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Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008

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  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    A Look at the Tools and Configuring

    SQL Server 2008

    Presented by Scott Whigham

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    O v e r v i e w Overview

    of Chapter

    T h e T o o

    l s AnOverview

    of the Tools Demo

    C o n

    f i g u r a t i o n

    ConfiguringSQL Server


    What Were Going to Cover

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    What this chapter covers What has been installed An overview of each of the tools

    Answering The Three Ws: W hat it is, W hat it does, W ho Uses It

    An overview of configuring the server

    This Chapter

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    What this chapter does NOT cover An overview of configuring databases In-depth coverage of all tools

    Every single server option available Cover every tool available

    This Chapter

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    O v e r v i e w Overview

    of Chapter

    T h e T o o

    l s AnOverview

    of the Tools Demo

    C o n

    f i g u r a t i o n

    ConfiguringSQL Server


    What Were Going to Cover

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    There are tools available for: Administrators

    SQL Server Database Administrators (DBAs) Reporting Services Administrators Analysis Services Administrators Systems Administrators

    Developers SQL Programmers Report developers Integration Services developers Analysis Services developers

    An Overview of What Is Installed

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    There are tools available for: Command line only GUI (Graphical User Interface)

    APIs (Application Programming Interface) Lets look at each

    An Overview of What Is Installed

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    Command line tools primarily targetDBAs

    Command line tools

    Tool Who uses? Description

    sqlcmd.exe DBAs, Developers Command line queries/batchesdtexec.exe DBAs Execute SSIS packages

    sqldiag.exe DBAs Diagnostics, system info, monitor, troubleshoot

    bcp.exe DBAs Import/export text files

    profiler.exe DBAs Trace server activity

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    GUI tools are for everyone!

    GUI tools

    Tool Who uses? Description

    SQL ServerManagement Studio(SSMS)

    DBAs, Developers Queries, management, security

    Business IntelligenceDevelopment Studio(BIDS)

    Developers Develop/edit reports, SSIS packages, SSAS

    Visual Studio 2008 Developers It is the real name of BIDS

    SQL ServerConfigurationManager

    DBAs Manage services, aliases, and networkconfiguration

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    More GUI tools

    GUI tools

    Tool Who uses? Description

    SQL Server Profiler DBAs Trace server activity

    Database EngineTuning Advisor

    DBAs Performance tuning, optimizations

    Data Profile Viewer DBAs View stats on column/table usage

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    APIs are for developers and integrators

    Command line tools

    API Who uses? Description

    SQL ServerManagement Objects(SMO)

    Developers Manage SQL Server via programming interfaces

    SQL Server ReplicationManagement Objects(RMO)

    Developers Manage replication via programming interfaces

    Data Collector Developers Capture, store and report onperformance/health stats

    Native Client Developers Combines both ODBC and OLE-DB into one DLL

    WMI Developers Use WMI for server events and configuration

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    O v e r v i e w Overview

    of Chapter

    T h e T o o

    l s AnOverview

    of the Tools Demo

    C o n

    f i g u r a t i o n Configuring

    SQL Server


    In the next video

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    A Look at the Tools and Configuring

    SQL Server 2008

    Presented by Scott Whigham

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    O v e r v i e w Overview

    of Chapter

    T h e T o o

    l s AnOverview

    of the Tools Demo

    C o n

    f i g u r a t i o n Configuring

    SQL Server


    What Were Going to Cover

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    You can configure SQL Server at theinstance and database level

    This chapter covers the instance level Next chapter covers the database level


  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    Instance-level configurations affect allconnections and all databases for thatinstance

    You can change settings using SQL Server Management Studio SQL Server Configuration Manager

    sqlcmd.exe SQL Server Management Objects (SMO) API


  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    Commonly changed configurations are: Service accounts Network protocols

    Memory, CPU Authentication mode and auditing Connection options

    Default file locations, compression settings Lets look at each one


  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    Commonly changed configurations are: Service accounts Network protocols

