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US Copyright Office: devotional-claimants-reply

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  • 8/14/2019 US Copyright Office: devotional-claimants-reply




    In the Matter ofSection 109 Report to CongressNotice of Inquiry

    Docket No. 2007-1


    On behalf of Devotional Claimants,1 we hereby submit these Reply Comments in

    connection with Notice of Inquiry ("NO I") in the above-referenced p roceeding.

    Having reviewe d all the written comm ents in this proceeding, the Devotional

    Claimants reiterate their basic positions set forth in their original com ments. Primarily,

    the Devo tional Claimants believe that the cable and satellite compulsory licenses have

    served copyright ow ners, cable and satellite companies and the subscribing public well

    over the past deca des. While urging that the ra tes paid by cable and satellite operators

    should be increased to better approximate fair marketplace value, Devotional Claimants

    nonetheless endorse retention of the satellite statutory license and sup port retention of

    both the cable and satellite licenses in their current form.

    1 The Devo tional Claimants filing these Reply Comments are A mazing Facts, Inc.; American ReligiousTown H all Meeting, Inc.; Billy Graham Evang elistic Association; Catholic Communications Corp.; TheChristian Broadcasting Netwo rk, Inc.; Coral Ridge Ministries Media, Inc.; Cottonwood Christian Center;Crenshaw C hristian Center; Crystal Cathedral Ministries; Evangelical Lutheran Church in Ame rica; Faithfor Today; Family Wo rship Center Church; In Touch M inistries, Inc.; It Is Written; Joyce MeyerMinistries; Liberty Broadcasting Network; O ral Roberts Evangelical Association; RBC Ministries;Reginald B. Cherry Ministries; Rhema Bible Church; Ron Ph illips Ministries; Speak the Wo rd ChurchInternational; The Potter's House of Dallas, Inc., Zola Levitt Ministries, Inc.

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    I. CATV Industry Proposals To Reduce Royalty Payments Should Be Rejected

    W hile cable interests vigorously endorse the need for a cable com pulsory license,

    they complain about various aspects of Section 111, including the 3.75% surcharge, the

    so-called phantom signal fee and the treatment of FOX stations as full (1.0) DSE-valued

    signals. The Devotional Claimants recognize that there are sound regulatory and

    practical reasons for the surcharge, the phantom signal fee, as well as DSE valuation of

    FOX stations, and we o ppose any attem pt to erase those distinctions in order to reduce

    the royalties paid by cable operators. Indeed, it appears that the cable interests seek to

    keep the primary benefits of systems the ease and certainty of retransmission of

    broadcast signals and their programs - wh ile eschewing part of the corollary burden, a

    full payment of the compulsory royalty rate.

    The cable proposal to wipe ou t the 3.75% surcharge igno res the fact that the

    surcharge applies only if CATV operators choose to carry the particular signals that

    generate the fee. Having benefited from offering signals that attract and keep

    subscribers, cable interests now wish to change the copyright royalty rules m id-stream

    that provided that benefit in the first place. Indeed, rather than being an undue burden, it

    appears that the payments for 3.75% signals reasonably approximate the fair marketplace

    value of the distantly retransmitted signals for cable operators and their subscribers;

    otherwise those signals would be dropped. Thus, instead of eliminating the surcharge,

    the Copyright Office should encourage a royalty schem e that emulates the surcharge

    feature, because it best realizes fair marketplace value to copyright program owners.

    Cable's desire to end paymen t for the so-called phantom signal fee is a clear

    attempt to underm ine the long-standing policy, which dates back to very early

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    interpretative rulings by the Cop yright Office, and by which cab le operators of integrated

    system (i.e. contiguous comm unities served from a com mon he adend) pay royalties on an

    integrated, system-wide basis.2 That som e subscribers receive a signal while their

    neighbors do not is a decision of the cable operator, not one mandated by law. Cable

    systems have the cho ice to expand service of these so-called phantom signals throughout

    their service area, thereby providing additional programming cho ices for their

    subscribers. Rather than undermining Copyright Office rules that define contiguous

    comm unities for Statement of Acco unt (SOA ) filing purposes, operators should expand

    viewing options when a system's operations are contiguous and integrated.

    As to the treatment of FOX stations as independent (1.0 DSE -valued), rather than

    network (0.2 5 DSE -valued) stations for copyright royalty purposes, this issue was

    resolved years ago and should not be revisited now. There is nothing inconsistent with a

    station being deemed a network for one purp ose (FCC rules) and an independent station

    for a different purpose (copyright compulsory licensing). The effort by cable interests to

    redefine FOX stations is a transparent attempt by them to reduce the D SE of each station

    by 75% , thereby diminishing the revenues paid under the cable comp ulsory license and

    further distancing the license fee from a fair marketplace v alue for all the signals.

