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UVA Intramural-Recreational Sports Fall Program Schedule

Date post: 10-Apr-2015
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IM-REC SPORTS: GETTING STARTED Membership & ONLINE Services 2 Program Registration 3 GROUP EXERCISE Drop-in Group Exercise: Getting Started, Fall Promo 4 Drop-in Group Exercise Class Descriptions 5 HEALTH & FITNESS Personal Fitness Training 6 Massage Therapy 7 Fitness Classes 8 Mind & Body: Yoga, Pilates & Meditation 10 On-site Services 11 INSTRUCTION Martial Arts 12 Aquatics 13 Dance 14 Racquet Sports 15 CERTIFICATIONS First Aid, CPR/AED, Lifeguard Training, Scuba 16 INSTRUCTION: YOUTH General Information 18 Youth Recreation/Sports (Preschool) 19 Youth Recreation (Elementary & Pre-teen) 20 Aquatics (Youth Swimming) 21 OUTDOOR RECREATION Outdoor Recreation Center & General Information 22 Climbing 23 Paddling 24 Workshops 25 Poplar Ridge/Challenge Course 26 INTRAMURAL SPORTS Program Registration Information 27 Leagues & Tournaments 28 Intramural Schedule 29 RECREATION FACILITIES Facility Features 30 Facilities Schedule 31 Employment Opportunities 32 TABLE OF CONTENTS University of virginia Intramural- Recreational Sports Aquatic & Fitness Center 450 Whitehead Road P.O. Box 400317 Charlottesville, VA 22904 Phone: 434.924.3791 FAX: 434.924.3858 Business Office: Aquatic & Fitness Center Room 209 Business Office Hours: M–F, 8:00 AM–5:30 PM “Give about 2 hours a day to exercise, for health must not be sacrificed to learning. A strong body makes the mind strong.” ~Thomas Jefferson 1785 http://www.virginia.edu/ims

IM-Rec SpoRtS: GettInG StaRtedMembership & ONLINE Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Program Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

GRoup exeRcISeDrop-in Group Exercise: Getting Started, Fall Promo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Drop-in Group Exercise Class Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

HealtH & FItneSSPersonal Fitness Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Massage Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Fitness Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Mind & Body: Yoga, Pilates & Meditation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10On-site Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

InStRuctIonMartial Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Aquatics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Dance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Racquet Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

ceRtIFIcatIonSFirst Aid, CPR/AED, Lifeguard Training, Scuba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

InStRuctIon: YoutH General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Youth Recreation/Sports (Preschool) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Youth Recreation (Elementary & Pre-teen) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Aquatics (Youth Swimming) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

outdooR RecReatIonOutdoor Recreation Center & General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Climbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23Paddling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Workshops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Poplar Ridge/Challenge Course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

IntRaMuRal SpoRtSProgram Registration Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27Leagues & Tournaments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28Intramural Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

RecReatIon FacIlItIeSFacility Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30Facilities Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Employment Opportunities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Table of ConTenTs

University of virginia



Aquatic & Fitness Center450 Whitehead RoadP.O. Box 400317Charlottesville, VA 22904

Phone: 434.924.3791FAX: 434.924.3858

Business Office:Aquatic & Fitness CenterRoom 209

Business Office Hours: M–F, 8:00 AM–5:30 PM

“Give about 2 hours a day to

exercise, for health must not

be sacrificed to learning.

A strong body makes the mind

strong.” ~Thomas Jefferson1785


page 2www .virginia .edu/ims 434 .924 .3791

MeMbership eligibiliTy

Full-tIMe StudentS wItH ValId uVa I.d.’S...are automatically members through payment of tuition and activities fees while currently registered for classes . Spouses of students are eligible to purchase a pass on a 4-month basis . Spouses who do not share the same last name are required to provide proof of marriage . Spouses will be issued an IM-Rec Sports photo i .d . membership card (issued at the IM-Rec Sports Business Office) .

Full-tIMe uVa FacultY & StaFF wItH BeneFItS...may purchase a membership for a discounted price; member-ships are good for 4 or 12 months from the date of purchase .

paRt-tIMe FacultY & StaFF wItH BeneFItS...are eligible to purchase a membership at full cost; member-ships are good for 4 or 12 months from the date of purchase .

SpouSeS oF Full-tIMe & paRt-tIMe FacultY & StaFF wItH BeneFItS...may purchase 4 or 12-month memberships at full cost . Spouses who do not share the same last name are required to provide proof of marriage . Spouses will be issued an IM-Rec Sports photo i .d . membership card (issued at the IM-Rec Sports Business Office) .

YoutH MeMBeRSHIp...children under age 18 are eligible to use designated recreation facilities during Family Recreation Hours when accompanied by a current member . A Youth Membership may be purchased in addition to the parents’ membership . The Youth Membership enables families to take advantage of discount prices and prior-ity registration for youth programs, and permits access to the pool, squash/racquetball courts, tennis courts and basketball courts during Family Recreation Hours .

GueStS...may be sponsored by an IM-Rec Sports member on a daily basis . The guest pass fee for adults is $7; youth is $5 . Sponsors are responsible for all actions of their guests while utilizing recreation facilities . Guests are required to provide a photo i .d . to verify age and identity . For details, check our policies online .

paYRoll deductIon elIGIBIlItY...is available to eligible UVA faculty/staff (with benefits) to pur-chase a membership for themselves, their spouse, children and/or Plus One .


UniVersiTy eXpanDs aCCess To reCreaTional sporTs faCiliTies

The University of Virginia offers access to its recreational facilities as an added benefit to members of the University community . Current full-time students, as well as faculty and staff members who are eligible for University benefits, may sponsor one adult (18 years or older) who resides in the same household for a University Recreation membership .

Proof of age and verification of residence of the Plus One member will be required as part of the membership applica-tion process . The faculty/staff/student member sponsoring the Plus One member must be present at time of purchase! Please see our web site for a list of accepted Documents for Proof of Residence, required for both parties .

All Plus One members will be issued an IM-Rec Sports photo i .d .

online serViCes inClUDe:»» online»program»registration

»» faculty/staff»membership»renewals (initial purchase must be made at the IM-Rec Sports Business Office) .

»» drop-in»group»exercise»unlimited»pass»renewal (initial purchase must be made in person . Details on pg . 4) .

eligibility & rates

raTes(ask our Business Office about other membership packages)

Full-time faculty/staff with *Benefits: $250/year; $145/4-months

*Thanks to the continued support of the Employee Councils

and University Administration, the amount subsidized by your

benefit package is $50 off the full price ($300/year).

Part-time faculty/staff with Benefits: $300/year; $145/4-months

Spouses of faculty/staff: $300/year; $145/4-monthsFaculty/Staff Plus One: $300/year; $145/4-months

Spouses of students: $90/4-monthsStudent Plus One: $90/4-months

Youth Membership (in addition to parent membership): • $40/year first child (under 18 y .o .) • $20/year each additional child/year (under 18 y .o .)


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8 .24 .10: Member Registration begins 8 AM ONLINE.8 .31 .10: Open Registration begins 8 AM ONLINE.

3 easy ways to register!

FInd pRoGRaMS:(Fitness, Instruction & Outdoor Recreation)

ReGISteR FoR pRoGRaMS:(Fitness, Instruction & Outdoor Recreation)

•»Register»online using IM-RecONLINE via our web site:www .virginia .edu/ims

• IM-Rec Sports members have been assigned an account with a login id and password . 1st time users, click “Need my Password” to have it e-mailed to you . All 1st-time users: Read»the»FAQ»before»setting»up»your»account!

•»Register»in»person»or»by»phone!»Visit or call our Business Office, located in the Aquatic & Fitness Center, Mon–Fri, 8:00 AM–5:30 PM . 434 .924 .3791

IntRaMuRal SpoRtS•» Intramural»sports schedules are available in this publication (page

27–29) and online: www .virginia .edu/ims/imsports

•» Intramural»Sports entries are taken ONLINE:www .virginia .edu/ims/imsports

•» Intramural»Sports payments are taken ONLINE and in the IM-Rec Sports Business Office, located in the Aquatic & Fitness Center, Mon–Fri, 8:00 AM–5:30 PM .


434.924.3791By PHONE

In PersonIM-Rec»SportsBusiness»Office(Aquatic»&»Fitness»Ctr.)

Purchase a Youth Recreation Membership for your children to enjoy priority member registration opportunities & discount pricing.

• Learn more about what we’re offering this spring by browsing through this publication, or

• Use IM-RecONLINE via our web site:www .virginia .edu/ims/program-schedule

• You do not have to set up an account or register just to look around; click on Find A Program and browse!

• Search for a specific program using the barcode#, or by class name .

groUp eXerCise

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puRcHaSe a dRop-In paSS

aRe You a MeMBeR?

cHeck tHe ScHedule

DISCOUNT»PRICES:(during Promo Days only)10-classes $3820-classes $6330-classes $76 .50Unlimited classes $88

REGULAR»PRICES:(effective August 27)Single-class $510-classes $4020-classes $7030-classes $90Unlimited classes $110

Purchase»Drop-in»Pass:•» in»person»at any recreation facility or in the IM-Rec

Sports Business Office, located in the Aquatic & Fitness Center, or

•»by»phone»434.924.3791 Drop-in»Passes»are»valid»for»4»months»from»the»date»of»purchase»and»are»non-transferrable»and»non-refundable.

Drop-in»participants»must»be»students»or»IM-Rec»Sports»members»for the duration the Drop-in Pass is valid (4 months from date of purchase).

NOT»A»MEMBER?» See page 2 for membership informa-tion, or check our web site: www.virginia.edu/ims.

Now you’re ready to»check»the»schedule»to see what classes you want to drop in to! Class»descriptions are on page 5 .»Drop-in schedules are subject to change throughout the semester. Updated»schedules»are»available»online»and»in»»group»exercise»rooms.»The fall semester schedule (August 27–December 7) will be available by August 23 .

Fall pRoMo daYS

auGuSt 23–26: Purchase your Drop-in Pass at a

great DISCOUNT!Preview Drop-in Group Exercise classes

for FREE at the Aquatic & Fitness Centerand North Grounds Recreation Center .

If you like what you see, buy your Drop-in Pass at a great DISCOUNT!

A class schedule for these days will be posted online by August 13 .

auGuSt 25:

REC-FEST starts at 4:30 PM! Join us on the grass beside O-Hill for a

Preview of Drop-in Group Exercise classes. We’ll provide the fun, games and a little

friendly competition while you experience IM-Rec Sports programs 1st hand, FREE!

Contests, games, prizes, music!

Buy your Drop-in Pass at a great DISCOUNT; FREE Drop-in classes!

H.A.B.I.T: Hips, Abs/Arms, Back/Buns & Incredible Thighs . Use a variety of equipment to help you strengthen and tone major muscles while increasing metabolism .Pure Strength: Increase your muscular tone and endurance in every major muscle group! This class utilizes fun music and weight room style lifting . Pilates: Link your breath with core exercises while using a variety of equipment to increase body awareness and add challenges .Core Blast: Challenge your abs, back and hips in this dynamic workout . Learn to effectively strengthen the core using proper form and technique .

