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USA Rugby Fan Engagement Prospectus

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USA Rugby Fan Engagement Strategy 1 Business of Sports Certificate Program and USA Rugby: Fan Engagement Strategy University of Colorado at Boulder Business of Sports Program
Page 1: USA Rugby Fan Engagement Prospectus

USA Rugby Fan Engagement Strategy


Business of Sports Certificate Program and USA Rugby:

Fan Engagement Strategy

University of Colorado at Boulder Business of Sports Program

Page 2: USA Rugby Fan Engagement Prospectus

USA Rugby Fan Engagement Strategy


July 20, 2015



Results Target Market Attendee Engagement Attractive Membership Benefits

Recommendations Fan Membership Program

Social Media

Pre-game Tailgate In-game Activities

The purpose of this project is to analyze fan loyalty trends in order to efficiently increase fan engagement for USA Rugby. By analyzing the best practices of other niche sports, and performing primary research through conducting a survey at a USA Rugby event, we have developed the following recommendations for USA Rugby to implement in order to increase fan engagement on a national basis. We collected our primary research by conducting an online survey at the NACRA Club Championships in Glendale, CO on June 13th and 14th. We used Qualtrics to create our survey and to analyze the data we collected. In creating our survey, each individual question aligned directly with our research questions. According to our survey data, 19% of respondents fall within the 18-24 age range, and 59% of respondents fall within the 25-34 range. As these were the two most popular age ranges, this age demographic will serve as our target market. After analyzing our data, we found that our target market is actively involved with various social media platforms, including Facebook, Insagram, Twitter, and Snapchat. This is an area that USA Rugby currently lacks in regarding fan engagement.


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Our survey results indicate that our target market is highly interested in receiving merchandise as a privilege of joining a fan membership. Particularly, they desire T-shirts and jerseys. Additionally, women in particular are interested in receiving discounts on USA Rugby merchandise and apparel. Our target market is willing to pay between $20-$25 for a fan membership club. Benefits will include merchandise, a

membership card with discounts, weekly email newsletters, and other exclusive offers. This club will be called the Ruckus. The social media program will involve fans at USA Rugby events posting photos to Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Their photos will be displayed on the big screen at events, and there will be in-game photo opportunities to increase participation. A pre-game tailgate will be held at a bar or restaurant located near the event. Fans will also have the opportunity to “Ride the Ruckus”, a bus to transport fans to and from the tailgate and event. There will be in-game activities to advertise the Ruckus and incentivize fans to register. These activities include a one-shot beer pong game sponsored by Smith & Forge, and a face-painting booth.


Purpose Statement……………………………..……………………………………………..……4

Literature Review………………………………………………………………………………….5

Fan Engagement………………………………………………………………….………..5

Current Status of Rugby in the United States.………………………………………...…10

Theories of Motivation in Spectatorship of Rugby………………………………………13

Best Practices…………………………………………………………………………………….16



USA Soccer………………………………………………………………………………21

Denver Outlaws…………………………………………………………….……………23

International Teams……………………………………………………………………...25

Membership Pricing…………………………………………………………………...…27


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Research Design…………………………………………………………………….……30


Data Collection Procedures………………………………………………………………30

Data Collection Survey…..………………………………………………………………33

Data Analysis…………………………………………………………………...………..38


Target Market…………………………………………………………………………….39

Attendee Engagement…………………………………………………………….……...40

Attractive Membership Benefits…………………………………………...…………….42



Fan Membership Program………………………………………………………………..53

Social Media Program…….………………………………………………………….…..63

In-Game Involvement…….……………………………………………………………...69

Ride the Ruckus……..…………………………………….……………………………..71




Appendix A: Complete Survey…..………………………………….…………………...79

Appendix B: Extended Demographic Information.……….. ……………………….…...85

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The 1920 Summer Olympic Games in Antwerp, Belgium represent a historic moment in

time for USA Rugby. One single match played in the pouring rain in front of 20,000 spectators

would determine the Rugby Olympic Champions of 1920. The “Olympisch Stadium” echoed as

the boisterous crowd dressed in red, white, and blue chanted, “USA! USA! USA!” Shocking the

entire world with an eight to zero victory, it was at this very moment that the USA won their first

gold medal in rugby.

The entire country was proud and ecstatic, and the sport of rugby was at its peak in the

United States…but the hype did not end there. The USA Men’s Rugby team would prove

themselves once again at the 1924 Summer Olympic Games. Defeating the French 17-3, the

USA became the only nation to win a gold medal twice in the sport of rugby (“History”, 2014).

Shortly after the 1924 Olympic games, the International Olympic Committee dropped

rugby as an Olympic sport due to difficulty in recruiting a sufficient amount of teams (“History”,

2014). As a result of rugby’s exclusion from the Olympics, the sport saw a downfall in

popularity, especially in the United States (“The History”, 2012). Throughout the past century,


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there have been numerous attempts to bring rugby back to the Olympics; however, none of these

attempts were successful until very recently.

For the first time in ninety-two years, rugby will once again be played at the Summer

Olympic Games. Located in Rio de Janeiro, the 2016 Summer Olympics will feature the

“sevens” version of the game, rather than the former “fifteens” version that was played in the

1920 and 1924 Olympics (“The History”, 2012). The USA Men’s Eagles team will be

representing the USA, with the chance to win their third consecutive gold medal in rugby.

Essentially, the recent inclusion of rugby in the Olympics, as well as the USA Men’s

Eagles shot at a gold medal serve as a significant opportunity to bring the sport of rugby back to

the USA. By analyzing fan loyalty trends of other niche sports in the USA, we will pinpoint

which demographics are most likely to be involved with USA Rugby, and determine how we can

efficiently engage them. All in all, our goal is to reignite the spark that fired up USA rugby fans

around the country in the twentieth century- the same spark that fueled the USA Men’s team to

win two consecutive gold medals at the summer Olympics. By igniting this very spark in USA

Rugby fans, we will inspire the rugby world in the American way.

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The purpose of this project is to implement a fan engagement program that will target

potential consumers who currently are not members of USA Rugby. Furthermore, we will target

current members who we could transform into “super fans”. By analyzing fan loyalty patterns,

we will pinpoint which demographics are most likely to be involved with USA Rugby, and

determine how we can efficiently engage them. As rugby has seen rapid growth on a national

basis in the past five years, USA Rugby’s upcoming participation in large-scale events such as

the Rugby World Cup and the 2016 Summer Olympic Games provides an opportune outlet in

order to transcend their efforts to expand nationally. By conducting primary and secondary

research, and analyzing the best practices of other sport organizations, we will implement an

innovative fan engagement program that will inspire the rugby world in the American way.


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Fan Engagement

The use of fan engagement and motivational tactics has allowed for the development of a

modern and intriguing brand image through team merchandise and events that engage fans in

more emotionally involved ways. Creating and maintaining long-term fan relationships is a

valuable asset to a sports team and their fan base. Engaging fans can be incredibly influential to a

team’s success, on and off the field.

The Fan Engagement Cycle


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As shown in Figure 1.1, the fan engagement process is composed of various crucial

components such as: connection, interaction, satisfaction, and commitment. Figure 1.1 portrays

the cyclical process of fan engagement, and necessary aspects involved in obtaining and

maintaining a fan base for a sports organization.

Fan connection. A strong, meaningful connection to the fans is essential for establishing

a fan base that allows for committed, satisfied, and loyal fans. For example, “this connection that

fans develop towards their team is a type of in-group favoritism that helps a person develop a

social identity by attaching themselves and attaining group membership in a group that has value

and significance to them” (Tajfel, 1972). This bond between the fan and their team fosters

loyalty and devotion to that sports organization. For sports organizations to keep fan loyalty and

devotion alive, the team must provide certain experiences that allow fans to feel as if they are a

part of the team. Essentially, “whether it’s hometown pride, superstar players or something else,

teams need to discover the emotional anchors that will ignite the passion of their fans” (Claveria,









Figure 1.1

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Fan interaction. The interaction between sellers and customers improves the

understanding of customer needs, which is crucial in maintaining fan engagement. As explained

by the Marketing Department Head at Florida Atlantic University, "interaction allows customers

to participate in the value adding process and collaborate with sellers in creating value. If the

interaction between sellers and customers results in satisfaction, they will continuous to interact

with each other and advance towards engagement" (Sashi, 2012). Bruce Friends, president of

media and entertainment at Vision Critical, says, “A solid performance in the scoreboard no

longer translates to seat sales. Fans want a more meaningful relationship with their teams…fans

want to be engaged—they want to be heard” (Claveria, 2015). In order to enhance fan

interaction, sports teams have to consider the entire fan experience from expanding their brand to

entertaining their fans at the game. Fans expect a memorable and engaging experience when they

attend sporting events, so it is important to connect with the fans throughout events, in order to

make this possible. “Teams must prioritize ongoing, two-way collaboration with their

community of fans if they want to ensure the longevity of their brands” (Claveria, 2015).

Fan satisfaction. Satisfaction is a major necessity when ensuring the retention of a fan

base for a sports team. However, Sashi says, "…it is not sufficient”. To secure a retention rate,

there has to be more of an emotional connection with the consumer; this is where commitment is

needed. Satisfaction is not just about a fan’s team winning the game, but it is about the entirety

of the experience. “Winning more games no longer guarantee that live attendance will

increase. Team performance no longer drives revenue” (Bondarenko, 2015). As Mark Cuban,

owner of the Dallas Mavericks, said, “We in the sports business don’t sell the game. We sell

unique, emotional experiences…We are in the business of selling fun.” The Mavericks have sold

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out every game since December 15, 2001, because the Mavericks organization has “prioritized

arena entertainment experience” (MacMahon, 2010).

Commitment. Commitment is an important aspect for fan engagement. Sports fans are

very committed to their teams; therefore, expect the teams to be just as committed to

them. Commitment results in loyal and delighted customers. Loyal and delighted

customers with developed emotional bonds will become advocates. These customers are

likely to spread their positive experience through word-of-mouth. Customer loyalty and

delight are both necessary for customer engagement. When customers have strong

emotional bonds in relational exchanges customer engagement will arise. Customer

engagement includes customers in the value adding process as co-creators of value and

increases the satisfaction. Customer engagement turns customers into fans who will

remain committed through ups and downs in the relationship (Sashi, 2012).

It is important for sports managers to take each step of the fan engagement process into account

when making business decisions to ensure fan engagement is never compromised. Sports teams

“need to better understand what triggers the passion of fans and integrate them into the brand

experience. Teams can only do that if they truly know their fans. Building that connection

requires showing fans that they matter—that the team cares and is listening to them—and will in

turn deliver on that brand experience” (Bondarenko, 2015). A sports teams’ commitment to the

fans shows the team truly cares about their support and their experience.

Additionally, the fan engagement process is more than just engaging with fans during the

season. According to a Vision Critical study, most fans follow their teams throughout the year,

whether it is during pre-season, or trades. However, teams mostly fail to stay committed to

engaging fans during the off-season. “Fan loyalty remains continuous throughout the year, as

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does consumption and spending” which means this a great opportunity for sports organizations

to further economic benefits, and also to allow fans to feel like they are being heard by their team

(Bondarenko, 2015). Not all fans will stay engaged year round, but “by hearing what fans are

looking for at certain times of year, teams can enhance their offer accordingly” (Fergusson,


As shown in Figure 1.2, the Customer Engagement Matrix illustrates emotional bonds on

the vertical axis and relational exchange on the horizontal axis. Customer satisfaction depends on

the level of relational

exchange and emotional

bonds an organization has

with its customers.

The matrix in Figure

1.2 shows four categories of

customers based on their

emotional bonds to the sports

team sand that relational

exchange. Transactional customers have little to no connection with a team, and are only

interesting in low-price offers. These customers are not the focus of an organization because they

show little to no chance of continued loyalty. Delighted customers are very satisfied because

they feel a bond with the team. Customers in this category are known to use word-of-mouth

promotion to others. These customers are important to maintain to the organization because they

feel connected, and are likely to return to sporting events. Loyal customers are the main financial

supporters of teams. "Fans are considered to be both loyal and delighted and to have trust and

The Fan Engagement Cycle

Figure 1.2

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passion for the organization they are supporting" (Sashi, 2012). It is of the utmost importance to

create, ensure, and maintain engagement with these customers, in order to deliver the ultimate

sport experiences for them.

