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®V Nfioa - Hagaman Library...licadtitiarlorH iiialnlalh a aWU'l ad-, hoi'oanco lo Iho rtil..'S and...

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T" " ' l.*^!"^ "-^"^ 'wHifm^-^iTinf-vlia >«• °°"»- 5-4 An Independenl Weekly Newspaper Vol. IX NO. 48 ®V PublhlKJ Wf»Hy hi ri»f PtfSJ Piihtiraltmii. Vfdrlv Siihurialio'i S?.5a Nfioa Our Telephone Niimhers Kililorial: HOharl 7.5«11 E"..'\S'rH.AVKN, C'ONNKCnCUT, TH 1IJKS|5A^•, FI-.nKl..l.AK"V 11), I'.>)'). 6 Cents A Copy $2.50 A Yenr Contractors Will Pay Cost Of supervision On Road Buildinc Heplaoinji IMood (»iveii To Local Man Sub-Division Codes To Get Overhauling Who 1.5 going lo pay nlie cosl or Ihi; Town's suporvisinE; the pr)nsirucllon ot roads, sidewalks and curbing und olher Improve- ments in new developments? That question was asked by First Si!leclman Frank S. Clancy. An answer was provided im- itiodlately by Jerome Grady, chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Contractors win lie billed for the cost of such silpei'vlslpn, he said, under a pro- vision Ihat will be written Into the sub-division codes. To Overhaul Cobles Mr. ITirndy Indicated also that a criniplete over-liaiiling of tire 7.nn- Irig codes Is In order and' will be iiildertaken .soon. The question on who will pay Ihe cost of supervising construc- tion of roads, etc. came up after new regulations approved Mon- day night by the Zoning Com- mission passed over the desk of the first selectman./ The Commission voted that In future developments^builders must lay down a road Consisting of a ba.se' of either eight inches of bank run giavel or four Inches of; cnishcd stone. On top of this Iftf to.; be i laid four inches of ciKi.shert . s t o n e ' a n d ;, penetrating niaeadam' P"vlng.'. , •, :, .. .. rAl.so to'.beHnsihlled Is "concrete cWliltig 18' Inches high, and ex- telidirtg ;slx 'Inclies'" above tjie crViwned .•[•pad siirfaoe,' ahd slde- -Wttlks .four- :and "ohe-halt feel \yide.and five Inches thick, i •-•'After each' specification copnfe these: words:. ''liisl aljajijQteJlil!, fe? urtder supeVvlsiqh of ';the;-TPwn Ehgipeer iuid;finti! approysj tshail be i;eguired !i>y: t h e Board of Se- If^cfhieh^* .'*.""'' '/"'"T"'^;"; " ',••;••.•.•" '" •;,-...•:,.; ^..^-qoodi'Mj-ii'',^r; : .,.- .'"Tiie.'lc siJe'clflcatlohs,are ,& good Idea," said Mr. Clancy, "but. the cojumLs-siop his slipped up on one thing; who's going to pay the Town for all this supervision.?," lie said he would ask a moellng Willi Ihe Zoning ComniLssioh on this. Mr. Clancy's question Was also prompted by.a reporter's inquiry as. to avbethor he had any com- ment on criticism aimed by con- tractors at the Town .government. This criticism came at the Mon- day night hearing of the Zoning Commission. Several contractors agreed that the type of road be- ing built In East JIaven Wasn't very good, but said that if roads wore unsatisfactory it was ' the I'own's fault for not supervishig and inspecting these before ac- cepting them.. "All right," said the first .se- lectman, "but who's going to pay (Continued On Page Two) Canvass Of Homes ForBandUniforms Fund Due Monday Five luindred r;iisi llnven High sltidents will canva.ss ihe Town on Monday evening between 7 und 8 o'clock to colleci donations fnr uniforms lor lire High School band, according to D. Cliaries l3eausoieil, co-ordiimtor of liie fund diive. ^fembers of the regular and auxillai-y police staffs and of the volunteer fire departnieiils will patrol the .streets during the drive lo Insure the safety nf ail concern- ed. ;Kesldenls who wisli to conlri- bute arc requested. to leave their porel) ligiils on for the solicitni's. In the meantime, Mrs. Ralph Ilurdcr, eo-difector of the drive, announced this week that three parents ot North Branford chil- dren attending the High School are •• raising . funds tor tlic purchase of one uniform. 1'hey are Mrs. Fred E. Harrison, Mrs. Eugene N. Benson and Mrs. Les- lie Beam. Mr.s. ;Bean is also sponsoring a card/party in her home for North Branford-resiiients on Monday-1^ raise additional money for unl- troms'.. ; ;;- .' .i' ' . . .' Goal of, i h e drive is cough nion- ey.to buy 00 uniforms at h cost of .$S5' eii'cli. To dale, enough funds have .been pledged to provide 17 of the.se., . .- . . Walter llccklilcclcd Head Of Police Benevolent Assoc- . t'oiice Officer Walt or Heck was elected presiident of the Ensi Ilavon Police ' Benevoleni Asso- ciation.ut a meeting Monday nlRlK in the Towni Hall. - OfHcer Joseph Pnscarella . was elected A'ice president. Police Chief ii;dvvin P r i e s t was re-elected trens- urer and Officer McGulgau was re-elected secretary. . . The three dlreclors of the sick benefit fund, Officer Frank Kon- esky, Deputy Chief Joseph Folio and Cupt Edward Stenhani woi-e re-elecied. Also renamed were (he aud- itors: Officer Pascaj-ella, Officer William Hubbard and Supernum- erary Officer John Llnioncelli. Custodians Meet Mon. The Custodians Union. Local 13'1-i of the State,. County and Municipal Employees, A.F.L., will meet Monday evening al 8 o'clock in the High School. These employees of the Texas Company had a special objective when they showed up at the Bloodinobile seusion here on Monday lo donate blood t o t h e R e d Cross. Their contribution was made specifically to replace blood giyen to a fellow employ*^ Albert Davison, of U i e A L Who is. in .Massachuselts oen eral. HospithI recovering from serious iniuries r*cei\ed in nn aulo^ accident earl^ lait mrnth ^.'Mrs..Willis Hcndnrlts nur sea aide, prepares a bottle lo receive blood about t o b e d o iinted" by Charles Miller (on the cot) while Jdstjph Fcd.sUtd (on left) and Howard Scott, Robert Fisher and Leonard Kyc look on. l:U*hiud Mrs. ! .'en- dricks is Ruth MoMllf)n, Blood- mobile nurse. Five other employes of the Texas Company also donated blood lo it-placc thTt Riven lo Mr Piviion 1 ht v are Albert Jacob I larold Watson John Norkin I Icrbcrt Ldwards »nd Wdter Ru/>lo Mr Divi'^on \A\o is oresi dent of the La it i IMVMI Pub lie 1 It. »llh Nur**in.< Asiocmtion w »s sovcrr !j injiMLd win \ \\L w IS I noclct-d down by one Miuo iiiul sliucK \iy ruMilh?!" VM in -BoHlon on Jannarj' I. A few days ai^o, employes of die T e x a s C o m p a n y in Prov- idence, \i. I., donated blood |o the: Red CroHS in l^oston lo replace supplies jjiven to Mr. Duison who wotlcd with llu New llwfn binuh t-i » s u p pliei for 1 uikeri Mr Davison was u p o t It tl lo be malmiF? pro^w ss in his lecoveiy from thi- injuries bul il IS t-xpecltd thi he will be hosptlali/f'd foi nnothei month oi so M I S D »vnon is a 't ik in ih* town i It rk s of fit c ht re Siiolialc Studio Men Outiuiinbcr Women Donors As Bloodmohile Collects 7}{ Pints Here New Development Rejected For Lack Of Second Exit Tile Planning and Zoning Com- mission last night rejected by a Ihree-to-one vote a plot plan for C9 building lots between High llldge and Maplevnie because il did not provide a .second entrance close to High St. The plot plan was submitted by ihe Yedlin Con.'itructIpn Company, builder of High Ridge. The plan was reLurncd with the recommendation that tlie builders find an additional means of egress Into either High St. or Hellsirom ltd. to guarantee the safety of t h e occupants of the new development. Sllclcs to liislstence The Commission majority stuck to its insistence on a .second means ot egress through almost two hours of argunieni by officials of the Yedlin Company that finding means ot such passage was "im- possible" or so expensive a.s- t o malce the building project unpro- fitable. ' Moody, engineer tor the build- ers, argued that access into the rear ot the developnicnt through the old. Proprietor's Rd., Would provide suitable access to the pro- posed development. Also, he said. It would serve to provide a second means of access into Maplevale Into which eiiti-y could now be gained only at the northern end. The developers, he said, were actually reducing a hazard by opening up this second meatis of egre.ss Into Maplevale in the event of a catastrophe. However, when James Ma|one, Reniocratlc member of llie l?om- mis.slon. argued along with Chair- man Jerome Grady and Edward L. Hfynolds, Republican . member, that a second means of access Ip the proposed development was necessai-y because of such possi- bility. Rosenberg told ,the Commission; "You gentlemen are obliged, to honor the committments which I thought f had Irom,the Town." Cost "Prohibitive" He Insisted that cost of a bridge over the Farm Elver to gain access lo North High St. would be pro- hibitive. And buying back a boiuo und lot in High Ridge lo gain ac- cess to Hellstrom Rd. was also im- possible, he said. Robert Decker, town engineer, who sat in on the .Tieeting at the Commission's request,* said he was opposed to the erecllon of another bridge which wouM impede the flow of the water and flood resi- dential land. Also he said ii'v^oulij mean additional maintenance, "^-y Mr. Decker preferred a connect. Ing road between Hellstrom Rd. and the central road In the new development, but did not agree with the Commission that a sec- ond entrance wa-s necessary in view, of tlie access from the rear. (The develcpmenl ..-ould tftconnect al one point with a roan in Maple- vale.) . However, Chairman Crady rtuclc to his guns: "We're going to look over the over-all situation. Jn all good consilience, I cannoi-see this (development) unless we have full access." . - Mr. Ro.senberg offered lo clear the remainder of Proprietor's Rd. which, ,he said, would permit ac- cess to Maplevale but this was ' (Continued On Page Two) The men rionors outminibered' the wonien "15 to 33 nl Monday's vl.sli of the Red Cr-oss Bloodmn- blle. Just a little over bait of the Red Cross Chaplor's quota of 150 pints wns met with 7rt pinls b'olitg collected. ' Womrnl Donors "GbH'firs Ineludoir' llio Mi's.: Margery Mormon, Ursula Walsh, BaHiara Calm'. Mabel Ci-awfiu'd, Olga Si.s.son, Olive Bacon, Mar-y Frawley, Frances Scnrpace, An- toinette .Bal.samo, Minnie Bi-al.'i- ard, Agnes Bi-ooks, Mary Niin'/-I- atlp, Mabel Copeiand, Kaliici'iiie Etzel, Catlierine Weimor, <3ia(l.vs Ek, Mary N. Scburk, Mary A Dohna, Chariolle B. P.oeri, and Barbara W. Hanck. •"Also, Ihe Mrs;; Noi'n Monlgoni- ery, Jessie ' Colwell, . Cenexic\e Cusano, Rulh Weller, Lenn.irdu Esposito,' Cecelia Hill, Mui-Iei Weil, Joan Lagi, Ann Uuoinlo and Esther Hendricks, Al,so Mi.ss Marlon Coyle, Ml.'<s Mildred CricchI and Miss ".rirpini i Sehurk. Men Donors Men donors includerl; Wllfietl Freeman, Carl Garvin, Joim Cnnc Sleplien Mayer, Edward Asiii,ri\ .i;phn:Nprkin, Harold Watson, Al- bert Jacob, H . , i l . Edwairls .1 Jonathan Czar, Cliai-ies A. Millet •toonard \L Kyc and Jos.'pli G Felsted. Also, 'Howard W. Scott, ndljerl Fl.sher, Walter Ruzyko, .I.-.I.KS Cunningham, Itoliet-I Fi-uy, Josi plr ilawtin, Henry E. MarirMis .)r William Ha.ssi., Philip John r n Jolm J. Slempich Sr., Daviil Cai-- gill, Hoberi Bougliton, Fi-ank W. iConesky,- Rnberi Montgomory nmi flniph Osborn. Al.so, Rpheri Ek, ,Edwui-fl Fny, Hnwarrl Norwood, Roberi' Nninii, l?nianii Calioon, Er-ne'sl, Ciisiiglioni, AlbiTt' Nltclike, Cliftr)i-d Driwiler, Vincent . CusancJ- Jr., Fi-ank SchniidI,- Edwin T'osI,' 13mmeli Connoi-s, Ffpfl Bowden, James W. Malone, Oliver. JohnsLoii,. .firlui Allen jnid David l^eck. Pfliipifs Included 14 Gallon Clubbers Tlii'l'i' well' M |,.iiil|iiii ellilihers III Mitni'jUiv'H visil of I'lii^ Itliiod. inohlh' III tlii^ 'rawn illlill, IMi-s lOrlr; fltibiiii, chairinan of re (I lillinr nt 11 \i iir^ They iirr' ' ICinilielt Crinnrirs, Mrs Maili lll\li\ MIS ^liiii -MrUIIri I ibi ml A4(it,ii\ IIHIIII Its ^fIII rill St( I II II Mail r Id sr'pi) liaivtln, llabr'rl; Di'difii Mi-.s. -AMiiiih' Iti-airianI, Airs t'lillieriiic W'clini'i', .Mrs, I,cini arilli I s|irislfrt Irilln ^tr inplt II SI < Inn lis ( nlli iiiiil 'Mih ()l|,a Sissiin (!elel)ial('s Biilluhn Mother Of Pastor OfPompciiCluireli Dies In Hospital Mrs, Daniel p'Neil, of 18n Col- lage,. Sl„ : Bridgeport, molher nf the Rev. Jolin O'Nell, pa.-;tnr of Our Lady of Pompeii Churc.-i in Foxon Park, died 'I'ue.sday ni'ii-n- '•te!(^i^i-,l.;39Jn .St.. Vincent's Hos pi ta^'iAi^tJHtfeqpof I Sur?fc(i!l't.'<v'lll i?,be held Fiidny morning In'-tlie, funeral home of I^ledbrum and- Ifeaphy on Lafay- ette St., in Bridgeport, und in ^aerpd Jleart Church nt 10:.30. ' Because of Mrs. O'Neill's deaih there will be no Mass celebraiorl on Friday morning In Otir Larty of Ponipell Church. In addition to her son, the P.ev. Father O'Neill, Mr.s. O'Neill is survived by her husbabd, by twn sons. William O'Neill, of Di!\i,<\, and Jo.scph CNely, of niidgc- piiiH; and by u ' daughti'i-, Mar- garet, also of Bridgeport. Mrs. O'lieill was u menilier of the Rosary and Seiipulnr Soeleiy of Sacred Heart Church, Tliii-d Order of St. Francis, and the Council ot Catholic Women. Finance Bd* To Meet With Auditors Tonight arl^er Hits Redfield Police ( nion To J)/eel Wiiln Piihlir Safely Boord On Sal. Ollii'i'l-.s ni I be neU'l.\'-()t-Kilnizi'll I'iili,'(. Unlim will mi'el wllll tile T.n.-iiil 111 Public .Snl'i'ly .Salui-ilay inniiiinj; al II o'clocic Fii'sl Sel- I'l-iiii.-in l-'i-aiiU CInni'y said ilitit iln- liiiai'd niid ri'pre.^entatii'es of Ihi' union will discus.s. tliu I.IIIM'S aims. Al a miM.IIni; Tuesilay I'venlnp, l'"i-:iiik Itiu-Uus, injtlng presiileni (if I 111' uMiiiii, was elected presidi'lil iif ihe i!i-iMip. . Alliei-i, Fige was i.li.|.|r.il vice pre.sldi'nl; Waller Ma- ihis, si'iM-elai-y; und Wllllani Hub- h.'ii-ri, ii-eii.surer. Ten of eh.'ven regulars III t h e Police Department yoted for the loniialinn nf a uiilon. Siiiikesnien for Ihe gmU|) unnDunciid thai Ihe iifficer-s in the deparlinent bad no i|iiai'rel whh the Board nf Pulillc .Safely. Al the siinu' lime, Il was Indicated liiat n'mni'e oftoctlve nutans of liaison between repre- .sentallves of tiio police force and the public safely liDiird nmy he needed. ^ iMny.Meet On Appr'nls lloaiil Mat hew Aniistaslo, Repiibllcan town chairman; has Indlcuied the possibility of a nieiillng In the near tulur.e hutwcen Donioeratlc nnd Tlepublloan leaders to'discuss the selling up of an'uppeajs Imanl hy special net. The board would bear the appeals nf firg liiiil ipi)lli;r> jiur- Bonnel who have .iieeii subjeclwl to disclpljnury ttpllonhy the Bqurd of ,J?ulil]fc.Saf«tyy^:;.;^^j,' ,;•;;, iiy/J-- Mr. Aiinsra.'il^''h(id'n6te(l .'Tf'v'ei'iil' weeks-ago liinl momhers^of either defiarinieni now must.I'e.sprt lo the couris for redress against, act ion affecliiiR tiieir uinpio.viiient, and Hull sucli rccourse.ils an expensive mailer since II involves leKal COSIS. ' '•• Proposals for the enactment of. a mei'll system have, been laid a- slde for the time Iwliig, after nel- llier jiai-ty showed enlhusiasni for. .such a .system. , However, leKlslallvc aelinn' is nol needed for (inaelnient ot el- liior a merit .sy.sleni or a iiersonnel appeals lioai'il. under .Suction 301c (l!)n3"Suf)pii!ment,) II mfrlt sysleni may be adopted under the method, nf the refereiiduiri at either a spe- cial or Ihe next rogulur election. Ibider Section 30.'1 c, "Any town, city or horough may by ordinance of its legisialive bridy create a pi'isonnal appeals board which shall consist of five members who shall be electors.,of sugh niuniel- jialily holding no .salaried miiiil- (.ipal office and whose term of iiffii-e and melhnri of election or aiipijinlmenl shall be fixed In the (Cimtlniii'il On Paifn Tivo) Kasl Ha vol Man Oh'ltralcs .I'illi Year Willi SNKTC James N. MacKInni'l, of 125 Mnin HI., chief mil su|>ervlsnr for The ,Sniiiliiirn New I'^nglaiui Tele- phone Company, recoiilly- I'ele- lirntnd his 3rith year nf .service with the company. , ' . : Mr. MucKlnncl began his I ele^- phrino career In 11)19 a s a elork lii'^jlit'. .'^aecqunling, depart merit; "Thii 'followlnft"'yeiir "•))(!'; wns-ml-- vnnccrt to' ledger Kuporvisor: and in' 11123 bednme loll sU'lioryilior. \ Mr. MiicKlnnel transferred" to the conimerclai doparlmehl In ]n2'l. -He reiliaineil there, until 1030 and during that lime liiid extensive experience In various liostllnns In that department. ille returni'd In the accounting departnient In 11131! as billing sup- ervisor arid was made aupervisor of customer blllinR tlie following year. In lO'it- he was advanced lo chief aiTotpils supervisor ami In KliiO was appninleil to ills present position of idilef loll siip- ervlsoi'. , " Deniocralic Town Chairman In llospilal James F. GiU'Lland, Democratic town chairman, was .reported to be "teelirig better" In Grace New IJaven Ilo.spllal where he was admltlod lasl Friday /tir medical tri^iilment. ' ;','j; , Mr. Gartland Is reporl.'-id toliii suffering from an . ulcerVt.. and It- Is expected that be will he hos- pliall-/.cd Inr a fi'W more days al least. Bolh Parties Crilicited On Finance Bd. Revision 13runo Andreoli looks attentively at tlic lit c.indlcs on tin; birtliday cake which his nicjther baked for him hisl iTiday. The youngster, w h o i s blind in one eye as the re.sult of gl-iii- corna, celebrated his third birthday. Because seeing is a com.- panitively new experience to him, he is f.iscinatcd by nil bright lights. He is the con of .Mr. nnti Mrs. Bruno Andreoli, Sr.. of 72 Charter Oalt .'\ve, Syrotiek Studio l.(.adei-s of both political parlies wei-e taken lo task this week by :iol)i-i-| Hall, chairman of the Cll- l/.i.ns tin- Goori Government, for falling to allow' pui;ilcipatlriii by iiirli.p-.ndr.rri votei-s hi recent di.s- russiorrs on a proposed leglslativi' iiir..ausr-e Ui r-evise tlie. Board of l-'in.'iin-e. ••Tlie lown chairmen .of both par-lies", said Mr. Hull, "ore, in '.ffecl, dictallng'to the r'copie of l';risi H a v e n w h a t kind of change.s will 111. made in the lown govorn- nicni. To my- knowledge there lias been all Invitation to the gen- i-rai public to parllcipuie and .to offer- its ideas on the proposed, change In t h e l"i;jurd of Finance Acl." IiiflepeiiileaU Wtfttt For.gott4;n ,vii. Hall claimed that there arp a large number of Ea.st Haven vijier-s who are not closely afflli- aiid with either pni'y on the local level und that these local Indep- endents were "entirely overlooked when the discussions took place." While a majority of the CGG membership vqtad a t , a recent meeting to support an elective Board of Finance which would be bended by the first selectman, Mr. Hnll said. "I do oppose the way ihe Democratic ond Repub- lican leaders went ahead on their own wltlioiil consulting apybody outside, ot their iiarty oreunha- lions: (Oijptlnued On Pago Two) Carllaiid i)crcii<l,s Action On Kill .lames Gartland, Democratic town chairnuin, defeiiiled the Joint (.•onimllti.ie action against wiiul be calp'd "pressuitng" by the CGG gioup. He .said that If legl.slallnn Is Intioduied It must be done through a tncmhcr of one party or the other. Objectors who disagree with legislation may voice theli ofiln- Ions, he said, al a hearing in Hart- ford. "A hearing will be announ- ced and'anybody In'Town has the prerogative to go to Ihe henilng and tell how he feels." ' Two members of tile Clll'/ons tor Good Goveinmenl were present In til" persons nf Mr, Anastaslo and Mr'. DeMayo, «uld Mr, Gart- land. III! added that be "objected lo piessuring of the two lown par- ties" nnd said he thought the CGG was going to be a non-partisan (jroup. To olijectlons that Hartford bearings were too remote,' Mr. Gartland said Ihnt "if he (Mr. Hall) is that much Interested "In this bill, he should find lime to pul In nn nppeurance," "The rest of us can find the time to go In nnd tight for the things we want, I don't see how ho or his group is any dllferent," he concluded, Barker (irilicizes Kedfield On Budget Defense A mei.tlni; between the Board ot l-'inani-e and meniliera of ihn town aiiililiiig firm ot Weinslein & rinim was .iichedtiied .for this evening iTIiur.sday) In ihe Town Hall with an Invitation to repoi'ters to be nil hail for a review (if t h e Town's fiscal pletme al the and of iiepl- I'liihei- .•III, 11)5-1, III a •'lei Ihe chips fall where Ihey may" gestur(\ the hivHatlon wns issueri by Leslie Hedflcld, Re- pnbllean iiiemher nf.IheHoard of Fiminci', as an answer to crlt Iclsni lieinii levied liy Rcpubllcnn Select- nia Frank Barker, llai'lier Attiuilis Koitfiekl In the inenntlnKi, Mr, Darker issueri a stalenient criticizing Mr, K'.'dfleld'ii defense ot' the Clancy ailrnliiistiaiion wlilch bud incurred a rli.ficli last year. He "lno Inbel- ed as near rlrllciilous n (ilolm liiul heeau.se his admlnLslratlon had %v- er-esilinated Iho , grntliL list .tl3,(i(l() less taxes were collected than was aalU'Iputed,-. .• . -•- Ml-. Redflcld-sluck liy bis niStion In. defending the bitdgot.. "1 am nol defending the Adiii|iil»lratlon," he said, "but I tell'that Mr. .llui-- ker's .(previous) 'rt'itiui'ks were aimed al the Board of l''lni(ilc'e aiid I felt fH'u-to 'unswur In. de'toilin of the board .'pf wllldli: I am li member.i' :;^,-^Ji,.-:/:,..,.-.' ',;• .. "I ;know;^iiibrq:?lflt)i^()(i(fcu,'^-h(' said. \"but I dp riol''t)iln],i.'lt Is us JiiBii;i%.^Mt'i«?nf)<«.>i. Vayi^^B^^ - •lO.ss' of jlKt. tl^ul'ds thtit ijip.'pTayS with. 'Kiit'ltei'iriol'Cj.I da.fjfpj.-ljiivo my Infoi'ii'iiillljh ti'liiii:'iidW/ipa/ier reporjs, btit dli'iictly W'niii ibe.iiud- llor'a reporl," :.^; Ctlcs Oiilicotjone In support ot bl^cloim of an liitluted grand llsli Mr, Redfield again cited a' figui'o,showing O'l.'l per cent collections - by - Tur- Col- lector Salvntni'e Lungobui'ill com- pared with 04 per cent collected by his iiredece.s.'jor under Mr. Bar- ker's adinlnlslrliLloii.. . Rather lliati bat the figui'es n- round nt long ritngo and Ihrouch itiL mi (Hum of tile nowspiflieis Ml licdflelil said hi picfunid to have the auditor.'!, themsulvos. le- purt nn the jilclure nf Town fin- ances al the end of Inst fiscal year. Flisl Seleclinun Ffunlc Cjuncy declined to coinmoni on Mr. "Dar- ker's altaekh unlll |h'o I3oiti'd of Finance hud prepui'od lis own an- swer, he siild. M r . IV.irUer'H fiUnaini'iil Following is Mr. Barker's latest stalenient; III as much as tlin stalenient of my leceni new.spaper Uflicio, con- cerning Ihe Town's finaaes, were not direeled at Mr, Hodflcld, I wn-s soinewlial surprised' to .rpud his leiiiaiks as published In (a dully iiews|iapei^) of l''rldiiy, l'''ebruai'y 3, lurin. Contrary to cPmrtioii belief, Mif, Itedfiold IK not Chuli'mnn nt l'l|i> B o a r d ot l>''lnaiiccs. Mr. Clan- cy, by virtue of his offlcq, bnhls that jio.slllon. Jfowever, Mr. Red- field, a.s WiMi], scpiua lo ho acting us spokesman fnr the board, and also seems lo have taken nn the Job nf defending the admlnjstra- tlnn. Mr. Hedflcld should bo' well ijuallfied, bul It ap|)eurs that he is slightly mixed up, Redfield disputed Ihe-figurcs of my uiilele us being "Inoprrect." 'Mie deficit figure I leiprrcd to was us published In the Now Ha- ven Register, on Monday, January 31, IIIO.'), and nol ones I tilmply di earned up. Mr. Redfield next dcclurcd Vlmt back taxes were uvallublo to cov- er Ihe deficit. Though buck tuxes total flOT.dCO.'JS, Mr. Rcdtlcld, himself, stated at the Town bud- get meeting of Octohor 27, 1054, which had a, record attendance, that "uncollected taxes could not be eoiislderei| as actual surplusscs, since the Town euniinl spend un- • collected tuxos." Why t)ie about face, Mr. Redfield? Mr. ficdtlelil clalme(l that my administration had evcr-cstlmat- ed the grand list, so lt|i}t $13,000 less taxes were col)octoii than an- ticipated. This statcnumt not on- ly Is not .supiiorled by the luidl- toih' lejioit, but border.^ on the • ridiculous. For this to bo possi- ble, my udmlnUtratlon would have (Continued On Vt$^ Two) i I -r
Page 1: ®V Nfioa - Hagaman Library...licadtitiarlorH iiialnlalh a aWU'l ad-, hoi'oanco lo Iho rtil..'S and rfjiUla-llons sol loi-lh In (aiHi fraia'liiso All tfanis ni'O iinirf.rnu.d, jiald

T " " ' l.*^!"^ "-^"^ • 'wHifm^-^iTinf-vlia >«•

K A S T H A V E N N K W S . 'nmrsil i iy, I 'p l ininr} ' 3, lonn. I'nKn fl

Winners Of Fund Raising Contest For Biddy Basketball Are Announced

UfihiTi "I'lMipc, .Ir,, n inomln'i ' of )-ilip Itciii'hhi ml tnnni, wiis llic win-; i .n ' iif till' rirsl p r i i " In a fiiinl-liti/Jiif; I'lintosi rnr Ihn Knst. Hiivfii IJiiii.;' Uicldy li.islccllmll l.onijiii'. III. luriK'd In n | a | i lolnl of SM 11,1(1 111! will rc'i'ulv'.> a pair or hiis-Ui'iliall sliiii'.s.

llM.iirn.'i frnni ciUvw-lioys nrp,!>).•-piinli'il uinl IIK' aiiiinuncciticnl. nf aililllliinni prl'W.s will !)i> hnnonnn ' i l lal i i ' , If ncoossHiw, tiucoi'tllnij lo luUpii Catilollnn, chnlriiinn pi Ih. ' I inipie 's liijdstoi' fulirt ilHvp.

Ki-i-onJ pi'Izu In l l io conlosl was wiih liy .Iiisppli SInvIn, wiio l i ih i -"il In $2-1.1)1) anil llilr] prlzn wii wdii hy ChaHra Col l ie , who Uirnod In $i!i.(iri.

Ml'. Cn.sliilln rcporKiil llinl. mcn i -liL'ra nf luaRup team.') have lirniiBliI In a lolnl of C'Ki.'l!) lo da lo . I ' r c -vioinily, un nililllionnl $201.00 hftil lii'i'n I'ollecl.pil u n d e r (tin lino.stcr tund. IIo .said tlint tile Ircajinry wnnlil tilvc lii(. leaRU/f a .sfjnnd ffiniini; fnr s i n r l l n i ' . Il.i siin.'iO.i h i ' \ l yonr, ' . . ' ,

O t h e r l)oy.s w h o pollneied the lup len retiiniH Included: Krcd ficntllu, John Whi le , H a r r y Tor -ello, n a v i d Derell i io, Glenn Din-m a n , . l e n y Cullen and •'"rod Klnt;l;e.

Olilipr l'rl».n Winner'. ' AddiilojiW hoy.-i who quallfleil as

pr ize ' winner.n reeelvlnj? two paiivi e'r .SOX eneh v/ei'e: Kilw^rd 'I ' lerney, Holiert O'Connor, .lohn While , Davlil DeFellce, .Inlin Rnlmlll, Hay r n i l l , Fred Oentlle, l.onls Marol -I I , 'Teddy Ohenllelc, Hur ry 'I'orello 'I'homa.s Clagllarrtl and l.onls .Sea-la.

Also, Wlllinni Chnidiovleh, .lului Cnrr, Rober t Dowe, . lerry Cullen,

Drew flnWnn, Wi l l iam'H i ' l l l y , Fred li'liii;i.'e, All ierl Weller, Dennis Ander.';on,. ( i b n n Deiinenn, and 'I'hnniaa CIninielll. Sl.'i pnlrs of fiox w i l l he reeelved by''riniiH*, and four palr.s hy Col l ie and .SInvIn In luldlt inn In Ihn olher prizes Ihey nre^ lo roiwlvrj,

iiininaling Uhilc( To Pill Up Service IJiiihIihg In Foxon

The Unlled Il l imilnntlnij Com­pany announced this wceic t ha t woi'l^ h a s beuun on (he 15as(ern Slroot .sKc In Foxon w h e r e the util i ty will eon.itruel Its new serv-lee hulldlni;.

Scheduled lo he enmploled In the en r ly fall, the new UI hulld­lni; will be .M by ,'58 feet. I t will he hullt of enncre te bloek with hrieli veneei ' .