Yoga Stretch: De-stress with us for 30 minutes of yoga and stretching guaranteed to rejuvenate and refresh . Yoga Blend: Follow a progression of a variety of yoga poses and styles . Relax your mind while your body experiences the many benefits of yoga . Edge Yoga: Leave that meditative cave and join us for a funky, yet fluid class set to punk, hip hop and alternative music!Nia: An expressive cardio class that will strengthen the body and enliven the spirit with a combination of yoga, tai chi and dance .

Kukuwa: Latin, African and Caribbean dance mixes to give you a high energy workout designed to pump FUN through your veins! Zumba: Dance workout that combines a mixture of body sculpting movements and easy to follow dance moves set to a fusion of international music .Groove: Combine the best of yoga, dance and strength training to discover YOUR way to groove!

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Happy Hours: FREE classes, Fridays @ 5:30 PM!

Drop-in schedules [subject to change] are available in Group Exercise rooms & online.

Classes are 60-minutes unless otherwise specified.

Keep your heart pumping during these workouts!

NEW! Combo classes created just for you. Increase strength & improve definition while working on your muscular endurance. All fitness levels welcome.

Challenge your strength, balance & flexibililty with emphasis on relaxation & mind/body connection.

Increase strength and cardiovascular fitness with minimal impact on joints.

No dance experience necessary.

Deep Water Workout: Use aqua joggers to maximize your workout! Enjoy a combination of running drills and toning intervals to keep your heart pumping! Participants should feel comfortable in water 14’ deep .Aqua Tone: Use the resistance of the water to get a total body workout . A great tool for cross-training and injury prevention! (Swimming skills not required: water depth 4’) .

W.A.H.O.O.: Want An Hour Of OOMPH? Use a variety of equipment for cardio and strength training intervals for a whole lot of OOMPH!Cardio Blast: In a hurry? This 45-minute interval class will work your whole body!Kickboxing (KB): Put basic kicks and punches to music for a fun cardio-intensive workout . Pump & Jab: Use traditional KB moves in addition to intense drill focused intervals to get pumped!Mountain Cycle: A fun 45-minute climb-intensive ride .Cycle 101: Whether new to cycle or just looking for a quick cardio workout, this 30-minute class is for you .Cycle: Enjoy a heart pumping interval cardio ride for all levels .Xtreme Cycle: A high intensity, 75-minute cycle class .

Step It Up: Participants will learn energetic, heart pumping choreography and then finish up the workout with some muscle toning .Power Step: This high energy class adds power to your already elevated heart rate by including high intensity athletic intervals between choreography .Advanced Step: Complex choreography, extended car-dio segment, not for the novice!

CY-YO: Sweat it out and get energized on the bike for a 40-minute cycle class and then grab your mat to stretch those tired muscles . Get a complete workout in one class!DANCE HARD CORE: Blend the best of dance and core work

for a fun, intense workout! You’ll be grooving your way to better fitness in no time!STEP & SCULPT: Traditional choreography using the step keeps your heart pumping while strength exer-cises challenge both the upper and lower body for a total-body workout .KICK & CORE: Jab, cross and kick to your heart’s delight during the intensive cardio portion of this class, then challenge your abs, hips and back during the core strengthening segment .30-20-10: We’ve combined 30 minutes of intensive cardio, 20 minutes of strength training and 10 minutes of flexibility to create the perfect all-inclusive workout!

















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personal trainingtRaIn wItH a pRoFeSSIonal!Personal Fitness Training is your oppor-tunity to meet one-on-one with a trained fitness professional to develop a fit-ness program specifically designed to meet your needs and interests . Services include: • Comprehensive fitness assessment • Private fitness consultation • One-on-one instruction on weight machines, free weights, cardiovas- cular equipment, flexibility training and fitness activities

tRaInInG optIonS:1. FItneSS aSSeSSMent onlYMeet privately with a fitness specialist to determine your current fitness level and discuss methods for improvement . One hour fitness assessment includes: • Blood pressure screening • Body fat percentage • Cardiovascular endurance testing • Flexibility screening • Muscular endurance testing • Information packet full of current exercise-related information

2. tRaInInG packaGeS These packages are extremely beneficial for those who prefer ongoing personal instruction, motivation, and support . Available in 2, 3, 5 or 10-session pack-ages, options include: • Fitness assessment & consultation to determine a custom fitness pro- gram now included in price • Continued adjustment to your exer- cise program as your fitness level increases • Education and instruction • One-on-one support & encourage- ment of long-term habits & changes in lifestyle • An “Intro To Fitness” option for those needing an assessment and instruc tion to get started . We recommend the 2-session package .

3. FacIlItY eQuIpMent oRIentatIonSpecial fall rate $15! Let one of our specialists personally train you to use our state-of-the-art weight, fit-ness, and cardiovascular machines . With proper instruction, you will be able to maximize your workout routine and mini-mize your risk of personal injury .

4. GRoup tRaInInGTrain with friends for a fun, educational and cost-effective exercise experience . • Group Instruction with a trainer by request (maximum of 5 individuals per group) . Contact the IM-Rec Sports Business Office for details . • Group Fitness classes available each semester . Classes currently offered include Bootcamp, Women’s Circuit Training and Running & Racing Group Training . See pages 8–9 for details .

5. nutRItIon eValuatIonA well-balanced diet is a critical compo-nent of a healthy lifestyle . You will learn to use the new Food Guide Pyramid, identify key nutrient sources and under-stand how to make wise food choices . A Registered Dietician will review your current dietary habits to identify areas for improvement to get you on track with your fitness goals .

Personal Training Prices: UVA Students & Members Only

Equipment»Orientation» Special»Fall»Rate»$15»(reg.»$25)

Fitness»Assessment»Only $35

2-Session»Package»»(Intro»to»Fitness) $90»Fitness»Assessment»+»2»»Sessions

3-Session»Package $120»Fitness»Assessment»+»3»»Sessions

5-Session»Package $165»Fitness»Assessment»+»5»»Sessions

10-Session»Package $280»Fitness»Assessment»+»10»»Sessions

Nutrition»Evaluation $35/30»minutes;»$60/60»minutes

Fitness Assessment is now included in each package at a reduced rate!

regisTer anyTiMeCall»or»visit»the»IM-Rec»Sports»Business» Office,» (Mon–Fri,»8:00» AM–5:30» PM)» located» in»the» Aquatic» &» Fitness» Center.»Payment»due»at»registration.

6. pRIVate & SeMI-pRIVate InStRuctIonSpecialty personal training sessions are yoga, pilates or sport-specific, and offered based on instructor availability . Group specialty training is only offered to individuals who have completed a 2-ses-sion package . Private and semi-private swim and tennis instruction also available .

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massage therapy

WHAT IS MASSAGE THERAPY? IM-Rec Sports is pleased to offer Massage Therapy at the Aquatic & Fitness Center. Massage Therapy is a safe and effective treatment that benefi ts people of all ages and walks of life, offering a non-invasive and drug-free approach to assist the body’s natural ability to heal itself. A popular type of bodywork, Massage Therapy is defi ned as an application of various techniques to the muscular structure and soft tissues of the human body.

Appointments must be scheduled and prepaid at least 24 • hours in advance.

Scheduling can be done through the IM-Rec Sports Business • Offi ce, located in the Aquatic & Fitness Center, Mon–Fri,8:00 AM–5:30 PM.

Gift Certifi cates available!•

For more information, call 434.924.3791 or go online:•

www.virginia.edu/ims/fi tness

One of the most commonly taught and well-known massage techniques, Swedish Massage is a vigorous system of treatment designed to energize the body by stimulating circulation. Five basic strokes, all fl owing toward the heart, are used to manipulate the soft tissues of the body.

Techniques that utilize deep tissue/deep muscle massage are administered to affect the sub-layer of musculature and fascia. It helps with chronic muscular pain and injury rehabili-tation and reduces infl ammation-related pain caused by arthritis and tendonitis. It is gener-ally integrated with other massage techniques.

Sports Massage applies specifi c motions and pressures on the body’s soft tissues that are part of a training regimen and are designed to maximize performance before, during and after physical exertion. Sports massage also assists in alleviating tension in those soft tissues.

Seated Massage, also called Chair Massage, includes techniques that provide fully-clothed seated massage, bodywork and somatic therapies to clients. Practitioners utilize Swedish techniques. Seated Massage is available on-site as well; let us bring the chair to you! Call 434.924.3791 or e-mail us, fi [email protected], for on-site rates.

swedish massage:

deep tissue massage:

seated massage:

scheduling & rates:

sports massage:

new! Boot caMpLet this class give you the jumpstart you need, whether it’s taking the first step toward making fitness a priority in your life or spic-ing up your same old routine . This class will feature workouts with a focus on cardio, strength, balance, plyometrics and much more . All fitness levels welcome! Class meets outdoors weather-permitting . First class meets at designated location below .

Barcode #8601 Sept 7–Oct 5 Tue 6:45–7:45 PM AFC Rm 4 $35 student/member; $45 non-memberBarcode #8402 Oct 21–Nov 18 Thur 6:15–7:15 AM NGRC Rm 1 $35 student/member; $45 non-member

new! StRenGtH tRaInInG FoR enduRance atHleteSLearn how to properly strength train for endurance based sports such as running, cycling and swimming . This class will teach you how to stay injury free by using free weights and your own body weight for strength training exercises . Each class will be a strength and conditioning workout that incorporates endurance based exercises . This is a perfect way to start your off-season training and get an edge on your competition for next year . Barcode #8403 Oct 19–Nov 16 Tue 6:45–7:45 PM AFC Rm 4 $35 student/member; $45 non-member

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fitness classesregisTer online, in Person or by Phone.

MeMber regisTraTion begins augusT 24, 8 aM; oPen regisTraTion begins augusT 31, 8 aM (Pg. 3)

RunnInG & RacInGGroup»Training: This class is designed to provide a group training setting for individuals wishing to train for distances up to a marathon . This class meets twice a week with one day focusing on endurance and the other class focusing on speed drills . This progressive class will accommodate multiple levels, paces, and distances . Instructor: Hosni HaghighianBarcode #8005 Sept 7–Nov 11 Tue & Thur 6:00–7:00 AM AFC Lobby $70 student/member; $80 non-member»Workshops: Charlottesville is home to a recently developed Olympic training team for elite runners, Ragged Mountain Racing . We are excited to announce that they will be offering educational workshops for all levels of runners . These workshops are FREE to students/members and $15 for non-members . Pre-registration is required for everyone since space may be limited . Program ProgressionWhether you’re training for your first 5K or your tenth marathon we can help you create a program that is specific to your goals during this workshop .Barcode #8011 Sept 13 Mon 6:30–8:00 PM AFC Classrm 201 $FREE student/member; $15 non-member

Running BiomechanicsBecome a more efficient runner and stay injury-free! Charlottesville’s Olympic development racing team, Ragged Mountain Racing will show you how it’s done and give you individual coaching on your form .Barcode #8013 Oct 4 Mon 6:30–8:00 PM AFC Classrm 201 $FREE student/member; $15 non-member

Gait Analysis Analyze your stride! Shoe recommendations specific to your needs will be made .Barcode #8012 Nov 8 Mon 6:30–8:00 PM AFC Classrm 201 $FREE student/member; $15 non-member

AFC=Aquatic & Fitness Ctr. NGRC=North Grounds Recreation Ctr. MEM=Memorial Gymnasium

If registering online, search for class by the Barcode # for immediate results!

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fitness classesregisTer online, in Person or by Phone.

