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V J 'in! I It...Vf Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Hall and Building Materials of every...

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V J i, v It A A I e.t Hi ) in m 'in!! jfNl & in id I v aUB80KIHTIOf I10NOLUI.IT, II. I., TUESDAY EYHNINU, AlMilL 7, 1891. 60 PER MOTi- - Vol. XV. No. 82. Ii wia & mm i oi. G. Wilaor's Slaams&ljV IS.?! I 1 Tl if W li fs mi . f I HUNTED BY HER HU30AND. Mr. Clhic I.fin ihnm Afler His Wifffl and a Contpnuiun. The Clinos and the Lonjis, of Ritssoli, HusKell county, Kan., have gupplitd nil the elementa of a sensational romance which maj yi-- end in Zolcesque trnuc-dy- . The ilraift.itU ptfreonuj are the gay deceiver, Dr. W. Lou;;, 50 years old, it' he U n day; the faithless wife, Mrs. Cline, and the aban-dune- d family, which consists of -- Mrs. Lninr and nine children only. And the odd nnri ivt ni Tut NOW . kJ U 104 Fort St, : : Are gunranteeil to be fa- -t Mack, wiil not -- tain or crock, nor discolor the waUr when washing, they ate feoit and pliant. 7 . rl- - Also in (icntioini'H's Socks. CALL FOR THE "ADELINE BLACK STOCKING" FOR SALE ONLY AT T11K DA TIT AT? Mn.T.TrrRV RHTTRF. 1i i'fdt S(il, nii.ohi!u. 1 m I'l deplumes, No. 175. AT BKD 'AL1FORNIA HAY. OATS, BRAN, OIL CAKE JIK I, LINSEED MEAL, BARLEY, ROLLED BAULKY, MIDDLING GROUND BARLEY WHEAT AND CORN FLOUR. KLOUU nr AHa, ColJcn Gale & Salinas t&a FLOUH P. O. Box 14-1- . IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN In 'tl TI3IK TAJH.K: STHR. 'KINAU; CLARKE. Commander, Will leave Honolulu at 2 o'clock r. m. touching at Laliaina, Mnaliit-- Bay and Makcna the siinie day; Maliu-knna- , Kawailiat; and Laupahoi lino tlie following day, arriving at llilo at midnight. LEAVES HONOLULU. Tuesday . .April 11th Friday . . . . " 21th Tuesday . Mav oth Friday . . .. " 1.1th Tuesday . . " 2Cth Friday . .June ijlli Tuesday . .. " Kith Friday. . .. ' 2iih Tuu.-da- ..July 7th Returning h nves ililo, touching al Laupalioehoe stine day; Kawaihae, A M. ; Mahukniia, 12 noon; Makcna, Or. M ; Maalaca Bay, 8 l'. M. ; Lalia- ina, 10 i M. the billowing day; arriv- ing at Honolulu (! A. .M. Wednesdays and Saturdays. ARMVK3 AT UONOLl'LU. Saturday .April 1 1 tli Tuesday .... . " 21st Saint day . . .May 2nd Wednesday . " l.'lth Saturday . " 2:ird .June 2nd Saturday Liili Wednesday " 21th Saturday Julv 4th Tuesd y . " 11th Arrives on Tuesday in order to connect with out-goin- g mails for San No Freight will be received after 12 noon of day of sailing. STKihVCUUDINE.' DAViES, Cemmandsr, Will leave Honolulu every Tuesday at o'clock p. M., totiehtug at Kahtt-lui- , lluelo, liana, llanioa and Kipn-hulu- . Returning will arrive ut Hono- lulu every Sunday morning. 0J" No Freight will bo received after 4 r. M. on day of sailing. Consigiioos must he at the landings to receive their freight, as we will not hold ourselves responsible after such freight has been landed. While the Company will use duo diligence in handling live stock, we decline to as- sume any responsibility iu case of the loss of same, and will not be responsible for money or jewelry unless placed in the care of Pursers. W. C. WILDER, President. S. B. ROSE, Secretary. CAPT. J. A. KING, Port Supt. D. M. CROWLEY, i.'pm'xvrr.EiKit, 110 King street near Alakea street, oppo. California Fruit Market. Designer and Manufacturer of ART FURNITURE Furniture elegant cover- ings; Firs! -- class Beihliiif! Made, and Old Bedding French Polishing By a lirst-cla- ss man, C viiPETS MADE and LAID. Window Poles, Cornices and DRAPERIES, Designed and made iu the highest style of art (Sample may be seen iu the Legislative Hull). !- t- Deal with t he woikmau, and save uiiildleinan's jirolit. 17 tf CAUTION ! 5 'HE nu ll rsigm d hereby warns all persons against tiespav-ini- r on !heir premises at Kapuakca, Waikiki-waeit- a. between the hours of ii::tll M. ami ii a M. lobiid so trcspas--in- g lit be pro. et alio, 1, VI -- ! X h(lXti sl.NIi & t'O. i o g s I II K la. ge know 'i us i, k ln.kil li'aneli, kail, i li.ie.jil, ill, all ln b, lug-- . I le- bain Ii I'. ni.iiio. . - l.ooo a. les here is on till ;n. h a l .i and .lit. ,bc I !i .1 Hi Iv ,10-- I 11.1,1. I' I'l I'iUliel O iMi- - I I.I II ..pb KUII hi , I II bull. II. . ail, I Ii llll'iM . I i I liiii JJA1LI DULLnim It) PUBUSHKU Er AfUrnoon Except Sundays At tin Office, Queen street, Ilnnolulu tl. I. ARTHUR JOHNSTONE E 'i ui DANiEL LOGAN Wanagei t on the DAILY BULLETIN PUBLISHING COMPANY, (Limited.) l HsSl Kll'l IOX: Daily Buli.ktin, 1 year $ 00 " " (i months 3 00 " " per month (de- - liVfrud") 50 Wkkkly Bulletin Si'mmakv, 1 yea- - " 00 foretell C 00 jrltotli IVI'iIiimii' X. :i5l. - SiiTAddress nil business eoniiniuiiea- - tioliS "MANAOKK DAILY BlLLKTIN." r?"A(Mr'fs nil matter for publica- tion "KiiiToii Daily I.i li.kvln " I, it. X Hit. illlllO'lllll. it. 1. erodib & Furry, Drs. Physicians. Office: 81 Bere-a- ni street". Honolulu, II. I M. MONSAREAT, l Attorney tit Law mill Notary Public. Merchant street, Honolulu. f ALFRED MAUOON. ? Attorney in Law mid Notary Public. No. Ci' Merchant street, Honii- - liilu. i AVID DAYTON (Kewiki) I Will he in liis private office from to I : :t0 l At. Office : 01 Kins street. (up stairs) ll Schmidt & Sons, UW. Imoorters it Coinmis-ioi- i Mcr- - chants. 1'ort sireel, Honolulu. & CO , nllACKf'flLD ( I nimission Agents, Oorner Fort and Ouo.ii streets, 1:0110-lui- u, II. I. W MACFARLANE & CO., G1 IniDorters and Commission Merchants Queen street, Honolulu, H. 1. ONSALVKS & CO., C J Wholesale Grocers and Wine Merchants. Beaver Block, Honolulu, 11. 1. T. WATERTIOUSE, IOHN Importer and Healer in General Merchandise. Queen street, Honolulu, II. 1. "1ASTLE & COOKE, shipping and Commission Mer- chants. Importers and Healers in Gen- eral Merchandise. No 80 King street, Honolulu. W'lLDER&CO., Vf Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Hall and Building Materials of every kind. Comer Fort and Queen streets, Honolulu. I EWERS & COOKE, lJ Importers anil Dealers in Lum ber and all kinds ot minding Materials. Fort street, Honolulu. C. BREWER & CO., (Li;ilTEI), General Merc mtile AN!) Commission Agents LIST OF OKI'ICEHS l P. C. Jones, Jr. ..President & Manager J. O. Cartel . .Treasurer & Secretary imtHCTons : lion. C. K. Bishop. S. 0. Allen, 11. Waterhouse. i -- m CASTLE COOK! nii'OitTKM's ii irdute, eluppiug AND Ciu$niitJsiou Merchants DEALKltS LN Genertii Merchandise ! Ag3Ut, Lif9, Fire & Murine Iusaianec Age i's. 1 HONOLULU, II. 1. 01 HONOLULU IRON WORKS, Hinolttl-i- H. I. Steam F.nincs, Sugar Mills, Boilers, Cooler.-- ; Iron, I rass ami Lead t'a-lii- i; Mai hiliei v of every description made lo old- r Canicular ulleiilioil paid to Step's I. la. Job Work at short iioiicc. T. 15. v AI.KI.K, t.Nuil in' ml HitlltU-r- , II, irk, Mone and Wooden liuihling i cinc'aiy W oi k ami .lob- bing n hded lo, mi Ling luei, Hono- lulu, !! b 'L h l ie ne id," . li.lil i II . i i i mhi;i i i Ml Hi t M LUlALbLLfc'uU if . I iorsey moc THE FINE THOROUGHBRED JUIiiEY BULL "UMA'B KING," (Hegistered in Jersey Heril Hook in 18110. See Kt'ijlstry Certificate). Recently importeil direct from the Island of Jersey in the sliij) "Ku'elnre," Will Stand for a Limited Season iA : At the staliles of Hon. W. (J. Irwin, at Kapiolani I'ark. The rodijjuic of lliis thorou;j;lMired nniiiial is of the linet "Jersey Hold Iioi k" pii.e stock, follows: girt illh." No. lo2s. He bv Nestor Itrd. No.70i (Sire) ; Gambajje, No 5H41i (I)aml. DAM "Una's IM," No. 2501. She by Nestor 2nd, No. f8! (.Sire) ; Una 2nd, No. 1557. (Dam). '1'lie ahove regitration numbers refer to those ft'iven each animal by the "Jers. y Herd Hook," to which reference can be had un application to the under- signed. For terms and further particulars, applv to W. 31. UIl'FAhD. 48 3 in WHKN YOU WANT Oh itain I'ol. s, (Ji.rniccs or Window Fillings, Arlisis' Materials of any kind, flieet Pici lire, SUCH AS Etchings, Engravings, Watei colors or Pastels, Photo or Autograph Alliums, Wall Brackets, Leather Purses, Bags, Mirrors or Easels, Etc., SO TO KING BUGS., Hotel -( Who devoto their whole atten- tion to the Picture Framing 5 An Basins With 12 years' experience. If you want something nice to send away, get one of heir ' ' '' c ouvenir of Hawaii, A collection of f)(i Choice Hawaiian Views done in photogravures. Price, if 1.00. 71 lm L EO sue d ' s'sJti BENSON, SMITH & CO FOR T STREET. 7tf mnn sirup The licratl'tnrv lood poison of scrofula ii' esops tn tho (lehcato tissms of tho brain, mental we knescs mil infir.-uU'us- , l.ifvy . i insanity, ltin-Urge- the el.toi .si.r' the !ii o.a, impmrs ho sen.-.o- ot hum l.s'O or nriui.. into cou- timni r n.; i s on ' bo elc. It hslroys the J.ifws, . r id s tin in will tub, l'ciih.-.i'- i s- re loir- i, t.ils awn illQ roiilm of lie! inhi ges tliu liel , ilotrs 11.;'. - idoeyj, Cli- - te.-- ! eonst'liation Mild hid cet piles , No human meiey rim tn fHii,iv, v r imiienlly and eeonomic'ioy blood of rof. Ions poi on, clear the eomph'iioii and U in. sculp un I 1 od, h iit-ittc- i jriu .. tut lTi at blood pui ill r. Renter's Hi3 I'm it uhvjej if oo U i t f df .. .if t.kdi, H i. .11 " !. 4 i it'll' t I'ol, I , ...l.C l! , ,.. to I n , , I. ., ll l (LUIITKIt.) OFFER FOR BALK Lime Ac J;meiit, PARAFFINE PAINT CO.'S COMPOUNDS and ROOFING, REED'S PATENT Felt Steam Pips CoYerlng, all sties. FERTILIZERS: WOOL DUST, BONE MEAL, FISH GUANO, ALSO BUCK 4 OHXAJSDT'S High Grade CKemicdl Cane Manors. GRASS SEEDS: COCKSFOOT, RYE GRASS And CLOVERS. Refined Sugars, Fairbank Canning Co.'a Corner Beef, 1 and 2 lb. tins. SALMON IN BARRELS. Baldwin LoGomotiyes. The undersigned having been appointed sole agents for the Hawaiian Islands For the Celebrated Mm temlires From the works of Bartiam, Parry, Williams St Co., I'hlia.li-Iiliia- , renu.. Are now prepared to give estimates and receive orders for these engines, of size and style. The Baldwin Locomotive Wokks are now manufacturing a style of Loco- motive particularly adapted For Plantation Purposes, A number of which have recently been received at these Islands, and we will have pleasure in furnishing plantation agents au managers with particulars oi same. The superiority of these Locomotives over all other makes is not only known here but is acknowledged throughout the United Stales. Win. O. IK WIN & Co., L'd, Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands. ft i If II & CO (LI JUTI.O.) Win. G. Irwin. . .President & Manager Clans Sprockets nt Walter M. Oiffard Secretary & Treasurer Theo. C. Porter Auditor SUOAU FACTORS AND Commission Agents. AGENTS OF THK Ocoaiic SteamsMD Csi'y, Of Mail t al. iriuii vjuniQii Meat Company 81 KING STREET, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager. Wholesale & Retail Butchers ano NAVY CONTRACTORS. TAI WO CHAN, Manufacturer of Ladies' ,fc Oeutlemen' Fre eh K d, Call & Kangarco sittN sii'ds utuK loniadu. I'rmli'il r KrMi'il tlau, lil.llef. as .s.iii.iuii hi., t i i I', o, ll.m iu, ii, mi i i i i; t o,, n A' in' a i. (iun & jo' Kswirii. I, ib, Ml, t, "tl.ill ,.!,' !... k," fir? f'rn;F7tMPQ i SALIC AT a v li u : : Honolulu. Children. Cor. Edinbiiig & Queen Sts. BOCK l'KICKS- - Telephone No. 92. ZJ.fi?r i I'. 0. Box 372. r;r:... ... n tree!. h ii i i s j -- '. O. Box 297. ill Coit Struet, u'i:- - ilv Lemons and ( altloniia Jvneisiu Lie, Lie., Etc. Saiisfaction guaranteed. COOKK, i 5 "i : s ,...:! r. ? wrchants, i: Hi A itbi'ltaril Iaiplemeuts, i . .' A in oi i . I. ii Is. Si I c x J S I Greener:, Pro d iocs and Feed, EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS. New (Jooil-- t received by pm-ko- t from Eastern Slates and Europe, Fresh California Produce "by uvi-r- st. aiiier. All orders faithfully attended to anil (hinds delivered to any portal' the city lice of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction giiaianti ed. 1"!)1 'leleplioncs, No. 11'.). 5 g 2 i B F-- V t'l ri -- "A MR. AKD MRS. CLINK. feature of the eiise is Unit ttie wronsred husband lias been liunliiiK the f uitive pair in iletecl ive anil his story is Mint his wile was a pure and L'oou woman till nr. Loiik rirr.'iiceu on imr wiim ioui rtiai un, Abn.-i'- t Iwr ymttU with Urugsand iiiincrals That weaken nenae. nine was arrested a few da.VB ?lnee by the siiiir eyed detociives at the Union de- pot, ft. Louis, who saw t hut lii.itlov.in4 beard wan lain?, anil mat lie w.e) ouienviM.-"mad- e up," though to the unpraelii-r- eye he looked like an ordinary ranchman. After heint; taken to court and confronted with the alternative of confession or im- prisonment on suspicion he told his story. A yeara;o he, W. K. Cline, was living hap- pily on his claim near Kussell with a wife and two children, when Dr. Loiif? was called to attend Mrs. Cline for some slight illness. From that time she was a changed woman. Her fascination with Dr. Lon. amount- ed to a mania, and in a lit Lie while the two were missing she leaving a and two children, he a wife and nine rail dren. Both had stood hii;h in thccioii- luunity. Yet the doctor took with him every dollar he could collect, and left hi 4 fumily destitute. Mr. Cline sent hisci.il ilreu to his fiarents iu Virginia, nsiuueit a disguise aud started on the hunt. 11.! at length located the (,'ililty pair in a niinin-.,- ' J ramp mar Trinidad, Colo., where Dr. Look had already built up a e: ood praci ice. 'i besherilT there arrested tne o :e;oron a U'lerutu, hut he was soon haii.d. The woman's condition did not admit of l,ur imprisomnent. Mr. Cline, when released at Ft. Louis, re- sumed his di: .'jtuise. l)r. Unig had l iitvat ened to shoo), hi in. on ilit, and Cline did not want his enemy to "get tho drop on him." All he intends is lo pro ecu te I he doctor to the extent, of the law and take his wife home, for, he adds, "she was a good woman at heart before that man en- tered lledocs not doubt that she can be reclaimed, hut Lorn; must go to prison. "All the guilt is hi;." Now it would he interesting to knoir the opinion of Mrs. Long as to which i.s the more Ktiilty. Mysterious 5Iur.li1' f im i.l Woman. The recent murder of the Wid IV. sire is another of tuosi strange and iimxpSka-hit- erimi's for which Paris 'hi'.s bc&rw no- torious. Veuve lliusire w; an wvkjc'iii-ria- living in a sum 11 room on tin- top lloor of a hi'li buihiim;. Kach moriiiii;; she went to mass, and after her rci urn home spent the remainder of thu day in adniir-iiii- f her array of carved c.uei.ixes. m.'irblo and alabaster Madonnus, dainty rosaries and images of saints and aicels. She had n of old francs. Her living cost her three francs per week. The rest of tho money it had been her custom for many years to spend in the purchase of "objects of devotion." One day the widow did not go to inns. The neighbors visited her room, aud found her lying on the bed strangled to death. The had taken none of the valu- able c wive a Utile old ( lock. A man was seen to enter the apartment, the day before tne discovery of the murder. He went, out after a short stay. Who the assassin is and what was his ohji-c- me thiiiKSlU'dcleetivtssartf trying to ascertain. An i:iterly Dt'Volee of finpi-l- Age has little effect on tho levies, disapjxiiutnients of i ,.c h.imau heart, and elderly lover?., it semis, are as (Jckli- - a lads and lassies who stand at t he threshold of mature existence. Alexander Johnston, of Pittsburg, Pa., aged 70, linds liim-iut- defendant in a hnai.-- of promise suit. The plainlid is UossAnu lienilerson, who ts fen years his junior. She a.-- 10,IH.H) damages, an a- - rls that. Aii-- has transferred his adeeiions to a lady who has seen but lib y summers. FretiU of an KarUi'iuako There are earthemakes and earthquakes, but San Francisco's experience is peculiar, because she is H modern American cityaud her list of breakables is large and varied. So every earthquake there leaves some curious mementos. In Vov'J the peculiar "clouded fr.aet.tire"of Thomas iiotisewoi'lh & Co.'s big window was ot so much inter est that photographs of it went all over the world, but the recent eart,hiiia!;e there produced n fracturo which reduces the otiier to a side show. 1 TI.K t' II III II HIM ill '.It u ui.ooV ot Ih-- j e. ...ii ill le t ,0.t.,lll 's , it r.t I I. j Oe ' (llin.. lo i ... ,, ... i I. au j.a... ; u.j .. i !! oi i I Having leased Hie stores in the brick building known as the "Lincoln Block," nearly opposite the old stand, and having disposed of thai portion of my stock damaged by the laic lire, and being in receipt of New (hauls per lust steamer, and more on the way, 1 am prepared In till n'.l roers as befote. Thanking the public for l.hc liberal patnniagi' be-- o wed on niefortlie pa.-- t seven years, I hope by prompt atteiii noi to nil onh is lo ine,it a continuance of the same. At the new stand shall be pleased to see all my old cus- tomers, and as many in '.v ones as may lind it to their advantage to call. Island orders Volieitt d and faithfully exeeuled. CI IAS. 11USTACE. Telephone 210. Li Vf L'- -' , CO , HONOLULU, II. L, Importers, Wholesale & Ritaii Dialers in Groceries & Provisions, !s Bv each steamer of tin-O- . S. S. Co. from California fresh California Roll Butter, Frozen OvsH-r- s and Fresh California Fruits, Fish, Game, Vegetables, etc., elc. A c.mi'plcie line i i Cross.- & & .1. T. Morton's Canned & IJolll.d Hoods always on Imi.-- Ah-u- , ju-- t nci ivcd a fresh line of (iennan Pal.-- and Potted M-- and Bottled I'lv.-erve- d l'ruil-- , Lewis & Co.'s Maltese Brand Sugar Cur. d II. no- - nod Bacon, New Breakfast Ccieals, Cream Oat KI,.k.- mill Ci.,.in Wh,-- it Sa Oranges, Oregon But lu ink 1'ulatin ( ) A s i L i . t ' I I d r Ill i ; t - ... i , M , i i .. .. - ... .IU .11 if I b. li.l- - (,,,, t w ' li u ,ii, d e l(. i. m, . d I . I,.,.., I III M I ll" i. , i ... i ; ' ' ... ,. i t, i ,. A I . v. 1,0 II I ' ,,,,.) Ii. I..., ..... M i' .... ' i I I ,i H I "t I t I lli Im I l
Page 1: V J 'in! I It...Vf Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Hall and Building Materials of every kind. Comer Fort and Queen streets, Honolulu. lJI EWERS & COOKE, Importers anil Dealers

