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UT Bulletin June 2011

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UT Bulletin June 2011
The Bulletin Union Temple of Brooklyn Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism JUNE, 2011 IYAR—SIVAN 5771 Vol. 162, No 10 Three hour guided walking tour of Hasidic Williamsburg for members of Union Temple. Sunday, June 12th at 11 AM See page 4 for details. SCHEDULE OF SHABBAT SERVICES FOR JUNE SHABBAT NASO 3 Friday Evening First Friday Family Shabbat 6:00 PM: Snacks 6:30 PM: Kabbalat Shabbat with Josh Adland Pot Luck Dinner and singing to follow 4 Saturday Morning 10:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service Torah: Numbers 4:21-7:89 Haftarah: Judges 13:2-25 SHABBAT BEHA’ALOTECHA 10 Friday Evening 6:00 PM: Reception 6:30 PM: Kabbalat Shabbat Installation of Officers and Trustees Celebratory Oneg to follow 11 Saturday Morning 10:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service Torah: Numbers 8:1-12:16 Haftarah: Zechariah 2:14-4:7 SHABBAT SHELACH LECHA 17 Friday Evening 5:00 PM: Tot Shabbat 6:30 PM: Kabbalat Shabbat 18 Saturday Morning 10:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service Torah: Numbers 13:1 Haftarah: Joshua 2:1-24 SHABBAT KORACH 24 Friday Evening Fourth Friday Late Shabbat 7:00 PM: Dinner 8:00 PM: Shabbat Evening Service Oneg: Presentation of IT GETS BETTER - a video produced by the students, faculty and administration of Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion. Oneg sponsored by Andy Mirer & Friends. 25 Saturday Morning 10:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service
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The Bulletin Union Temple of Brooklyn

Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism

JUNE, 2011 IYAR—SIVAN 5771 Vol. 162, No 10

Three hour guided walking

tour of Hasidic

Williamsburg for members

of Union Temple.

Sunday, June 12th at 11 AM See page 4 for details.



3 Friday Evening First Friday Family Shabbat 6:00 PM: Snacks 6:30 PM: Kabbalat Shabbat with Josh Adland Pot Luck Dinner and singing to follow

4 Saturday Morning 10:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service

Torah: Numbers 4:21-7:89 Haftarah: Judges 13:2-25


10 Friday Evening 6:00 PM: Reception 6:30 PM: Kabbalat Shabbat Installation of Officers and Trustees Celebratory Oneg to follow

11 Saturday Morning 10:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service

Torah: Numbers 8:1-12:16 Haftarah: Zechariah 2:14-4:7


17 Friday Evening 5:00 PM: Tot Shabbat 6:30 PM: Kabbalat Shabbat

18 Saturday Morning 10:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service

Torah: Numbers 13:1 Haftarah: Joshua 2:1-24


24 Friday Evening Fourth Friday Late Shabbat 7:00 PM: Dinner 8:00 PM: Shabbat Evening Service Oneg: Presentation of IT GETS BETTER - a video produced by the students, faculty and administration of Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion. Oneg sponsored by Andy Mirer & Friends.

25 Saturday Morning 10:30 AM Shabbat Morning Service

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Rabbi’s Message

June is Gay Pride Month On Monday, June 6, 7:00 PM, there will be an interfaith service at Union Temple to reaffirm and celebrate our embrace of the LGBTQ community within the community of faith and hope. I will be joined on the pulpit by Rev. Ann Kansfield and Rev. Jennifer Aull, co-pastors of the Greenpoint Re-formed Church, and Sr. Bishop Zachary G. Jones, of the Unity Fellowship Church. Our Temple Musician Shinae Kim and Student Cantor Lauren Phil-lips have formed a vocal quartet for the occasion, including colleagues Cantor Joshua Breitzer and Pedro d’Aquino. The choir of the Unity Fellowship Church will also perform. A reception in the Temple Lobby will follow the service, which will be held in the Temple Sanctuary.