While there are different levels of fan engagement and various ways to attain engaging

customers, it is crucial to a sports organization's success to make business decisions that

encourage fan engagement and connection. A loyal fan base that attends games, supports the

teams regularly, and enhances the brand for the sports organization is crucial and beneficial for

the sport organization.

Engaging spectators in niche sports. The definition of a niche sport is “pertaining to or

intended for a market; having a very specific appeal” (Campbell, 2014). Though rugby has a

select following throughout the USA, 1.8 million of the entire population, creating loyalty is

ideal and is executed through a psychological process strategically decided upon by sports

managers (Giles, 2015).

Filling stadiums relies on executives to market events and build strong brand equity and

developing innovating marketing strategy to target new ‘temporary’ fans rather than

traditional ‘devoted’ fans...The club focused on offering highly entertaining games with

numerous peripheral elements at very cheap prices (starting from 5 euros), developing the

merchandising through innovative replica shirts and extending the brand with innovative

merchandise such as cosmetic products (Bodet, 2009).

It is important to determine what type of niche the sport is a part of, and then to decide

which types of incentives will influence fan attendance and loyalty trends. The 18-24 year old

age group showed more concern for incentives than other categories. Correia and Esteves (2007)

concluded that material incentives and easy conditions are more important to younger spectators

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who access soccer. Bernthal (2003) noted that promotions such as fireworks, merchandise, club

goods, gifts, concerts, and side events are most influential at smaller events, which attract a

smaller number of spectators, such as minor league baseball games.

When managing a sports organization with a limited number of fans, it is crucial to define

and develop factors that will allow fans to feel that desired emotional connection with the team.

Building and fostering the fans emotional connection to a team will result in increased

engagement and involvement within that teams organization, and overall, creating more loyal


Current Status of Rugby in the United States

With only 1% of the country acting as supporters, Rugby has a relatively small following

in the United States, especially compared to those of American football, basketball, and baseball

(Chadwick, Semens, Schwarz, & Zhang, 2010). While there has recently been a growth in media

coverage and an expansion of the sports fan base, Rugby still has an enormous amount of growth

ahead of it.

There are approximately 1,130,000 Rugby participants in the United States, and as

displayed in Appendix B, Figure 1, of these 1,130,000 participants, nearly 70% are male.

Although both male and female participation is steadily increasing, it is evident that the number

of men participating in Rugby significantly outnumbers the amount of women participating

(SGMA Research, 2011). Appendix B, Figure 2 represents the income levels of current rugby

participants. In America, the median household income is roughly $50,000. This graph also

demonstrates that 64.5% of rugby participants in America have a household income above the

national average. Appendix B, Figures 3 and 4 effectively demonstrate the difference in

household income between the males and the females who participate in rugby events. These

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graphs shows that nearly 40% of women who play rugby have a household income above


Appendix B, Figure 5 is effective because it demonstrates the areas where rugby is

already prevalent, and the areas where residents have not had any exposure to rugby. This figure

gives us a better idea of the

geographic areas to sell the

most tickets, and the areas

where increased brand

awareness is needed.

Figure 1.3 shows the sports

that current rugby players

have reported to play. The

reason this graph is effective

is because it shows the types of events that USA Rugby might be able to reach more members. It

might be effective for instance to partner with local soccer, or football organizations to

encourage kids to cross-train using both sports.

Figure 1.3

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Furthermore, Figure 1.4

demonstrates the lack of youth

participation in the sport, which is

dangerous because the love found for

sports in youth participation is

carried through adulthood. In order

to increase overall fan engagement,

participation of youth rugby players

should be addressed.

Currently, a National Rugby League does not exist. The NRFL, also known as the

National Rugby Football League, is the Rugby’s Association attempt to create a league. The

problem with the NRFL is that Rugby only attracts 1.2 million people in a nation that is home to

318.9 million people, that is .003% of the market (Giles, 2015). In comparison, USA Soccer

attracts 18 million people per year, almost 18 times more than Rugby (“USSoccer.com,” n.p.).

Although Rugby has grown 15% in the last 5 years, it has not gained enough momentum in its

attempt to sell franchises and has led to a stagnant industry with thousands of capable players

without a roster spot (Giles, 2015). Due to the small market share of rugby participants, the lack

of attention to the sport is causing small incremental growth. In order for the League to have a

prominent position in the sport society, it is necessary to start recruiting players out of college

that either play Rugby, or are not in the 1.7% of players that make the NFL through collegiate

football (Dart, 2013). The NFL holds the easiest entry point for a Professional Rugby League to

be created in the United States because it has the media networks, stadiums, and players to put

Rugby on the fast track for expansion domestically (Dart, 2013).

Figure 1.4

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Theories of Motivation in Spectatorship of Rugby

As only 1% of Americans are Rugby supporters, there is no substantial interest and

therefore likeliness of a connection or bond between the organization and customers. Therefore,

it is necessary to outline the reasons of cause behind fan motivation and apply it to Rugby in a

way that will attract American sport fans and create enough fan engagement to develop a loyal

fan base.

The seven dimensions of fan motivation include "social, physical skill, achievement,

escape, drama, and knowledge of the game" (Dhurup, 2010).

Social. "Studies affirm that socialization with friends and family members is an important

component for fans to use sport events and games as an opportunity for diversion and recreation"

(Dhurup, 2010). It is important that the fans feel a related interest in the game amongst others

they share the experience with. The socialization aspect contributes to almost half of what

motivates fans to become and stay fans of a sports organization. “Sports events are social

gatherings where the supplementary events and experiences are often more important than the

actual game. One of the fundamental advantages of social currency is that it appeals to the

deeply rooted desire of people to be part of crowds. This factor is critical to the popularity of fan-

zones, travelling to away games, viewing parties, sports-bars, etc.” (Van Schaik, 2014).

Physical skill. Rugby fans consider physical skills of the players to be most effective

factor in motivating their loyalty. The excitement of watching a game is a pertinent factor in fan

motivation. ''Our sports heroes are our warriors,'' Robert Cialdini, a professor of psychology at

Arizona State, said about sports fans. ''This is not some light diversion to be enjoyed for its

inherent grace and harmony. The self is centrally involved in the outcome of the event. Whoever

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you root for represents you” (McKinley, 2000). The players’ skills are a main focus of the fans

and their skills intrigue and motivate fans to stay interested.

Achievement. “Sport fanship helps many individuals create and maintain a positive self-

concept. When a fan’s team is successful, he or she gains a feeling of achievement and

accomplishment” (Wann, 1999). Fans become so invested in the teams that they root for, and

they begin to see team success as their own. "The sense of personal achievement in turn

increases fans’ self-esteem and public image by creating an association with their favorite team,

especially when the team is victorious" (Dhurup, 2010). When a team is successful, fans feel

motivated to continue to watch them achieve more.

Escape. A fan's desire to escape their routine schedules and involve themselves in a game

is more exciting and allows them to release tension, boredom and obtain sensory pleasure. “Fans

who are dissatisfied or bored with their life may be able to temporarily forget about their troubles

through sport fandom” (Lever & Wheeler, 1984).

Drama. The excitements caused by the occurrences of sports games not only entertains

fans, but fans also feel everything that is happening to the players. “Eustress is a positive form of

stress that stimulates and energizes an individual. Individuals motivated by eustress enjoy the

excitement and anxiety that often accompany sport spectating” (Wann, 1999). It is the drama, the

unpredictability, which motivates fan to come back because they enjoy it so much.

Knowledge of the game. The ability to understand and comprehend the actions

occurring on the field leads to increased attention and involvement. According to “Spectator

Knowledge of Hockey as a Significant Predictor of Game Attendance”, fan knowledge enhances

customer attendance and consumption.

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Motivation, in terms of gaining a fan base, requires a combination of factors that work

together in order to promote the appropriate aspect of the game to the interested fans. Once fans

become motivated by particular parts of the sport--whether it's the social feeling from attending a

sporting event or the appreciation and ability to watch a game, understand what is going on and

feel proud of a team-- it is this behavior that leads to an increase in fan retention and loyalty to a

sports organization.

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Secondary research was critical in our evaluation of other companies, teams, and

organizations’ best practices relevant to the purpose of our strategy development for USA

Rugby. The objective of this section was to identify and explain the processes of these various

organizations that engage their fans with exclusive membership opportunities in niche sports on

the national and club stage. This process includes connection, interaction, satisfaction, retention,

commitment, advocacy, and engagement.

There are two different types of domestic organizations that have been analyzed. These

two groups consist of professional organizations and national teams that have excelled in

increasing opportunities for fan engagement as a niche sport. The other avenue that was

researched was the international fan base for various rugby teams on an international scope.

These international organizations offer valuable information on how these largely established

and popular teams involve their national following; which aligns with what the objective of USA

Rugby is. These two different areas of secondary research on the domestic niche sports, and the

international following of the same sport gave insight to the information of the fan engagement

strategies that attract and keep fans engaged using the progressive wheel model.

The definition of niche is “pertaining to or intended for a market; having a very specific

appeal” (Campbell, 2014, p.1). Rugby is classified as a niche sport opposed to a mainstream

sport in America because the sport in its current state has very specified and limited appeal.

Domestic niche sports are very relevant to the research conducted for our organization.

Membership and involvement opportunities can be incredibly valuable to fans that want to

become members. All of the various platforms identified engage the spectators in some way


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shape or form. All of the governing bodies for national sports are in the same country as USA

Rugby, and have adjusted to the parameters that the American culture finds attractive, valuable,

and influential when evaluating sports engagement.

Most of the fans for USA Rugby are involved with the sport on an intimate level. There

are over 450,000 players registered with USA Rugby, including 67,000 high school players and

329,000 collegiate players (Campbell, 2014, p.1). Finding how these teams can engage fans that

are avid followers, or identify and engage fans that are not as involved is very critical. The first

teams to look at in their strategy for engaging spectators and participants alike are the similar

governing bodies that represent niche sports on the international level. These teams include USA

Volleyball, Lacrosse, and Soccer. All of these sports can be similarly analyzed in their strategy

for fan engagement, particularly by looking at their membership services.


Starting with the least developed of the teams of similar strategy and goals; USA

Volleyball has a semi-established fan membership following. This organization uses their

following to help engage the fan base as well as increase involvement and access for the sport.

The membership offers many benefits such as hotel, flight, and food discounts as well as

exclusive content (“USAVolleyball.com,” n.p.). These benefits are aspects that can be related to

the partnerships and benefits that are available to USA Rugby (“USARugby.com,” n.p.).

The rest of the benefits are directly connected to competition within volleyball, and its

connection to USA Volleyball. Examples of this strategy include “Ability to qualify for USA

Junior Volleyball and USA Junior Beach Volleyball National Championships” or the “Eligibility

to tryout and participate in USA Volleyball RVA and national volleyball camps”

(“USAVolleyball.com,” p.1).

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The most involved part of the membership includes General Liability Insurance, and

sports accident insurance for participants in volleyball, that need coverage for sport related

liability or chance of injury from playing. This is something that is also offered by USA Rugby,

but not the main focus of their new engagement objectives for the future of their fan engagement


USA Volleyball offers many exclusive fan benefits with their engagement strategies.

Most of these offers are in congruence with what USA Rugby could possibly offer for many of

their options. The point of difference between the two is the one type of membership that covers

many different aspects of the fans involved with the sport. Because the national governing body

for volleyball in the country operates on a smaller scale and less growth than USA Rugby. It is

fundamentally different than the progression that USA Rugby wants, but is a very successful

example for a niche sport on the same national level in how it engages its fans.

Fan engagement. USA Volleyball is unique in their operational strategy in the way that

they engage fan membership. They are worthy of mention and analysis because they are a niche

sport that also represents the United States on a national scale. There is much to be learned from

this organizations practices on both what can be segmented in different ways for USA Rugby.

