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Using Songs in Teaching English to Very Young Learners Denise Yüksel Submitted to the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in English Language Teaching Eastern Mediterranean University February 2016 Gazimağusa, North Cyprus
Page 1: Using Songs in Teaching English to Very Young Learners · Using Songs in Teaching English to Very Young Learners Denise Yüksel Submitted to the Institute of Graduate Studies and

Using Songs in Teaching English to

Very Young Learners

Denise Yüksel

Submitted to the

Institute of Graduate Studies and Research

in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of

Master of Arts


English Language Teaching

Eastern Mediterranean University

February 2016

Gazimağusa, North Cyprus

Page 2: Using Songs in Teaching English to Very Young Learners · Using Songs in Teaching English to Very Young Learners Denise Yüksel Submitted to the Institute of Graduate Studies and

Approval of the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research

Prof. Dr. Cem Tanova

Acting Director

I certify that this thesis satisfies the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Master

of Arts in English Language Teaching.

Assoc. Prof. Dr Javanshir Shibliyev

Acting Chair, Department of English Language


We certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate in

scope and quality as a thesis for the degree of Master of Arts in English Language


Assoc. Prof. Dr Naciye Kunt


Examining Committee

1. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Naciye Kunt

2. Assoc. Prof. Dr Javanshir Shibliyev

3. Asst. Prof. Dr İlkay Gilanlıoğlu

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The aim of this study is to examine the importance of using songs in the English

language classroom. This study will identify if using songs in the English language

classroom will promote vocabulary acquisition, and if using songs in the classroom

will motivate the children to learn the English language, and will songs raise the

children’s cultural awareness. The study was conducted at Eastern Mediterranean

Doğa Kindergarten in Northern Cyprus, in total forty kindergarten children aged four

participated within the study. The participants were examined through a pre-test,

post-test, interview, a questionnaire and through classroom observations and field

notes. The pre-test and post-test were designed and developed according to the

selection of songs which had been chosen to teach the target vocabulary by the

researcher. The adapted version of The International Attitude/Motivation Test

Battery by R.C. Gardner (2004) was used for the questionaire, and in order to enrich

the results of the study interview questions were written and developed by the

researcher. Face to face interviews were carried out for the interview questions and

for the questionnaire due to the participants being very young. The interviews were

recorded, transcribed and translated into English by the researcher. The instruments

were analyzed using the statistical package (SPSS 17). The results of the pre-test

confirmed that the children had not acquired the target vocabulary beforehand. The

post-test results confirmed the increase of scores therefore confirming vocabulary

acquisition of the target vocabulary which was taught using the selection of songs.

The results of the questionnaire revealed that when songs were used to teach the

target vocabulary in the English language classroom the kindergarten children were

motivated towards the lesson. The results of the interview questions revealed that

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when songs are integrated in to the foreign language classroom it raised the

awareness of the cultural differences between the languages, the English language

and the participant’s native language, which is Turkish.

Keywords: songs, motivation, foreign language learning, very young learners,

vocabulary, culture.

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Bu çalışmanın amacı şarkıların yabancı dil öğretimindeki önemini incelemektir.

Çalışma kapsamında, şarkıların kelime öğrenimindeki etkisi, öğrencini kültürüne

olan etkisi, şarkıların öğrencinin motivasyonu üzerinde ki etkisi ve hedef dili

öğrenirken öğrencinin eğlenmesine ve hedef dili konuşurken özgüvene olan etkisidir.

Çalışma Kuzey Kıbrıs Doğu Akdeniz Doğa Anaokulu’nda uygulanmıştır ve bu

çalışmaya toplamda kırk dört yaş anaokul öğrencisi iştirak etmiştir. Çalışmaya

katılan çocuklara ön test, son test, görüşme anket ve sınıf içi gözlemler

uygulanmıştır. Ön test ve son test, araştırmacı tarafından öğretmek için seçilmiş olan

hedef kelimeleri içeren şarkıları içermektedir. Anket soruları için The International

Attitude/Motivation Test Battery by R.C. Gardner (2004) kullanılmıştır ve

çalışmanın sonucunu geliştirmek için görüşme soruları araştırmacının kendisi

tarafından yazılıp geliştirilmiştir. Araştırmaya iştirak eden katılımcıların yaşlarının

küçük olmasından dolayı, anket çalışması yüzyüze gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yapılmış olan

bu görüşmeler, çalışmayaı yapan kişi tarafından yazılı ve sözlü şekilde kaydedilmiş

olup sonrasında İngilizce diline çevrilmiştir. Araştırmanın sonucu SPSS 17

kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Ön test sonuçları, teste katılan öğrencilerin test için

kullanılan kelimeleri daha önce bilmediklerini göstermiştir. Son test sonuçları ise

şarkılar aracılığı ile öğrenilmiş olan hedef kelimelerin oranını göstermektedir. Bu

çalışma sonucuna göre, şarkı kullanılarak öğretilen hedef kelimler, anaokul

öğrencileri tarafından olumlu şekilde karşılanmış ve yabancı dile olan

motivasyonlarını artırmış, hedef dili kullanırken kendilerine olan güvenlerini olumlu

şekilde etkilemiş ve şarkı kullanılarak yapılan ders, çocukların dans ederek

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eğlenmelerini sağlamıştır. Çalışma sonucuna göre, şarkı kullanılarak yapılan ders,

diller (İngilizce-Türkçe) arası kültürel farklılık farkındalığını arttırmıştır.

Anahtar Kelimeler: şarkılar, motivasyon, yabancı dil öğrenimi, küçük yaş grubu,

kelime, kültür.

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To Arel, Aral and Ela

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I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my thesis advisor Assoc. Prof. Dr.

Naciye Kunt, for her support, feedback and guidance throughout this study.

Besides my advisor, I would like to thank the examining committee members, Assoc.

Prof. Dr Javanshir Shibliyev and Asst. Prof. Dr İlkay Gilanlıoğlu for their valuable

feedback and guidance.

My sincere thanks to Eastern Mediterranean Doğa Kindergarten and the participants

it was a joy and always will be.

I should also thank my colleagues and friends at Eastern Mediterranean Doğa

School. With special thanks to İnci Durmaz, Cihan Tunceli and Hasret Kaymakam

Karagil for their support, encouragement and patience throughout this journey.

My special thanks to my partner Özgür Afanyalı for his support, understanding and


Last but not least I would like to thank my farther Ali Abdullah Yüksel, My mother

Şengül Yüksel, if it had not been for them this journey would never have started.

And to Serkan Yüksel and Selda Belibağlı for their support, and encouragement

throughout my life.

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DEDICATION ...........................................................................................................vii


LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................xiii

1 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................1

1.1 Background of Study...........................................................................................2

1.2 Purpose of the Study............................................................................................4

1.3 Research Questions..............................................................................................4

2 LITERATURE REVIEW .........................................................................................5

2.1 Teaching English to Very Young Learners.........................................................5

2.2 Theories on Children’s Language Learning........................................................7

2.2.1 Piagetian Theory...........................................................................................7

2.2.2 Vygotsky Theory..........................................................................................8

2.2.3 Bruner’s Theory............................................................................................9

2.3 Very Young Learners ........................................................................................10

2.3.1 Age and Learner Differences......................................................................11

2.3.2 First Language Development......................................................................12

2.3.3 The Benefit of Songs in Child Development..............................................13

2.3.4 The Importance of Using Songs in Language Learning.............................14

2.3.5 The Importance of Teaching and Learning Vocabulary.............................17

2.4 Teaching Methods and Very Young Learners...................................................18

2.4.1 Teaching Very Young Learners with Suggestopedia.................................19

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2.4.2 Very Young Learners and Multiple Intelligences.......................................20

2.4.3 The Importance of Total Physical Response for Very Young Learners......21

2.5 Very Young Learner Motivation.......................................................................22

2.5.1 The Three Perspectives of Motivation.........................................................22

2.6 Culture in the Language Classroom...................................................................24

3 METHODOLOGY..................................................................................................28

3.1 Research Design................................................................................................28

3.2 Context of the Study.........................................................................................29

3.3 Participants of the Study...................................................................................30

3.4 Instruments........................................................................................................33

3.4.1 Questionnaire..............................................................................................33

3.4.2 Interview Questions ...................................................................................35

3.4.3 Pre-Test and Post Test................................................................................37

3.4.4 Classroom Observations and Field Notes ..................................................41

3.5 Data Collection Procedure................................................................................41

3.6 Data Analysis....................................................................................................43

3.7 Reliability and Validity.....................................................................................43

4 STUDY FINDINGS................................................................................................45

4.1 The Analysis of Research Question 1: To what extent does the use of songs

influence vocabulary acquisition? ...................................................................45

4.2 The Analysis of Research Question 2: Does the use of songs raise cultural

awareness for the very young learner? ..............................................................47

4.2.1 Interview Findings Question 1.....................................................................48

4.2.2 Interview Findings Question 2.....................................................................49

4.2.3 Interview Findings Question 3.....................................................................50

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4.2.4 Interview Findings Question 4.....................................................................52

4.2.5 Interview Findings Question 5.....................................................................53

4.2.6 Interview Findings Question 6.....................................................................54

4.3The Analysis of Research Question 3:To what extent do songs affect very young

learner’s motivation when learning the English language?................................65

4.4 Classroom Observation and Field Note Findings...............................................58

4.5 Summary of the Findings....................................................................................65

5 CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION.....................................................................66

5.1 Summary of the Study.......................................................................................65

5.2 Discussion Related to Research Question 1.......................................................67

5.3 Discussion Related to Research Question 2.......................................................69

5.4 Discussion Related to Research Question 3.......................................................70

5.5 Conclusion ........................................................................................................72

5.6 Limitations.........................................................................................................74

5.7 Implications of the Study ..................................................................................74

5.8 Suggestions for Further Research......................................................................75



Appendix A: Questionnaire ....................................................................................88

Appendix B: Interview Questions............................................................................90

Appendix C: Pre-Test and Post-Test........................................................................91

Appendix D: Letter to Eastern Mediterranean Doğa Schools.................................93

Appendix E: Letter from Eastern Mediterranean Doğa Schools.............................95

Appendix F: Interview Sample................................................................................96

Appendix G: Lyrics of Song A................................................................................97

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Appendix H: Lyrics of Song B................................................................................98

Appendix I: Lyrics of Song C..................................................................................99

Appendix J: Lyrics of Song D...............................................................................100

Appendix K: Lyrics of Song E...............................................................................102

Appendix L: Lyrics of Song F...............................................................................103

Appendix M: Lyrics of Song G.............................................................................104

Appendix N: Lyrics of Song H..............................................................................105

Appendix O: Lyrics of Song I................................................................................106

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Table 1: Demographic Gender Distribution...............................................................31

Table 2: Participants Class Distribution ....................................................................32

Table 3: Ethnic Background ......................................................................................33

Table 4: Contents of Pre-Test and Post-Test..............................................................40

Table 5: Cronbach’s Alpha Value of Items................................................................44

Table 6: Pre-Test & Post Test Descriptive Statistics..................................................46

Table 7: Descriptive Statistics of the Post Test Percentage........................................46

Table 8: Paired Sample Statistics................................................................................47

Table 8.1: Paired Sample Test Scores ........................................................................47

Table 9: Descriptive Statistics for Interview Question 1............................................48

Table 10: Descriptive Statistics for Interview Question 2..........................................50

Table 11: Descriptive Statistics for Interview Question 3..........................................51

Table 12: Descriptive Statistics for Interview Question 4..........................................52

Table 13: Descriptive Statistics for Interview Question 5..........................................54

Table 14: Descriptive Statistics for Interview Question 6..........................................54

Table 15: Descriptive Statistics for Questionnaire ....................................................57

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Chapter 1


Around the world more than thousands of languages are spoken, with each individual

language having its own uniqueness. Within these languages the most popular

language used today is the English language; it has become the most popular

language spoken worldwide. Therefore there has been a huge demand for teaching

and learning the English language. The Standards for Foreign Language Learning

(1996, p.40) emphasize that culture should be integrated into the curriculum. A

language cannot be taught without its culture, language and culture are inseparable

and intertwined. When we integrate culture in to the language programs it can

contribute significantly to humanistic knowledge and to the language ability.

Cultural sensitivity can play an important role in the security, defence and economic

well-being of a country and that global understanding can be achieved through the

education system. Therefore in order to enrich the language classroom with the

target languages culture various songs, rhythms and chants can be used as a tool for

cultural understanding and awareness.

Music is found in every culture; even isolated tribal groups have a form of music.

The culture we are in influences our ability to perceive emotion in music. Through

music our emotions can come to life. A fast tempo song can bring excitement or

anger to the listener, a slow tempo may bring sadness and serenity. A smooth

rhythm can make us feel happy at peace and relaxed.

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Music plays a vital role in one’s life, at the start of birth with mothers singing

lullabies to their children. We use music during our important occasions such as

weddings, birthdays and every country has its own anthem.

1.1 Background of the Study

Songs enable the young learner to develop themselves, their feelings and it can also

aid the young learner to make sense and solve problems and discover the world

around them Parlakian & Lerner (2010)

According to Murphey (1992) using songs in the language classroom has its

advantages it can aid the young learner to develop and improve their listening skills

and pronunciation, eventually their speaking skills. Alternatively it can also be a

useful tool for learning vocabulary, sentence structures and sentence patterns. Young

learners develop their cognitive skills through music, it enhances their language

skills through singing, and children learn language appreciation, vocabulary and

rhyme Shipley (1998). In addition Cameron (2001) stated that songs can be a

valuable teaching and learning tool as it helps the learners to improve their listening

and vocabulary.

