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U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair...

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U.S. Postal History FREE FRANKS 6001 ) Hamlin, Hannibal, 15th vice president of the United States (1861-65) in the Republican administration of President Abraham Lincoln, bold & clear free frank, par- tial Washington DC Free on cover, with 1806 FLS signed by his father, Very Fine signature., F-VF......... $200 POSTAL HISTORY BY STATE 6002 ) [Arizona] Tombstone, 3¢(207) tied by target and "Tombstone Ariz/Jan 14 1881" cds on cover to Glen Ellen CA, F-VF......................... $50 6003 ) [Arkansas] Little Rock “Tombstone”, beautiful bold strike of this famous and popular fancy cancel on folded letter sheet with ms "Double 25/25/50" rate to Fayetteville NC, fowarded to Charlotte with ms "for 25/75", letter from military land agency advising of tax obligation, mended top center, overall aging, extremely attractive, F-VF.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $700 6004 ) [Connecticut] New Haven, 3¢(114) tied by geo- metric with "New Haven Ct/Oct/27" cds to New York, origi- nal address can be seen inside, F-VF. ......... $60 6005 ) [Illinois] Cairo, red "Cairo ILL/Oct/29" cds with matching "10" rate on 1850 folded letter sheet to Cincinnati, business letter, VF. ............. $60 6006 ) [Illinois] Silver Creek, ms "Silver Creek/Ill/May 16th 1839" town cancel with ms "25" rate on 1839 folded letter sheet to Rochester NY, personal letter, VF..... $60 Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 1 Free Franks - Postal History By State Sug. Bid Sug. Bid
Page 1: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

U.S. Postal History


6001 ) Hamlin, Hannibal, 15th vice pres i dent of theUnited States (1861-65) in the Re pub li can ad min is tra tionof Pres i dent Abra ham Lin coln, bold & clear free frank, par -tial Wash ing ton DC Free on cover, with 1806 FLS signedby his fa ther, Very Fine sig na ture., F-VF. . . . . . . . . $200


6002 ) [Ar i zona] Tomb stone, 3¢(207) tied by tar get and"Tomb stone Ariz/Jan 14 1881" cds on cover to Glen El lenCA, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6003 ) [Ar kan sas] Lit tle Rock “Tomb stone”, beau ti fulbold strike of this fa mous and pop u lar fancy can cel onfolded let ter sheet with ms "Dou ble 25/25/50" rate toFayetteville NC, fowarded to Char lotte with ms "for 25/75",let ter from mil i tary land agency ad vis ing of tax ob li ga tion,mended top cen ter, over all ag ing, ex tremely attractive,F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $700

6004 ) [Con nect i cut] New Ha ven, 3¢(114) tied by geo -met ric with "New Ha ven Ct/Oct/27" cds to New York, orig i -nal ad dress can be seen in side, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . $60

6005 ) [Il li nois] Cairo, red "Cairo ILL/Oct/29" cds withmatch ing "10" rate on 1850 folded let ter sheet toCincinnati, busi ness let ter, VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60

6006 ) [Il li nois] Sil ver Creek, ms "Sil ver Creek/Ill/May16th 1839" town can cel with ms "25" rate on 1839 foldedlet ter sheet to Roch es ter NY, per sonal let ter, VF. . . . . $60

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 1

Free Franks - Postal History By State

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 2: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6007 ) [Kan sas] To peka, 3¢(114) tied by "To pekaKas/Aug/12" cds on cover to Dav en port IA, F-VF.. . . . $50

6008 ) [Ken tucky] Lou is ville Bank ruptcy No tice,3¢(114) tied by quar tered cork and "Lou is ville KY/Jun/22"cds on printed bank ruptcy no tice to Hopkinsville KY, F-VF. $80

6009 ) [Lou i si ana] New Or leans, date lined New Or leans, red "Boston MS/Mar/5" cds with match ing "Ship" sl, ms"12" rate on 1822 folded let ter sheet to Plym outh MA, per -sonal let ter, VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6010 ) [Lou i si ana] Saint Martins ville, "St Martins villeLA" cds with ms "Nov/8" date and "5" rate on 1852 foldedlet ter sheet to New Or leans LA, let ter in French, F-VF. . $60

6011 ) [Mas sa chu setts] Boston to Bal ti more and back,red "Boston Mass/Mar/8" cds with match ing "Ship/6" fancy arc in rib bon, ms "18" rate, on folded let ter sheet, re turnedto Boston, per sonal let ter, F-VF.. . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6012 ) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant ville, "Grant villeMASS/Nov/7" dou ble line cir cle cds with "Paid/3" in cir clerate on cover to Castine ME, with con tents, per sonal let ter, VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

2 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Postal History

Page 3: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6013 ) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant ville Blue Paid, 1¢ postalcard(UX5) cancelled with blue "Paid" sl with match ing"Grant ville Mass/Apr/24/1877" cds to Taunton MA, F-VF. $50

6014 ) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant ville Blue Paid In Loz -enge, 6¢(159) creased, tied by blue Paid with match ing"Grant ville Mass/Jun/25/1875" cds on em bossed cover toCape Neddick ME, re duced at right, edge flaws at left,Fine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

6015 ) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant ville Can cel Group, sixcov ers, four with pur ple dou ble cir cle cds, one with bluedou ble cir cle cds and a sin gle line cds, nice strikes, pleasere view, gen er ally F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

6016 ) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant ville Paid 3 In Cir cle,3¢(11) tied by "Paid/3" in cir cle with "Grant villeMASS/APR/23" dou ble line cir cle on cover to HinghamMA, miss ing right back panel and half of backflap, Fine. $60

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 3

Postal History By State

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 4: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6017 ) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant ville PAID In Loz enge,two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz engewith "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on cover to Lowell MA,3¢(64) cancelled by Paid in loz enge with "Grant villeMass/Dec/5" cds on cover to Sa lem Cen tre NY, F-VF. . $90

6018 ) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant ville Paid In Loz enge, two cov ers, 3¢(158) tied by blue Paid in loz enge with match ing"Grant ville Mass/Jan/11/1875" cds on cover to San Fran -cisco CA, and 3¢(184) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant -ville Mass/Aug/3" cds on cover to New Ha ven CT, F-VF. $60

6019 ) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant ville Uprated PostalCard, 1¢(182) tied on 1¢ postal card (UX5) with blue"Grant ville Mass/Nov/3/1880" dou ble cir cle cds to ParisFrance, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6020 ) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant ville Wih Boston Car rier,1¢ postal card(UX5) cancelled by pur ple tar get with match -ing "Grant ville Mass/Sep/29/1879" dou ble cir cle cds toBoston with Boston Mass Car rier handstamp and Bostonre ceiver, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6021 ) [Mas sa chu setts] Marlborough Post Of fice No -tices of Un paid Let ters, 5 no tices from 1808-1809, var i -ous towns as or i gin of un paid let ters to Marlborough,intersting lot, needs fur ther re search, most uncommon,VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

4 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Postal History

Page 5: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6022 ) [Mas sa chu setts] Sa lem, bold & com plete 33x6mm blue SL with match ing Frank lin mark on 1786 foldedlet ter sheet to Bal ti more, manu script "5.8" rate, light ver ti -cal filefold does not de tract from very at trac tive early cover, un listed type, ship ping busi ness letter, VF. . . . . . . . $500

ASCC listing example.

6023 ) [Mas sa chu setts] Wellesley Hills, four cov ers,each franked with 2¢(210) and cancelled by tar get withWellesley Hills Mas sa chu setts dou ble line oval and alldated in June 1884, fine re search lot, gen er ally F-VF. . $100

6024 ) [Mas sa chu setts] West Den nis, 1¢(UX8)cancelled by pur ple star fancy can cel with match ing dou -ble line cds to Boston, F-VF.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6025 ) [Mas sa chu setts] Worces ter MA 50th An ni ver -sary pic ture post card, 1¢ postal card cancelled byWorces ter flag can cel of city hall to Spring field MA, VF. $100

6026 ) [Mas sa chu setts] [Mas sa chu setts] Worces terBal ance of Bal ance, mostly newer is sues with some older postal sta tio nery and postal cards, nice lot to plow through, should prove worth while, gen er ally F-VF (no photo). . . $100

6027 ) [Mas sa chu setts] Worces ter, time on bot tom,ear li est re corded (as per owner), grid ties 3¢(184) oncover to Spencer MA, "Worces ter MA 6 0 6 81" 5PM timeon the bot tom cds, light ma genta Fire In sur ance saw toothoval cor ner card, some ag ing, scarce, F-VF, ex-Beane.. $150

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 5

Postal History By State

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 6: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6028 ) [Mich i gan] Five Lakes, 1¢(182) tied by light pur pleFive Lakes Mich(S/R 5) cds to cover to Shore ham VT,F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6029 ) [Montana Ter ri tory] Stillwater, 3¢ Nesbitt postalen tire cancelled by "Stillwater M.T./Oct/5" cds to Col lins -ville IL, stain up per right not af fect ing can cel or in di cia,F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6030 ) [Ne vada] Elko, 3¢(114) tied by tar get with "ElkoNEV/Nov/10" cds on cover to Do ver NH, re duced atright,edge flaws, F-VF.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

6031 ) [New Hamp shire] Great Falls NH To Boston MA,red "Great Falls NH/Dec 15" cds with ms "10" rate on 1835folded let ter sheet to Boston, dis cusses need for "Fall Oil"whale oil, ver ti cal filefold, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6032 ) [New York] High Falls NY Oval, 3¢(114) pencancelled tied by "High Falls/N-Y/4/Jan" oval on cover toKingsborough NY, F-VF.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6033 ) [New York] Lansingburgh Rensselaer County,par tial and com plete "Lansingburgh" SL, 33x4mm, with ms "Octob 15" date, on 1818 outer FLS, with ms "6" rate, to Al -bany, 2 ver ti cal filefolds and some light stain ing, Fine. . $200

6 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Postal History

Page 7: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6034 ) New York City, com plete "N.York Aug 15",22x4mm SL, on 1796 FLS, "FREE" SL, ms "Free S. Green, Stle Y, to Worces ter MA, S. Green was post mas ter, F-VF. $150

6035 ) New York City, al most com plete "N York* JU E*5",22x4.5mm SL, on 1796 FLS, Type YCb, to Phil a del phia,date lined Mar seille, in french, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6036 ) New York City, com plete "N YORK* OC 27",28x4mm SL, on 1797 outer FLS, "FREE" SL, ms "Free", toCo lum bia SC, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6037 ) New York City, par tial "N-YORK*JA 23", "PAID"SL, with ms "15", to Al bany, busi ness let ter about land, ac -cord ing to Hahn this is lat est re corded NYC straightline,F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

6038 ) New York City, "N-YORK JA*11", 25x4.5mm, on1798 outer FLS, ms "20" rate, Style 2, to Haverhill NH,F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6039 ) New York City, 3¢(94) and 3¢(114) tied by seg -mented can cels with NY cds on cover to Pittsford NY,miss ing backflap, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 7

Postal History By State

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 8: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6040 ) [New York] Rome, six cov ers, Rome ovals, fiveblack, one red, var i ous rates and aux il iary mark ings, fivewith con tents, nice lot for the spe cial ist, gen er ally F-VF. $150

6041 ) [Ten nes see] Eden's Ridge, 3¢(114) pencancelled with ms town can cel "Eden's Ridge Tenn/April13/70" on small size cover to Jonesboro East Penn,opened at right, tear bot tom right, Fine. . . . . . . . . . $40

6042 ) [Vir ginia] Pe ters burg, "Boston Ms/Sep/17" cds,"Ship" sl, with ms "22" rate on 1801 outer folded let tersheet to Prov i dence RI, ms "for warded by your/most obt.hum ble ser vants/Poppe & Co" on re verse, ver ti cal filefold,F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200

6043 ) [Vir ginia] Rich mond, red "Rich mond VA/Oct/29"cds with match ing large "10" rate on 1845 folded let tersheet, ms "Charge Sch. Mary Eliz a beth", to New Bed fordMA, busi ness let ter, ver ti cal filefold, VF.. . . . . . . . . $50

6044 ) [Wis con sin] Fond Du Lac, 1¢ (U294) cancelled by Fond Du Lac WI oval with cor ner ad to Paris France, F-VF. $30


6045 ) Wells Fargo, San Fran cisco to New York, 3¢Nesbitt with Wells Fargo im print with #35 tied by New Yorkcds with blue dou ble line cds for Wells Fargo, ad dress hasbeen erased and edge flaws, VG cover.. . . . . . . . . $50

8 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Postal History

Page 9: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on


6046 ) Em er son & Co Harve & Paris, blue "For wardedBy/Em er son & Co./Harve & Paris" dou ble line oval, withred "Ship/6" fancy arc in rib bon, ms "pr Aca dia", on foldedlet ter sheet to Boston from Paris, busi ness let ter, mendedtear on ver ti cal filefold, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

6047 ) New York, Hud son's News Room, 1837 outerfolded let ter sheet to Lon don, on re verse red "For wardedThrough/Hud son's/News Room/& For eign Ship/Let ter Of -fice/New York" oval, 48x34mm, with boxed "Liv er -pool/Ship Let ter" and red Lon don re ceiver, F-VF. . . . . $150


6048 ) 1851, let ter to France (Co gnac) from New York,red "New-York/Dec/9" cds with Paris tran sit, ms "Asia" on1851 folded let ter sheet to Co gnac France, hor i zon talfilefold, busi ness let ter, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6049 ) 1852, let ter to France (Co gnac) from New York,"19" debit with Paris cds, red "New York/Nov/23/Br Pkt"cds on 1852 folded let ter sheet to Co gnac France, ms "PrCan ada via Boston", busi ness let ter, VF. . . . . . . . . $50

6050 ) 1898, pic ture post card to Ger many from Chi -cago, 1¢(279, x5) tied by Chi cago du plexes on pic turepost card of Art In sti tute and Court Houser & City Hall toGer many, VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6051 ) 1898, pic ture post card to Ger many from Chi -cago, 5¢(288) tied by Chi cago flag can cel on multiviewpic ture post card of Owings Bldg, Linne Mon u ment, Lin coln Park & State Street to Ger many, VF. . . . . . . . . . . $50

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 9

Forwarders Covers - Foreign Mail

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 10: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6052 ) 1898, pic ture post card to Ger many from Mil -wau kee, 1¢(285) tied by Mil wau kee WI ma chine can cel on pic ture post card of city hall to Ger many, creased cor nerlower left, Fine.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

6053 ) 1898, pic ture post card to Ger many from NewYork, 1¢(285) tied by Yon kers NY du plex on mul ti col oredpic ture post card with Grant's Tomb and St John's Ca the -dral to Ger many, Ex cel lent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40

6054 ) 1898, pic ture post card to Ger many from NewYork, 2¢(286) tied by New York du plex on mul ti col ored"Patriographic" pic ture post card of NY City Hall to Ger -many, Ex cel lent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40

6055 ) 1899, pic ture post card to Ger many from SouthDa kota, 2¢(267), 2¢(286) and 1¢(285) tied by Sioux FallsS.D. in vo lute flag can cel on multiview pic ture post card ofThe Rook ery, Jack son Park & flower beds and park to Ger -many, light cor ner crease up per right, F-VF. . . . . . . $40

6056 ) 1914, cover to France (Grenoble) from San Fran -cisco, 1¢(397) and pair 2¢(398) with "MK/Co" perfins tiedby 1914 San Fran cisco slo gan can cel with Pan Pac Expola bel on cover to Grenoble France, VF. . . . . . . . . . $100


6057 ) 1805, let ter from Martinique (Saint Pi erre) toPhil a del phia, red "Boston Ms/Sep/12" cds with match ing"Ship" sl and ms "22" rate on 1805 folded let ter sheet toPhil a del phia, ver ti cal filefold, busi ness letter, VF. . . . . $150

10 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Postal History

Page 11: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6058 ) 1809, let ter from Por tu gal (Lis bon) to Prov i -dence RI, red "Boston Ms/Aug/24" cds with match ing"Ship" sl and ms "12" rate on 1809 folded let ter sheet toProv i dence RI, ver ti cal filefold, busi ness let ter, VF-XF, exBlake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

6059 ) 1821, let ter from Eng land (Liv er pool) to Boston,red "Ship/6" fancy arc in rib bon, date lined Liv er pool, toBoston, busi ness let ter, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6060 ) 1827, let ter from Cuba (Ha vana) to Kingston MA, "Phil/1/Jan" cds with match ing "Ship" sl and ms "58¼" rateon 1827 folded let ter sheet to Kingston, busi ness let ter,ver ti cal filefold, busi ness let ter, VF. . . . . . . . . . . . $150

6061 ) 1830, let ter from Eng land (Liv er pool) toKennebunkport ME, red "New-York/Sep/1" cds withmatch ing "Ship" sl and ms "39½" rate on 1830 folded let tersheet to Kennebunkport ME, busi ness note, ver ti calfilefold, F-VF.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6062 ) 1841, let ter from Eng land (Liv er pool) to Boston,red "Paid At/Liv er pool" in loz enge with red "Ship/6" fancyarc in rib bon, from Eng land to Boston, ms "PerSteamer/Co lum bia/Dec 4th 1841", long per sonal let terfrom hus band to wife, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60

6063 ) 1843, let ter from Eng land (Green ock) toDuxbury MS, red boxed "Green ock/Mr 17 A/1843"handstamp with match ing "Ship" sl, red"New-York/Ship/Apr/22" cds on 1843 folded let ter sheet toDuxbury MA, ms "packet ship Eutaw from L'pool to NewYork", "Ship Let ter/Liv er pool/MR 20/43" NOR on re verse,per sonal let ter, VF.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 11

Incoming Mail

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 12: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6064 ) 1843, let ter from Scot land (Glascow) toDuxbury MA, red "Glascow/Paid n/Mar 25/1843" in oc ta -gon with red "Boston Ms/Ship/Apr 13", ms "12" rate and ms "By the Hal i fax/Steam Packet from Liv er pool", on foldedlet ter sheet to Duxbury MA, per sonal let ter, VF. . . . . . $90

6065 ) 1844, let ter from Eng land (Lon don) to KingstonMA, red "Paid Ship Let ter Lon don/11 OC 11/1844" rim lesshandstamp with red Paid in Mal tese cross, red "BostonMass/Oct/28" cds, ms "8" rate on 1844 folded let ter sheetto Kingston MA, ms "per Gt West ern", busi ness let ter, VF. $100

6066 ) 1845, let ter from It aly (Genoa) to Kingston MA,red Lon don Paid in Mal tese cross, red "BostonMs/Ship/Aug/18" cds with match ing "7" rate on 1845folded let ter sheet to Kingston MA, busi ness let ter, F-VF. $100

6067 ) 1848, ship let ter from France (Paris) to Bal ti -more, red "Ship-Let ter" with match ing Paid handstamp,New York Paid 5, on 1848 folded let ter sheet to Bal ti moreMD, pos si ble blue for ward ers sl, let ter in French, ver ti calfilefold end ing in tiny tear at top, VF.. . . . . . . . . . . $200

6068 ) 1850, let ter from Eng land (Liv er pool) toBoston,"Ship/6" arc with ms "per Meteor", date lined Liv er pool on1850 folded let ter sheet to Boston, two ver ti cal filefolds,busi ness note, F-VF.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6069 ) 1855, let ter from Eng land (Liv er pool) toHammonton NJ, "Boston Mass/Nov/27" cds with match -ing "Ship' sl and "6" rate on cover to Hammonton NJ,crease, em bossed "T Whaley seed mer chant Liv er pool"on backflap, F-VF, ex Blake.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

12 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Postal History

Page 13: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6070 ) 1855, let ter from Eng land (Man ches ter) toBoston, "Man ches ter/Ju29/1855/P" handstamp with"Boston/Jul/11/Am. Pkt./24" handstamp, slate blue"3/Cents" rate on 1855 folded let ter sheet to Boston MA,ms "per Pa cific/Mail Steamer", busi ness let ter, two ver ti cal filefold, VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6071 ) 1858, let ter from Eng land (Lon don) to Kinston,MA, manu script in scrip tion "P. Ni ag ara" and red "1/-" ratewith red Lon don, Jan/29 dou ble arc CDS, red arced5/cents Brit ish credit for lo cal post age to US and bold redBoston/24/Br. Pkt./Paid/Feb/16 on folded let ters, nice andclean, VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75

6072 ) 1913, let ter from Turk ish Em pire (Salonica, nowin Greece), 1¢(405) and 4¢(377) tied by "SaloniqueTurquie/23/Janv/13" cds on pic ture post card of Con stan ti -no ple, stamps faulty, oth er wise, VF. . . . . . . . . . . . $100


6073 ) 1821, let ter from Hal i fax Can ada to KingstonMA, red "Boston Ms/Sep/17" with match ing "Ship" straightline and manu script "12" rate on 1821 folded let ter sheet toKingston NH, busi ness let ter, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . $100


6074 ) 1860, let ter from Boston to Ship Gulf Stream StJohn's NB, "Boston Ms/May/30/1860/10 cts" cds with "UStates/6" in arc and "6" rate on cover ad dressed to ShipGulf Stream St Johns NB, New Bruns wick re ceiver on re -verse, with busi ness let ter, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6075 ) 1869, cover to Wil mot, Nova Sco tia fromBoston, 3¢(147) and 3¢(114) tied by quar tered can celswith "Boston Mass/Aug/28/5 AM" cds on cover to Wil motNova Sco tia, F-VF.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 13