    Memory, CPU Authentication mode and auditing Connection options

    Default file locations, compression settings Lets look at each one


  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    Service accounts are not static Change passwords Change accounts

    Changing anything here can be anexciting experience

    To change, use the SQL ServerConfiguration Manager

    Configuration: Service Accounts

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    To modify the service accounts, use theSQL Server Configuration Manager

    Configuration: Service Accounts

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    Configuration: Service Accounts

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    Commonly changed configurations are: Service accounts Network protocols

    Memory, CPU Authentication mode and auditing Connection options Default file locations, compression settings

    Lets look at each one


  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    Network protocols define whatconnections SQL Server will accept

    Configuration: Network Protocols

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    If SQL Server has TCP/IP enabled but allothers disabled, only clients using TCP/IPfor connections would be allowed

    Both the server and client must use the sameprotocol

    Configuration: Network Protocols

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    Shared Memory Connections and data are not transferred across IP

    stack; done in memory Clearly this only works when the client and server

    are on the same machine For remote connections, must use one of the

    other network protocols

    Configuration: Network Protocols

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    How to Enable Remote Connections Default for Express and Developer editions is to

    turn off remote connections This is done by disabling all protocols except Shared


    To enable remote connections:1. Enable TCP/IP or one of the other network

    protocols2. Restart SQL Server instance

    Configuration: Network Protocols

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    TCP/IP is most common Requires a unique port per instance Default port for default instance is 1433

    Named instances use a random-first-time port

    Configuration: Network Protocols

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    Change/view settings in theConfiguration Manager Any changes here require restarting instance

    Configuration: Network Protocols

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    Configuration: Service Accounts

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    O v e r v i e w Overview

    of Chapter

    T h e

    T o o

    l s AnOverviewof the Tools


    C o n

    f i g u r a t i o n Configuring

    SQL Server2008

    In the next video

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    A Look at the Tools and Configuring

    SQL Server 2008

    Presented by Scott Whigham

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    O v e r v i e w Overview

    of Chapter

    T h e

    T o o

    l s AnOverviewof the Tools


    C o n

    f i g u r a t i o n Configuring

    SQL Server2008

    What Were Going to Cover

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    Memory and CPU usage can change When new hardware is added When the applications usage changes

    Some changes require restarting the SQLServer service but most are dynamic

    Lets look at memory in this video

    Configuration: Memory, CPU

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    Commonly changed configurations are: Service accounts Network protocols

    Memory, CPU Authentication mode and auditing Connection options Default file locations, compression settings

    Lets look at each one


  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    Memory is used the most in two areas Buffer cache

    Stores the data users are working with in memory toavoid reading disk on commonly-requested data

    Procedure cache SQL Server caches the how of running queries and

    routines to avoid having to figure out the fastest routeto the data on subsequent calls

    The how is the Execution Plan

    Configuration: Memory, CPU

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    Sizing the Buffer Cache Too small means that users have to wait for SQL

    Server to access hard disk Too large means that the operating system and/or

    other applications do not have enough memory

    Configuration: Memory, CPU

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    Buffer cache as a percentage of the datafile size The larger the database, the smaller the

    percentage of the size A 10TB system with 10 concurrent users likely needs a

    1-2% buffer cache A 10GB system with 100 concurrent users may need as

    much as a 25% buffer cache

    Configuration: Memory, CPU

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    The Buffer Cache should be expected tobe between 5 and 25% of the data filesize for an online transaction processing

    (OLTP) system Should be a bit larger percentage for reporting

    Configuration: Memory, CPU

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    Sizing the Procedure Cache On a 32-bit system, the procedure cache is limited

    to 1GB Cannot use Address Windowing Extensions (AWE)

    On a 64-bit system, procedure cache can be larger This is necessary on larger systems

    Configuration: Memory, CPU

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    Memory options you can change Max server memory

    Always, always set this to avoid a too-large buffer cache Min server memory Using Address Windowing Extensions (AWE)