Ersöz (2007) stated that very young learners have a low concentration span; they

learn slowly and forget easily as they have a short memory. Very Young learners

learn through TPR (Total Physical Response) as they are very energetic and allot of

repetition and revision is required. Richards and Rodgers (2001) defined TPR (Total

Physical Response) as a technique built around the coordination of speech and


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Larsen-Freemen (2000) also stated that the learner’s role is to listen and perform to

what the teacher says. In addition Pinter (2006) stated that a TPR class may appeal to

the kinaesthetic children as it is full of action.

Brown (2007) stated that TPR can be used as a classroom activity as it provides the

learners with a communicative and interactive environment through auditory input

and physical activities.

Furthermore research by Peretz, Radeau, and Arguin (2004) have proven that when

language and music are integrated cognitively then music can act as an important

tool in language learning and for storing and retrieving verbal information.

Therefore music can assist the language learning process to store the information in

the long term memory. It can also act as a motivational tool as it provides language

input in simple and repetitive structures.

Bourke (2006) stated that children live in a world of fantasy and make – believe. In

addition Mckay (2006) stated that a language syllabus should contain elements which

include topics according to the child’s interests, stories, games, enjoyable activities,

songs, chants, rhymes pair and group work.

Each individual child is unique and in order to capture the attention of the children

within the classroom variety is important. Children enjoy listening to songs therefore

their attention will be captured. When we look back to our early childhood there is at

least one song that we do remember that we learned at a very young age.

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Taking in to account the importance of songs in the process of an individual’s

development this study will examine the importance of songs when teaching a

foreign language to very young learners. It will identify the characteristics of the

learners and will also look deeper into the theories which have been developed

within this field. Neurological research regarding this field will also be introduced

and the importance of culture when teaching/learning a foreign language will also be


The research was conducted with very young learners, the aim of the research was to

see if the use of songs within the classroom helps the young learner’s acquisition of

vocabulary, how it will affect their motivation when using the language and will the

use of songs raise their cultural awareness of the target language.

1.2 Purpose of the study

The purpose of the study was to find out if using songs within the English language

classroom would promote vocabulary acquisition, would the children be motivated to

learn the English language through the selection of songs and would it raise the

cultural awareness for the children at Eastern Mediterranean Doğa kindergaren.

1.3 Research Questions

The study aims at providing insight, to the influence songs can have on vocabulary

and culture by considering the following questions:

1. To what extent does the use of songs influence vocabulary acquisition?

2. Does the use of songs in the English language classroom raise the cultural

awareness for very young learners?

3. To what extent do songs affect very young learner’s motivation when

learning the English language?

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Chapter 2


This chapter will review the literaure on teaching English to very young learners,

identify the importance of using songs within a language classroom, and the benefits

that songs can have in the child’s development. The theories on language learning,

the theories on children’s language learning and the characteristics of the very young

learners will be reviewed. The importance of vocabulary learning and teaching,

multiple intelligences culture in the language classroom and motivation will also be


2.1 Teaching English to Very Young Learners

Lisbeth and Ytreberg (1993) stated that young learners cannot organize their own

learning. They are not able to read or write in their first language therefore the

learning process has to be through talk and play and the language must be recycled.

Therefore in order for the acquisition process to take place the learners must

experience the process as they would acquire their first language. Learning a

language for very young learner is incidental, they learn through playing. They are

not consciously trying to learn new words or phrases, they like making sounds,

imitating and making funny noises.

Read (2007) created the C-Wheel which enables the language teacher to create an

optimal environment for the young language learner. It focuses on the learner as a

unique learner and as a unique person. It consists of eight parts which are ideal for

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the learners language learning; creativity, context, connections, coherence, challenge,

curiosity, care, community and creativity. In addition there are six external factors;

teacher, methodology, materials, education and cultural context, curriculum and

evaluation. The aim of the C-Wheel is to create an ideal environment for the learner

to feel safe, supported, praised and successful. In addition Read (2007) stated that in

order for the language teacher to manage the classroom positively, the rules and

norms of the classroom should be observed and the children should also be motivated

to learn and to enjoy the activities.

Also Cameron (2001) stated that within the language classroom routines are vital, as

they provide an opportunity for the learner to interact and make sense of the familiar

language therefore they develop their language skills.

Phillips (1993) suggested that art craft activities, drama playing, role playing; poems,

rhymes and chants, and movement activities should be included in the teaching of

very young learners’ language. In addition Haas (2000) stated that foreign language

instruction for children can be enriched when teachers use thematic units that focus

on content-area information, engage students in activities in which they must think

critically, and provide opportunities for students to use the target language in

meaningful context and in new and complex ways.

Furthermore Slattery and Willis (2001) stated that when teaching very young learners

it is essential to use facial gestures to support what you are teaching, and help the

child to feel secure and safe within the environment by using familiar activities such

as songs and rhymes.

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2.2 Theories on Children’s Language Learning

This section will review the three theories on children’s language learning. Piagetian

Theory, Vygotsky’s Theory and Bruner’s Theory will be discussed.

2.2.1 Piagetian Theory

The teaching of children has been greatly affected by the work of Jean Piaget. He

identified four stages of cognitive and affective development in childhood and

adolescence. Piaget, 1963 stated that the child develops cognitively through active

involvement within its environment and each step is developed and integrated with

the previous steps. Piaget also stated that language teachers working with children

should give importance to the characteristics of the cognitive stages. Curtain &

Dahlberg (2010) stated the stages as the following:

1. Sensory – motor age (0 to 2 years) Babies are unable to consider anyone

else’s needs, wants or interests, therefore are considered as ego centric.

During the sensor motor stage knowledge regarding objects and the way they

can be manipulated is acquired.

2. The stage of pre-operational thought (age 2 to 7 years) during this stage

thought processing is developing for the child. Their vocabulary is

developing and they change from babies to toddlers. The child will gradually

at this stage believe that they are no longer centre of attention.

3. Concrete Operational Stage (age 7 to 11 years) the thought process becomes

more rational, mature and adult like. The child has the ability to develop

logical thought about the object and if they are able to manipulate it.

4. Formal operational stage (age 11 to 16 years) the adolescents are able to

reason beyond a world of concrete reality to a world of possibilities and to

operate logically on symbols and information.

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Also Piaget, (1970) stated that children are active learners and thinkers, they

construct knowledge from actively interacting with the physical environment and

they learn through their own individual actions and explorations. In addition

Lightbrown and Spada (2011) stated that according to Piaget, language represents

knowledge that the child has acquired through the physical interaction of the


Cameron (2011) stated that Piaget believed that cognitive development takes place as

a result of assimilation and accommodation, meaning that he viewed intellectual

growth as a process of adaptation to the world. Assimilation occurs when action

takes place with no change to the child. The child uses an existing schema to deal

with a new object or situation. Accommodation is the child adjusting to the

environment. The existing schema does not work, therefore needs to be changed to

deal with a new object or situation.

In addition Donaldson (1978:86) emphasised “the child tries to make sense of the

world, asks questions, and wants to know, also from a very early stage, the child has

purpose and intentions: he wants to do”

2.2.2 Vygotsky’s Theory

L. Vygotsky, (1962) stated that children learn through social interaction, children

construct knowledge through other people, through the interaction with adults.

Social interaction plays a vital role in the development of cognition. As the child

interacts and socializes they develop cognition by the help of their peers.

In addition Lightbrown and Spada (2011) stated that Vygotsky believed that

language develops through social interaction. He argued that when the child is

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supported within the interactive environment a higher level of knowledge and

performance is developed, referred to as the Zone of Proximal Development.

Neely (2015) stated that the zone of proximal development refers to the distance

between one’s ability to complete a task on her own and her ability to complete a

task with the assistance of a more knowledgeable other. The learners are challenged

to work with others beyond their own current level of development. Also Neely

(2014) stated that according to Vgotsky what a child can do with assistance today,

will be able to do by themselves tomorrow.

Also Clapper (2015) stated that when learning new materials or skills, learners

sometimes need to be assisted with moving through that process; therefore the zone

of proximal development can be used to assist the learner to work through such


2.2.3 Bruner’s Theory

Bruner, (1983) stated that the adult’s role is very important in a child’s learning

process. Like L. Vygotsky, Bruner focused on the importance of language in a

child’s cognitive development.

Mcleod (2012) stated that for Bruner the aim of education should be to create

autonomous learners. The purpose of education should be to facilitate a child’s

thinking and problem solving skills which can then be transferred to a range of

situations. In his research Bruner proposed three modes of representation:

1. Enactive (0-1 years) which involves encoding action based information and

storing it in to the memory. An example would be in the form of movement

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such as a muscle memory, a baby might remember the action of shaking a


2. Iconic (1-6 years) at this stage the information is stored visually through the

form of images. (A mental picture in the minds eye)

3. Symbolic (7 years and onwards) this develops last. The information is stored

in the form of a code or symbol, such as language. The symbols are flexible

and can be manipulated, ordered and classified.

In addition Mcleod (2012) stated that Bruner sees the infant as an intelligent and

active problem solver from birth, with intellectual abilities similar to those of the


Cameron (2011) stated that Bruner argued that routines have a vital role in the

language classroom. The routines can provide the learner with meaningful language

development. Children understand the new language actively with the help of

familiar experiences such as greeting the teacher; therefore they are able to develop

their language skills.

2.3 Very Young Learners

This section will identify the age and learning characteristics of the young learners,

their first language development process and the beneficial factors songs can have on

the child’s development, finally the importance of using songs in language learning

and the importance of teaching vocabulary will be discussed.

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2.3.1 Age and Learner Differences

According to Slatterly and Willis (2001) 7-12 year old language learners are called

young learners and children under 7 are called very young learners. In addition

Ersöz (2007) stated that very young learners are aged between, 3-6. Young learners

are aged between 7-9 and older/late young learners are 10-12 years old.

Ersöz, 2007 & Harmer, 2007 stated that very young learner’s characteristics are

different than adolescents, adults, young, late or older young learners; very young

learners have a short concentration span but can be easily motivated. In addition

Klein (2005) stated that teaching young learners is different from teaching adults.

Young learners can go through mood changes every other minute and find it difficult

to sit in the same position for a long period of time. Although children will show a

lot more motivation than the adult if the subject appeals to them. In addition Ersöz

(2007) stated that very young learners can be easily motivated but they can learn

slowly and forget easily as they have a short memory. Repetition and revision is

necessary, they are kinaesthetic learners although their motor skills are limited.

Also O’Grady (2011) stated that young learners can easily mimic new sounds and

can easily adopt the pronunciation of the words due to their vocal tract muscle. As

their vocal tract muscle is still developing the young learner can produce the words

easier than of an adult learner.

According to Mary Slattery & Jane Willis (2001) very young learners acquire

language through hearing and experiencing, therefore they acquire the target

language the same way that they would acquire their L1. They learn through playing

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they are not consciously trying to learn. They love to play with the language sounds

by imitating and making funny noises.

2.3.2 First Language Development

According to Spada (1999) children go through predictable developmental sequences

or stages when acquiring their first language. Developmental sequences explains the

first process as being the child’s crying, it is a vocal process where the child is trying

to communicate with the parent making them aware that he/she is hungry or

uncomfortable. Soon after the child begins to enter the cooing and gurgling stage

even though the child has no control of the sounds it can differentiate between pa and

ba. And can also identify the different languages that may be used around them. At

the end of the child’s first year the child begins to understand some of the frequently

repeated words such as bye-bye. Once the child reaches the age of two the child can

produce a minimum of fifty words, they also begin to combine the words to form

sentences. They are referred to as ‘telegraphic’ as the child forms the sentence

leaving the articles, prepositions and the auxiliary words out of the sentence

Decasper (2003) stated that from 0-3 month’s babies will start to recognise a familiar

voice and will prefer to hear their mother’s voice. Around 4-6 months babies will be

attracted and fascinated by toys that make different sounds, and will enjoy music and

rhythm. But once they reach the age of 12-24 months then they will recognize

correct pronunciation of familiar words.

In addition to this Decasper (2003) stated that at an early stage we are introduced to

different sounds within the environment and adds that a fetus can feel the sounds and

around five months hear and at twelve weeks the fetus can move spontaneously. At

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five months the fetus responds to phonemes, and will respond to music by blinking

or moving to the beat.

Also Murphey (1990) stated that it may be possible for the fetus to recognise

melodies and their mother’s intonation when they are in the womb. Hence Campbell

(2001) undertook a research which confirmed and proved the development that

music has on the fetus.

2.3.3 The Benefits of Songs in Child Development

Kalmar (1982) stated that songs play an important role in the development of young

children; it helps the body and mind to work together. The child develops

intellectually, socially, emotionally and it can help to develop the motor skills, but

most importantly language can be developed through songs.

Also Barker (1999) stated that exposing children to songs at an early stage helps

them to learn the sounds and the meaning of words. When children listen to songs

they become interactive and use their body they hold rhythm to the melody which

helps them to develop their motor skills.

In addition Weikart (1987) suggested that in order for children to walk to the beat of

music, or to perform simple motor patterns, adults need to recognize the importance

of early gross motor development and of language interaction about rhythm and

movement with young children. Also Levinowitz (1998) stated that children must

experience rhythm in their bodies before they can successfully audit it in their minds.

