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US History I Class 3 Mr. Williams EXAM Exam Review.

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US History I Class 3 Mr. Williams
Page 1: US History I Class 3 Mr. Williams EXAM Exam Review.

US History IClass 3

Mr. Williams

Page 2: US History I Class 3 Mr. Williams EXAM Exam Review.


Page 3: US History I Class 3 Mr. Williams EXAM Exam Review.

Exam Review

Page 4: US History I Class 3 Mr. Williams EXAM Exam Review.

Previous Class Review

Page 5: US History I Class 3 Mr. Williams EXAM Exam Review.

What was the proclamation of 1763?

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Who was James Otis?

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Who were the Sons of Liberty?

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Who was George Grenville?

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What was the shot heard ‘round the world? Where

was it fired?

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Put these events in order:Declaration of Independence2nd Continental CongressLexington and ConcordYorktown

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What was the Virginia Plan and New Jersey Plan?

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What was the Great Compromise and the 3/5ths Compromise?

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Put these events in order: Ratification of the ConstitutionYorktownInauguration of WashingtonWhiskey Rebellion

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What was the XYZ affair and the Quasi-War?

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Let’s take a break!

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Jeffersonian Era

Contrasted to Adams – one of looser control / Laissez Faire

Who won?Who decided the victory – House of Reps

w/ Alexander Hamilton supporting Jefferson

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The Election of 1800 The Federalists and Republicans

fought a bitter election campaign in 1800

The Federalists supported Adams again and Pinckney as VP

Republicans nominated Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr as VP

Neither traveled around the country to gather support

Instead they wrote letters to make their views public

Federalists accused Jefferson of being “godless”

Republicans warned that the Federalists favored the wealthy and would bring back monarchy

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A. AB. BC. CD. D




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In their letter writing campaign, Thomas Jefferson’s supporters warned that re-electing President Adams would do what?

A.Raise taxes

B.Bring back monarchy

C. Weaken the military

D.Give too much power to individual states

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Election DeadlockThe election came out a tieNot between Adams and

Jefferson, but between Jefferson and Burr (73 votes each)

The House of Representatives had to decide the election

The Federalists in the House of Reps saw a chance to prevent the election of Jefferson

They supported Burr

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The Election Results35 ballots- The

election was tiedAlexander Hamilton

urged one Federalist not to vote for Burr

Jefferson became president and Burr VP

To prevent this from happening again, Congress passed the 12th Amendment in 1803

Separate ballots for President and VP

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Jefferson’s InaugurationJefferson dressed in

everyday clothesAdams chose not to

attendJefferson tried to

bridge the gap between Federalists and Republicans in his speech

“We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists”

But Jefferson was no Federalist

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Jefferson’s IdeasJefferson believed a

large federal government threatened liberty

He believed states could better protect freedom

Jefferson wanted to reduce the power and size of the government

These ideas were similar to the French philosophy known as laissez-faire

“Let people do as they choose”

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Westward Exploration

Purchase of LouisianaLouis and Clark expeditionLess famous Pike expeditionSignificance of these expeditions

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Cutting CostsJefferson and Albert Gallatin (Secretary of

Treasury) reduced the national debtScaled down military expensesAll federal internal taxes, including the

whiskey tax, were repealedGovernment funds would come from customs

duties (taxes on imported goods)Also from sale of western landsJefferson also limited the number of federal

government workers to a few hundred people

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Judiciary Act of 1801 Before Jefferson took office,

the Federalists passed this Act

Setup regional courts for the US with 16 judges and other judicial officials

Adams appointed judges to these positions and John Marshall to Chief Justice

Adams and Marshall worked around the clock to appoint these “midnight judges”

When Jefferson became president, a few of the appointment papers (commissions) had not yet been delivered

Jefferson told Secretary of State, James Madison, not to deliver them

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The famous duel

Hamilton and BurrIll will had existed between the two and

was exacerbated by the election and subsequent Vice Presidency of Burr

Burr attempted governorship of New York and Hamilton led the campaign against him

The due is on

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War of 1812

Madison was presidentCongress contained a strong pro-war

groupBritish were provoking Indians to attack

and US desire for more land didn’t helpBritish were impressing Americans into

serviceTreat of Ghent, 1814 – restored Status Quo

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Missouri Compromise

Congress was split on the slavery issueMissouri applied for statehood in 1919The new state would give the voting

advantage to either pro- or anti- slave states

Missouri already had a significant amount of slave holders

What happened

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Economy Expands

Population growthFarming sector expands – King CottonIndustrial sector expandsMany things form, few take hold


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Public Education was virtually non-existent

Most schools were private institutionsHigher Education increased, but tuition

was high and the only professional training was in theology

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Early Culture

Most publications came from Britain or Europe in general

Weems wrote the bestseller Life of Washington, interesting account – not very accurate. Created many of the Washington myths that survive today.

