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Usd fall 2015

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FLORENCE AT A DISTANCE Fall 2015 University of San Diego FUA Florence University of the Arts

F L O R E N C E A T A D I S T A N C EF a l l 2 0 1 5

University of San Diego

F U A F l o r e n c e U n i v e r s i t y o f t h e A r t s

Auguri for completing a successful semester abroad at Florence

University of the Arts! It is an indisputable fact that time abroad

changes you and forces you to expand and see the world with a new

set of eyes. Over the course of these past three and a half months

you have become more independent and secure in your abilities,

more aware of your surroundings, and - of course - more Italian! You

have learned to navigate your way around an unfamiliar city and,

beyond that, master its roads and attractions to the point where you

can now construct a perfect day in this beautiful place!

It has been a pleasure getting to know you and seeing you around

campus and I hope that you will take the experiences and lessons

learned in Florence with you for a lifetime.

Alla prossima,

J e s s i c a Vo l p e

F L O R E N C E A T A D I S T A N C EA Message from your Resident Director:


P r o f i l e s



Stephanie AbreuM a r k e t i n g

Ten years from now I will remember...

My experience as a time of great

personal growth and development.

Having the time to learn about myself

through European culture and ways of

living have informed my ability reflect

the way I view life, my priorities, and

my relationships. Having the time and

opportunity to travel for so much of my

time abroad undoubtedly contributed to

these moments of great personal progress.

I am grateful for this experience

because... Studying in Italy gave me the

opportunity to travel most of continental

Europe. At first glance, it seems obvious

that spending a semester abroad would

include some travel but having the ability

to get lost in places all over Europe is

quite unparalleled. From the snowy Swiss

Alps to the urban streets of London, I am

blessed to have left my mark here.

The best instructor at FUA was... Simonetta

Ferrini. I took two of her classes, World

Religions and Contemporary Italian

Literature. Her vast knowledge of so many

different topics always left us wanting


Items checked off my Florence bucket list

are...Learning to appreciate authentic

Italian cuisine and visiting the famous

Italian city, Venice.

USDUSD University of San Diego University of San Diego

Kristina BurnsP s y c h o l o g y

Ten years from now I will remember...

The good times and the hard times. I

will remember the toilet exploding but

I will also remember the laughs, and the

times spent traveling. I will remember

seeing the pope and the happiness that it

brought to all the Florentines. Most of all

I will remember the times spent getting

lost in the city.

Living abroad has taught me...How big

the world is. When you have the ability to

travel the world it widens your horizons

and it’s a humbling experience. I have

lived in Southern California my whole life

and this experience taught me what it’s

like to leave home and adjust to life when

things don’t go as planned. I’ve learned

and experienced the effects of change, it’s

a scary thing but you learn so much.

The best professor at FUA is... Simonetta

Ferrini and her class Literature of the

Grand Tour of Italy. We discussed the

hotspots throughout Italy and what

famous authors thought of them!

Items checked off my Florence bucket

list are... Climbing the steps of the

Duomo, getting lost in the city, finding

my favorite gelato shop, and watching

the sunset from the church of San miniato.


Blair ButlerS o c i o l o g y

Ten years from now I will remember...

Sitting in little cafes, drinking the best

cappuccinos, eating the best cannoli,

and absorbing the energy around me.

The pace of life here is so different, every

day was about taking in my surrounds

as they were, taking things in as they

happened, and not taking a minute for


A perfect day in Florence consists of...

Waking up early, before any of the shops

open and the streets are still empty, and

walking around. A city that is usually filled

wall to wall with tourist snapping vaguely

inappropriate pictures of David, talking

loudly, and blindly following a nice lady

waving an umbrella is suddenly quiet.

Items checked off my Florence bucket

list are... Seeing Papa Francesco,

climbing the Duomo and getting to

know the city well enough that at

almost any point that I was lost, I

managed to figure out how to get home.

My most memorable moment at FUA was...

Simultaneously teaching my Italian

teacher English, while he had the even

more difficult task of teaching me Italian.

USDUSD University of San Diego University of San Diego

Tricia ChangP s y c h o l o g y

Ten years from now I will remember...

The experience of meeting an array of

new people, traveling to various parts

of Europe, and having the opportunity

to learn and utilize the Italian language.