Incoming Mail - Canada-U.S. Mail

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 14: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on


6076 ) Al bany & Buf falo Rail Road, blue "Alby.& Buf faloR.R./JUL/17" cds, Towle 114-D-5, Remele A2e, on cover,with match ing "5" rate, to Perry NY, ink arith me tic prob lemacross front, mended at right, Fine, Rar ity V. . . . . . . $60


6077 ) New York Steam-Boat, red "Steam-Boat" sl withmatch ing "Boston Ms/Feb/20" cds with ms "18½" rate on1838 folded let ter sheet to Kingston MA, busi ness let ter,light stain ing at right edge, VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

6078 ) Ship To New York, "Boston Ms/Jul/18" cds withmatch ing "Ship" sl and ms "22" rate on 1807 outer foldedlet ter sheet to Prov i dence RI, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6079 ) Ship To New York, red "Boston Mas/Apr/26" cdswith match ing "Ship" and "7" rate on cover to New York,VF, ex Blake.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6080 ) Wreck of the Sea Bird Is land of Stoma June 161852, date line on in com ing ship folded let ter sheet toDuxbury MA, well struck New York Am Packet "24" cds,large "3/cents" arc, blue Huna split ring dc, ap pro pri atebackstamps, lengthy con tents read in part "…I tell you theSea Bird is on shore and per haps will be a to tal loss…Ithought it pru dent to get out of the head tide and run onshore on a ledge of rocks…and now she is full of wa ter ashigh as our win dow on one side but the other side is out so I am writting at the ta ble feet in the wa ter…", light ver ti calfilefold & mi nor wear, VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $400


6081 ) [At tor ney] 1869 Strad dle Sin gle On Cover,3¢(114) with part of ad ja cent stamp at right cancelled byquar tered cork with "Rich mond VA/Mar/2" cds on cor nerad cover to Saluda VA, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200

14 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Postal History

Page 15: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6082 ) [At tor ney] Buf falo Henry W Box, 3¢(114) tied byquar tered cork with "Buf falo NY/Jun/27" cds on cor ner adcover to New York City, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40

6083 ) [Au to mo bile] Keokuk Stan dard Oil Co, 2¢(425)with "SO" perfin tied by 1914 Keokuk IA ma chine can cel on ad cover to Bloomfield IA, F-VF.. . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6084 ) [Bank] Dav en port Cook & Sargent, 3¢ en -tire(U10) cancelled by Dav en port IA cds to BrooklineMass, with em bossed cir cle ad on backflap, F-VF. . . . $50

6085 ) [Bi cy cle] Mil wau kee Cy cle Whis tle Co, 1¢(207)with Mil wau kee WIS precancel on il lus trated ad cover toAl bert Lea MN, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $300

6086 ) [Build ing] Da kota Ter ri tory J.B. Weaver & CoReal Es tate, 3¢ cancelled by cork killer with "FargoDak/Jan/27/1888" on cor ner ad cover with allover il lus -trated ad on re verse to Rome NY, cover re duced at right af -fect ing stamp, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6087 ) [Cloth ing] St Louis Buster Brown Shoe Com -pany, 2¢(409) Mailometer Type IV per fo ra tions tied by1914 ma chine can cel on multicolor il lus trated ad cover ofBuster Brown & Tige to Des Arc MO, with red & blue il lus -trated lettersheet, ero sion lower right edge, F-VF.. . . . $250

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 15

Advertising/Illustrated Covers

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 16: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6088 ) [Com mis sion Mer chants] Worces ter Geo SHoppin & Co, 3¢(65) tied by "Worces ter Mass/Nov/18"cds on ad cover to Groton Cen ter Ma, re duced at right,F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6089 ) [Ex press Co.] St Paul North-West ern Un ionPacket Co, 3¢(114) tied by "St Paul Minn/Jan 17" cds oncor ner ad cover to Clinton IA, re duced at left, cover miss -ing top left cor ner, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6090 ) [Food & Drink] Al bany Lib erty Flour, 3¢(502) tiedby 1918 Al bany NY ma chine can cel on multicolor il lus -trated ad cover with im age of Statue Of Lib erty to FortHunter, light ton ing left edge, VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

6091 ) [Food & Drink] New York Arbuckle's Cof fee, 2¢en tire cancelled by 1893 New York ma chine can cel on il -lus trated ad cover to Fort Wayne IN, F-VF. . . . . . . . $50

6092 ) [Food & Drink] New York Corn Prod ucts RefininCom pany, 2¢(455) tied by 1917 New York ma chine can -cel to multicolor il lus trated ad cover to Chi cago IL, slightad he sion above de sign, VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

6093 ) [Food & Drink] New York The Ger man Amer i canCof fee Co, 2¢(319) tied 1906 New York du plex onmulticolor il lus trated ad cover of Bird to Ce dar Rap ids IA,very light ver ti cal crease at cen ter, F-VF. . . . . . . . . $200

16 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Postal History

Page 17: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6094 ) [Food & Drink] New York Gul den's Pre paredMus tard, 2¢(372) small scuff, tied by 1909 New York ma -chine can cel on il lus trated ad cover to Mil wau kee WI, VF. $100

6095 ) [Food & Drink] Phil a del phia Pillsbury FlourMills Co, 2¢(528) tied by 1921 Phil a del phia PA slo gancan cel on red, white & blue il lus trated ad cover to Co lum -bia PA, light ton ing right edge, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . $150

6096 ) [Food & Drink] St Louis Mill ing Co, 2¢(U311)cancelled by 1894 St Louis du plex on il lus trated ad coverto Ant werp Bel gium, small tears at top, F-VF. . . . . . . $50

6097 ) [Fra ter nal] Read ing Ra jah Tem ple, 2¢(413) tiedby 1912 Read ing PA ma chine can cel on multicolor il lus -trated ad cover to Leb a non PA, VF. . . . . . . . . . . . $150

6098 ) [Gov ern ment] Co lum bus Gen eral As sem bly,3¢(114) tied by tar get can cel with "Co lum bus O/Feb/17"cds on allover il lus trated ad cover to North Bloomfield OH,opened at left, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $80

6099 ) [Gun & Pow der] Lexington Winchester Shot -guns and Loaded Shells, 3¢(425) tied by 1916 LexingtonKY ma chine can cel to multicolor il lus trated ad cover withallover ad on re verse to Bucyrus OH, pa per hinge rem -nants on re verse re duced at right, F-VF. . . . . . . . . $200

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 17

Advertising/Illustrated Covers

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 18: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6100 ) [Gun & Pow der] New York Al ford & Berkele Co,1¢ (#UX8) postal card cancelled by 1885 New York du plexwith il lus trated allover ad of pis tol and shot gun toBurlington VT, sig nif i cant crease show ing mostly on face,oth er wise VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6101 ) [Gun & Pow der] Ottumwa Laflin & Rand Smoke -less Pow der, 2¢(279B) tied by 1900 Ottumwa du plex onmulticolor il lus trated ad cover to Southington CT, re pairedat lower right, Fine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200

6102 ) [Gun & Pow der] Port land Winchester Ri fles &Shot guns, 2¢(406) tied by 1915 Port land ME flag can celon multicolor il lus trated ad cover with allover ad on re verse to W. Jonesport ME, re duced at right with tear, Fine. . . $200

6103 ) [Gun & Pow der] Swanton VT Robin Hood Am -mu ni tion Co, 2¢(332) tied by Swanton VT du plex to 1909il lus trated ad cover to At lan tic High lands NJ, re ceiver onre verse, Linn's ar ti cle ac com pa nies, miss ing backflap,light edge toning, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $300

6104 ) [Ho tel] Omaha City Laramie House, 3¢(114) tiedby "Omaha City Neb/Jul/25" cds on cor ner ad cover toChes ter PA, re duced at right, edge flaws, F-VF. . . . . $70

6105 ) [Ho tel] Omaha City Penn syl va nia House,3¢(114) tied by "Omaha City Neb/Aug/29" cds on cor nerad cover to New burg No Dak, with con tents, tear rightedge, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $70

18 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Postal History

Page 19: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6106 ) [Ho tel] San Fran cisco Ho tel St Fran cis, 5¢Wash ing ton tied by World's Fair Expo slo gan can cel oncor ner ad can cel cover to It aly, Novara re ceiver on re -verse, VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6107 ) [In dian] Sen eca Falls Mfg Co, 2¢(220) tied by1891 Sen eca Falls NY du plex on il lus trated ad cover toNew Milford CT, VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

6108 ) [In dian] Wash ing ton DC The Great Amer i canHerb Co, 2¢(372) tied by 1910 Wash ing ton DC ma chinecan cel on il lus trated ad cover to Can ton OH, VF. . . . . $150

6109 ) [In sur ance] Chi cago Knights Templars & Ma -sons Life In dem nity, 2¢ en tire cancelled by 1897 Chi -cago flag can cel on il lus trated ad cover to Henderson NC,F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6110 ) [In sur ance] Columbians On Reg is tered Cover,5¢(223) with 2¢(231) and 3¢(232) tied by quar tered corkcan cels with "Litch field Ill/Sep/18/8 AM/1893" cds on cor -ner ad cover to Chi cago IL, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . $60

6111 ) [Man u fac turer] Boston Fairbank Brown & CoScales, 2¢(113) tied by quar tered cork and "BostonMA/Oct/14" cds on cover to Winchester NH, slight ob longstain, re duced slightly, VF.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 19

Advertising/Illustrated Covers

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 20: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6112 ) [Man u fac turer] Buf falo Forge Com pany, 1¢(300) tied by 1906 Buf falo NY ma chine can cel to multicolor il lus -trated ad cover to Boothbay ME, edge flaws and tiny teartop right, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

6113 ) [Man u fac turer] Chat ta nooga Look out Brrom &Mop Co, 1¢(498) & 2¢(499) tied by 1918 Chat ta nooga ma -chine can cel on red il lus trated ad cover to Syr a cuse NY,VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6114 ) [Man u fac turer] Clinton Horse Shoe BrandClothes Wringer, 2¢(279B) tied by 1901 Clinton du plex tomulticolor il lus trated ad cover with allover ad on re verse toClinton MA, slightly re duced at right, VF. . . . . . . . . $200

6115 ) [Man u fac turer] Lou is ville Brinly Miles & HardyPlows, 3¢(114) tied by cir cle grid with "Lou is villeKY/May/2" cds on cover to Livingston AL, miss ingbackflap, F-VF.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6116 ) [Man u fac turer] New York Link Belt En gi neer ingCo, 3¢(268) tied on 2¢ en tire by 1897 New York flag can cel with il lus trated ad to Riga Rus sia, Riga re ceiver on re -verse, un usual des ti na tion, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

6117 ) [Man u fac turer] Os wego Starch Fac tory, 3¢(114) with preprinting fold at right tied by grid with NY dou ble cir -cle cds on ad cover with blue shield to Os wego NY,mended tear top cen ter, F-VF.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

20 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Postal History

Page 21: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6118 ) [Man u fac turer] Quincy Em pire Man u fac tur ingCo, 1¢(331) tied by 1909 Quincy IL flag can cel on il lus -trated ad cover to Tiffin OH, with il lus trated adsheet, or derform and re turn en ve lope,scarce intact, VF. . . . . . . . $100

6119 ) [Man u fac turer] Troy Paint & Color Works,2¢(267) tied by 1896 Troy NY du plex on il lus trated adcover with ad on re verse to West brook ME, F-VF. . . . $100

6120 ) [Man u fac turer] Watertown Vil lage Black smith,2¢(599) tied by 1931 Watertown WI ma chine can cel onmulticolor il lus trated ad cover with allover multicolor il lus -trated ad on re verse to Worces ter MA, light wrin kling atlower right, VF.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

6121 ) [News pa per] Den ver Rocky Moun tain News,"Via Erie Rail way", manu script at top, 3¢(114) tied by tar -get with "Den ver Col/Jan/6" cds on allover ad cover toShohola PA, stain ing, re duced at right, F-VF. . . . . . . $200

6122 ) [News pa per] Leavenworth City Times & Con -ser va tive, two 3¢(114) cancelled by quar tered cork with"Leavenworth City KAN/Nov/1" cds on cor ner ad cover toElba NY, ver ti cal crease and re duced at right, stamps andcover faulty, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6123 ) [Nurs ery] Brandt Nuseries, 5¢(205) cancelled bytar get with "Brandt O/Dec/31/1884" cds on cor ner ad cover to Paris France with Paris re ceiver, two small tears at top,pin holes left, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 21

Advertising/Illustrated Covers

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 22: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6124 ) [Nurs ery] Brook lyn C L Allen Dealer In Flow er -ing Bulbs, 3¢(114) tied by geo met ric with "NewYork/Apr/25/6 PM" cds on il lus trated ad cover toPoughkeepsie NY, VF.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

6125 ) [Nurs ery] Jamiaca Plain Wil liam H SpoonerRose Grower, strip of three 1¢(182) right stamp short bot -tom cor ner, tied by 1885 Boston Paid cds on 2¢ postal en -tire(U289) with cor ner ad to Paris France, pin holes at left,small tears at top from open ing, VF. . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6126 ) [Print ing & Pub lish ing] New York Pa per Box Co, 2¢(267) tied by 1897 New York flag can cel to il lus trated adcover to Boston MA, F-VF.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6127 ) [Pro pa ganda] An glo Saxon One Aim One Goal,1¢(279) and 2¢ pair(279B) tied by 1900 New York ma chine can cel with red & blue de sign on cover to Lon don Eng land, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200

6128 ) [School] Rich mond J.A. Purdie Church &Sunday School Sup plies, 2¢(250) tied by 1895 Rich -mond VA du plex on ad cover to Phil a del phia PA, VF.. . $50

6129 ) [Sports] Ca naan Flex i ble Flyer, 2¢(554) tied by1925 Ca naan NH cds on multicolor il lus trated ad coverwith multicolor allover il lus trated ad cover to Ca naan, lightover all wear and creases, Fine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

22 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Postal History

Page 23: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6130 ) [Sports] New York Bluecher Ri fle Team, 1¢(230)and 1¢ post age due(J22) tied by New York dou ble lineovals on cor ner ad cover to City, red "Re turn To Sender"with ar row, un usual, VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $250

6131 ) [Sports] Worces ter A.B. F. Kenney & Co Sport -ing Goods, 2¢(279B) tied by 1902 Worces ter flag can celon il lus trated ad cover to Boston MA, spin dle hole at cen -ter, light ton ing left edge, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

6132 ) [Stamps] Den ver New Eng land Stamp Com -pany, 1¢(279) tied by 1898 Den ver CO ma chine can cel onil lus trated ad cover to Harmon CO for warded to Den ver,F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6133 ) [To bacco] New York Sol diers Pipe Fund,2¢(425) tied by 1916 New York ma chine can cel to il lus -trated ad cover, light crease at right and a few light tonespots, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

6134 ) [Un usual] Chat ta nooga Geo D Barnes Col lec torOf Cu rios, 2¢(319) tied by 1904 Chat ta nooga TN ma chine can cel on il lus trated ad cover to Kent OH, with en clo sure,let ter dis cuss ing purchase, VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $300


6135 ) 1874 In di ana State Fair & Ex po si tion, 3¢(158)cancelled by In di a nap o lis du plex on cor ner ad cover forHo tel Bates with allover il lus trated ad on re verse to Bea ver PA, edge & mount ing faults, oth er wise F-VF, very scarce. $100

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 23

Advertizing Covers - Exposition Covers

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 24: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6136 ) 1901 Pan Amer i can Expo - Multicolor AlloverCover, 2¢(295) tied by 1901 Buf falo NY ma chine can cel tocover, light wrin kling and crease, Fine. . . . . . . . . . $250

6137 ) 1905 Port land's World Fair, Bomar PO5-08,1¢(300) tied by 9-1-05 World's Fair Port land ma chine can -cel on pic ture post card of The Oaks to Old Or chard ME,for warded to Port land, used in the last months of the fairwhich closed 10-16-05, VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6138 ) 1911 At tend The Cen ten nial Cel e bra tion AstoriaOR, red & black la bel(miss ing bot tom right cor ner) tied byAstoria OR ma chine can cel on RPPC of Sperath Bldg inAstoria, also in cludes 1904 il lus trated ad cover for AstoriaRegatta, VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150


6139 ) Grovestend Mal tese Cross, 1¢ postal card(UX7)cancelled by fancy can cel with match ing 1883 GrovestendNJ cds to Morristown NJ, XF and im mac u late. . . . . . $150

6140 ) Stoneham Mal tese Cross, 2¢(210) tied by fancycan cel with "Stoneham Mass/Dec/27" cds on cover toPocasset Ma, re duced at right, light stain up per left, F-VF. $50

6141 ) New York Masonic Com pass, 3¢(114) tied byfancy can cel(Cole MA-74) with "New-York/Apr/20/1 30PM" cds on cover to Morristown NJ, VF. . . . . . . . . $150

24 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Postal History

Page 25: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6142 ) Amherst Cir cle Geo met ric, 3¢(11A) cancelled byfancy can cel with red "Amherst Mass/Sep/10" cds oncover to Middle ton Mass, VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

6143 ) Stoneham Out line Tri an gle, 2¢(210) cancelled by fancy can cel with "Stoneham Mass/Nov/5/5 PM" cds oncover to Pocasset MA, light stain up per left, F-VF. . . . $50

6144 ) Dixfield Cir cle Geo met ric, 3¢(11) cancelled byfancy can cel with "Dixville ME/Apr/11" cds on em bossedla dies cover to Mer cer ME, small tear at top left an bot tomcen ter, Fine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

6145 ) Pitts burgh "RKN" In Square, 3¢(184) tied byfancy can cel(Cole ML-81) with Dec 4 cds to Grand Rap idsMI, re duced at left, VF strike. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6146 ) Grant ville "G" In Cir cle, three cov ers, eachfranked with 3¢(184) and cancelled by fancy can cel withApril 1881 cds, nice re search lot, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . $100

6147 ) Grant ville "G" In Cir cle, 3¢ postal en tire(U164)cancelled by fancy can cel with "Grant villeMass/May/3/1881" cds to Worces ter MA, F-VF.. . . . . $50

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 25

Fancy Cancels

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 26: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6148 ) Stoneham "1885" In Cross, 2¢(210) tied by fancycan cel(Cole YD-148) with "Stoneham Mass/Jun/11/10AM" cds on cover to Landaff NH, with con tents, F-VF. . $150

6149 ) Whitestown Boot, 3¢(184) cancelled by pur plefancy can cel(Cole BT-7) with "Whitestone NY/Oct/24" cdson cover to Phil a del phia PA, re duced at left, VF strike &cover. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200

6150 ) Clo ver Hill NJ & Saint Pat rick's MO Sham rocks,pic to rial can cels ties #632, 634, 636 & 642 on reg is teredcover from Clo ver Hill NJ, to In di a nap o lis IN, sec ond coverwith block of 10 #681 cancelled by Saint Pat rick MO cdswith sham rock on reg is tered cover to Detroit MI, VF. . . $150

6151 ) Whitestown Boot, 3¢(184) tied by fancy can -cel(Cole BT-7) with "Whitestone NY/Mar/19" cds on coverto Phil a del phia PA, re duced at right, VF strike & cover. . $150

6152 ) Cuero Run ning Tur key, pair 1¢(498) tied by 1922Cuero TX run ning tur key on il lus trated ad cover to De troitMI, VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

26 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Postal History

Page 27: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6153 ) Flow ers & Leaf Can cels, fancy can cels on fourreg is tered cov ers, in clud ing Roseville OH(un listed) whichuincludes registrty recipt with Rose fancy and CDS,Sharon PA Fancy "S", re verse rose on Key stone, "REG"Leaf(one Day only) plus a Green leaf OR pic to rial leaf reg u -lar use, nice se lec tion, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $300

6154 ) Corry Ea gle, 3¢(65) tied by fancy can cel(Skin -ner-Eno PT-E 4) with Corry PA cds on cover to Malone NY, de cent strike of this elu sive pic to rial can cel, F-VF. . . . $200

6155 ) Provincetown Star fish, 1¢ postal card cancelledby fancy can cel with Oct 28 cds to Boston MA, F-VF. . . $150

6156 ) Stoneham US Mail Pad lock, 2¢(210) cancelled by fancy can cel(Cole LCK-3) with "Stoneham Mass/Sep/4/PM" cds on cover to Pocasset MA, cover with mended tearthat ex tends into stamp, VG-Fine. . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6157 m Port Townsend, Wash. “Kick ing Mule” on 1¢War Dept., light but clear strike on a well cen tered stamp,F-VF. Scott O83. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $80

6158 m Port Townsend, Wash. “Kick ing Mule” on 3¢War Dept., ex cel lent strike, VF. Scott O85. . . . . . . . $100

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 27

Fancy Cancels

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 28: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6159 m Port Townsend, Wash. “Kick ing Mule” on 6¢War Dept., beau ti ful bold full strike, stamp with re ally mi -nor wrin kles, oth er wise VF. Scott O86. . . . . . . . . . $200

