academia. The displayed volumes are the sums by basin of the estimated most likely (modal) volumes of Probable plus Possible plus Speculative resources. It would be preferable to sum the estimated mean values rather than the estimated modal values, but the former are not provided for CBM. The relative portion of each basin's resource potential within the United States is shown on the pie chart to the left. Note that some of the PGC basins were aggregated to reduce the number of pie slices. Units for the resource estimates are trillion cubic feet (TCF) of CBM gas. The mature San Juan Basin represents only 5% of the resource total. Alaska dominates the graph with 35%, but note that Alaska is comprised of multiple basins aggregated together whereas most of the Lower 48 States basins are not aggregated. Given their relatively small areas, the Raton, Hanna-Carbon, Pacific, and Wind River basins have a relatively high resource volume. The relative resource estimates are spatially depicted in the choropleth map at bottom right. PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE CBM PRODUCTION DATA SOURCES (if no name is listed, then source is website): AK Oil & Gas Conservation Commission (S. Davies), AK Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (J. Clough) AL State Oil & Gas Board, Geological Survey of AL (J. Pashin) AR Oil & Gas Commission CO Oil & Gas Conservation Commission IL: BPI Energy, Inc. (K. Lite) IN: No data available KS Geological Survey (T. Carr) KY Geological Survey (B. Nuttal) LA Dept of Natural Resources, US Geological Survey (P. Warwick) MT Board of Oil & Gas Conservation NM: GO-TECH (M. Cather) OH Division of Geological Survey (J. McDonald) OK Geological Survey (B. Cardott) PA Bureau of Topographic & Geological Survey (T. Markowski) TX Railroad Commission UT Division of Oil, Gas & Mining VA Dept. of Mines, Minerals & Energy WV Geological & Economic Survey (L. Avary) WY Oil & Gas Conservation Commission November 2007 Comments or questions to EIA Reserves & Production Division: Bob King ([email protected]) Gary Long ([email protected]) Gulf Coast Illinois Forest City Uinta Cherokee Northern Appalachian Powder River San Juan Central Appalachian Greater Green River Arkoma Piceance Black Warrior Raton Wind River Hannah-Carbon Wyoming Overthrust 1 20 18 772 174 2,314 758 41 1 13,147 243 1,893 625 0 200 400 100 Miles US Coalbed Methane Cumulative Production (BCF) By Basin To 12/31/06 ¯ Notes: 2006 CBM production from PA and WV not yet available; assumed to be equal to 2005 volumes for this study. Forest City Basin production is entirely in KS, volumes not separated from Cherokee portion of KS but are only from <3% of KS wells. OK volumes do not include CBM+ conventional comingled completions. < 1 < 1 Cumulative CBM Production By Basin, 1980 -2006 (BCF) 0 < 1 1 - 10 10 - 100 100 - 500 500 - 1,000 1,000 - 5,000 > 5,000 Data sources: Production from State Oil & Gas Commissions and State Geological Surveys. Basins from USGS (Tully). Projection: Albers NAD 27 < 1 Susitna Alaska < 1 0 400 200 Miles Cumulative US Coalbed Methane Production (BCF) By Basin to 12-31-06 Black Warrior 9% Cent. Appal. 4% Powder River 12% Uinta 4% Raton 3% 11 Small Basins 2% San Juan 66% Total Cumulative CBM Production = 20,006 BCF Gas 13,147 497 2,314 1,893 772 758 625 Arkoma 243 Cherokee 174 Piceance 41 N. Appalachian 20 Grtr Green River 18 Wind RIver 1 Gulf Coast 1 Hannah-Carbon <1 WY Thrust Belt <1 Alaska <1 Illinois <1 11 Small Basins and reported in its U.S. Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and Natural Gas Liquids Annual Report . The graph below compares these production volume sources. US Coalbed Methane Annual Production By Basin Tier 1 CBM Basins: 115- 1,000 BCF/Year 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 CBM Gas/ Year (BCF ) San Juan Black Warrior Powder River 14 Smaller Basins All 17 CBM Basins US Coalbed Methane Annual Production By Basin Tier 2 CBM Basins: 30-114 BCF/Year 0 100 200 300 400 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 CBM Gas/ Year (BCF ) Cent. Appalachian Uinta Raton Arkoma Cherokee TOTAL 5 Basins US Coalbed Methane Annual Production By Basin Tier 3 Basins: 0.5 - 5 BCF/ Year 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 1980 1982 1984 1986 1989 1991 1993 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 CBM Gas/ Year (BCF) Piceance N. Appalachian Grtr Green River Wind River Gulf Coast TOTAL 5 basins Coalbed Methane Annual Production By Basin Tier 4 Basins: < 10 MMCF/ year 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 1980 1982 1984 1986 1989 1991 1993 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 CBM Gas/ Year (BCF) Hanna-Carbon WY Thrust Alaska (Susitna) Illinois TOTAL 4 Basins Pacific 3.4 6.1 0.5 7.6 10.6 2.5 2.8 1.2 2.4 18.5 5.5 0.01 5.8 8.4 4.4 0.3 1.8 0.8 2.5 0.2 4.2 2.7 6.1 2.6 Gulf Coast Forest City Illinois Northern Appalachian Williston Cherokee Greater Green River Powder River Central Appalachian Uinta + Piceance + Park San Juan Arkoma Southwestern Coal Region North Central Michigan Denver Black Warrior Big Horn Wind River Kaiparowits + Black Mesa Henry Mtns + SW Colorado Raton Hanna-Carbon 57 0 400 200 Miles 0 200 400 100 Miles US Coalbed Methane Resources (TCF) By Basin, December 2006 CBM Resources (TCF) 0 0.1 - 1 1.1 - 4 4.1 - 7 7.1 - 15 15.1 - 30 > 30 Data Sources: Sum of probable, possible and speculative most likely estimates from Potential Gas Committee, 12/31/2006 Coal Basins from USGS (Tully) & Alaska DNR Projection: Albers NAD27 ¯ Alaska US Coalbed Methane Resources (TCF) Potential Gas Committee, 2006 Forest City 4% Southwestern 4% 4-S. Rockies Basins 3% Uinta-Piceance - Park 3% 4-N. Rockies Basins 3% Cherokee + Arkoma 3% Raton 3% Illinois 5% Gulf Coast 2% Hannah-Carbon 4% San Juan 5% Appalachian- Black Warrior- Michigan 11% Powder River 11% Alaska 35% Pacific 2% 4 S. Rockies Basins Henry Mtns-SW Colorado 2.7 Greater Green River 2.5 Denver 0.3 Black Mesa- Kaiparowits 0.2 4 N. Rockies Basins Wind River 2.5 North Central 1.2 Big Horn 0.8 Williston 0.5 Total CBM Resources = 157.9 TCF Gas 57 18.5 17.3 8.4 2.6 3.4 7.6 4.3 4.6 5 5.5 5.7 5.8 6.1 6.1 US Coal Bed Methane Proved Reserves (BCF) EIA-23, 2006 San Juan 43.0% Powder River 12.3% Raton 14.2% Central Appalachian 10.1% Black Warrior 10.5% Uinta 3.8% Northern Appalachian 0.3% 5 Small Basins 0.3% Arkoma 2.9% Greater Green River 0.4% Cherokee 1.9% Total CBM Reserves = 19.6 TCF Gas 5 Small Basins Wind River Illinois Piceance Gulf Coast Forest City 8446 2786 2418 2068 1995 750 577 374 78 64 63 Gulf Coast Illinois Forest City Uinta Cherokee Northern Appalachian Powder River San Juan Central Appalachian Greater Green River Arkoma Piceance Black Warrior Raton Wind River 64 78 374 2,418 1,995 750 8,446 2,068 577 2,786 ¯ CBM Proved Reserves by Basin (BCF) 0 0.1 - 1 1.1 - 50 50.1 - 500 500.1 - 1000 1000.1 - 2000 2000.1 - 3000 > 3000 0 200 400 100 Miles US Coalbed Methane Proved Reserves (BCF) By Basin, 2006 Data Sources: Proved reserves from EIA-23 (2006). Reserve values for Illinois, Wind River and Forest City Basins not shown due to confidentiality. Gulf Coast and Piceance Basin values not shown due to inadequate reporting. Coal basins from USGS (Tully, 1996) Projection: Albers NAD 27 Coalbed Methane Annual Production from All Basins Comparison of Two Data Sources: States and EIA-23 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 CBM Gas/ Year (BCF) State Data EIA-23 Data
Page 1: US COALBED METHANE - MapCruzin...The CBM proved reserves data are from the EIA's U.S. Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and Natural Gas Liquids Reserves, 2006 Annual Report. Illinois Basin,