Levinowitz (1998) stated that children learn about the world that they are in through

play and through the environmental objects and the experiences that they are exposed

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to. If children are exposed to a sufficiently rich musical environment then there will

be an even richer spiral of exposure to new musical elements followed by the child’s

playful experimentation with these elements. Also Campbell (2000) stated that

exposure of music, can enhance a baby’s development, and in some ways may

minimize some development delays.

In addition to this Dr. Alfred Tomatis (1987) discovered that the voice only

represents what the ear can hear. Known as the Tomatis Effect, his research has

helped developmental delays and disabilities including autism. A patient with

Alzheimer's disease when played a song that has emotional memory causes periods

of clarity. It is believed due to music, as it stimulates a part of the brain related to


Also Levinowitz and Guilmartin (1989, 1992) stated that the language development

stages are learned in a predictable stage, hence children develop musically through a

predictable sequence also. Which include singing in tune and marching to the beat of

the song.

2.3.4 The Importance of Using Songs in the Language Classroom

According to Scott (1990) young children will acquire the listening skill first, as they

have not yet learnt how to read. Therefore when the young learner begins to learn a

foreign language their main source of information will be what they hear, backed up

with visuals, facial expressions, movement, mime and through pictures.

According to Lo and Li (1998) using songs as a teaching tool has its advantages,

songs can change the classroom atmosphere. Through songs a relaxed and

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comfortable environment can be achieved therefore the students can develop their

lingual skills.

Addition to this Sarıçoban (2000) stated that using songs in class amuses the

students, provides a positive attitude while learning lingual structures through the

song. Also Hare & Smallwood (2002) suggested that songs can be used as a fun and

engaging learning experience for the students. Songs can also assist in maintaining

the knowledge learned.

Also Mascle (2009) stated that songs and rhymes helps the learner to improve their

listening and sound discrimination and can aid the memory and learning skills.

Schoepp (2001) stated that songs feature structures of daily language use therefore

songs prepare the students for the language that they will encounter in their daily life.

According to Brown & Brown (2008) learning through music can be very effective

as it stimulates the brain while processing the information. Also Paquette and Reig

(2008) stated that music improves the attention and the long term memory of the

learner, it also improves theoretical thinking and develops their creativity.

In addition Fisher & Macdonald (2001) stated that using songs can increase oral

language development, as the young learner hears and sings the song they start to

build background knowledge, it also increases their vocabulary. Also Cameron

(2001) and Pinter (2006) stated that Songs can be a valuable teaching and learning

tool as it can help to develop the learners listening skills and pronunciation.

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Furthermore Bennett-Armistead, Duke & Moses (2005) stated that when songs are

used and the learner sings to the songs it promotes phonological awareness, they

recognize rhyming words and are able to move sounds around in order to create new


Stansell (2008) believed that music positively affects accent, memory, and grammar

as well as mood, enjoyment, and motivation and pairing words and rhythm properly

helps to hold songs together, and to improve the ability of the mind to recall it.

Rumley (1999) stated that songs provide repetition together with physical actions it

promotes learning. Therefore the learner feels comfortable with the foreign

language. Also Schoepp (2001) stated that songs in the classroom provide a positive

attitude and environment. Songs contribute to a supportive and non-threatening

setting therefore the learners are confident and active. Also songs contribute to

fluency and meaningful language structures and exposure to a variety of authentic

language. According to Sharpe (2001) songs provide the learner with language use

in a fun and enjoyable situation.

Kirsch (2008) stated that the material used for the listening activities (stories, songs

or poems) should be meaningful, and appropriate which assist learning according to

the learners’ level. In addition to this Ersöz (2007) suggested that teachers should

choose songs that contain simple and understandable lyrics, the song should be

connected to the topic or vocabulary that the learners studied in class, and which

allows the learners to carry out easy actions emphasis on meaning.

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Also Angi, 1999; Phillips, 2004; Reily and Ward (1997) stated that thematic units

should be used within the classroom to teach the foreign language and the language

should be recycled from lesson to lesson which should also allow the students to

focus on content and communication rather than on language.

A study conducted on Primary school children by Vera and Luna (2013) revealed

positive outcomes in the foreign language classroom when songs were used to learn

the target language the results also revealed a notable improvement in the student’s

oral skills.

A study conducted by Chou (2012) which investigated the learners motivation and

vocabulary acquisition for the language learners of age 8 and 11 through using

games, songs and stories found that by using these techniques the primary school

children motivation, willingness to express themselves and to interact with the

teacher had risen and it helped them to memorise the new words quickly.

2.3.5 The Importance of Vocabulary for the Language Learner

Scrivener (1994) identified the importance of vocabulary for the language learner as

being much more powerful than grammar. Koç and Bamber (1997) stated that in

order to communicate within the target language a substantial amount of vocabulary

is needed. Also Meara (1995) stated that only acquiring 500 words within the target

language will make the learner functionally useless within the language.

In addition Thornbury (2002) stated that learning a second language is a challenge

and in order to overcome such challenges the learners needs to acquire a critical mass

of words in order to understand and produce the language. In time the learner needs

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to remember words and be able to recall when needed. It is also required that the

learner develops strategies for coping with unfamiliar words and its usage.

Also Nakata (2006) stated that vocabulary learning is an ongoing process which

takes time and practice and in order to achieve an effective vocabulary acquisition it

requires repetition. In addition Nation and Waring (1997) stated that vocabulary

knowledge enables language use, language use enables the increase of vocabulary

knowledge, and language use and so on.

Ellis and Sinclair (1989) developed a criteria list on what it means to know a word:

understanding a word means that the word is recognised in written or spoken form,

being able to recall the word when needed, use it with the correct meaning, using it

grammatically correct, being able to pronounce the word, knowing which other word

can be added or not, to spell the word correctly, being able to use it in the correct

situation, knowing if it has positive or negative connotations, and to know when it

can be used.

Medina (1993) stated that vocabulary can be acquired through popular songs, and

using the learner’s favourite songs to teach vocabulary creates an opportunity for

revision and for storing the information in the long term memory. Also Murphey

(1992) stated that music can help the learner to overcome the problem of retaining


2.4 Teaching Methods and Very Young Learners

This section will discuss the teaching methods, Suggestopedia, Multiple intelligences

and Total Physical Response (TPR).

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2.4.1 Teaching Very Young Learners with Suggestopedia

Georgi Lozanov (1978) a Bulgarian psychotherapist developed a teaching method

called the Suggestopedia, he argued that if we use this method to teach a foreign

language then it will be three to five times quicker to teach the target language than

of the conventional methods.

Lozanov (1978) believed that using techniques for relaxation and concentration will

assist the learner to trigger their subconscious resources and therefore maintain

vocabulary and structures where they thought not possible.

Cook (2008) stated that Suggestopedia is a teaching method aimed at relaxing the

student through listening to music. Also Richards and Rodgers (2001) define

Suggestopedia as a method which aids the learner to get a quick conversational

proficiency through music and musical rhythm. Furthermore Larsen-Freeman (2001)

stated that the teachers aim is for the learners to interact with everyday language,

which is introduced through authentic materials such as colourful posters, and

pictures in the target language.

In addition Chastian (1988) stated that this method tries to direct learning to the left

and right hemisphere of the brain. Learning should include analysis and synthesis at

the same time, using the conscious and the unconscious mind.

Lozanov stressed, for the learning process to take place the students need to be

relaxed and the affective filter to be down and great importance given to the feelings

and emotions of the learners. Also Murphey (1992) stated that the idea behind using

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music is apparently to relax students’ defences and to open up their minds to the


2.4.2 Very Young Learner Multiple Intelligence

Gardner (1983) pointed out that human beings have different intelligences and

capacities which can be stimulated within the classroom. He claimed that there are

nine different abilities one of which is musical-rhythmic and harmonic. Also Gardner

(1983) stated that music is the first multiple intelligences to become functional in a

person. The single most important thing in education is for each person to find at

least one thing that he/she connects to, gets excited by, feels motivated to spend more

time with.

Gardner (1983) stated that music intelligence is as important as logical –

mathematical intelligence, linguistic intelligence, spatial intelligence, Naturalist,

bodily – kinaesthetic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, and intrapersonal


Brown (2007) stated that Musical intelligence may be the reason as to why some

learners are able to produce the intonation patterns of a language.

Also McGinn, Stokes and Trier (2005) stated that Music is a natural facilitator of

learning. Also Murphey (1992) stated that using songs within the classroom will

develop linguistic intelligence as the language learner works with all of the language

skills. They will develop comprehension through listening to the song and reading

through the lyrics, pronunciation through singing and writing through creating or

changing the lyrics.

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According to Storr (1992) music and speech are processed through the left and right

hemisphere of the brain, therefore they work together when music is listened to. As

music is listened to the brain will process the pitch, melody, rhythm, timbre and the

language features, so both music intelligence and linguistic intelligences will be


Addition to this Hill-Clarke & Robinson (2004) stated that each individual student

learns in different ways, therefore teachers need to use variety within the classroom

and confirm that music can be used as a variety of a teaching technique.

Also Hyde (2007) stressed that teachers which use different multiple learning

modalities are likely to achieve success for their students and music can help

accomplish that goal.

Blodget (2008) stated that when songs are used to teach a language Gardner’s

multiple intelligences are addressed kinaesthetic, musical, linguistic,

logical/mathematical, social and visual. So it addresses all six intelligences out of

the original eight.

2.4.3 The Importance of Total Physical Response for Very Young Learner

Total Physical Response, according to Larsen-Freeman (2000) the language learner’s

role is to listen and perform to what the teacher says. The teacher is the model,

director, native language is used for instruction and observation is used as an

assessment tool.

In addition to this Zainuddin et al (2011) stated that TPR is an effective method to

use within the classroom when the language learners are within their silent period

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they can engage actively in the language acquisition process by responding


McKay (2006) stated that children love physical activities; therefore Total physical

Response can be used as a type of classroom activity in communicative and

interactive classrooms as it can provide auditory input and physical activity.

2.5 Young Learner Motivation

Harmer (2001) stated that the basic level of motivation is an internal drive which

pushes someone to do things in order to achieve it. Also McDonough (2008) stated

that Motivation is what moves us to act, in this context to learn English, to learn to

teach English, or to teach it. In addition Heckhausen (1991) stated that motivation is

goal orientated a person who is motivated to learn shows effort, has desire, has a

goal, and the ambition in order to be successful.

Pinter (2006) and Paul (2003) argued that young English learners which have limited

opportunities to practise the language out of school will have no motivation to use or

learn the language outside of the classroom, therefore a lack of positive motivation is


2.5.1 The Three Perspectives of Motivation

The three perspectives on motivation will be discussed in this section, the

Behavioural perspective, the Cognitive perspective, and the Constructivist


1. Behavioural Perspective.

Brown (2007) stated that motivation is the heart of Skinner, Pavlov and Thorndike’s

theories of human behaviour. The Behaviourist believe that motivation is driven by

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reward, driven to acquire positive reinforcement, and driven by previous experiences

for reward of behaviour, and thus act accordingly for further reinforcement. External

factors have importance such as teachers and parents.

2. Cognitive Perspective

Brown (2007) stated that the Cognitive perspective on motivation emphasises on

individual decisions. In addition to this Keller (1993) stated that the choice people

make as to what experiences or goals they will approach or avoid and the degree of

effort they will exert in that respect.

Ausubel (1968) identified six needs in order to construct motivation. Such as the

need for exploration, the need for manipulation, the need for activity, the need for

stimulation, the need for knowledge and the need for ego enhancement.

3. Constructivist Perspective

Williams & Burden (1997) stated that the Constructivist view of motivation gives

emphasis on the social context and the individual choices. In addition to this Brown

(2007) stated that People are motivated differently and will act according to their

environment which is carried out according to their cultural and social settings. Also

Maslow (1970) identified motivation as a construct where goals are achieved through

a hierarchy of needs, such as community, belonging, and social status.

Cohen and Dorneyi (2002) stated that in order to promote and influence learner

motivation positively certain methods can be used.

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2.6 Culture in the Language Classroom

O’Grady (2011) stated that more than 6000 languages are spoken worldwide and

they all share the same characteristic features, such as phones, morphemes, articles,

tenses and all share a similar grammatical structure. Also Pinter (2011) stated that all

languages are unique in their own way and are rule governed. When we study in

depth as to what language is we must also consider its culture, as we cannot separate

language and culture they are inseparable.

Bruner (1966, p.6) stated “though it is obvious to say that the child is born into a

culture and formed by it, it is not plain how a psychological theory of cognitive

development deals with this fact”

Kempton (1984) stated that the language structure affects the perceptions of reality

of its speakers and thus influences their thought pattern worldwide. Also Diaz &

Weed (1995) stated that culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge,

belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities acquired by humans as

members of society. Culture gives us an identity it gives us a feeling of belonging to

a certain society, without culture or language then we would have no social or

cultural identity.

In addition Galloway (1985) stated that culture should be integrated within the

language programs as it can contribute significantly to humanistic knowledge,

language ability and cultural sensitivity can play a vital role in the security, defence,

and economic well-being of a country and that global understanding can be achieve

through the education system.

