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UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository) The fingerprint of an ...1.3 Johannes Vermeer, The Love...

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UvA-DARE is a service provided by the library of the University of Amsterdam (http://dare.uva.nl) UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository) The fingerprint of an old master : on connoisseurship of Dutch and Flemish seventeenth- century paintings : recent debates and seventeenth-century insights Tummers, J.C. Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Tummers, J. C. (2009). The fingerprint of an old master : on connoisseurship of Dutch and Flemish seventeenth- century paintings : recent debates and seventeenth-century insights. General rights It is not permitted to download or to forward/distribute the text or part of it without the consent of the author(s) and/or copyright holder(s), other than for strictly personal, individual use, unless the work is under an open content license (like Creative Commons). Disclaimer/Complaints regulations If you believe that digital publication of certain material infringes any of your rights or (privacy) interests, please let the Library know, stating your reasons. In case of a legitimate complaint, the Library will make the material inaccessible and/or remove it from the website. Please Ask the Library: https://uba.uva.nl/en/contact, or a letter to: Library of the University of Amsterdam, Secretariat, Singel 425, 1012 WP Amsterdam, The Netherlands. You will be contacted as soon as possible. Download date: 28 Dec 2020
Page 1: UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository) The fingerprint of an ...1.3 Johannes Vermeer, The Love Letter, c.1669-1970, Rijksmuseum 1.4. Johannes Vermeer, Christ in the House of Martha

UvA-DARE is a service provided by the library of the University of Amsterdam (http://dare.uva.nl)

UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository)

The fingerprint of an old master : on connoisseurship of Dutch and Flemish seventeenth-century paintings : recent debates and seventeenth-century insights

Tummers, J.C.

Link to publication

Citation for published version (APA):Tummers, J. C. (2009). The fingerprint of an old master : on connoisseurship of Dutch and Flemish seventeenth-century paintings : recent debates and seventeenth-century insights.

General rightsIt is not permitted to download or to forward/distribute the text or part of it without the consent of the author(s) and/or copyright holder(s),other than for strictly personal, individual use, unless the work is under an open content license (like Creative Commons).

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Download date: 28 Dec 2020

Page 2: UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository) The fingerprint of an ...1.3 Johannes Vermeer, The Love Letter, c.1669-1970, Rijksmuseum 1.4. Johannes Vermeer, Christ in the House of Martha

LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Preface 0.1 Caspar Netscher (formerly attributed to Ter Borch), Soldiers Carousing in an Inn, 1658, Philadelphia Museum of Art Ch. 1 1.1. Han van Meegeren, Christ and his Disciples at Emmaus, c. 1937, Museum Boymans-van Beuningen 1.2 Han van Meegeren, The Adulteress, 1943, Rijksdienst Beeldende Kunst, The Hague 1.3 Johannes Vermeer, The Love Letter, c.1669-1970, Rijksmuseum 1.4. Johannes Vermeer, Christ in the House of Martha and Mary, c. 1655, National Gallery of Scotland 1.5. Johannes Vermeer, Diana and her Companions, c. 1655-56, Royal Picture Gallery Mauritshuis, The Hague 1.6 Johannes Vermeer, Young Lady at a Virginal, c.1670, Private Collection 1.7 Attributed to Johannes Vermeer, Girl with A Flute, c. 1665-1670, National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. 1.8 Johannes Vermeer, The Girl with the Red Hat, c. 1665-1666, National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. 1.9 cartoon from series by Saul Steinberg, The Passport, London, Hamish

Hamilton, 1954 1.10 cartoon from series by Saul Steinberg, The Passport, London, Hamish

Hamilton, 1954

Page 3: UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository) The fingerprint of an ...1.3 Johannes Vermeer, The Love Letter, c.1669-1970, Rijksmuseum 1.4. Johannes Vermeer, Christ in the House of Martha