6160 m Port Townsend, Wash. “Kick ing Mule” on 12¢War Dept., ex cel lent full bold strike, stamp with nibbedperf, oth er wise VF. Scott O89.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200

6161 ) Stoneham Solid Star, 2¢(210) cancelled by fancycan cel(Cole SA-57) with "Stoneham Mass/Aug/26/6 PM)cds on cover to Pocasset MA, re duced at right af fect ingstamp, Fine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50


6162 ) 1831 Printed Post Of fice De part ment Busi nessCover, printed cover ad dressed to Zoar OH giv ing bal ance of lat est ac count ing pe riod, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

6163 ) 1843-46 Cor re spon dence Dr Cary Cocke SevenIs lands VA, thir teen stampless cov ers, seven with red orblue Rich mond cds's 5, 10 or 20 rtes, four are manu script"Old Church Han. Co", two with out mark ings (hand car -ried), a few dis cuss farm ing meth ods, a cou ple dis cuss an -nex ation of Texas i.e. "…Polk or Ty ler an nex Texas…orwhether Santa Anna be pres i dent of Mex ico or an ex ile…",needs fur ther re search, please in ves ti gate, generallyF-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $300

6164 ) 1898 View On Wissahickon Drive Philadephia,mul ti col ored pa tri otic ppc, 1¢(285) tied by Phil a del phiadu plex to Bal ti more MD, Ex cel lent. . . . . . . . . . . . $40

6165 ) 1898 An glo Saxon Al li ance One Again, 2¢(267)tied by 1898 Oak land CA flag can cel to red & blue il lus -trated cover to New York, VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200

28 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Postal History

Page 29: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6166 ) 1944, let ter to US POW re turned to sender,3¢(905) tied by 1944 Wilkes Barre PA on cover to Stalag7A Ger many, with la bel "Re turned To Sender For Cor rec -tive At ten tion", VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6167 ) 1948, Air Mail Reg is tered Spe cial De liv ery, 38¢me tered mail with Min ne sota dumb oval to New ark NY,with pur ple handstamps "Spe cial De liv ery", "Via Air Mail"and "Reg is tered", five handstamps on reverse, VF. . . . $50


6168 ) 1851, 3¢ or ange brown, type II (10A), pair 3¢ withbright fi ery color tied by "Sac ra mento City Cal/31/Aug" cdson cover to Ban gor ME, F-VF. Scott $550. . . . . . . . $300

6169 ) 1855, 10¢ green, type II (14), 10¢ tied by blurry Mar 2 Mich i gan Bluff Cal cds on cover to Dudley MA, tear bot -tom, cover faults in clud ing large tear oth er wise F-VF. Scott $225. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200

6170 ) 1855, 10¢ green, type II (14), 10¢ tied by "Jack sonCal/Mar/18/1857" cds on cover to Leicester MA, F-VF.Scott $225.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

6171 ) 1855, 10¢ green, type III (15), 10¢ tied by "Sac ra -mento CA/Apr/5/1857" cds on cover to Buck land MA,miss ing backflap, F-VF. Scott $225. . . . . . . . . . . . $150

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 29

Postal History by Issue

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 30: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6172 ) 1857, 1¢ blue, type Ia (19), po si tion 95R4, a rarestamp that shows the type char ac ter is tics clearly, miss ingbot tom right cor ner of stamp, tied by Boston cds on printedbank no tice to Lynn, F-VF. Scott $12,000.. . . . . . . . $1,000

6173 ) 1857, 12¢ black, plate I (36), used with 3¢(#26, x2)on outer FLS, re folded & re paired tear, all stamps tied byblue "Henderson KY/Jul/20/1860", F-VF ap pear ance at -trac tive. Scott $750 as sin gle frank ing. . . . . . . . . . $200

6174 ) 1861, 1¢ blue (63), pair and sin gle tied by cir cle ofwedges with Wilkins PA cds on cover to Erie PA, re ducedat left, cat value as sin gle on cover and pair, VF. Scott$160. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6175 ) 1861, 1¢ blue (63), franked with three ex am ples of1¢ cancelled by cir cle grids with red "New Ha venCT/Sep/17/1861" on cover to Stratford CT, stamps aresad dled above top and right edges of cover re sult ing insome mi nor im per fec tions/faults, F-VF ap pear ance. Scott$160. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6176 ) 1861, 3¢ pink (64), small tear at bot tom & light perftip ton ing, nat u ral SE, tied on 3c en tire (U26) toBelchertown, Mass. by grids, Fall River Mass. 8/28/61CDS, slightly rough open ing at right, cover with small tonespots, oth er wise Fine cover, F-VF; 2010 Phil a telic Foun -da tion cer tif i cate. Scott $1,000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200

6177 ) 1867, 2¢ black, Z. grill (85B), three sin glescancelled by neg a tive star can cels of Hart ford CT, onSinger's Sew ing Ma chine cor ner ad cover to Norwich CT,"Due 3" sl at left, with il lus trated billhead, PF cer tif i cate ac -com pa nies stat ing gen u ine us age, cat value as sin gle oncover and two used sin gles, F-VF; 2003 P F Cer tif i cate.Scott $4,350.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,500

30 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Postal History

Page 31: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6178 ) 1869, 2¢ brown (113), cancelled by tar get with"Weston VT/Jun/29" cds on cover to Weston VT, VF an at -trac tive small size lo cally used cover. Scott $130.. . . . $70

6179 ) 1869, 2¢ brown (113), tied by lake Vil lage cds oncover to NH, VF. Scott $130. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $70

6180 ) 1869, 2¢ brown (113), cancelled by seg mentedcork with in dis tinct cds on cover to West New ton MA, VF.Scott $130.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $70

6181 ) 1869, 2¢ brown (113), used with 1¢(145) cancelled by cir cle can cels with NY cds on cover to Prov i dence PA,opened at right, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200

6182 ) 1869, 2¢ brown (113), tied by cork can cel on il lus -trated sale sheet for guano & fer til izer to Suf folk VA, somemend ing at folds, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

6183 ) 1869, 2¢ brown (113), two 2¢ tied by NH cds oncover to Hopkinton NH, F-VF. Scott $220.. . . . . . . . $100

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 31

Postal History by Issue

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 32: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6184 ) 1869, 2¢ brown (113), 2¢ tied by cross roads to adcover with handstamped ad on re verse for J Ar thursMurphy mercantine agency, F-VF. Scott $130. . . . . . $100

6185 ) 1869, 2¢ brown (113), tied by cir cle of pet als oncover to Winchester NH, F-VF. Scott $130. . . . . . . . $70

6186 ) 1869, 3¢ ul tra ma rine (114), lightly cancelled within dis tinct cds on cover with hand drawn bird on a branchwith in te gral ad dress to Ham il ton OH, a gor geous cover,VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

6187 ) 1869, 3¢ ul tra ma rine (114), with straight edge atright show ing parts of ad ja cent stamps at right and left, pen cancelled with manu script town can cel "Flor ence Neb/Sep 2 69" on cover to Pitts burgh PA, with con tents, VF. . . . $150

6188 ) 1869, 3¢ ul tra ma rine (114), with part of ad ja centstamp at right tied by brown ish black tar get with match ing "Lim er ick Sta tion PA/21/Dec" cds on cover to Read ing PA, over all even aging, VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6189 ) 1869, 3¢ ul tra ma rine (114), tied by cork killer with"Brownsville Neb/Aug/15" cds on cover to Wilmington OH,VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60

32 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Postal History

Page 33: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6190 ) 1869, 3¢ ul tra ma rine (114), can celed by fancycan cel with "Winchendon Mass/Jan/31" cds on cover toWind sor VT, VF cover with ex tremely fine stamp. . . . . $50

6191 ) 1869, 3¢ ul tra ma rine (114), cancelled by cork killer with "Philad'a-PA/Dec/6" cds on cover to Stroudsburg PA,VF cover.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

6192 ) 1869, 3¢ ul tra ma rine (114), tied with "BurlingameKAN/Nov/3" cds on cover with pri vate la bel, reads "If NotCalled For In 10 Days P.M. Please Re turn To/D.H. Shel -don/Post mas ter/No tary Pub lic/& LandAgent/Burlingame/Kan sas", to Paolo KS, dock et ing at left,re duced both sides, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

6193 ) 1869, 3¢ ul tra ma rine (114), pair tied by pen can celwith Coosa River cds on cover to Own Land ing CoosaRiver, small stain and wrin kling, stamps misperfed soUnited States ap pears at bot tom, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . $120

6194 ) 1869, 3¢ ul tra ma rine (114), with manu script towncan cel "Alton Dec 13 1869" on cover to Ma son NH, dras ti -cally misperfed 1/3 from right, F-VF.. . . . . . . . . . . $100

6195 ) 1869, 3¢ ul tra ma rine (114), tied by tar get with"Port By ron NY/Jun/19/69" cds on printed in ter nal rev e nue no tice to Clyde NY, for warded to Jack son MI, then to EdenPrarie MN, F-VF.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 33

Postal History by Issue

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 34: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6196 ) 1869, 3¢ ul tra ma rine (114), 3¢(114) tied by blueseg mented can cel with match ing "Cleve land O/Jul/10"cds on cover to Cleve land, two strikes "Un claimed" sl with"Ad ver tised/Jul/10" handstamp, in dis tinct Jul 5 cds, ms"This was/sent to the/wrong/place", F-VF. . . . . . . . . $100

6197 ) 1869, 3¢ ul tra ma rine (114), tied by cir cle grid withNew port NH cds on cover to Con cord NH, with con tents,F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

6198 ) 1869, 3¢ ul tra ma rine (114), tied by "St LouisMO/21/May" cds on cover to Platte City, MO, re duced atboth sides, F-VF.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

6199 ) 1869, 3¢ ul tra ma rine (114), strip of three tied by 5bar cir cle with "New York/Jan/21/6 PM" cds on cover toJohnstown NY, cover faults in clude ero sion and stain atleft, Fine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6200 ) 1883, 4¢ blue green (211), Fine to V.F. pair & sin -gle cancelled with cork can cel, very light but read ableWarenerville Ma (S/R 8), with com plete strike pur ple reg is -tered can cel on back, very fresh, Very Fine to Ex tremelyFine cover., F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200

6201 ) 1898, 1¢ Trans-Miss. (285), tied by New York ma -chine can cel on Ger man pic ture post card with pan oramaof Kreuzberge to New York, VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40

34 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Postal History

Page 35: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6202 ) 1898, 2¢ Trans-Miss. (286), tied by De troit ma -chine can cel on pic ture post card of Whitefish Bay Re sortto Swit zer land, VF.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

6203 ) 1903, 2¢ car mine, type I (319), tied by New Yorkma chine can cel on Zieher em bossed stamp pic ture postcard to Hoboken NJ, chipped cor ner up per left and tearlower edge, VG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6204 ) 1917, 5¢ rose er ror (505), hor i zon tal pair #505 &499 tied by New York dou ble oval can cel on cover to NewYork City, VF; 2005 PSE Cer tif i cate. Scott $2,250. . . . $1,500

6205 ) 1925, 2¢-5¢ Norse-Amer i can com plete(620-621), three cov ers, first with pur ple "First Day Cover"and cancelled May 18 1925 Wash ing ton DC, and sec ondwith May 18 1925 St Paul Minn can cel, also in cludes649-650 FDC, VF. Scott $150.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6206 ) 1932, ½¢-10¢ Wash ing ton Bi cen ten nial com -plete (704-715), com plete set (#704-15) tied on U525 with2¢(703) by Mount Vernon NY Feb 22 1932 post mark withca chet on re verse to New York NY, F-VF.. . . . . . . . $60

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 35

Postal History by Issue

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 36: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6207 ) 1990, 10¢ Red Cloud, tag ging omit ted (2175b),un usual & sel dom seen er ror, tied to 1993 cover, 2002APS cer tif i cate, VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6208 ) 1986, 25¢ Jack Lon don, tag ging omit ted(2182c), un usual & sel dom seen er ror, tied on cover with4¢ Fa ther Flanagan is sue mak ing up the 29¢ rate by ma -genta Cheshire CT 11/23/92 cds, 2001 APS cer tif i cate,VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200

Listed but unpriced in Scotts.

6209 ) Air mail, 1933, 50¢ “Chi cago” Zep pe lin (C18),pair 50¢ tied by 1933 Oct 2 New York ma chine can cel andred tri an gle ca chet for Ger many To US to South Amer icatrip, to Kalamazoo MI, VF. Scott $280. . . . . . . . . . $150

6210 ) Air mail, 1933, 50¢ “Chi cago” Zep pe lin (C18),50¢ tied by 1933 Chi cago IL World's Fair can cel with GrafZep pe lin ca chet on cover to Bronx NY, F-VF. Scott $80. $80

6211 ) Of fices in China, 1906, Shang hai US Post Of ficeTo PA For warded, 2¢(319) faulty tied by Shang hai USPost Of fice du plex on red band cover to Tyrone PA, withTyrone flag can cel and for warded to Port land OR, F-VF. $80

6212 ) Of fi cially Sealed Wreck Of A Cover, 3¢(720) on1937 cover with ver ti cal rip, nu mer ous stains and edgefaults, two OX21 over top of cover, on re verse pur ple"Clyde N.Y./May 18 1937" with ms "Recd at Clyde NY/Post Of fice in this/Con di tion", signed by Asst P.M., VG-Fine. $70

36 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Postal History

Page 37: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

U.S. Stamps

1851 ISSUE

6213 m 1851, 1¢ blue, type II (7), blue can cel, F-VF. Scott$168. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $80

6214 m 1852, 1¢ blue, type IV (9), blue grid can cel, at trac -tive stamp, VF-XF. Scott $115. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $110

6215 m 1852, 1¢ blue, type IV (9), grid can cel, cor nercreases, F-VF. Scott $120. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

6216 m 1851, 3¢ or ange brown, type II (10A), red grid can -cel, rich color, VF. Scott $170.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $130

6217 m 1851, 3¢ or ange brown, type II (10A), town can -cel, small faults, F-VF. Scott $160. . . . . . . . . . . . $40

6218 H 1852, 3¢ dull red, type II (11A), o.g., hinge rem -nant, faults, F-VF. Scott $275. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55

6219 m 1855, 10¢ green, type II (14), town can cel, F-VF.Scott $180.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6220 m 1855, 10¢ green, type II (14), neat town can cel,small faults, F-VF. Scott $180.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

1857 ISSUE

6221 m 1857, 1¢ blue, type II (20), plate 2, grid can cel, lightcor ner crease, oth er wise VF. Scott $275. . . . . . . . . $75

6222 m 1857, 1¢ blue, type V (24), neat can cel, VF. Scott$40. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 37

1851 Issue

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 38: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6223 m 1857, 3¢ rose, type I (25), stitch wa ter mark, gridcan cel, nib bled perfs, oth er wise Fine. Scott $125. . . . $30

6224 m 1857, 3¢ rose, type I (25), 1857 year date can cel,VG. Scott $135. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35

6225 m 1859, 10¢ green, type V (35), face free can cel,strad dle pane at right, trimmed at left, VF-XF. Scott $65. $36

6226 m 1859, 10¢ green, type V (35), neat can cel, F-VF.Scott $65. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35

6227 m 1857, 12¢ black, plate I (36), face free red towncan cel, at trac tive, faults, Fine. Scott $370. . . . . . . . $80

6228 m 1860, 30¢ or ange (38), town can cel, faults, Fine.Scott $450.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $80

1861-1866 ISSUE

6229 E 1861, 1¢ Bowlsby cou pon es say, in red(63-E13f), plate on white pa per, perf. all around and be -tween, o.g., lightly hinged (mi nor gum skip), Fine. Scott$175. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90

6230 H 1861, 1¢ blue (63), o.g., hinge rem nants, short perf, VG-Fine. Scott $300. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6231 m 1861, 3¢ rose pink (64b), grid can cel, small cor nercreases, F-VF. Scott $150. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40

6232 m 1861, 10¢ yel low green (68), face free red can cel,F-VF. Scott $73. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40

6233 m 1861, 10¢ yel low green (68), grid can cel, F-VF.Scott $63. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

38 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Stamps

Page 39: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6234 m 1861, 12¢ black (69), neat can cel, small faults,VF-XF. Scott $110. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

6235 m 1861, 12¢ black (69), grid can cel, F-VF. Scott$100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6236 m 1862, 24¢ brown li lac (70a), SOTN red grid can -cel, deep color, faults, Fine. Scott $340.. . . . . . . . . $75

6237 m 1861, 30¢ or ange (71), grid can cel, perf flaws,F-VF. Scott $200. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6238 m 1861, 30¢ or ange (71), grid can cel, faults, F-VF.Scott $200.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40

6239 m 1861, 30¢ or ange (71), very light can cel, ap pearsun used, faults, Fine. Scott $200. . . . . . . . . . . . . $60

6240 m 1861, 90¢ blue (72), grid can cels, small faults,F-VF. Scott $600. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

6241 m 1861, 90¢ blue (72), neat can cel, small faults, Fine. Scott $600.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $120

6242 m 1861, 90¢ blue (72), fab u lous bright shade, ex -tremely hand some ex am ple, bril liant red can cel la tion,reperforated at left and botom mar gins, Fine. Scott $725. $100

6243 H 1863, 2¢ black (73), traces of o.g., faults, Fine.Scott $375.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40

6244 m 1863, 2¢ black (73), rich color & ex cep tional cen -ter ing, at trac tive blue grid, VF-XF, ex cep tion ally fresh & at -trac tive. Scott $70. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

6245 m 1863, 2¢ black (73), neat can cel, Fine. Scott $65. $30

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 39

1861-1866 Issue

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 40: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6246 m 1862, 5¢ red brown (75), town can cel, smallcrease and reperfed, Fine. Scott $500. . . . . . . . . . $100

6247 m 1863, 5¢ brown (76), town can cel, F-VF. Scott$140. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $80

6248 m 1863, 5¢ brown (76), geo met ric can cel, strad dlepane at right, small faults, Fine. Scott $140.. . . . . . . $40

6249 m 1866, 15¢ black (77), red and black can cels,VG-Fine. Scott $200. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60

6250 m 1863, 24¢ gray (78b), ex tremely hand some ex am -ple with bold rich color, well cen tered with large mar gins,red and black can cel la tions, small thin spot at bot tom leftcor ner, VF; 2011 P.S.E. cer tif i cate. Scott $450. . . . . . $50


6251 m 1867, 2¢ black, E. grill (87), neat can cel, tiny cor -ner crease, Fine. Scott $200. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40

6252 m 1867, 2¢ black, E. grill (87), neat can cel, down -ward shift re veals a por tion of the next stamp at top,trimmed perfs, VG-Fine. Scott $200. . . . . . . . . . . $40

6253 m 1867, 12¢ black, E. grill (90), face free can cel,small faults, Fine. Scott $400. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $80

6254 m 1867, 15¢ black, E. grill (91), tied to piece by fancyleaf can cels, small faults, VG-Fine. Scott $750. . . . . . $160

6255 m 1867, 1¢ blue, F. grill (92), neat can cel, perf faults,Fine. Scott $475.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90

40 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Stamps

Page 41: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6256 (H) 1867, 1¢ pale blue, F. grill (92a), un used, smallfaults, Fine. Scott $750. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $160

6257 m 1867, 1¢ pale blue, F. grill (92a var), very thin pa -per va ri ety, light ened can cel, VG-Fine. Scott $500. . . . $130

6258 m 1867, 2¢ black, F. grill (93), fresh & well cen tered,very lightly cancelled, VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60

6259 m 1867, 2¢ black, F. grill (93), sharply struck fancyleaf can cel, F-VF. Scott $60. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6260 m 1867, 10¢ yel low green, F. grill (96), tar get can cel, faults, F-VF. Scott $260. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6261 m 1867, 12¢ black, F. grill (97), black and ma gentacan cels, cor ner crease, Fine. Scott $275. . . . . . . . . $60


6262 E 1869, 1¢ Frank lin es say, small nu mer als, choc o -late (112-E4d), plate on stamp pa per, perf'd, gummed and grilled, with out gum, F-VF. Brazer 112E-De. Scott $85. . $40

6263 m 1869, 1¢ buff (112), neat can cel, Fine. Scott $160. $70

6264 m 1869, 1¢ buff (112), neat can cel, VG-Fine. Scott$160. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35

6265 m 1869, 2¢ brown (113), 18 ex am ples, var i ous can -cels and cen ter ing, F-VF. Scott $1,620. . . . . . . . . . $350

6266 m 1869, 2¢ brown (113), pretty blue cir cle of wedgescan cel, deep color, VG-Fine. Scott $115. . . . . . . . . $40

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 41

1867 Grilled Issue - 1869 Pictorial Issue

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 42: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6267 m 1869, 3¢ ul tra ma rine (114), pair with cap turedplate num ber "No 7", tiny thin, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . $300

6268 m 1869, 3¢ ul tra ma rine, split grill (114), F-VF. Scott$33. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

6269 m 1869, 3¢ ul tra ma rine (114), two sin gles, each withpar tial im print cap tured at top, one with "Na tional BankN(ote)" vir tu ally com plete! VG-Fine ap pear ance. . . . . $250