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According to Savignon (2002) a foreign language course should not only give

importance to communicative competence but it should also aim at developing the

learner’s cultural competence. He argued that language learning should be a process

which includes linguistic competence, communicative competence and socio-cultural


In addition to this Brown (2000) stated that the teaching of a language without

teaching its culture will lead to meaningless symbols or symbols were the learners

will attach the wrong meaning.

Peck (1984) Identified culture as the accepted and patterned ways of behaviour of a

group of people. People are born into the culture hence it is learned as a result they

belong to a group of people.

Peterson (2004) suggested that culture is made up of values and beliefs held by

groups of people. It brings people together and in general, culture is the way of life.

Cullen (2000) stated that there is a variety of possible sources of information that can

be used to teach culture, such as videos, CDs, TV, internet, stories, songs etc. Also

Smith (1997) stated that virtual realia is another means of teaching/learning culture

and defines it as digitized objects and items from the target culture which are brought

into the classroom as examples or aids and are used to stimulate spoken or written

language production.

In Addition to this Curtain and Pesola (1988) suggested that in order to introduce

culture to young learner’s songs and rhymes can be used within the classroom as

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they provide cognitive and affective content therefore can enhance the child’s

cultural awareness. Also Linse (2006) suggested that using songs and rhymes can act

as a motivational tool. The students become motivated as they engage within the

songs by dancing and singing therefore learn the language and the target culture.

Rivers (1987) stated that songs and rhymes provide another type of spoken language.

It provides the learner with the awareness of verbal sensibility which is influenced by

the culture and where the person lives.

Donato (2000) stated that when songs are used within the EFL classroom it can act as

an aid to teach the cultural values of the target language such as Christmas, Santa

Clause, Easter etc. As culture is an inseparable part of any language, language

learning also involves foreign culture learning in order to communicate with target

language speakers effectively and efficiently.

Within this chapter we have discussed and identified the research and theories on

language learning and development, teaching young learners, the teaching methods,

very young learners and their motivation to learn.

The aim of this present study is to identify to what extent the use of songs within the

language classroom will influence vocabulary acquisition, will it raise the cultural

awareness of the target language and the children’s native language, and to what

extent the use of songs will affect the learner’s motivation when using the language.

Much empirical studies have been conducted on the advantages and disadvantages

that songs may have on the young learner of English, although much research has not

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been undertaken for the very young learner of English. Hence many scholars have

commented on the affects that songs can have in the language classroom but we have

not received much evidence on their statements.

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Chapter 3


This chapter provides detailed information regarding the research design, context of

the study and its participants. In addition, detailed information will be provided

regarding the instruments used and the data collection procedure and analysis.

3.1 Research Design

The study was designed in order to examine the importance of songs when teaching a

foreign language to very young learners.

The aim of the research was to see if the use of songs within the classroom helps the

young learner’s acquisition of vocabulary, how it will affect their motivation, and to

what extent will the use of songs raise their cultural awareness of the target language.

The data collection procedure consisted of a pre-test and post-test, interview

questions, a questionnaire and through classroom observations and field notes.

Different instruments were used in order to identify the student’s vocabulary

acquisition, motivation and cultural awareness. These instruments were then later

interpreted both quantitatively and qualitatively.

As stated before in chapter 1, the research questions were considered in the research

study and different instruments were used in order to gather the information.

1. To what extent does the use of songs influence vocabulary acquisition?

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2. Does the use of songs in the English language classroom raise the cultural

awareness for very young learners?

3. To what extent do songs affect very young learner’s motivation when

learning the English language?

3.2 Context of the Study

The study was conducted at a private kindergarten; Eastern Mediterranean Doğa

kindergarten, Famagusta, Northern Cyprus. The institution compromises of a

kindergarten, primary school, secondary school and high school. The school was

founded in 2002 in Turkey and in 2011 opened a campus in Northern Cyprus. Today

it has a total of 85 campuses in Turkey and is aiming to increase the number to 100.

The concept for learning at Eastern Mediterranean Doğa Kindergarten is inspired by

nature; hence they promote learning by doing. The students develop physically,

cognitively and psychologically in a healthy way.

The kindergarten consists of three age groups, 3, 4 and 5. In total 115 children attend

the kindergarten. The 3 year age group consists of fifteen children, which are

distributed between two classes. The 4 year age group consist of forty children that

are distributed into three classes, and the 5 year age group consists of sixty children

again divided in to three classes. The education is provided in the children’s first

language which is Turkish.

The kindergarten has a drama room, music room and an ecology building for the

relevant lessons to take place.

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The classrooms are bright and colourful and are equipped with smart boards, the

drama room and the music room are also equipped with the smart boards.

The curriculum for the English Language Learning is based on the 21st century

learning skills. Language learning is a communicative process which meets the

international standards. The 21st century teaching program has five aims. The first

aim is communication, second community, third comparison, fourth connection and

culture. In order to communicate within the English language the five aims are

supported by the Common European Framework through listening, reading, writing,

speaking and oral communication. The English department’s curriculum for the

kindergarten is formed in line with the Common European Framework therefore it

meets the international standards.

The English lesson for the students aged 4 and 5 consist of ten hours a week each

lesson is forty minutes. The students aged 3 have five hours of English lessons. The

lessons are conducted in the student’s classes.

3.3 Participants of the Study

The participants of the study were forty kindergarten children aged four years old.

The gender distributions of the participants are twenty four male and sixteen female.

Overall the male participants were more than the female participants, 60% (24) of the

participants were male and 40% (16) were female (Table 1)

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Table 1: Demographic Gender Distribution

Frequency Percent

Male 24 60

Female 16 40

Total 40 100

The participants of this study were re named, the participants in all three classes were

divided and named according to their class and gender. They have been named as the


Participant 1 (class a, male), participant 2 (class a, male), participant 3 (class a,

female), participant 4 (class a, female), participant 5 (class a, female), participant 6

(class a, male), participant 7 (class a, female), participant 8 (class a, male),

participant 9 (class a, female), participant 10 (class a, male), participant 11 (class a,

female), participant 12 (class a, male), participant 13 (class a, female).

Participant 14 (class c, male), participant 15 (class c, female), participant 16 (class c,

male), participant 17 (class c, male), participant 18 (class c, male), participant 19

(class c, male), participant 20 (class c, male), participant 21 (class c, female),

Participant 22 (class c, male), participant 23 (class c, male), participant 24 (class c,

female), participant 25 (class, c, female), participant 26 (class c, male).

Participant 27 (class b, male), participant 28 (class b, female), participant 29 (class b,

female), participant 30 (class b, male), participant 31 (class b, male), participant 32

(class b, male), participant 33 (class b, male), participant 34 (class b, male),

participant 35 (class b, female), participant 36 (class b, female), participant 37 (class

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b, female), participant 38 (class b, male), , participant 39 (class b, male), participant

40 (class b, male).

In total forty participants participated in the study. The forty participants consisted

of three classes; they have been named as Class A, Class B and Class C (Table 2).

Class A consisted of 13 participants (32.5%), Class B consisted of 14 participants

(35%) and Class C consisted of 13 participants (32.5%). Therefore in total 100% of

the participants participated within the study.

Table 2: Participants Class Distribution.

Frequency Percent

Class A 13 32.5

Class B 14 35

Class C 13 32.5

Total 40 100

The participant’s ethnic background consisted of Russian, British, Turkish and

Turkish Cypriot. In total 2.5% (1) was Russian, 7.5% (3) British, 2.5% (1)

American, 20% (8) Turkish and 67.5% (27) of the participants were Turkish Cypriot.

The native language for 80% (35) of the participants was Turkish, 10% (4) was

native speakers of English and 2.5 (1) % of the participants native language was

Russian (Table 3). Their level in English is Elementary.

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Table 3: Ethnic Background.

Frequency Percent

Russian 1 2.5

British 3 7.5

American 1 2.5

Turkish 8 20


Cypriot 27 67.5

Total 40 100

The occupational background of the participants parents were a mixture, some

worked in the educational sector, health, government, tourism, construction,

business, engineering, legal and banking.

3.4 Instrumentation

The aim of the study was to find out if using songs in the English language

classroom for children aged 4 at the private kindergarten would increased their

vocabulary and if it affected their motivation when using the language and if the use

of songs raised their cultural awareness of the target language. The instruments used

were a pre-test, post-test, a questionnaire, an interview, classroom observations and

field notes.

3.4.1 Questionnaire

The International Attitude/Motivation Test Battery was used for the questionnaire.

The International Attitude/Motivation Test Battery by R.C. Gardner (2004) is

composed of 104 items. The battery scale is through a 6-point scale as strongly

disagree, moderately disagree, slightly disagree, slightly agree, moderately agree and

strongly agree. The International Attitude/motivation Test Battery by R.C. Gardner

(2004) was adapted according to this research. The original test consisted of 104

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items as our participants were very young learners the researcher found that the test

had irrelevant questions according to this study. Thus after eliminating the questions

in total 13 items of the test was conducted on the participants. The researcher

adapted the questionnaire in order to test the participant’s motivation towards

learning English. The battery scale used in the original test was through a 6-point

scale as strongly disagree, moderately disagree, slightly disagree, slightly agree,

moderately agree and strongly agree. In order to simplify the questionnaire even

further for the participants to understand a scale of agree and disagree was used.

The aim of the questionnaire was to receive further feedback from the participants

regarding their perceptions of the English class, and their motivation towards the

lesson. (Appendix A)

Once the questionnaire was adapted it had been translated in to the participant’s

native language, Turkish. The participant’s native language that was not Turkish

such as the American and British participants, the questionnaire was conducted in the

original English language. The Russian participant was also asked in Turkish as he

was more proficient in the Turkish language than the English language.

The questionnaire was conducted by the researcher which was also the participant’s

instructor; therefore a positive environment was produced beforehand. The

participants were called one by one and the questionnaire was read to the participants

and completed according to the participant’s answers as agree or disagree. The

majority of the children understood the questions and were able to answer as yes

when they agreed or no when they disagreed. If a question was asked and the child

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did not understand the instructor simplified the question further for better


In total the questionnaire for all three classes (Class A, Class B, and Class C) were

completed in six, forty minute sessions. The questionnaire was completed after the

pre-test and post-test.

1. I really enjoy learning English.

2. I hate English.

3. I feel very much at ease when I have to speak English?

4. I don’t get anxious when I have to answer a question in my English class.

5. Learning English is great.

6. My Parents try to help me to learn English.

7. I really enjoy the in class activities.

8. I enjoy listening to English songs.

9. I enjoy listening and dancing to the songs in class.

10. I love learning English.

11. I feel confident when asked to speak in my English class.

12. Do you find English songs to be fun?

13. I hate listening to English songs.

3.4.2 Interview Questions

The interview questions were created by the researcher, in total 6 questions had been

formed. The interview questions were developed in order to receive information

from the children. Through asking the relevant questions in Appendix B it would be

possible to identify if the songs used in the classroom raised the cultural awareness

for the children. The aim of the interview questions was to receive information from

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the children to understand if the used songs raised the cultural awareness of the

children. In addition through the interview questions it would be possible to identify

if the children enjoyed the songs used within the classroom and if they thought that

the songs used in the classroom helped them to learn the English language. The

researcher ensured that the language used for the interview questions were simple

and easy so that the participants would understand and be able to express their


The questionnaire was conducted after the lessons were complete and after the pre-

test and post-test and the questionnaire. Each class was completed in six, forty

minute sessions. The six interview questions were asked in the participants native

language, in total forty interviews had been carried out. Due to the researcher being

the instructor and the interviewee for all three classes she knew the children well,

therefore it was possible to make the children feel at ease before the interview. Each

participant was called individually and the relevant questions were asked. The data

was recorded, typed and translated in to English. The questions are as follows:

(Appendix B)

1. Are English songs different to Turkish songs? If so how?

2. Do you prefer to listen to English songs than Turkish songs?

3. Do you listen to any English songs at home, if so which?

4. Do you watch any programs in English such as cartoons?

5. Do you think that English songs help you to learn English?

6. Do you find it easy to learn English through songs?

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3.4.3 Pre-Test and Post-Test

The Pre-Test and Post-Test consisted of six questions, in each sections pictures were

provided in order for the children to identify the vocabulary and language structure.

The researcher asked the question and in order for the students to recall the

vocabulary and language structure the researcher pointed to the pictures one by one.

(Appendix C)

The Pre-Test and Post-Test was designed around ten songs; the aim of the songs was

to teach the target vocabulary and the language structure through these songs. Table

4 is the summary of the songs used in the classroom. The table provides information

on the target vocabulary and the language structure. The target vocabulary is what

they will learn with the help of the songs and the language structure is the sentence

pattern which they will be able to learn through the aid of the songs and of the

teacher. The songs were chosen by the researcher with the guidance of Assoc. Prof.

Dr. Naciye Kunt. The songs were chosen according to the level (elementary) and

interests of the students.

The lessons were taught by the same instructor for all three classes which is also the

researcher for this study. The lessons were conducted and completed in the first

semester of the educational calendar. The lessons were completed in a period of

twelve sessions; each session consisted of forty minutes which is an average class

session which is undertaken for the English language lessons at the kindergarten.

In Table 4 the first two songs Head shoulders Knees & Toes, (speeding up) and the

Ugly Monster Song, from the kids box was used to teach the vocabulary of, eyes,

nose, ears, hands, mouth. The aim of the lesson was for the participants to increase

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their vocabulary and to develop their speaking skills. The performance objective of

the lesson was to ensure that the children will be able to produce the target language

structure (I have two eyes, a nose, two ears, two hands, and a mouth).

