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UTXTT HARDWARE Wate. CO., CGiui&£Er. Proprietors Dealers ...

Date post: 15-Apr-2022
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o v ? fliter & CGiui&£Er. Proprietors B. O. DEINIXAEK, Associate Editor HUlhcint. Thursday, Sep. 6. Terms-81.50 Per Annum. Dmocrnttr Malt Ticket. F<lR SCFRCM* .lIUTF)*, JOHN TUUNKEY, o* Vsx vxoor Corvrr. FOK STATE TRKASCIIEP, AMOS C. NO YES, OK GLUTTON COCNTY. FOR AI OITOR GSNKRAL, W. P. SCI!ELL, OK BUTORP OOCXTY. l>mcrntlc Delegate kleriidn. The Donaocrntie voters of Centre conn TV will meat at tho rejittlnr places of HOLTL- ITIG thJ jjeueral election for SUCH district on SATURD AY THE Will DAY OT SEP- TEMBER, IS7T, to elect DELETRATOS to the Democratic County Convention. The eleocion will open at 2 o'clock p. in. ami close at o'clock p. The delegates chosen.at the above time will meet in the Court lion-seat Ikdlefonte on TUESDAY. THE ISth DAY OF SKP- TE MBKit, at 2 o'clock p.m., to nominate one candidate for District Attorney and transact such other business ns mavbe rosrularly brought before It. The number of deleßUtea to WHICH each district is en- HUM* WIDER the present apporporthm- ment, is as follows: |W, W. Idlarris " - Uallefontc *. w. 'I liowanl - ?? 1 TV. U. 2JL .'.ston 44 44 1 MilcsbuiK borough I Elbert y " " l I'nhwivnTe U 44 L Marion 44 " 2 Jlowanl " '? ? 1 Miles ?? 5 l'hilipsbnrjr" 44 2 Ration ?? ?? L HOGGS TV>U n jhip 2 Penu - ?? 5 Rentier " ?' X Potter - f- Hurivido . " 1 Knsh 44 44 3 COGEJP- 44 44 1 Snow Shoe 44 44 2 Cnrtin 44 - 1 SPRING 44 44 4 KERGNJON 44 44 4 Tavlor 44 ?? L tiregg , " " 4t"ll'ton 44 44 I If NINES 44 44 4 Walker 44 44 4 - irolfmoon 44 44 I Worth 44 44 1 The DELEGATE election In all to be CO:nluetod strictly In accordance with the MLES of the purtv heretofore, except as to the time of opening ami CLOSING, which is as al>ove stated. * The Totva Democrats "held their stnte convention on last Wednesday. Thev propose Tilden for President in adopted a Greentack Anti- Specie Resumption Platform, and nominated n Mr. Irish for Governor, W. C. James for Lieutenant Gover- nor, lI r E. J. Hoardman for Sqpren e Judgeund G. I). Cullisor-, for Snpt. .vt Public lustrutftlyn. " * f ; r V " tV" The HepuLllchns of Etna, away * down in the pure tree state of Riaino-Mmne. are very wrath!ul over their fraudulent President. At sv nutting the other day t u ey "AY.so/red, That President Ilayes -is a traitor to his party and to his country and to his God." The Dtmocrats i f Union county ! held lluir convention last week and nominated 11. 11. Mercer, for Pro- thonotarv, John A. Gundav. for county Surveyor, end I>ewis Bitting for Coroner, Tluw-nre said to lie a -rood sett of feh oris but their ele_ 4 - ticn is a little doubtful. , '? '] In court, at Ganeaster, 0:1 .Satur- d iv, George ('. llaMemau and James K. Yonrige phnd gnilty to the charge of assault and l> ittery na m J. M. j W. Geist, editor C the Xnr Em. They vvcie sentenced to pay a line of each a:ut cste ef prosecution. Edward Hawthorne, aged 2S. has Jieen committed to jail, in Pittsburg, on charge of having three wives more than the law allows. This' young man had better le elected to jsueceed Brigham Young. Senator Morton, of Indiana, who was so sick that his recovery seemed impossible, is getting better. rai'B HILLID.V PE'IPLE DOOMED. r -Sixth of the Population of Southern India Certain to Perri3li from Famine. LONDON, Aygost/29.?The editor lof tlie Madras TIUUA, "who is a m?m- lier of the relief committee, writes, wider date of August 1, as follows: "The p<4*ibiUou in Southern In- dia *worb4r less atflieted by famine numbers 24,<'00,000. In the most favorable circimstances at least one- LxthofJtlie jieople wili die. The famine is immeasurably greater than that was in Bragal. Twenty-three neople in all died of starvation in Bengal. In Madras no camp 0f3,000 rises morning after morning without leaving thirty corpses. "In the inte- rior the distress is most fearful. One gentleman, passing down a val- ley in the Wynaad district, counted twenty-nine dead bodies on the road. A coffee planter, seeking shelter from tlie rain in a hut found six decom- posing corpses in it. On any day and every day mothers may be seen in the streets of Madras offering their children for sale, while the fond- ling portion of the poorliouse JS full of infants, found by the police on the roads, deserted by their parents. .Since the famine commenced 500,- 000 people have died of want and distress. Ttie first big tragedy may be expected in Mysore. In that province, indeed, information has leached me from Bangalore of two cases of cannibalism already." A $1,000,01)9 Fire fn Missouri. N PARIS, MO., Aug. 31. ?A fire broke out about 1 o'clock tnis after- noon in the City Saloon, and spread rapidly on the east, west and south sides of the square until about ten blocks of business houses and dwell- ings were consumed, including three hotels, the Post Office, telegranh and express offices. The loss is esti- mated at trom $1,000,000 to $1,500,- 000. Many families are without slielter, and several lives are reported to have been lost. It is said that a man named Taylor set fire to the City Saloon bj pouring oil on the floor, and igniting it with the re- mark that he would "burn the d-d town." lie was arrested andjodged in jail. There was but one fire en- gine in town, and the water gave out, leaving the city to the mercy of the flames. THE UTXTT IKCTIBVS. T ON NS ITNPED ?Disnit- k . n -or \u25a0 hair Opponents. PARIS. Aug. SI. ? Lv Temps, mod- erate Republicans. gives the follow- ing particulars: "No second Hepub. liean candidate lias appeared to con- test any of the Scats represented by the S(S*who Voted <f the comaof the Iffili of May. The Deft win contest Ltfothef const it ueneles, and there are not more than live of these where they are not agreed on a single candidate. On the other hand, ttre disunion of the Right is remarkable. In eighty constituencies the official candidate is confronted by a rival conservative. The I.eft, too, are rOoiT advanced with their preparation's', having duly lorlv con- stituencies out of 533 stili unprovid- ed with candidates, whereas in at least 30 departments the list of offi- cials candidates is still unsettled. \u25a0 \u2666 ?- - Charged With Twenty-Seven Mur- ders. WHITING, Ala., August-4.?To- day as a train was leaving lVnsaco- la, the sheriff with a posse, boarded the cars to assist two Texan officers to arrest the notorious John Wesley Harden, who is said to havecominit- ted twenty-seven murders and for whose body $4,000 reward has been offered by an art of the legislature of Texas. His last murder in Texas was the killing of the she iiff of Coinauche county. He has lived in Florida for several years under the niuue of John $ wain. About twen- ty shots were fired in making the arrest, and llanion's companion named Mann, who had a pistol in iiis hand was killed. A Pittsburg paper announces the organization of a mysterious secret order called the Universal Brother- hood. It is composed of laborers, mechanics, farmers, lawyers, doc- tors, preachers, politicians, office- holders. tankers, landholders and speculators arerigidlv excluded. No man is admitted to memliership who is not engaged in some active indus- try involving manual labor. The or- der already numbers thousands and will soon tie organized in every ward in Pittsburg. Its object is to unite the lalßiring classes of every grade, and priffession 111 a common interest throughout the United States. The case of Jack Kelioe, the Mol- lie, wilt be heard by the Supreme Court at Pittsburg at the October term. The Case of Hester, Telly and Me Hugh, of .Columbia, and Thomas P. Fisher,of Carbon, all Mollies, will also be considered. Warrants had been issued for the execution of Hester, Tulty and Mellugh 011 Apgust 0 and Fisher on September 10. No warrant had been issued i 1 Kehoe's case but sen- tence of death had been pronounced in the court of Schuylkill county* DEATH OX THE RAlL.?Roland Gaiducr. aged 21, on his return home last Thursday night from an unsuc- cessful hunt for work, got off the second section of the express freight opposite his father's one mile above Graham siding, and being tired, sat on the end of a tie and fell asleep. The third section of the freight line? c nn * along au'd stru-k him. causing his d-Mth.?Ciinfm D m >;r tl. THE CENTRAL STATE NORMAL SCHOOL at Lo. K Haven, l\i., will open its fall term on Monday, S.p- temiier 17. Students should send in their application for rooms at once. Those desiring tuition o; ly should have their names entered without delay. Applv for circular or partic- ulars to A. X. ltaub, Principal. Ardror PROPAGATION.? A con. eisc practical work on the rapid in- crease and multiplication of stock- amply illustrated. Price pre-paid hv mai l , 50 cts. Published 1 y .TEN- KINS" GRAPE AND SEEDLING NUR- SERIES, Whiona, Columbiana Co., Ohio. Send for it, and for free cata- logue. Not more than one fourth of the surveyed public lands have been dis- l>osed of, and there remain in the different States and Territories, 1.132,(>35,224 acres of unsurveyed land. The Lowell (Mass.) Courier nom- inates Governor Ilartranft for Presi- dent in 1880. Whew! 4l + m \u25a0 Kf mSITTftYS or TSICIIERS FOR 1877. Snow Bhoe & Burnside?Snow Shoe, Saturday, Sept. 8 Liberty?Eagleville, Saturday, Sept. 15. Howard & Curtin?Howard, Mon- day, Sept. 17. Huston?Julian Furnace, Tuesday, Sept. 18. Unionville & Union ?Unionville, Wednesday. September 19. M'lesburg & Hoggs?Milesburg, Fri- day, Sept. 21. Miles ?Kebersburg, Monday, Sept 24. Ilaines?Aaronsburg, Monday, Sept. ? Penn ?MiTlheim, Wednesday, Sept. 20. Gregg?Penn Hall, Thursday, Sept. 27. Potter ?Centre Hall, Friday, Sept. 28. Harris?Boalsburg, Tuesday, Oct. 2. College?Lemorit, Wednesday, Oct. 3. Ferguson?Pine Grove Mills, Thurs- day. Oct. 4. Half moon Stormstown, Friday, Oct. 5. Patton ?Waddle's School House, Saturday, Oct. 6. Benner?Knox's School House, Mon- day, Oct. 8. Spring?Valentines' School ilouse, Tuesday, Oct. 9. Wa Iker?H üblersburg, Wednesday, Oct. 10. Marion Jacksonville, Thursday, Oct. 11. EXAMINATIONS WILL OPEN AT 9 A. M. .Seme of the directors should be present in time to make out a list of applicants to be examined. HENRY MEYER, Aug, 25, 1877. County Supt. Snyder County Fair, at Middle- burg, Oct, 3rd, 4th and sth. Don t fail to read the advertise- ment of W. F. Evans & Co., deal- ers in Watches & Jewelry, Chicago, Illinois. AYe you going to the Sui Side, or art- you there already V Ii either ease procure some of GLKTN'S STTL- i'liru SOAP, if you would 'Wreasa the luxury of the hath, render your skin white and healthy* and remove freckles or sun burn. Ndd by all Druggists. . . lliil v s hair Whisker Dye, blaek oi brown, AO cts. 4\v. THE BKATTY PIANO, and Beat- ty's Golden Tongue Organs liianu- ? factiu'isl l>v Daniel F. Beatty, AVasli- ington.N. J. IT., S. A., are highly