1.11 Anonymous, Laughing Man, twentieth-century pastiche in the style of Frans Hals, current location unknown 1.12 Drawings by Giovanni Morelli for his Kunstkritische Studien über italienische Malerei, 1890, I (published under the pseudonym Ivan Lermolieff). 1.13 List of characteristics of Rembrandt paintings (fragment), after Maurits van Dantzig, Pictology, an analytical method for the attribution and evaluation of pictures, Leiden 1973. 1.14 a & b Examples of spontaneous (a) and copied (b) lines, after Maurits van Dantzig, Pictology, an analytical method for the attribution and evaluation of pictures, Leiden 1973. 1.15. After Yarbus, Eye Movements and Vision, Plenum Press, New York, 1967, Fig. 108. 1.16. After Yarbus, Eye Movements and Vision, Plenum Press, New York, 1967, Fig. 109. 1.17 fig. Infrared reflectograph showing Fabritius' signature, after Duparc 2006 1.18 Rembrandt van Rijn, Samson and Delilah, c. 1629/1630, Gemäldegalerie Berlin 1.19 Rembrandt van Rijn, Laughing Man in Gorget, c. 1629/30, Royal Cabinet of Paintings, The Mauritshuis, The Hague 1.20 Rembrandt van Rijn, Self-Portrait, 1630, National Museum, Stockholm 1.21 Rembrandt van Rijn, Old woman praying, c. 1629/1630, Salzburger Landessammlungen, Residenzgalerie 1.22 Rembrandt van Rijn, Portrait of a Man, probably a Member of the Van Beresteyn Family, 1632, Metropolitan Museum, New York 1.23 Rembrandt van Rijn (?), Portrait of a Woman, probably a Member of the Van Beresteyn Family, 1632, Metropolitan Museum, New York 1.24 Rembrandt van Rijn, Portrait of Anna Six-Wymer, 1641, Six Collection, Amsterdam

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1.25 Malcolm Gladwell (portrait photograph from the author's website http://www.gladwell.com) 1.26 Aelbert Cuyp, The Baptism of the Eunuch, c. 1642-1643, The Menil Collection, Houston 1.27 Rembrandt van Rijn (?), Portrait of Rembrandt with Gorget, c. 1629, Royal Cabinet of Paintings Mauritshuis, The Hague 1.28 Rembrandt van Rijn, Self-Portrait with Gorget, 1629, Landesmuseum, Nuremberg 1.29 Peter Paul Rubens, Christ, John and Two Angels, c. 1615-1620, Wilton House, Salisbury 1.30 Carel Fabritius, Man in a Helmet, 1648/1649, Groninger Museum Ch. 2 2.1 a, b & c Annibale Caracci, Landscape with Bathing Figures (drawing) and two copies, Van Gelder 1958, figs. 1-3 2.2 Hendrick ter Brugghen, Singing Lute Player, 1624, The National Gallery, London 2.3 Hendrick ter Brugghen, Singing Lute Player, c. 1624, Kremer Collection 2.4 Raffaello Sanzio, Portrait of Leo X with Two Cardinals, c. 1518-1519, galleria degli Uffizi, Florence (before restoration) 2.5 Andrea del Sarto (after Raffaello Sanzio), Portrait of Leo X with Two Cardinals, 1624, Museo di Capodimonte, Naples Ch. 3 3.1 Rembrandt van Rijn, The Shipbuilder and His Wife, 1633, The Royal Collection, Her Majesty Queen Elisabeth II, London

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3.2 Rembrandt van Rijn, The Anatomy Lesson of Doctor Tulp, 1633, Royal Cabinet of Paintings, The Mauritshuis, The Hague 3.3 Rembrandt van Rijn, Portrait of the Remonstrant Minister Johannes Uyttenbogaert, 1633, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam 3.4 Gerrit van Honthorst, Allegory on the Marriage of Frederick Henry and Amalia van Solms, 1651, Oranjezaal, Huis ten Bosch 3.5 Gerrit van Honthorst, Wiliam II’s Reception of Mary Stuart upon her Arrival in the Netherlands, 1649, Oranjezaal, Huis ten Bosch 3.6 Gerrit van Honthorst, Frederick Henry’s Steadfastness, after 1649, Oranjezaal, Huis ten Bosch 3.7 Jan Steen, Merry Family (So de Oude Songen, Pijpen de Jonge) (detail of the drapery), 1668, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam 3.8 Albrecht Dürer, Melencholia (detail of the drapery), 1514, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam 3.9 detail of: Lucas van Leyden, The Holy Family (detail of the drapery), c. 1506-1510, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam 3.10 Hans Holbein, Henry VIII, (detail of the hair), c. 1536, Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection, Madrid 3.11 Jacob van Ruisdael, Forest Scene (detail of the foliage), ca. 1655, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. 3.12 Meindert Hobbema, Farm in the Sunlight (detail of the foliage), c. 1668,National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. 3.13 Hans Holbein, Henry VIII Barber Surgeons, (begun 1541-43), Hall of the Barber-Surgeons Guild, London 3.14 Peter Paul Rubens and Frans Snyders, Prometheus, c. 1611-1612, completed by 1618, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia

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Ch. 4 4.1 Anthony van Dyck, Madonna and Child with Donors, 1641, Louvre, Paris 4.2 Tiziano Vecellio, Youth with Dogs, 1575-76, 100 x 117 cm, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam 4.3 a Antonio Correggio, Madonna of the Basket (detail), c.1524, The National Gallery, London 4.3.b Rembrandt, Self Portrait with Beret and Up Turned Collar (detail), 1659, National Gallery of Art, Andrew W. Mellon Collection 4.4 Willem Isaacsz. van Swanenburg, naar Michiel van Mierevelt, The Judgment of Paris (engraving), 1609 (photograph RKD) 4.5 Anthonie van Montfoort, called Blocklandt, Joseph and the Farao, Centraal Museum, Utrecht 4.6 Michiel van Mierevelt, Portrait of Maurits (1567-1625), Prince of Orange, 1613, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam 4.7 Frans Hals, An Elderly Woman known as 'Malle Babbe', c. 1633-1635, Gemäldegalerie, Berlin 4.8 Gerrit Dou, Self-portrait, c. 1645, Kremer Collection 4.9 Albrecht Dürer, Portrait of a Young Man, 1500, Alte Pinakothek Muchen 4.10 Jan van Eyck, Man in a Red Turban, 1433, The National Gallery, London 4.11. Willem Key, Saint Hieronymus, c.1550-1560, Alte Pinakothek, Munich 4.12. Frans Floris, The Fall of the Rebellious Angels, 1554, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerp 4.13 Frans Snyders, Still Life with Dead Game, Fruits, and Vegetables in a Market, 1614, Art Institute of Chicago

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4.14. Peter Paul Rubens, Hunt with Wolves and Foxes, 1616, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 4.15 Gerrit Dou, Still Life with Hour Glass and Ink Well, 1647, Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford, Connecticut 4.16 Cornelis Cornelisz. van Haarlem, Followers of Cadmeus devoured by a Dragon, 1588, National Gallery London 4.17 Cornelis Cornelisz. van Haarlem, Wedding of Peleus and Thetis, 1590, Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem 4.18 Aelbert Cuyp, River Landscape with Cows, 1648-1650, National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. 4.19 Aelbert Cuyp, Evening Landscape, late 1650s, The Royal Collection, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, London 4.20 Dirck Barendszoon, Triptych with the Life of Mary, c. 1665, Sint Janskerk, Gouda 4.21 Aelbert Cuyp, The Melkpoortje on the Dordrecht Harbor, 1639, Private Collection 4.22 Aelbert Cuyp, Orpheus Charming the Animals, 1639, Private Collection, Boston 4.23 Pieter de Hooch, A Couple Playing Cards, with a Serving Woman, c. 1675-80, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 4.24 Pieter de Hooch, Musical Party in a Courtyard, 1677, The National Gallery, London 4.25 Gabriel Metsu, A Woman Peeling Apples, 1656-1657, Musée du Louvre, Paris 4.26 & 4.27 Gabriel Metsu, A Man Writing a Letter and A Woman Reading a Letter, 1664-1666, National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin 4.28 Gerrit Dou, Lady at her Toilet, 1667, Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam

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4.29 Maerten van Heemskerck, St Luke Painting the Virgin and Child, 1532, Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem 4.30 Pieter de Grebber, Triumphal Procession, with Spoils of War, 1648, Oranjezaal, Huis ten Bosch 4.31 Pieter de Grebber, Triumphal Procession, with Sacrificial Bull, 1650, Oranjezaal, Huis ten Bosch 4.32 Pieter de Grebber, The Ascension of Frederick Henry into Heaven, 1650, Oranjezaal, Huis ten Bosch 4.33 detail of fig. 4.31 4.34 detail of fig. 4.32 4.35 Peter Paul Rubens, Saints Gregory the Great, Maurus and Papia, 1606-1608, Church of Santa Maria in Vallicella, Rome 4.36 Peter Paul Rubens, Portrait of a Lady and her Dwarf, 1606, Kingston Lacy, National Trust 4.37 Peter Paul Rubens, Charlotte-Marguerite de Montmorency, Princess of Condé, c. 1610, The Frick Art Museum, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania 4.38 David Teniers, Christ Carrying the Cross, Private Collection, Belgium 4.39 Francesco Bassano, Christ Carrying the Cross, c. 1592, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, inv. nr. 1869 4.40 Theodoor van Kessel, Engraving for Theatrum Pictorum, Brussels 1660 (not numbered), second edition Antwerp 1684, pl. 156 ('I. Bassano p.') 4.41 Hendrick Goltzius (in the manner of Albrecht Dürer), The Circumcision (engraving), 1593-1594, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam 4.42 Fig. Nicolas Poussin, The Baptism (from the series The Seven Sacraments), 1647 National Gallery of Scotland, Edinburgh

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4.43 (1.19) Rembrandt van Rijn, Laughing Man in Gorget, 1629/30, Royal Cabinet of Paintings, The Mauritshuis, The Hague 4.44 (1.21) Rembrandt van Rijn, Old Woman Praying, 1629/1630, Salzburger Landessammlungen, Residenzgalerie 4.45 (1.20) Rembrandt van Rijn, Self-Portrait, 1630, National Museum, Stockholm 4.46 Jan van Vliet, Print after Rembrandt’s Laughing Soldier, 1630, British Museum, London 4.47 Carel Fabritius, Man in a Helmet, 1648/1649, Groninger Museum 4.48 Gerard ter Borch, The Introduction (An Officer Making his Bow to a Lady, c. 1662, Polesden Lacey, The McEwan Collection, The National Trust 4.49 Adriaen Brouwer, Youth with Knife, c. 1632/1635, National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. 4.50 (4.7) Frans Hals, An Elderly Woman known as 'Malle Babbe', c. 1633-1635, Gemäldegalerie Berlin 4.51 Frans Hals, Portrait of Cornelia Claesdr Vooght, 1631, Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem 4.52 (1.24) Rembrandt van Rijn, Portrait of Anna Six-Wymer, 1641, Six Collection, Amsterdam 4.53 (5.4) Tintoretto, Crucifixion, 1565, Scuola Grande di San Rocco, Venice 4.54 Rembrandt van Rijn, Woman with a White Cap, c. 1640, Private Collection 4.55 Rembrandt van Rijn, Woman Weeping, mid to late 1640s, Detroit Institute of Arts Ch. 5 5.1 Jan Breughel the Elder and Hieronymus Franken II, The Archduke Albert and


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Archduchess Isabella in a Collector’ Cabinet, c. 1621-1623, Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore

5.2 Pieter Codde Art-Lovers in a Painter’s Studio, c. 1630, Staatsgalerie, Stuttgart 5.3 David Vinckboons, Forest Scene with Robbery (drawing), c. 1612, Private Collection 5.4 (4.53) Tintoretto, Crucifixion, 1565, Scuola Grande di San Rocco, Venice 5.5 (4.41) Hendrick Goltzius (in the manner of Albrecht Dürer), The Circumcision (engraving), 1593-1594, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam 5.6 Pieter Breughel the Elder, The Painter and the Connoisseur, mid-1560s, Grafische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna Ch. 6 6.1 From Roger de Piles, Balance des Peintres, Paris 1708 6.2 Gerrit Honthorst, Saint Sebastian, c. 1623, The National Gallery, London 6.3 Frans Floris, The Painter Rijk met de Stelt as Saint Luke painting the Virgin, 1556, Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Antwerp 6.4 Rembrandt School, A Painter’s Studio, c. 1630, Kremer Collection 6.5 Johannes Vermeer, The Milk Maid, 1660, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam 6.6 Rembrandt van Rijn, Study of an Old Man with a Beard, c. 1659, Private Collection, U.S.A. 6.7 Adriaen Brouwer, Peasants Fighting, c. 1631-35, Alte Pinakothek, Munich 6.8 Rembrandt van Rijn, Diana Surprised by Acteon and the Discovery of Callisto’s Pregnancy, 1634, Museum Wasserberg Anholt, collection Fürst zu Salm-Salm, Anholt