Panel 2 of 2

US COALBED METHANEThe Past: Production

The Present: Reserves

The Future: Resources

Annual coalbed methane gas production data through 12/31/2006 was obtained from 17 state oil & gas regulatory entities or geological surveys and one producing company. Data for 2006 were not yet available for West Virginia and Pennsylvania so the 2005 volumes were assumed to repeat in 2006. Produced CBM gas volumes from each state were classified by basin.The cumulative production pie chart to the left shows the sum of all reported CBM gas volumes by basin through 2006. The San Juan Basin dominates the chart. The only other basin to exceed 10% is the Powder River Basin (12%). Relative cumulative production volumes by basin are spatially depicted in the choropleth map at the top right.The CBM basins have been subdivided into four tiers based on their 2006 annual production volumes, as shown in the four graphs below the pie chart and map. This permits clear visualization of the production trends of the smaller volume basins. Note the significant vertical (volumetric) scale differences among the four graphs.Total annual CBM production volumes from 1980 (the first separately reported CBM volumes) to 2006 for all 17 basins are shown as a dotted black line on the first graph to the left. The three CBM basins which produce between 115 and 1,000 billion cubic feet of CBM gas per year (BCF/year) (San Juan, Powder River, and Black Warrior) are classed as Tier 1 basins and are individually shown. Fourteen other (smaller) basins are combined and shown as the purple line. The most obvious trends are (1) the dominance of the San Juan Basin since the late 1980's and beginning a slight decline in 2000; and (2) the rapid increase of the Powder River Basin beginning in the late 1990's.Tier 2 (30-115 BCF/year) is comprised of the Raton, Uinta, Central Appalachian, Arkoma, and Cherokee basins. The second graph on the left reveals that production is still increasing in all of them except the Uinta Basin. The dashed black line indicates total production of the Tier 2 basins.The graph for the Tier 3 basins (0.5 - 5 BCF/year, top one on right) looks more "spiky" than those of the first two tiers owing to expansion of the vertical scale. This graph contrasts growing production in the Wind River, Northern Appalachian, and Greater Green River basins with declining production inthe Gulf Coast Basin and nearly flat production in the Piceance Basin.The fourth graph (bottom one on right) displays the four smallest CBM production basins which comprise Tier 4 (<10 million cubic feet of CBM gas/year (MMCF/year)). Three of them have declined to zero production (Hanna-Carbon, Alaska-Susitna, and Wyoming Thrust Belt). Only the Illinois Basin is on the rise and those volumes represent only one operator in one field (BPI, Saline County Coal Gas Field). Note that these production volumes came from the individual state oil and gas regulatory agencies (and BPI) and are therefore slightly different from the CBM production volumes EIA has collected annually since 1989 on its Form EIA-23

Proved reserves are the quantities of gas that geologic and engineering data demonstrate with reasonable certainty to be recoverable in future years from known reservoirs under existing economic and operating conditions.The CBM proved reserves data are from the EIA's U.S. Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and Natural Gas Liquids Reserves, 2006 Annual Report. Illinois Basin, Wind River Basin and Forest City Basin reserves are not shown to protect the confidentiality of operators' estimates, and Piceance and Gulf Coast Basin reserves are not shown due to inadequate reporting.The pie chart at left shows the division of CBM proved reserves by basin in 2005. The San Juan Basin dominates the chart with just less than half (43%) of the total proved reserves. Four other basins exceed 10% of the resererves total: Raton (14%), Powder River (12%), Black Warrior (11%) and Central Appalachian (10%).Relative CBM proved reserves by basin are spatially depicted in the choropleth map at the right.