endorsed by all who have tested them, as to tbe style of c.ise, dura- bility. and sweetness of tone. They are said to excel any other instru- ment in Vei feet construction. See his advertisement in another col- j umu. 4\v. BPltlNa MILLS ITEMS. Messrs Shook, Bro. Co., are do- ing a wholesale Drug business. [Where ? Ed. Journal.l A number of lads and lasses took atrip to the Great Caves at the head of Penns Creek. I. There is always a great stir and commotion at the station when the train arrives, which gives it a buii- ; ness like look. Spring Mills lnis a ! future. Mr. P. J. Leitzell nnd familv took their departure for Giraru, Kansas, where they intend making their home for the future. They i carry with theui the best wishes of a ; host of friends who much regret their departure . YO.XKY. IW- - - \u25a0 \u25a0 ' m One way 10 get rid of paying your debts?but a very mean way?is to i "confess judgement" to some friend whom you do not own one cent, then let the friend sell you out, buy ; in your goods and loan tliem to vou I again. All that is necessary is to . insert a "Caution" into soiue paper, warning every body not to meddle with the property "of defendant, and ; the dirty job is done. You need 011- ly see to it that you never become "worth anything in law," and your creditors may whistle for their pay. The ease and facility with which j legal cheating can i>e efrected is a | sad comment upon our laws, but it must be remembered that we live in a progressive age. An exchange from a neighboring county has only seven of these cautions. STOP!STOP f! ITrbP!!! WHY ? Because we want vou to look at and buy some of our new Stationery, just received and sold at astonish- ing low prices, as given below: Beautiful Papeteries, latest styles, : from 20 cents to $l.OO per box; All- - tograph Albums, very line?7ii cts.; i School Reward Cards, 111 packs of ten each, from ten cents upward: School Ink, G cents per bottle; Pen | Holders, Pencils & Pens ?very cheap. Centennial Copy and Composition Books?s tents; Envelopes in great variety, Bto 10 cts. per pack. Best Note Paper, Cap, Legal Cap?very 1 low. Sbrmofi and Comjiositiuii Pa- per, extra quality?lo centspcr.quirc. Call and see in the Journal Office. ..... Linns Anrial- of Buffalo Valley. j This is [he title of a bnok recent- , lv published by John B. Linn. Esq.. formerly a citizen of Union, later of , Centre county . and now Deputy ( Secretary of the Commonwealth. We have had no opportunity to ex- amine tlie work but 1 lie Union cotin- ?ty pajPrs all speak of it as one of 1 uiucli merit for a local history. The i early history of Buffalo Valley and of 1 Vnn> Valley are so closely inter- woven that the Anna's would IK 4 very incomplete f frequent reference to the latter were not made. We hope the author did not lose sight <of tliis important fact. To many ! renders of the Journal, the Annul* i would be interesting and valuable, : as a history of their early homes. Price $2. For sale by It. F. j Browiv, Lewisburg, P., or by tin* author at Ilarrisburg. COURT PROCEEDINGS- ?In the way of Commonwealth business, the term of Court now in session in this place has been an extraordinary one. No less than sixty indictments have, np to the time of going to press, IHMMI acted uj>on by the Grand Jury, cov- ering all classes of offenses from the most trivial assault and battery case np to that of horsestealing. Already five persons have been sentenced to thepeniteutiary and the good Lord only knows how many more will l>e before the court closes. J. C. Wol- lesiagh, charged and found guilty of stealing money Irani the house f Wm. Fisher, at Unionville, was sentenced to one year and two months in tlie penitentiary; James and Charles Gallagher, convicted of having the stolen silverware of A. O. Furst in their possession, were sentenced as follows: James to three years and Charles two years in the penitentiary; John Delaney and Mi- chael Murphy,charged with stealing, butchering and selling cattle belong- ing to the farmers in Marion and Walker townships, were sentenced, the former to two years and the lat- ter to one year in the ienitentiary. Stewart Walker, the*notorious horse thief, plead guilty, and as yet has not been sentenced. lhlhjonlc Watchman. The'2fith Annual Exhibition of \u25a0 tlie Centre County AgriculturaKSo- ciety will be held on the Society I Ground, Bellefonte, Wednesday, ' Thursday and Friday, Oct. 3rd, 4th 4th. The officers of the Society are doing their level best to make this year's fair a grand success. Every facility will t>e afforded to exhibitors. Stabling for horses and cattle, with feed anil attendace, will la* furnished free of cliarye. Among the Depart- ments there is one especially for Amusements of which our genial friend, J. L. SpaiijEfler, will have charge. The programme will be published In due time, and will embrace, among other features, the following: Competition for premium in horse- back riding, by ladies and gentle- men . Exhibitions of "Fantastles" 011 horses and mules. Corn husking matches, (100 stalks each.) Wood-sawing matches, (1 cord each.) llorse-race-tlie slowest horse to be the Winner. Sack races?for boys and men. Blind-folded races ?for buys and men. Wheel-barrow races. Fat men's race. Foot races, hurdle races, etc., etc. While many of our people may go to the Uuion*county fair* let us nut fail 10 attend our own. The first dH\ s of Septemlier give fitir notice to think of stoves and lookout for coal. \u2666 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 W. K. Alexander has removed the old store boxes, barrels and hogs- heads from his stove front. Score one for William, Hawkeye. JVHrtV The St. Pant Sunday School in Haines township will hold their an- nual picnic on Saturday, brtt \Ve have not learned where. The Millheim Cornet Band hat an lnvitatubi to at- tend. - 11. 11. Weiser ralsM eight bushels of potatoes from a hulfiwk of seeds. Hen is a bully liiiiber, but if the 'tutors were i/ntudniss he would ft el, tttuch happier alwmt it. Brighani Young, the Mormon Prophet and Bigamist, died at Salt Lake Citv. Aug. 2flth. He leaves nineteen widows and a multitude of children. We hear that Samuel tirennmger of Tylersville, is ulmnt putting up a store building at Coburn Station. He proposes to deal in general iner chandise. The Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Central Pennsylvania will meet in the English Lutheran Church, I/ick Ilaven, on Wednesday, the 20th inst. Regular meeting of the Millheim B. A L. Association, next Monday evening. All ve who have dues to pay take notice, ami ye who are iutrd mjj, come and buy money. Forn Deku were seen ;i few eve- nings since swimming the river just Mow Ix>ck Haven. How we wish Dun Musserlnui been there, us this would have secured us a nice gihwl round. Veky I.on a. ? .lncob Kerstetter brought a jotftto vine into our ortice 8 feet H inches in lengthi .lake thinks that is about as long as the list of Democratic voters will be in November. ? \u2666 ?? *~ ??- An exchange says that stamped envelops sjoiled in directing, can always be exchanged at a post of- fice for stamps. It'so, the fact is not generally known. Lewisburg had four Sunday School picnics and excursions in ii week. Why don't Millheim give her Sun- day Schools a picnic or celebration ? We bad nothing of the kind for a number of years. The Lewisburg papers say that excursion trams will lie run to that place frohi Spring Mills and all in- termedi ue points, during the con- tinuance of the Uuiou County Fair. Just as we expected. The petitioners for a review of a pnvt of the new ro;ut fioip Millheim to the ;J)epot lutd thetf |etitioi> gi-Hiited nt Court last week. Kx- Sherifr' Kline, Biiinuel F. Forster ;oid Engineer Bntgger, tire the jury to review*". On Wednesday nig it of last week a valuable horse together with sad- dle and bridal, the properly of Mr. El ins Miller, of Mndisoubiirg, was stolen from the pasture field. We have not learned whether Mr. Miller hasuiv clue to the thief, or what t tforts are ui.nlc to recover the horse. Pa it Ann. ?Millheim Council. No. 3(H, o. u. A. M , will have a public par.uk at Ibflun'sbnrg. S.iMiid:iv, Sept. next. An address will Ik? delivered suited to the occasion. One or several iwinds will I* 4 present. The public is cordially invited tout- tend. si ? \u2666 ? \u2666 ? Sad Dbatii. ?On Friday night Mr. Amnion, tin? landlord of the (reat Western Hotel, a few miles below Miflliiihurg met his death mi - der very distressing circumstances. Rumor sayi he Was m a state of in- toxication and Mrs. Amnion had locked him up into a room of the second floor. During the night he got up and ojK'iied the window to re- lieve himself by a vomit, when he fell through the window into an ojkmi cellar dooi Inflow. lie lived but h few minutes after lie was found. Whale}', of the Clinton Democrat, is a little too particular with his sub- scribers these hard times. He wants to take nothing on subscription tint rush, good baking apples and spring chickens. He ought to lie sntislied with lMitatoes, tomatoes, spruce- fork, slab-wood, pine-knots and scrap-iron. Sheriff Musser left for l'liiladel- plda on Tuesday to buy a new llus?- to run from the Millheim Hotel to the Deisit. Sheriff, if you bring a good and pretty one you may count on carrying alsmt. two liundretl pounds of editorial dimity cH?casion- ally; but if you bring an old rack wo will go for vou and give no quar- ters." Two buses run to the Dejiot daily to meet passengers. Then we have two daily stages and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays?four. Tra- vel and business is about in propor- tion to the stages and buses. Now we would like to see a good, heavy ar- ticle in the Reporter , on the present greatness of Millheim. The possi- ble future prosperity of the *' Forks" is gttting a little stale as a subject. I'rof. W. T. Meyer will again IK? prepared to give lessons in instru- mental music, in PcnnS and Hrusli Valleys, ina sliort time. Mr. Meyer is -so well hnd favorably known throughout Central Pennsylvania, as an accomplished musician, mu- sical composer * and successful teach- er that 110 wonts of ours could en- hance his reputation. Those who desire to cultivate the beautiful art? would do well to engage bis services. Consult or address'him at Aarons- burg. MARRIED, On the 23rd tilt., nl the Lutheran Par- sonage, Centre Hall, by the IteV. K. Fish- er, J 0.