MeMber regisTraTion begins augusT 24, 8 aM; oPen regisTraTion begins augusT 31, 8 aM (Pg. 3)

new! BoxInG cIRcuItThe combative room at Mem Gym is the place to get a great workout . Your trainer will lead you through a variety of cardio and strength drills including contact with the bags . Handwraps are required .Barcode #8654 Sept 8–Oct 6 Wed 12:00–12:45 PM MEM $35 student/member; $45 non-member

new! woMen’S cIRcuIt tRaInInGPersonal Trainers will lead small groups through a variety of progressive workouts over the course of 5 weeks . In this course you will learn new ways to add challenges and incorporate all aspects of fitness into your programs! Barcode #8701 Sept 9–Oct 7 Thur 6:15–7:15 AM NGRC Rm 1 $35 student/member; $45 non-member

Dancefit WorkoutThis cardio-based dance class will keep your heart pounding to the latest dance mixes . You’ll learn energetic choreography and moves that will have you amazing your friends on the dance floor . Instructor: Edna-Jakki Miller . Barcode #8009 Sept 8–Nov 10 Wed 5:30–6:30 PM AFC Rm 1 $70 student/member; $80 non-member

new! pRe-natal FItneSS packaGeKeep your body fit and flexible during pregnancy with 3 great low impact group exercise classes . (1) Yoga on Mondays, (2) Aqua Tone on Tuesdays and Thursdays (3) WalkFit on Wednesdays . Physician Consent Form required prior to class participation.Barcode #8010 Sept 6–Nov 11 Mon 5:30–6:45 PM NGRC Rm 1 $120 student/member; $150 non-member Tue & Thur 6:00–7:00 PM AFC Pool Wed 5:30–6:30 PM NGRC Lobby

AFC=Aquatic & Fitness Ctr. NGRC=North Grounds Recreation Ctr. MEM=Memorial Gymnasium

If registering online, search for class by the Barcode # for immediate results!

new Fall woRkSHopS!(schedule Details online)

Topics»include:•» Yoga»101•» Advanced»Yoga•» Yoga»for»Strength•» Rowing»101•» Healthy»Eating»on»a»Budget»»


reC-fesT 8.25.10Join»us»on»the»grass»@»O-Hill»»for»fun,»games,»prizes»&»music»while»learning»more»about»IM-Rec»Sports»programs!»The»fun»starts»at»4:30»PM.

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mind & bodyregisTer online, in Person or by Phone.

MeMber regisTraTion begins augusT 24, 8 aM; oPen regisTraTion begins augusT 31, 8 aM (Pg. 3)

new! YoGa FoR atHleteSFlexibility is important for everyone, so get your fix with this class designed especially for guys . You’ll get a straight- to-the-point class that will help prevent injuries, improve performance and build functional strength . Instructor: Mary Catherine Kinniburgh .Barcode #8401Oct 21–Nov 18 Thur, 8:00–9:00 PM, AFC Rm 1 $35 student/member; $45 non-member

new! YoGa FoR RunneRSInjury prevention is key if you’re a runner . Stave off common issues with this class specifically designed to stretch muscles that tighten up from running . Instructor: Carlin Tacey .Barcode #8151Sept 9–Oct 7 Thur, 8:00–9:00 PM, AFC Rm 1 $35 student/member; $45 non-member

YoGa BeInGYoga Being is a Hatha yoga class that combines yoga asanas, breathing exer-cises, and relaxation techniques for gen-eral wellness, balance, strength, endur-ance and flexibility . Participants will work the body in a whole sense (holistic) using full range of movements . Yoga Being is a balanced workout that can be done by anyone regardless of age and fitness level and is designed for those who are new to the practice of yoga or those with experience . The emphasis is on body awareness, synchronization with the breath and releasing of tension . Instructor: Edna-Jakki Miller .Barcode #8002Sept 8–Nov 10 Wed, 6:35–8:00 PM, AFC Rm 1 $70 student/member; $80 non-member

pIlateSThis class is based on the principles of relaxation, concentration, alignment, centering, breathing, coordination, slow movement, with an emphasis on the quality of exercises . We will use the exer-cises to correct our posture and build core strength . Instructor: Carla Brown .Barcode #8001Sept 8–Nov 10 Wed, 5:30–6:30 PM, NGRC Rm 1 $70 student/member; $80 non-member

MedItatIonExperience the deep relaxation that comes with quieting the mind and allow-ing the body to be still . Introduction to the chakra system and guided medita-tions will allow the mind/body connection to be realized . A variety of meditation techniques will be explored . Instructor: Sue Bovenizer .Barcode #8004Sept 7–Nov 16 Tue, 7:00–8:15 PM, NGRC Rm 1 $70 student/member; $80 non-member

PrivaTe & seMi-PrivaTe insTrucTion available (DeTails on Pg. 6)

AFC=Aquatic & Fitness Ctr. NGRC=North Grounds Recreation Ctr.

new! Fall woRkSHopS

(schedule details online)


•» Yoga»101•» Advanced»Yoga•» Yoga»for»Strength


HatHa IClassic Hatha postures combined with sun salutations and ending with deep relaxation . A well-rounded class to sup-port flexibility and strength and de-stress the body . Instructor: Sue Bovenizer .Barcode #8003Sept 7–Nov 16 Tue, 5:30–6:45 PM, NGRC Rm 1 $70 student/member; $80 non-member

YoGa FlowYoga flow is energizing, strengthening and invigorating both physically and mentally . Classic yoga postures will be connected through vinyasa (flowing movement), with an emphasis on structural alignment and breathing practices to open up the tight places in the body . Increase your energy and endurance, while relieving stress and improving focus . All ability levels can ben-efit from Yoga Flow . Instructor: Ann Mazur .Barcode #8502Sept 6–Nov 15 Mon, 5:30–6:30 PM, AFC Rm 1 $70 student/member; $80 non-member

healTh & fiTness

page 11 www .virginia .edu/ims434 .924 .3791

on-site servicesWhat can IM-Rec Sports do for you?Let us Bring Fitness and Wellness to your Organization!

Fitness partners with both on and off-Grounds organizations to provide Fitness and Wellness present-ations, Group Exercise classes, Personal Training services and Massage Therapy!

We can bring trained staff to your residence hall, fraternity/sorority house, organization, or place of work.

We can accommodate a variety of class sizes and facility spaces, as well as holding your group class right in our own facilities.

Classes may be scheduled on a one-time basis or as consistent weekly or monthly engagements. All necessary equipment is included. Be ready to have fun, learn more and get fit!

Our on-site services include:Basic Fitness Assessments:

Personal trainers will come to you! Assessments can include Resting Heart Rate, Resting Blood Pressure, Body Composition, Cardiovascular Endurance, Muscular Strength and Endurance, and Flexibility. After the assessment you will have the opportunity to meet with a trainer to hear about how you can reach your fitness goals.

Group Exercise Classes: Have our energetic instructors lead your group through a workout of your choice. Classes can be held in a space convenient for you or at any of our four recreation facilities. On-site class formats include Yoga, Pilates, Dance, Kickboxing and Resistance Training.

Fitness and Wellness Presentations: Topics include General Nutrition, Portion Distortion, Resistance Training, Stress Management, Keys to Getting Healthy Sleep, Balanced Exercise, and Workplace Wellness. These presentations can be combined with our Group Exercise Classes.

Seated Massages: Feel like you and your friends or co-workers could benefit from a little relaxation? Let us bring the massage to you! Therapists utilize Swedish Massage techniques that provide a fully-clothed massage experience right in your own dorm or office!Contact Us!

For rates and availability or to request services, please check our web site:www.virginia.edu/ims/fitness/onsite.php

call: 434.924.3791 e-mail: [email protected]


page 12www .virginia .edu/ims 434 .924 .3791

martial arts

t’aI cHI Empty your mind and Fill your Body with EnErgy. This class will teach the beginning part of the Yang Style short T’ai Chi form as taught by Professor Cheng Man-Ching . The slow, flowing movements of T’ai Chi offer the student many benefits: improved balance, relaxation, stress reduction, better health . Taught in a very accessible man-ner, this class is appropriate for anyone interested in starting to learn about this vener-able Chinese art . Barcode #7657 Sept 6–Nov 8 Mon, 5:15–6:15 PM SRC Rm 2$70 student/member; $80 non-member

adVanced BeGInneR t’aI cHIThis class is for those who have taken the first Tai Chi class and learned the First Third ending with Cross Hands . This class is the Second Third and takes you up to the Push Kick . The Third Third takes you to the end . Participants will learn such clas-sics as Repulse Monkey and Cloud Hands . Expect the unexpected! Barcode #7656 Sept 6–Nov 8 Mon, 4:00–5:00 PM SRC Rm 2$70 student/member; $80 non-member

tae kwon doParticipants will learn the basics of Tae Kwon Do, kicks, blocks, strikes, and stances, from internationally certified instructors . Gain and improve flexibility, cardiovascular endurance and physical fitness while learning self-defense skills to improve your con-fidence and self-discipline . The class will be taught in an exciting and easy learning environment . Barcode #7659 Sept 6–Nov 8 Mon, 6:30–7:30 PM SRC Rm 2$70 student/member; $80 non-member

SelF-deFenSeIn this class participants will learn self-defense in a balanced and well-rounded con-text by combining classical Eastern Martial Arts with modern self-defense skills . Benefits include developing desirable attributes such as discipline, courage, confi-dence and even greater spiritual awareness while learning how to recognize and avoid or defuse potentially dangerous situations before they become violent . Participants will be trained to have the physical tools to survive an attack if it is unavoidable . There is no sparring . Classes are energetic, fun and low impact . Barcode #7637 Sept 8–Nov 10 Wed, 7:00–8:00 PM MEM Rm 1$70 student/member; $80 non-member

no classes During Fall break: ocTober 9–12, 2010

regisTer online, in Person or by Phone. MeMber regisTraTion begins augusT 24, 8 aM; oPen regisTraTion begins augusT 31, 8 aM (Pg. 3)

AFC=Aquatic & Fitness Ctr. SRC=Slaughter Rec. Ctr. NGRC=North Grounds Rec. Ctr. MEM=Memorial Gymnasium

reC-fesT 8.25.10Join»us»on»the»grass»@»O-Hill»»for»fun,»games,»prizes»&»music»while»learning»more»about»IM-Rec»Sports»programs!»The»fun»starts»at»4:30»PM.


page 13 www .virginia .edu/ims434 .924 .3791


FItneSS SwIMGet more out of your swimming work-outs and be “coached” to better fitness . The class is designed for adults who are proficient with each of the major strokes . Participants will swim 2500-3000 yards each class meeting . Lap swimming ability required . Barcode #7619Sept 7–Nov 11 Tue & Thur, 6:00–7:00 PM, AFC Pool $110 student/member; $130 non-memberBarcode #7620Nov 30–Dec 21 Tue & Thur, 6:00–7:00 PM, AFC Pool $45 student/member; $55 non-member

new! MaSteR’S SwIMThis program is for former swimmers, future triathletes, and anyone who enjoys swim training . If you want to train for competition or wish to enjoy a better a lap swimming experience, our instructor will refine your technique and increase your cardiovascular endurance . Barcode #8301Sept 6–Nov 10 Mon & Wed, 6:00–7:00 PM, AFC Pool $110 student/member; $130 non-member

adVanced BeGInneR SwIMParticipants will have the opportunity to practice the major strokes and improve on technique . Participants will also be introduced to butterfly . This is an ideal course to build upon or improve your existing swimming skills . Barcode #7601Sept 6–29 Mon & Wed, 7:00–8:00 PM, AFC Pool $55 student/member; $65 non-memberBarcode #7602Oct 18–Nov 10 Mon & Wed, 7:00–8:00 PM, AFC Pool $55 student/member; $65 non-member

