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A huge thank you to our sponsors for raising $136,000, the third highest total we have raised in the 19 year history of this event. This year the 19th Annual Verizon Wireless-SIDS Golf Invitational brought nearly 350 golfers, sponsors and volunteers to Turf Valley Resort on Monday, October 5th. The Center would also like to acknowledge the 2009 Golf Committee members, who were on hand throughout the day to greet folks, entertain and set up the evening portion of the event. This committee went above and beyond to make this year’s event the success it was. We truly are fortunate to have had so many wonderful supporters committed to the purpose of the golf outing and to support the mission of the Center. Monies raised from the Verizon Wireless-SIDS Golf Invitational provide more than one third of the operating budget for the Center for Infant & Child Loss which provides grief counseling services, community education, training, outreach and research. Mark your calendar for next year’s event - Turf Valley Resort in Ellicott City, Maryland on October 4, 2010. Thank you! This has been a year of change within the Center for Infant & Child Loss. We said goodbye to the former Director and hello to a new one. We said goodbye to our former Events Coordinator and anticipate the announcement of our new Events Coordinator shortly. As a program we are working on enhancing our mechanism for storing data. We are continuing to expand our community based outreach initiatives and working towards indentifying new ways to promote awareness of infant mortality and unexpected child death and its impact on families in the state of Maryland. Change can be classified in many ways; substitute, replacement, alteration, distortion or even mutation. Here at the Center we describe change as something magical. It is an opportunity to take what works and make it better. We describe change as refinement, development, innovation, or metamorphosis. We are committed to growth, productivity, and the establishment of mutual confidence in all aspects of our work. As a team we are identifying ways to maintain our communication professionally and within the local communities. In our outreach efforts, we want to hear from you. We want to spread the word about the Center. We want to do this while going GREEN. Inside this newsletter insert is a communication on how you can help. Please take the time to send us your response via email or phone call. Distributing our newsletter electronically will allow us to redistribute additional funding to direct service while expanding the number of people receiving our information. We are also reaching out and encouraging you to support the Center by making the Good Search Web Search Engine your home page. Good Search is a charitable search engine. If you go to www.goodsearch.com you can select the Center for Infant & Child Loss as the charity of your choice. Every time you use the Good Search website after that a donation will be made to the Center, a very small gesture that could produce amazing results. F A L L / W I N T E R 2 0 0 9 VOLUME 17/NO.1 Reaching New Heights!!! Director’s Desk LaToya Bates
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Ahuge thank you to oursponsors for raising $136,000,the third highest total we have

raised in the 19 year history of thisevent. This year the 19th AnnualVerizon Wireless-SIDS GolfInvitational brought nearly 350golfers, sponsors and volunteers toTurf Valley Resort on Monday,October 5th.

The Center would also like toacknowledge the 2009 GolfCommittee members, who were onhand throughout the day to greetfolks, entertain and set up theevening portion of the event. Thiscommittee went above and beyond to

make thisyear’s eventthe successit was. Wetruly arefortunate tohave had somanywonderfulsupporterscommittedto thepurpose of the golf outing and tosupport the mission of the Center.

Monies raised from the VerizonWireless-SIDS Golf Invitationalprovide more than one third of theoperating budget for the Center for

Infant & Child Loss which providesgrief counseling services, communityeducation, training, outreach andresearch. Mark your calendar for nextyear’s event - Turf Valley Resort inEllicott City, Maryland on October 4,2010. Thank you!

This has been a year of change within the Center for Infant& Child Loss. We said goodbye to the former Director and

hello to a new one. We said goodbye to our former Events Coordinator and anticipate theannouncement of our new Events Coordinator shortly. As a program we are working onenhancing our mechanism for storing data. We are continuing to expand our community basedoutreach initiatives and working towards indentifying new ways to promote awareness ofinfant mortality and unexpected child death and its impact on families in the state of Maryland.Change can be classified in many ways; substitute, replacement, alteration, distortion or evenmutation. Here at the Center we describe change as something magical. It is an opportunity totake what works and make it better. We describe change as refinement, development,innovation, or metamorphosis. We are committed to growth, productivity, and theestablishment of mutual confidence in all aspects of our work. As a team we are identifying ways to maintain ourcommunication professionally and within the local communities. In our outreach efforts, we want to hear from you.We want to spread the word about the Center. We want to do this while going GREEN. Inside this newsletter insertis a communication on how you can help. Please take the time to send us your response via email or phone call.Distributing our newsletter electronically will allow us to redistribute additional funding to direct service whileexpanding the number of people receiving our information. We are also reaching out and encouraging you to support the Center by making the Good Search Web SearchEngine your home page. Good Search is a charitable search engine. If you go to www.goodsearch.com you canselect the Center for Infant & Child Loss as the charity of your choice. Every time you use the Good Search websiteafter that a donation will be made to the Center, a very small gesture that could produce amazing results.

