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UX in eCom projects

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When and why should UX be part of eCommerce projects Sakke Mustonen UX Competence Lead, Senior Consultant Talent Base Oy http://www.talentbase.fi/index.php/en/
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When and why should UX be part of eCommerce projects

Sakke MustonenUX Competence Lead, Senior ConsultantTalent Base Oyhttp://www.talentbase.fi/index.php/en/

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Studied of cognitive psychology, UX, Design

Since 2002, from freelancer to consultant

Multiple larger projects, several small ones, seen how things should be done and how definitely should not be done

Found home at Talent Base, independent small consultant company, leading the UX competence area

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UX and CX in ecommerce

• User (or Customer) experience is more than visual design and responsive website

• CX is crucial link between business goals and customer in digital channels• e.g. transforming business to web, people behave

differently in web and “real life”• Trends, expectations, “making it happen”

• Best practices

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What customers expect as standard nowadays?

• Easy to find what I want• Appealing, inspiring content• Natural user journeys

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eCommerce trends in 2016 and beyond

Personalisation, make my journey relevant to me! - based on users, journeys and data

Adapt to users, react on their behavior

Know the customer

Surprise the customer

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Statistics as example: Personalisation

Personalised recommendations generates 31% of revenues

Recommended products have 5.5 times higher conversion rate than normal product listings.

Personalised categories are over two times effective in click-trough-rate than non-personalized.

75% of consumers prefer to see personalised content and offers

56% of consumers would like to use eCommerce if it would be personalisedexperience

Personalisation of journeys is seen more important than anonymity

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Statistics continues

74% of consumers abandon sites when they see content and offers that is not what they are interested (non-personalised general content and offers)

Personalised customer experience lifts sales by 8%

40% of consumers are buying more if content and offers are personalised

Personalisation is seen as delight and it brings additional revenues, and customer satisfaction

94% of eCommerce companies consider personalisation “is critical tocurrent and future success.”

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Short kano model of personalisationTime is a cruel factor

Delightful features become basic needs in rather short time (year or two)

If you miss basic needs, you have dissatisfying service

Dissatisfying services are abandoned

“Nice to have” now is necessity in no time

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So much statistics Lets have a break

This will make sense at the end

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Intermission – a little of ways or working

Agile is new black –majority of nowadays significant eCommerce projects are agile

Most big eCommerce development use some agile framework to scale up the work for several agile teams

Common frameworks used on larger scale development:Large Scale Scrum (LeSS), Disciplined Agile (DAD), Scalable Agile Framework (SAFe)

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Role of customer experience in SAFe

Responsibilities of UX/CX:

Provide agile teams UI design, Design elements, wireframes, do user testing, define web statistic needs on Agile Release Train level

UX representation in teams (where necessary for interaction or visual design)

…UX work mostly based on given vision, roadmap and backlog with architectural decisions from tier above…

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Role of customer experience in LeSS

Core principle is “customer centric”

But no responsibilities for UX/CX experts is mentioned, most prominent role for IT architecture

…UX work mostly based on given vision, roadmap and backlog with architectural decisions from tier above…

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Role of customer experience in DAD

End user is only one stakeholder among others, represented by product owner

Secondary role of “domain expert” who _might_ represent customer

UX in scrum team level

…UX work mostly based on given vision, roadmap and backlog with architectural decisions from tier above…

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IT is the king

Customer Experience as a discipline, who are by expertise the ones have best view of the customer expectations and would be able to transform business to web are

taken in when e.g. IT architecture is set and decided

Common nominator for Agile Frameworks

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End of intermission - Sad statistics!

70% of companies do_not_personalise their customer experience

70% of companies are still struggling on designing and deciding how to set up their ecommerce sites personalisation

32% admit that their recent IT architecture is not supporting personalisation

50% of companies list IT decisions being major blockage for making the magic happen

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When and why UX/CX in eCommerce?

Why eCommerce projects are done? For IT OR for customers and business?

Should not CX have a standpoint on e.g. IT decisions in early phase to ensure customer expectations can be met, and even exceeded?

Should not CX have a standpoint on in early phase to ensure business goalsare met and made future proof?

CX needed to define the customer/consumer profiles, their journeys and personalisation features

Disclaimer: previous presentation and claims are not reflecting any project speaker has been in as 1=1. On many eCommerce projects client organisation havesolid CX strategy from the start, and IT is really making wonderful job. But in the cases where it is not like that, revenues are lost.

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What to do then?

Get your concept straight!

Get to know your customer/consumer profiles, and how to make themclick

Get to know your customer journeys and map your content strategy on that

Get your data right, get your metadata right, make the contentmanagement right

Analyse, test, follow and adapt continously

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Thank you!

Want to hear more how this can made happen?

Feel free to drop a mail [email protected]

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http://www.nielsen.com/us /en/insights /news/2014/great-expectations -consumers-expect-e-commerce-experiences-tailored-to-their -needs.htmlhttps://econs ultancy .com/blog/66235-12-illuminating-ecommerce-stats -from-january-march-2015/https://www.linkedin .com/puls e/some-stats -affec ted-personaliz ation-ecommerce-s ites-creationhttp://techbeacon.com/surv ey-agile-new-normhttp://www.scaledagileframework .com/us er-experience/http://www.scaledagileframework.com/program-level/http://www.disc iplinedagiledeliv ery .com/roles -on-dad-teams /https ://econsultancy.com/blog/66235-12-illuminating-ecommerce-stats -from-january-march-2015/https ://www.linkedin .com/pulse/some-stats -affec ted-personaliz ation-ecommerce-s ites-creation