6270 m 1869, 3¢ ul tra ma rine (114), cen tered to top, cir cleof pet als can cels, right mar gin strip of 7 (straight edge),perf sep a ra tions and creases, F-VF, very scarce. . . . . $200

6271 ma 1869, 3¢ ul tra ma rine (114), cen tered to top, hingere in forced at top, block of 4, F-VF. Scott $450. . . . . . $200

6272 m 1869, 3¢ ul tra ma rine (114), pre mium stamp lot, 27stamps, each with four mar gins, a cou ple of jum bos, a fewblue can cels, please re view, mostaly all are VF or better. $400

6273 m 1869, 3¢ ul tra ma rine, leaf can cels (114), six teencop ies, var i ous leaf can cels, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . $200

42 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Stamps

Page 43: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6274 m 1869, 3¢ ul tra ma rine, geometrics (114), four teenstamps with ra dial geometrics, in cludes one blue, nicegroup, could have a cou ple of sleep ers, F-VF. . . . . . $200

6275 m 1869, 3¢ ul tra ma rine, paid can cels (114), sevenstamps, two with "Paid/3" in cir cle, three "PAID" sl with onered, and one "(PA)ID ALL" sl and one "(PAI)D ALL", niceclear strikes, F-VF.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

6276 m 1869, 3¢ ul tra ma rine, star can cels (114), twelvevar i ous 5 point star can cels, in cludes sol ids, neg a tives,hol low, stars in cir cles, a beau ti ful lot, many ex cel lentstrikes, in cludes a few small faults, VG-Fine. . . . . . . $350

6277 m 1869, 3¢ ul tra ma rine, color can cels (114), eleven var i ous red can cels, one pur ple and one blu ish ul tra ma -rine, nice fresh at trac tive lot, v.g.-v.f. . . . . . . . . . . $200

6278 m 1869, 3¢ ul tra ma rine, misperfs (114), nine dras ti -cally misperfed or strad dle cop ies, in cludes two red can -cels and one with guide ar row, ex cel lent lot for thespe cial ist, VG-Fine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200

6279 m 1869, 6¢ ul tra ma rine (115), neat can cel, VG-Fine.Scott $240.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60

6280 m 1869, 10¢ yel low (116), neat can cel, creases, VF.Scott $140.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $34

6281 m 1869, 10¢ yel low (116), neat can cel, vivid color,Fine. Scott $150.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6282 m 1869, 12¢ green (117), neat can cel, small faults,VF. Scott $160. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40

6283 m 1869, 12¢ green (117), cir cle of wedges can cel,deep color, crease, VG-Fine. Scott $140. . . . . . . . . $30

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1869 Pictorial Issue

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 44: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6284 m 1869, 15¢ brown & blue, type I (118), fancy ro sette can cel, F-VF. Scott $800. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $400

6285 m 1869, 15¢ brown & blue, type I (118), neat can cel,reperfed at right, toned area bot tom right, Fine. Scott $800. $140

6286 m 1869, 15¢ brown & blue, type II (119), un ob tru sivecan cel, rich col ors, small faults, VF. Scott $250. . . . . $70

6287 m 1869, 15¢ brown & blue, type II (119), SOTN cir cle of wedges can cel, rich col ors, faults, Fine. Scott $275. . $60

6288 m 1869, 30¢ ul tra ma rine & car mine (121), neat can -cel, tiny cor ner crease, F-VF. Scott $525. . . . . . . . . $160

6289 m 1869, 30¢ ul tra ma rine & car mine (121), quar tercork can cel, wide mar gins, Fine. Scott $525. . . . . . . $225


6290 m 1870, 1¢ ul tra ma rine, grilled (134), neat can cel,small faults, VF-XF. Scott $210. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6291 (H) 1870, 2¢ red brown (146), un used, VF; 2000 APSCert. Scott $125. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

6292 m 1871, 7¢ ver mil ion (149), grid can cel, vivid color,F-VF. Scott $100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6293 m 1870, 10¢ brown (150), red and black can cels, VF.Scott $35. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

6294 m 1870, 12¢ dull vi o let (151), neat red can cel, se lectap pear ance, creases, XF. Scott $235. . . . . . . . . . $90

6295 m 1870, 12¢ dull vi o let (151), in trigu ing can cel, perfstrimmed at left, F-VF. Scott $220. . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

44 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Stamps

Page 45: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6296 m 1870, 24¢ pur ple (153), red NYFM can cel, gor -geous color, light creases, F-VF. Scott $245. . . . . . . $80

6297 m 1870, 24¢ pur ple (153), red and black can cels,small thin, Fine. Scott $230. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6298 H 1873, 1¢ ul tra ma rine (156), o.g., lightly hinged,slight ton ing, F-VF. Scott $225. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45

6299 m 1873, 12¢ blackish vi o let (162), face free light can -cel, faults, F-VF. Scott $140. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40

6300 m 1873, 30¢ gray black (165), neat can cel, faults, VF. Scott $140.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

6301 m 1873, 30¢ gray black (165), spec tac u lar SOTN cir -cle of car ats can cel, wide se at left, VG-Fine. Scott $140. . $40

6302 m 1873, 90¢ rose car mine (166), neat can cel, smallfaults, F-VF. Scott $300. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90

6303 m 1873, 90¢ rose car mine (166), neat can cel, smallfaults, Fine. Scott $300. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75

6304 m 1879, 30¢ full black (190), du plex can cel, VF-XF.Scott $100.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90

6305 m 1879, 30¢ full black (190), town can cel, in tensecolor, VF. Scott $100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $80

6306 H 1882, 5¢ yel low brown (205), o.g., hinged, Fine.Scott $250.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90

6307 H 1882, 10¢ brown, re-en graved (209), o.g., lightlyhinged (pen cil marks on gum), VF. Scott $160. . . . . . $110

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 45

1870-1888 Bank Note Co. Issues

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 46: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6308 (H) 1887, 1¢ ul tra ma rine (212), wide mar gins, se lect,un used, XF. Scott $30. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

6309 H 1887, 3¢ ver mil ion (214), o.g., lightly hinged, Fine.Scott $65. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

6310 m 1888, 30¢ or ange brown (217), neat can cel, smallfaults, VF. Scott $130. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32

1893-1898 ISSUES

6311 (H) 1893, 10¢ Co lum bian (237), regummed, VF. Scott$100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32

6312 H 1893, 30¢ Co lum bian (239), top sin gle with platenum ber, o.g., hinge rem nant, tear at top sealed with ahinge, VF. Scott $240. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6313 HH 1894, 1¢ ul tra ma rine (246), fresh, o.g., neverhinged, F-VF. Scott $90. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6314 H 1894, 6¢ dull brown (256), o.g., hinge rem nants,small faults, F-VF. Scott $160.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $34

6315 H 1894, 10¢ dark green (258), o.g., hinge rem nants,VG-Fine. Scott $300. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60

6316 H 1894, 15¢ dark blue (259), o.g., hinged, F-VF.Scott $300.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $170

6317 H 1895, 8¢ vi o let brown (272), o.g., hinged, F-VF.Scott $70. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

6318 HH 1898, 6¢ lake (282), o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $140. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65

46 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Stamps

Page 47: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6319 (H) 1898, 10¢ or ange brown, type II (283),regummed, small faults, F-VF. Scott $150. . . . . . . . $30

6320 HH 1898, 1¢ Trans-Miss. (285), o.g., never hinged,F-VF. Scott $75. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35

6321 HH 1898, 2¢ Trans-Miss. (286), o.g., never hinged,F-VF. Scott $73. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $34

6322 H 1898, 5¢ Trans-Miss. (288), se at right, big mar -gins, deep color, o.g., lightly hinged, XF. Scott $110. . . $55

6323 H 1898, 5¢ Trans-Miss. (288), deep color, o.g., lightly hinged, F-VF. Scott $110. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55

6324 H 1898, 10¢ Trans-Miss. (290), dis turbed o.g., Fine.Scott $150.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40


6325 Ha 1901, 1¢ Pan-Amer i can (294), block of 4, o.g.,lightly hinged, three stamps never hinged, F-VF. Scott$152. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75

6326 Ha 1901, 2¢ Pan-Amer i can (295), block of 4, o.g.,lightly hinged, three stamps never hinged, F-VF. Scott$143. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $70

6327 Ha 1901, 4¢ Pan-Amer i can (296), block of 4, o.g.,hinged (nat u ral gum bends af fect two stamps), Fine. Scott$300. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6328 H 1901, 8¢ Pan-Amer i can (298), deep color, o.g.,hinged, Fine. Scott $95. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 47

1901 Pan-American Issue

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 48: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6329 Ha 1901, 8¢ Pan-Amer i can (298), block of 4, top pairpart o.g., bot tom pair lightly hinged, top right stamp smallgum soak, F-VF. Scott $425. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $130

6330 Ha 1901, 10¢ Pan-Amer i can (299), block of 4, o.g.,hinged, Fine. Scott $550. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200


6331 H 1903, 3¢ bright vi o let (302), deep color, o.g.,hinged, VF. Scott $50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

6332 H 1902, 8¢ vi o let black (306), o.g., lightly hinged, VF. Scott $40. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32

6333 H 1906, 2¢ car mine, type I, imperf (320), hor i zon talpair with guide line, o.g., lightly hinged, VF-XF. Scott $35. $30

6334 HH 1904, 2¢ Lou i si ana Pur chase (324), o.g., neverhinged, F-VF. Scott $65. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $34

6335 HHa 1904, 2¢ Lou i si ana Pur chase (324), block of 4,o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $280. . . . . . . . . . . $120

6336 HH 1904, 3¢ Lou i si ana Pur chase (325), o.g., neverhinged, slightly glazed, VF. Scott $185. . . . . . . . . . $80

6337 H 1904, 10¢ Lou i si ana Pur chase (327), o.g., lightlyhinged, VF. Scott $140. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $120

6338 HH 1904, 10¢ Lou i si ana Pur chase (327), fresh, o.g.,never hinged, F-VF. Scott $350. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $180

48 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Stamps

Page 49: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6339 H 1907, 2¢ James town (329), vi brant color, o.g.,lightly hinged, VF-XF. Scott $28. . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

6340 HH 1907, 2¢ James town (329), o.g., never hinged,F-VF. Scott $80. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40

6341 HH 1907, 5¢ James town (330), o.g., never hinged,small faults, VF. Scott $310. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75


6342 H 1908, 8¢ ol ive green (337), o.g., lightly hinged, VF.Scott $45. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40

6343 H 1909, 50¢ vi o let (341), o.g., lightly hinged,VG-Fine. Scott $300. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $70

6344 H 1909, $1 vi o let brown (342), deep color, dis turbedo.g., F-VF. Scott $500.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

6345 Ha 1908, 1¢ green, imperf (343), bot tom plate block of 6 with plate num ber and im print, o.g., hinged, VF-XF. Scott $48. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40

6346 Ha 1908, 2¢ car mine, imperf (344), se lect ex am ple,bot tom plate block of 6 with plate num ber and im print, o.g.,lightly hinged, XF. Scott $78. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6347 HH 1909, 4¢ or ange brown, imperf (346), hor i zon talpair, o.g., never hinged (nat u ral gum creases right stamponly), VF. Scott $63. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 49

1908-1911 Washington-Franklin Issues

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 50: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6348 HH 1908, 1¢ green coil (348), fresh and choice, pair,o.g., never hinged, XF. Scott $210. . . . . . . . . . . . $300

6349 H 1908, 1¢ green coil (348), line pair, o.g., lightlyhinged, bot tom stamp never hinged, top stamp cor nercrease, XF. Scott $275. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $120

6350 HH 1909, 2¢ car mine coil (349), pair, o.g., neverhinged (slight off set on gum), top stamp small nat u ral in -clu sion, VF. Scott $575. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200

6351 H 1909, 2¢ car mine coil (349), line pair, o.g., lightlyhinged, F-VF. Scott $550. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $250

6352 H 1909, 5¢ blue coil (351), deep color, line pair, o.g.,lightly hinged, F-VF. Scott $1,075.. . . . . . . . . . . . $500

6353 H 1909, 5¢ blue coil (355), o.g., lightly hinged, Fine.Scott $225.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90

6354 HH 1909, 1¢ green, blu ish pa per (357), top mar ginsin gle, o.g., stamp never hinged, VG-Fine. Scott $180. . $40

6355 HH 1909, 2¢ car mine, blu ish pa per (358), o.g., neverhinged, reperfed, VF. Scott $170. . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6356 H 1909, 2¢ car mine, blu ish pa per (358), right mar -gin sin gle, o.g., lightly hinged, Fine. Scott $80. . . . . . $40

6357 H 1909, 2¢ Lin coln, blu ish pa per (369), o.g., hinged, VF-XF. Scott $150. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $130

6358 H 1909, 2¢ Lin coln, blu ish pa per (369), ex tra largemar gins, vi brant rich shade, o.g., lightly hinged, F-VF.Scott $150.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

50 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Stamps

6350 6351 6352

6348 6349

Page 51: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6359 H 1911, 15¢ pale ul tra ma rine (382), wide mar gins,o.g., lightly hinged, F-VF. Scott $240. . . . . . . . . . . $130

6360 HH 1911, 2¢ car mine, imperf, hor i zon tal coil (384H),line pair, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $60 as hinged. . $70

6361 HH 1911, 2¢ car mine, imperf, ver ti cal coil (384V),line pair, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $30 as hinged. $30

6362 H 1910, 2¢ car mine coil (391), line pair, dis turbedo.g., F-VF. Scott $260.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75

6363 HH 1910, 1¢ green coil (392), very fresh, pair, o.g.,never hinged, VF. Scott $160. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $130

6364 HH 1910, 1¢ green coil (392), very fresh, pair, o.g.,never hinged, F-VF. Scott $160. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90

6365 H 1912, 4¢ brown coil (395), o.g., lightly hinged,F-VF. Scott $63. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $34

6366 H 1913, 5¢ blue coil (396), o.g., lightly hinged, Fine.Scott $60. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30


6367 H 1913, 2¢ Pan ama-Pa cific (398), bril liant color withbig mar gins, o.g., lightly hinged, XF-Su perb. Scott $18.. $30

6368 H 1913, 10¢ or ange yel low Pan ama-Pa cific (400),o.g., lightly hinged, perf flaw, Fine. Scott $120. . . . . . $30

6369 HH 1913, 10¢ or ange Pan ama-Pa cific (400A), freshand at trac tive, o.g., never hinged, VF-XF. Scott $400. . $140

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 51

1913-1915 Panama-Pacific Issue

Sug. BidSug. Bid

6361 6362

Page 52: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on


6370 Ha 1912, 1¢ green (405), two blocks of 4 with dif fer entshades, o.g., lightly hinged, 3 stamps never hinged, VF.Scott $63. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60

6371 Ha 1912, 1¢ green (405 Var), block of 4, R ver ti cal pairal most imperf be tween, o.g., hinge rem nant, block tornand re in forced by gov ern ment tape on re verse, great spe -cialty item, VG-Fine. Scott $2,000 if imperf between. . . $200

6372 HH 1912, 1¢ green coil (410), fresh and choice, pair,o.g., never hinged, XF. Scott $33. . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6373 HH 1912, 2¢ car mine coil (411), paste-up pair, o.g.,never hinged, VF. Scott $55. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40

6374 H 1912, 2¢ car mine coil (411), line pair, o.g., lightlyhinged, VF-XF. Scott $55. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6375 m 1912, 1¢ green coil (412), neat can cel, pair, F-VF.Scott $75. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40

6376 H 1912, 2¢ car mine coil (413), line pair, o.g., hinged,VF. Scott $300. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200

6377 H 1912, 15¢ gray (418), big mar gins, o.g., lightlyhinged, VF-XF. Scott $80. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90

6378 H 1912, 15¢ gray (418), o.g., hinged, F-VF. Scott$80. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40

52 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Stamps

6373 6374

Page 53: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6379 Ha 1914, 2¢ rose red (425,463), a mix ture of wa ter -marked and unwatermarked blocks ex hib it ing dif fer entshades of these is sues, six blocks of 4, o.g., hinged, bot -tom pairs mostly never hinged, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . $70

6380 HH 1914, 5¢ blue (428), o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $75. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40

6381 H 1914, 7¢ black (430), o.g., lightly hinged, F-VF.Scott $90. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45

6382 H 1914, 15¢ gray (437), wide mar gins, o.g., hinged,small thin, VF. Scott $125.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

6383 H 1914, 20¢ ul tra ma rine (438), fresh and bright withwide mar gins, o.g., hinged, F-VF. Scott $190.. . . . . . $110

6384 H 1914, 30¢ or ange red (439), bright color, dis turbedo.g., F-VF. Scott $230.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $80

6385 H 1914, 1¢ green coil (443), line pair, o.g., lightlyhinged, VF. Scott $155. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $130

6386 H 1914, 2¢ car mine coil (444), pair, o.g., lightlyhinged, pin hole in left stamp, VF. Scott $130. . . . . . $40

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1912-1916 Washington-Franklin Issues

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 54: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6387 H 1914, 4¢ brown coil (446), o.g., lightly hinged,F-VF. Scott $140. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75

6388 H 1914, 2¢ car mine rose, type I, ro tary coil (453),o.g., hinge rem nant, small thin, VG-Fine. Scott $150. . . $30

6389 H 1915, 2¢ red, type II, ro tary coil (454), pair, o.g.,lightly hinged (mi nor gum creases), F-VF. Scott $175. . $70

6390 H 1916, 3¢ vi o let, ro tary coil (456), pair, o.g., lightlyhinged, left stamp gum ton ing spots and thin, VF. Scott$600. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $250

6391 H 1916, 6¢ red or ange (468), o.g., hinged, VF. Scott$85. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60

6392 H 1916, 11¢ dark green (473), se lect ex am ple, o.g.,hinged, XF. Scott $40. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6393 HH 1917, 3¢ vi o let, type I, imperf (483), fresh andchoice, hor i zon tal pair, o.g., never hinged, XF. Scott $48. $55

6394 HH 1916, 3¢ vi o let, type II, imperf (484), se lect ex am -ple, hor i zon tal pair, o.g., never hinged, XF. Scott $36. . $45

6395 HH 1917, 3¢ vi o let, type I, coil (493), fresh andchoice, o.g., never hinged, XF. Scott $30. . . . . . . . $45

6396 HH 1917, 3¢ vi o let, type I, coil (493), line pair, o.g.,never hinged, VF-XF. Scott $230. . . . . . . . . . . . . $200

6397 HH 1919, 5¢ blue coil (496), fresh and choice, pair,o.g., never hinged, XF. Scott $18. . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

6398 H 1922, 10¢ or ange yel low coil (497), pair, o.g.,hinged (pen cil marks on gum), XF. Scott $45.. . . . . . $34

54 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Stamps

Page 55: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on


6399 HH/Ha1917, 1¢ green (498), dou ble row of ver ti cal perfscaused by folded selvedge, top left block of 4, o.g., hingerem nant at top, never hinged at bot tom, hinge re in forcedperfs, VF-XF.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6400 HH 1917, 2¢ rose, type I (499), heavy ink ing and platesmear in the cen ter of the strip as well as other char ac ter is -tics of type Ia sug gest this may be a tran si tion plate be -tween type I and type Ia, out stand ing spe cialty item,ver ti cal mar gin strip of 10 with plate num ber, o.g., neverhinged, VG-Fine.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200

6401 HH/Ha1917, 2¢ rose, type I (499 var.), some body had funwith this one cre at ing clan des tine (fake rou lette) perfs, eyecatch ing spe cialty item, bot tom plate block of 6, o.g., lightly hinged (5 stamps never hinged), re duced selvedge, Fine. $150

6402 HH 1917, 7¢ black (507), very fresh, o.g., neverhinged, VF-XF. Scott $60. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60

6403 Ha 1917, 10¢ or ange yel low (510 Var), un der inkedplate with ink smears, in ter est ing spe cialty item, right mar -gin block of 4, o.g., hinged, VG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6404 HH 1919, 13¢ ap ple green (513), o.g., never hinged,XF Se lect. Scott $22. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

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1917-1919 Washington-Franklin Issue, Perf. 11

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 56: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6405 H 1917, 50¢ red vi o let (517), o.g., lightly hinged, VF.Scott $55. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40

6406 H 1917, $1 vi o let brown (518), o.g., lightly hinged,VF. Scott $40. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

1918-1923 ISSUES

6407 m 1918, $2 or ange red & black (523), face free can -cel, faults, F-VF. Scott $250. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $70

6408 H 1918, 1¢ gray green, Off set (525), an ex cel lent lit -tle shade study of 12 stamps show ing coniderable vari a -tion, great group for the spe cial ist, o.g., hinged to pages,F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6409 Ha 1918, 1¢ gray green, Off set, dou ble im pres sion(525d), block of 4, slightly dis turbed o.g., deep color,VG-Fine. Scott $160. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $80

6410 Ha 1920, 2¢ car mine Off set, type IV (526), also bot -tom mar gin strip of 4, bot tom mar gin pair and 11 platenum ber sin gles 8 of which are used, all ex hib it ing phan tom plate num bers and ar rows, bot tom mar gin block of 6 withphan tom plate num ber and ar row, o.g., hinged to pages,few stamps on mul ti ples never hinged, Fine. . . . . . . $150