F A L L / W I N T E R 2 0 0 9V O L U M E 1 7 / N O . 1

Reaching New Heights!!!

Director’s Desk

LaToya Bates

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When your child dies, one of the mostcommon and difficult parts of the griefprocess is the loss of control. As parents,

we are accustomed to dealing with dependantchildren, over whom we have much control. Ifyour child is an infant, you have almost completecontrol over almost every aspect of life. If you havean older child, you are in charge of the day to dayhealth and well being of that person. To lose achild is the ultimate loss of control. So, how do weget some of that control back on the way tobecoming healthy again?

Even though everything has changed for yourfamily, there are some things that you can chooseto do or not to do, that can lead to a new feeling ofnormal:

• You can control how to structure and organizeyour time. For newly bereaved, you can committo getting out of bed each morning and taking awalk. You can decide to join a support group orseek counseling. For those whose losses are a bitolder, you could become involved in a cause ororganization that reminds you of your child, likeone new family recently did for our golftournament. You can choose not to isolateyourself from things that you have enjoyeddoing in the past. Or you can develop newinterests. You can choose to reinvest in your life.

• You can control how you care for yourselfduring the grief process. It’s common forbereaved people to change both sleep and eatinghabits, or to stop exercising. Try to respectyourself and your body by giving it the attentionthat it needs.

• You can control your support system, the peoplewho are important to you in your life.Sometimes, this group of people changes afterthe death of a child. Sometimes, friends orfamily with whom you have felt particularlyclose let you down during your time of grief.Others step in unexpectedly to fill the void. Youcan decide who consists of your inner circle, thepeople who bring a positive influence to yourlife.

• You can control your attitude about your future.At first, many parents cannot imagine a futurewithout their beloved child. They put their liveson hold as they mourn their tragic loss. As timemoves forward, parents are forced to think aboutthe future as those around them go on withtheir lives. Your can choose to learn to live withyour loss and move forward while recognizingthat your life will never be the same as before.You can choose to lead a new normal.

I tell many mothers and fathers that these tasksare not necessarily easy, especially at first. Youhave to start slow and try to work on somethingthat is fairly easy to accomplish. For some, thatmight be simply getting out of bed that day andmaking a healthy breakfast. Others may feelaccomplished by volunteering at their child’sschool or attending a support group. What isimportant is not necessarily what you do, but thatyou are learning to adjust to your loss in a positiveway. You do have control over your grief. My hopefor you is that you are able to find a way to do thisin a healthy way. Please feel free to call me if youwant to talk.

– Mary LeSueur

Counselor’s Corner


‘Wave of Light’ Candlelight VigilIn conjunction with Pregnancy & Infant Loss AwarenessMonth, grieving parents and friends came together onOctober 15th for a Wave of Light ceremony at Andrews AirForce Base. The vigil was organized by Family Advocacy,the base chapel and Christina Juneau, wife of Petty Officer2nd Class, Michael Juneau, who lost their 6 day old son,Michael, Jr. in 2006.

Chaplin Captain Brando Parker, 316th Wing, presided overthe ceremony and noted that President Reagan proclaimed

October as National Pregnancy & Infant Loss AwarenessMonth and he said, ‘When a child loses his parent, they arecalled an orphan. When a spouse loses their partner, theyare called a widow or widower. When parents lose theirchild, there isn’t a word to describe them.’ “How true it is,he said. Every life, even the tiniest and shortest lived,deserves to be acknowledged and remembered. They areforever in our hearts.”

The Center for Infant & Child Loss donated candles tothe event.

