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Systems Integration Specialists Company, Inc. The Standards Based Integration Company © Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. Using CIMTool Margaret Goodrich, Manager, Systems Engineering SISCO, Inc. 6605 19½ Mile Road Sterling Heights, MI 48314 USA Tel: +1-903-477-7176 Fax: +1-903-489-0063 E-Mail: [email protected]

Systems Integration Specialists Company, Inc.

The Standards Based Integration Company

© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc.

Using CIMTool

Margaret Goodrich, Manager, Systems Engineering SISCO, Inc. 6605 19½ Mile Road Sterling Heights, MI 48314 USA Tel: +1-903-477-7176 Fax: +1-903-489-0063 E-Mail: [email protected]

© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. 2


The purpose of this presentation is to describe the use of CIMTool

Some of the uses of CIMTool include: Definition of information exchange profiles – messages or


Development of XSD Schemas

Development of RDF Schemas

Validation of full CIM XML instance files

Validation of incremental CIM XML files

© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. 3


1. CIMTool Installation 2. Creating a CIMTool Project 3. Importing a Schema 4. Creating and Editing a Profile 5. Importing a Profile (Several Methods) 6. Generating XSD Schemas 7. Generating RDF Schemas 8. Importing a Model 9. Validating a Model 10. Importing and Validating an Incremental Model 11. Updating a Schema 12. Miscellaneous

© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. 4

CIMTool Installation

© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. 5

What is CIMTool?

CIMTool is an Eclipse plugin It provides the means to:

Define profiles from a UML model

Import profiles from a spreadsheet

Validate profiles

Validate instance files against a profile

Validate incremental files against an instance file and a profile

Generate XSD schemas from a profile

Generate RDF schemas from a profile

… and more

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Preparation for Installation

You should have a PC running a recent version of Windows, Linux or Mac OS, with at least 1GB memory

Recommend at least 2GB free disk space (much more is recommended if you will be working with large CIM network models)

You need an internet connection, noting that there may be 200MB of downloads required for installation

You need a Java runtime environment (JRE) Java 5 JRE is currently recommended

If you don’t have one you can download from http://java.com

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CIMTool Installation

Go to http://cimtool.org Version 1.8.1 is currently available for download Download a zip file with Eclipse and CIMTool (full

installation package)

Following the directions on the screen

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Starting CIMTool

Click on the Eclipse icon The Eclipse startup dialog will

appear Define a ‘workspace’ directory

when prompted The workbench view will then


© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. 9

Eclipse/CIMTool Workbench

Initial default view before any projects are created

Default installation supports Java development

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CIMTool/Eclipse Hints and Tips

Files, Packages and Workspaces: It is important that you never add, modify or delete anything inside

a workspace directory with tools other than Eclipse

If there is ever a ‘resource out of sync’ problem, you can usually correct by using the ‘refresh’ option

Other problems may be corrected using the Project>Clean option

You may however safely read files directly from the workspace folder if needed

© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. 11

Creating a CIMTool Project

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CIMTool Projects Each project has a named folder in the workspace directory Each CIMTool project will have four sub-folders:

Incremental: for CIM XML incremental files in RDF format with a .xml extension

Instances: for CIM XML instance files in RDF format with a .xml extension

Profiles: for profile definitions, where Profile definitions are stored in an XSD, OWL & RDFS formats Log files, which may identify errors, are text files with a .log extension Depending upon the usage of CIMTool, there may also be HTML, XML and

XSD files Schema: for the CIM model in XMI format with a .xmi extension

(Generated using the UML model from the EA Tool) Folders and files that have errors may include a red X on their

associated icon

© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. 13

Creating a New CIMTool Project

Select ‘File > New > Project’

Select ‘CIMTool Project’ option

Click ‘Next’

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Creating a New CIMTool Project

Name it – e.g. ‘AEP--’

Click ‘Finish’ This will

create a new folder in your workspace directory

© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. 15

Browsing the Project

Click on arrow to the left of the desired project name in the Project Explorer to expand it