Addilinn of (ho hulldlni; to the eompany'.i faellllles w i l l ' eiuilile Iruek.s lo; he dispatched from this point r a t h e r Ihnii from (he I l l ' s c(!nlrul •gnrayo In New Haven. ' ' V ' h o iriovo pnve.'i (he w a y ('or

Increu.'Wil service lo eus lomei s In (he. .. 'i 'ai)lijly-:developlnit . K n a l llave;i-_Ni)Cth Urnnford urea ," Ihe annonrteemeiil explnlru'ri. '* The n e w service c e n t e r will house, In luldlllon In a Knraije, a larce .slorane lu'ea foi' suppl ies of .service etjidpnienl, an office niul luckyr room. T h e i;arli|te ar'ea will ' c rndaln ' Mufflclenl room for four fiei-vlce vehicles.

The hulldlni! wi l l hi' nianned on a dayl ln i i ' Kcheduh.', throui 'hoi i l Ihe week afler II Is finished and

pul Inio service.

Lieul. Frank Dooicy Bx-()lyiii|)ic Swimmer Prnmolcd By Marines

I . leulenanl F r a n k M, TJooley, of

Fa)il Haven, recent ly wn.s pronio-

leri to (lie rank Of first l lenlennni

l n i ( h " - - t l . H. Mnrine Corps ni n

haf.e in .lapan. He IR Ihe son nf

i;oi. and Mrs. . F r a n k M. I)iird''y,

fiirtnerly itf I-Jasl Havet) .

i . lentenani Dooley, who, was a m e m b e r of Ihe 1002 II. .S. Olympic swlmmin i ; team. Is present ly s ia -t 'oned on the west coas t with several other former Olympli ' .swimmers who are rendylnit f'lr (be Pan-Amer ican Rnme.s.

He served n.s leijal officer wKh the F i r s t Mnrine Alrehif t Wlni ; In Korea pi'ior to his prontot ion. He coached and captained t he Mar­ine MwimtninR (earn which won Several Hccllonal mee t s in Korea and .Inimn nnil which look seeonil place in an All-Pacific contes t .

Momauguin Lodge 138 To ^''e'?l Mr^n.

On Monday, a t 7:.'in p. m. In Ihe lod|!e rooms at 2(1!) Main .St. Mom-airijiiln I.odi-e No. 1.1R A.F. &. A.M. will hold its ref;ular s ta ted cnm-tnunica^ion and a linslness mee t -Ini; a t which plans v.'ill bo a n n o u n c ­ed fro t w o .special cnmmunipnl lnns to he held In March nl which t ime tlie Twenty-f i f th Ann ive r sa ry will he celehrntcd. Fnilo'A'Ini! t he re | ; -u lar F e b . 7 meetini,' a siieclai meellnf! of the Kast l luven T ' ^ i p l e nuildlni t Association will he hehl i n d i e Indifc rnnnis and all ineni-hers a r e iil'iied lo a t t e n d .

More i.lnin 22,700,000 hoys and men h a v e enrolled in t he H o y .Scout!; of America .since IfllO. In ton.l m o r e llian 000,000 Bny .Scouts and Fxplorers eamiied In varinn.s .sections of tlie coui i l ry .

East Shore Babe Ruth League To Tuesday Evening In Town Hall




TO THE N E W S . . . .


















2 YEARS' FOR $6.00

You won't want lo mi.ss a single issue of The

News, wliic.h each tveek brings yon c.omplele

coverage of Kasl Haven evcnls, from Town Hall

lo Gymnasium. Renew NOW . . . before ihe price

goes up!

ATwater 8-1661

Hpnrlnl lo r,. I I . News

VroHUU'Ul Hnlph Iluiflt-r • will contlucl, «n, i>pot\ t'ncflin;^ of llu-Kn.'H Bhoro Hnhf Ut-Ui .hfajjiu' lii Iht' Town IIiiH coinifoi . i i i 'i'uosiiny nl liliO P. M. OilKlmillv JlnU'd for Moiuliiy cvoniitM, UtiH M^KSIOII wiis rk'fcrrr'ii (IIK; |f» tli-- full ('(ilfiuliii of firllvliy IIH'I 'P, mui I'll niftnh"i's iii't* urfiod .1(1 nul(.' IIM' cliaiiMC' nf rjnlc*.

Sfvorol Inipoflmi) iU'inw nrc (iii lluj tifiondii, Willi WW j(pnlIU;lil on Ilio haiiC'bah .sr-hool hnlnj'; rondiaM-tu\ by l.hc orKnnl/ah'(»n. under ijio Kuidnnco of CoacSi AK/;i'' Mni.ulla. All bny.s in ihn l.'I lo J5 y f a r atic hrnckc;! Iinw; h(W>n inxilcd lo a l -loiifi (hoHo Iiclpfu! cl/i.ssos, '.vhieh Inko pliico f.'ach VV'-MlnoKflay L'\'f'n-Inf, Ml 7::m, In Iht- KIIIK'III.S of Co-

liinilniK clubcooins. "No Slrain;"^!'*

linho riltlli ha.scbtill ir. no s l r an -l',ny horoaljouls. a s t he Kpori Is r a p -Idly KWOopinR Iho cni inlry. Opf.'ii lo all hoy.-i, who t\v(^ loo old lo jilay Ml tin Lnaguo ha.S'lmll or not olrl (!non;;ii to i)nriiclpai'> In AiiK.'Hoan l.0f>lnn conipoll l ion, llw! IcnKiu* provUlo.'i cIosHy Hupf.Tvl.snd aLMlvlty, in which Uic nnllonni licadtitiarlorH i i ia ln la lh a aWU'l ad- , hoi'oanco lo Iho rtil..'S and rfjiUla-llons sol loi-lh In (aiHi fraia'liiso All t fanis ni'O iinirf.rnu.d, jiald foi hy llu_> siMjiL^iOfslilp of Kjiotls loo, niiisl, |msM a strli-I lest of (piallty, Coudics a r o vnliinlct'i.s, as

a r e all ppn-ronnol iind offirial';. A non-profit o icanlzni ion , iinht* I lu lh Loajiue is a -^truna huKvark a»;ainsi tlio y rowhi ' i mc^naoi', juvi*-UHL' d''liH(jUency. IJi^sidos provid-inj; an nulk-1 fnr iho accunni la iod ftufi'i^y of fhe'youn;.tKlt*i'.s, IcaRUn hasohall d r a w s younj^ add (dd L-losor toj^fflher, a irur- plrlUH? of Ihf power of llio sport .

As is a lways • Ui;' r-ustoni, es­pecially in lids 'irea, \ha ovoi'-whc lming major i ty id ptf).^pe<-live Mipporlers .sll "oaek Ihn first y e a r lo "see how lhinj.',s work ou l " . Then, upon evidfiu-t- n| a .suere.ss-ful fu lnre they ht'cjonie m o r e in-toi'esied and evenlua l ly .suci-undi to the pleasureq Ihat oidy younj;s1iM's In eonipelUlon can tilve. .-

S l ron t ; I ' r andse

Happily lepi tr led he re is that I his, the seeond wea^ion a s an af-flllale nf Balio Kuth l.eaKue ha.se-ball , bears sU'onR promise of n heMer yea r for ih'.* fOasl Shore IJabe Uulh League , willi addi t ion­al support by men w^o have Ihe l ime and abi l i ty lo arsl.sl in the opei'allon of Ihe len).;ue. T h e liard-esl jmil Is over , as Is usual Willi initial a t t e m p t s . Ilnvin;^ l ea rned th rough frial and e n or , l eague offielals a r e eonvinci 'd that it. will be a n in t l e r of rout ine froni now on, the only obstacle beliij; ce r ta in of an adetp ia te nund)er Uf ('o,'iel)es and assls innls of qual i ty .

The fhie roo iv rn t ion of Ihe Hoard of Kfhu-fiiion in p'Miiiitting ; ti.-" of lh<' liijih ^riurA UcU\ is' iintf- • w o r t h y in the finaneiril purees"- of I Ihe league, Uie sole erKantzniion In this pari of t h e sJnte ttr show n ! hea l thy hank balni>ce nt t h e end \ of the seo-son, Thi:^ r'n?h will in.siue 1 Ihe league of a f i rmer s t a r t . He- | p lncenient .of w o r n ami defeatIvr. ! equipment , purcha.se of addit ional i itchi.s will he fael l i ia t td Ibis year , r tbnidt.s to Ihe va luah le .siippurt tif I last yeai'.s rootern. j

Knsl Haven Mon-Is Cove and Anne.x eoiTiprir-s. i he boundary l ini-Hs' of the Kast Shore Habr'" l!iiib f.eagiH.'.

Conn. Council 01' COP WOHKMI To ]VIC( I In Capitfjj jMonday

The annual m e e t i n g of lb*' Con­nect it'tit Couneit 01 u . p u b l i c a n Women ' s Clubs will be held in Ihe Hall of llie House ol Rep-resenta l ives on Monday, a t 11 a.m.

T h e proRram -will consist of a combined political cdiicalion and Icgislalive prev iew to point up the ways In which organized Repub­lican wonien can be effective in this -session df Ihe fieneral As­sembly.

Member s ot Ihe Kasl Haven Women ' s Republ ican Club desir­ing to at tend tbi.s mee t ing a i e r e ­quested lo eon tac t , Mrs. Alvin 1-ThompKon, HO l-2i}m.

Freo Press Want Ada Arc Go GeLlers

foj^ A emsfi

antniiveftSfiKv i9SB

Free I'resH FuhlicalioriH Wanf Adn

Get JiesuUs In A l/urry

^ K » W \ i;i^^u^.:i^^'trj:£;^'«iJ.«ijA;

A Timely Sale Planned To M a k e Your Food Dollars Go Further Then Ever. Here A re Real Savings On Popular | Foods Used Every Day - - A Real Stock Up Oppor tun i ty ! |

DOIE • fancy llav/aii;iii

4 Pineapple Juite 8 '«« CAN

I Tomatoes 6 'OZCANJ 1.00 riNAV.l • riiiicy C.1..I0III

le Sauce 12 "OZCAHS 1.00

I Tomato Saute 13 a oz CANS 1.00 ?-' mCllMOND • cm G'can or V/.ix

II String Beans 7IO/,OZCANS1.00 ; CHII BOYARDrf • RAVIOII ra

9 Spaghetti "'"i «••" ""H', -4 I ' 'O CAHS 1.00 (j juMiiu-i'AC " ';

i Stuffed 0!:ves 4 ^AOZ JARS 1.00


1!( UGHT •ln\,^„ //Fiffl; \ - r , : . ^ * * - ' . . n . , r e CLOVfRDALE

Cliunl< Slyle "ea Pr.co 2 9 c CANS LOO l.'i'il


MmABEL - p

'<<^e 19c f6 0Z



" ^ ^ - - . . V O f t " GARDEN

1 3 0 O Z l I RegPriCo3VC

3 Bs 29<i. ^ FLORIDA A roc "J";,r - 7 RIB CUT - From Fresh, Young, Tender Porkers

Ridiin Viunmin C i» "K Z , J t „ . . ^ ^ . . ^ B ^ ' atmsm^ mm tea nm ><«aaS!^ 18911 B9

rLORIDA • full ol Juice 5 LB BAG 3 3 c

'f. Grapefruit I Oranges H D'Anjcu Pears R jyiorai 3 i-s 39c ; i « 1 BALDWIN • Cooking il ,„c T O _ I ••:>. A p p l e s Ripe fino Qual.ly ' , 4 " = i V C ,

*;.' r r _ * CALIFORNIA , . i n '

0 Emperor Grapes pi>,mpju,cy ^ ivc .

I LETTUCE S ^ i? ": :J9c^^ fe C a r r o t s TEXAS • F,eOi Oondiy 2 l-KGS 19c ^

G Celery FLORIDA • PA'.CAL DBL BCI"! 2 3 C m

^ Estarole or Chi(or/ "O«'DA 3 '" 29c \', r \t ' N iw 1. I; I I IA t . . -SC- J

% Cabbage G,.„n5-.ijii.,.cu 2 ^^ ^^'^ \


i » NLW • Rll"/ Bliss rOtatOeS U 5, No 1 • Si7o A 5 " i / c \\ Smoked Pk;;i

().M.....L.j U.L..!

LB 41<

li DOLLAR DAYS | \ P"'*'^ ^ ^'mevAo Loaf IB 55c P "YOB" GARDEN FtiOZEN FOOD BUYS |-| Skinless Frankfurts LB 49C

Boned and Rolled If Desired

Lamb Fores -• EVISCERATED - Hens', Ready lo Cook

Turkeys EVISCERATED - Plump, Ready lo Cook

Capons BONE IN - r rom Heavy Vv'eslern Slear Beef


I Orange Juice I Broccoli

8 iOZCANS 1 . 0 0

5 lOOZRKCS 1 . 0 0

All Lean Preslily Ground

e e f Chopped 2 .

I OM L, R,L.., 'lU / SPECIAL'PRICES i | i H m f a i l o H o c ^ - - 1 A ' ^ '<" 1 it Rogubr Piico aic SPECIAL | i E ^ U V a i C l l O Tissues * + O F 500 8

I 1009! VVhole Wheat Bread^^An9c 11 £ ^^ .


p Roaubr Piice 3 U SPECIAL ^

I Cherry Frosted Loaf f n 29c . | j Rogiibr I'lico 5 3c . SPECIAL j

; Pineaeple Pie Z ' f^, \ ScottieS

Sauerkraut <ATII:S 2 LB BAG 29C

M o r e ' 'Do l l a r D a y s " Features

Ajax Cleanser ers I'USS N' BOOTS g ^^^°5 | ,

faf.ial Tissufls

I Candy ''' Announcement I OLD noma CHURCH I STEEPLE m^m I t A B BOX TOP DRIVE tJi Tlirt Colgtilc P."J(roliv(j Compiii.y ii r<:cl<reminy 11 f i b [ |

f boy top- '01 Sc e.cli iind Iti.i.ing ll.o piocefids ovei |o \ | R l c h l l l O n d ''^''^ ^"^ Mollow U HAG 8 9 ^

k llu Old Noill, Churth S,a.p!_ b ,„W„g f.ni. B„ng you. K - ^ , ^ ^^^_,^^^ l ^_^ ,^ ^ ^ ^ f^-j^

|; Fiv box lops lo any Firsl Na. o.-a! Store and wc will . oe • » 7 i * « ' *

; lliil liioy am lurned over lo liici Sleople Fund Coinnnlkr ^ C o p i e V

I S ' / r O Z f l CANS l a

• PKGS I I OF MO ! •

KAY BEE Peanul Biriier Kisses


F. F. V. BIou Cheese


MIRABEL • Pure Apple or Grape

9 0 Z PKGS

9 '^^, 1.00 4P^^GM.00|

8' 1 1.001 6 ' ^ LOO i

4p'^Gn.oo^ Sf5»ISi*sf3iS;s»S^

COFFEE a n d D O N UTS Titrilly. c*! \0 youd lliouxunjx huy it itnf weeA.


R<jg 01 Diip Ciidd LB CAN 99c xcL- 5 3 c JAK H J C ^

A ^undrilul ci.mbinoliaii.'.tol{me^ and iSnnuli. W/i<(/i«/ / «

Pliiin, SifgareJ or Cinnamon


R.-Oiil.,r Piic<^ 2.3c I'KG OF 12

.^;S,^S4ii^C^..V. .-

°°"»- 5-4

An Independenl

Weekly Newspaper

Vol. IX — NO. 48

®V PublhlKJ Wf»Hy hi ri»f PtfSJ Piihtiraltmii.

Vfdrlv Siihurialio'i S?.5a

Nfioa Our Telephone Niimhers

Kililorial: HOharl 7.5«11

E"..'\S'rH.AVKN, C'ONNKCnCUT, TH 1IJKS|5A^•, FI-.nKl..l.AK"V 11), I'.>)'). 6 Cents A Copy — $2.50 A Yenr

Contractors Will Pay Cost Of supervision On Road Buildinc

Heplaoinji IMood (»iveii To Local Man

Sub-Division Codes To Get Overhauling

Who 1.5 going lo pay nlie cosl or Ihi; Town ' s suporvisinE; t h e pr)nsirucllon ot roads, s idewalks and cu rb ing und olher Improve­m e n t s in new developments? T h a t quest ion was asked by Fi r s t Si!leclman F r a n k S. Clancy.

An a n s w e r w a s provided im-itiodlately by J e r o m e Grady , c h a i r m a n of the P lann ing and Zoning Commission. Con t r ac to r s win lie billed for t he cost of such silpei'vlslpn, he said, unde r a p r o ­vision I h a t will be wr i t ten Into the sub-division codes.

To Overhaul Cobles Mr. ITirndy Indicated also t h a t a

criniplete over-l iai i l ing of tire 7.nn-Irig codes Is In o rde r and' will be ii i ldertaken .soon.

T h e question on who will pay Ihe cost of supervis ing c o n s t r u c ­tion of roads, e tc . came up af te r n e w regula t ions approved Mon­day n i g h t by t he Zoning Com­mission passed ove r the desk of t h e first se lec tman . /

T h e Commission voted t h a t In fu ture developments^bui lders m u s t lay down a road Consisting of a ba.se' of e i t h e r e igh t inches of bank r u n g iave l o r four Inches of; cn i shcd s tone. On top of this Iftf to . ; be i laid four inches of ciKi.shert . s t o n e ' a n d ;, pene t r a t ing n i a e a d a m ' P " v l n g . ' . , •, :, . . . .

rAl.so to ' . beHns ih l l ed Is "concrete cWliltig 18' Inches high, and e x -telidirtg ; s lx ' Inc l ies ' " above • tjie crViwned .•[•pad s i i r faoe, ' ahd slde-

-Wttlks .four- : and "ohe-halt feel \ y i d e . a n d five Inches thick, i •-•'After e a c h ' specification copnfe these : w o r d s : . ' 'liisl a l ja j i jQteJl i l ! , fe? ur tder supeVvlsiqh o f ' ; the ; -TPwn E h g i p e e r iuid;finti! approys j tshai l be i;eguired !i>y: t h e Board of Se-If^cfhieh^* .'*.""'' '/"'"T"'^;"; " ',••;••.•.•" '"

•;,-...•:,.; ^ . .^ -qoodi 'Mj- i i ' ' , ^ r ; : .,.-.'"Tiie.'lc siJe'clflcatlohs,are ,& good

Idea," said Mr. Clancy, "but . t h e cojumLs-siop h i s slipped up on one t h i n g ; who ' s going to pay the Town for all th i s supervision.?," l i e said he would ask a m o e l l n g Willi Ihe Zoning ComniLssioh on this .

Mr. Clancy 's quest ion Was also p rompted b y . a repor t e r ' s inqu i ry a s . to avbe thor he had any c o m ­m e n t on cri t icism aimed by con­t r ac to r s a t the T o w n .government .

This cr i t ic ism c a m e a t the Mon­day n ight h e a r i n g of the Zoning Commission. Severa l con t rac to r s agreed t h a t the type of road be ­ing bu i l t In Eas t JIaven Wasn ' t v e r y good, but said t ha t if roads wore unsa t i s fac to ry it was ' t he I 'own 's faul t for not supervishig and inspect ing these before ac ­cept ing t h e m . .

• "All r ight , " said t h e first .se­lec tman, " b u t who ' s going to p a y

(Cont inued On P a g e Two)

Canvass Of Homes ForBandUniforms Fund Due Monday

Five luindred r;iisi l lnven High s l t idents will canva.ss ihe Town on Monday evening be tween 7 und 8 o'clock to colleci donat ions fnr un i fo rms lor lire High School band, according to D. Cliaries l3eausoieil, co-ord i imtor of liie fund d i ive .

^ fembers of t he r e g u l a r and auxillai-y police staffs and of the v o l u n t e e r fire depa r tn i e i i l s will pa t ro l t he .streets d u r i n g t h e drive lo Insure the safe ty nf ail concern­ed.

;Kes ldenls who wisli to con l r i -b u t e a r c reques ted . to leave thei r porel) l igiils on for t h e solicitni's.

In t h e m e a n t i m e , Mrs . Ralph I l u r d c r , eo-difector of t he drive, announced this week t h a t th ree p a r e n t s ot Nor th Branford chil­d ren a t t end ing t h e High School a r e •• r a i s ing . funds t o r tlic pu rchase of one un i fo rm. 1'hey a r e Mrs . Fred E. Harr i son , Mrs. E u g e n e N. Benson and Mrs . Les­lie B e a m .

Mr.s. ;Bean is also sponsor ing a c a r d / p a r t y in h e r h o m e for Nor th Branfo rd - res i i i en t s on M o n d a y - 1 ^ raise addit ional m o n e y for unl-troms' . . ; ;;- .' .i ' ' . . .'

Goal of, ihe drive is cough nion-e y . t o buy 00 un i fo rms a t h cost of .$S5' eii'cli. To d a l e , enough funds have .been pledged to provide 17 of the.se., . .- . .

Walter llccklilcclcd Head Of Police Benevolent Assoc-. t 'oiice Officer Wal t or Heck was

elected presiident of t h e Ensi I lavon Police ' Benevoleni Asso­c i a t i on .u t a m e e t i n g Monday nlRlK in the Towni Hal l . -

OfHcer Joseph Pnscare l la . was elected A'ice president . Police Chief ii;dvvin P r i e s t was re-e lec ted t rens-u r e r and Officer McGulgau was re -e lec ted sec re t a ry . . .

• T h e t h r e e d l rec lors of t he sick benefi t fund, Officer F r a n k Kon-esky, Depu ty Chief Joseph Folio a n d Cup t Edward S t e n h a n i woi-e re-elecied.

Also r e n a m e d w e r e (he aud­i to r s : Officer Pascaj-ella, Officer Wi l l iam Hubba rd and S u p e r n u m ­e r a r y Officer J o h n Llnioncelli .

Custodians Meet Mon. T h e Custodians Union. Local

13'1-i of the S t a t e , . Coun ty and Municipal Employees , A.F.L., will mee t Monday even ing al 8 o'clock in the High School.

T h e s e e m p l o y e e s of t h e

T e x a s C o m p a n y h a d a s p e c i a l

o b j e c t i v e w h e n t h e y s h o w e d

u p a t t h e B l o o d i n o b i l e s eus ion

h e r e o n M o n d a y l o d o n a t e

b l o o d t o t h e R e d C r o s s .

T h e i r c o n t r i b u t i o n w a s m a d e

s p e c i f i c a l l y t o r e p l a c e b l o o d

g i y e n t o a f e l l o w employ*^

A l b e r t D a v i s o n , of U i e A L

W h o is . in . M a s s a c h u s e l t s o e n

e r a l . H o s p i t h I r e c o v e r i n g f r o m

s e r i o u s i n i u r i e s r * c e i \ e d in nn

aulo^ a c c i d e n t e a r l ^ l a i t m r n t h

^ . ' M r s . . W i l l i s H c n d n r l t s n u r

sea a i d e , p r e p a r e s a b o t t l e l o

r e c e i v e b l o o d a b o u t to b e d o

i i n t e d " b y C h a r l e s M i l l e r ( o n

t h e c o t ) w h i l e J d s t j p h Fcd.sUtd

( o n l e f t ) a n d H o w a r d S c o t t ,

R o b e r t F i s h e r a n d L e o n a r d

K y c l o o k o n . l:U*hiud M r s . ! . 'en-

d r i c k s i s R u t h MoMllf)n, B l o o d -

m o b i l e n u r s e .

F i v e o t h e r e m p l o y e s of t h e

T e x a s C o m p a n y a l s o d o n a t e d

b l o o d l o i t - p l acc thTt R iven lo

M r P i v i i o n 1 ht v a r e A l b e r t

J a c o b I l a r o l d W a t s o n J o h n

N o r k i n I I c r b c r t L d w a r d s »nd

W d t e r R u / > l o

M r D i v i ' ^ o n \A\o is o r e s i

d e n t of t h e L a it i IMVMI P u b

lie 1 It. »llh Nur**in.< A s i o c m t i o n

w »s sovcr r ! j injiMLd w i n \ \\L

w IS I noclct-d d o w n b y o n e

Miuo iiiul s l i ucK \iy ruMilh?!" VM

in -BoHlon o n J a n n a r j ' I.

A few d a y s ai^o, e m p l o y e s

of d i e T e x a s C o m p a n y in P r o v ­

i d e n c e , \i. I . , d o n a t e d b l o o d | o

t h e : R e d CroHS in l ^ o s t o n lo

r e p l a c e s u p p l i e s j j i ven t o M r .

D u i s o n w h o w o t l c d w i t h l lu

N e w l l w f n b i n u h t-i » s u p

p l i e i for 1 u i k e r i

M r D a v i s o n w a s u p o t It tl

l o b e malmiF? p r o ^ w ss in his

l e c o v e i y f r o m thi- i n j u r i e s b u l

il IS t - x p e c l t d t h i h e wi l l b e

h o s p t l a l i / f ' d foi n n o t h e i m o n t h

oi s o M I S D » v n o n is a 't i k

in ih* t o w n i It r k s of fit c h t re

— S i i o l i a l c S t u d i o

Men Outiuiinbcr Women Donors As Bloodmohile Collects 7}{ Pints Here

New Development Rejected For Lack Of Second Exit Tile P l a n n i n g and Zoning Com­

mission last n ight rejected by a Ihree- to -one vote a plot plan for C9 building lots be tween High l l ldge and Maplevnie because i l did not provide a .second e n t r a n c e close to High St.

The plot plan was submit ted by ihe Yedlin Con.'itructIpn Company, bui lder of High Ridge.

T h e plan was reLurncd with t he recommenda t ion t h a t tlie bui lders find an addit ional m e a n s of egress Into e i the r High St . or Hel ls i rom ltd. to g u a r a n t e e t he safety of t h e occupants of the new development .

• Sllclcs to l i is lstence

T h e Commission ma jo r i ty s tuck to its insis tence on a .second m e a n s ot egress t h r o u g h almost two hour s of a r g u n i e n i by officials of the Yedlin Company t h a t finding m e a n s ot such passage was " i m ­possible" o r so expensive a.s- to malce the building projec t u n p r o ­fitable.

' Moody, eng ineer t o r the build­ers, a rgued t ha t access into t h e r e a r ot t he developnicnt th rough t h e old. P rop r i e to r ' s Rd., Would provide sui table access to the p r o ­posed development . Also, he said. It would se rve to provide a second m e a n s of access in to Maplevale Into which eiiti-y could now be gained only a t t he n o r t h e r n end.

T h e developers, h e said, we re ac tua l ly r educ ing a hazard by opening u p th is second meatis of egre.ss Into Mapleva le in t he event of a ca ta s t rophe .

However , w h e n J a m e s Ma|one , Reniocra t lc m e m b e r of llie l?om-mis.slon. a r g u e d a l o n g with Chair ­m a n J e r o m e Grady and Edward L. Hfynolds , Republ ican . member ,

t ha t a second m e a n s of access Ip the proposed deve lopmen t was necessai-y because of such possi­bility.

R o s e n b e r g told , the Commission; "You gent lemen a r e obliged, to honor t he c o m m i t t m e n t s which I t h o u g h t f had I r o m , t h e T o w n . "

Cost "P roh ib i t i ve" He Insisted t ha t cost of a bridge

over t h e F a r m Elve r to gain access lo N o r t h High St . would be p ro­hibit ive. And buying back a boiuo und lot in High Ridge lo gain ac­cess to Hells t rom Rd. was also im­possible, he said.

R o b e r t Decker , t o w n engineer , who sat in on the .Tieeting at the Commission's request,* said he was opposed to the erecl lon of a n o t h e r br idge which wouM impede the flow of t h e wa te r and flood resi­dent ia l land. Also he said ii 'v^oulij m e a n addit ional m a i n t e n a n c e , "^ -y

Mr. Decker preferred a connect . Ing road be tween H e l l s t r o m Rd. and t h e centra l road In t he new development , bu t did not agree wi th t he Commission t h a t a sec­ond e n t r a n c e wa-s neces sa ry in view, of tl ie access from the rea r . (The deve lcpmen l ..-ould tftconnect a l one po in t with a roan in Maple­vale.) .

However , C h a i r m a n C r a d y rtuclc to his g u n s : " W e ' r e going t o look over t h e over-al l s i tua t ion . Jn all good consilience, I c a n n o i - s e e this (deve lopment ) unless we have full access." . -

Mr . Ro.senberg offered lo c lear the r e m a i n d e r of P r o p r i e t o r ' s Rd. which, ,he said, would pe rmi t ac ­cess to Maplevale but th is was

' (Cont inued On P a g e Two)

T h e m e n rionors outminibered ' t he wonien "15 to 33 nl Monday 's vl.sli of t he Red Cr-oss Bloodmn-blle. J u s t a l i t t le over ba i t of the Red Cross Chap lor ' s quo t a of 150 pints w n s met with 7rt p in ls b'olitg collected.

' Womrnl Donors "GbH'firs Ine ludo i r ' llio Mi's.:

Marge ry Mormon, Ursula Walsh, BaHiara Calm'. Mabel Ci-awfiu'd, Olga Si.s.son, Olive Bacon, Mar-y Frawley , F r a n c e s Scnrpace, An­to ine t te .Bal.samo, Minnie Bi-al.'i-ard, • Agnes Bi-ooks, Mary Niin'/-I-a t lp , Mabel Copeiand, Kaliici 'iiie Etzel, Cat l ier ine Weimor, <3ia(l.vs Ek, M a r y N . Scburk , Mary A Dohna, C h a r i o l l e B. P.oeri, and Barba ra W . Hanck .

•"Also, Ihe Mrs ; ; Noi'n Monlgoni-ery, Jessie ' Colwell, . Cenex ic \ e Cusano, R u l h Weller, Lenn.irdu Esposito, ' Cecelia Hill, Mui-Iei Weil, Joan Lagi, Ann Uuoinlo and E s t h e r Hendr icks ,

Al,so Mi.ss Marlon Coyle, Ml.'<s Mildred CricchI and Miss ".rirpini i Sehu rk .

Men Donors Men donors includerl; Wllfietl

F r e e m a n , Car l Garvin, Joim Cnnc Sleplien Mayer , E d w a r d Asiii,ri\ . i ;phn:Nprkin, Harold Watson , Al­ber t Jacob, H. , i l . Edwair ls .1 J o n a t h a n Czar , Cliai-ies A. Millet • toonard \ L Kyc and Jos.'pli G Felsted.

• Also, 'Howard W. Scott, ndljerl Fl.sher, W a l t e r Ruzyko, .I.-.I.KS Cunn ingham, Itoliet-I Fi-uy, Josi plr i l awt in , H e n r y E. MarirMis .)r Will iam Ha.ssi., Philip John r n

Jolm J . S lempich Sr., Daviil Cai--gill, Hoberi Bougli ton, Fi-ank W. iConesky,- Rnberi Montgomory nmi flniph Osborn.

Al.so, Rpheri Ek, ,Edwui-fl Fny, Hnwarrl Norwood, Rober i ' Nninii, l?nianii Calioon, Er-ne'sl, Ciisiiglioni, AlbiTt ' Nltclike, Cliftr)i-d Driwiler, Vincent . CusancJ- J r . , F i - a n k SchniidI,- Edwin T'osI,' 13mmeli Connoi-s, Ffpfl Bowden, J a m e s W. Malone, O l i v e r . JohnsLoii , . .firlui Allen jnid David l^eck.