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6.9 Bartholomeus Spranger, Venus and Adonis, 1597, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna 6.10 Peter Paul Rubens and Frans Snyders, Medusa Head, ca. 1617-1618, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna 6.11 Paulus Potter, The Great Farm, 1649, The State Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg 6.12 Adriaen van de Werff, Children Playing before a Hercules Group, 1687, Alte Pinakothek, Munich 6.13 Rembrandt, The Wedding Feast of Samson, 1638, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Gemäldegalerie, Dresden 6.14 Jan Steen, The Doctor's Visit, 1658-62, Wellington Museum, Apsley House, London 6.15 Dirck van Baburen, The Procuress, 1622, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 6.16 Jacob Cuyp, Shepherdess and child in a landscape with sheep, 1627, Dordrechts Museum 6.17 Aelbert Cuyp, Shepherds and Shepherdesses, c. 1643-1645, Private Collection, Belgium 6.18 Joachim Wtewael, Moses Striking the Rock, 1624, National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C. 6.19 Michelangelo Buonarotti, Last Judgment, 1536-1541, Sistine Chapel, Vatican 6.20 Rembrandt van Rijn, History Painting, 1626, Museum Lakenhal, Leiden 6.21 Nicolaes Maes, The Eaves Dropper, 1657 Dordrechts Museum, on loan from Instituut Collectie Nederland 6.22 Pieter de Hooch, A Woman Directing a Young Man with a Letter, 1670, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam

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6.23a Hendrick Pot, Charles I, Henrietta Maria & Charles, Prince of Wales, c. 1623, The Royal Collection, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, London 6.23b Gerard de Lairesse, Allegory of the Five Senses, 1668, Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, Glasgow 6.24 Simon de Vlieger, A sheet of studies in perspective, 1645, British Museum, London 6.25 frontispiece of Philips Angel, Lof der Schilderkonst, Leiden 1642 6.26 Rembrandt van Rijn, The Anatomical Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp, 1632, Royal Picture Gallery, Mauritshuis, The Hague 6.27 From Gerard de Lairesse, Groot Schilderboek, Haarlem 1740 [Amsterdam, 1707], p. 215 6.28 Willem van de Velde the Younger, Ships at Sea, c.1658, Royal Cabinet of Paintings, The Mauritshuis, The Hague 6.29 Anthony van Dyck, Portrait of a Father and His Son, Also Known as Guillaume Richardot, c.1618-1619, Musée du Louvre, Paris 6.30 Tiziano Vecellio, Bacchanal of the Andrians, 1523-24, Museo del Prado, Madrid 6.31 From Roger de Piles, Cours de peinture par principes, Paris 1708, 382 6.32 Frans Hals, Willem Coymans (detail), 1645, National Gallery of Art, Washington D.C., Andrew W. Mellon Collection 6.33 Peter Paul Rubens, Hagar Leaves the House of Abraham, c. 1615-1617, The State Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg 6.34 Rembrandt van Rijn, Judas Repentent, Returning the Pieces of Silver, 1629, Private Collection, England 6.35 Jan van Vliet (after Rembrandt), Judas Repentent (engraving), 1634, Britsh Museum, London

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6.36 Rembrandt van Rijn, The Resurrection of Christ, c. 1635-39, Alte Pinakothek, Munich 6.37 From Charles le Brun, Conférence de Monsieur Le Brun sur l'expression générale et particulière, Paris 1667 [cited ed. London 1734], fig. 35 "Astonishment with Fright" 6.38a &b Jacob Jordaens, Allegory of Fertility (entire painting and detail), c. 1623, Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts, Brussels 6.39 (4.48) Gerard ter Borch, The Introduction (An Officer Making his Bow to a Lady, c. 1662, Polesden Lacey, The McEwan Collection, The National Trust 6.40 Dirck van der Lisse, Arcadian Landschape, c. 1635, Kremer Collection Epilogue 7.1 Rembrandt van Rijn, David and Jonathan, 1642, The State Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg 7.2 Rembrandt van Rijn, The Company of Frans Banning Cocq and Willem van Ruytenburch, known as the 'Night Watch', 1642, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam 7.3 (6.13) Rembrandt van Rijn, The Wedding Feast of Samson, 1638, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Gemäldegalerie, Dresden 7.4 Johannes Verspronck, Andries Stilte as a Standard Bearer, 1640, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.

