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    Sustainable Architecture for Student Hostels in Hot-Humid TropicalEnvironment: Using University of Nigeria Enugu Campus as a Case-Study.

    Francis Onyechi Uzuegbunam Department of Architecture, University of Nigeria, ENUGU Campus, 400006, Enugu, EnuguState, Nigeria.e-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected]

    Phone No. +234-803-7093582

    ARTICLE INFOArticle historyReceived 23 August, 2010Received in revised form 3 October, 2010Accepted 14 December, 2010Available online 30 September 2011

    KeywordsSustainable Architecture,Student Hostel, Hot-humid,Tropical Environment

    ABSTRACTThe architectural spirit of this design focused on new forms of student hostels, committed to experiment, it investigated the effectsand prospects of transformations in technology, culture, life style,environment, governance and architecture. This work seeks to playan active role in shaping futures for hostel design in hot-humidtropics through both formal research and direct engagement. Thephysical environment forms the principal determinant of well beingof man. An organized environment makes it easy for a rational,creative and productive thinking. Although significant amounts of time and attention in architecture are devoted to purely technical andmechanical aspects in design process, it is important to recognize thatthe ultimate goal of planning and design is the accommodation of human needs. It is appropriate, then to view all architectural researchquestions and objectives in a person-environment relationsperspective. Within the broad area of person-environment relationsthere are a number of primary areas where research is needed toimprove architectural design; one of them is student hostels in thetropics. A few more information is needed for proper interrelatedcomponents of the person-environment system to produce a perfectgel. This study adopted descriptive survey, and ex post factorcorrelated case study research methods. The study firmly concludedthat there were significant correlations between designs strategies asdetermined by the climatic factors and person-environmental systemsin Student Hostels of the hot humid tropical environments.

    @2011 cepajournal

    Contents lists available at

    Journal of Environmental Management and Safety

    Journal homepage: www.cepajournal.com


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    1.0.Introduction:It is common knowledge that about 70%of Nigerian University students live inhostels which are either privately ownedor by the Institutions. A comparison of the standards of living and quality of thephysical environments in these studenthostels, reveal extreme shortage,divergence and a wide range of irregularities. The needs of the studentpopulace have not been equally attended,even with the magnitude of the lipservice it has enjoyed. This gave rise tothe disorganized physical environment

    devoid of social amenities, essentialpublic utilities and meaningfulcommunal life. The Governing Councilof University of Nigeria, in the year2004, in it wisdom, deemed it fit tocreate a committee to look into theprovision of adequate housing for bothstaff and students of the Universitywhich I was privileged to serve in thetechnical ad- hoc committee thatinstituted this research work that has

    produce this model hostel design for thegrowing student population that stretchesthe existing facilities beyond its elasticlimits, with the impending social vices.Also the Federal Government of Nigeriathrough the National UniversitiesCommission made a provision forprivate participation in solving thisproblem of shortage of studentaccommodation by the BOT initiativewhich means Build Operate andTransfer. Very little is actually knownabout the impact of the total environmenton human behavior. It follows,therefore, that defining a buildingprogram in terms of sociological and

    psychological needs is often a difficultproblem. One manifestation of thatproblem is that architects frequentlycomplain that people simply do not usespaces as they were designed to be used.On the other hand, people oftencomplain that architects persist increating spaces that simply cannot beused very comfortably. No doubt there istruth in both complaint and therefore, thesolution to this problem involves botharchitect and the people for whom hedesigns. That is the Architect interactingwith the users of his product. This is

    what the researcher called in this paperFORMAL RESEARCH AND DIRECT ENGAGEMENT.The most basic function of a building isto shelter us from natural adverseenvironmental factors such as wind, rain,sun, noise and wild animals. Should abuilding fail to perform this basicfunction, it will amount to inconveniencefor the physical being with drastic effecton our psychology (Uzuegbunam 2011).