The service is sponsored by Brooklyn Pride, beginning a month of affirmation, celebration, and embrace. On Saturday, June 11, Union Temple will have a booth at the Gay Pride Parade and Fair. Watch my E-blasts for further details. The month will culminate for us when we come together again on Friday, June 24, for our Fourth Friday Shabbat. Dinner will be as usual at 7:00 PM, followed by our Shabbat Evening Service at 8:00 PM. Following the service there will be an Oneg sponsored by our trustee Andy Mirer, featuring a short video, It Gets Better, produced by the faculty, students, and administration of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. Nevertheless, we remember during Pride Month that same sex marriage is still not legal in New York State. We continue to lag behind Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, and the District of Columbia. On May 16, several of our congregants joined me in Albany, along with our friends in Reform Jewish Voice of New York State and Interfaith Impact of New York, to articulate and affirm our support for same sex marriage to those who represent us in the State Assembly and State Senate, and others who needed to hear the voices of support from people of faith across this state. Civil unions and domestic partnerships are NOT the same as marriages in terms of legal status. Indeed, there are some 1,300 legal issues that distinguish marriages from other types of unions. The time has come for New York to step up to the plate. God willing, Steve and I will have the pleasure later this month of celebrating our 31st wedding anniversary. We have en-joyed 31 years of all the rights and privileges, and yes, some of the challenges as well, that marriage brings to those of us who are blessed in it. But there are those within our own congregation, whom I value as my friends, and count among the finest human beings I know, who are blocked outside of a wall of injustice. Those of us who are women know a thing or two about walls. We who are Jews know a thing or two about walls. The time has come for our country to do the right thing. We, the members of the American liberal re-ligious community, will continue to advocate to our leaders until justice is achieved. Please make every effort to join us as a community of faith, hope, and Pride.

-Rabbi Linda Henry Goodman

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Officer’s Column

Stepping Down but not Out

Celebrate Israel Parade Sunday, June 5th

• We’ll march with the Brooklyn congregations

• Meet us at the temple 12:30 PM or at the parade at 1:30 (54th & 5th)

• We’ll march under the Brooklyn banner and carry our

Union Temple banner too!

• Wear a T-Shirt with Union Temple’s logo on the back: $5.75 each.

Please call John to order.

Some people set out to be leaders, and some have leadership thrust upon them. I’m definitely in the latter cate-gory. One day in the spring of 2004 Mike Baron called me and said, "Here is a wonderful situation. Ilene and I are moving to Connecticut and you are moving into the presidency of Union Temple." So, without planning or foresight, I became Temple President.

Now, seven years later, we’ve reached the end of the road. I want all of you to know that I have enjoyed the challenge of being Temple President, and am most grateful for having had this experience and working with some very wonderful people

When I was installed as president I said of our congregation that "we recognize ourselves as heirs to and shap-ers of Judaism, as we explore our own experiences and integrate them into the tradition, we transform the tra-dition and shape it into something new. It is a difficult task – to be both the transmitter of tradition and the implementer of change."

To me, this exemplifies what we do here at Union Temple through our prayer services, our study of Judaism and our superb programs. Our achievements during the past seven years are congregational achievements that were made possible due to the collective efforts of innumerable congregants, along with our staff and Rabbi Goodman. Not one of them is a personal achievement; each and every one is a reflection of many minds which came together and in a team effort, concurred that Union Temple would be the better if it were done.

Some people have asked me if I’m happy to be so close to the end of my term, and yes, to some degree I am. I’m looking forward to having a little more free time. I’m also happy because I believe I did the best job I could as your president. I’m happy to be leaving Temple governance in the extremely capable and talented hands of Bea Hanks and wonderful officers and a strong and committed Board of Trustees.

There is an the old axiom that states, Jewish people say goodbye but never leave… Now, it is with absolutely mixed emotions that I’m saying goodbye to the presidency of Union Temple of Brooklyn. And while I am saying goodbye it is also true that I am not leaving Union Temple.

-Doris Klueger, President

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Join us for a 3-hour guided walking tour of

Hasidic Williamsburg for members of Union Temple.

