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UWI Strategic Plan 2007-2012 Review Transformation in Teaching and Learning: Progress and Challenges...

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UWI Strategic Plan 2007-2012 Review Transformation in Teaching and Learning: Progress and Challenges August 18, 2009
Page 1: UWI Strategic Plan 2007-2012 Review Transformation in Teaching and Learning: Progress and Challenges August 18, 2009.

UWI Strategic Plan 2007-2012 Review

Transformation in Teaching and Learning: Progress and Challenges

August 18, 2009

Page 2: UWI Strategic Plan 2007-2012 Review Transformation in Teaching and Learning: Progress and Challenges August 18, 2009.


Knowledge enterprise – key resource is staff time: reallocate; recruit and deploy carefully; multi-task; retire; add (First response cannot be to “seek to add.”)

Other – Creative use of existing resources

Attitudinal Change

Incentives for Operating FSU

Page 3: UWI Strategic Plan 2007-2012 Review Transformation in Teaching and Learning: Progress and Challenges August 18, 2009.

Progress in Implementing Key Components of T & L

Reforming Curricula

Enhancing Teacher Quality

Increasing Learning Effectiveness

Improving the Learning Environment

Strengthening Quality Assurance

Promoting Financing of Tertiary Education

Page 4: UWI Strategic Plan 2007-2012 Review Transformation in Teaching and Learning: Progress and Challenges August 18, 2009.

Reforming CurriculaRecall that >90% of Departments submitted reform plans. Many of the 73% of departments that have provided updates to OPD have included in their reports updates on curricula reform.

Recall that OBUS/IDUs facilitated process through preparation of three policy papers and journal edition devoted to curricula reform.

As reports from Deans have indicated, departments have responded with a range of new programmes/courses geared to facilitate the creation of the 2012 graduate.

Page 5: UWI Strategic Plan 2007-2012 Review Transformation in Teaching and Learning: Progress and Challenges August 18, 2009.

Examples of New Programmes/Courses/Initiatives

Internships/Active Learning

Internship in Library & Information Studies (M).

Internship in Public Sector Mgmt (M).

Internship Programme, Aviation Management (SA).

MOUs, facilitating internships, with Barbadian statutory corporations (CH).

BA Journalism Internship (M).

BSc. Management - Entrepreneurship (Internship) (M).

EntrepreneurshipManagement Studies, Courses, Majors, Minors in Entrepreneurship (M, CH, SA) .

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Examples of New Programmes/Courses/Initiatives

Critical Thinking

Research Methods in Lit. in English (CH).

Research Course in Social Policy (M).

Research Methods in Psychology (SA).

Race, Nationalism & Culture: Critical Debates (CH).

EthicsUWI Ethics Centre Proposal.

COD/OBUS/OGS Plagiarism Policy Development.

BSc. M/S, Corporate Governance & Ethics Proposal (M).

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Examples of New Programmes/Courses/Initiatives

Life Skills/Learning Processes

Work-place Protocol (L’Ecole Finesse) (SA).

Interpersonal Relations & Skills Laboratory (CH).

Team Building & Management (CH).

Preliminary Year, WJC (M).


OBUS-initiated Review of Role of ELPT in Enhancing Communication Skills (Mona, CH, SA).

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Enhancing Teacher Quality

Post-Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning now operational on three physical campuses, with some 145 participants to date. (SA- 39; CH – 48; Mona - 58; 10 completed from SA)

PG Certificate in T&L now mandatory for all new staff members and completion of Certificate agreed at May 2009 Appointments Committee to be included in new staff contracts.

Differential Work-Load Policy Implementation, which recognises the critical importance of teaching to the University, agreed on by COD/EMT & approved by UAC.

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Increasing Learning Effectiveness

Departments in curriculum reform efforts placing greater emphasis on “active learning” processes and increased use of technology as a part of reform process.

OBUS-initiated Foundation Course reform process also focusing on active learning and greater use of technology.

Two OBUS policy papers on enhancing student learning, which focus on facilitating independent student learning, distributed and discussed across the University.

Campuses focusing greater attention on student advisory and mentoring services.

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Improving the Learning Environment

Quality Assurance Reviews (2004-2009) have been examined to assess the response of reviewers to the impact of resource imbalances on quality.

In general, reviewers have corroborated departmental SARs which bemoan the lack of resources and the negative impact of growing student numbers on the quality of the learning environment.

At the same time, there are many examples of reviewers commended elements of the UWI resource base for teaching and learning and recognising inter-review improvements in the resources available for teaching and learning.

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Resource Challenges in Teaching and Learning

Context: QA Review Leaders are almost exclusively from US/UK and the review process is subject to “Regulatory Capture.”

As pointed out by one review team, no academic department, anywhere in the world, would admit to having adequate resources.

But, context aside, UWI faces significant resource challenges and every single review over the period has indicated that resources for teaching and learning are inadequate.

Some reviews are scathing: “equipment from the 1950s is still in use”; the facility is ‘a bad joke”; the “research lab is unfit for human activity of any kind”; “the facilities have been described by students as a ghetto”; “computing resources are woefully inadequate”; some of the equipment should be decommissioned and donated to a museum;” “a nine-fold increase in students has been matched by no increase in staff.”

Many reviews have suggested that resources are stretched because of expanding student numbers in a manner that negatively impacts on the learning environment. But, there is also commendation from review teams. Positive approach required to development challenges.