I will never forget the feelings of initial

excitement and awe I felt during my

time abroad. I hope that I will be able to

return to Florence in the near future and

experience these same feelings of awe as

if it were my first time in Florence again.

I am grateful to this experience because...

It has helped me grow much more as

an individual. It has taught me the

importance of being independent. For

example, if anyone were to leave me

alone with a map before I had underwent

this experience; I would have gone into

a panic. It is because of my experience

abroad that I am no longer afraid in

situations where I have to rely solely on

myself. I am additionally grateful to this

experience for allowing me to see most

parts of the world that I have never seen.

Honestly, I thought I would have to wait

long after I graduated from college in

order to travel to the places that I have

traveled to so far and I am so thankful to

my parents and the abroad program for

making this experience possible.

Items checked off my Florence bucket

list include... Eating endless amounts of

gelato and pasta, running to the top of

Piazza Michelangelo, exploring the Uffizi

Gallery, seeing the Statue of David, and

climbing the Duomo.


Danielle Giulia DevineB u s i n e s s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n M a j o r

In ten years from now I will remember...

How fortunate I was to have experienced

such an amazing adventure. I will

remember how my time here in Florence

has shown me what it’s like to be on my

own in a completely foreign place, but by

making friends and opening my mind to

new endeavors I was able to overcome

the fear of not knowing what lies ahead of me.

I am grateful for this experience because...

I truly met my best friends in Florence.

I found what it is like to have peace in

my heart and I truly understand the

importance of having an open mind in

life. I learned how to live with people

that I don’t know, and I learned how to

become friends with them anyways. I

grew as a person and I am grateful for that.

The items checked off my Florence

Bucket List are…. Endless, but I

particularly enjoyed hiking to Piazzale

Michelangelo and seeing Florence from

above. I also liked climbing to the top of

the Duomo to see all of Florence, and I

absolutely love walking along the Ponte

Vecchio at night with great friends.

USDUSD University of San Diego University of San Diego

Danielle DeVriesC o m m u n i c a t i o n S t u d i e s

Ten years from now I will remember...

The wonderful people I met through

this experience, and all the amazing

adventures all over Europe we had

together. For me, it wasn’t all the

great museums, monuments, etc., but

rather the people I saw them with that

made this trip one of a kind. I will also

remember the exciting feeling of waking

up in a new county every week.

I am grateful for this experience because...

It is one of the only times in my life

where I can travel freely and go wherever

on a whim. I am so lucky to have a great

family that has supported me in this

endeavor, and will never be able to

thank them enough for quite literally

“giving me the world.”

The best class and instructor at FUA was...

Italian 101 with Francesco Felici, he made

taking a language class, something I

normally dread, fun and relatable.

Items I’ve checked off my Florence

bucket list are... Being mistaken for a

local and being able to navigate the city.


Marissa DiBiasioA c c o u n t i n g

Ten years from now I will remember...

That there is always something new to

see, to learn, to eat, to be, and to try. From

walking through Piazza della Repubblica

everyday to people-watching all the

native Italians on my tucked away street,

everything was so mesmerizing. I will

remember the way the secret bakeries

smelt late at night, new ways to grocery

shop at Conad, and the varieties of food

at Mercato Centrale. Each and every

friend I made will be cherished forever.

I became a Florentine when... I realized

that Florence has become a second home

to me and I no longer felt lost and alone.

At the beginning the streets of Florence

seemed to be a maze but sooner or later

they became implanted in my memory.

Although Florence contains so much

history, I have felt like I became apart of

that history and in the big context of it all

I was just another anonymous student to

be graced by its wonders and beauty.

My favorite Italian words are…“Allora”

and “buona sera.” These two words

particularly stuck out most to me, maybe

it was because I heard them most often

or maybe it was because of the way they

rolled off the Italians’ tongues. No matter

how hard I tried I could never quite say

them with the flair and finesse that the

Italians did. They always brightened my

day and put a smile on my face.

USDUSD University of San Diego University of San Diego

Shaina EdlinM a r k e t i n g

Ten years from now I will remember…

Taking my first step off of the plane and

realizing I was going to have to get on

a little bus that would take me from

the plane to the main airport, but more

importantly the 67 stairs I had to climb to

reach my “fourth” floor flat. We thought

it would get easier after a couple weeks,

but sadly we were wrong.

