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Using Web 2.0 Technologies in Computer Science Classes

Date post: 31-Oct-2014
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Using Web 2.0 Technologies in Computer Science Classes Lillian (Boots) Cassel 1 , Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones 2 , Edward A. Fox 2 , Steven Edwards 2 , Manas Tungare 2 1 Department of Computing Sciences Villanova University 2 Department of Computer Science Virginia Tech
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Using Web 2.0 Technologies in Computer Science

ClassesLillian (Boots) Cassel1, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones2, Edward A. Fox2, Steven Edwards2, Manas Tungare2

1Department of Computing SciencesVillanova University

2Department of Computer ScienceVirginia Tech

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Plans for the evening

• Online Participation (Cassel)

• Web 2.0 in Education (Pérez-Quiñones, Tungare)

• Mashup and other examples (Fox)

• Web 2.0 in CS 1 (Edwards)


All URLs in slides are off tinyurl.com.Visit website for full URL.

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Online Materials

• All materials for the workshop are available at:

• http://syllabus.cs.vt.edu/web20/

• Also, we have a Facebook group for the workshop

• http://tinyurl.com/279jf3


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SIGCSE is a vibrant community

• Common goals, cohesive community, large conference, active mailing list

• Yet, online sharing of educational materials has not really flourished


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Online participation

• Do you share pictures online? (e.g. flickr)

• Do you write comments in Amazon products? Do you value the other opinions there?

• How often do you participate in the SIGCSE mailing list?


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If we build it, will you come?

• How many of these do you use?Why? Why not?



• SIGCSE education links



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• NSF funded effort

• Collections of resources and information for multiple disciplines (science, math, engineering, technology)

• Support for all educational levels(K-gray)


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Web 2.0The Machine is Usby Michael Wesch


Manuel and Manas will do this section


5 minute discussion on what it means and its implications for

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Web 2.0The Machine is Usby Michael Wesch


Manuel and Manas will do this section


5 minute discussion on what it means and its implications for

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Social Software...

• ...enables people to rendezvous, connect or collaborate through computer-mediated communication [Wikipedia]

• 55% of all American youth (ages 12-17) use some form of social networking site [Pew Internet & American Life Project, Lenhart 2007]


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Features of Social SW

• Goals: identify friends, resources, staying in touch, sharing interesting news...

• Commenting features... support discussion, collaboration, exchange

• Social tagging

• Connections - friends, “following,” groups...

• Syndication and embedding...

• Mashups - use API to combine data into new apps10

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• Identify friends (facebook, orkut, friendster)

• Education (citeulike, campusbug, carmun, koofers, rateteachers)

• Share resources: movies (youtube),pictures (flickr), status (twitter), bookmarks (del.icio.us, stumbleupon), news (digg, reddit), citations (citeulike), exams (koofers), slides (slideshare)...

11put site images/logos to make more graphical

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Social Tagging








• Free for all tagging, users pick their own tags

• Social network gives meaning to tags

• Joe receives as a recommendation url_b


no ontology, no imposed classification, why it works

web2.0 video - who will organize this? you will.

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Syndication & embedding


• Syndication of content from one site to another

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Facebook.com• Social network connecting

friends & groups

• Close communication among friends

• Recommendations

• Application platform - build your own applications

• Increases social capita of participants

• Pros and Cons for use in classroom

• Hands on: go to facebook and join the group for the workshop “Using Web 2.0 Technologies in your Computer Science Classes”

• http://tinyurl.com/279jf3

16demo and join group

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Twitter.com• Status (what are you doing)


• Inform your friends, be informed about their status

• “Follow” friends, famous people, or single words

• Updates can be received via email, SMS (to your phone), etc.

• Has been used in courses to support “contextualized” teaching (teaching in the moment)

• Hands on: Go to Twitter and create an account, follow sigcseweb20

• Send direct message by d sigcseweb20 message

17- no hands on- discuss education uses

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YouTube.com• Video archiving and playback

for community supported videos

• TV, Movies clips, Seminars, other user provided content

• Search and you will find:http://youtube.com/watch?v=lXOyd68saIM

• Add url to to facebook, automatically recognized

• HTML can be embedded in another page

• Embed videos in your lectures or website

• Example:http://tinyurl.com/35sjgg

• Hands on: Search YouTube.com for a visualization of some data structure (e.g. btree)


- search for video of CS ed- include in facebook

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citeulike.org• Bookmarking for references,

with support to export to EndNote, bibtex, etc.

• Supports “bookmarking” from popular cites, including ACM DL

• Power of social browsing, recommendations

• Example:http://citeulike.org


- hands on- search for ACM paper- add to citeulike- find other relevant papers- add to our citeulike library papers by fox, cassel, tungare, edwards, me

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Facebook Apps - show cat-space- key is to show facebook as platforms

• Study groups

• We are exploring a few possibilities...


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Custom applications

• Syllabus collection

• Computing News, as a result of Google search

• Google COOP


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• Collaborative editing on the web without the need of anything other than a web browser

• Allows creation and linking of pages

• Give students the ability to collaborate on the creation of materials for class

• Good uses in education, example:http://collab.dlib.vt.edu/runwiki/wiki.pl


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• Are hybrid web applications that combine information drawn from various web sources

• Simple example:

• A library web page that includes a news feed

• A professors page with list of books


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Course Page Demo

• A professor wants to offer a list of books on his course page, along with full bibliographic and up-to-the-minute holdings information about each book


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Second Life

• A 3D virtual world, created and maintained by users

• Full economy, buy property, purchase goods, sell stuff, all virtual

• Demo...


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Web 2.0 in CS 1

Steve will present this part


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We need to rethink...education

• Community of learners that go beyond the classroom, major, campus, town

• Community of educators ...

• Sharing of resources is the norm

• Information spreads faster than we can control it

• Collaboration take different forms

• social interaction exists both online and offline


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Implications for Education• the sky is falling, cheating is

rampant, we are doomed

• Have a presence on facebook - make students know you are participating

• Post some pictures to flicker, movies to YouTube, slides to SlideShare, messages to Twitter

• Make use of embedded content, rss

• Include social aspect in class projects


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Implications for Education• the sky is falling, cheating is

rampant, we are doomed

• Have a presence on facebook - make students know you are participating

• Post some pictures to flicker, movies to YouTube, slides to SlideShare, messages to Twitter

• Make use of embedded content, rss

• Include social aspect in class projects