Sunday, June 12, 2011 at 11 AM

A guide who grew up in the Hasidic community will:

• Show us ancient mansions and brownstone row-houses, abandoned by Williamsburg's prior residents af-

ter immigrants starting moving in, in the early 20th century. • Describe first-hand the dynamic educational and social institutions

established by the Satmar's after World War II.

• Discuss the makeup of the contem-porary Hasidic landscape. Who are the major players? What do they stand for? Where do they live? How do we distinguish be-

tween them? • Acquaint us with Hasidic lifestyle, religion, custom and retail

consumption patterns. • Tell us about the original Jewish inhabitants of Williamsburg

were and how they paved the way for the successful establishment of the intensely separatist Hasidic Jewish

experience in post-WWII America. • Discuss the major political issues Williamsburg Hasidim have contended with over the

years: housing disputes, the incinerator, the bike lane, relations with Hispanics and Artists, modesty, Zionism, the Satmar Succession Feud and more.

To top it off, during our restaurant break he will provide a variety of authentic

Hungarian Jewish food.

If you are interested, please call the Temple office to sign

up. $30 per person

Union Temple of Brooklyn 17 Eastern Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11238 (718) 638-7600 :www.uniontemple.org email: [email protected]

Page 5: UT Bulletin June 2011

Our preschoolers were all happy to be back in school after spring break – and they are all wiser, taller, and cuter! In the Chickadees classroom, Montana Vazquez-Grinnell’s twos class, they are talking about spring with new books about gardens and seeds growing. They will be doing a little planting project so that they can watch a flower grow at home. The students have already created beautiful of cherry blossom trees using colorful cot-ton balls. The Chickadees are also doing a lot of talking about the importance of using your words to commu-nicate your feelings. Most of the Chickadees are now three (!) and there are a lot more social interactions hap-pening both positive interactions and some conflicts. They are really working on helping the children navigate these different situations so that they can better read their friends feelings, and so that they can develop their social and communication skills! On returning to school, many of the Sparrows and Starlings, Alex Beer’s twos and threes classes, remarked on noticing spring growth (at last) outside over the break, and several went to the Cherry Blossom Festival at the Brooklyn Botanical Garden. Thus, the classes created lovely cherry trees for the classroom walls, with torn-paper trunks and tissue-paper blossoms. It is amazing to see the variety of trees (and the differing perspectives of children) that can come out of one set of materials! Before moving on to summer, the children will record their own growth after observing changes they've made and steps they've taken since September, and create a timeline as a memento of this busy, wonderful year. The Robins, Christine Bardach’s threes class, were thrilled to play with their friends and get back into their school routine. One day, shortly after returning from break a few of the Robins were pretending to have a Pass-over Seder. They were all reading from a book that they referred to as “The Haggadah”. When one child started to sing the first of the Four Questions a few others joined in - it was quite amazing! The last unit the Robins will be studying is growth. They will be collecting and investigating many different kinds of seeds. After planting some of them, the children will be able to observe their growth and take part in caring for the seedlings. In addition to all of the special projects going on in our twos and threes classrooms, each of these classrooms will further explore growth by watching caterpillars metamorphose into butterflies over two weeks' time. They will read, sing, and do art projects all about butterflies, and at the end of this study they will take their class butterflies outside and set them free. Although school is beginning to wind down, the Hummingbirds, Pam Apple’s fours class, will be busy in the coming weeks. They are beginning to talk about leaving Union Temple and moving on to kindergarten. This is often a difficult subject that can create anxiety for the children. Our goal is to make the transition as stress-free for them as possible. Toward that end, the Hummingbirds class will develop a list of things the children want to know about their new schools, e.g., Does it have a playground? Do they eat lunch in their classroom? They will then send letters to all of the schools that the children will be attending and ask that their current kin-dergarteners answer the questions. This will allow our students to have a little insight into what they can ex-pect in September. We are looking forward to the start of our summer program on June 13. Summer camp runs for seven weeks. There are half day and full day options. We still have some openings, so if you are interested call us at 718-623-1322 or email us at [email protected] to request an application. We also have one opening in our twos program for September. Please contact the preschool office by phone or email to arrange for a tour.