56 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Stamps

Page 57: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6411 HHa 1918, 2¢ car mine Off set, type V (527), the topplate num ber miss ing the first digit, top right block of 42 in -clud ing two plate blocks of 6 with plate num bers, o.g.,never hinged ex cept 4 stamps in L ver ti cal row and 5 oth -ers not af fect ing side plate block, one stamp at bot tom withfault not af fect ing plate blocks, oth er wise Fine. Scott$1,592. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $750

6412 Ha 1918, 2¢ car mine Off set, type V (527), four plateblocks of 6 ex hib it ing all four po si tions with plate num ber11230, o.g., hinged, many stamps on the blocks neverhinged, Fine. Scott $740. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $500

6413 H 1918, 2¢ car mine Off set, type Va (528), all ex hib it -ing hand etched plate num bers, eight sin gles with platenum bers, one used, o.g., hinged to a page, Fine. . . . . $100

6414 HH/Ha1918, 2¢ car mine Off set, type Va (528), right plateblock of 6 with hand etched plate num ber, o.g., hinge rem -nant (5 stamps never hinged), left ver ti cal row of 3 arenever hinged and choice, VF. Scott $117. . . . . . . . $150

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1918-1923 Issues

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 58: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6415 HH 1918, 2¢ car mine Off set, type Va, dou ble im -pres sion (528c), o.g., never hinged, VG-Fine. Scott $125. $40

6416 H 1918, 2¢ car mine Off set, type VI (528A), big mar -gins, vivid color, ex cep tional stamp, o.g., lightly hinged,XF-Su perb. Scott $48. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6417 HHa 1918, 3¢ vi o let Off set, type III (529), top mar ginblock of 6 with hand stamped plate num ber, o.g., stampsnever hinged, VF. Scott $47. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60

6418 Ha 1918, 3¢ vi o let Off set, type III (529), with 3 dis tinc -tively dif fer ent shades, three bot tom plate blocks of 6 withplate num bers, o.g., hinge rem nant or lightly hinged,VG-Fine. Scott $225. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $130

6419 HH/Ha1918, 3¢ pur ple Off set, type IV (530 Var), block of9, o.g., hinge rem nants (5 stamps never hinged), mul ti plepre print ing pa per folds have caused white lines on thisblock, VG-Fine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60

6420 Ha 1918, 3¢ pur ple Off set, type IV (530), highly un -usual light pas tel pur ple shade, bot tom plate block of 6 with plate num ber, o.g., hinge rem nants, bot tom row neverhinged, Fine. Scott $33. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

6421 HH 1918, 2¢ car mine rose, Off set imperf, type IV(532), hor i zon tal pair, o.g., never hinged, VF-XF. Scott$160. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $120

58 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Stamps

Page 59: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6422 HH 1920, 5¢ Pil grim (550), big mar gins, o.g., neverhinged (nat u ral gum skip), VF-XF. Scott $85. . . . . . . $40


6423 H 1923, 8¢ ol ive green (560), o.g., lightly hinged, VF.Scott $45. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40

6424 Ha 1922, 15¢ gray (566), block of 4, o.g., lightlyhinged, bot tom pair never hinged, F-VF. Scott $116. . . $50

6425 HH 1923, 30¢ ol ive brown (569), o.g., never hinged,F-VF. Scott $60. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

6426 HH 1922, 50¢ li lac (570), hand some right mar gin plateno. 19146 sin gle, bright vivid color, o.g., never hinged, VF.Scott $80. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6427 HH 1922, 50¢ li lac (570), o.g., never hinged, F-VF.Scott $80. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40

6428 H 1923, $1 vi o let black (571), o.g., lightly hinged, VF. Scott $38. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

6429 H 1923, $2 deep blue (572), o.g., hinged, F-VF. Scott$70. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32

1923-1930 ISSUES

6430 HHa 1923, 1¢ green, imperf (575), bot tom left block of24 with siderographer's ini tials and left side plate block of6, o.g., never hinged, VF-XF. Scott $331. . . . . . . . . $250

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1922-1925 Regular Issue

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 60: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6431 HH 1923, 2¢ car mine, ro tary (579), o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $160. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6432 H 1923, 2¢ car mine, ro tary (579), o.g., lightly hinged, F-VF. Scott $70. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $34

6433 HHa 1925, 1½¢ brown, 2¢ car mine ro tary (582,583),blocks of 4, o.g., never hinged, Fine. Scott $80.. . . . . $30

6434 H 1925, 10¢ or ange, ro tary (591), o.g., lightlyhinged, VF. Scott $45. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40

6435 HH 1923, 2¢ Har ding, ro tary (612), se lect ex am ple,o.g., never hinged (mi nor gum skip), XF. Scott $33. . . $30

6436 HH 1925, 5¢ Lexington-Con cord (619), wide mar -gins, fresh and very choice, o.g., never hinged, XF-Su -perb. Scott $33. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60

6437 HH 1925, 2¢-5¢ Norse-Amer i can com plete(620-621), se lect set, o.g., never hinged, XF. Scott $29. $36

6438 HH 1925, 5¢ Norse-Amer i can (621), fresh andchoice, o.g., never hinged, XF-Su perb. Scott $22. . . . $40

6439 HH 1926, 1½¢ yel low brown (631 var), with out gumbreaker ridges, big, jumbo mar gins, fab u lous ex am ple,o.g., never hinged, XF-Su perb; 2002 PSE Cert. Scott $50as hinged. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $130

6440 HH 1927, 10¢ or ange (642), big mar gins, very fresh,out stand ing ex am ple, o.g., never hinged, XF-Su perb.Scott $6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

60 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Stamps

Page 61: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6441 HHa 1928, 5¢ Ha waii (648), block of 4, o.g., neverhinged, Fine. Scott $86. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $38

6442 HH 1929, 2¢ Ed i son coil (656), line pair, o.g., neverhinged, Fine. Scott $110. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45

6443 HH 1930, 1½¢ brown (684), big mar gins, pris tine con -di tion, fab u lous ex am ple, o.g., never hinged, Su perb. . $30


6444 HHa 1967, 5¢ Gem ini 4 Cap sule, red stripes on cap -sule omit ted (1332 var), mid dle stamp in block of 9 withnor mal 1331s and 1332s, o.g., never hinged, VF-XF. Scott $210. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $160

6445 HH 1971, 8¢ Flag over White House, imperf (1338Fi), wide mar gins, se lect ex am ple, ver ti cal pair, o.g., neverhinged, XF-Su perb. Scott $35.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40

6446 HHa 1973, 8¢ Boston Tea Party, black (litho) omit ted(1483c), left mar gin se-ten ant pair only, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6447 HH 1973, 10¢ Crossed Flags, blue omit ted (1509b),o.g., never hinged, VF, only about 125 is sued. Scott $150. $110

6448 HH 1975, 13¢ Ea gle & Shield, yel low omit ted(1596b), left mar gin sin gle, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott$100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $70

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Modern Errors

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 62: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6449 (H) 1976, 13¢ Christ mas, imperf (1702a), left mar ginhor i zon tal pair, un used, VF-XF. Scott $90. . . . . . . . $30

6450 HH 1980, 15¢ Benjamin Banneker, imperf ver ti cally(1804a), hor i zon tal pair, o.g., never hinged, VF-XF, only25 pairs is sued. Scott $375. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $300

6451 HHa 1981, 20¢ Flag Over Su preme Court, imperf(1894a), block of 4, o.g., never hinged, VF-XF. Scott $60. $45

6452 HH 1981, 20¢ Flag Over Su preme Court coil, imperf(1895d var), imperf strip ex cept at right, in ter est ing va ri ety, strip of 4, o.g., never hinged, VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

6453 HH 1982, 2¢ Lo co mo tive coil, imperf (1897Ac), linestrip of 6 with plate num ber 4, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott$135 as 3 pairs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

6454 HH 1981, 9.3¢ Mail Wagon coil (1903), line strip of 3with plate num ber 5, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $90. $50

6455 H 1981, 9.3¢ Mail Wagon coil (1903), line strip of 5with plate num ber 6, o.g., lightly hinged, VF. Scott $325. $120

6456 HH 1981, 9.3¢ Mail Wagon coil, untagged(precancelled) (1903a), line strip of 5 with plate num ber 8, o.g., never hinged, VF-XF. Scott $225. . . . . . . . . . $150

6457 HH 1981, 20¢ Fire Pumper coil (1908), line strip of 5with plate num ber 2, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $475. $275

6458 HH 1981, 20¢ Fire Pumper coil, imperf (1908a), linestrip of 6 with plate num ber 1, o.g., never hinged, left stamp nat u ral in clu sion, VF-XF. Scott $225 as 3 pairs.. . . . . $250

6459 HHa 1981, 18¢ Frederic Remington (1934 var), bot tom right "ZIP" block of 15 with blind top and bot tom hor i zon talperfs misregistered slightly high, o.g., never hinged, VF. $50

62 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Stamps

Page 63: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6460 HH 1982, 20¢ Ponce de Leon, imperf (2024a), ver ti cal pair, o.g., never hinged, small crease up per left, F-VF, only 57 pairs is sued. Scott $375. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $80

6461 HH 1985, 22¢ Flag Over Capitol coil, wide and tailblock tag ging (2115b), plate num ber 8 strip of 5, o.g.,never hinged, right stamp faulty, VF. Scott $125. . . . . $30

6462 HH 1985, 22¢ Flag Over Capitol coil, imperf (2115f),plate num ber 8 strip of 5, o.g., never hinged (fin ger printson gum), VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90

6463 HH 1985, 22¢ Flag Over Capitol Dome (2116a var),print ing on both book let pane and cover com pletely miss -ing cre at ing a stun ning al bino item, com plete un ex plodedbook let, o.g., never hinged, VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60

6464 HH 1985, 14¢ Ice boat coil, imperf (2134a), pair, o.g.,never hinged, VF. Scott $80. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60

6465 HH 1986, 25¢ Bread Wagon coil, imperf (2136a),plate num ber 2 strip of 5, o.g., never hinged, VF-XF. . . $60

6466 HH 1986, 22¢ Stamp Col lect ing, black omit ted ontwo stamps (2201b), two book let panes of 4 in un ex -ploded book let, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $85. . . . $60

6467 HH 1988 (25¢) "E" stamp coil, imperf (2279a), platenum ber 1111 strip of 6, o.g., never hinged, XF. Scott $165as 3 pairs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200

6468 HH 1988, 25¢ Flag & Yo sem ite coil, block tag ging,imperf (2280b), plate num ber 7 strip of 6, o.g., neverhinged, VF-XF. Scott $75 as 3 pairs. . . . . . . . . . . $90

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 63

Modern Errors

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 64: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6469 HH 1988, 25¢ Flag & Yo sem ite coil, prephos. tag -ging, imperf (2280c), plate num ber 9 strip of 5, o.g., neverhinged (faint fin ger print on gum), VF-XF. . . . . . . . . $75

6470 H 1988, 25¢ Flag & Yo sem ite coil, black trees(2280e), o.g., lightly hinged, F-VF. Scott $90. . . . . . . $30

6471 HH 1988, 25¢ Hon ey bee coil, imperf (2281a var),blind perfs be tween cen ter stamps only, un usual va ri ety,strip of 4, o.g., never hinged, VF-XF. . . . . . . . . . . $75

6472 HH 1991, 5¢ Ca noe coil, imperf (2453a), pair, o.g.,never hinged, VF-XF. Scott $200. . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

6473 HH 1990, 32¢ Fer ry boat coil, shiny gum, imperf(2466a), pair, o.g., never hinged (faint fin ger print on gum),VF-XF. Scott $425. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200

6474 HHa 1990, 25¢ Sea Crea tures, black (en graved) omit -ted (2511b), left mar gin se-ten ant pair only, o.g., neverhinged, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60

6475 HH 1991 (29¢) "F" stamp coil, imperf (2518a), platenum ber 2211 strip of 5, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $83as 3 pairs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $80

6476 HH 1991, 29¢ Flag Over Mt. Rushmore coil, imperf(2523b), plate num ber 1 strip of 6, o.g., never hinged,F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

6477 HH 1991, 29¢ Flag Over Mt. Rushmore coil, To ledobrown, plate 1 (2523c), plate num ber 7 strip of 6, o.g.,never hinged, VF. Scott $175. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $120

6478 HH 1991, 29¢ Flag Over Mt. Rushmore coil, Lenz pa -per, plate 2 (2523d), plate num ber 6 strip of 5, scarcenum ber, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $260. . . . . . . $180

64 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Stamps

Page 65: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6479 HH 1991 (10¢) Ea gle & Shield coil, "Bulk Rate USA"(2602), plate num ber A32333 strip of 5, scarce num ber,o.g., never hinged, VF-XF. Scott $200. . . . . . . . . . $150

6480 HH 1992, 29¢ Flag Over White House coil, imperf(2609a), plate num ber 7 strip of 6, o.g., never hinged, VF.Scott $45 as 3 pairs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6481 HH 1994, 29¢ Gar den Flow ers, black (en graved)omit ted (2833c), book let pane of 5, o.g., never hinged,VF. Scott $200. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $140

6482 HH 1995, 32¢ Flag Over Porch coil, imperf (2913a),plate num ber 44444 strip of 6, o.g., never hinged, VF.Scott $90 as 3 pairs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6483 HH 1996, 32¢ Flag over Porch coil, die cut 9.8, red"1996" (2915A), plate num ber 88898 strip of 5, scarcenum ber, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $75. . . . . . . . $60

6484 HH 1998 (33¢) Un cle Sam's Hat coil, die cut tingomit ted (3265a), pair, o.g., never hinged, XF. Scott $65. $45

6485 HH 1999, 33¢ Flag & City coil, large date, no die cut -ting (3281a), plate num ber 4444A strip of 6, o.g., neverhinged, XF. Scott $90 as 3 pairs. . . . . . . . . . . . . $140

6486 HH 2003 (10¢) At las coil, die cut 11 (3770), scarcenum ber, plate num ber V12111 strip of 5, o.g., neverhinged, VF. Scott $190. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6487 HH 2003, 37¢ Snowy Egret coil, die cut 8½ (3829),plate num ber V3221 strip of 5, o.g., never hinged, VF.Scott $300.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $180


6488 HH Com puter Vended Post age, 1992, red and blue,type I (CVP31), 1c to 18c de nom i na tions in strips of 5, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $400

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 65

Modern Errors - Computer Vended Postage

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 66: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on


6489 HH Air mail, 1918, 6¢ or ange (C1), fresh, vi brant color,o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $140. . . . . . . . . . . $70

6490 Ha Air mail, 1923, 8¢ dark green (C4), block of 4, o.g.,lightly hinged, VF. Scott $80. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55

6491 H Air mail, 1923, 16¢ dark blue (C5), o.g., lightlyhinged, F-VF. Scott $70. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45

6492 HH Air mail, 1923, 24¢ car mine (C6), o.g., neverhinged, small thin, VF. Scott $150. . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6493 HHa Air mail, 1926-27 Map & Planes com plete(C7-C9), blocks of 4, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $90.. $40

6494 HH Air mail, 1928, 10¢ Lindbergh (C10a), very fresh,book let pane of 3, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $130. . $120

66 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Stamps

Page 67: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6495 HHa Air mail, 1928, 5¢ Bea con (C11), top plate block of6 with plate num bers and dou ble "TOP", o.g., neverhinged, VF. Scott $160. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $120

6496 HHa Air mail, 1937, 20¢ China Clip per (C21), block of4, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $45. . . . . . . . . . . $34

6497 HH Air mail, 1938, 6¢ Ea gle, ul tra ma rine & car minecolor er ror (C23c), o.g., never hinged, Fine. Scott $150. $80

6498 HHa Air mail, 1947, 5¢ car mine (C33 var), signed in theselvedge by the de signer, pic ture en graver and let ter ingen graver, top left plate block of 4 with plate num ber, o.g.,never hinged, VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40


6499 H Spe cial De liv ery, 1885, 10¢ blue (E1), wide mar -gins, o.g., lightly hinged, faults, VF. Scott $550.. . . . . $170

6500 H Spe cial De liv ery, 1888, 10¢ blue (E2), dis turbedo.g., faults, F-VF. Scott $500. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90

6501 HH Spe cial De liv ery, 1893, 10¢ or ange (E3), veryfresh, vivid color, o.g., never hinged (faint fin ger print ongum), VF-XF. Scott $675. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $400

6502 H Spe cial De liv ery, 1902, 10¢ ul tra ma rine (E6),o.g., hinge rem nants, tiny thin, VF. Scott $230. . . . . . $50

6503 H Spe cial De liv ery, 1908, 10¢ green (E7), o.g.,lightly hinged, F-VF. Scott $70. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $36

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 67

Airmail - Special Delivery

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 68: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on


6504 HH Of fices in China, 1919, 2¢ on 1¢ green (K1), pris -tine con di tion, very choice, o.g., never hinged, XF-Su -perb. Scott $70. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $130

6505 HH Of fices in China, 1919, 2¢ on 1¢ green (K1), o.g.,never hinged (mi nor gum skip), F-VF. Scott $70. . . . . $30

6506 H Of fices in China, 1919, 6¢ on 3¢ vi o let (K3), o.g.,hinged, VF. Scott $60. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40

6507 m Of fices in China, 1919, 8¢ on 4¢ brown (K4), lightcan cel, small cor ner crease, F-VF. Scott $130. . . . . . $32

6508 H Of fices in China, 1919, 10¢ on 5¢ blue (K5), o.g.,hinged, F-VF. Scott $65. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32

6509 H Of fices in China, 1919, 12¢ on 6¢ red or ange(K6), o.g., hinged, VF. Scott $85. . . . . . . . . . . . . $55

6510 H Of fices in China, 1919, 14¢ on 7¢ black (K7), o.g., hinged, F-VF. Scott $88. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45

6511 H Of fices in China, 1919, 16¢ on 8¢ ol ive green(K8a), big mar gins, fab u lous ap pear ance, o.g., hinge rem -nant, small faults, XF-Su perb. Scott $60. . . . . . . . . $36

6512 H Of fices in China, 1919, 18¢ on 9¢ salmon red(K9), o.g., hinged, VF-XF. Scott $65. . . . . . . . . . . $55

6513 H Of fices in China, 1919, 20¢ on 10¢ or ange yel low (K10), vivid color, o.g., hinged, VF-XF. Scott $60. . . . $50

6514 H Of fices in China, 1919, 24¢ on 12¢ brown car -mine (K11), bright color, slightly dis turbed o.g., VF-XF.Scott $80. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45

6515 H Of fices in China, 1919, 30¢ on 15¢ gray (K12),wide mar gins, o.g., hinged, VF. Scott $88. . . . . . . . $75

68 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Stamps

Page 69: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6516 H Of fices in China, 1919, 40¢ on 20¢ deep ul tra ma -rine (K13), se lect stamp, o.g., hinged, XF. Scott $130. $160

6517 H Of fices in China, 1919, 60¢ on 30¢ or ange red(K14), o.g., hinged, perf in dent, F-VF. Scott $120. . . . $36

6518 H Of fices in China, 1919, $1 on 50¢ light vi o let(K15), slightly dis turbed o.g., Fine. Scott $575. . . . . . $170

6519 H Of fices in China, 1919, $1 on 50¢ light vi o let(K15), o.g., hinge rem nant, VG-Fine. Scott $575. . . . . $150

6520 H Of fices in China, 1919, $2 on $1 vi o let brown(K16), o.g., hinge rem nants, VG-Fine. Scott $450. . . . $130


6521 H Ag ri cul ture Dept., 1873, 3¢ yel low (O3), part o.g.,hinge rem nants, VF. Scott $220. . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6522 H Ag ri cul ture Dept., 1873, 10¢ yel low (O5), fresh,bright color, o.g., hinge rem nant, Fine. Scott $525. . . . $225

6523 (H) Ag ri cul ture Dept., 1873, 24¢ yel low (O8),regummed, perf faults, Fine. Scott $225. . . . . . . . . $70

6524 H In te rior Dept., 1873, 1¢ ver mil ion (O15), o.g.,hinge rem nant, Fine. Scott $75. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

6525 H In te rior Dept., 1873, 2¢ ver mil ion (O16), o.g.,lightly hinged, F-VF. Scott $70. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $38

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Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 70: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6526 H Jus tice Dept., 1873, 2¢ pur ple (O26), o.g., hingerem nants, VG-Fine. Scott $310. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75

6527 m Jus tice Dept., 1873, 10¢ pur ple (O29), quar tercork can cel, small faults, VF-XF. Scott $100. . . . . . . $38

6528 H Jus tice Dept., 1873, 12¢ pur ple (O30), part dis -turbed o.g., hinge rem nants, small faults, F-VF. Scott$260. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60

6529 H Post Of fice Dept., 1873, 10¢ black (O51), parto.g., hinge rem nants, F-VF. Scott $140. . . . . . . . . . $45

6530 H War Dept., 1873, 30¢ rose (O92), o.g., hinge rem -nants, VF. Scott $130. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $80


6531 HH Book let, 1917, 97¢, green on lav en der cover(BK54), com plete and un ex ploded, o.g., never hinged,some cover creas ing, Fine. Scott $85. . . . . . . . . . $32

