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V Ifiii QrJj ttTIAtT · yet nobody now ventures to say when tho end wilt come This DRAVE STnUOOLB...

Date post: 12-Aug-2020
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Ifiii Qr SATURDAY JULT 11 tOOl fJ Showers and thunderstorms tod1Y 1nd tomorrow and not so warm I- VOL JXXNO 3Jt NEV YORK SATURDAY JULY 1903coPUTil1ht IOn3 by The Sun Prrlnv and Pllbliehnl1 Amialon TWO CENTS n V r k 3 Jj ttTIAtT I 1L PRICE = Ull Of Y ford Av bush ted n r ked out I 07 5uaI wLt- hiurf ed Id- Iafta flan for ot 2 dark for blue of navy black i ttcn d whIte hlte- or e1y- 5at nd- ad nro- plete jiffy Fe eta tsd you urn 25 ES- BLES Co- N MO- a per hal < ° SURPRISES ALL Off Death Remarkable Yigor LUNG CAVITY AGAIN Gives Relief But Third Oper- ation Will Be Necessary Pitlrnt Sot Expected to Survive That Long Ioctor Amazed at the Continued StrrnKth of the Heart Action Car- dinal Ocnmnil That R llrpresenUtlve- He Admitted to the Popes Illrcel News of the IontllTi Con- dition Some Criticism of Cardinal Million for Starting for Rome Sfttlal CaMe Dripattlt to THE SUN from TUB SfN Corr sponilent at Rome Rom July 10 By sheer will power the mere shadow of u man nt the Vatican struggle with death whole world Is watching defies oil laws holies tho prophecies of his rhywelriM and HVCH on Ho not only thM but with uridimlnishcd virility ha- diiiooiirfW with those around him on a great variety of ytvt Mday he reminiscences of fcvuityflve years ago with the new phys- ician who had been called in for consult- ation Today after again submitting to a painful puncturing of the chest he urged summoning all tho College of Car- dinal to consult as to tho best Interests of lli Church regarding his successor His doctor Insisted upon vetoing this growing of mind over matter but tin of this wonderful Intellect Xo fuel remains In tho exhausted body and its functions have almost ceased Medical men who are able to prophesy almost with certainty In an ordinary case of tho same nature hero confess all their knowledge at fault The Pope has no right to bo alive scientifically speaking yet nobody now ventures to say when tho end wilt come This DRAVE STnUOOLB WINS NEW FRIENDS There has been an Important change the sentiment toward the dying Pontiff In the last day or two nmore the large sec- tion of Italians who aro no longer sincere Catholics It has long been their habit to slurringly almost contemptuously of mans sufferings his splendid unrelenting struggle with death and hit sincere devotion to the cni o of the Church shown dally since he wna stricken down all havo compelled the almlratlon of every class In the com- munity Ho la recognized at the moment if Mi departure as a grand figure even in the history of tho groat institution of which he Is the head There is striking evidence of this tardy recognition on all aides Newspapers which ridiculed him speak now of him with re- spect which is obviously sincere It flnds expression ia the ordinary intercourse of tho common people In the streets and cafes It Is evident in a word Uvxt dead will be honored by his own as never was Pope Leo living CRITICISM OP CABUIKAIj OIDIION- SCardinil Gibbons of Baltimore Is en route to Rome and there is unfavorable continent on this fact as it is contrary to the etiquette of the situation for a Cardinal to btnrt from his homo before a Popes Inasmuch as dlscuwion of approaching conclave in now universal in Rome this criticism IK scarcely consistent SECOND OrliRVTIOJJ CUVE RELIEF Amcond operation for tho removal of tho aicumulntiiig liquid from tho pleura was performed upon tho Pope this morning- The Pontiff stood tho ordeal well and gained Immediate relief from it The operation was announced by the physicians in their morning bulletin which as an follows The Popes condition during the Brut part of night was peaceful but his twilling was uneasy and ho had a feeling of oppression Ilia pulse was weak the rate being 02 It was decided to extract the bloody serum and 1000 grams were taken away The patient stood tho second operation very well and his breathing at once became ensler MAZZON- ILAProxi Thn doctors said that the operation aa very successful and that the patient considerably relieved Tho cyanosis otheliandshadalmostdisappeared When physicians entered tlo sickroom they fowid the Pontiff sitting in his armchair They made him go to bed at once After tho operation his Holiness wishedt- o see the Cardinals but tho doctors would- not allow it It was stated this afternoon that tho doctors would drain tho pleural cavity once more hut that they scarcely hoped tho Pope would survive the operation TILE EVENING BULLETIN bulletin Issued at 0 oclock tonight wy During tw day the several reat without pulse ro- kha its frequency and strength ThlH- wrnlng after tho puncture the pulsation 92 the respiration 38 and tho tempera 371 Centigrade The renal mac ttrity persists Tho general conditions unchanged Rossoni who analyzed tho fluid from the pleura found abundant aononucleu elements Polynuoleua ole ta Were scarce There were btui With DRAINED loom to- rt PIM ully where till hun till of II ratlon fame in pak The old Pop the Wi the tat Pop I are ex- tracted uurflge his Itt h The tore l ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ° dant red corpuscles This excludes tuber- culosis or the presence of a tumor INSISTED ON 8HEINU TIlE BUUKTIKB Tho Pontiffs mind today was lucid and ho insisted on conversing with those about him He asked today if King Victor Emmanuel was Going to Paris Insisted on rending tho doctors bulletins In regard to Ida condition Somo of those handed to him were genuine but others had been concocted especially for his perusal In the afternoon the Popo was removed to larger rooms In tho Vatican Palace ills only suffering was caused by tho sup- pressed action of tho kidneys DB ROSSONI snnriusKD AT POPES VITALITY Dr Rossoiii who examined tho patient yesterday says ho was astonished at the remarkable heart action Tho valvular action WHsperfect There were two dangers it was said to be feared in a in the condition of those was heart failure which was remote In view of the wonderful strength of that organ The other danger was that the lungs might bo overwhelmed with an accu- mulation of liquid but todays operation It WON thought had removed this danger- for another two days Dr Hossonl is oIs quoted as saying that he expected to find a dying man when ho visited the but on thu contrary the clear and alert that experienced physician might easily bo misled as to tho gravity of his condition Thursday night passed without special in- cident at the Vatican The Popo was very weak Thn doctors Injected caffeine twice During tho night the Pope took some beef tea and some very finely minced meat An altar was erected In tho sick- room and mass was celebrated there again this morning The Pope seemed to notice tho ceremony SPECIAL COPIES OF TIIR PAPERS FOR HIM Special copies of the Osserralore Romano and tho Voce delta Vcrita are printed daily for the benefit of his Holiness All un- pleasant such na tho sudden of Mgr Volplni yesterday Is suppressed Tills morning the Pontiff did not ask to have the papers read to him Telegrams of Inquiry us ti tho Popes condition poured In todity from sovereigns Pi incog and Cardinals abroad as well as from tho Eastern patriarchs Many were received from the United States The Popo was adroitly asked today why he had called the Cardinals to meet him last the huddcn Ills Holi- ness that he to thank them for tho interest they had displayed the condition of his health Tho Cardinals- were unable to see the Pope because of his changed condition CARDINALS WANT DIRECT NEWS A deputation from tho Sacred College consisting of Cardinals Gottl di Pletro and Fcrrntn called today and Insisted that a Cardinal should be admitted into the sick room every day to verify tho reports as to the Holy Fathers health instead of hearing the report in the anteroom aa heretofore Another Vatican prelate Mgr Ungarlnl- is dying in the Vatican Palace MESSAGE FPOM TUB KAIBEH A special messenger frcm Emperor William has arrived hero bringing nn airto- gruph letter of sympathy and inquiry from lila Majesty Mgr Bislotl Master of the Chamber received tho letter and gave full details of the Popes condition He said he regretted that ho was unable to allow the messenger to present the letter to his HoliuesH personally The newspapers say that owing to the illness of the Pope Kim Victor Emmanuels visit to Paris hoc been postponed until September but that his Majestys motives- are purely moral not political CONFUSION AT rlTUIV Charge That Mgr Vnlplnr Hotly Was NeBlcnteil a Whole Hay Special Cable Utiptiich to THE SUN LONDON July ll A despatch to tho Standard from Rome says uncer Ulnity rrgurding tho issue of the Popes Illness huts caued much confusion Vatican arid that discipline is suffering owing to tho waning power of Cardinal Itampolla nrul the growing authority of Cardinal Orcglia di Santo Stefano There was nn Instance of this in the case of tho death of Mgr Volplni whoso body lay neglected throughout Wednesday with out tilt Insignia of n prelates rank nod ten without tho usual candles A lady who brought flowers reproached tho officials bitterly for abandoning tho body namiiollnR Slrtwnite to Washington WASHINGTON July lOTho following cable despatch from Cardinal Uarnpolln- tho Papnl Secretary of State was received nt tho Apostolic Legation this morning Night sufficiently calm The Holy Father withstood well the new operation for tho extraction of water HAMPOLLA Pro Papa Ordered In All the Diocese Mgr MoonY the VicarGeneral of the New York dlocpse nnd the presiding in tie absence of in retreat a litter yesterday to nil the In the arclidlocf w of New York directing them to have tie wlstaiit during tIn IllinKK of odd Pro to the regular of the mass whenever the It CAMPAWXS OV A TllOUKY CMt Mr Dooley NtriiKSlc to Speak and Ills Followers Join In None The Mr Dooley who Is fighting for a district leadership