V Ji,


It A

A Ie.t Hi ) in m 'in!! jfNl &in id I v


I10NOLUI.IT, II. I., TUESDAY EYHNINU, AlMilL 7, 1891. 60 PER MOTi- -Vol. XV. No. 82.

Ii wia & mmi oi. G.Wilaor's Slaams&ljVIS.?! I 1 Tl if W li fs mi . fI


Mr. Clhic I.fin ihnm Afler His Wifffl

and a Contpnuiun.

The Clinos and the Lonjis, of Ritssoli,

HusKell county, Kan., have gupplitd nil theelementa of a sensational romance which

maj yi-- end in Zolcesque trnuc-dy- . Theilraift.itU ptfreonuj are the gay deceiver, Dr.

W. Lou;;, 50 years old, it' he U n day; thefaithless wife, Mrs. Cline, and the aban-dune- d

family, which consists of --Mrs. Lninr

and nine children only. And the odd

nnri ivt niTutNOW

. kJ U

104 Fort St, : :

Are gunranteeil to be fa- -t Mack, wiil not -- tain or crock, nor discolor thewaUr when washing, they ate feoit and pliant.

7 . rl- -

Also in (icntioini'H's Socks.




1i i'fdt S(il, nii.ohi!u.1 m

I'l deplumes, No. 175.





KLOUU nr AHa, ColJcn Gale & Salinas t&a FLOUH

P. O. Box 14-1- .


In 'tl



Will leave Honolulu at 2 o'clock r. m.

touching at Laliaina, Mnaliit-- Bayand Makcna the siinie day; Maliu-knna- ,

Kawailiat; and Laupahoi lino tliefollowing day, arriving at llilo atmidnight.


Tuesday . .April 11thFriday . . . . " 21thTuesday . Mav othFriday . . .. " 1.1th

Tuesday . . " 2CthFriday . .June ijlliTuesday . .. " KithFriday. . .. ' 2iihTuu.-da- ..July 7th

Returning h nves ililo, touching alLaupalioehoe stine day; Kawaihae,A M. ; Mahukniia, 12 noon; Makcna,Or. M ; Maalaca Bay, 8 l'. M. ; Lalia-

ina, 10 i M. the billowing day; arriv-

ing at Honolulu (! A. .M. Wednesdaysand Saturdays.


Saturday .April 1 1 tli

Tuesday .... . " 21stSaint day . . .May 2ndWednesday . " l.'lthSaturday . " 2:ird

.June 2ndSaturday LiiliWednesday " 21thSaturday Julv 4thTuesd y . " 11th

Arrives on Tuesday in order toconnect with out-goin- g mails for San

No Freight will be receivedafter 12 noon of day of sailing.


Will leave Honolulu every Tuesdayat o'clock p. M., totiehtug at Kahtt-lui- ,

lluelo, liana, llanioa and Kipn-hulu- .

Returning will arrive ut Hono-lulu every Sunday morning.

0J" No Freight will bo receivedafter 4 r. M. on day of sailing.

Consigiioos must he at the landingsto receive their freight, as we will nothold ourselves responsible after suchfreight has been landed. While theCompany will use duo diligence inhandling live stock, we decline to as-

sume any responsibility iu case of theloss of same, and will not be responsiblefor money or jewelry unless placed inthe care of Pursers.

W. C. WILDER, President.S. B. ROSE, Secretary.

CAPT. J. A. KING, Port Supt.


i.'pm'xvrr.EiKit,110 King street near Alakea street, oppo.

California Fruit Market.

Designer and Manufacturer of

ART FURNITUREFurniture elegant cover-


Firs! -- class Beihliiif! Made, and OldBedding

French PolishingBy a lirst-cla- ss man,


Window Poles, Cornices and

DRAPERIES,Designed and made iu the highest styleof art (Sample may be seen iu theLegislative Hull).

!-t- Deal with t he woikmau, and saveuiiildleinan's jirolit. 17 tf


5 'HE nu ll rsigm d hereby warns allpersons against tiespav-ini- r on

!heir premises at Kapuakca, Waikiki-waeit- a.

between the hours of ii::tll M.

ami ii a M. lobiid so trcspas--in- g

lit be pro. et alio, 1,

VI -- ! X h(lXti sl.NIi & t'O.

i o g sI II K la. ge know 'i us

i, k ln.kil li'aneli, kail,i li.ie.jil, ill, all ln b,

lug-- . I le- bain Ii I'. ni.iiio.. - l.ooo a. les here is on

till ;n. h a l .i and .lit. ,bc I !i .1

Hi Iv ,10-- I 11.1,1. I' I'l I'iUliel O iMi- -

I I.I II ..pb KUII hi ,

I II bull. II. . ail,

I Ii llll'iM. I i I


Er AfUrnoon Except Sundays

At tin Office, Queen street, Ilnnolulutl. I.





l HsSl Kll'l IOX:Daily Buli.ktin, 1 year $ 00

" " (i months 3 00" " per month (de- -

liVfrud") 50

Wkkkly Bulletin Si'mmakv, 1

yea- - " 00

foretell C 00

jrltotli IVI'iIiimii' X. :i5l. -

SiiTAddress nil business eoniiniuiiea- -


r?"A(Mr'fs nil matter for publica-tion "KiiiToii Daily I.i li.kvln "

I, it. X Hit. illlllO'lllll. it. 1.

erodib & Furry,Drs. Physicians. Office: 81 Bere-a- ni

street". Honolulu, II. I

M. MONSAREAT,l Attorney tit Law mill Notary

Public. Merchant street, Honolulu.

f ALFRED MAUOON.? Attorney in Law mid Notary

Public. No. Ci' Merchant street, Honii- -


i AVID DAYTON (Kewiki)I Will he in liis private office from

to I : :t0 l At. Office : 01 Kinsstreet. (up stairs) ll

Schmidt & Sons,UW. Imoorters it Coinmis-ioi- i Mcr- -

chants. 1'ort sireel, Honolulu.

& CO ,nllACKf'flLD ( I nimission Agents,Oorner Fort and Ouo.ii streets, 1:0110-lui- u,

II. I.

W MACFARLANE & CO.,G1 IniDorters and CommissionMerchants Queen street, Honolulu,H. 1.

ONSALVKS & CO.,CJ Wholesale Grocers and WineMerchants. Beaver Block, Honolulu,11. 1.

T. WATERTIOUSE,IOHNImporter and Healer in GeneralMerchandise. Queen street, Honolulu,II. 1.

"1ASTLE & COOKE,shipping and Commission Mer-

chants. Importers and Healers in Gen-

eral Merchandise. No 80 King street,Honolulu.

W'lLDER&CO.,Vf Dealers in Lumber, Paints,

Oils, Nails, Hall and Building Materialsof every kind. Comer Fort and Queenstreets, Honolulu.

I EWERS & COOKE,lJ Importers anil Dealers in Lumber and all kinds ot minding Materials.Fort street, Honolulu.

C. BREWER & CO.,(Li;ilTEI),

General Merc mtileAN!)

Commission AgentsLIST OF OKI'ICEHS l

P. C. Jones, Jr. ..President & ManagerJ. O. Cartel . .Treasurer & Secretary

imtHCTons :

lion. C. K. Bishop. S. 0. Allen,11. Waterhouse.

i -- m


ii irdute, eluppiugAND

Ciu$niitJsiou MerchantsDEALKltS LN

Genertii Merchandise !

Ag3Ut,Lif9, Fire & Murine

Iusaianec Age i's.