I am grateful for this experience because…

I learned to be a more independent and

well-rounded person. I learned how to

forget and worry about things that don’t

have a large impact on my life, and I

learned to appreciate the small things

I have, like my tiny twin size bed, my

small fridge, and single pane windows. I

learned that the older the item, the more

culture and more history there is to learn.

A perfect day in Florence is... Waking up

around ten in the morning, walking past

Piazza Santa Croce, and stopping for a

cappuccino at the little café on the corner

of Corso Tintori. Then after my class,

walking down different and new streets

I haven’t seen, and eating a panino for

lunch at Al’Antico and then walking by

the river. To finish my perfect day I would

like to eat dinner at the Central Market

and have gelato at Edoardos.


Lauren EganI n t e r n a t i o n a l B u s i n e s s

Ten years from now I will remember...

All of the incredible people I have met

here in Florence, as well as the unique

perspective being in one of the art

capitals of the world has put on all of my

classes, even the ones that do not focus on art.

A perfect day in Florence consists of...

Walking past both the Duomo and Santa

Croce on my way to class, learning about

the history of Florence in class, getting

fresh made pizza for lunch, walking along

the Arno and past the Ponte Vecchio on

the way home, having a traditional Italian

dinner followed up by some gelato.

The best class at FUA was... Chemistry in

the Visual arts because it made chemistry

relevant and everything we learned was

useful and interesting.

Items checked off my Florence bucket

list are… Climbing the Duomo, visiting

Piazzale Michelangelo, and going to Fiesole.

USDUSD University of San Diego University of San Diego

Callen FalashB e h a v i o r a l N e u r o s c i e n c e

Ten years from now I will remember...

All of the beautiful European countries

I saw with the best people I could have

experienced this with. No words can be

found to explain how truly blessed and

grateful I am to have been given this

opportunity, and to have gotten to know

the greatest friends that I hope to keep

with me as I return home.

Living abroad has taught me...To

appreciate how people in different

countries live in comparison to my life

back home. Admittedly, it was difficult

to rid of the ideas I had about how

everyone else lives in the world. It

has not been an easy task, but I have

understood the similarities as well as

valued the differences between those

living in Europe and me.

My favorite class at FUA was... Literature

of the Grand Tour of Italy because I

was able to relate to those traveling

to Italy in the 17th and 18th centuries.

They experienced similar feelings and

thoughts as I have during my travels,

and I have felt very comforted by this.

I tems checked off my Florence

bucket list are… Walk up to Piazzale

Michelangelo, visit the beautiful Boboli

Gardens, explore Palazzo Vecchio, and

eat the most amazing food in the world.


Elisa FloresA r c h i t e c t u r e

Ten years from now I will remember...

The independence I’ve learned. I will

cherish the 25 mile-a-day walks, searches

for student discounts, and authentic

meals at local places. I will miss the

anxiety of not knowing where our hostel

is, running late for a flight, getting a train

ticket ten seconds before having it arrive

at its terminal, and having to figure out

how to navigate around a city I’ll only be

in for a weekend.

I became a Florentine when... Crossing

the Ponte Vecchio to get home became

as causal of an experience as walking

through Piazza Duomo to get to class. It

happened when ordering a cappuccino

and a croissant became as automatic as

saying “ciao” to the shop owners near

my apartment. I realized it when gelato

became a major food group in my diet,

and when the family across from our

apartment started waiting for us to wave

at them at the same time every morning

and afternoon.

The best instructor at FUA was... Linda

Fineschi, because no matter how quiet

our six person, 8 am, fourth-semester

Italian class got in the morning, she

never lost her enthusiasm.

USDUSD University of San Diego University of San Diego

Alexa GrunderM a r k e t i n g

Ten years from now I will remember...

Walking through the streets of Florence

past the Duomo, Santa Croce, and

Palazzo Vecchio in order to get to class. It

is such a surreal feeling to be able to take

in this amazing architecture and history

simply on your walk to class. The beauty

and ease of the city is something that I

will remember forever and definitely

miss back home.

I am grateful to this experience because...

I have been able to visit so many

different countries and further enlarge

my view of the world. Experiences mean

so much more to me than material items

ever could. This is a once in a lifetime

opportunity and I am so happy to have

taken advantage of it. It has also been

great to meet new people from USD who

I would not have met otherwise.