Pfliipifs Included 14 Gallon Clubbers

Tlii'l'i' we l l ' M |,.iiil|iiii ellilihers III Mitni'jUiv'H visil of I'lii Itliiod. inohlh' III tlii^ ' r awn illlill, IMi-s lOrlr; fltibiiii, cha i r inan of re (I lillinr nt 11 \ i iir^

They iirr' ' ICinilielt Crinnrirs, Mrs Maili l l l \ l i \ M I S ^l i i i i -MrUIIri I ibi m l A4(it,ii\ I IHIIII Its ^fIII rill St( I II II Mai l r Id sr'pi) l iaivt ln, llabr'rl; Di'difii

Mi-.s. -AMiiiih' Iti-airianI, Airs t ' l i l l ieriiic W'clini'i', .Mrs, I,cini arilli I s|irislfrt Irilln ^tr inplt II S I < Inn l is ( n l l i iiiiil 'Mih ()l|,a Sissiin

(!elel)ial('s Biilluhn

Mother Of Pastor OfPompciiCluireli Dies In Hospital

Mrs, Daniel p 'Ne i l , of 18n Col­l age , . Sl„ : Br idgepor t , m o l h e r nf the Rev. Jo l in O'Nell, pa.-;tnr of Our Lady of Pompeii Churc.-i in Foxon P a r k , died 'I'ue.sday ni'ii-n-

' • t e ! (^ i^ i - , l . ;39Jn .St . . Vincent ' s Hos

pi ta^'iAi^tJHtfeqpof I Sur?fc(i!l't.'<v'lll i?,be held F i idny

morn ing In ' - t l ie , funera l home of I^ledbrum and- Ifeaphy on Lafay­e t t e St., in Br idgepor t , und in ^aerpd J l e a r t Church nt 10:.30. ' Because of Mrs. O'Neill 's dea ih the re will be no Mass celebraiorl on F r i d a y m o r n i n g In Otir Larty of Ponipell Church .

In addit ion to he r son, t he P.ev. F a t h e r O'Neill , Mr.s. O'Neill is survived by h e r husbabd, by twn sons. Wil l iam O'Neill, of Di!\i,<\, and Jo.scph C N e l y , of n i i d g c -piiiH; and by u ' daughti'i-, Mar ­gare t , also of Br idgepor t .

Mr s . O'lieill was u menil ier of the Rosary and Seiipulnr Soele iy of Sacred H e a r t Church , Tliii-d Order o f S t . Franc is , and t h e Counci l ot Cathol ic W o m e n .

Finance Bd* To Meet With Auditors Tonight

arl^er Hits Redfield Police ( nion To J)/eel Wiiln

Piihlir Safely Boord On Sal. Ollii'i'l-.s ni I be neU'l.\'-()t-Kilnizi'll

I'iili,'(. Unlim will mi'el wllll tile T.n.-iiil 111 Public .Snl'i'ly .Salui-ilay inniiiinj; al II o'clocic Fii'sl Sel-I'l-iiii.-in l-'i-aiiU CInni'y said ilitit iln- liiiai'd niid ri 'pre.^entatii 'es of Ihi' union will discus.s. tliu I.IIIM'S a ims .

Al a miM.IIni; Tuesilay I'venlnp, l'"i-:iiik Itiu-Uus, injtlng presiileni (if I 111' uMiiiii, was elected presidi 'lil iif ihe i!i-iMip. . Alliei-i, Fige was i.li.|.|r.il vice pre.sldi'nl; W a l l e r Ma-ihis , si'iM-elai-y; und Wllllani H u b -h.'ii-ri, ii-eii.surer.

Ten of eh.'ven regula rs III the Police Depa r tmen t yoted for the loni ia l inn nf a uiilon. Siiiikesnien for Ihe gmU|) unnDunciid thai Ihe iifficer-s in t h e d e p a r l i n e n t bad no i|iiai'rel w h h the Board nf Pulillc .Safely. Al t he siinu' l ime, Il was Indicated l i iat n ' m n i ' e oftoctlve nutans of liaison between r e p r e -.sentallves of tiio police force and t h e public sa fe ly liDiird nmy he needed. ^

iMny.Meet On Appr'nls l loai i l

Mat hew Aniistaslo, Repiibllcan town cha i rman ; has Indlcuied the possibility of a nieiillng In the n e a r tulur.e hutwcen Donioeratlc nnd Tlepublloan leaders t o ' d i s c u s s the se l l ing up of a n ' u p p e a j s Imanl hy special ne t . T h e board would b e a r t he appeals nf firg liiiil ipi)lli;r> jiur-Bonnel who have .iieeii subjeclwl to disclpljnury t t p l l o n h y the Bqurd of ,J?ulil]fc.Saf«tyy^:;.;^^j,' ,;•;;, iiy/J--• Mr. Aiinsra.'il^''h(id'n6te(l .'Tf'v'ei'iil' weeks -ago li inl momhers^of e i the r defiarinieni now must.I'e.sprt lo the cour i s for r ed res s against, act ion affecliiiR t i i e i r uinpio.viiient, and Hull sucli rccourse.ils an expensive m a i l e r since II involves leKal

C O S I S . ' '••

Proposa ls for the enac tment of. a mei'll sys t em have, been laid a-slde for the t ime Iwliig, af ter ne l -llier jiai-ty showed enlhusiasni for. .such a .system. ,

However , leKlslallvc a e l i n n ' is nol needed for (inaelnient ot el-liior a m e r i t .sy.sleni o r a iiersonnel appea l s lioai'il. u n d e r .Suction 301c (l!)n3"Suf)pii!ment,) II mf r l t sysleni may be adopted under the m e t h o d , nf t he refereiiduiri at e i ther a spe­cial or Ihe next rogulur elect ion.

Ib ide r Sect ion 30.'1 c, "Any town , city or horough may by ord inance of its legisialive bridy c rea te a pi ' isonnal appea l s board which shall consist of five m e m b e r s who shall be electors. ,of sugh niuniel-jialily holding no .salaried miii i l-(.ipal office and whose t e rm of iiffii-e and melhnri of election o r aiipijinlmenl shall be fixed In t he

(Cimtlniii'il On Paifn Tivo)

Kasl Ha vol Man Oh'ltralcs .I'illi Year Willi SNKTC

J a m e s N. MacKInni ' l , of 125 Mnin HI., chief mil su|>ervlsnr for T h e ,Sniiiliiirn New I'^nglaiui Tele­phone Company, recoii l ly- I'ele-lirntnd his 3rith yea r nf .service wi th the company. , ' . : Mr. MucKlnncl began his I ele^-phrino ca ree r In 11)19 a s a elork l i i ' ^ j l i t ' . . '^aecqunling, depar t merit;

"Thii 'followlnft" 'yeiir "•))(!'; w n s - m l - -vnnccrt t o ' ledger Kuporvisor: and in' 11123 bednme loll sU'lioryilior. \

Mr . MiicKlnnel t r a n s f e r r e d " to the conimerclai d o p a r l m e h l In ]n2'l. -He reiliaineil t h e r e , until 1030 and dur ing t ha t l ime liiid extensive experience In various liostllnns In t ha t d e p a r t m e n t .

i l l e re turni 'd In t he account ing depar tn ien t In 11131! a s bil l ing sup­ervisor arid was made aupervisor of cus tomer blllinR tlie following year . In lO'it- he w a s advanced lo chief aiTotpils superv isor ami In KliiO was appninleil to ills present position of idilef loll siip-ervlsoi'. , "

Deniocralic Town Chairman In llospilal

J a m e s F . GiU'Lland, Democra t ic town cha i rman , was .reported to be "teelirig be t t e r " In Grace New IJaven Ilo.spllal w h e r e he was adml t lod lasl Fr iday /tir medical tri^iilment. ' ; ' , ' j ; , Mr . Gar t land Is reporl.'-id t o l i i i

suffer ing from an . ulcerVt.. and It-Is expected that be will he hos-pliall-/.cd Inr a fi'W m o r e days al least .

Bolh Parties Crilicited On Finance Bd. Revision

13runo A n d r e o l i l o o k s a t t e n t i v e l y a t t l ic lit c . i n d l c s o n t in ;

b i r t l i d a y c a k e w h i c h his n ic j the r b a k e d for h i m hisl i T i d a y .

T h e y o u n g s t e r , w h o is b l i n d in o n e e y e a s t h e re.sult of gl-iii-

c o r n a , c e l e b r a t e d h i s t h i r d b i r t h d a y . B e c a u s e s e e i n g is a com.-

p a n i t i v e l y n e w e x p e r i e n c e t o h i m , h e is f . i s c i n a t c d b y nil

b r i g h t l i g h t s . H e is t h e c o n of .Mr. n n t i M r s . B r u n o A n d r e o l i ,

S r . . of 7 2 C h a r t e r O a l t . ' \ v e ,

— S y r o t i e k S t u d i o

l.(.adei-s of both political pa r l i e s wei-e taken lo task this week by :iol)i-i-| Hall, c h a i r m a n of the Cl l -l/.i.ns tin- Goori Government , for falling to al low' pui;ilcipatlriii by iiirli.p-.ndr.rri votei-s hi recent di.s-russiorrs on a proposed leglslativi ' iiir..ausr-e Ui r-evise t l ie . Board of l-'in.'iin-e.

••Tlie lown cha i rmen .of both par-lies", said Mr. Hull, "ore , in '.ffecl, d i c t a l l n g ' t o the r'copie of l';risi Haven w h a t kind of change.s will 111. made in the lown govorn-n icni . To m y - knowledge t h e r e lias been all Invitat ion to t he g e n -i-rai public to par l lc ipuie and .to offer- i ts ideas on t he proposed, change In t h e l"i;jurd of F i n a n c e Acl."

IiiflepeiiileaU Wtfttt For.gott4;n ,vii. Hall claimed tha t t h e r e a r p

a l a rge n u m b e r of Ea.st Haven vijier-s who a r e no t closely afflli-a i i d with e i t h e r pni'y on t h e local level und t h a t these local Indep­enden t s were "en t i r e ly over looked when t he discussions took place ."

Whi le a major i ty of t he CGG membersh ip vqtad a t , a r ecen t mee t ing t o suppo r t an e lec t ive Board of F inance which would be bended by t h e first s e l ec tman , Mr. Hnll said. " I do oppose t h e way i he Democra t i c ond R e p u b ­lican l eaders w e n t ahead on t h e i r own wltlioiil consul t ing apybody outside, ot t he i r i iar ty oreunha-l ions :

(Oijptlnued O n P a g o T w o )

Carllaiid i)crcii<l,s Action On Kill

. lames Gar t land , Democra t i c town chairnuin, defeiiiled the Joint (.•onimllti.ie action against wiiul be calp'd "p re s su i tng" by the CGG g ioup .

He .said that If legl.slallnn Is In t ioduied It must be done through a tncmhcr of one p a r t y or the o the r . Objectors who disagree with legislation may voice theli ofiln-Ions, he said, a l a h e a r i n g in H a r t ­ford. "A hear ing will be announ­ced a n d ' a n y b o d y I n ' T o w n has t h e p re roga t ive to go to Ihe heni lng and tell how he feels." '

T w o members of tile Clll '/ons tor Good Goveinmenl w e r e present In t i l " persons nf Mr, Anas tas lo and Mr'. DeMayo, «uld Mr , G a r t ­land.

III! added t h a t be "objected lo p ie s su r ing of the two lown pa r ­t ies" nnd said he though t the CGG was going to be a n o n - p a r t i s a n (jroup.

T o olijectlons t h a t Har t fo rd b e a r i n g s were too r e m o t e , ' Mr. G a r t l a n d said Ihnt "if he (Mr. Hal l ) is t ha t m u c h In te res ted "In th i s bill, h e should find l ime to pul In nn nppeurance , " " T h e rest of u s can find t he t ime to go In nnd t igh t for t he t h ings w e want , I don ' t see how ho o r his g roup is a n y dl l ferent ," h e concluded,

Barker (irilicizes Kedfield On Budget Defense

A mei.tlni; between t h e Board ot l-'inani-e and meniliera of ihn town aiiililiiig firm o t Weinslein & r in im was .iichedtiied .for th is evening iTIiur.sday) In ihe Town Hall with an Invitation to repoi ' ters to be nil hail for a review (if t h e Town ' s fiscal p l e t m e al the and of i iepl-I'liihei- .•III, 11)5-1,

III a •'lei Ihe chips fall w h e r e Ihey m a y " ges tur ( \ t he hivHatlon wns issueri by Leslie Hedflcld, Re -pnbllean ii iemher n f . I h e H o a r d of Fiminci', as an answer t o crlt Iclsni lieinii levied liy Rcpubllcnn Select-nia F r a n k Ba rke r ,

l lai ' l ier Attiuilis Koitfiekl In the inenntlnKi, Mr , Da rke r

issueri a s ta len ient cr i t ic izing Mr , K'.'dfleld'ii defense o t ' t h e Clancy ailrnlii istiaiion wlilch bud incurred a rli.ficli last y e a r . He "lno Inbel-ed as n e a r rlrllciilous n (ilolm liiul heeau.se his admlnLslrat lon had %v-er -es i l ina ted Iho , grntl iL list .tl3,(i(l() less t axes w e r e collected than was aalU'Iputed,- . .• . - • -

Ml-. Redflcld-s luck liy bis niStion In. defending the bi tdgot . . "1 a m nol defending t he Adiii | i i l»lratlon," he said, "bu t I t e l l ' t h a t Mr. .llui--ker ' s . (previous) 'rt ' i t iui 'ks were aimed al the Board of l''lni(ilc'e aiid I felt f H ' u - t o 'unswur In. de'toilin of the board .'pf wllldli: I am li member. i ' : ;^ , -^Ji , . - : / : , . . , . - . ' ',;• ..

"I ;know; iiibrq:?lflt)i ()(i(fcu,' -h(' said. \ "but I dp riol''t)iln],i.'lt Is us

JiiBii;i%. Mt'i«?nf)<«.>i. Vayi^^B^^ -•lO.ss' of jlKt. tl^ul'ds thtit ijip.'pTayS with. 'Kiit'ltei'iriol'Cj.I da.fjfpj.-ljiivo my Infoi'ii'iiillljh ti'liiii:'iidW/ipa/ier reporjs , btit dli'iictly W'niii ibe. i iud-llor'a r e p o r l , " : . ^ ;

Ctlcs Oiilicotjone In s u p p o r t ot b l ^ c l o i m of an

liitluted g r a n d llsli Mr, Redfield again cited a' f igui 'o ,showing O'l.'l per cen t collections - by - Tur- Col ­lector Salvntni 'e Lungobui'ill com­pared wi th 04 pe r cent collected by his iiredece.s.'jor under Mr. Ba r ­ker ' s adinlnlslrliLloii.. .

R a t h e r lliati bat the figui 'es n-round n t long ritngo and I h r o u c h itiL mi (Hum of tile nowspiflieis Ml licdflelil said hi p i c f u n i d to have t h e auditor.'!, themsulvos. l e -purt nn t he j i lclure nf Town fin­ances al the end of Inst fiscal y e a r .

Fl is l Selecl inun Ffunlc Cjuncy declined to coinmoni on Mr. "Dar-ker ' s a l t aekh unll l |h'o I3oiti'd of F inance hud prepui'od lis own an ­swer, he siild.

Mr . IV.irUer'H fiUnaini'iil Fol lowing is Mr. Ba rke r ' s latest

s t a l en i en t ; III as much a s tlin s t a l en i en t of

my leceni new.spaper Uflicio, con­cerning Ihe Town ' s finaaes, we re not d i ree led a t Mr, Hodflcld, I wn-s soinewlial surpr ised ' to .rpud his le i i i a iks as published In (a dully iiews|iapei^) of l''rldiiy, l'''ebruai'y 3, lurin.

C o n t r a r y to cPmrtioii belief, Mif, Itedfiold IK not Chul i 'mnn n t l'l|i> Board ot l>''lnaiiccs. Mr . C lan­cy, by v i r tue of his offlcq, bnhls that jio.slllon. J fowever , Mr. Red-field, a.s WiMi], scpiua lo ho ac t i ng us spokesman fnr the board, and also seems lo have t a k e n nn t h e Job nf defending the admln j s t r a -tlnn.

Mr. Hedflcld should b o ' well ijuallfied, bul It ap|)eurs that he is s l ight ly mixed up,

Redfield disputed Ihe - f igu rc s of my ui i le le us being " Inoprrec t . " 'Mie deficit f igure I l e i p r r c d to was us published In t he N o w H a ­ven Regis ter , on Monday, J a n u a r y 31 , IIIO.'), and nol ones I tilmply di earned up .

Mr. Redfield nex t dcclurcd Vlmt • back t axes w e r e uvallublo to cov­e r Ihe deficit . Though buck tuxes to ta l flOT.dCO.'JS, Mr. Rcdt lc ld , himself, s ta ted a t the T o w n bud­g e t m e e t i n g of Octohor 27, 1054, which had a, record a t t e n d a n c e , that "uncol lected taxes could not be eoiislderei | a s ac tual surplusscs , s ince t he Town euniinl spend u n - • collected tuxos." W h y t)ie abou t face, Mr . Redf ie ld?

Mr. ficdtlelil clalme(l t h a t m y admin i s t ra t ion had e v c r - c s t l m a t -ed the g r a n d list, so lt|i}t $13,000 less t axes were col)octoii t h a n a n ­t ic ipated . Th i s s t a t c n u m t not on ­ly Is no t .supiiorled by t h e luidl-toih ' le j io i t , bu t border.^ on t he • r id iculous . F o r this to bo possi- • ble, my udmlnUtra t lon would have

(Cont inued On Vt$^ T w o )




Page 2: ®V Nfioa - Hagaman Library...licadtitiarlorH iiialnlalh a aWU'l ad-, hoi'oanco lo Iho rtil..'S and rfjiUla-llons sol loi-lh In (aiHi fraia'liiso All tfanis ni'O iinirf.rnu.d, jiald

GHARLES PEVETTY formerly of East ILaveii

I;j Now Operating A Remnaiil, St,oro AT

?.no Orai igo Avn., A l l i n g t o w n WC.MI, Tlnveii


Kelley Official Proitiolcd


You can ' t v---^.,^ hoki me down cCll!J?(ip I've i;c.i inmiey in ilic bank, ul "Vin- lYicmlly

T-i isf . Tnvcst in ( .ecur i ly

Willi icniili ir savinUK, Mar l inu Imliiy. Wlicn you'ie here Icl us sliow y o u ll ic m a n y o l l i r r wuys in wliich wc cim lielp yoii.

St^lt //i* iaiiitK^i /ia&/{ ninu a t . . .

likt FsVst National Bsisik A N O 1 « U S 1 C 0 M I' A N r O f N 11 W II A V f: r< i^ti^m ttUfH H-. l l -d b lUlM * wlMftlK |M>UAI I'tPOill IKtiirAMCI i:ij(f'jk*ll'.<M

w e w i!j( iif 81! tjuii lii iji w e yi w ui

^|| ) t ^ •

" ~ ^ • • \

DitfideVour 01 Bill by 30 Days . Tliar's .ill rli( .IIHIKTK lii ir t.ilas ro fiiul mil

lifiw fdily tlu.ip )mii lioiisi liiild clci-iriiii)

is. And how litilL'')oii p.i) Itii .ill rhf woilc

and (.nrertaiiurKMi KctM) Kiluu.iK pin\'iilf-s

for )cHi anil )<iiii /.iiiiily . , . 'I'alci; IJI'II

advice: (lip <i swiidi wlifii jon v.';ini low-

'(I'li scnicr III )oiii Kiuhi'ii, In your laiin-

diy 'I luiJiij'.liom )iHii lifiine.


r~-r^^T^3~i^^^^- COMPANY

mm m m UJ m ui ui \\\ ui \\i ui m ui r i

Taxable Grand List At $33,732,395

.Will Yield $30,062 More In Taxes ' i l i e laxiijilo Bianii list 0/ Rusi

I lnvon for the rurr i -n i fiscal year will b<( ciDS'j in ' .$S.1,7.12,.')n5 o r j;(«8,925 rnnri- than Was nrlgliially csMmnlrd, n rcord lng In .Tax As-si'SKiir Ccoiui.' >tlll(!r..

A prc l l in lnaiy .survey of tlic fijturcs, sliow.s a ijnw-f granil lisl mini of ' .f,15,7W.^.l. EKi'inpilon.s, iiin.stly In vclflintis, nmiiunl In

I $a,fll7,nn0 brliiBlne the hPt or I laxaljli! Il.sl In W.1."'12..n!15, i • Comiilolrj flgiirds will Iw ri '-I li'aKf-d ul. Ilio ciiil .pf fills week, i 'I'll.' flyiirpfl i-p|.'.is.'(l icdiiy m a y he i arljiinlwl sllKlilly liy Ml'? Board i of As.S(!«sor« nn Ihi! .rei'iiniinpiida I linn of llid Hnard of 'J'ax Hcvlew, i *3.(l,1«,cl"ii nmrifiHc I Tin? laxnlilc! Hal h'l injsonls an ! iniTi.'a.Hi; (if T.2,(!;iH,fi7S nver tin-! iii'l list iif llii' iirovlmi.s flseul


j A p p i i i n l i n c i i t of M i l l o n p.. I ' r c e m i i n . of W e a l M n r l f o r d , r.s i view p r o u i d e n l in ehnrK*; ')f HHII-H a n d p r o c i i r t i m e n l l o r IIIK K e l l e y ! I '"ood S t o r e s cimii i w a n nnnoi in . - 'c . l llii.s \V(M!k l>y J n i i i r s 1:.. KcM'iy.

p r e i t i d e i i l . I l i d K l i n h a l l , f o r m e r d i r e c t o r of BIIIKB p r o i n o l i o i i a n d nd-

vcrllniii({, will l i c c o m e ndn i in i s t r i i t i vK iiBslntant t o d i e prir. i idt ' l i t . F rn idc l ' e | i e w a e n i i ine i l s i d e s a n d l i rne i i r e i i i e i i l i i iniiiiKer of ll ie friiit a n d p r o t l i i e u d e p n r l i i i e i i l i i .

HHfvfi i j i tui l , i l i i ' « i ' y T o

C'lilBfi , ' l V o W t t t l l ' 9 T o

PtM' in i l Moff t ' Rf t j lu i l 'B

lli'Piili'll|.;;-al' final's will lieiies-Ulnle l-lii> elliKlni; of Hie ri»f;Il~ iiiiin Afeniorlnl r.llii'fliy f a r h i i i iveetis s l i i r l l n s .iNtiirrtay, Hflss Until T u y l n r , tlhriirlaii, nnnnii i ie-I'fl. 1'lie l l l irary wMI lie idnsed tliroiiRli .Saliirdny, Peli. 8(1.

Il l ir lnir I his ijlierlod hnnlis he-liij; refiiriied may lie left In the iMix nil Ilia frniir poreji. rinalis t'alieii aiit (. IIIN weelr will nnt. lia dun unt i l IMareli rir.sl,

Pindiicivlld.— (Oantliiiieil P ra i i i I'mto One)

10 nver-e.sllmale,.sonii! $i;i.1,00n, o r near ly '.fc. million, .dnilai'a.

T h e aii( l l(ori i ' ' reporl e lenr ly In-illeule.s i l in l ' l l i a r i i wnro siiffleleiil lakon din.i ilie Town . ^ .So, w e ean on ly a s s u m e Uiat iho deflcll In l a x offlee i-erelpls, td' Sli!,77l.7'l, Is line to i he liialilllly of t h e lii.s (.'ollneior t o meOI, Ills quo ta .

. lilvni'yono.iniiRt •nHijee llial It, Is diffleiill | o /[Ive. a n y .'Plnualhle all-lil for "wlJdflpnndliiif."

wmmmm:'m:; 'm^m:~:":sMi^


p W



I I.«t TlilH Avinliilili! flpima I Bflll For Ynii |

I GALL AT 8-1661 i

rHANOHiaiMlHAI.f'ilt POTl . . .

Het|t6lNt & Universal

ilFPLIAN€ES See Tliein Now On ninplay I

For Apiiniiil.iiienl Cull

HO 7-1854 • T.OW DOWN PAYMI''.N'I'

• KA3Y Tl'UlM.S Open Rveiiitid" ^' fiitl.. (inly


" I ' l l ee f r ie i l l (loiili'.'ie.liM'.M"

407 Miiin St, Easl Ilavon



IIO.SI^ITrlL WTrn. Kay AiiantaHlo, DIr,

U«Ki«lere<l Nurnei i i n ' A l l e i i d i i i i e e D n y m u l Ni(»ltl

f J» re f i i l l y Pref in i -ed Mt fn l i i K i i d D i e i n

Plioiie I I 0 7-r>828 L8.1 IVI.tiii SI . F.afit ilnvoi.

"Aiillinrizfid l>eiilm'"

Sfiternationai Trucks

RAi.R.'! — ;:RH,VI(;K

East Havem

Green Garage ivs Miiiii at. no V .'ivufi

Centnil Oloaiioiii Dyei'H Ilfwio of Diiitiiietivt) OUsaiihig We Op<M'(\(e Our Own Plant

"l-llfiur Cleaiiht/f Sni'vlna Call For and Dolievet

.'l.'l~' .Main .St. l-llllne 110 7-11(1111

Augie'H Auto Rop.air Genoral Et^piiiring Tiras — BattcrieH

AAA KP.IiVICK AAA Hiiane l « ) 7-UIII -l.tll Main .Ml

RALPH P. CASTELLON ry»irm'ri»l lUstji'Hileri

i w ?rt«Jii; i,iii'i<i—vonu iioRrir VOIIR ADTO

•tnmi. iiiJ.srNKMS

Mi ^iHm ST.. KAST HAV'IflW

OBN'S IiAUNOHY and BUY OLEANINO <;«niplel« l .uundry .Servie*

li'liRK DKI.IVI'JIIV! t in Miiiii Ni. 110 i-n\u


C A M . f.'Olt I ' lfOAri'T . '^Mn'll^K I ' t l i i l i e 11(1 II 11:11a

1.11 M i i l a .SI. JhiM l l j i v e u



New Devcropincnl — . (dai i l l i iMeil iri^iiiri I'filte One) :

Uirned down by. t h e . rnnimlss lon. S t resses F i r e nail(;e.r

.'Ml', I l oyno ld s iw as ;enUBlly insls-t a n t . H e st.i'e.siied th'> diiniior o.' fli'e a n d the deslrnlill l ty of hi lvhu; ne-ees.s for fire nppara t i i s and e t h e r emei'i joncy equlpnl(.'i.it i l lreetly In­t o t he devolopnient • Insleuil of t l i roucl i Iho niaze of Mnpieva le r o a d s o r t h e raiincUh-hoiil way provided tlu'ouijh i l e l l s l ro in Kd. and P rop r lMoi s till.-

"I don't waul a n y h a t e m o t h e r .sereamliifr Hint it \yas o u r i'niill" tha t shelo.st a cljlld lit a fire, In? .said. He added l a te r thai " W ^ us n hoard , h a v e ce r ta in ' olillyntioiis to tills Town to prnylde llie.s2 peo-))!(> Willi acci.*ssibillly to Insure llieir .safely.

Mr . Maloi ie told t he di.'Velopi'rs: ".It 's eoininoii . sense- that If ynu linve only one enti 'ai ire, yon have a hazard ." l i e said (.eeess fi'oiii Alnplevnle was a " iabyr l i i lh" " ! d o n i ' think it Is too niiieli of an liiilKislilon", he .said la te r ,

iUiller Dlsaifl'i.es Only Charl i ' s Miller, fnrnii>r

.•li;tli'nian of Ihe board, dlsMcreetl and n'lii.slered Ids di.s,selit liy vol-int! itt a p p i o v e llie Yedlln p lan as s i l h i M M l e d .

When 111., d.'elsinn of tin,' einn-mission w a s amiouneed t o the Yedlin oflieials, Mr. lioseiibei 'g mid Nea l Vedllii askeil If a n eaaeniei i t \s'oiild satisfy ihe^ Coniiiilssloii. Mr. d a i l y .said, a f l e r a whi le , that It VN'Ould n o t .

' f be Yedlin oflieials then a.slied iliai lb. . Goninil.sslon pe rmi t ihoiu 10 eiit 111 .several l uo re lo ts In I'lii; development t o coiiipeiisnte them for t h e lots Hint would he lost by eut t l i i i j In ai io t l ier road of e n t r y .

'I'lio Comnils.slon looli tills unde r eons ldera l lon bpt •• a sked for ai i -o t i i e r meetlnir on tlils because-of o i l ie r hilslne.ss poiidin(j before li diii 'but t h e even inu .

Conlrviclors — lOinif l i ined r''rani f'n^f^' Oin^)

for all thi.s .snpei'vlsliii' aud ' . lii-spiatt l iu;?" He iinied . t h a t the 'I'own lauii;i>l pi'oyld.'d.o.nly llUiOOn 111 fiilid.'i Toi ' r fees 10 be paid iln the town eiiElne.-r. 'I'lils ainniint would be exliaiiHted - i h ' n o tlnie a t all , InV.Rald. •. - . ; ;

llnilBet Not ni l ; ,I'ini>iii{;li Mr. Olaney nlso ii.iled t h a t the

ii.'W .snii^livlsloii' ende on si reels retpiir . 's t he pn.sllnu of: a imnd ib-aeeordanee Wil l i , es l l i i i a t '« of the Town enj.;|iieer on . co-sts of the Improveinel i ls . . Suiili, iii 'f 'paralioii of iio.sis woiild reipilre ' li lot of woi'lc on t h e pa r t , of t l ie^Iown eii-iliiieOr. " W e jus t don ' t : h a v e thai iiiiii;li niniiey,".. he -said.

Mr . Clanijy tbouijli t .tlint a fee would iiave 'to .1)0. levied, iiijalhsl eaeli c o n t r a c t o r f.ir .spelt si)pert vlsory, and ; ('..jliinate ,ep.|ils." .

t^iuu'ife ; l s r.ei(al'v. Mr. Clrady was.-'.iislted' If he

ll ionttht . Ih i i t ' eb'ar(irtii;-;'j!lie coil-Iriieloi' for the.se services wa.s .per-mi.s.slble. l i e retdled that .such a sys tem h a s been employed In Norll i llrniiford and. In o t h e r com-nmiilllds. H e ,wMis Umnfidiini Ihiil, It could he done . • • , - . r ' \

In addltion,. ,snld' Mr. 'Gri ' idy, the XoiilnS c6niinl.s.slo.r will t a v o r t he .deslBpatlon of tiVn n l l e rnn t e and aiiprovbd: civil 'engino.ei 's who will serve, t he -'J'own whi-'ir the- ext IstliU,' lown •' engineer, is.', servlni; ' lis a, coasul iah t ' to a devplpper.. : .

Oae of (he problems Avidcli lin,s exisled o v e r a ' long . . .per iod '. of l ime ' i n Ensi Ilnyeii has. been this ; hn th ' Ihe presen t and , form.ri,' town o n u d n e e r . n o b e r t Docker linil Char le s Miller ,- a r e p r iva te on-Uhieors Willi an exien.sive elieii-te le . As a result , I bey have often heeii in Ihe-pos i t ion of aclliiE in tl ielr capnc l ty , a.s town eiijjlueer on plans wbleli lliey had d r a w n up n.s j i r lvale and , professional eii-Biiieers.

Mr, Cral ly said linn .Mr. Deck­er , 'Idm.sell', bad recommended the . e.slablisbment of an a l t e r n a t e list to servo w h e n e v e r bo o r a n y , o i l i e r l o w n eiiijiiieer considered hinriself (lls(|uallfied.