and thirty of his followers boarded an AmHtcrdam avenue trolley car last night on their way to a picnic at 109th street and Amsterdam avenue The was crowded with men and woolen for Fort Tu clinging to thin steps etnink up the Dooley song and one in tho called for Dooley who was pulled from tho dash- board Introduced Two young women made a for him and Mr Dooley struggled t make his voice heard above of tIle car Then his followers came to Us aid and sang again Up the Hudson Me atr City of Lowell Ifutlo Fin and oaf tie dvvliJi and lop Pop Pops l n wH death nigh fre reaps thc ear d H ever car t I I entirely roan prel- ate issued hour George I restaurant ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ FREEDOM FOR T G BARKER UUSItAXi WHO TIlE KEY JOHN Mrs Barker Accused the Clcroman of Aisnultliift Her and Barker Waylaid Him on a Sunday MornuiR Wife Was Not Allowed to Tell Story at Trial TRENTON July 10 Thomas G Barker who was sentenced to five years in State Prison for shooting the Rev John Keller of Arlington watt paroled by tho Board of Pardons at a session held in Jersey City today Ho was convicted in Hudson county In Juno 1001 after a sensational trial It was said but not admitted OH testimony that had been prompted Keller the latter assaulted Mrs Barker Tho conviction was followed by an appeal to tho Court of Errors which sustained the judgment of tide trial court and set tho contention of Barkers counsel was Insane During his Incarcera- tion Barker has held the position of chief mechanic Ho was allowed practically- the freedom of the prison going about the institution almost The pardon was th rcBult of a general effort to save Barker who had the sym prtlty of many persons in thin northern section of the State The hearth refused to pardon Lizzie Oar rabrandt the Paterson murdertHS who is serving a life sentence for killing her mour when she was a girl of seventeen- A parole was granted to the Rev Clarence Young of Newark who was convicted of bigamy in January 1001 and sentenced to five years About a yar ago he at- tempted suicide by eating glass Thomas O Barker shot the Rev John Keller early on the morning of Sunday Feb 3 1901 in Arlington N J Burlwr- wns ono of the towns most respected eltl- wnf and Keller woo vicar of Trinity Protes- tant Episcopal Church In the sam place and secretary of tho dlocesu of Newark The prominence of tho two men but more particularly the reason given by Barker and his friends for the murderous attack on the clergyman made the affilr one of the most sensational and widely discussed crimes In recent years Keller was on his way to take a car to Fort Lee where ho was to assist Bishop Ktarky at an ordination service when Barker who had been in ambush con fronted him and four shots at close range Ont bullet destroyed tho clergymans right eye nnd for somo time condition wcs very serious Barker hastened to the ldll und gave himself up saying that ho was justified In hU act by a coiifefslon that his wife had made the previous night that Keller had assaulted her eighteen months before At tho trial which was held tho follow- ing Juno before Judge Blair hi Jersey City and which lasted four days every effort van madn by Barkers lawyers to got hU- wifes story of tho alleged assault on the record butall testimony tending to show that Barltpr did the shooting bccauso of this alleged act of Keller was rigorously excluded Barkers technical defence was temporary insanity but his attorney in summing up appealed to the jurors as husbands and urged thorn to throw the law to the winds and find the defendant guiltless of assault with latent to kill with which ho was charged The jury readied nn adverse verdict- in night minutepnnd Barker was sentenced n week later and nt once began serving term of five years An appeal ww denied Although Mrs Barkers story was not admitted at tho trinl typewritten copies of it wore distributed hiring the court sessions and got into print ciEnarMAS SVDDEX MEATII A Ilepnrt flint tlio Ilev John Clmrctiwooil Wilson Wus Asphyxiated Tlio Rev John Churchwcod Wilsonassist ant pastor of the South Congregational church In Court and President streets Brooklyn died on Thursday A notice in tho Brooklyn paprs yesterday simply an- nounced his death an inquirer- at th Wilson home 30 Strong place wes told by a woman evidently a maid in the employ of the family that Mr WiUon had boen found dead in hi room Kho said that after repeated knocking at tho door of Mr Wilsons room which brought response entrance was forced and the min- ister wits found lying dead fully dressed on bin lied with an open Bible beside him At this point of her story a man who said he a in South Congrega- tional Church appeared nt tho leer and f rbacle the woman to say anything further Mrs Wilson came out at same wry much overwrought and fxclulmul Its a Ho its a lip my husband never committed fiuicidyl No further informa- tion was obtainable Tho novo J Lyman pastor of the South Congregational Church when asked- if his committed suicide said hi could not discuss tho matter A telegram from a paper la a Connecticut town whero Mr Wilson had had a charge seine years ago Was received at a local news bureau last night asking for particu- lars of Mr Wilsons denth which was re- ferred to as an asphyxiation At the Coronets ofllco no record of the clergy mans death could be found on the books last night but Coroner Flaherty when coiled up at his homo said ho had hoard of the death of a minister by asphyxiation but could not recall tho name The lies John Churehwood Wilson was 31 years old n Plilladilphlun and a graduate f Amherst College elnss of 85 He grad iinted from the Yule divinity 18S8 and haul charges in StonlnKton and Meridon coming to Brook of the Purilnn Congregational Church from 1SOO to 1001 In 1001 ho resigned and went abroad for- a year He cumo back to take tho assist- ant pastorship if the South Congregational not in good health for two years A ono child sur- vive him If HOIIIIK HAT DEAD 1 Feet H Incites Tall Wrlicht 345 Pound 23 BELLEVILLE July 10 William Hobbo of Brooklyn tho Southom Illinois giant died hero today Hobbo was only 23 old He was 7 feet 5 Inches tall ard weighed 315 pounds Both lu mother and father are of and are still living The IlBhlnlng Conductor rjfllfbtful automobIle rommco Silt Impreulon- utdt flIT i I I j i Baker beaU aide fred town I I I Cnn l fur ben Ale i para his his lit was tit Albert was ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < UAttlir LEIin SCOLDS A WOMAN Tells liar If She Were a Man He Take Her Camera Away Front Her NEWPORT R I July ioHarry Lohi was again brought into prominence this afternoon on the avenue in a controversy he had with two women who had been In- discreet enough to point a camera at him Tho Incident occurred during the fashion- able driving hour and attracted the tion of a large crowd who scorned sympathy with tho women Two women fashionably dressed wore driving down the avenue in anoponcarriage In order to enjoy the sights the horse was shriven slowly and ono of the women was armed wirh a camera taking snapshots at whatever struck her fancy Just btlow the Casino they saw a fashion- able trap coming up the avenue and the woman with the camera decided that it would bo nice to have a picture of ono of the smart I rt p for which Newport if noted She had no idea who was In tho trap and it probably would have niadu no dif- ference If she had und proceeded to get tho camera ready for a picture rite driver of their horso was told to drive slowly and the fashionable trap came on As it cnme abreast of the carriage tho woman pointed her camera at tim occu- pants of the trap who proved to be Mr and Mrs Harry Lohr and pressed the Lehr saw what bad been lone and he was up In arms at once He called to his driver to stop and jumping from his trap ran to tho team occupied by the women and began to expostulate with them for daring to take hUt picture You have no right to do that I do not want my picture taken If you were a man said Mr Lehr to the woman I would take tho camera away from you and have it examined to see If my picture U Inside The woman told him that ho might be a littlo more civil about the matter to which Mr 1ehr replied that she would not bo plvil If eho wore constantly being annoyed- by Ho asked her what had nnd she tokj him that It probably was not n very good otis she was an amateur With this Mr Ixhr reCntered his trap anti drovo ofT while tho woman with tho camera went on her way TOOK OATH H7rTTKV 1ILOOD Indiana Ooilysnatclicn Swore Not to Give Other Away iNDlANAPOUfl Id July 10 Rufus Can troll king of tho colored ghouls was brought from tho Indiana Reformatory- and testified at Noblesvillo in tim prose- cution of Hampton West white man who in charged with stealing the body of Newton Brocken from tho Beaver cemetery Control sworo that he had met In several cemeteries and pnid him BrocknnH body A letter was produced from West to Cantroll asking not to testify against him and referring to a bloody oath that tho ghouls had taken Asked- to explain what Went mnnt Cantrell said that WitCh a mal joined tao gang of ghouls ho wait required to take an oath written with his own blood nevor to testify against members of tho gang He said drawn from the arm of the now member and tho oath was then written out He said that WeJt had signed such an oath when he joined the gong three ago OCEAX HEATS VOYAdEIt apt HlaeUliurn Abandons Ills Trip Across In un 17Foot Open float HALIFAX N S July 10A despatch from Sydney states that Cnpt Howard Blackburn who sot out some time ago on a voyage from Gloucester Mass to Havre France in a 17foot dory and who WOK reported the schooner Colonia expressing determination to persevere In in at C B to day badly used up and thoroughly dto- coi He encountered tempestuous weather luring the few was not able to get fur from tho Nova Scotia roost On ono occasion the boat In which ho sailed was upnot and tho lone caTtle within an ace of drowned iiis stores were badly damaged fnpt Blackburn says