1 HONOLULU, II. 1. 01


Steam F.nincs, Sugar Mills, Boilers,Cooler.-- ; Iron, I rass ami Lead t'a-lii- i;

Mai hiliei v of every description made loold- r Canicular ulleiilioil paid toStep's I. la. Job Work

at short iioiicc.

T. 15. v AI.KI.K,

t.Nuil in' ml HitlltU-r- ,

II, irk, Mone and Wooden liuihlingi cinc'aiy W oi k ami .lob-

bing n hded lo, mi Ling luei, Hono-lulu, !! b 'L h l ie ne id," . li.lil

i II . i i i mhi;i i i

Ml Hi t M


if . I

iorsey moc


"UMA'B KING,"(Hegistered in Jersey Heril Hook in 18110.

See Kt'ijlstry Certificate).

Recently importeil direct from the Islandof Jersey in the sliij) "Ku'elnre,"

Will Stand for a Limited Season

iA :

At the staliles of Hon. W. (J. Irwin, atKapiolani I'ark.

The rodijjuic of lliis thorou;j;lMirednniiiial is of the linet "Jersey HoldIioi k" pii.e stock, follows:

girt illh." No. lo2s. Hebv Nestor Itrd. No.70i (Sire) ; Gambajje,No 5H41i (I)aml.

DAM "Una's IM," No. 2501. Sheby Nestor 2nd, No. f8! (.Sire) ; Una 2nd,No. 1557. (Dam).

'1'lie ahove regitration numbersrefer to those ft'iven each animal by the"Jers. y Herd Hook," to which referencecan be had un application to the under-signed.

For terms and further particulars,applv to

W. 31. UIl'FAhD.48 3 in


Oh itain I'ol. s,(Ji.rniccs or Window Fillings,Arlisis' Materials of any kind,

flieet Pici lire,SUCH AS

Etchings, Engravings,Watei colors or Pastels,Photo or Autograph Alliums,Wall Brackets, Leather Purses,Bags, Mirrors or Easels, Etc.,


KING BUGS.,Hotel -(

Who devoto their whole atten-tion to the

Picture Framing 5 An Basins

With 12 years' experience.

If you want something nice to sendaway, get one of heir

' ' ' 'c ouvenir of Hawaii,A collection of f)(i Choice HawaiianViews done in photogravures. Price,if 1.00. 71 lm



d ' s'sJti



mnn sirup

The licratl'tnrv lood poison ofscrofula ii' esops tn tho (lehcato tissmsof tho brain, mental we knescs milinfir.-uU'us- , l.ifvy . i insanity, ltin-Urge-

the el.toi .si.r' the !ii o.a, impmrsho sen.-.o- ot hum l.s'O or nriui..

into cou- timni r n.; i s on ' bo elc. Ithslroys the J.ifws, . r id s tin in willtub, l'ciih.-.i'- i s- re loir- i, t.ils awnillQ roiilm of lie! inhi gestliu liel , ilotrs 11.;'. - idoeyj, Cli-- te.-- !

eonst'liation Mild hid cet piles , Nohuman meiey rim tn fHii,iv, v rimiienlly and eeonomic'ioyblood of rof. Ions poi on, clear theeomph'iioii and U in. sculp un I 1 od,

h iit-ittc- i jriu .. tutlTi at blood pui ill r.

Renter's Hi3

I'm it uhvjej if oo U i t f df...if t.kdi, H i. .11 " !.

4 i it'll' t I'ol, I , ...l.C l!

, ,.. to I n , , I. ., ll l






Felt Steam Pips CoYerlng, all sties.





High Grade CKemicdl Cane Manors.



Refined Sugars,Fairbank Canning Co.'a Corner

Beef, 1 and 2 lb. tins.


Baldwin LoGomotiyes.

The undersigned having been appointedsole agents for the Hawaiian


For the Celebrated

Mm temliresFrom the works of

Bartiam, Parry, Williams St Co.,

I'hlia.li-Iiliia-, renu..Are now prepared to give estimates andreceive orders for these engines, ofsize and style.

The Baldwin Locomotive Wokksare now manufacturing a style of Loco-motive particularly adapted

For Plantation Purposes,

A number of which have recently beenreceived at these Islands, and we willhave pleasure in furnishing plantationagents au managers with particularsoi same.

The superiority of these Locomotivesover all other makes is not only knownhere but is acknowledged throughoutthe United Stales.

Win. O. IK WIN & Co., L'd,Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands.

ft i IfII & CO


Win. G. Irwin. . .President & ManagerClans Sprockets nt

Walter M. OiffardSecretary & Treasurer

Theo. C. Porter Auditor


Commission Agents.AGENTS OF THK

Ocoaiic SteamsMD Csi'y,Of Mail t al.

iriuii vjuniQii

Meat Company81 KING STREET,

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager.

Wholesale & Retail Butchers




Manufacturer of Ladies' ,fc Oeutlemen'

Fre eh K d, Call & Kangarco

sittN sii'ds utuK loniadu.I'rmli'il r KrMi'il tlau, lil.llef.

as .s.iii.iuii hi., t i i I', o, ll.m iu,

ii, mi i i i i; t o,,n A' in' a i. (iun & jo' Kswirii.

I, ib, Ml, t, "tl.ill ,.!,' !... k,"

fir? f'rn;F7tMPQ i


a v li u

: : Honolulu.


Cor. Edinbiiig & Queen Sts.


Telephone No. 92.

ZJ.fi?r i I'. 0. Box 372.

r;r:... ... n

tree!.h ii i i s j

-- '. O. Box 297.

ill Coit Struet,

u'i:- -

ilv Lemons and ( altloniia JvneisiuLie, Lie., Etc. Saiisfaction guaranteed.

COOKK,i 5 "i :

s,...:!r. ? wrchants,

i: Hi

A itbi'ltaril Iaiplemeuts,

i .

.' A in oi i . I. ii Is.

Si Ic

x J SI

Greener:, Pro d iocs and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

New (Jooil-- t received by pm-ko-t from Eastern Slates and Europe,

Fresh California Produce "by uvi-r- st. aiiier. All orders faithfully attendedto anil (hinds delivered to any portal' the city lice of charge. Island orderssolicited. Satisfaction giiaianti ed. 1"!)1

'leleplioncs, No. 11'.).

5 g2 i B F-- V t'l ri -- "A


feature of the eiise is Unit ttie wronsredhusband lias been liunliiiK the f uitive pairin iletecl ive anil his story is Mint hiswile was a pure and L'oou woman till nr.Loiik

rirr.'iiceu on imr wiim ioui rtiai un,Abn.-i'- t Iwr ymttU with Urugsand

iiiincralsThat weaken nenae.

nine was arrested a few da.VB ?lnee bythe siiiir eyed detociives at the Union de-

pot, ft. Louis, who saw t hut lii.itlov.in4beard wan lain?, anil mat lie w.e) ouienviM.-"mad- e

up," though to the unpraelii-r- eyehe looked like an ordinary ranchman.After heint; taken to court and confrontedwith the alternative of confession or im-

prisonment on suspicion he told his story.A yeara;o he, W. K. Cline, was living hap-

pily on his claim near Kussell with a wifeand two children, when Dr. Loiif? wascalled to attend Mrs. Cline for some slightillness. From that time she was a changedwoman.

Her fascination with Dr. Lon. amount-ed to a mania, and in a lit Lie while thetwo were missing she leaving aand two children, he a wife and nine raildren. Both had stood hii;h in thccioii-luunity. Yet the doctor took with himevery dollar he could collect, and left hi 4

fumily destitute. Mr. Cline sent hisci.ililreu to his fiarents iu Virginia, nsiuueit adisguise aud started on the hunt. 11.! atlength located the (,'ililty pair in a niinin-.,- ' J

ramp mar Trinidad, Colo., where Dr.Look had already built up a e: ood praci ice.

'i besherilT there arrested tne o :e;oron aU'lerutu, hut he was soon haii.d. Thewoman's condition did not admit of l,urimprisomnent.

Mr. Cline, when released at Ft. Louis, re-

sumed his di: .'jtuise. l)r. Unig had l iitvatened to shoo), hi in. on ilit, and Cline didnot want his enemy to "get tho drop onhim." All he intends is lo pro ecu te I hedoctor to the extent, of the law and takehis wife home, for, he adds, "she was agood woman at heart before that man en-

tered lledocs not doubt thatshe can be reclaimed, hut Lorn; must go toprison. "All the guilt is hi;." Now itwould he interesting to knoir the opinionof Mrs. Long as to which i.s the moreKtiilty.

Mysterious 5Iur.li1' f im i.l Woman.The recent murder of the Wid IV. sire

is another of tuosi strange and iimxpSka-hit-

erimi's for which Paris 'hi'.s bc&rw no-

torious. Veuve lliusire w; an wvkjc'iii-ria-

living in a sum 11 room on tin- top lloorof a hi'li buihiim;. Kach moriiiii;; shewent to mass, and after her rci urn homespent the remainder of thu day in adniir-iiii- f

her array of carved c.uei.ixes. m.'irbloand alabaster Madonnus, dainty rosariesand images of saints and aicels. She had

n of old francs. Her living costher three francs per week. The rest of thomoney it had been her custom for manyyears to spend in the purchase of "objectsof devotion."

One day the widow did not go to inns.The neighbors visited her room, aud foundher lying on the bed strangled to death.The had taken none of the valu-

able c wive a Utile old ( lock. Aman was seen to enter the apartment, theday before tne discovery of the murder.He went, out after a short stay. Who theassassin is and what was his ohji-c- methiiiKSlU'dcleetivtssartf trying to ascertain.

An i:iterly Dt'Volee of finpi-l-

Age has little effect on tho levies,disapjxiiutnients of i ,.c h.imau

heart, and elderly lover?., it semis, are as(Jckli- - a lads and lassies who stand at t hethreshold of mature existence. AlexanderJohnston, of Pittsburg, Pa., aged 70, lindsliim-iut- defendant in a hnai.-- ofpromise suit. The plainlid is UossAnulienilerson, who ts fen years his junior.She a.-- 10,IH.H) damages, an a- - rls that.Aii-- has transferred his adeeiions to alady who has seen but lib y summers.

FretiU of an KarUi'iuakoThere are earthemakes and earthquakes,

but San Francisco's experience is peculiar,because she is H modern American cityaudher list of breakables is large and varied.So every earthquake there leaves somecurious mementos. In Vov'J the peculiar"clouded fr.aet.tire"of Thomas iiotisewoi'lh& Co.'s big window was ot so much interest that photographs of it went all overthe world, but the recent eart,hiiia!;e thereproduced n fracturo which reduces theotiier to a side show.


TI.K t' II III II HIMill '.It u ui.ooV ot Ih-- j e. ...ii

ill le t ,0.t.,lll 's , it r.tI I. j Oe ' (llin.. loi ... ,, ... i I. au j.a... ;

u.j .. i !! oi i


Having leased Hie stores in the brick building known as the"Lincoln Block," nearly opposite the old stand, and having disposedof thai portion of my stock damaged by the laic lire, and beingin receipt of New (hauls per lust steamer, and more on the way, 1

am prepared In till n'.l roers as befote. Thanking the public forl.hc liberal patnniagi' be-- o wed on niefortlie pa.-- t seven years, I

hope by prompt atteiii noi to nil onh is lo ine,it a continuance of thesame. At the new stand shall be pleased to see all my old cus-

tomers, and as many in '.v ones as may lind it to their advantage to

call. Island orders Volieitt d and faithfully exeeuled.CI IAS. 11USTACE.

Telephone 210.

Li Vf L'--'

, CO ,


Importers, Wholesale & Ritaii Dialers in Groceries & Provisions,

!sBv each steamer of tin-O- . S. S. Co. from California fresh California Roll

Butter, Frozen OvsH-r- s and Fresh California Fruits, Fish, Game, Vegetables,etc., elc. A c.mi'plcie line i i Cross.- & & .1. T. Morton's Canned& IJolll.d Hoods always on Imi.-- Ah-u- , ju-- t nci ivcd a fresh line of (iennanPal.-- and Potted M-- and Bottled I'lv.-erve- d l'ruil-- , Lewis & Co.'s Maltese

Brand Sugar Cur. d II. no- - nod Bacon, New Breakfast Ccieals, Cream OatKI,.k.- mill Ci.,.in Wh,-- it SaOranges, Oregon But lu ink 1'ulatin

( ) A s i Li . t '


d r


i ; t-

... i , M , i i .. .. - ... .IU.11 if I b. li.l- -

(,,,,t w ' li u ,ii, d e

l(. i. m, . d I .

I,.,.., I

III M I ll"i. , i ... i ; ' '... ,. i t,

i ,. A

I . v. 1,0 II I ' ,,,,.) Ii. I..., ..... M i' .... 'i I I ,i H I "t I

t I lli Im I l

Page 2: V J 'in! I It...Vf Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Hall and Building Materials of every kind. Comer Fort and Queen streets, Honolulu. lJI EWERS & COOKE, Importers anil Dealers

"BY AUTHORITY. AFTE8K83N WEBDJrfa. Suction Siks by James h M.ii'gaa.

Continuation of



Issues Ev:-- f cf Py.tcy ?

It has paid its members since its. .rgai.izali.m THR HUNDRED AND FOUR ' ILLIOXS OF DOL1 ARS.Its New Distribution l'olicy is the most liberal ever offered by any Insurance Company.

ar For full particulars apply tow. 8. IIOKK

General Aseiit for the Hawaiian Islands.

la anticipation of the removal ofduty on April 1st, all dutiable sugarimported nt Sail Francisco tor thelast, six mouths, not actually neededforloeal trade, or for to for-

eign countries, has gone into bondedwarehouses. The California

has recently received a num-

ber of cargoes of dutiable sugar fromthe Phillipine Islands and Java, allof w hich have been pi. iced in bondedwarehouse. The Mis-io- n Rock ware-

house property was secured especi-ally for that purpose, and made abunded narehunse. It is full of du-

tiable sugar, every pound of whichwill have to be adiuiiled free afterApril 1st. when the seals of thje Cus-

tom House authorities will be re-

moved. The last cargo of dutiablesugai arrived here February 6th outhe Earl of Zetland from Java. Be-

tween June 10. lMIO.amlFeb. (i, 18S1,ten vessels arrived here with 101 ,5i)0pkgs Java sugar, most of which is stillin Loaded warehouse, and will be avail-

able for account of the CaliforniaUefiuery alter April 1st. There isno dutiable sugar now on the way tothis port.

