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Use This One Strategy to Attract More Clients

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Use This Simple Strategy To Attract An Abundance Of Clients!
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Use This Simple Strategy

To Attract An Abundance Of Clients!

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There are only two types of experts:

Those who have written a book… and those who haven’t

Think of all the top experts you see on television At the end of their segment, the host always

obligingly produces “the book” and gives it a plug This is true for online TV, radio, YouTube, and

podcast shows

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Joint-Venture Opportunities

This also puts you in a position to joint-venture with prominent experts in your field or other complimentary niche celebrities

Example: EFT Success coach, Pamela Bruner, on YouTube, having her book, “Tapping into Ultimate Success” promoted by co-author, Jack Canfield

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Joint-Venture Opportunities Live link:


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Your Book Will: Open doors Endow you with authority Proclaim your expert status in your field Distinguish you from competing experts who haven’t

written a book Help you grow your following, developing those not yet

ready for your services into passionate fans who believe in you

Help you become known for your exact specialty and passion

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Having Your Own Book Also makes it much easier to attract new clients You don’t have to waste time offering free

consultations Potential clients can simply read your book and

“try before they buy” An added bonus: They will have already paid

money for your book, unless you’re offering it for free; once someone has made the commitment to pay for your services, it is much easier to get them to invest further

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Best-selling author status It is not that hard to become a best-selling author,

with the right promotion—and “best-selling author” remains one of the strongest social validation badges you can earn

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Case Studies1. Carrie Wilkerson—the Barefoot Executive http://www.amazon.com/Barefoot-Executive-Ultimate-Achieving-Financial/dp/159555369X

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Carrie Wilkerson, continued Carrie Wilkerson “mostly enjoys helping ordinary people

lead extraordinary lives” She uses her most well-known handle, “The Barefoot

Executive”, as her book title—with what the book offers to the reader as the sub-title: “The Ultimate Guide for Being Your Own Boss & Achieving Financial Freedom”

Her coaching practice is based on helping entrepreneurs kick up to the next level and attain real financial freedom

This book helps them to prepare themselves to be her ideal clients.

This book gives readers a taste of Wilkerson’s personality, ethics, strategies and assistance

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Case Studies2. Jenny Fenig http://www.amazon.com/Get-Gutsy-Fearless-Finding-Calling/dp/1501013548

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Jenny Fenig, continued Keywords like “sacred”, “soul” and “calling” tell the

she is all about transformational changes She uses these keywords in her sub-title, while her title

(“Get Gutsy”) is short, punchy, and memorable She’s the “get gutsy” gal (And you need to create your

own unique, short and memorable handle too)

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Jenny Fenig, continued

Jenny Fenig uses her book in a direct, targeted way unique among coaches - as the first step in an invitation to work with her (http://jennyfenig.com/coaching/) Step one: Buy her book and work through it Step two: Join her landmark program, the “Live Your

Dream”, eight-week challenge

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Jenny Fenig, continued Step Three: Enroll in the “Get Gutsy” coach training


She also offers a free sample chapter of the book to make investment easier

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Case Studies3. Denise Duffield-Thomashttp://www.amazon.com/Get-Rich-Lucky-Bitch-Release/dp/1478181494

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Denise Duffield-Thomas, continued

Denise uses a catchy, simple handle in her website and marketing: “Lucky Bitch”—which she repeats in the title of her book (There is an earlier book, simply called “Lucky Bitch”, which

tells the story of her own personal, financial mind shift) This handle won’t be for everyone, and may actually repel some

But that’s not a bad thing Her title weeds out those who won’t resonate with her unique

persona and voice

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Denise Duffield-Thomas, continued

She uses her book within the first few opening pages to actively invite readers to her website

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Denise Duffield-Thomas, continued

Her book contains a clear promise of what she will help the reader to achieve, as well as speaking with her unique voice

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Denise Duffield-Thomas, continued

Denise Duffield-Thomas also promotes her book right on her home page—and offers a free sample chapter