    Only used in 32-bit installations when there is > 4GB of RAM

    Configuration: Memory, CPU

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    Memory options you can change (cont.) Index create memory

    Specifies the amount of memory to use in indexcreation sorts

    0 means dynamic Have a good reason to change

    Configuration: Memory, CPU

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    Memory options you can change (cont.) Minimum memory per query

    Specifies the amount of memory to use for execution of a query

    0 means dynamic 1024KB is default Have a good reason to change

    Configuration: Memory, CPU

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    O v e r v i e w Overview

    of Chapter

    T h e

    T o o

    l s AnOverviewof the Tools


    C o n

    f i g u r a t i o n Configuring

    SQL Server2008

    In the next video

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    A Look at the Tools and Configuring

    SQL Server 2008

    Presented by Scott Whigham

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    O v e r v i e w Overview

    of Chapter

    T h e

    T o o

    l s AnOverviewof the Tools


    C o n

    f i g u r a t i o n Configuring

    SQL Server2008

    What Were Going to Cover

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    Commonly changed configurations are: Service accounts Network protocols

    Memory, CPU Authentication mode and auditing Connection options Default file locations, compression settings

    Lets look at each one


  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    CPU settings that can be changed Enable/disable processors

    Licensing needs System performance

    Affinity mask options Processor affinity: binds processors to specific threads

    to prevent switching mid-execution

    I/O affinity: binds disk I/O to specific processors

    Configuration: Memory, CPU

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    Parallel queries are queries whose workis split among CPUs Cost is a metric of time

    A query with a cost of 1 says that theoretically willtake 1 second

    This was determined pre-release in the Microsoft labstherefore it will not likely match your system


    Configuration: Memory, CPU

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    You can configure how SQL Serverhandles parallel queries Cost threshold for parallelism

    SQL Server does not run a parallel plan for queries thatcost less than this amount

    Default value is 5 This means that a query has to be estimated to run for 5

    seconds before SQL Server will consider using a parallel plan 5 is the default for a very good reason

    Configuration: Memory, CPU


  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    You can configure how SQL Serverhandles parallel queries (cont.) Max degree of parallelism

    Controls how many processors are available to run asingle statement

    Default value is 0 which means to use all availableCPUs

    Can be overridden at query level

    Configuration: Memory, CPU

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    A Look at the Tools and Configuring

    SQL Server 2008

    Presented by Scott Whigham

    Wh W G i C

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    O v e

    r v i e w Overview

    of Chapter

    T h e

    T o o

    l s AnOverviewof the Tools


    C o n

    f i g u r a t i o n Configuring

    SQL Server2008

    What Were Going to Cover

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    C fi ti S it

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    Security settings that can be changed: Authentication mode

    Requires restarting SQL Server service to take effect Login auditing

    Bare auditing doesnt record too much information None, Failed only, Successful only, Both

    Server Proxy Account

    Used with xp_cmdshell Not likely to use but, if you do, be careful

    Configuration: Security

    C fig ti S it

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    Security settings that can be changed (cont.): Enable Common Criteria Compliance Forces SQL Server to adhere to Common Criteria compliance Developer and Enterprise edition only

    More info: http://www.commoncriteriaportal.org/ Enable C2 audit tracing

    Audits all attempts to access statements and objects tofile(s)

    Cross database ownership chaining Coming up in later chapter

    Configuration: Security

    Config ration

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    Commonly changed configurations are: Service accounts Network protocols Memory, CPU Authentication mode and auditing Connection options Default file locations, compression settings

    Lets look at each one


    Configuration: Connections

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    Connection options affect all connectionsto the instance Some can be overridden at connection level

    Triple check this in development/testingbefore deployment

    One setting change can cause critical parts of an

    application to fail

    Configuration: Connections

    Configuration: Connections

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    Connection options you can change: Maximum number of concurrent connections

    Default is 0 which is no limit Use Query Governor to prevent long-running

    queries Great idea in theory; better to use Resource Governor

    Configuration: Connections

    Configuration: Connections

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    Connection options you can change(cont.): Allow remote server connections

    Do you want remote servers to run stored procedureson this server?