    The issue is providing hostels forstudents that transcend the elementaryproblem of providing protection againstnatural hazards of the environment. Ahostel, in addition to performing thisbasic function, must also be a home forthe students to interact with one anotherand others. To function as a hostel, thebuilding must satisfy other human needsthat enhance comfortability, such as theneed for territory, privacy, identity,convenience, accessibility and safety.One of the greatest problems in ourHostels today is overcrowding. This is adirect result of a building that has failed

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    to provide the basic comforts asmentioned above (Uzuegbunam 2011).LaGreca A. J. 1977 states thatovercrowding posses a severe hazard tohealth, and has been linked to severepsychological disorders, in slumdwellings. Our Hostels today are by farworse off than the slums that aredescribed here. The purpose of thisresearch was to use architectural designto ameliorate the adverse effects of theenvironmental hazards, and territorialconflicts, resulting from overcrowding instudent hostels.

    2.0.Territorialism:One of the essential objectives of socialorganization is to minimize physicalconflict and to limit aggression. Thisobjective is achieved through spatialorder, social order, or in some cases,both ways. Spatial order for the conceptof territorialism, and while social orderrefers to the concept of dominancebehavior. Both orders govern the spatial

    distribution of individuals and groupsand thereby serve to maintain socialharmony.The concept of territorialism has beenbroadly conceived to include the totalrelationship between an organism andspace. For humans, it has been used tocomprehend such disparate phenomenaas distancing between individuals, thearrangements of rooms in a house, andthe distinction between neighborhoods,cities, states, and nations.Among the sociological theoriesadvanced on behalf of the territorialconcept, as applied to humans, have thefollowing controversial views as basic:

    1. Mans territorial instinct isbiologically determined, andtherefore, much of this behavior isinstinctive.

    2. This territorial instinct isaccompanied, to one degree oranother by aggression and conflictand the need to defend ones ownspace.

    3. There exists for every human being,the need for a minimal amount of space which is absolutely necessaryfor an agreeable life.

    Based on these facts, variousinterpretations have been formulatedconcerning the nature of territorialism.Territorialism is a way of dispersingindividuals of a species so that theirnumbers remain roughly commensuratewith the available long-term amenitysupply. It is conceivable; therefore thatpopulation density might rise to the levelwhere amenity shortages would actuallyreduce the numbers of the species.

    Secondly, territorialism tends tomoderate aggression and subsequentinjury or loss of life. Territorial defenseemphasizes the ritual character of threatrather than conflict. In spite of mutuallydestructive conflict, various groups existin relative peace.A more extreme interpretationemphasizes aggression as the keybiological mechanism for maintainingterritorial groupings. In this view,territorialism and aggression are part of apackage deal in which the defendedterritory and territorialism is the samething. Defense therefore defines theterritory. A connection has been

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    established between territorialism andaggression by its definition.Territorialism requires defense againstintruders. In human terms, thisaggression is apparent in many socialgroupings that may engage in variousrivalries or conflicts of interest.Similarly, the conflicts between sportsteams are celebrated-display of aggression, while political parties andcommercial opponents aggressions, arefrequently reduced to a game of win orlose. Conditions and common interestsmay temper aggressive behavior.

    3.0.Sociology of Architectural Design:Although significant amounts of timeand attention in architecture are devotedto purely technical and mechanicalaspects in the design process, it isimportant to recognize that the ultimategoal of planning and design is theaccommodation of human needs. It isappropriate, then to view all architecturalresearch questions and objectives in a

    person-environment relationsperspective. Within the broad area of person-environment relations there are anumber of primary areas where researchis needed to improve architecturaldesign; one of them is STUDENT

    HOSTEL IN THE HOT-HUMIDTROPICS , where a few moreinformation is needed for properinterrelated components of the person-environment system to produce a perfectGel. Research in this design also took theform of building typology studies. Theseinvolve the systematic collection andgeneration of prototypical floor plans,basic special configurations, or images of

    the building type in question. From suchstudies it is possible to survey thehypothesized design options available.The pattern work of ChristopherAlexander and his Associates capturesnot only the behavioral regularities in theinteraction between people and theirenvironments but also provides image-evoking illustrations, both graphic andverbal. These images can also stimulatethe designers creativity and furtherdesign exploration. In most conventionalarchitectural programs, the designer istold of the number of people to be

    accommodated, the amount of spacephysically required and the values,priorities, limitations and goals of theprojects. For the most part this data isfurnished by the client and used by thedesigner, while both parties ignore thedesirable human qualities necessary tothose who will ultimately inhabit thespace. This probably accounts for muchof the displeasure with what gets builttoday.