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Outreach and Training EffortsJune -- October 2009


Day Care Providers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

Professional Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

Pregnant / Parents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Community Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5


Health fairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Risk reduction materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.910 *

Light switch covers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26,750 *** includes Spanish materials** includes light switch covers provided to all birth hospitals

Center for Infant & Child LossMemory Quilt

Many of you have seen the beautiful quilts displayedat the annual memorial services and events eachyear. These quilts have individual squares createdby families of loved ones toremember their child. If youwould like to add a quiltsquare please follow theseguidelines:

• Size 8x8• Material – cotton orcotton/poly blend

• Design – individual tasteand creativity

Mail to the Center for Infant &Child Loss at the address on this newsletter.


Wireless Zone PartnershipCICL is pleased to have WirelessZone, one of largest independentcellular agents which specialize inVerizon Wireless Voice and Data

services as a corporate partner. Wireless Zone Foundationfor Giving donates a portion of every activation andupgrade fee from the Washington/Baltimore/VirginiaWireless Zone stores to the Center. Please consider usingWireless Zone for service with Verizon cellular products.

Gutberlet Scholarship

The Center would like to remind interested partiesof the Ronald L. Gutberlet, M.D. Scholarship thatprovides parents/grandparents/health care workers

the means to attend conferences regarding SIDS andother child deaths. Conferences are always announced onour website at: www.infantandchildloss.org and most are held annually. Examples of organizations having annualconferences are California SIDS Program, CJ Foundation,First Candle/SIDS Alliance, and The Compassionate Friends.

For more information please contact:LaToya Bates at 410-706-5089 / 800-808-7437 or

[email protected]

The following research project was conducted in England. In the stateof Maryland, the term SIDS is not used when an infant is co-sleeping,instead the term SUDI (sudden unexplained death in infancy) isutilized.

There continues to be much discussion on the risk factorsassociated with co sleeping and the proportional increasein deaths from SIDS among infants co sleeping.* The

American Academy of Pediatrics currently recommends againstbed sharing, but advocates ‘room sharing’. Having the baby inthe same room allows the mother to easily comfort the baby.

A recent study focusing on hazardous co sleeping environmentsand risk factors suggest that the risk to the infant might be dueto the circumstances in which co sleeping occurred. The studyindicated that some of the risk reduction messages seem to begetting across and may have contributed in the decline in theSIDS rate. The article encourages continued identification ofemerging dangers and re-emphasizing ones already observedwithin the infant’s sleeping environment.

The article recommends the approach of warning parents

(particularly young parents) of the specific circumstances thatputs infants at risk (i.e. pillows, heavy blankets, objects orpersons that could impede an infants breathing). Therecommendation against bed sharing is not enough. Parentsneed to be advised with specific examples of consequences, i.e.never to put themselves in a situation where they might fallasleep with an infant on a sofa.

To read the complete case-control study on the hazardous cosleeping environments and risk factors go to:



*Co sleeping for this article is defined as an infant sharing thesame bed or sofa with an adult or child. Depending on thesource co sleeping and bed sharing are used interchangeably.Co sleeping can also described as mother and baby sleepingwithin close proximity to one another, not necessarily the samebed, usually in the same room.

Research and Information Updates

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June 2009 - October 2009


Special thank to all our friends for their heartfelt donations

Laura DickIn loving memory ofHalley Alexandra Lam-bert

Brian & Cassie FelchIn loving memory ofJordan Felch

Phelps & Chris KelleyIn loving memory ofNicholas Kelley

Linda McMillanIn loving memory ofErin Lee McMillan

Sara PicIn loving memory ofLeala Nyada Barnes

Beverly PowellThe Irvin H Hahn Co.,Inc.In loving memory ofChristopher John Powell

Florence PowellIn loving memory ofCourtney Powell

Michael & Ruth RothIn memory of Michael Waite WallerKaren Calish

Michael HanyokKim HolcolmSidney Keiser Donna LantzHenry RaymondIn loving memory ofKaitlyn McClung

Christopher CummingsJudith DavenportJoseph KearneyKimberly KeatingNatalie SmithAndrew StangroomIn loving memory ofAll the children that have died

DonationsIn Memory . . . In Honor of …

Honoring Their ChildrenParents and families are finding creative ways to memorialze their children and help the Center. Families have cometogether to heal and raise money for the Center by walking, playing golf and attending bull roasts. These effortscontribute to nearly half of the Center’s operating budget. Without these funds, the Center would not be able topurchase bereavement literature or educational materials.