Volleyball combines two types of engagement under one membership. The first aspect is

spectator driven with various discounts, benefits, and advantages from premier sponsors

(“USAVolleyball.com,” n.p.). Their plan is inclusive and beneficial to the development of the

sport because it combines what these issues require for them to be successful. Spectator driven

abilities would be valuable for USA Rugby to take away form niche fan engagement. Through

primary research on what the identified demographic of rugby fans want from a membership, it

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is apparent that fans want to have legitimate tangible benefits and receivables when paying for a



The next sport to look at is United States Lacrosse. USA Lacrosse is the governing body

for lacrosse. They represent not only the Team USA Lacrosse, but also the sport on all levels of

involvement from beginning youth leagues to the collegiate level (“USLacrosse.com,” n.p.). This

organization is similar to USA Rugby and Volleyball in certain aspects. The overlap between all

of these governing bodies is that they offer membership that combines spectators, participants,

coaches, officials, and also offers insurance.

The operational excellence of the membership that USA Lacrosse offers is the breadth of

the membership strategy, and its marketability to all areas of the country. The mission statement

of this organizations membership offer is, “To grow the game of lacrosse and offer the members

of the organization the most influential experience possible” (“USLacrosse.com,” p.1). This

mission statement is not exactly what USA Rugby is looking for with a new fan membership

category, but has aspects that could be inherently valuable to the USA Rugby organization.

Fan connection. Similar to the USA Rugby Union’s structure is USA Lacrosse’s

segmentation of its membership all under one structure (USARugby.com,” n.p.). This

membership has different fees for the categories of players, coaches, officials, and general

members (“USA Lacrosse,” n.p.). This serves the sport of lacrosse very well by associating and

linking all of these facets of the game to a synonymous platform. The benefits for players,

coaches, officials, and fan membership is focused on receivable content as well as instructional

and athletic services. Players have an option to attend free skills camps. Coaches have the ability

to go to coaching conferences, and officials also have the ability to attend clinics. Fan

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membership has the ability to receive certain content and discount benefits. All of these are on

many different levels in many different places across the country. This is an example of fan

connection across all platforms of the sport. USA Rugby has the ability to do a similar structure

that engages all facets of its sport.

The benefits that US Lacrosse that are relevant to Rugby’s new strategy development are

within the general member category of the membership for these fans. The three most relatable

attributes of this membership to the goals of USA Rugby include exclusive fan content like

magazine subscriptions and team specific quarterly issues, access to live events and the ability to

access premier ticket opportunities, and the enrollment in a chapter. These benefits have the

potential to be an extremely successful implementation in a new category for USA Rugby.

Through survey data and the analysis of other similar membership offerings, content that

gives the consumer the feeling of involvement and exclusivity is more important than other

identified benefits. As shown in Figure 2.1, T-Shirts, and Jerseys are the highest valued benefit

to our target market. These act as identifying merchandise because of the feeling of inclusion the

clothing gives. The next

attractive feature that can

be learned from this

structure is the access to

live events. This is

important to offer in a

membership for many

reasons. One of these reasons is the engagement of fans that want to be more involved with the

sport as a spectator. This would be incredibly beneficial for USA Rugby because it would offer

Figure 2.1

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the ability to grow the interest of the consumer and entice them to the game environment. The

enrollment into a regional chapter with a membership is extremely important. This allows for the

progression of the fan experience for people who are looking to be more involved. The

individual chapters are a way to stay locally connected to the closest area of emphasis, while still

keeping the feeling of a national base. These parts of this growing and successful membership

campaign can be significant to USA Rugby in their new prospective strategy.

USA Soccer

USA Soccer is an entirely different entity with their fan engagement opportunities and

structure. There are two different ways to look for more involvement with US Soccer. The first is

to look at the actual sponsored supporters club. The supporters club beyond the free membership

opportunity is very costly (“ussoccer.com,” n.p.). The second facet of US Soccer’s fan clubs is a

completely independent entity. This is the American Outlaws. For the purpose of the relevance

of these practices to the goal of USA Rugby’s development, the focus of this analysis will be on

the American Outlaws and their stance on USA Soccer fan experiences.

Fan commitment. The USA Soccer Supporters Club has been well established and

executed on a national level. This club is directly related and involved in the progression of the

sport on all levels, while connecting the members with information and benefits related to the

competition of the separate national teams. There are seven levels of involvement that are

offered, the first of which is free for all prospective patrons (“ussoccer.com” n.p.). All of the

other levels increase in cost, as well as the membership benefits offered. Offers from these

separate membership opportunities include discounts, apparel, event access, food incentive, and

even executive leadership conferences (usscoccer.com,” n.p.).

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Many aspects of the affiliated membership to US Soccer are relevant to USA Rugby.

There are different levels of engagement that allows for all different levels of fans to be involved

at the level that they so desire. The offerings presented in this area are very relevant because they

are tangible and easily valued. The presence of a low level membership valued at $25-50 dollars

gives a way for people to be exposed and involved at a base level. This is a valuable concept

because people will start at this stage and possibly progress into different levels of paid

membership (Rossell, 2014, p.1). “After using our online renewal program there was a large pick

up of the service by our members” (Rossell, 2014, p.2).

American outlaws. The American Outlaws are an independent organization separate

from US Soccer, but serve the governing body a valuable service, even though it directly

competes with the success of their fan engagement structure already in place. The American

Outlaws are a fan engagement membership for US Soccer

that is not involved with the actual organization. The

membership is purely for spectator involvement and

support. This movement has created a fan base solely

engaged in watching and supporting the US teams.

This membership is so enticing and relatable to what USA Rugby is

trying to achieve because it is one platform that offers easily transferred benefits on a national

stage. The yearly cost of membership is one flat rate of 29 dollars, and automatically includes

apparel (“theamericanoutlaws.com,” n.p.). This spectator membership group has 19 immediate

benefits that range from shopping discounts, magazine subscriptions, parking spots, travel

incentives, exclusive event offerings, and chapter voting rights (“theamericanoutlaws.com,”


Figure 2.2

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These benefits offer an immediate and influential benefit to anyone who signs up for

them. This is a model example for what USA Rugby can do with its new membership category

because it is feasible with partner cooperation, separate from actual sport involvement, and easily

marketable to fans across the entire country. The designation of chapters, just like with the other

membership benefits gives this organization a definite advantage. The chapters have a minimum

of 25 paid Outlaws members that meet for every USA Soccer game at a “home base” which is a

bar where watch parties are held for every game (“theamericanoutlaws.com,” n.p.). Watch

parties and extended involvement from members was identified by our liaison to be an attractive

and opportunistic priority to a USA Rugby fan membership.

All of the governing bodies of these niche sports have a membership opportunity

available for prospective members. Many of them combine spectator and participant involvement

into one overarching organizational body. The parts of these membership practices that focus on

feasible and relatable benefits, as well as its success on a national stage will be the most

attractive membership examples in relation to the goals of the ever expanding USA Rugby.

Denver Outlaws

Other than the domestic niche sports that operate on a similar national level, there is

much to be learned from a smaller sport on a local level that has made an enormous impact in

certain areas of the sport’s involvement. The Denver Outlaws have created and established fan

membership that is seeing growth, and in turn growing the sport, fan base for the emerging

Outlaws organization and its critical connection to the fans in the local communities.

The benefits that this local team have been able to offer has helped them get a decent fan

following. The first aspect is the overarching body that this fan club experience is seen in, and

that is their website (“denveroutlaws.com,” n.p.). The Outlaw’s website has a specific section

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dedicated to fan membership opportunities. There are participation items such as blogs,

newsletters, and many sources of downloadable content. This is valuable content that can help

engage members who are interested in the sport and want to increase their involvement, but do

not want to compete or have any extended involvement.

The second part to the Outlaw’s website’s “Fanzone” could be very useful for USA

Rugby (“denveroutlaws.com,” n.p.). This website also gives access to three areas that are

influential and important to the outlaws as an organization. The first is the community tab. This

is an outlet for community outreach by the professional organization. Under this framework the

Outlaws are able to reach out to local Denver Metro lacrosse teams, and other teams in

surrounding communities to try and make an impact. This community outreach program has also

instituted direct player involvement in local schools and local team activities to help inspire fan

engagement through actual interaction of the players (“denveroutlaws.com,” n.p.).

Fan interaction. The other part of the community outreach program that is held by the

Denver Outlaw’s is their charity events. This allows the organization to use their position in the

community and their position as a professional sport organization to benefit the less fortunate in

the area. The creation of charity events helps the Outlaws connect with the community by

contributing in positive, progressive ways. Community involvement can be a great way for a

niche sport team to start to connect with a surrounding environment and give reasons for fans,

and potential fans within these communities to support the team.

The other area of success that the Outlaws have instituted is still within the community,

helps grow fandom for the sport, and most importantly helps grow the connection between

interested participants who could become eligible fan membership opportunities. The Outlaws

academy is a facet of the Outlaws community- involvement strategy that includes clinics, open

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tryouts, camps, youth tournaments, and Junior Outlaws development. This level of involvement

at the community level strengthens the people who are closest to the organization and gives the

team an opportunity to foster fan relationships with people who enjoy the sport at the athletic


The Outlaws do not have a membership opportunity with specified benefits and

opportunities, much like what USA Rugby is trying to implement. What the Outlaws do have is

an extensive ground level involvement with the community, connecting the organization with

people who are interested in the sport. This could become very valuable to USA Rugby. As

another niche sport, the organization could use this structure as an example to successfully

engage local communities, and receive the support that they get back from fans and participants

in areas like Glendale, CO where the rugby following is large, but not necessarily for USA

Rugby itself.

International Teams

Rugby is a very fast growing sport in the United States and popularity is fastest growing

among high school teens and collegiate clubs (Campbell, 2014). By examining other

international teams, and the membership opportunities that they give their members it is possible

to compare how the new USA Rugby fan membership category could be structured in able to

support the club in a national and patriotic sense, while still offering many valuable benefits to

the demographic of consumers that would want to be involved. The team that was examined is

very well established in the sport, within the country of origin. Even though the following and

participation is not comparable yet for USA Rugby in this part of its existence, there is much to

be learned from the inclusion strategies that these foreign membership opportunities offer.

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The team examined was the Australian national team known as the Wallabies. They were

the chosen team of example because of their extensive fan following, the success membership

has with them, and the strategy in which they offer membership is unique and important to

recognize. This organization has been around since 1884, and has grown into a national symbol

and icon of Australian competition and athletics (“rugby.com.au,” n.p.). The Wallabies have a

very well established membership base that ranges from different levels of involvement. Even

though there are different levels of interaction and membership involvement, all of the strategies

and benefits that they offer are offered as inclusionary benefits (Robinson, 2014, p.3). This

means that whatever the organization offers, it is connected to the betterment, involvement with,

and future success of the national team’s organization.

Rugby in Australia is not a niche sport, it is very large and influential. It is important to

this research because it is the same sport that also operates on a national level (Robinson, 2014,

p.2). Examples of their benefits can be seen on the Wallabies’ website, where the different levels

of involvement are listed. The lowest form of membership, and the most relatable to USA

Rugby’s possible membership goals offers many specific items. These items include the

guarantee to purchase exclusive tickets to all match events, in stadium pre-match functions,

member only communication on events, news, and other team information, exclusive team

content, player meet and great raffles, and discount for team merchandise (“rugby.com.au,” n.p.).

Listing these benefits was valuable because all of them have something in similar. They

are all directly related to the team, and the feeling of inclusion from these benefits. This

membership is not listed for only extrinsic fan. This membership is listed because it offers the

intrinsic value of the connection to the team. This is valuable to learn for USA Rugby as they

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progress in their development. The fans desire a level of inclusion from their membership not

just specific gear and giveaways.

Membership Pricing

The pricing strategy is different for every possible membership previously listed by the

numerous organizations. The different levels of membership and their importance to each

organization make the pricing strategy for a new consumer membership category difficult. Each

different level of membership serves a different and valuable purpose to that organization. The

only realistic option for implementation by USA Rugby would be the baseline membership fee

of at least $25 dollars.

An automatically renewing fee of $25-35 dollars would be the most feasible option for a

new fan category. The most similar membership fee to the goals of USA Rugby are the

American Outlaws base price of $25 dollars (“theamericanoutlaws.com,” n.p.). The importance

of automatic renewal is important. When offering a yearly membership, the subscriber will be

able to have the convenience to renew their membership without having to do it manually. The

automatic renewal forces membership participation to not lose any ground (Rossell, 2014, p.1).