-tiah It m.in un\l Miss Miry It",wit. DIED. On the 22nd ult., at JtebeFsbui'g, I.aw- renee Fein. Inlunt son of 11. Ih'ilngaril; On the sWth ult., at AaronsHurg, Win. W. Ko'dgers, aged On the 27th ult., In Potter. Twj>? Susan Defshani, aged 70 rears, a months and 20 days. On the 28tli ult., near Centre Hall, Mr. JaCoU Kdcli, aged Si years and 5 months. <lri life 2Mb Ult., In Potter Twji., Eliza* both Iters ham, aged <fn the Bist ult., in tiregg Tap., Adunt, son of Michael and llaiiuuh (irenoble, agt'd S years, r, mouths uiid 21 days. CHURCH DIRECTORY. PrcoolUng in the Evangelical Church, next Sunday morning. oy Rev. 3. T! return. Preachingtn Hie C. n. Church, next Sunday morning. by Hov. J. \t. Smith. German preaching in the Lutheran Church, Auromdmrg. iifxt Siimlnv morn tng. Itev. It. Sinitli 1* exjweted t<i All the appointment. Communion services In the Reformed Clmreh. Auroiishurg, next Sunday loom- ing. Preparatory services Saturday af- ternoon. Kev. .1. G. Shoemaker, I'ustor. Lodffe and Society Directory. The Millheim Cornet Rami will meet In the Tow n Hull on Monday untl Thursday eveniugH. Providence Grunge N'o. 217 P. of II.? meets in Alexander'* block on the 2nd Sa- turday of ckoli mcoitb at r. %}. a,nd On the 4th Saturday of each month at IN r. M. The Irving Literary l institute iheeta in the Town llall, on the hist Friday evening Ot each mouth, until otherwise ordered. The Millheim 11. ,t L. Association meet* In the Town Hull, on the efenlng of the second Monday of each induth. MUUietm Council So. :, O. C. A. M. meets every Saturday at a o'clock, r. m.? in their Council Room. U Ill's Ilnlldlllg. lie- gree Meetings will he iwli' on Taesdav on or before the full ato'dn of *u*b inoiith. C. 11. lIKLII, See U. F. Mitttll, C. Arrival and Closing of Ntuil*. Mails arrive at the Millheim Post Ofllce as follows : Dally from all points east via Lewlabiirg, at *. M. Dally front all points west via Bel'.efonte at (> p. m Every Tuesday, Thitrsdav ami Saturday, fr. at north ami fast, via Lock llaveu at 4 P. xl. Every Tilesiktv, Thursday and Saturday from north ami west via Howard, at ?l E M. MaiN close for east and west, at f> M. For Lock ll.veil and Howard, rycrv Mou- day, Wednesday and Friday at 5 m. Announcements. \Viaiv authorized to announce ,1. M. Keirur.iNK, Esq.,f Itcllefonte.asa candidate for District Attorney. Subject to the clcei- loii of the Democratic county convention, ? We are nnthorired to announce D. F FORTJUKV, Ksq., of Heilefonte. as a cundf- latqfnr District Attorney. Subject to the deefnlnii of the Democratic county con- vention. Pt \ KCt'Ti ills' s A I.E.?The undersigned j Executors of the lust will and testa- ment of George Grnmly. late of Millheim. deceased, will ntTdr at public sale on the premises, Millheim, on Saturday. Septem- ber 2&tli. is77. ;it one o'clock, P. M. the fol- lowing valuable real estate: THHXK CKUTAIN LOTS, situate In Millheim aforesaid, bounded north by alley and Klk Creek, eakt hv Klk Creek, south by lands of .lolin If. Musscr and other*, and west hv Water street, ?eontntniug altogether ninety two perches neat measure. There- on Is erected large two and a half story plank dwelling house, good barn, shop, ami all other necessary outbuildings. ,y tine x-.riety of ebolPe" fruit trees on the premises. ",\ tlirlfty orThurd of apple tires in go<al hearing (Vuldltlon lu the reay OL barn. Also, at the same time, a Certain piece of land situate one half mile c est of Mill- helm aforesaid, bounded on the north hv Turnpike, on the east by. binds of Jacob Noes' estate, on the south by lrtttds of Ad- am Morr. and on the West liy a Wnc?con- taining five acres and six jwrehes neat measure. The same is in a good state of CMlttvutian. "forth* Will be made known on tiny of sale, by® JttKVIAH II.MVKH, Jo.XATB.Ui tiIIAMI.V, Executors. July .'3?Ct. L t\ A N. V. RAILROAD. EXTENSION OK run UNK TO SPUING MILLS. On awl offer Morula >t. Anan si I.VA. 1877. train* r.n tl.it mrtil iriU run tlaity, (except Sunday*) at foWove*: WESTWARD EASTtfAKU :I I I STA TIOXS. G I 4 ! T M. A.M. | .1 L/. 1 M. | .|. M. I' M li.lo 9,2u imilMohUiwlou, nr. fi. '* i AN '.U'-hmc. ti.ou ar. (i.2 loam 715 l/'ieu/'oiri/. ii.S.V.I 5. 4 5 llU>' 7 ,2-t hnfr Cruuml, K l4! 5.29 10.14 7 2H Rf n h'. H.:a .V2i 1w.21 7.3 Vickid'iirg, jfjnj 5.13 lu 37 7.45 Mifftirdntra, s. I'M Saw 1u,;7 ar. B.oo' Miunitmt, n.a> 4.u 11.10 Jjinrelton, 4 JU l.(f) Oohurn. 2. 4 ar. 1.40 Hp i-in;/ Mi'ls. 2.10 P. M. I' M. A. M. , .1. M. I .1. .If. r. M , .Vo*. 1 .(? 2 rrmnrrt at Mont ami on with Erie Mail west on the Philadelphia £ Erin 11 nil Road. Nos. 3 << 4 with Pacific Rxpr"ss cast. A os. 5 t(- fi with Fist Lin- west. An Omnibus will run between IswishUrfi aw! Montamlon, to conr-y jeissvttiirrs to owl from yiurrura Express west nent Jtuu Eriirrss east, on the Philadelphia t* atul Erie Rail Load. The regular Rail Road Tickets trill bC honored between these two points. 'I V>MI.VA\IA KAIL ROAD. PHILADELPHIA A ERIE R. R. DIVI sro.v. SUMMER TIME T.VBI.E. '? On and after Snndnii, May \Mh, \Ti, the Vfaiils On the Philadelphia and Erie liait Road Division will run as follows: WES TWA RD. tSrie, Sfutt ledixs Ketr York, , s .If* p.m. " 44 " Philadelphia. 1 1.55 p. in. 44 " " Baltimore 9.10 p.m. ' " " " Ilarrisburg 4.2 hd.tn. " " 44 Snnhury <>.:#> a. tn. " ?? Montamlon 6.57 a. m. " " " Wdliainsp jrt . 8.35 a. in. " " *' llaveh 0.40 a. m. " aer. at Erie 7.35 in. XtOrjara Ex. leaves Philadelphia 7.'J> a. m. '? " Ilarrisburg lo.;>o a. tn. " " Rstnl'Hry 10.40 p. j)i. " 44 yfontandon 1 05p. >*. " arc. at Willianisftort 2.20 ;>. m. " " leick Haven 3.25 p. in. 44 " " Kane 9.20 p.m. East Line lean's Near York 8.25 a. in. " " " Philadelphia 11.3ft a. in. 44 " Rolfimore 11.35 a. in. ?' " " Ilarrisburg li.2ftjt.nt. 44 44 " A'anbury 5.40 p. tn. *' '' '? Montandon ft. 15 p. m. " " 45 Will lamsssirt 7.30 w. " " arr. at Lock Haven 8.40 p. in. , EASTWARD. Pacific Ex. leaves Lock Haven 0.30 in. '? " ?* WiUianisport 7.55 a. m. 44 " 44 Mnntandon 9.08 o. in. " '? " Sunburst , 0.35 a. m. " " a nr. at Ilarrisburg 11.55 a. tn. 44 44 " Baltimore 0.1 Op.tn. " u 44 Philadelphia 3.45 p.m. " " ? yew York 6.45 p.m. Day Ex. leaves Kane ft.ou a. tn. " 44 " Jjock Haren 11.20 a. m. 44 " 44 Willinnispnet 12.40 a, tn. " " 44 Montamlon 1.47 p. in. 44 44 44 Sunburst 2.15 p. tn. arr. at llarvishurrj 4.10 p.m. 14 14 4' Philadelphia 7.2 ft p. tn. 44 44 44 Aew York 1(1.15 p. tn. 44 44 44 Jtaltimorh 7.35 p. in. " " 44 Washington 9.07 p. tn. Eric Mail leaves Erie 11.00 a. tn. 44 44 44 Lock Haven 0.15 p. in. 44 44 44 Williamsport 11.00 p.m. 44 . 44 44 Montandon 12.18 p.m. 44 44 Sunburst 12.45 a- in. >* 44 arr. at Ilarrisburg 2.45 a.m. 44 44 4> Baltimore 745 a.m. 44 44 44 J'h iladeljdt in 7.00 a.m. 44 4< 44 New York , 10.05 a.m. Fist Line leaves WiHiutiisjtort 12.35 a. m. 44 44 44 Sunburst 2.00 a.m. 14 44 arr. at Ilarrisburg 4.00 a. tn. 44 44 44 Baltimore 7.45 a. m. 44 44 44 Philadelphia 7.35 a.m. 44 41 41 New York 10.25 a. tn. Erie Mail West. Niagara Ex. West, Isick Haven Accoin. West and Ddft Ex/tress East make close connection at Northumberland with I J. A H. R. R. trains for Wilkesbarre and Scranton. Erie Mail East and ires* connect at Erie with trains on L. S. ct - M. S. R. /£., at Vary with O. C. & A. V. It- R at Emporium with R.N. Y. A P. R. Itand at Driftwood with A. V. RiR. V Parlor cars will run between Philadelphia and WiUiamsport on Nias/nra Express West Pacific Express East and Day ExjwcssEast. Slctldnd thrs on all night train*. ' WM. A- BALDI!*/A. Gcn'l Sup't. Belleforile .Hnrkd. Willi# Whent, |M>r busfcel new \u2666 1 20 lied Wheat, per bushel new No. 1... 1 2ft Rye, per bushel nw M Corn ears, per bushel 56 ('\u25a0orn, shelled, per bushel fto Oats, per bushel, uew 26 Hurley. pW btUhn *) Buek wheat, per bushel s[l Cloverseed, per bushel 6 00@6 50 Potatoes, p'r lmshel new Knsrs, lKr dozen 12 Lard, ler pound 0 Ilaeon ?Shoulders Sides 1 Hams 12 Suar Tared Hams la Tallow, per i>ound litter, per pniiml....: ; -5* airs, iter pound ~ Uround Plaster per ton lft,oo Mlfltlnbnrir Market. butter \u2666 22 Keirs 1- Whcat 1 Uyfl...: c , 0ri...i.......i Oats M Rarlev ; Tvmothy Hay...; 1^ Clover Hay 12 ®' Veal ]' Hauls st'es ?* Cloverseed Tvmothvswd '\u25a0 J -5 .; 110 Millheim Mak-tteL Wheat. .777.:.i Corn ?'8 ) Bye..; ? Oits Barley. ;.... °0 Tvirtothvseed .'. .... Flaxseed CloVerseiHl- Butter fi Hams : : !?; 5 ides Veal..: Hints 1- l'otaloc.s.. *] Lard V Tallow Hoap ; 7 Priod Apples * f)rlfa Peaches.; Dried Cherries 5 VEGETBNE.^ 178 B;lltic St., Brooklyn, N. \\. Nov., 14,174. 11. It. Stevens, Keq. Dear sir,?From t<er- sonal bene fit received by Its use, as well as from lHMsonal knowledge of those whose cures fhereby have seemed almo'.t nnraeu ions, 1 can niosi heartily and sincerely recom- mend the Vbobtixe for the eCmplahils wldeli It is claimed to cure. .Jamks P. Luntow, Late Pastor Calvary baptist Chuacli, Sacra- mento.l. . > 32-4w YEGETINE IS PKKPAHFD BY H. R. STEVENS, Boston, Mass. Feb: Sal© by all Druggists. Lands for Sale. 960,000 ACRES in Southwest Missouri. First class Stock farms, excellent Agrifcu tural Lauds: and the liest Tobacco region in the West. Short Winters, no grasshoppers, orderly society, good markets and a healthy country, lxnv Prices! latiirCredit! Free tr;ius|>ortatii>u from St. Louis to the lands furnished purchasers. For further in- formation, address A- L. DKANK, I.aml Commissioner, St. lands & Sou h ninejs- ep, Uv. Co. N. W., cor. Fifth and \5 alnut St. St. Louts, Md. 31-lw 2S£ LEOAN'T C'AKDJU. No two alike. name lhc. PusJt iniiil. Co., Nassau. N. V. 'S2A\x HARDWARE " JAMES HARRIS & CO., Dealers in Hardware, Ab. 5. Brockcrhojf Row, BBLLEFOHTE, lE=_A_. I ArOI.DEKT HARD WAR*. STORK IX CENTRE C0.% . tJoinplett line of Hardware of all Kinds at the LOWEST PRICES. The Celebrates Barley Shea! Coot Store & Anchor Heater. ; _ CALL AND SEE. HARDWARE WATCHES ! ! JEWELRY ! ! ____ . . BBS- - ROMAIXE GOLD. w extensively worn in Paris, was first disfovrtrPd in I*7o, hy the celebrated French chemist, Hons. I>. He I.ulnge, who inan.ifai-bircd It lut> jcweirv," and for live years sold It to the leading Jewelers of Paris for SOLID COI.D. In 17", when his secret 'eeanie known, ten of the manufacturing Jeweieis ostnlrtished n stotrtc eammny, with a capital of*lo,(*.tMifor the purjmseof manufacturing ROMAIXE COLD JEWED It VAX D WATCHES Willi th s Immense capital, and the aid of improved machinery they are enabled to produce all the latest patterns of jewelry *tt less Wntn one--lentil of sl id Gold, and of a quality and color whtbh makes it Impossible even for experts to detect It from the genuine. Ipe hare secured th- rrclntlrc afienry of the United States ami Onnndn. for the sale of all good* manufactured from this metal, and in order to introduce them In the most s|ieedr manner, have put up assorted sample H4k as given below, which we will sell at one-te/Uh the revaU vdluc until January Ut, ISTB- ltead the list. 3MKXT LOT. One Dent's Watch Chain retail price %1 AO Ue pair Engraved Sleeve Buttons re. pr. 75 One Stone Set Scarf Pin "* * - r ' One set (3) Spiral Shirt Stud*. " " 75 t hie improved shapo Collar Bnttoni" tl 5" One heavy plain Wedding ltiug, 1 45 Total A'> Oh For 50 cents we will send above six articles postpaid. ftl.oo LOT. Due pair Sleeve Buttons, stone setting, one set (.1) Spiral Shirt Studs. Due Iwavy band Kugagemeiit liing. One set (2) Engraved Bracelets. Oiie Indies' l/mgtiuard or Neck CPaln. One Engraved Miniatur !cketfnrthp above, one dent's Heavy I.iak Watch Chain. One Like George Diamond Stud. $2.00 I.OT. One Chain and Charm. One 1-allies' Heavy Guard Chain for Watcli. One set Pin and Ear Hings, Amethyst. One extra tine Miniature Locket. One Cameo Seal King. i hie very heavy Wedding or Engagement ring One Gent's heavy Wateji Chain with Charm- One pair Pearl Inlaid Sleeve Buttons. One Lake George Cluster Pill. Oiie pair (2) heavy band Bracelets. $.1.00 I,JIT. Otic Ladles' Opera Guard drain. One Indies Neck Chain and Cross. One beautiful I<ocket, (engraved). One pair Baud Bracelets. One Gent's Twist I.lnk Vest Chain & Charm. One pair Onyx Sleeve Buttons. One sot (3) Onyx shirt stints. One now improved Collar Button. One extra cut Cameo Seat King. One Arizona Solitaire Stud. One set Amethyst or Topaz nil & Ear Drops One Indies'4'beinise Button. One Plain King, stumped 18 K. $3.00 l.Of. One Indies' Opera Chain, with slide and tassel, (retail price \u2666*>.oU) One Gent's heavv Watch Chain, with Ctlrb charm, (retail prfce, \u2666".