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Using Video in EFL: Tesol France Nov. 2012

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The explosion in current, authentic and easily available online entertainment and factual video has profound implications on education, including how we can use this great resource to add emotion and authenticity to our EFL and ESL lessons. Video-based lessons still require planning, structure, and a clear pedagogical purpose, however. In this presentation, we look at the English Attack! experience since 2010 and point out learnings and guidelines.
VIDEO CLIPS What We Now Know About Teaching EFL With Paul Maglione, Cofounder, English A@ack! TESOL France 2012


What  We  Now  Know  About  Teaching  EFL  With  

Paul  Maglione,  Co-­‐founder,  English  A@ack!  TESOL  France    2012    

Video  Lesson  Experience  To  Date  Q1  –Q2  2009    

Compara5ve  review  of    Video-­‐based  EFL  pedagogy  

Q3  –  Q4  2009  Crea5on  of  English  AAack!  plaDorm  and  first  100    video–based  learning    units    (Video  Boosters)  

Q1  2010  –  Q2  2011  Beta  version  with  350+  Video  Boosters,  tested  by  25k  Beta  users  

July  2011  Launch  of  site    

January    2012  Launch  of  Premium  Subscrip5on;    Schools  PlaDorm  

November  2012  -­‐  250k  registered  users  -­‐  2  million+  video  lesson  plays  /  month  


Why  Video?  

Why  Video?  

•  Our  brains  are  wired  for  it  à  hun5ng  /  danger                  

•  Closest  to  life,  to  human  experience          

•  The  human  eye  is  aAracted  to  movement,  even  more  than  our  ears  are  to  sound                

•  YouTube,  Facebook,  smartphones,  tablets  have  made  short-­‐form  entertainment  video  ubiquitous  and  available  24/7  à  no  longer  a  special  occasion,  but  a  must-­‐have.  

TESOL  France  Colloquium  2012  

Graded  or  Authen5c?  

•  BeAer  at  sparking  emo5on  à  creates  the  intellectual  opening  for  learning  to  occur  

•  Huge  choice  omeans  we  can  mo5vate  anyone  according  to  their  interests  

BUT:  -­‐  Impossible  to  shoehorn  into  structures  like  

CEFR  -­‐  If  not  packaged  properly,  can  be  too  

difficult  for  beginners  

•  Can  be  5ghtly  targeted  at  specific  skills  or  tasks  

•  Created  for  specific  levels  /  consistency  re  level  

BUT:    -­‐  Produc5on  values  /  entertainment  

ocen  lacking  -­‐  Can  be  perceived  by  learners  as  

“talking  down”  to  them  

Subject  MaAer  of  Authen5c  Video  (in  order  of  popularity  with  English  AAack!  users)  

1.   Current  Movies    2.   TV  Series    3.   Music  Videos    4.   Documentaries  

5.   How-­‐To    

Subject  MaAer  of  Authen5c  Video  Other  topics  of  interest  

•  News  (“evergreen”  best,  normal  headline  stories  age  fast)  

•  Business  (movie  scenes  can  be  effec5ve)  

•  Adver]sing  (especially  crea5ve  /  humorous  extended  ads)  


Ideal  length  

TESOL  France  Colloquium  2012  

•  Too  short  (sub-­‐1  minute):  liAle  chance  to  build  up  dialogue  in  context  

•  Too  long  (5  minutes+)  :  to  many  linguis5c  elements  upon  which  to  focus  à  confusion  

•  Ideal  length  is  between  1  and  4  minutes    –  Average  length  of  Youtube  video  is  4  minutes  

–  87%  of  video  shared  on  Facebook  is  between  1  and  4  minutes  long  

Difficulty  Level  •  Subject  maAer  •  Vocabulary  •  Speech  speed  •  Speech  clarity  •  Accent  •  Idioms  •  Slang  •  Visual  clues  •  Is  there  a  story  or  an  

understandable  context?    