StRoke MecHanIcSThis course is designed for adults who are able to swim using each of the major strokes . This is an instructional class consisting of drills designed to refine your stroke and improve stroke efficiency . Participants will be introduced to turns and diving . A great course to take if your goal is to be a fitness swimmer .Barcode #7654Oct 19–Nov 11 Tue & Thur, 7:00–8:00 PM, AFC Pool $55 student/member; $65 non-member

“teRRIFIed” adult SwIM leSSonSPainless methods with a sensitive instructor who emphasizes breath control to achieve success . If you’re timid around the water, this is the class for you! All skills are first mastered while standing on the pool floor . Participants decide their own level of readiness to progress deep-er, often mastering the front crawl, breast stroke, treading water, survival skills and diving . Instructor: Karla Berger .Barcode #7664Sept 9–Oct 21 Thur, 7:00–7:45 PM & Sat, 12:30–1:15 PM, AFC Pool $55 student/member; $65 non-member

BeGInneR SwIMThis course is designed for adults wish-ing to learn to swim or who have had lit-tle formal swimming experience . Strokes introduced include freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, elementary backstroke and sidestroke . Barcode #7610Sept 6–29 Mon & Wed, 6:00–7:00 PM, AFC Pool $55 student/member; $65 non-memberBarcode #7611Oct 18–Nov 10 Mon & Wed, 6:00–7:00 PM, AFC Pool $55 student/member; $65 non-member

private swim lessons available for both youth and adults! private and semi-private packages available. Check our web site for details:


AFC=Aquatic & Fitness Ctr. SRC=Slaughter Rec. Ctr. NGRC=North Grounds Rec. Ctr. MEM=Memorial Gymnasium

Tip:If registering online,

search for class using the Barcode #

for immediate results!


If registering online, search for class by the Barcode # for immediate results!

no classes During Fall break: ocTober 9–12, 2010

regisTer online, in Person or by Phone. MeMber regisTraTion begins augusT 24, 8 aM; oPen regisTraTion begins augusT 31, 8 aM (Pg. 3)


page 14www .virginia .edu/ims 434 .924 .3791


new! latIn dance FuSIonIf you enjoy classes like Zumba or want to learn more about latin ballroom dance, this class is for you! Fast and slow rhythms combined to teach you fun, new exciting choreography .Barcode #8351Sept 5–Nov 14 Sun, 8:00–9:00 PM, AFC Rm 1 $70 student/member; $80 non-member

JuSt want to danceHave you ever heard a song that just made you want to dance? Have you ever watched a dance team competition and wished you could move like that? Do you want to learn some fun hip-hop moves and some funky dance routines? Then this class is for you! Prior dance experi-ence is not mandatory; all you need are sneakers, gym clothes and a desire to DANCE! Barcode #7627Sept 8–Nov 10 Wed, 5:15–6:15 PM, SRC Rm 2 $70 student/member; $80 non-member

HIp HopWhether you want to work on your moves or just love dancing, this 10-week class is for you . Learn the basics of hip hop choreography and style while hav-ing fun and getting a great work out . This class familiarizes the participant with the fundamental ideas of Hip Hop dancing and builds on the dancer’s fundamental abilities . No prior dance experience is necessary . Wear comfortable, nonrestric-tive clothing and sneakers .Barcode #7621Sept 6–Nov 15 Mon, 8:00–9:00 PM, AFC Rm 1 $70 student/member; $80 non-member

Jazz danceLearn the basics of jazz dancing as well as more advanced techniques and focus on developing flexibility and strength needed for dancing . This class will be a great opportunity to learn new moves as well as correct technique for this highly active and entertaining form of dance . Have fun and get a great workout!Barcode #7624Sept 7–Nov 16 Tue, 8:00–9:00 PM, AFC Rm 1 $70 student/member; $80 non-member

leaRn to dance – pRactIce YouR SkIllS!

BalletThis class is ideal for the beginner or the more experienced dancer who wants to get back to the basics! Participants will learn basic ballet techniques with a barre warm-up, terminology review, cen-ter work including classical adagios and allegros and short simple combinations across the floor . No experience is neces-sary . We will have fun while building core strength and flexibility . Ballet shoes are preferred, but not required . Please wear clothing conducive to ballet or yoga classes .Barcode #7607Sept 5–Nov 14 Sun, 5:15–6:15 PM, AFC Rm 2/3 $70 student/member; $80 non-member

no classes During Fall break: ocTober 9–12, 2010

AFC=Aquatic & Fitness Ctr. SRC=Slaughter Rec. Ctr. NGRC=North Grounds Rec. Ctr. MEM=Memorial Gymnasium

regisTer online, in Person or by Phone. MeMber regisTraTion begins augusT 24, 8 aM; oPen regisTraTion begins augusT 31, 8 aM (Pg. 3)

If registering online, search for class by the Barcode # for immediate results!

reC-fesT 8.25.10Join»us»on»the»grass»@»O-Hill»»for»fun,»games,»prizes»&»music.»



page 15 www .virginia .edu/ims434 .924 .3791

racquet sports BeGInneR tennISThis class is designed as an introduction to the game! Players will learn the rules of the game and gain a basic under-standing of the forehand, backhand, serve, volley, singles and doubles posi-tions .Barcode #7701Sept 7–Oct 7 Tue & Thur, 6:15–7:15 PM, STC $70 student/member; $80 non-memberBarcode #7703Sept 8–Nov 3 Wed, 6:15–7:15 PM, STC $55 student/member; $65 non-memberBarcode #7702Sept 4–Nov 6 Sat, 10:00–11:00 AM, STC $55 student/member; $65 non-member

adVanced BeGInneR tennISDesigned for players who are famil-iar with rules of play and have a basic understanding of forehand, backhand, serve and volley strokes . The class includes an introduction to the lob, over-hand and approach shots . Players will improve all strokes through repetition and learn to sustain a rally .Barcode #7603Sept 6–Oct 6 Mon & Wed, 7:15–8:15 PM, STC $70 student/member; $80 non-memberBarcode #7604Sept 7–Nov 9 Tue, 7:15–8:15 PM, STC $55 student/member; $65 non-memberBarcode #7605Sept 9–Nov 4 Thur, 7:15–8:15 PM, STC $55 student/member; $65 non-member

InteRMedIate tennISDesigned for players who can consistent-ly sustain a rally and are looking to revive their competitive game or want to play competitively . This class involves in-depth stroke review and refinement, as well as extensive drill . Game strategies and shot selection will also be covered in depth .Barcode #7622Sept 6–Oct 6 Mon & Wed, 8:15–9:15 PM, STC $70 student/member; $80 non-memberBarcode #7623 Sept 4–Nov 6 Sat, 11:00 AM–12:00 PM, STC $55 student/member; $65 non-member

adVanced tennISImprove your game by hitting with the best . Designed for competitive players . Participants will be coached with empha-sis on advanced stroke techniques and game strategies . Our instructors will help you capitalize on your strengths to devel-op an effective match play strategy .Barcode #7606 Sept 7–Oct 7 Tue & Thur, 8:15–9:15 PM, STC $70 student/member; $80 non-member

RacQuetBallThis course introduces the beginner to the basic skills of racquetball, including scoreboard and backhand drives, grips, footwork, and serves . Safety consider-ation as well as rules and terminology are covered . Basic strategy is presented involving the return of service, use of ceil-ing and rear wall, and passing and kill shots . The course prepares the beginner for play in singles, doubles and cutthroat .Barcode #7634Sept 7–Nov 16 Tue, 5:30–6:30 PM, SRC Court 1–3 $55 student/member; $65 non-member

taBle tennIS Mechanics for all strokes, serve tech-niques, and footwork, as well as strate-gies will be addr essed . Players will be grouped according to skill level . Barcode #7658Sept 8–Nov 10 Wed, 6:30–8:00 PM, SRC Rm 2 $55 student/member; $65 non-member

STC=Snyder Tennis Ctr. SRC=Slaughter Rec. Ctr. NGRC=North Grounds Rec. Ctr. MEM=Memorial Gymnasium

regisTer online, in Person or by Phone. MeMber regisTraTion begins augusT 24, 8 aM;

oPen regisTraTion begins augusT 31, 8 aM (Pg. 3)If registering online, search for class by the Barcode # for immediate results!

ask about private & semi-private Tennis instruction!


page 16www .virginia .edu/ims 434 .924 .3791

FIRSt aIdThe purpose of this American Red Cross class is to teach lay responders the knowl-edge and skills necessary to give care in an emergency, help sustain life and minimize the consequences of injury or sudden illness until medical help arrives . Skills and topics covered include checking an unconscious person for life-threatening conditions, identifying and minimizing the effects of shock, identifying the signals of various soft tissue and musculoskeletal injuries as well as heat and cold related emergencies and controlling bleeding .Barcode #7618Sept 28 Tue, 6:00–9:00 PM, AFC Pool Classrm $40 student/member; $50 non-member

wIldeRneSS FIRSt aIdIf you spend any time outside hiking, climbing, skiing, fishing, or pad-dling, this 16-hour Outdoor First Aid class is for you . During the two days you will cover proper protocols for patient care, injury evaluation, proper stabili-zation and correct management for the person who needs evacuation or proper care from further effect from the outdoor environment . Upon successful completion, you will receive a certification from the American Red Cross that is good for three years .Barcode #8074Sat & Sun, Nov 13–14, 8 AM–6 PM in the Lady Astor Tennis Pavilion (next to Snyder Tennis Center) Pre-trip Meeting: Wed, Nov 3, 6 PM at the Outdoor Recreation Center $110 student/member; $130 non-member

adult cpR/aedThis American Red Cross class will give individuals the knowledge and skills necessary to recognize and provide basic care for breathing emergencies, per-form CPR and use an automated external defibrillator (AED) .Barcode #7612Sept 20 Mon, 6:00–10:00 PM, AFC Pool Classrm $50 student/member; $60 non-memberBarcode #7613Sept 29 Wed, 6:00–10:00 PM, AFC Pool Classrm $50 student/member; $60 non-member

adult cpR/aed pluS cHIld & InFant cpRThis American Red Cross CPR class will add child and infant CPR to the Adult CPR/AED class described above .Barcode #7614Sept 14–15 Tue & Wed, 6:00–10:00 PM, AFC Pool Classrm $70 student/member; $85 non-member


begins 8.24.10


begins 8.31.10

AFC=Aquatic & Fitness Ctr. SRC=Slaughter Rec. Ctr. NGRC=North Grounds Rec. Ctr. MEM=Memorial Gymnasium

If registering online, search for class by the Barcode # for immediate results!