    Fig 1. Illustrates a design with noresearch content, and does not interactwith the user in anyway. It is disjointedwith a 20% success rate and has aprobability of success as low as0.20(Uzuegbunam 1996). Here the clientdictates what needs to be done. Theinformation is only going in onedirection, from Client to Designer, nofeed backs from the user and thedesigner. It is based on the clients expertknowledge.Fig 2. Illustrates a situation where thedesigner depends on his own expertknowledge of the subject to dictate to theowner and the user, of their wants and

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    needs. In research based design, thedesigner propagates an idea, which mightbe acceptable theoretically but requirespracticalizing to determine itsworkability. There is no interaction withthe owner or user. He depends on hisown expertise. The success rate of thistype of design is 40% which gives aprobability of 0.40. (Uzuegbunam 1996). Fig 3. Illustrates a relationship whereevery interest group is accommodated.There is interaction between thedesigner, the client and the end user.This is public participation in

    architectural design, this design isdemocratic, every view is equally asimportant as the order. This is design of the people by the people and for thepeople. Nothing but good architecturecan come out of this kind of relationship.This is the perfect gel that can produce AMASTER PIECE. This is architecturewith FORMAL RESEARCH ANDDIRECT ENGAGEMENT. This is thearchitecture that this student hostel is

    advocating. The success rate is 80% andwith a very high probability of 0.80 tosucceed (Uzuegbunam 1996).

    4.0.Student Hostel Design The dwelling unit for a student is themost fundamental of all building types inthe school. It can be found isolated onthe prairie, arranged in tight rows, orstacked in the air. In every case, itprovides an environment in which peoplecan live, sleep, eat, bathe, cook, read,play, watch television and satisfyhundreds of other divers needs. Themajor functional problem concerningstudent hostel is that a great many of

    these activities may occursimultaneously and often in the samespace. There is a need, therefore, forflexibility in order to accommodate thevarying uses to which a space may beput. A students bedroom, for example,may function not only for sleeping, butalso as study, a meeting room for peers, amusic room, an exercise room, and evenas an individual dining room. Kitchensand bathrooms, which are generallylimited in size and often rigidly arranged,may also go far beyond their obviousfunctions in accommodating the greatest

    variety of activities necessary to anormal life.In analyzing the functional aspects of student hostel, one must first determinehow much space is required, andsecondly, how people will circulate fromone space to another. Regardless of personal preferences, most hostelsrequire at least a minimum amount of furniture and equipment in order tosatisfy basic human functions. Within

    every culture, the sizes and arrangementsof these necessary articles have beenstandardized. Little if any might beaffected by changes in style or taste.Spacing and circulation tolerances areestablished by use, habit and comfort.Reading spaces, for example require aminimum of 0.6m. Circulation space,0.6m is the minimum around a table perperson, as well as 0.6m. from table to thewall, so that one can move his chair back when leaving the table. Most people arenot conscious of these actual dimensions,but they are very much aware when asubstandard situation causes discomfort.The arrangement of spaces within a

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    dwelling unit follows a pattern of conventional use or habit. Bathroomsshould be directly accessible to thebedrooms, since the functions of the tworooms are closely related. Very oftenthan not, the areas may actually be in thesame room. The first floor of a hostelbuilding serves as a connection betweenthe individual units and the outdoors, andtherefore, it must relate to both withfewer rooms for appropriate passiveventilation because of wind drag. Theprogram requirements of the first floorspaces often require large unobstructed

    areas, to permit circulation to elevators,stairways, mailrooms, mobility impairedrooms and other communal spaces.

