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Using Mapping Tools in MATLAB

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An Introduction to Meteorological Tools in MATLAB By Eric Hughes ([email protected] ) The follow tutorial is intended to give the reader a quick overview of many Meteorological applications of the many tools in MATLAB. The first part of the tutorial will focus on the usage of the Mapping Toolbox. Here we will look at how to create map projections and over-plot data onto them. The second part will look at a specific example of over-plotting contour maps. All the code used in this tutorial can be found at: http://userpages.umbc.edu/~ehughes1/MappingExamples/mappingExampleCode.m The data used in this tutorial can be found at: http://userpages.umbc.edu/~ehughes1/MappingExamples/mappingExample1.mat The Mapping Axis MATLAB offers a wide variety of powerful tools for projecting data onto global maps. My intention here is to list a few examples using these tools in the simplest manner possible. Before we plot any data, we must first specify the type of map projection that we want to use. Here are a few examples of some common map projections: mercator eckert4

An Introduction to Meteorological Tools in MATLAB By Eric Hughes ([email protected])

The follow tutorial is intended to give the reader a quick overview of many Meteorological applications of the many tools in MATLAB. The first part of the tutorial will focus on the usage of the Mapping Toolbox. Here we will look at how to create map projections and over-plot data onto them. The second part will look at a specific example of over-plotting contour maps. All the code used in this tutorial can be found at: http://userpages.umbc.edu/~ehughes1/MappingExamples/mappingExampleCode.m The data used in this tutorial can be found at: http://userpages.umbc.edu/~ehughes1/MappingExamples/mappingExample1.mat T h e M a p p i n g A x i s MATLAB offers a wide variety of powerful tools for projecting data onto global maps. My intention here is to list a few examples using these tools in the simplest manner possible. Before we plot any data, we must first specify the type of map projection that we want to use. Here are a few examples of some common map projections: mercator eckert4

ortho stereo

S e t t i n g U p A M a p P r o j e c t i o n Now that you’re a bit familiar with a few different map projections, let’s see how we can create one for ourselves. First, open up a new plotting window: figure;

Now, let’s create a map projection for this window. To do this we will want to use the ‘axesm’ command: axesm('MapProjection','ortho','origin',[90,0])

In the previous line we told axesm to make a ortho projection, 'MapProjection','ortho' , and centered this projection at the coordinates: Lat: 90 , Lon: 0 with the option ‘origin',[90,0] . Use the ‘framem’ command to put a frame around your mapping region: framem

Now that we have our axis setup, we will generally want to overlay the continents on this projection. MATLAB provides the data necessary to draw the continents onto a map in the file: coast.m: load coast;

Loading this file gives us two new variables (which are put into current workspace): lat and long. We’ll want to plot this data onto our map projection to view the continents: plotm(lat,long,'k')

Since we centered our projection at Lat: 90 and Lon 0, we see a nice map of the north pole. The ‘k’ option was used to tell plotm to plot the continental coastline in black. It is often useful to put gridlines on a map; this is easily done with the command: gridm

OK. So far we have manage to create map based on a specified projection type and centered it on the North Pole. The rest of this tutorial will involve projecting data onto this map, so it would be useful if we could create a ‘shortcut’ that allowed us to make these maps quicker. The easiest way to do this would be to create a script file that contained all of the commands that we just wrote. To do this in MATLAB, type edit setMap.m This will open the MATLAB file editor and create the file setMap.m ( you can choose any filename that you would like, as long as it ends in .m ) In the editor, paste the following commands: load coast figure; axesm('MapProjection','ortho','origin',[90,0]) framem plotm(lat,long,'k') gridm clear lat long;

Notice that this is everything these are all the commands that we just used, with the exception of the last line. The last line ‘clear lat lon’ merely remove the coastline variables lat and long from our workspace. It’s good practice to remove these variables from your workspace after you have created your map. Otherwise, thing will become more confusing when you are actually plotting data onto your map. Now save this file and go back to the MATLAB command window and type: setMap Pretty cool, huh? Now, anytime that we want to create a map projection we just need to type ‘setMap’. OK. Now that we’ve taken a look at creating maps lets do something a bit more useful. Lets plot some data on this map!!! P l o t t i n g D a t a o n a M a p P r o j e c t i o n The data that I’ll be using for the rest of these examples can be found at: http://userpages.umbc.edu/~ehughes1/MappingExamples/mappingExample1.mat