The Verizon Wireless/SIDS Golf Invitational was started 19 years ago by Chuck Dohrman and has raised over $1 million,in memory of Zachary. The Annual Walk/Run for SIDS & Child Loss, in its 11th year, started by the Beans family, inmemory of Joanna, attracted over 300 participants this year. The Cockerham family of Harford County just celebratedthe 10th Annual SIDS Bullroast in October with a near sell out crowd. It has been 13 years since Jonathan died.

In years past, couples have renewed their vows and teenagers have had birthday parties and asked that in lieu of gifts,donations be made to the Center. It is remarkable what a giving spirit those who have lost so much, have for others.

That giving spirit continues this fall. Bruce and Ami Brown have asked that instead of presents for their 4-year-old sonKeane’s birthday, donations be made to the Center. Latika & Corey Vines are holding the 2nd Annual Strike Out SIDSBowl-A-Thon on November 22 in Waldorf in memory of Viktoria R.A. Wilson who died in 2005. The McClung family ofFinksburg recently lost Kaitlyn and is celebrating her first birthday with a dance on November 28 in Sykesville.

The Center is grateful to so many families, friends and volunteers for the time and effort put forth at all the eventsthroughout the year. If you would like information about upcoming events, call the office at 410-706-0200.

Thanks for Your Support to the CenterKaitlyn McClung's FirstBirthday Dance for SIDSSaturday, Nov. 28, 2009From 7 p.m. - MidnightSykesville FreedomDistrict Fire Hall6680 Sykesville RoadSykesville, MD 21784

Tickets $20 per personContact Terry orStephanie for moreinformation or tickets:[email protected] Ticket Sales Only,No Sales At The Door.

Strike Out SIDSBowl-A-ThonPlease join us as weremember the life ofViktoria R. A. Wilson andall children who havedied from Sudden InfantDeath Syndrome (SIDS)and Sudden UnexplainedDeath of Infant (SUDI).All proceeds will benefitthe Center for Infant &Child Loss.

Celebrate her life with usby creating a team,joining a team,volunteering, making adonation or coming out toenjoy the festivities.

AMF WALDORF LANESSunday, November 22,200911920 Action LaneWaldorf, MD • 206011:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M.

Further details at website:[email protected]://mi-amor.memory-of.com

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The program will commemorate the lives of ourchildren. All persons interested in preparing areading or music for the programs are

welcome and encouraged to participate. A receptionwill be held following each program.

We will include the names of our children in theprogram and service, even if you cannot attend.Please complete the form below and return it to theCENTER. The two programs will be held in thefollowing areas:


The Center for Infant & Child Losscordially invites our families and friends to attend

“Remembering Our Children

Baltimore AreaSunday, December 13, 2009 - 7:00 p.m.

Brown Memorial Church6200 N. Charles StreetTowson, Maryland

Directions: Baltimore beltway (I-695) to Exit #25Charles Street; South on Charles St. approximately2 miles to church on right directly across from 7-11.

Prince Georges CountySunday, December 13, 2009 - 2:00 p.m.

St. Philips Episcopal Church6th & Main Streets

Laurel, Maryland 20705

Directions: From I-95 take Exit 35A East,Scaggsville Road, toward laurel (1.7 miles).

Bear left on Main Street.

Eastern ShoreTuesday, December 8, 2009, 7:00 p.m.

St. John United Methodist Church, Fruitland, MDFor more information call Jennifer Horner at 410-543-7039

Refreshments will be served following each service. Please bring a ‘‘finger food.’ Please bring a photo-graph or other memento of your child for the memory table. Be sure to put your name on the back.

For more information call 800-808-7437

Please email information to [email protected], or complete, detach andmail or fax (410/706-0146) by December 1, 2009 to:

CENTER FOR INFANT & CHILD LOSS, 737 W. Lombard Street, Rm. 220, Baltimore MD 21201

� I (we) will attend the program: � Baltimore � PG County

� We cannot attend, please include our child’s name in the service.


Child’s Name: Phone:

Name: Number of adults Children

Address: I will: � prepare a reading

� perform or provide music

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Hold the DatesFriday - March 12th Coming in May

Saturday - October 9th

Friday March 12, 2010 from 8:00 pm to 12:00 amColumbus Gardens

4301 Klosterman Ave, Nottingham, MD 21236For further information:

[email protected], raffles and great food

Call 800-808-SIDS/410-706-3091www.infantandchildloss.org

Bring the whole family!1, 3 or 7 miles routes – games and food!

Call 800-808-SIDS/410-706-3091or go to www.infantandchildloss.org

for information and to registerLive & Silent Auctions, Raffles & Great Food!