{ would be i'li'eli..d b-'eaicie of Id.-, I ((inillfleailniis and nol hernii.se of I Ids polities-. I It ha.H been i'i,>poried that elnlms

woi-.- loaili. Ilial ilie CGG was r ep -: i-.,'/,eiiie.l at- l ie ' ta lks hecnu.se R c p -j iiiiii.'aii Town .CIniirnian Ma thew

Aiai.sfasin ai.d Anthony De Mn,vn, ! clerk of Ihe T o w n Coiirl, a rc i io(inb--i's of Ihe i;roilp and wcvf

ii\ ilin nireili i i ;s '«dilrli d r ew up the ' ii.-iails of the hill. \ Ml . Ha i r sfthl-.thai.vihe Iwn in.-n j v./cie aiieiiiliii/i a>. tfiemb.^l's o;' t i n i li.~|iiihllean P a r t y and- iinl as sPl-i.-eied r.'pi'e.seiilatlv.'S of t he ("Tif.;. ; ,. , . N a t .l.ivltVd I ' 'I'o thn''h:-sl iif l i lMtnowiedf .v . j t he el ialrnian said. llie-C;itl/.eiis for

nnad rinv.irnniebi w.'rn iiol Invlled to j lar l l . ' ' lpaie in Ihe la lks . nor to ( h e hest (if-- .ills-l{|if\wledge were liny oHier j;roa:JS, . nulBlde of t he ,*wa jioely eoiniidlJees^!,' . ' I t i .(-.j.iy 111 (1 finbfi'sluni report lliii. 111.? pjirtyi d e a l e r s a r g u e d thai .soleclloiij.of .tljeiBofttd of F i ­nance inenih»?r.s, ,wOid'd'i' riow ' be by ijie p a r t y cijlnmli.ieeV,, reprcser i i -ine the townspeople, . i v i r . 'Ha j rk swered tlial " th i>se . |own cominl t -l ees . eanno i clalhi , to reprej;pii l .nil of, the lownsppoii le. por^ caii . ihoy. fairly reflect t l i e , wishers of (be towiisfieople -wl lhouf aei'iially asl t-inc t h e vo te r s 'tii seiecl t t)e ' , tnemr hers ll iey want Ip.i 'ep'rosenl tlie'm on the l''lnnii'ce Board . ' ' . , «

Hjr l t ' i i r i lKri iJ ' InK Unrefiefialilo T o arfjiie that t h e people liad a

r ight to express t he i r op in ld l i s ' a t a.pilhlic: bearii lB' in' ffai'lford on ihe propo.sed hillT'Bn'ored ' t l i e ' , f .* t t ha t • -sneh heiirliig' .wflii'IftUt' of reach for nihny persons, Mi-. Hall s a i d , - • , : • , .

" T h i ? r e Is . l i t t l e , inteliljood," tie B n l d , " t l i a l .yei-y miniy oi: t he In­teres ted taXpayer.s,;of Eii.sl Haven

|Can f | iHl ; lhe . , t im. j tjj , t ruvei to i lar l foi'd .Vo, fJipW .ss ) jiidr foelini;.4. 1\| list of us ,woi-i'i ;iliiHb(;, Ihe 'day and n l n n n i fli'id. ijie'.'iline.'" . -' ' -" i i i.'0....i. i.iiVi),.li;v'ii',i,iore fail',"

lit; j!.:i;i. ':ii.'-ii(;:l (•Vii,iifnltt.ee.s . hud liehl np' liifiirfiidi'.. piijdie. lienrlnR hi ;a eonvenieji! - infietjiiB jilace anil In the eVeninf,'is6;ihU,t.;irit-brested t i ixp i iye rs ' cou ld , -g ive . / the i r , v iews oil" t h e ; priipasc'd- ;dlipnilos." - .Uiidcr t h e pi'opn.sedeiianEe.s, h e concluded, -.iHi;; pdidlcj will only liavo n-clioipp, In piutiiuij m e m b e r s of till! Flpaiicc' . ' 'Bohrd.-wlieii thlr i l p a r t y or •.indl^p'ondenl'~ candldate.s !>lso r u n . ' fo i ' -pos i t ions on . the hoard, ' . - 'r-'»,:';^':.

yea r . 'I'hal l a t t e r flfpire was $.11,033,720.

When t h e budget was d r a w n Up Inst Fa l l , Ihe est lniated griinil list of 1954 was put at $.12,873,470. At t he total tax level of .IS mills t he addlt lonni $853,92.') will yield .11.10,01)2 In l ax revenues over whnt had iKJeh an t ic ipa ted In t he fig­ures d r a w n up In the nitdgel .

Kxeniptinim d p $.inil,noo Bxeinpllpii.s, most If not all to

ve te rans , ro.se from a 195.1 f is i i re oi $1,709,180 to $2,017,000, Th i s represen t s an Increase of $.108,000 In .such tax-free- p rope r ty .

Of tlie .$.'W,7.19,'ift5 gross l a x list, $3,]78,tir)0 repre.senls the a s -.se.ssnieiit on rnolor""velilcles.

IJotli Parlies — (Oantiniieil l''rani I'dfro One)

. T h e ' e h n l r m a n .said that t he Cli-izeiis for Ciood Onvernmein . for oiie, iiilglit have served, to convey Ihe feelings of al least some of the independent votei'.s wi th r e ­spect to t he proposed chances .

If o the r Indope i iden l s -were in-ieresl\»d In express ing t h e r vlew.s. he said, they could also have done .so i l i rongl i t h e local non-par t i san g r o u p . ', , ....

Aslteil Klentinn Hy DUIr le t Willie lite CGO had endor,sed | i i

elect ive Board of Finance , he said, it had f u r t h e r roeomniended t h e elect ion- of two cand ida tes from each of t h e Town ' s th ree vot ing d is t r ic ts .

Under th is plan l id lb ' , -par t ies would have put u p Iwn cand ida t e s In each di.strlet and t h e ' voter.s would h a v e had n choice: of two out of four or more depending on how m a n y se t s of candida tes were on t h e bal lot .

'I'lie COO iireferred, he said, (bat the candida tes run wl thoui p a r l y hiliels to In.sure that n m a n

^ ^ i

.She's engng.-'il! and like o the r affianceii young , ladies in I'iasl. Haven she's f laking ad­v a n t a g e of the engagemen t photo special a t . Syrp t lak ' s Studio at 2(15 Main St. In East I faven.

F o r only .^KWO h e r e is what slie will g e t : ,

1 - 8x10 GItissy P r i n t ( tor the newspape r s ) , 1 - 8x10 Gold t o n e DcLiixo p o r t r a i t colored In oil (for h l i n ) •

V • 8x10 i^ratoric p o r t r a i t ( for Mom aiiU Dad)

Mnite y o u r ; a p p o i n t m e n t N O W with "

S l e n h c n . P . Sy ro l l ak , .Tr. P l I O I ' O G n A P H I C (STUDIO

205 Mam Striset I l O b h r t 7-.'ifl.19 .

( former ly t .ucas .'Studio) R E M E M B E R




J. A. LONG mmmn :D,o.dgo A,ve,>'.]Giifili.Havo,n H O 7-6318

BAST tlANTilN' -KBWS.. Thiiridn.v, F e b n u i r y 10, l!)3,i. P a g e J

Police Union — (Cau l luned F n n n I'aRe O a e )

o rd inance . Not m o r e than t h r o e m e m b e r s shall lie m e m b e r s of t h e .same political p a r l y . . ...Said board .shall h e a r aial d e l e r m l n e a n y gr ievance , as defined In such o r ­dinance , of any employee o r g r o u p of empinye.-s nl -.ueh town, c i ty o r borough ." -

l irsl ioi- i . (Ill apjieal.s hoard could b e . s e i up tiy a town i.ieeiiiig ca l l -t^.r.iir III-- p.'i.iiloii'lif L'ft o r m o r e if-.sldeiit vo te r s .

Zoning Board 1 oiircd Site Of INcvv Dcvel(>()incnl

by PliVllls r i e n d . .Hope. ' , t h a t the re inlghl h.; a lull ill t he ; ciifier.t hnildlnii l o o m wei-e • dashed last we.dc when . lerorne Oni . ly, cba i rn ian of the Zoidng and P l a n n i n g Commlssior. disclosed : tha t anolhei- develop­m e n t Is be ing p lanned on Morth HlEli S t r e e t .

' A ' t J E W S repor t e r .ae.-ninp.iiiied t h e . Coinlnlsslnn on- I I "field t r i p " l.q ' t i l e site of the proposed de-V(*Iopirieni. las t ' Siaiurday. ' S o m e idea or,',llie difficulties facing the jirfjhp.icaine. to liahl on the m m . • T h e , n e w ' s e c t i o n would he liulli a t V t h e eild. of the Iligii I t idge arei i V ^opposite t l ie .Mil ranee 10 M!ll'.Str(?et. According to the plan suhmlttei i by the developers, the ](^edllti ..Cnn.slrticllon : Co., iliei.-woiild be, n'niy iine nieaiis of ac­cess , to . - the ilew homes ami tha t 'would;.be from the soiil:;ei*n end or -ihi> Maplevii le linmes,

J forn T h a n One E n l i y .mneo m o r e than nii.^ .'•iiliaii'--

Is deemed necessary f'l.' a .i.-v.,!-npmeti t such as thin dill IMIIOCS lirii .sliown.on t he fiiaiii, ilu> Com-hilsslon made , t he personal i n s p e j -tloii t r i p In nrili-r- 10 s tudy Ilie possllilllty of liVailiiu' a n o l h e r e x i t . : ,. . . • .. - T h e groiij) '^'alked : down P r o ­

pr ie tors . l load ( w hlcli sk i r t s (he base , of Sullon.stall Rhlge and- is aiiout t h e wldt l i .of a bridle p a i h ) to t he i ipproxlmatu .poin t w h e r e a road could e n t e r ilie-.iiew' .seiiiioii. Tills would meaii , 'traffic woiilii

en te r I l e l l s l rom n o n d , a t t h e fa r end, con t inue 10 tlie end of Ellen Court and vee r sba rp iv left down Propr ie to r s Doad Hf It eniil.l he wldenc ' t ) . '

At this enil of th i p r o p e r t y a r e mounds of i-nrth, v/hie;i 'Ctuii-le.? Miller e.vplnlned eneld be nseil f'lr filling and grad ing abou t jiiilf of the site. Viewed from Nor th lli.'.li St, It was evident t h a t t t l l ck -loads of fill would be requiii^.i to level t h e land off su i inb iy for building- Mr. Miller also eNplnlncd tlial t he F a r m lilvi-r v.eiilil have 10 bt? rr'Uieated..

1'lie g roup drove • a round t h n i i i g h M a i d e v a l e i;i t h e Inner-liiosl pnhll of Oavid Dr. w h e r e iin aif-'ess poin t has been left Ojieii h e a d i n g luln Hie p r o p e i i y in rineslion.


Wbiit .se.'iiis mosi puzzling is the fact llini no e n t r a n c e Is plan­ned di rect ly onto N o r t h High Siree l , a l lbough Ihe site has I'l good f ron tage on Ihe m.-iln roarl-Accnrdlng to the -plan, t he road­way inside- Ihe dev.dopmelil will Innp a round In a circl . ' anil r e ­turn en.si.

Meniliei-s of preseni agreed one iipiMd.-icb

for e m e r g e n c y use . Tile ride througK Maplevale Is circui tous, and even If an e n t r a n c e t h r o u g h High n idge via Ellen Cour t wet-n feasible, It loo would he a n In­direct a v e n u e of approach .

T h e Zoning and P lann ing Com­mission Will m a k e fn r lhe r s ludy or t he prohlein, which is only one of niaii.v facing them, Cha i r ­man Ciiady pointed out . . lames Mnlone, Ihe th i rd commission m e m b e r t a k i n g tiie t r ip , px-pressed sat isfact ion ul Hie clar i ty In t h i n k i n g Hie Cominls-sliin r . -ci.'ived from a personal , "on the .spot" Inspeclion t o u r wliich I:e felt was m u c h innre , reveal ing Hiaii a sillily of a plot plan.

the C^llmnission ^ I hat iiint-e than |

imisl be imiviil.'d

Latly Oi Pompeii Holy Name Socifcly 'I'o lleai' Rev. Reai'don Tiiea.

T h e Holy N a m e .Society of O u r l.ady of Pompeii Church will meet Tuesday even ing at 8 o'clock In the cluircli hall in Foxon, T h e Rev . l-'niiicls Reard im, of Si, Pe t e r ' s Clu i rcb . New Haven, will be t he ;.iii.';( spejiUer.

T h e newly - organized sorieiy has ex tended a g e n e r a l Invi ta t inn 10 all men in Hie I'^oxon a r ea to jitiii i ts (ir.e.aniziilloii.

301 MAIN BT. I ' f i f lNij n o I-6SIS

I ' - INAI, C O T T O N B L O U S E C L E A R A N C E

I.'I'L;. :F'.i.!I.S ill .tM.!W $ 1 . 9 9


^:^=?si.=. lAH


C u s t o m Nfade wi th LEVOLOR enclosed head, precision made hardware, patented self-adjU.'itlfig tiller, LEVOLOR cotd,

inpe and bottom bar with a wide range of colors to choose from. Perfect fitting and iMtaU-ation guaranteed. All you do is call lu 'sad select your colors,

t.^folor U the flttlonstlr sdTrrtlsad ir i i ia d i i k . o( t.cTQicr t - o r t s u u , i a s .

.Slap in or Call

for l~iif>ninnr.ti'aiinn I ' -

THES • R a d i a t o r E n c l o s i i i e s • I M n d e r n f o l d D o n r s

• C n m h l n n t i o n W i n d o w s S A r c n d i n .Slid,in8 W a l l a

142 NASH ST. TEL SIP 7-3648


A GIFT.ADDITIONAL TR1.F.PH0NE makes it Valentine's Day all •yiar Ion£. The iady of your life \-i sure to fall in love with thi way it saves her steps, time and trouble,

•A.,kitche-n telepiione'is a wonderful convfnience for a busy •liousewife. A telephone in the bedroom asiiutes comfort, priva/y j'Biid protecrion. ANYWHERE in ilir lioiisc, an additional phone -is-the kind of gift tliat [ells of your rhouBlitfiilness day after day.

' ,(A limitid number tiiii in bi^uitiful JeioiMorcoloiSi).

. .'The.cost is surprisingly low and you can Jiave.the charges put , right..ch your regular phone bdl. So call uj now to otder this.

. . ujifal sad unusual'Valentine gift. . '


High School PTA To .Spon.sor Card I'ariv And Fashion ,Shou

A i-nid pni iy aim ra.vhi.ni show for III,' bi-nefil of Ihe Il|.;!i S.-bniil bnnd uiii.'nrm fnml and seholar-slilp riniil will P.. h.'ld on T u c s ' day, Mni-eb 22, in Hie Old .Sl.im-Chiireli. It will he sponsored by Hie Ka.sl Haven High Sclmul Pa r -eiil-Ti-ach('r A.s,sociatioii.

D'Ai-lcne's Dre.ss Shop, or .l.V.l Main SI., will pniv ide Hie di-e.s.si-s for the show which will be bePl SI Is i,'i-h,ek ill Ihe evi-nlng.

I'li.-r.' will h(. (able and door inizcs aw.-i-.b'il and i-.-fn.shiiii-nls /•ill b., »•- ,i-d. MI.s. 11,-11 olil l...vine s si-ivii .'. as rl iai ini; in of ilii-'n io in l t i . e ill I'liarji,-..

On Miiii.lay Ihe I T A will par-'li 'ipale in supei-vl'.ing .sliiil, nl:: vlio will i-aiivass t he Town for •oiiirlbiiH.ms In ibe band inill'oioi iind.

T h e gi-ollp w i l l , also a.ssisi Hi.-illidi:|il Cniinvil at Hi,., High Ichool ill l is Heart Fund dr ive.

Mrs. Aniliiiiiy Panagross i . pi-es-leiii of the A.ssociation, said II vas 111.' hope of ihi> groiiij to be Ide lo raise a ••snlisiaiitiai .niuinil" Willi I hi- March 22 shoiv H oi-di-r III eonlribiili- |ij boih | | i i . lllf.Min filliii and lo liii- .selioiai--hlp fund s,'! up by Hie I 'TA.

Vientls Of Mii'ifc To i ivf i | - i . i p i ; i i r i ( j i

<u.'-..'ii,iii iVtiiulc IVIon.

Til" l-'i!.-ll,i'c III Mu-.ii- will li.-ivc leir iej.,it.-)f- iii.'ci ijij' Mond.-iy v'..-iiini; al H o'clocti in i;ii- il.-if.-t-lan Mi-iimrial l.llii.-ii-y. Th.- iniis-al pnjiiilll of Hie p|-o,niliii ' will -aiiil-e Hie rr,lilpo-;ii-:i and Iniisir 1' rinssia.

All p e r : : , i n s win ' , a i : - ill(i-ri ' :-:li 'd

I i i l le.i .- a i " iij-.'ili'.l l o a l l e l i i l .

Former Ad Manager Op eraten Florida Agency

I d m / \ | U t e i n i i i i l ( l \ i l l iMM« i i t a n a n . . i - l o i - l h , . l t l - ; \ ' I l : \ \ '

l l i M i i M W S is i i i i« H I . II I,.I-,it.II- e l s . i u l l i v . e s i t ' b n i . l n ' s

\ . l l i s i l i ' . , i.u 11. \ S I M I M I I III th.* a r t s i ' eH . .n ..I Ids n l l i e i

b . i n t . i a . i l I l l s IS III .S.I.til s .

111 P e v l

.iiil.v a i l -

. . . I i i b n ' s

.Mrs . z . v i l i . t h e r . i - i i ie i - .Miss I l e h i i l.'/./.i id l-aist H a v e n a n d I ' Ine

()i-.-liiii-iI. M e r i t s a s : ' r b i i s l e i n i l ' s seeret i i l - . i - . m i l i - . ' ee i i t l .Hi i s t . ' I ' ' . . '

ipli- l e t t I b i s a r e a l a s t .Atiiv t o e s t a h l l s l i Itl.-ii- v e r y s u e . ' i - s s l u t I ' l i-

l i - rpl- is : Hid n i l "A\-'- I 's l i . i s s "

" > ' 4 i«

.Main St., I'last Haven

f ' de rcon A i i l o A e c o u a o r i e s !-: I'liiiii.. MO 7-(iaiia

Baiilell Post To Slaj^o Oratorical" Conlo.' l Tomorrow *

T h e aiiniiMl t i ra ior lcal contest nil Ameiici in 's in sponsored by the H a i r y It i i i i lci i Pnst 89, American I.enion. w-ill be s taged Fridns' m o r n i n g in Ihe High Scliool, Coiii-Miander Ciisllglionc announced t h i s w-i*eU.

. I-^roin a m o n g candida tes pa r l i -elpiitiiig In Ibe contest will be pickeii II winner w h o . will com-ln'ie in an a rea contest wi th win-iii'is of tjihei: high .s-.-hool coil^ les ls .

.bisepb Melil'.j. c h a i r m a n of Ihe iiiaiiM-i.-al i-nnle.sl, . s n i d l h a i Ihe .-irea ciinlt'sl w'oilld . he licid W'l-.llii'sday I'Vi'lilllg, Feb, 2;i, 111 Hie IJai'Ili'lI Piisl iiMilns on Tlitmi-soii A\-.'.

Schools Clo.siri}^ For Week Slarling Fri.

Amid e.xpiisUihdIons of ,|iiv by chi ldren and gi'oi^ns of dl.sinay liy adul ts , Easl Haven .sohiiols will d o s e a t the end of t h e day lii-innrrow nol to open iiiitil Mon­day, Fell. _28,

Snturda.v" wdll s la r t the annua l liiie wdiiter vactitlnn which comes be tween marKIng | ierlods in Hie High ..Seliiiol nil.'! Hie. eb ' i i ieutary sclm.il.s.

Civil i inn'si has plagued l\lalaya s ine- VViirid War II, .hamper ing t'l 'onuniic progress ,

t'e.vlini is an isbiinl 111 Hie In- I diaii O.-ean, (ill miles off Hie M M i l b e i i i l i p iif l i i i l i a . I

E A S T t lA^TiN NEM'S. TlinMiIrty, P e l i n i n r y 1(l, IDBIi. P/IRC .1


The Man from Equitable asks-

Wili you leave your family a home —or a mortgage?

T H t ODDSlluit voii will dh ' liel'oie yon pay oD' your .: nnnil iusc .lie lb llnies.gie.itcr tli.iii the ch i i lue your | , house U'lll caicli lire. Yet, mint prialenl liutillics ,• . noul i ln ' t l l i i i ik id l ic ln) ! wlllioni liie lnsl tran. :e .^Vlly ' ' ' be \iillioitt imirlgiiwe iiiMirani-ef

r.ipiltalilc's ieiniul.(ilile uiiirteune repayment Insur- ^ n m c plan piotecis your rinully aRalnsi I ' m e c d s a l e . . . loss id' i . a \h igs , . . i i r loss of liniiio. Cusls are low for di i s liasic protcclloii . l-'iir lu l l Inrormatlon c u l l , . .

I , l | i | ! IN.'^llltANCK .V KSTATI'i P I . A N N I N ( i

Tiir. IU)('ITAIII.I'M,IKI'; ASSIIKANCI'; socinrv. . . . s i ' iu . 'C 'K 1-iitiiii — i K i i i A i t T i - d i m V ,

?.0I3 Cliiivcli S t . Now H a v o n , Gonn. i.Ei i i i r MAN FROM FQiiiTAniF. RRiNQ ynu pi;Aci:uFi«lND ,

• i ' -

Frff^ Prem PiihlicnUonH M'qnf Ad«;i (,'<'!. h'oiiillfi In A llnrru

"Thrni igh (Ins deiip eli / j d l i . nrfrantl-atlan repres i i i t s iiuinv t.t t he liotelb, ClnnnbGrs of Cnmmeree and flnriil industr ies in (he urea.

Foriiicr A.SiSOi iaic Arliicvcs SiKU'Css Willi Florida Advertising Vcnlurc

F r o m Dio Miilti Slri'ot.'j of 13nm-TfHd jind Knsl IIuvcii In tin? pn lm-liiKMi llmrmiKlifure-s of Naples, l''I;i. I-'roni iidveilt.siiif^ niMnaj;(?r of llii* liriiiifind Iti'ViL'W and Ens! llavL'ii News In iiropi'iclor of Miulhwcsi Florl i ia 's nnly advorlis- ' liif; nj^cni'y. Tliis, lirloTly, is th f Mnry "f J n h n iiMil I IcIiMr/lyuk,

Fnlluwin;-, .several ' viu.'allons In llii' rn.';tf;M-ii:''"wiai-; town on Flnr -i(ia*s ' i i i tr Cua.sf, t he ciiUiile do-ciiU't; Unit llii' nif;a w;is "rip).'" for ;ulvorlis(Mk'. t a l en t . In hnl a few

Ills itian^ li'li lilts ill llii' iirtMi \\\\\ rrali/.f lliiit this lis iiu KIO- shot. 'I'M'ti p h i i i l f S n v i p t i ' l i l l y iH-iivi' \*i IM ' l i (a i l i ' t | i i i i l i ' l o r h is d i i i t y r l H u f S .

[ ' l i i i i j M ' M U l ' l l • ' | l > ^

CraceAiin //ays //as /tole /ii

/Hay At /Josion Vniversily

ANOTHEii mmm mm \ of Et!G m&i NAmMLj

I ;?|l|f "• Here <3ire your Big Poller Vay& Savings

-H|lll;ilillllllllll]|lll'i1ll:|it|llllll>liillllBIIIIIIII'lllll.ll:ltllll lli•l!lll!{('llrlKI:W:l:lM .1


i iiiiMiiiiiiiniiini'iiiij

NorLli M a i n SI;,, Brai ifort l . |

Tol. I I U V.-?AM • i i:i9li:[iiiii»:y'iiiiiiD»!iN!ii:i:iliiiil:ii[iiiiiiifliNiiiVlw>M:iii:r>iiilsi:;il'nliiii!i:nii''9iii>|i|!iiiiiliiilin^^

short mei l ths ( they a r r ived there last May) a p o t h e r Amer i can suc-ce..w s to ry has been .wri t ten. Work­ing side- by. side, ,lohn and Helen have h u m what is now / ,yck Ad­vert is ing. • .. , ';.; , . .

With ' t i l l . ' closest compet l l lon lo­cated '1 Miami liiid S i . Peler.shui'g, I^yek has come to be recognized as a specialLst In t he a r e a he .serves: HIS cl ients IneUide Hie C h a m b e r s of C o m m e r c e of Nnides, Ever­glades, F o r t Myers and Pi in la Oordn. He ni imbers m a n y iif the floral Industr ies atiioiij^ b is cus-loniers—including the vas t Coast­al Glads F a r m . Hotels, mo te l s and lourisl re-sorts a r e al.so p a r t of bis elienlole. Real es ta te developers t a k e a good deal of h is l i m e Those buslne.ssinea and inerchniit.^ l iereahoiila will also be InU-resied in l.-'arnlng (bai lie has n weekly letevlsion news show. -

.'lohii is the son of Mr. a n d Mrs. .lolin SCyck of Qiialter I tnad, Hiini-deil. His wife, tile di i l lghter of Mr. and Mrs. Ilocco lezzl of Williiiey Ave., New Haven, ITiie Orebard and Naples, a l tendei l Brai i fonl High .Seliool.

W h o will deny lliill ll'.s a true slii-cess s tory ' / -

-Siieclal to E. II. New's

- Miss Grace Ann Hayes, da i igb l -e r of Sctiool .Siiperiniendent and Mrs . R : Vernon l layi 's of 88 Ed-wiirils St., I'iasI ,Haven, lias th . ' ro l e of A n n e Page In "S i r ,ioliii in' i .ove." A coiiilc opera by Hie l i r i l -ish conitioser, S i r Rlilpb V'ailgiin-Wll l lams, it Is helni.! proiliiei d iiy the Opera Workshop of Hie Ijoslon llnlvi'r.slty School of Fiiii'jniiil A|»-plled Ar ts .

M i s s S n r n h Ca.idwe|l, Di rec tor or Miislc 1 'bealer, i.s s inging t he pro­duct ion or " S i r ' .lobi-. in Love," ' which is based on S h a k e s p e a r e ' s comedy, " T h e . Mer ry . W i v e s or WInd.sor." T h e opera .wi l l be per­fo rmed t o m o r r o w and S a t u r d a y nighl.s, and S u n d a y , a f t e r n o o n , a t Boston Unlver.sily Then le r .

At itnsleii L'niversily

Miss Hayes studied at P e m b r o k e College for' two "years and was g r a d u a t e d from Ihe College or Music - o 1 Uoslon Univcsr i ly ' s .Seliool or l''iiio and Applied Arts , and Is presen t ly w o r k i n g al Boston Univer.slly. Division of Music for a Mas te r of F i n e Ari.s degree with u m a j o r In iiiuslc educa i lon .

H e r work In Boston Uiilvcrslly i i r Hie iiasl h a s Included roles .^n " D a r k of t he Moon," "Tl ie llapjiy T i m e " and "Tl ie Riike 's P rog res s , " .She w a s a inembcr of Hie churns of "Carni inn Bnruni i" u n d e r the l.:iidersliip or I,eo|ioiit .Slokewskl al . lymphony Hall ihe l a i i e r part or lUS'l.

Garden Club Execulive

Boartl Metiling W e d , . T h e Execu t ive Board of Hie East Haven Garden Club will meel at the home of Mrs , .Michael Aeelo, Presldeii l . 28 Kdward S l „ Wednes­day at 1:3t) p. 111.

T h o s e p l ann ing Ui a t t e n d a r e ; Mrs, F r a n k ' hah ie , Mrs . Allien Ilaydeii , Mrs . .John Mali.', Mrs. E l m e r Mllle, Mr.s. Fri . ( | .Scliul'sk.v, Mrs, Clara Wright , Mrs, ,lnhn Tirpalt , Mi-s.. E a r l e .lanie.s, Mr.s. .lo.seph Beihke, Mr.s. Wi l l i am .las-pei-.s, Mrs, ' I . e v e r e t t C la rk , Mrs. .loiiii Moraii, Mr.s. R. Sherwood Cbaniberlain, Mrs, Russell F rank , Mi's. George Muii.soii, a n d Mrs, Kenneth Griff i ths.

R..:.l e •!«•-• .

UGHTMEAt TUNA.4 ' ^ ' ' I ' , . I - , . . ' J I . . I I ' j f i^««

TOMATO PRESERVtlo M i l l 111 If Al' I'H


( J A S " l l l b " *

• ; i > A t . ; i . 1 I t

Minieiui" OiiiiMlily 1 " j " ' ' L ^ .

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M « ' ) " " " i ' " « • ' U ' " ' : ; ^ ' ' ^

4 i.,v,../.,'uv. 1 . 0 0

O.'ve a l e w tpi i i l i la* I- *.buul > t.-Uf-tU uii phoncr. Upi .1 . o p p i o v a l , r o n e i a

et fas l i . , - / u i ' ' fc-niploycd (i\f.i\ tai.d woriirf. vvcit orj ic. I o i i ic in iijJeiyf

n u , 01

A-jfiitTrf^^' 7nd Flfiar • W O O i - W O S f t i Ul.Ofi.

1U9 CHURCH ST., NEW HAVf N, inUH. t-uone: S f a t B 7-1181 • Ask tar t l ie yi;i; f e r

U.1III lllUiJt I.J i r .M. l l l t bl ull '.uiiuullililig Ibwia

MODERN V^NSftS • ^ < &

= i t a t s « ^ a ' r i . - M t ^ i - r ; . T - ! w c i ! r a i r a a i ; a > 3 i a < r i r i r i r i « « t = i ( » w t S e i B a ! = i r

().\' A l l l t l V A l , ! \

We will nnload and d.-llver i .?, yiiiir goods - lb . ' h o u r that |

ilii-y a r i ive . O r loand and de- i livei I hem for sb ipment on -•! linn- fill- a seh. 'duled d . 'par inre . | Any brancli of Tr i insfer work j is a -specially Willi us. A single j j sh ipment o r n yea r ' s T r a n s r e r -servici ' under cont rac t in le res t s

" us. Whalevei- your shipping o r -i-rsiA i k i i - r s r > r . i \ i r - r ^ . - T ra i i s i e r need, we a r e oqiiipped

TRAINED DRIVERS lo handle n,

I AHVviwiie ' kitrfMhi I

PHONE W£si 3-5441

17 WOOD ST. • Wf$T HAVEN 14. CONN,



Di /'HI prefer to drive to the bank? Then

don't let downtown traffic or parking

problems deter yoii.

Just drive up to the drive-in window at our

office at 107 Whitney Avenue and make

your deposit. Customfers of both offices

are welcome.


1J3 Church Street (Next to the Post Office)

107 Whitney Avenue

Kei.1 Plii.L. 1 l..r 5 3 c Mrnir.l.iin OiLirilily « .11 ';.il» l ' i "S

Pineapple Juice 4 ' / ^ N . | . 0 0 J MIHABH • I'm.- V."l f'o. " 37c Mini ni ijn.mlily 3 ol :"^' 'l;! '^^

\ Strav/berry Preserves 3 " " '*«^ LOO I mOIMONI.) r..j l'i«.« 2 lui 33c Mniiiii.m. l.ei. y 7 ..I S.jl., h . r*

i Greeir or Wax Beans 7 > ww^ 1.00 J rilJA'll K.ol'i i, u 2(/c Miniieiiiii rjiLinlily 4 ul 'iulu I'lno

I Stuffed Olives 4 'Koi.n.-. 1.00 J - - . „ , „ , _ _ . _ ^ .

I!.-.| I'lic-i: 2 I.;, 3 5 c Miniii <) Ill/ 6 .11 S.iH I'll,-.