(K.) One 1-adies' heavy long Neck Chat J. One elegant Chased Miniature Locket mr lib. One set CaineoMenallpn Pin anil Ear Drops. One pair (2) beany Chased Hand Bracelets. One (ient'sSolitaire Diamond Ktild. One Gent's Cluster Diamond Hit*. One pair Amethyst or Onyx Sleeve lUtttorts. (ne set (3) Kntd* to mateh the above. One elegant lioavy set Canleo Se.al King. One Massive Baud or Wedding ltlng. <>ne new "patent*' Coftar Buttort. One laulie*' Chemise Button, one Aniethvst or Topaz King, (extra finish.) The retail price of ihrt articles In each sample lot amounts to exactly ten times the price we ask for the lot; for example our \u2666l.OO lot retails for 410.00; our #*>.oo lot for \u266650.00. A SOLID ROKAINE GOLD HDNTING-CASE WATCH FREE. To nnv one sending us an order for the ahove lots hv express to the amount of $l5 OP, we will send FREE one Ndid Itomainc Gold Hunting-Case Watch. Gents' or lodic* size, warranted to keep perfect time and look equally as well as a \u2666l<*> gold watch. By mail iMistpaio. \u266615.50. This {sour BRSTOFPEK to AO KNTH, and i* woith u trial, as the wdtch alone will sell or trade readiiv for from 420 to \u26665O. Gents" or 1 adie*' Watch alone, *7 or is, wit It a lleary Gent's Gold Pattern Vest Chain rthd Chirnl. or l-mhrt 1 opera Chain with slide and tassel. ItEMEMiIRR:-rT\i\ii offer onlv holds good until Jan. Ist, IST*. After that time we shall sell only to Jobbers and Wholesale dealers, and any one wishing our goods will then have to pay full retail prices. Hoi name Gold is the lest. and. in fact, the only Imitation of genuine gold made, being the same in weight, color and finish, and all our goods are made in the latevt gold patterns. Will guarantee satisfaction in every instance, or refund money. Nrnrl moneu hu P. 0.. Money Order, or ReyiMered letter, AT OUR RISK. No >roo<h sent C. O. D. unless at least *VU) accompanies the order. Address plainly, W. F. EVA AS & CO., Sole Agt's for V. S., and Canada, 05 A 07 Konth Clark Street, Chlraso, 111. ! lt AKTBftttfrn* PeitcUSketHi "D T ArPO e*"f the GREAT Hots, ft A U 1 IJ . An llhUtKlted Histo- ? * v "T *ry of the great Road and other Riots, with a History of Com- munism And Trade Unions. By the popular author Hon. .1. T. Heailley. All classes want I this hook, depleting the releii of terror hi ten States. The liest seliinc book Tor Agents, my ready. MW pages. SS Illustrations *2. Send &p emits for.ouilt and territorry. K.A. TREAT, Pith., SAS Broadway; X. Y. 34-dW 0 AliPflDTl^C! l Tiie only combination of the uArlrUnU o |t rue Jam*iA Ginger with .choice Amniotics antl French Brandv. Is a delicious, harm- less, and strengthening suh- TAMAIPA stitute for all kinds of stiuiu- JflWaluil hints. It promptly relieve* t Dyspepsia, oppression after iEating, and Fvery species of nnifir n Indigestion. corrects all dis (tTNiyv R turhancesof the fUbninch and U 111 U Liu lVnvels-. and rUrtfs Cramps, Ciiilis, Fevers, and MaHria. :14?4 Ask for Sanfords CINuER. pUPTURg^ Tlidso wishing Relief and Cure fttf Rtlp- ! ture slum d consult Dr. J. A. SHFKMaN', l iVi Broadway, New York, or Seild lor tils , new took, with Photographic HkiiUessess of had eases before aud after euro. Be dare of I cheats who pretend to furnDß Dh Sherman's I treatment. ? hie of these fellows, i jftsrriVt.il oJFrk, now I calling himself Dr. W.G.vrenudep, is ihdiet- [ ed on eomplaint of l>r. S. and awaits trial for forgery and eiitliePzlenrwnt. 3r-fw J. ZELLER. & BON, So. 6. Broekerlioff Row, BELLEFONTE, FA. I>EALERS"IN i Medicines, Toilet Articles, Drugs, &c. ? <-o 'A Full Stock Of ?Oooas of Superior Quality always on Hand. : CHAMOIS SKINS for 10 cents and upwards. CARRIAGE ! SPONGES, 15 cents and upwai-ds. A share of the public patron- age respectfully solicited. New and Thrilling! MilLIONS KAtiElt FOK IT!! 3000 Ag*ntw Wanted fhr the " CRESt'EXT By the tijifotds the straftpe s<>ef;U. political and relijetnus pecnV- arities and History oi the JiufMium nntf Turku ; cause of the war, mipkty intcre.*'* \u25a0, t stake: Bhnjranhies of liuier*, etc. Kiohlv Illustrated. For terms, addres* quicklv, HFBBAHDBIiOS, I'ubs , 733 Ransom St., l'liilu . Fa. -*M\v HARDWARE §Mt ! s Wate. . I Awarded Cen Themo*t pr.-ttil-. ?i* f*#|;*hd mwm&. .. ' gate .in un.vi'r*a> kiHnyfcttgPd. Aildt< M/r*. ot Wiie-u uL \u25a0 Machinery, MOBNT HOIAI,JS. 4. If " manufacturing right*. INSURANCE HEN! ? s AGENTS WANTED , ?KOIt Til*? ; Now Euan Motel life fe. \u25a0 The oldest mutual fii Trm count:' - , l.'h . 1835. LIBERAL TERMS GIVX- MAK ai K o\ V Ay J ] IK. <ll in; 1.*3 South Fourth Hireel, PltH: dclplif t Pjfol'F. Befett I rAL'Tirtfi.--Tli reputation har I n>?! tjie celebrity of niv ory<<n. h.v ! jr*rt sonie unprincipled parties af:-: . ! in copy my circulars, ami inisrepiv- ? Instrument* { against t I>lm the jjth- , hereby thiiMloucd. All tny<to'i- trade-niak, (JrtKrn 'io.in.u-, ami jb <\u25a0 - no* haw W& word ri Oir * am! also have my nuun>W|mWii ; detiee, DAfctri, I"; tinattv, wasl. J.-, Willimtl Witittk Ittitil: ii KUIItMUC. Address, DANIEL P. BEAT WitshHlpiAft, X. J. ,1 WE WILLS-V I most lieatiMful hi w f'lirtoitoj, in t , * ; color, ever v.-*u lor*l.,h 'j it I cil in tfxlu btacK enamel ami g*<1 t boning nnd outsell anything nn .v , % j |o|)!i4. SatiHfae.nu{ni.ira!|tt-fil. 'I - ?8 for ?2>rcrir*, or U for fid-cent- cents for at and illustrated eald'. ehruitui of lln/nilb.rtit nn tho 1M \u25a0* vuts for two L tnd-o- 'pe* an ! f'ah:-. black jtrAimd. .1. LATHAM tftHi., button st . Boston, Mas". Hchdnu ? * l liroiuoi. KnKru>iiti'aiid' | ". | Art Works. adm*ll*fit ! ' soi spiral stums >llar outt ? wedding ring. and gert*' IkrMui d - : pin. The above article* sent. post-pi- SO CTW, have been retailed lor Art. *\u2666 nipt stock-ami must Is* sold. Solid Gold Watches, lie each, for sjieeutatl >' |xises, good timers, equal In appearitii genuine gold, His repulatP- honesty, fair dealing and libenuitv . equaled by any advertiser in this city. 1. Dau Book. Dec. 1(L IS7(V. !*>HT AKSTA A' PsTAKEX AB<\ ¥. STOCKM AX 27 UOXD T. ; New NERVOUSDEBILI' Vital Weakness or Depression, a m hau*ted feeling; no energy or eotirag result of McuUl over-work. In.liscretr Kaceasesf rtr some drain upon the ajsu .< always cured ly Hyimirfiy's Homeonathie S^eife 28. ft tones up and invigorate* live *v dlsjicls the elo nn and ifesopndeiicv, tiii strength ?'lid inerjo?stops tiw drain rejuvcnales the entire man. Been > ? twenty years with perfect suecess bv fh -. ands. rt :ld by dealers. Pi ice, *l.OO pe, gle vial; or #5.00 per naekaire of five and ii'Jo vial of powder. Scut by ma r-ceipt of price. Address ntinrph 4 Medicine Company, nfrl Bi tvayt New York. 51x131y. RAX ds NEV i \ - I>IKKCTORV r<lt 1577. The se-. volatile of this valuable mid iurlknens. work has Just been issued by the Pnh > ers, Messrs. Walter Ifenjfh M. Cq., of 3 !v. Place, New York. Xo pains or exp > line been .snared in the prodttetlon of present volume, to iriaVc it coinpleiv u reliable. In tvpoaTaJihical appearance : bindinfr.-rcrfatnlv ft is a flni s ecfth.- bookuiakinj;. It contMius over one , ?; red iHiip-s more matter than tl' Inst f v volume, which has added t- eost of the production of tCc sofk ? compelled til a Publishers to issm* lies i only the full cloth houud <litiou a: < Dollar j>er copy, upon the receipt oi w eutn they will for wan! tile work loan. ? drps in the United States or Canrnd.-. mail, pus-nice preimi'L George fehl 'Wairoh-Makef, AARJYSBIRG, PE\.\A. HQ! AH kitids of Wagons made Oriler. \V WTeh NV* w!U if ..* t ijir # men and wi.nn ? ? Business that will Pa; from %to \u2666Sfter day, can he pur? your own neighborhood, and isstiiitl\ ; , orable. f ardcviors free, r ami ' several dollars that w ill enable you p ~ work at once, will be sent on reci ipt c: i! - cents. Address LATHAM & ('< . Box 2.1 4. -110 Washington St.. BosCrtn.-.i TRIFLING WITH X COLD IS \T\VAVS DANtiEKOi^ WELL'S CARBOLIC TABLET, . n sum mniecly fo t ttlUtih, pp ilisptisVrt of*tli# TKRHAT, M%, | f'KKSr and m.'i'Ors HKJIRR VX ; PUT UP ONLYIN BLUE B&; - SOLD BY* ALI. DUUfJOm -;; {C. X. 4'ltITTEX TON. 7 SIXTH . ? : Lxi'K, New Ybrlt. Great chance to inakf , tall J B| U V. If you can t yet .. i BIM LSgeVU can ;rrcen! .-> De need a permit) in e\ - town to take sul>script|tHia for the clieapest and best Illustrated familv miK ' cion in the world. Any one ean *bect> siicoessful agent. The most elegant wi ; of art given free to subscriber*. The p j is so low that almost everybody suhscsii One ageid reports making over #l"in |;i week. A lady agent reports taking over subscribers in ten days. All. who enua make mouev fast. You can devote all vo J time to the business, or onlv volir snare tin- You need not be away from lionie over nigi You can do It as well as others. Full par cutars,direetiouBandlevinsfree. lilegantai expensive Outfit free. If you want profitat work send us your address at oner, it eo*. nothing to try tim business. Xo o e \\lm> en g-ig-s f tils to make great pay. Address -Tn.- ? People's Journal," Portkuid, .Maine. 31-;. BEATTY Pl^No: BWIW PNW Urevrid Square and Upright. nasr itvEK cirtN xovr keaoVi DANIEL F. BSATTT, Washington, Xh\v Jorsey< \J. S. A. \u25a0BBS £32 HEEBk ~}' p T 'P fnp i*iu-kago !s the Mrewt ffi '." O. js'st >*-?!"" ntt. READ AND H 9f SSj4KS2IE, 18 Sheets Note I'nper, 3tt KIIV'I-UUH'S. IS-iu.il, Cell hnlUor, Cohi- BS H \u25a0 eii .lYti, Set of Eli-gant OoM ShHio Rwve liottone. Gents' OenMi Dtuimotd l*trt, Am,' thyststono Kiugln'uiiil with Rlo, AmethyA Stone Sourf rill, (inl.t pliltod Wi-ddin't Ktng, KtX Monobutl Em Drops, i.aJU'?' t-'lim-ered Hint Silvoreit Hat tin. I,a<lfes' Faney Svt Ihuan l Drops, Unld pjate CollsfKiiitnii,Ocn's' UolU-plnt. ml Watch Chain ftiul Sot oftHIM Ttirec Gkl-p'.at<si Rttuls. The I# eral \u25a0 HI tntirt Let sent H M CMS. rXTR.A ORDIXAR Y H TAmJw \u25a0 jA.OUCLAfh JVrS TOAGI .\TS *\u25a0 ~ J. BRIOE, Clinton Place, New York.' HARDWARE
Page 1: UTXTT HARDWARE Wate. CO., CGiui&£Er. Proprietors Dealers ...

