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V ol. 5I Issue #12 1 September 2015 Walkathon · 2018-03-23 · KATHLEEN MCGRATH ! SPOTLIGHT ON...

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Vol. 5I Issue #12 1 September 2015 Walkathon
Page 1: V ol. 5I Issue #12 1 September 2015 Walkathon · 2018-03-23 · KATHLEEN MCGRATH ! SPOTLIGHT ON STAFF Kathleen McGrath commenced teaching at ... ongoing and her passion for teaching


Vol. 5I Issue #12 1 September 2015  


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Dear Parents, Students and Friends,

The weekend before last I was fortunate to be a delegate at the Marist Assembly held at the Brothers’ Hermitage at Mittagong. There were 65 delegates comprising teachers, Marist Brothers and workers from other ministries. There were representatives present from Marist Youth Care, from the Marist Youth Ministries and from Marist Solidarity. The Brothers have always held Mission Assemblies and the last one was in 2012. At that Assembly there was a lot of discussion about the term co-responsibility. This word refers to the developing idea that it is possible for teachers and Brothers to be Marist. The Brothers make special vows. There was strong support for a move to this broader understanding of being Marist. Over these three years this understanding has developed into the Association of St Marcellin Champagnat. The Association is open to both Brothers and lay people. It now has over 500 members in Australia. Importantly, it will be the Association that represents the future of Marists. During the Assembly the delegates were asked to nominate leaders for the Assembly Council and these leaders will take responsibility for the decisions that direct Marists into the future. Those of us fortunate to be present at the Assembly would agree that it was a great privilege to take part in such an important event and one that will change the shape of being Marist well into the future.

Thank you to all of the Parents and Friends who volunteered their time to assist with the College Walkathon. Also thank you to Christopher Maoudis for all of his hard work to make the day a success, Dianne Sandeman for her assistance, John Colllins for driving the bus and Mark Brooks for the BBQ.

These are important days at MCNS. Our Year 12 students are in their final weeks of their school lives before moving to the HSC. The boys are between being excited about leaving school and the realisation that they will not be together as a year group after this term aside from some of the examinations.

We have begun the process of selecting new student leaders from Year 11. The new College Captain will be Will Coyle (pictured right) and the new College Vice-Captain will be Alec Morgan (pictured left). I wish these young men every success in their leadership over the next year. Tony Duncan Headmaster  


FATHERS DAY BREAKFAST We are looking forward to seeing Fathers, Grandfathers, Guardians and Students on Friday September 4 in La Valla Hall. A limited number of tickets are still available. Please note that parking is not permitted on the school or church grounds on the day.

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Kathleen McGrath commenced teaching at MCNS in 1999. She has been an integral part of the Creative and Performing Arts Department and the Pastoral Team in her role as the Chanel House Coordinator. An aspect of Kathleen’s pedagogical professionalism is her ongoing academic studies. She completed her Bachelor of Education at the Australian Catholic University and furthered her professional academic studies with a Masters of Art Education at the University of NSW in 1996 and she is currently completing Master of Arts Theology (UNDA). In the classroom Kathleen teaches Year 7 to Year 12 Visual Arts, Religious Education and Studies Of Religion. Reflecting upon her insights teaching Visual Arts Kathleen states “Teaching Art to juniors and seniors is an engaging, interesting and affirming process. It's always rewarding to see Year 7 arrive with enthusiasm, sometimes afraid that they can't draw, and once surrounded by a new environment they quickly see their ability to learn new skills and engage excitedly with new materials and ideas. Likewise, to see students mature as they progress through their art education, to begin seeking out the work of other artists and make links and references to others in their artmaking makes the teaching of Art a pleasurable, yet sometimes challenging experience.” Based upon Kathleen’s extensive understanding of the College community she believes the foundation of quality teaching at the College is “attributed to family spirit, a sense of community and strong pastoral care. When a student feels welcome, safe, cared for and nurtured they can work to achieving their potential. Relationships are fostered at MCNS, staff work collaboratively, students are encouraged and