Recoverable resource estimates of coalbed natural gas are those volumes which are potentially recoverable under existing and foreseen technological conditions. They have not yet been discovered or developed, and do not include proved reserves or cumulative production. These CBM resource estimates are from Potential Supply of Natural Gas in the United States, Report of the Potential Gas Committee (PGC), 12/31/2006(www.mines.edu/research/pga/index.html). The committee is comprised of volunteer experts from the gas industry, government, and academia. The displayed volumes are the sums by basin of the estimated most likely (modal) volumes of Probable plus Possible plus Speculative resources. It would be preferable to sum the estimated mean values rather than the estimated modal values, but the former are not provided for CBM. The relative portion of each basin's resource potential within the United States is shown on the pie chart to the left. Note that some of the PGC basins were aggregated to reduce the number of pie slices. Units for the resource estimates are trillion cubic feet (TCF) of CBM gas.The mature San Juan Basin represents only 5% of the resource total. Alaska dominates the graph with 35%, but note that Alaska is comprised of multiple basins aggregated together whereas most of the Lower 48 States basins are not aggregated. Given their relatively small areas, the Raton, Hanna-Carbon, Pacific, and Wind River basins have a relatively high resource volume.The relative resource estimates are spatially depicted in the choropleth map at bottom right.


CBM PRODUCTION DATA SOURCES (if no name is listed, then source is website):AK Oil & Gas Conservation Commission (S. Davies),AK Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys (J. Clough)AL State Oil & Gas Board, Geological Survey of AL (J. Pashin)AR Oil & Gas CommissionCO Oil & Gas Conservation CommissionIL: BPI Energy, Inc. (K. Lite)IN: No data availableKS Geological Survey (T. Carr)KY Geological Survey (B. Nuttal)LA Dept of Natural Resources, US Geological Survey (P. Warwick)MT Board of Oil & Gas ConservationNM: GO-TECH (M. Cather)OH Division of Geological Survey (J. McDonald)OK Geological Survey (B. Cardott)PA Bureau of Topographic & Geological Survey (T. Markowski)TX Railroad CommissionUT Division of Oil, Gas & MiningVA Dept. of Mines, Minerals & EnergyWV Geological & Economic Survey (L. Avary)WY Oil & Gas Conservation Commission

November 2007Comments or questions to EIA Reserves & Production Division: Bob King ([email protected])Gary Long ([email protected])

Gulf Coast




Northern Appalachian

Powder River

San JuanCentral


Greater Green River



Black Warrior


Wind River


Wyoming Overthrust











0 200 400100Miles

US Coalbed Methane Cumulative Production (BCF) By Basin To 12/31/06


Notes: 2006 CBM production from PA and WV not yet available; assumed to be equal to 2005 volumes for this study. Forest City Basin production is entirely in KS, volumes not separated from Cherokee portion of KS butare only from <3% of KS wells. OK volumes do notinclude CBM+ conventional comingled completions.

< 1

< 1

Cumulative CBM ProductionBy Basin, 1980 -2006 (BCF)

0< 11 - 1010 - 100100 - 500500 - 1,0001,000 - 5,000> 5,000

Data sources: Production from State Oil & Gas Commissions and State Geological Surveys. Basins from USGS (Tully).

Projection: Albers NAD 27

< 1



< 1

0 400200Miles

Cumulative US Coalbed Methane Production (BCF) By Basin to 12-31-06

Black Warrior


Cent. Appal.


Powder River12%

Uinta4% Raton

3%11 Small Basins


San Juan66%

Total Cumulative CBM Production = 20,006 BCF Gas




1,893772 758


Arkoma 243Cherokee 174Piceance 41N. Appalachian 20Grtr Green River 18Wind RIver 1Gulf Coast 1Hannah-Carbon <1WY Thrust Belt <1Alaska <1Illinois <1

11 Small Basins

and reported in its U.S. Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and Natural Gas Liquids AnnualReport. The graph below compares these production volume sources.