Happy summer.

-Susan Sporer, Director



Growing in a Variety of Ways

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Religious School

Siyyum: End of Year Roundup UT parents joined us in May for our final siyyum. We sat in a circle as the kids led us in the havdallah prayers and then adjourned to classrooms to learn together. Kitah Aleph and Kinder Kef created class murals showing the favorite things they learned this year. Kitah Aleph's mural shows Israel geography and topography, holi-days, Bible stories (favorite: Jonah and the Whale), Shabbat and havdallah. Kinder Kef's mural highlights the alef-bet, holidays, and Bible stories (favorite: Noah's ark). Check them out on our bulletin board! In tefillah, Rachel’s students talked about the meaning of each prayer: kol hakavod/great job! Students partici-pated in UT Mitzvah Day by polishing silver Torah ornaments. Ari’s class choir performed with our terrific song leader, Josh, who taught us a new song that exemplifies our UT Sunday school: Kehillah Kedoshah/holy community. We had a make-your-own-sundae bar. Our new family learning program was very successful. We celebrated Hanukkah together and joined for an all-school Tu biShevet Seder and a model Pesach seder, with matzo baking. Parents learned with their kids during the siyyum in December and May, and in our Sunday morning gatherings. I updated parents via weekly emails on school happenings. Kinder Kef: Allison’s students learned alef-bet with Pla-Doh and yoga poses, heard Bible stories, and did in-novative projects like “Shabbat-in-a-bag.” Allison is the new director of elementary learning at Temple Beth Shalom, Needham, Mass. We’ll miss her! Kitah Aleph (Ari’s class) did hands-on Bible learning: They talked about Creation and then discussed in what order they would have created the world; they learned about Noah and made arks with animal crackers; they built a Tabernacle with graham crackers. They did an alef-bet challenge; they learned the names of body parts in a Hebrew game; they made tzedakah boxes. UT is thrilled to have her with us again next year! Kitah Bet (David’s class) learned Hebrew language, script and grammar. They used a multimedia curricu-lum (www.g-dcast.com) to learn the Bible stories that shaped the Jewish people/calendar. Kitah Gimmel (Rachel’s class learned about Shalom Bayit (peace in the house); Mitzvot Bein Adam L'Chaveiro/La'Makom (how to behave to one an-other); holiday customs, rituals, significance. They studied the wisdom of Pirkei Avot (Talmud tips for good living), Parashat Hashavua/weekly Bible read-ings and Hebrew grammar. Personally, I was just ordained as a rabbi by Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. I‘ll soon start work at a Manhattan nonprofit called Health-Care Chaplaincy, which does chaplaincy education, research and clinical practice. So I will not be able to serve as educator for UT's Sunday program. I very much regret leaving the kehillah kedoshah I have been privileged to serve this year.

Rav todot/ Much thanks for a terrific year!

-Carole Gould, Educator/Rabbinic Intern


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for singing, dancing, art, stories, challah,

and more ....

Every Third Friday Evening at 5 PM,

Join us at the next one on June 17th.

Look at our calendar for future dates. For all tots and their parents.




Sorting Things Out Thank you to all of our Mitzvah Day volunteers! It was great working with the religious school to gather donated children’s books and school supplies for the U.S. – Africa Children’s Fellowship. And Mazal Tov to our religious school principal, Rabbi Carole Gould, on her ordination.

Our annual Brotherhood Breakfast and election of officers will be on Sunday morning, June 5th. We will do a little advance planning for the coming year, too. Bring ideas for the kinds of activities, events, and book discussions you would like. See you there!

-Steve Segall, Brotherhood President

At last it's June! After a too-long winter and all-too-brief spring, we're all looking forward to summer. Thanks to Drs. Gail Levine and Robert Fried, who led us in Sisterhood's final program of this season, "Finding the Peace Within: Tools to Reduce Stress and Strengthen Spirituality," it should be a summer of relaxation and renewal. It was a delightful way to end our season, and, with the life secrets Gail and Bob revealed to us, we should all return in the fall with renewed energy and a more peaceful perspective.