this sets the scene for a cohesive learning environment.” Earlier this year Kathleen was selected to attend the Marist Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Rome and France. She found “the old city of Jerusalem and significant religious sites captivating. Each sacred site and Church gave a stronger sense of reality to the story of Jesus, his life and ministry. Finally we arrived at the Hermitage in France. Here we spent time learning more about the life of Marcellin Champagnat and his vision. The beauty of the Hermitage was inspiring and thought provoking, yet the vast distances and mountainous landscapes endured by Marcellin reveal the drive, commitment and passion he had to keep going against adversity to fulfil his vision for the Brothers and education.” Kathleen believes that her “opportunity to experience the wider Marist world through the visit to the Hermitage in France this year and moving from Year Coordinator to Chanel House Coordinator was an ongoing positive experience” and a highlight over the past 15 years. She says, “I have enjoyed being part of an inclusive community well known for its family spirit”. Working with Kathleen, I have seen her achieve considerable academic success for her students. She has had students regularly selected for Art Express and she has mentored students to achieve their artistic potential. Her own artistic practice is extensive and as seen at the recent Year 8 Arts Festival in late July her ceramic skills are outstanding. She has all the qualities of teaching excellence and Marcellin’s charism in particular family spirit and love of hard work. Her professional collaboration and insight into the student’s needs is highly valued by the Creative and Performing Arts staff where she has guided our curriculum decisions. Personally I am humbled by Kathleen’s sense of balance and perspective where her ongoing support and advice has enabled me to develop authentic pedagogical experiences for the students. Her academic journey is ongoing and her passion for teaching Visual Arts and the wellbeing of each student is clearly evident. Carolyn O’Brien Leader of Learning – Creative Arts

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Pope Francis It seems that week after week, Pope Francis coins a new phrase or quote that is relevant to all people. I speak to the students about each person's dignity - we can demonstrate Gospel love when we respect each person's dignity and our students know that when being present to our clients at Matthew Talbot Hostel, Night Patrol or Salvation Army Street Level cafe, it is about acknowledging that dignity through caring interaction. Thankyou As Year 12 2015 Graduation draws near, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the current Year 12 Solidarity students for their involvement over the years and in particular to those who selected to participate in the Night Patrol program in their last year of schooling. It is not easy getting home on a Monday night after 1am after serving with the St Vincent de Paul Night Patrol Truck for 5 hours in the CBD in all weather conditions (including hail this week for our group!) and then arriving to school on time the next day for a full day of school. Well done to the regulars and well done to the boys who completed the training in the second half of Year 12 to get one or two experiences of Night Patrol before graduating. In particular, I would like to congratulate Tiernan Byrne (Faith and Solidarity captain) for his excellent leadership and capacity in this role - successfully rostering the Year 12s each fortnight and assisting junior

students with sandwich making at Monday lunchtime are just some of the jobs that Tiernan did superbly to enable Night Patrol this year.

This term we have been so fortunate to have worked in partnership with Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Primary School Forestville - this has been a continuing partnership with the primary school helping us with food donations each fortnight this term. Not only have they organised a team of parents and students to make half the amount of sandwiches that the MCNS team takes out, they have also created initiatives to involve the whole school whereby students have brought in individual contributions such as cup-a-soups, poppers, muesli bars, savoury and sweet biscuits and packets of chips. The school has been so generous in their contributions this term and we thank them for their involvement.

Katie Lynch Solidarity Coordinator

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The 2015 Cultural Week was an opportunity to celebrate the hard work and special talents that the students at Marist College North Shore have shared with the College community. The week mainly focuses on the Year 12 Visual Arts Body of Work Exhibition, the Spring Music Festival and the Cultural Assembly which all occurred on Wednesday 26th August. The Year 12 Visual Arts Exhibition showcased the student’s Body of Work which was recently completed. The 17 students in the class produced such a high standard of excellence and worked with diligence and determination to achieve their academic potential. The student’s family and friends were in awe of what the Visual Arts students achieved and there were many proud parents. Thank you to Kathleen McGrath, Gabi Nicholson, Nick O’Regan and the many teachers who attended the exhibition. The Spring Music Festival was a wonderful family gathering where the students performed in solo, group and band ensembles. The Jazz Band, the Concert Band, the Guitar Ensemble, the Drum Ensemble along with the Year 12 HSC Music class all performed. The quality of the musicianship and the performance preparation was clearly evident. Special thank you to Rod Herbert, Dave Smith, Mark Roulston, Karen Whitehead and the many parents who assisted to make the evening such a success. The Cultural Assembly was an opportunity to thank the students who participated or helped with the production “Lord of the Flies”, the Band Program, the Ensemble Program, St Mary’s Music Mentorship Program and the CEO Religious Art Exhibition. There was a focus on the Year 8 Arts Festival and the Year 12 HSC Music performance. Thank you to Raine Graham for hosting the assembly, William DeLaine, Samuel How, Harry O’Brien, Chris O’Shea, Tiernan Byrne, Kentaro Morita, Alan Russell, Ruan Padakone, Alex Partridge, Rod Herbert, Kathleen McGrath, Anthony Munro and especially Annie Lucas for their assistance. Carolyn O’Brien Leader of Learning – Creative Arts