o v ?

fliter & CGiui&£Er. Proprietors

B. O. DEINIXAEK, Associate Editor

HUlhcint. Thursday, Sep. 6.

Terms-81.50 Per Annum.

Dmocrnttr Malt Ticket.


JOHN TUUNKEY,o* Vsx vxoor Corvrr.





l>mcrntlc Delegate kleriidn.

The Donaocrntie voters of Centre connTV will meat at tho rejittlnr places of HOLTL-ITIG thJ jjeueral election for SUCH districton SATURD AY THE Will DAY OT SEP-TEMBER, IS7T, to elect DELETRATOS to theDemocratic County Convention. Theeleocion will open at 2 o'clock p. in. amiclose at o'clock p.

The delegates chosen.at the above timewill meet in the Court lion-seat Ikdlefonteon TUESDAY. THE ISth DAY OF SKP-TE MBKit, at 2 o'clock p.m., to nominateone candidate for District Attorney andtransact such other business ns mavberosrularly brought before It. The numberof deleßUtea to WHICH each district is en-HUM* WIDER the present apporporthm-ment, is as follows:

|W, W. Idlarris " -

Uallefontc *. w. 'I liowanl - ?? 1TV. U. 2JL .'.ston 44 44 1

MilcsbuiK borough I Elbert y ""

lI'nhwivnTe U 44 L Marion 44 " 2Jlowanl " '? ? 1 Miles ?? 5l'hilipsbnrjr" 44 2 Ration ?? ?? LHOGGS TV>U njhip 2 Penu - ?? 5Rentier " ?' X Potter - f-Hurivido .

" 1 Knsh 44 44 3COGEJP- 44 44 1 Snow Shoe 44 44 2Cnrtin 44 - 1 SPRING 44 44 4KERGNJON 44 44 4 Tavlor 44 ?? Ltiregg ,

" " 4t"ll'ton 44 44 IIfNINES 44 44 4 Walker 44 44 4

- irolfmoon 44 44 I Worth 44 44 1The DELEGATE election In all to be

CO:nluetod strictly In accordance with theMLES of the purtv heretofore, except as tothe time ofopening ami CLOSING, which isas al>ove stated.


The Totva Democrats "held theirstnte convention on last Wednesday.Thev propose Tilden for Presidentin adopted a Greentack Anti-Specie Resumption Platform, andnominated n Mr. Irish for Governor,W. C. James for Lieutenant Gover-nor, lIr E. J. Hoardman for Sqpren eJudgeund G. I). Cullisor-, for Snpt.

.vt Public lustrutftlyn.

" *f ; r V " tV"The HepuLllchns of Etna, away

* down in the pure tree state ofRiaino-Mmne. are very wrath!ulover their fraudulent President. Atsv nutting the other day tuey

"AY.so/red, That President Ilayes-is a traitor to his party and to hiscountry and to his God."

The Dtmocrats i f Union county !held lluir convention last week andnominated 11. 11. Mercer, for Pro-thonotarv, John A. Gundav. forcounty Surveyor, end I>ewis Bittingfor Coroner, Tluw-nre said to lie a-rood sett of feh oris but their ele_ 4-ticn is a littledoubtful.

, '? ']

In court, at Ganeaster, 0:1 .Satur-d iv, George ('. llaMemau and JamesK. Yonrige phnd gnilty to the chargeof assault and l> ittery na m J. M. jW. Geist, editor C the Xnr Em.They vvcie sentenced to pay a lineof each a:ut cste ef prosecution.

Edward Hawthorne, aged 2S. hasJieen committed to jail, in Pittsburg,on charge of having three wivesmore than the law allows. This'young man had better le elected tojsueceed Brigham Young.

Senator Morton, of Indiana, whowas so sick that his recovery seemedimpossible, is getting better.


r -Sixth of the Population ofSouthern India Certain to

Perri3li from Famine.LONDON, Aygost/29.?The editor

lof tlie Madras TIUUA,"who is a m?m-lier of the relief committee, writes,wider date of August 1, as follows:

"The p<4*ibiUou in Southern In-dia *worb4r less atflieted by faminenumbers 24,<'00,000. In the mostfavorable circimstances at least one-LxthofJtlie jieople wili die. Thefamine is immeasurably greater thanthat was in Bragal. Twenty-threeneople in all died of starvation inBengal. In Madras no camp 0f3,000rises morning after morning withoutleaving thirty corpses. "In the inte-rior the distress is most fearful.One gentleman, passing down a val-ley in the Wynaad district, countedtwenty-nine dead bodies on the road.Acoffee planter, seeking shelter fromtlie rain in a hut found six decom-posing corpses in it. On any dayand every day mothers may be seenin the streets of Madras offeringtheir children for sale, while the fond-ling portion of the poorliouse JS fullof infants, found by the police onthe roads, deserted by their parents..Since the famine commenced 500,-000 people have died of want anddistress. Ttie first big tragedy maybe expected in Mysore. In thatprovince, indeed, information hasleached me from Bangalore of twocases of cannibalism already."

A $1,000,01)9 Fire fn Missouri.N PARIS, MO., Aug. 31. ?A fire

broke out about 1 o'clock tnis after-noon in the City Saloon, and spreadrapidly on the east, west and southsides of the square until about tenblocks of business houses and dwell-ings were consumed, including threehotels, the Post Office, telegranhand express offices. The loss is esti-mated at trom $1,000,000 to $1,500,-000.

Many families are without slielter,and several lives are reported tohave been lost. It is said that aman named Taylor set fire to theCity Saloon bj pouring oil on thefloor, and igniting it with the re-mark that he would "burn the d-dtown." lie was arrested andjodgedin jail. There was but one fire en-gine in town, and the water gaveout, leaving the city to the mercy ofthe flames.


T ON NS ITNPED ?Disnit-k . n -or \u25a0 hair Opponents.

PARIS. Aug. SI. ? Lv Temps, mod-erate Republicans. gives the follow-ing particulars: "No second Hepub.liean candidate lias appeared to con-test any of the Scats represented bythe S(S*who Voted <f thecomaof the Iffiliof May. The Deftwin contest Ltfothef const it ueneles,and there are not more than live ofthese where they are not agreed ona single candidate. On the otherhand, ttre disunion of the Right isremarkable. In eighty constituenciesthe official candidate is confrontedby a rival conservative. The I.eft,too, are rOoiT advanced with theirpreparation's', having duly lorlv con-stituencies out of 533 stili unprovid-ed with candidates, whereas in atleast 30 departments the list of offi-cials candidates is still unsettled.

\u25a0 \u2666 ?--

Charged With Twenty-Seven Mur-ders.

WHITING, Ala., August-4.?To-day as a train was leaving lVnsaco-la, the sheriff with a posse, boardedthe cars to assist two Texan officersto arrest the notorious John WesleyHarden, who is said to havecominit-ted twenty-seven murders and forwhose body $4,000 reward has beenoffered by an art of the legislatureof Texas. His last murder in Texaswas the killing of the she iiff ofCoinauche county. He has lived inFlorida for several years under theniuue of John $ wain. About twen-ty shots were fired in making thearrest, and llanion's companionnamed Mann, who had a pistol iniiis hand was killed.

A Pittsburg paper announces theorganization of a mysterious secretorder called the Universal Brother-hood. It is composed of laborers,mechanics, farmers, lawyers, doc-tors, preachers, politicians, office-holders. tankers, landholders andspeculators arerigidlv excluded. Noman is admitted to memliership who

is not engaged in some active indus-try involving manual labor. The or-der already numbers thousands andwill soon tie organized in every wardin Pittsburg. Its object is to unitethe lalßiring classes of every grade,and priffession 111 a common interestthroughout the United States.

The case of Jack Kelioe, the Mol-lie, wilt be heard by the SupremeCourt at Pittsburg at the Octoberterm. The Case of Hester, Tellyand Me Hugh, of .Columbia, andThomas P. Fisher,of Carbon, allMollies, will also be considered.Warrants had been issued for theexecution of Hester, Tulty andMellugh 011 Apgust 0 and Fisher onSeptember 10. No warrant hadbeen issued i 1 Kehoe's case but sen-tence of death had been pronouncedin the court of Schuylkill county*

DEATH OX THE RAlL.?RolandGaiducr. aged 21, on his return homelast Thursday night from an unsuc-cessful hunt for work, got off thesecond section of the express freight

opposite his father's one mile aboveGraham siding, and being tired, saton the end of a tie and fell asleep.The third section of the freight line?c nn * along au'd stru-k him. causing

his d-Mth.?Ciinfm D m >;r tl.

THE CENTRAL STATE NORMALSCHOOL at Lo. K Haven, l\i., willopen its fall term on Monday, S.p-temiier 17. Students should send intheir application for rooms at once.Those desiring tuition o; ly shouldhave their names entered withoutdelay. Applv for circular or partic-ulars to A. X. ltaub, Principal.

Ardror PROPAGATION.? A con.eisc practical work on the rapid in-crease and multiplication of stock-amply illustrated. Price pre-paidhv mai l

, 50 cts. Published 1 y .TEN-KINS" GRAPE AND SEEDLING NUR-SERIES, Whiona, Columbiana Co.,Ohio. Send for it, and for free cata-logue.

Not more than one fourth of thesurveyed public lands have been dis-l>osed of, and there remain in thedifferent States and Territories,1.132,(>35,224 acres of unsurveyedland.

The Lowell (Mass.) Courier nom-inates Governor Ilartranft for Presi-dent in 1880. Whew!

4l + m \u25a0


Snow Bhoe & Burnside?Snow Shoe,Saturday, Sept. 8

Liberty?Eagleville, Saturday, Sept.15.

Howard & Curtin?Howard, Mon-day, Sept. 17.

Huston?Julian Furnace, Tuesday,Sept. 18.

Unionville & Union ?Unionville,Wednesday. September 19.

M'lesburg & Hoggs?Milesburg, Fri-day, Sept. 21.

Miles?Kebersburg, Monday, Sept24.

Ilaines?Aaronsburg, Monday, Sept.?

Penn ?MiTlheim, Wednesday, Sept.20.

Gregg?Penn Hall, Thursday, Sept.27.

Potter ?Centre Hall, Friday, Sept.28.

Harris?Boalsburg, Tuesday, Oct. 2.College?Lemorit, Wednesday, Oct.

3.Ferguson?Pine Grove Mills, Thurs-

day. Oct. 4.Halfmoon Stormstown, Friday,

Oct. 5.Patton ?Waddle's School House,

Saturday, Oct. 6.Benner?Knox's School House, Mon-

day, Oct. 8.Spring?Valentines' School ilouse,

Tuesday, Oct. 9.Wa Iker?H üblersburg, Wednesday,

Oct. 10.Marion Jacksonville, Thursday,


9 A. M.

.Seme of the directors should bepresent in time to make out a listof applicants to be examined.

HENRY MEYER,Aug, 25, 1877. County Supt.

Snyder County Fair, at Middle-burg, Oct, 3rd, 4th and sth.

Don t fail to read the advertise-ment of W. F. Evans & Co., deal-ers in Watches & Jewelry, Chicago,Illinois.

AYe you going to the Sui Side, orart- you there already V Ii eitherease procure some of GLKTN'S STTL-i'liru SOAP, if you would 'Wreasathe luxury of the hath, render yourskin white and healthy* and removefreckles or sun burn. Ndd by allDruggists. . .

lliilv s hair Whisker Dye, blaek oibrown, AO cts. 4\v.