In addition, she also directs visitors and readers to her website section on how to retain her as a speaker or guest interviewee

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All three of our expert-authors make maximum use of their books

to: Qualify the perfect, action-taking clients Gain credibility Brand themselves Qualify themselves as experts in their unique fields Convert readers into loyal clients and followers Generate strong promotional opportunities Attract more leads

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One Final Reason To Write A Book

If you’re a niche expert, the most important reason is for yourself

Writing a book, if done properly, can help you: Clarify your single, most unique specialty and calling De-clutter your practice of anything that does not aid this

calling Zero in on the most important ways to help your audience Re-ignite your own passion and bolster your self-confidence

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“But What if I’m Not a Writer?” If you have been telling yourself that writing is not your

“thing”, consider this… You speak to your clients, don’t you? You have conversations they find really helpful You verbally help clients zero in on their issues You make verbal recommendations on what to do about

these issues You ask probing, helpful questions to prompt clients into

providing their own answers You provide your clients with tools and instructions that

make their process easier

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Use Your Own Voice When a field expert writes a book, he/she simply needs to

speak directly to his/her clients—just as you would if you were actually in a session with one

You can also use “tricks” such as recording your book; then having a transcriptionist transcribe it… or use speech-to-text software and having your VA clean up all the inaccurate words—proof carefully!

Another “trick”: interview ten top peers in your field and have the resulting interviews transcribed by a qualified transcriptionist Just think of the possibilities for growing your list in a joint

venture situation

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Your Book Will Also:

Act as passive income for you Be a promotional tool you can use any time

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How to Write a BookStep One: Brainstorm and Create a Strong Outline

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Brainstorm And Create A Strong Outline

I find it works better to start with a general idea of your topic then write an outline, brainstorming components and steps for your reader

An easy format is to set your outline up first into sections—like this:

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Brainstorm And Create A Strong Outline

Once you have your sections or chapters, it becomes much easier to brainstorm the individual sub-topics for each section or chapter

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For example: When writing the script for this webinar, since it is

the equivalent of an article rather than a book, I broke it down into sections only:

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Outlines Are Essential They:

keep you on track prevent you from veering off topic help you assess whether or not what you are saying

is important to the whole book when you have veered off topic

help you produce a tight, cohesive, and focused finished product

Outlines also give you confidence in your message and help you determine what it is most important to share

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Refine Your Focus And Topic Look at your outline and ask yourself questions like:

Is this the most important thing I can share with my readers? Do I feel passionately about this? If not, do I passionately feel

this information will help them—even if it’s “old hat” or routine to me?

Why will they care? Do I care?

Look for the aspect or angle of your topic you are most passionate about

Brainstorm how you can tighten your outline up to reflect and talk about your single most important “angle”

What’s the difference between an “angle” and a “topic”? A topic is general An angle is specific

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Example: Jenny Fenig’s book deals with identifying what you most

passionately want to do in life and making money with it The angle is “finding your soul’s calling”

When it’s a topic, it’s an idea. When it’s an angle, it becomes an entity

You can put a name and identity to what you’re dealing with

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How to Write a Book

Step Two: Name your Book

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The simple formula for naming your book:

Use the handle you want you, your process or signature program to be known by, and include your ideal client’s main search keywords in the sub-title

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The simple formula for naming your book:

Author Mandy Hale’s website is http://thesinglewoman.net/ and she brands herself and her site as “The Single Woman”

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Another approach that works for experts

Asking your audience’s most crucial question—the one they are currently seeking the answer to

Whatever you choose, however, your title should be short, punchy and above all—easy to remember

Your search-keyword-optimized sub-title should promise an answer

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How to Write a BookStep Three: Tighten and Tweak Your Outline

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Tightening Your Outline Go through your outline and TAKE OUT any sub-topics

that don’t directly advance fulfilling your promise and don’t directly deal with your angle