Thomas Paine – The Age of ReasonThe Second Great Awakening – a “called

nation” which led to another idea “Manifest Destiny”

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Jacksonian Era

The election of 1824 – Henry Clay, John Q. Adams and Jackson

Produced the spoils systemThe election of 1828 produced several

things◦Mudslinging politics◦Political Partisanship◦Campaigning

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Westward Expansion Jeopardy

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Influences of Westward Movement

New Technologies

Abolitionist Movement

Suffrage Movement

Q $100

Q $200

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Q $500

Q $100 Q $100Q $100 Q $100

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Final Jeopardy

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$100 Question from New Territories

What was the Louisiana Purchase?

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$100 Answer from New Territories

Jefferson bought land from France (the Louisiana Purchase),

which doubled the size of the United States.

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$200 Question from New Territories

What did Lewis and Clark do?

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$200 Answer from New Territories

In the Lewis and Clark expedition, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark explored the Louisiana

Purchase from the Mississippi River to the

Pacific Ocean.

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$300 Question from New Territories

How did the U.S. get Florida?

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$300 Answer from New Territories

Spain gave Florida to the United States through a treaty.

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$400 Question from New Territories

How did the U.S. get Texas?

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$400 Answer from New Territories

Texas was added after it became an independent


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$500 Question from New Territories

How did the U.S. get California?

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$500 Answer from New Territories

War with Mexico resulted in California and the southwest territory becoming part of the United States

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$100 Question from Influences of Westward Movement

What would be an attraction for

Eastern farmers in the West?

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$100 Answer from Influences of Westward Movement

Availability of cheap, fertile land.

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$200 Question from Influences of Westward Movement

What caused people in the East to move west?

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$200 Answer from Influences of Westward Movement

Population growth in the east

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$300 Question from Influences of Westward Movement

What was an economic opportunity during the Westward Movement?

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$300 Answer from Influences of Westward Movement

Gold (California Gold Rush)


Freedom (for runaway Slaves)

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$400 Question from Influences of Westward Movement

Name two overland trails used during westward expansion.

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$400 Answer from Influences of Westward Movement

Oregon Trail and Santa Fe Trail

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$500 Question from Influences of Westward Movement

What was Manifest Destiny?

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$500 Answer from Influences of Westward Movement

A belief that expansion was for the good of the country and was our right

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$100 Question from New Technologies

Who invented the cotton in?

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$100 Answer from New Technologies

Eli Whitney

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$200 Question from New Technologies

How did the cotton gin affect American lives?

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$200 Answer from New Technologies

It increased the production of cotton and thus increased the need

for slave labor to cultivate and pick the


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$300 Question from New Technologies

What did Cyrus McCormick and Jo Anderson do?

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$300 Answer from New Technologies

They invented the reaper.

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$400 Question from New Technologies

How did the reaper affect American lives?

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$400 Answer from New Technologies

The reaper increased the productivity of the American farmer.

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$500 Question from New Technologies

   How did the steam locomotive affect American


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$500 Answer from New Technologies

It provided faster land transportation

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$100 Question from Abolitionist Movement

What did abolitionist believe?

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$100 Answer from Abolitionist Movement

Slavery was wrong

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$200 Question from Abolitionist Movement

What did abolitionist demand?

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$200 Answer from Abolitionist Movement

Immediate freeing of the slaves.

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$300 Question from Abolitionist Movement

Abolitionist believed slavery violation of what?

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$300 Answer from Abolitionist Movement

The principles of democracy.

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$400 Question from Abolitionist Movement

Abolitionist believe that slavery was cruel and ?

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$400 Answer from Abolitionist Movement


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$500 Question from Abolitionist Movement

Name three important abolitionists.

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$500 Answer from Abolitionist Movement

Harriet TubmanWilliam Lloyd GarrisonFrederick Douglass

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$100 Question from Suffrage Movement

When did the suffrage movement begin?

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$100 Answer from Suffrage Movement

Before the Civil War

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$200 Question from Suffrage Movement

The Suffrage Movement was started to help


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$200 Answer from Suffrage Movement

Gain equal rights.

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$300 Question from Suffrage Movement

Suffrage supporters believed that women

were deprived of basic rights such as?

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$300 Answer from Suffrage Movement

Denied the right to voteDenied educational opportunities, especially higher educationDenied equal opportunities in businessLimited in rights to own property

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$400 Question from Suffrage Movement

Suffrage supporters declared that?

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$400 Answer from Suffrage Movement

“All men and women are created equal.”

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$500 Question from Suffrage Movement

Who were three important leaders of

the suffrage movement?

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$500 Answer from Suffrage Movement

Isabel Sojourner TruthSusan B. AnthonyElizabeth Cady Stanton

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Final Jeopardy

Prior to the Civil War, most industrialization in America was in the North; based on

that knowledge what economic opportunity was

affected the most in the West?

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Final Jeopardy Answer

The equipment produced in the North had a major impact on the farming in the South and the West.