A 25-35 dollar fee includes very identifiable benefits, but is not too much of a financial

commitment (Rossell, 2014, p.1). In a case study on Automatic Membership Renewal a price

under $50 dollars has an 85% chance of being automatically renewed, and not cancelled

(Rossell, 2014, p.1). By being able to offer the most amount of benefits that the organization can

for that price by using their partnerships, but still keeping the price attractive to all forms of

members is the most utilitarian pricing strategy and will be the most successful when trying to

implement a fan engagement membership strategy. This strategy will maintain its marketability

to many different levels of involvement by users.

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Best Practices Summary

There are an immense amount of aspects that are important when analyzing the

membership categories of sports teams and organizations. The scope of the organization as well

as the relation to the sport being represented is very important. Understanding what USA Rugby

could find realistic in a program on the level that the organization wants to implement is critical

to the best practices analysis of other organizations.

Three national team-governing bodies were examined, including an independent support

group of US Soccer were very relatable to the capability and presence of USA Rugby. The

governing bodies varied in their membership offerings but had synonymous qualities that were

critically valuable. Merchandise, informational content, and other products are attractive to

consumers and easily offered by an organization such as USA Rugby. Being able to create

regional communities that are combined in their passion for the sport is very influential, while

still keeping the ability of a national team.

A niche sport club on the local level was analyzed. The example used in this research was

the Denver Outlaws. The unique aspect of the Outlaws organization was their involvement on

the community level. This could be valuable to USA Rugby because it could combine the

passion for local teams such as the Glendale Raptors and create inclusion for both the local teams

as well as the overarching USA Rugby organization.

An international rugby team was also analyzed, and using the Australian Wallabies as the

example there were certain areas of interest that could apply to a membership opportunity. All of

the benefits offered by the lowest level of membership were inclusive features. This team

involvement on the lowest membership level could create very serious involvement and

commitment for fans of the national team. Offering value and the feeling of inclusion and

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exclusivity for the team will be a valuable asset to a new base level fan engagement membership

opportunity. The implementation of these strategies from all different membership platforms

gives USA Rugby the unique ability to create and inspire fan engagement through a dynamic,

enticing, and affordable membership opportunity.

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Survey Methods

Survey research design. Our first method of primary research is to create a survey to

conduct at the NACRA Club Championships on June 13th and 14th at Infinity Park in Glendale,

Colorado. The purpose of this survey is to determine the target market for creating a potential fan

membership club. Furthermore, we want to understand the extent to which attendees are

engaging with USA Rugby, such as through social media, pre-game, in-game, or post game

events. Additionally, we want to identify which benefits our target market will find the most

attractive in a fan membership. We felt the best way to collect data at the NACRA Club

Championships would be through a survey. This method is time efficient, given the

circumstances of the championships games, and because we can relate the survey questions

directly to our research questions. Upon creating our survey, each question is specifically

designed to help answer one of these three main research questions.

Sample. We will attend the NACRA Club Championships in Glendale, Colorado on June

13th and 14th in order to conduct our survey. We will use this survey to accurately forecast our

target market by analyzing trends in the age range and gender of the respondents. We hope to

find that our target market will be comprised of young adults of both genders. We hope to see

that the gender of USA Rugby fans are fairly equal, that way we can capitalize on all of the fans

instead of segmenting out a certain gender. We will further determine our target market by

examining the existence of USA Rugby members vs. nonmembers within the age and gender

categories. Again, we would like to see the correlations between the fans that are attending USA

Rugby events are whether or not they are members.


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Data collection procedures. In order to forecast how we can effectively reach fans at large

scale events, we looked at the events leading up to the Rugby World Cup, and decided to attend

the NACRA Club Championships in Glendale, Colorado on June 13th and 14th to conduct our

survey. We chose to use Qualtrics, an online survey generator, to create our survey because this

platform provides the most flexibility with survey formatting and data analysis. We plan on

gaining responses for our survey by using Samsung tablets provided by USA Rugby that are

capable of 4G LTE technology so that we do not run into issues with Wi-Fi complications. In

order to maximize our coverage, we also printed out additional hard copies of the survey and

distributed them with clipboards for respondents to fill out by hand. An incentive will be offered

to survey participants, which we hope will increase the amount of total responses that we

receive. USA Rugby provided us with a signed jersey by the USA Women’s Fifteens team, a

rugby “starter pack”, and a USA scarf to offer as incentives to take the survey. In order to ensure

our research questions are answered, we will formulate questions directly relating to the

following three research topics: 1) Target Market, 2) Attendee Engagement, and 3) Attractive

Membership Benefits. To see the complete survey that we administered, please see Appendix A.

We talked to our project manager, Lucy Zugschwert, and she said that it would be feasible to

attend this event, and informed us about what the event would entail. Once we agreed to attend

this event, we gathered the necessary materials including the two tablets and their chargers, two

clipboards, thirty hard copy surveys, and pens. Once we arrived at the event, we met with our

project liaison, received our USA Rugby Volunteer shirts, and set-up the USA Rugby booth. We

pulled up our survey on the 4G LTE tablets and tested them one last time at the event to make

sure everything was operating efficiently and ready for participant use.

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Our strategy to receive the most responses was to divide and conquer; Jake and Cameron

covered the left side of the stadium, while Stephanie and Lexie covered the right side, and Max

oversaw the booth. Each pair had one tablet and one clipboard with hard copies so that we could

tailor to people who are comfortable with technology, and those who are not. Max had additional

hard copies at the booth. Each of us approached potential survey respondents with confidence,

and started off by introducing ourselves as students from CU Boulder working with USA Rugby.

By being polite and persistent, we were able to record responses from about 80% of the people

whom we approached. Most people were able to complete the survey themselves, however some

were in need of assistance, so we read them the questions and recorded their responses for them.

After four hours spent Saturday, and four hours Sunday, we gathered a total of 104 tablet

responses and 30 hard copy responses, which we then recorded into Qualtrics. On Saturday, we

arrived at 4:00 pm and were able to collect a significant amount of responses before the game

started at 5:00 pm. Once the game started, people were not as willing to take our survey since

they were preoccupied watching the game. However, there was an hour-long rain delay during

the middle of the game, which worked to our advantage as many people were gathered indoors.

During this delay, we were able to survey a large amount of people in a short amount of time,

which was beneficial to our data collection.

After the event on Saturday, our team met up to discuss what we had encountered and

decided we needed to make a few minor changes to the survey. Given the fact that respondents

complained the survey was too lengthy, we deleted four questions that we felt were redundant or

not in direct correlation to our research questions. After revising and editing the survey, we felt

we were more prepared for the second day of the tournament. On Sunday, we intentionally

arrived two hours before the game started in order to take advantage of the pre-game atmosphere.

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We observed on Saturday that prior to the start of the time was the best time to interact with

spectators since they were not pre-occupied watching the game. Since people were less willing to

take our survey during game time, we utilized this time to enter results from the hard copy

surveys into Qualtrics so that we could effectively analyze the complete data. Half time was

another primary opportunity to survey spectators, where we used our divide and conquer strategy

to cover the most ground. After a combined total of eight hours between Saturday and Sunday,

we collected a total of 134 surveys for which we could analyze using Qualtrics.

Data collection survey. The following is a breakdown of our survey questions;

corresponding with which research question they fall under, as well as the reasoning for asking

each research question. Each question below is indicated by its question number in the survey.

The survey questions did not follow this exact sequence in order to prevent the survey from

leading participants.

Research question 1: What is the target market for USA Rugby? The reason we asked

this question was to get a better understanding of what the USA Rugby audience looks like, so

that we can tailor our research to satisfy their needs and desires as consumers. The purpose of

this project is essentially to engage fans, and in order to do this effectively we need to first

identify the most prominent age, gender, and income related demographics. Furthermore, since

our objective is to reach fans that are not currently members of USA Rugby, this research

question will help us separate members from non-members so that we can most effectively reach

this segment.

Q1: How are you affiliated with USA Rugby?

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Here we want to determine what types of people attend Rugby events besides

just the players. This collection of data will help us segment the market into

potential candidates for a fan engagement program.

Q2: Are you currently a member of USA Rugby?

We are looking to find out how many spectators at the NACRA Club

Championships were already members of USA Rugby who could potentially

transform into ‘super fans’. We also want to target those who are not currently

members and we can determine their affiliation using Question 1, which is

stated above. By reaching out to those who are not current members, we can

help USA Rugby’s efforts in expanding nationally.

Q10: How much would you be willing to pay for a USA Rugby fan


This will help us determine a price range for which people are willing to pay

for a USA Rugby fan membership. Rather than asking for people’s income,

which might be seen an invasive, we chose to ask for payment range because

it gave us a more direct answer.

Q12: How much would you be willing to pay for a USA Rugby fan

membership if merchandise was included upon registration?

After asking about potential merchandise that would be included upon

registration, we wanted to see if people would be willing to pay more for a fan

membership once merchandise was included.

Q15: What is your age range?

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We wanted to determine which age demographic we should focus on when

creating a fan engagement program. Based on the percentage of respondents

in each age range, we will target those specific demographics in order to most

effectively increase fan engagement.

Q16: Gender

We wanted to determine which gender was dominant in the rugby atmosphere

and if there was a correlation between the amount of players and spectators

for a specific gender.

Research question 2: To what extent are attendees engaging in USA Rugby? Our

intention with this research questions is to gain more knowledge of the different mediums in

which fans would like to engage with USA Rugby. By examining which social media platforms

consumers use the most, we will be able to effectively reach and engage with the identified

demographics. We also want to determine which specific time periods (such as pre-game, in-

game, and post-game) are the most effective opportunities for fan engagement programs to take


Q3: How many rugby events per year do you attend to watch live?

This question helps us determine how many rugby events the spectators attend

to watch live each year. This will guide us in understanding how interested

people would be in pregame, in-game, and postgame involvement.

Q4: How many rugby events do you actively participate in per year?

This question helps us determine how many players are also spectators that

would be interested in fan engagement activities.

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Q5: Which of the following viewing parties would you attend? Please rank

with 5 being the most desirable, and 1 being the least desirable.

We are looking to determine which type of viewing party is most attractive to

rugby spectators. After analyzing our target markets, this information will

help us to best cater to their watch party needs.

Q7: Which of the following social media accounts do you currently use?

Select all that apply.

We are looking to understand which social media platforms are most widely

used by Rugby fans so that we can efficiently reach these fans on social

media. This will also help us determine which platform will be the best to

utilize when framing a social media contest and other activities. By using this

information, we can determine the smaller markets which social media outlets

USA Rugby has room to grow in.

Q8: How interested would you be to participate in a USA Rugby fan

engagement contest via social media?

This is to help us determine if it would be worth implementing a social media

contest. By using Question 7 above, we can determine which platform would

be most effective depending on the level of interest.

Q9: If you were to participate in a social media contest, which would be the

most desirable prize?

This question will help us determine what prizes will incentivize people to

participate in a social media contest. Using Questions 7 and 8, will give us a

better idea of how to structure the social media contest.

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Research question 3: Which benefits do the identified target market find attractive in a

membership? Our intention with this research question is to pinpoint exactly what USA Rugby

fans are looking for in a fan membership, so that we can deliver a program that meets these

needs. We want to make sure we incorporate both tangible and intangible aspects that

consumers may find attractive so that the fans feel like they are a valued asset of USA Rugby.

Q6: Which of the following restaurants would you be interested in receiving

a discount from? Select all that apply.

In assessing the attractiveness of restaurant discounts, we wanted to see which

of these popular big chain restaurants that the most amount of people would

enjoy attending and receiving a discount from. The discount is a portion of the

incentives we plan on giving members of the fan club.

Q11: Which of the following USA Rugby merchandise would you most like to

receive? Rank as 5 being most desirable, and 1 being least desirable.

We wanted to discover which items rugby fans are most interested in

receiving. We intend to give these out upon registration for the fan club in

order to attract more people to sign up.

Q13: What would you like to see included as primary privileges of joining a

fan membership? Select all that apply.