Tip:If registering online,

search for class using the Barcode #

for immediate results!


page 17 www .virginia .edu/ims434 .924 .3791

lIFeGuaRd InStRuctoR couRSeA comprehensive course that certifies instructors to teach American Red Cross Lifeguarding courses . This includes an overview of all materials as well as practice teaching sessions . Upon successful completion of the course, individuals are certified to provide training in American Red Cross Lifeguarding, First Aid, and CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer courses . Valid for two years and renewable every two years thereafter .Barcode #7629 Sept 9–12 Thur, 5:00–10:00 PM AFC Pool & Classrm $250 student/member; $300 non-member Fri, 5:00–10:00 PM Sat, 10:00 AM–6:00 PM Sun, 10:00 AM–6:00 PM

ScuBa open wateR IReceive your Open Water I Certification . Fee includes four open water dives .Barcode #7636 Sept 16–26 Thur, 6:00–8:00 PM University Dive Ctr . $375 student/member; $425 non-member Fri, 6:00–10:00 PM AFC Pool & Classrm Sat, 9:00 AM–4:00 PM AFC Pool & Classrm Sun, 11:30 AM–6:00 PM AFC Pool & Classrm Fri, 6:00–10:00 PM AFC Pool & Classrm Sat, 9:00 AM–4:00 PM University Dive Ctr . Sun, 9:00 AM–4:00 PM University Dive Ctr .

Barcode #8251 Oct 14–31 Thur, 6:00–8:00 PM University Dive Ctr . $375 student/member; $425 non-member Sun, 11:30 AM–6:00 PM AFC Pool & Classrm

Fri, 6:00–10:00 PM AFC Pool & Classrm Sun, 11:30 AM–6:00 PM AFC Pool & Classrm Fri, 6:00–10:00 PM AFC Pool & Classrm Sat, 9:00 AM–4:00 PM University Dive Ctr . Sun, 9:00 AM–4:00 PM University Dive Ctr .

AFC=Aquatic & Fitness Ctr. SRC=Slaughter Rec. Ctr. NGRC=North Grounds Rec. Ctr. MEM=Memorial Gymnasium

If registering online, search for class by the Barcode # for immediate results!

reC-fesT 8.25.10Join»us»on»the»grass»@»O-Hill»»for»fun,»games,»prizes»&»music»while»learning»more»about»IM-Rec»Sports»programs!»The»fun»starts»at»4:30»PM.


page 18www .virginia .edu/ims 434 .924 .3791

youth registration

Youth Programs registration

The Youth Recreation Program is designed to encourage

physical activity and skill development in a safe, non-

competitive environment. Our instructors promote positive

group interactions by emphasizing teamwork and coopera-

tion. Children learn new skills, make new friends, and

build a foundation for a healthy lifestyle.

**mEmBEr rEgistration BEgins august 24 onlinE at 8 am.opEn rEgistration BEgins august 31 onlinE at 8 am.To»register»online»go»to»http://www.virginia.edu/ims or»visit»the»IM-Rec»Sports»Business»Office, located in the Aquatic & Fitness Center, Mon–Fri, 8 AM–5:30 PM .

**Purchase a Youth Recreation Membership for your children to enjoy priority member registration opportunities and discount pricing. Youth Membership also allows facility access to the youth member during all Family Recreation hours when accompanied by an adult member, for a full year . See details on pg . 2 .

neW opportunities this Fall!


•» Family»Yoga•» Ballet•» Jump»Rope•» Move»to»Music


•» Yoga•» Swimming•» TennisContact»us»for»information»and»to»schedule»sessions


Workshops!(schedule details online)

Private & Semi-Private Instruction

(schedule details online)


page 19 www .virginia .edu/ims434 .924 .3791

youth recreation

supervised Play

Ages»1–4.»Parents, join your toddler in the safe and fun environment of the Aquatic & Fitness Center . This supervised but unstructured class lets parents and children socialize while enjoying all of the equipment used in Skill Builders classes .Barcode #7752Sept 7–Nov 2 Tue, 9:30–10:15 AM, AFC Rm 1 $40/member; $50 non-memberBarcode #7753 Sept 12–Nov 7 Sun, 2:00–2:45 PM, AFC Rm 1 $40/member; $50 non-memberBarcode #7751Sept 12–Nov 7 Sun, 3:00–3:45 PM, AFC Rm 1 $40/member; $50 non-member

Programs For PreschoolersOur preschool program offers children an opportunity to develop body awareness and fundamental motor skills. Children are provided with a range of activities that enhance learning through movement exploration, games, songs, and play!

skill Builders

Ages»3–4. Students will refine funda-mental motor skills such as hopping, skipping, kicking and catching . You and your child will have a great time together learning new movements, activities, songs, and games while gaining an over-all introduction to basic sports skills!Barcode #7642Sept 12–Nov 7 Sun, 1:00–1:45 PM, AFC Rm 1 $50/member; $60 non-member

Wee Play

Ages»4–5.»We will have a ball in this class! Together, we will use all shapes and sizes of balls while teaching children motor skills involved in sports . In this noncompetitive, small group class each child will enjoy a variety of sports activi-ties independent from parental participa-tion . We’ll teach the sports fundamentals that lead to successful participation in the sports they love!Barcode #7755Sept 12–Nov 7 Sun, 4:00–4:45 PM, AFC Rm 1 $50/member; $60 non-member

AFC=Aquatic & Fitness Ctr. NGRC=North Grounds Rec. Ctr. STC=Snyder Tennis Ctr. LNF=Lower Nameless Field

If registering online, search for class by the Barcode # for immediate results!

new this fall! youth recreation now offered on Tuesdays & sundays!


page 20www .virginia .edu/ims 434 .924 .3791

youth recreationPrograms For elementarY age children & Pre-teens

Our elementary and pre-teen programs focus on learning new skills in a non-competitive environment. Through drills and activi-ties, children will improve their confidence and competence in their chosen sport. By building a strong foundation early, we hope to introduce your child to the benefits of staying healthy while having FUN!


Ages»5–15.»Enthusiastic instructors will foster a love of the game in your child! Beginning players are introduced to basic skills . More experienced players will improve strokes and begin to learn strategy . Drills and games are used to help everyone develop an understanding of the game . Barcode #7662Sept 11–Oct 23 Sat, 10:00–10:45 AM, STC $40/member; $50 non-member

Junior tennis team

Ages»10-15.»Join the UVA Junior Tennis League for instruction in addition to competition! The team will practice one hour on Tuesday evenings and compete in matches on Friday afternoons . This team is for those players who have previous match experience. Beginning players should check out our Junior Intramural Tennis League .Barcode #7626Sept 7–Oct 19 Tue, 6:00–7:00 PM, STC $50/member; $60 non-member

Junior intramural tennis league

Ages»8-17»&»all»skill»levels.»This league is great for beginning players who want more than lessons but aren’t ready to join a traveling team yet . Participants will have one week of instruction and then five weeks of playing matches, all at Synder Tennis Center, against other chil-dren in the league . This league will focus on friendly competition with instruction as needed to transition players into com-petitive tennis . Come out and see what it’s all about!Barcode #7625Sept 7–Oct 19 Tue, 6:00–7:00 PM, STC $40/member; $50 non-member


Ages»5–12.»Ball handling, defense and shooting! The basics are what this class is all about . Young players will work on the correct techniques for all fundamen-tal skills . Lead-up games and game-like drills make learning new skills fun!Barcode #7608 (Ages 5–7)Sept 11–Oct 23 Sat, 11:00–11:45 AM, NGRC Gymnasium $40/member; $50 non-memberBarcode #7609 (Ages 8–12)Sept 11–Oct 23 Sat, 10:00–10:45 AM, NGRC Gymnasium $40/member; $50 non-member


Ages»5–12.»Children are exposed to basic dribbling, passing and shooting skills, rules of the game and teamwork . Participation and fundamentals are emphasized through fun lead-up games .Barcode #7643Sept 11–Oct 23 Sat, 10:00–10:45 AM, LNF $40/member; $50 non-member

Family Beginner tennis

Ages»10–adult.»Families now can learn together how to play tennis, a great life-long and family activity . This class will cover ground strokes, serve and volley as well as how to keep score . Family Beginner Tennis and the youth tennis classes are held at the same time on Saturday mornings so bring out the entire family and learn to play tennis . It’s the perfect match!Families who have younger children should check out Tennis (Ages 5-15) .Barcode #7617Sept 11–Oct 23 Sat, 11:00–11:45 AM, STC $40 student/member; $50 non-member (per person)

tae Kwon do

Ages»3–12.»Tae Kwon Do is a Korean martial art and an Olympic sport . Children will not only learn the basics of martial arts (including kicks, punches and forms) but also the discipline, self-control and confidence that it entails . This class will teach children how to focus their ener-gies in a productive manner, and intro-duce them to the world of martial arts .Barcode #7660 (Ages 3–5)Sept 11–Oct 23 Sat, 10:15–10:45 AM, NGRC Rm 2 $40/member; $50 non-memberBarcode #7661 (Ages 6–12)Sept 11–Oct 23 Sat, 11:00–11:45 AM, NGRC Rm 2 $40/member; $50 non-member

AFC=Aquatic & Fitness Ctr. NGRC=North Grounds Rec. Ctr. STC=Snyder Tennis Ctr. LNF=Lower Nameless Field

If registering online, search for class by the Barcode # for immediate results!

ask about private & semi-private

swim & Tennis instruction!


page 21 www .virginia .edu/ims434 .924 .3791

youth swimming

level 1: gold Fish, Parent & toddler

Toddlers»Ages»18-36»months.»»Class is designed to help children feel comfort-able in the water while with their parent/guardian . Parents will be presented with information and techniques to help orient their children to the aquatic environment . Skills taught include: water adjustment, supported front and back float, jump-ing from side of pool to parent, passing, blowing bubbles, towing, safety aware-ness/skills, interaction with children, songs, and games . Children must wear snug plas-tic pants. Parent participation required!Barcodes #7665, #7666, #7667Sept 12–Nov 7 Sun, 2, 3 & 4 PM, AFC Pool $50/member; $60 non-memberBarcode #7668Sept 14–Nov 9 Tue, 8:15 AM, AFC Pool $50/member; $60 non-member

level 2: Purple minnow

Class is designed to help children feel comfortable in the water without parent assistance . The class continues to work with children becoming comfortable in the water, by teaching front and back floating with an introduction to gliding, submerging underwater and safety aware-ness/skills . Other skills taught include entering and exiting the water, and sup-ported front and back kicking . Class in warm water pool . Barcodes #7669, #7670, #7671, #7672Sept 12–Nov 7 Sun, 1, 2, 3 & 4 PM, AFC Pool $50/member; $60 non-memberBarcode #7673Sept 14–Nov 9 Tue, 8:15 AM, AFC Pool $50/member; $60 non-member

Swimming levels & color coded fish class names illustrate your child’s improvement

as he/she graduates from Purple Minnow to Red Snapper to Green Dolphin & beyond!