Sisterhood is already deep in plans for another season of meaningful programs filled with learning, sharing, laughter, and surprises, and we know you won't want to miss even one. We hope that you'll be with us for them all as a member. Sisterhood bills will be mailed out this month. If you are not yet a part of our warm circle of friendship, please join now. If you are already a member, please renew promptly for next year. Membership is only $36. Just think—for only double chai you can perform the mitzvah of bringing hope and help where they are needed by adding your voice, your heart, and your hands to ours as together we reach out to help our tem-ple, our community, and our world.

Remember, too, that even during the summer you can make a contribution to Sisterhood's Memorial Fund, Hattie Newman Happy Day Fund, and Rose Keit Flower Fund. It's a beautiful way to remember loved ones and to mark happy occasions and at the same time to be a part of Women of Reform Judaism as we work to help others and to make our world a better place.

Have a terrific summer—and come back rested, happy, and ready to join us in another great season!

-Barbara Brett, Recording Secretary


On to a Relaxed, Happy Summer

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BEN BARIS, son of Rabbi Carole Gould and Jay Baris, is graduating Emory University. PHILIP GOODMAN, son of Rabbis Stephen and Linda Goodman, is graduating from Binghamton Uni-versity with a B.A. in Philosophy, Politics, and Law. CAROLE GOULD is earning an M.A. in Hebrew Literature and Rabbinic Ordination from Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion. Mazal Tov Carole. NATALIE KASS-KAUFMAN, daughter of Chris Kaufman and Barbara Kass, is graduating Packer Collegiate Institute, and will be attending Bowdoin College in the fall. DAVID SHAFFER, son of Rosemarie and Martin (z”l) Shaffer, is earning an M.S. in Science Education, and will be teaching at the Dillon Child Study Center. ADAM J. TWENTE, son of Andrea R. Polans and Elmer W. Twente, is graduating summa cum laude from Boston University with a B.A. in Political Science and Psychology. In the fall, Adam will be head-ing to Sydney, Australia, to work for RAS (The Royal Agricultural Society). JESSE WHITE, son of Jill Dube and Brooks White, is graduating Beacon High School, and will attend George Washington University Elliott School of International Affairs in the fall.


ALISON REED, daughter of David and Stacey Reed, won second place in the Toshiba North American Exploravision Competition. She and her teammates will be receiving their award in Washington, DC. Her team designed a 3D printer that manufactures kidneys to order out of a patients own stem cells so there is no problem with rejection.


CANTOR MARIA DUBINSKY (UT 2008-2010), will now serve as Chazzan Sheini (Assistant Cantor) at Temple Shaarey Tefila in NYC. CANTOR TODD KIPNIS (UT 2003-2005), has been named Senior Cantor of Temple Shaarey Tefila in NYC. CANTOR KERITH SPENCER SHAPIRO (UT 2001-2003), has been named Cantor of Temple Sholom in Broomall, PA. CANTOR MARY THOMAS (UT 2007-2008), was formally invested into the Cantorate on May 8th, will be serving as Chazzan Sheini at Temple Beth El of Charlotte, NC.

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It is with profound sadness that we record the passing of longtime member and honorary trustee of Union Temple


on May 25th. We express our deepest sympathy to Eleanor's entire family: her daughter and son-in-law, Phyllis and Dan Drobner, and

her children Keri (and Eric) and Scott (and Alison); her daughter and son-in-law, Harriet and Howard Drandoff, and their children Karen (and Yair) and

Rabbi Avraham (and Hope); and her son and daughter-in-law, Ira and Audrey Forman,

and their children Adam, Eric, and Rachel. Eleanor was also blessed with ten great-grandchildren.

May her memory be for a blessing


REMEMBER MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger

Donate 3% of your food expenditures to MAZON.

Give to our MAZON tzedakah can at temple dinners.

Find out more at: www.mazon.org


After the Fire: The Union Temple Tribute Page for the Jewish National Fund’s “Operation Carmel Renewal: From Black to Green.”