6532 HH Book let, 1932, 37¢, vi o let on buff cover (BK84),com plete and un ex ploded, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott$125. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $70

6533 HH Book let, 1939, 25¢, green on green cover(BK86), com plete and un ex ploded, o.g., never hinged,F-VF. Scott $70. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40

70 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Stamps

Page 71: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6534 HH Book let, 1962, $1, blue cover (BK110 var), blankpanes with "DUMMY" in red stamped on the cover, com -plete and un ex ploded, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. . . . . $30


6535 HH Test Stamp, 1989, $3 mul ti col ored, shiny gum(TDB81), book let pane of 12, o.g., never hinged, sur facescuff bot tom left, VF. Scott $2,250. . . . . . . . . . . . $1,100

6536 HH Test Stamp, 1989, $3 mul ti col ored, self ad he -sive (TDB80), book let pane of 12, o.g., never hinged,creases, VF. Scott $1,500. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $700


6537 ) En ve lope, 1860, 1¢ blue on buff, die 1 (U19), VF.Scott $90. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6538 H) Wrap per, 1860, 1¢ blue on buff, die 1 (W20), com -plete en tire, VF. Scott $125. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60

6539 H) Wrap per, 1861, 1¢ blue on ma nila, die 1 (W21),com plete en tire, VF. Scott $125. . . . . . . . . . . . . $60

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 71

Test Stamps - Postal Stationery

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 72: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6540 ) En ve lope, 1860, 1¢ blue on am ber, die 3 (U24),cancelled by cork with "Poughkepsie NY/Apr/6" cds toPoughkeepsie, VF. Scott $350. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

6541 H) En ve lope, 1865, 12¢ red brown on buff (U69),32x31mm, VF. Scott $150. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $80

6542 H) En ve lope, 1865, 30¢ green on buff (U72),33x31mm, F-VF. Scott $130. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60

6543 H) En ve lope, 1865, 30¢ yel low green on buff(U72a), 32x30mm, F-VF. Scott $125. . . . . . . . . . . $60

6544 ) En ve lope, 1865, 40¢ rose on buff (U73),33x30mm, bright fresh ex am ple, F-VF. Scott $125. . . . $60

6545 m En ve lope, 1870, 10¢ ol ive black (U89), well struck blue Wells Fargo Ex press can cel, 29x30mm, scarce item, cut square, Fine. Scott $900. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $550

6546 ) En ve lope, 1870, 24¢ pur ple (U99), 30x33mm,F-VF. Scott $150. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $70

6547 ) En ve lope, 1870, 90¢ car mine (U105), 29x34mm,F-VF. Scott $175. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90

6548 H) En ve lope, 1870, 90¢ car mine on am ber (U106),27x31mm, F-VF. Scott $350. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200

72 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Stamps

Page 73: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6549 ) En ve lope, 1875, 10¢ choc o late on am ber, die 2(U190), 10¢ en tire with "100" can cel to Ha vana Cuba,scarce and un usual, pa per ad he sions on re verse, F-VF. $50

6550 H) En ve lope, 1881, 30¢ black on ori en tal buff(U207), 34x36mm, F-VF. Scott $120. . . . . . . . . . . $60

6551 ) En ve lope, 1881, 30¢ black on blue (U208),34x37mm, full cor ner, VF. Scott $125.. . . . . . . . . . $60

6552 H) En ve lope, 1881, 30¢ black on ma nila (U209),33x30mm, F-VF. Scott $100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6553 H En ve lopes, 1893, 1¢-10¢ Columbians(U348-U351), en tires, un used, some ton ing marks frommounts, VF. Scott $90. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40

6554 H En ve lope, 1893, 10¢ Co lum bian (U351), en tire,un used, VF. Scott $70. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 73

Postal Stationery

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 74: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6555 ) En ve lope, 1899, 2¢ car mine, die 2 (U362), 2¢ "Or -ange", UPSS No. 1243 va ri ety, with black and gold foileaglecachet (sup pos edly for fra ter nal or ga ni za tion), VF,ex Barkhausen, Wunsch, Berthold. . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6556 H) En ve lope & Wrap per, 1903, 4¢ choc o late (U390,U391, W392), seven en tires or wrap per, all Die 108, wa ter -marked 14, iden ti fied as No 1913, size 7, knife 51; No1914, size 7, knife 51; No 1915, size 8, knife 59; No 1916,size 8, knife 59; No 1917, size 9, knife 61; No 1918, size 9,knife 61 and No 1919, wrap per, knife w, F-VF. Scott $252. $150

6557 H) En ve lope, 1903, 5¢ blue (U393, U394), four en -tires, all Die 109, wa ter marked 14, iden ti fied as No 1920,size 3, knife 80; No 1921, size 3, knife 80; No 1922,size 5,knife 81 and No 1923, size 5, knife 81, VF. Scott $128.. $70

6558 ) Wrap per, 1904, 2¢ car mine on ma nila (W399), 2¢ wrap per uprated with 5¢(304) cancelled by dumb ovals toCal cutta In dia, ver ti cal crease, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . $200

74 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Stamps

Page 75: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6559 H) En ve lope, 1920, 2¢ on 3¢ dark vi o let, die 1, dou -ble sur charge (U458d), two cov ers, one with dou ble sur -charge, sec ond with in verted dou ble sur charge, VF. Scott$70. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40

6560 H) En ve lope, 1920, 2¢ on 4¢ choc o late (U462), fullcor ner, 51x51mm, VF. Scott $575. . . . . . . . . . . . $300

6561 ) En ve lope, 1925, 1½¢ on 1¢ green on blue, die 4(U493), 36x36mm, F-VF. Scott $125. . . . . . . . . . . $60

6562 H) En ve lope, 1925, 1½¢ on 1¢ green on ma nila, die1, VF. Scott $550. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $300

6563 ) En ve lope, 1925, 1½¢ on 1¢ green, die 2 (U495a),1½¢ on 1¢ postal en tire cancelled by 1927 San Fran ciscoCA ma chine can cel to LA, CA, F-VF. Scott $90. . . . . $50

6564 ) En ve lopes, 1932, 1½¢, 2¢, 4¢ and 5¢ Wash ing -ton Bi cen ten nial (U524, U525, U527, U528), first daycan cels on #10 en ve lopes each with printed red & blue ca -chets, un ad dressed, light edge ton ing, F-VF. Scott $87. $40

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 75

Postal Stationery

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 76: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6565 H) En ve lope, 1932, 2¢ Wash ing ton Bi cen ten nial,die 2 (U525a), full cor ner, 48x45mm, VF. Scott $70. . . $40

6566 Hm) Postal Sta tio nery Bal ance, 50+ items, in cludesmint set of Co lum bian Expo cut squares, UO20 cutsquares(x2), a few mint or used en tires, please in spect,gen er ally F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6567 ) Postal En tire Er rors, four en tires, first is par tial al -bino of 1887 2¢ green Wash ing ton, sec ond and third areal bi nos of 2¢ Wash ing ton en tires, and last is a in side outU412, VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6568 ) Air mail En ve lope, 1933, 5¢ blue, wa ter mark 33,bor der “d” (UC1), with 5¢(637) tied by 1937 San Juanma chine can cel with 1933 wa ter mark #33 bor der "d", slight edge tear far from in di cia F-VF. Scott $750. . . . . . . . $250

76 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Stamps

Page 77: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6569 H) Postal Card, 1873, 1¢ brown on buff (UX1), wa -ter marked Large U.S.P.O.D., 29x26mm, F-VF. UPSS S1.Scott $400.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $250

6570 ) Postal Card, 1873, 1¢ brown on buff (UX3), wa -ter marked Small U.S.P.O.D., cancelled by quar tered corkand "San Fran cisco Deliv Cal/Jan/30/9 PM", early type -writ ten ad dress and mes sage, VF. . . . . . . . . . . . $50

the typewriter was introduced to the public at thePhiladelphia Centennial in 1876, this message is dated1878.

6571 ) Postal Card, 1873, 1¢ brown on buff (UX3a),unwatermarked, 1¢ postal card cancelled by Greeley COcds to Andover MA, light ver ti cal crease, with nor mal forcom par i son, F-VF. Scott $775. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $400

6572 ) Postal Card, 1897, 2¢ blue on cream (UX13), with1902 Rich mond VA ma chine can cel to Flor ence It aly, withFlor ence re ceiver, light crease lower left, F-VF. Scott $85. $40

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 77

Postal Stationery

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 78: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6573 H) Postal Card, 1958, 3¢ Statue of Lib erty (UX46),with APS cer tif i cate, states it is Scott No.46 va ri ety, UPSSNo. S63c, dou ble im pres sion (R.P. jit ter), un used, gen u -ine, VF. UPSS S63c; $40. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

6574 ) Paid Re ply Postal Card, 1898, 1¢+1¢ black onbuff, mes sage card with out "De tach" mes sage(UY3d), used with 1902 Phil a del phia ma chine can cel, with nor mal mes sage card for com par i son, small flaw rightedge, gen er ally F-VF. Scott $150. . . . . . . . . . . . . $80


6575 H Hunt ing Per mit, 1935, $1 Can vas backs (RW2),o.g., lightly hinged, faults, VF. Scott $400. . . . . . . . $100

6576 m Hunt ing Per mit, 1935, $1 Can vas backs (RW2),signed, nice ap pear ance, typ i cal faults, VF. Scott $160. $60

6577 HH Hunt ing Per mit, 1937, $1 Scaup Ducks (RW4),o.g., never hinged (mi nor gum skips), F-VF. Scott $425. $180

6578 H Hunt ing Per mit, 1939, $1 Green-Winged Teal(RW6), o.g., lightly hinged, crease, F-VF. Scott $125.. . $30

6579 H Hunt ing Per mit, 1940, $1 Black Mal lards (RW7),o.g., lightly hinged, VF. Scott $130. . . . . . . . . . . . $100

78 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Stamps

Page 79: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6580 (H) Hunt ing Per mit, 1940, $1 Black Mal lards (RW7),un used, F-VF. Scott $60. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40

6581 H Hunt ing Per mit, 1941, $1 Ruddy Ducks (RW8),o.g., lightly hinged, F-VF. Scott $125. . . . . . . . . . . $70

6582 (H) Hunt ing Per mit, 1944, $1 White-Fronted Geese(RW11), un signed but at tached to a 1944 New York statehunt ing and fish ing li cense, un used, VF. Scott $45.. . . $40

6583 HH Hunt ing Per mit, 1946, $1 Red head Ducks(RW13), o.g., never hinged, VF-XF. Scott $55. . . . . . $50

6584 H Hunt ing Per mit, 1966, $3 Whis tling Swans(RW33), o.g., hinged, VF-XF. Scott $110. . . . . . . . . $50

6585 HHa Hunt ing Per mit, 1976, $5 Can ada Geese (RW43), top right plate block of 4 with plate num ber, o.g., neverhinged, VF. Scott $70. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6586 HH Hunt ing Per mit, 1998, $15 Goldeneye (RW65),top right sin gle with plate num ber and de signer's ini tials,o.g., never hinged, VF-XF. Scott $50. . . . . . . . . . . $50

6587 HH Hunt ing Per mit, 1998, $15 Goldeneye, self-ad -he sive (RW65A), with de signer's ini tials, o.g., neverhinged, VF. Scott $35. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $34

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Duck Stamps

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 80: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on


6588 HHa Mas sa chu setts, 1989, $1.25, Brant De coy (16),block of 4, o.g., never hinged, VF-XF. Scott $40. . . . . $32

6589 HHa Mas sa chu setts, 1989, $1.25 Brant De coy (16),bot tom right plate block of 4 with plate num ber, o.g., neverhinged, VF-XF. Scott $40 as block of 4. . . . . . . . . . $40

6590 HHa Mas sa chu setts, 1990, $1.25, Whis tler Hen De -coy (17), block of 4, o.g., never hinged, VF-XF. Scott $40. $32

6591 HHa Mas sa chu setts, 1990, $1.25, Whis tler Hen De -coy (17), bot tom right plate block of 4 with plate num ber,o.g., never hinged, VF-XF. Scott $40 as block of 4. . . . $40

6592 m Postal Sav ings, 1911, 10¢ deep blue, im printedon de posit card (PS5), postal sav ings card with nine ad di -tional PS4 stamps, cancelled Aug 2 1913, VF. . . . . . $50


6593 H Al bert Ault En cased Ad ver tis ing Stamps, pair ofen cased post age stamps with 948a & 948b, ad ver tis ing on back "Loans On Stamps & Coins/Al bert W Ault/First Na -tional/Bank Bldg/Cincinnati 2.0/Un der state Su per vi sion,10¢ is scarce, VF quite unusual.. . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

80 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

U.S. Stamps

Page 81: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

Civil War Postal History

6594 ) 1863 Sol dier's Let ter To Woodstock VT, "Wash -ing ton DC/Nov 28/1863" cds on cover with ms "Sol dierslet ter/A J Grain Lt" and "Due 3" sl to Woodstock VT, sixpage let ter with war & bat tle con tent, small piece of sel -vage on front, over all wear to cover, F-VF. . . . . . . . $100

6595 ) 1864 No ti fi ca tion Of Bounty To Merrion IN,3¢(65) tied by blue "In di a nap o lis IN/16/Mar/64" dou ble line cds to Vernon IN, with en list ment & bounty no ti fi ca tion,F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100


6596 ) Fremont Por trait Fac ing Left, 3¢(26) tied by NHcds on cam paign cover of Fremont fac ing left with PutnamBros Pub lish ers im print(Bischel & Walcott un listed), toKeene NH, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $300

6597 ) Fremont Por trait Fac ing Left, 1¢(63) pen tied onil lus trated cover(Bischel & Walcott un listed) to Web sterNY, re duced at left, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150


6598 ) Bat tle Of Mill Spring KY No. 8, mul ti col oredallover Magnus cover(Bischel & Walcott Un listed), franked on re verse with 3¢(65) cancelled by tar get to HillsboroHenry IA, stamp does not be long in our opin ion, light edgeton ing, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200

6599 ) Bat tle of Pitts burgh Land ing, 3¢(65) and 1¢(63)cancelled by cir cle grids with in dis tinct cds and black &white de sign(Bischel-1299, W-745var), ad dressed toBurlington VT, it is our opin ion that the stamps do not be -long on this cover, F-VF.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

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Campaign Covers - Patriotic Covets

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 82: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6600 ) Fe male Fig ure With Flag & Ship, 3¢(65) with fakecan cel on red, white & blue de sign(Bischel-4000, W-2213var) ad dressed to Winchester VA, small hole at left, stampdoes not be long, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6601 ) For The Un ion Fe male Fig ure Ohio, 3¢(65) tied by Wash ing ton DC dou ble cir cle cds on multicolor Magnusde sign cover with woman and flag to left and seal at right,to Or ange CT, light ton ing and re duced at right, with en clo -sure, let ter with camp news, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . $700

6602 ) George Wash ing ton Por trait Fac ing Left, 3¢(65)tied by 1861 Wash ing ton DC cds with red & blue de signframed by ea gle, can non & flags(Bischel-158, W-76) oncover to Phil a del phia, mended at right, Fine. . . . . . . $150

6603 ) Lady Lib erty Hold ing Flag at Left, 3¢(65) tied byWash ing ton DC dou ble cir cle cds on cover with red & bluede sign(Bischel-4095, W-2338) to De troit MI, VF. . . . . $100

6604 ) Sol dier Ready With Sa bre & Flag, ms "Sol diersMail" with "Due 3" with red, white & blue de sign(Bischel3537, W-2038) to Lo gan OH, light ton ing, re duced at right,F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

From the FDR collection.

6605 ) The Sol dier's Dream Of Home, 3¢(65) tied by1862 Wash ing ton DC cds on red & black allover de -sign(Bischel-2177, W-882) on cover to Syr a cuse NewYork, F-VF.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $400

82 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

Civil War Postal History

Page 83: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6606 ) Then Con quer We Must…, 3¢(65) tied byRhinebeck NY cds with red & blue de sign(Bischel-4541,W-2517var) on 1861 cover to Al bany NY, miss ingbackflap, light over all ton ing, F-VF. . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6607 ) Un ion Type Allover Flag, red, white & blue alloverde sign(Bischel-5102, W-2838) with ms "Post Of fice Busi -ness" and "Mar 11" on cover to Third As sis tant Post Mas -ter Gen eral DC, scrap book ad he sions on re verse, VF. . $350

U.S. Possessions


6608 ) Guam, Guard Mail, 1930, 2¢ green (M1), 2¢ pairtied by Apr 8 1930 Piti Guam cds, first day can cel, to Agana Guam, VF. Scott $600. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $400

6609 ) Guam, Guard Mail, 1930, 2¢ black & red (M4), 2¢tied by Sept 16 1930 Agana Guam Ser vice cds on cover toAgana Guam, VF. Scott $250. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200


6610 ) Ha waii, [Mer chant] Ho no lulu Allen & Rob in sonLum ber Mer chants, 5¢(76) tied by 1896 Ho no lulu du plexon ad cover to San Fran cisco, San Fran cisco re ceiver onre verse, VF, ex Pietsch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $300

6611 ) Ha waii, 1871, 6¢ yel low green (33), 6¢ tied by cir -cle pat ent can cel to cover with 1880 Ho no lulu cds toBrook lyn NY, red San Fran cisco tran sit and Brook lyn re -ceiver, cover split up sides and cen ter ver ti cal crease,F-VF. Scott $300. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200

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Guam - Hawaii

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 84: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6612 H) Ha waii, Postal Card, 1893, 3¢ blue green (UX7),un used and fresh, VF-XF. Scott $65. . . . . . . . . . . $40

United Nations

6613 HH United Na tions, 1955, 10th An ni ver sary sou ve -nir sheet (38), o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $95. . . . . $50

6614 ) United Na tions, 1962 United Na tions Emer -gency Force Cover, of fi cial UNEF cover with Apr 5 1962UNEF can cel to To ronto ON, un usual and scarce, F-VF. $70

Great Britain and the BritishCommonwealth


6615 HH Great Brit ain, 1957-59, QEII Pre-Dec i mal Is suewith black graph ite lines on back (317c-22d), blocks offour, hor i zon tal & ver ti cal strips, in clud ing three sets inblocks of four, fol lowed by 1-1/2d (5), 2d (5) & 2-1/2d (5)strips of four with coil join cen ter pairs, and then by 2d (5)ver ti cal strips of four with coil join cen ter pairs, listed &priced in Stan ley Gib bons Vol ume 3 QEII Pre-Dec i mal Is -sues Spe cial ised Cat a logue, o.g., never hinged, F-VF (nophoto). SG 561-66,S27c,S39c-d,S54a; £519 ($810). . . $50

6616 HH Great Brit ain, 1969-80, QEII Book lets Group ing,group of 48 with some du pli ca tion, in clud ing (SG Con ciseCat a logue num bers in brack ets) 45d (DS1-2, DP1,4, DT14 & DQ74), 2sh (NP37-43), 4sh6d (LP 53-57, LP58), 5sh(HP31-36), 6sh (QP51-52 & QP54), also DX1-2, DW1,XP11-12 and sev eral oth ers, great op por tu nity for dealeror spe cial ized col lec tor, o.g., never hinged, VF (no photo). $150

6617 H Great Brit ain: Lundy, 1953 Cor o na tion Over -prints, pub lic ity sheet, with com plete set, and ad ja cent"Lundy 2 June/ God Save the Queen/ 1953 Cor o na tion"first day can cel, VF (no photo). . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50


6618 m New Bruns wick, 1851, 3d red (1), neat grid can -cel, bright color, F-VF. SG 1. Scott $550. . . . . . . . . $250

6619 m New Bruns wick, 1860, 10¢ ver mil ion (9), facefree can cel, VF. SG 17. Scott $48. . . . . . . . . . . . $40

6620 H New found land, 1861, 4d rose (18), top mar ginsin gle, o.g., lightly hinged, VF-XF. SG 23. Scott $35. . . $30

84 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

United Nations - British Commonwealth

Page 85: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6621 H New found land, 1894, 6¢ car mine lake (36), vividcolor, o.g., hinged, VF. SG 60. Scott $38. . . . . . . . . $30

6622 H New found land, 1911, 6¢ Guy Ter cen te nary (98),deep color, se lect stamp, o.g., lightly hinged, XF. SG 111.Scott $33. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $34

6623 HH New found land, 1919, 36¢ Trail of the Car i bou(126), o.g., never hinged, VF. SG 141. Scott $45.. . . . $60

6624 m Nova Sco tia, 1851, 3d bright blue (2), very lightcan cel, at trac tive ap pear ance, small thin, VF. SG 3. Scott$240. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $110

6625 m Nova Sco tia, 1857, 6d dark green (5), grid can cel,heavy creases, F-VF. SG 6. Scott $1,900. . . . . . . . $425

6626 P Nova Sco tia, 1860-63, 1¢ black plate proof on in -dia (8P), VF. Unitrade 8P; C$60 ($59). . . . . . . . . . $40

6627 Ha Nova Sco tia, 1860-63, 1¢ black on yel low ish (8),block of 4, o.g., lightly hinged, bot tom pair never hinged,F-VF. SG 9. Scott $48.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $34