it unlikely that will continue attempt to cress tliu ictiin thought lu In thin en a former and h will prob- ably return to c wester vwwl If not to get a paswigo In that wny he will go by ATTACKS CllltISTIA SCIEXCE- DaiiRliter Kays Cruelty Practised In ICTurl to Cure Her Mother CiiATTANoodA Tonn July 10 Mrs Helen Watkiim severely arraigned the faith of the Christian Sclentistn today at the trial involving tho will of her mother Mrs Harriot L Whitesiiie who died leav- ing an estate valued at 100000 to her grand- children mal tin local Christian Scientist Church The IK being contested three sons of MM Whltesido who allege that their mother unduly Influenced Whitefide a daughter who was also u Christian Mr Watkins tertifiVd that her mother wits under the complete domination of her tM T MJHK Florence that she and Christian Scientists cruelty in endeavoring to curt her mother Christian Science treatment nnonXEU SPEEDWELL LAKE Two Hoys Ileyoml Their Depth and Could Sw Im One Iloily Recovered MoiimsTOWN N J July 10John Morrison and Edward Ketch 16 and 18 years old respectively were drowned In Deep Hole In Speedwell Lake this even- ing The body of Ketch was recovered- nt 930 oclock tonight but that of Mor ron lion not iMen found Neither Morrison not Ketch It is said and when ventured out lake and got beyond their they wero unable to get despite the efforts of tho were with thorn They drifted Into deeper water anti sank XEORO ESCORTED WHITE Sloh Nearly Killed Him Ileforo He WM- Ilncunl by Holrtlein- JUniNETTE Wis July ip A negro named Deb Flynn was nearly killed at the street carnival here Several men his walking with a lie talked back a large started after him Tim was rescued by Company I of Second Regiment Guard the of which are at tho carnival In a was In hiding night and was spirited out of town this Tho ex itemeut among the crowd of visitors attn but carom lends IN WIt year doin wa d IN ot cull OIL crowd the 11 Would she tiLt Eat Ii a wait It RIG 1t Was Miss Got nIl ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ FRANCIS TO BE AMBASSADOR RECOMMENDED TO ROOSEVELT FOR ITALY 11Y PLATT Appointment Would Please exOov and Would Mean the Healing of an Mlint Send Louis P to Europe Leaving Solid Utlcnatlon President Roosevelt it was made known yesterday had a conversation a short tlmo ago with Senator Platt as to the ad- visability of appointing Charles S Francis of Troy recently Minister to Greece as Ambassador to Italy in place of Qeorgo Von Lingen Meyer of Boston Mr Meyer resigned his post some time ago and Mr Francis rettignod hlx at the Grecian court ExGov Frank S Black it was also made known has had a long talk with Senator Platt in which Mr Black advocated the selection of Mr Francis as Ambassador to Italy Tho fact that Mr Black has talked with Senator Platt about this matter and that Senator Platt has conferred with the President concerning it was consid- ered yesterday quite an Important feature in politics in this State All remembnr the Republican Guber- natorial campaign of 1804 The incidents of those days have a bearing on the things that nn now being considered In 189ft Senator Platt and liLt frlnmla bcllovrd that Gov Black could not bo reflected if and Mr Platt and Mr Black had a number of consultations the Platt said at the time to Supreme Court Justice Woodward and others of Mr Blacks real friends that if Mr Black would not make a fight for ronomlnation if tho Legislature was Republican he would cer- tainly bo elected United States Senator to succeed Edward Murphy Jr of Troy Judge Woodward and the personal friends- of Mr Black went to Albany and mado that promise for Senator Platt Louis F Pnyn then State Superintendent of Insurance Insisted so it has declared that Mr Black should not the situa- tion but should make a fight for renomi nation Mr Black went into the convention and received 285 votes but Mr Roosevelt was nominated for Governor and Chauncey M Depow was elected United States Senator the following wlriterto succeed Mr Murphy The feeling between Mr Roosevelt and Mr Black and for that between- Mr Platt Mr Pnyn and was not altogether friendly for some time but it wns ascertained yesterday on indubitable authority that Mr Black has reiterated tho words that he was quoted in SUN as two or threo weeks ago The President is in command of tho ship and wo aro all good soldiers and sailors and Mr Payn said at the Holland house last night that while ho had no more liking for President Roosevelt titan he ever had he might consider it advisable to take a trip to Europe during tho Republican Na- tional Convention next year President Roosevelt in his comments recently has had very kind words to say of cxGov Black ami ifteoka now as if the candidacy of Charles S Francis of Troy- to bo Ambassador to Italy might bo mic- CCHSflll Another complication should Ixs consid- ered however so it was said last kight The President seems to bo partial to tho election of Mr Black to bn United States Senator to succeed Mr Dopow and Senator Platt has declared over and over again that ho will stand by Senator Depew for reelection until tho last gun Is fired swoiutrisH WOUDS MAN lie Sword Through Iloat Ripped Open Ilstierniin Leg BLOCK ISLAND July 10 Christopher Norwaugh of the bestknown fisher- men of the hoot which halls from tho island was hurt In a yesterday with a sword- fish pounds and is having lila attended to at a hospital In Norwaugh was ono of the crew of time catboat Lindsey commanded by Capt Edwin Dodge When six miles south of the island the man at time masthead saw the swordfish and the boat was headed for It When the boat neared tho Capt Dodge sighting tIme monster about three foot below the surface harpooned it and Norwaugh went ofT in a small boat to finish- it The fish dived deep and turning quickly came up directly under the stern of the boat Norwaugh was Htundlnu In tim stern The sword struck the bottom of the boat penetrated it entered tho fishermans left leg was forced through the fleshy part of leg The point of the sword watt pushed entirely through the flesh coming out at tho hip Tho weapon wit i which the fighting fish cut the man was over three feet long and the wound It made was a jagged one nearly thirty inches long Time flesh of Norwaughu log was torn from the bone rue struggle between man and fish wan observed by those in the fishing and tho crew of the Lindsey went to res- cue as soon OH poshible She arrived here shortly after noon Drs limited Champlirt attended Norwaugh who removed to a licupita- lPAUDY SMITH DROWXED Dark FeudIt Pal abut mater ben mater TiE lan one bate Injures ali bOlt ali a situ fish ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Sold to Have Hrsenrd 10O Persons In tin Tears News of by drowning In the Hudson River on Thursday of Paddy Smith the Wllllamsburg life saver reached relatives and frlaiuis yesterday He wait 24 yearslold and lived with a married sister Mm John W Kelly at 45 South Fourth street Ho was an ironworker hut ho most of his tlmo In summer on tho Fifth street plor from which ex- cursions leave daily It was said of him that ho had rescued at least 100 Persons from drowning from that pier and places near it in the last five years Ho was an expert swimmer There was a church excursion from the pier on Thursday and Paddy went along because tluro was a large number of chil- dren on tho barge harks Spear When the was reached some difficulty was had In effecting a because two er excursions were already th re While Paddy tan on guard rail of tho barge to a casting a I woj struck on Iho right of him and h foil the water He made a feeble effort himself but before assistance r aeh d him ho was drowned His body not recovered Last paled I ndl I imead dn on of blow Ito t FIve his the siciqt the Tim e stunned was ¬ ¬ FORUAAL TREATY Colombian Senate HM Not Yet Taker It Up Officially Special Dupatch 10 Timid SUN COLON July 10 Bogota advices to July S aro to the effect that the Sonata is still discussing tho matter of tho abaenco of tho Presidents signature from tho Panama treaty Time document has not yet beer submitted for discussion Tho prospects for tho passage of the treaty continue gloomy Panama Is ex- tremely anxious for a solution of the Telegraphic communcation Bogota and Buena Ventura IH frequently interrupted IIItAVE COP PVLLED HIM OUT Omen HucKncr Has a Close Shine With Hey In Hell Gate Current Mounted Policeman Fred Buckner the Morrlsanla station abandoned his hors at Hunts Point yesterday afternoon long enough to swim to the rescue of a small boy who got a cramp andwns slaking Aftr ho limit scn the hftlfdrowned boy on the way to Lebanon HcsplfAl nnd had liud an ugly cut on his swed up hu rode to tho Morrlsania station put on dry clothing und rvfeumed his patrol Elevenyearold Willlo Votrella of 1312 Seventh avenue was fifty yards out from shore wl on he yoilol for help Bruck ner spurred down to tIme waters edge taking ofT his coat as ho rode Ho throw the bridle over his horses heed anti in clothed except for his helmet wont under before flruckncr got to the policeman dived and found him after several trinh HP the boy at the surfrco when Chris came up in a rowboat McSherry pulled time unconscious lad aboard und then dragged limo policeman- over the gunwale Krucltner was about exhausted TROUBLE TilE WYOM1XG Monitors Crew Complain of the Officers anil Threaten to Desert SAN FRANCISCO July 10 There is trouble on the monitor Wyoming now in this harbor duo to wluit the men call the iu justice and severity of the officers They say that Gunners Weiverdell was put on bread and water for thirty days because he failed to clean his hammock when the officers knew his wrist wits sore They also complain because they were not allowed to give a sword to Gunner Qeorgo Newman who is a favorite They charge that MaBteratArms I C Hansom in such a martinet that unless ho is removed thnru will bo wlvjlesalo desertions The officers say that Weiverdell was insolent to the Captain and that it was for this he wits imprisoned whilo tho