Union Temple will match all funds do-nated by our congregants. 1) Go to website: jnf.org/tributes 2) Click on “Find a Tribute.” 3) Click on “Show All Funds,” and we are toward the end in the alphabetical listing. 4) Make your contribution online, and your name will be added to our list of donors. If you prefer to pay by check, please make it out to “JNF” and earmark it: “Union Temple Black to Green,” and send it to: Jewish National Fund 78 Randall Avenue Rockville Center, NY 11570

UNION TEMPLE MEMORIAL FUND Donated by ........................................................................ in memory of Helen Caplin Heller ......................................................................... Stella Bloom Nancy M. Greenberg ......................................................................... Stella Bloom Joyce M. Charles ............................................................................... Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson Rabbi Linda Henry Goodman ........................................................... Philip G. Henry HAPPY DAY FUND Donated by ........................................................................ in honor of Lorne Cooper .................................................................................... Union Temple RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Donated by ........................................................................ in honor of Susanne and Henry Singer ................................................................ Philip Goodman's graduation. Hy and Barbara Brett. ....................................................................... Philip Goodman's graduation

Page 10: UT Bulletin June 2011

Union Temple suggests that its members contact our Funeral Director

Martin D. Kasdan of Boulevard-Riverside Chapels

1895 Flatbush Avenue Brooklyn, NY

1-800-522-0588 Proudly maintaining more

than 50 years of Temple involvement


Memorial Plaques

A memorial plaque is a lasting tribute to a loved one. If you wish more information regarding obtaining

a plaque in memory of a loved one please e-mail the temple at

[email protected] or leave a message with the temple office.

The Bulletin Union Temple of Brooklyn

17 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn NY 11238 (718) 638-7600

Fax (718) 783-9151 E-mail [email protected]

Website Uniontemple.org

Dr. Linda Henry Goodman Rabbi

Lauren Phillips Student Cantor

Shinae Kim

Temple Musician

Susan Sporer Preschool Director

Doris Klueger


Ellen Kolikoff Henry Singer Jeffrey Stein

Vice Presidents

Steven Segall Secretary

Beatrice Hanks


Mike Baron Hortense R. Hurwitz Honorary Presidents

Eleanor Forman

Honorary Trustee

David Rapheal Bulletin Editor

John Golomb

Temple Administrator

Martin Kasdan Funeral Director (800) 522-0588


Janet Lippen Protter .................. June 1, 1976 Stephen Caplin .......................... June 2, 1935 Frieda Kraus .............................. June 2, 1942 Josephine E. Glassheim ............. June 2, 1982 Dorothy Levitt ............................ June 3, 1985 David B. Wohlberg .................... June 4, 1951 Eva Goldstone ............................ June 5, 1995 Louis Ribman ............................. June 6, 1912 Minnie Minkoff .......................... June 6, 1961 Isidore Leviton .......................... June 9, 1965 Etta Fradin Nevin ..................... June 10, 1930 Nellie Lustig ............................. June 10, 1941 Col. David Marcus ................... June 10, 1948 William A. Wasch .................... June 10, 1968 Lt. Norman K. Bernstein .......... June 11, 1944 Samson O. A. Ullman .............. June 11, 1947 N. Byron Cronheim .................. June 11, 1964 Elsie A. Wasch ......................... June 12, 1956 Hannah Wertheimer ................. June 14, 1927 Arnold Schmidt ........................ June 14, 1939 Jennie Fogel ............................. June 15, 1928 Nettie Schoen ........................... June 16, 1931 David L. Wasch ....................... June 16, 1932 Natalie S. Wasch ...................... June 16, 1970 Charles Sturzer ......................... June 17, 1972 Samuel Minkoff ....................... June 18, 1947 Joseph Friedman ...................... June 18, 1953 Dorothy Zweig ......................... June 18, 1980 Helen W. Millman ................... June 18, 1990 Lilyan Austen ........................... June 19, 1971 Anna Drexler ............................ June 20, 1958 Malvine Nathanson .................. June 21, 1918 Anna Linde ............................... June 23, 1926 Morris Woronock ..................... June 24, 1947 Jennie Rosenberg ..................... June 24, 1973 Irwin Karlitz ............................. June 24, 2001 Sophia Hess .............................. June 25, 1945 Genevieve Bernstein ................ June 27, 1919 Michael Furst ........................... June 27, 1934 Dinah Bloom ............................ June 27, 1951 Abraham Abraham ................... June 28, 1911 Louis E. Fogel .......................... June 28, 1956 Bernard Marienhoff ................. June 28, 1952 Eleanor Dumey ..................... June 29, 2007 Henry Elroc .............................. June 29, 1984