See that project has the 4 set of folders

Expand sub-folders to see contents

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Importing a Schema

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Importing a Schema

Schemas describe the classes, attributes and relationships defined by a UML model

Anything defined by a profile MUST be described within the UML model

Schemas must be in a suitable XMI format for import The XMI files are typically generated from the CIM UML

model created/maintained using Enterprise Architect Schemas will be stored in the ‘Schema’ folder of the

project There is typically one schema for a project, although

there are cases where there may be more than one

© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. 18

Schema in a UML Tool


© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. 19

Exporting UML Model as XMI In Enterprise

Architect select the top-level package

Select Project > Import/Export > Export Package to XMI

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Exporting XMI from UML Tool

Use export options shown

Export as UML 1.4

Unselect ‘Enable full EA Roundtrip’

Select ‘Unisys/Rose format’ option

Enter file name for XMI file

Click on Export button

© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. 21

Schema Import within CIMTool

Schemas are imported when creating a new CIMTool project

Schemas can also be added to supplement an existing schema

Schemas can also replace an existing schema, as in the case of a new CIM version

© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. 22

Initial Schema Import

1. Select ‘File > Import’ 2. Note the different import options under


3. Select ‘Import Schema’ option 4. Click ‘Next’

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Initial Schema Import

Browse to find the XMI file to import

Check the project for the import

Don’t edit the Namespace

Click “Finish”

© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. 24

Creating and Editing a Profile

© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. 25

Creating a New Profile

There are four ways to create a new profile: 1. Create it from scratch within CIMTool

2. Import an OWL profile previously constructed using CIMTool

3. Import the profile from a data dictionary spreadsheet

4. Copy and paste an existing profile within CIMTool Once created, profiles are stored in the ‘Profiles’ folder of

the project A project may have many profiles Each profile will have a namespace This following slides describe the creation of a new profile

using the edit capabilities within CIMTool

© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. 26

Creating a New Profile

1. Select ‘File > New > Other …’

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Creating a New Profile

1. Select ‘CIMTool Profile’ option

2. Click ‘Next’

© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. 28

Creating a New Profile

Click on checkbox for the desired project

Determine a unique name for the profile that will not conflict with other profile names, then using the name: Set the profile name

Set namespace URI

Set envelope element name

Click ‘Finish’

© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. 29

Browsing the Project

Click on arrows in Project Explorer to expand folders

Double click on the .owl profile file name in the to open it

Click on the profile name in the Outline window

In the Project Explorer frame you can always right click on a file name to see options

© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. 30

Adding Classes to Profile

Browse through model on the right side of Add/Remove tab

Select one or more classes on right side Add/remove tab

Classes are moved by clicking on <

© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. 31

Adding a Property (Attribute) to Profile

Click on a class in the Outline

Properties are shown on the right side of the Profile Add/Remove tab

Click on property name on right side

Click on ‘<‘ to move property to left side

© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. 32

View After Adding a Property to profile

New profile property is seen on Outline view and the left side of the Add/Remove tab

You can remove properties by using the > button

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Adding Properties to Profile

Can move more than one property at a time

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Importing a Profile

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Importing a Profile

Sometimes it is desirable to use another profile definition as a starting point for a profile definition

CIMTool saves profile definitions in an OWL format Profile definitions from another project or

workspace can be imported to create new profiles

© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. 36

Importing Profiles into CIMTool

Select ‘File > Import’ Note the different import

options under CIMTool

On ‘Import’ dialog select ‘CIMTool – Import Profile’ option

Check the project to import into

Browse to find the file to import

Click ‘Next’

© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. 37

Importing Profile from Data Dictionary

© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. 38

Importing Profiles

Some products can generate a Data Dictionary in the form of an Excel spreadsheet

The spreadsheet can define one or more profiles Note that the spreadsheet can be maintained

independently of any particular product The Data Dictionary defines the classes, attributes and

relationships that comprise one or more profiles This can be imported into CIMTool to define a profile

© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. 39

Data Dictionary

An Excel spreadsheet that describes the contents of one or more profiles

Tabs exist for Classes, Attributes, Associations, Data types, Enumerations and Units

© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. 40

Importing Spreadsheet

Can import the Data Dictionary spreadsheet as a profile

File>Import Select ‘Import

Spreadsheet as Profile’ option

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Importing Spreadsheet

The spreadsheet may identify one or more profiles

Can select which profiles to construct

Can only construct one at a time

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Importing Spreadsheet

Need to identify the project in which the profile will be created

The name of the profile is set by default, but can be modified

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Importing Spreadsheet

New profile (.owl file) is created if there are no fatal errors

A log file is created that identifies any errors

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Importing Spreadsheet

A log file (.log) is generated with the profile to identify errors, if any

The log file identifies what could not be found for inclusion into the profile definition

© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. 45

Extending the Spreadsheet

You can also create a new profile definition in the spreadsheet for import into CIMTool using the following steps:

1. Insert new profile columns into the ‘Classes’, ‘Attributes’ and ‘Associations’ tabs

2. Provide the same profile name on row one of each of the added columns

3. Set the value of each new cell to ‘TRUE’ or ‘FALSE’ 4. Run the spreadsheet import process as described previously 5. Look for errors in the log file

© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. 46

Creating a Profile using the Copy/Paste Function

© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. 47

Create a Profile Using Copy/Paste

Select the Profile you wish to copy Right click on the .Owl file and select ‘Copy’ Right click again and select ‘Paste’ Enter the name of the new Profile to be created in the

Dialog The set of Profile files will be generated Right click on the new .Owl file and select Properties Enter the new Profile namespace in the dialog This method will be demonstrated after the


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Generating RDF Schemas

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Generating RDF Schemas

Load the desired profile

Select the ‘Summary’ tab

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Generating RDF Schemas

Check ‘Builder for legacy-rdfs’

Check any other desired builder options

Click on ‘File>Save’

© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. 51

Generated RDF Schema

To view the actual RDFS, right click file name in Project Explorer

Then select ‘Open With > Text Editor’ option

© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. 52

XML Schema Design

© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. 53

XML Schema Options

XML Schemas are key to message-based integration IEC 61968 leverages the CIM for message-based

integration Given a profile definition, there are a variety of options that

may be used to control the generation of an XML Schema: Envelope name for the profile

Definition of ‘concrete’ classes (to generate an XML element)

Restrictions on cardinalities

Associations implemented either ‘by value’ or ‘by reference’ Also can create a stylesheet to customize the format of

generated XSDs

© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. 54


Associations may be realized either nested inline ‘by value’, or ‘by reference’

Default is ‘by value’ A check box is used to select ‘by reference’ option

on the Add/Remove tab In the ‘by reference’ case a ‘ref’ attribute is

generated to point to an instance elsewhere in the XML

Typically an mRID value should be used for the value of the ‘ref’ attribute

© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. 55

Associations ‘By Reference’

ReadingType is used within the definition Reading

Arrow shows that it will be realized ‘by reference’

ReadingType instances are instantiated elesewhere in the profile definition

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Selecting XSD Generation

XSD generation must be selected on the Summary tab for the profile

Other options such as HTML generation may be selected concurrently

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Eclipse XSD Editor

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XML Schema Editors

Altova XML Spy has been a dominant XML Schema editor and is certainly a great tool, setting a ‘gold standard’ for comparison of other XML tools

As a consequence of the strong adoption of XML Schema, many other good and typically lower cost products now exist

Eclipse has a free XML Schema editor To install Eclipse XML editor:

In Eclipse, select ‘Help->Software Updates’

Select ‘Available Software’ tab

Find ‘Web and Java EE Development’ category

Look for ‘Eclipse XML Editors and Tools’