    5.0.Spatial Organization and BasicRequirements .

    The shape and size of individual unitshave a considerable influence on thefeasibility of the project. Standardized orrepetitive units should have simpleshapes in order to minimize costly party

    walls. Similarly, exterior walls should beminimized in the temperate regions,while reasonablely maximized in relationto the enclosed area in the hot-humidtropics, for maximum natural ventilation,efficiency, as well as economy. There arebasic requirements for different parts of the world, for developed nations likeEurope and America, the acceptablestandard is two people in a room with aminimum of 5-7sqm.per person, and amaximum of four hundred people in abuilding. In Africa, the standard is fourpeople in a room with a minimum of 5-7sqm. per. person and a maximum of sixhundred people in a building. In Nigeria,

    National Universities Commission (NUC2003, 1977) has the following guide linefor Student Hostel. (1) The hostel designis based on a module of 100 rooms in abuilding with two floors. (2) A standardbed space of 1.8m x 0.75m, a wardrobeand bookshelf. (3) It allowed 5-7sqm.Per person, Six in a room, and amaximum of Nine hundred people in abuilding. This Student Hostel was hingedon the African standard which we foundto be very reasonable in cost as regardsto amortization time for investmentpurposes without compromising comfort

    and the Architectural aestetics. Also fourfloors for appropriate application of thedesign strategy for effective passiveventilation in hot humid tropicalenvironment as can versed inUzuegbunam 2011

    6.0.Designing with the Climate The success of this design was in theaccommodation of all interest groupswithout compromising the aesthetics of

    the architectural ingenuity; even tropicalenvironmental issues were adequatelytaken care off. The Climate as a memberof nature has some inevitable effect onhuman comfort. The Climate integrateddesign is a strategy that seeks to takeadvantage of the Climatic issues like,temperature, humidity, rain fall and windpatterns to produces a positive effect andreflection on an architectural design of abuilding. Akubue 2008 stated that aClimate integrated design shouldconsider the following six points.(seealso Table 1) Understand Climatic issues the


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    Understand the basic physiology of human thermal comfort.

    Control the Sun to reduce loads and

    enhance visual comfort. Use thermal mass to improvecomfort and efficiency.

    Utilize the local winds and breezes asmuch as can be harnessed to possibleimprove comfort.

    Finally, effective choice of materialand design technique for optimalresult.

    Climatic Analyses of Enugu This climatic analysis is based on themean monthly climatic data for a periodof 10-years (2000-2009). See Table2, 3,4 &5Table 3. Rainfall DataData for Table 3. was obtained from theMeteorological Data Sheet of theNational Root Crop Research Institute(NRCRI), Umudike, Umuahia, AbiaState, Nigeria.The climatic season in the South EasternNigeria is characterized by two (2) mainseasons; - The wet season, lasting for about 7-

    months. Ranging from April toOctober.

    - The dry season of about 5-months,between November and March.

    From Table 3, the average annual rainfallrecorded is 179.2mm/sqm. While thedriest months range from Novemberthrough February, the heaviest rainfall isrecorded in the month of September.

    From the Table 4., the coolest monthsare January and December. The meanminimum temperature is 22.3c. while the

    maximum temperature, in February is34.0c. The mean minimum is 31.0c.However records indicate varyingdegrees of rainfall all year round.The two (2) assumed prevailing windsthat influence the climate of the regionare the South-WestMonsoon wind and the North-East Tradewind. The South-West wind is hot andhumid, blowing from the month of Aprilto October, while the North- East wind isdry and cold during the harmattanbetween November to January but dryand hot from February to early April.

    Sunshine.Being within the Tropics, the altitude of the sun is usually over head, but lowespecially during dry season. Asindicated by Table 6. the extreme meanmaximum of sunshine is in February5.47hrs; and a minimum of 1.54hrs inAugust, with an annual mean of 3.1hrs.Heat is generated all year round in theinteriors of buildings.Design concept.