Louis Newman ........................... July 1, 1928 Mathilda Weill ............................ July 1, 1958 Solomon Goodman ..................... July 1, 1964 Rose Barkan ............................... July 2, 1944 Michael Elman ........................... July 2, 1957 Harry Jaffa .................................. July 3, 1903 Dr. Joseph Zimmerman ............. July 3, 1963 Federick B. Hirsch ...................... July 3, 1972 David A. Wallach ....................... July 3, 1993 Gus Weill .................................... July 5, 1941 Hattie Baum ................................ July 6, 1958 Charles Bloch ............................. July 8, 1947 Amelia Meruk ............................. July 8, 1948 Rabbi Dr. A Stanley Dreyfus ... July 8, 2008 Babbette Schmidt ....................... July 9, 1924 Hazel Cronheim .......................... July 9, 1981 Aaron Jacobs ............................ July 10, 1942 Milton Hamburger .................... July 10, 1964 Norman Silverman ................... July 11, 1997 Mildred Strauss ......................... July 12, 1934 Charles Rockmore, Past Pres.. July 12, 1988 George Levitt ............................ July 14, 1966 Celine M. Lefkowitz................. July 15, 1953 Constance Rockmore ................ July 15, 1965 Alex Berlin ............................... July 15, 1976 Jennie Diener ............................ July 15, 1978 Isabel Meyer ............................. July 16, 1936 Isabel Hyams Abraham ............ July 17, 1873 Bessie Felsenfeld ...................... July 17, 1955

Pauline Sturzer ......................... July 17, 1988 Irene Schwartz ......................... July 18, 1993 Lily G. Meyer .......................... July 20, 1970 Olive Cohen ............................. July 21, 1957 Ann Greenberg ......................... July 21, 1998 Ida Iason ................................... July 22, 1948 Donald R. Oppenheimer .......... July 22, 1998 Ruth E. Wolfort ....................... July 23, 1966 Anna Ruttenberg ...................... July 24, 1944 Lawrence E. Abraham ............. July 24, 1945 Joseph Shaffer .......................... July 24, 1978 Irene Schwartz ......................... July 24, 1998 Norma Korman ........................ July 24, 2003 Dr. Robert Kamen .................... July 26, 1976 Helen Klupt .............................. July 26, 1976 Bernard B. Dorf ....................... July 27, 1924 Theodora H. Lorence ............... July 29, 1970 Julien W. Newman................... July 29, 1976 Madeline P. Drexler ................. July 29, 1978