    2 Further, the CATV propo sal to end the phantom signal fee also constitutes a back-door attempt at makingthe cable license m irror the satellite license, where roy alties are instead paid on a p er subscriber/per signal

    basis. The Devotional Claimants oppose a "one size fits all" concept for statutory licensing ofretransmitted broadcast signals, a view generally shared by other comm enting copyright owners. Rather,any exception to the grant of ex clusive rights in copyright law in the form of a compulsory license for cablemust be tailored specifically to the legal and regulatory history of the medium , as well as the needs of theaffected parties (copyright owners, broadcasters, CATV operators and subscribers). The current Section111 fee structure balances those interests for the cable industry. It must be recognized that a differenthistory and set of nee ds applies to the satellite industry. As a result, any effort to impose the satellite ratestructure on cable not only would be u nfair from a practical perspective since it would ignore pertinentneeds and history, but also it would be unwise from a policy perspective, because it would discouragelegislative reform based on a full record.


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    In sum, the cab le industry proposals are designed to reduc e significantly the

    royalties paid by cable operators, without any compe nsating benefit to copyright owners.

    Such a result would understandab ly create a firestorm of protest by copyright own ers,

    whose works are subject to compulsory licensing. As the Copyright Office fully

    appreciates, the present compulsory scheme w as created as a settled balance of complex

    comp eting interests, the primary purp ose of which was to ensure copyright owners fair

    econom ic benefit for the compe lled use of their works by the medium of cable television.

    By reduc ing any of the royalty paym ent obligations, the very existence of the license

    would be threatened.

    II . evotional Claimants Oppose Retrofitting Existing Compulsory Licensesfor Internet TV or M obile Telephony

    As a general principle, Devotional Claimants support fair enjoym ent of the cable

    and satellite compulsory licenses. Thus, if a new entrant (such as a telephone company

    providing video program ming services) me ets the statutory definition of "cable system,"

    then it should be entitled to use of the license; provided, that it fully comply w ith the

    obligations of the license, including timely paym ent of royalties, full and accurate

    reporting of carriage, and comp liance with other compu lsory licensing requirements, such

    as syndicated exclusivity protection.

    How ever, based on the com ments in this inquiry, it appears more likely in the

    coming ye ars that other new m edia compan ies, especially those exploiting Internet and

    mobile telephony, may want to become involved in the distribution of channels of

    programming. In that event, it is one thing for program owners to license their works for

    new media distribution, but quite another for new entrants to attempt to retrofit the cable


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    or satellite compulsory license to enable exploitation of broadcast channels of

    programming without direct authorization.

    Rather than straining for an interpretation of the pre-existing compu lsory licenses

    provisions to address Internet TV or mob ile telephony, the De votional Claimants believe

    there should be a broad public debate on whether to proceed on a com pulsory licensing

    basis, and only if an affirmative decision is reached, to determ ine new media-specific

    rules. Congress, not an administrative agency, should decide the course of public action.

    If the Copyright Office determ ines there is a need, Congress should be urged to consider

    the interests of all affected parties involving these new media, and o nly if consensus is

    achieved, should medium-specific licenses be adopted. The copyright, communications

    and commerce issues associated with Internet distribution of television channels of

    program ming in particular are comp lex, and it would be administratively inappropriate to

    attempt to jerry-rig a solution into the existing license schemes.

    The Copyright Office Needs to Complete Open Dockets

    Finally, in its original commen ts, the Devotional Claiman ts noted several open

    Copyright O ffice proceedings that require action, including action on digital signals,

    audit of statement of a ccount and d ismissal of the cable industry's effort to secure

    reconsideration of the FOX channels as independent signals. After reviewing the public

    comm ents in this inquiry, it is even clearer to the D evotional Claimants that all

    participants in this proceeding need prom pt resolution of these open agenda items.

    Particularly as the broadcast industry moves toward digital TV next year, the proper

    compu lsory license treatment of digital signals must be understood we ll in advance of

    February 2 009, so that cable and satellite compa nies, which will be retransmitting


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    multiplexed digital broadcast signals, will understand the ob ligations associated w ith

    their retransmission activities.


    BArnold P. Lutzker, Esq.(DC Bar No. 108106)Allison L. Rapp, Esq.(Member Maryland Bar)Jeannette M. Carmadella, Esc(DC B ar No. 500586)Lutzker & Lutzker LLP1233 20th Street, NWWashington, DC 20036

    By:G e o r g e R . G r a n g e , E s q .

    (VA Bar No. 34120)Kenneth E. Liu, Esq.(VA Bar No. 42 327)Gammon & Grange, P.C.82880 Greensboro Drive, 7th FloorMcLean, VA 22 102

    By:Edward S. Hammerman, Esq.(DC Bar No. 460506)Intermediary Copyright Royalty Services

    a Division of Hamm erman, PLLC5335 W isconsin Avenue, N.W., Suite 44 0Washington, D.C. 20015-2052

    W. Thad Adam s, Esq.(NC Bar No. 000020)Adams Evans P.A.Suite 2350 Ch arlotte Plaza201 South College StreetCharlotte, NC 2 824 4

    ByClifford Harrington, Esq.(DC Bar N o. 218107)Christine Reilly, Esq.(DC Bar No. 534065)

    Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP2300 N Street, NWWashington, DC 2 0037

    By:JonathanT. McCants, Esq.

    (GA Bar No. 4804 85)Bird, Loechl, Brittain & M cCants, LLC1150 Monarch Plaza

    3414 Peachtree Road, N.E.Atlanta, GA 30326