    Require distributed transactions for server-to-server communication

    Uses Microsoft DTC to ensure that transactionscompletely succeed on all servers

    Configuration: Connections

    Configuration: Connections

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    Common connection options All are Off by default This allows client to set its own defaults

    Configuration: Connections

    Setting Description Defaultansi nulls Does the statement

    WHERE LastName =NULL return any rows?

    Statement would return 0rows; requires ISNULL totest for NULL values

    no count 34 rows affected

    messages are returned toclient

    quoted identifier Do double quotes identifyobject names or querycriteria?

    In the next video

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    O v e r v i e w Overview

    of Chapter

    T h e

    T o o

    l s AnOverviewof the Tools


    C o n

    f i g u r a t i o n Configuring

    SQL Server2008

    In the next video

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    A Look at the Tools and Configuring

    SQL Server 2008

    Presented by Scott Whigham

    What Were Going to Cover

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    O v e r v i e w Overview

    of Chapter

    T h e

    T o o

    l s AnOverviewof the Tools


    C o n

    f i g u r a t i o n Configuring

    SQL Server2008

    What We re Going to Cover


  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    Commonly changed configurations are: Service accounts Network protocols Memory, CPU Authentication mode and auditing Connection options Default file locations, compression settings


    Configuration: File locations &

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    Defaults for new databases: Default index fill factor How full should a page be? Default is to fill page completely

    Backup compression Sets whether a backup is compressed by default Any backup can be compressed or uncompressed

    regardless of this setting For Enterprise and Developer edition

    Configuration: File locations &Compression

    Configuration: File locations &

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    Defaults for new databases (cont.) Database default locations

    Configure the default locations for data and log filesindividually

    For new databases only Default locations are only used in statements that do

    not specify file locations

    Configuration: File locations &Compression


    In the next video

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    O v e r v i e w Overview

    of Chapter

    T h e

    T o o

    l s AnOverviewof the Tools


    C o n

    f i g u r a t i o n Configuring

    SQL Server2008


    In the next video

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    A Look at the Tools and Configuring

    SQL Server 2008

    Presented by Scott Whigham

    What Were Going to Cover

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    O v e r v i e w Overview

    of Chapter

    T h e T o o

    l s AnOverviewof the Tools


    C o n

    f i g u r a t i o n Configuring

    SQL Server2008

    What We re Going to Cover

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    How to Change ConfigurationSettings

    How to Change Configuration

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    How to change configuration settings Use SSMS for interactive or jobs Use sqlcmd.exe for scripts

    Can use the GUI and Transact SQL scripts

    ow to C a ge Co gu at oSettings


  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    GUI is great for learning Scripts are better for

    Change tracking Undoing Sharing across machines/users

    Changes require two things: The actual change Acknowledgement that the change should be




  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    Tips Have a backup or back out plan Understand that SQL Server will often clear out

    portions of its memory after configurationchanges

    This can have severe short-term impact!



  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    Configured values are what SQL Serverwill change to once you click OK Running values are what SQL Server is

    currently using Running values is a read-only view of what the

    system is using right now



  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    To change configurations in the GUI:1. Launch SQL Server Management Studio2. Login as a sysadmin

    3. Right click on server and select Properties After changes, click OK to save

    Try, try, try not to do this during productionhours!


  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008



  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    sp_configure is the Transact-SQL way tomodify server configurations To use sp_configure, you must first

    enable the advanced options


    EXEC sp_configure show advanced, 1



  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008


    sp_configure requires use of RECONFIGURE or RECONFIGURE WITHOVERRIDE to take effect without a

    restart of SQL Server service Otherwise changes will not take effect until you


    EXEC sp_configure show advanced, 1RECONFIGURE

  • 8/14/2019 Using the Tools and Configuring SQL Server 2008