Download this file, put it in your current working directory, and type: load mappingExample1.mat This file contains the following variables: data – Information about the data (where it came from, the time it represents, …) gridRes – the horizontal resolution of the data (lat x lon) plevs – the pressure level heights temp – temperature u – zonal wind speed v – meridional wind speed When you load this data into your workspace, you’ll see:

Before we go too much further, we’ll need to discuss a minor detail associated with plotting data on a map projection. For each data point that we have (like temperature data) we need to tell a plotting routine where to place this point on the map. Since this data has a 1o x 1o resolution, we know that we will need to construct a lat and lon array as: gLat = 90:-1:-90; gLon = 0:359; We now have arrays that look like the following: glat: [90 -90] with dimensions (1 x 181) glon: [0 359] with dimensions (1 x 360) temp: [ ??????? ] with dimensions (360 x 181)

For some routines (like any contour routines) you can input the following three arrays and the routine will understand the where to place the temp data on the globe; based on the dimensions of the data. Unfortunately, some routines are not that smart (like quiverm) and you will need to tell them the lat and lon coordinates for every single data point. Since we’ll be using the quiver routine later on, well assume the routines are not too intelligent and construct lat and lon arrays that associate a coordinate for every single data point. In other words, we want: glat: [90 -90] with dimensions (360 x 181) glon: [0 359] with dimensions (360 x 181) temp: [ ??????? ] with dimensions (360 x 181) This can be done by using the following command: [gLat,gLon] = meshgrid(gLat,gLon); Alright, now lets have some fun with this data! M a k i n g C o n t o u r P l o t s o n M a p P r o j e c t i o n s First, lets get our map projection: setMap To create a non-filled color contour, use the following command: contourm(gLat,gLon,temp(:,:,1))

Notice that here we have made a contour of the data temp(:,:,1), which corresponds to the horizontal temperature data on the plevs(1) height. Typing in plevs(1) into the command window tell us that this is the 1000 mb height. Now this plot looks OK, but a filled contour plot would look much better… To make a filled contour plot, type: contourfm(gLat,gLon,temp(:,:,1))

This plot looks a lot better …. but what happened to the continents!!! I don’t really have a great explanation for why this happens, but I do have a very good rule to follow. Whenever you do a new contour plot, reset your map projection. Thus, if we type: setMap contourfm(gLat,gLon,temp(:,:,1))

Now we have a much better looking contour plot. You can add a title to this graph by typing: title('Temperature on the 1000 mb Surface')

V i s u a l i z i n g V e c t o r F i e l d s Since we have wind field data, it would be nice if would create a nice plot to visualize this data. Fortunately, MATLAB makes this very simple with the quiver plotting command. Using our map projection, lets create an ‘arrow’ plot using quiver: setMap quiverm(gLat,gLon,u(:,:,1),v(:,:,1)) title('Wind Field on the 1000 mb surface')

Although this plot looks a bit ‘busy’, we can zoom in on it so see smaller features.

We can also use both the contourfm and quiver plotting commands to project the wind fields onto a contour plot of the temperature: setMap contourfm(gLat,gLon,temp(:,:,1)) quiverm(gLat,gLon,u(:,:,4),v(:,:,4),'k')

Notice the usage of ‘k’ in the quiver command. This tells quiver to plot black arrows instead of the default blue arrows. Z o n a l M e a n P l o t s Were going to take a break from map-projected plots to look at zonal mean plots. These plots are fairly simple to construct, we just need to average over the zonal component of

the data. There are several ways to do this, but by far the simplest way to do this is to use the dimension option on MATLAB’s ‘mean’ function. Since our data is of the form: 360 x 181 x 18 We can see that the zonal component of this data is in the first dimension (360). Thus, we can average over this dimension with: temp_zmean = mean(temp,1) However, the output of this procedure creates ‘temp_zmean’ with the dimensions: 1 x 181 x 18 This first dimension is useless and will need to be removed: temp_zmean = squeeze(temp_zmean) and the dimension for temp_zmean is now: 181 x 18 As always, we’ll need to tell MATLAB where to plot this data: mlat = 90:-1:-90; We can now do a simple contour of temp_zmean with the command: contourf(mlat,plevs,temp_zmean')

Wow, this contour plot is pretty crummy… how can we make it look better? Before I answer that question, I need to explain something that I did in the previous line.