rules forbid any officer to receive a present from tho The will bo taken to Mare prevent desertions rs she is already hilthanded ORE AT STONES FOR CATHEDRAL Two nf time Giant olimn In the lItter Quarried In Sections Two of time big columns which are to be put in tho sanctuary arch of time Cathedral- of St John the Divine reached 1131 street and Hudson River on the lighter Ben Franklin yesterday front Boston being- In tow by the tug ClnHetta of time Boston Towboat Company These columns are In two parts one piece weighing 87 tons and time pedestal 40 torts The sections are 8 feet in diameter and ono piece of each column Is 38 feet long and the other 18 In addition two pedestals are each about 10 feet diameter TlicRO stows have taken nine mouths to quarry anti are the largest ever Hhipjwd from Maine left CorMts Harbor Fox Island on July I coming by tIme in- side routo On account of hid weather time captain put into Boston ImrLor for two days ThiBo toots are two of eight to IH used at the Cathedral but on account of their size only two con be shipped nt oiicn To carry the stones up tho step grade to tho Cathedral Heights an Immense wteel truck hrs exprtwiy built It in fifty fIt long and tout feet wide with wheel having a tire trend of twenty Inches An engine mounted nt tIme top of the hill will haul the truck to the top tOOL COP THIS EVERETT Attends to Mad I OK In n Sensible Way Kven If Ills Thumb Is Policeman Everett of tIme Tenderloin station found a crowd of boys yelling Mid dogl und teasing a niiswrnblo yellow cur yesterday afternoon on tho front stops of tho old Wlllett mansion nt 11 West Thirty fourth street which la directly across from tho WaldorfAstoria Everett shooed the boys away and seized tho dog by the neck The dog bit time policemans thumb a little but Everett didnt mind that He took time dog to a nearby hack yard gave it a good cool bath and then hind tho animal sent to tlio Borgh society The dog wasnt mod at all IMJWJVfJ FROM SCAFFOLD Murderers Annul to Uc Executed Speak tu Yoime Mm- CAHHONDAIE Iii July 10 Fully ten thousand persons gathered at Marlon to day to wltnoPH the execution of murderers Cab mater a of hind jump WIle hat ON mel limey been IMD OUTLOOK Mete tIm Bitten ¬ ¬ > ¬ Graves mid Price Ihe men were led to tho scaffold at 011 und both outdo short talks telling young mon to be warned by their fate Prices neck was broken and Graves was strangled SUNS HEAT CAlSKD SCICIDlf- nilllani Davidson shoots IllniRcir After- a Day on the Water William Davidson 2D years old a col- lector for tIme American Ice Company com- mitted suicldo last night nt Ills homo811 Park avenue by shouting himself In th head He out flailing nil day under time hot sun und time members df say they think tho Jit at uffoctcd his mind Woiniir Ill From heat Takes Ioltnn Mrs Mdor Murlthelm of 500 Brook ave nit got out of Nd nt I oclock last even- Ing complaining that the heat had mnilo her dizzy and saying that she was going to gt some Sue then swallow d Homo carbolic acid appfirpntly In inlitako She was taken to the Hospital In a critical condition Puts fhlpnios Population at 22ttlflOO CHICAGO July 10 Tli new city directory estimates time population of Chicago at 2231000 Premature of time Hair mime b entIrety vented by the u e of linrnctti Cocoalne Aft m lou was Atll ¬ ¬ > < RECORD HOT DAY FOR JULY 10 AND IT SEEMlin HORSE THAN Till MEIICLttY loLl Iliimnnn anti Ilorstn lluili wiltcil After hard MKht loatlm nnd Prostra- tions Incrcnaeil May lie Cooler To day Thu Making or Heat Horrori Yesterday was another hottest July day The big town baked and steamed under It Never a thunderstorm came to break Its extremity It did cloud up Jerseywnrd in the afternoon but the blackest clouds nil went to time south Sonic folks In high oflloe buildings could see from their perches flvhc of lightning coming out of time cloud banks somewhere south of Stolen Island lint rain did not fail to cool tiny pirt of the city Showers and a fresh west wind are prom- ised to lumper time heat to dIY Tiif Weather lluniau announced that hind been the hottest July 10 on record by three degrees nnd that with three ex- ceptions it was time hoHnt July day On July 0 187 on July 1 180H and on July 1H01 the thermometer got up to 03 dpgroea Time best or wont it did yesterday was 01 The hottest day over city was 718S1 whnn tho mercury touched time lKdoroR nwrlc Tho police reported eleven death duo to heat yeeterday and hixtyflvo heat prof- ltrallonn In Manhattan and The Bronx At time Brooklyn headquarters four deaths arid fifteen prostrations were recorded Folks who went to the Weather Bureau for sympathy got mighty little of It Tho Weather Bureau is up in a iilou high build- ing which cntclips every breeze that strays by If It in possible to escnpn tho suffer- ing which hot weather brings the weather- man escapes Therefore he felt war- ranted in saying mutest cheer- fully that yesterday was no hotter than Thursday haul been and that there was no moor humidity It ia to be doubted whether any lay ob- server agreed with him Perhaps because tho night had boon FO hot with time moon looking out on the sweltering town with an almost brazen tinge in while glare folks were not an well prepared to stand tho heat as they hind on perhaps BlvepIMsiipsa madn thorn nervous But most of those to whom tho Weather DurcnuH assurances came felt quito confident that the thermometer was lying liy tho hum tutu city was fairly astir yesterday mrmlng the thermometer had trendy renchcd XI It rose each hour until at noon it humid reached 8 For nn hour it ft nod still hut lit mado nni- Kiiproni effort nail reached 14 the lu liiM- txint of TMirwIny flrodimllv hut very grnduclly ih retreat hegnn At 5 oclock i I ho thermouieter in thn Wrnther Bureau olliees wns at 01 In tlio next hour there n drop to NO you notice how much cooler it is now titan it was at tho same time lust night asked a Wenilmr Bureau voloo over Tnii SUNS telephone at 0 oclock Then by way of refitting time torture cnnni the ndded conunont There Is such a breeze you know Every littlo while somebody though that ho hud caught a little private brcozi of his own ihi untierUoii was alwuyd tact with worn und derision by others Them wore no delusion on time Kiibjjct in time tvnemtnt on both sides of tIme town Women lit their work and gathered in doorways and on steps and wherever there was shelter from the direct heat of time sun and nt tho same titus moot air tlmn there was In time ownlike tene- ment room There thy read to on another horror extras of time nveniiiK news liapors took mutual comfort that the criivl SIlOS blaughter hadnt readied them yet In iho streets on tho sidewalks on the care In the restaurants iivn shid their tats and looked toady to bite the head off any one who dand so much as to raise hh eyebrows in uhjictiun Park iKnches even in Hunny potn were filled all long with foll who were oxhaiwted- nnd a n st ovin thought it was a hot ml of tho moro cheering sights of the lwlnv U t iiwersby in Park IMW a little after notn A very solemn fat reporter cumo down out of a news- paper with n camera and a thor momelor Ho vandercd about the open and iiiK for tho hottest After a whilo ho fouiul a place near the Franklin monument whleh seemed to be time focus of amore sun rays than any other Tlmre- ho solemnly set up the thermometer waited uitll time mercury refused to rise any higher meet then the record Then solemnly and dripping lie retired to the of lila newspaper- A few miniitiH Inter nato from a rival newspaper appeared In a secluded In street near tha Bridge arches anti likewise jiroduced a tliennonictiT lie however produced which he liKhtod and bull of tin another re- porter with a camera u picture Thus urn scored by great The lioiwH felt tin effects of the heat a dtiil morn than most omen presum- ably befuiiFi human hud not Average mans Iveidoin and opportunity to his work limo un conlraetom t atiiH and trem- liltil like lie lildnniiHt rainsliackle boncM in n luiditcrB The at the rigit ladder houses tliu did what they could to initiKatci the nuflYriiiK cf the At eviTy lire IIOIIHO a snuill how was at tnpicd to hydrant a group of cheer- ful young tni flninoti of tisk 01 rfrenlilnn the tired animals that came The infrnliii of tli or en- tliusliBtif fnwir tlm Fire IVpiim tit wrvlnp without pny IncludH- iminy They fought out another for of Hiilrt water on lionoq Tho driviM KnTllyn- viillrd thfrn IVIH uf H offered und oftiii thnrti were or wnond and trutkH lined up waiting for u turn The hoiv n differed In their appreciation of tlio ntlfntlon Sonm of up thrlr can1 nnd forward eagerly 10 iy In rnnnii of time stream kicked up im l objections at first Butt HIPP were any did not nettl down to luiirtfelt when they rrnllwd time full comfort of itnHiiH nboiit lhIr feet and The Snoliy for lh Prevention of Cruelty to Anlinnln thriH ntntioiiH nt Twentyuixth stnvt arid Mndl- HOII rvni in Inwp nn t wtrft and In liit Twintyscciind sheet At thcso places there wim nvrr nr of m effort to the water nlhf lf ntifienlly in order that thn dtiver might n on In tIme best w v tn pool hl hnrw off The S P C A reports that Its supply of hoino liomiott IH about It awaits contributions for time purchase of tnor ven time Hnirrows were knocked out time heat of them Ml to thoMde walks in various of time town Some so completely windizrd that were to and others manflitnaj i lat J Spr Z een I 15 I WIll I j r t l day J Ole M 1 dl con J t lr a mntcl toll ron Ht of- t t bar Crt mil ali rIff I hecl a S Ii 4 J I yes- terday 4 b I I I I its I t I II J tllst nets lit and i solately aib j I nmzmot timmrumiom net or with S t t lit t lie 10 Cm I I all t ii oi mgi iou it morsii I it I t long Ill U Ii fli I I V t ii t Ill p rt ten t 1 time I istnlfs I med imo mite I Mm ny were time ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ < °
Page 1: V Ifiii QrJj ttTIAtT · yet nobody now ventures to say when tho end wilt come This DRAVE STnUOOLB WINS NEW FRIENDS There has been an Important change the sentiment toward the dying