Richmond Tomatoes 6 I'^o/CAiri 1 , 0 0

B L O C K - B O N E I N - ( m f i o m Youno, l e p d c i , l le . jvy W e i l o r n , CoKi l 'wd Siser l iesf

OJkST 7:~INCH CUT - fine Borf Oven Roail LB




It 85c

j r.jn.i 1,1 llu- l l i : . l '.lo.il.t

I Porterhouse Steaks i V/cll IriiKiMuiJ l.,|, ( Ju . l l l / C o l

t Sirloin Steaks f A l l l>..n li<-.lily Ci.juni,!

i Chopped Beef 2 LB > 69c J 7 Hln c m - lioiH Yt.uiig, I«r,il«l fuil.in

I Pork Roast . LB 33C I All Beef Frankfurts / i" 49c ^ Sauerkraut •^'i '^ / ^-i-^ PKG 29C

Cottage Cheese ' LB 27C Cream Cheese . ^<^ 63c

UuhoiuU.ttl twiil I'JUIMIIOUI

Lamb Fores Ib<iii aitii Mi-.tty -.Miklly Cur«d

Smoked Butts Mildly Gl'i.id - r.rr.llini Qn.lll^

Smoked Tongues S J I U I K H I I I jv i .Mlt i

Pressed Ham

LB 29c I

u 65c I

IB 49e I

LB 89c I

1805 • 1955~^ Miniu fiiml Huini Sulm,

I Mere WIQ "Dol lar Dfays" F e a t u r e s !

I DoValetteS '-^'^I^L nssuMi 4 f ^ s or 500 1 . 0 0

I Snappy Dog Food/ 13' HO? CAN. 1.00 Cat Food wsi'H boiiis 8 i5-o-.icAi-(i 1,00 StOttiCS lAfiAi.iis'.uri/ 8 ''*'^'^'''^' •''M LOO

Sliced Peaches '*'*-' 8 BOZCANS LQO

Apple Sauce 'n A ' 12 "OICMV. 1.00 F.F,'V."*"ci,.,i.Oicuij 4 ''o'ff.c.', 1,00

I —~~~7 a,„ , 37,,./, BAKERY SPECIALS!


APPLES / x r 4 i'B' 29c I' Pears 3 L«5 39c J

; 4 '"''•25c. J 3 LBS 2 9 c



l wody l i j frtl

f I -I. H O I I I D A urapeiruit KIH. m h.Mi « , fl.OKIDA : IfMHli U r a n g C S Juay n n ' Oualay

Oranges rlli i'ilik. * '-6 6*° 33c f CAtlfOKHIA ti\ U r a p e S tMI'mOR • I'liunii Jwlcy I-' J V C

Celery nomA - PA'iCAi DBI KH 23c <» . v/f'ilflilJ - CuilQ Pl.ai f i r t

C{irrots r,.dic,i.p 2 BCMS 19c Lettuce ci.p 5.= iiwa. »<> iVc j

l i » { l i ' *»CfH.O Gdfd«ll C.acn

Spinach Yellow Onions

2'];KS35cr Mild IBS 19c

fiegOlar ?nc*f 1B£

Swedish Ryt Bread

Raisin Pourid Cake



snnciAL tACII 41c


>KG Of 17 2 5 c


Poppy Seed Rolls R...3UI..1 I'll.u 3 V c

Apple Coffee Cake f cn 33c j


roRTiriro wirii VITAMIII D


f f t r ' . i i i - y MAI.U


^ Mayonnaise

L /Ai'l. in iu iTioH e-a'.ily l i iQr i icd fcrm

\v/, 07. TAir; &Mi^wc




Page 3: ®V Nfioa - Hagaman Library...licadtitiarlorH iiialnlalh a aWU'l ad-, hoi'oanco lo Iho rtil..'S and rfjiUla-llons sol loi-lh In (aiHi fraia'liiso All tfanis ni'O iinirf.rnu.d, jiald

, ' ' ' ? ' .

,,-. t.^!r,i-,.-t[:^a ^fMl'-ii'-^ r W ' - i ^ J " * * * " * * * " W" '^ i lW*-*


KAST HAtTOT NKWS. Tlnirwlny, FpliMinr.v 10, IDilB. Vage. 4

9 ^ & B ! Hanrn Ifnnl riTBLisiiKn E\Tr,RY TinmsnAV

' * " " ^ - "BV


MMI T>\s\vfMi Avminp, llanKkii, Cnjui. .lONATllAN CZAIl, lOIHTOIt

l i S j i ' y^fMi ,Taini>5t Itrrnnan, Advertising IVfaitiiKPr

TIIK KAST HAVEN NKW8 a.lfl Main Stri-ot, Tel. IIO l-BSIl llox 2in Kiwi llttveii

ADVr.IlTrSINO ItATKS ON AI'I'UOATrON Iliisliifsii Tclopliono ATwali-r H-loril

fiWnSCain'TIONi $2,110 prr ymr, paynlilr In nilvAnrn

Fluoridation Plans nre now being discUased o n o metro-

politnn basis for the fluoridation of wnter .«up-plies. The idea is being explored by n com­mittee which includes Cnst Mnvcn's health of­ficer, Dr. Rocco Bove.

There is legitimate concern over the possi­bility of undesirnblc effects from the intro­duction of fluorine in the water pupplien. Dtit this concern is being fed on by all sorts of crack-pot critics. ,,.

It should serve as n re-assurance to the pub­lic that the fluoridation of water supplies has the support of such reliable professional groups as the American and Connecticut Dental As­sociations. On the other hand, the only oppo­sition to fluoridation that this editor has seen has been of the crackpot variety.

The best way each individual can settle his own doubts about the matter is to discuss the advisability of fluoridation with his dentist.

.srNOi.io coi'v 0(1 EntpriMl m socnnd cln.-is ninlli'r nn May ].'>, 1052,

at. New Haven, Connnotlcul, iinrtor I he net nf Mnrcli 3, 1870, , , : •

New IJiiihIing Code

The Planning and Zoning Commission uri-der the leadership of Chairman Je rome G r a d y deserves prnisc for the mnnncr in which it has expedi ted approval of the new. town plan and road bu|)ding code. Both of these improve-nientn have been long overdue.

|VIr, G r a d y announces that the entire re-dpvplopmept code will be overhauled c\nd tl)a| it will be done in 'shor t order. That is niso Very welcome news, and it is to the credit nf the new chairman if it is cninplclcci as noon an possible. •

Both parties are sharing in the work and responsibility of the new changci nnd credit" goes to boll) sides. T h e hoard , imder the chnir-rnnnship of Charles Miller,, prepared the grolind work for the aclion which has been, and is being taken, unde r the new leiidership of IVIr. Grady.

However, the codes will he only as good as those agencies which enforce them. Under the new plan, the responsibilities of the town en­gineer and the Board of Selectmen are further heightened becnuse they will have more rigid regulat ions ' to enforce.

Contrariwise, if the town engineer and the selectmen, fail to ,enforce thciie regulations by sefting that thev are carried out to the letter the codes will be useless. ; ,

The new codes also accentuate a problem which has existed in ' Ea^t Haven for man.V years. Tha t problem is the need.of a rull-lime town engineer who is beholcjen to np one ,bu t llVe, t0wn,, 'UnfoHpnalcly,.,tlve,biidact cloea not allow for a fu l l i l ime snin'ry under the i periny-wise pound-foolish type of economy which has c|)ariiclerized too many oC our town defiart-ments , • -•• . .•,,.' -•,' •'-'.'"

.Therefore, it is heartening: to liMirp; that, the Planning and Zoning Commission is consider­ing having these costs of ^ supervision mot by the contractors .

Therp will be more ,cr ies of b loody murder at all this. But the facts remain, that in the past, contractors in East H a v e n have had aii easy lime of it, If they find the new regulat ionnlon stringent they can go elsewhere. It's about lime that ihe inleresLs of liie public at hirce were l6oked after.

Taking Slock Not long back an American playwright

wrote a play in which half a doien middlc-Bged people, gathered together more or less accidentally, found themselves taking stock of their lives up to that time.

All of them realized with something of a shock that'they hiid not accomplished much, that fame and greatness had eluded them, that their lives were empty of "big nioments."

Finally, one man says, wjth fl sod percep­tion of a blunt truth.-

"There nre no big moments unless you have n pile of small moments to build \ipan" . •

What he meant was that for most of us nchievcmeril follows only vipon painstaking prcporalion. Greatness is siildoit) |» thing of quick, flashing inspiration, except In some kinds of artistic endeavor ,

The man who goes thrmigh Ijfft pursuing Ihe "big moment" may exhaust himself in the chase if he does npt understand lliat Ihe laborious building up of small momenls l(i the only sure course. Without this, he wjll jopk back at 50 upon a life that, seems (i bariplt wiJBteland.

For many of us, no c)publi Ih^re can never be anything but small mpmpnts, W(! can pile Ibcm up, but we cannot sreit a bigger edifice upon them.

This should not move us to deep regret. Thfi big monients, and the great me|) are few. The lest of living is the ability to mnHe 'I'e most of Ibe^sni.allmonieiits.vtq pu?h life to. the far­

thest horizons permilted 'by •'one's; limitiilions. As. there' lire, nci 'greii( mbm^ilts witliout :a

biise of smoller ones.r'so •ihok'i n. e no grecit'men .v/ithouj, the yftst acairnultttcd accoiliiplishmen and experience of snialler pncs-tp.'dfovV upon.

, \Vc are all part'of the iQ'ng'byagc of tirhe, of human history. Without our ninssive: total oiitpouring of effort, tliefeiwould'Ue'.np notion, no civilization, npthinj? (ronij-'whiciv' grea'triess could spring.; '•• • ••' -V-i", '•'• • P ' ,',v;'.,' ';.

No one: who' biillds 'gppf) char(»tter,'in him­self, who lovingly I einjs ih'e gfbwlh' imd secur-ily of his family;'who deyot'esifiill energies to liis work anii h'? plenpurei 'ought ever to fear Ihiil his life will'sijemiii' desert; '

If he docs all theje (binfes^even though greatness rriny never louql>,|(iip,'lie Will make a great contribution (p the'world, he. lives in. He will be just one atone irv l.bp ' " IS .'?''i' R=' looking very much likc',the:orie alongside .;

But without that slope, (tndfbt! next, and the next, the endless sppri Woiild crHJinble and there would be no support for'hwmari life on lliis planet', ILvCry single sionf;hn» its place.

-Pueblo (Colo:) ,Star .journal

[Second Fiddle Tunes Eitat ' i igaaP's t ta tatatatJ i r i t^aataeajr t t r iww^

Monday will be V a l e n t i n e D n y nnd m a n y young hearts will beot faster in the exchonge of sentiments which the d a y will br ing. In the mat ter of love, there are differing schools of thought on which sex makes the most advances toward the other, and this is pretty sure to go on being perennially true.

A man .lays Umt. Ilie mo.il aan-gcrmis ogc for a boy Is when a girl fir."!!, notices him. A woman says that a wolf Is a man who en­joys life, liberty and the happi­ness of pursull. A man says, "The sap rans In Ihe spring but the t'lrl catches him anyway." A wo­man says, "Moat mon fall In love with the Women who o-sh the ques-llon.s they can answer."

"Biddy," says Pal, llmlrtly, "did ye ever lliink o' marryln'?" Shure now," soys Biddy, looking demure­ly lU her shoe, "«hure now, Ihe subject has never entered me mind at all." "Iff .sorry I am," .says Pal, nnd he turned away. "One minute, Pat," said Biddy .loftly, "ye've .set me Ihlnkln'."

A doubling girl asked her young man, "Do you really love me, or do you Ju,st Ihink you do?" To which he replied, "Iloiicy, I really love ya - I ain'l done any tblnkln' yet."

A nidck-on-tlie-trlg)ier answei came from (his young man. When the girl a-sked lilm If he loved her, he said, "Dearly, sweetheart." When she oskcd, "Would you die for ineV." he siild, "No, liiy dear.

.Mine.Is an; undying love." JusI another proof IJial loving

and liolng loved has been going on .sli|ce llmc'boBan; here Is an Inler-estlng news Itcni: "While excavat­ing In Greece, the Snpnlsh archo-ologlst Saacho de Monuda found some sandals Z.'iOO years old. Nails had been fastened Into Ihe delicate low mc handsome." |

The recent slory U told that Po.sjmaster General Arthur Sum-merfleld, whea he observed another cabinet member being biis.sed at an official recepllon, remarked, "It anybody's going to play po.st office, I'm tile one in charge."

A farro boy said to his brother, "Reuben, how vvould you get, a glrl.;lo:mai'cyiyclu?'.' Eeubcri aiis-w^i'ijci; ".Well, jf .she [.don't rwaiil to. you caii't; biit If she does, there alh't liardly'n'O'Way'tb prevent If'.""

Tills' is an old slOry;-hut jieih'aps' Its'icounterfiarl ' I s being- .said- In-much ".the .;'.same' ; wd'rds -'today:' "Clarence,, do yoii love. me?".."I'll .say."' "Do you .lllliik I'liV beuull-I'iiL'?'.';",ypu_bet.'" "Arc inyteye.s• the lovllest you ; ever ^ gazed • liitp?"

"Shucks, ye.s." "Is my mouth like n rosebud?" "Sure Is." "Is my fig­ure divine? "Uh-huh." "Oh, Clar­ence you say the nlce.it things! Tell me .some more." ,

A young lady wont Into a .sla-llonery store and asked to see some paper, anil' after litdebllng .some, she hesltolcd ond then tsked, "Do you make'any reduction to clergy­men ?" When the' 'proprietor said that he did, and askert If she was a clcrgymaii'.s wifi*, .she said no, but, leaning'across the counter confldenllolly she said, "But If npllilng happens I shall he engaged to a theological sludenl as soon as he cOmes fiortic Ibis spring."

Here was a young man who could love all as well as one. The Bin said to blm, "You can take ine to the dance on the pier tonight If you like -.unless, (coyly) - you meet somebody more attractive In Ihe meantlnie," Jle responded ertg-erly, "I sayl That's Jolly'sporting of you -.we'll leave It like thai, then, shall we?"

A gh'l toid an office filend, "A certain young man sent me .some flowers yeslerday," nnd the catly friend remarked, "Don't say 'a cer­tain young iriun,' my dear. There Is none of them cerlain unlll you've got thom.". " Y o u can't marry her without permission," the clergynian In-fdrmcd the lovesick young man. "Why, not?" asked the would-be bridegroom. "Because .she's a minor,".was the apsiyer. The young man looked astonished for a mo­ment, an(l;(heri asj(Od,"you meon I gotta ask John h. Lewis?"

Helen Rowland bos .said that .someiWonrcn go to a-man's head like wine; others ore more like buttermilk - they may not make lilin dizzy but they never give him a, headache.,.

•ror.'wh'iit'lhls advlce.from^.a very ino\\inern&n', • Is. wbrtii,^-here 'arc

Wjiat; t|e,'s^y.s,.n'.(nan's r^'ac'llon? a_r toi.ce'i-tnlri, type's |of,'.women: . ' ' . • ,..',fA- good.; wpnian^inspires lilpt;,,.

A hrilllaiit woinaa .latcreijlii h |m; \ A' lieaullful ivniiiaa fascinates

• t l ( l l l ; , ' • , •;/ ,

.Hut a sympathetic .vvunian Kcts ^ h i i n . ' ' ; • • . , i - - , ' , . ' • , ; . „ • . • • ' . • ; , • •

High School Lists 194 Students Oii its High And Regular Honor Rolls

FOXON NEWS .Mrs. Thomas Ilaye.s of Catherine

Street was honored Tuesday eve­ning by her many friends wllh a surprise parly at the home of Mrs. Hari-y Lawlor of Second Avenue. Mrs. Hayes was presealed with o table and lamp from her friends.. The Hoye.s Family will he moving lo I heir new home on N. lligli Street In a few days.

• • » » * The guest.'* were: Mrs. Frank

Dumark, Mrs. Charles Copeland, Mrs. Raymond Langlols, Mrs. Al­fred Mellllo, Mr.s. Alexonder Slan-dish, Mrs. Hermon Scharf, Mrs. Alvin Thompson, Mi-3. Frank No­lan, Mrs. .fames McDonough, Mrs. Eugene Daniels, Mrs. Charles Cal­lahan, Mrs. Ilcniy creamer Mrs. William Itognn, Mrs. Charles Mar­tin, Mrs. Willlm Emnn.s, Mrs. An­thony Stanklewlcz, Mrs. Clifford Ferguson, Mrs. Henry Schmidt, Mrs. Charles Muller, Mrs. Vana-core, Mrs. Irving Kopperler Mrs. Caron, Mrs. .Tames Cunningham, Mrs. Ceaii Flohdclla, Mrs. Byron Crawford, Mrs. ' VaraduccI and Mrs. Matlhcw Ilogan.

Happy birthday lo, Mrs. Wllllom Brown S r of Stevens Street, and Miss Claire Skelly, of Coe Avenue, who arc celebrating this week.

St. Claire's wlli hold Its Install­ation banquet Monday evening In the Robin Hood Inn In Branfprd. Officers to be Installed ore Mrs. Edward Kormzyn, president; Mrs, Frank Nolan, vice president; Mrs, Nel.son Burdetle, seci'einry and Mrs. .Toscpli nines.

» •> * * * •

Tomorrow,'evening In the flre-house the Bradford Manor Drum Corps will hold their regular monlbly curd, parly. The public Is .Invited ,1b-liitteiid. '.

At the regulor monthly nieetlng 'of the Auxiliary, Monday evening Mrs. Clifford Downer, president appointed the following new chairman^ of committees: Drum Corps, Mrs. Koliert Chadcayno; Program, Mrs. Charles Muller; publicity, Mrs. Willlain Brown Jr.; membership, Mrs. Daniel ,Carroll; siihshlne. Mis., Matthew. Hogan. Two inew.'mt'ii'ibers .wpi'e, Wel.cOm^ 'd- Irito'-'the, a'uxil'lilry,'.'Mt-s.-Tli'iS)-

,IJ9fe '• Bogaerl •a'nd'-MrB.'-' Beriiard i ?us . so . . . ' i ' • ' . :';'•.••'•*•''.•:'. '. ' . " • ' ' • ' ' ^ • . ' • ' . - ! * * , * , * , •%. • _ , •. X ; • • , . ' ,

Children 'in •Mbiiiaugiiln'. .School Be't't'lnE "ready' for.„yalenilries bay. Each room.iia.ving.aivaleiijlhcbox lb ".which Ihe .cliljdren ..drop,.'.. In .Ijiplr- .v'alentines.Vfor'; lhelr,,.schodl 'mat'e.s.,. ,, .-t- .• ; . • , ; • ' - ' . • ; . ; " ;> .

By PIU'LU.S I'l-OOn In our •slghlseclng" trip through

the Valley last Saturday, we took 0 short walk on Proprietors' Road, which we were surprised to find Is a town road that extends be­yond our borders lo North Bran-ford.

In our fishing travels last Spring, we hit on the beginning of the road, but never knew It con­tinued on through. Might be fun to walk the distance provided you had the proper "sliake-hlle" medicine along.

We understand our poor old Farm River will be "pushed oJ-ound" some more It and when homes arc built opposite Mill Street at North High. This will probably dlscournge the fish a bit, but perhaps It'll be a blessing In disguise If the new wnieicourso prevents Hooding.

Another Foxon hoy hos enlered the U. S. Air Force. Brian Moore, son of Mr and Mrs. .'oseph Moore of Illghlond Avenue, Is now sta­tioned at Sam.son Air Base, Samp­son, N. Y.

Nice thing about It — he's with­in a "hoot and a holler" of his old buddy and neighbor, Bobby Rondo.

V It ^ t *•

The Board of Directors of the High Ridge Civic As3oclatlori met tills week at the home of the new pre.sldent, Iloi'bld Walls.

In oddltlon lo discussing several fund raising projccl.s lor Ihe fu­ture. President Watts announced several appointments. .

Mrs. Edward Ifaynes has been re-appblnled Membership Com­mittee chairman. With new homes being occupied on the upper ridge bacic of Rlverdale, Barbara's ter-tllory Is e.'<pandlng all the time.

Mrs. Sidney Tonneribaum was named chairman of the Bus Com­mittee which has cnarge of ar­rangements for the klnderg.orten bus hired by the Association.

A permanent Refreshments Com­mittee has been selected this year. She's Mrs. Fred Schwlchtcnborg of Karen,.Way. Lucky, president,; to have, three .Willing' workers lltied

I ' l p . : • • ' , • ; • • ' • • • ' -''''-'•"' • • ' .

: • , : . . . ^ . ; , . * • , . » 3 ' ' . . ' .-., •

Boy Scout t'rbop' sponsored by- the Association is 'no wbolag 'organized. .The initial',mijiiting to dtscuss to'r-matloTi of'a Girl SCfni't troop was

Town Topical

I • Willi Ihe taxable grand l l s l | mounting to almo.st $800,000 nit than was originally anllclpal^ look for an attack by Ihe RepuD cans charging the Clancy adnti Istratlon wllh unrier-esllmatingp tjOX list In order lo produce a Ip gelary surplus. , >

This a little bit out of the but may prove of hilerest to sS East Haveners. The College Thi tre of New Briloin Teocliers 6 lege Is presenting Arthur MIIH "The Crucible" Friday eVenln* 8 o'clock In the TCC audllorff The play Is based on the Sfl witchcraft trials. I

Donald Barlloll, president of| Chamber of Commerce, Is r c j comfortably In St. Raphael's H pllal which he entered a woekH Wednesday. He has had one i oration for variccse veins andS undergo another In a few (fl We wish you a speedy r(?cO'fl Don. ' I

James Gartland, bemocS town chieftain, also Jn the hos| - a t Crace New Haven. We | to sec a good man down, Jim J We hope 10 see ypu up and a r | again as soon as possilile.

* * * « # Mr. and Mrs. John C. r,lyn|

Francis SI., will be moving| their iievy rebuilt ranch lipnfi Clear Lake in North Guilford! sborlly.

Anaslasio Opposes Diiect Priniary Here; Gartland Reserves Comment

A dliect piliniiiy in llic, Iwo l.'asi lluvvii piiilliiiil jmrlii's was lUlud out by (Uic IOHM chairiiian wlillo Ihe oilii'i H'si'Mi'd bis com-iiient unlll nfU'i he hud sUiilled I ho Idea. '

MaUiew Anaslasio, Republican town chuliman, said ihat he would favor a iirlmnry on the state lev­el of nominal Ions but was op-posod 10 umploymeni of Ihe direct pilmaiy loeally.

James F. Oarllund. Democratic town chairman, said thai he hud not "given nuiah thought to the maltcr" nnil profeired lo reserve his.thoughl unlll he had made a study of .the Idoo.

At prosont, both parties em­ploy Iho indirect iiilniary system. Undor buch a plan, in the absence of any contests within cither par­ly for (t given office, n strolglit ballot, Is cast by the iiai-ly si-ere-lury. _ . _ , . , , . , , • .

Seldom tlsi'ii T|ip Indliepl pilmary has been

used seldom, hut Is nlways a possibility In, llic event of far-tlonollsm In either pitrty. Only Persons registered on the • pilm­aiy lists can. vole in Ihe.so prim­aries; I'hiisd lists must be re-ne^vpd perlodlpally.

In Hjfli dliect primary lill reg-Islcri-Ml voters Jiiay vote In the selpctlDfi ' of candidates. Candl-' duffs ]my be Intioduced on -a patty baljot through the us'e of Iie(|t|ona;i .

tiso of the direct primary hn.-v been prpposed on occasion bill has never gained any Impetus liero. The 'latest pioposal was aijvancec) by James Sullivan, a Repi|bllo(»n and foi r.ier first seU eclnipM of East Haven.

' I'ropowd By Sullivan In conimentlnir on a piopo.sal

to moke the Boaid of Finance eleotlvo, last week Mr. Sullivan, who was crlllcul of the plan, ob­jected to "hnnd-picked" candi­dates 'and stated l l i a l "wo should liave 0 rogulur primary fbr t J ia t pupposo as well as for oi hoi-imvn officers." ^ .

TJio NEWS advocated such • a plan )n nn editorial the i)revlpits week fis a tost of the sincerity of both parties In arguing Oiat an

eieelive Board of Finance would give the public beller conlrol.

In un.s'^'er, Mr Ann.stiislo, said nl Ihe close of u conference on the Board of Finance act that he was opiiosed lo u local prim­ary. He did not uluborale, al­though be did comhienl during the conforence that menibcrs of the public could always have a voice In party matters liy joining the imrly organizations und imi-llclpntlng in their acllvllles.

Child Guidance Expert To Lead Study Group Hcie

Mrs. Kuthryii Morgan, a.sslstaiit professor of educjitloti at Nvw Ha­ven 'I'niichers College, will lead a discussion on child guidance by n group of olenmoor moitiors nexl Thursday evening.

The-gioui), orgunUed under the auspices of ' t h e Foxon School IVl'.AI, will meet al. 8. o'clock In the homo of Mrs. Robert Nalusch at D5 Glonmoor Dr. ',!!"',.. '/ ."•' ".''

Mrs...Morgan will Ipad ,a. discus-^ sioh on "Fainliy Roiirqntloi) Aclly-illes". ;Tbe'author oit a kindergarr to'h ' giildance'ehart; piiljllsft'e'd In 1050, Mrs, Morgan received her cpllegD educiitlon at" Diiquesne Unlverslly, In Plltsburgli; Pa;, and' at the 'rcachors Colluge qf, Col­umbia Unlverslly in New York.

In addition to serving on the Inslrucllonul slafXat New IIUMi Teachers Collegft Mrs. Morgan Is tt master leaelier at the Scraiilon elementary school; >- oiie of five laboratory schools' ma,lnlalnert.and staffed liy Ihe college. . ,

The Study grou|i Is opcii Id' nil mothers In the Glennioor dovelop-inont. II was set up recently I'd provide; • professional advice "on" problems of child devclppnVcnt.' i Mothers Interested j p . Joining

thp gi^bup.lifiUi.nttondlng theimoet-Ig next Thursday .arc; rbqu'osled to .call the group leadqr;. Mrs. Cttrmen'Ertato, at HO.'7-230i. ;•

01(1 Slonc Ghurch Mrs. 'Wll|ai|> Iliisse,. Jr.,' Mrs.

Charles Lai'soi) and Miss Doroiby EvaHs.i will provide ,ilio niu.slcal Iiiogiam for tlvo 0:-10. !»• ni, church wor.slilp s(jry|uo;Siinday. The Jun­ior, . Into'rniodllfla •(iiul , 'Senior Choirs will',sing nl' the '11 'o'clock service, ,,., • ' -:) , ; , , ; • Sundoy afll^rnpon' (it S o'clock Ihe'Plnhqor Fclloiysltll! will-view 0 tcchnloojor ; .(ioiliirt fjliii called "Heart of Iiitljii.''. \ M'V'i' : I' ^Vls will be chajiiiilii. for tlio service tilled "liaco- (lo)atlojlii'." • • Kecrea-lloii will' hii a volley ball tourna­ment.. ,, . . . : , '. , '•.' ',' ,'i',

On Stinday'evonjng at,'?, o'clock Iho Pilgrlni .Fojlq 'vsitl'p.-.wlU ,vlbw "Heart of jjnjl'a'.!..;. .Wnda'Stucges will lead liio worship 'service on "Race •,'(lejiitlpits'.', : A Valentine pai'ly iyl'!. fPlIp'!*'. Everyone Is rc-qiicsted,';to .BrlpB.a grpU'bag, gill;

At 7:a0.jtho .yolmg AduU.-Grbup will obfifirvp "Carl llanscnfJIghl". Mr. llapseii, _w.l|0 :'reprf.seiiis tlie Congre^'atiblial : YOMU) • Qr.Oiips of Conncctloiji,; will, qiitllne the : nc-livltles' |iii(i 'fiiiurp hopes of Con-necllcuj.lii yoiit]g;pi|(i'p|o. •;• '• ' •

"Yout)) Dbdjijalioij iln the- liome, Coriiniunlly' "ai)fl'.C|)urc'i" will he the mossBSp' pf (he qvttiilng wor­ship service' -'iVd 'by Mliis Beverly Merchont, ;iJiofMl)iTi»nt? .wlllr he sei^'od l)y.pbi)glfls'. jMiii-rdyl' J r • •

b n Smurdayi (i(tornoo)t; the Pio-neci'Fel)pwfll)lp,wl|| meet to wbrk oii Ihe iqiitVdoorphiipol from,, 1 lo 4 olclbo)^;' THay.flff^.lp jjrlng rakps, shovcl.s, 'q|j[)p8t!S',«ijfj pllicr. nobes-.sary ,lbpls,;',.Ip. tlipVfWIlt.ot.Jncle-ment .\vea,t|i<jr ;lltoy, ,w|li ineel inr doqrs,. to :wprk-;'oi)'./,l.np .bulletin hbards / ' , • • ' ; " . ; - ' ' * ' ' .

On •JliKjsdqjr'itbo.Eycr Ready drPiip'),-<vllj'i li'dld'a covered dish lipicheop anfi.v'y'nlqnllnoi Par ty 'a t 12:30,1). ni. In-tlie cJHir'ch, purlpr vvltii tlip lilxeauil^e Ownmlltee in charge,; pfj' q!''rgP8;pmints. Mrs. Edward'|;eo'pe'p will "preside a t the bdslne.s.V'nVcpl|nB, Secret Pals will he' reVcBlod'i).nd new Pnes assign­ed for tlio cpnilllg.-yfiil".') - '

Orf WifdiioiiiiBy'tW A'ilull Bible Gla.ss will pteof'at 11 a. m, InHhe EducotlpnaV.'.RtllltllpiffiiThe', Even­ing. Bible C I ^ Will inBOt at 7 p.m. In .tl)e-:EdM!!8t)qp8l.8«IWInB. .Mr. Rlchari}'iVOkii, •Wl f 4lwct, ; :

A total of 8S sludeiits were listed on the High Honors rolf al the High School for the markln!! Iierlod closing February 0. .An additional lOG sludeiils was listed on the regular honor rolls, ac­cording to Ihe office of Prlncipiil Carl Garvin. , Toulliiin high lioiiors a .sludenl must; liavo nlurks of.DO.per conl or hotter .In, three major siibjdcl.s. Regular honors require , a niaVk of-an per cent or belter. • ,

The ll-stlng wn.s a -s follows: IIIOII llONOltS

SENIORS •- Mai-lc Altrul, Har­vey Barker, Rody Bertollnl, Boi-baijtt ; Brinkman, Richard Carlson, Theresa Cricciil, Barbara Funarb, LIndq Jucobson, Shiela Kbrnglebel, Elizabeth Kurtz, Barbar Leavs-strbm, Joan McFarland, Barbara Plaskon, Karl Tliallt^r and Joanne Wolfe. ' ... • ' ,' .lUNIORS - Patrice Barry, Wil­liam' Blatchley, Charles Brooks, Lynn; Brbughton, Joseph Corso, Helen Casey, James Grlijnano, Pal Grudzliiskl, Nancy Harrington, Carole ; Miu-tin, .Joyce ,'Mc^y, Frances' Quinian, Frances- Scar-pace and Edgar. Surprenanl. ;' SOPHOMORES - Jovlta Brown, Walter Cochrane, Antoinette De-Ci^bsta, Cprrlne Fapplano, Marge .Gambnrdcila, Gall Moscoia, C'ar-lolyii :Mnlqueen, / Edvvurdf,JfUer^ej'' .jewskl, . Susan Palmj.erl;. .Linda .'Jlltchje, 'Lois.SQper, ,Voier|c 'i^iien-tl,. Jtiiie Verclllo, and llowanl SIs-

'.iylck.' I r FRpsiIMEN- - ' Burton .Brocketf,

Sandra fcurlsoii, Michael Chernok, Patricia; Cook, Lois, Fa'sula, John Fitfgerald, John Frlberg; 'Linda Gagliardi. Arden Gustnfson, John Griecoi Judy Ilofrlchler, Patricia Johannescn, Ruth MacDonald, Prlsco .: Monaco, Mai-y RiccO, Mary ;Rloco, Marcja Seymour, Mildred ' Stone, Linda Sturges, Roberta ' Tamer, Shirioy Tinarl, borpliiy; Toreljo, Edward Zalonskl and if'ei)e; Zalonskl.