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On Wednesday evening the 19th of August we hosted the 25th annual Marist Oratory Public Speaking competition. We had the honour of hosting due to us winning the competition last year. We also came equal first this year with Marist Penshurst. There was a great deal of preparation to do for the evening in making sure that the College was presented in its best light, the organisation of the food, the participation of the Peer Support leaders, the preparation of the speakers, the running of the evening and the administrative elements of the competition. In essence, all came together and the evening was a great success. We had a student represented in each category. In year 7 we had Ben O’Sullivan, year 8 Daniel Bowers, year 9 Ryan Mirabelli, year 10 Samuel Silcock, seniors Darcy Bowers and in the impromptu section Jacob Rizk. We were very fortunate to have 3 speakers make it into the top 3 places in their respective sections. Daniel Bowers and Jacob Zizk won their sections and Ryan Mirabelli was placed third in his. All of the students spoke well and represented the College with pride. It is never easy to get up and speak in a crowd of people that you are not familiar with and knowing that there are three adjudicators listening and watching your every move. Organising an evening such as this takes time and energy and it would not have been the success that it was without this assistance. I would like to thank the following people: Ms Georgia Moloney and her four year 11 Hospitality helpers: Dean Solway, Wintar Pong, Alec Haroyan and Quinn Kirkby. The food was delicious and we received many compliments regarding this. Mr Peter Sherringham who helped with the logistics of the hall and the food. Ms Emily Devitt and Tori Bell for their

assistance in the smooth running of the night. Dr Britta Jensen who ran the impromptu section-the most challenging part of the evening. Mr Anthony Munro for his meticulous set up of the sacred space. Mrs Joyce Kelly for the ordering of trophies and design of the certificates. Mrs Annie Lucas for all of her administrative assistance and of course the College Executive. I would also like to take this occasion to thank the year 11 leaders who were responsible for greeting, serving, ushering, time keeping and chairing of the speeches. The boys were a credit to the College and really did show the face of Marist in its best possible light. I would also like to thank Tom Keating for his help with the technology for the evening. My biggest thank you HN and commendation goes to Hamish Buchanan and Samuel How for the overall running of the evening. Both of these students have had a long association with Public Speaking and it was fitting for them to end their time at the College in this domain by hosting the evening. A job well done! Thank you to all involved. Ms Janette Durand Public Speaking Coordinator

!Year 11 Drama

Course Production

2nd September MCNS Drama Studio

6.00 - 7.30pm !

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The Educational Access Scheme is available to any student who intends to apply to University and has experienced long-term educational disadvantage as a result of circumstances beyond their control or choosing. The forms are due back soon. Please contact the school if your son is eligible and he has not yet received the form.

Seasons for Growth is a group program for young people who have experienced significant change or loss. The core intentions of this program are the development of resilience and emotional literacy to promote social and emotional wellbeing. The program is educational in nature and does not provide therapy. Kathleen McGrath (Chanel Co-ordinator) and Dawn Russell (College Counsellor) would like to run a group in Term 4. Please contact us if you think your son would benefit from the program. Please contact us on 9957 5000 or at [email protected] for further enquiries.