MeMBeR ReGiSTRaTiON BeGiNS ONLiNe TUeSDaY, aUGUST 24, 2010 (pg. 18).

level 6: Blue Whale

Class is designed for children to refine elementary backstroke, diving, treading water, surface dives, rotary breathing and front and back crawl . Also introduced will be the breaststroke, butterfly, side-stroke, survival floating, turns, and safety awareness/skills .Barcode #7683, #7684, 7685Sept 12–Nov 7 Sun, 1, 2, & 3 PM, AFC Pool $50/member; $60 non-member

level 7: silver shark

Class is designed for children who are comfortable with the front and back crawl, treading water, elementary backstroke and diving . Students will learn stroke technique and mechan-ics . Refinement of butterfly, sidestroke, breaststroke, and stroke turns will also be perfected . Introduction to lifesaving techniques and safety awareness/skills will be taught .Barcode #7686, #7687, 7688Sept 12–Nov 7 Sun, 1, 2, & 3 PM, AFC Pool $50/member; $60 non-member

level 8: conditioning

Ages»6»&»Up.»Great for swim team par-ticipants! Class is designed for children who have passed Silver Shark or who can meet these prerequisites: swim front crawl 200 yards; backstroke and elemen-tary backstroke 100 yards; breast stroke 50 yards; butterfly 25 yards and demon-strate speed and flip turns . Students will learn stroke technique and mechanics while building strength and endurance .Barcode #7689, #7690Sept 12–Nov 7 Sun, 2 & 3 PM, AFC Pool $50/member; $60 non-member

8 classes, 45-minutes each, held at the Aquatic & Fitness Ctr. Pool. No classes October 9-12.

level 3-4: red snapper

Class is designed for children who feel com-fortable in the water and can front and back float and kick while using a kickboard . Front and back glides will be refined . Introduction to back crawl, front crawl, rhythmic breath-ing, elementary backstroke, sitting dives, and safety awareness/skills will also be taught . Children will be divided between pools based on age . Barcodes #7674, #7675, #7676Sept 12–Nov 7 Sun, 1, 2, & 3 PM, AFC Pool $50/member; $60 non-memberBarcodes #7677, #7678, #7679 (Ages 6&up)Sept 12–Nov 7 Sun, 1, 2, & 3 PM, AFC Pool $50/member; $60 non-member

level 5: green dolphin

Class is designed for children who feel comfortable floating, kicking, and gliding without assistance . Children will work on front and back crawl, retrieve objects in chest deep water, and elementary back-stroke . Introductions to diving, treading water, surface dives and safety aware-ness/skills will also be presented .Barcode #7680, #7681, 7682Sept 12–Nov 7 Sun, 1, 2 & 3 PM, AFC Pool $50/member; $60 non-member

If registering online, search for class by the Barcode # for immediate results!

ask about private & semi-private swim & Tennis instruction (for adults & youth)!

oUTDoor reC

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get out there!

HaVe QueStIonS aBout pRoGRaMS oR eQuIpMent needS? let uS Help! call 434.924.7700.

eQuIpMent RentalS Include:• tents, sleeping bags, backpacks, stoves

• canoes, paddles, rec . kayaks, wet suits, helmets

• & MORE! Go online for complete list of equipment rentals & prices:


Please reaD The Fine Print!

ReGIStRatIonDeadlines are one week prior to Pre-Trip Meetings . If there is no Pre-Trip Meeting, the deadline is one week prior to the event date .

pRe-tRIp MeetInGSMost events have mandatory»pre-trip»meetings,»held»at»the»Outdoor»Recreation»Ctr.»unless oth-erwise noted . To ensure safety, important and relevant information is covered at these meet-ings . Individuals unable to attend this meeting will be dropped from the event (sorry, no refund) . If you are»unable»to»attend»the»event,»you»must»notify» the» Director» of» Outdoor» Recreation» 7»days»prior»to»the»date»of»the»pre-trip»meeting . Event»fees»are»non-refundable. Participants are required to provide»proof» of» insurance»cover-age»and»policy»number .

dRuG & alcoHol polIcYAlcohol and controlled substances are not per-mitted on any outings or workshops sponsored by the University of Virginia, IM-Rec Sports, Outdoor Recreation Program .

RISkDue to many uncontrollable natural factors inher-ent in outdoor activities and the fact that most of our trips are conducted in remote areas without immediate access to emergency services, risk to participants may be increased . In light of this, participants must make their own decision to participate in all or any part of these activities . Participants assume full responsibility for risks and the consequences of their actions, and may also be required to obtain a physician’s approval prior to participating .

Re-ScHedulInGIf you commit to attending an event on a resched-uled date, neither the trip nor the workshop fee is refundable .

tRIp elIGIBIlItYFull-time students and IM-Rec Sports members with valid UVA IDs automatically qualify for our trips . Participants from the general public may also sign-up at a slightly higher price . Note:»All»Outdoor» Recreation» programs» are» created»for» participants» of» college» age» or» older» who»are»of»the»proper»fitness»level»for»the»selected»»activity.»

ReFundS:Unless we cancel a program, all approved refunds are processed with a $10 administrative fee .

• Individual equipment rental limited to supplies for two people .

• Reservations can be made in person (cash, check and major credit cards accepted) or by phone (credit card only) .

• Equipment rental is limited to persons with valid student ID or Intramural- Recreational Sports Membership .

NOTES»ABOUT»OUR»CANOES:»»Our canoes are designed for use on flatwater and mild whitewater (Class I or less) . One canoe per ID . Rental of canoes may be suspended during periods of high water or during flash flood watches and/or warnings .

opEn aug 27–oct 22:Mon & Fri 12:30–6:00 pM; Thur 2:00–6:00 pM

opEn oct 25–dEc 6:Mon & Fri 12:30–6:00 pM

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IMpoRtant InFoRMatIon aBout clIMBInG & paddlInGUVA»Outdoor»Recreation»will»provide»the»necessary»equipment»to»participate»on»your»trip.»For»rock»climbing,»this»includes»a»harness,»helmet,»and»climbing»shoes.»»For»paddling»this»includes»wetsuit,»paddling»top,»helmet,»PFD,»and»all»other»necessary»paddling»equipment. Participants are responsible for providing personal gear (supportive hiking shoes, sandals/shoes, trail food, a day pack, seasonal clothing, nose plugs, goggles, and layers of appropriate seasonal clothing, etc .) . There is limited availability of wind gear and fleece jackets/hats for participant use only . We are not responsible for loss or damage to personal equipment . Participants using personal equipment must have it approved for use by the Director or trip leader . Swimming abil-ity is strongly recommended for all paddling programs .

ancHoR woRkSHop This workshop provides a solid introduc-tion and foundation in building top-rope anchor systems . The emphasis is on the use of natural anchors . Additionally, you may be exposed to some of the funda-mental principles of passive and active protection . This is not a climbing trip but an instructional workshop on anchors .“Introduction to Rock Climbing” or equiv-alent experience required.Barcode #8053Sat, Sept 11, 8 AM–6 PM Pre-trip Meeting: Tue, Sept 7, 6 PM $50 student/member; $60 non-member

adVanced-BeGInneR Rock clIMBInG Intermediate . Building from previous climbing experience, this program offers practice in climbing technique and dynamic movement . Both indoor and outdoor climbing sessions provide oppor-tunities for improvement and challenge on increasingly more technical routes . There will be a two-hour pre-trip meeting . Previous climbing experience required.Barcode #8051Sun, Oct 24, 8 AM–6 PM Pre-trip Meeting: Thur, Oct 21, 6 PM $70 student/member; $80 non-member

new RIVeR GoRGe clIMBInG tRIp Intermediate. Building off of your previous climbing experience, we are offering this new weekend course in the acclaimed climbing area of New River Gorge, WV . This trip is designed to appeal to anyone who wishes to improve their skill and technique, and is open to all ability levels . This course will include the opportunity to practice some of the current AMGA single-pitch curriculum such as gear placement, site management, route selec-tion, and more .Barcode #8052Fri–Sun, Sept 24–26, 3 PM Fri–Sun 6 PM Pre-trip Meeting: Tue, Sept 21, 6–9 PM $210 student/member; $225 non-member

regisTer online, in Person or by Phone. MeMber regisTraTion begins augusT 24, 8 aM; oPen regisTraTion begins augusT 31, 8 aM (Pg. 3)

If registering online, search for class by the Barcode # for immediate results!

Conrad AnchorSlideshow

Monday, October 18Newcomb Hall Ballroom

Conrad Anchor, a North Face spon-sored Athlete and

previous UVA pre-senter, is com-ing to Grounds again to present a slideshow of his most cur-rent Mountain a d v e n t u r e s .

This presentation will benefit the

UVA Cancer Center .

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paddlingwHItewateR kaYakInGIntro.»Semi-Private»Skills»Day: Beginner. This is a semi-private skills class for up to 3 people to learn the essentials of entry level white water kayaking . The course includes instruction on paddling strokes, boat control, reading the river, and pad-dling class 1 and 2 rapids . Equipment and transportation is provided . Barcode #8054Sat, Sept 11, 8 AM–6 PM Pre-trip Meeting: Thur, Sept 9, 7 PM $120 student/member; $140 non-member

Advanced»Beginner. Intermediate. Refine your paddling skills in this class . Prerequisite: Participation in the “Intro.” class or equivalent experience. Completion of Roll Workshops strongly recommended.Barcode #8055Sat, Sept 25, 8 AM–6 PM Pre-trip Meeting: Thur, Sept 23, 7 PM $80 student/member; $95 non-member

RecReatIonal kaYakInG pRIMeRBeginner. This four-hour clinic will teach the essentials of boat fitting, control skills, paddle selection and techniques for maneuvering through gently moving waterways . Ideal for new paddlers and boat owners . No roll experience needed; no roll instruction provided.Barcode #8056Sun, Sept 5, 1–5 PM $60 student/member; $75 non-memberBarcode #8201Sun, Sept 19, 1–5 PM $60 student/member; $75 non-member

dISMal SwaMp Intermediate. In the midst of the metro-politan area of Hampton Roads, Virginia, and extending well into North Carolina, lies the Great Dismal Swamp . Full of history, this unique primeval forest is inhabited by a variety of mammals, rep-tiles, turtles, lizards, salamanders, frogs, toads and birds . We will paddle 3 miles on amber colored water from the eastern edge of the Swamp to Lake Drummond .Prerequisite: Recreational Kayak Primer or approved equivalent experience.Barcode #8202Sun, Oct 3, 6:00 AM–9:00 PM Pre-trip Meeting: Tue, Sept 28, 6 PM $125 student/member; $145 non-member

kaYak Roll woRkSHopSWorkshop: Beginner. Learn “the cor-nerstone of successful kayaking,” the Eskimo Roll . Three two-hour sessions cover boat fitting, entries and exits . The majority of the time is spent learning and perfecting the Eskimo Roll via the “C to C” method .Barcode #8060Tue & Thur, Sept 7, 14 & 16, 8–10 PM AFC Pool $40 student/member; $50 non-memberBarcode #8061Tue & Thur, Sept 28–Oct 5, 8–10 PM AFC Pool $40 student/member; $50 non-memberBarcode #8062Tue & Thur, Oct 19–26, 8–10 PM AFC Pool $40 student/member; $50 non-member Practice: Intermediate. These two-hour sessions give participants the opportu-nity to practice their roll technique and meet future paddling partners . Practice sessions are supervised by our trained instructors . Note: These sessions do not provide formal instruction in roll tech-nique (see ‘Roll Workshops’) . Participants must have prior experience in a whitewa-ter kayak.Barcode #8063Tue, Sept 21, 8–10 PM AFC Pool $18 student/member; $20 non-memberBarcode #8064Thur, Oct 7, 8–10 PM AFC Pool $18 student/member; $20 non-memberBarcode #8065Thur, Oct 14, 8–10 PM AFC Pool $18 student/member; $20 non-memberBarcode #8066Thur, Oct 28, 8–10 PM AFC Pool $18 student/member; $20 non-member