The song Put On Your Shoes; Clothing Song for Kids was used to teach the target

vocabulary of clothing: scarf, jacket, hat, shoes, skirt, and trousers. The target

structure for the participants to produce was, it’s a scarf, a jacket, a hat, shoes, a skirt

and trousers.

The song The Journey Home from Grandpa’s aim was to teach the target vocabulary

of vehicles: car, bus, helicopter, plane, train. The target language for production was

it’s a car, it’s a bus, it’s a helicopter, it’s a plane, and it’s a train.

The weather song for kids: The Sun Comes Up, aim was to teach the target

vocabulary of the weather conditions such as sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy and windy.

The target language structure was its sunny, its cloudy, its rainy, its snowy, it’s


The songs Hello! Super Simple Songs, Feelings Song, Songs for Children, How are

you? If you’re happy, happy clap your hands, was used in order to teach the target

vocabulary of happy, sad, angry, thirsty, hungry and tired. The language structure

was I’m happy, I’m sad, I’m angry, I’m thirsty, I’m thirsty, I’m hungry, I’m tired.

In order to teach the target vocabulary of climbing, flying, swimming, jumping,

running, walking. The Song We All Fall Down and Yes, I Can, animal song for

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children was used, the target language structure for these songs was I’m climbing,

I’m flying, I’m swimming, I’m jumping, I’m running, I’m walking.

The purpose of selecting these songs was to develop the learner’s visual,

kinaesthetic, musical, linguistic intelligences and interpersonal intelligence. In

addition the aim of the songs was to develop the learner’s motor skills through

listening, interacting and using Total Physical Response, Barker (1999). Using the

selection of songs would also make the classroom environment for the children safe

and happy therefore they would communicate and learn, considering Krashen (1985)

Monitor model keeping the filter low in order for the students to feel motivated,

relaxed and enthusiastic to learn.

The cultural awareness will be raised through the songs as they will discover how

emotions, weather and greeting are expressed in the target language. Through

interacting with the songs the participants will also appreciate and value the English

culture. They will also learn the gestures and facial expressions that are in the target

language which may differ from their own culture. Therefore through the songs the

structures of daily language use will be encountered therefore the songs will prepare

the participants for the language that they will encounter in their daily life Schoepp


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Table 4: Contents of Pre-Test and Post-Test.

Song. Target Vocabulary. Language Structure.

Song A: Head shoulders Knees &

Toes, (speeding Up).

Song B: Ugly Monster Song, from

the kid’s box.

Eyes, Nose, Ears,

Hands, Mouth.(Body


I have two eyes, a

nose, two ears, two

hands, a mouth.

Song C: Put on your Shoes,

Clothing Song for Kids.

Scarf, Jacket, Hat,

Shoes, Skirt, Trousers.


It’s a Scarf, a jacket, a

hat, shoes, a skirt and


Song D: The Journey Home from


Car, Bus, Helicopter,

Plane, Train.


It’s a car, it’s a bus,

it’s a helicopter, it’s a

plane, and it’s a train.

Song E: Weather Song for Kids:

The Sun Comes Up.

Sunny, Cloudy, Rainy,

Snowy, Windy.


It’s sunny, its cloudy,

its rainy, its snowy,

it’s windy.

Song F:.Hello! Super Simple


Feelings songs, songs for children,

how are you?

Song G: If you’re happy, happy

clap your hands.

Happy, Sad, Angry,

Thirsty, Hungry,

Tired. (Emotions)

I’m happy, I’m sad,

I’m angry, I’m thirsty,

I’m thirsty, I’m

hungry, I’m tired.

Song H: We all fall down.

Song I: Yes, I can, animal song for


Climbing, Flying,

Swimming, Jumping,

Running, Walking.


I’m climbing, I’m

flying, I’m

swimming, I’m

jumping, I’m running,

I’m walking.

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3.4.4 Classroom Observations and Field Notes

The last instrument of data collection used in the present study was classroom

observations and field notes. The classroom observations and the field noted were

documented by the researcher of this study. The classroom observations were

conducted during the teaching, the pre and post test, the interview and the

questionnaire. The field notes were documented during the whole process. The

purpose of the observations and field notes was to gain insight in to the progress of

the children’s vocabulary acquisition and their motivation during this study. And to

reflect on their experiences during this study and the experiences gained by the


3.5 Data Collection Procedures

In order to investigate the influence that songs can have on vocabulary acquisition

and if using songs may raise the cultural awareness of he children and how the use of

songs may affect the children’s motivation when using the English language

permission was requested from Eastern Mediterranean Doğa Kindergarten

(Appendix D), the permission was granted (Appendix E) then the study was


The pre-test was conducted with the participants at the beginning of the first

semester, in order to identify if the children had or had not acquired the relevant

vocabulary. At this point the songs had not been introduced nor had the vocabulary

been taught. It was assumed that they had not acquired the target vocabulary.

The pre-test was conducted at Eastern Mediterranean Doğa kindergarten in the

participant’s classrooms. Class A was conducted first Class B second and Class C

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was the last class to be tested. All three classes were tested in six, forty minute

sessions; therefore all three classes were completed in four hours. The English

language teacher and the examinee of the test was the researcher of this study.

Therefore the researcher knew the children very well and in addition was able to set a

positive environment before the test so that the participants would not feel anxious.

Information was provided to the children in a manner that they would understand

regarding the test. The participants were called one by one and then the examinee

asked the relevant questions in the pre-test accordingly.

The post-test was undertaken towards the end of the first semester, after the songs

were introduced to the children and all lessons complete. The lessons were

conducted and completed in the first semester of the education calendar and was

completed in 6 weeks. The lessons were completed in a period of twelve sessions;

each session consisted of forty minutes which is an average class session which is

undertaken for the English language lessons at the kindergarten. Again the sequence

was as the same as the pre-test. Class A was conducted first Class B second and

Class C was the last class to be tested. All three classes were tested in six, forty

minute sessions; therefore all three classes were completed in four hours. The

researcher of the study set a positive environment within the classroom before

conducting the test in order to make the children feel at ease. The relevant

information regarding the test was explained. Then the participants were called one

by one and tested according to the post-test.

The questionnaire and the open-ended interview were carried out towards the end of

the semester, which was also completed in six, forty minute sessions for each class.

The researcher prepared the environment of the classroom as before a positive one,

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and then the questionnaire was conducted. Once completed the open-ended

interview was conducted for each participant which was recorded and later

transcribed and translated.

The whole process of the pre-test, post-test, questionnaire and open-ended interview

was completed within a twelve week period including the teaching of the target

vocabulary through the selection of the songs.

3.6 Data Analysis

The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS 17) was used to analyze the data.

Firstly the reliability was checked for the questionnaire to see if it has good

reliability. Then the pre-test and post-test, mean, standard deviation, and a paired t-

test and frequencies were implemented. The questionnaire and open-ended interview

were analysed through descriptive statistics.

3.7 Validity and Reliability of the Instruments

The International Attitude/Motivation Test Battery by R.C. Gardner (2004) adapted

version was used for the questionnaire and open-ended interview which was

translated into the Turkish language. The translation was checked by two English

language teachers. The original English version and the translated Turkish version

were checked for the same meaning. Regarding the validity of the questionnaire

expert judgement was used. An expert in second language acquisition, a statistician

and an educational psychologist reached a consensus about the validity of the


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The reliability of the questionnaire had been checked, and descriptive analysis was

used for identifying the data. Cronbach’s Alpha value for the questionnaire was

found at 0.90 therefore it confirmed a good reliability (Table 5)

Table 5: Cronbach’s Alpha Value of Items.

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

0.90 19

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Chapter 4


This chapter will discuss the analysis of the data collected from forty very young

learners from a private kindergarten in Northern Cyprus. The findings of the survey

have been measured descriptively and in light of the research questions.

4.1 The Analysis of Research Question 1: To what extent does the

use of songs influence vocabulary acquisition?

The descriptive statistics was applied for the Pre-Test and Post-Test. The results

revealed that the participants have a mean of 6.63 (m=6.63) for the Pre-Test and a

mean of 33.00 (m=33.00) for the Post-Test (Table 6). The minimum score achieved

on the Pre-Test was 0 and the highest score was 29. The Post-Test results showed

that the participant’s minimum and maximum score was the same 33. Therefore the

results of the descriptive statistics on table 6 shows that there was a great increase in

the mean between the Pre-Test and Post-Test. The participants for the Pre-Test

achieved a mean of 6.63 (m=6.63) showing us a low mean, when we look at the

mean of the Post-Test it had risen up to 33.00 (m=33.00), confirming that there was a

significant mean difference between the pre-test and post-test.

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Table 6: Pre-Test & Post-Test Descriptive Statistics.

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Pre-Test Score 40 0 29 6.63 7.396

Post-Test Score 40 33 33 33.00 000

The results of Table 7 indicate that for the Post-Test there was an increase of scores,

up to 100% of the participants scored higher. Therefore the present finding showed a

noticeable influence on the participants’ performance after the instruction of the

lessons. It can be stated that the lessons taught through the selection of the songs has

had a significant impact on the post-test scores.

Table 7: Post Test Percentage.

Frequency Percent

Post-Test Scores 40 100

A paired sample t-test was conducted to compare the Pre-Test and Post-Test scores

of the participant’s. The results showed a significant difference in scores for the Pre-


Pre-test (m=6.63, SD= 7.396) and the Post-Test (m=33, SD=.000); t (39) =22.554,

p=0.005. Values of sig. (2-tailed) are smaller than .04. As a result, it can be

concluded that the scores of the pre-test and post-test was significant, which can be

interpreted that there was a significant mean difference in the achievement of the pre-

test and post-test (Table 8 & 8.1). There is strong evidence (t=22.554, p=0.005) that

the teaching intervention improved the marks. It improved the marks, on an average

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of 26.375. Therefore the use of songs within the language classroom for very young

learners has achieved its aim the participants acquired the target vocabulary, and the

target language structures through the teaching intervention.

Table 8: Paired Samples Statistics

Mean N




Error Mean

Pre-Test Score 6.63 40 7.396 1.169

Post-Test Score 33.00 40 .000 .000

Table 8.1: Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences

t df

Sig. (2-








95% Confidence

Interval of the


Lower Upper




26.375 7.396 1.169 -28.740 -24.010 22.554 39 .000

4.2 The Analysis of Research Question 2: To what extent does the

use of songs influence culture?

The second research question examined if it was possible to raise the cultural

awareness of the children through the songs. The open-ended questionnaire

consisted of six cultural questions prepared by the researcher. The questions are as

follows: (Appendix B)

1. Are English songs different to Turkish songs? If so how?

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2. Do you prefer to listen to English songs than Turkish songs?

3. Do you listen to any English songs at home, if so which?

4. Do you watch any programs in English such as cartoons?

5. Do you think that English songs help you to learn English?

6. Do you find it easy to learn English through songs?

4.2.1 Participants response to open-question 1: Are English songs different to

Turkish songs? If so how?

This question was asked to the participants to see whether they were aware of the

cultural differences of the two languages and would the participants be able to

differentiate the differences.

The majority of the participants agreed that there is a difference between the English

and Turkish songs, in total 97.5 % (39) agreed to the difference and 2.5% (1)

disagreed that there was no difference between their native language song and the

English songs (Table 9)

Table 9: Are English Songs Different to Turkish Songs, If So How?

Frequency Percent

Agree 39 97.5

Disagree 1 2.5

Total 40 100.0

Only 30% (12) of the participants gave further information regarding this question.

The responses are the following:

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Participant No: 9 (Class A, Female) “They are different but English songs are more


Participant No: 12 (Class A, Male) “They are different because English songs are

more fun”

Participant No: 3 (Class A, Female) “Yes they are different but English songs are


Participant No: 26 (Class C, Male) Agreed that they are different and sang if your

happy and you know it clap your hands first in English then translated the song into

his native language Turkish and stated that’s how they are different.

Participant No: 37 (Class B, Male), Participant No: 21 (Class B, Male), Student No:

29 (Class B, Male), Participant No: 36 (Class B, Female), Participant No: 4 (Class A,

Female), Participant No: 5 (Class A, Female) “In English we speak differently and in

Turkish we speak differently”

Participant No: 6 (Class A, Male) Participant No: 23 (Class C, Female) “They are

different because I heard that they are”

4.2.2 Participants response to open-question 2: I Prefer to Listen to English

Songs than Turkish Songs?

The purpose of this question was to discover if the participants would prefer to

choose English songs rather than the songs in their native language.

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The majority of the participants agreed that they prefer to listen to English songs than

Turkish songs, in total 82.5% (33) agreed and 17.5% (7) disagreed with this question

(Table 10)

Table 10: I Prefer to Listen to English Songs than Turkish Songs.

Frequency Percent

Agree 33 82.5

Disagree 7 17.5

Total 40 100

Only 5% (2) of the participants gave further information regarding this question. The

responses are the following:

Participant No: 14 (Class C, Female) “I enjoy listening to Turkish and English


Participant No: 15 (Class C, Male) “I like both English and Turkish songs”

4.2.3 Participants response to open-question 3: Do you listen to any English

songs at home, if so which?

The purpose for this question was to identify if the participants continued to bring the

English culture into their homes.