Using this question, we hope to provide the most value to fan members by

offering appealing perks. The possible answer choices are all feasible options

that we have access to provide to potential members.

Q14: What would you like to see as added perks of joining a fan

membership? Select all that apply.

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We hope that this question provides us with more of an understanding of what

consumers seek in a fan membership. The provided answer choices are all

options that fall within our budget, and are reasonable perks for a fan


Data analysis. When deciding how to conduct primary research, we chose to create an

online survey. Surveys are proven to be cost efficient, quick, and allow for unlimited responses,

which ensures a more accurate sample size that we can draw conclusions from. Furthermore, it

allows us to utilize both qualitative and quantitative research techniques (Benefits, 2011). We

decided to create our survey with Qualtrics because it provides ample flexibility when analyzing

and explaining data in a reasonable and simple way. We are able to assess frequencies across

different questions to identify trends and patterns.

In order to address the core purpose of the project, we specifically broke up the data to

address our three main research questions, which include: 1. Target Market, 2. Attendee

Engagement, and 3. Attractive Membership Benefits. We will utilize descriptive statistical

techniques on Qualtrics by cross tabulating the responses of various questions, in order to

calculate percentages that are relevant in relation to our research questions. Finally, we will use

bar graphs and tables to make sense of the information, and display it in a clear and concise

fashion. We will construct bar graphs with the data we receive because they are proven to be the

best way to compare data across different groups (Lozovsky 2008). We will use tables to display

relevant information, as they are proficient in displaying information in a sequential fashion via

rows and columns (Lozovsky 2008).

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Target Market

After analyzing the data collected from our survey, we came to the conclusion that the

most popular age demographics of USA Rugby fans is the 18-24 and 25-34 age range, as shown

in Figure 3.1. Based on this information, we know that we can tailor our fan engagement

program to best satisfy the needs and

desires of these young adults.

Furthermore, since we are specifically

interested in USA Rugby fans who are

currently non-members of the

organization, this target age range will

fill this division. As shown in Figure

3.2, 42% of the 18-24 range, and 53%

of the 25-34 the range, are non-

members. This information tells us

that there is a promising opportunity

to recruit spectators who fall within







12-17 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55+

Age Range







Series1 58% 42% 47% 53%


Members vs. Non-Members18-24 and 25-34

Figure 3.1

Figure 3.2


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this age range to engage with and support USA Rugby.

Furthermore, we wanted to identify the gender breakdown within this target age range, so

that we could focus our marketing efforts according to what each gender seeks as a USA Rugby

fan. By drilling down our data and looking at the percentage of women and men within each age

range, we determined that there is a relatively even amount of each gender. As shown in Figures

3.3 and 3.4, The 18-24 year old range is comprised of 58% males and 42% females, where as the

25-34 year old range is comprised of 54% females and 46% males. Based on this, we know that

there are slightly more men within the younger age demographic, and slightly more women

within the older age demographic. Based on this information, we can tailor our fan engagement

actions and marketing efforts accordingly.

According to our survey data, 75% of 18-24 year olds, and 59% of 25-34 year olds, are

willing to pay between $20-$25 for a USA Rugby fan membership program. Therefore, we will

use this price range as a determinant when deciding what to charge USA Rugby fans upon

registration. Furthermore, we found that when merchandise is included upon registration, both

women and men are willing to pay more. For example, 30% of women were willing to pay

between $25-$35 for a general fan membership; however, when asked if merchandise were to be

included, 36% of women said they would pay this amount. This observation is true with the men



18-24 Age Range- Gender Breakdown



25-34 Age Range- Gender Breakdown

Figure 3.3 Figure 3.4

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as well, with 20% willing to pay between $25-$35 for a general fan membership, and 27%

willing to pay this amount when merchandise is to be included.

Attendee Engagement

In regards to engaging attendees within our target market of 18-24 year olds, we found

that 95% currently use Facebook, 86% use Snapchat, 64% use Instagram, and 36% use Twitter,

as shown in Figure 3.5.

Furthermore, 62.5% of

participants within this age

segment said they would be

interested in participating in a fan

engagement contest via social

media. Within the 25-34 year old target market, our data shows that 96% currently use Facebook,

52% use Instagram, 41% use Snapchat, and 39% use Twitter, as shown in Figure 3.6.

Additionally, 51% of this age

segment said they would be

interested in participating in a

fan engagement contest via

social media. This information

tells us that the young adult

rugby fans that we are targeting actively use various platforms of social media, which we will

capitalize on in order to create the fan engagement program.

In terms of engaging fans before, during, and after rugby events, our target market of 18-

24 and 25-34 year olds primarily desire a viewing party that is at an outdoor public venue, with

Facebook Instagram Snapchat Twitter

Series1 95% 64% 86% 36%







18-24 Social Media Usage

Facebook Instagram Snapchat Twitter

Series1 96% 52% 41% 39%







25-34 Social Media Usage

Figure 3.5

Figure 3.6

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an average rating of 4.39 out of a 5-point scale. The second most popular option was a restaurant

or bar, with an average rating of 3.86. When we drilled down deeper into the data, we found that

both genders preferred an outdoor public venue, with a female average rating of 4.48, and a male

average rating of 4.39.

Attractive Membership Benefits

The first fan membership benefit we researched was merchandise. According to our data,

the primary preferred piece of merchandise for our target age demographic is a jersey, which

received an average rating of 4.41 out of a 5-point scale. The second preferred piece of

merchandise for our target market is an

exclusive USA Rugby fan membership T-

shirt, which received a rating of 4.21. We

looked at these results by gender, and

although both genders preferred a jersey, it

is evident that females would prefer a T-

shirt more than males would. As shown in

Figures 3.7 and 3.8, females had an

average rating of 4.19, as opposed to the

males average rating of 3.92. Our data also

showed that 57% of our target age

demographic would like to receive an exclusive USA Rugby fan membership T-shirt as a

privilege of joining a USA Rugby fan club. Once again, we noticed that females had a significant

preference for an excusive USA Rugby fan membership T-shirt, with females at 66% and males

at 50%, equaling a 16% higher average response rate for females than males.

Jersey T-Shirt

Series1 4.46 4.19




Female Merchandise Preference

Jersey T-Shirt

Series1 4.58 3.92




Male Merchandise Preference

Figure 3.7

Figure 3.8

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Another fan membership benefit we researched was various potential USA Rugby fan

memberships perks. Through our data collection, we found that 76% of our target market of 18-

24 and 25-34 year olds most desired receiving discounts on USA Rugby merchandise and

apparel as an added perk of joining a fan

membership. When we looked at the data by

gender, we noticed a significant difference

between male and female respondents. As

shown in Figure 3.9, 55% of males and 81% of

females expressed that they would like a

discount on USAR merchandise and apparel. This compelling discrepancy between genders will

be taken into consideration when assessing potential perks of the USA Rugby fan membership


The second most desired perk with 49% of our target market was a meet and greet with

current and former USA Men’s Sevens Eagles. Comparing this data across males and females,

56% of females and 43% of males expressed interest in this meet and greet opportunity. If a

contest is tailored more toward either gender, we will utilize this information when selecting a

meet and greet as the incentive.

The final perk that we researched was the most popular restaurant that our target market

of 18-24 and 25-34 year olds would like to receive discounts from. According to our survey

results, we found that 69% of our target market would like to receive discounts from Chipotle.

When we dug deeper into the data and divided out the information by gender, we found that 88%

of females and 57% of males wanted to receive a discount from Chipotle. We will use this

Female Male

Series1 81% 55%



Discount PreferenceMale vs. Female



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information when choosing which restaurants our members can receive exclusive discounts


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Throughout the entire research process, maintaining focus on answering our primary

research questions was integral to the success and accuracy of our project. These research

questions we carefully formulated to help guide our research, and essentially reach our goal of

implementing a successful fan engagement program for USA Rugby. The results gathered from

both primary and secondary data gave our research team support in formulating

recommendations for USA Rugby.

Regarding our research project as a whole, the vast majority of our primary data was

collected from a sizeable part of the rugby community at the NACRA Club Championships held

at Infinity Park in Glendale, Colorado. With the overall intention of formulating a fan

membership program, we conducted a survey at the NACRA Club Championships. This survey

was essentially designed to find out what USA Rugby fans seek in a fan membership. This event

was ideal in conducting a survey, as we were able to reach USA Rugby fans first-hand in order

to discover their needs and desires as consumers.

Essentially, the results from our data collection defined our target market of 18-24 and

25-34 year olds, and revealed what they seek in a fan membership program. By sampling from a

community comprised solely of USA Rugby spectators and participants, we were able to gather

valuable information that was influential in formulating recommendations for a fan membership


Research Questions

All of the research questions that we developed were answered by the responses received

from our survey. The first research question identified who would be the most responsive target


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market in the application of a fan membership program. The second research question dove in

depth to identify how our target market actively participates and engages with USA Rugby. This

was important because gauging the extent to which people are already involved with the

organization gives an insight to how much application or marketing our membership strategy

will require. The final research question delt with tangible benefits that members wanted to

receive as privileges and perks of a fan membership. All of the research questions were answered

in the survey, and the analysis of the survey responses was influential in formulating fan

membership strategy.

RQ1. The first research question that was identified was one of the more simple ideas to

comprehend, but was not the easiest to identify until our primary research had lead us in the right

direction. The research question stated, “What is the target market for USA Rugby?” As part of

this question, we also needed to identify the age, gender, and willingness to pay of the target

market that we were trying to identify.

This research question was easily answered and our target market was determined by

analyzing the responses to the survey questions that asked about age, gender, and willingness to

pay for a fan membership. We determined that our target age demographic was both 18-24 and

25-34 year olds, as these were the most prevalent age ranges of respondents. These age

demographics also indicated that they would be interested in fan membership program, which

aligned nicely with our overall goals of conducting this survey. Furthermore, there was no drastic

difference in the amount of male and female survey respondents, which indicated that we should

focus on both genders equally. After identifying our target market, we could analyze what these

people were doing in terms of involvement with USA Rugby, as well as what they would see

attractive in a fan membership program.

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RQ2. After determining our target market based on the first research question, we were

able continue our research to identify to what USA Rugby attendees are engaging in the sport.

The second research question asked, “To what extent are attendees engaging in USA Rugby?”

Specifically, we intended to examine this across social media platforms, pre-game, in-game, and

post-game involvement. By analyzing the survey responses that were specifically designed to

help answer this research question, we gained insight to how these people are currently engaged

and how they would like to be engaged in the near future. We were able to identify the most

popular social media outlets, as well as the most attractive types of viewing parties for USA

Rugby games.

RQ3. This research question was the most important in determining what our primary

engagement tactics should be in the development of a fan membership category. The question

stated, “Which benefits does the identified target market find attractive in a fan membership?”

The survey question that was aimed at answering this research question identified the

attractiveness of various inclusionary benefits such as merchandise, newsletters, pre-sale tickets,

and a membership card. This was one of the most valuable questions in all of our research as it

revealed exactly what privileges and perks the identified target market seeks in a fan

membership. Finding what is attractive to members was the starting point for developing a

realistic and feasible fan membership strategy for USA Rugby.

3-5 Main Takeaways: Including Women, Non-Merchandise Benefits

Takeaway #1. The first takeaway that was apparent to the research team when looking at

this primary data was who the target market actually was. When we initially determined our

target age demographics, we had not thought about the importance between splitting up men and

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women. When we were in the process of taking surveys, many respondents left comments

regarding the exclusion of women in the actions of USA Rugby.

After realizing this was a major factor in the basis of a proposed membership, it became

important to involve the women’s aspect of the sport more intensively. These results lead the

research team to start to think about how to segment the different genders and how to create a fan

membership strategy that would be enticing to both genders.

Takeaway #2. The second biggest takeaway resulted from our third research question

regarding attractive membership benefits. A few of our survey questions provided “Other” as a

response category, which gave respondents the opportunity to indicate something else they

would rather have than one of the provided responses. All of the options we listed were material

possessions, and all of these provided responses had positive reactions- especially the t-shirt and

jersey category.

The surprising part about the “Other” results was the frequency in the answers. We

learned that the participants found value in things other than exclusive team merchandise.