    The Concept employed in this design isperson-environment relationship, order-wise known as Territorialism. Theobjective was to achieve through spatialorder, social order, or in some cases,both ways. Spatial order for the conceptof territorialism, and while social refersto the concept of dominance behavior.Both orders govern the spatialdistribution of individuals and groupsand thereby serve to maintain socialharmony. Architecturally, the conceptwas organized to satisfy the desired goalof applying a design strategy foreffective passive ventilation of studenthostels in the hot-humid tropical climate.

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    It created an efficient and cost effectivecomfortable way to effectively andpassively ventilate the student hostels inthis study area. This was based onconsideration of alternate organizationalconcepts. It included all the factorswhich may influence the study, such asthe natural, social, cultural, visual, andfunctional requirements. Observing whatpeople did and the way they did itdetermined the bases for thisorganizational concept. Activities thatrequired considerable interaction andrepeated communications were

    programmed in a compact andcentralized space on single butcommunicable levels. Centralizedlocations were appropriated for activityspaces or activities that are most oftenused by the majority. Ventilation andExhaust system, which is also BernoulliVenturi effect, was the base designstrategy applied for the indoorventilation. The cooling and preservationof the air quality was also by induced

    stack-effect within the building. Theapertures were compartmentalized inmodules and the operation very flexible.This made it possible to control or closedthem on a very cold day where heating isrequired. This was very desirablebecause of the hot temperatures and highhumidity of the hot humid tropical zone,experienced most of the year. Thisstudent hostel took advantage of a designwith all sides of the building designedfor the unpredictable wind direction.Large window openings of about 50% of the external wall area, against anydirection of wind movement, allowed airto move freely through into the rooms.

    The vitiated air went out through theinternal doors and high level air ventsinto the Hot-Core. This in turn movedthrough the Atriums, and through theRoof Vents and out of the Building. Thesolution to all these problems was foundin designing for effective passiveventilation. It provided conditions,within which people and structures canadapt within a controllable designstrategy. It also adapted itself to theunpredictable wind paths of the microclimates in this hot humid tropicalenvironment. Stack effect, aided by

    Venturi-Bernoulli`s principle creatednegative pressure at the roof vent, whendisplaced air mass passed above the airvent on top of the building.The Plan depicts an eclectictriangulation of information andknowledge, showing a high level of transcendental aesthetics in a geometricprogression. It started from anorganization of space for an individual,transcending to an organization of space

    in a room for the four occupants of theroom, which was mirrored or duplicatedto form the basic unit of a model for thegroup, which in turn, generated a cluster,which mirrored itself to form acommunity of occupants in a hostelbuilding, with commonly sharedfacilities in the middle. (see fig 4-6)The Form here was a generative processof the functions and environment, whichsought to the prove the myth of universalgood taste derived from Le-Corbusierspurist theory of primary and secondaryaesthetic effects, where primary aestheticwas supposed to be absolute, eternal andcross-culture, residing in pure form,

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    geometry, proportion etc., whilesecondary aesthetic associated withpersonal and cultural specifics, which ismost attractive for those seeking to

    justify standardization and massproduction. Here for follows the functionit is meant to enclose and as dictated bythe environment(see fig 11-14)The Roof was used as an element of architectural design, it appeared to be inCelebration of a feast of tropicalenvironment, by its segmental,incremental geometry in both lateral andvertical direction in an arithmetic

    progression (see fig 6, 11-14).The Natural Ventilation systemadapted here was that of A COOL-CORE Building of a traditionalMalaysian house with its verandahs andbalconies around the high-mass core of the building. The thermal mass of theinner walls is completely shaded all yearand cooled by the air movement overthem at night. The student hostel took advantage of a new design strategy,

    combining wind and stacks. Noparticular orientation against anydirection of air movement, large windowopenings, and maximal external wallarea, with about 60% of it against anydirectional wind path was used as it wasproven to be unpredictable and notuniversal in that Micro-climate(Uzuegbunam 2011). This allowed air tomove freely through into the rooms fromany direction and the vitiated air, upthrough high level air vents into theCOOL-CORE, and moved up throughthe Atriums and out, through the Roof Vents by Bernoullis principles inducedstack effect. (see fig 4-14)