The best instructor at FUA was... Paolo

Fiorini. Paolo really knows his stuff as

he has been working in the marketing

industry for many years and owns his

own marketing agency.

My favorite Italian word is… Cappuccino.

Cappuccinos have made me very spoiled

with my coffee and it will be hard not

be able to drink a cheap and delicious

cappuccino everyday back in the States.


Eric HansonB u s i n e s s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

Ten years from now I will remember...

The extraordinary places that I have

been, and the wonderful people that I

have met during my time abroad. I will

also remember the little things that you

enjoy when living in Florence, such as

eating a panini while sitting on the steps

of Santa Croce or going to an aperitivo

with friends.

I am grateful for this experience because...

Of all extraordinary things I was able to

do in such a short amount of time. During

these past few months I have traveled

to 8 different countries, and have seen

places and met people that will impact

me for the rest of my life. This coupled

with the life long friends and memories

that I made in the city of Florence, has

made my time abroad truly memorable.

Items checked off my Florence bucket list

include... Visiting many of the beautiful

churches, buildings, and piazzas around

the city. All while enjoying some of the

best food in the world.

My favorite Italian word is...“Prego”,

because it is used often throughout

daily life in Italy, and by understanding

its many meanings, I became more

assimilated into Italian culture.

USDUSD University of San Diego University of San Diego

Alyssa IcasianoM a r k e t i n g

Ten years from now I will remember...

The fi rst time I left home and had the

experience of a lifetime. The friends I’ve

made and the troubles I’ve overcome. I’m

going to remember the moments that

have made me stronger and smarter in

so many ways. I’m going to remember

not to take anything for granted and

that everyone is unique, and that

diversity is a beautiful aspect of all of

our lives that we should all embrace.

Living abroad has taught me... To take

life one-step a time and to live in the

moment. To embrace all of the different

aspects of life that you’re not used to

seeing. Life happens way too quickly and

if we don’t take the time to enjoy it will

pass us by like a fading memory. There

are so many things you can do with a

little bit of motivation and your feet. Last

but not least, life is extremely beautiful.

Items checked off my Florence

bucket list... I haven’t crossed off

much but Piazzale Michelangelo and see

the David. Also, eat gelato for a whole

week straight.

My favorite Italian word is… I love the

word “Prego.” Italians use it for everything

and sometimes I wish English had a word

that could be used in so many ways.


Helene JohnsenC o m m u n i c a t i o n S t u d i e s a n d E n g l i s h m i n o r

Ten years from now I will remember...

My transitional period to adjusting to

living in Florence. The initial discomfort

was the catalyst to tremendous personal

growth and introspection. I had to dig

deep in order to remain grounded and in

doing so I uncovered more about myself

than I ever had before. I realized that I

had to stand on my own to feet in a land

that felt it was made out of quick sand as

an immense amount of experiences came

at me such that I was just gulping down

m experiences. I learned that I needed to

learn to stand on my own in order to go

beneath the surface and truly be present

in all my new experiences both good and

bad. The emotional ability to go with the

flow and recognize my own feelings and

where they derived was a result of the

transitional time period introspection.

I became a Florentine when... Getting

lost was no longer such a big deal. I

realized that the crazy un-grid-like roads

could leave in many curvy directions and

that what initially was getting lost was

actually getting found. I was able to find

myself in the places I discovered while

“lost” and I realized that most roads

let in directions such that I could find

my way no matter where I was. When I

started having a routine at some of the

places I discovered such as a cappuccino

at a local café, or saying hello to the

same artist on my walk home. This is

when I became a Florentine.

I am grateful for this experience because...

I have learned to live in a foreign place

comfortably. I have realized my desire

for living in another European country

once I graduate college. I have realized

that the barriers that seem so high such

as language and culture can quickly be

broken down through assimilation and

effective intercultural communication.

USDUSD University of San Diego University of San Diego

Martha KaulsM a r k e t i n g M a j o r

Ten years from now I will remember...

All the people and friends I met here

in Florence. Traveling around Europe

was amazing, but what made it even

more memorable was the people I

was surrounded by. Living abroad has

definitely bonded everyone together

through this shared experience and I

have no doubt that I’ll stay in touch with

the vast majority of my new friends.

Living abroad has taught me…How to

be independent. Living abroad takes

a lot of responsibility and even though

developing the skills to live here was not

necessarily easy, these skills are very

much worth it in the long run. After living

here, I feel confident that anywhere I

move in the world, I can figure it out on

my own and thrive in a new situation.