Good luck to Year Eleven as they approach their final assessment for the Preliminary Course. Remember to prepare yourself well ahead of the examination or due date and do the best you can to achieve. As always, I remind you to ensure there is balance in your life – make sure you take breaks from study and go for a walk, play some sport and spend time with family and friends. At the beginning of next term you will re-assess your goals for the year with your follow up goal setting session moving into the HSC Year. Further information will be sent home to parents before the end of term outlining how the afternoon will take place on Friday the 9th October.

Year Ten will complete their follow-up goal setting meeting with their Tutor Teacher during Tutor time, Week One of Term Four. It is important to re-evaluate the goals set earlier in the year and re-adjust the target where necessary. It is important also to reflect on the good and bad work habits you may have before moving into your senior schooling. Year Ten have also been given their allocated subjects for the Preliminary year. Some students will be disappointed that their choices have been impacted by timetable clashes or a subject not running, so it is important to discuss alternative subject choices with myself or Mr Heiss in the coming weeks.

The School for Excellence is running HSC Revision Lectures during the school holidays. Please find the schedule by clicking on the following link: www.tsfx.com.au Please see the flyers regarding visiting American Universities during September.

Parents of students in Years 7- 12 may be interested in the Ian Lillico session being run in Chatswood during October. He is considered an expert in educating and raising boys. Please see the flyer within this newsletter. Ann McGovern Director of Teaching and Learning

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Get Empowered! Free School Holiday Program

Page 9: V ol. 5I Issue #12 1 September 2015 Walkathon · 2018-03-23 · KATHLEEN MCGRATH ! SPOTLIGHT ON STAFF Kathleen McGrath commenced teaching at ... ongoing and her passion for teaching

Download the Registration Form at www.boysforward.com.au

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!! !



Session #1: Wednesday, September 2, 2015, 5:15 for 5:30-7:30pm Cranbrook School

War Memorial Hall 5 Victoria Road, Bellevue Hill

Enter via gates on New South Head Road and Wolseley Road Book your seats at:


Session #2: Thursday, September 3, 2015, 5:15 for 5:30-7:30pm MLC School

Level 3, ILC Centre Rowley Street, Burwood

Book your seats at: https://ugadmission.northwestern.edu/register/sydneytwo15!



Students and parents are invited to hear about undergraduate study from the admission officers of five leading US universities.

Columbia, Duke, Georgetown, Northwestern, Princeton !

Columbia University !

Duke University


GeorgetOWN University!

NorthwestERn University

Princeton University!

Students, parents, careers advisors

and counselors are invited to a program about undergraduate study

at a US Ivy League university

University of Pennsylvania

Please join

Elisabeth O’Connell, Senior Associate Dean of Undergraduate Admissions at the University of Pennsylvania and University Alumni To learn about academic programs, admissions policies, costs, financial aid, and student life. There will be a general question and answer period at the end.


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

SCECGS Redlands The Arnold Library Redlands Junior School

272 Military Road, Cremorne, NSW 2090

Entrance from Allister St. Cremorne and parking on Allister St.

Please RSVP to https://key.admissions.upenn.edu/register/Australia



Would you like to learn how to: • Communicate effectively with your teenager? • Understand your teenager? • Help your teenager with emotional intelligence and managing emotions? • Prevent some teenager behaviour problems? • Teach your teenager to deal with conflict?

PLEASE PHONE 9887 5830 TO BOOK YOUR PLACE IN THIS COURSE The 5 session course will be facilitated by a qualified Parent Educator from Child and Adolescent Parenting, Northern Sydney Local Health District


VENUE: Chatswood Community Health Centre 57 Hercules St, Chatswood DATES: Wednesdays 28th October – 25th November (5 sessions) TIME: 7.00pm – 9.30pm COST: $175pp (Concession $150)

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Year 12 UAC - Applications Any year 12 student who has not yet collected their 2015-2016 UAC Course information book are asked to do so from the Careers Room. UAC applications for 2016 have now opened. All students should be mindful of the submission deadlines and application processes. year 12 boys will shortly receive further information regarding this.  