Related  exercises  need  to  be  calibrated  to  the  video’s  intrinsic  difficulty  level  

Difficulty  vs  Content  

•  Our  experience  to  date  shows  that  the  content  type  is  the  primary  mo5vator.  Learners  don’t  mind  a  difficulty  “stretch”  if  the  video  content  is  of  interest  to  them.    

5,580,000  searches  

22,000,000  searches  

(learn  English)  

(songs  in  English)  

Google  France  searches:  

Sub5tles?  Can  with  comprehension  but  creates  listening  “tune  out”  in  favor  of  reading.  

So  call  me  maybe..  

Donc  appelle-­‐moi  peut-­‐etre…  

♫  ♪  ♬♭  ♭   ♫  ♪  ♬♭  ♭  




Great…  if  you  want  learners  to  improve  their  L1  reading  skills.  

Full  emo5onal  impact  of  source;  no  skills  confusion;  forces  learner  to  focus  and  to  look  for  visual  clues.  

Video  Transcript?  •  Be  clear  on  purpose  of  providing:  to  work  reading  skills        

•  Thus,  do  not  mix  with  gist  comprehension  exercises  à  provide  only  sequen5ally,  acer  listening  skills  have  been  covered      

•  Can  be  used  for  Detail  comprehension  and  to  prac5ce  scanning  for  informa5on.  

Structuring  the  Video-­‐based  lesson  •  The  fun-­‐factor  of  video  should  not  obscure  the  need  for  a  pedagogical  structuring  of  the  video-­‐based  lesson.    

•  The  sequencing  of  video-­‐related  ac5vity  must  be  planned  as  carefully  as  any  other  lesson  


TESOL  France  Colloquium  2012  

Gist  Comprehension  

Listening  Skills  

Detailed  Comprehension  

 Vocabulary   Grammar    

&  Usage  

Structuring  the  Video-­‐based  lesson  •  Pre  /  Tasks  /  Post  à  jumping-­‐off  point  for  class  discussion  


TESOL  France  Colloquium  2012  



POST    •  Summary  

•  Target  Vocab  •  Prac5ce  Games  •  Discussion  

Structuring  the  Video-­‐based  lesson  •  Error  Correc5on  /  Posi5ve  Reinforcement    

TESOL  France  Colloquium  2012  

Structuring  the    Video-­‐based  lesson  

•  Score  vs  Grade:  integra5ng  the  mo5va5onal  dynamics  of  gamifica5on  into  the  video  exercise  scoring  logic  


TESOL  France  Colloquium  2012  

Structuring  the  Video-­‐based  lesson  •  Providing  assistance  à  dic5onaries,  transla5on    

Structuring  the  Video-­‐based  lesson  •  In-­‐class  vs.  Homework    

Requirements:  interac5vity,  good  design,    visibility,  s5mula5ng  content  

Requirements:  large  selec5on  of  s5mula5ng  content,  Teacher  Tools  for  assignment  and  compliance  monitoring    

Achieving  Repe55on  for  Memoriza5on  

TESOL  France  Colloquium  2012  

Prac5ce  Game:  Swap  Mania  

Prac5ce  Game:  Word  Rescue  

Prac5ce  Games  are  dynamically  driven  by  target  vocabulary  

items  in  learning  units  

Making  video-­‐based    learning  Social  •  Pos5ng  comments  •  Facebook    •  TwiAer  

TESOL  France  Colloquium  2012  

Sample  Video    Lesson  


Target  Vocabulary  

Clip  Summary  

Task  Se-­‐Up  Instruc5on  

First  Exposure  to  Video  Clip  

Learners  can  start,  pause,  and  replay  video  

Gist  comprehension  exercise  set-­‐up  

Gist  comprehension  exercise  

Video  resource  

Expandable  vocab  resource  

Instant  error  correc5on  

Gist  comprehension  exercise  debrief  

Inters55al  Score  

Posi5ve  Reinforcement  

Listening  exercise  set-­‐up  

Listening  exercise  

Learners  can  do  the  exercise  in  parallel  with  video  playback  

Gap-­‐filling  from  three  similar-­‐sounding  alterna5ves  actually  completes  the  transcript,  

which  will  be  available  for  next  exercise.  