THE BKATTY PIANO, and Beat-ty's Golden Tongue Organs liianu-

? factiu'isl l>v Daniel F. Beatty, AVasli-ington.N. J. IT., S. A., are highlyendorsed by all who have testedthem, as to tbe style of c.ise, dura-bility. and sweetness of tone. Theyare said to excel any other instru-ment in Vei feet construction. Seehis advertisement in another col-

j umu. 4\v.


Messrs Shook, Bro. Co., are do-ing a wholesale Drug business.[Where ? Ed. Journal.l

A number of lads and lasses tookatrip to the Great Caves at thehead of Penns Creek.

I. There is always a great stir andcommotion at the station when thetrain arrives, which gives it a buii-

; ness like look. Spring Mills lnis a! future.

Mr. P. J. Leitzell nnd familvtook their departure for Giraru,Kansas, where they intend makingtheir home for the future. They

i carry with theui the best wishes of a; host of friends who much regret theirdeparture . YO.XKY.

IW- - - \u25a0 \u25a0 ' m

One way 10 get rid of paying yourdebts?but a very mean way?is to

i "confess judgement" to some friendwhom you do not own one cent,then let the friend sell you out, buy

; in your goods and loan tliem to vouI again. All that is necessary is to. insert a "Caution" into soiue paper,warning every body not to meddlewith the property "of defendant, and

; the dirty job is done. You need 011-

ly see to it that you never become"worth anything in law," and yourcreditors may whistle for their pay.The ease and facility with which

j legal cheating can i>e efrected is a| sad comment upon our laws, but it

must be remembered that we live ina progressive age. An exchangefrom a neighboring county has onlyseven of these cautions.


Because we want vou to look atand buy some of our new Stationery,just received and sold at astonish-ing low prices, as given below:

Beautiful Papeteries, latest styles,: from 20 cents to $l.OO per box; All-- tograph Albums, very line?7ii cts.;i School Reward Cards, 111 packs of

ten each, from ten cents upward:School Ink, G cents per bottle; Pen

| Holders, Pencils & Pens ?very cheap.Centennial Copy and Composition

Books?s tents; Envelopes in greatvariety, Bto 10 cts. per pack. BestNote Paper, Cap, Legal Cap?very

1 low. Sbrmofi and Comjiositiuii Pa-per, extra quality?lo centspcr.quirc.

Call and see in the Journal Office......

Linns Anrial- of Buffalo Valley.

j This is [he title of a bnok recent-, lv published by John B. Linn. Esq..formerly a citizen of Union, later of

, Centre county. and now Deputy

( Secretary of the Commonwealth.We have had no opportunity to ex-

amine tlie work but 1 lie Union cotin-?ty pajPrs all speak of it as one of

1 uiucli merit for a local history. Thei early history of Buffalo Valley andof 1 Vnn> Valley are so closely inter-woven that the Anna's would IK4

very incomplete f frequent referenceto the latter were not made. Wehope the author did not lose sight

<of tliis important fact. To many! renders of the Journal, the Annul*i would be interesting and valuable,

: as a history of their early homes.Price $2. For sale by It. F.

j Browiv, Lewisburg, P., or by tin*author at Ilarrisburg.

COURT PROCEEDINGS- ?In theway of Commonwealth business, theterm of Court now in session in thisplace has been an extraordinary one.No less than sixty indictments have,np to the time ofgoing to press, IHMMIacted uj>on by the Grand Jury, cov-ering all classes of offenses from themost trivialassault and battery casenp to that ofhorsestealing. Already

five persons have been sentenced tothepeniteutiary and the good Lordonly knows how many more will l>ebefore the court closes. J. C. Wol-lesiagh, charged and found guilty ofstealing money Irani the house fWm. Fisher, at Unionville, wassentenced to one year and twomonths in tlie penitentiary; Jamesand Charles Gallagher, convicted ofhaving the stolen silverware of A.O. Furst in their possession, weresentenced as follows: James to threeyears and Charles two years in thepenitentiary; John Delaney and Mi-chael Murphy,charged with stealing,butchering and selling cattle belong-ing to the farmers in Marion andWalker townships, were sentenced,the former to two years and the lat-ter to one year in the ienitentiary.Stewart Walker, the*notorious horsethief, plead guilty, and as yet hasnot been sentenced. lhlhjonlcWatchman.

The'2fith Annual Exhibition of\u25a0 tlie Centre County AgriculturaKSo-ciety will be held on the Society

I Ground, Bellefonte, Wednesday,' Thursday and Friday, Oct. 3rd, 4th4th. The officers of the Society aredoing their level best to make thisyear's fair a grand success. Everyfacility will t>e afforded to exhibitors.Stabling for horses and cattle, withfeed anil attendace, willla* furnishedfree of cliarye. Among the Depart-ments there is one especially forAmusements of which our genialfriend, J. L. SpaiijEfler, will havecharge.

The programme will be publishedIn due time, and will embrace,among other features, the following:Competition for premium in horse-

back riding, by ladies and gentle-men .

Exhibitions of "Fantastles" 011horses and mules.

Corn husking matches, (100 stalkseach.)

Wood-sawing matches, (1 cord each.)llorse-race-tlie slowest horse to be

the Winner.Sack races?for boys and men.Blind-folded races ?for buys and

men.Wheel-barrow races.Fat men's race.Foot races, hurdle races, etc., etc.

While many of our people may goto the Uuion*county fair* let us nutfail 10 attend our own.

The first dH\ s of Septemlier givefitirnotice to think of stoves andlookout for coal.

\u2666 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0

W. K. Alexander has removed theold store boxes, barrels and hogs-heads from his stove front. Scoreone for William, Hawkeye. JVHrtV

The St. Pant Sunday School inHaines township willhold their an-nual picnic on Saturday, brtt \Ve havenot learned where. The MillheimCornet Band hat an lnvitatubi to at-tend.


11. 11. Weiser ralsM eight bushelsof potatoes from a hulfiwk of seeds.Hen is a bully liiiiber, but if the'tutors were i/ntudniss he would ft el,tttuch happier alwmt it.

Brighani Young, the MormonProphet and Bigamist, died at SaltLake Citv. Aug. 2flth. He leavesnineteen widows and a multitude ofchildren.

We hear that Samuel tirennmgerof Tylersville, is ulmnt putting up astore building at Coburn Station.He proposes to deal in general inerchandise.

The Evangelical Lutheran Synodof Central Pennsylvania will meetin the English Lutheran Church,I/ick Ilaven, on Wednesday, the20th inst.

Regular meeting of the MillheimB. A L. Association, next Mondayevening. Allve who have dues topay take notice, ami ye who are iutrdmjj, come and buy money.

Forn Deku were seen ;i few eve-nings since swimming the river justMow Ix>ck Haven. How we wishDun Musserlnui been there, us thiswould have secured us a nice gihwlround.

Veky I.on a. ? .lncob Kerstetterbrought a jotftto vine into our ortice8 feet H inches in lengthi .lakethinks that is about as long as thelist of Democratic voters will be inNovember.

? \u2666 ? ? *~??-

An exchange says that stampedenvelops sjoiled in directing, canalways be exchanged at a post of-fice for stamps. It'so, the fact isnot generally known.

Lewisburg had four Sunday Schoolpicnics and excursions in ii week.Why don't Millheim give her Sun-day Schools a picnic or celebration ?

We bad nothing of the kind for anumber of years.

The Lewisburg papers say thatexcursion trams will lie run to thatplace frohi Spring Mills and all in-termedi ue points, during the con-tinuance of the Uuiou County Fair.Just as we expected.

The petitioners for a review of apnvt of the new ro;ut fioip Millheimto the ;J)epot lutd thetf |etitioi>gi-Hiited nt Court last week. Kx-Sherifr' Kline, Biiinuel F. Forster;oid Engineer Bntgger, tire the juryto review*".

On Wednesday nig it of last weeka valuable horse together with sad-dle and bridal, the properly of Mr.Elins Miller, of Mndisoubiirg, wasstolen from the pasture field. Wehave not learned whether Mr. Millerhasuiv clue to the thief, or whatt tforts are ui.nlc to recover the horse.

Pa it Ann.?Millheim Council. No.3(H, o. u. A. M , will have a publicpar.uk at Ibflun'sbnrg. S.iMiid:iv,Sept. next. An address willIk? delivered suited to the occasion.One or several iwinds will I*4 present.The public is cordially invited tout-tend.

si ? \u2666 ? \u2666 ?

Sad Dbatii. ?On Friday nightMr. Amnion, tin? landlord of the(reat Western Hotel, a few milesbelow Miflliiihurgmet his death mi -

der very distressing circumstances.Rumor sayi he Was m a state of in-toxication and Mrs. Amnion hadlocked him up into a room of thesecond floor. During the night hegot up and ojK'iied the window to re-lieve himself by a vomit, when hefell through the window into anojkmi cellar dooi Inflow.

lie lived but h few minutes afterlie was found.

Whale}', of the Clinton Democrat,is a little too particular with his sub-scribers these hard times. He wantsto take nothing on subscription tintrush, good baking apples and springchickens. He ought to lie sntisliedwith lMitatoes, tomatoes, spruce-fork, slab-wood, pine-knots andscrap-iron.

Sheriff Musser left for l'liiladel-plda on Tuesday to buy a new llus?-to run from the Millheim Hotel tothe Deisit. Sheriff, if you bring agood and pretty one you may counton carrying alsmt. two liundretlpounds of editorial dimity cH?casion-ally; but if you bring an old rackwo will go for vou and give no quar-ters."

Two buses run to the Dejiotdaily to meet passengers. Then wehave two daily stages and Tuesday,Thursday and Saturdays?four. Tra-vel and business is about in propor-tion to the stages and buses. Nowwe would like to see a good, heavy ar-ticle in the Reporter , on the presentgreatness of Millheim. The possi-ble future prosperity of the *'Forks"is gttting a little stale as a subject.

I'rof. W. T. Meyer will again IK?prepared to give lessons in instru-mental music, in PcnnS and HrusliValleys, ina sliort time. Mr. Meyeris -so well hnd favorably knownthroughout Central Pennsylvania,as an accomplished musician, mu-sical composer * and successful teach-er that 110 wonts of ours could en-hance his reputation. Those whodesire to cultivate the beautiful art?would do well to engage bis services.Consult or address'him at Aarons-burg.


On the 23rd tilt., nl the Lutheran Par-sonage, Centre Hall, by the IteV. K. Fish-er, J 0.-tiah It m.in un\l Miss Miry It",wit.


On the 22nd ult., at JtebeFsbui'g, I.aw-renee Fein. Inlunt son of 11. Ih'ilngaril;

On the sWth ult., at AaronsHurg, Win. W.Ko'dgers, aged

On the 27th ult., In Potter. Twj>? SusanDefshani, aged 70 rears, a months and 20days.

On the 28tli ult., near Centre Hall, Mr.JaCoU Kdcli, aged Si years and 5 months.

<lri life 2Mb Ult., In Potter Twji., Eliza*both Iters ham, aged

<fn the Bist ult., in tiregg Tap., Adunt,son of Michael and llaiiuuh (irenoble,agt'd S years, r, mouths uiid 21 days.


PrcoolUng in the Evangelical Church,next Sunday morning. oy Rev. 3. T!return.

Preachingtn Hie C. n. Church, nextSunday morning. by Hov. J. \t. Smith.

German preaching in the LutheranChurch, Auromdmrg. iifxt Siimlnv morntng. Itev. It. Sinitli 1* exjweted t<i All theappointment.

Communion services In the ReformedClmreh. Auroiishurg, next Sunday loom-ing. Preparatory services Saturday af-ternoon. Kev. .1. G. Shoemaker, I'ustor.

Lodffe and Society Directory.

The Millheim Cornet Rami will meet Inthe Tow n Hull on Monday untl ThursdayeveniugH.

Providence Grunge N'o. 217 P. of II.?meets in Alexander'* block on the 2nd Sa-turday ofckoli mcoitb at r. %}. a,nd Onthe 4th Saturday of each month at IN r. M.

The Irving Literary l institute iheeta inthe Town llall, on the hist Friday eveningOt each mouth, until otherwise ordered.

The Millheim 11. ,t L. Association meet*In the Town Hull, on the efenlng of thesecond Monday of each induth.

MUUietm Council So. :, O. C. A. M.meets every Saturday at a o'clock, r. m.? intheir Council Room. U Ill's Ilnlldlllg. lie-gree Meetings will he iwli' on Taesdav onor before the full ato'dn of *u*b inoiith.C. 11. lIKLII,See U. F. Mitttll, C.