For each chapter, plan to humanize it by including anecdotes, examples or stories that illustrate the point

Write down these examples and stories; just write enough to remind yourself of exactly which example you wanted to use Example: “Sandi and the house deal”

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How to Write a BookStep Four: Schedule Your Writing Time

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Scheduling Your Writing Time It is crucial to schedule daily writing time into your schedule If time is not an issue, you can set a goal of so many words

per day, instead You can calculate how many days it will take you to write

your book—and adjust the number of words per day, if you need to finish it to a specific schedule

For example, if you plan to write 500 words per day and you estimate your book will be 120 pages long: Multiply 120 X 250 or 375

(250 words equals approximately one page for print manuscript submission and 375 words equals approximately one page for the average digital eBook manuscript)

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Scheduling Your Writing Time

The total would be 45,000 words for an eBook. Divide your total (e.g. 45,000) by the 500 words

you want to write. Answer: At that rate, it will take you 90 days to

write your book! Remember to schedule time for editing

A couple of weeks is ideal, if you’re planning to do it yourself

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How to Write a BookStep Five: Write Your Copy

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Time to Write Your Copy

Transpose the section of the outline you’re writing about right into your MS Word File—you can always remove the point prompts later

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Here’s My Most Important Tip:

Write the book in one go, without back-tracking—in one “first draft”

Resist the temptation to edit until you have finished the book—otherwise, you not only risk taking forever to finish your book, you’ll lose the pace, freshness and immediacy of your unique “voice”

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How to Write a BookStep Six: The Editing Process

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Your Best Bet:

Do a preliminary read-through and spell-check Then send out your manuscript to a reliable,

experienced editor who specializes in non-fiction or self-help—but of course you can edit your book yourself

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If you do plan to edit your book yourself…

Start by running a spell-check and doing a quick read-through, only correcting glaringly obvious problems like missing or duplicate words

THEN PUT YOUR BOOK AWAY Put it away for at least a week—more, if you have

the luxury of time Less, if you have a short memory and know that

your other busy stuff and your whirlwind schedule will have pushed its contents out of your head by the day after tomorrow

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Next Steps Read through it and highlight any sentence or

paragraph that no longer makes sense; take them out Read problem sections out loud, to see if the problem

is flow If you find yourself stumbling over words or

garbling them, it’s a sure bet you’re dealing with a badly-written sentence

Don’t waste time trying to fix it—either delete it or re-write that sentence or paragraph completely

Beware the tendency to start fixing up your manuscript’s grammar


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Next Steps, Continued If a section puts you to sleep on re-reading, you can

bet it will do the same to your reader Re-write it or tighten it up Remove flowery phrases Shorten sentences Use bullet points and lots of white space

Finally, even if you don’t use an editor, if you are self-publishing, share it with a trusted second set of eyes—a long-time client or your VA Direct them as to what type of criticism you are

looking for

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How to Write a BookStep Seven: Promoting—and Using—Your Book

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Some Questions To Ask Yourself: Does it need to be a print book or can it just be an eBook? How will it help my ideal client? Give her the first steps to

take? Convince her that I am the expert she needs? Help her succeed enough to be able to afford my expertise?

Do I plan to use my book to obtain prime guest spots or fuel my public speaking? Will I be doing any public speaking at all?

Is this book an important pre-qualifying “first step” for potential clients who are not quite ready for my services or who can’t afford it right now?

Do I plan to share my book for free? Share sample chapters for free?

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Some Questions To Ask Yourself: What price should I set? How many other ways can I think of to use my book? Am I committed to promoting my book and pushing it to

Amazon best-seller status? Do I have time to put in the research for this topic? Will I

pay someone else to research for me? Who will edit and/or format the book? Does it need to be a print book or can it just be an eBook? How will it help my ideal client? Give her the first steps to

take? Convince her that I am the expert she needs? Help her succeed enough to be able to afford my services?