In order that the market mightbecome adjusted to the new condi-

tions the Government has allowedrefiners to place the product of theirrefineries during the present momliof March in bonded warehouse, andthe duty on the quantity found thusstored on the 1st of April will be re-

turned. This arrangement was madein the interest of consumers as wellas for the protection of reliners.Otherwise the retineis would havebeen obliged to stop work, as theycould not afford to load themselvesup witli duty iaid ri lined sugar tocome into competition with free

sugar af er April 1st.The Government promises no rebateon sugar that has once been distri-buted by the reliners to the trade furconsumption purposes.

It is the popular impression thatcousin.. ers a ill net the benefit of thedu'.y. This varies from 1.40c tn



Glassware,paints, oils & varnishss.

Electroliers, ChuiuUlicrs, Metal or Glass Lamps and Lamp Fixtures,

DEL AW ARK II..Fire Test,, K.'O Degrees;


Cnt'cry, rocket Knives, Wade & Butcher's Ka.i rs,Kubber Hose, either plain or wre bound; Manila or .Sisal Kope,Lawn Mowers, Lawn Sprinkler-.- , llib Grass ('utters,

PlMtaiin Smies er Airicitel Ibi'smIs!rV l I 1? T7 1) f i f '( D Admitted bv everyone to be the1 li Hi J i V 'lA, very best iududll in existence.

THE HAWAIIAN HAHDWAEtE CO., I'd.Fort slrei t. oppo. Spreckels' Bani-'- , Honolulu.


rr 1 1 I

toM la' OF

Ooronedo, California,






Natural Minsral Wator

f y Circulars, Directions, Etc., onapplication. 5 liu


Kuiolbiil I'ui k.


Ostrich Feata, Ostricli Egg

SHELLS fur 01 nainents,

EGGS for Setting Thoroughbred Fowls,


LMymoitl li Itocli.LIGHT BRAHMAS,


ill Of the fame breeds. lm

B 9 we no

J IUj serve a limbed niunher of?T Mares at Moiinahia, three idles

from Honolulu.

TERMS, $15.Tuyable at time of service.

"ADVENTURE" was foaled March, 187.sired bv old ''Venture," dam imported"Molly'."

"ADVENTURE" is n d irk hay with blackpoints, stands ovi r Hi hands liih, w ilhgood style and action.

UaT For particulars apply to

Geo.J. CAKPaEIX,til Ini Moanalaa.


in want of Fine IMi'trv.IJAKTIES of any kind, or K!rs;s lorhalchini?, will llnd il In their iuleii st towrite or call when in San Francisco atthe "Alameda I'miltrv Yards," Ala-meda, t'al., cor Encinal avenue andliijru street, ternuiuis narrow gauerailroad.

STAPLES & SIMOXDS,n tf-- 2 tf Proprielors.


Mr. It. Ur. T. B'ui vis ami 311m M. E. A.I iiiM-t- t in lllui-rlaiir- .

At half-pa- two o'clock this after-noon i pretty wed ling took place atSt. Andrew's Cathedral, when Mr.K. W. T. Purvis of Lihue, Kami, agentleman well known on that island,and Miss Mury K. A. McBryde, ayoung lady with hosts of friends,were united in the holy bunds ofwedlock. The ceremony was per-

sonnel! by the Uev. Alex. Mackin-tosh in the presence of the immedi-

ate relatives and b iennis of the con-

tracting parties. The chancel of tinCathedral was tastefully dseoratsdw ith choice floweis and evergreen.The service was choral, the choir ofthe Second Congn gallon singing thespecial music, while .Mr. Wray Taylorplayed aecoiiipanimeu's and weddingmarches on the organ.

The bride, who looked charmingin a bridal costume of white silkstriped gauze, carried a bouquet ofwhite carnations. She was givenaway by Ur. Hobt. McKibbin, whofilliil the part of "father" with be-

coming dignity. Miss Dora Uowsettwas maid of honor and wore a cos-

tume of Pina over silk, trimmed withlavender flowers, and carried a bou-quet of purple China asters. Mr. A.McBryde, brother of the bride, wasbest man. There were also twopretty iitde flower girls, KathleenMoiisarrat. ami Alice Luce.

After the ceremony the bridalparty drove to the residence of Dr.Unlit. McKibbin, Bcrctania street,where a reception is being held. Theinterior of the house is elaboratelydec'iiuted with flowers and greenery.The Uoyal Band is in attendance.At ii o'clock Mr. and Mrs. PurvisI. live on the Mikahala for Kauai, car-

rying with them the best wishes of alarge number of friends.


Yesterday afternoon twelve officersbelonging to one watch of the citypolice struck duty. Their grievancewas the medical exam i nation thatMarshal Wilson required them to un-

dergo. The Marshal on hearing theircomplaint offered the strikers onemonth to reconsider the matter. Tothis the men readily agreed and wentoff to their beats. They returned,however, in a few minutes and tend-ered their commissions to the Mar-

shal, which he accepted and imme-

diately cancelled. In less than halfan hour the places of eight strikerswere filled with new men, and earlythis forenoon the balance of the com-plement were engaged.


'pilE regular monthly meeting of this1 eoinpniv will lake place THIS

(Tuesday) EVKMN'i, April 7th, atl lie hall of teliaiiie Kngiin) t'n. No. 2,at, 7 :'!! o'eliii k. Etery ui. iiiher is re-

quested In he present.11. AK.VilTAUE,

82 It M'cretary.


VT a meeting of die Ha't'iiian fon-stnirli-

Co , (L'll), held onMured 2 lstil, it was voted to form acnrporati'iii The following ullicerswere elected :

1!. E. Dillingham President,W. Ji (..'iisiieM. P. Kobinsoii Treasurer,W. M. (jrahaiu (secretary,T. May uiliior.

HOMO) ok in microns:Ii. F. Dilliii-h.i- ni. V. It. astle, M. P.

K'jhiiison, V. M. Hatch.W. M. (JKAI1AM,

1 lw Secretary.


WOMAN to ilo liirht housework.V Inquire al the lii i.l.KTis Olliee.si :h

N liereta ia street, new,' unci in neifeet order.

' i'?5 Five rooms, hath and pantry.Lot 45 It. front by KM) ft. deep. Lent.$21) a n'onlh. A j j i V to

Mi:s V. V K I N US LEY,Slim 1 10 K ing street.

;issohif ion ni' I'.u l n rship.HE umlersigiieil d"ing business

' under the name and stile of dieCrvsod Soila Winks have this day dis-

solved partnership by mut'inl consent.Mr. J. II. Hare all liabilitiesand ci'llccliiui of hills u i to date.

J. II. II t It K,A. Ii. K Elf It

Honolulu, April i! lufll. Nl IH


VLL persons ice. hereby nolilieil licitspiissiiig. trapuig or si'oriing of

cames of any kind upon the I. mils ofH'aiohuli anil Kckea is foibiihlen. anilwill be prusecuteil to the fil l extent ofdie law.

'UK ilshing rights belonging In theI land- - of Waiohiili, Kenkea, lu

and Wui ikoa. beinu my prn-per- lt;

ad persons tiespas-ii- , upon thesame wi limit my p. rnii-sio- n will heprosecuted.

Wm. II. t:ol!VI-.LE- .

Waik qui. Maui. .March L'li, Ism.lw

MT1CH.LLp' lire hereby linlilleil thai

ie-pa-i- or shonlins; of gaiue ofiiv kind al er ihi- - ilate upon the W'm-- Iijui ( oiniu'iil ii II will he

r.,-- i in eil I" the tub e0 I o die law .

W m II '! N LL.XV uihapil Mam, Maieh :'ii, lvi.

oi Itt

liHiiitf I'd' H t'ltii.cv c i, i'ori l.nid,

'iii:t Sm (I I'd' i, Vid'iil.t und

V. i u r

" p, u,,,i - . i ...... i ....

U v Goods ! Just Received !

Cut, Blown and Etched Glassware I

Tu in biers, Goblet, Wines, Sherries, Decanters, Claret Bottles,Etc., Etc., Decorated & l'laiu Toilet Sets, a fine assortment ; aselection of ''Minion's" Earthenware, Scraper Mats. New lines of

I'i'(ur' Ioirllt:M 5

Picture Fianiitifr in all its branches, Wi isor & Newton's Colors, Oil Painti-ng-. I'hoiiij;ravuri's, Ariotypes, Etc., Etc., Sisal & Manila Rope, Bagging& Wrapping Twines, Market Haskels, Sauce Fans, Fry Fans, Tea Kettles,Galvanized Muckcts & Tubs, (ia.vanized & Black Fence Wire & Staples,best quality ; Vacuum Lubrieaiiiig Oils,

Ii SOB i iS Lr 10 O II Ij.In lots to suit. The very highest test oil in the market.


toy Inquiry of parties who have used these for years will satisfy youthat they are in EVERY RESPECT THE BEST. A large invoice of

Pluiut J , Cultlvatoi & Plows, Piantation Supplies, Etc.

The ('lramiice Sale by or ler of Mess in.U. W. iMacfarlane & Co. will be con-

tinued at my Salesroom,

On WEDNESDAY, April 8,AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.,

When iuvoicet of

Harness, -:- - Saddlery,Basra, Wiw & Llqturs and

Iltivmiui. OijiftrmWill be closed.

JA.8. F. MOHGAX,t Auedoueer.

y m my

l 1



We Are Overcrowded


New Goods for Summer !



A Great Plenty of Very Best !

Head luit u few of the bargains weare tillering :

18 yds of Good Point for onlv $118 yds of Cliall. v for only if 'l

12 yds White MC incli cotton. $110 yds White cotton, !fli yds White, the very licst.lflMosquito Mcttinir, 10 vds long and

2$ yds wide, $28 yds Fine French Checks, fast

color, !flHeat Quality Diamond Dye Hose,

guaranteed fast Mack, 40cColored Murdered Handkerchiefs,

5c eaeliEtc., Etc., Etc. Ele.

You people who know what a bargainis; come in to see our

E:iMiffc' & Minxes'

Trimmed & Uiitrinimed Hits !

And we will surprise you how cheapwe are selling.

3argais in Every Department

Hemember we sell foi CASH0LY.


The Leading Millinery House, eor.Fort & Hold sis. 7 2w


a. Hackfeld & Co.HAVK

Jusi. Received' i


"J. C. l'I'l.t (JKIf," FHOM


While Bros, Portland Cement

(full weight);Fire Bricks, Fire Clay,Kock Salt,Steel li.dls, Fish Plates, Bolts and


Sugar Coolers,Sheet l.ciid, Sheet Zinc,Fence Wire Staples, black and

galvanized ;

Stockholm Tar,I! igs, Hugging and Twine,Wrapping Paper, Piinliug Paper,


Vicuna Furniture ami Iron Gar- -

di n Furniture,Piano-- , t ie ,

GROCERIES,M iuei ,d Wall is,.iiiii.is, Un r, ele.

I'l .tki iy and (d issW ilc, D' lili- -

j"hu-- , i ic , i ic , i ic, 7"i il

mi! un volcano i

'I i II. I IH I .llilul I.I I 111 Iplll lll.lllli1 a v i in' oh .inn, ii'hi-i- '

ii i hi i" i.ii"- dm Him li"uii'.MlllltlS

i' in I II " ' I ill'tliiil.

Mr. J. D. Paris, ,lr., lia been a

pointed by tin Board til' Education,School Agent for thi' is of North

iiml (South Koiiu, i'ii tin' Island ol

Hawaii, in place i Mr. 11. X. (jruin-Wi.ll- ,

who has resigned.By order of the Hoard of Educa-

tion. W. JAS. SMITH,(secretary.

Education OthVe, April 7, 1891.

82 3i- -i: 2t


The captain, ollicers, passengersand their frii-iuls- on hourd thesteamer Australia and on the wharfwere sul'j.'cUd to a gnat annoyancetlii foienooii. A vessel with a cargoof hogs was moored at the OceanicSteam-hi- p Co.'s doek, and the pecu-

liar elHuvimii of the porcine tribe was

wafted in strong measure down thedecks of the stunner. The companypro '"d against the nuisance with-

out a. as it seems there is no law

to preveir such a temporary outrageon the pu .die nostrils. There shouldsurely be a regulation of the Boardof Health if not to compel hogs to

be landed at the cattle pen, at leastto keep theiu from being stuck un-

der the noses of the many peoplealways present at the arrival and de-

parture of ocean steamers.


The editor of Ka Leo is of theopinion the lit li.ktis has transgressedthe boundary of journalistic liberty

by endorsing, in a calm anil consider-

ate manner, the importation of thenecessary number of Japanese labor-

ers into this kingdom to do the work

our home industries demand. Butthe Ka Leo argues the point from so

evidently a party standpoint that we

cannot but demur. As is well known

to the public, the 111 i.i.etin has been

somewhat noted for not endorsingthe views of factional representa-

tives. It may be a thorn m the side

of factional newspapers to feel thatthe public is not iutcrisicd in theirmanlier of treating public questions,especially those relating to thematerial welfaie of the Kingdom.This, to be sure, is a misfortune to

factional newspapers, but not to the

country at large.

The Bru.K'iiN has had numerousoccasions lately, for falling into ra-

bid personalities in which the publichas no interest. Have we been wrongin avoiding these? l'olilical partiesare, at present, not to the front. Itis wise to keep them in the back-

ground until parties have somethingtangible to offer the j ubiic.

Suppose for instance a daily jour-

nal should take up person:.1 lights,especially those long since be un by

party politicians, relating eiui'-- to

individuals or to the Kingdom atlarge? These would only be fuel

added to the lire of factional dissent,and would be in no wise conduciveto the welfare of the country. Thefact is, that, the general demand is

for the healing of the splits in factions, no matter whether they bebe from natives or from the disaffect-ed of other parties. There is, in

other words, no present necessity forwidening a disrupt lire between classesof our citizens, which ha reality onlyin the schemes of party politiciansami penny-a-lin- e writers.


Extracts fr in tin ,rtirln in die ismKrauei-i'- o liulletiii.

The i.cv Tariff law adopted byCongress in October, l.SIKJ, piovidesfor a radical change in the duties onraw Sugar-- , the change to lake effectApril 1, iN'.tl. The present' rate ofduty on raw sugar is 1.10 cents forall grades not alcove No. II! in coloror 75 ih gi e. s te-- 1 , m it h an adili! ional.01c for i l cry d -- g ree or fraction ofa degree. From 'No-,- , l.'i to .Gincolor, lent-- ; from llitoJll, .'t cent-- , ; above L'O. :t ,",0 cults.I'mlcr the new si h. iiuh ti.e

is by i men color ,rdalone and i th' .t li- - of one rentlor alune No. Li aul noi .it., v.- N

Li; uhoVf .No. Li. ILe i.iiili.ol oneceil I. Leiy'loig hi No. Li is.