IfiiiQr SATURDAY JULT 11 tOOlfJ Showers and thunderstorms tod1Y 1nd

tomorrow and not so warm I-

VOL JXXNO 3Jt NEV YORK SATURDAY JULY 1903coPUTil1ht IOn3 by The Sun Prrlnv and Pllbliehnl1 Amialon TWO CENTSn






Ull Of


ford Avbush

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a per




Off DeathRemarkable Yigor


Gives Relief But Third Oper-

ation Will Be Necessary

Pitlrnt Sot Expected to Survive That Long

Ioctor Amazed at the Continued

StrrnKth of the Heart Action Car-

dinal Ocnmnil That R llrpresenUtlve-

He Admitted to the Popes

Illrcel News of the IontllTi Con-

dition Some Criticism of Cardinal

Million for Starting for Rome

Sfttlal CaMe Dripattlt to THE SUN

from TUB SfN Corr sponilent at Rome

Rom July 10 By sheer will powerthe mere shadow of u man nt

the Vatican struggle with deathwhole world Is watching defies oil

laws holies tho prophecies of his

rhywelriM and HVCH on Ho not only

thM but with uridimlnishcd virility ha-

diiiooiirfW with those around him on agreat variety of

ytvt Mday he reminiscences of

fcvuityflve years ago with the new phys-

ician who had been called in for consult-

ation Today after again submitting to

a painful puncturing of the chest he urgedsummoning all tho College of Car-

dinal to consult as to tho best Interests of

lli Church regarding his successor His

doctor Insisted upon vetoing this growingof mind over matter but

tin of this wonderful Intellect

Xo fuel remains In tho exhausted bodyand its functions have almost ceasedMedical men who are able to prophesyalmost with certainty In an ordinary caseof tho same nature hero confess all theirknowledge at fault The Pope has noright to bo alive scientifically speaking

yet nobody now ventures to say when thoend wilt comeThis DRAVE STnUOOLB WINS NEW FRIENDS

There has been an Important changethe sentiment toward the dying Pontiff

In the last day or two nmore the large sec-

tion of Italians who aro no longer sincereCatholics It has long been their habit to

slurringly almost contemptuously of

mans sufferings his splendidunrelenting struggle with

death and hit sincere devotion to thecni o of the Church shown dally sincehe wna stricken down all havo compelledthe almlratlon of every class In the com-

munity Ho la recognized at the momentif Mi departure as a grand figure evenin the history of tho groat institution ofwhich he Is the head

There is striking evidence of this tardyrecognition on all aides Newspapers whichridiculed him speak now of him with re-

spect which is obviously sincere It flndsexpression ia the ordinary intercourse oftho common people In the streets and cafesIt Is evident in a word Uvxt deadwill be honored by his own asnever was Pope Leo living


SCardinil Gibbons of Baltimore Is

en route to Rome and there is unfavorablecontinent on this fact as it is contrary tothe etiquette of the situation for a Cardinalto btnrt from his homo before a Popes

Inasmuch as dlscuwion of approachingconclave in now universal in Rome thiscriticism IK scarcely consistent


Amcond operation for tho removal of thoaicumulntiiig liquid from tho pleura wasperformed upon tho Pope this morning-The Pontiff stood tho ordeal well and gainedImmediate relief from it

The operation was announced by thephysicians in their morning bulletin which

as an followsThe Popes condition during the Brut

part of night was peaceful but histwilling was uneasy and ho had a feelingof oppression Ilia pulse was weak therate being 02 It was decided to extractthe bloody serum and 1000 grams weretaken away The patient stood tho secondoperation very well and his breathing atonce became ensler MAZZON-


Thn doctors said that the operationaa very successful and that the patient

considerably relieved Tho cyanosisotheliandshadalmostdisappeared When

physicians entered tlo sickroom theyfowid the Pontiff sitting in his armchairThey made him go to bed at once

After tho operation his Holiness wishedt-o see the Cardinals but tho doctors would-not allow it

It was stated this afternoon that thodoctors would drain tho pleural cavityonce more hut that they scarcely hoped

tho Pope would survive the operationTILE EVENING BULLETIN

bulletin Issued at 0 oclock tonightwy

During tw day the severalreat without pulse ro-

kha its frequency and strength ThlH-

wrnlng after tho puncture the pulsation92 the respiration 38 and tho tempera

371 Centigrade The renal macttrity persists Tho general conditions

unchangedRossoni who analyzed tho fluid

from the pleura found abundantaononucleu elements Polynuoleua ole

ta Were scarce There were btui



loom to-


PIM ully




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The old










uurflge his

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dant red corpuscles This excludes tuber-culosis or the presence of a tumor

INSISTED ON 8HEINU TIlE BUUKTIKBTho Pontiffs mind today was

lucid and ho insisted on conversing withthose about him He asked today if KingVictor Emmanuel was Going to ParisInsisted on rending tho doctors bulletinsIn regard to Ida condition Somo of thosehanded to him were genuine but othershad been concocted especially for hisperusal

In the afternoon the Popo was removed tolarger rooms In tho Vatican Palace illsonly suffering was caused by tho sup-

pressed action of tho kidneysDB ROSSONI snnriusKD AT POPES VITALITY

Dr Rossoiii who examined tho patientyesterday says ho was astonished at theremarkable heart action Tho valvularaction WHsperfect There were two dangersit was said to be feared in a in the

conditionof those was heart failure which was

remote In view of the wonderful strength ofthat organ The other danger was that thelungs might bo overwhelmed with an accu-

mulation of liquid but todays operationIt WON thought had removed this danger-for another two days

Dr Hossonl is oIs quoted as sayingthat he expected to find a dying man whenho visited the but on thu contrarythe clear and alert that

experienced physician mighteasily bo misled as to tho gravity of hiscondition

Thursday night passed without special in-

cident at the Vatican The Popo was veryweak Thn doctors Injected caffeine twiceDuring tho night the Pope took somebeef tea and some very finely minced meat

An altar was erected In tho sick-

room and mass was celebrated there againthis morning The Pope seemed to notice


Special copies of the Osserralore Romano

and tho Voce delta Vcrita are printed daily

for the benefit of his Holiness All un-

pleasant such na tho suddenof Mgr Volplni yesterday Is suppressedTills morning the Pontiff did not ask tohave the papers read to him

Telegrams of Inquiry us ti tho Popescondition poured In todity from sovereigns

Pi incog and Cardinals abroad as well asfrom tho Eastern patriarchs Many werereceived from the United States

The Popo was adroitly asked today whyhe had called the Cardinals to meet him last

the huddcn Ills Holi-

ness that he to thankthem for tho interest they had displayedthe condition of his health Tho Cardinals-

were unable to see the Pope because of hischanged condition


A deputation from tho Sacred Collegeconsisting of Cardinals Gottl di Pletro andFcrrntn called today and Insisted that aCardinal should be admitted into the sickroom every day to verify tho reports as to

the Holy Fathers health instead of hearingthe report in the anteroom aa heretofore

Another Vatican prelate Mgr Ungarlnl-

is dying in the Vatican PalaceMESSAGE FPOM TUB KAIBEH

A special messenger frcm EmperorWilliam has arrived hero bringing nn airto-

gruph letter of sympathy and inquiry fromlila Majesty Mgr Bislotl Master of theChamber received tho letter and gavefull details of the Popes condition He

said he regretted that ho was unable toallow the messenger to present the letterto his HoliuesH personally

The newspapers say that owing to theillness of the Pope Kim Victor Emmanuelsvisit to Paris hoc been postponed untilSeptember but that his Majestys motives-

are purely moral not political

CONFUSION AT rlTUIVCharge That Mgr Vnlplnr Hotly Was

NeBlcnteil a Whole HaySpecial Cable Utiptiich to THE SUN

LONDON July ll A despatch to thoStandard from Rome says uncerUlnity rrgurding tho issue of the PopesIllness huts caued much confusionVatican arid that discipline is sufferingowing to tho waning power of CardinalItampolla nrul the growing authority ofCardinal Orcglia di Santo Stefano