“Other” responses included things such as: player meet and greets, exclusive downloadable

content and fan member newsletter publications, and access to pre-sale match tickets. Taking this

into account when formulating a plan for the fan membership, we have to recognize that diverse

and non-merchandise items are also valued and will be added to the benefits of the membership

alongside the merchandise.

Takeaway #3. The final major takeaway from conducting our survey and looking at the

results was the involvement that USA Rugby has with its fans. When thinking about how to

engage the fans for this membership, there was no pre-existing fan involvement program in place

by USA Rugby that we could use, so we had to get creative. Using the responses from our

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survey, we looked at where and how we could integrate more involvement with these potential

and existing fans on different platforms.

The easiest and most applicable way to integrate involvement with these fans was

through social media platforms. These platforms were an easy and comprehensive way to

distribute content between people who want to be more involved. The social media avenue is

inexpensive and can offer content that does not require extensive lead-time in distribution or


Another aspect from the survey that fans wanted was integrated content and benefits

through non-traditional platforms. These benefits could include pre-sale opportunities for tickets,

as well as possible rewarded raffles, consumer benefits like discounts with corporate partners,

and product giveaways. These inclusionary benefits could be put through fan membership log-

ins on the USA Rugby website, and social media. Going through these avenues is an easy and

incorporated way to give the membership a degree of exclusivity and offer great member


Connection to Other Organizations’ Best Practices

The fan membership survey was very important because as researchers, it allowed us to

look at the data of the identified target market that USA Rugby wants to reach, and compare

these findings to what other successful organizations are doing in giving their fans benefits from

a fan only membership service. By examining the best practices of other niche sports similar to

USA Rugby, it was easy to see what was realistic and capable in a similar marketplace. The

research team looked at the capabilities of other governing Olympic sport bodies, niche

American sports at the club level, and two international Rugby teams in the Australian Wallabies

and the New Zealand All Blacks.

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We chose to look at these organizations because each had different relatable aspects to

USA Rugby. The governing bodies offered insight into how the organization runs the

membership of a niche sport on a national scale. The most important information to take from

these national sports was how they appeal to their fans, and how their fans are rewarded for

loyalty and support. Using USA Volleyball as an example, there are two types of membership

benefits that are offered in the fan only membership. The first part is connected to trying to grow

the sport on a national level, starting with its most enthusiastic fans. This entails access to tryouts

for competitive teams and other competitions as well as the ability to access and participate in

camps and skills clinics. This type of fan involvement is prevalent in USA Soccer, as well as

USA Lacrosse. Many of the fans of USA Rugby are connected to the sport in similar ways.

Through the data collected there was no sense of wanting for a program of this nature within a

fan only category.

What was valuable to learn from the best practices of the governing bodies for niche

sports in America was how the fans are kept involved in the sport through the efforts of the

teams. “Exclusive content” is offered by two of these teams’ fan engagement membership

strategies. Identified by rugby fans through the survey it was apparent that this type of content

would be valuable to their membership wants. The best practices go as simple as member log-ins

on team websites that offer breaking news about the sport, to printed newsletter publications.

The second part to membership services for fan membership categories of the niche sport

governing bodies, the American club level teams, as well as the very established international

rugby teams there were identified benefits as well as benefit strategies that would be ultimately

influential to the USA Rugby fan membership as identified through primary research. All of

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these teams offer aspects related to the membership that insight consumerist behavior between

fan members and the team company partners.

The most common form of this strategy is through discounts. Discounts are offered by all

of these teams for their fans through corporate sponsors and partners. These corporate sponsors

and partners create a symbiotic relationship with the organization when their products are

advertised to these fan consumers, and in turn the fan consumers are more likely to purchase and

use their discounted abilities to buy the product or services through the exclusive membership


According to a representative from USA Figure Skating who is trying to appeal more to

the male demographic of Olympic fan viewers, “by using brands and partners that can be

associated with the male demographic, it will make it easier to appeal to the men and ultimately

spark interest in the sport,” (“US Figure Skating”, 2015). Not only are these discounts very

important for fans to be included as part of their membership, it is a way to appeal to all sorts of

people. Through all of the organizations looked at, they all have discounts on apparel/equipment

shops related to the sport, discounts on food partnerships, airline partnerships for cheaper travel

to watch the team, and other various unique sponsors that specific fans would find beneficial to

their membership.

Connection to Literature Review

The importance of the connection between the organization and the fans is proven to be a

critical factor of success, as found in the takeaways and the literature review. Fan interaction

involves understanding what is necessary in order to attain and maximize customer satisfaction.

It is important to receive feedback from fans so that they feel involved and the organization has

the proper considerations for their business decisions. The recognition and integration of fan

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input creates a more enjoyable environment for the fans, which is crucial in attaining loyalty and

retention. Asking directly for the various wants and needs of fans allows the organization to

incorporate certain practices that involve and engage fans on different platforms such as: meet

and greets and newsletters. Through our survey, we discovered additional proponents valued by

fans that we did not include, but is helpful in creating a plan for fan membership.

The socialization of the fans can be interpreted in different ways. The social aspect of

sporting events engages fans in the moment, interacting with both a crowd as well as the team.

However, social media platforms, as found in our takeaways, allow fans to stay engaged with the

organization not only during games, but also prior to and post as well as during the off-season.

Engaging fans through non-traditional platforms such as newsletters, pre-sales, and

discounts and giveaways allows for greater opportunities to connect with the fans. The Fan

Engagement Cycle shows the process of connecting, interacting, and satisfying consumers in

order to generate retentive, loyal, and committed fans. By inquiring about what is valuable to the

fans through the survey, all of the Fan Engagement Cycle aspects are integrated into the strategy.

Fans feels connected due to the interaction of the survey asking what they want, and therefore

feel involved and satisfied. “The fan base must be retained and see upward growth throughout

the years by demonstrating the benefits of support, encouraging attendance and ensuring

satisfaction to all attendees” (Wilkins, 2012).

The identification of the target market is also imperative in creating and maintaining a fan

base. Recognizing the different segments of the USA Rugby fan base, engages the fans because

it allows the organization to isolate and provide continuous satisfaction. The importance to the

female fans of the women’s aspect of the sport is something we found in our survey to be

considered when creating a membership strategy. While the literature review does not give the

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exact groups to differentiate by, we still talk about the idea of personalization in order to create

an involved fan base.

Fan Membership Program

USA Rugby currently does not have an exclusive fan membership category. As the sport

grows and increases in terms of fan volume and participants, the presence of a rewarding fan

membership system that symbiotically benefits both the organization of USA Rugby as well as

the fans would be valuable, and could create a legacy of passion and loyalty for the fan members.

Through conducting primary research and secondary research on the target market and their

valued tendencies in sports fan memberships, as well as analyzing the best practices of similar

fan memberships from various other organizations, we have formulated a fan membership

strategy for USA Rugby.

The Ruckus

We have created a name for the fan membership program, which will be known as “The

Ruckus”- a ruck is a rugby term, and a ruckus refers to a noisy commotion. The purpose of this

program is to offer USA Rugby fans an opportunity to be involved with the organization, without

having to actually participate in the sport. Based on our survey responses, our

target market would be willing to pay between $20-

$25 for such a program. We have strategically

decided to price the program at $25 for first time

members, and there will be a $20 annual fee to re-sign

up. The cost of the program will provide members

Ruckus Inclusionary Benefits

• Merchandise

• Membership Card + Discounts

• "Ride the Ruckus" Bus Pass• Weekly email newsletter

Figure 4.1


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with the following inclusionary benefits as shown in Figure 4.1, which will each be discussed in

further detail throughout this section.

Merchandise. The first beneficiary facet of the fan membership program will be

exclusive merchandise included within the initial $25 registration. When actively trying to sign

up members at large scale rugby events, it will be useful to attract prospects with a “new member

kit” containing USA Rugby merchandise. Based on our survey results, our target market

indicated that they would be highly interested in receiving an exclusive fan membership T-Shirt.

As shown in Figure 4.2, this Ruckus T-Shirt will be given to all Ruckus members. Along with

this T-Shirt, members will receive a

USA Rugby water bottle, beer mug,

koozie, sticker, and rally towel as

items in the new member kit.

Dave Anderson (1991)

discusses a similar strategy used by the Atlanta Braves in the 1990’s. They began selling branded

foam tomahawks to their fans for $5, and during the 1991 season they grossed $400,000 in sales

on tomahawks (Anderson, 1991). A few years later, many of the kids who owned a foam

tomahawk perched on their shelves for all of their friends to see. This transforms existing fans

into lifelong fans, and also increases awareness for those who are associated with the

organization. Accordingly, the profit made from selling merchandise could be used to increase

the marketing potential and brand awareness for USA Rugby and the Ruckus.

New member kit. We have designed each of the items to be included in the new member

kit using CustomInk.com, as this is a reliable company that offers custom merchandise at

Figure 4.2

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reasonable pries with large volume discounts. Table A displays an image of each merchandise

item, the unit price, estimated quantity, and total cost (CustomInk, 2015).

Merchandise Item Unit Price Quantity Total


Ruckus T-Shirt

$5.35 2,000 (500 units of

each size- Small, Medium,

Large, X-Large)


Plastic Water Bottle (20oz)

$1.56 2,000 $3,120

Beer Mug (15oz)

$4.63 2,000 $9,260

Table A

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Foldable Can Koozie

$0.94 2,000 $1,880

Stickers (4x4 inch)

$0.74 4,000 (2

stickers per each new

member kit)


Fringed Rally Towel

$2.16 2,000 $4,320




We used an estimate of 2,000 units for each item, as we hope that at least 2,000 people

will sign up for the fan membership program within the first year. Accordingly, each member

will receive one of each of the merchandise items upon registration. Purchasing these items at a

volume discount of 61% from CustomInk.com will result in a total net cost of $32,240

(CustomInk, 2015). However, at a cost of $25 per membership, if the estimated 2,000

memberships are sold, the Ruckus will generate revenue of $50,000. This revenue will more than

cover the costs of the merchandise, and will generate an estimated Net Income of $17,760 from

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the Ruckus membership program. Additionally, the people who buy the memberships will be

walking around wearing USA Rugby gear, creating awareness and publicity for the Ruckus.

They will be using the USA Rugby beer mugs at social events, and they will be driving around

with a USA Rugby sticker on their car, all creating hype for the Ruckus.

Renewal merchandise. This new member kit will incentivize USA Rugby fans to register

for the Ruckus and will add value to the $25 fee. In order to establish the most loyal fan

following, and to retain long-term Ruckus members, we will incentivize members to sign up

annually for the program. After one year of being a Ruckus member, the program cost will

reduce to a $20 annual fee. This lower cost is reasonable, as it is at the bottom end of the $20-

$25 price range that our target market is willing to pay according to our survey results.

Furthermore, additional merchandise will be included on an annual basis upon re-registration as

an incentive to renew the Ruckus membership.

After the first membership renewal, members will receive a Ruckus cinch-pack, as shown

in Figure A, as well as a rally towel containing the year to date. The purpose for only offering a

cinch-pack for the first renewal is to really incentivize members to renew their membership.

After the first renewal, we hope that the renewal will become a habit, and members won’t need

as much of an incentive to re-register. Thus, each year thereafter, members will receive only a

rally towel containing the year to date. This rally towel will serve as a collector’s item; members

will be able to save all of their rally towels as tokens of remembrance, and to show how long

they have been members, as they will receive a new towel each year upon membership renewal.

Table B displays an image of the renewal incentive merchandise, unit price, quantity, and total


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Merchandise Item Unit Price Quantity Total Cost

Cinch-Pack (1st Renewal ONLY)

$4.83 2,000 $9,660

Annual Rally Towel

$2.16 2,000 $4,320



To summarize, we used an estimate of 2,000 membership renewals, in hopes that each

initial Ruckus member will renew their membership after the first year. The net cost of the

merchandise renewal items equals $13,980 (CustomInk, 2015). At a price of $20 per

membership, and 2,000 membership renewals, the revenue from Ruckus renewals will be

approximately $40,000. At this estimate, after covering the costs of goods sold of $13,980, the

Net Income from Ruckus membership renewals will be approximately $38,610 for USA Rugby.