    7.0.Conclusion The power of architectural determinism,when adequately and democraticallyapplied, still propagates the myth of rationalist neutrality, which proponentsclaim that a simple, geometricallydetermined environment does notintrude, but allows inhabitants to leadtheir own lives and develop their privatefantasies within it. This assertion by Le-Corbusier is still tenable. This is theARCHITECTURE OF FORMALRESEARCH AND DIRECTENGAGEMENT.

    Hostel building is a group of dwellingunits which must function for individualas well as satisfy the complex needs of communal living. Student hostel is a partof school buildings and a place whereyoung people learn to work, play,communicate and mature. An effectiveenvironment for learning involves abroad range of special qualities, whichmust be reflected in the buildingprogram. Sensory aspects, such as

    ventilation, temperature, visibility andacoustics, must be well controlled. Inaddition to convenience of movement, allaccess areas in hostels are wellilluminated, clearly marked, and securedagainst unwanted intruders. Thepriorities of hostel spaces are governedby the form-generating influences of theboard of education, the schooladministration, and community groups.Their philosophical attitudes providedthe insight necessary for an architect todefine the program. Among the criteriaconsidered were the character of theneighborhood, the growth rate of thecommunity, the educational program,

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    and the range of possible extracurricularactivities. These included the category of the students, under graduate or postgraduate, male or female, single ormarried and other social-cultural,recreational and civic functions. All of these considerations influenced the formof the hostel, as well as the details of theprogram, in terms of size, scheduling,organizational methods and mechanicalaids. In addition, this hostel somehowcombine the elusive environmentalqualities of human scale, warmth,excitement, hominess and also respond

    to all, which serve to stimulate humandevelopment. Sustainability of studenthostel development means creatinginvariablely livable, inspiring, enduring,and equitable places, where the qualityof life, the long-term quality of humanexistence will be enhanced rather thandepleted.


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    Von Meiss P. (1991) Elements of Architecture, from Form to Space. Lausanne, Switzerland: Chapmanand Hall. I-10

    APPENDIXList of Table captionsTable 1. Design implications for various climatic conditions

    Climate Characteristics Design implicationsTropical(Hot andhumid)

    - High humidity with a degree of dry season.- High temperatures year round- Minimum season temperaturevariation.- Lowest diurnal (day/night)temperature range.

    - Employ lightweight (low mass) construction.- Maximize external wall areas (plans with oneroom depth are ideal especially for residential units)to encourage movement of breezes through thebuilding (i.e. cross ventilation).- Shade whole building considers using fly-roof andlandscaping trees.- Use reflective insulation and vapor barriers.- Ventilate roof spaces if possible for optimizedresults.- Consider high or raked ceilings- Provide screened, shaded outdoor living areas,also creating sleep-out spaces (for residential)

    - Design and build against windy conditions andhazards.- Most essentially, design for a greenerenvironment.

    Sub-tropical(Warm andhumid)

    - High humidity with a define dryseason.- Hot to very hot summers withmild winters.-Distinct summer and winterseasons.- Moderate to low diurnal(day/night) temperature range. Thiscan vary significantly between

    regions too e.g. inland to coastal

    - Use lightweight construction where diurnal(day/night) temperature range is low and includethermal mass where diurnal range is significant- Maximize external wall areas (plans with oneroom depth are ideal especially for residential units)to encourage movement of breezes through thebuilding (i.e. cross ventilation).- Shade whole building where possible in summerand allow passive solar access in winter months

    only.- Avoid auxiliary air conditioning, good designtechniques does it all.- Provide screened, shaded outdoor living areas.- Most essentially, design for a greenerenvironment.