92% (37) agreed that they do listen to English songs at home and only 7.5% (3)

disagreed to not listening to English songs at home. (Table 11)

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Table 11: Do You Listen to any English Songs at Home, if so Which?

Frequency Percent

Agree 37 92.5

Disagree 3 7.5

Total 40 100

50% (20) of the participants gave additional information to this question, the

responses are the following:

Participant No: 24 (Class C, Female), Participant No: 11 (Class A, Female),

Participant No: 10 (Class A, Male), Participant No: 38 (Class A, Male) “1, 2,3,4,5

once I caught a fish alive”

Participant No: 17 (Class C, Male), Participant No: 26 (Class B, Male), Participant

No: 4 (Class A, Female), Participant No: 36 (Class B, Female), Participant No: 37

(Class B, Male) “If you’re happy, happy clap your hands”

Participant No: 5 (Class A, Female), Participant No: 2 (Class A, Male), Participant

No: 32 (Class B, Male), Participant No: 40 (Class B, Male) “Five little monkeys

jumping on the bed”

Participant No: 3 (Class A, Female), Participant No: 15 (Class C, Male), Participant

No: 16 (Class C, Male), Participant No: 35 (Class B, Female), Participant No: 33

(Class B, Female), Participant No: 31 (Class B, Male) “Head shoulders knees and


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Participant No: 29 (Class B, Male) “Humpty Dumpty and ten green bottles hanging

on the wall”

It can be confirmed that the participants identified the songs used in the language

classroom; their understanding of the English songs seems to be the ones used only

in the English language classroom.

4.2.4 Participants response to open-question 4: Do you watch any programs in

English such as cartoons?

80% (32) of the participants agreed and confirmed that they do watch English

programs or cartoons at home; hence 20% (8) of the participants disagreed and

confirmed that they do not watch any programs or cartoons in English (Table 12)

Table 12: Do you Watch any Programs in English, such as cartoons.

Frequency Percent

Agree 32 80

Disagree 8 20

Total 40 100

22.5% (9) responded to the open-ended questionnaire and confirmed that they do

watch cartoons in English. The responses are the following:

Participant No: 22 (Class C, Male) “I watch the dinosaur cartoon”

Participant No: 16 (Class C, Male), Participant No: 6 (Class A, Male) “I watch the

Ninja Turtles”

Participant: 31 (Class B, Male) “I watch Batman”

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Participant No: 1 (Class A, Male) “I watch Spiderman and Batman”

Participant No: 10 (Class A, Male) “I watch Mickey Mouse”

Participant No: 37 (Class B, Male) “I watch the transformers”

Participant No: 35 (Class B, Female) “I watch fireman Sam.

Participant No: 32 (Class B, Male), Participant No: 17 (Class C, Male) “I watch


Participant No 14 (Class C, Female) “I want to and tell my parents that I do but my

parents do not let me watch any cartoons in English”

Participant No: 5 (Class A, Female), Participant No: 4 (Class A, Female) “I want to

watch English cartoons but there isn’t any on the television, if there was then I


4.2.5 Participants response to open-question 5: Do you think that English songs

help you to learn English?

The reason for this question was to get feedback from the participants to identify if

they really enjoyed the songs used and if it had promoted their learning.

100% (40) of the participants agreed that English songs do help them to learn

English. (Table 13) No further information was provided by the participants.

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Table 13: Do you Think that English Songs help you to learn English.

Frequency Percent

Agree 40 100

4.2.6 Participants response to open-question 6: Do you find it easy to learn

English through songs?

100% (40) of the participants agreed that they find it easy to learn English through

songs (Table 14) although no further information was provided by the participants.

Table 14: Do you Find it Easy to Learn English through Songs.

Frequency Percent

Agree 40 100

4.3 The Analysis of Research Question 3: To what extent do songs

affect very young learner’s motivation when learning the English


The third research question examined whether the use of songs in the classroom

effected the children’s motivation when learning the English language. The test

battery used for this section was The International Attitude/Motivation Test Battery

by R.C. Gardner (2004) adapted version (Appendix A). The results of the

questionnaire can be observed in Table 15, the analysis of the table is as the


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The results in Table: 15 identified that 100% (40) of the participants agreed that they

really enjoyed learning English. 97.5% (39) confirmed that they do like English

although 2.5% (1) disagreed confirming that they did not like English.

97.5% (39) of the participants agreed that they felt at ease when they had to speak

English and 2.5% (1) of the participants disagreed to this question.

82.5% (33) of the participants agreed that their parents helped them to learn English,

but 17.5% (7) of the participants disagreed, meaning that their parents did not help

them to learn English.

The majority of the participants commented on the questionnaire as agree or disagree

no further information was required by the participants, although 7.5% (3)

participants added their comments on question 6. The feedback is the following:

Question 6: Do your parents try to help you learn English?

Participant No 14 (Class C, Female) “My parents do not help me to learn English at

home, I wish they would”

Participant No: 21 (Class C, Male) “No my parents do not help me to learn English, I

have grown up I learn on my own”

Participant No: 20 (Class C, Female) “Yes my parents do help me to learn English

and so do my relatives”

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100% of the participants agreed that they do not get anxious when they have to

answer a question in the English class. 100% (40) of the participants agreed that they

found learning English to be great. In addition 100% (40) of the participants enjoyed

the in class activities. 100% (40) of the participants agreed that they enjoy listening

to English songs. 100% (40) of the participants agreed that they enjoy listening and

dancing to the songs used in class. 100% (40) agreed that they love learning English.

100% (40) agreed that they felt confident when asked to speak in the classroom.

100% (40) agreed that they found English songs to be fun. Finally 100% (40) of the

participants confirmed that they do not hate listening to English songs as they

disagreed to this question.

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Table 15: Descriptive Statistics of the Questionnaire








1. I really enjoy

learning English

40 100 (40) 0 (0) 1.00

2. I Hate English 40 2.5 (1) 97.5 (39) 1.98

3. I feel very much at

ease when I have to

speak English

40 97.5 (39) 2.5 (1) 1.03

4. I don’t get anxious

when I have to

answer a question in

my English class.

40 100 (40) 0 (0) 1.00

5. Learning English is

really great. 40 100 (40) 0 (0) 1.00

6. My Parents try to

help me to learn


40 82.5 (33) 17.5 (7) 1.18

7. I Really Enjoy the in

class activities. 40 100 (0) 0 (0) 1.00

8. I enjoy listening to

English songs. 40 100 (40) 0 (0) 1.08

9. I enjoy listening and

dancing to the songs

in class.

40 100 (40) 0 (0) 1.00

10. I love learning

English. 40 100 (40) 0 (0) 1.00

11. I feel confident

when asked to speak

in my English class.

40 100 (40) 0 (0) 1.00

12. Do you find English

songs to be fun? 40 100 (40) 0 (0) 1.00

13. I hate listening to

English songs. 40 0 (0) 100 (40) 2.00

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4.4 Classroom Observation and Field Notes Findings

This section will firstly discuss the findings for the documented field notes regarding

the features of the classrooms and will continue with the background information of

the children and then will discuss the classroom observations documented during the

English language lessons, and the observations from the pre-test, post-test, interview

and from the questionnaire.

The classrooms at Eastern Mediterranean Doğa kindergarten are bright and colourful,

and well organised. The tables are organized in a semi-circle and when the children

are seated at the tables they are facing the smart board. The classrooms are provided

with a toy corner, a library and each individual child has their own locker. The walls

have educational posters prepared by the class teacher and each individual classroom

is decorated according to a theme.

The children attending Class A are new to the kindergarten as they have been newly

enrolled to the school. They have no previous knowledge or experience of how the

lessons commence at Eastern Mediterranean Doğa kindergarten. Therefore the

environment of the kindergarten will be new for the children. The children in Class B

and C attended the kindergarten the previous year when they were 3 years old

therefore are well aware of what is expected of them during the lessons.

The researcher of this study has been working full time at Eastern Mediterranean

Doğa kindergarten for three years as an English language teacher. Class B were her

previous language learners when the children attended the kindergarten when they

were in age group 3. Therefore the researcher and the children know each other very

well. Class C, are also children which had attended the 3 years age group, although

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the researcher was not their English language teacher, the children and the teacher

were familiar of each other, as on some occasions the researcher had attended their

lessons when their English language teacher was absent.

The lesson for all three classes A, B and C was conducted after the children adapted

to their new environment. Classroom rules were explained and once the children

adapted and understood how they should follow the rules and behave the lessons and

the instruments were undertaken.

During the pre-test the children were called individually to complete the test, the

majority of the children were eager to follow the instructions provided. The children

were requested to be very quiet during the process as they waited for their turn. In

order to keep the children occupied, play dough was provided. During the pre-test

the children followed the instructions and tried to do their best. At the point where

the children could not answer and as they felt the need to please the teacher they felt

sad. Although the teacher did not respond correct or incorrect and did not use any

facial gestures indicating so, the children identified that they were incorrect and felt

unmotivated when they could not answer the questions. The teacher at this point

comforted the children and informed them that it was acceptable that they did not

know the answers and informed them to try their best. On several occasions the

children answered in their native language and seemed pleased that they knew the


During the post-test the same procedure as the pre-test was used, an explanation was

provided for the children on what was requested from them and the majority

followed through. Again play dough was provided to keep the children occupied.

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The children achieved much better in the post-test, they answered quickly to the

questions and as they answered correctly they seemed happy with themselves. Some

children even wanted to high five the teacher after the test showing their happiness of

achievement. On another occasion some children pointed out that the test was very

easy. As the children were called individually some children called out to the teacher

asking when it would be their turn and if the teacher was to call them, at this point

the children showed their impatience but also their motivation towards the lesson.

During the lessons the new vocabulary was introduced to the children using

flashcards and real props, the children listened to the teacher as they heard the target

vocabulary for the first time and opportunity to practice and repeat the language was

provided for the children. The children were first asked to repeat after the teacher as

a whole class, in order to reduce any anxiety that the children may have. Once

completed the more confident children were asked to repeat individually therefore

the children would listen again and the less confident children would feel more

comfortable in producing the language. During this process some children in Class

A found it difficult to keep quiet when the teacher was introducing the new

vocabulary. In Class A there were three native speakers of English and in order for

them to show the teacher that they already knew the target vocabulary they would try

and answer before the other children and the teacher. Therefore on several occasions

they would answer without putting their hands up. The teacher reminded the children

of the rules and after a few warnings from the teacher they followed through. Class

B and C on the other hand listened accordingly and followed through.

The songs used to teach the target vocabulary was played on the smart boards, with

the children sitting in a u shape on the carpet. For the first time that the songs were

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played to the children all three classes watched and listened to the videos with

interest. On the second occasion of watching the song head shoulders knees and toes

speeding up version the children were asked to stand and follow the same actions

provided in the video. It was observed during the lesson that when the children

interacted to the song and as they used TPR the children were smiling, laughing and

even trying to produce the language. The children enjoyed dancing and singing along

to the song which showed as they willingly followed through trying to keep up to the

song. On another occasion when the children were to listen and follow the same

actions in the song we all fall down, the children were asked to form a circle on the

carpet, they felt excited and intrigued as they were not aware of what they were

going to do. As the song were played for the children without the video the children

remembered the song and as the lyrics began the children listened and with

enthusiasm followed the actions of the song they did not need any assistance from

the instructor. The instructor was able to identify that at this point the children were

listening to the song therefore they were able to produce the actions and keep up to

the song. Once the song finished the children in all three classes asked the teacher if

they could re listen and dance to the song again. As the children learned the song

and performed the actions of the song they were motivated and happy. Although on

every occasion that the children were to perform the song the instructor had to

provide additional rules so that they would be careful not to hurt themselves or

others. Even though the rules were provided some children still managed to get hurt,

either by themselves or by another child. It was noted that some children could not

control their actions either through the excitement of the song or just because they

did not know how to.

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It was discovered that the more silent children performed better when they interacted

with their friends during listening and dancing of the songs. During the introduction

of the vocabulary through the flashcards they preferred either not to answer or

answered very quietly. But once they had the opportunity to hear and interact with

the song and the language, when the teacher re asked the question they felt more than

happy to reply.

Once the feelings song were introduced and the relevant lessons completed for

revision purposes and to add routine to the classroom at the beginning of each lesson

the children were asked how are you feeling today? Each individual child was asked

and the children answered I’m happy, sad, angry, excited etc. The children at this

point answered with confidence and motivation. As they were provided with the

opportunity of revision and repetition through the lessons the target language was

acquired and it was possible for the children to recall the vocabulary and the

language structures when asked. Although on one occasion in Class B one child

rather than giving just one simple answer such as I’m happy, continued to identify

himself as happy, sad, angry, excited, shocked and continued with also repeating

himself, the teacher listened until he finished. As the teacher did not interrupt and

stop the child, when the other children were asked they also gave a mixture of

answers in the same way. In Class C one child when asked the question how are you

feeling today gave an answer of “all of them” the teacher felt shocked and amazed at

this point and repeated after the child “all of them” and he confirmed as “yes” Again

as the other children heard his answer, they also answered in the same way. One

child at this point asked in his native language (Turkish) “what does all of them

mean” The teacher did not have the opportunity to answer as another child answered

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his question in their native language, which was not the one which started “all of


After the process of learning the weather through the song, how’s the weather, the

teacher made it a routine to ask the children on a daily basis of what the weather was

like on that day. The children would answer together with the actions in the song.