EiqilTll GRADE - Carolyn Andrqs, iwilllam Barker William Castelloii, Linda Chamberlain, Gfill, • Clinton, Louise Ewan\iff, Mai'l.'i' Fipndella, Ann Hutchinson, I^aiil i Koniirath, Linda , Lewis, Frp'tik, ^lal|ganella, .Elljabetii Mc-Q:HlBgqn,i Anthony 'mclehlondo, Rita lileilllo, Ann Murray, Marilyn Nusjzo, ; William Plte, Marilyn Prlplo, Carolyn Smith,. .PliylMs ^ianlq, !Laurel Yurglewicz and There.sa Zampiello. , , ' .

KEOUI.AII lIONOaS SENldRS" - Joan'Briidley, Ann

i3yrne, James Curi'y, Franz Jauer-nig, Ijils Judge, Kay ' Lawler, Ellsworth McGulggan, Ellzobeth Murray. I Robert Orlando, Gloria Onofrlo, jMlchoel Poollllo, Dwlght Put^rsonj Aii'n Porto, ' Patricia Reyiioid.s, Nell Uusso, Virginia Spiiurk; ! Helen '• Sclllla;' Edmund Sullivan,! William -Webster. Eliz­abeth'Ileniok and "riibnias Udb.

JUNIORS - Rose'Marie ' Bol-samo, Michael Cerrito, Patricia

D'AniIco, Ardnlh Decker, Anona Flynn. Irene Frlberg, Mary Ken-ney, Lester • KiiaPP, Katlierlne Leeper, Marilyn MCAuliffe,' J6s-epli ; Mullllo,. Robert -Melvin, Mlehiiei Pellegi'lno,' Sheadp.s Slujr-Wfiod, JUiirlp , .Spadncenla. .Toan Richards and Jbnn Thonina,'

- SOPII0MORT3S, - Judy Cunning­ham, .Paul Doune, Alex prani\lo. '.ludy' Grlffitlis, Edward .Jackson, 'Carolyn I^onglcy, P'rl-scilla Mcin-losii,' ;wi|liuni, McNiilty," iPatrlcia Mori'o,, Jp.sppli Smith, Riith Aiirie WlJters and John Scnrpace.

FRESHMEN - Beverly Briglln, Jean Brown, Esthor "Oannon, Carol- Catttldl,. Theresa Cavailurp, Nancy Cloiigli, Henry, Connelly, Frank DeMalo, JudUlj Fogarly, Joan •Ilcnry, William Ilurder. Patricia Imperato, Ilarilel Lap-Idcs, Aqtliony Paolillo, Anthony Pcllegrlno; Marie Pisoltelll, Juditb Shermiin, Sandra Storo and . l..ols Ursbne. .'t'

.^EIGHTH GUADE - Joann Aitiento, Joan Avitable, Shorron Berky, Judy Betis, S a n d r a Chodeaype,' Joyce Cross,•' Sandra Ciunelli, Joyce Daigle, Margaret Duhlqiilsl,. iJlane Dumark, Alice Fttvvcctt, ..Roseriiary Ferriola, Jo--Ann Falconi, PhyllljS .Dclvlaltco, Xridrew 'G'am'ijard'clla; Phiil Gam-ache,-. Rfchbrd Peiy, Tligmas Hagcn, Wendy. Horn, Cllffor<l Johnson, Janice Iliimmer' Judy Hummer Kathleen Kane, Joan Keelbr, 'Kcrineth- Levih'ei;-Elhelene L'lleuroux, ' Diahc .Martin, Afar-gqret .McKully,;,.Cai:.ml;ie Nargi. Atmette Nuziclio, Donald Slqn-ham, Tli'om'a.s • Siilllvah, 'Joseph RU.S.SO, Judith 'JYotta, Vclma

. Quick, .Tose|)li Terrazzano, Natalie Zoccb. - • '

held; recently • In George Wheeler s ,:is'pir'atlon,s, I hap j'usl .iijain ti

Canva.ss of residences Ihn out East Haven for eonlrlbii to the fund to buy unlforini the High School band will,be 7 lo 8 o'clock on Monday ev Every contribution, no matte; small, will, be gladly aoceptej

'* * * -* * Atlondnnce In. the gra:

schools has been normal foi month, allhoiigih .somewhat In the primary-grades becaii some cases, bf; ineuslps; the br-School-Supt.; R.-. V>ernbii -rbv.ehls.'' Enist • .Hav.en ' lias 'spared, th'c.vbpidemics which been affccliiigpther cchools.

. Police..Officer' "Duke". Piisi la•• otiil Bill ,M4honey liavjj^.i

Dr. Jesse Zicglec To Address Q.S.C. SchodL Gathering

,Dr. .Jesse -Ziegler, yisllipg'pro-te.ssor: in th',, Psybholbgy'..of-Reli­gion al,Yale. Dlvlnlly School,.will be-guest speaker .at, n, ijiee.tlng. bf parents and,, teach'ers. p.f. ."the''Old Stone Cliureii .Schobl Tuesday evjl-. n i n g . ; ; ' '^ , • • . •'•'!•:• '--' - , ' { • . .The ' m'eetli'tg-.'will--lie' iri the chui'ch parlor -niid'Will s t a r t ' a t 7:30.' - D r ' Ziegler!' will -ipettk on "Reilolon and Child Devolopinent." ' T h e ; 'speaker' "cbmb|ites aljiiii-dant knowledge with thq'W'arm-liearted approach of a pastor iind will'he very helpfid lb-bdlh-'fiar-ents and leacliers", according lb an. anpounceineni..by Ihe. church school.'

'-After Ihe •meellgtherq" will" be refreshments, om! a .social hour, with an opportunity tor llie par­ents and teachers lb become ne-qualnled;and to discuss the school and its'purposes, ." • . A large attendance Is being sought,

Prbf.K.W.MiichlTo Be Guost Preacher Al.Chri,sl Church. . E. W. • Muehl,' a.ssoclalcd pro-i'es.soratUhe Yale Divinity School will ibe the guest preacher a l the 0:30.ai«, Family^ Service ,at ChrisV Chui-ch on Sunday, ;. At the i l a.m. morning, prayei--tlie Rev. Alfred Clark, will give a sorjnbn oii "Walking with God.".,' '•"' . • The YjP.F. will liieet a t the

qluirch at '4:15 jj.m. Sunday to leave,'for: St. John's ' In North Haven for the Y.P.F., Arch-dehcpnry rally. •

On Tuesday the Mr. and Mrs. Club.will piect al 8 o'clock In the evening at the church bail. • At -St. .M'ai'k's • Ih .Momauguln Holy. Cbniinunlon will be served nl ' 0:36.;a.m., ' , ' - ,•' ' -",C(iolr' relieat-sals- oh TliuriMlay; Junior at'. 3:15 pjii.; Senior, at 7:45 p.nt. .'and'St. Mark's at 0:30 p.m,

Dr. Nclsoii Scidl To Aildress Teachers On Child Behavior

The regular meeting of the Ea.sl littven Education Asspcl.allon will take place Mqnday afternoon- In the Deer-Run School In Foxon. A. social hour arid tour of t|ie school will precede Ihe* busltiess nieciing which' vvll) open at 3:3Q.

Dr. Nelson .Scull, of New Bri­tain Tenchei-s' Coll'epe, -\ylll ho the guesi speaker.; Ills topic ^III be "UniliTsliindlng Group D.'liavlor of •Boy-i and Girls." -

A cordial liivlfal Inn Is PNlended io all teachers, adrplnlsli-alors und frlend.s. of education.

Charles Copeland To Address Women's Deinocralic Club . - Charles Copelnnd, f o r m e r l y d'e'iiu'ly- judge of the Town Cburt and , member of the Board of Education, will be the gue.st speaker before a meeting of the Eost'Haven Democratic Woiiien's Club. Thursday eVcning. , '

Tlie meeting will l>e ill the home of Mrs. Mabel IJanley, of 83 Taylor Ave., and w|il open at 8 o'clock. - ; .

A .social hour will follow the meeting and refi'eshmenis will be served by Mrs. Dolly Viola and her commiltee.

rec" room with nine mothers pre s e n t . i •'• " • - ' • • ' . • ' ' ' • ; • ' - . ' • • ' ' • " ~ - ~ : , ' .

i-IELP.- WANTEP' -.-'A- leadqrsliip itrairiing course for Inlerested feirl Scbui-mothers .can be. held right.In the area, provided lifteen women sign up for the'c'bii'fse." '

- Meetings wpu)'' '^'^ held on Wed­nesday nights '(we think 11 takes six weeks) and we're wondering It there miglit not be woiilqn inter-e.stcd In scouting living outside of Iligiv Ridge'Who might not v/anl tb take the course.- ' '

We know fi-bm cxpe'rlerice bow interesting .Ihes.e -"lessphs" 'are, and anyone who'd , like to , lake them can call George Wlieeler, l lD-9-05.'iG. ' - . ' , . ,

We Just found out that George Wheeler Is very Interested In ath­letics - In fact, he's quite a referee. Ilmmrri- wonder if he knows Steve O'Biien?

« « 0 « A

- Wishes for a quick recovery go tb Mrs. Raymond Pratt of 3 Sorr-m'ann iioad Irene's secretary of both the Riverdale Civic Associa­tion and the Citizens for Good Governihenl, and we've been ,lold "she's the best darned secretary In E'a.sti Haven." -

Trying to run an organization without its secreiai-y Is like try­ing to drive a car without o car­buretor, we say. .

Sir Stork left a now son at the home of Mr'and Mrs. Stefan Stein ttl'i 7 Edgehill Drive on February 1st, then circled around the next day and brought a daughter to M r and :Mrs. Cird. Corso of 23 David Df-ive. (Both arrived, via St l?aph-ael'S'Hospltal.) • -

• » * * * - * •

inr. and Mrs Frederick Miller are now living on West: Lake Manor Rijad, Guilford. They were married on January 2gth and honeymoon'd In; Bermudo lie's the son of Mr. and Mrs Joh Miller of 188 Laurel St;

4: * « -y «

it 's a Good Day for Mrs Adolph Cljareill of 72 Mlll'St., one of the prize winners in a coloring contest ruk In conjunction wllb"Bad Day

-ui; Black Rock." , * » » « * '

So the chlckenpox has hit the Foxon friends. The hug was con­siderate enough to allow Belli Mit­chell to enjoy her birthliay party before it laid her low, tlioilgh. '

•j'ommy Murcuccl of Glenmore Drive will celebrate his sevenlh bir'lliday on Saturday Here's a big one to grow on. Tommy!

» * * * • » '

"I'he. Ladies Guild of Our Lady of Pompeii Church V/lil meet In the church boll" on Monday even­ing at a o'clock. '

• » • • • - '

The husbands are sprucing up their, best blg-and-tucker's for the dance Saturday night'will be. ijlven by Ihe Glennioor Woman's Club.;

The evening will begin with a covered dish supper at 8:30 P.M. ami will be followed by, dancing. And a nice'time tp all oX you!

law ;and brdex>.'-T!iese;.dure lir'e' sotting' up a; ielevislbn an repair,;. add',; liistaUallbn'-,, se Seriously. Good' liibk, hoys! fa l lbfr r

, .Understand lhn|,.-a ^"Mcet Club's Talent" -shbw puton 1 East llaveti Woman's: Cliifi nighl wiis one of the lies't ev( on'by ulocal club. The slipv sisled o f a set of sklts-p're.' -by club members under (he llpri -of Mrs. Elizabeth Ci-i and Mrs. Ralph "Jluriier,

Reverend Joseph' Gen^-as f Cliiirchof the jlo.ssed pacram Ilamden, will be the guest si of the Grove ,T. TulUe P.TA ing on Tuesday, at-8:00 Father - Gcngras will spe, "Comics ond Their ^ Effpi Chlldi'eh." -lie Is a member commiltee In Hamdqn tl working 10 clean upliie cbmj

The second guest speaker Dr. Gabriel S. Azzaro wh' present a short talk on "Flu lion of W a t e r " .

Ovcrhrook P.T. ToHoIdFamilj Dinner March 1

The annual family dinner Overbroqk School P.'I'.A. v held ori 'I'ucsday, March 10 Ifigh School cafelerin, Mr,' vatore Scalla, chairman of II | ner, nnounces.

This wlli be the second dinner to be held by the 1 teacher E:i'oup Mrs; Scalia ji assisted iiy Mrs. Alphonse I la and Mrs, Anthony Serlo.

Tickets are now, on sale I dinner and may be qbtalnei any of- these cominlltee me Ml.ss Dorothy Jerden; Mrs. I Ho, ' IMrs. Salvatore Senlla Alphonss Langella, Mrs. , Verclllo, Mrs. Anthony Serk Raymond Bls.sell, Mrs.- Frar .sale, Mrs. Albert.iMontesant Mrs. Edward Pile.

Also, Mrs. Anthony Goodt Mrs. Pasquale Stretoto,,Mi niund Henry, Mrs. Harold Mrs. Henry Sandaeaio, Mr Ifoudei Mrs^ Nicholas Llso Armand Amendola, Mrs. Fr poll, and Mrs. ;Frank Anial

•Also. Mrs. George Berk)' WiA. Sllvestro,'Mrs. Frahlq Mrs.' Louis Telo,-Mrs.. Jo.sei abrese, Mrs. . A.J. Blanchl, Peter Pompano, Mrs. Fran Mrs. Daniel Magna, Mrs, Celenlano, Mrsl Anthony Mrs. Fred Neumann ad- Mj mad Taupier. '

Mrs Violet Ertllng will bi the guest officers Friendship Night toniorrovj at 'Mystic Chaptei; Order ;o | qi-n Star. She Ls a member ( eess Chiipter No 70 and wlj as warder when degrees empUfled.' . • ". ,.

, * • • ' » » • • • - ,

HEART-lest greetings Foxon Xriends on ValentlneS

E.A..ST riATON Nrvys, Tl,nrs<la.v, Febmnr.v in, tOf.r.. Pnse 5

Health Dcpartmenl Urges Toolli Care During Dental Health Week, Feb. l-U









The problem of tackling 'tooth j I N T F . R N A L R l ' ^ V r N U E decay among children Is a dial- \ lenglng one, Wllh Ib>' possihl,' ex- I eeplloli of Ihe coiiimoii cold Ihe! most prevnipni delfi-i.. Umt wii j find alfecliiig the hunum body is • dental dlsbrdris. Denial caries or iiiolli decay affects people In all walks of life and al every age af­ter Ihe time teeth havi' i'rii|>lFd,

Denial dtwuses have the hlgbe.sl incldi-llce among llie jiliysioal de­fects found In scbrml children. II has been ivsllmated iliai in Cniinei'-tlcul between Ifj und SIS peivenl of our school chlldi-, 11 are atfocicd with dental Iroiibif .s, lungliK; iriiiii one decayed tomb lo a nioulh wrecked l)y di>iiinl rikpiders, llniike the common cold, wiiicli mny.som,^-tlmes disappear wilii resl and like measures, a dlsi-Hgai-dcd riccuypd tooth will pi-ni>rf,ss wllh liieri-nslng damage nnd final loss, unless promplly and iiroperly Irralcd.

Thei-e Is no nauiral or-oilier law that snys dental ddei'iii nmnng clilldron must he InlorniiHl, Through adequate ciiiiii-ol, ini'vou-rivc and .educ.'illonal niensurcs Ibo high Incidenno of dental disease can he reduc. il. li's nid eii.sy, hut It's far siiiiplt'r i),;,,, ,>,',-:ii.'; )>(!,, Tlie cnoperalivi^ ,-ff,,ris ul -ii.'irciii'i. ITI-uonlors, llic ilnnlni pt*(,fcs'iinii, and oilirrs arc iiccos.s:ii-,\'. - *

Dental caii,jK (•a:i lie |ircv(nlMl and controlled lliroiigji .-ditciitiuit. fiuorldallon and treaiinent. Tlu'ough piiucallon of children In iiHlrltlon and insti-ucllon in proper tooth brushing, etc., much^ can be dotie to establish sound oral Irealtli, Pliiorldation of public water sup­plies and direct application, of fluo­ride to teeth of children, in com­munities not served by public sup­plies are highly effective. In pre­venting decay. Prompt treatment b£'-;existing defiscfs is paramount in liaitlng their prbg.-osslon . to, un-slghtllnPRE ond 111 healths. ^;.TIie Connecticul Advisory School Health Council, ropresenllni! all stbre-Ievel organizat Ions concerned ,Wii,h ^schooi health programs, has recently developed the following basic • i*ecoinmendatians. to. local qommunlties for acblovemenl of good -school dental programs. The recommendations have the joint approval of the stale riepsrt,niqntii of. education and health and the state ' dental assoriation. Copies have been sent by Commissioner of Education Finis E. Engleman and Commissioner of ITealth Stanley H. Osbom, M.D., to all school .super-inten dents.-;u._ihe..slale...-It-.iis-i-e-conimended; . .. -

] . , Thai a study nf dental dis­eases he undertaken by pnch coin-niunlly lo determine what the den­tal health problem is and how 11 can be met.

2. Thai topical fluoride |)ro-grams for .second, liflh and eighth grade children be sliirlcd in all schools .where com-nunal fluori­dated vyuler is not available yet; and for seven to eight years after the fiuorldallon of waler supplies in tbo.se conimiiiiilU'.s where com-niunal watei-s.are 'ivaliahie.

.1. That children being cared, for by private denlisls should be allowed Ihe same privileges as children who, wllh iho appi'oval of school aulhorllies, ntieiid public dental clinics— "excuse willioui absence." Appolnlmonts on Satur­day, afler-.'-'cIiool und vacation time should continue lo be soughi, however.

4. That .school lunches 'and school parlies be closely supervised to provide training in sound, food habits and Insure iionnal iiiiiiitlon-al needs; llinl the ,'sale o( candy and soda and olher confections on the school premisies be probibiled.

5. That every health ediicalion technique be utilized toward im­proving the denial iicnitli of school children.

hj' Klslricl Dlri'clor, ,l!inies J. (Iriiliiini

This Is Iho third in a scries of seven articles designed In nssl.'.l | iticul laxjinyei'.^ in ihe preparailon of I'J.'i lih',niie 'I'ox relui'iis. Q. What iii-e Ih.., i-i'ipih-emenis

for ijiuiliflcnilun under 'he "Head ,if ••llousc'lielil" provis­ion. V .

A. A taxpuyi-r Is considered a , head of hnuseiiuld il he oi she Is uiininrrled on the Insi day of llie taxable j-ear and tur-nlshed over '.)ne.|i»lr of Ihe ninlniennnce of his or her prlncipiil resiil,'!!.',', wlii.'h ex-*'epi for i,.injnit','M-,\- uhseiices Is al.so Ihe |,i-iii,'ip,ii ri-sldciie,' uf and is idiaii-ii .lui-ilij., i h., i-nlli-e taxable yeiii- wllh ,tiie el- niol-o of the roliowliif', ,i'(M'i-iij, ,t i>ei-' suii,s:

( t r Any per.sui |-i,r wn.mi the taxpayer i,'i eiililled lo eiaini as an e.xempilou, oi-(2) An umnarj-ied desceiideiii or uninai-i-ied slepchild even IhoiiRli he (l,ii.s noi ,qiinlll.v ai; a dependent. These- are the original i|Unllfi-caliiiiis, lla,s I here been any I'liaiige wiiidi'nrreci Jlitl. and .subseqiieiit reiurns':' Yes - - A lecisioii alir,\cs a lux-payer lij I'hilm ilils 1,'Miiii-e wli,-ii !.ii|i|'„rfini; .1 pareiil ,.,r parents eveii thouiih ilu- du-pendGni. does not resid,3 iii ilie laXipayers' residence. T'hls change only applies to par-ent,s, all others must reside in the tQxi)ayei;'s home. Wlial lorm should, be used when filing for the Head of 1-Iousehold provision?

A- Form 10-10 (white toi-m) mnsl be ii.sed — but the short or long method of filing may be used.

Q. When Is u taxpayer considered

as mainiaining a household'/ A. Only when. I he taxpayer pays

over one-half of such mainten­ance co. is which Include such items as mortgage interests,, rent, taxes. Insurance c.n the home, upkeep and t'epali'S, utilities, domestic help and food consumed hi ihe ijonie. Would the cost of clothing and educalinii ex]",ensp be con­sidered under maintenance? NO -r~ the.se Items plus nicdlcai trenlineni, vaenlioiis, ^life in­surance br the value of perso­nal ,services rendered are not Included In the co.sf of "main­taining a household".

Ncvt Week — Ohllii - Care E.viieniies


LO.'5T: PA.SSBOOK No, MriKi, If founil ri'lurn ;n Uninincl Savings Bank. '


pi.YMOtiTii, msn. TWO notiR SPECIAL DEl.liXE, Madln, heal­er. Private owner. Movhig, must sell. Call IIO T-nn-IS.

niiSINE.S.S SER\Tf!K r-1

FRENRTTR'.S l.AWN MOWER .miOP. 27n-l nixwell Avenue. II II cuts griiss. we sell and service 11, ' lei. Clleslnlll 8-.VJl'l.

•Try our speclnl service .tH,Oli per year, (lood service, rain or shine. Mamdeu and Norlh Haven only.


C^ARPENTHY sir.rn'ii:'E.s--cahin-els, ho-tUcases, filorage walls, pla.i'i-oni'is, ailli's llnlshed. and gene.al l.iiildlng. Free estlmale.s. Call BUI Wilson Oil H-HtVO.

VW.r. Bl lY SEt^OND-l i ANIT FllR~-N I T I I H H , hric-n-lii'iic and r.lher, spci.inil-ii.niid niileli's';' At'ib;' 'clean allies. Call .SP (!-.r(S7.

ftEi'AjRlNO O-SB

A'ASUmd MACHINE REPATRS Washing .vlaciunei Drj'ers —- Ironi^rs

, Disposals (.uaranteed Service

We have parts lo fit any washing norhlne.

American Apnllan,-e CJo. !5ie Whitney Ave. CI 1-8-4444

and wall safes, \{M^<^;. nhimlnuni Jalousie doiu', $50,0.", Cusson. ICir.n SInle SI. New llov.Mi, , ,ST 7-.107t. .SY 9-nS3S,


MARRINI'S Delicious tee Oream Cakes

Mousse? and f^uddlnifS Pincy Individual Forms r'oi

Ocoaslins Telephone STate 1 4!lKy

ll ie Hon 9 Of Fancy Ice Cream <5-in OWw'pii Ax'e t-lanid'"! r i „ i i

Al l


WANTED: WRINO'ER T Y P E washing machine 'in good condl-lloii Cull III! 8-a4-i;i.


SMALL SINGLE ROOM In pleas-nnl home. Meals If de.slred. Call SP 7-89:13. , !

TWO BKDRfXSM.S, FIIRNISHEP AND HEATED. Individual rooms near halli. In EasI Haven home near bus line. Pall 110 7-187!).

FlIRNISirEn .\rAIIT«IRNT.-5 I ^ ! !

lliJA.TEb, PURNf,SIlEr»; V]tK ROOM APARTMENT. Jfifl.tin Jier month. Also a single and a dou|)le bedroom, F'rivate family. On bus line. Adults only. Phone HU 8-()520.


IS v o l IB ANTENNA IN NEED 01'' REPAIR? Why iiol call

IS £ ft Television Imprnvements IB Wnoriland Drive, Northford,

Conn, ST 7-4107 or HII 8-1SC1. Servicing New Haven, East Haven, North Haven, Branford and North-ford. Installations, Repairs.

DRAPES, S U P Covers Etc. C—sr.

EJ"^GINEEB . AND . FMUhV OF. TWO desire a' two. bedroom hoine In Hamdeit or vicinity. Write .EJ, II. Bradley, 2S Ralston Ave., i-Iom-den. . '


25 Classified Ad Rates


Additional words 4c5 per word. Display Cla.isified Ads $1.25 per iivcli.

All Classified Ads appear in



• T H E BRANFOI?!) REVIEW To get your ad into more than 6,000 homea, call OH 8-1281 or AT 8-lCGl and ask for Ad Taker.



SEVEN MONTH ... OLD. FOUR ROOM .HOU.SE Willi two ' rooiliE and bath expansion on second floor. : Ataplevaie, Eo-st' HaVen. Immediate occupancy. . O'ti'ner be­ing transferred.'HO. .'7-li945.-



HAVE YOUR DRAl'ES, CUR­TAINS AND 15EDSPREADS made at Ihe Whitney Custom Shop, 2C2n Wbllney Ave,, Ilamden. Call CH 8-278V or CH 8-CG7ri.


Iiuufiinalioii was given a man lo compensale him -for u'liai he is 11(11, and a sense nf huiii'or was provided lo coiis,-)le - bllii for whal he Is, .

PLAY IT SAFE! (Ili i idien are niiiclt and impulsive to dad inio sheets. iGokSliaip. Be cauliaus ntieii approaching schools

AflhtdisSli i i ( f .s persons o l all sees, ti/Bn children, II ie\iei, Jainl sWfilmg persist, SEEyriiir dQctoi. \ -

ni =^


Tlie Aittii'lils Uiiciimatliim rnunditliiii


Photngrapliers Portraits C—31

CHH.DnEN'S P.OR-TBAITS . in the home



For prompt results list your pro-r perly now with

FREDERICK G. SIMPSON. Real Estate Broker, 88 WJest Main .St. Branford. HU 8-O0l()..' ! '

D t S t R r c t OP riRANFonb, .SS. STATE OF CONNECrnCUT. Probate Court, .lauuary 27lli, 1955.

•Ei^tate of PETER PAUIftrBO

lale of Branford, In said District, deceajsedi

In pucsiiance of an order nf Hon. F;rederick K. Houdc', Judge of the Coijrt.'.of Rrpbate > for, ilie District or,.Br*itOrd; notlce.ls hereby ilven; that, said Coiirtihath.'limited and appointed six months from the dote hereof for the credltbi's of the soldi,deceased to bring iln their claims .iigaliist said esldte, ThoSe Vvlio neglect to exhibit their claims' williln .sa d time win be debarred.

All persons Indebted to said kstal i are requested to make Im-rriedlate payment to - - . " ' " ',, Albert Palumbo,

' . Administrator, • ;172-'.East Main, Street, ' - Branford, Conn.

certain ,ren! estate belnngliu; to .said eslato, as per application on file more fully appears. It Is

Ordered, tlial said appllcatlbn be lieard and determined at (he Probate Coiirl In Bronfprd, in said Dlslrlci, on the llitii .day of Fi?br-tiary IflSii, a l i o o'clock In .the forenoon, and tljis Court directs Flora K. Ooldsmllh to give public iiotlce to flit porsdns Interested In said estate to niipear it tiiey see cause to be heard Jhcrcon, by publisliihg, this order one-, time in some newspaper, having K clrculii; tidh'in .sold District, and- by .post­ing a,copy .thereof on the public sign-post, in . the - Towii. ;of Bran­ford, in said Bistrl'ct, :anil ^etiil-n make to, tills .Coitrt.'of tlie; notice iglvcn.''-':'^'', •".,'" •' ;,';'|'',--'-,;,':'- " ' ' '• By "tile Court:.,.,-" .. '! •; ' , Iplrira K. Gold,s'inllb,'iClerk,

and llils Court directs the exeeu-inrs lo ('He all jiersniis inlei-eslod Iherein to appi-'ar at such time and place liy publishing a copy of this order In some newspaper lia\diit^ 0 circulation In said Dlslrlci.

By the Court: Flora K. Gnldsmllb, Clerk.

DISTRICT OF BRANFORD, ns. Probate Courl, February 3, 1055.


In said district, deceased. Tlie Executors having exhibited

Its adinlnlslralloii account with said estate to this Court for allow­ance, It Is

Ordered: That the 1411i day of PebruaiV A. D. 19.15 a t 11 o'clock In the forenoon, al the Probate Office In Branford, be and the .'iame Is assigned for a hearing on the allowance of said ndmlnlstro-tlon account with said estate, nnd this Couri directs Flora K, Gold­smith lo cite all person."! Interested Iherein to appear nl .said time and place, tiy publishing this order In ,some newspaper puhli.shed 111 Wcw Haven County 'and Imylitg a rilr-culallon hx.Saui-dlslrlci; ;• and Y'lS' ipostln'g a copy on the pilblld alsn-post In Ihe Town of Branford vvhei'e the deceased last dwelt.

By Ilia Court:! Flora K. Holdsmlth, Clurlt.


DENTAL AS.Sl.STANT - PECEP-TIONI.ST. Reply staling age, ex-perienre (If any), nature nf prev­ious empioymeiii. Write P, O, Box ;i7'I, Branford.

GENPJR-AL OFFICE WORKER. Payroll experh-nee desirable. Abll-ll.y lo work Willi fii^iire.s, Miist be acciiraie and alei-l. Koppel Pliolo and EngravinB Co., 1455 Slate St., New Haven,




(--ail and I'll be out to see you i inmediately

f l l e s l n i i l 8-1S.17.

FIRST MORTGAGES B P L I G H T AND ."SOLD. Loans, Beflnane-Ing. I'lew Loans. Longbolhat:!. i(i7 Orange SL Tel .LO 2^813.

Rni.sioAL, D A N c m a F—»


'European Training — .Specialized experience wilii children) Branford and New Haven .'Studios

SP 7-2887 — FU 7-7235.

ilOOS, OATS, I'ET.'i

CATS — .SIAMESE-PERSIAN, Champion and Imported studs. Spring kittens. Boarding-Daily and monthly rates. Sherwood Kat-tery, Norlh Branford. HU 8-4096.

Free Press Want Ads

Are Go Gelter«

piSTRICT OF BRANFORD, ss. 'SroTjaiLe Court, February 3, 1955. . ,Enai.e,',pf. ,>.. !'.'. ......•.,-.-.,. ;-.,. >• •tnirOTHV ,T. MrCiAKTliV ' late pj brotiford In .said District; deceased."; ' . . -

'The- Executor having made ap­plication for ap brd. r authorizing and empoWf>rlng II lo mortgage

-DISTRICr OFi -BttANF-oilD, - SB, Probate- Couftj 'FeKriiary 3i ,1055. • E t t i t eo f -•-.','-'•' ;-•''.- :''i-,:'-'• , : ,,IIEUllN"ii',' RtEFPEBT . late Of Branford In said District, jdeceaacci.^, -, -,,.,. ''.' ,' -,

The iSiiecuiors having exhibited their AdmrnistraHon Account .with said estate to this Court for al­lowance, 11 Is

• bj'dercd, that the Mth day bf February IflS,'!, at ,ip,-o'cio'ck.ln,thc forenoon of said ddy.at the .pi;ci-hote Office In Brahtord iicrarid tiio j iamels a.ssigned foi' a hearlpg on the allowance of the Final Admhi-, Istratlon Accbiinl with' said eslato



February 17,10B6.