    Sub-tropical - Distinct wet and dry seasons. - Use passive solar design and insulated thermal

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    (Hot anddry/warmwinter)

    - Low rainfall and low humidity.- No extreme cold but can be coolin winter.- Hot to very hot summers.

    mass for the external walls.- Maximize cross ventilation.- Utilize convective (stack) ventilation, which ventsrising hot air while drawing in cooler air.

    - Allow for solar access and exposure to coolingbreezes.- Shade all east and west windows for summer andbuild screened, shaded summer outdoor living areasthat allow winter sun penetration.- Use tree, garden ponds and water features toprovide evaporative cooling during summers.

    Hot Arid(Hot and drycold winter)

    - Low humidity year round.- High diurnal (day/night)temperature range.- At least two and usually fourdistinct season with low rainfall,very hot summers, cold winters and

    hot dry winds in summer. With coolto cold dry winds in winter

    - Use passive solar principles with well insulatedthermal mass.- Maximize night time cooling summer.-Consider convective (stack) ventilation, whichvents rising hot air and draws in cooler air.- Build more compact shaped buildings with good

    cross ventilation form summer while maximizingsolar access, exposure to cooling breezes or cool airdrainage and protection from strong winter (cold)and summer winds.- Use renewable energy sources for auxiliaryheating in extreme climates.- Use trees, garden ponds and water features toprovide evaporative cooling during summers.


    - Low diurnal temperature rangecoast to high diurnal range inland.- Four distinct seasons. Summerand winter exceed human comfortand mild to cool winters with low

    humidity.- Hot to very hot summers withmoderate humidity.

    - Use passive solar principles with well insulatedthermal mass.- Minimize external wall areas especially east andwest.- Use cross ventilation and passive cooling in

    summer as well as convective ventilation.- Allow for solar access, exposure to coolingbreezes and protection from cold winds.- Seal thoroughly and use entry airlocks- Avoid auxiliary heating, good design techniquesdoes it all.

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    - Low humidity- High diurnal range- Four distinct seasons. Summerand winter exceed human comfort

    range- Cold to very cold winters withmajority of rainfall.- Hot dry summers.- Variable spring and autumnconditions.

    - Use trees, garden ponds and water features toprovide evaporative cooling during summers- Use passive solar principles with well insulatedhigh thermal mass.

    - Maximize north facing walls, especially in livingareas with passive solar access- Minimize south facing windows- Minimize external wall areas especially east andwest.- Use cross ventilation and passive cooling insummer as well as convective ventilation.- Allow for solar access, exposure to coolingbreezes and protection from cold winds- Seal thoroughly and use entry airlocks- Use renewable energy sources for auxiliaryheating in extreme climates.

    Data for Table 1. was obtained from combined resources from Koenigsberger (1974) andAkubue (2008)

    Table 2.

    Table 3. Rainfall Data SOUTH EASTERN NIGERIAData for Table 3. was obtained from the Meteorological Data Sheet of the National Root CropResearch Institute (NRCRI), Umudike, Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria.The climatic season in the South Eastern Nigeria is characterized by two (2) mainseasons; Source: Nigerian Meteorological Data Sheet of the NRCRI

    Climate elements (2009) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

    Temperature ( oC) 34 34.7 35.9 33.4 32.7 31.3 30.1 30.2 30.1 30.9 32.6 34.6

    Humidity (%) 75 76 70 75 83 83 84 82 88 85 65 48

    Wind speed Knots (m/s) 2.5 3 2.9 2.85 2.35 2.5 3 3.5 2.5 2.5 2.4 2.6

    Source: Nigerian Meteorological Agency, Abuja

    Month JAN Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec AnnualMeanTotal(mm) 7.51 14.3 148.1 145 244.9 269.4 300.3 350 356.7 260.3 42.8 0.956 179.2No of days 1 2 7 10 16 17 22 21 21 16 3 1 1

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    Table 4 Temperature. SOUTH EASTERN NIGERIA

    Data for Table 4. was obtained from the Meteorological Data Sheet of the National Root CropResearch Institute (NRCRI), Umudike, Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria.