Arrival and Closing of Ntuil*.Mails arrive at the Millheim Post Ofllce as

follows :

Dally from all points east via Lewlabiirg,at *. M.

Dally front all points west via Bel'.efonteat (> p. m

Every Tuesday, Thitrsdav ami Saturday,fr. at north ami fast, via Lock llaveu at4 P. xl.

Every Tilesiktv, Thursday and Saturdayfrom north ami west via Howard, at?l E M.

MaiN close for east and west, at f> M.For Lock ll.veil and Howard, rycrv Mou-day, Wednesday and Friday at 5 m.


\Viaiv authorized to announce ,1. M.Keirur.iNK, Esq.,f Itcllefonte.asa candidatefor District Attorney. Subject to the clcei-loii of the Democratic county convention,


We are nnthorired to announce D. FFORTJUKV, Ksq., of Heilefonte. as a cundf-latqfnr District Attorney. Subject to thedeefnlnii of the Democratic county con-vention.

Pt \KCt'Ti ills' s A I.E.?The undersignedjExecutors of the lust will and testa-

ment of George Grnmly. late of Millheim.deceased, will ntTdr at public sale on thepremises, Millheim, on Saturday. Septem-ber 2&tli. is77. ;it one o'clock, P. M. the fol-lowing valuable real estate:THHXK CKUTAIN LOTS, situate In Millheimaforesaid, bounded north by alley and KlkCreek, eakt hv Klk Creek, south by landsof .lolin If. Musscr and other*, and westhv Water street, ?eontntniug altogetherninety two perches neat measure. There-on Is erected large two and a half storyplank dwelling house, good barn, shop,ami all other necessary outbuildings. ,ytine x-.riety of ebolPe" fruit trees on thepremises. ",\ tlirlfty orThurd of appletires in go<al hearing (Vuldltlon lu thereay OL barn.

Also, at the same time, a Certain pieceof land situate one half mile c est of Mill-helm aforesaid, bounded on the north hvTurnpike, on the east by. binds of JacobNoes' estate, on the south by lrtttds of Ad-am Morr. and on the West liy a Wnc?con-taining five acres and six jwrehes neatmeasure. The same is in a good state ofCMlttvutian.

"forth* Will be made known on tiny ofsale, by®


Executors.July .'3?Ct.



On awl offer Morula >t. Anan si I.VA. 1877.train* r.n tl.it mrtil iriU run tlaity, (exceptSunday*) at foWove*:


































































.Vo*. 1 .(? 2 rrmnrrt at Montami on withErie Mail west on the Philadelphia £ Erin11nil Road.

Nos. 3 << 4 with Pacific Rxpr"ss cast.A os. 5 t(- fi with Fist Lin- west.An Omnibus will run between IswishUrfi

aw! Montamlon, to conr-y jeissvttiirrs toowl from yiurrura Express west nent JtuuEriirrss east, on the Philadelphia t* atulErie Rail Load.

The regular Rail Road Tickets trill bChonored between these two points.




'? On and after Snndnii, May \Mh, \Ti, theVfaiils On the Philadelphia and Erie liaitRoad Division will run as follows:

WES TWA RD.tSrie, Sfutt ledixs Ketr York, , s .If*p.m.

" 44 " Philadelphia. 1 1.55 p. in.44 " " Baltimore 9.10 p.m.

' " " " Ilarrisburg 4.2hd.tn." " 44 Snnhury <>.:#> a. tn.

" ?? Montamlon 6.57 a. m." " " Wdliainsp jrt

.8.35 a. in.

" " *' llaveh 0.40 a. m." aer. at Erie 7.35 in.

XtOrjara Ex. leaves Philadelphia 7.'J> a. m.'? " Ilarrisburg lo.;>o a. tn.

" " Rstnl'Hry 10.40 p. j)i." 44 yfontandon 1 05p. >*." arc. at Willianisftort 2.20 ;>. m." " leick Haven 3.25 p. in.

44 " " Kane 9.20 p.m.East Line lean's Near York 8.25 a. in.

" " " Philadelphia 11.3ft a. in.44 " Rolfimore 11.35 a. in.

?' " " Ilarrisburg li.2ftjt.nt.44 44 " A'anbury 5.40 p. tn.*' '' '? Montandon ft. 15p. m." " 45 Willlamsssirt 7.30 w." " arr. at Lock Haven 8.40 p. in.

, EASTWARD.Pacific Ex. leaves Lock Haven 0.30 in.

'? " ?* WiUianisport 7.55 a. m.44 " 44 Mnntandon 9.08 o. in." '? " Sunburst , 0.35 a. m." " a nr. at Ilarrisburg 11.55 a. tn.44 44 " Baltimore 0.1 Op.tn." u 44 Philadelphia 3.45 p.m." " ? yew York 6.45 p.m.

Day Ex. leaves Kane ft.ou a. tn." 44 " Jjock Haren 11.20 a. m.44 " 44 Willinnispnet 12.40 a, tn."

" 44 Montamlon 1.47 p. in.44 44 44 Sunburst 2.15 p. tn.

arr. at llarvishurrj 4.10 p.m.14 14 4' Philadelphia 7.2 ft p. tn.44 44 44 Aew York 1(1.15 p. tn.44 44 44 Jtaltimorh 7.35 p. in." " 44 Washington 9.07 p. tn.

Eric Mail leaves Erie 11.00 a. tn.44 44 44 Lock Haven 0.15 p. in.44 44 44 Williamsport 11.00 p.m.44 . 44 44 Montandon 12.18 p.m.

44 44 Sunburst 12.45 a- in.>* 44 arr. at Ilarrisburg 2.45 a.m.44 44 4> Baltimore 745 a.m.44 44 44 J'h iladeljdt in 7.00 a.m.44 4< 44 New York , 10.05 a.m.

Fist Line leaves WiHiutiisjtort 12.35 a. m.44 44 44 Sunburst 2.00 a.m.14 44 arr. at Ilarrisburg 4.00 a. tn.44 44 44 Baltimore 7.45 a. m.44 44 44 Philadelphia 7.35 a.m.44 41 41 New York 10.25 a. tn.Erie Mail West. Niagara Ex. West, Isick

Haven Accoin. West and Ddft Ex/tress Eastmake close connection at Northumberlandwith IJ. A H. R. R. trains for Wilkesbarreand Scranton.

Erie Mail East and ires* connect at Eriewith trains on L. S. ct - M. S. R. /£., at Varywith O. C. & A. V. It- R at Emporium withR.N. Y. A P. R. Itand at Driftwood withA. V. RiR. V

Parlor cars will run between Philadelphiaand WiUiamsport on Nias/nra Express WestPacific Express East and Day ExjwcssEast.Slctldnd thrs on all night train*.


WM. A- BALDI!*/A. Gcn'l Sup't.

Belleforile .Hnrkd.Willi#Whent, |M>r busfcel new \u2666 1 20lied Wheat, per bushel new No. 1... 1 2ftRye, per bushel nw MCorn ears, per bushel 56('\u25a0orn, shelled, per bushel ftoOats, per bushel, uew 26Hurley. pW btUhn *)

Buek wheat, per bushel s[l

Cloverseed, per bushel 6 00@6 50Potatoes, p'r lmshel newKnsrs, lKr dozen 12Lard, ler pound 0Ilaeon ?Shoulders

Sides 1Hams 12

Suar Tared Hams laTallow, per i>ound

litter, per pniiml....: ; -5*airs, iter pound ~

Uround Plaster per ton lft,oo

Mlfltlnbnrir Market.

butter \u2666 22Keirs 1-Whcat 1Uyfl...:

c ,0ri...i.......iOats MRarlev ;

Tvmothy Hay...; 1^Clover Hay 12 ®'

Veal ]'Haulsst'es ?*

CloverseedTvmothvswd '\u25a0 J -5

.; 110

Millheim Mak-tteL

Wheat. .777.:.iCorn ?'8 )

Bye..; ?

OitsBarley. ;.... °0Tvirtothvseed .'.


FlaxseedCloVerseiHl-Butter fiHams : : !?;5 idesVeal..:Hints 1-l'otaloc.s.. *]Lard VTallowHoap ; 7Priod Apples *

f)rlfa Peaches.;Dried Cherries 5

VEGETBNE.^178 B;lltic St., Brooklyn, N. \\.Nov., 14,174.11. It. Stevens, Keq. Dear sir,?From t<er-

sonal bene fitreceived by Its use, as well asfrom lHMsonal knowledge of those whosecures fhereby have seemed almo'.t nnraeuions, 1 can niosi heartily and sincerely recom-mend the Vbobtixe for the eCmplahilswldeli It is claimed to cure. .Jamks P. Luntow,Late Pastor Calvary baptist Chuacli, Sacra-mento.l. . > 32-4w


H. R. STEVENS, Boston,Mass. Feb: Sal© by all Druggists.

Lands for Sale.960,000 ACRES

in Southwest Missouri.First class Stock farms, excellent Agrifcu

tural Lauds: and the liest Tobacco region inthe West. Short Winters, no grasshoppers,orderly society, good markets and a healthycountry, lxnv Prices! latiirCredit!

Free tr;ius|>ortatii>u from St. Louis to thelands furnished purchasers. For further in-formation, address A- L. DKANK,

I.aml Commissioner, St. lands & Sou h ninejs-ep, Uv. Co. N. W., cor. Fifth and \5 alnut St.St. Louts, Md. 31-lw

2S£ LEOAN'T C'AKDJU. No two alike.name lhc. PusJt iniiil.

Co., Nassau. N. V. 'S2A\x


JAMES HARRIS & CO.,Dealers in Hardware,

Ab. 5. Brockcrhojf Row,




tJoinplett line of Hardware of all Kinds at the


The Celebrates Barley Shea! Coot Store & Anchor Heater.; _



____ . . BBS- -

ROMAIXE GOLD. w extensively worn in Paris, was first disfovrtrPd in I*7o, hy thecelebrated French chemist, Hons. I>. He I.ulnge, who inan.ifai-bircd It lut> jcweirv,"andfor live years sold It to the leading Jewelers of Paris for SOLID COI.D. In 17", when hissecret 'eeanie known, ten of the manufacturing Jeweieis ostnlrtished n stotrtc eammny,with a capital of*lo,(*.tMifor the purjmseof manufacturing ROMAIXECOLD JEWEDItVAXD WATCHES Willi th s Immense capital, and the aid of improved machinerythey are enabled to produce all the latest patterns of jewelry *tt less Wntn one--lentil ofslid Gold, and of a quality and color whtbh makes it Impossible even for experts to detect Itfrom the genuine.

Ipe hare secured th- rrclntlrc afienry of the United States ami Onnndn. for the sale ofall good* manufactured from this metal, and in order to introduce them In the most s|ieedrmanner, have put up assorted sample H4k as given below, which we will sell at one-te/Uhthe revaU vdluc until January Ut, ISTB- ltead the list.

3MKXT LOT.One Dent's Watch Chain retail price %1 AO

Ue pair Engraved Sleeve Buttons re. pr. 75One Stone Set Scarf Pin "* * -r 'One set (3) Spiral Shirt Stud*.

" " 75t hie improved shapo Collar Bnttoni" tl 5"One heavy plain Wedding ltiug, 1 45

Total A'> OhFor 50 cents we will send above six articles

postpaid.ftl.oo LOT.

Due pair Sleeve Buttons, stone setting,one set (.1) Spiral Shirt Studs.Due Iwavy band Kugagemeiit liing.One set (2) Engraved Bracelets.Oiie Indies' l/mgtiuard or Neck CPaln.One Engraved Miniatur !cketfnrthp above,one dent's Heavy I.iak Watch Chain.One Like George Diamond Stud.

$2.00 I.OT.One Chain and Charm.One 1-allies' Heavy Guard Chain for Watcli.One set Pin and Ear Hings, Amethyst.One extra tine Miniature Locket.One Cameo Seal King.i hie very heavy Wedding or Engagement ringOne Gent's heavy Wateji Chain with Charm-One pair Pearl Inlaid Sleeve Buttons.One Lake George Cluster Pill.Oiie pair (2) heavy band Bracelets.

$.1.00 I,JIT.Otic Ladles' Opera Guard drain.One Indies Neck Chain and Cross.One beautiful I<ocket, (engraved).One pair Baud Bracelets.One Gent's Twist I.lnk Vest Chain & Charm.One pair Onyx Sleeve Buttons.One sot (3) Onyx shirt stints.One now improved Collar Button.One extra cut Cameo Seat King.One Arizona Solitaire Stud.One set Amethyst or Topaz nil & Ear DropsOne Indies'4'beinise Button.One Plain King, stumped 18 K.