Careers @Marist University Open Days

Students in years 11 and 12 are reminded that the University Open Days have begun and will continue over the next month. Students were emailed all of the dates for various institutions earlier in the year. The Open Days are of great benefit to prospective students, the boys are encouraged to undertake some pre research, develop some questions for academic and inspect the faculty facilities.  UNSW: Lumincity Workshops and Information Sessions High School Parent Information Evening: Wed 16th September 6.30pm – 8.30pm Interdisciplinary Workshop & Tour: Fri 18th September, 9.00am – 1.00pm Architecture Workshop & Tour: Mon 21st September, 9.00am – 1.00pm Computational Design Workshop & Tour: Mon 21st September, 12.00pm – 3.30pm Interior Architecture Workshop & Tour: Tue 22nd September, 9.00am – 1.00pm Industrial Design Workshop and Tour: Thu 24th September, 9.00am – 1.00pm Planning Workshop and Tour: Mon 28th September, 9.00am – 1.00pm Gallery, Ground Floor, West Wing, Red Centre Building, UNSW Kensington As part of UNSW’s Luminocity, a number of workshops and information sessions will be held to inform prospective students about all of UNSW’s built environment degrees. https://www.futurestudents.unsw.edu.au/alternative-admissions-workshop  UNSW Scholarships and Co-op Program Google Hangout 2015 Wed 16th September, 6.00pm – 7.00pm Get all scholarship related questions answered before the deadline. https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/cbb90a5hed26sa5p8rbgjam0snk  Macquarie University: 2016 Undergraduate Scholarship Booklet Each year Macquarie University awards scholarships based on equity, financial need, academic excellence and sporting achievement. To learn more about these scholarships, view their 2016 undergraduate scholarship booklet: http://students.mq.edu.au/opportunities/scholarships_and_prizes.jsp  The University of Sydney: Sydney Scholars Awards Applications open in September for study in 2016. Submission should be made to UAC by Fri 30th October. The Sydney Scholars Awards offer Year 12 students commencing studies in 2016 the opportunity to apply for scholarships ranging from $6,000 to $10,000 in value, for up to 5 years of study. As part of the selection criteria, applicants are required to achieve an ATAR of 95 and above, or 90 and above if they are applying to the Sydney Conservatorium of Music. http://sydney.edu.au/scholarships/prospective/sydney_scholars_program.shtml  

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Careers @Marist UNSW: HSC Plus HSC Plus is designed to reward strong performances in HSC subjects relevant to UNSW undergraduate degrees. Domestic students who complete the HSC and perform well in subjects that are relevant to their preferred UNSW degree may be awarded a maximum of 5 bonus points. http://www.unsw.edu.au/domestic-undergraduate/hsc-plus UNSW Elite Athletes and Performers Program Applications for 2016 close Mon 30th November The Elite Athletes and Performers (EAP) Program supports students with a flexible entry process that recognises both academic and elite achievements by awarding bonus points. UNSW also offers flexible study arrangements and support for elite athletes and performers who wish to continue their elite commitments while studying at UNSW. http://www.unsw.edu.au/domestic-undergraduate/elite-athletes-and-performers-program UTS: International Students’ Info Day Thu 17th September, 10.00am – 1.00pm, UTS Tower Building, Front Entrance Area, Broadway, Ultimo An opportunity to learn about courses, visas, support services, and student life at UTS. http://www.uts.edu.au/future-students/international/international-events/australia/international-students-info-day UTS: Nursing Discover Session Wed 25th November, 5.30pm, UTS Broadway An interactive session allowing attendees to speak to staff & students. http://www.uts.edu.au/future-students/health/about-health/events-and-brochures/discover-sessions ANU: Engineering and Computer Science Special Admission Scheme Applications close: Fri 4th December Students who are not expecting to achieve the required ATAR for entry into the Bachelor of Engineering, Bachelor of Advanced Computing, or Bachelor of Software Engineering, may apply for entry through the special admission scheme. To qualify for the special admissions scheme, applicants are required to demonstrate excellent academic performance in disciplines relevant to the study of engineering and/or computer science, leadership and community service, as well as strong commitment to engineering and/or computing. Applicants who wish to be considered under the Special Admission Scheme will need to submit an online application. https://cecs.anu.edu.au/future_students/sas  