    Table 5 Relative humidity (%) SOUTH EASTERN NIGERIA

    Data for Table 5 was obtained from the Meteorological Data Sheet of the National Root CropResearch Institute (NRCRI), Umudike, Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria.

    Table 6. Wind Run/ Sunshine SOUTH EASTERN NIGERIAData for Table 6. was obtained from the Meteorological Data Sheet of the National Root CropResearch Institute (NRCRI), Umudike, Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria.

    Table 7: Hostel Accommodation Need in Federal UniversitiesA B C D E


    Total StudentEnrolment(2002/2003)

    Total Number of Available BedSpaces

    Percentage of StudentsAccommodated

    Percentage of AccommodationShortfall

    University of NigeriaNsukka

    27901 11230 40 60

    University of Lagos 32987 7500 23 77Ahmadu BelloUniversity, Zaria

    28842 13645 70 30

    University of Ibadan,Ibadan

    21093 9415 45 55

    Obafemi Awolowo Univ. 2217 9614 43 57University of Benin, 25958 6880 27 73

    Month JAN Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec AnnualMean

    Temp.(min) 27.9 29.7 31.8 31.4 29.4 27.3 28.1 26.9 27.0 28.1 28.9 29.4 22.8Temp.(max) 32 34 33 32.3 31.4 30.1 28.5 28.5 29.2 30.0 31.2 31.5 31.0

    Aver. Temp 20.9 22.6 23.3 23.4 22.9 22.7 22.1 22.3 22.2 22.2 22.7 20.7 22.3

    Month JAN Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec AnnualMean

    0900h(max) 63 67 77 80 85 85 88 88 86 84 79 68 791500h(min) 45 42 57 66 72 75 80 81 78 74 66 52 66

    Month JAN Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec AnnualMean

    Km/day 97.0 110.9 107.5 113.2 100.0 109.0 114.1 121.1 112.6 90.7 77.7 77.3 102.5Hrs. Sun 4.59 5.47 3.81 3.23 2.79 2.57 1.77 1.54 1.95 2.32 2.93 4.25 3.1

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    Benin CityUniversity of Jos

    12581 3248 30 70

    Nnamdi AzikiweUniversity, Awka

    17960 250 2 98

    Bayero University,Kano

    23607 6000 26 71

    Univ., of Ilorin, Ilorin 18488 3820 21 79University of Maiduguri 20272 8436 41 59University of Calabar,Calabar

    23252 4088 18 82

    Usman DanfodioUniversity, Sokoto

    15509 3417 22 78

    University of PortHarcourt, P.H.

    26832 4734 18.2 81.8

    University of Uyo, Uyo 18660 2944 16 84Univ. of Abuja, Abuja 8000 2800 35 65Univ. of Agric, Abeokuta 4504 824 18 82University of Agriculture,Umudike

    1752 228 39 61

    FUT, Owerri 9374 3124 33 67ATBU, Bauchi 6609 2240 33.89 66.11NDA, KadunaUniv. of Agric., Makurdi 4663 1248 27 73FUT, Minna 8393 1540 18 82FUT, Akure 5219 1296 25 75FUT, Yola 8344 2864 34 66TOTAL 393,077 111,355 28.33 71.67

    Source: National Universities Commission, Monograph Series Vol. 1. No.4, Abuja. 2003.

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    List of Figure captions



    Source:Author Fig 1





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    GROUND FLOOR PLANFIG. 4Source: Author


    nvironmental Management and Safety Vol. 2 No. 3, September (2



    11) 142 165


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    TYPICAL FLOOR PLANFIG. 5.Source: Author

    Roof planFIG. 6Source: Author

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    Fig. 11Source: Author

    Source: Author FIG. 12

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    Source: Author FIG. 13

    Source: AuthorFIG. 14

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    An effective environment for learning involves a broad range of special qualities, which must be reflected in the building program and design.
