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User-Centered Mobile Concept Development

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User-Centered Mobile Concept Development 22 April 2012 Soeren Engelbrecht Nordic Head of Development - Digitalization Det handler om at være

User-Centered MobileConcept Development

22 April 2012

Soeren EngelbrechtNordic Head of Development - Digitalization

Det handler om at være

23. april 20122

1. Introduction – Why consider Mobile ??

2. Concept – What should you Offer ??

3. Case: ”Tryg på Rejse”


23. april 20123

Everybody wants has a Smartphone

Have a smartphone today (DK, 2011) 41%Uses mobile internet daily (DK, 2010) 64%

Smartphone percent of sale (DK): May 2010: 20% Jan 2011: 60%

Gartner predicts:80% of all phones in use worldwide are smartphones in 2013

23. april 20124

So what Happens ??

23. april 20125

Have we been Here Before ??

23. april 20126

1. Introduction – Why consider Mobile ??

2. Concept – What should you Offer ??

3. Case: ”Tryg på Rejse”


23. april 20127

Platforms from an End-User Perspective

Laptop Smartphone FeaturephonePC Tablet

Small screenPortableShorter interactionsMany daily tasksPersonalInstant start-upShorter life-time


Large screenStationary

Longer interactionFewer daily tasks

Shared between usersSlow start-up

Longer life-time©Soer

en E








23. april 20128

Functionality Across End-User Platforms

Tablets Smartphones FeaturephonesPC’s / laptops

General use Situation-specific use

Website: Full functionality

Website: Full


Tablet Apps:Subset

of functio-nality

Mobile Apps:Select functionality

Mobile Web:Subset of functionality

Text Messaging:Specific tasks


en E








23. april 20129

Three Types of Mobile Apps

• Content-based: News, Wikis, forums• Entertainment-based: Games, Music• Utility: Navigation, Weather, Calulator, Timer

23. april 201210

How to Achieve Success…

”People will use your app if it solves a problem, gives them a superpower, or just helps them unwind.

But without a clear, persuasive vision of when and why people will use your app, you’re just building a technology demonstration, a curiosity.”

Josh Clark

”People will use your app if it solves a problem, gives them a superpower, or just helps them unwind.

But without a clear, persuasive vision of when and why people will use your app, you’re just building a technology demonstration, a curiosity.”

Josh Clark

23. april 201211

Apps will be Downloaded and Kept, if…

• They are perceived as relevant for the user• They are useful:

1. Take phone out of pocket

2. Solve problem

3. Return phone to pocket

• They have a focused, easily understandable scope• They promise to serve a long-term purpose

85% of all Apps are deleted within 30 days

23. april 201212

Apps will be Downloaded and Kept, if…

23. april 201213

• Next: Some personal viewpoints on six Apps for the iPhone

• How do they live up to the ”provide a quick solution” mantra ??

Apps will be Downloaded and Kept, if…

23. april 201214

DMI - Byvejr

23. april 201215

Nykredit - Aktier

23. april 201216

Stark – HåndværkerApp

23. april 201217

Dansukker – ”Det søde køkken i mobilen”

23. april 201218


23. april 201219

”Ved Livets Afslutning”

23. april 201220

1. Introduction – Why consider Mobile ??

2. Concept – What should you Offer ??

3. Case: ”Tryg på Rejse”


23. april 201221

Starting from Square Two

• Collecting knowledge experience from previous Tryg projects• Compiling an extensive list of potential functionality• Gathering knowledge on Mobile platforms, usage patterns,

successes and failures• Establishing boundary conditions:

• 24/7 Customer promise• Limited technical integration• Strong Brand Focus

23. april 201222

What does the Mobile Platform offer Tryg?

Always on• Access – anywhere / anytime

• No start-up time

Technical features• Location through GPS

• Photographs and video

• Motion sensors

• ”Soft ID” through phone number

• Barcode scanning

Paradigm shift:

• Platform for efficient 24/7 services –solve the problem right away

• Self-Service is better service

• ”smart solutions” enabled by dataacquisition and mash-up (GPS, Google Places, live data,…)

Improve customerrelationship:

• Convenient Self-Service

• Frequent interactionsupports pervasiveness

• Permanent visibility onphone supports brand

Internal costreduction:

• Guide traffic to relevant channels

• Increase use of Self-Service solutions

• Viral marketing

23. april 201223

Implementation with Partners


Business Lab


Private Sales

Tryg Alarm

External (mobile) design competencies

Brief / Specifications

External (mobile)CX competencies

External developers

23. april 201224

Roll-Out Scheme: Three Stages

1 1 3

1 1 3

2 2 3

3 3 3

23. april 201225

Concept: A ”Branded Utility”

• Free download and useful for everyone – DK, NO, SE• Maximise potential reach for Branding

• Full service for customers

• Useful for potential customers

• Specific focus• Easy to understand and use

• Easy to communicate

• Multi-string business case:• Internal cost reduction

• Increased customer satisfaction – improves customer retention

• Branding value – improves customer acquisition

• Target Segment: Travelers

23. april 201226

Vision: Customer Experience Redefined

IncidentEva’s bag is stolen. After a brief spell of panic, she contacts Tryg for assistance

Sales & ConvenienceEva is going on a business trip. Tryg helps her book the trip and provides travel insurance

Prevention & AvoidanceTryg provides Eva with a geotagging chip for her bag

Online presenceWhile traveling, Eva checks up on the freight insurance thather company has with Tryg

ConvenienceEva reports the theft to bothTryg and the local Police in onego using a mobile device

Back on trackEva gets instant feedback from Tryg – 5.000 DKK has beentransferred to her Visa Card

ConvenienceEva gets advice from Tryg onwhere to buy clothes for nextday’s business meeting

We have found your bag. You can pick it up at the Central Police Station.

We recommend that youupgrade your return trainticket to get access to a

safety box.

Have a safe trip home :-)


Back on Track / Prevention & AvoidanceTryg helps Eva retrieve her bag and suggestsa non-classical insurance product

23. april 201227

Tryg på Rejse

Help & Contact

A list of critical situations typically encountered while traveling: Lost baggage, delayed baggage, theft, illness, car crash, etc. For each situation, we offer advice on what to do on the spot, and how and when to contact Tryg

SMS Warnings

Sign up to receive SMS messages with information about, e.g., political unrest, hurricanes, terror events, etc., in the country that you are currently traveling in

My Documents

A password-protected place to keep track of your passport, credit cards, health insurance card and data, car papers, etc., including what to do when they are lost

23. april 201228

Visuals – Help & Contact

23. april 201229

Activates drop-downfor other names

Back-up functionality

Visuals – My Documents

A picture of the passport is optional

The ”Passport” documenttemplate contains pre-defined

data fields and graphics

Link to ”Help & Contact”or ”Service pages”

23. april 201230

Visuals – My Documents

4571 6785 9087 6654

23. april 201231

Part Three: ”SMS Warnings”

• Existing service from AidCom

• AidCom and Tryg are looking into expanding the service

23. april 201232

Other Screenshots

23. april 201233

Prototyping: ”Think-Out-Loud” Testing

Methodology: One-on-one testing (six users) using a limited functionality HTML prototype

Research Question #1: Are we heading in the right direction –do our customers see a point in such a Travel App ??

Answer: Yes. 5 in 6 users saw the App as very useful and would definitely download it – one user had some reservations

Research Question #2: Does the functional concept –Insurance Card and subsections – make practical sense ??

Answer: Yes. They understand the division into main sections and are unanimously positive towards the functionality. Work is needed on the use of the Insurance Card



23. april 201234


Improved Customer Experience:• 24/7 assistance – personal or automated

• No more calling the wrong number/channel

• Convenience – on travel or at home

• Improved ”value for money” perception

Improved Business for Tryg:• Increased Interaction Frequency

• Support of the Tryg brand

• Less calls means reduced operating costs

• Calls go through the right channels: reduced cost

• Improved ”value for money” perception improvescustomer retention

• Attraction of non-customers by being willing to help – even if you’re not a paying customer

23. april 201235

Successful Launch

• Approx. downloads in the first three months

• Retention rate (for Android) 70-80%

Outdoor Web Mobile


23. april 201236

Don’t Try this at Home…

23. april 201237


• Think platforms and channels – do you really need a Mobile App ??• Or, rather: Do your customers need one ??

• Apply use case thinking – in which situations will your App be relevant to whom ??

• Don’t try to be everything to everyone

• User testing is imperative

• Have a communication strategy – make sure that you are found

23. april 201238

[email protected]

(+45) 41 86 24 76

Questions ??