6628 HHa Nova Sco tia, 1860-63, 8½¢ green on yel low ish(11), top mar gin block of 4, o.g., never hinged, F-VF. SG14. Scott $48. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $34

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Canadian Provinces

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 86: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6629 H Nova Sco tia, 1860-63, 12½¢ black on yel low ish(13), wide mar gins, at trac tive po si tion piece, bot tom leftsin gle, o.g., hinged, VF. SG 17. Scott $38. . . . . . . . $34

6630 (H) Prince Ed ward Is land, 1862-68, 3d blue, imperf(6b), se lect ex am ple, left mar gin pair, un used, XF. SG30a var. Scott $85.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6631 P Prince Ed ward Is land, 1868, 4d black, re printplate proof (9P), se lect ex am ple, right mar gin hor i zon talpair, un used, XF. SG 31. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60


6632 m Can ada, 1852, Bea ver, 3d red (4), light can cel,wide left mar gin shows next stamp, VF. SG 5. Scott $225. $160

6633 m Can ada, 1852, Bea ver, 3d brown red (4 var), neat can cel, se lect ap pear ance, tiny mar gin cor ner crease topright, XF. SG 5. Unitrade 4a; C$350 ($345). Scott $225. $100

6634 m Can ada, 1852, Bea ver, 3d red, ribbed pa per (4c),four ring "21" can cel, small fa cial scrape, VF. SG 22. Scott$550. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $110

6635 m Can ada, 1852, Bea ver, 3d or ange red, thin pa per (4d), tar get can cel, bal anced mar gins, se lect stamp, XF.SG 8 var. Scott $225. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $225

6636 m Can ada, 1852, Bea ver, 3d or ange red, thin oilypa per (4 var), neat can cel, F-VF. SG 5. Unitrade 4iv;C$250 ($247). Scott $225.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $140

6637 m Can ada, 1852, Bea ver, 3d scar let ver mil ion, thinpa per (4d), neat can cel, wide mar gins, F-VF. SG 8 var.Unitrade 4xi; C$250 ($247). Scott $225.. . . . . . . . . $130

6638 Ha Can ada, 1897, Queen Vic to ria “Ma ple Leaf”, 1¢blue green (67), block of 4, o.g., hinged, bot tom pair neverhinged, short perf top right, F-VF. SG 143. Scott $280. . $90

86 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

Great Britain and the British Commonwealth

Page 87: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6639 HH Can ada, 1897, Queen Vic to ria “Ma ple Leaf”, 2¢pur ple (68), o.g., never hinged, very fresh, VF. SG 144.Scott $100.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $80

6640 (H) Can ada, 1897, Queen Vic to ria “Ma ple Leaf”, 2¢pur ple, plate proof on In dia mounted on card (68P), un -used, VF. SG 144. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65

6641 HH Can ada, 1897, Queen Vic to ria “Ma ple Leaf”, 3¢car mine (69), o.g., never hinged, fresh, vivid color, VF-XF. SG 145. Scott $165. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $140

6642 H Can ada, 1897, Queen Vic to ria “Ma ple Leaf”, 5¢dark blue on blu ish (70), o.g., lightly hinged, VF. SG 146.Scott $150.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6643 HH Can ada, 1897, Queen Vic to ria “Ma ple Leaf”, 6¢brown (71), o.g., never hinged, fresh and sharp, F-VF. SG147. Scott $325. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $170

6644 H Can ada, 1898, Queen Vic to ria “Ma ple Leaf”, 10¢ brown vi o let (73), fresh and sharp with rich color, o.g.,lightly hinged, VF. SG 149. Scott $500. . . . . . . . . . $350

6645 HHa Can ada, 1908, ½¢ Que bec (96), top mar gin blockof 4 with plate num ber and im print, o.g., stamps neverhinged, F-VF. SG 188. Scott $60. . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

6646 HH Can ada, 1908, 1¢ Que bec (97 Var), hair lines inmar gins va ri ety, o.g., never hinged, VF-XF. SG 189. . . $70

6647 H Can ada, 1908, 5¢ Que bec (99), fresh and sharp,o.g., lightly hinged, VF-XF. SG 191. Scott $75. . . . . . $65

6648 H Can ada, 1908, 7¢ Que bec (100), well cen tered ex -am ple, dis turbed o.g., small thin, XF. SG 192. Scott $150. $40

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 87


Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 88: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6649 H Can ada, 1908, 10¢ Que bec (101), o.g., lightlyhinged, VF. SG 193. Scott $200. . . . . . . . . . . . . $140

6650 H Can ada, 1908, 15¢ Que bec (102), o.g., lightlyhinged, VF. SG 194. Scott $225. . . . . . . . . . . . . $180

6651 H Can ada, 1908, 20¢ Que bec (103), o.g., lightlyhinged, VF. SG 195. Scott $250. . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

6652 H Can ada, 1925, King George V “Ad mi ral”, 10¢bister brown (118), o.g., small hinge rem nant, VF. SG254. Unitrade C$60 ($59). Scott $40. . . . . . . . . . . $30

6653 HHa Can ada, Rev e nues, 1897, 50¢ & $1 Gas In spec -tion (Van Dam FG19,22,FE16), with top sel vage,proof-like im pres sions and post-of fice fresh, in clud ing ex -tra sin gles and Elec tric Light In spec tion $5 stamp, plateblocks of 12, o.g., never hinged, F-VF; each with "KB"(Bileski) backstamp (no photo). Van Dam C$146 ($144). $75

East Asia


6654 m Hong Kong, 1862, Queen Vic to ria, 18¢ li lac (4),unwatermarked, F-VF. SG 4; £55 ($86). Scott $68. . . . $30

6655 m Hong Kong, 1865, Queen Vic to ria, 96¢ brown ish gray (24), light blue can cel, Fine. SG 19; £65 ($101). Scott$65. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

6656 m Hong Kong, 1891, Queen Vic to ria, 2¢ Ju bi lee(66), VF. SG 51; £130 ($203). Scott $140. . . . . . . . $70

6657 H Hong Kong, 1903, King Ed ward VII, 30¢ dullgreen & black (79), Crown CA wa ter mark, Crown CC wa -ter mark, VF. SG 70; £55 ($86). Scott $68. . . . . . . . $40

6658 H Hong Kong, 1919, King George V, 25¢ pur ple &ma genta, type B (128), Mul ti ple Crown CA wa ter mark,VF. SG 109; £225 ($351). Scott $225.. . . . . . . . . . $150

88 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

British Commonwealth - East Asia

Page 89: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6659 HH Hong Kong, 1935 Sil ver Ju bi lee com plete(147-150), o.g., never hinged, VF. SG 133/6; £65 ashinged ($101). Scott $200.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6660 H Hong Kong, 1935 Sil ver Ju bi lee com plete(147-150), o.g., VF. SG 133/6; £65 ($101). Scott $77. . $40

6661 H Hong Kong, 1938-1946 King George VI short set(154/163B), com posed of 14 dif fer ent in clud ing 25¢ ul tra -ma rine, 30¢ ol ive bister (2) and $1 Deep or ange andgreen, clean and Very Fine og, o.g., F-VF. . . . . . . . $150

6662 HH Hong Kong, 1949 U.P.U. com plete (180-183),o.g., never hinged, VF. SG 173/6; £65 ($101). Scott $72. $50

6663 H Hong Kong, 1954-62 Queen Eliz a beth IIdefinitives com plete (185-198), o.g., VF. SG 178/91;£200 for NH ($312). Scott $125. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90

6664 HH/HHong Kong, 1962-73 Queen Eliz a beth IIdefinitives com plete (203-217), o.g., hinged or neverhinged, high val ues NH, VF. SG 196/210; £190 ($296).Scott $267.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $130

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 89

Hong Kong

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 90: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6665 H Hong Kong, 1962-73 Queen Eliz a beth IIdefinitives com plete (203-217), o.g., VF. SG 196/210;£190 for NH ($296). Scott $267. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90

6666 HH Hong Kong, 1971, $5 Queen Eliz a beth II (215b),wa ter mark side ways, o.g., never hinged, VF. SG 234; £75($117). Scott $75. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6667 HH Hong Kong, 1962, $20 Queen Eliz a beth II (217),o.g., never hinged, VF. SG 210; £110 ($172). Scott $150. $100

6668 H Hong Kong, 1962, $20 Queen Eliz a beth II (217),o.g., VF. SG 210; £110 ($172). Scott $150. . . . . . . . $50

6669 HH Hong Kong, 1966 Chur chill com plete (225-228),o.g., never hinged, VF. SG 218/21; £32 ($50). Scott $68. $30

6670 HH Hong Kong, 1966 U.N.E.S.C.O. com plete(231-233), o.g., never hinged, VF. SG 239/41; £35 ($55).Scott $89. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

90 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

East Asia

Page 91: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6671 HH Hong Kong, 1968 Seacraft com plete (239-244),o.g., never hinged, VF. SG 247-252; £45 ($70). Scott $90. $50

6672 H Hong Kong, 1968 Seacraft com plete (239-244),o.g., VF. SG 247-252; £45 ($70). Scott $90. . . . . . . $30

6673 HH Hong Kong, 1968 65¢ Bau hinia Blakeana (245a), wa ter mark side ways, o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $55. $40

6674 HH Hong Kong, 1969 New Year com plete (249-250),o.g., never hinged, VF. SG 257-258; £28 ($44). Scott $76. $35

6675 HH Hong Kong, 1970 New Year com plete (253-254),o.g., never hinged, VF. SG 261-262; £33 ($51). Scott $75. $40

6676 HH Hong Kong, 1970 New Year com plete (253-254),o.g., never hinged, VF. SG 261-262; £33 ($51). Scott $75. $35

6677 HH Hong Kong, 1973, 10¢-$20 Queen Eliz a beth IIcom plete (275-288), o.g., never hinged, VF. SG 283-296.Scott $131.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 91

Hong Kong

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 92: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6678 HH Hong Kong, 1975-1978 10¢-$20 Queen Eliz a -beth II com plete (275a-288a), o.g., never hinged, VF. SG311-324d. Scott $122. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60

6679 HH Hong Kong, 1976, 10¢-$20 Queen Eliz a beth IIcom plete (316-327), o.g., never hinged, VF. SG 340-353.Scott $316.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

6680 HH Hong Kong, 1982, 10¢-$50 Queen Eliz a beth IIcom plete (388-403), o.g., never hinged, VF. SG 415-430.Scott $100.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6681HH Hong Kong, 1987 QEII 5th Is sue the 1st Se riescom plete (490-504), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang313-327. Scott $84. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6682HH Hong Kong, 1989 QEII 5th Is sue the 3rd Se riescom plete (490b-504b), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang347-362. Scott $67. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40

92 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

East Asia

Page 93: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6683 HH Hong Kong, 1990 QEII 5th Is sue the 4th Se ries

com plete (490c-504c), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang365-380. Scott $67. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40

6684 HH Hong Kong, 1991 Phila Nip pon sou ve nir sheet(502da), o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $55. . . . . . . . $30

6685 m Hong Kong, Group of 23 Vic to ria's, var i ous can -cels, ex cel lent po ten tial, few mi nor faults, oth er wise F-VF. $100


6686 m North East China, 1958 Kuan Han-ching sou ve -nir sheet (1L140-149), with out gum as is sued, $5,000nice preprinting pa per fold, $20,000 small fa cial scuff, VF. $60

6687 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1950, $200-$10,000Tien An Men 1st Is sue com plete (12-20), with out gum asis sued, F-VF. Yang R1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90

6688 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1950, $20,000 on$10,000 East China un is sued stamp (30), with out gumas is sued, VF. Yang SC2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $650

6689 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1950, $50 on20¢-$400 on $300 Over prints on North east ern Prov -inces com plete (35-48), with out gum as is sued, F-VF.Yang SC3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $400

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 93

China (People's Republic)

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 94: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6690 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1950, World PeaceCam paign com plete (57-59), with out gum as is sued, VF.Yang C5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $80

6691 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1950, $100-$2,000Tien An Men 3rd Is sue com plete (65-71), with out gum as is sued, F-VF. Yang R3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $275

6692 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1950, Sino-So vietTreaty com plete (74-76), with out gum as is sued, F-VF.Yang C8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55

6693 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1951, Na tional Em -blem com plete (117-121), with out gum as is sued, VF.Yang S1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60

6694 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1952, Agrar ian Re -form com plete (128-131), with out gum as is sued, F-VF.Yang S2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $34

94 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

East Asia

Page 95: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6695 (H)a China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1952 Gym nas tics onRa dio com plete (141-150), right mar gin blocks of 4, with -out gum as is sued, VF. Yang S4. . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,600

6696 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1955 Por traits of Sci -en tists Sou ve nir Sheets com plete (245a-248a), with outgum as is sued, VF. Yang C33M. . . . . . . . . . . . . $180

6697 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1955-1956 5 YearPlan com plete (249-266), with out gum as is sued, VF.Yang S13. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6698 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1955 The LongMarch com plete (271-272), with out gum as is sued, VF.Yang C36. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $36

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China (People's Republic)

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 96: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6699 H China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1955-1956 7th GateIs sue com plete (282-286), F-VF. Yang R9. . . . . . . $32

6700 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1956-1957 Views ofIm pe rial Pe king com plete (290-294), with out gum as is -sued, VF. Yang S15.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

6701 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1956 Na tional Con -gress com plete (301-303), with out gum as is sued, VF.Yang C37. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $38

6702 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1957, Rus sian Oc to -ber Rev o lu tion com plete (321-325), with out gum as is -sued, VF. Yang C44.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65

6703 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1958 Peo ple'sHeroes Mon u ment Sou ve nir Sheet (344a), with out gumas is sued, VF. Yang C47M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $350

6704 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1958 Peo ple'sHeroes Mon u ment (344), with out gum as is sued, VF.Yang C47. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

96 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

East Asia

Page 97: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6705 m China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1958 He ros Mon u -ment sou ve nir sheet (344a), VF used. Yang C47M. . . $75

6706 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1958 Karl Marx com -plete (345-346), with out gum as is sued, VF. Yang C46. $36

6707 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1958 Trade Un ionCon gress com plete (347-348), with out gum as is sued,VF. Yang C48. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6708 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1958 In ter na tionalDem o cratic Women's Fed er a tion com plete (349-350),with out gum as is sued, VF. Yang C49. . . . . . . . . . $30

6709 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1958 Chil dren's Daycom plete (351-354), with out gum as is sued, VF. YangS18. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $110

6710 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1958 Works of KuanHan-ching com plete (355-357), with out gum as is sued,VF. Yang C50. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90

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China (People's Republic)

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 98: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6711 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1958 KuanHan-ching sou ve nir sheet (357a), with out gum as is -sued, VF. Yang C50M.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $700

6712 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1958 Com mu nistMan i festo com plete (360-361), with out gum as is sued,VF. Yang C51. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6713 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1958 Posts andTelecommunicatons Con fer ence com plete (362-363),with out gum as is sued, VF. Yang C52. . . . . . . . . . $38

6714 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1958 In ter na tionalUn ion of Strudents com plete (370-371), with out gum asis sued, VF. Yang C54. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6715 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1958 Ex hi bi tion ofIn dus try and Com mu ni ca tions com plete (374-376),with out gum as is sued, VF. Yang C55. . . . . . . . . . $50

6716 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1958 First AtomicRe ac tor com plete (392-393), with out gum as is sued, VF.Yang S28. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $34

6717 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1959 Folk Art com -plete (398-401), with out gum as is sued, VF. Yang S30. $60

6718 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1959 Great Leap For -ward com plete (402-404), with out gum as is sued, VF.Yang C58. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75

98 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

East Asia

Page 99: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6719 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1959 In ter na tionalLa bor Day com plete (413-415), with out gum as is sued,VF. Yang C61. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $34

6720 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1959 New Pe kingAir port com plete (416-417), with out gum as is sued, VF.Yang S34. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55

6721 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1959 May 4th, Stu -dent Up ris ing com plete (418-419), with out gum as is -sued, VF. Yang C62.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $120

6722 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1959 World PeaceMove ment com plete (420-421), with out gum as is sued,VF. Yang C63. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32

6723 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1959 Peo ples' Com -munes com plete (426-437), with out gum as is sued, VF.Yang S35. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6724 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1959 Mao and Gateof Heav enly Peace com plete (438-440), o.g., neverhinged, VF. Yang C67.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $160

6725 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1959 Na tional Em -blem com plete (441-444), with out gum as is sued, VF.Yang C68. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 99

China (People's Republic)

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 100: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6726 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1959 In dus try com -plete (445-452), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang C69.. . . $40

6727 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1959 Work ers andPeo ple com plete (453-455), with out gum as is sued, VF.Yang C70. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45

6728 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1959 Mao Pro claim -ing Re pub lic (456), with out gum as is sued, VF. YangC71. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $325

6729 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1959 Young Pi o -neers com plete (457-461), with out gum as is sued, VF.Yang C64. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60

6730 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1959, Na tionalSports Meet ing com plete (467-481), with out gum as is -sued, VF. Yang C72.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90

6731 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1959 Na tionalSports Meet ing com plete (467-482), with out gum as is -sued, VF. Yang C72.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90

6732 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1960 Com mu nistParty Con fer ence com plete (487-489), o.g., neverhinged, VF. Yang C74.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $275

100 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

East Asia

Page 101: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6733 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1960 In ter na tionalWomen's Day com plete (490-493), o.g., never hinged,VF. Yang C76. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32

6734 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1960 Sino-So vietTreaty of Friend ship com plete (494-496), o.g., neverhinged, VF. Yang C75.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $110

6735 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1960 Lib er a tion ofHun gary com plete (497-498), o.g., never hinged, VF.Yang C78. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6736 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1960 Lib er a tion ofCzechoslavakia com plete (504-505), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang C79. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6737 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1960 Gold fish com -plete (506-517), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang S38.. . . $1,100

6738 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1960 Pig Breed ingcom plete (518-522), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang S40. $350

6739 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1960 Lit er a ture andArts com plete (523-524), o.g., never hinged, VF. YangC81. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 101

China (People's Republic)

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 102: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6740 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1960 Pe king Rail -road Sta tion com plete (527-528), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang S42. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $110

6741 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1960 Na tional Health Cam paign com plete (531-535), o.g., never hinged, VF. $50

6742 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1960 Great Hall ofthe Peo ple com plete (536-537), o.g., never hinged, VF.Yang S41. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $130

6743 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1960 FriedrichEngels com plete (540-541), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang C80. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $70

6744 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1960-61, 4f-52f Chry -san the mums com plete (542-559), o.g., never hinged,F-VF. Yang S44. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,500

6745 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1961 Rev o lu tion of1911 (560-561), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang C90. . . . $140

102 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

East Asia

Page 103: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6746 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1961 Paris Com -mune com plete (561-562), o.g., never hinged, F-VF.Yang C85. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60

6747 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1961 26th Ta ble Ten -nis Cham pi on ships sou ve nir sheet (566a), with out gumas is sued, VF. Yang C86M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,600

6748 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1961, 4f-30f Chi neseCom mu nist Party 40th An ni ver sary com plete(569-573), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang C88. . . . . . . $300

6749 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1961-62, 1f-50fDefinitives com plete (574-585), with out gum as is sued,VF. Yang R11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $110

6750 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1961 Mon go lianPeo ple's Re pub lic com plete (586-587), o.g., neverhinged, VF. Yang C89.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $250

6751 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1961 Rev o lu tion aryMil i tary Mu seum com plete (588-589), o.g., neverhinged, VF. Yang S45.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200

6752 H China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1961, 4f-50f Tang Dy -nasty Pot tery com plete (592-599), o.g., lightly hinged,VF. Yang S46. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

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China (People's Republic)

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 104: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6753 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1961, 4f-30f “Re birth of the Ti betan Peo ple” com plete (600-604), o.g., neverhinged, VF. Yang S47.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $375

6754 H China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1962, 4f-50f MeiLan-fang com plete (620-627). . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,300

The Rare Mei Lan-fang Souvenir Sheet

6755 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1962 Mei Lan-fangsou ve nir sheet (628), o.g., never hinged, VF. YangC94M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,000

104 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

East Asia

Page 105: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6756 H China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1962 Rus sian Rev o -lu tion com plete (635-636), o.g., F-VF. Yang C95. . . . $70

6757 H China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1962 Sceintists ofAn cient China com plete (639-646), o.g., VF. Yang C92. $45

6758 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1963 Karl Marx com -plete (681-683), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang C98.. . . $75

6759 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1963 Chil dren's Daycom plete (684-695), with out gum as is sued, VF. YangS54. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75

6760 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1963, 8f-10f Pan dascom plete (708-710), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang S59. $120

6761 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1963 Snub-NosedLangur's com plete (713-715), o.g., never hinged, VF.Yang S60. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60

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China (People's Republic)

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 106: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6762 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1963, 4f-50fHwang-Shun (Yel low Moun tain) Land scapes com -plete (716-731), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang S57.. . . $1,200

6763 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1963 Games ofNewly Emerg ing Forces com plete (732-736), o.g.,never hinged, VF. Yang C100.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $140

6764 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1964 La bor Daycom plete (758-759), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang C104. $110

6765 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1964 Shrine of theChi nese Rev o lu tion com plete (760-765), o.g., neverhinged, VF. Yang S65.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $140