Inc. 'I he u . k ol llu law Mluai- im-

ported to tbi e uiiliv is below Nil,I i III e. .1 if. I 'l :.i n ail , t hel clol'e,all oi. . ii . ... . i.i i o lie into thisi i.i.l ' ol dot III ii I A. il I I.t ..I, i hi i h i In i Ii j;i i,y '.i.'i pi I

i lit I ' -- ii :.i Lie L a l.iiinlii ofi O , 1. o.. Ii I il l oi II III In

1. II H.I. ill LUmi lu-

llin I ft. ITI... l l

.Jo. 1 he average is about 2u perlb. Refiners have been preparingfor the change for some time. Theadvance in price this month is a stepin that direction. Of course theprominent cause for the advance isthe scarcity of refilled sugar, but thereliners have made that scarcity. Ifuood prices can be maintained untilApril 1st, the reduction of Jc per lb.for duty will still leave a good marginto work upon. Consumers will besatisfied with the concession and thereliners will make quite as much asbefore. In fact it makes no differ-ence with them whither sugar pays aduty of ".'c or 3c or comes into thecountry free. At first consumerswill get the benefit of the abolitionof the duty. In the end, however,the foreign planter will be the gainer.How far the 2c per lb. bounty offeredto the producer of domestic sugarwill neutralize the foreigner's advan-tage is yet to be determined. Thosew ho labor under the impression thatCongress, by removing the duty onsugar, gave the American people apresent of 840,000,000 per annumto help them buy pianos and tobaccoand other luxuries will be greatlydisappointed before the end of fiveyears. It was so in the removal ofthe duty on tea and coffee, and his-

tory will repeat itself on sugar.o--


A fairly well-fille- d house greetedMiss Muori at, the benefit tenderedto her at the Hawaiian Opera Houselast evening. The entertainmentopened with an overture by theRoyal Hawaiian Band, conductedby Professor Beiger; "Naliucco"was the piece selected and it wasrendered in the usual inimitable styleof the Professor and the boys.

Miss Muori gave an exquisite ren- -

ditiou of the I'age scene from theopera Mignon and fully sustainedher reputation as a vocalist of thehighest order. She was repeatedlyencored and gracefully responded tothe enthusiasm of the audience.

Mr. John Borjes' violin solo wasone of the principal events of theevening's entertainment and showedhim to be an artist of the highestmerit. Never since Reinenyi appear-ed has the Honolulu public been fa-

vored with a richer treat.Mr. Isenbcig sang Schtiman's

beautiful song cnlii led " Wanderlied''in a manner which showed that weneed not go abroad for talent. Hewas generously applauded and res-ponded with another selection. Hesang in German.

Miss Muori in the "Mad Scene"from Lucia l)i Lammeimoor provedherself as finished an actress as sheis a vocalist, and was again warmlyapplauded.

The relined musical act by Prof.U. J. Ordway was a ncv di p in ureto most Honolulu llieatre-- nws a. id

roused the Hawaiian poi ton of the




LUBIN 'S PERFUMESDirect from the makers, ever shown in this Kingdom.

In Pic in & Cut Class Containers.ALL SIZES ! --mom- ALL PRICES !


HOLLISTER & CO..Wit i oi-- t Ntwet. : : . : : t IBonoliiln, II. I.










II. DAY !ESi O (O S?-- T C E5





y ".ra.iv.


( luill'

Dli Y (iOOI)S!Hanlwnrc, Cut'cry,




Koiow im' Oil" ALOHA." Culli in & ( tine Kni w h.

audience to a pitch of i n LitHis solo on the bottles, as al, Insbanjo and mandolin solos, proved hima master of the hist i u ni'iil s I'lli'

solo was nivel" I wthshouts of laugh1 er

'I In' Ojiilil. I Club Lilly -: aiu.-i-

thiirpievii.il- - ic.uiati. n .'o il. lo uAL'-- s .Mii'.ii joined t'le.ii in i ' iig"Aloha O ," c.iiiuie. Lie house.In to ae en.' ne she sang" Malr.ii'i M.i a.n it in i," clearlyi ii u lit Ilia the .in! in. I very cor-

net in her pi oi, nut ial ion, she wasr iiluroiidv aiilau led. I lie

l.'i-- l, a dm I ft a nit "L l'i"V a'nre," byL-- s Muoi i an I M I . Paul leubelg,

.i- - ni .rflii'i. iio i e e I. dI ,!.. ii ll loj. ill. ! II il it'll pen-

i I. it e an la u I t led It i! l

i j ... . Oil an fit' i 1.

HUVy bHJM SllURE.I .,i, 1,1.1, II, d Uli I OWl I 111 i.f

j It I I II I a I, o i II, M i , I , in I i. -

i i ,,( ; i ..I. ..

( I., j ... i ... . , .i .1 .n.i.l i' A I'

oi 4 io in 'l"l


Groceriss, Feed Stuffs,


Crcckiy & Glassware,.1 A MX'J i.nOIIN!

p irH II (71 f j Midi iiih'il'. ii.-"h- IVmviiiii t.u un. HI Ii ml. il's I u ii. M i,i,ii .

i DMHHI I .l t I II. I HI I .(' )i I' i'l '..I.'I... I.I i a.,,l ni,,,.. Ii

bCMUU I X I I M:NA I i.'lu I . ii idl V. ..i... i. I a .s.i.'i- -UtkCr : lii.i, ''l'l. i i.id iv. ( t M (A V ' W HUM,r II 1 1 II I'iu ! i I " 1 1 ib iV t; i.i. .i.gu,. i.i. ri..,,. ....... i. I,, i .1 .. ...I ii in.


r i f " ' "''- - ''14 ' v. . ti

ii .. ,,ii , . In .t Ill Ml I Uli i I I

I I. Ii.il .M.II il nlii lir, I n) I in- - "' l I i I I in i' WlM! 11 I it I In, , l 1 t M'

. . i I ,.i hi I it.' '...,((... III I I ii" tli; ii) i i i 'i.i 1 I ) ! ( i O ' ' ""' ' "

I I ii.. i ii..-- 1 , t i" ii' 1 1...i ) in n II i II 4 M ii i i MIMIi i -- I

Page 3: V J 'in! I It...Vf Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Hall and Building Materials of every kind. Comer Fort and Queen streets, Honolulu. lJI EWERS & COOKE, Importers anil Dealers


v. .... - . , .. , ...

. ! iis1 1 ciivi tl

Pel S. S, ".Hl-t- l 'Hit."



For the Year Ending December 31, 1890.



Tu Ti.k Kil'art Ortuhrr 1H!(

'JP'i.li I:A.M. A.M. P.M. P M.

Leave !!ino!u!u... .G : 5 8:1,5 1 :4i DHOfArrive Honruiiuti...7:2C :49 2:W 5:85tleivo Honau'iul ...7 :Ho 1 0 : f 3:51 :4."tArnvo Ho.iolulu 8 ::'. 11:55 4:55 (1:501

SumliiyH nxccploil.t Saturdays only.

LOSAL & CEH-.B.- ilEwS.

Wantuu ill t ) i i m ollice, a hoy wit.li a

hoi'so to cnriy papers.

Jilt Lkvkv will sella piece of lam!ut lxaiiiia, Ualttt, under foreclosure nlnoi'ii toinoi'iow.

A I'lSE of fur tli uiiki'it'ii'ss ancosts of (axed iui a ile.jet't . r of con-

tract service made Up the liiisim ss inthe Police Court litis morning.

Tim mail despatched by the Aus-tralia was remarkably large, in viewof the I'retpionc.y of mails llieso times.It comprised (i::(i letters and '2'1'u

Mil, J. D. fans, Jr, has lit a uSch'iul Agent for the l.i. tricts

of North anil Sott.lt Ivotia, in place ofMr. II. N. Greeitwell, who lias re-


A Salvation Army bind, consist-ing of a native, u Spaniard, and oneor i wo other foreigners, were preach-ing on Niiiianu street, foot of Me-rchant t,tri-ct- at noun.

Miss Mi'oiu and Mr. IJoijes havenot left with the oilier llielnbers ofthe New York Opera Company. Theywill probably long again enter-tain tiii; musie-lovin- g people ol Hono-lulu.

Mlt. ,1. II. Km ST, lirst deputy ele'rUof the Supremo Court, left suddenlyfur a visit to ihe Coast today, liefmeleaving he passed in his resignation toone of the Judges oi (he Supr-nn- e


ASSETS:Bonds anil .MortgagesIteal including the lvpiit.ible Unildiiigs and pur-

chases under foreeWnure of luortgagt sUnited Stales Stocks, siutt) fct.uc-ks-, City Stwcks, and

other investmentsLoans secured bv lionils and Stocks (Market Value,

lical Kstate outside the State of New York, includingpurchases under font: Ins tire

Cash in Bank and in transit (since received and invested)Interests and iieiiti due and accrued, Deferred Premiums

and other Securities.





10,007 .SS.'i.tl'.l8,;y4,t54.78


fittest. Sll-- 111.(1 VitlOH.

n; c. J. I.VdNK.


C. I 3: 5

a. in. ii.ni. 1. in . it. in.Mon. 0 in nil, 7 7 ) fi 411 8 l(i 'Turn. 2 1,0 1! UUi Ii UU; 'JOI a is! t I7i 5


Seta5 47 17 II til

S 4'l (i IT; 7 :U

.i li tl to a ;ts

.'i I I G lsl '.I !u

5 4.T (1 lsIU 40

Toal hhvU, lUttccmhci .1, 1SS)0 1 li).2-13,- 11.47LIAB'LlTlES:

I'o'ai rialuli if, iiM'I'iiling tU'Mvi'vo wn allexisting Poli. i s (4percunl. St.inJurd; !'. (: tiU7.l'.i

Itl'V. T, (" Vi ai a e ait'iifi

Aliss Mitchell is solicit im; siil.-sc-

ii; ions in I luioluhi lor Di.new book, of wiiteh Ilu;

quoted heiuiiine lo this is tin' t ; .intitle. The work cuibraees a "newlife of Jesus the Christ" and a his-

tory of Palestine and its people, in-

cluding Dr. Talinago's account of hisjourney to, through, and from the"Christ land." Il is illustrated withntoie than four hundred superb en-

gravings of the people, pla.-e- andscenery of the holy land by distin-guished artists. There ate accuratecopies of nearly two hundred of thefamous paintings of the old masters,which have so long enriched tiiegalleries and cathedrals of Europe,but were never before published i t

America. There appears: also "agrand panorama of the crucifixion intwelve colors and ten feel in length,showing the city of Jerusalem, thesurrounding country, and the peopleand their costumes as they were onthe day of the world's greatesttragedy." The work is putili-he-

by the Pacific Publishing Co., SanFrancisco, and soid only by subscrip-tion.

As to the lit raty style of the work,it is unnecessary to say more thanthat il is "Taimage" throughout.The Brooklyn preacher lias piotia!ihad more publicity given to his Sun-day discourses than any other lis

of the cloth. He says in Idspreface that there will not In; a wordof Latin or Greek in the book unlesstl be Iranslat' tl. "We shad tell thestory in Anglo-Saxo- the languagein which John liunyan dreamed andWilliam Sliakespeaic drain.il i 'd, nodLongfellow romanced ami John Alil-to- n

sang, and John Whitfield thun-dered," says he. "VVhau is the Useof dragging the dead languages intosuch a book?" The somewhat eccen-

tric doctor is nothing if not graphicand somewhat diamatic, and heweaves his views of the Bible storiesskilfully into the narrative of hisown journeys through the sceneswhere the Bible originated. Thebook is a royal octavo volume of (!,2pages, besides many pages of inter-leaved colored plates, making withits cover a handsomeobject for the table.

Tot ut I'fili vi!ed Ku-iIi- -, wvr 1 per cent.Hestrve

We certify to the correctness of the above calculation of the reserve andsurplus. Kroin this surplus the usual dividends will be made.

UKU. VV. PHILLIPS, J. Ci. VAX CISE, Actuaries.


PremiumsInterest., lu nts, etc. .

DISBURSEMENTS:Claims by Death and Matured Endowinents $8,817,9 10.27

Dividends, Sin rentier Values, Annuities and DiscountedKudo win cuts 4,438,731.44

T.-t- t'iti.l 1'otie.v-iliiMei-

Commissions, Atlvertising, Postage and Exchange...(Jem tal Expenses, State, County ami City Taxes . . .

Sew Asurn nee m iil ten in IfS'.MK..Tot. 1 1 Outsits, inline Aftstn Hitct- -

1 hereby certify, that after a personal examination of the securities andaccounts described in this slab uicnt, I hud the same to be true and correctassta'cd. JOHN A. McCALL, Comptroller.


1IKNKY i. HYDE, President.


.' i : t .,, . ... - ..

ItU.l. reii r--- v V. ...I a 1 J ale-an-

,.:.,.,;.,,(,,,..r;:w Y I'.;! i. l:!.-.!- -::- e '

trn l i' i' piu- "i i'l !::.;..; a '. i

U'." 1 i..e it- :. ;,a ,;. ;.- si,tlv I i'.'S u, il pif IVu'a

'Tim !!i:lU of Yen us" bef'.rn in,' tieoilier day ,'utd f aid:

"Yeats ago one of t'a- - fust i:tigli.-- h

artists It.ij.pei.ed lo i lookiu-- ut liiatpi. '.a,,', v;e n Wilkie CY'liina aaked himWhat In' " !i"o;;i't of it. He pr-i-

it ismI .1 v';o o w jt.Y!! u Coil ie, I. 'i'l hon it w ,',: - , t

p',oi.a.;,'a;ai' v. i; i..::.. I

not ;.;o iu'o the ,'a;"; mi':i at !!; !

tbex'kctc;.!!!-,-- . V. ry few i !m.i ';know a".vi!iiij; at till uootil tlrnwiier.iiml. Oon'l y ai : h , ti at is re 1 lir.vethe ::'l',rtot,''."e over ti.cta.

"The man who d Ci a li.is drewthat i iet in lie went mi, r;.i,

"V' m:s," "v.'is Hut:!, lite ureal J"!

i.s't, anil, by .Tuvel that wit cmuj.:-un.'Ut- .

You sen 1 make tip all my nunideas, I am Vi ry part 'ev! ar nU-it- t com-I'-

;a..; iiiiJwivngir.giny li:r: ;oi-- :!('to : ait lie' di.7ei.':;il faeei"';!" ! fa -- --.,

We ail ha e f..i .1- f. '!";.-- . yVe Ii"i" ;:n ai iy e:ca. e "a. r a! a'1

!,, ir, !y Vl': iv. . !i. '.::; :

t i i:tel I he !'... .;!', rs-i- : '

vtK-- i ,'i si ie of f.:.o ia alnto eiiie i'ae In-- : t i .11 ".