There was nn Instance of this in the caseof tho death of Mgr Volplni whoso bodylay neglected throughout Wednesday without tilt Insignia of n prelates rank nod

ten without tho usual candles A lady

who brought flowers reproached tho officialsbitterly for abandoning tho body

namiiollnR Slrtwnite to Washington

WASHINGTON July lOTho following

cable despatch from Cardinal Uarnpolln-

tho Papnl Secretary of State was received

nt tho Apostolic Legation this morningNight sufficiently calm The Holy Father

withstood well the new operation for tho

extraction of water HAMPOLLA

Pro Papa Ordered In All the Diocese

Mgr MoonY the VicarGeneral of theNew York dlocpse nnd the presiding

in tie absence ofin retreat a litter yesterday to nil

the In the arclidlocf w of New Yorkdirecting them to have tie wlstaiitduring tIn IllinKK of odd Pro

to the regular of the masswhenever the It


Mr Dooley NtriiKSlc to Speak and IllsFollowers Join In None

The Mr Dooley who Is fighting for adistrict leadership and thirty of his followers

boarded an AmHtcrdam avenue trolley carlast night on their way to a picnic at 109th

street and Amsterdam avenueThe was crowded with men

and woolen for Fort Tuclinging to thin steps etnink

up the Dooley song and one in tho

called for Dooley whowas pulled from tho dash-

board Introduced Two young womenmade a for him andMr Dooley struggled t make his voiceheard above of tIle car Thenhis followers came to Us aid and sangagain

Up the Hudson Me atr City of LowellIfutlo Fin and oaf tie dvvliJi





n wH death

nigh fre reaps












hour George
















Mrs Barker Accused the Clcroman ofAisnultliift Her and Barker WaylaidHim on a Sunday MornuiR Wife WasNot Allowed to Tell Story at Trial

TRENTON July 10 Thomas G Barkerwho was sentenced to five years in StatePrison for shooting the Rev John Kellerof Arlington watt paroled by tho Board ofPardons at a session held in Jersey Citytoday Ho was convicted in Hudsoncounty In Juno 1001 after a sensationaltrial It was said but not admitted OH

testimony that had been promptedKeller the

latter assaulted Mrs BarkerTho conviction was followed by an appeal

to tho Court of Errors which sustainedthe judgment of tide trial court and set

tho contention of Barkers counselwas Insane During his Incarcera-

tion Barker has held the position of chiefmechanic Ho was allowed practically-the freedom of the prison going about theinstitution almost

The pardon was th rcBult of a generaleffort to save Barker who had the symprtlty of many persons in thin northernsection of the State

The hearth refused to pardon Lizzie Oarrabrandt the Paterson murdertHS who isserving a life sentence for killing hermour when she was a girl of seventeen-

A parole was granted to the Rev ClarenceYoung of Newark who was convicted ofbigamy in January 1001 and sentencedto five years About a yar ago he at-

tempted suicide by eating glass

Thomas O Barker shot the Rev JohnKeller early on the morning of SundayFeb 3 1901 in Arlington N J Burlwr-wns ono of the towns most respected eltl-

wnf and Keller woo vicar of Trinity Protes-tant Episcopal Church In the sam placeand secretary of tho dlocesu of Newark

The prominence of tho two men butmore particularly the reason given byBarker and his friends for the murderousattack on the clergyman made the affilrone of the most sensational and widelydiscussed crimes In recent years

Keller was on his way to take a car toFort Lee where ho was to assist BishopKtarky at an ordination service whenBarker who had been in ambush confronted him and four shots at closerange

Ont bullet destroyed tho clergymansright eye nnd for somo time conditionwcs very serious Barker hastened to the

ldll und gave himself up saying thatho was justified In hU act by a coiifefslonthat his wife had made the previous nightthat Keller had assaulted her eighteenmonths before

At tho trial which was held tho follow-ing Juno before Judge Blair hi Jersey Cityand which lasted four days every effortvan madn by Barkers lawyers to got hU-

wifes story of tho alleged assault on therecord butall testimony tending to showthat Barltpr did the shooting bccauso ofthis alleged act of Keller was rigorouslyexcluded

Barkers technical defence was temporaryinsanity but his attorney in summing upappealed to the jurors as husbands andurged thorn to throw the law to the windsand find the defendant guiltless of assaultwith latent to kill with which ho wascharged

The jury readied nn adverse verdict-in night minutepnnd Barker was sentencedn week later and nt once began serving

term of five years An appeal wwdenied Although Mrs Barkers story wasnot admitted at tho trinl typewrittencopies of it wore distributed hiring thecourt sessions and got into print


A Ilepnrt flint tlio Ilev John ClmrctiwooilWilson Wus Asphyxiated

Tlio Rev John Churchwcod Wilsonassistant pastor of the South Congregationalchurch In Court and President streetsBrooklyn died on Thursday A notice intho Brooklyn paprs yesterday simply an-

nounced his death an inquirer-at th Wilson home 30 Strong place westold by a woman evidently a maid in theemploy of the family that Mr WiUon hadboen found dead in hi room Kho saidthat after repeated knocking at tho doorof Mr Wilsons room which broughtresponse entrance was forced and the min-

ister wits found lying dead fully dressedon bin lied with an open Bible beside him

At this point of her story a man who saidhe a in South Congrega-

tional Church appeared nt tho leer andf rbacle the woman to say anything furtherMrs Wilson came out at same wrymuch overwrought and fxclulmul

Its a Ho its a lip my husband nevercommitted fiuicidyl No further informa-tion was obtainable

Tho novo J Lyman pastor of theSouth Congregational Church when asked-

if his committed suicidesaid hi could not discuss tho matter

A telegram from a paper la a Connecticuttown whero Mr Wilson had had a chargeseine years ago Was received at a localnews bureau last night asking for particu-lars of Mr Wilsons denth which was re-

ferred to as an asphyxiation At theCoronets ofllco no record of the clergymans death could be found on the bookslast night but Coroner Flaherty when coiledup at his homo said ho had hoard of thedeath of a minister by asphyxiation butcould not recall tho name

The lies John Churehwood Wilson was31 years old n Plilladilphlun and a graduate

f Amherst College elnss of 85 He gradiinted from the Yule divinity18S8 and haul charges in StonlnKton andMeridon coming to Brook

of the PurilnnCongregational Church from 1SOO to 1001

In 1001 ho resigned and went abroad for-

a year He cumo back to take tho assist-

ant pastorship if the South Congregationalnot in good health

for two years A ono child sur-

vive him


1 Feet H Incites Tall Wrlicht 345 Pound23

BELLEVILLE July 10 WilliamHobbo of Brooklyn tho Southom Illinoisgiant died hero today Hobbo was only23 old He was 7 feet 5 Inches tallard weighed 315 pounds Both lu motherand father are of and are stillliving

The IlBhlnlng Conductorrjfllfbtful automobIle rommco Silt Impreulon-utdt












Cnn l fur








was tit





















Tells liar If She Were a Man HeTake Her Camera Away Front HerNEWPORT R I July ioHarry Lohi

was again brought into prominence thisafternoon on the avenue in a controversyhe had with two women who had been In-

discreet enough to point a camera at himTho Incident occurred during the fashion-

able driving hour and attracted thetion of a large crowd who scornedsympathy with tho women

Two women fashionably dressed woredriving down the avenue in anoponcarriageIn order to enjoy the sights the horse wasshriven slowly and ono of the women wasarmed wirh a camera taking snapshotsat whatever struck her fancy

Just btlow the Casino they saw a fashion-able trap coming up the avenue and thewoman with the camera decided that itwould bo nice to have a picture of ono ofthe smart I rt p for which Newport if noted

She had no idea who was In tho trapand it probably would have niadu no dif-

ference If she had und proceeded toget tho camera ready for a picture

rite driver of their horso was told todrive slowly and the fashionable trap cameon As it cnme abreast of the carriage thowoman pointed her camera at tim occu-pants of the trap who proved to be Mrand Mrs Harry Lohr and pressed the

Lehr saw what bad been lone andhe was up In arms at once He called tohis driver to stop and jumping from histrap ran to tho team occupied by the womenand began to expostulate with them fordaring to take hUt picture

You have no right to do that I do notwant my picture taken If you were aman said Mr Lehr to the woman Iwould take tho camera away from youand have it examined to see If my pictureU Inside

The woman told him that ho might be alittlo more civil about the matter to whichMr 1ehr replied that she would not boplvil If eho wore constantly being annoyed-by Ho asked her what

had nnd she tokj himthat It probably was not n very good otis

she was an amateurWith this Mr Ixhr reCntered his trap

anti drovo ofT while tho woman with thocamera went on her way


Indiana Ooilysnatclicn Swore Not to GiveOther Away

iNDlANAPOUfl Id July 10 Rufus Cantroll king of tho colored ghouls wasbrought from tho Indiana Reformatory-and testified at Noblesvillo in tim prose-

cution of Hampton West white man whoin charged with stealing the body of NewtonBrocken from tho Beaver cemetery

Control sworo that he had metIn several cemeteries and pnid himBrocknnH body

A letter was produced from West toCantroll asking not to testifyagainst him and referring to a bloodyoath that tho ghouls had taken Asked-

to explain what Went mnnt Cantrell saidthat WitCh a mal joined tao gang of ghoulsho wait required to take an oath writtenwith his own blood nevor to testify againstmembers of tho gang He saiddrawn from the arm of the now memberand tho oath was then written out Hesaid that WeJt had signed such an oathwhen he joined the gong three ago


apt HlaeUliurn Abandons Ills Trip AcrossIn un 17Foot Open float

HALIFAX N S July 10A despatchfrom Sydney states that Cnpt HowardBlackburn who sot out some time ago ona voyage from Gloucester Mass to HavreFrance in a 17foot dory and whoWOK reported the schooner Coloniaexpressing determination to persevereIn in at C B today badly used up and thoroughly dto-

coiHe encountered tempestuous weather

luring the few was not ableto get fur from tho Nova Scotia roost

On ono occasion the boat In whichho sailed was upnot and tho lonecaTtle within an ace of drownediiis stores were badly damaged

fnpt Blackburn says it unlikelythat will continue attempt to cresstliu ictiin thought lu Inthin en a former and h will prob-ably return to c wester vwwl Ifnot to get a paswigo In that wny hewill go by