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Examples of Resource-Related Commendation

Library & Information Studies (M) is well situated in the University with adequate access to classrooms, libraries, IT and other resources.

Chemistry (M). The refurbishing of many laboratories has transformed them into modern teaching facilities.

Chemistry (SA). The department is to be congratulated on supplying a good environment for laboratory teaching despite pressure of increased enrolments.

Electrical and Computer Engineering. The teaching accommodation for the range of teaching methodologies employed is of good standard.

Linguistics (M). The Linguistics Unit boast a computer lab which is an impressive facility, providing critical and invaluable learning support particularly in the areas of phonetics and phonology.

Economics (M). The Team was impressed by the quality of the accommodation which is now available for lectures.

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Examples of Resource-Related Commendation (Continued)

Centre for Language Learning (SA). The opening of the new self-access multimedia centre will transform the CLL’s provision and facilitate greater learner autonomy.

History (M). The Team found evidence of recent attempts to upgrade facilities. The main Archaeology Laboratory is reasonably well equipped. In the recent (and more prosperous) past a programme of upgrading the facilities in the main lecture theatres was undertaken.

Computer Science (SA). Main library holdings of books were found to be sufficiently up to date and in adequate quantity for the undergraduate programme. The classrooms appear to have sufficient seating capacity.

Life Sciences (SA). There is much good laboratory equipment. Team is impressed with the St. Augustine Library, which is by far the best of the three campuses.

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Examples of Resource-Related Commendation (Continued)

Linguistics (CH). The Team was impressed by the modernity and suitability of the classrooms in the “White House” complex.

Law. The Law Library is a major regional resource for lawyers and an internationally significant repository of Caribbean legal materials.

Life Sciences (M). The Team was impressed with the teaching facilities at the Port Royal Marine Laboratory. The non-Jamaican members were surprised to see how big and impressive is the Discovery Bay Marine Laboratory. It has the potential to be a world-class marine laboratory.

Physics (M). All research laboratories were functioning well in terms of the availability of equipment and materials. Undergraduate labs were functioning well by having the requisite equipment & staff.

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Examples of Resource-Related Commendation (Continued)

Institute of International Relations. The Institute’s networking capability has been enhanced with the introduction of its two networks and the addition of 21 computers. The Library has an excellent staff and is well stocked with books and periodicals.

Civil & Environmental Engineering. Staff are developing different strategies to deal with the increased student numbers.

Spanish (CH). Since the last review a new language laboratory and interpreting suite have been installed.

School of Education (CH). Research is supported by the University through a generous study-leave allocation for all academic staff every year and an equally generous sabbatical policy. The SOE is housed in a recently rebuilt and expanded building.

Spanish (CH). Since the last review a new language laboratory and interpreting suite have been installed.

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Examples of Resource-Related Commendation (Continued)

Management Studies (CH). The recent appointment of several staff members to full-time posts has served to alleviate the significant resource constraints the Department has faced over the years.

Linguistics (SA). Classroom space appears to be generally adequate. The Section now has access to new “technologically smart” classrooms in the Humanities Wing.

Mathematics (SA). The Department’s facilities are in general quite good and currently adequate.

Geology (M)/ Geography (M). While there has been some improvement in the resources for teaching and learning since the last review in 1999, they remain insufficient to support the excellent programme of this small department. The department staff has done extremely well with the limited and inadequate resources (largely through their initiatives, team spirit and collaborative approach).

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Examples of Resource-Related Commendation (Continued)

Nursing (M). Plans are in place for improved facilities.

Agriculture Extension (SA). The Library at UWI-SA is modern, has extensive holdings, access to on-line resources and is staffed by well trained and educated personnel, providing superior service.

French (M). The Team was impressed with the Library in general, its extended opening hours, the availability of orientation workshops for new students, the professionalism of its staff and its collection of reading materials in French.

ICS (M). The Team visited the library and found excellent new provision for graduate students.

BMS (M). Plans are in place for a state of the art complex for BMS.

Conclusion: In its Commitment to a Quality Learning Environment, UWI has to Balance Access, Creative and Efficient Use of Existing Resources and Resource Expansion.

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Strengthening Quality Assurance

New Graduate Studies QA Officer in place and spearheading, with PVCs, integration of QA function across undergraduate studies, graduate studies and research.

Physical Campus QA Officers and AQACs functioning effectively.

Interviews will be held for QA officer for Open Campus next week, following resource re-allocation.

UWI continuing to lobby CARICOM for regional accrediting agency with mandate for institutional accreditation. Most recent effort was at CARICOM’s COHSOD Meeting in Jamaica in June 2009. This followed a CARICOM meeting on regional accreditation held in Barbados in February 2009 and attended by UWI Representatives.

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Promoting Financing of Tertiary Education

UWI continuing to work with GoJ on plans for private financing of tertiary education (legislative reform). Emphasis on importance of tertiary education and student financing in Education and Training component of NSP.

Importance of “making the case” regionally for public financial support for tertiary education (Disseminate and leverage Communique of UNESCO 2009 WCHE).

OBUS assisting in administration of VC’s UWIREF Scholarships. Tremendous need: 1,000 UWIREF applicants. Regional private sector, and UWI alumni, must be targeted for scholarship assistance. Proposal for Needy Student Book Fund. AFUWI Response (six to date).

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