My favorite Italian word is...Bellisimo! It

means beautiful and besides describing

the city and people here, it also just rolls

off the tongue nicely.

Items checked off my Florence bucket

list are… Seeing the pope, finding the

best gelato in town, wandering through

the Uffizi, and watching the sunset

at Piazzale Michelangelo were all big



Kathryn KellyC o m m u n i c a t i o n s a n d M a r k e t i n g

Ten years from now I will remember...

The excitement of traveling Europe with

some of my best friends. I’ll remember

standing in silence on top of the Arc de

Triomphe at night, being reunited with

friends from home in Munich, and a late

night stop for churros in Madrid. Most of

all, I will remember the thrill of walking

through a new city for the first time and

feeling grateful for this experience.

Living abroad has taught me... That

there are a lot of things Europe does

better than the States, but also to

appreciate the amenities of home. Public

transportation, international travel,

and discovering new cultures are much

easier to enjoy in Europe because the

whole continent seems to be connected

and accessible. However, I found myself

missing small pleasures like driving my

car, huge supermarkets, and not having

to line-dry my clothes.

My favorite Italian phrase is... “Festina

lente.” It means “make haste slowly”

and was the motto of Cosimo I de’Medici.

It reminds me to use time wisely, but

also to appreciate what I’m doing.

Items checked off my Florence bucket

list are... visiting the Uffizi and

Accademia, going to mass at the Duomo,

and eating as much gelato and Gusta

Pizza as possible.

USDUSD University of San Diego University of San Diego

Kayla KimballM a r k e t i n g

Ten years from now I will remember... All

of the times I got “lost” in Florence. I will never

forget the fi rst day that it took my roommates

and I over an hour to fi nd Corso Tintori, when it

was a mere 15-minute walk from home. Some

of my favorite days in Florence were the ones

that I spent getting lost in the little alleyways

and side streets; it was the best way to learn

my way around the city.

I am grateful to this experience

because... It has taught me to live life

with a new perspective of the world

around me. Living abroad has allowed

me to explore and appreciate cities,

cultures, and languages that I had never

been exposed to prior to this semester.

Moreover, I am grateful to my family

for making this adventure possible,

and to my friends that I was lucky

enough to share so many memories and

experiences with!

My favorite Italian phrase is... “Allora”

which means, “moving on” or “now”.

This phrase will forever remind me of

my teachers at FUA. They were always

using this to transition in class or just to

get everyone’s attention (which can be

difficult in a class of 40 girls).


Blake KoloseikeB u s i n e s s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n , M a r k e t i n g M i n o r

Ten years from now I will remember...

My first day arriving in Florence. I will

remember thinking I would never be able

to navigate around the streets without

getting lost. I will also remember all

the fun trips and adventures I’ve had

while being abroad throughout Italy

and Europe. Finally, I will remember

the countless trips my roommates and I

made to Zaza’s.

Living abroad has taught me... To be

open-minded and to live in the moment.

The people of Florence don’t rush through

things like most Americans do. They take

the time to enjoy a long dinner or to take

in the scenery around them. It has made

me more aware of my surroundings and

pay attention to what’s happening right

now instead of what’s happening next.

The best class at FUA was... Religion and

Women with Martina Ghiandelli because

I really enjoyed all the places she took us

for class. I liked how the class was very

active and how she took us to see parts

of Florence to learn the material.

Items checked off my Florence bucket list

are... the Duomo, Piazzale Michelangelo,

the Statue of David, the Medici Castle,

and the Uffizi Gallery.

USDUSD University of San Diego University of San Diego

Brianna LombardiF i n a n c e

Ten years from now I will remember...

Walking twenty-five minutes to get

Gusta Pizza and never regretting it. I

will remember passing through all of

the places in Florence that felt like home

to me to get there. My favorite part was

passing by Piazza della Repubblica,

watching the carousel light up and

listening to the Italian performers.

Finally, passing over the Ponte Vecchio

and over looking the Arno river will also

be part of the walk I will never forget.

Items checked off of my Florentine

bucket list are... Watching the sunset

at Piazzale Michelangelo, climbing to

the top of the Duomo and visiting the

leather markets.

My most memorable moment at FUA was...