Tip:If registering online,

search for class using the Barcode #

for immediate results!


regisTer online, in Person or by Phone. MeMber regisTraTion begins augusT 24, 8 aM; oPen

regisTraTion begins augusT 31, 8 aM (Pg. 3)

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IntRoductIon to caVInGBeginner. Experience the fun sport of caving! This entry-level trip takes par-ticipants to Crossroads Cave, a unique, fragile environment of underground passages . The group will observe rock formations such as stalactites and sta-lagmites that are thousands of years old and spot seashells that speak of the time Virginia was under the ocean . Crossroads Cave is a horizontal cave that beginners will enjoy . All the passages are spacious . However, there will be an opportunity to explore a tighter passage if desired .Barcode #8069Sat, Nov 6, 8 AM–6 PM Pre-trip Meeting: Thur, Nov 4, 6 PM $55 student/member; $65 non-member

adVanced BeGInneR caVInGIntermediate. Two caves, one town, one day . . .two extremely different envi-ronments . Join us as we first head to “Marshall’s Cave” in Goshen, Va . This cave provides a relatively dry environ-ment with many small passages to explore . We will see a variety of fossils and if we are lucky, bats! A quick van ride will then take us to “Aqua Cave”, a wet cave which contains aquatic fossils, several large rooms and an underground lake . You will remember this cave forever . Prerequisites: Prior caving experience (i .e . the Intro . class) . Must be comfortable in dark places and able to swim . Bring along your attitude of doing something new/different and exciting . Outdoor Recreation program staff will assess your ability to participate .Barcode #8070Sun, Nov 14, 8 AM–6 PM Pre-trip Meeting: Thur, Nov 11, 6 PM $65 student/member; $75 non-member

FlY FISHInG SkIllS daY (SeMI-pRIVate)Beginner. This one-daycourse for a maximum of three people will cover the basic skills needed to begin enjoying the lifetime sport of fly fishing . Fundamental principles and casting will be covered throughout the day along with learning some basic principles of knot tying, fishing stragegies, water read-ing and fly selection .Barcode #8071Sat, Oct 9, 8 AM–6 PM $110 student/member; $130 non-member

FlY FISHInG RIVeR daYIntermediate. Designed for those who have introductory level fly fishing experi-ence and seek to improve their skills while learning more about fishing in mov-ing water . Participants will review skills and discuss fish habitat, fly selection, entomology and reading water . Prerequisites: Intro . to Fly Fishing or equivalent experience .Barcode #8072Sun, Oct 24, 8 AM–6 PM $80 student/member; $90 non-member

HoRSeBack tRaIl RIdInG Beginner. What better way to experi-ence the rustic beauty of the Blue Ridge Mountains than by horse? Utilizing a local outfitter, we’ll explore the Shenandoah backcountry in all of its splendor . Upon being introduced to your horses and to the essentials of riding, you and your group will explore the area in and around Graves Mountain .These trips are open to all levels of riders . It’s a nice gentle trail ride in the Blue Ridge Countryside . This popular program fills up fast! Prerequisite: Maximum weight limit of 225 lbs .Barcode #8067Sun, Sept 12, 12–5 PM Pre-trip Meeting: Thur, Sept 9, 6 PM $85 student/member; $90 non-memberBarcode #8068Sun, Oct 24, 12–5 PM Pre-trip Meeting: Thur, Oct 21, 6 PM $85 student/member; $90 non-member

wIldeRneSS FIRSt aIdIf you spend any time outside hiking, climbing, skiing, fishing, or paddling, this 16-hour Outdoor First Aid class is for you . During the two days you will cover proper protocols for patient care, injury evaluation, proper stabilization and cor-rect management for the person who needs evacuation or proper care from further effect from the outdoor environ-ment . Upon successful completion, you will receive a certification from the American Red Cross that is good for three years .Barcode #8074Sat & Sun, Nov 13–14, 8 AM–6 PM Pre-trip Meeting: Wed, Nov 3, 6 PM $110 student/member; $130 non-member

reC-fesT 8.25.10Join»us»on»the»grass»@»O-Hill»»for»fun,»games,»prizes»&»music.»


If registering online, search for class using the Barcode #

for immediate results! Registration begins August 24.

Details on pg. 3.www.virginia.edu/ims

poplar riDge

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challenge course

for a CUsToMizeD prograM ...InteReSted In oRGanIzInG a GRoup teaM-BuIldInG expeRIence?Poplar Ridge customizes a wide variety of programs for students, adults, and corporate groups . Our experienced and well-trained staff will discuss your organization’s desired outcomes and objectives and custom design an experience to meet your needs . Programs typically run either half-days (up to 4 hrs .) or full days (5–8 hrs .) and can be scheduled any day of the week .

Fall 2010 woRkSHopS

adVentuRe FoR coupleSThis program is designed for couples looking to spend a fun, exhilarating day together . Experience low and high ropes course events designed to encourage teamwork, build trust and good communication for healthy relationships . We’ll introduce several new high ropes activities!Barcode #8102 Sat, Nov 6, 10 AM–4 PM $40 student/member; $55 non-member (per person)

Halloween HIGH couRSeReach new heights this Halloween on the Poplar Ridge High Ropes Course . Our current activities are sure to provide you with a sense of accomplishment . Activities may include a giant swing, traversing elements, climbing over a series of obstacles up to 50’ off the ground and/or a 350’ zip-line . Our ‘Challenge by Choice’ philosophy ensures that all ability and comfort levels are welcome . No experience is necessary . Space is limited so register early.Barcode #8101 Sun, Oct 31, 1–5 PM $30 student/member; $40 non-member (per person)

Who We are ...Poplar Ridge is an experiential learn-ing and training program operated through the Department of Intramural-Recreational Sports . Poplar Ridge provides team building, leadership, and other experiential workshops, events, and programs for the University and surrounding Virginia community . Many of our programs utilize our unique Outdoor Experiential Course (O .E .C .) located in a beautiful wooded site on Grounds . Indoor programming options are also available .

Poplar RIDGE

experiential learning and Training

at the University of Virginia


page 27 www .virginia .edu/ims434 .924 .3791

registrationcaptaInS MeetInGS: Fall 2010 IntRaMuRal SpoRtS ReGIStRatIon


Full-time UVA students with valid IDs, or faculty, staff, and spouses who have recreation memberships are eligible to participate in Intramural Sports .

ReGISteR & paY onlIne!Register» and» pay» ONLINE» beginning» August» 24.»

Payment» also» accepted» at» the» IM-Rec» Sports»


How to SIGn up


1 . Register online at: http://www.virginia.edu/ims/imsports

2 . All league times and days that are available for play will be posted online . Entry periods vary for each sport; see page 29 for details .

3 . One person per team is responsible for registering a team . Minimum roster requirements must be met per sport per team .

4 . Pay your team’s entry fee online or at the IM-Rec Sports Business Office, located in the Aquatic & Fitness Ctr . Registration is not complete until entry fee is paid .


1 . Register online at: http://www.virginia.edu/ims/imsports

2 . Pay your team’s entry fee online or at the IM-Rec Sports Business Office, located in the Aquatic & Fitness Ctr . Registration is not complete until entry fee is paid .

3 . Certain events will have registration at the event site . Details on times and locations are online at: » http://www.virginia.edu/ims/imsports

4 . Tournament rules are online at: http://www.virginia.edu/ims/imsports

need $$$ This fall?

CoMe To The MeeTings & see whaT iT’s all abouT!

oFFicials’ inFormation sEssion 1Individuals interested in officiating Football, Softball &

Innertube Water Polo should attend this meeting:

monday, august 30 aT 7 pM in The aFC rooM 201

oFFicials’ inFormation sEssion 2Individuals interested in officiating Soccer, Floor Hockey

& Dodgeball should attend this meeting:

monday, octoBEr 4 aT 7 pM in The aFC rooM 201

go online for more training dates (click on jobs)

All» Intramural» team» captains» are» expected»to» know» the» rules» and» pass» them» on» to»their» teammates.» To» begin» each» season,»each» captain» will» be» invited» to» join» the» IM»Captains’»Guide»site»on»UVa»Collab.»On»this»site,» captains» will» learn» the» policies» and»rules.» Upon» completion,» teams» will» be» eli-gible»to»play!»Details»will»be»given»upon»the»start»of»each»Intramural»season.


page 28www .virginia .edu/ims 434 .924 .3791

sports leaguesSee pG. 29 FoR ScHeduleS. ReGISteR & paY online BeGInnInG auGuSt 24; detaIlS on pG. 27.

Want to play, but don’t have a team?

have a team, but need more players?



new! dodGeBallAfter many long years, Dodgeball finally makes its way into the annals of Intramural lore! We’re going all-out with this full season, complete with Men’s, Dorm, Frat, CoRec, & Women’s Divisions .

SoFtBallAs playoff fever heats up in the Major Leagues, UVA’s sluggers will be battling for their own World Series . Gather a team of 10 and come out to The Park for another season under the lights!

outdooR SocceRWhat better way to spend a beautiful Fall afternoon than “kickin’ it” out at The Park in this 6on6 league .

neW fall Tournaments! GolF touRnaMentJoin us at Birdwood Golf Course, and take your cuts for a chance to claim the Championship .

5on5 BaSketBall touRnaMentYou’ll love the exciting atmosphere of 5on5 Basketball in this three-day tour-nament to kick off the fall .

IndooR SocceR touRnaMentGet a taste of our unique style of Indoor Soccer in this fast paced three-day tournament .

VolleYBall touRnaMentNeed some bump-set-spike action, but can’t wait until spring? We’ve got the cure . Don’t miss out on this three-day Volleyball Tournament!

Register & Pay for Intramurals ONLINE!Get the details on pg. 27.

BadMInton SInGleSJoin the challenge ladder and compete against some of UVA’s top talent!

tennIS SInGleSWork your way through the singles brack-et and claim your spot at the top of UVA’s tennis elite .

RacQuetBall SInGleSTest your skills against UVA’s best in this singles competition .

FaMIlY weekend 5kGrab your mom, dad, sister, brother, or a friend for this 5K morning run . You can run against the clock, or just to say you finished! Either way, it’s a great way to spend time with your family and friends .

FlooR HockeYNeed a jones for your hockey fix this year? Sign-up for this 5on5 league held in the Slaughter Recreation Center .

InneRtuBe wateR polo6 players . . .6 tubes . . .1 pool . Come out for some outrageous CoRec fun, or come out to see if your buddies can swim as well as they throw . Just don’t miss out on UVa’s favorite non-traditional sport!

wallYBallIf you enjoy volleyball, you’ve got to try wallyball! It is volleyball played on a rac-quetball court and everything is in!

tournaments & events

ultIMate FRISBee Enjoy the nice, fall weather while toss-ing the disc around at The Park in this 7on7 league .

7on7 FlaG FootBallThe wide-open fields at The Park will give you the room to drop back, roll out, and hit the open receiver . As Virginia Football fever spreads, don’t miss the chance to create your own glory on the gridiron .

3on3 BaSketBallYou better forget about the zone defense in this league—you’ll need to beat your opponent one-on-one to survive here! Be ready to call your own fouls in this throwback to the days of street ball .