'. '.! have .; t is . I a ';. ja- :. if i'aee. T; ve-- a '. ai. .i. ai ia ,

iir.l-- a v.-,- yu'-- e: is; L; t.i a- a

liir..-t'!."- taee, wi '.: a liae a'l-a- i ; : -

t.; an-- " ." ' ;i v 'I ia ,1 j,nri-a- ini-- you :,ai"", ;;;ve it ai k, ..:: ; a

li;;lir, as jm A weak i'ac a w i; ii

ine.'jiaar features, inaaU a veryikiua'.te iigi.ua:;.

'I tal.-- a Lire.-- many til must impossiblepietie'es, ti:t sit V. rs bavin.: tvied every-Wiier-

iiml failed. T'nay come lo11- 1- us it la t ! '. "i'l . a: el I s ucceed Kiep'yby s the Jwst viev,-- , and thencoiii;iO'ii.-i;;- ' t'.io ::' t a coii'ii io a ofgooil lm;at it'll naliiial?!' Pi-.- I ph.cetil. tit and pn.'-.- i Hi,- - e

eataera. as to ileo i'iaiae t ie .i

ielvaa;'. '.;"' '.t'.a liev, utid tin u by (.c. ; i f

s'aaiia'a or li'.;luing d'Yelvji tin) lustfe..:..,'"-s- .

"it ia t'i't"U a goo pi::.! t i !'a-- t:ieSittel's lit l i.l ". p. Tit e.ly l'.'Vel

tui'l tii-a- i.y ;'ii( way, ia about, lii.'oo'.ytinie in i lei r 1: ve.-- that si a lie of fa an are1. v- -1 Ii ad"d.' Tiiat. taaka-- i t'a'

Til" laitiitii' yiat iaaliiie i :u;

it siiorb lis tlw forehe.'i-- and broadensthe face,

"'i'.i. 'i t'a "'.' ar.t faces t'a it lriveto 1" ar-re- d. This is the ca v'-i-. alla; iw-..- is tip lilted, Willi la- - h a I

ii i,v l the nose i ; 1. n t lienc.l. You seeevi lyV.ja ; lauat bo ia li

fiis-a- , again, la';" a ::",;;;- r or i!

:in ; e in .a r a '':::ii i, .a:a:i ai. it s- atie .V : :r. ..ii a', ra a ' i' a r.

'. (:e,;. no: '. la; i,s. i ,y tia,ii'- - ! i" I ii :i:..' era! V,':v,I have l , ,,- a , ia.- .,:;-- ' is

wi.il s iii ''.ia..',.' t',i :l)t win it alt a:tto nt f'.'i' a picl tir,'. I i.iwaya try Isi gettl:a saaa'.' e.vpiv-sio- tli.u. viae ai '.'. ! wearsill foals'. Sum'- pea fe Iia '.,-- wi ai aboutto ait for a plot are, a frightened, liiun.'dsort of look which it takes time, pa-

tience avid much reassuring to dispossessthem of.

"Tin; principal object of having a, pic-

ture tjikeii is generally to giva it to tlm.-.- e

most (lo.ir, and 1,'ne 'home' cxpta isinvariably the best. Sumo try to lookdiguiiieil, and inst'-a- l.ok tsevv;'.', wliiieothers girls find, wiien the pic! nr.; is

f'.aisiied, ihut au aUeavpted pica aat,siioleisexaggerate'l boo a wily

grin."Ii. is well "lemgh for public men to

he l'i presented tis wearing an tmhtiiiiilfpres.iiu of great dignity, but thefather of a family wants a jiicVm-- I'.a

his children bearing a tender, af eii "i

itli:, guild luiiui.i.'il e:r:):'i"-l- i iri. ai'iaa ,i

pkinru not only a. luaa'a ii.. .,

facial feat tires, but his be.-- i ir ia .! a

litoial qiialii ios as v.a.-Ii-

"Xow tt ho do yuii sa;.ei""j are i

Vililaast sitt.;rs? W il, you'ii i ... 'iI tail you thai ti: - are ! a" e aata l giaitkaiii ,1. Old feii a: :: .: ..-

va'ti. ;.Lotue of tla ..: are ia a ,

wil .1 k. hies : wh-a- - ;:: .; !'

Th. venom to r- ' i'ia a a. :

1: a' il. ia.s to eel fl;e !.,. .far.iv.l a robin. Vr:ry. 1 hVia .a eiiag mi,, mag i t a;' c : . a

if af out to part from t lie, l 1' a . e,-

"Ciiili'ileii L'.'Uei-.all- taf-- e ma :

pi...:tr.-s- . Tn-- y a a- e. .itainiis'ed. ami t :t:i u.sii.nly e..a ;a: intiie midst oi ,'i bright wuiie or liaapylau'Jh.

"Young ladies study composure, andare cscelleiit clay in the pliotaigi-apliei-'-

liatula, but they often hav fadi, thele a I common cue being a lo betei.eu hke uil lici ress, T (lis la difiieiiit.and usually resell-- ; in buries. piing whattuighi otherwise be a fair pre- - atmeu;of tile siller.

"Young man are very :m.i o. .io.g cr":s!-tires- .

Tin 'j-- are tiot Viiiu, as a rule. If

they are, their ambition ii u- silly tolook lii:e rising '.ate.ain n, da.: ingaieis'illawyers or Ira eiiaas. :fei- of themtry to do so by tarn l.,: t.ie liie.'er-throug-

their hair and disarrangingtheir coats t i e.ive tii"tjiselves .a air ofscholarly aiiaialon and ti'a.'Ciire'iessiie.s.s, We jtlvva.a huaii-- lis in

in these fads."l'toi, asaoualsT iiie.aa ; and wma-- ii

ol' a" saigi-- ai'e tin; b.-.- In:his r.- rii'l tie re ia iii ! del : " -

ta ea I!,,. :. i, '1 is' a te a ie." .

1' k ia i'.S. V i' il a i. a' I" . I'd

Louis Fitzgerald, John J Mc.Cook,Henry A llurlbtirt, Daniel D Lord,Henry (i .Manpia lid, II J Faircbild,Win A VV beelnck, Win Alexander,Henrv I iv, Horace Purler,M Hartley, Edwanl W S. ott,H M Ahxaii'lir, C 1! Alexander,Cbauneey M Depcw, (ieo DoF L Day,Charles (J Landon, John D Jones,Cornelius N Bliss, Levi P Morton,E Boiiilinot Colt, John A McCall,Alaiison '1'rask, Charles S Smith,John Sloiiue, Joseph T Low,S llmrwwc, A Van Bergen,B Williamson, T DcWilt Cuyler,Kugene Kelly, Oliver Ames,John A Stewart, Eustace C Fit.,Geo C M tgouii, S II Phillips,Wm M Bliss, Henry H Wolcott,Win B Kendall, (itistav ii Pohl,U W Carleton, J F DcNavarro,E XV Lanibcrt, James H Dunham,H S Terbell, Daniel It Xoyes,Thomas S Young, Waldo Adams.

3 - ft r '2 t

J t i i i. v" i ti

Of all de-e- i i,iious suitable for theiiiaikit and ihe season.

1 Hu-jtoji- Its,.il 1 1 1 it tr-- t,


EiakuVdMaisdiasOressnbtsOf all lie latest ns.

j i rvi .No lw -- Way Uluek." King street.


(iii rii cm i Mknlk; tarn i:u w i i n otuku

Jr-- -:- - .3 id !


.'. r ; t r- s a M1a i c i vi 3 itt a4 it?

J lw



KMOV'KD irinn Alakea street to 177S,tl Kurt street. W ill contract for

building all kinds oi wooden buildingsand tin all kinds ol jobs. sl-'.-

JsiPEilijiiiitOlcs,Xo. (il M.iiuiakca Street.

K. tti.il Telf-rl- i ne S. 574M) 2w

liioN'Timagine beeiu-- e Ihe Aeriuotor is a

new thing on these Islands tiiat it isnut a guud machine. Tiie antitpicWuiid allaii- Was m w tiiiee ntld peopleli'.-k"- iipfii it as being a fairly goodnull but Ibis is an age of improve-ments mid new ideas are nearly nlway, bi Iti r than old ones. Peoplewho have i ii il lie Aenuulor considerit - n pei a. a tu any i.( her mill in tieIlia he I , yt ill Will

- ' " y

ii'ai.Jcoiivinet'd of this satin- fact after yonhave had an Aeriuotor a week. Ifyou happen to be nit' ihe line of thewater Woiks ami want water pumpedinto tin- kitchen or (lie bath room andenjoy tht; same conveniences as cityftilki the Aennotor will do it tptiekerlb in anything i lsc than a ste-it-

engine. It w. 11 run just as well in a

gentle zephvr as it will in

Agale nt wind, and you could not wreckil any ip.iieker than yuii could a bouse.It baa no woodeii clapboards on thetail, or wooileii wings to be blown oil'.Willi the old fashioned ones the ac-

tion of he weather will rot the woodami rust away the bolts. Any onewith half an t ye could see this andfi'ntn the rapid manner in which weare selling tin in we believe a

.ni a irWould n aii.e it the minute it Would

gel its etc on il. We are selling lien,cfeiy siik, a putty good thing to dowin n va n eon-ai- i r tli.,1 we bate tociawl over ,1, i",...s and prejudices infavor ia" sunn fin" i If you wantto kiiow how pupiil.tr tin y are in the

auv oi' voiir fiii-lid- whohate reel uiiy i ,i ii t I to the Islands,ill" Hawaiian Hardware Company,opposite - piei kels' Hank, are the onlyagents hole.

; II K Captain or Agents of Ihe Nurwe-- ?

U bark "Vivax" will not be ics- -ii fur tuiv debts cuiitraetetl by the


crew. K0 HI

i iivviiiiitst (fniittt't (Tub, Jr.

3 S prepared lo furnish music for1 lianees. Parties, Picnics, Exeur-ioii- s,

birilithiy Parties, Kb'. Ouodin I'urnislieil Mini sal guaran-lei'i- t.

Terms uiiidetale. Impure "BellTelephone No. Ita." Ml Iw

asmHjmu.'s nothm:." II KICK VS. Taiti, fining business

l mi 'er the 111 ill mone of 'I'atiit'n . in holn a, of Kauai, has Ibis

,v in toe aii !is..a. nioi-n- t ot all his pm-- p

ti'.in iia-;- . (l il, mail i signed, for., Ii. le tl, ,,l lii- - i Tt diO'l s. b, i ebue

'In- in beant hi" eliy giv. s

n if e :,. a per- - !.- ere. I, lots "ol theai, .e naiie d e ls . !,, p. ai iln il' billslo .p, on oi I. Ml' aiiae I I. s'l.A ,, ai' pel oa ,o' p.; tb ' ioe naineilpalls pa led io in. ike illlliledailep u ' a ' o a a -

ii. v, vi,e a .1111 ,v II

i. a V; ,i. ii ..!. iv. I, 7'1 Jw

V, n'''e. 'ol ' e ( ( fi'tl-I- I(H.

' ' i i, it i. , ,: ie in f a akI in pi, t "I it' . a ,i,. ,, Won;; , e

I . I v , "I If "I ii". ' ll'l. Ie if ".1.- ttbo II .te

i .ii. . od il ,

ail ... I. a I .1

a ,. i, I , tie.,, a a ill II,"


Med. ' i m :i sni a uu ii uu;p. in. ii. in. a. in. li.m.

Times. :i i :ui :t :u In mi In i

Fri. in 5 in I .'ii in 111 II l'ikut. ,11 5 ."ill nu ll HI II 3n

112 6 1U S 111 II ."ill!

New Muiiii on the si h ut Irli. '',:in. it, in.The lime silent lor tin1 iiiil. is itivcii ill '2h.

Otn. Usee. "f t.i'eenu ieh liiiii'or111. It' in. i. in of Honolulu lltisci-viiltn--

tiini'. It is uh rii liy t hi sii'iim w liisiii' ut Hit'Jkniiiluiii I'liutine; '.Mill, ii low itoot.s llllllVIItill! House. Tile sitllle tvllislle institllltlcit coi't'eetly nt lloiioliiiii iikuiii noon,(llisci'tattiiry ineri'iliitti, of loll. :jlin. Jtisuc. of(jl'i'i'li't it'll time.

'I" JU .".


ARRIVALS.Apt il ii

Ant blitni' s iX Cast'e, Hubbard, frontSun Francisco

April 7

Sttnr W (J Hull finiii 'aid ami HawaiiMmr ! Haiti from circuit ol Oahu

ULP.'i.TUitS.April 7- -

Atn bkuie Irnigard, Malison, for SanFrancisco

Schr Moi ahiue for KoholaleleSchr Miln Morris for KoolanS S Australia. imtidlcHe, for San Fran-

cisco at 1,! mSt in r .Mikahala for Katun tu 5 p inStinr i laudine lor il.ini at 5 p inMini' .1 )i s Maki'C for Kauai tit 4 p in

V SS LS It A V t N I T Q i. K OA.

Stuir Iwalani for Kalinina, Kukiiihaele,ilnnokatt ami Knkaiati til, 10 a til

Stun Like like fot l'aaiilian and Luiipa-boeh-

at In a tn


Sttnr Kaala .'100 boxes liaiiiinas.Hint' VV O 11a 1 410;) bags sugar, 123

bugs ttwa, II1! bags coffee, It packiifTt'S

goat skins, 3 horses ami 05 packagessundries.


From Maui and Hawaii per sttnr W (iHall, April 7 VV If lJ.ri;liaiii, MrSwilt,N ti 'Jcniple, .Mr .Slt.iiuabrook, N A

Wall, A Lindsay. 0 Moekle, A Todd.! Utaddakay. J Kaelcuiakule, A T

Holiinsoii, 11 A llrcti, K II llnyselden.J II Coney, A TiitMiuii, G Brown, Mrs Ll'iikoi ami 2 serviints. liisbop Willis,Kcv S 11 Davis. Mrs, V U Aclti, Yue-- t

( lionjr, Sam May, Ah N in , Youni; t'boyand 7,' lieek.