Gathering in Santa Croce during one of

my classes to watch the Pope give mass.

Although he was not really there, I could

feel how much his mass was affecting

the other Italians around me.


Ashley MayB u s i n e s s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

Ten years from now I will remember...

All of the wonderful friendships I have

made during my time here and all of the

amazing places I have gotten to explore

during my time abroad. I will remember

getting lost in new places with my

friends, learning new languages, meeting

new people and will never forget all of

the things being abroad has taught me.

I am grateful for this experience because...

it has forced me to go way outside my

comfort zone and experience new things.

I have become completely independent

and gotten to be totally submersed in

a new culture. From learning Italian to

traveling to new places on the weekends,

studying abroad has opened my eyes to

other cultures and the world around me.

The best class and instructor at FUA was…

History of the Italian Renaissance with

Isabella Martini because she taught us

things in the classroom, but also let us

experience the history all around us in


My favorite Italian phrase is... Bouna

giornata because it was what I heard

every morning from my favorite caffè owner.

USDUSD University of San Diego University of San Diego

Danya MoodabagilI n t e r n a t i o n a l R e l a t i o n s

Ten years from now I will remember...

How I felt my first day in Florence and the

marked difference from then to now. At

first, I was stepping into a new country,

a new culture, and a new language.

After more than 3 months, though, I am

pleasantly surprised by how comfortable

I am here, and can be sure that in the

future I will learn, in time, to adapt

wherever I go.

Living abroad has taught me... What

it means to grow up. Being abroad has

given me a sense of humility from the

shear wideness of the world. I have

learned while living in Italy and traveling

Europe that we never really stop learning

from the places and people around us,

and as much as we learn, there will

always be more to experience.

My favorite Italian word is... “Prego”;

a simple word that translates directly to “I

pray”. This courteous word is used to say

everything from “you’re welcome”, “how

can I help you”, to “after you”.

Items checked off my Florence bucket

list are... Late night gelato, long walks

along the Arno, finding a secret bakery,

trips into Chianti country, shopping for

leather goods.


Aria NiscoP s y c h o l o g y

Ten years from now I will remember…

The constant planning and spontaneity

of being abroad and the thrill and

exhaustion that comes with it. You learn

a lot about not just the other cultures,

but also about yourself when you’re

thrown into an unfamiliar place and

background. All the traveling bumps and

lack in cultural knowledge taught me

how to be resourceful and independent

and patient and I think that is what I will

remember ten years from now.

I am grateful to this experience because...

I now feel like a more competent

and confident adult, with a greater

knowledge of the world around me, and

a less passively ethnocentric mindset.

There are so many different ways to live

your life, and being abroad has opened

my mind to the good and bad, the love

and the suffering, being endured by

others half way across the globe.

My favorite Italian phrase is…“Ah

Allora...” I love the way it rings and I love

what it means. “and so…” what is going

to come next can be almost anything, but

this phrase is so pleasant and warm to me.

My most memorable moment at FUA

was… Must have been when I was

walking home from class, and I realized

I was comfortable. I walked into my

regular café and ordered my cappuccino

and glanced out the door, admiring what

I finally could call my second home.

USDUSD University of San Diego University of San Diego

Carrington NovoC o m m u n i c a t i o n s M a j o r , T h e a t r e M i n o r

Ten years from now I will remember…

How much of a life changing experience

this was. Living in Florence, emerged in

a completely different culture has taught

me so much about myself and others. I

will also remember the overwhelming

amount of peace I feel from this city and

the people within it. Lastly, I will never

forget the AMAZING food!

Living abroad has taught me… That I

can do anything I set my mind to. I’ve

traveled to multiple places on my own

and have worked my way out of difficult,

unavoidable situations. Living abroad

has also taught me to look at the bright

side of things and push through hard

times. I have learned to adapt to, learn

from, and appreciate different cultures

and different ways of life. I believe this is

something everyone should experience

so that we can learn from those different

than us and continue to come together

rather than step apart due to basic


My favorite class at FUA was…Italian

101 because it helped me learn some of

the language that I’m surrounded by.

The best part of experiencing a new

country is conversing with its people.

Even though my Italian is very poor, this

class has helped me become emerged in

Italian life and culture!

Items checked off my Florence bucket

list are… Seeing the statue of David.