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DIVISION»KEY: M=Men’s D=1st Year Dormitory F=Fraternity W=Women’s CR=Co-Rec LOCATION»KEY: AFC=Aquatic & Fitness Ctr . SRC=Slaughter Rec . Ctr . NGRC=North Grounds Rec . Ctr . MEM=Memorial Gym .

regisTer & pay online for intramurals!Registration»will»be»taken»ONLINE»beginning»August»24 during the specified entry period .

Pay»your»team’s»entry»fee»ONLINE»or»at»the»IM-Rec»Sports»Business»Office, located in the AFC .

Registration is not complete until entry fee is paid.

For entries taken at the event, please get details online:


LEAGUES DivisionsAvailable


Location League Begins Cost




Location Date of Event Cost

7on7 Flag Football

Ultimate Frisbee


Innertube Water Polo

Outdoor Soccer

3on3 Basketball

Floor Hockey



M/D/F/W/CR Online Aug 24–31 The Park Sun, Sept 5 $50/team

M/D/F/W/CR Online Aug 24–31 The Park Sun, Sept 5 $50/team

M/CR Online Aug 31–Sept 7 The Park Sun, Sept 12 $50/team

M/CR Online Aug 31–Sept 7 AFC Sun, Sept 12 $50/team

M/D/F/W/CR Online Oct 5–12 The Park Sun, Oct 17 $50/team

M/D/F/W Online Oct 5–12 SRC Sun, Oct 17 $50/team

M/D/F/W/CR Online Oct 12–19 SRC Sun, Oct 24 $50/team

M/D/F/W/CR Online Oct 12–19 MEM Sun, Oct 24 $50/team

M/D/F/W/CR Online Oct 12–19 SRC Sun, Oct 24 $35/team

Tennis Singles

5on5 Basketball Tournament

Golf Tournament

volleyball Tournament

Indoor Soccer Tournament

Badminton Singles

Racquetball Singles

Family Weekend 5K

M/W Online Aug 24–31 Players’ Choice Sun, Sept 5 $10/entry

M/W/CR Online Aug 24–31 SRC Wed, Sept 1–Fri, Sept 3 $35/team

M/W Online Aug 31–Sept 7 Birdwood Sept 12 $5/entry + green fee

M/W/CR Online Sept 7–14 SRC Wed, Sept 15–Fri, Sept 17 $35/team

M/W/CR Online Sept 21–28 SRC Wed, Sept 29–Fri, Oct 1 $35/team

M/W Online Sept 21–28 SRC Sun, Oct 3 $10/entry

M/W Online Sept 21–28 SRC & NGRC Sun, Oct 3 $10/entry

M/W/CR At event MEM Sat, Nov 6 $15/team

reC faCiliTies

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bring yoUr iD! oUTDoor faCiliTiesSnYdeR tennIS centeR (Emmet St)This USTA award-winning tennis complex adjacent to Memorial Gym provides 13 lighted courts and spectator seating .

tHe paRk (1015 Massie Rd)The Park is a lighted 23-acre site for soft-ball, running, picnics, outdoor events and and field sports, featuring softball and artificial turf fields .

peRRY-FISHBuRne tennIS & dell BaSketBall couRtS (Emmet St)Four tennis courts & three lighted outdoor basketball courts adjacent to Ruffner Hall .

copeleY FIeld (Massie Rd)Copeley offers a softball field & three half-court basketball courts across from North Grounds Recreation Center .

caRR’S HIll FIeld (University Ave)Carr’s Hill Field is a lighted three acre artificial turf field lined for soccer, lacrosse, field hockey and football .

MadISon Bowl FIeld (Rugby Ave)Mad Bowl is a three acre natural grass field behind Madison Hall .

laMBetH FIeld (Emmet St)Lambeth Field is a one and a half acre grass field surrounded by the historic UVA Colonnades .

uppeR & loweR naMeleSS FIeldS (Emmet St)Nameless Fields combined are one and a half acres of recreational grass fields adjacent to Memorial Gymnasium .

MeMoRIal GYMnaSIuM210 Emmet Street | 924.6204

• Cardiovascular equipment, free weights, strength training machines • 3-Court gymnasium • Multipurpose room • Indoor Sport Court • Combative Room • Indoor wooden walking/running track • Men’s & women’s sauna • Day lockers & towel service • Semester/annual locker rental

noRtH GRoundS RecReatIon centeR510 Massie Road | 924.7380

• Cardiovascular equipment, free weights, strength training machines • 2-Court gymnasium • 3 Handball/racquetball courts • 2 Squash courts • 2 Multipurpose rooms • Day lockers & towel service

outdooR RecReatIon centeR 119 Emmet Street | 924.7700 • Outdoor equipment rentals • Resource center with information, maps & guidebooks

aQuatIc & FItneSS centeR450 Whitehead Road | 924.3793

• Intramural-Recreational Sports Business Office • Cardiovascular equipment, free weights, strength training machines • 50-Meter Olympic-size pool, leisure pool, whirlpool, sauna • 3-Court gymnasium • Indoor walking/running track • Fitness Assessment & Massage Therapy • 2 Instructional classrooms • 4 Multipurpose rooms • Day lockers & towel service • Semester/annual locker rental • Poolside Cafe & T .J .’s Locker

SlauGHteR RecReatIon centeR 505 Edgemont Road | 982.5101

• Cardiovascular equipment, free weights, strength training machines • 3-Court gymnasium • 7 Handball/racquetball courts • 1 Wallyball court • 3 Squash courts • 6 International Badminton Courts • 2 Multipurpose rooms • Day lockers & towel service • Semester locker rental

couRt ReSeRVatIonSRacquet and tennis court reservations may be made by phone or walk-in at designated facilities . Reservations are up to one hour in length with a 10-minute forfeiture time . A walk-on volleyball court is available at Memorial Gym at various times throughout the week . A claim ticket for tennis may be picked up with a valid ID card from the Memorial Gym Equipment Desk . Read the policies and details online at: http://www.virginia.edu/ims

FacIlItY & FIeld ReSeRVatIonSReservation eligibility and procedures online at: http://www.virginia.edu/imsFacility and field reservation requests are made using The Source: http://www.virginia.edu/source

reC faCiliTies

page 31 www .virginia .edu/ims434 .924 .3791

facility schedule: aug 24–dec 7, 2010AQUATIC»&»FITNESS»CENTER»»»»Facility»HoursMonday–Thursday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:00 AM–12:00 AMFriday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:00 AM–10:00 PMSaturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:00 AM–10:00 PMSunday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:00 AM–12:00 AM»»»»Family»Recreation»Hours»(Gymnasium»Only)Saturday & Sunday Family Recreation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:00 AM–9:00 PM»»»»Pool»Deck»Hours»(Lap»Swim,»Sauna»&»Whirlpool)Monday & Wednesday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:00 AM–2:00 PM; 5:45 PM–10:00 PMTuesday & Thursday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:00 AM–9:00 AM; 12:00 PM–2:00 PM; 5:45 PM–10:00 PMFriday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:00 AM–2:00 PM; 5:45 PM–9:00 PMSaturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:00 AM–8:00 PMSunday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:00 AM–10:00 PM»»»»Family»Swim»HoursMonday–Friday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:45 PM–8:00 PMSaturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:00 AM–8:00 PMSunday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10:00 AM–1:00 PM; 5:00 PM–8:00 PM

MEMORIAL»GYMNASIUMMonday–Thursday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 AM–12:00 AMFriday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 AM–10:00 PMSaturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:00 PM–9:00 PMSunday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:00 PM–12:00 AMWeight Room Closed Monday–Friday 8:00–11:00 AM for academic classes»»»»Family»Recreation»Hours»(Gymnasium»Only)Saturday & Sunday Family Recreation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:00 PM–9:00 PM

NORTH»GROUNDS»RECREATION»CENTERMonday–Thursday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:30 AM–11:00 PMFriday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:30 AM–9:00 PMSaturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 AM–9:00 PMSunday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:00 AM–11:00 PM»»»»Family»Recreation»Hours»(All»Areas»Except»Fitness»Room)Saturday & Sunday Family Recreation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:00 AM–9:00 PM

SLAUGHTER»RECREATION»CENTERMonday–Thursday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:00 AM–12:00 AMFriday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:00 AM–10:00 PMSaturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:00 PM–9:00 PMSunday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:00 PM–12:00 AM»»»»Family»Recreation»Hours»(All»Areas»Except»Fitness»Room)Monday–Friday Family Recreation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:00 PM–5:00 PMSaturday & Sunday Family Recreation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:00 PM–9:00 PM

OUTDOOR»»RECREATION»»CENTERAugust»27–October»22:Monday & Friday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:30 PM–6:00 PMThursday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:00 PM–6:00 PMOctober»25–December»6:»»Monday & Friday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:30 PM–6:00 PM

SNYDER»TENNIS»CENTER:»Daily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dawn–12:00 AM

PERRY-FISHBURNE»TENNIS»COURTS:»»Daily». . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dawn–Dusk

DELL»BASKETBALL»COURTS:»»Daily» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dawn–11:00 PM

Fall»2010»Special»Schedules:»Fall Reading Days (October 8–12, 2010) & Thanksgiving Break (November 24–28) NOTE: Schedules may change due to intramural, athletic, special events, inclement weather or as needed.

Current schedules are online: http://www.virginia.edu/ims


page 32www .virginia .edu/ims 434 .924 .3791

To apply for or learn more about these opportunities, call 434.924.3791, or drop by the Intramural-Recreational Sports Business Office, located in the Aquatic & Fitness Center, Room 209.

applications are also available online: http://www.virginia.edu/ims

IntRaMuRal SpoRtS oFFIcIalS

• Great pay–plus paid training • Set your own work schedule • Work on Grounds • Play the sports and officiate too

aTTend an oFFicials’ inFo. mEEting:Individuals interested in officiating Football, Softball & Innertube Water Polo should attend this meeting:Mon,»Aug»30»at»7»PM,»AFC»Rm»201

- and -Individuals interested in officiating Soccer, Floor Hockey & Dodgeball should attend this meeting:Mon,»Oct»4»at»7»PM,»»AFC»Rm»201»

iM-rec sportsfacility staff

We recruit mature, qualified applicants to work in our recreation facilities . Benefits include a healthy work environment, a flexible schedule, valuable work expe-rience, and possible opportunities for advancement .

Current and upcoming openings in four IM-Rec Sports facilities: Aquatic»&»Fitness»CenterNorth»Grounds»Recreation»CenterSlaughter»Recreation»Center and Memorial»Gymnasium .

•» Facility»Attendants•» Lifeguards for the Aquatic &

Fitness Center Pool . Required: ARC certification & CPR for the Professional Rescuer (training may be available) .

RecReatIon pRoGRaM InStRuctoRS

Do you remember when you learned your favorite sport? Here’s your chance to teach kids or even adults to learn what you love to play! We offer great pay and training!

Opportunities Include: • Youth Recreation Instruction (swimming, sports & pre-school movement classes) • Adult Tennis & Swim Instruction (year-round!) • American Red Cross Course Instructors

We Want yoU!

poplaR RIdGe FacIlItatoRS

Join a dynamic team of educators, train-ers, and facilitators working in the field of team building and leadership devel-opment . Poplar Ridge is an expanding experiential learning and training program for youth, university students, adult and corporate populations .

We are accepting applications from mature undergraduates, graduates, and community members with interest and/or experience in the following areas: group facilitation, leadership development, out-door education, organizational dynamics and high ropes operation .Part-time, flexible hours .