FOHtluH .iitLS tXPcCiiO.S Monowai, Cai'oy, from the Colonies

11 M S S Alameda, Morse, front the( 'olonies

Ii Jl S S Mariposa, ilnyward, from SanFrancisco

Am bktne Amelia, Xewball, from PortTow ii send

Am bk .iinic Johnson, Miller, fromLiverpool

Am bktne Alary Winkelnian, Nissen,from S F

Am bf' (ieo II l)ong!as from S F for iti

Am bk i olua, Uackus, from Newcastle,N S W

Ant bk Ivv, Lowell, from Newcistle, NVV

Am scltr Sahator, f'cter.si'ti, from New-castle. N S VV

Ant bk (ieotgina, Slaniev, from Xew-casll- e,

S WAm bkle It K Hani. Gove, from New-

castle, N S WBk Cowlil.. Mavliew, from Newcastle,

NSWNor bk ISorghill. Ilanglaiul, from New-

castle, N S VV

Sw bk Svea, Af.elaus. from Newcastle.NSW

Am bktne Planter, Dow. from S FAm bktne S N t'a tie, lliibb . from SFAm bk Ceylon, Ca hoim, front S P'

liklsleoi Klin from Sydneybk .lean Pi' i re from Sydney(ier bk II llaekfeld from Liverpool(jer bk J O Glade from LiverpoolGer bk Sabino from Berry

HiPrliSC NUlfco.

'I he steamer VV G Hall brought 4403basis sugar from Hawaii this morning,and lite steamer Kaala 30 boxes bana-nas.

Tin; Ant bktit" S N Castle arrived yes-terday from Francisco w ith a cargoof general merchandise an ! 0 passen-gers.

be sleatners Iwalani and Likelikewill sail for Haitiakua pints tomorrowat 10 a in.

Tlt s earners W G Hall and Kaalatranshipped their and biuatiasouthe ustia.ia this morning.

ll.1KVIS-V,.p,j!Yli- .:. St. Andrew'sl tiiheilial. April 7 Ii . by the lb v.Ah-x- MacUntish. Mr if. VV, 'I'.Pun i lo Mi" M.trv K. A. MeHrvde.



w:t5.o:ir ,;s:i ai


iO ..H ili'i OH

im AssuranceUnited States,

Policy for $19,470100 paid in premiums.)

furnished rooms

ALEX. J. CARTWRIGHT,(Jon. rid tvfjr'F! l r Ilinvaiinn lAliiiitfs.


The Fire Police are to meet thisevening.

Tub great clearance sale of goodsconsigned by Messrs. G. VV. Maelar-lan- e

& Co., w',11 lie commenced byMr. Jus F. Mui'gan, tomorrow morn-ing at 10 o'clock The sale will com-prise Mecca rugs, beers, ales, porters,wines, etc. ; cigars, harness and sad-

dles, and hales, of various goodsThere will lie no reserve ut this sale.

'Ihe following ollicers have beenelected by the "Hawaiian CmiMi tu-ition Company, Limited" (builders ofthe Oahu Kail way): 11. F. Dilling-ham, President; VV. K. Castle, t;

AI. P. liobinsoti, i lL'asurer ;

VV. M. Graham, ; T. May,Auditor; B. F. Dillingham, W. it.Castle, M. P. Kobiuson and F. M.Hatch, Directors.

Hanijdills, dodgers, cards, showwindows, painting on fences androcks, leaders of special gootls, news-papers and countless other ways areUsed by business men for advertising.It has been demons! rated that thelargest number can be reached in Ihemost cU'ective manner, wi h least ex-

pense, by newspaper advertising.Heading, Pa., Eagle,


There was a tremendous crush onthe deck of the Australia at iter de-

parture, as well as a great multitudeon the wharf. When the goiiy sounded"all ashore" the gangway was jam-

med will: colliers and goei'8 forseveral minutes. Everybody, almost,including the whole Cabinet, waspresent at this sailing of the steamer.There were titles and orders enoughif collected to stock a museum.Many of the passengers being heavilydecorated with h is, the crowded railsmade a gay scene of confusion. TheRoyal Band played the usual exceltent farewell program. In swingingout the steamer utilized the jib, therebeing a favorable breeze.

The following is, the full list ofcabin passengers :

Messrs Scott, Sunford, Dean andClitnnherlain of the X Y Opera Co,W 11 Hallgartcn, Miss Lcsher, M:ssJ C Biaden, Mrs C VV Macfarkiiieand child, Mrs A W llevdimann amichild, C C Carpenter, K VV McLean,Miss Mclmyre, Miss Walker, M;s VV

M Giffard and two children, il I)VVishatd, Mr Stantini, Mr Turpi, JOttderkiik, Mr and Mt Langlois, l)rAnderson, S VV Freeman, l)r How-

ard, Dr J F Hamilton and wife, E C

Mactarlane, Dr Horace Bovvcn, MrsHowen, four children and maid, 11 A

llurhtirt, C Bollinati, Mrs E B l'enni-nian- ,

Dr Furry. Mr Furry, Miss .S

Miss Mary Dowselt, MissesThomas (.'!), Mr Hamilton, C JLane, Mrs J Lydgate, Miss M ALydgate, T K Fay son, J D McDon-ald. A S Ctowder, John Long, T JWilliamson, (J C Downing, U E

Haskell and wife, Mrs VV VV Dimond,Airs B Cartwrigltt, two children andmaid, Aliss C'oruwell, Major V 11

Cornwell, 1) Foster, Mrs SamuelParker and family, J T VV'atei houseami wife, (.'apt J Bishop, U S X,.Mrs A F Alatschke and child. AirHulton and wife, H A Lamb, 'Mrs JC .Sullivan and child, (i Legris. Airs( B Kirkhride, C AI Hayinond, AlissCannon, C A Brown, J II Heist.

The gentlemen of the New YorkOpera Company assembled on thehurricane dt c!v and heartily cheeredfur Honolulu as the steamer movedfioiii the "half.

Mrs. VV. AI. Oiffard went away f rtin' In lit lit of In r health, tn til ai didAlls- - Vlaiy Walker, a very ctliciei t

inemnci ol Fori Street .School stall.Ol the other residents ho left, someare mi plea-iiu- tttt'l others on lni-i- -

lll'ss III ut,Air, C. C, Carpenter, a prutiiiiu nt

cili. II of l.os Angeles, 1'ttl., huinoi.g the departing liaiigei. lie

the Vultmio ainl oHici po.liU'

ot lull ft-

:ca:ickn-:s- .

I C., . , , I t I'l I'll I'

G l lni

6 mmmiBG oclety of the

Xew Assuranca V7rittca iu 1390 $ 203.826107 00Income 35,036.683 24Surplus (fi'oni which dividend will be made) 23,740,447 34


Monday, April fi.

The afternoon session of the Courtwas occupied with the trial of the caseof the King against Janus Broun.Kawika and John Cummins, for per-verting justice, being an appi-a- Iruinthe Police Court of Ilunoiu u. AHawaiian jury was called, four wit-

nesses testified on behalf of theand three on behalf of the

defendants; the jury was out 10 min-utes, returning with a edict of notguilty, two jurors dissenting. De-

fendants were discharged. ('has.Creighton fur prosecution, J. L.Kaulukou lor defendants.

'The next case was that of theKing vs. Pulnli, charged with larcenyin the oil degree, on appeal fromthe Police Court of Honolulu. Triedbefore a Hawaiian jury, who wereout 17 minutes in their deliberation;live witnesses for the prosecutiontestified in this case, no evidencebeing offered on the part of the de-

fense. On the prosecution resting,defendant moved for his discharge,which motion was overruled. Thejury returned a verdict of not guilty,two dissenting; the defendant wtisdischarged. C. Creighton ami G. Iv.Wilder for prosecution, S. K. Kanefor defendant.

The Court adjourned at furthe day.

Tt i'SDAV, April 7.Court opened this morning at 10

a. in., present Bickeriuii, J., andHawaiian jurors.

The fiist case, called which wasready, i, The King vs. Kaailaiki(w ), charged with larceny in the .'iddegree, being an appeal I rout thePolice Court of Honolulu. A juiyof twelve is empaneled, ami thecase is still on as we go lo press.Creighton for prosecution, Kaulukoufur defendant,


The following is the scli duie ofgames to be played by Ihe respt el iveciulis during this season, adopted ata meeting of the league held at theChamber of Commerce this after-noon :

April 11 Honolulu vs. Kamwbainelui." IS Honolulu vs. Hawaii" 'J.') Kainehamelui vs. Hawaii.

May 2 Knineh. nucha vs. Ilnnululii" '.) Hawaii vs. Honolulu." 10 Hawaii vs. Ivamchanielni." '2'. Honolulu vs. Kameh.iuieha." IJO Honolulu vs. Hawaii.

June (i Katnelianieha. vs. Hawaii." l'i Kami ha in, 1, s. il, ii u! ii." l!0 !l..w ii vs. II. on .In ii." -- 7 Hawaii Vs. Kami liano lia.

July 4 l"ii lulu vs K .i t ii. .! ii ii" 1 1 Honolulu Vs. Hawaii." IS K'auo helm b.i vs IL.w.iii." "i K iiii. haiii' ha Vs. Iluo, linu.

Aug. I Hawaii vs .m ini i.N la w.ui Vs. K no a

l a 11, mo lulu s. K mil ':. i. a" i i i

':t s. l.i n n.

' K.i on ha ioi hi Vs. 1 ., w .i .

HAWA.-iAiUacii'.- cu: ;.The annual meeting of Ihe II ,uai- -

iail Jol k y ( 'illll U lis In Id a ' II -

rt mall lluli I last niht . I he lol.-w-

II, g iilliii i . w e ,. i he id, u i lit'pin .11.1 I 'l the lo I.e. il lit II

II, e lllli ,. ,1 lue, tilu, ii , ,ili e pail, iod t an a i "

n. I .

.i ; I ! v.

i .I

An Investment Worth Kr owinsr About I

Before assuring your life, or investing your money, examine the Twenty-Ye- ar

Tontine Policies of The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U. S.Policies maturing in lS'Jl realize cish returns to the owners, of amounts

varying from 120 to 17b' per cent, of the money paid in, besides the advan-tage of the Assurance during t li 3 whole period of twenty years.

The following; is one of many actual cases maturing this year:

Endowment Policy Xo. 04,1)25.Issued in 1S71 , at age 27. Amount, $5,000.

Premium, s?2.'Jl).H0. Total Preins. Paid, $4,798.

at End of Tontine Period in 18U1 :

C.tsk Surreu3er V.iliie. 88,449.45

(Equal to f I'll. 10 for each SUM) paid in premiums, which is equivalent toa return of all premiums paid, with interest at 7 per cent, per an nil m.)

( r, in lieu of cash,

A Paid-u- p Life(Equal to f 105. Ml for each

A Life Aanuity of $633.55.

ALEX. J. CARTWRICHT,t!ii, im V ()' for the Hawaiian Islands, Kquitahle Life Assurance So-eti- -'t

of the U. S

. a ; a i i .aa i, ,,a j,, , a

) I.l f " e ,

...It.'' t. :i v

s ,at i,, v.'.e-t- , a ,,

a , ,. ,'

t a a e ai .a !! s a ... I.i ' i a ill ,

' a a u s , a .. I e i. , : ini t a ' a .. ,r, ,, a

. , i.l i

I.l i 11 I, I,..',, i I ... ,.

,1 I i.e



Some lii'Jiv inacliiiii i v was lamlnlfrom Ibc A ii i ,i fur Hie lluitiiliilii1 tut Win Us, I lit ie as a ciitiilijiii i

Vaiiltiiti puii'p Wi igliinjj ;' Inns, ilu.'

luioi'sl ;t I . i I cull liil the king., 111., I Ittll I'llll.lllll I UJIC- -

galilin a to l.j!l ol fit"i lull-- lui l, eI '.tan 1, tn I'lai.'.i1 .!" to, I in m ill.I I ill' Mill I ii .I,i. 1,11 ' n l.tMoll''.mi'l , n II t .i ,l a It' ii I'.i.ii i n

i .ii,, ;n ,t .,hI i"'

' ,

Ha Cil faiafe !

II) .1. l. Ml KtlM..

II I s n ,in, . ,tl, ,,,,ie i, I II. I biI

SI I, ,1 'Il ,1 an I It s t

Ie "I field II Ol lie P.... I Mell"i, lies a,i le.'t Ol, t II s, ,,n I ..

Is IS I, 1.1,11

roKi.sr. norm:,,i IM I'tilt Mieet,

' I.'1 Inriii-lnd-

.' I 4 t Hie I slne.li- o ,11 .0,1, ,' ' ,l l i.. ,,b:e ,. .. allij

t s. ,', i I ,11,. all lie, I. li i ,.

I . I. I ,, .


(I II I'l " Ms 1

till limi; nil t

i '., 1. 1 1 I. . 'I ! I.

i ii. ...I

Il Ie to, I o.l, I t

Page 4: V J 'in! I It...Vf Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Hall and Building Materials of every kind. Comer Fort and Queen streets, Honolulu. lJI EWERS & COOKE, Importers anil Dealers

J. L. --M itOliiidiiil SlUiilliisiP


Steam Job Pilii2Kliitf Mricl iSiir Fort.

' '

House and Decorative Painter.Paper Hanging a Sneeially.



Our IS "v Jon. I'Ort ti't,(Brewer Block),


Dn k Faicy Gocas, cllitE, Huts, Ms, Sic,AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES.

130 Kort !!.. -

dec-2-4 1 (Opposite Club-


TBt iAtfmimNWeekly Bulletin"

Issued Every Tuesday.

ill ' ?t?

HiJ. N. S. WILLIAMS,R. Mi IRE, : :

WiHt by,




'Charlotte,' 'Kfeshire' & 'J. C. Pfluaer'


Engineers " & iron Four dors,Office & Works. : Epl de, Hontlaiu.

MAMJ I - A CM ' I ' 1 1 1 : 1 -i L

Sugar Machili"ry, Irrigating Machinery, S'C.im Engines,Steam Boilers, Juice Tanks, Coolers, MoIusmw Tanks, Sugar Cars,

Cane Cars, Elevators, ( 'ooveyms, Furnace Fittings,Wrought & Cast lion YVi ik foi House liuilders,

Water Winds S Ueniing, liar Iron, Etc., Etc., Etc.

Diffusion Machinery in nil its?; Branches.OF Til Fj FINEST


teiT Parties lakly i t.qu i ii for eertain goods arc hereby notilied,

wis.ed and .hall he happy to tillthat we have received "what they to buy,

order, from the other Islands, as well as m Honolulu.

FivANK BROWN,Managkh.

51 lm


itmritFOKT A

Hole Atfents Hawaiian IIiiuV!tr the

PELIOTJ WATER wheel:uit ,.f ,,11 n,wlu ,f Aluidiinerv done nt reasonable rate; andpjew Goods ! filev Goods !