This was an absolutely unforgettable

moment. I never thought i’d be in Italy

observing this world renowned piece of

art! Also Piazzale Michelangelo, the view

was unbelievably beautiful, it’s a sight

that I’ll never forget.


Bridget Olsen B u s i n e s s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

Ten years from now I will remember...

How much I grew, and how much

I learned – not only in classes, not

only about other cultures, but about

myself. I will remember a time that

was simultaneously the happiest and

saddest I have ever been. I will look

back on this time and be grateful for

how I experienced that the world is both

broken and beautiful.

Living abroad has taught me... that there

is something to learn from everyone you

encounter. It has taught me that the

best way to explore a city is by walking,

and that the best way to get to know a

culture is by talking and making friends

with locals. Above all, living abroad has

taught me the necessity of travel to

expand your worldview.

The best class at FUA was... World

Religions because I was able to gain

an understanding and knowledge of

religions other than Christianity.

My favorite Italian phrase is... “Bella la

vita”. I saw it as graffiti near my street.

Life is truly good, especially in Florence.

USDUSD University of San Diego University of San Diego

Maria Rocio RamirezM a r k e t i n g a n d P s y c h o l o g y

Ten years from now I will remember...

the countless memories I made with my

classmates, the amazing places I traveled

to and the new friends that I made. Being

abroad has allowed me to make new

friends and travel to places that I never

even dreamed of. I am so thankful for my

family and friends for pushing me to do

this and would recommend it to anyone.

I am grateful to this experience

for/because…it has allowed me to

become more independent and sure

in myself. A big fear that I had before

going abroad was that of travel. I am

not one who travels much and I knew

that I was going to be traveling a lot

abroad. To my surprise I found that I am

great at reading a map and navigating

a foreign city, language barrier and all.

Items checked off my Florence bucket

list are…that of seeing the Ponte

Vecchio and the Duomo. These are two

famous Florentine landmarks therefore a

priority on my bucket list.

My favorite Italian word... Allora! This

word is a little bit mysterious because

there doesn’t seem to be an exact

definition yet it is very common among

Italian vocabularies.


Nina RaspoB u s i n e s s E c o n o m i c s

Ten years from now... I will remember

all of the amazing places I have seen

and learned about while being abroad.

I will remember climbing to the top of

the Duomo, swimming in the ocean off

of Capri, standing on the edge of the

Cliffs of Moher, watching the changing

of the guards outside of Buckingham

Palace and so many other things. I’ve

experienced so many incredible things

during my time abroad and I hope to

remember them all.

Living abroad has... taught me so many

things both about myself and the world.

I’ve learned how large and vast the world

really is. I’ve also learned how important

it is to travel and see new places and

experience new cultures. Another big

thing I’ve learned during my time abroad

is how to be patient when things are

different from what I’m used to. Being

abroad has made me more aware of the

world and my place in it.

The best instructor at FUA... is Simonetta

Ferrini. She is so kind and is always

encouraging us to travel and learn about

the places we go. I have really enjoyed

her Literature of the Grand Tour of Italy class.

Items checked off my Florence bucket list

are... climbing to the top of the duomo,

walking up to Piazzale Michelangelo,

spending all of my money at the leather

market, and trying gelato from countless

places across the city.

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Julie RickertM a r k e t i n g a n d B u s i n e s s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

In 10 years I will remember... What it

was like to live with seven other girls in

an apartment in Florence and have them

become your close friends while making

memories traveling across Europe. We

all got along really well, and had no

trouble entertaining each other every

second of the day. Our quote wall is the

reflection of our friendships and also the

journeys we went on together.

Living abroad has taught me... That I am

a very independent individual, and that

I like to take action in my life. I learned

how break through language barriers,

plan trips, ride trains, get lost and find

my way, adapt to changing cultures and

know that at the end of the day I did

almost everything on my own.

Items checked off my Florence bucket list...

Eat the perfect pizza, find the best gelato,

purchase leather goods, try new foods,

and be familiar with the entire city.

Most memorable moment at FUA was…

Walking into class on the very first day I

was shocked to find I was in a room full

of pink, and that instead of desks there

was only a large couch on each side of

the room.


Abbey SolnetM a r k e t i n g a n d L e a d e r s h i p S t u d i e s

Ten years from now I will remember...