So if it was cloudy that day they would state so but would also draw a cloud in the

air. On one occasion the day was sunny and little windy a child in Class A, as a joke

said it was snowy and rainy and started to laugh. Which also made the teacher smile

but again rather than the teacher indicating that it wasn’t snowy or rainy another

child corrected her as “no, it’s sunny and little windy”

During the interview and questionnaire again the same process as the pre and post-

test was used. The children were willing and complied to the rules provided

beforehand. The children kept quiet as they played with the play dough and waited

in patience for their turn. During the question: are English songs different to Turkish

songs, if so how? The majority of the children answered yes they are different, but

when asked how some shrugged their shoulders indicating that they did not know.

An unexpected answer was given by participant 25 (Class C) which referred to the

difference by giving a direct translation of a song, and as he did he felt happy with

himself. On several occasions the children preferred the English songs than their

native languages songs indicating that English songs were much fun and better. As

they answered from their face expressions it could be seen that they really did enjoy

the songs.

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During the interview the children within this process preferred to answer the

questions as yes or no but were able to recall the English songs that they listen to.

The songs that the majority of the children quoted were the songs used in the English

lesson. During the interview process the children were motivated and again eager to

complete and answer the questions.

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4.5 Summary of the Findings

1. Using songs within the language classrooms can help to develop the

vocabulary acquisition of the kindergarten children.

2. Songs can raise the cultural awareness of the kindergarten children.

3. Songs can provide the kindergarten students with a motivational, fun

environment and can also make the students feel confident when using the


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Chapter 5


5.1 Summary of the Study

The purpose of the study was to investigate whether the use of songs within the

language classroom increased the very young learner’s vocabulary acquisition.

Through using songs did it affect their motivation when using the language and did

using songs raise their cultural awareness of the target language. The research was

conducted at Eastern Mediterranean Doğa kindergarten in Northern Cyprus. In total

forty participants aged four kindergarten children participated within the study, they

consisted of three classes. They had been named as Class A, Class B and Class C.

The instruments used in the research was a Pre-Test, a Post-Test, a questionnaire an

interview, classroom observations and field notes was used in order to provide the

relevant information.

The Pre-Test and Post Test (Appendix C) consisted of six questions in picture form

and the interview questions (Appendix B) consisted of six questions. The

questionnaire (Appendix A) consisted of thirteen questions. Once the data had been

collected The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS 17) was used for

analyzing the data.

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5.2 Discussion related to Research Question 1

To what extent does the use of songs influence vocabulary acquisition?

The descriptive statistics results of the pre-test and post-test revealed that the

participants had a mean of 6.63 for the Pre-Test and a mean of 33.00 for the Post-

Test, meaning that the participants received a low score on the pre-test which was

expected as they had not learnt the target vocabulary before. The mean increased

once the children had been taught the target vocabulary through the aid of the songs,

the post test identified the increase as 33.00. The paired sample t-test confirmed that

there was a significant difference in score as the Values of sig. (2-tailed) was smaller

than .04. And lastly it was identified that the increase of the post test for the

participants increased 100%. Therefore the results indicate that when songs are used

within the language classroom it can have a significant effect on the participants as

they achieved a higher score on the post-test. Through the results of this study it can

be identified that when songs are used within the classroom it can promote

vocabulary acquisition, as the participants within this study achieved a high score for

the post-test. As a result it can be confirmed that the lessons which integrated the

songs into the lesson achieved the target vocabulary acquisition and the target

language structure for the participants. Therefore when the appropriate songs are

chosen and used in a well planned and balanced manner the very young learners will

acquire the target features of the language. Therefore this study agrees with Ersöz

(2007) which suggested that teachers should choose songs that contain simple and

understandable lyrics, the song should be connected to the topic or vocabulary that

the learners studied in class, and which allows the learners to carry out easy actions

emphasis on meaning.

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According to the results of Vera and Luna (2013) study a notable increase in results

was found for the primary school children. Through the use of songs in the classroom

the students’ oral abilities improved, as did the participants within this study. The

results of this study proved an increase in the participants vocabulary acquisition and

at the same time the students were able to recall the language structures therefore this

study also agrees and supports Cameron’s (2001) comment, songs can be a valuable

teaching and learning tool as it helps the learners to improve their listening and

vocabulary, alternatively it can also be a useful tool for learning vocabulary, sentence

structures and sentence patterns. In addition this study agrees to the conducted study

by Chou (2012) which investigated the learners motivation and vocabulary

acquisition for the language learners of age 8 and 11 through using games, songs and

stories found that by using these techniques the primary school children on the pre-

test achieved a low score, but on the post-test achieved a higher score. Therefore the

new learned words through the aid of the techniques enhanced their achievement of


The results of this study agrees with Murphey’s (1992) comment which stated that

when using songs within the language classroom has its advantages as it can aid the

young learner to develop and improve their listening skills and pronounciation,

eventually their speaking skills. In addition Nakata (2006) vocabulary learning is an

on going process which takes time and practice in order to achieve an effective

vocabulary acquisition. This present study has provided sufficient information that

when songs are implemented in the language classroom it can promote vocabulary

learning and sentence structures for the very young learners.

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5.3 Discussion related to Research Question 2

Does the use of songs in the English language classroom raise the cultural

awareness for very young learners?

Referring back to this research question, does the use of songs in the English

language classroom raise the cultural awareness for very young learners? Through

this study and its findings the majority of the participants were aware of the cultural

differences between their native language and the English language. Through the

interview conducted with the participants the children stated that they are aware of

the differences as the language is different, and that the songs are also different.

Therefore when songs were used to teach the target vocabulary it raised the

awareness of the cultural differences that the two languages have and therefore this

study agrees with Curtain and Pesola (1988) statement which stated that in order to

introduce culture to young learner’s songs and rhymes can be used within the

classroom as they provide cognitive and affective content therefore it can enhance

the child’s cultural awareness.

The study also found that the majority of the participants enjoyed and preferred to

listen to the English songs. The results of the interview also showed that the

participants enjoyed listening to the songs at home, the participants when asked

which songs they listen to at home they referred back to the songs mostly used in the

English lesson. This present study also revealed that the majority of the students

were assisted by their parents in learning the English language therefore agrees with

Deneme, Ada, Kutay (2011) study which also revealed that very young learners

learn a foreign culture with the help of their parents, family members and relatives,

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real life experiences, books, newspapers, magazines, games and songs. In addition

this study also found that the participants listen to English songs at home therefore

the learning process continued at home with the help of their families.

This study revealed the participant’s perception towards the English language and the

English songs to be high, therefore it agrees with Linse (2006) comment that using

songs and rhymes can act as a motivational tool. The students become motivated as

they engage within the songs by dancing and singing therefore learn the language

and the target culture.

The participants of this study had the opportunity to experience real language use,

and were able to experience how the target languages culture use the daily spoken

language through the selection of songs that were used within the classroom,

therefore the cultural awareness was raised. As stated Rivers (1987) that songs and

rhymes provide another type of spoken language. It provides the learner with the

awareness of verbal sensibility which is influenced by the culture and where the

person lives.

5.4 Discussion related to Research Question 3

To what extent do songs affect very young learner’s motivation when using learning

the English language?

In order to identify the perceptions of the participant’s motivation in using the

language the results of the questionnaire was analysed. The results of the study

revealed that the majority of the participant’s perceptions on learning the English

language were positive and they loved to learn English. As Chou (2012) study also

found that their participants also loved to learn English through games, songs and

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stories. The questionnaire results also revealed that when songs were used for the

learning of English the participants enjoyed the learning process and felt comfortable

and confident when they had to use the language in the classroom; they found the

songs to be motivating and fun and enjoyed participating to the in class activities.

As Cohen and Dorneyi (2002) suggested the promotion of positive motivation for the

students can be influenced through different methods. This study used

suggestopedia, TPR and considered the multiple intelligences Gardner’s (1983) and

as a result the participants were motivated and enjoyed participating to the activities.

Schoepp’s (2001) also stated that songs in the classroom provide a positive attitude

and environment. Songs contribute to a supportive and non-threatening setting

therefore the learners are confident and active.

The results of the questionnaire also found that the participants loved to learn English

through songs; Chou (2012) also discovered the same result for the primary school

children. This study agrees with Sariçoban’s (2000) comment that when using songs

in the classroom it amuses the students, provides a positive attitude while learning

lingual structures through the songs. In addition to this Stansell (2008) quoted

“music positively affects accent, memory, and grammar as well as mood, enjoyment,

and motivation and pairing words and rhythm properly helps to hold songs together,

and to improve the ability of the mind to recall it”

Hare & Smallwood (2002) stated that songs can be used as a fun and engaging

learning experience for the students. Songs can also assist in maintaining the

knowledge learned. This present study also agrees to their comments.

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Although this present study disagrees with Pinter (2006) and Paul (2003) which

argued that young English learners which have limited opportunities to practise the

language out of school will have no motivation to use or learn the language outside

of the classroom, therefore a lack of positive motivation is reinforced. This study

found that 82.5% of the participant’s parents helped them to learn the English

language, although 17.5% confirmed that their `parents did not help them to learn

English. Although the 17.5% which stated that their parents did not help them to

learn the target language did wish that their parents would. Therefore it can be

concluded that even through the participants were not receiving any help from their

parents it did not cause the participants to have a negative attitude they confirmed

that they were motivated towards the English language and wished that they could

learn from their parents showing that they had a positive attitude even though they

lacked the practise of the language out of the classroom.

5.5 Conclusion

The purpose of this study was to contribute to the literature on whether the use of

songs within the language classroom increased the very young learner’s vocabulary

acquisition. Through using songs did it affect their motivation when learning and

using the English language and when using songs did it raise their cultural awareness

of the target language.

The results of this study confirm that when songs were used within the classroom for

teaching purposes the participant’s attitude was highly positive. Their anxiety levels

where down and the participants felt confident when producing the language.

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Through Total Physical Response, interaction and learning in a fun environment the

participants were motivated towards the English language lessons and felt confident

in producing the language. The participants developed their vocabulary as they

were able to recall the vocabulary through the post-test.

The cultural awareness of the target culture was raised; it was achieved through the

selection of songs used within the lesson. The participants discovered how emotions,

weather and greetings are expressed in the target language. The participants also

identified the gestures and facial expressions that were used in the target language.

The participants were also able to identify the language differences.

The findings of this study also confirm that very young learners enjoyed the songs

that were selected for this study and the majority preferred to listen to the English

songs rather than their native languages. The majority also confirmed that they

enjoyed listening to English songs at home therefore they continued to bring the

English language outside of the classroom.

Addition to this the participants of the study developed their linguistic and musical

intelligences through the language classroom with the aid of songs which were used

for vocabulary acquisition the participants were exposed to pitch and rhythm. The

participants also had the opportunity to improve visually and kinaesthetically, due to

learning the target vocabulary through the songs but also through visual aid and

through interacting with the songs through movement and dance. Interpersonal

intelligence was developed through interacting with their classmates through dancing

together to the songs.

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Finally it can be confirmed that the results of this study show a significant

improvement in the children’s oral skills therefore it can be confirmed that when

songs are used and chosen according to the learners interest, level and taught in a

meaningful manner with additional and relevant activities within the language

classroom it can produce a positive and motivational environment were the language

learning process takes place.

5.6 Limitations

The participants of the study were one age group (4 years), so it would be difficult to

generalize the results for all very young learners. In addition to this the participants

of the study were situated in Northern Cyprus, Famagusta. Therefore the study

cannot be generalized for all very young learners situated in Northern Cyprus.

Due to certain restrictions by the kindergarten traditional customs could not be

included within this study. Therefore songs related to the target languages culture

were not included within this study.

5.7 Implications of the Study

According to the results of this study using songs within the language classroom can

raise the awareness of the cultural differences between the native speaker’s language

and the target language. Although due to the participants being very young learners

they were not literate therefore could not specifically identify the reasons for the

cultural differences.

This study examined very young learners, much research has not been undertaken

with very young learners regarding their vocabulary acquisition through songs and

the influence songs can have on their culture. This study could not examine and

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compare the results with other socio-cultural backgrounds nor with any other

research regarding the children aged four.

The study was also restricted on teaching the target cultures religion and traditional

festivals such as Christmas, Halloween, Easter etc. Due to the Kindergarten policies

it was not possible to raise the cultural awareness through such special days of the

target culture.

5.8 Suggestions for Further Research

This study can be replicated in different parts of Cyprus in order to compare the

findings with this study, and to see the similarities and differences amongst the same

age groups in different parts of Cyprus. Due to the gap in literature it can also be

replicated in other parts of the world.

This study can be replicated on other age groups to receive feedback on their

opinions regarding the cultural differences of their native language and the target


In addition, in order to raise the awareness of the cultural differences between the

languages for the very young learners it could be possible to use festive holidays of

the target culture such as Christmas or Easter therefore the participants may be able

to identify the differences even further. As this study was restricted it was not

possible for the students to make further comparisons with their native culture and

the target culture.

Finally the study could be administered over a longer period of time in order to see if

the vocabulary and language structures could be recalled sometime after.

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Appendix A: Questionnaire

Question Agree Disagree

1 I really enjoy learning English

2 I hate English.

3 I feel very much at ease when I have to speak


4 My parents try to help me to learn English.

5 I don’t get anxious when I have to answer a

question in my English class.