A Special noprosentallve.Town Meeting will,be hold In the Me* iiiorlal Towii Mall, Hamden, Con­necticut, on Thiirsdiiy 'ovenini,', F*i!bru<iry 17, li)33,. Immediately following the 'adjournment of the Adjourned Annual HGiircsentatlvo -Town' Moot Ing,. for the following pilr'pose.s, lo: wit: ' •; -, 1! "To ta i i e action-to, autliorizo' aii'd empQ.wor tiio iJooW of. Select­men to putdhase for 0 siiin not ex-c'opdihg.-' Niiie., -il.itridroti .•'.-;FiftV •(JlJSp.OO) Dollars -for--Parcel,-,"A'.', nnd lo.purcitase for a' sitrh, noircx-ce.edii^i Nine" 'i-fuhdreti'''.''Fifty '(?;fl!i0.bO) Dollars for Parcel " B " ; sold property described as follows:'

PARCEL "A". Beginning at a point on the nortljunststr'ODt line

- • of Brook Sti'eet, said point being ; 57 fcoti. nipi'o. ot> loss, 'nortliwest

. o f ilie horthweilt'.fili'oot , llnC; of .Reyna Road Ihort running north-

: westerly in a curved line 152 • ffi6l| niore \'or loss, nloDg the

.: iiorthwqst,'street line-'of 'Brook

Rtreei, t hence running south­easterly In n .slrnlgbl line 113 feel, niore or less, thence run­ning soulhwestorly In a straight line 97 feel, more or less, ^o tl,. point of beginning. PARCEL "B". Beginning ot a point on the northeast street line of Brook Street, sold point being 2(19 feet, more or loss, northwest of the northwest street line of Reyna Road, thence running in a curved line north­erly and liortheasterly along the northeast street linn of Brook Street 147 feet; more or loss,

- thence running southeasterly in a straight lino 39 feel more or less, thence running southwest­erly In n straight line 144 feet, more or less, thence running nortluvGstorly hi n strolghl line 45 feet, tiiore or loss, to the point of beginning. 2. That the above appropriations

be financed from Capital Outlay Ai!couni Number 2403 Brooi< Stroct-brldge wldenltig and stream I'eallgnmonL

3. To take action to change the name of Newliury Strtot to Bry-dcn Terroce.

tiated at Ilamden, Connectlcur, this 3rd day of February, lOSS.

Leon A. Booth •Tolin Dc Nicola Herbert (i;. Hume

Bdard of Selectmen. Attest: - ,: i: .-

Josephine Trlfllclttl; Clerk. • A t t e s t : - ..' •..,.'•;.••,.

Walter D. Connor, Town Clork.

'..: NOTICE-.'-',..; The Soloetitien',and th.e - Town

Cleiit -of tlie Town .;; ()t Brailtord, acllng.as the Bpiii'd for the Admis­sion brr'El(ictol's,'.ttt||l be in .Bo'cslon at tub "Town Hnll On Frldiy,.-rt'br-uqry., 18/' 195.5,>: from. 5:0p; P. .M. uritll 8:00 P.'M,,to. exhiiilrie tlio qualifications of clebtors and-tp ad­mit-to the ',elbct6r's-;balii!'.- those found qualifieii;;',."'':-•;;•.• ;••

. Dominic J.,Bpntatlbus " R. D.'SciirobSer;' Jft"" >

,,'-' ,Sbai'd-oI-sdloetmon. - Do'nhld H:-Hbrul)li:il-v • -

Town Clerk. Datc<i at Brohford thte 9th day

or February 1955.




• Let u£ mafcs sura you get v/ilh tha MIRACLE WEDGE

a garage door thai works, blends wilh every lype d We know doors - bow lo conetiucUon; is priced as

build them, how to install low as 3 good door can he

ihsm expertly. made. Phone us today lor

The "OVERHEAD DOOR" cc.mplste iniormaiion,

Wedges Tightly — yet — Openti EasUyl giWCE IB'JI


LOCAL .SALF-8 & S F ; R \ 1 0 K

PHILIP .SAUNPERS Piions HObsrt 7-2262

OLD IirCKORy DINING ROOM CUSTOM BUILT SET. Good condi­tion. Consisting of Hutch cupboard, extension table' server and six chairs. Price $150.00 ii of original cost. Call HU 8-3719.

Renew Subscriptions NOW r




ALL BRASS CELLAR DRAIN. Brand new. $35.00. Also, power oil burners completely Installed, JSCSOO up. All insinuations quar-anteed. Cull HU 8-9.'iB7 evenings.

STORiM w r a n o w s H—62

$ J $ J ."JA VE: BUY DIRECT FROM OFFICE. Ho middleman. World famous WIN-CHEK all aluminum combination Etorm windows — Two Tracl: _ $11,98. Three Track — ,?|i|.9S. Four track — .$18.98, Written guarantee. , Aluminum comhlnalion door — J37.O0. Door Grilles $3,00. Beautiful 100?!> alu­minum doer canopy —, $29.95. All colors. Full length door mlrroi-s — 21i4" X 65H" — .Special $12,00.

Flexalum Venetian ijlinds. Floor

fiovr in the time lo renew your mibscription —or to .

.subflcribe for a friend — to the East Haven News

. . . bexiaiifle our price is going up on March 1. Hera's

the way yon will pave:

If you renew now, prices ate:

$2.50 per year; 2 years for $4,50

Aft«r March 1, prices will be:

$3.60 per year; 2 years for $6.00

An you .see, there is a saving of $1.50 for a 2-year

mibscription. PLEASE NOTE: IF YOUE PRES­





The East Haven News faithfully ep/ih week brings you a full and fair report of all East Haven events.,,;'written concisely and accurately. The re­porting, which covers everything from Town Hall to High School athletics, is accompanied by stimulating editorlaJs on town issues and excellent features,

Y6u iwon't want to miss a single copy! Assure yourself that you will receive the East Haven News each week 'without fail!

Act now . . . while it's on your mindl

M^ ^Bt Mmm JJfmB


• = ^ -




m 'JA.

Page 4: ®V Nfioa - Hagaman Library...licadtitiarlorH iiialnlalh a aWU'l ad-, hoi'oanco lo Iho rtil..'S and rfjiUla-llons sol loi-lh In (aiHi fraia'liiso All tfanis ni'O iinirf.rnu.d, jiald

i•.^!K;^-^h'H•^!^M'i^ii~,-^iX\:iiii^iH'^^': M.-.v*.Jw>ftv>iE^;^i'

r \sT iJAVrN NFwa Thursdny, lYlniiniv in, Corner Store Now Sharing Top Place | p In Biddy League With 3 Other Teams

" Syrnlmlc Slntlu East Haven rncked up ilii 46lli slrin^lil win !n\ 'liicncliiy

when il defe-ilcd Derhy i 3 - 3 4 In giime on \Ue local gym floor. I lete Mike Pnolillo is shown oulrncinR ii De iby pinyer iiH Hank Lu/7i ( 1 2 ) stares wide-eyed over Ihe excili'inenl of the moment Yestcrdny nfteriionn Ihe Eiislie.s Iniik un ensy •win from Bourdmnn r rnde defenlins th« Nov/ Miiven teni I 69 -25 . ;•. ..- ;^'

Kindergarten Sessions Ready •

Alpu-cnmlngiiji; Is tile roslfjnnUon of Mrs..];(llihM«lsiin lif iJieiFoxan S(!liWil; fileiilty.';-,T!i(?, hoai'il.votBll :.l6'.re|iluee';Mrii.: MulK(j'n.,|iy;ih.M •MrsVJ jMnry, .Jiinj , peyljii.'nr^^ 14 lloit^bii, Aye\V'r;'Ji;'iMr"i'ilr n; .Brnilu-nle^pr, Ncnyi liVvo!) !3ln,lo;'lVni:lipj'.'i

;Co)leKi?V; 'ri-"-;i^-•':• '• ••"^ ; r i . "• ' •; Th«; linard .i'ljfjelyiiil en|)li>s 6t, Ijio


For Switching KiiiiltiBaiten trMnni wl'.Glllls

Si-lmol, lIomilUEUlii, Union <liiiiV Ov'crbi'polt will ))n swltclititllnflluj.

now iilleiutlilK nioiiilhps iWlllVlJi); •;,: roKlimi'^HioeUiigi-ot'Nbwi Iliiven Jiltcriia^iiit,, oml vli'o .'veWa,','"!')!/") HoOul <\t riliirnli'in >Vrtli'(J:,')ii:;Ut','i' iiiocllng last tti'i'lt ', ' ^2fy^-':'-i

lienuKO of IU|lis|)Oiliil|(in'';Ul/rl-; miU.t ,wii6ol', in tim ntii',lliVi;iiii,! "f iny/w will nol b s ' uffeelecV ':;. luuicl, nifililuiid uiiil tlCTVlXliiiii will iptnin lliMi ••(atlis (|uri.. '.•..'•

'Jlic Boaic} iiHvl\p(] u .,1'dijlU'Sl wrltlen by MKs Zlin WiilllipWsiffil-: a Joint nieetlni; of tlie 'rfiiiehftrS' hiaison Cummlltei) ami the jamiiiil.

In ncl(llil(in tu vollnK |.mymi;iit ol vailoiii. \niii l iPii, ami piii'i'l'li'ii' oideis, iHie Kfiaid lefHrrecl,: In-cniiimlllee spjeial icnUfslK foi'-u^o "f tliii school by oUlslUe fii'Kahl-/atloh', It was hiniiphl, out thai, since Ihe new s'honl hiilldlnBn h u e nol Ijecn niiiii'd over, lii el-<hni Uie J ic nii'nlai y •.Siihodi Hulldlng CnminllUe oi Iho l3oiinl iif LUucallon, iinnilssloi cannol he gianted foi u v of loniiis fni nclivlth's oulslile of n^ulnr .sclinul hrlruition

Tin leslgnalion of Mi-.s. • Miir.v Mnitln, ••etoiul riade uai'lioi- at IlighlanU Siluiol was iieeiveil. IJ; hi Lomo effectht Tchi nary HSIh.

ftfifiiViy''Bdai'd'ji'ot vrodirn'hlfeK trt-WilllliiitfOrtl. ri'henliy;-' V.' 'V

,:; Afhiah 'hi' fldli', in pi'upni'i)""' lii the) ;iiunlhi»i'' of: Ihlnfis" wlileli- he :i'iin l/arftml'j.th, lei ":ai(nii'", , lle'ni'y T l i o r i ' i i i i . ' • ; , ? ' ; ' ; ' ' - ' • • , „ ; ..^;;^

Coiner Store was toppled from its top iilaee as Ihe undefeated Ham In Ihe Uons' HIddy Bankel-liiill l.<wiKiie on Sniurday vyhen tin- iiMinr was viiiiqiilshed by Mel-I'liICs Drill: Store by n score of

( lo Jl. 1 li defcni of Corner Slore

I hi (I lour teams In first plaee: N I air's Corner Htore, I'ninilerl I Is iiul 1' & U MotorH,

I o Meie : i i r ' s t h e h l ^ h m a n w a ' II i lh w h o s c o r e d .111 polnht oh

lo i ih i l d r i v i n j ; .sliol.^ riiitslde t h e I u l<< I B U I It wn.s C n t t n v a n , iK>xt li I 111 St w i t h M polnlH, who ' laid III iklil p o i n t s r tu rh l j ! I h e Iti'd i \ 1 i i m i i c s of i t ie p,anie t o sew

| i | til i-onii'sl f o r tilt? DriiiiKl.itn. I II lui Can- completed Ihe scor-II J I n ti le t e a m w i t h fou r irotnlh.

On Ihe C o r n e r S t o r e learn , l i t t l e 1 ililii I ' lernoy d id w e l l , pourlDf! III 11 points, hul WO.S lost lo the ( I I IS in the third period when In fonled out. Other scorers: (-Minus, seven/poinl.s; l-Pmhiirdl, loin ami Oberdlch, three.

rilirli ItldKC lill - Tinarl IK llllli r(ld|!o .saalched In flrsl

VMM if the season by (h-feathiM 'I'Innil Kleclrlc hy a Ncore of Hd to IH. Liiu Monaco came through for the liulldci'K hy .Sdorinx seven points after Ihe score wa.s tied III Id - HI at the half. ,laelt I'ar-ilia assisted hy scorlnu live out of six fool sliots. Other .scorer.s: Iloli Dcccssare, four polnl.s; llruce l.arseii, I wo; and ,Ierry Ciillen, two.

For the Electricians, .llninile Knajiji was lil);h man with etiilit points. Other scorers: Vlnny Vel-roni', five poinis: Dick Anderson, two; At Paclllo, two; Bud Tor-i - t l i i , o n e .

'riie defeal'wn.s a hard one for the T'lleulrlclans who had been diilii); well In the leaeiie. At the siiiiii' lime It |iiii. Iho Guilders luicli In the race.

I'aUnlerl till - All .Stars II Palinleil Foods ronipui ui on

ea.sy,.'!f) - D win over Chappy's All .Stills wno we:"« naniiiered by poor .shootlnB hick. Mill Pile led all .seorer.s liy netllni; L'l points for the Packers. Dick Mellllo hit for elKht points. Other scorers; J. McAndrew, lliree; Steve Florlo, Iwo; and U. ClnriHardl, two.

For the All Star.s Dill Hiirle wiui lili;li man with four poliil.s. Oilier scorers; .lohn Iteaull, two; Loii • Mnrottl, two; nill ("ha|)ko-vlcli, one. I' * II Mmtors II) - Iteachheail in Bernle Snnr.skl, senrlnK star for P iSi HMotnr.i, was held to four points by the Beachhead neslaur-ant ti.'hm; liui. the Mechanics niaii-uged il<!yerlheles.s, lo defeat Ihe .Uenchle.t.. Bob . Celenlano, with .seven polnt.s, and Dave Kendrkdc, will) six, contritnited enough In pul the Mechanics over the top.

For ' the Beaehles, Al Weller Iioiired In elRlit points, with .llni IPi'yt^t; Mike Miilier and 'roin fliic-llardl seorliii; Iwo points npii-cc and Kohert 'riiiipe scorhii: a foul shot.

The B(>achies have not won game thl.i first season, hul they have pressed each of their o|i-poncMLs right down lii Ihe final bii/.zer and .show a jtreal ileal r<f lirornlse. .

Lionn' 3id(ly Baslcblball Scliedule For

Saturday, Feb. 12 At lo a. m. Corner .Store vs. V & R Motors .'I'hiarl Kh'ctrlir vs. I'alioieii

KonilH : -AI 11 a. ni. lieachhend Ifest. vs, llli;ii rihlge Chappy's All .Stars vs. Melcalf's

PLAY IT SAFE! CURVES on lilcliways deniand Mlia i:.iic. lakf'il ca',y. Hie llisl you fiii:;sViiay lie la'^t.

Ailliiillslon has lis Ins and (luls. Slopped pain ilocsn't SlonAilliiilis. Listen lo

' yiiur iloclor.


Tilt Ailhillls & Rlieumatlsin roiindatlon

ss^f veAffS/ico. CAKAVANS CROI5CD tASTCI^/v oescnys ^irn COSTLYspic£s roR " "" ' 7/lE tVCPDMC FCAST OF El^Ci. '\nPS TftANSPOHTCt>

or Fjf^Aict;,,,, , I 7KCSCSPICCS, Mi>tcpMrfi



, fl/?/l£l> KMleHTS TO CUAHB n/eMFKoff T/im^es. •';.:• vi. ' ' ' ; ,




mNcencAj; tvim irsStmsKeoicNrs, CON-cei^sED m PACKAces, on RCAHY-TO -use. IN ,

CLASS JARS: CopTcltfl.i. l*!!..',, J . v . c l i r k * ^

Th'Little Divils WillBcHavin' T' Walk T' School

Parent:' of pupil.s being trnns-ported r.a school buses are warned tiy Ihe Coarn ol Kducallon thai a "uriallmcnt of bus .service within Ihe developments is likely unless Ihe children mend their behavior.

Numerous coniplainis' from all over town have been received n-houl the boisterous antics of the yonnKsiers who are walling lo hoard the buses, as vv'cll as their misbehavior as bus |ins.senger

nipnmnnr ntid High Hldge, pleas have been made to "move «he bus stops" because of the destruction of prvale property. Chairman Francis Walsh slated that unless the parents curb over-enlhusla.stlc young.sters.- the Board will change the hu.s route so thai the children will have to wall at the main highway away from private homes.

The policy has been to Issue two warnings to youngsters cau.sing a disturbance on buses, Mr. Walsh revealed. The bus driver has been authorized to report Ihe names of Inlraclnlile pa.ssengers. If co­operation is not received from the child, a letter is .sent or a tele­phone call made lo Ihe p.irent. If .these mea.surcs fail, the youni:-

In develoiimeni areas such as ster Is deprived of bus service.



0:45 - 9:00 A.M.

I'liir. cimrsTiii: Offers

Time MieekSt Wentlier,

News, Sports and Hits of

Eye-llpenhiB Fun.




2:00 - 5:30 P.M.


.Spin The Top all IIM

lU'cords As Rpiiliesled I!.V

Your Halhils.

Before you buy INVESTIGATE!


KAUIO WNiio laiii u



i . nuthUnur Hi HK


Willlil!Nt:wi.ltniiiiilii|i 'i;i'uti("vW4icti((

CliDiiiiel H AlliinilK

llitdklssl i'lallcis


Yanliai, Piddliri

Diane U i c u ^

10 Dr. N, VIntMit Prplc Joycp JUfilaii, U,D, Mui-f. (lie lljiik

Dlni Pvns school.

niiiiit Lucas Show Sliellnh titJiiaiii

11 Plir.nr f > y i Stiuiiil CliiinU

Window Slioppif SIrlVi I I Run


dnv Foutlifallon Um •Q\- I \\r Si';ir:li (ai lonianow tiJiiry's' ItllLliiii


VVmOO-DOOR • Opera tes jus t like a

wiiKJowl Glaus BIIJCS up ami ilowiv for venlilaliuu.

• N o t l i i u g l o c h a n g e . . . uot l i ing lo s turc . Screen d o o r a u d b luru i d o o r

I aJl iu one. • Hot -d ipped guivauizcd

AtccI w i t h h i i k e d - n n e n a m e l in bcautihil colors .

See // nowl QaU

RUSCO WINDOW CD. Divlu ion of


iCstiitillslied IU21

6fi0 Orcharil .St UN I5-J187

.1. K. Newton, Mgr.

A firodiiet of

'X'hti t', C. Russoll Co.

5 Top 20 Club ^

SviUli to Swing ii.itMiiuit rjyi

llBwklin ' FalU Secril S i m MMt th« Slirt

TlD ,Tnti, TInii

K V K N I N ( 3

6 Niwi Spotit SiiutllflLI hunor*, SMHWU* SJiita Cbut


Hianf 8

7 u>- On Ga Mjiltii: nant) Ncm a( UK Votid Utie Maii'v TaniHir -

lluy Hoij"»

Hob liojit

OealU.VfllUy Oayt or Amtrka , SuotUfliin Cluh :.i Until Siwt oaridr

you Bit Your U t i

Dunn i Allin


l l rwi

laJ iy

ClPiiiid S Atiiuiur

CIriU xWdtLtirr

Newt Ureakiail Platters

Vanket Hi i ldtut

dr. H. Vlii»n|. f>tale Joycf Jordati. M,U. Tlie Doctor's Wile Qtcak (lie Uutik

News WdM Ui) A Smile t 4»\t iijii rnj . tiiroitit clianM

OuH Usni SchoW

liollywDod TQIIOV Slitllah ritahain

Window Slifapptr


AFTKItNOON PROORAAIS Ntwi Minlrai Flathharlii

tlob Cfosby love 0) L i n

' Siaich for Tomorrow WiD l ' i Coohlng

WfltHiiie Travflm

Tup 2 8 Cluft Rtibtrl Q. I r n h buiaiiiii Uiini


Kl l Payoff

One Man's Family M | » Mailnwi

' l l a w k i n t rails 9 f < ( « Stonr

Un Your Account

rtcwt Top 2 0 Cluk inuiit: Slioil MarrliQi fayi

Outrluor Aitv. Cluti

llowdy Uoooy


t i l ls It Your World Sporit Siiollleiit iiuppdr S«rtii«UB ;>3nia Ctaut

Mon On Thi Go fletrived lor You NtAs at llir World Ui'« Miiii's haiiDi)

Sportscopi Niws

Peopltt*' Lobby Madlion Sn. Gaut^t) Eddtc ritliit News CAl»a^



World N i M HlMtndiip Wake Pii & Smile

News Wahe Uji & Siiiiic

SeienaitB to Koiiiance

Mr. W t u r d

Parku aut Caitoont

Mary Mul. McDtiile

Combo Corner Clitiloii's Keylioird

C i p l . MldnlQliI

Alilintl 4 Cn^ltlln

To He Annoiinctd Suacc Pal'Bi

• Nllewn ^\\\•A•^t•


The Poor Relations Stmy | | | Tof

To bt annoiiiirrd

To be. aiiiiQiiiit«d HnaiMiQH

(toy BoBm

Mr, Wi7ar«l

""nin" TiiTTlii

Vfliilt) takes a


Corliss Arrlirr


Slirtilf A Million

Wlt»re ^\!>i* You ff»I Nvv'scasl

ClUIi" « Moll* (utal GilJH'.lci'i


>ord Thiat i f

Vidto Tliialtll


MItliilulil fJr»s,

rotrign liitrl|u«

Solilti-r PJiailf Nili'ilcan llir^lre

Siun Ull tflBhtrjp TlitJlie

Tiiday witti GaiToway llii>aii *)hgt| SlnnIrA


Lift Of

•Friday wllli Catioway

Bio Story

Dear Plini>tii

Tavilrade nf Sunrts

Spods lllahlialits


b i t « U ) l riBhti

Minir r<ir nrfterllnn

Guy Uinbirito Sbuw Il;'cloe 7 U • Nilerap lliratri

News People's lobby Mjiini SymptionMIe CuDii. Stdic Newt.

YfliinQ Mr. Lintcin lledit oi Die Nrwt uuii Uuwi

You u k | 4 For M

Tills Is Your I lie.


lluvtuii ^ynipliony

Iti-y Mullloan

rtili i t llollyAitnd


'rii;i,is\i,sioN V V N I I O - T V



9 10 11

Slit), Morn. Miitic WnrvlilP Hour

Woild Kewt Rountfun Chiistlan Sclduci Music

Newt, Millie Miuic

Mu ik

What's Vuiir Trmibl

rills Is Tlie t i l e Tlie Clirlslopliers

.amp tliHi) Ml I.K

Look Ull LI l i v e

Huptr ClMiia





Cluck Watdiil Tadav

Cliiniipl M AiiiuiMc

Yiiiir Land anil Mlim l l n l nl All

rrlniiione Hour

Miiilc In lilt Nliilil

Vanlu PMilM

Dr. N. Vlntiiil Praia Juyie Jarilaii. M.D. Ill* niitlw'! Wile u.ruK Ilia OUik

IJ^ws Mliliillt MiKic lor Rail .

l l n i Unnf SchNt

Way nf llm Woilil Sliaila Graham Sliow

Window ShoDDV

12 Caul. I l a i l ' BarkH Bill Uiiatd Ql LdiicallDii Yniir Naval Ke\*r. i '


Ltlirrace Nu.: 'i5

Fliinllrft al. rallll

2 Catholic llflur , Dlsiieyliiiid

Yotitti W.1IIK In KiiU'M

Musical natl i l i l 'ki Fmie ropil Slin^ Ln<e Ql LIU Srartn !or l 0 « . ( I i t t r i c She*

WMromi Ttavilffi

lop W> Chill

1 4

Sill frwln

Studlii 57

Mr. Mrtli i l lv

Ziio I'araita

5 liditrllancc

rriiii i l i* W i Hull

Ray Bnlgrr

fdAatd Arrnlfl

Rolifil 0. l . '«l i

niililino Llilil Htm

sackiliDt W i l l T a g ' 2 0 Cluk

W l Paran

One Man's raiiilly Miss' MatlQvic

" i i a y V l n ' l r a l l l Stcrd SI"fV H i l l Tha 9 U I I

KvnNiNa rnooRA!>m



AiiiNitan ruiuiii

NolliliK) Rut MiiOc

O i rU ft HHrtUt

Villi Are Tiifre

Klnii & %\m\.n\ )lr3rl) Pfoplc Ate runny

. Iiir (;ili Pijvale .SeneiaiY

Of. C|ir lii.nt Tosil 1.1 the Tcwii

AiNrnt. ol llie Atilmtts '

IniQiiine Con

Metr.iilK from Rid EtliiSlar Thejiti

Sat. Nile JiMiliaree Tii»u Hall Pjity

Ciiirue TiOh l

Hit P » t d t

Wiitll lhi



AiNI , of S. Holnift

Carol fantasy

tibber & Molly Tlif l>i>-Jl l i i l i l r rs t rm' A Xni i i fve of Music

l.n/ella Yminn

Whal'i Mv Mr.«

V,i»s S[I.TI;.I . liie'.iilr Hiralie

Miiliijulit Nfws *:iuii titi ?i\ (Jiip^lfdm

Top 20 Club Swiltli to Swina ir Payi t i Bfl Mvrlid

Qutilaor AdvU Club

Hoodr Doori


Clock WalitM Today

Cliannel K Almanac

Aorld N i m Kauridui rinrk Wairliet

Uteakfast I'latUrs YiiikM ridtfltrt

run Ufith Fond

Dr. IJ. Vincent Peale Juyce Jordain. M.U. Tlie Doctor's Wile Ursak tlie Rank

Dint Dam SicMill

Waj 111 !l»: \yiit|il Stii'lUli (ifiitiaiii'

Slrlki It lUck

Phrase Ttiit PiW

HfHtdvw Stisppv

Slrlkl H R l t h '


NfMI Mii^lol riaslibacks

leun. Ernie Slmw Uvt 01 Lin Seaicn lo< t<Wh lUllan CuakMi

Listen U d l a

TUB 2 0 Club"

Italian Cookwr

WiUumc Tn't l tr i

pnlil. Q. lewis (Iiiidino LIulil NIWI

fop 2 0 Cluh

Top 2 0 Cluk

Ini'iisliy on P.'iljdc

lint Man's Family 'U\\\ Mallow*

llawblns Fal l ! Serrel STotv Un Your Account -


Newt Clou WalcV*


Ctuiiiiel 6 Alminac

y/iir|d N(wt Hounrfu»

riock Waichcf

Uteahlast Plalteri Yiiikii t^i\m

Dr. N, VIncenI Peale Joyce Jordan, M.D. The Doctor's Wile Break llie BaPl'

SIrlktJt HItll

D i m Doni SchM>

Wiiy uf ilip Wnrld lliillytiitui] 'Ii'ilny

uiir»t< Payt <>er(in4 Cliinu

Window ShODHr

Str lki I t Hick


MiKiral riasliliacks Cinie ro-Jd Sliow U v e ol L IU be^rtti toi T I A . Hancy'i KltchM

Naucy'i KitCMR

t//tlr,omi Travilirt

fop 2 0 Cluk

Top 2 0 Clii l

Kolieit Q. te-vis

Culdlni Llihl Niwt

• l i PtytM

One Man's Family Miss Marlowe

Hawkins Falls S«Lret !;inrin 111) Your Acraunt


•iiitti Sports SpotliQliI SlIQOet Mt«liaUt Saula Clans

Slaue 8

Sporlscopi World N I W I T o m

Man On lh« Ga United Finid

N«vn ol Die World-Due Mao's raiiiiiy

QeU nl All

llConn Ra'Adti i l l

Mr. nisi . Ally.

Tony Martin I'lyiiiniiiti Nius

I In^e l-iifV

llerriiibei Rride

Wilms liii Toniiiifow

NloV rilitirr & Mntly

llheinanlil Ttiratre

T. Sign Oil


Niuliltap Tlitatie

Top 2 0 Club Swilcli To Swtno It Hays Fo t i l Ma/tled

tiuidflor Ad/in'urt

Howdy Doody

K V E N T N O P R O O R A M S Httn Spoils SpoDlulil

^upptf bcratiair

Stage 8


News Today

Man nn Thi» c o 'nin 111* Ha^v News ul Uie World

••'eopte ii» Tunny •itaanel

t l 's A Pleatiiri Hews C w a n -

Maitlia Raye

Meet Millie.


Trulti, Coniequtnrts •'Ititjtr McGft l i fd l lijldfisleeve lalai^ttte Cnllfor Cliair Walrrlruiil


National (luird fiueO Star Wntwv Theaire Midnight Newt. Sinn Oil Nigtitrap T h i i l n

Ton 3 0 CtUI Swilcli To Svxina iiaitiagt Pays

Outdoor Advinturf Pinky L(i HONUy Ouofy


SPorls Snalliolil Supper SereoaiTc ^lanta Ciaut

FMrsaoe ol Man T a A

5porucoii« N i« i

an 8n Ga News N m of Die World One Man'i Family

Calyacade of Amer.

Conn, spol l l ini I'ljnmiiiti Ni ffs

DJnali Simii tinaiia Muiic Yon Want

You Ret Ymir I Hi

RIo Slory

stilki II Hid


Flhhir MtRe^ Filitier & Motly iteys to tlie l^apitnl

Hnilna Ci l l The Play

Call thf I'Uy

Cnintity Hour

piQUdtv We Hall Mldfilgtit News.

NiOhl Oiri Thiatre Nile liiii TliraitT

,1k.. i . /

ijc.ut ...x^en Hugomun Mem. L t b r a r > U a s t Havont ^ C o n n . 5 -4

r/ An Iiulcpciideiil

Weekly Wcws|)a|»er ®hp lEafil IHaufn '^m^ Our 'IVIcpliouc INiimbers


-Vol. IX — NO. 49 Publiilitd Weekly '^'l Fue Press Pijblk^llani. Ye«I» Suhwrinlio'i S^.'iO

Political Pot Starts To Boil As CaiuliJates yic For Noiiiiiialious


P r o c l a i m s Holary Day

fi CVnls A C o p y — $2.51) A Year

Unt'onfirnu'i l Koporl

I W r a r a KooincMi I 'or

1V|) l)KiM Spot Tlic pulili' il ])iit li'rfim lioillUB

llflS vM-r-k as lliiLO iiiciip cniiili-ilalrs aiinnuiu i il fm HcIiubUeiin fiobilnaliuiib fui tlic Ikiaitl of Selool 111011

' * "'Al Ilic Hill'' Uiiic uiuilficlal ,ic-I ports liHil II tlml tlip Dciiiacrulic

TrfWii 001111111111-0 will bo luiUlloii-I da,, by W»<sl SldPi •, bocltliig .Sc-; Ifclmaii Doiiilnk-k Ppiiaia for the L paHy numliiatlun Toi fii'st so-

KWliiiJii ] ' i^lr . KercaiA wns qiit slioiicd i)ii

llilb ni)d iiild tliiit lie knew imtli-Inc BbQUl such a pnlltlon. He aodou (Imt Uf had no coiniiiciil to •hluUtt on bis fuluip tiuUlli-tU plmis. GonflMnadon of llic reports was hot to bp had from (unoiig llio i t w Dciiiociats ^ llO were con-4JtctGd •-.Jirst Selectman Fiaiik Clancy

f' lias rcnmlncd silent abolit future t .Jtians, amid ji great deal of spec-I' ulallon icgarding' wlietbci or not

h'c wUl icek to mn toi a tlilrd tcini

Iyclt«t U ShotUer lIo^^c^er, tlic shocker of the po-

UtlciU season, so far, was a totlor rclca-scd bj Republican Town Clialnnan ^fatllpw Anasloslo. and pybllihcd in a dally Tbc . Ipltqr ijias oiltlciU o£ tbc Clancy'and

SiccLdlng 'Baikcr" adnilnlslra-'ohi

,' Altliougli, Mr Aiiastaslo .de­clared tlial bo was not suppbrtjns any of the candidate!., the ges­ture was ^al;cn as an ojien,.indi­cation that tbc town clmlrnian Is

"opposed lo having Sclcclmah Frank Darker as a thlrd-tlnic

, ^citndldalc for first sclcctiiiaii.