Golfers/Sponsors/Volunteers Welcomed!

Contact: Donna Hawley410-939-6212 e-mail: [email protected]

Music, live and silent auctions and great food!

11th Annual

Coming in June

Quiet Waters Park600 Quiet Waters RdAnnapolis, MD 214038:30 am – Official

Start Time

6:00 p.m. to MidnightLevel Fire Hall

3633 Level Village Rd.Havre de Grace,


Turf Valley Resort2700 Turf Valley Rd.Ellicott City, MD


Registration: 9:00 am

The ride is routed along 50-75 milesof the beautiful, winding country

roads of Maryland.

Registration includes food,soft drinks, entertainment,

and lots and lots of giveaways.

START LOCATIONMD: Harley Davidson of Elkridge

END LOCATION:Daniels Restaurant of Elkridge

For more information contact:[email protected]


Go to www.infantandchildloss.org for more information on these events and the 2010 dates forKaitlyn McClung’s Birthday Dance for SIDS and Strike Out SIDS Bowl-A-Thon.

Monday - October 4th

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2009 Bull Roast


10th Annual SIDS Bull & Oyster Roast ~ Another Huge Success!

With close to a crowd of 300people, the 10th SIDSAnnual Bull & Oyster

Roast which was held onSaturday, October 10th wasanother huge success!! This yearmarked the 10th anniversary ofthe event. It was celebrated byproviding each participant with asouvenir stamped with the SIDSAnnual Bull Roast logo and reminderthat the event is always hosted on the 2ndSaturday in October. The Level Fire Hall in Havre deGrace MD was the place to be as the event raised aphenomenal $10,000 in support of the Center.Guests packed the room to enjoy the great foodprepared by volunteers and committee members anddance to the music of the band Son’s of Pirates.Folks were lined up early to come to this local eventthat has raised more than $68,000 over the past 10years for the Center. Committee members as well aslocal volunteers, worked many months to plan aspecial evening for all. It was obvious that their hardwork paid off as guests enjoyed a variety of great foodincluding pit beef, turkey, ham, Carolina style pulledpork, fresh oysters and oyster stew, salads and plentyof cold beverages. Special thanks to our Master ofCeremonies this year, Richard Brooks who alsoserved as the live auctioneer. His enthusiasm helpedto generate many bidding wars on silent and liveauction items. The auctions alone raised over $6,100.

Sponsors again played a huge part in thesuccess of this event. The 2009 Bull& Oyster Roast Committee wouldlike to recognize the followingbusinesses:

Sponsors 2009W.L. Gore & Associates –

Gold Sponsor

McDonald’s of Aberdeen &Churchville, (Joan and Bob Lozinak) –

Gold Sponsor

Van Dorn Pools – Silver Sponsor

The team was applauded for their dedication andtireless support over the past 10 years. There were alsomany awards given to local community businessesthat have supported the event for the last 10 years:Ontario Printing of Harve de Grace, MD; J & R Shedsof Churchville, MD; Keyes Creamery of Harve deGrace, MD; Brooms Bloom Dairy of BelAir, MD.Without their dedication, this event would not bepossible. The Annual SIDS Bull & Oyster Roast wasestablished in memory of Jonathan Cockerham whodied of SIDS in 1996 and to support awareness ofSudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Over the yearsthis event has not only helped to heal many hearts,but has supported bereaved parents through theEmpty Arms Project. You have made a difference!

2009 SIDS Bull& Oyster RoastCommitteeMembersHonorary Chairman Barry GlassmanCo-Chairpersons: Sharon & Chip CockerhamSandi & Nolan GallionDonna & Chris HawleyCommittee Members:Richard & Kathy BrooksP.J. CusicKaren LopesDee MillerMargrete StineHeather & Michael SandmeierCheryl MillerDale & Debbie Burkins

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2009 Golf


The beautiful sunshine welcomedthe crowd of close to 300golfers at Turf ValleyResort in Ellicott City,

Maryland. Sponsors, golfers andvolunteers joined forces for whatturned out to be a record breaking day. The2009 Golf Committee spent many monthsplanning a full day of activities and a chanceto meet and greet others both locally and

from many different areas around the country.

Special thanks to our Title Sponsor VerizonWireless for their dedication and support ofthis outstanding event over the years. President, Mike Maiorana, founder Chuck

Dohrman and Golf Chairperson Brian Felch were on hand to greet supporters and to thank those who attended.

