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Using Return Path Data to Promote Your Brand: Marketing/Research Breakout Session - LA

Date post: 13-Feb-2017
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Using Return Path Data to Promote Your Brand Marketing/Research Breakout Session Tom Sather Senior Director of Email Research, Return Path


Using Return Path Data to Promote Your Brand Marketing/Research Breakout Session

Tom Sather

Senior Director of Email Research, Return Path


Email addresses in the world.

Facebook users in the world.

Twitter users in the world.



53% of marketers state email produces significant

or some ROI.

Only 29% of marketers say the same for social.



How Effective is Email Marketing?

Source: Sikich, 2013

Consumers who receive marketing emails  spend 83% more when shopping

ROI = $44.25 for every dollar spent

They order 28% more often

Their orders are 44% larger

70% of digital marketers see email as the top medium for ROI

And here’s why…


Email Optimization

Drive more ROI from the #1 digital channel

Increase email spend by 15-20% by reallocating

budget from lower performing channels

Delivered 60 million

more monthly responses

Got nearly 25 billion

messages to the inbox


2.5 billion+ Mailboxes in the

provider cooperative

4 million+ Consumers

in the end-user panel

50 billion+ Messages

scanned and parsed

The Return Path Data Cloud We curate exclusive information and translate it into unexpected insights, empowering clients and partners to make great decisions.


What a Marketer Worries About Before Hitting Send


Opportunities for Email Marketing

•  Reach the Inbox •  Grab Their Attention

•  Be Relevant •  Gain a Competitive


•  Earn and Maintain Trust


Opportunity: Reach the Inbox


On average 21% of commercial emails land in spam or get blocked.


Reach The Right Inbox

Optimize email visibility by getting more email delivered.

Get on the Best Certified Whitelist

Assess Your Inbox Placement

Know Your Sender Reputation


Solution: Data

•  Using data, we can analyze many aspects preventing organizations from reaching their customers, grabbing their attention, and being relevant.

Open rates

Complaint rates

Inbox placement rate

Personalized delivery


Deliverability is Like a Roller Coaster

•  Low Inbox Placement Rates

•  Comcast delivery issues

•  Sending behaviors resemble spam signals


“Certification was huge for us. Yahoo and Comcast account for a big part of our file, and our email campaigns reached more people this year because our messages are getting through almost all of the time.”

Daryle Powers VP of CRM Cedar Fair


Opportunity: Grab Their Attention


The average consumer receives more than 500 marketing messages in a given month and opens fewer than 1 in 15.


Capture Attention With the Right Subject Line

Know How You’re Being Viewed

See What Your Competitors are


The Right Message


Optimizing Subject Lines

Subject Line and Body Copy are


Optimize for the Action, Not Just

the Open

Test Everything


What  Are  Words  Worth?










Actual If Sending Average If Sending Worst

Full Send in Millions

Obama: Best vs. Worst


•  Thanks for getting one of these, Tom

•  Did you get one of these yet?

•  Don't miss your (free) limited edition sticker

•  You'll think these are pretty cool:

Emails from Hillary



23% 27% 24%

0% 5%

10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%

Thanks for Getting One of These, Tom

Did you get one of these yet? Don't miss your (free) limited edition sticker

You'll think these are pretty cool:

Winner: Thanks for Getting one of These, Tom


“Return Path is definitely challenging us to get better every day and the new Subject Line Optimizer is a new innovation which we use regularly.”

Jodie Dunkley

eCommerce Director Identity Direct


Opportunity: Be More Relevant


Relevancy and Personalization are Key

Have a secondary email address to get away from

spam and marketing emails.

Said email was their preferred

channel to receive marketing offers

from brands.

39% said they wanted to receive

fewer emails.

32% said they wanted fewer

repetitive emails.


Solution: Data

•  Personalize email frequency and send time of day messages based on customer behavioral data.


An individual is 25% more likely to open an email within the first hour that it lands in their inbox.


The Right Time

Earn more response and revenue by having your email arrive when customers are in their inbox.

Optimize the Send Time

by Subscriber

Pinpoint the Best Day and Time

to Connect

See Higher Opens, Clicks, and



Initiate Send

Send Time Optimization




…the rest of your list

Receives email At 9:00 am

Receives email At 3:00 pm

Receives email At 12:00 am

Subscribers receive email when they are typically online


Case Study | Major Resort

“Send time optimized campaigns perform much better than our control group as well as the default hour.”

Open rates were Click-thru rates were

higher higher


Opportunity: Gain a Competitive Advantage


Solution: Data •  Know your competitors and how your brand performs against theirs

•  Use engagement data from your campaigns to know where to focus and what to prioritize

•  Know how subscribers read your email (clients, devices, and inboxes)

•  Use performance data to create more effective subject lines and content








* Shared subscribers are 6% of Starbucks’ total list size.


Daryle Powers Vice President CRM

Cedar Fair

“Using Inbox Insight we found some great ideas that were working for other companies in our space. Our messages started looking more like theirs. Now when we look at the top campaigns, more and more we see other companies’ messages look like ours. It’s the sincerest form of flattery.”


Opportunity: Earning and Maintaining Trust


Source: RSA Fraud Report (October 2014), EMC

The Average Uptime For Phishing Attacks

Source: APWG Global Phishing Report 2H2014

Email Threat Trends

Phishing Is Up

29 hours

162 % since 2010




•  “DMARC protects almost two-thirds of the world’s consumer mailboxes and 85% of US customers.”

•  DMARC protects your brand from direct domain phishing attacks

•  Instructs mailbox providers on how to handle unauthenticated messages Source: Return Path DMARC Intelligence Report, Feb 2015

Solution: Data


Source: DMARC.org, press release, February 2015

Anti-phishing standard today, inbox placement factor tomorrow


“If your domain doesn’t protect itself with DMARC, you will be increasingly likely to see your messages sent directly to a spam folder or even rejected.”

John Rae-Grant Product Manager, Google


Case Study - Blocket

70% Drop in Support Tickets

99% Drop in Phishing Messages


Reach the Right Inbox

With the Right Message

At the Right Time

#RPWT Sydney • London • São Paulo • Chicago • New York • San Francisco • Los Angeles • Paris