*flie letter, written by M r i . Pi)-'«Ard I..- a p u g h of (10 iPtbhciSi , .S t , and sent ttppni-ciiliy!fo .Mr-'Anastatlo^ said In pait. "Wltji

f g r ta l rcgicls I vlll i ol bo vollhg fd next/ tomi cleclioil unless wc have

J a good change In Uils gaiiiS: of ^checkers, these li'isl yiiais: liiive,

pro\Pd cither Baikei or Clancy with I heir poor nianaftonicnt can't got out of the cornel "

B^ail To Continltt«ft 'Ihe letter was road al a meul-

tiis oC the OOP town commltlbe ' ' lueiday evening and rclcasetl

aloilg A\ltb collies uf st.ll.eiiicnts by the lliree now candidates tor the board of Selectmen

Mr BUiker cailici hart made known Ins Intention lo the town committee, and tho cuimnittee had \oted against release of this lii-tocmatlon until latei

blioitly attci the meeting, Iiow-c\er. Ibo foimrr flisl sclbctinon was quelled by the NIJWS rb-giiiding the tiufh oC lepurts thai be" would again sock the noin-inatlon ills statciiicnl w.is i5.suqd in response lo that quiiy.

MI Darkei dcelmul to com? niciil on Ihe publi'iitlon of the

' letter critical of bis adniliilslrn-lioii otiiei tli.m fui a prepared

1 statement t Called On Cviniilaliiailt

I his lettei," said D.iikcr," was of tbc .usual IMic, icguliu-ly rc-

, ucivcd, fioni pel sons who have iliiappi o\ cd of sonictliing wlilch

' iioi or has nol happened A.11 pcr-' tons who hold public office re­

ceive ihcin because it is obviously iioposslblc lo please everyone In

, llic •idmlnistiatlon of public at-' fans 1 have called uiion.the au-

tlior of tlic loiter aild found tlinl ; her iirliicipai coiiiplniiu was the

' failure of the Town to proyldu , cowers She theieloic WTOIC crt-' tlclsin of both men wlio nave held \ llio 1 list Selectman's office during

1' the past six ycais I "BIr. Anaslasio's motive In pub-1 ilslung tblsilellor which is crltl-i cal of his own parly as well as p that of tho opposition does not im-,1 mediately appear, however, Ap-{j prcntly his decision to do so vvas

a [icrsonol one and not that of the Ucpubllcan Town Committee. Undoubtedly Mr. Anastaslo will la­ter cxplaliv liow tlic publication oX this letter wi l l bcnofll both the Town and his- Party. 1 ani quite content to leave all the comment and explanation to him."

No Sarprlso Tu veteran' observers. Die dec­

imation by George McMiuius, lo­cal painting coiitraclbr and form­er incnibcr, of the Planning and Zoning Conmilsslori, that he would seek the GOP nomination tor first ECicctnian came as no surprise.

Speculation' has been rife on the possibility that next fall's election would sec Mr. McManus opposed by Mr. Ferrara for the lop post in the Town.

More recently, the figure of Donald C. Bartlett, proprietor of Uie Mansfield Grove skating rink and president of the East Haven Caianiber of Commerce, hos bfeen lurlOng in the \)ar.fcsround as a

pu::>-iMi; ihirklioi'.s!' caiiiliilale (or lln! Uip sput on llic iJOr llclipt.

•rill} Iwu dccbired i-iilidldiitcs (or siib'clninii on Uie Ucpubllcnn llc-lii'l arc Kniost Aiitlioiiis. fiirnir^r selcelniiin uiiiior niirktr, iinil .luhn A. Vcslutl, local busliie.isiiiiiii.

Police Dislribulc Crime Prcvenlion Cartls To Homes

Crime prevcnllnn rul'-.s nml n list of ciiirr;;enc-y iiiiinber oimi-bliicd on ft single card prepared bv Ihe Exchange Club of Knsl liaven for posting in the liomo were hciiig Uisli-lbiilcd lo homes tbiougliuut the 'l'ow;n this week.

The occasion was llic obscn--aiicc of "Crime Prevention Week." Today a " Ja i l on WJicels," llie personal creation of Sheriff Jiick Slavin, wiisset up near the Town Iladd for Insiicclloi'i by Ibe pub­lic.

During the week Police Chief Edwin Priest and Depiity Clii^f Joseph Folio, along with several other members of the force, de-hvercd a i c l o f talks on Crime Prevenllon before ciiUdrbn In llio several schols. An educational film vvas shown- Ho; tlib school-chliarcn. ' 5 -•, , • •

Those lioUsclioldcrs • vvho have not rei-eivcd;/ a crlriiO ' prevention and" ciherBcncy rules • card may have one by calling^ tlie police statloii.' al lib- 7-2331, Deputy Chief FoUo aniiouhced. : . •• j

Mr. Folio," who is chairman o( the Exchange club coni.niltlop on crime prevention, issued ajStatC' ir.o'nt' of llinnks to the auxlltdry, ,superiiumcrai-y and regular police ^yliQ; have been delivering the cards to hoiiics. V'lllo lliniiited the members of the committee fop their .nssistanco: Arthur-'lUccib, Peter •Umoncelll, Pcicr DC Musis and John Esiio-SllO. : ;

Legjsialive Committee. I'o Air Bills

:'ln recognition of Rolary ' s record as n civic service group First .Selectman Frank Clancy issued a proclamation this w c i k declaring Wednesday . Fe i ) , ,23 , as "Rotary D a y " in Eaist.Hnvcn. Dr. Lconnrd Ciiin clplp,,vprcsidcnt of . llic . E a s t Hfiveii 'Ro l i i ry witnessed the signing 5of .tlie procloniation which snul:.

' "Whcrc i i s Rulury'fi p rogram is ftp ehcourngft-and fosler the

Ideal of Service" ns n bnsis

and of worlli cnlerprisc and parlictilnr lo ciicuviragc fosler:

" T h e development of nc-qimintnnce ns nn cip|)orliinily for service;

"High ethical slnndiirds in business ivnd professions;- the recognition of the worthiness of ill! '.usefiiloi-.cupHtions; and the' dignifying by each Rolnr-iari of his occupiiiion ns mi op ­portunity to serve society;

" T h e ' npiilicntion. of the

Two Kcckivilli Girls Escaipc Injury la Me.

Two East Haven girls narrowly escaped serious injury near Augus­ta. Mc, Friday nlglil vvlicii a Maine Cci'ilral Railroad passenger train lilt a washout and the loco­motive ;, and four passenger cars were derailed. . 'I'licy ape Diane, 17, and Eli-«a-belli. Id, iliiughters of Dr. and. Mrs. Donald Dcckvyllb, of -170 'I'boiiip-sbn- Ave. The tvv'o girls vvere on their way to. the. Golby Collfego Winter Cui-nivai in Wutcrvillc.Mc, • The coach in which' llie Girls were passengers left the rails and came to rest leaning at abogt a 35 degree angle over Ihe river bed below. The train. Ibe Boston to Biiiigor Pino Tree Express, vvas due in Bangor lit about ai'lSp.m^ About three hours passed before rescue crevvs. went to v\'ork evacu­ating passengers.

The girls rcportod that they walked three miles in the freezing cold to llio nearest cross road to secure oilier transportation. No passenger w-as seriously hurl,- and tlic two girls were unhurt.

Diane is attending the Nortli-ainplpn School for Girls.'

JRcirking AidhoHly Asking &nlrol Of Main SL Lot

••''i'he' i'li'rkliig Auliioriiy Ims ask-cd";to be" t'raiisrcrrecl to its jnrls-dlpii-oil^lbe Town •imrkiiiB lot be-, Iw'ccri Metculf's l>rug Sliire iiiul Frcifs Itcsliiuraiil on Main St.

Tlic'.r'ciluest, • liiade on heliulf uf'l 'lhe' ;autliurlty, by Ulc-lmi-d Iliillly- toWii coui).si.'l, will be con-.siiforcii'iJy tlie UoHi-il of .Sblecl-Inch-'vvlifcn' they iiioet lonuirrow evdiiin^. . Mr... Keilly iiicluduil In his '•Iqtlep, a suggested: reiiolulion Irjnstoi-'rljig coiitrbal mid siiper-visjiii- lol-. tliu . I'arkliig Aiilliorll.v. Altyilloilly'ls: a iiieniber of llie flVCHiimi' .board . wliioli is • Iicudeil by .,I«lliu:-KiiieUu.

.Ti.ia.;;-i)urkliiE Tot Is now .under the-• iii'iiurvlslon ' of the Bu.-ii-i! uf i'ljbHt.Sufely. Mr: Keilly siiiii liml Iriiiiiiti'friiiB ' cuiUrul- ami super-vlij'e'd. I)j'.tjiis bum-d, lio cousldurud M .l^dvislible lo obtain • forniar nc-tioil-'-tl'dnsfbrrlng' it • lb the. coiilrul or:-kiiQ-'l'arking Auihorlly.

'Ai-iulure ••lilvii' of: the . I'lirkiiig Aiiiliprlly,.! may bb inslullallon' of m'o'l.e(-.H c'In-the parking Ibl. Mr. nqillyJliis 'expressed . Iiis> opiniun timt .-a'l special ordininice ^ivlll bu i-qtiMlrndiiby the Authority^ to iii-slall-ijiarriing meters in off-slrcet pip-itlniJ'fttcmtles. • ' •• . . , •

IJ, tlils'-'is dpncr'lit Is e.xijeeled thftt-'i (tic' net reveiiuos fi-om ' the ni«t'ers,'. 'will be consigned lo a special/fund unilei- ihe-cdniroi of thbl jVl'kiiig. Autliorlly.

'Another 'possible'step in Ihe.fu-lui'i''inia'is'. bc-tliQ consignmenl of

nil piirkbiB iiieler net i-cvi'iiiies lo n siicciiil fund Iu bo usi.'il fur llie iiuroliasu uiid o|ici'alioii of Off sli-eel . parking fiicillUes. 'Plie molers iiio installed under an nr-i-angenuiiit which .gives to .tlic liieler iiiamituclulcr li'iilf of llic nielcr recclpis iinlll the cost uf the nieiur is iiici. .-

Gil•l Scout Leaders To ( AllentI Worksliop Wctl, ; All liii.-.l Slii'jle (ll.l-l Scout lead­ers are iirnud lo utlcnd ii ';Work-sliop Meeting" next Wednesday niBht at the lioni'j uf Mrs. Fran­ces Fiillo'ii, .2;i7 Nu'rth lll|!h SI., siiirtliig at 8 o\;liick.,

•i'lie spraltei-s wlm will address Ihis liiipuiluiil .Lliolriul iiieelliiy Include Mrs. Allnii Biiiiwlll ijlc'kock and Mrs. Ciuipcll.

"ldci | l of .Service" by every Rolnfiiin lo his personal, busi­ness ^iiid comimiiiily life;

""The ndvanccmcnl of iiilcr-naliohnl uiidcralnnding. good will, jnnd peace through » world fellowship of business, and professiomil men uniled in the 'fdcnl of Service,'

" l l h o r c b y sol aside Wed­nesday, Feb. 23 , ns "R'olnry Dny ' l in Eiisl l lnven. (s igned) Frnnb S. Clancy, Firsi Selccl-ninn' j .

Rclajl Stores Closing For G.\y.'s Birthday

Iteilill ;: Nliuds 111 l h « .• cclilriiJ Knijl J l ivven .SIHUMIIHK a r r i i vvill

., Ill) i;iiis(itl'iill l iny 1111,'riii'silii,v. In •iibflerv'illlr'i!; ^ i i t - XViisbliiKlnu'ii l thl . l idii . \v .liihii Kmcl-/.n - n n -iiiiiiiiiicd l u r ( h e C' l imii l icr . of CdiiMiii'r*^;. .(

Mlisiiiess will l i" resi iniei l n-v iisiiiil on Wi'ilii(?Mliiy, n i r . Kii i i ' t --/.ii .said. '

Walsh Urealis Tie Vote In Favor

l!o>v Increases WouM HcnelJl Town 1 low iiMiih vviiiihl l.iul 1 liivni benefil lioiii mniK* ol llii:

jpropo.Hcd iiieiisuics Iu misc aUilc-aid bentefila In crluriiliun? A coiiservniivp melhucl nf rsliinnliiim would lie ihiiiUKli

comparison wits tho por-pupil nid lotnl lo bo leccivrd lhi'< yeiir. Based on nn nveingn divily nltcndiincc of 3,(1')7.4H pupils the preceding year. East Mivven is lo iccrivc .fi 1 2t<,8l'1.3.5 this ycnr or an nveingi: pcr-pupil ginnt of ;h ' t l .28.

(Al picseiil Ihe ginnl i acnhu la lcd for Ensl-Muvcii iicciird-ing lo ihis fornuilni .'|i-)'i,l)l)l) for Ihe fiisl 750 pupils and f 30 lor each addilionnl pupil, phis n supplemenlniy giant of .'h'l foi r a rh pupil .)

$ 1 1 1 , 0 0 0 .More

Under Mmipe Bill MH the locnl school nyHleiii would le-ccivc n ncl of %2 1 moie pci pup"! m loughl.y $65 ,000 moib per

Under Scnnlc Hill 907 Ih'i ayslcm would trceivo n Pel of ,$30 more per pupil or roughly . 'Mil ,000 nddtlionnl. 'This would prnclicnlly double the cxisliiig grnnL This is the hill favored Jay ihc Slnlc Aaaocinlion of Bonrda of Educntion.

Actual Figure Higher

Aclunlly next year 's pcr-pupil nid will be bused on ibis year 's cnrollmonl which hns swollen lo npproximnlr ly 3J 20 nnd is expected lo ilae one or Iwo hundreds u u i i o b e f o i c school

ends. ., , , , , • Since next y e n ' s giiuH will he cnlculnlod on nil nvciiige

dnily mcmbqiship, ihc b.u.c figuic on which ihc granl is coni-puled may be around 3 5 0 0 ,

Dcvelopmcii ls mul indivitlunl home building nre cxprcl-cd to ndd 400 completed hoiuca lo haisl |-lnvcn a tolnl I'jy Uclo-bor.

Toivn DeficU For 19S3 - ,U Wm$/.0,J.r>9, AndUorSays

Walsh Says U Of luluealioii WillAlleud

MiMiiliers uf Ilii' nobrd of Kd-ucnlliili will alli'iiil u Jieiirlng on ^ Male iilil lo srhool dKlrlcts and Imvns Wi'ilni'sday floiiioon ul 2 (I'cliK-k 111 Room -ll.S 1(1 Ihe Klalq capliiil, ciinli'iiuiii Fi-rtiit'la Wnlali 'laid liula.V- ' , . . r.

•| lie hrarliig >vlll cnlLi kler ' n minibur of bills liilruducod-by various li-KlslnloVs for llip purpose ol incrcasliig IlicHmounl of stale nlil Ul rrtilcnllnn. '

Mr. Wnl.sh sahl ho iihuined Iu iillend, but dkl-|iol know vvlliil oilier"- meliibcra of f'lho ' boftril vvoulUl bo abln'lo allend Ihu-hcdr-,lng. School Supl. H. •Vurniiii Hoys mny also be nl Iho heni'liit?.

Mr. Walsh rcvoalecl , lh«l. llio Slfllp Asaoclalluii ijC Hoards of Eilui'n'llon bad notified its nioni-bcrship of Ihc hearing by letter. The ns'ioclallon also urged bouid mcMiibprs lo rciiueal local rc'pro-M'nliilh-PS I'n Ihe U-Klslnlurp lo aiiliporl Mil' pns'tiiKO of Siimiie 1)111 '.)!17, TlKi bill vvmilil raise the |iiii--|Mipll. gMiliI 'by .t'lO.,

Ilowovui'i lipi'liiihi) 11 Kiieclal .fl |iei' piiiill supiilcnionlary grnnl in cffpi'l llils- blenmiiii will explrp 111 July, llii' net liierease piiivldcd by bill would be S'JG. ' . .

H h piisslblr, also, ihat privnlC iiidividuiils and group.s will bo usknil U) Mipporl-lhls-'nieiuiui'o.


Barker DefencitMecord Of His Town Administration Republican Selectman Frank

Barker today defended the record of his own - Admlnistrallon when he served as first selectman from 1951 to 1953.

He issued the following state­ment defending not only his rec­ord as first selectman but his re­cent action ill announcing Ills In­tention to; seek rc-nomlnation for flrsl solcclman on the Republican ticket. '

Statoiiiciil Follows In making an early announee-

menl of my lalcnllon of seekhig the Republican nomination for the office' of First Sclcetnian, I did BO with a' veiy definite pur­pose In mind. This purpose was lo allow unlimited time for. a fuM and free discussion of my abili­ties and iiiy record while I hold that office from 1951 lo 1053. This early start, and Invitation to P full discussion is a wide departure from the usual tactics used by tho typical politician, but I do It with the intenllon of giving the voters of Uie Town a chance to make ? full study of what has happened in tbe past and what might be ex­

pected in Ihe lulurc. In sliorl, 1 intend lo avoid the frenzy and fury of campaign promises and propaganda Issueu JO late tbui there is no lime lo elllier affirm or de'iiy.'

At tills lime 1 intend to list the thliigSi 1 that... were ' accoinpllsiied during my term In office us First Sc'loctmali. These are ull malteis of public record and as such may be jjrovon beyond any shadow of ilbu'bt; 'f^ierc Is plenty of time be­fore'even nominations are made for unyone, iMllticiari, or voter, to qucsllqii'''elthcr inu or the record 'and secure both tbe broad faels oi-thu^lelalls.

• • Stliool SltUftUoa First let' us tiikc the most ser­

ious problem which has faced our Town al any time during the pijst several years; our public school situation. Under my odmlnlslra-tlon, -Ihe Glllls School which had been the subject of discussion and argumeiit for a long time without action, was taken in hand and fl-al plwtsWere formulated, con-

' (Cotliin'oi OuTiigo Tivu)

Local Cirls Make T-V Appearanee For FIIA Week

Carole -Walsli.- .slote pruslUent of the Future Ifomcmnkers of Amerlcn, and Eva Aldricb, s tale ' song leader, parlidiiated In a television broadcast over Station WKNI3 In Now. Bi'Ilain last Thursday.' in a ..special: in-ograin marking- llie obsorvoiice of Nii-tlonnl Futiire . Ilomciiialrers of .America .Week. : The two Eosl Iluyeii. girls took liarl in tlie bi'oadcost wllh Mrs. Grace Harrison, stale advisor of the FllA, as tbe local group marked a full week of activities.

On Monday senior lioiiieinak-Ing siudenls nt the High School and members of the F.Il.A. chap­ter here visited the Leed's Con­valescent homo on High School to present the patients there vvltli individual Valentines and a 'Vnl-enllne box of delicacies.

On Tuesday , the local FHA chaiiter met In the cafeteria. The meeting was attended Ijy u num­ber of students who qualified for inembeishlp by completing a half-year of homomuking and who bad paid Ihelr slate and notional dues,

Twenly-llireo members Indicated Ihcy intend to takb the Junior liomomakcr degree: Four mem­bers plan to take the chapter de­gree al tile regional FMA meet­ing lo be held 'on March 23 in tlie Dullard - H a v e n 'I'echnical School In Bridgeport.

Miss Walsh was eleclcd degree chalrmiih of the local chaiiler. She Is being assisted by Marie De-FII|i|>o and Elaine Plscllelll. -

IHvenly-seven new nicmbers have Joined the chapter lo bring its total membership lo '13. Thirty-one other girls have Indicated their desire to Join the group.

Recently Miss Betty Breton, (CoUduiwl On I'age Two)

Ol" Kiuderjijarlens i'lio fale ol* llie klililni'CTrlells

liuiiK 111 Ihc balance at hisl w-eclt's nifcllng (If til" Uoai-il nf K(lui;:i-11(111, bill I hey will 1 mill oiMiil next y i i r bci'.'iuse nf IJoai'l Chair-iih'iii Viaiii'i.'i Wiihih's lie - Iireiik-ini; vole. The viile was Inkcn lol-lovvlng llie reading of a prepared fiUilciiieiit hy Supl. of. ,Sclii)iil.s'. Jl. Verniiii Hays and a dl.scu.sslon pro and cull.

ll.'inilil Jliill,, Hpolicsmnii for Ihe lleseiircli CoiiMiilll.ee, said tliey I'c-eonliiionded closing the klndeigar-teiis to -release seven rbonis. for use ns first and second' grade elnssroonis lo prevent doulilc ses­sions. He pointed o'ut that no o-quipnionl changes-would lie: need­ed, since the furniture would be Builnjile for first grade pupils.

Negative votes wore registered Immediately liy wnilani Withlng-ton and Bernard LuoiiRO. The lat­ter pointed out Ihut Ibe lowiis-pcoplc had mode It clear a t the recent budget'town niOetings thai they wanted the kindergartens.

Friendly Dcliato Following the dlseUss|oh, which

was actually a friendly debalu without heated argument, Ihe vote was talien, resulting In a tie which the chairman broke by voting a-g.'dnst the closing tho klndorgbr-teiis. Tw-o . members, Eli-dabeth Chapkovich and George Lolls, were absent.

Following the meeting, Mr. WIthlngton told the NEWS that he strpngly favored keeping tlie Idiidergartens; that while : they were In a sense ';oi-ganlzed play," he felt the youngsters benefited from tlie Instructions Ihey rc'celv-cd. Bernard Luoiigo added that he felt tlie same woy.

Mrs. John Sulliviiii, eluilrnian of the Research Committee and also a. teacher, said she frankly felt that double sessions would bo too hoi-d and tiring for the first grad­ers. She said she didn't approve of kooping them In school '•uiiill "1:30 in the afternoon." She added that she "was all for the kinder­gartens" but would sacrifice ihem in favor of the first graders.

Mr. llnll ngroed to this, and added that the younger cblklren "could .be taught; at their nioiher's knee." He said he doubted ;if any­one could dolermlne from a high­er grade pupil's murks whether or not he had attended klndergiiilen,

(Coliuue-d On rage Two) •

W.hlle .'I'.oWn unveumienlal'vl'jV pciulltures hisl fiscal year exci-cil-ed iippriijii'lalioiis by .fllU.S:) I B-1, nn excess of .T.2fl,li7r.,r)l of rcvenni's over Inidgulnry cslliiinles cuvcn-il most of this leaving ii dcllcll of .'Sllj.l.'in.'i'). In effect, I hat Is what Daniel G, Welnstelii, of Mie nc-counlliig firm ol Welnslelii * Tiniiii sillied In n h'll"r In FiisI Sclcclmnn Finiik Clancy on Siiliii-day.

The Iclter was i pleased lo rc-purtors lis nn Indlrei'l niihwer In charges levcleil by .Selccliiiaii li'iank IJarker. Mi'- IJlirliur wild thai the Clancy aihiiliilslralloii liail Incurred.a tti'i.H'ii.W biidgul.

Asked ICvphiniilhiii

The liepiililii-nn selcclniaii rallcil his Deiiirucrulk- rival's Ii'-icnl piii'--tlces "a king iJiO mess" mid de-nuinded un explaniillon. I.asi Thursday evening, Mr. Clancy iilid Leslie Redtield, of Iho Uouid of Flmuico, called a Joint meelinfof that board wllh llin nuilibirs.

Reporlers were liivlled lo al-Iciid to hear the auditors' own le-port on the stale of llie Town's fiscal affairs at tho end ol the flrsl halt of Mr, Clancy's iwo-yi'iir terni.

At the same lime. First .Soleet-mun Clancy, who icmalncd slleiil, for llic .most part, before Mr. Bark­er's critical assault, leaving 11 Iu Mr, Redfield and the,auditors to

(Colliiur.l On I'ligi! Two)

SovvtM'iif c Coiiiiiiis.sioii To Mcci INcM Week

T h e i i ie inbeihl i lp uf a .Spccliil .Scwcii ige S l l idy n i i imi i l l l e i ' W'lis i imiideil mil tills w e e k wlUi ' Hie namii i i ; of •l"lin I 'XIIOHIIO, nf 2.'i lOilwiuili. SI , lis Ihe .si'Vi'iilli a n d l l i i n l i i i i ' i i i b i - r .

Flihl Hclcclinnn Friiilk Clancy, Willi iiniiied the (•uiinulllee, .said ho c.spi'clcil lliiil II wiMilil lui'i'l Mil iHU'P'isi-M ol uii;mil-!atlnii iiexl week.

Mr. lispiwllu it, nil liijoul of llio Mflro|Hillla)i ' Life ciiinininy in New lliivi'ii. He has boi'b arllve in Iho hii'al Kvchiingo (^lub.

l,uily of Ponipcii Ladies' Guild Sponsoring Vulcnline Dance Sal.

The Liidios' Ciilhl nf onr l.aily of I'liiiipoil Cliiia-h is hiiiinsiiiiiii! a Valeiillno Daiicn Salui-diiy niglil j al the Coiiiiiiuliy Hull tUm « lo ' 12. Music will be fiiini.shcd by .lack Lawlei's oi-cliestiii.

Mrs. Frank Cllffoid und Mri. Vincent Mltclioll a ie co-clialrmen lo the affair.' 'Hiey will lie as-iil.s'ted by MIS. Clinil"S Fischer, Mrs. Anlliony Ma.cucci, Mis. Al-piionse Cariano and Mrs. IJonutu Aichangelo.

ilol uystom ai'Dj , W-,sof- -lh<i, !jidal>i -Icyi.' Ji'oi- [lull ,

- t i -

Introduce Bilt Clarifying Probate Court Jurisdiction

Confusion ov.er the Jurisdiction | '" of Ihc New Haven and suriound- jy gmo the opinion at tlinl time big community piobiilo courts has | i|,m „|,y „ne who had died piloi lo led lo the introduction of u spec lal bill clarifying such.Jurisdiction, the office of Edwaid L. Hoyonlds, attorney und Judge of the East Haven iirobate eouit, announced this week.

According lo Judge Reynolds a conflict In opinion on such Juils-dlctlon with leferelice lo the Weal Haven oiid Huinden and New Ha­ven courts led to tho Introduction of the special n|easuie by Stale Rep. Jolin F. Clpilano, ol Noilh llavon.^ • The bill 'will cicur up wliieli Court vvlll have Jurisdiction over estates wlieie the decedent died prior to the Institution of North Haven and East Haven's Probate Court, bul wheie tho estate baa nol been probated," said ^ Judge Reynolds. 1 Opinlpiiii Conlllcled • , He explolned thai "when Ihe iliimderi iirobate court ond West Haven probate coui'l separated from the Nevv Haven Dlstricl, the secretary of the Trobdte Assemb-

Ihese couits being established and In tbe New Haven court would come under Honiden oi West Ha­ven JurLsdiclion.

In the absenr-o of eslobllslied law on this; Mr. Uoynold.i suld, he and Judge William Shanloy, of New Haven, wrote • for aiiolher opinion, whereupon the sc-cictaiy of the I'robuto Assembly suld thai llie date of death w.is eontiollliig, notliw)lh»landmg other c'onsldeia-tions.

For llils ipuson the bill, number 1035, was Iptroduced. It provides; "The Probate Courts'for Ibo Dls-ti-icts of West Haven, llanideii, North liaven and East Haven shall have Jurlsillclion of all piobale business arising In Ihelr ritspecllve districts on and after the respuc-tlve dates Rild Courts .were .con-stltuted.iSuch juiisdlotlon . . . shall Include matters wheie u parligular decedeiit's deatli, occurred pplpr.tfi the date when the particular Court was coiistltulcd' but where 'no'''%^-

(Cotliiueil On Pajjii Two)' '•

Ini'i-oaHert slata 'gi'uinls li) sub-hlilUO Ihe growing',coiitit'lJf Kllst Hnvoii'a imliUc seijcwl uystom are, iliu iiiiiin lio|ii!..\m)5y-, IJouid 01 Kdili'iilll., roi(h9i{,l)io hoaid In wiUuhini! viilh InluroBl'.- bills ..•lnia-oiludccls..lri..,!Jlli lilaii' li'glHlalure lo Incruiise llin amount of 'Ilie granls.

Al ii'itsl l,'l liMlii.havo hoi'ir lu­ll uiliiroil In Iho SeiHilo niiil'lliiuse nf Rcproselil III Ives - lillls .vvlileh -iii-o conociiioil wllh Increiihoil .sriiiiiil nid. CoiSloa of Ihcso bills mo lii'lng I 111 110(1 over by Rop. I'lll/nbolli Ciiiiimi'y lo Francis Walsli, oliuli'inim. of Ihe local • ISiiiU'd of. Klhu-alhiii, fur sllidy.

On llio lot'oiiimoiidnllon of Mis. i.'iuunioy, Iho NEWS hiloivluwoil Pop. Lucy UniiniHir of Uraiifoiil. II iiiiiulior uf Iho IIouHo Coni-iiilllou on l-iiliiontiiiii. Mrs. liuiii-1111^ biiiiioiarldi'il Iho "tentures of ipoio lni|ior|iii)l hills.

I'm-Hi'lls litis SJlllla Rep. Nuiniiib l'/ii'KMll,s'i Iiiia lii-

iHiiliii-oil w\oriil hllfi; Uoufiu IJlll UK wiMilil gram ;p,') more per piipll, (Hi-causo 0 HMD .uihlflluniil giiiiil of .f'l per pupil voted for ' Iho llW.'l-n.'i bloiinlum will' end ' tlil^ coining Jidy J, lVIi-s», Ilani-iiior o\|ilaii|oi|, 111'' i)n;i'cas'J 'wou|^I really iinioiiiil jfi only $21 ^'liver-' tlml nliciidy lioing piovldod.)

Ilof). Pnisoirs 1H3 ^0 vvpiild -giiuil roU-onctlvely ' ten dollars nioi'o per pli|i|l fof the yclUN H),"i,')-Dri and lis- fijodi would coma from the sales Inx sul'phis,

1111-87(1, lullodticod • by Rop. Fianols Cndy, of Kent. Is modeled on Iho I'ocomm'ondailon of Iho MaoDoiiakl C o m In 1 s- 1 o n . For towns wllh nioj'u Hmn 130 pupils It would change Ihe ')ttnte"'ulU grnni lo n fjiit $100 per pupil.

Senate Bill U»7, Introduced by ' Senaior Paul Amonlu, New, I3rl-Inln chairman of the Senate Com-mltloo on ErtU9«tiqn, is'being sup-poriort by lliij Conneclietit Asso-rlallon of Boards, of Eductitlon, II would piovlde ' an tiddlllonal gianl of .$10 per pupil. In 'iiddl-llon It would up the minimum amount to bo oxporided by the Town In order lo tjuullfy for tho full giunl'fioro ?1-10 to'$200 per pupil " ' '

Has Assiiclatlon Siipport Governor Abraham RIblcOff hus

locomnionded u'n Increase of $C por pupil, but no bill'- has been, Intioduceii ,tor a raise of Hiut spe­cific amount, us far a s Mrs. Haiiir iiior knew., j •:» ,

Bi i l ld ing Siibsli ty IMIls ' Bills to- Increase statu aid tor

school buildings' consl'ituio ,ubuut halt of the 13' bills'. JlB-'^7 by Hep. Pursolls would lulsB the e.x-istiiig grnn). 'I'he law now pro­vides aid of isyoo per pupil or oiie-lhlrd of the rout of elomeiil-ury elawes, whichever lif' Ie'ss. On the sceeiidary leynl^HhO 'rale la $400 por pupil o'lv dn'c-lhiid ol" eosl, whichever is ,leS»<I Mr.•• Par-sell's ijill Would Uicrcuse these gr(trits lo $500 for eletn^ntiij ' '8nd' $750 for secondai'y, ol'- one-thliil '

coat. ., ' i . r - .• ,,'p:''i 'i' Stated pyi'p&se of-the WU J s Ip

raiiie tho igrant-ilfi-otd-'to'litlinl-iJf will ,uppi'oxlmif,t«i,png-,tl)lrd Die. cost ot school'''eonslmetion. "At . ' (CotlnucJ (Ji iPagVTvvo)" '" ' "

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