Chuck DohrmanMike Maiorana

The 2009 GolfCommittee honoredAlice Powell, theCenter’s formerEvents Coordinatorfor 10 years ofservice. Thecommitteesurprised her with alovely bouquet offlowers and a poemin her honor. Bestof Luck Alice!!!!

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2009 Golf


Special Thanks to the 2009 Golf Invitational CommitteeChairperson: Brian Felch (SIDS Parent)

Corporate Liaison: Billie Huntley (Verizon Wireless)

Title Sponsor:Mike Maiorana (President, Verizon Wireless MD/DC/VA)

Chair Emeriti: Chuck Dohrman, Rhea Lucas, Liz & Bill Waller

Committee Members:Bonnie Bartlett, John Boling, Anne Cooke, Bill Connor, ScottFava, Bill Jones, Andy LaPointe, Jason Los, Luis Maldonado, EllenMotley, Kitty O’Hara, Mick Smith, Steve Snider and Phyllis West.

VolunteersThe Golf Committee and the Center would liketo recognize and thank the many volunteerswho supported the event this year. VolunteerCoordinators Anne Cooke and Camilla Hyman(who showed up cast, crutches and all) weregracious enough to work throughout the dayto assure coverage and that volunteers weretaken care of.

Special thanks to this year’s phenomenal team:

Christopher Allen • Jennifer Bevins • Aisha Boarus • Greg Booze • Kristina Capucilli• Lauren Connor • Krista Ecker • Cassie Felch • Bob & Peggy Frazer • Vicki Frock •Colleen Galo • Lisa Hirrlinger • Felicia Holley • Heather Isebrand • Jackie Jackson •

Xina Kejzar • Paulisha Latty • Tina Lolly • Terry & Stephanie McClung • RakiaMurphy • Lucinda Nasario • Tim & Sally Parker • Rachel Prendergast • Trip Rice •Edna Saunders • Bob Schulze • Karen Smith • Kimberly Stuber • Jeanne & Mike

Shoemaker • Latika Vines • Tracy White • Rowel Yumul

Thank you to our wonderful group ofgolf committee volunteers whounselfishly give of their time andtalents to assure the success of this

event. Many of you may not know that thisgroup of people meet monthly from Januarythrough October planning and executing ideasfor an entertaining and successful golf outing.Our hats are tipped to all of you and yourdedication to the Center for Infant & Child Loss!

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Evening Reception


Sponsored Evening Reception

Aspecial thanks to GEICO for Sponsoring ourEvening Reception!!!! A good time was had byall. Bill and Lauren Connor provided an arrayof music throughout the evening. Bob Frazier

and Scott Fava served as Video Specialists, prominentlydisplaying on video our sponsors and hosts for theevening. Phelps Kelley not only served as Master ofCeremonies this year, he also served as Stage Managerfor the evening. He did a fantastic job and weappreciate all his efforts. The Golf Committeewelcomed Jonathan Melnick again as our liveauctioneer. Jonathan was instrumental in promotingthose items, receiving donations and breaking records! Jonathan Melnick Phelps Kelley

Corporate Sponsors 2009The 2009 Golf Committee and theCenter Staff were pleased by theoverwhelming support of all of ourCorporate Sponsors. Whilebreaking records in our fundraising efforts, the Dean of theUniversity of Maryland, School ofMedicine Dr. E. Albert Reece andthe Center we were thrilled torecognize our sponsors for making

this happen. We truly value your loyalty and support and speak on behalf of the many families andcommunities touched by the tragedy of child loss when we say THANK YOU!

TITANIUMTelegent Engineering Inc. • Wireless Zone

PLATINUMAndrew Wireless Solutions • BlackBerry • CCI Printing & Graphic Solutions • LG • MRA/GTA Associates

GOLDAllegheny Industries, Inc. • American Tower Corporation • The Bowers Group

D&H Builders • Force 3 • Freedom Telecom Services • House of Printing • Mobile AccessMTU Onsite Energy by Katolight Corp. • Network Building & Consulting • Nokia • Pro-Tel • SBA

Signal Point Systems • TESSCO • Venable Attorneys at Law • Washington Post MediaSILVER

Morgan Stanley Smith BarneyFAIRWAY RECOGNITION

BRS Electrical Contractor • M.G. Diamond, Esq. • Mid-Atlantic Contracting • Wireless Facilities, Inc.BRONZE

Capital Building Maintenance • Carber Power Technologies, Inc. • Chamberlain Construction Corp.Freestate Electric • Mid Atlantic Contracting • Norris, McLaughlin & Marcus, P.A.