DaiiRliter Kays Cruelty Practised InICTurl to Cure Her Mother

CiiATTANoodA Tonn July 10 MrsHelen Watkiim severely arraigned thefaith of the Christian Sclentistn today atthe trial involving tho will of her motherMrs Harriot L Whitesiiie who died leav-

ing an estate valued at 100000 to her grand-

children mal tin local Christian ScientistChurch

The IK being contested three sonsof MM Whltesido who allege that theirmother unduly Influenced

Whitefide a daughter who wasalso u Christian

Mr Watkins tertifiVd that her motherwits under the complete domination ofher tM T MJHK Florence that she and

Christian Scientists crueltyin endeavoring to curt her motherChristian Science treatment


Two Hoys Ileyoml Their Depth andCould Sw Im One Iloily Recovered

MoiimsTOWN N J July 10JohnMorrison and Edward Ketch 16 and 18

years old respectively were drowned InDeep Hole In Speedwell Lake this even-

ing The body of Ketch was recovered-

nt 930 oclock tonight but that of Mor

ron lion not iMen foundNeither Morrison not Ketch It is said

and when ventured outlake and got beyond their

they wero unable to get despite theefforts of tho were withthorn They drifted Into deeper wateranti sank


Sloh Nearly Killed Him Ileforo He WM-

Ilncunl by Holrtlein-

JUniNETTE Wis July ip A negro

named Deb Flynn was nearly killed atthe street carnival here

Several men his walking witha lie talked back a large

started after himTim was rescued by Company I of

Second RegimentGuard the of which are at thocarnival In a was In hiding

night and was spirited out of town thisTho ex

itemeut among the crowd of visitors



carom lends
















Eat Ii























Appointment Would Please exOovand Would Mean the Healing of an

Mlint Send Louis P toEurope Leaving Solid Utlcnatlon

President Roosevelt it was made knownyesterday had a conversation a shorttlmo ago with Senator Platt as to the ad-

visability of appointing Charles S Francisof Troy recently Minister to Greece asAmbassador to Italy in place of QeorgoVon Lingen Meyer of Boston Mr Meyerresigned his post some time ago and MrFrancis rettignod hlx at the Grecian court

ExGov Frank S Black it was also madeknown has had a long talk with SenatorPlatt in which Mr Black advocated theselection of Mr Francis as Ambassadorto Italy Tho fact that Mr Black hastalked with Senator Platt about this matterand that Senator Platt has conferred withthe President concerning it was consid-ered yesterday quite an Important featurein politics in this State

All remembnr the Republican Guber-natorial campaign of 1804 The incidentsof those days have a bearing on the thingsthat nn now being considered In 189ft

Senator Platt and liLt frlnmla bcllovrdthat Gov Black could not bo reflected if

and Mr Platt and Mr Blackhad a number of consultations the

Platt said at the time to SupremeCourt Justice Woodward and others of MrBlacks real friends that if Mr Black wouldnot make a fight for ronomlnation if thoLegislature was Republican he would cer-

tainly bo elected United States Senator tosucceed Edward Murphy Jr of Troy

Judge Woodward and the personal friends-of Mr Black went to Albany and madothat promise for Senator Platt LouisF Pnyn then State Superintendent ofInsurance Insisted so it has declaredthat Mr Black should not the situa-tion but should make a fight for renomination

Mr Black went into the convention andreceived 285 votes but Mr Roosevelt wasnominated for Governor and Chauncey MDepow was elected United States Senatorthe following wlriterto succeed Mr Murphy

The feeling between Mr Roosevelt andMr Black and for that between-Mr Platt Mr Pnyn and was notaltogether friendly for some time but itwns ascertained yesterday on indubitableauthority that Mr Black has reiteratedtho words that he was quoted in SUNas two or threo weeks ago ThePresident is in command of tho shipand wo aro all good soldiers and sailorsand Mr Payn said at the Holland houselast night that while ho had no more likingfor President Roosevelt titan he ever hadhe might consider it advisable to take atrip to Europe during tho Republican Na-

tional Convention next yearPresident Roosevelt in his comments

recently has had very kind words to sayof cxGov Black ami ifteoka now as ifthe candidacy of Charles S Francis of Troy-to bo Ambassador to Italy might bo mic-CCHSflll

Another complication should Ixs consid-ered however so it was said last kightThe President seems to bo partial to thoelection of Mr Black to bn United StatesSenator to succeed Mr Dopow and SenatorPlatt has declared over and over againthat ho will stand by Senator Depew forreelection until tho last gun Is fired

swoiutrisH WOUDS MAN

lie Sword Through Iloat RippedOpen Ilstierniin Leg

BLOCK ISLAND July 10 ChristopherNorwaugh of the bestknown fisher-

men of the hoot which halls from tho islandwas hurt In a yesterday with a sword-

fish pounds and is havinglila attended to at a hospital In

Norwaugh was ono of the crew of time

catboat Lindsey commanded by CaptEdwin Dodge When six miles south ofthe island the man at time masthead sawthe swordfish and the boat was headedfor It

When the boat neared tho CaptDodge sighting tIme monster about threefoot below the surface harpooned it andNorwaugh went ofT in a small boat to finish-it

The fish dived deep and turning quicklycame up directly under the stern of the boatNorwaugh was Htundlnu In tim stern

The sword struck the bottom of the boatpenetrated it entered tho fishermansleft leg was forced through the fleshypart of leg The point of the swordwatt pushed entirely through the fleshcoming out at tho hip

Tho weapon wit i which the fightingfish cut the man was over three feet longand the wound It made was a jagged onenearly thirty inches long Time flesh ofNorwaughu log was torn from the bone

rue struggle between man and fish wanobserved by those in the fishing andtho crew of the Lindsey went to res-

cue as soon OH poshible She arrived hereshortly after noon Drs limitedChamplirt attended Norwaugh whoremoved to a licupita-



FeudIt Pal
























Sold to Have Hrsenrd 10O Persons In tinTears

News of by drowning In theHudson River on Thursday of Paddy Smiththe Wllllamsburg life saver reachedrelatives and frlaiuis yesterday He wait24 yearslold and lived with a married sisterMm John W Kelly at 45 South Fourthstreet Ho was an ironworker hut ho

most of his tlmo In summer on thoFifth street plor from which ex-

cursions leave daily It was said of himthat ho had rescued at least 100 Personsfrom drowning from that pier and placesnear it in the last five years Ho was anexpert swimmer

There was a church excursion from thepier on Thursday and Paddy went alongbecause tluro was a large number of chil-

dren on tho barge harks Spear Whenthe was reached some difficulty washad In effecting a because two erexcursions were already th re

While Paddy tan on guard rail of thobarge to a casting a I

woj struck on Iho right of

him and h foil the water He madea feeble effort himself but beforeassistance r aeh d him ho was drownedHis body not recovered



I ndl


imead dnon of blow




the siciqt the Tim e stunned





Colombian Senate HM Not Yet TakerIt Up Officially

Special Dupatch 10 Timid SUN

COLON July 10 Bogota advices to JulyS aro to the effect that the Sonata is still

discussing tho matter of tho abaenco oftho Presidents signature from tho Panamatreaty Time document has not yet beersubmitted for discussion

Tho prospects for tho passage of thetreaty continue gloomy Panama Is ex-

tremely anxious for a solution of theTelegraphic communcation

Bogota and Buena Ventura IH frequentlyinterrupted


Omen HucKncr Has a Close Shine WithHey In Hell Gate Current

Mounted Policeman Fred Bucknerthe Morrlsanla station abandoned his horsat Hunts Point yesterday afternoon longenough to swim to the rescue of a smallboy who got a cramp andwns slakingAftr ho limit scn the hftlfdrowned boyon the way to Lebanon HcsplfAl nnd hadliud an ugly cut on his swed up hurode to tho Morrlsania station put on dryclothing und rvfeumed his patrol

Elevenyearold Willlo Votrella of 1312

Seventh avenue was fifty yards out fromshore wl on he yoilol for help Bruckner spurred down to tIme waters edgetaking ofT his coat as ho rode Ho throwthe bridle over his horses heed anti

in clothed except for hishelmet

wont under before flruckncr got tothe policeman dived and

found him after several trinh HP theboy at the surfrco when Chriscame up in a rowboat

McSherry pulled time unconscious ladaboard und then dragged limo policeman-over the gunwale Krucltner was aboutexhausted


Monitors Crew Complain of the Officersanil Threaten to Desert

SAN FRANCISCO July 10 There is troubleon the monitor Wyoming now in thisharbor duo to wluit the men call the iujustice and severity of the officers Theysay that Gunners Weiverdell wasput on bread and water for thirty daysbecause he failed to clean his hammockwhen the officers knew his wrist wits soreThey also complain because they were notallowed to give a sword to Gunner QeorgoNewman who is a favorite They chargethat MaBteratArms I C Hansom in

such a martinet that unless ho is removedthnru will bo wlvjlesalo desertions

The officers say that Weiverdell wasinsolent to the Captain and that it was forthis he wits imprisoned whilo tho rulesforbid any officer to receive a presentfrom tho The will bo taken toMare prevent desertions rs sheis already hilthanded