Click appropriate check box and install

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Generated XSD Example

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XML Schema Rules

Used to control XSD generation

Create using: File > New > XML Schema Rules

Select project and profile

A default <profile>.xsd-xslt file is generated

File may be edited to control XSD generation for the profile

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Stylesheets for XSD Generation

Use Eclipse editor to edit Schema Rules: File->Open with-> Text Editor

Common actions: Use different


Force attributes to be created in certain cases

Remove or revise documentation and annotations

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Editing XML Schema Rules

Above example shows how to modify XSLT so that documentation is not included in XSDs (e.g. for brevity)

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Generating XSD Schemas

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Generating XSD Schemas

Load the desired profile

Select the ‘Summary’ tab

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Generating XSD Schemas

Check ‘Builder for XSD’

Check any other desired builder options

Click on ‘File>Save’

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Generated XSD Schema

To view the actual XSD Schema, right click file name in Project Explorer

Then select ‘Open With > Text Editor’ option

© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. 67

CIMTool Output Options CIMTool can generate several ‘styles’ of outputs for profile definitions,

including: XSD



HTML CIMTool can generate several ‘styles’ of RDF or OWL as outputs for

profile definitions, including: Legacy RDFS (currently the most commonly used)

Legacy nested RDFS

Simple OWL

Simple nested OWL CIMTool can also generate Java Both the form of XSDs and HTML generated can be controlled by


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HTML Documentation

HTML option generates a single HTML file with description of all classes

Hyperlinks allow navigation between class descriptions and type definitions

Free tools exist for HTML to Word conversion

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Importing a Model

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Importing a Model

In order to validate a model, it must first be imported Model files to be imported are in a CIM/XML RDF

format with a .xml extension Model files can be very large, as much as 2GB in size The import process can take many minutes The resulting model is placed in the ‘Instances’ folder

of the project

© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. 71

Importing a Model Select ‘File > Import’ On ‘Import’ dialog select

‘Import Model (CIM/XML file)’ option

Click ‘Next’ Check the project to import

into Browse to find the file to

import Select an appropriate

profile Click ‘Next’ OR Select the Model Import

ICON on the toolbar and complete the screen shown

© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. 72

Importing a Model That Already Exists

Change the file name if you wish to save to a different sub folder

Check ‘Replace existing model’ if you wish to overwrite

Click ‘Finish’ Wait for the import to

complete, as it may take several minutes (up to an hour for a very large model)

Watch the progress icon at the bottom of CIMTool where it says ‘Importing model …’

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Imported Model

The imported RDF model is stored within the Instances folder of the project

Errors are recorded in log files A folder is created to store the model in typically many

smaller files that have a .ttl extension The .ttl files are in Terse RDF Triple Language format

(more compact than CIM XML)

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Validating a Model

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Validating a Model

Validation of the model occurs when a model is imported

Errors are identified in log files in the ‘Instances’ folder of the project with a name in the form <profile>.log

If errors exist, a diagnostic file is created which can be browsed

CIMTool has a default set of validation rules, where the rule file is named <profile>.split-rules

Rules can be edited and extended

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Example Validation Errors

Undefined classes Undefined properties Instantiation of abstract classes Illegal cardinality on an association (e.g. more or less

associations than expected) Range violation for a data item Illegal domain of a property Base voltages for conducting equipment connected at a

connectivity node do not agree Isolated nodes Untyped objects Missing or extra terminal Duplicate properties Unexpected loop

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Browsing Diagnostic File


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Importing and Validating an Incremental Model

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Importing Incremental CIM/XML

First step is to import an incremental CIM/XML file using File > Import and select CIMTool/Import Incremental CIM/XML file (or use the ToolBar ICON)

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Importing Incremental CIM/XML

Must have imported a base instance model BEFORE attempting this

Need to browse to select file

Need to select the appropriate base model

Errors will be reported in a log file

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Validating an Incremental Model