Membership card and discounts. Through the research of other similar organizations’

best practices, and the survey conducted at the NACRA Club Championships, it was apparent

that a fan membership for USA Rugby should include more than just merchandise as perks of

joining. Benefits other than apparel will make the membership more extrinsically valuable to

members who want to support USA Rugby, and also gain valuable benefits that they can use

year round. One of the ways that value could successfully be added is by activating USA

Table B

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Rugby’s partnerships through discounts and benefits. By giving the fans access to these various

partners through discounts, the partner organization will gain a spread in brand awareness

through a large membership base, and the fans will get value from purchasing high quality

products at discounted prices. Therefore, Ruckus members will receive a tangible merchandise

card upon registration. As shown in Figure 4.3, the card will contain the member’s name, the

year they became a Ruckus member, and a special “membership number” that is unique to each

individual. We used VistaPrint to design the merchandise card. If purchasing 2,000 cards, the

total cost will be $80 (VistaPrint, 2015.)

The main purpose of this membership card is to offer Ruckus members discounts from

USA Rugby’s sponsors. The card would be used as an identification piece in order for Ruckus

members to receive these various discount opportunities. Whether it is used in store, online, or in

the stadium, the membership card is the key to being able to use extended membership benefits.

According to our survey results, 66.5% of our target market would like to receive discounts as an

added perk of joining a fan membership program. The female demographic expressed a

significant interest in receiving discounts on USA Rugby merchandise and apparel. According

to our survey results, and as shown in Figure 4.4, 81% of females within our target age

Figure 4.3

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demographic indicated they would like to receive discounts as an added perk of joining a fan

membership program.

Taking into consideration our target market’s

emphasis on apparel and team merchandise, it would

be valuable for the membership to receive a discount

of 10% from WorldRugbyShop.com. This

organization is the largest seller of rugby products

from teams and organizations around the world. This

access to high level, and now discounted rugby

products would be valuable to both parties.

Another corporate sponsor that could be very valuable to fans and fan

experiences is Smith and Forge hard cider. This company, who just recently partnered with USA

Rugby in June 2015, would be applicable and useful in many events and discount opportunities.

When giving the fans membership benefits, consumables are a great way to offer something

worth strengthening the partnership. A discount with Smith and Forge would allow the fans to

use this product and gain from the connection to USA Rugby.

Possible discounts. Reviewing all of USA Rugby’s partnerships, there are many that

have a very large potential for useful transactions and activation through the Ruckus. Table C

offers an introduction into possible activations through discounts available with the membership


Female Male

Series1 81% 54%







Interest in DiscountsMale vs. Female

Figure 4.4

Page 65: USA Rugby Fan Engagement Prospectus

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Partner Organization Possible Discount

World Rugby Shop.com

10% Discount on all merchandise


Giveaways to Ruckus members at USA Rugby events


10% Discounts on gear and equipment


Extended access to ATAVUS Academy, USA Rugby Academy, or possible consulting


Smith & Forge

10% Discount on all products and consumables One free drink at USA Rugby events

Hilton HHonors

Ability to build membership points faster when using the HHonors program

Other valuable additives that could be offered with an exclusive fan membership card

include activating the corporate sponsorships at USA Rugby events and activities. If there were

exclusive membership events that USA Rugby could host, the presence of sponsored materials,

consumables, or branding could be beneficial for both parties. One example of this is at a

pregame tailgate. The event could include corporate partners such as Smith & Forge, who could

host a booth or activity at a USA Rugby event. Smith&Forge could offer one free drink to

Ruckus members, and could handout giveaways.

Table C

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For online purchases, it will require coordination with the online stores in order for the

card to be used. For this to be possible, each membership card will be printed with a unique

identification number that distinguishes every USA Rugby Ruckus member. This will allow each

fan to be regarded as a different user, and will regulate the number of discounts that each fan

member is allotted. The unique identification for these specific member cards gives the

membership a breadth of possibilities and capabilities when thinking about diverse participation

and corporate partnership activation.

Advertising and online sign-up. For the membership to pick up in terms of sign up

frequency and participation, there needs to be easy ways to have access to the membership itself.

An easy way for members to sign-up is through the USA Rugby website. Streamlining the

membership access and sign-up location to the official USA Rugby website will make it easier

for employee and member access.

It is also important to advertise these memberships with mobile stations, in places of high

rugby fan concentration. Reaching as many fans as possible in areas that make that possible will

be key to identify and grow the fan membership base. Using events hosted by USA Rugby or

actual rugby events is an ideal place to advertise these benefits. Therefore, USA Rugby should

set up a booth dedicated to signing up Ruckus members. There should be USA Rugby

representatives present, with tablets to access the USA Rugby website and the online Ruckus

sign-up page.

“Ride the Ruckus” bus pass. The “Ride the Ruckus” event will be discussed in detail

later on in this section. Essentially, there will be a Ruckus bus available for transportation to and

from the pregame tailgate events. The cost to ride the bus for non-members of the Ruckus is $10.

By presenting their membership card, Ruckus members will be able to ride the Ruckus bus for

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free as an added benefit of being a Ruckus member. This $10 fee is an incentive to sign up for

the Ruckus membership program, given that for just $15 more, participants will be able to ride

future Ruckus buses for free, and receive all the benefits and discounts that come with a Ruckus


Weekly email newsletter. In order to advertise any upcoming events, exclusive

membership benefits, or any other USA Rugby related material, Ruckus members will receive a

weekly email newsletter. This newsletter will remind Ruckus members of their membership

perks, and will update the program about all USA Rugby related news. Ruckus members will be

the first to hear about any upcoming events as a benefit of this weekly email. The email will also

serve as a reminder to renew Ruckus memberships, contributing to the loyal and long-term fan

base we intend to establish with the Ruckus.

Social Media Program

In regards to engaging members of USA Rugby’s fan membership program via social

media, we researched our target market’s activity across various social media platforms.

According to our survey results, out of the target age demographic of 18-24 year olds, 87.5%

currently use Facebook, 58% use Instagram, and 33% use Twitter. Furthermore, 62.5% of

respondents within this age segment said they would be interested in participating in a fan

engagement contest via social media. Within the 25-34 age demographic, our data shows that

93% currently use Facebook, 50% use Instagram, 39% use Twitter, and 51% of this age segment

said they would be interested in participating in a fan engagement contest via social media.

Based on these results, by implementing a fan engagement contest via social media, USA Rugby

could greatly expand their reach across their fan base and involve fans on a new level.

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“How big of a ruckus can you make?” Our idea for a social media program will exist

across three platforms: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Taking place on game day, USA

Rugby fans will post photos showing their “Ruckus” spirit while wearing USA Rugby gear. The

photos can be posted on either Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, and fans will use a certain

Hashtag, which is to be chosen and advertised by USA Rugby staff. For example, at the USA

Rugby World Cup, the hashtag could be “#RuckusWorldCup” or “#RuckusNation.” The social

media program will be advertised during the game on the big screen and over the Public Address

(PA) system so that fans are aware of the program, know the hashtag to apply, and anyone at the

event can participate. Photos are to be submitted only by fans that are at either the pre-game

tailgate event, or at the game itself.

Using a social media aggregator called “Tagboard”, the photos will be filtered by the

specific hashtag and displayed on the big screen; Tagboard will be discussed in further detail

below. The photos will be displayed before the game starts, during time-outs, injury delays,

water breaks, half time, and any other appropriate time slots throughout the event that will not

disrupt the competition. By having fans post pictures on various social media accounts showing

their USA Rugby spirit, and by displaying these photos on the big screen during USA Rugby

events, USA Rugby will excite their fan base by making them feel like they are a valuable asset

to the organization. Furthermore, fans will be excited when their picture is shown on the big

screen, and the publicity across social media will increase awareness of USA Rugby and the

“Ruckus” fan membership program.

Tagboard. Tagboard is a social media aggregator that USA Rugby can utilize in order to

filter fans’ photo submissions, and display them on the big screen at events. This application is

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essential to the implementation of the social media engagement program and is user friendly for

any USA Rugby representative to operate. Tagboard suggests two computers to be used in order

to filter and post live data. A Tagboard monitoring employee is available upon request, and is a

fee of $50 per hour. Essentially, the application collects tweets, posts and photos relative to up to

4 desired hashtags and multiple keywords from public accounts.

This aggregator can be assembled at any time, and any relative content is filtered directly

into the managing dashboard. Posts aggregated before the event can be saved onto the dashboard

to be displayed during the game, while posts aggregated during the event have the ability to be

displayed in live time. Once a fan’s post is recognized by Tagboard, the operational manager is

to determine whether the post should be immediately featured live at the game, blocked, or saved

to put on the website. Tagboard is already programmed to have a profanity blocker of 6 different

keywords immediately blocking the photos from being posted, while also allowing the manager

to customize the profanity blocker and add any relevant keywords. This will ensure that all

photos displayed on the big screen at the event are appropriate, and align with the overall goals

and values of the USA Rugby organization.

If a user posts through Twitter, Tagboard allows one to send a customizable message

back to that user, alerting them of their received tweet and feature. This gives USA Rugby the

ability to create an even greater hands-on fan experience, for example, “Thank you for helping

USA Rugby create a Ruckus!” This response message feature is currently only available for

Twitter posts, and is soon to be available with Instagram and Facebook as well.

The beauty of a social media engagement program is that it is free advertising using base

consumers to spread the message to outside parties that are not familiar with USA

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Rugby. Through Tagboard specifically, the cost is customizable based on the amount of usage

of the app. Whether it is a certain number of events, or a monthly or annual partnership,

Tagboard will customize a financial agreement and set up a package that suits USA Rugby’s


To combat the cost of this application, we recommend allowing World Rugby Shop to

display their logo on the screen while our photomontage is running at various points throughout

the game. By doing this, World Rugby Shop will pay a certain amount to have their name

displayed on the screen alongside the fan photos. Not only will this be give World Rugby Shop

public exposure, but it will incentivize viewing consumers to go to their website and purchase


According to Tagboard, “fans go from mere spectators to passionate participants when

their social media is featured on the big screen, (“Sports-Tagboard, 2015, p.1) By using

Tagboard to filter through the conglomeration of fan’s social media posts, USA Rugby will have

a cost efficient and appropriate way to manage this social media program, and engage fans on a

whole new level during games.

Snapchat. According to the survey results we analyzed, Snapchat is currently the 3rd

most used social media platform by our target market of 18-24 and 25-34 year olds. Of the

participants surveyed in the 18-24 year old demographic, 86% reported that they actively use

Snapchat, and in the 25-34 year old demographic, 41% reported that they actively use Snapchat.

With regards to our research, and the ever growing Snapchat consumer base, there are currently

100 million active users as of 5/26/15 (Smith, 2015); therefore, it is in the best interest of USA

Rugby to create an accessible Snapchat Geotag. A geography tag is an electronic tag that assigns

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a geographical location and unique design to a photograph or video posted on a social media

platform. This tag is created to encompass USA Rugby in a simple, but aesthetically appealing

way to consumers who take a snapchat of themselves at a USA Rugby match. Given the fact that

a geotag is geographically organized and can be pinpointed to wherever the USA Rugby is being

played, it will create awareness for USA Rugby beyond the fans watching the match. This will

not only create a more personal relationship within the fans at the match, but these fans will be

extending the USA Rugby brand image to their friends who aren’t actively engaged with USA

Rugby hoping to prompt them to become engaged.

Furthermore, during the Rugby World Cup it would be in the best interest to petition

Snapchat for a live public group story. This story would give access to anyone, as of 5/26/15

there are 100 million active users (Smith, 2015), owning the Snapchat app to view what is

happening at the Rugby World Cup, and more specifically, USA Rugby. This is an opportunity

to exponentially grow the consumers brand awareness of Rugby, and although it may not

immediately transfer into membership sign-ups, it will get people aware and excited about the

sport which could ultimately lead into further fan engagement.