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Some Questions To Ask Yourself: Do I plan to use my book to obtain prime guest spots

or fuel my public speaking? Will I be doing any public speaking at all?

Do I plan to share my book for free? Share sample chapters for free?

What price should I set? How many other ways can I think of to use my book? Am I committed to promoting my book and pushing it

to Amazon best-seller status? Do I have time to put in the research for this topic?

Will I pay someone else to research for me? Who will edit and/or format the book?

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Using a Blueprint Another way to save time is to use a blueprint for your

VIP promotions—one that focuses on or includes your signature book

That allows you to concentrate on pouring your heart and soul and wisdom into the book’s actual content

You need to know insider tips, tricks, and secrets of getting to the top of the Amazon best-seller list—and even when not to go the Amazon Kindle route

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Other Things You Need To Know:

Where to place your calls to action—and just how many you should put in your book

What makes book covers work as powerful marketing tools—and what covers kill your sales

How to effectively use free book promotion websites How and when to use your Kindle free promotion days

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What To Look ForLook for a blueprint, course or Challenge that gives you the whole package, from A to Z:

Identifying your readership Coming up with a topic Planning The mechanics of writing Advertising Promotion Your book launch

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My Workshop on Writing Your First Book in 30 Days

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What is it? A four-week, self-directed workshop that will set you

firmly on the path to starting and completing your book—with an Action Plan and exercises to help ensure you have no trouble getting started and taking focused action

This workshop focuses mainly on the writing process It will help you brainstorm, plan and write your

signature book—the one that will brand you as an expert in your desired area

It will also include a comprehensive Promotion Action Plan to help you take the right steps to an effective book launch

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What it covers: Module 1: Book Ideas that Work + Highly

Effective Research   Module 2: Creating Your Powerful “Signature

Book” Outline Module 3: Planning Your Book Chapters for

Maximum Clarity and Power Module 4: Writing, Editing and Formatting your

Book like a Pro

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Module 1: Book Ideas that Work + Highly Effective Research

Learning Objectives: Finding all your viable book topic and type options so you can make the best decision on creating your signature book Exploring book types for service experts that work—

and coming up with seven solid ideas Assessing which book type and topic is your best bet—

and will most please your readers How to ensure you enjoy writing your book as much as

your reader will enjoy reading it

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Module 1: Book Ideas that Work + Highly Effective Research

Accurately estimating research commitment and involvement times

Finding reliable research sources—online and off Finding people to interview—and increasing your

chances of a “yes” Secrets of best-selling authors—and why you

should take note

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Module 2: Creating Your Powerful “Signature Book” Outline

Learning Objective: Aligning your book with your business to create a powerful, memorable and professional outline—that will help you more easily write your book Identifying the right reader—and how to attract her Identifying your “signature” topic and stance How to make sure your outline helps—not hurts—your

branding Essential sections every book by an expert should have

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Module 2: Creating Your Powerful “Signature Book” Outline

Essential sections your unique book needs to add “Housekeeping” sections you can’t—and shouldn’t--

ignore Clarifying your message for your unique reader Finding your “voice”—and understanding your readers Taking your professionally-developed outline one Olympic

step further

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Module 3: Planning Your Book Chapters for Maximum Clarity and

PowerLearning Objectives: Learning how to make your chapters sing Chapters: How they work and how to use them How to make readers keep reading on Creating flow and impulsion from chapter to chapter Isolating ideas, principles and actions Where to put your calls to action—and when

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Module 3: Planning Your Book Chapters for Maximum Clarity and


That all important first chapter and hook Your last chapter—how to leave readers satisfied and

joyful… but wanting more

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Module 4: Writing, Editing and Formatting your Book like a Pro

Learning Objective: Producing a powerful, professionally-presented book with a minimum of pain and fuss Finding your writing rhythm Creating your perfect schedule Learning to stick to the point Weeding the clutter What you should never do, when preparing your book Editing like a pro Formatting Staying in love with your book—and making others live it too

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Get your incredible book writing workshop here