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BIBLIOGRAPHY AHK Archief Haagsche Kunstkring, Haags Gemeente Archief Ainsworth et al. 1982 Maryan Wynn Ainsworth et al., Art and Autoradiography: insights into the genesis of paintings by Rembrandt, Van Dyck, and Vermeer, New York 1982 Alpers 1988 Svetlana Alpers, Rembrandt's Enterprise: The Studio and the Market, Chicago 1988. Angel 1642 Philips Angel, Lof der schilder-konst, Leiden 1642 Aono 2008 Junko Aono, ‘Reproducing the Golden Age: Copies after Seventeenth-Century Dutch Genre Painting in the First Half of the Eighteenth Century,’ Oud Holland 121 (2008), 1-34 Bakker 1995 Boudewijn Bakker, ‘Schilderachtig: Discussions of a Seventeenth-Century Term and Concept,’ Simiolus 23 (1995), 147-162 Bakker 2008 Piet Bakker, Gezicht op Leeuwarden. Schilders in Friesland en de markt voor schilderijen in de Gouden Eeuw, Amsterdam, 2008 (Ph.D. diss., University of Amsterdam) Baldinucci 1681-1728 [ed. 1974] Notizie de' professori del disegno da Cimabue in qua, 6 vols, Florence 1681-1728, ed. Ferdinando Ranalli, Florence 1974 Baldinucci 1686 Filippo Baldinucci, Cominciamento, e Progresso dell’arte, Florence 1686 Baldinucci/Matteoli 1975 Francesco Saverio Baldinucci, Vite di artisti dei secoli XVII–XVIII (Florence 1725–30), ed. by A. Matteoli, Rome 1975

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Balis 1993 Arnout Balis, ‘‘‘Fatto da un mio discepolo’’: Rubens Studio Practices Reviewed’, in: Rubens and his Workshop, exh. cat. Tokyo 1993, 97-127 Balis 2007 Arnout Balis, ‘Rubens en zijn atelier: een probleemstelling’, in: Joost Vander Auwera et al., Rubens: Een Genie aan het werk (exh. cat. Koninlijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten, Brussels 2007-2008), Tielt 2007, 30-51 Barasch 1985 Moshe Barasch, Theories of Art: from Plato to Winckelmann, New York 1985 Bauman/Liedtke 1992 Guy C. Bauman and Walter A. Liedtke, Flemish Paintings in America: a survey of early Netherlandish and Flemish paintings in the public collections of North America, Antwerp 1992 Baxandall 1971 Michael Baxandall, Giotto and the Orators: humanist observers of painting in Italy and the discovery of pictorial composition 1350-1450, Oxford 1971 Baxandall 1972 Michael Baxandall, Painting and Experience in Fifteenth-Century Italy, Oxford 1972 Bechara/Damasio/Tranel/Damasio 1997 Antoine Bechara, Hanna Damasio, Daniel Tranel, and Antonio R. Damasio, ‘Deciding Advantageously Before Knowing the Advantageous Strategy’, Science 275 (February 1997), 1293-1295 Becker 1998 Jochen Becker, ‘Ketters in de kunst. Nederlandse kunst als afwijking van de regel,’ H. Hendrix & T. Hoenselaars (eds.), Vreemd volk, Beeldvorming over buitenlanders in de vroegmoderne tijd, Amsterdam 1998, 31-35 Bellori 1672 Giovan Pietro Bellori, Le Vite de' Pittori Scultori e Architetti Moderni, Rome 1672 Van Berge-Gerbaud 1997 Mària van Berge-Gerbaud, Rembrandt en zijn school: tekeningen uit de collectie Frits Lught, Paris 1997