In-game photo opportunities. At the

game, there will be a booth set up for fans to

come ad take their photos in front of a USA

Rugby backdrop. This booth is intended to

attract spectators at the event to come over,

take their picture, and participate in the social

media program. As shown in Figure 4.5, there

will be a “Step and Repeat” backdrop to

Figure 4.5

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provide fans a printed scenery to pose in front of, while establishing the brand of the Ruckus

membership program (Event, 2015). A Step and Repeat is, “a customizable publicity backdrop

used for event photography, printed with a repeating pattern such that bran logos or emblems are

visible in photographs of the individuals standing in front of it. Step and Repeat banners are

common fixtures of red carpet or fashion events, or custom-printed for weddings or galas in

order to give a more “celebrity- like” feel to attendees photos,” (“FAQ- Step and Repeat”, 2015,


Our research shows that this is an appropriate option for USA Rugby to integrate into the

social media program, as it is easy to fold into a compact size and is therefore suitable for

transportation and traveling. Furthermore, it is a fun and engaging way for spectators to interact

with USA Rugby, and to display their photos across social media. The Step and Repeat costs

$98, and provides ample space to display the USA Rugby logo, as well as their sponsors’ logos,

such as Smith and Forge, and the World Rugby Shop. It also comes with stitched hemming and

grommets, with pole pockets included upon request. If USA Rugby purchases this Step and

Repeat banner with the poles, it will cost a total of $199 (Event, 2015).

Also featured alongside the Step and Repeat backdrop will

be a USA Rugby representative available to take fans’ photos for

them. This representative should use the fan’s phone or other

photo-taking device, so that the photo can be posted on social

media, integrated into TagBoard system, and displayed on the big

screen. Furthermore, since we intend to create a fun and exciting environment for fans to engage

with USA Rugby, there will be music playing, and “Rookie” the eagle mascot will be present.

Figure 4.6

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Summary. All in all, with the social media contest and the opportunities to take photos in

front of a USA Rugby backdrop with Rookie the eagle, we intend to increase awareness for the

Ruckus fan membership club. Also featured at this booth will be a table to sign up for the

Ruckus membership program. By attracting fans with a fun and engaging atmosphere, and

posting fans’ photos on the big screen at events, we will draw attention to the Ruckus, and

therefore attract more spectators at the event to sign up for the membership program while they

are there.

In-Game Involvement

In order to further engage fans and promote the Ruckus membership program, we

recommend that USA Rugby organized in-game activities for fans to participate in both before

and during game time. Based off our observations while attending the NACRA Club

Championships, there is a prevalent drinking culture surrounding the sport of rugby.

Furthermore, considering our target market of 18-24 and 25-34 year olds, an activity that would

cater to their desire to consume alcohol while attending rugby events would be an effective way

to engage our target market. In order to do so in an appropriate manner, we intend to activate

USA Rugby’s partnership with Smith and Forge. Additionally, we want to create an in-game

activity that is family-friendly and fun for spectators of all ages. Therefore, we will also

implement a face-painting booth, which will give all USA Rugby fans the chance to cover

themselves in red, white, and blue.

One-shot beer pong game. In order to engage our young-adult target market of 18-24

and 25-34 year olds, we will activate USA Rugby’s partnership with Smith and Forge to create a

drinking game for fans to participate in. The drinking game will be a one-shot beer pong game,

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and will be a quick and easy game for anyone above the age of 21 to play. Since the game will be

sponsored by Smith and Forge, the responsibility of checking the ID’s of participants will be left

up to Smith and Forge employees. The way the game works is

simple: there is an 8-foot long table, with one red solo cup

positioned at the end of the table. The participant stands at the

opposite end of the table, and has one chance to toss and ping-pong

ball into the red solo cup. All participants will be given one free

Smith and Forge hard cider, and anyone who makes the ball into the

cup will be given a free USA Rugby beer mug (shown in Figure 4.7). This booth will be located

next to both the Ruckus sign-up booth, as well as the photo backdrop area and face painting


Face painting booth. Also located next to the photo backdrop area, drinking game, and

Ruckus sign-up booth will be a free face-painting booth. This activity is intended to engage USA

Rugby fans of all ages, especially since the drinking game is restricted people above the age of

21. In order to make this booth possible, USA Rugby will need to either outsource and hire a

low-skilled face painter, or hire someone internally who has some artistic abilities. By providing

a face-painting booth, any USA Rugby spectator has the opportunity to get the USA Rugby logo,

an American flag, a rugby ball, Rookie the eagle, or some other spirited design painted on their

body. This will not only encourage fans to sport red white and blue, but will also contribute to

the social media engagement program, and will incentivize spectators to join the Ruckus

membership program. After getting painted, USA Rugby fans will be drawn to the commotion

around the social media photo area, where they will get to show off their USA Rugby spirit

across social media, and even on the big screen at the event. Other spectators will see the

Figure 4.7

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excitement associated with the face-painting opportunity, and they too will be incentivized to

participate in the painting, drinking game, social media contest, and finally become a Ruckus


Ride the Ruckus

When analyzing the results from the survey we conducted at the NACRA Club

Championships in Glendale, Colorado, we observed that there was a need for a fan transportation

service, given the prevalent drinking culture of rugby fans. In response to that observation, we

created the ‘Ride the Ruckus’ service. Ride the Ruckus is a transportation service that will

shuttle USA Rugby fans to and from the designated pregame parties. The bus will pickup the

USA Rugby fans at or nearby the bar/restaurant where the pregame/tailgate event is held. This

shuttle service will be included in

the Ruckus membership program;

therefore it will be free for all

USA Rugby members. Non-

members will also be able to ‘Ride

the Ruckus’; however, they will be charged a fee of $10. This $10 fee is an

incentive to sign up for the $25 Ruckus membership program, given that for just

$15 more, participants will be able to ride future Ruckus buses for free, and receive all the

benefits and discounts that come with a Ruckus membership. We envision creating a bus that is

as rowdy and passionate about USA Rugby as the fans riding it are. Figure 4.8 shows the type of

bus we envision for this program. On the bus, fans can socialize, enjoy music, and get into the

rowdy mindset and be ready to cause a ruckus while showing USA Rugby pride at the game.

Figure 4.8

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With the 2016 Summer Olympic Games right around the corner, the sport of rugby has

the potential to rekindle the passion and excitement that it brought spectators around the world

nearly a century ago. USA Rugby’s upcoming participation in the Olympics is an opportune time

to engage fans and reignite the same spark that once fueled the USA Men’s Olympic team in the

1920s. After conducting primary and secondary research, we have identified tools that the USA

Rugby organization can implement in order to increase fan engagement leading up to large-scale

events such as the 2015 Rugby World Cup and the 2016 Summer Olympics.

Our research shows that there are a variety of benefits that result from creating various

tiers of memberships suitable for a sport organization. Currently, USA Rugby does not offer its

fans a unique fan-only membership. According our survey results, USA Rugby fans are highly

interested in an exclusive fan membership program- this is an area worth pursuing. By creating

an exclusive fan membership category, USA Rugby will be able to pursue and activate various

fan engagement events, in order to create a passionate and loyal following.

Our survey results show that USA Rugby fans are incredibly active on social media;

therefore, by implementing various activities such as social media contests for fans to participate

in, USA Rugby can increase fans’ excitement during and leading up to game-time. As a result,

this media involvement will also provide USA Rugby with free publicity across various social

media platforms, courtesy of their fans. Essentially, social media platforms provide unlimited

opportunities for sports teams to engage and connect with fans, which we fully intend to

capitalize on.


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In order to excite fans and increase involvement before events, we researched our target

market’s potential interest in attending pre game tailgate events. Given that our target age

demographic consists of 18-24 and 25-34 year olds, a restaurant/bar would be the optimal venue

to host a pregame tailgate event for USA Rugby games. Furthermore, when conducting our

survey at the NACRA Club Championships in Glendale Colorado, we observed that there was a

prevalent drinking culture, which greatly contributed to the fans’ animated involvement. In order

to appropriately address this cultural observation, we will activate USA Rugby’s partnership

with Smith & Forge by involving them in the pregame tailgate event, as well as with in-game

promotions and activities.

By analyzing the data from our survey, as well as the best practices of other niche sports

in the USA, we have collected an array of valuable information that will help USA Rugby

transcend their efforts to efficiently increase fan engagement across the nation. By creating an

exclusive fan membership program, implementing social media activities, and hosting pregame

and in-game events, we will create a loyal fan following that will promote USA Rugby

worldwide. By the 2016 Olympic Summer Games, USA Rugby fans will fill the Maracanã

Stadium, dressed in red, white, and blue, inspiring the rugby world...in the American way.

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Appendix A: USA Rugby Fan Engagement Survey.

Q1- How are you affiliated with USA Rugby? Select all that apply.

I am a participant

I am a fan

Child participates

Child is a fan

Family member participates

Family member is a fan

Friend participates

Friend is a fan

Other (Please Describe) ____________________

Q2- Are you currently a member of USA Rugby?




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Q3- How many rugby events per year do you attend to watch live?





Q4- How many rugby events do you actively participate in per year?





Q5- Which of the following viewing parties would you attend? Please rank with 5 stars

being most desireable, and 1 star being least desireable.

______ Parking Lot Tailgate

______ Restaurant or Bar

______ Outdoor Public Venue

______ Other (Please Describe)

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Q6- Which of the following restaurants would you be interested in receiving a discount

from? Select all that apply.

Olive Garden


Buffalo Wild Wings

Chili's Bar & Grill

Other (Please Specify) ____________________

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Q7- Which of the following social media accounts do you currently use? Select all that








Q8- How interested would you be to participate in a USA Rugby fan engagement contest

via social media?

Not at All Interested

Not Interested



Very Interested

Page 87: USA Rugby Fan Engagement Prospectus

USA Rugby Fan Engagement Strategy


Q9- If you were to participate in a social media contest, which would be the most desirable


4 free tickets to the 2015 Rugby World Cup (in England)

Signed jersey by Carlin Isles

USA Men's Eagles Sevens Olympic Team- Meet & Greet

Other (Please Describe) ____________________

Q10- How much would you be willing to pay for a USA Rugby fan membership?





Q11- Which of the following USA Rugby merchandise would you most like to receive?

Rank as 5 stars being most desirable, and 1 star being least desirable.

______ T-Shirt

______ Water Bottle

______ Jersey

______ Phone Case

______ Stickers/Decals

______ Other (Please Specify)

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Q12- How much would you be willing to pay for a fan membership if merchandise was

included upon registration?





Q13- What would you like to see included as primary privileges of joining a fan

membership? Select all that apply.

Quarterly fan only newsletter

Access to pre-sale domestic test match tickets

Fan membership recognition card

Exclusive USA Rugby fan membership T-shirt

Exclusive USA Rugby fan membership Decal/ Sticker

Other (please describe) ____________________

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Q14- What would you like to see as added perks of joining a fan membership? Select all

that apply.

Exclusive fan only content on USAR media platforms

Meet and greet opportunities with current and former Eagles

USAR Sponsor giveaways and coupons

Discounts on USAR merchandise/apparel

Invitations to USA Rugby philanthropy events in your area

Q15- What is your age range?

Below 12







Q16 - Gender?



Q17- Full Name (Last, First)

Q18- Email Address

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Appendix B

Figure 1

Figure 2

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Appendix B

Figure 3

Figure 4

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Appendix B

Figure 5

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Program Overview

Program Affiliates

Project Summary

Report Prepared by

Program Director

Research Program Coordinators

The Business of Sports Certificate program at the University of

Colorado Boulder is a two-month intensive, 6-credit sports certificate program that gives students and recent graduates a real

world experience with professional sports teams, companies, and organizations around Colorado. Students are afforded the opportunity to network with industry experts and gain access to

exclusive internships.

Charlotte Hornets Colorado Avalanche Colorado Rapids

CU Athletics Denver Nuggets

Denver Outlaws Sports Labs USA Rugby

Vail Resorts Management Verizon Wireless

The research team conducted both primary and secondary research, with the overall goal of implementing a fan engagement

program for USA Rugby. By analyzing fan loyalty trends, and the best practices of other sports organizations, we have

formulated recommendations for USA Rugby to implement into their fan engagement efforts.

Jake Holweger Steph Kennedy

Cam Malone Max Robinson Lexie Urratio

Jessica Baumgarten

Micah McGee Nancy Lough