Ladies' & Children's Sailor Hats,P.lankets it Shawls,Cashmere & Marino,Ladies' Men's & Children's Shoes,Gent's Furnishing Goods,Men's & Boy's Clothing,Ladies' & Children's Parasol,Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.

This office having added a large, varietyof the latest styles

Elegant Type 1

To lis Jtb Printing Rorm

Is better prepared than ever to executeall orders in that line, comprising:

Becks, PamphletsRill Heads,

Dusincss Cards,Law Blanks.

Letter lends.Circulars, Invitations.

Plantation Blanks,Ranking Forms.

Wedding Cards,t ailing Cards,

Posters, Bardbills, Dodgers,

Proyrarrmes, Etc., Etc.,


256-B0- TH TEIE f HOHES 25 6

Joy" Address

"Daily Bulletin Office,"


Jewelry, .'ilverw.tro,MAKVFACTrUElt BY

lAllfillfH k FIELD.I M TTS- - K HT .

Wan I rncwo. : s 'iiH'OMit.

Christmas Novelties:Diamonds, Watches.

Silverware. Silver .lewelry.Silver Mounted ( anes,

Siivur Mounied linbidhis,Oayx Ma--le- locks.

Oold I'cus it Pencils,

lllll- - lfUtllC'l' iltl-- ,Rdiiibli! Ccors at Reasorable

I'ltK JK.--i I

fiiY Catalogue sent to any address Teeon reipu'st.

t'5)f'.M il orders promptly and care-fully executed.

"Diamonds and rrecious Stonesmounted in the latest styles.


iifiilfe EILOill

The Best Lunch n Ivk-- -

Tea and Coffee at Ml Hom -

The Finest Brands of

1 OTP11 !),

AlwuyH on tlanrt.


ContraotM BuiJdr.

Estimates Given on ' rick. Iron, Stone& Wooden Buildings. Jobbing

Attended to.


Brick, Lime, Ctme t, Placer ol Pan,Marble Dust, Wire Lath,

California North Beach & Santa

Cruz Sand.

Quarry Tiles Cxfi red, white and blue;Miiitii'n. Plastic mid Kneauslie Tiles invarious patterns, all kinds of DrainageWare.

SSif Office Southeast corner Ala-ke- a

and Queen streets.Wu udl -"- J5aaTtlEPH0"EScS: Bill 351



Contractor & Builder.

I'lonohilu Steam PI uing Mills, Espla-nade, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Vouldings,liiatkets. AVimlow Frames, i Units,Sashes, Doors, and nil kinds of wood-work lluisii Turning, Scroll and HandSawing. All kinds of Sawing andPlaning. Morticing and Tenanting.

. Orders promptly iittende l to andwork guaranteed Orders from theother Iclauds solicited.


ConlriK'ini'f A Itull.H-r- f

Brick, stone and Wooden Buildinus;estimates given. Jobbing proinptlv at-

tended lo. 7U King street. I ell Tele-

phone No. 2. P.O. ox423. y



.leweler V 'r

"UKU. JttUl . WttlULlI.. . . . II, H"lilUUU, II. I.

W I'ltlieu ar lllli lllloll ml. loallkinds o( i i.iil I

' - . -

niT-l'li- l t) ftf( U I

i Jlll Al V X VI U


(Governor Russell, of Massaclmsetts,

rides on horseback to and from the state

house every day.

Count Von Moltke eompels all themembers of his household to spend at

least an hour each day in the open air,

even if the ram be pouring.

Senator Chandler is an uninterestingspeaker, his rasping voice being destruc-

tive to good oratov. II usually occu-

pies two desks when addressing the seu-ate- .

Joel Chandler Harris, James R. Ran-

dall and Richard Malcolm Johnston areto be editors of the new southern maga-

zine which it U proposed t start is At-


The latest "oldest Mason" to be dis-

covered in the United States ia HenryRuby, of Charnbersburg, Pa., who i

87 years of age, and joined the fraternityJuly 1. 1823.

Alfred D. Rgthsehild has bought fromLord Sackvills the wall known portraitof Eliza Ann Lirdey (Mrs. Ehoridan), by

Gainsborough. The price is 12,000 guin-

eas, or at the rate of $105 per squareinch

George D. Burton, the New Hamp-

shire man who devised the "palace ani-

mal car." has been made an honoraryParisian Academv

of Sciences and given a gold medal of

honor.Senator-elec-t David B. Hill is a native

of Chemung county, N. Y and aboutforty-si- x years of age. He was admittedto the bar in Elinira, and when buttwenty-on- e was elected city attorney of

that cityJ nles Simon, rapidly nearingthe eight-

ies and hale and hearty as ever, wasasked how he had managed to grow old

so gracefully "By living in exactly thesame manner for the last thirty years,"was the reply.

The friends .of President Arthur, who

raised a monument over his grave ut Al

bany, have a tmrplua fund of $25,00:),

which they intend to spend inof a statue of the in

New York city


Poor's Manual pluces the number of

locomotives in the United States at 81.- -

The Hussiau government has decidedthat all coaches on the state railroadsshall be lighted by electricity.

From foreign advices it is learned thatan HOC foot bridge is to ba built over theNile between Talkha and Mansourah in

EgyptThe total number o." freight cara in

the United States at the end of 1889 .as1.0GU. 161. At the end of 1890 there werel.lUTi.000.

The Railway Age furnished a detailedestimate of the track laid in 1890, inwhich Ohio is credited with 235.90 milesof new road.

A recent fast run on a French railroadloin iriniR on record as CI. 58 miles anhour, the fastest mile being made inforty-nin- e seconds.

William Dywd, formerly presidenjtofthe Louisville. Albany and Chicago road,and who for seventeen years was presi-

dent of the Bank of North America, willretire from active business life.

Tle Alabama liouse committee on

common carriers, after weeks of investi-

gation, has voted unanimously to makean adverse report on a bill to give man-

datory powers to the Alabama state rail-

road commissioner.The Indiana supreme court has decided

that tne law requiring uiacnuoarus vo kplaced at railway stations announcingthe time of arrival and departure oltrains, and whether they are late or ontime, is constitutional.

The Illinois secretary of state has is-

sued a license of incorporation to theBalloon Cable Railway company, of Chi-

cago, for the transportation of passen-gers iii balloons attached to cables be-

tween the different sites of the Colum-

bian exposition.


The emperor of Russia has flatly re-

fused the request of the Count de Paristhat his son should receive a commis-sion in the Russian army.

The Grand Duke Nicholas, the cnaruncle, is said to be recovering his men-

tal balance. His physiqne is also said to

show signs of improvement.The queeit of Sweden, who suffers

from shattered nerves, finds ease inworking like a housemaid and in weed-

ing and digging in her garden.

The Emperor Francis Joseph of JAus-tria- ,

as god fcither of the yonng PrinceJoachim, recently baptized, has sent agift of costly diamonds to the Gormanempress.

Oon Francis d'Assisi, Isabella's hus-

band, lives in Epiuay, a littlo old manwith smoothly shaved cheeks, and dress-ing so shabbily that the people havenicknamed him le petit pere.

The emperor of Austria works hardand has few pleasures, except the one of

enjoying a good cigar, wiiile the empresshas lost all taste for dress aud display,and finds her cluef amusement in bunti-


The queen of Italy wore a costume ofextraordinary magnificotice at the recentopening of parliament. The dress waiof violet satin, enquisiloly embroidered,ovi r which was thrown a slunt violetvelvet mantle of a slightly darker shade.

Cjiuvu Victoria's favorite dish for din-

ner is well done bo f, with which sheusually takes a glass of champagne. Hrordinary breftkl'iiht consists of coffee orcocoa mid mulUiis, of which she is veryfund. With her luncheon she drinks agla.-.-s of ale.

TO Ki:.M

fi t V Voiliu livel H lloll-- S

t. y ' ol T lonon Midi kitchenJ. C. li litl tial III i i III . eollloletl-U- '

it'i'he. t . I v l at il iw il11 li". i .l,loHl il,,.. ,.,n, to p.illle..

A I'M ', ti II I III lll Milt

I'l II I MM I" II fi Villi

Tl.Ts i. TUil.K:


Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu

Air U... .Zealandia Apul.ilApr 2S. . . Au!r tliii Ma.V

May 12. . .Zeilaiutia Aluy I'd

Mav 20. . .Australia June 2

June tf. . . . . .June 10

June 23 . . A list laiia Ju" :W

Julv 7 . . .ealamlia July 11

July 21.. . .AuMralia July 28

Aug 4.. ZcaUmdia Aug 11

Aug 18.. .Australia Aug 25

Sept 1.. 'V.L.niliii Sit S

Sent 13. . .Australia Sept 22

Sept 2'J. . Oct 0

Oct 13.. ...Australia Oct 20

TIlKOflill LINE.

Arrive from Suu Arrive from theFraueico. Colounm.

Mariposa. . . April 9 Monowai

Muiiowai. . . .May 7 AlamedaAlameda lunu 1 MariposaMariposa. . . July 2 Monowai

Monowai luly 30 Alameda

Alum cda.... Aug 27 MariposaMariposa .... Sept 24 MonowaiMonowai. . . .Oct 22 Alameda

. . .Nov 19 Mariposa


The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

RSoncwai;"Of the Oceanic Steamship rompany wi

be due at Honolulu lroin Sydneyand Auckland on or about

April 9, 1S9I.Aud will leave for the ahove port with

mails and pas.engers on orabout that ilate.

IdT For freight or passage, havin;;

st jcrior accommodations, apply to

Win 3. It!' CO.. I'd,Agents.

For Sjdn.y ai AucI

The New and Fine Al Stool Steamship

ki aripesa,"Of the Oeeanie ht' amsliip Company will

be due at Honolulu from banFrancisco on or about

April 9, 1891.And will have prompt dispatch with

mails and passengers forthe above ports.

!3T For freight or passage, havingsuperior accommodations, apply to

Am 3. IRWIN & 00.. L''ll Agents.

J.H0PP&G0.,74 King St. Jgj 74 Kiug Si,

Importers of

Rittaw a; d a 'US Furniture.

Pianos J nti Furniture.Moved With Care.

Malting and Carpets Laid.


Fine Upbolslc ing & Bedding

A Specialty.



D R A Y M E N .

All orders for i art e.'i; promptly atlendet)to. I'artieiilar attention

paid to the

Usi r: C: i:hi)phijnfgitoil iii tranit to the other Islands

S.; ?i , 4 VVhl'iO 3 l

ill tpi.tlllili'S !ti .till :t lowest prices

( n i it k : el tlotir to .las. K.yor"-iii- i room.

l.i!u I IS MtT. l.rp..or.f. jn4V 4I


B eit i:u,!u 4 C rp ntvF.

'llu.1: Maun tica iiinl ljceiiVII w.Mkd "id. to, -- an.'.,

d' lev a . .til i "

lr. I MIMM'IV, I Hi .Il V ' I ell

e I. .te I ' III- t

U I" ' I W

. lit. .HI .1 t l I .1 it ,, S,.

- 1 1 1 tt .

Stables). 1890

ma 09..tf Jr it '

: Manaokii,SlTKMNTKMLNT.

ri its T m

UJ0 11

NEW YCIiKi r r

iiie insuranceCOMPANY.

"Fdf',l.- - m Stoshura Ttiings. '

At every age. on every premiumtable, ami in every year, the AC

TUAL RESULTS of Tontine IN .lidoof the. New York Life Co.

liave been LARGER than those OF

ANY O i'HER CUMl'ANY issuini

hni!ai p

ten v Hawaii.. Islands

mm Csiipt: r i,.ix..


Bcii;s for the Hawaiian Islands.I -- ill

.f11j.1i iiivJLJXA OiUlt

j ii.i-- t t !!ono!nl..r. il. FIsliER, Piop.

Hoard and Lodging, per week, (ae- -

eoliluur to loeaiion 01 itioms...0 IIU to S12 0

I'liiuHcnt. per day 2 007


t. .,' Vl.iinrv ill limi lids one of thelie si ct.in oitahle and ctniveiiient housesin di t itv. the ro.-ni- li- - nig huge, lightiii.l mi . Hot an I'l water iiains.

, ,IE pat,..,,, .1 ll.e .,.. K.S. Co.I a, el Iiy nt lllleil lliat hcreinicr

mi. ml trip or .MUih.i, licKel- - IU

-i- ie. P r am m ll.e llnoiigh mall,,. ,.,. 't--e l;. I.'i Will. ll..WI-er- .

H. j I a ee.--l iiii il I", the Itteal.It :l ,t l " I

" a. ., il.ilall.l."I',,- -, i w ho li Id to I ii lp lii'fct't

I I, t" take He l 1,1

Mtal.li, Will be called a ,UI,l,le.,I i I el ii I o' lln 1, t nut' f, .. I '0,

II l, llill .VI II ,

I, I I I . . .1 ,.!


jilack Grenadine,Chambi ics in all colors,Oriental Flouncing,Victoria Lawn,Swisses,Silk & Lace Caps,Flowers it Feathers,Boy's Waists in all colors,


S. KlliiLK ll & CO.,turner Fori & Hotel SI reels.



Full Line of P. 0. & G. P. Corses !

Large invoice of Hack Hosiery for Ladies and Children.,

Black Coeds cf all Description !

at snort notice.


Lite, Fire & Marine

Insurance AgentsAOKNTS FOB

Se England Bntoal Ule Ins. Co.


Etii3 Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford.


Insurance Company.fir A M






Hartford Fire Insurst cc Co.,

Asscis, S5,288,000.

Anglo-Neva- Corporstion,

(Fire.-- Marin-J-

Capita, Paid ,p, COO.

Thimes & Mersey M inne ns. Co.,

(Limited;,Ass. ts, $6,124,057.

New York Life Insurance Co.,

Assets, $105,053,600.96


General Agent for Ibiwaiian Islands.

i.H W

V M II t I ill Vi


I'l.n llt .il I'oitlei H i.er, I'.i-lt- ) i'"k A

It iii

Dressmaking under the management of Miss CLARK. JgfM


Grauitc, ucii ruui lm WareChitnilolKrii. Larus-- :ind L.tntrriis,


Moiim H ? uin Coo J,

. i , i I I Mil .' t, !t,1 l

l mil trim li'S J. Mrl rrNil. ! I I 'I MIT Ml l: l'i

I'm.. I .i.i nil liaiel tl l.iitie nl, i v m ! i i "I J' " ') tt "''in.pl itnl miii i 'I Mmii'-

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