6 Learning English is really great.

7 I really enjoy the in class activities.

8 I enjoy listening to English songs at home.

9 I enjoy listening and dancing to the songs in


10 I love learning English.

11 I feel Confident when asked to speak in my

English class.

12 Do you find English songs to be fun?

13 I hate listening to English songs.

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Questionnaire Turkish Translation

İfadeler Katılıyorum Katılmıyorum

1 İngilizce öğrenmeyi gerçekten seviyorum

2 İngilizceden nefret ediyorum

3 İngilizce konuşmam gerektiğinde rahat


4 Ailem İngilizce oğrenmemde bana yardimcı


5 İngilizce konuşmam gerektiğinde rahat


6 İngilizce dersinde soru cevaplarken


7 İngilizce öğrenmek çok güzeldir.

8 Sınıf içi etkinliklerde çok eğleniyorum.

9 Evde İngilizce şarkıları dinlemeyi


10 Sınıfta söylediğimiz şarkıları ve şarkılar ile

birlikte dans etmeyi seviyorum.

11 İngilizce öğrenmeyi seviyorum.

12 Sınıfta İngilizce konuşma konusunda kendimi

güvenli hissediyorum.

13 İngilizce şarkılardan nefret ediyorum.

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Appendix B: Interview Questions

1. Are English songs different to Turkish songs? If so how?

2. Do you prefer to listen to English songs than Turkish songs?

3. Do you listen to any English songs at home, if so which?

4. Do you watch any programs in English such as cartoons?

5. Do you think that English songs help you to learn English?

6. Do you find it easy to learn English through songs?

Turkish Translation

1. İngilizce sarkıları Türkçe sarkılardan farklı mıdır? Eğer oyleyse nasıl?

2. İngilizce şarkıları Türkçe şarkılardan daha çok dinlemeyi tercih ediyorum.

3. Evde İngilizce şarkı dinlermisin; dinlersen hangilerini dinlersin?

4. Evde hiç İngilizce program izler misin? Mesela çizgi film.

5. Sence İngilizce şarkılar İngilizce öğrenirken sana yardım eder mi?

6. Sence İngilizce şarkılar senin İngilizce öğrenmeni kolaylaştırır mı?

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Appendix C: Pre-Test & Post-Test

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APPENDIX D: Permission Letter to Eastern

Mediterranean Doğa Schools

Tarih: 14/09/2015

Doğu Akdeniz Doğa İlkokulu İdaresine,

Ben Denise Yüksel, Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi İngilizce

Öğretmenliği Bölümü’nde yüksek lisans yapmaktayım. Bu araştırmanın amacı

anaokul öğrencilerine yabancı dil öğretirken çocuk şarkılarının önemini vurgulamak

ve onların motivasyonlarını ve de kültürel farkındalığını ne derece etkilediğini

ortaya çıkarmaktır. Ekte anketi bulabilirsiniz. Bu anketi uygulamam için sizden

resmi onay rica ediyorum. Toplanan veriler yüksek lisans tezimde kullanılacaktır.

Yardımınız ve işbirliğiniz için şimdiden teşekkür ederim.

Denise Yüksel Yrd. Doç. Dr. Naciye Kunt

Yüksek Lisans Öğrencisi Tez Danışmanı

İngilizce Ögretmenliği Bölümü İngilizce Ögretmenliği Bölümü

Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi

Tel: 0533 837 10 46 Tel.: + 90 392 630 2616

[email protected] [email protected]

Page 107: Using Songs in Teaching English to Very Young Learners · Using Songs in Teaching English to Very Young Learners Denise Yüksel Submitted to the Institute of Graduate Studies and


Date: 14/09/2015

To: Eastern Mediteranean Doğa School Administration.

From:Denise Yüksel

Subject: Request for research at Eastern Mediterranean Doğa Kindergarten.

I am enrolled in the Master of Education Program in the Department of English

Language Teaching. The purpose of my research is to find out that when songs are

used in the teaching of the English Language will it influence vocabulary acquisition,

cultural awareness, and will the use of songs in the classroom affect the learners’

motivation when using the language.

Attached you can find the questionnaire. I would like to ask for official permission

to undertake this research at the kindergarten with the children aged 4. The results of

the findings will be used within this study.

Thank you for your consideration.

Denise Yüksel Assoc. Prof. Dr Naciye Kunt

Masters Student Supervisor

English Language Teaching English Language Teaching

Eastern Mediteranen University Eastern Mediteranen University

Tel: 0533 837 10 46 Tel.: + 90 392 630 2616

[email protected] [email protected]

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APPENDIX E: Permission Letter from Eastern

Mediterranean Doğa Schools

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Appendix F: Interview Sample

Name: Participant 20

Class: B

Gender: Male

1. Are English songs different to Turkish songs? If so how?

Yes, because in English we sing if your happy happy clap your hands and in

Turkish we sing eğer mutluysan elerını çırp. (Turkish translation was given

of the same song, If your happy, happy clap your hands)

2. Do you prefer to listen to English songs than Turkish songs?

Yes I do.

3. Do you listen to any English songs at home, if so which?

Yes, I listen to if your happy, happy clap your hands.

4. Do you watch any programs in English such as cartoons?


5. Do you think that English songs help you to learn English?


6. Do you find it easy to learn English through songs?


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Appendix G: Lyrics for Song A: Head Shoulders Knees and


Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes.

Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes.

And eyes and ears and mouth and nose.

Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes.

Let's try it a little faster

Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes.

Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes.

And eyes and ears and mouth and nose.

Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes.


Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes.

Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes.

And eyes and ears and mouth and nose.

Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes.


Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes.

Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes.

And eyes and ears and mouth and nose.

Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes.


Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes.

Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes.

And eyes and ears and mouth and nose.

Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes.

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Appendix H: Lyrics for Song B: Ugly Monster

I’m a very ugly monster,

I’m a very ugly monster,

I’m a very ugly monster.

I’ve got six dirty ears. yes, I have. I’ve got pink hair, and my eyes are red. I’ve got a

blue nose, and a purple head. I’ve got a green mouth, and my teeth are blue. My

name’s slime. Who are you?

I’m a very ugly monster, I’m a very ugly monster, I’m a very ugly monster. I’ve got

six dirty ears. I’ve got six dirty ears. yes, i have

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Appendix I: Lyrics for Song C: Put on your Shoes

Put on your shoes, your shoes, your shoes.

Put on your shoes, your shoes, your shoes.

Put on your shoes.

Let's go outside.

Hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry hurry up!

Put on your jacket, your jacket, your jacket.

Put on your jacket, your jacket, your jacket.

Put on your jacket.

Let's go outside.

Hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry hurry up!

Put on your scarf, your scarf, your scarf.

Put on your scarf, your scarf, your scarf.

Put on your scarf.

Let's go outside.

Hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry hurry up!

Put on your hat, your hat, your hat.

Put on your hat, your hat, your hat.

Put on your hat.

Let's go outside.

Hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry hurry up!

Put on your shoes.

Your jacket.

Your scarf.

And your hat.

Hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry hurry up!

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Appendix J: Lyrics for Song D: The Journey Home from


The yellow car drives down

The bouncy, bumpy road,

The bouncy, bumpy road,

The bouncy, bumpy road,

The yellow car drives down

The bouncy, bumpy road,

On the journey home from Grandpa's.

The white helicopter whizzes

Up and down and round,

Up and down and round,

Up and down and round,

The white helicopter whizzes

Up and down and round,

On the journey home from Grandpa's.

The purple train speeds along

The shiny railway track,

The shiny railway track,

The shiny railway track,

The purple train speeds along

The shiny railway track,

On the journey home from Grandpa's.

The pink tractor bumps across

The brown and muddy field,

The brown and muddy field,

The brown and muddy field,

The pink tractor bumps across

The brown and muddy field,

On the journey home from Grandpa's.

The green digger scoops up

The icky sticky sand,

The icky sticky sand,

The icky sticky sand,

The green digger scoops up

The icky sticky sand,

On the journey home from Grandpa's.

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The black crane lifts up

The heavy piles of bricks,

The heavy piles of bricks,

The heavy piles of bricks,

The black crane lifts up

The heavy piles of bricks,

On the journey home from Grandpa's.

The blue barge floats along

The cool and still canal,

The cool and still canal,

The cool and still canal,

The blue barge floats along

The cool and still canal,

On the journey home from Grandpa's.

The orange truck hurries up

The toyshop in the town,

The toyshop in the town,

The toyshop in the town,

The orange truck hurries up

The toyshop in the town,

On the journey home from Grandpa's.

The red fire engine rushes

Very quickly past,

Very quickly past,

Very quickly past,

The red fire engine rushes

Very quickly past,

On the journey home from Grandpa's.

The yellow car stops at

The front door of my house,

The front door of my house,

The front door of my house,

The yellow car stops at

The front door of my house,

We've come home again from Grandpa's.

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Appendix K: Lyrics for Song E: Weather Song for Kids

The Sun comes Up Up Up, Up Up Up, Up Up Up, Up Up Up

The Rain comes Down Down Down

Down Down Down

Down Down Down

Down Down Down

How's the Weather?

How's the Weather?

It's Sunny, Sunny, Sunny, Sunny

How's the Weather?

How's the Weather?

It's Cloudy, Cloudy, Cloudy, Cloudy

The Sun comes Up Up Up, Up Up Up, Up Up Up, Up Up Up

The Rain comes Down Down Down, Down Down Down, Down Down Down, Down

Down Down

How's the Weather? How's the Weather?

It's Rainy, Rainy, Rainy, Rainy

How's the Weather? How's the Weather?

It's Snowy, Snowy, Snowy, Snowy

The Sun comes Up Up Up, Up Up Up, Up Up Up, Up Up Up

The Rain comes Down Down Down, Down Down Down, Down Down Down, Down

Down Down

How's the Weather?

How's the Weather?

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Appendix L: Lyrics for Song F: Hello, Feelings Song



Hello, how are you?


I'm good!

I'm great!

I'm wonderful!




Hello, how are you?


I'm tired.

I'm hungry.

I'm not so good.




Hello, how are you?

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Appendix M: Lyrics for Song G: If you’re Happy, Happy,

Clap your Hands

If you're happy happy happy clap your hands.

If you're happy happy happy clap your hands.

If you're happy happy happy clap your hands, clap your hands.

If you're happy happy happy clap your hands.

If you're angry angry angry stomp your feet.

If you're angry angry angry stomp your feet.

If you're angry angry angry stomp your feet, stomp your feet.

If you're angry angry angry stomp your feet.

If you're scared scared scared say, "Oh no!"

If you're scared scared scared say, "Oh no!"

If you're scared scared scared say, "Oh no!" Say, "Oh no!"

If you're scared scared scared say, "Oh no!"

If you're sleepy sleepy sleepy take a nap.

If you're sleepy sleepy sleepy take a nap.

If you're sleepy sleepy sleepy take a nap, take a nap.

If you're sleepy sleepy sleepy take a nap.

If you're happy happy happy clap your hands.

If you're happy happy happy clap your hands.

If you're happy happy happy clap your hands, clap your hands.

If you're happy happy happy clap your hands.

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Appendix N: Lyrics for Song H: We all Fall Down

Walk around the circle.

Walk around the circle.

Walking walking.

We all fall down.


Gallop around the circle.

Gallop around the circle.

Galloping galloping.

We all fall down.

Shh... Let's tiptoe.

Tiptoe around the circle.

Tiptoe around the circle.

Tiptoe tiptoe.

We all fall down.

I'm so sleepy!

Sleepy sleepy sleepy.

I'm so sleepy.

Wake up, everybody!

Come on, we're going to hop!

Hop around the circle.

Hop around the circle.

Hopping hopping.

We all fall down.

Let's twirl!

Twirl around the circle.

Twirl around the circle.

Twirling twirling.

We all fall down.

Let's hop AND twirl!

Hop around the circle.

Twirl around the circle.

Hopping, twirling.

We all fall down.

Page 119: Using Songs in Teaching English to Very Young Learners · Using Songs in Teaching English to Very Young Learners Denise Yüksel Submitted to the Institute of Graduate Studies and


Appendix O: Lyrics for Song I: Yes I Can

Little bird, little bird, can you clap?

No, I can't. No, I can't. I can't clap.

Little bird, little bird, can you fly?

Yes, I can. Yes, I can. I can fly.

Elephant, elephant, can you fly?

No, I can't. No, I can't. I can't fly.

Elephant, elephant, can you stomp?

Yes, I can. Yes, I can. I can stomp.

Little fish, little fish, can you stomp?

No, I can't. No, I can't. I can't stomp.

Little fish, little fish, can you swim?

Yes, I can. Yes, I can. I can swim.

Gorilla, gorilla, can you swim?

No, I can't. No, I can't. I can't swim.

Gorilla, gorilla, can you climb?

Yes, I can. Yes, I can. I can climb.

Buffalo, buffalo, can you climb?

No, I can't. No, I can't. I can't climb.

Buffalo, buffalo, can you run?

Yes, I can. Yes, I can. I can run.

Boy and girls, boys and girls, can you sing?

Yes, we can. Yes, we can. We can sing.

Boys and girls, boys and girls, can you dance?

Yes, we can. Yes, we can. We can dance.

We can sing. We can dance. Yes, we can.

We can sing. We can dance. Yes, we can.

Yes, we can. Yes, we can. Yes, we can.

Yes, we can. Yes, we can. Yes, we can.

Yes, we can. Yes, we can. Yes, we can.