Smith Micro Software • UPS FoundationFRIENDS OF THE CENTER

Al Smith Rigging & Fabrication • Intenna Systems, Inc. • The Irvin H. Hahn Co., Inc.Keating Advisors, LLC • Scott A. Duncan Inc. • Specialized Construction • The Traffic Group

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Evening Reception


Close to 300 golfers enjoyed their time on thebeautiful fairways at Turf Valley Resort.Throughout the day, golfers took part in

various contests including a Hole in One contestfeaturing either a 2010 Ford Transit or Mustangsponsored by Apple Ford. Many of our guests hadtheir photo taken courtesy of Gregory Carr ofCandid Shots. Greg has volunteered his time forthe tournament for the last 7 years! Check out theCenter’s website at www.infantandchildloss.org toview the photo gallery. Golf winners, competing for1st, 2nd and 3rd place, were as follows:


1st Place – Howard Abramson, Kevin Cohen, EricFrancis and Jerry Roma

2nd Place – Ken Reed, John Bayler, Jeff Bucherand Eaton Borreda

3rd Place – Chris Wixom, Neil Manning, RobHutton and Ray Hild


1st Place – Kevin Taylor, Marc Mandel, Tony Low and Robert Scott

2nd Place – John Powell, Larry Severe, Brian Felch and Tom Dresher

3rd Place – Scott Gordon, Mr. McCue, Anthony Demaio and Whitney Patton

Putting Contest Winners – Low score: Jeff BucherNot so low score: Tom Cook

50/50 Contest Winners – Bret Neilsen & AndrewStangroom (A special thanks to Mr. Stangroom, CEOof Premier Executive Group who donated hiswinnings to the Center.)

Page 12: V O L U M E 1 7 / N O . 1 F A L L / W I N T E R 2 0 0 9 ...Leala Nyada Barnes Beverly Powell The Irvin H Hahn Co., Inc. In loving memory of Christopher John Powell Florence Powell


Center for Infant & Child Loss Staff :LaToya Bates, Program Director MSSA, LCSW-CJean Edwards, Program CoordinatorMary Le Sueur, Bereavement Counselor

Affiliation Statement: The CENTER FOR INFANT & CHILD LOSSis within the Division of Growth and Nutrition Pediatrics,Department of Pediatrics, University of Maryland Schoolof Medicine. The CENTER works closely with the MarylandState Office of the Chief Medical Examiner and localhealth departments.

Funding Statement: The Maryland State Department ofHealth and Mental Hygiene, Center for Maternal and Child Health provides grant funds for a portion of theCenter’s services.

Center for Infant & Child LossAdvisory Board Members

Brian Felch, Advisory Board Chairman, Parent, Angela Bur-den, Baltimore Healthcare Access, Ami & Bruce Brown, Par-ents, George Carroll, CCI Printing & Graphic Solutions,David Fowler, M.D., Office of the State Medical Examiner, Sherry Goldman, M.D., Parent, Ronald Gutberlet, M.D.,Chairman, Department of Pediatrics, Mercy Medical Center,Ling Li, M.D., Office of the State Medical Examiner, TonyaLogan, Parent, Jonathan Melnick, Melnick Auctioneers,Karin Mottus, Stifel Nicolaus, Robert & Rosemarie Palmer,Parents, Beverly Powell, Grandparent

The Center’s goal is to assist families as they learn tolive with the loss of their child and to have hope for thefuture. Our programs reach out to bereaved families and

the community. Center programs foster hope by offering publiceducation, health care provider training, and instruction foremergency responders and others who may provide support.

Each of our four programs is designed to meet individual,family, and community needs. For those families who do ex-perience the sudden death of an infant or child, the Centermakes immediate contact to give them available informationabout the cause of death and support in their grief.

410/706-5062 or 800/808-7437Visit our web site: www.infantandchildloss.org

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University of Maryland Baltimore School of MedicineCenter for Infant & Child Loss

737 W. Lombard Street, 2nd FloorBaltimore, MD 21201-1009www.infantandchildloss.org

Deadline forRemembering Our ChildrenServices: December 1, 2009