US Coalbed Methane Annual Production By BasinTier 1 CBM Basins: 115- 1,000 BCF/Year






1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006

CBM Gas/Year (BCF )

San JuanBlack WarriorPowder River14 Smaller BasinsAll 17 CBM Basins

US Coalbed Methane Annual Production By BasinTier 2 CBM Basins: 30-114 BCF/Year






1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006

CBM Gas/ Year (BCF )

Cent. AppalachianUintaRatonArkomaCherokeeTOTAL 5 Basins

US Coalbed Methane Annual Production By BasinTier 3 Basins: 0.5 - 5 BCF/ Year








1980 1982 1984 1986 1989 1991 1993 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006

CBM Gas/ Year (BCF)

PiceanceN. AppalachianGrtr Green RiverWind RiverGulf CoastTOTAL 5 basins

Coalbed Methane Annual Production By BasinTier 4 Basins: < 10 MMCF/ year







1980 1982 1984 1986 1989 1991 1993 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006

CBM Gas/ Year (BCF)

Hanna-CarbonWY ThrustAlaska (Susitna)IllinoisTOTAL 4 Basins























Gulf Coast

Forest City





Greater Green


Powder River


Uinta + Piceance + Park

San Juan Arkoma

Southwestern Coal Region

North Central



Black Warrior

Big HornWind


Kaiparowits +Black Mesa

Henry Mtns +SW Colorado




0 400200Miles 0 200 400100


US Coalbed Methane Resources (TCF)By Basin, December 2006

CBM Resources (TCF)00.1 - 11.1 - 44.1 - 77.1 - 1515.1 - 30> 30

Data Sources:Sum of probable, possible and speculative most likely estimates from Potential Gas Committee, 12/31/2006Coal Basins from USGS (Tully) & Alaska DNRProjection: Albers NAD27


US Coalbed Methane Resources (TCF) Potential Gas Committee, 2006

Forest City4%


4-S. Rockies Basins3%

Uinta-Piceance- Park


4-N. Rockies Basins


Cherokee + Arkoma



5%Gulf Coast



San Juan5%

Appalachian-Black Warrior-

Michigan11%Powder River


Alaska35% Pacific


4 S. Rockies BasinsHenry Mtns-SW Colorado 2.7Greater Green River 2.5Denver 0.3Black Mesa- Kaiparowits 0.2

4 N. Rockies BasinsWind River 2.5North Central 1.2Big Horn 0.8Williston 0.5

Total CBM Resources = 157.9 TCF Gas


18.5 17.38.4

2.6 3.4 7.6 4.3 4.6 5 5.5

US Coal Bed Methane Proved Reserves (BCF)EIA-23, 2006

San Juan43.0%

Powder River12.3% Raton


Central Appalachian


Black Warrior10.5%


Northern Appalachian

0.3%5 Small Basins



Greater Green River0.4%


Total CBM Reserves = 19.6 TCF Gas

5 Small BasinsWind RiverIllinoisPiceanceGulf CoastForest City




1995750 577

37478 64


Gulf Coast


Forest CityUinta


Northern Appalachian

Powder River

San Juan

Central Appalachian

Greater Green River



Black Warrior


Wind River












CBM Proved Reserves by Basin (BCF)00.1 - 11.1 - 5050.1 - 500500.1 - 10001000.1 - 20002000.1 - 3000 > 3000

0 200 400100Miles

US Coalbed Methane Proved Reserves (BCF) By Basin, 2006 Data Sources:

Proved reserves from EIA-23 (2006). Reserve values for Illinois, Wind River and Forest City Basins not shown due to confidentiality. Gulf Coast and PiceanceBasin values not shown due to inadequatereporting. Coal basins from USGS (Tully, 1996)Projection: Albers NAD 27

Coalbed Methane Annual Production from All BasinsComparison of Two Data Sources: States and EIA-23






1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005

CBM Gas/Year


State DataEIA-23 Data