$3.00 l.Of.One Indies' Opera Chain, with slide and

tassel, (retail price \u2666*>.oU)One Gent's heavv Watch Chain, with Ctlrb

charm, (retail prfce, \u2666".(K.)One 1-adies' heavy long Neck Chat J.One elegant Chased Miniature Locket mr lib.One set CaineoMenallpn Pin anil Ear Drops.One pair (2) beany Chased Hand Bracelets.One (ient'sSolitaire Diamond Ktild.One Gent's Cluster Diamond Hit*.One pair Amethyst or Onyx Sleeve lUtttorts.(ne set (3) Kntd* to mateh the above.One elegant lioavy set Canleo Se.al King.One Massive Baud or Wedding ltlng.<>ne new "patent*' Coftar Buttort.One laulie*' Chemise Button,

one Aniethvst or Topaz King, (extra finish.)The retail price of ihrt articles In each sample lot amounts to exactly ten times the

price we ask for the lot; for example our \u2666l.OO lot retails for 410.00; our #*>.oo lot for \u266650.00.

A SOLID ROKAINE GOLD HDNTING-CASE WATCH FREE.To nnv one sending us an order for the ahove lots hv express to the amount of $l5 OP,

we will send FREE one Ndid Itomainc Gold Hunting-Case Watch. Gents' or lodic* size,warranted to keep perfect time and look equally as well as a \u2666l<*> gold watch. By mailiMistpaio. \u266615.50. This {sour BRSTOFPEK to AOKNTH, and i*woith u trial, as the wdtchalone will sell or trade readiiv for from 420 to \u26665O. Gents" or 1 adie*' Watch alone, *7 or is,wit It a lleary Gent's Gold Pattern Vest Chain rthd Chirnl. or l-mhrt 1 opera Chain withslide and tassel.

ItEMEMiIRR:-rT\i\iioffer onlv holds good until Jan. Ist, IST*. After that time weshall sell only to Jobbers and Wholesale dealers, and any one wishing our goods will thenhave to pay full retail prices.

Hoi name Gold is the lest. and. in fact, the only Imitation of genuine gold made, being

the same in weight, color and finish, and all our goods are made in the latevt gold patterns.Will guarantee satisfaction in every instance, or refund money.

Nrnrl moneu hu P. 0.. Money Order, or ReyiMered letter, AT OUR RISK. No>roo<h sent C. O. D. unless at least *VU) accompanies the order. Address plainly,

W. F. EVA AS & CO., Sole Agt's for V. S., and Canada,05 A 07 Konth Clark Street, Chlraso, 111.

! ltAKTBftttfrn*PeitcUSketHi"D T ArPO e*"f the GREAT Hots,ft A U 1 IJ . An llhUtKlted Histo-

? *v "T *ry of the great

Road and other Riots, with a History of Com-munism And Trade Unions. By the popularauthor Hon. .1. T. Heailley. Allclasses want

I this hook, depleting the releii of terror hiten States. The liest seliinc book Tor Agents,my ready. MW pages. SS Illustrations *2.Send &p emits for.ouilt and territorry. K.A.TREAT, Pith., SAS Broadway; X. Y. 34-dW

0 AliPflDTl^C! l Tiie only combination oftheuArlrUnU o|true Jam*iA Ginger with

.choice Amniotics antl FrenchBrandv. Is a delicious, harm-less, and strengthening suh-

TAMAIPA stitute for all kinds of stiuiu-JflWaluil hints. It promptly relieve*

t Dyspepsia, oppression afteriEating, and Fvery species of

nnifirnIndigestion. corrects all dis

(tTNiyv R turhancesof the fUbninch andU 111 U Liu lVnvels-. and rUrtfs Cramps,

Ciiilis, Fevers, and MaHria.:14?4 Ask for Sanfords CINuER.

pUPTURg^Tlidso wishing Relief and Cure fttf Rtlp-

! ture slum d consult Dr. J. A. SHFKMaN',l iViBroadway, New York, or Seild lor tils

, new took, with Photographic HkiiUessess ofhad eases before aud after euro. Be dare of

I cheats who pretend to furnDß Dh Sherman'sI treatment.

? hie of these fellows, i jftsrriVt.iloJFrk, nowI calling himself Dr. W.G.vrenudep, is ihdiet-

[ ed on eomplaint of l>r. S. and awaits trialfor forgery and eiitliePzlenrwnt. 3r-fw
































New and Thrilling! MilLIONS KAtiEltFOK IT!!

3000 Ag*ntw Wanted fhr the" CRESt'EXT

By the tijifotds thestraftpe s<>ef;U. political and relijetnus pecnV-arities and History oi the JiufMium nntfTurku ; cause of the war, mipkty intcre.*'* \u25a0, tstake: Bhnjranhies of liuier*, etc. KiohlvIllustrated. For terms, addres* quicklv,HFBBAHDBIiOS, I'ubs , 733 Ransom St.,l'liilu . Fa. -*M\v


s Wate.

.I Awarded Cen

Themo*t pr.-ttil-. ?i*f*#|;*hd mwm&. ..


gate .in un.vi'r*a>kiHnyfcttgPd. Aildt<

M/r*. ot Wiie-u uL \u25a0Machinery, MOBNT HOIAI,JS. 4. If "

manufacturing right*.



; Now Euan Motel life fe. \u25a0

The oldest mutual fiiTrm count:' -, l.'h


MAK ai K o\ V Ay J ]IK. <ll in;

1.*3 South Fourth Hireel, PltH: dclplif t

Pjfol'F. Befett

I rAL'Tirtfi.--Tlireputation harI n>?! tjie celebrity of nivory<<n. h.v! jr*rt sonie unprincipled parties af:-: .! in copy my circulars, ami inisrepiv-? Instrument* { against t I>lm the jjth- ,

hereby thiiMloucd. All tny<to'i-

trade-niak, (JrtKrn 'io.in.u-, ami jb <\u25a0 -

no* haw W& word ri Oir *am! also have my nuun>W|mWii ;detiee, DAfctri, I"; tinattv, wasl.J.-, Willimtl Witittk Ittitil: ii KUIItMUC.


DANIEL P. BEATWitshHlpiAft, X. J. ,1

WE WILLS-VI most lieatiMful hi w f'lirtoitoj, in t , *

; color, ever v.-*u lor*l.,h 'j itI cil in tfxlu btacK enamel ami g*<1 tboning nnd outsell anything nn .v , % j|o|)!i4. SatiHfae.nu{ni.ira!|tt-fil. 'I -

?8 for ?2>rcrir*, or U for fid-cent-cents for at and illustrated eald'.ehruitui of lln/nilb.rtit nn tho 1M \u25a0*vuts for two L tnd-o- 'pe* an ! f'ah:-.black jtrAimd. .1. LATHAM tftHi.,button st . Boston, Mas". Hchdnu ?


l liroiuoi. KnKru>iiti'aiid' | ".

| Art Works. adm*ll*fit ! '

soi spiral stums >llar outt ?wedding ring. and gert*' IkrMui d - :pin. The above article* sent. post-pi-SO CTW, have been retailed lor Art. *\u2666

nipt stock-ami must Is* sold. SolidGold Watches, lie each, for sjieeutatl >'

|xises, good timers, equal In appearitiigenuine gold, His repulatP-

honesty, fair dealing and libenuitv .equaled by any advertiser in this city.1. Dau Book. Dec. 1(L IS7(V.!*>HTAKSTAA'PsTAKEX AB<\¥. STOCKM AX 27 UOXD T. ; New

NERVOUSDEBILI'Vital Weakness or Depression, a m

hau*ted feeling; no energy or eotiragresult of McuUl over-work. In.liscretrKaceasesf rtr some drain upon the ajsu .<

always cured ly

Hyimirfiy's Homeonathie S^eife28.

ft tones up and invigorate* live *vdlsjicls the elo nn and ifesopndeiicv, tiiistrength ?'lid inerjo?stops tiw drainrejuvcnales the entire man. Been > ?

twenty years withperfect suecess bv fh -.ands. rt :ld by dealers. Pi ice, *l.OO pe,gle vial; or #5.00 per naekaire of fiveand ii'Jo vial of powder. Scut by mar-ceipt of price. Address ntinrph 4

Medicine Company, nfrl Bitvayt New York. 51x131y.

RAX ds NEV i\ -

I>IKKCTORV r<lt 1577. The se-.volatile of this valuable mid iurlknens.work has Just been issued by the Pnh >ers, Messrs. Walter Ifenjfh M. Cq., of 3 !v.Place, New York. Xo pains or exp >line been .snared in the prodttetlon ofpresent volume, to iriaVc it coinpleiv ureliable. In tvpoaTaJihical appearance :

bindinfr.-rcrfatnlv ft is a flni s ecfth.-bookuiakinj;. ItcontMius over one , ?;

red iHiip-s more matter than tl' Inst f vvolume, which has added t-eost of the production of tCc sofk ?

compelled tila Publishers to issm* lies ionly the full cloth houud <litiou a: <

Dollar j>er copy, upon the receipt oi weutn they will for wan! tile work loan. ?drps in the United States or Canrnd.-.mail, pus-nice preimi'L

George fehl'Wairoh-Makef,


AH kitids of Wagons made


\VWTeh NV* w!Uif ..* t ijir# men and wi.nn ? ?

Business that will Pa;from %to \u2666Sfter day, can he pur?your own neighborhood, and isstiiitl\ ; ,orable. f ardcviors free, r ami 'several dollars that w ill enable you p ~work at once, willbe sent on reci ipt c: i! -cents.

Address LATHAM& ('< .

Box 2.1 4. -110 Washington St.. BosCrtn.-.i



n sum mniecly fo t ttlUtih, ppilisptisVrt of*tli# TKRHAT, M%,

| f'KKSr and m.'i'Ors HKJIRR VX; PUT UP ONLYINBLUE B&; -


{C. X. 4'ltITTEXTON. 7 SIXTH . ?: Lxi'K, New Ybrlt.

Great chance to inakf, tall J B| UV. Ifyou can t yet .. iBIMLSgeVU can ;rrcen! .->

De need a permit) in e\-

town to take sul>script|tHia for theclieapest and best Illustrated familv miK


cion in the world. Any one ean *bect>siicoessful agent. The most elegant wi ;of art given free to subscriber*. The p

j is so low that almost everybody suhscsiiOne ageid reports making over #l"in |;iweek. A lady agent reports taking oversubscribers in ten days. All. who enuamake mouev fast. You can devote all vo

J time to the business, or onlv volir snare tin-You need not be away from lionie over nigiYou can do Itas well as others. Full parcutars,direetiouBandlevinsfree. lilegantaiexpensive Outfit free. Ifyou want profitatwork send us your address at oner, it eo*.nothing to try tim business. Xo o e \\lm> eng-ig-s f tils to make great pay. Address -Tn.-

? People's Journal," Portkuid, .Maine. 31-;.

BEATTY Pl^No:BWIW PNWUrevrid Square and Upright.nasr itvEK cirtN xovr keaoVi

DANIEL F. BSATTT,Washington, Xh\v Jorsey< \J. S. A.\u25a0BBS £32 HEEBk ~}'p T'P fnp i*iu-kago !s the Mrewtffi '."O. js'st >*-?!"" ntt. READ AND

H 9f SSj4KS2IE, 18 Sheets Note I'nper, 3ttKIIV'I-UUH'S. IS-iu.il, Cell hnlUor, Cohi-

BS H \u25a0 eii .lYti, Set of Eli-gant OoM ShHioRwve liottone. Gents' OenMi Dtuimotd l*trt, Am,'thyststono Kiugln'uiiil with Rlo, AmethyA Stone Sourfrill,(inl.t pliltod Wi-ddin't Ktng, KtX Monobutl Em Drops,i.aJU'?' t-'lim-ered Hint Silvoreit Hat tin. I,a<lfes' Faney SvtIhuan l Drops, Unld pjate CollsfKiiitnii,Ocn's' UolU-plnt.ml Watch Chain ftiul Sot oftHIMTtirec Gkl-p'.at<si Rttuls. The I# eral \u25a0 HI

tntirtLet sent H MCMS. rXTR.A ORDIXAR YH TAmJw \u25a0jA.OUCLAfhJVrS TOAGI .\TS *\u25a0 ~

J. BRIOE, Clinton Place, New York.'