Validation occurs when the model is imported Errors are identified in log files in the ‘Incremental’

folder of the project with a name in the form <profile>.log

If errors exist, a diagnostic file is created which can be browsed

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Browsing Diagnostic File

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Updating a Schema

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Updating a Schema in CIMTool

From time to time, there may be updates to the UML model. These updates will result in a revised XMI file

You should not directly replace a file in the CIMTool workspace directory

You should instead, using CIMTool File menu options: 1. Delete the old schema

2. Import the new schema Be sure that the correct namespace is entered Profiles with errors will be flagged with a red X


© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. 85


A commonly used namespace is http://iec.ch/TC57/CIM-generic#

If namespaces do not match between schema, profiles and the model files errors may be encountered

Default namespaces to be used by CIMTool can be changed using Window > Preferences and selecting CIMTool option

Most problems encountered in CIMTool surround the namespace.

It is best to use the default (defined above) for all project files


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Changing Namespaces

Namespaces can be changed by right clicking on a file name in the Project Explorer and then selecting ‘properties’

The namespace is shown on the CIMTool property dialog

Namespaces can be changed as desired

Note that this may impact existing profile definitions

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Exporting a Project

It is often necessary to export a project for use by others, or to use on other computers

Use File > Export

Select Archive File option

Select Next

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Exporting a Project

Need to select output format, ZIP is usually best

Need to select output file name

Project can be later imported back into Eclipse using File > Import

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Switching Workspaces Sometimes it is

necessary to move or change the location of your workspace folder, or use multiple workspaces

To point Eclipse to the new workspace folder use File > Switch Workspace

Select the desired workspace folder

The settings will be updated and Eclipse will restart

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Renaming Resources

Sometimes it is necessary to rename projects, folders within a project or files within a folder

It is important to do this using Eclipse, instead of directly making changes to the resource outside of Eclipse

To rename, right click on the desired resource in the Project Explorer and select ‘Rename’

Now you can change the name of the resource

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Changing CIMTool Preferences

Preferences can be changed using Window > Preferences and selecting CIMTool option

Select ‘Apply’ and ‘OK’ after editing to save

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Errors will be written to ‘.diagnostic’ files These are often the consequence of changes in the CIM that

have eliminated used classes, relationships or attributes Profiles can then be edited to correct the problems

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Backing Up a Project

Easy way … Easiest way to back up a project directory is to use WinZip or

a similar archive tool

Using WinZip (or similar tool), simply create an archive file of the project folder within the workspace

Using a source repository … Many commercial source repositories options exist that

integrate with Eclipse

Plugins can be found for: CVS Visual Source Safe Clear Case

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Importing a Project

Select File > Import > To import projects into Workspace

Click Next Browse to

identify a project directory

Can use ‘Copy projects into workspace’ to make a copy of the directory instead of working directly out of the chosen directory

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Deleting a Project

Right click on name of project in the Project Explorer

Files will only be deleted if the ‘Also delete contents under …’ option is selected

Click ‘Yes’

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CIMTool Updates

TO obtain updates to Eclipse and CIMTool

Use Help > Software Updates > CIMTool

Select ‘Search for New Features to Install’ option

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Where Do I Get …

CIMTool and Eclipse: http://eclipse.org

http://cimtool.org CIM:

http://www.ucaiug.org/CIMug IEC Standards:


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Not possible without the efforts of Arnold DeVos, the developer of CIMTool

Thanks to those companies that also helped to fund CIMTool development

Thanks to the CIM model managers that have helped to advance the CIM: Kurt Hunter, Siemens (WG13) Kendall Demaree, Areva (WG13) Lars-Ola Osterlund, ABB (WG13) Tatjana Kostic, ABB (WG14) Margaret Goodrich, SISCO (WG16)

© Copyright 2008 SISCO, Inc. 100

More Information

Eclipse web site: http://eclipse.org CIMTool web site: http://cimtool.org E-mail: [email protected]

Screen Shots Compliments of UISOL and Scott