Hiking Cinque Terre, the waterfalls in

Croatia, making friends at Oktoberfest,

riding a gondola in Venice, traveling

solo to San Gimignano and throughout

Tuscany, exploring Paris, Amsterdam,

and Zurich for 9 days, the food in Belgium

and the views in Austria. I will remember

walking the streets of Florence every day,

and above all, the moments spent with

good friends.

Living abroad has taught me... To live

in the moment. I love to plan and think

about the future, but being abroad really

helps me focus on the present. Traveling

has taught me how to go with the flow,

build connections with others, take risks,

go on crazy adventures, and make the

most out of every moment.

Items checked off my Florence bucket

list are... Climbing Brunelleschi’s Dome,

marveling at Michelangelo’s masterpiece

il Davide, and discovering a secret bakery

at 1:00am.

The best class at FUA was... Literature of

the Grand Tour of Italy with Simonetta

Ferrini. We read literature from people

who traveled through Italy while

reflecting on our own travels abroad.

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Emma von TscharnerT h e a t r e a n d C o m m u n i c a t i o n s M a j o r

Ten years from now I will remember...

This incredible experience. Along with all

the trips I was fortunate enough to take,

I will remember just living in Florence.

I honestly can call it a home of mine. For

four months, I was able to fully immerse

myself in the culture, explore the city, see

amazing churches and museums, and

even befriended locals. I know that I will

remember the feeling of being on my

own, living in someplace new, and being

surrounded by so much history, beauty,

and culture.

I am grateful for this experience

because... It gave me the opportunity

to grow in so many ways that I did not

think possible. I have made new friends,

including some Italian locals! I have

grown in my relationship with God,

something that is the most valuable to

me. I have seen His beauties everywhere

I go and I know that this experience

would not be possible if not for Him.

I was nervous to live on my own in a

country so far away, but I have grown

in my relationship with myself. I have

become more independent, decisive,

and appreciative of the world around

me. The ability to see and experience so

many things has truly changed me for

the better and I will forever be grateful.


Zoryana ZaryckyjC o m m u n i c a t i o n S t u d i e s

Ten years from now I will remember...

Looking down and seeing 11,000 feet of

steep cliff below me, being terrifi ed to my

core. My godmother’s husband and I took

the tram up to Zugspitze in Germany and

then courageously climbed to the top of

Germany using two ice picks. The day was

magnifi cent, I felt like I was on top of the


A perfect day in Florence consists of...

Waking up around 9 am and coming

into my kitchen, pouring fresh coffee

grounds into our Italian coffee maker,

making that wonderful coffee, pleasantly

drinking it while enjoying some pesto

and foccaia for breakfast. Then I would

go to the British Museum right under the

Uffizi on the water and sit and read my

book for a long time. Then I would go

say hello to Neptune right outside of the

Uffizi. To end the night I would call my

friend Danya and convince her to go get

dinner with me at Osteria Santa Spirito!

We would have the gnocchi tartufo and

the muscle soup!

My favorite Italian phrase is... “Allora”.

It is the perfect transition word. It rolls

off the tongue in the most unique way.

I picked up the habit of saying allora in

Naples because the locals seemed to

use it always and for everything. It’s the

perfect, “everything is okay, the bad is in

the past, lets move forward” transition


University of

San Diego

FALL 2015

Stephanie Abreu

Kristina Burns

Blair Butler

Tricia Chang

Danielle Giulia Devine

Danielle DeVries

Marissa DiBiasio

Shaina Edlin

Lauren Egan

Callen Falash

Elisa Flores

Alexa Grunder

Eric Hanson

Alyssa Icasiano

Helene Johnsen

Martha Kauls

Kathryn Kelly

Kayla Kimball

Blake Koloseike

Brianna Lombardi

Ashley May

Danya Moodabagil

Aria Nisco

Carrington Novo

Bridget Olsen

Maria Rocio Ramirez

Nina Raspo

Julie Rickert

Abbey Solnet

Emma von Tscharner

Zoryana Zaryckyj


Photo Credit: USD Students Fall 2015Photo Credit: USD Students Fall 2015

Production Coordinator: Jessica VolpeProduction Coordinator: Jessica Volpe

University of San DiegoUniversity of San Diego F a l l 2 0 1 5F a l l 2 0 1 5

A very special thanks to all USD students for participating A very special thanks to all USD students for participating

and submitting materials for the project! and submitting materials for the project!