6766 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1964, 4f-52f Chi nesePe o nies com plete (767-781), o.g., never hinged, VF.Yang S61. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $600

106 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

East Asia

Page 107: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6767 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1964 Chi nese Pe o -nies sou ve nir sheet (782), with out gum as is sued, VF.Yang S61M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,500

6768 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1964 Sac ri fi cialBronze Ves sels com plete (783-790), o.g., never hinged,VF. Yang S63. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

6769 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1964 Cen tury of First In ter na tional (795), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang C107. $140

6770 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1964 Peo ple's Re -pub lic 15th An ni ver sary sou ve nir sheet (798a), o.g.,never hinged, VF. Yang C106M.. . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,000

6771 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1964 Peo ple's Re -pub lic 15th An ni ver sary com plete (798b), se-ten antstrip of 3, o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang C106.. . . . . . $325

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China (People's Republic)

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 108: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6772 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1964, 4f-20f Pe tro -leum In dus try com plete (799-803), o.g., never hinged,VF. Yang S67. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $550

6773 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1964 Lib er a tion ofAl ba nia com plete (804-805), o.g., never hinged, VF.Yang C108. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90

6774 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1964, 4f-20fHsinankiang Dam com plete (806-809), o.g., neverhinged, VF. Yang S68.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $500

6775 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1964 Chem i cal In -dus try com plete (810-817), o.g., never hinged, VF. YangS69. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75

6776 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1965 Tsunyi Con fer -ence com plete (818-820), o.g., never hinged, VF. YangC109. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $275

6777 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1965 Moun tainClimb ers com plete (828-832), o.g., never hinged, VF.Yang S70. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75

108 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

East Asia

Page 109: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6778 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1965, 4f-52fChingkang Moun tains com plete (834-841), o.g., neverhinged, VF. Yang S73.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $350

6779 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1965, 8f Peo ple's

Lib er a tion Army com plete (842-849), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang S74. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $400

6780 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1965 Vic tory OverJa pan com plete (859-862), o.g., never hinged, VF. YangC115. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $180

6781 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1965, 4f-43f 2nd Na -tional Games com plete (863-873), o.g., never hinged,VF. Yang C116. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $600

6782 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1965 Women Work -ers com plete (886-890), o.g., never hinged, VF. YangS71. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $170

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China (People's Republic)

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 110: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6783 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1966 New In dus trialMa chin ery com plete (899-906), o.g., never hinged, VF.Yang S62. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $325

6784 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1966 Sun Yat-Sen(919), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang C120. . . . . . . . $90

6785 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1966, 8f Cul turalRev o lu tion Games com plete (920-923), o.g., neverhinged, VF. Yang C121. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $300

6786HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1966, 8f Lu Hsuncom plete (924-926), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang C122. $275

6787m China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1966, 8f Lu Hsuncom plete (924-926), VF. Yang C122. . . . . . . . . . . $55

6788 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1967, 8f Oil wellFirefighters com plete (927-929), o.g., never hinged, VF.Yang C124. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

6789 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1967, 8f Liu

Ying-chun com plete (930-935), o.g., never hinged, VF.Yang C123. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $375

110 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

East Asia

Page 111: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

Treasures of the Cultural Revolution Period

6790 H China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1967 Thoughts ofMao com plete (938, 943a, 948a), un folded se-ten antstrips of 5, tar nished gold, VF. Yang W1. . . . . . . . . $4,000

6791 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1967 Chair man MaoPor trait (938), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang W1. . . . . $100

6792 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1967, 4f-10f “LongLive Chair man Mao” com plete (949-956), o.g., neverhinged, VF. Yang W2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,250

6793 H China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1967, 4f-52f Chi neseCom mu nist Party 46th An ni ver sary com plete(960-964), VF. Yang W4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $500

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China (People's Republic)

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 112: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6794 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1967 PRC An ni ver -sary com plete (965-966), o.g., never hinged, VF. YangW6.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $225

6795 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1967-68, 4f-10f Po -ems of Chair man Mao com plete (967-980), o.g., neverhinged, VF. Yang W7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,500

6796 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1967 Lin Pia on MaoTse-Tung (981), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang W8. . . . $30

6797 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1968 Mod ern Pe kingOp era com plete (982-990), o.g., never hinged, VF. YangW5.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,800

6798 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1968 Sup port ofAfro-Amer i cans (991), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang W9. $350

112 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

East Asia

Page 113: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6799 H China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1968 Di rec tives ofChair man Mao com plete (996a), un folded se-ten ant strip of 5, VF. Yang W10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,000

6800 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1968 Mao Tse-TungGo ing to An Yuan (998), o.g., never hinged, VF. YangW12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $225

6801 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1968 Di rec tive ofChair man Mao (999), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang W13. $300

6802 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1968 Lit tle Red Book (1000), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang W16. . . . . . . . $55

6803 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1969, Yang tzeBridge at Nan king com plete (1001-1004), o.g., neverhinged, VF. Yang W15. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $70

6804 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1969, Pi ano Mu sicfrom the Op era "The Red Lan tern" (1005-1006), o.g.,never hinged, VF. Yang W17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $120

6805 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1969, Pi ano Mu sicfrom the Op era "The Red Lan tern" (1005-1006), o.g.,never hinged, VF. Yang W17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $120

6806 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1969 Ag ri cul tureStu dents com plete (1007-1010), with out gum as is sued,VF. Yang W18.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $120

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China (People's Republic)

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 114: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6807 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1969 De fence ofChen Pao-Tao com plete (1011-1015), with out gum as is -sued, VF. Yang W19. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $80

6808 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1970, 8f “Tak ing Ti -ger Moun tain by Strat egy” com plete (1047-1052), with -out gum as is sued, VF. Yang N1. . . . . . . . . . . . . $225

6809 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1971, 4f-22f ParisCom mune com plete (1054-1057), with out gum as is -sued, VF. Yang N3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $450

6810 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1971, 4f-22f Chi neseCom mu nist Party 50th An ni ver sary com plete(1067-1075), with out gum as is sued, VF. Yang N4. . . . $550

6811 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1971 Ta ble Ten nisGames com plete (1076-1079), with out gum as is sued,VF. Yang N5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $160

6812 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1971 Found ing of Al -ba nian Com mu nist Party com plete (1080-1083), with -out gum as is sued, VF. Yang N6. . . . . . . . . . . . . $90

114 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

East Asia

Page 115: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6813 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1972 Dis cus sionson Lit er a ture and Art com plete (1084-1089), with outgum as is sued, VF. Yang N8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $160

6814 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1972 Phys i cal Cul -ture com plete (1090-1094), o.g., never hinged, VF. YangN9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $140

6815 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1972 Ships com -plete (1095-1098), with out gum as is sued, VF. Yang N7. $190

6816 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1972 Asian Ta bleTen nis Cham pi on ship com plete (1099-1102), with outgum as is sued, VF. Yang N11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90

6817 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1972 Wang Chin-Hsi(1103), with out gum as is sued, VF. Yang N10. . . . . . $60

6818 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1972 Con struc tionof Red Ca nal com plete (1104-1107), o.g., never hinged,VF. Yang N12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $140

6819 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1973 Pan das com -plete (1108-1113), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang N14. . $200

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 115

China (People's Republic)

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 116: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6820 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1973 Work ingWomen's Day com plete (1114-1116), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang N15. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55

6821 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1973 Chil dren com -plete (1121a), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang N19.. . . . $38

6822 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1973 Ta ble Ten niscom plete (1122-1125), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang N20. $38

6823 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1973 "The WhiteHaired Girl" com plete (1126-1129), o.g., never hinged,VF. Yang N13. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $160

6824 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1973 Ex ca vatedWooks of Art com plete (1131-1142), o.g., never hinged,VF. Yang N18. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45

6825 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1974 Gym nas ticscom plete (1143-1148), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang T1. $65

6826 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1974 Tra di tional Ac -ro bat ics com plete (1149-1154), o.g., never hinged, VF.Yang T2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45

6827 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1974 Bare foot Doc -tors com plete (1190-1193), o.g., never hinged, VF. YangN18. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

116 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

East Asia

Page 117: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6828 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1974, 8f In dus trialPro duc tion com plete (1211-1214), o.g., never hinged,VF. Yang N17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $325

6829 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1975 na tional Peo -ple's Con gress com plete (1215-1217), o.g., neverhinged, VF. Yang J5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45

6830 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1975 Ru ral WomenTeach ers com plete (1218-1221), o.g., never hinged, VF.Yang T9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $70

6831 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1975 Kung Fu com -plete (1222-1227), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang T7. . . $32

6832 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1975 En cour ageCrit i cism com plete (1228-1231), o.g., never hinged, VF.Yang T8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55

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China (People's Republic)

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 118: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6833 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1976 Ful fill ment of 5Year Plan com plete (1255-1270), o.g., never hinged, VF.Yang J8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $190

6834 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1976 Health andMed i cal Ser vices com plete (1271-1274), o.g., neverhinged, VF. Yang T12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

6835 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1976 Pro le tar ianEducaton Sys tem com plete (1281-1285), o.g., neverhinged, VF. Yang T18. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $36

6836 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1978 Na tional Sci -ence Con fer ence sou ve nir sheet (1383a), with out gumas is sued, VF. Yang J25M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $550

118 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

East Asia

Page 119: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6837 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1978 Gal lop ingHorses com plete (1389-1398), o.g., never hinged, VF.Yang T28. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60

6838 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1978 Gal lop ingHorses sou ve nir sheet (1399), o.g., never hinged, VF.Yang T28M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $600

6839 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1978 Arts and Craftssou ve nir sheet (1433), o.g., never hinged, VF. YangT29M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $500

6840 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1978 High wayBridges sou ve nir sheet (1452), o.g., never hinged, VF.Yang T31M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $500

6841 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1979 Great Wall sou -ve nir sheet (1483), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang T38M. $225

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China (People's Republic)

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 120: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6842 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1979 Riccione Ex hi -bi tion sou ve nir sheet (1492), o.g., never hinged, VF.Yang J41M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $850

6843 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1979 Na tionalGames sou ve nir sheet (1497), o.g., never hinged, VF.Yang J43M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $80

6844 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1979 Na tional Em -blem sou ve nir sheet (1501), o.g., never hinged, VF.Yang J45M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90

6845 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1979 “Study Sci ence from Child hood” sou ve nir sheet (1518), o.g., neverhinged, VF. Yang T41M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,600

6846 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1979 Camelias com -plete (1530-1539), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang T37. . $30

120 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

East Asia

Page 121: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6847 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1979 Ca mel lias sou -ve nir sheet (1540), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang T37M. $250

6848 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1979 Hong Kong Ex -hi bi tion sou ve nir sheet (1541), o.g., never hinged, VF.Yang J42M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $550

6849 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1979 Mon key Kingcom plete (1547-1554), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang T43. $70

6850 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1980 Qi Baishi com -plete (1557-1572), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang T44. . $90

6851 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1980 Qi Baishi Paint -ings sou ve nir sheet (1573), o.g., never hinged, VF. YangT44M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $325

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China (People's Republic)

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 122: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6852 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1980 Op era Maskscom plete (1574-1581), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang T45. $50

6853 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1980, 8f Year of theMon key (1586), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang T46. . . . $1,600

6854 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1980, 8f Year of theMon key (1586), mar gin pair, o.g., never hinged, VF. YangT46. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,250

6855 HHa China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1980, 8f Year of theMon key (1586), mar gin block of 4, o.g., never hinged, VF.Yang T46. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,500

6856 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1980 Lo tus' com -plete (1613-1616), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang T54. . $55

6857 H China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1980 Lo tus sou ve nirsheet (1617), VF. Yang T54M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $325

122 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

East Asia

Page 123: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6858 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1980 Guilin Land -scapes com plete (1618-1625), o.g., never hinged, VF.Yang T53. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $34

6859 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1980 Tar ry ing Gar -den com plete (1632-1635), o.g., never hinged, VF. YangT56. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $80

6860 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1980 Sci en tists ofAn cient China com plete (1636-1639), o.g., neverhinged, VF. Yang J58. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

6861 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1981-1982 TwelveBeau ties com plete (1749-1760), o.g., never hinged, VF.Yang T69. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40

6862 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1981 Twelve Beau -ties sou ve nir sheet (1761), o.g., never hinged, VF. YangT69M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $250

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China (People's Republic)

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 124: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6863 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1982 Ben e fi cialBirds sou ve nir sheet (1810), o.g., never hinged, VF.Yang T79M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $38

6864 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1982 Budda Sculp -tures sou ve nir sheet (1820), o.g., never hinged, VF.Yang T74M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32

6865 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1983 "The West ernCham ber" sou ve nir sheet (1844), o.g., never hinged,VF. Yang T82M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $130

6866 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1983 Tera Cotta sou -ve nir sheet (1863), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang T88M. $45

6867 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1984 Paint ing byZhou Fang sou ve nir sheet (1904), o.g., never hinged,VF. Yang T89M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

6868 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1984 "Pe ony Pa vil -ion" sou ve nir sheet (1955), o.g., never hinged, VF. YangT99M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $34

124 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

East Asia

Page 125: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6869 HH China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1985 Mei sou ve nirsheet (1980), o.g., never hinged, VF. Yang T103M. . . $30

6870 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1957-1958 Sec ondAir mails com plete (C6-9), with out gum as is sued, VF.Yang A2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40

6871 (H) China (Peo ple's Re pub lic), 1958 Con gress forCisarmament and In ter na tional Co op er a tion com plete (364-366), with out gum as is sued, VF. Yang C53. . . . $50


6872 (H) Ja pan, 1872, Dragon, 1s blue, plate 2, laid pa per(6), with out gum, F-VF. Scott $400. . . . . . . . . . . . $200

6873 H Ja pan, 1877, Old Koban, 20s dark blue (65), LH,VF. Scott $160. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6874 H Ja pan, 1879, Old Koban, 3s or ange (70), F-VF.Scott $60. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

6875 H Ja pan, 1894 Em peror's Wed ding com plete(85-86), VF. Scott $62.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

6876 H Ja pan, 1905, 3s Ja pan-Ko rea Postal Ser vices(110), F-VF. Scott $80. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40

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China (People's Republic) - Japan

Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 126: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6877 H Ja pan, 1906 Tri um phant Mil i tary Re view com -plete (111-112), F-VF. Scott $81. . . . . . . . . . . . . $40

6878 H Ja pan, 1921 Postal Ser vices An ni ver sary com -plete (163-166), VF. Scott $244. . . . . . . . . . . . . $120

6879 H Ja pan, 1921 Eu ro pean Visit com plete (167-170),F-VF. Scott $69. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35

6880 (H) Ja pan, 1923, Earth quake Emer gency Se ries,½s-20s com plete (179-187), with out gum as is sued, VF.Scott $195.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100

6881 HH Ja pan, 1925 Em peror's Sil ver Wed ding com -plete (190-193), o.g., never hinged. Scott $70. . . . . . $40

6882 HH Ja pan, 1927 U.P.U. com plete (198-201), o.g.,never hinged, VF. Scott $118. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60

6883 H Ja pan, 1936 Kwantung com plete (227-229), LHo.g., VF. Scott $232. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $120

126 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

East Asia

Page 127: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6884 HH Ja pan, 1937, 1st Showa Se ries, ½s-10y com -plete (257-275), o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $58. . . $30

6885 HH Ja pan, 1938-39, 1st Showa Se ries Coils, ½s-14scom plete (276-279), o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $150. $90

6886 (H) Ja pan, 1946-47, 1st New Showa Se ries, imperf,50y-100y high val ues (369-370), with out gum as is sued,VF. Scott $125. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60

6887 (H) Ja pan, 1946-47, 2nd New Showa Se ries,50y-100y high val ues, per fo rated (371-372), 50¥ og,100¥ NH, F-VF. Scott $125. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60

6888 HH Ja pan, 1948, 5y Phil a telic Week (422), o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $55. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

6889 HH Ja pan, 1949 Ex hi bi tions com plete (439-442),o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $105. . . . . . . . . . . $50

6890 HH Ja pan, 1949, 8y Phil a telic Week (479), o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $90. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50

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Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 128: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6891 HH Ja pan, 1949-52 Cul tural Lead ers com plete(480-497), o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $203. . . . . $110

6892 H Ja pan, 1950 5th Na tional Ath letic Meet com plete (505-508), o.g., very lightly hinged or never hinged, twohor i zon tal pairs, VF. Scott $90 as hinged block.. . . . . $50

6893 HH/HJa pan, 1950-52, Showa Unwatermarked and Na -tional Trea sures Se ries, 80s-500y com plete(509-521B), o.g., hinged or never hinged, F-VF. Scott$1,681. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $750

6894 HH Ja pan, 1951 Sce nic Spots com plete (523-540),o.g., never hinged ex cept 525-26 og, 526 heavy bend, VF.Scott $250.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150

6895 HH Ja pan, 1955, 2nd Na tional Trea sures Se ries,500y Bridge & Irises (609), o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott$65. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

128 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

East Asia

Page 129: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6896 HH Ja pan, 1957-1959 Re drawn Phoe nix Hall com -plete (636-636A), o.g., never hinged, VF. Scott $64. . . $30

6897 H Ja pan, 1971-1975 Definative Set of 18 com plete(1067-1087), VF. Scott $57. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30

6898 HH Ja pan, 1929-34 Ashinoko Air mail 8½s-33s com -plete (C3-7), o.g., never hinged, F-VF. Scott $190. . . . $110

6899 H Ja pan, 1950 Pheas ant Air mail 16y-144y com -plete (C9-13), o.g., VF. Scott $150. . . . . . . . . . . . $80

6900 H Ja pan, 1951-52 Pa goda and Ja pan Alps Air mail15y-160y com plete, with ze roes (C14-24), VF. Scott$350. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200

6901 H Ja pan, 1952-62 Pa goda and Ja pan Alps Air mail15y-160y com plete, with out ze roes (C25-38), VF. Scott$225. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $130

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Sug. BidSug. Bid

Page 130: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on


6902 (H) Macao, 1885 Nu meral Sur charges Com plete In -clud ing 10r on 50r perf 12½ (22-23b), with out gum as is -sued, F-VF. Scott $97. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $70

6903 (H) Macao, 1887, Sur charged Fis cal Stamps, 5r-40rcom plete (32-34), with out gum as is sued, F-VF. SG50/55. Scott $75.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60

6904 (H) Macao, 1892, King Luiz, 30r on 200r gray li lac,perf 13½ (45), with out gum as is sued, F-VF. SG 74. Scott$60. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40

6905 m Macao, 1894, “PROVISORIO” sur charges,1a-47a com plete (58-66), set of 9, F-VF. SG 75/83. Scott$104. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $70

6906 m Macao, 1898, Vasco da Gama com plete (67-74),F-VF. SG 104/111. Scott $97. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $70

6907 H Macao, 1900, “PROVISORIO” sur charges,5a-20a com plete (104-107), o.g., F-VF. SG 132/135.Scott $90. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60

6908 H/(H) Macao, 1902, “PROVISORIO” sur charges,2a-12a com plete (132-136), set of 5, o.g. or with out gum,F-VF. SG 168/172. Scott $171. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $120

6909 H/(H) Macao, 1911, “REPUBLICA” (Lo cal Over printon King Carlos), ½a-78a com plete (147-157D), set of16, o.g. or with out gum, F-VF. SG 188/203. Scott $258. $150

6910 H Macao, 1911, “REPUBLICA” (Lo cal Over printon King Carlos), 4a pale yel low brown, color er ror(150a), o.g., F-VF. SG 192a. Scott $55. . . . . . . . . . $40

6911 (H) Macao, 1911 Bi sect Sur charges, 2a Black and5a Red (159d, 161b), both whole stamps, with out gum asis sued, F-VF. Scott $343. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $200

130 Danbury Stamp Sales [email protected] www.kelleherauctions.com

East Asia

Page 131: U.S. Postal History · 6017) [Mas sa chu setts] Grant v ille PA ID In Loz enge, two cov ers, pair and sin gle 1¢(63) tied by Paid in loz enge with "Grant ville Mass/Jun/30" cds on

6912 (H) Macao, 1913 1a on 13a Sur charges (208-209),both vi o let and gray li lac stamp col ors, with out gum as is -sued, F-VF. Scott $140. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $110

6913 H Macao, 1924, Ceres, 5p car mine rose (238), o.g.,F-VF. SG 328. Scott $350.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $250

6914 HH Macao, 1951, Fa mous Por tu guese com plete(353-360), o.g., never hinged, F-VF. SG 439/446. Scott$108. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60

6915 HH Macao, Air mail, 1938, Plane Over Globe com -plete (C7-C15), o.g., never hinged, VF. SG 382/390. Scott$109. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $70


6916 (H) Ryukyus, Miyako Dis trict, 1946, 10s crim son &dull rose (3X8), ver mil ion Tomiyama handstamp, brightand fresh, un used, with back ing pa per, VF; backstampedJ.V.B (Jo seph V. Bush), 1973 ISJP Cer tif i cate. Scott $100. $50

Danbury Stamp Sales Sale 4009 - Closing Feb. 8, 2012 at 11:59 PM 131

Macao - Ryukyus

Sug. BidSug. Bid