Notice that I used temp_zmean' instead of temp_zmean. Why did you use a ‘ here? First of all, ‘ is MATLAB’s transpose operator. Since we gave MATLAB mlat and plevs as vectors, the inputs looked like: Inputs: mlat plevs temp_zmean’ Input Dimensions: (181 x 1) (18 x 1) (18 x 181)

** MATLAB uses the order (Rows x Columns) where mlat is the x-axis dimension (or number of columns) and plevs is the y-axis dimension (or number of rows). If we had not used the transpose operator here, we would be inputting: Inputs: mlat plevs temp_zmean Input Dimensions: (181 x 1) (18 x 1) (181 x 18) and MATLAB would have given us an error.

OK, now lets try and fix this plot! First lets fix the axis. In the atmosphere, pressure will generally range from 1000 mb 0 mb as the height increases from 0 km ∞ km. So lets make our plot a bit more intuitive by making the pressure scale range from 1000 mb 0 mb: set(gca,'ydir','reverse','ylim',[0,1000])

I’m not going to go into any real detail here in explaining what this line does, just know that this is basically flipping the y-axis. Alright, now lets try and fix the range of this contour plot.

Looking at this contour plot, it appears as if the contour routine is only drawing 2 contour (this isn’t really true, but it appears that way). So let’s first try and fix this by telling the routine to plot more contours: contourf(mlat,plevs',temp_zmean',50) set(gca,'ydir','reverse','ylim',[0,1000])

Here we told the contourf routine to plot 50 contours. But wait, I still don’t see 50 contours?!?! Alright, well let’s check the range of our data: min(min(temp_zmean)) max(max(temp_zmean))

This tells us that our data ranges from -999 to ~300 K. By default, all contour routines will define the contour levels by performing a linear interpolation between the min data value and max data value. Therefore, when we tell contourf to make 50 contours, the routine will make 50 equi-spaced contour levels between -999 and 300 K. But wait, you can’t have a temperature value of -999?!?! Many data models and instruments will use the value -999 as a flag to signify that the data at this location is bad. Therefore, we

would like to set our contours to range between something more reasonable; perhaps 180 K 300 K. To do this, we’ll need to give contourf a vector of predefined contour levels: clevels = 180:((300-180)/29):300; This gives us a total of 30 values that range from 180 300. Now, lets input this into the contourf routine: contourf(mlat,plevs',temp_zmean',clevels) set(gca,'ydir','reverse','ylim',[0,1000])

Now that’s a pretty good looking zonal mean contour plot! But what if we wanted to remove those black contour lines (you’ll see the importance of this later). This can be easily done specifying the line style in the contourf command:

contourf(mlat,plevs',temp_zmean',clevels,'LineStyle','none') set(gca,'ydir','reverse','ylim',[0,1000])

And now the black contour lines are gone. Now that we have our contour plot looking quit pretty, let’s label our axis: ylabel('Pressure (mb)') xlabel('Latitude (degrees)') title('Zonanl Mean Temperature (K) ') colorbar

Now that’s a good-looking plot!!! As a final note, I’d like to show you how to overplot one contour plot onto another. Let’s start with the contour plot that we just made: figure; contourf(mlat,plevs',temp_zmean',clevels,'LineStyle','none') set(gca,'ydir','reverse','ylim',[0,1000]) ylabel('Pressure (mb)') xlabel('Latitude (degrees)') title('Zonanl Mean Temperature') colorbar title('Zonanl Mean Temperature (K)') O v e r - P l o t t i n g M u l t i p l e C o n t o u r s Now lets over-plot the mean zonal winds atop this zonal mean temperature plot. First, we’ll need to get the zonal mean of the zonal winds: u_zmean = squeeze(mean(u,1));

Now lets plot this on top of our current plot. First we’ll need to tell MATLAB to hold the current plot: hold on;

** Notice that we didn’t have to do this with the mapping plots. By default, the mapping tools will have this set as on.

We also want to keep the current color scale that we have (as seen on the color bar), so well need to tell MATLAB to keep this fixed: caxis(caxis) Now let’s plot another contour on top of the current one: contour(mlat,plevs',u_zmean',ulevels,'k')

Now you can see why we choose to remove the black contour lines on our original temperature contour plot. Overall, these examples are just a few simple examples of MATLAB’s graphical power. As always, a full list of any of these functions and many more are listed in MATLAB’s documentation files (type doc in the command window for quick access). I hope that these examples have helped give you an introduction into MATLAB’s Mapping Toolbox and other various uses frequently needed in the field of Atmospheric Physics. A special thanks is given to Dr. Wallace Mcmillan for advice on certain MATLAB tips. Feel free to e-mail me any questions, comments, or suggestions regarding this tutorial at [email protected].