Listening  exercise  debrief  

Detail  comprehension  exercise  set-­‐up  

Detail  comprehension  exercise  

Full  video  transcript  available  as  a  resource;  learners  can  either  review  

video  or  scan  transcript  to  find  details  in  exercise.  

Detail  comprehension  debrief  

Vocabulary  exercise  set-­‐up  

Vocabulary  exercise  

Vocabulary  resource  

automa5cally  switches  to  

selected  answer  op5on  

Vocab  exercise:  using  target  lexis  in  similar  

story  context    

Vocabulary  exercise  debrief  

Grammar  /  Usage  exercise  set-­‐up  

Grammar  /  Usage  exercise  

Sample  line  of  dialogue  taken  from  video  clip  

Explana5on  as  to  why  this  form  was  used  

Exercise  working  same  grammar  or  usage  

concept  (with  instant  answer  feedback)  

Grammar  /  Usage  exercise  debrief  

Final  Video  Booster  Debrief  screen  

Points  total  and  breakdown  

Skills  performance  graph  

Prac5ce  Games  op5ons  

Learner  comments  

Sugges5ons  for  further  learning  units  

Post-­‐task:  Prac]ce  Games  

Lexical  items  from  the  video  clip  

Defini5on  clues  and  sample  sentence  reveal  

Post-­‐task:  In-­‐class  or  Online  Messenger  discussion  

•  How  would  you  feel  about  asking  your  parents  for  money  if/when  you  are  an  adult?  

•  How  would  you  feel  about  your  son  or  daughter  asking  you  for  money  when  they  are  adults?  

•  Have  you  even  had  someone  try  to  discourage  you  from  your  dream  occupa5on  or  goal?  Describe  what  that  felt  like.    

•  What  does  “Being  A  Man”  mean  to  you?  

Sample  Class    Discussion  Topics  

User  feedback  

Conclusions  •  Video  is  a  powerful,  emo5ve  s5mulus  to  learning.  •  Short-­‐format  authen5c  video  without  sub5tles  

can  be  a  highly  mo5va5onal  and  effec5ve  pedagogical  tool  for  helping  build  EFL/ESL  competence.  

•  Video-­‐based  lessons  need  to  be  engineered  just  as  carefully  as  any  classroom  lesson,  with  pre-­‐  and  post-­‐tasks  and  a  natural  flow  from  exposure  and  gist  comprehension  through  to  more  detailed  or  nuanced  skills.  

•  Specialist  online  learning  plaDorms  such  as  English  AAack!  package  authen5c  video  together  with  exercises  to  offer  a  huge  choice  of  learning  units  of  all  difficulty  levels  across  many  topics  and  categories.  


Paul  Maglione,  Co-­‐founder,  English  A@ack!  TESOL  France    2012    

License  packages  English  AAack!  is  a  “freemium”  site,  with  limited  content  refreshed  daily  (soon  to  move  to  weekly)  available  free  of  charge.  Access  to  all  content  and  func5onali5es  is  available  under  several  license  plans:  


English  A@ack!  for  Companies  Flexible,  Company  co-­‐branding,  

trainer  packages,    possibility  of  specialist  content.  


English  A@ack!  for  Schools,  Language  Ins]tutes,  Universi]es  Flexible,  affordable,  school  co-­‐

branding,  Teacher  Tools  

Independent  Teacher  License  Full  suite  of  Teacher  Tools;  for  

situa5ons  where  learners  will  pay  for  their  own  Premium  access.  

Contact  us  at  pro@english-­‐[email protected]  to  set    up  a  pilot  program  in  your  school  or  company  

•  English  AAack!  •  English  AAack  Blog  

paul.maglione@english-­‐[email protected]  

•  English  AAack  for  Schools  •  English  AAack  for  Companies  

For  more  informa]on:  