Two nf time Giant olimn In the lItterQuarried In Sections

Two of time big columns which are to beput in tho sanctuary arch of time Cathedral-of St John the Divine reached 1131 streetand Hudson River on the lighter BenFranklin yesterday front Boston being-In tow by the tug ClnHetta of time BostonTowboat Company

These columns are In two parts onepiece weighing 87 tons and time pedestal 40

torts The sections are 8 feet in diameterand ono piece of each column Is 38 feetlong and the other 18 In addition twopedestals are each about 10 feet diameter

TlicRO stows have taken nine mouthsto quarry anti are the largest ever Hhipjwd

from Maine left CorMts HarborFox Island on July I coming by tIme in-

side routo On account of hid weather time

captain put into Boston ImrLor for twodays

ThiBo toots are two of eight to IH usedat the Cathedral but on account of theirsize only two con be shipped nt oiicn Tocarry the stones up tho step grade to thoCathedral Heights an Immense wteel truckhrs exprtwiy built It in fifty fItlong and tout feet wide with wheelhaving a tire trend of twenty Inches Anengine mounted nt tIme top of the hill willhaul the truck to the top


Attends to Mad I OK In n Sensible Way

Kven If Ills Thumb Is

Policeman Everett of tIme Tenderloinstation found a crowd of boys yelling Middogl und teasing a niiswrnblo yellow curyesterday afternoon on tho front stops oftho old Wlllett mansion nt 11 West Thirtyfourth street which la directly across fromtho WaldorfAstoria Everett shooed theboys away and seized tho dog by the neck

The dog bit time policemans thumb alittle but Everett didnt mind that Hetook time dog to a nearby hack yard gaveit a good cool bath and then hind tho animalsent to tlio Borgh society The dog wasntmod at all


Murderers Annul to Uc Executed Speaktu Yoime Mm-

CAHHONDAIE Iii July 10 Fully tenthousand persons gathered at Marlon today to wltnoPH the execution of murderers




















Graves mid Price Ihe men were led totho scaffold at 011 und both outdo shorttalks telling young mon to be warnedby their fate Prices neck was brokenand Graves was strangled


nilllani Davidson shoots IllniRcir After-a Day on the Water

William Davidson 2D years old a col-

lector for tIme American Ice Company com-

mitted suicldo last night nt Ills homo811Park avenue by shouting himself In thhead He out flailing nil day under time

hot sun und time members df saythey think tho Jit at uffoctcd his mind

Woiniir Ill From heat Takes IoltnnMrs Mdor Murlthelm of 500 Brook ave

nit got out of Nd nt I oclock last even-Ing complaining that the heat had mniloher dizzy and saying that she was going togt some Sue then swallow dHomo carbolic acid appfirpntly In inlitakoShe was taken to the Hospital Ina critical condition

Puts fhlpnios Population at 22ttlflOOCHICAGO July 10 Tli new city directory

estimates time population of Chicago at2231000

Premature of time Hair mime b entIretyvented by the u e of linrnctti Cocoalne Aft











Iliimnnn anti Ilorstn lluili wiltcil Afterhard MKht loatlm nnd Prostra-tions Incrcnaeil May lie Cooler Today Thu Making or Heat Horrori

Yesterday was another hottest July dayThe big town baked and steamed under ItNever a thunderstorm came to break Itsextremity It did cloud up Jerseywnrd

in the afternoon butthe blackest clouds nil went to time southSonic folks In high oflloe buildings couldsee from their perches flvhc of lightningcoming out of time cloud banks somewheresouth of Stolen Island lint rain did notfail to cool tiny pirt of the city

Showers and a fresh west wind are prom-ised to lumper time heat to dIY

Tiif Weather lluniau announced thathind been the hottest July 10 on record

by three degrees nnd that with three ex-ceptions it was time hoHnt July day OnJuly 0 187 on July 1 180H and on July1H01 the thermometer got up to 03 dpgroeaTime best or wont it did yesterday was 01

The hottest day over citywas 718S1 whnn tho mercury touchedtime lKdoroR nwrlc

Tho police reported eleven death duo toheat yeeterday and hixtyflvo heat prof-ltrallonn In Manhattan and The BronxAt time Brooklyn headquarters four deathsarid fifteen prostrations were recorded

Folks who went to the Weather Bureaufor sympathy got mighty little of It ThoWeather Bureau is up in a iilou high build-ing which cntclips every breeze that straysby If It in possible to escnpn tho suffer-ing which hot weather brings the weather-man escapes Therefore he felt war-

ranted in saying mutest cheer-fully that yesterday was no hotter thanThursday haul been and that there was nomoor humidity

It ia to be doubted whether any lay ob-server agreed with him Perhaps becausetho night had boon FO hot with time moonlooking out on the sweltering town with analmost brazen tinge in while glare folkswere not an well prepared to stand tho heatas they hind on perhapsBlvepIMsiipsa madn thorn nervous But

most of those to whom thoWeather DurcnuH assurances came feltquito confident that the thermometer waslying

liy tho hum tutu city was fairly astiryesterday mrmlng the thermometer hadtrendy renchcd XI It rose each houruntil at noon it humid reached 8 For nnhour it ftnod still hut lit mado nni-Kiiproni effort nail reached 14 the lu liiM-txint of TMirwIny flrodimllv hut very

grnduclly ih retreat hegnn At 5 oclocki I ho thermouieter in thn Wrnther Bureau

olliees wns at 01 In tlio next hour theren drop to NO

you notice how much cooler itis now titan it was at tho same time lustnight asked a Wenilmr Bureau volooover Tnii SUNS telephone at 0 oclockThen by way of refitting time torture cnnnithe ndded conunont There Is such abreeze you know

Every littlo while somebody thoughthat ho hud caught a little private brcoziof his own ihi untierUoii was alwuydtact with worn und derision by others

Them wore no delusion on time Kiibjjctin time tvnemtnt on both sides oftIme town Women lit their work andgathered in doorways and on steps andwherever there was shelter from the directheat of time sun and nt tho same titus mootair tlmn there was In time ownlike tene-ment room There thy read to onanother horror extras of time nveniiiK newsliapors took mutual comfort that thecriivl SIlOS blaughter hadnt readiedthem yet

In iho streets on tho sidewalks on thecare In the restaurants iivn shid theirtats and looked toady to bite the headoff any one who dand so much as to raisehh eyebrows in uhjictiun Park iKncheseven in Hunny potn were filled all

long with foll who were oxhaiwted-nnd a n st ovin thought it was ahot ml

of tho moro cheering sights of thelwlnv U t iiwersby in Park

IMW a little after notn A very solemnfat reporter cumo down out of a news-paper with n camera and a thormomelor Ho vandercd about the open

andiiiK for tho hottest After a whiloho fouiul a place near the Franklinmonument whleh seemed to be time focusof amore sun rays than any other Tlmre-ho solemnly set up the thermometer waiteduitll time mercury refused to rise any highermeet then the record Thensolemnly and dripping lie retired to the

of lila newspaper-A few miniitiH Inter

nato from a rival newspaper appeared In asecluded In street near thaBridge arches anti likewise jiroduced atliennonictiT lie however produced

which he liKhtod andbull of tin another re-porter with a camera u picture Thusurn scored by great

The lioiwH felt tin effects of the heat adtiil morn than most omen presum-

ably befuiiFi human hud not Averagemans Iveidoin and opportunity tohis work limo un

conlraetom t atiiH and trem-liltil like lie lildnniiHt rainsliackleboncM in n luiditcrB Theat the rigit ladder houses

tliu did what they couldto initiKatci the nuflYriiiK cf the

At eviTy lire IIOIIHO a snuill how was attnpicd to hydrant a group of cheer-ful young tni flninotiof tisk 01 rfrenlilnn the tired animalsthat came

The infrnliii of tli or en-tliusliBtif fnwir tlm FireIVpiim tit wrvlnp without pny IncludH-iminy They fought

out another for of Hiilrtwater on lionoq Tho driviM KnTllyn-

viillrd thfrn IVIH uf H

offered und oftiii thnrti were orwnond and trutkH lined up waiting for uturn

The hoiv n differed In their appreciationof tlio ntlfntlon Sonm ofup thrlr can1 nnd forward eagerly10 iy In rnnnii of time streamkicked up im l objections at firstButt HIPP were any did notnettl down to luiirtfelt whenthey rrnllwd time full comfort ofitnHiiH nboiit lhIr feet andThe Snoliy for lh Prevention of Crueltyto Anlinnln thriHntntioiiH nt Twentyuixth stnvt arid Mndl-HOII rvni in Inwp nn t wtrft and Inliit Twintyscciind sheet At thcso placesthere wim nvrr nr of m effort tothe water nlhf lf ntifienlly in order thatthn dtiver might n on In tIme bestw v tn pool hl hnrw off

The S P C A reports that Its supply ofhoino liomiott IH aboutIt awaits contributions for time purchase oftnor

ven time Hnirrows were knocked outtime heat of them Ml to thoMde

walks in various of time town Someso completely windizrd that

were to and others manflitnaj




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