Max C. Fogel ........................ August 1, 1962 Carl Ornitz ........................... August 1, 1970 Rose Stegman Lippin ............ August 1, 1995 Rose Levitt ........................... August 2, 1949 Harry A. Goldstone .............. August 2, 1968 Abraham Greenberg ............. August 2, 1984 Joseph Wertheimer .............. August 4, 1930 Henry Newman .................... August 4, 1934 Lillian S. Fogel .................... August 4, 1966 Sally Smallberg .................... August 4, 1991 Rachel Klein ......................... August 5, 1933 Augusta Stark ........................ August 5, 1946 Henry A. Rowland ................ August 5, 1962 Sophia Rosenzweig .............. August 7, 1949 Gabriel Baum ....................... August 8, 1905 Martin G. Peters ................... August 9, 1934 Mary G. Kamins .................. August 9, 1943 Mendel Rosenzweig ............ August 9, 1957 Leon J. Goodman ................. August 9, 1966 Helen Jacobs ........................ August 9, 1975 Luba Louria ....................... August 10, 1926 Irma C. Katz ....................... August 10, 1948 David Nachman ................. August 11, 1922 Dr. William Linder ............. August 11, 1945 Paul Grossman .................... August 11, 2001 Dr. William Linder ............ August 12, 1953 Clara Parnes ....................... August 12, 1953 Hillard R. Nevin Jr. ............. August 12, 1955 Dr. Hillard R. Nevin .......... August 12, 1955 Hilary C. Nevin .................. August 12, 1955 Cecile M. Nevin ................. August 12, 1955 Emanuel Newman ............... August 12, 1957 William Marks ................... August 12, 1990 Clara London ..................... August 13, 1918 Jacob Rosenfeld ................. August 14, 1905 Laura Hamburger ............... August 17, 1936 Berenice Gerstman .............. August 17, 2000 Isabelle Silverman .............. August 18, 1972 Lillian Flyer ....................... August 18, 1973 William Baron ................... August 18, 1990 Rose Elroc .......................... August 19, 1994 Philip Lipstein .................... August 19, 1966 Anna M. Polisar ................. August 19, 1969 Alexander J. Linde .............. August 21, 1934 Morris Sasuly ..................... August 23, 1960 Robert L. Drexler ............... August 23, 1971 Estelle Marks ..................... August 23, 1988 Sadye R. Altman ................ August 24, 1979 Harris Farber ...................... August 25, 1927 Helen Dumey ..................... August 25, 1970 Irma Tedesche .................... August 25, 1978 Jacob Grossman ................. August 26, 1940 Dr. Leon Louria ................. August 27, 1923 Dr. Bernard Stattman ......... August 27, 1956 Charles N. Cohen, Past PresAugust 29, 1955 Dr. Walter Sherer ............... August 29, 1971 Rose Ehrlich ....................... August 29, 1991

Page 11: UT Bulletin June 2011


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


6:00 PM

Calendar Meeting


6:15 PM Officers

3 Rosh Chodesh Sivan

First Friday Family Shabbat 6:00 PM Snacks 6:30 PM Service Pot Luck Dinner

4 10:30 AM

Shabbat Morning Service

5 10:00 AM

Brotherhood Breakfast &

Elections 1:30 PM Celebrate

Israel Parade Fifth Avenue


7:00 PM Brooklyn Pride

Interfaith Service Union Temple

Reception follows


7:30 PM

Service for the Eve of Shavuot

Cheesecake Reception to follow

8 10:30 AM

Festival Morning Service Yizkor

9 10

6:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat

Installation of Officers and


11 10:30 AM

Shabbat Morning Service

Gay Pride Parade

12 Walking Tour of Williamsburg


6:00 PM Board of Trustees

14 15

6:30 PM HHD Honors


16 17

5:00 PM Tot Shabbat

6:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat

18 10:30 AM

Shabbat Morning Service

Lunch Program on Jewish Adoption


19 Seventh

Heaven Street Fair


7:30 PM Religious Practices


21 22

7:30 PM Movie Night



Fourth Friday Shabbat

7:00 PM Dinner 8:00 PM Service 9:00 PM Oneg &

Gay Pride Presentation

25 10:30 AM

Shabbat Morning Service

26 27

28 29 30

June 2011 Iyar-Sivan 5771

Shabbat Services are conducted

throughout the summer.

Kabbalat Shabbat: Fridays, 6:30 PM.

Exceptions: Late Friday Services, July 22 and August 26, 8:00 PM..

All Saturday Morning services: 10:30 AM

Page 12: UT Bulletin June 2011

Union Temple of Brooklyn 17 Eastern Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11238 (718) 638-7600 [email protected]


Prospect Park

Health and Racquet Association

In Union Temple Building at 17 Eastern Parkway

718-789-4600 Ask about Special discounts for

Union Temple Members

Shabbat Services Continue Throughout the Summer!


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●Web & Print Advertising

Ellen D. Kolikoff [email protected]

917-817-6292 10% Off for Union Temple members

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