TAFE & Apprenticeships Glencore Mining Apprenticeship Cobar Glencore’s copper mine in Cobar, is currently seeking apprenticeship applications for its 2016 intake. Apprenticeships are available in the disciplines of Electrical, Fitting & Machining, Metal Fabrication & Welding, and Heavy Vehicle Diesel Fitter. Glencore are looking for applicants who have positive school reports and references, a strong work ethic, a mature attitude, and solid communication skills. http://www.entrylevelminingjob.com.au/jobs-3/view/apprenticeships-2016/  

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Careers @Marist Private Colleges Endeavour College of Natural Health School Leaver Scholarship Program Applications close: Mon 30th November Full scholarships are available to school leavers looking at studying the Bachelor of Health Science at one of endeavor’s six campuses in 2016. Scholarships will be awarded based on applicants’ academic achievements in science, involvement in extracurricular activities, communication skills, leadership qualities, and passion for the health industry. http://www.endeavour.edu.au/scholarships APM College of Business and Communication Scholarships 2016 Applications close Mon 14th September Scholarships are available in Marketing, Business, Event Management and Public Relations. Applicants will be required to respond to an industry brief by completing a small project associated with their area of interest. Applicants will then present their response to the industry brief during the one day workshop held at APM. http://www.apm.edu.au/apply-online/scholarships  William Blue College of Hospitality Management Scholarships 2016 Applications close: Mon 14th September Scholarships are available in Hospitality Management, Event Management, Tourism Management and Commercial Cookery. A William Blue Industry Partner from each of these industries will assist in the awarding of the industry scholarships. http://www.williamblue.edu.au/apply-online/scholarships  CATC Design School: Day in the Life of a Designer Workshop Sat 26th September, 9.30am – 4.00pm, 46-52 Mountain Street, Ultimo An interactive and hands-on design discovery workshop where students can get an idea of a career in either Communication, Graphic Design, Photography, Branded Fashion, Interaction Design, Motion Design, 3D Design and Animation. http://www.catc.edu.au/about-us/upcoming-events/sydney/life-of-designer-26th-september-2015  APM College of Business and Communication: Day in the Life Thu 24th September, 10.00am – 4.00pm, The Rocks Campus, 1 – 5 Hickson Road View college facilities, participate in a leadership and project style management workshop with lecturers, and work on real-life case studies with PR and marketing. http://www.apm.edu.au/about-apm/upcoming-events/day-in-the-life-sydney  William Blue College of Hospitality Management: Day in the Life Tue 22nd September, 10.00am – 4.00pm, The Rocks Campus, 1 – 5 Hickson Road, The Rocks Participate in practical workshops, view the facilities, enjoy a meal from the student-run restaurant, and attend a Q and A session. Contact: 1300 851 23 or [email protected] http://www.williamblue.edu.au/about-william-blue/upcoming-events/william-blue-day-in-the-life-sydney-77    

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Careers @Marist Private Colleges ACPE: Open Day Sat 5th September, 10.00am – 2.00pm, 8 Figtree Drive, Sydney Learn about the qualifications available at ACPE and what’s required to succeed in the industry. http://www.acpe.edu.au/ ACPE: Campus Tours Thu 27th August, Tue 1st September, Thu 10th September, Tue 15th September, Thu 24th September, Tue 29th September, 1 Figtree Drive, Sydney Olympic Park In addition to a tour of the facilities, attendees may also view a presentation about the programs and degrees on offer. http://www.acpe.edu.au/about-us/events

Gap Year Information US Summer Camp Information Nights Wed 16th September, 6.30pm – 7.30pm, Eastlake Football Club, 3 Oxley Street, Griffith, ACT Wed 16th September, 6.30pm – 8.00pm, 301 George St, Level 8, Suite 811, NSW Learn about the USA and Canada counselors program. https://www.facebook.com/ccusa.australia/events IEP Work Adventures Worldwide: Information Evening Work USA: 6.00pm – 6.30pm Work Britain and Work Britain Kick Start: 7.30pm – 8.00pm Work Canada: 6.30pm – 7.00pm Summer Camp USA: 7.00pm – 7.30pm Wed 16th September, STA Travel Shop, Level 3, Suite 3, 83-97 Kippax Street, Sydney http://www.iep.com.au/Events.aspx Au Pair in America: Online Information Session Wed 23rd September, 8.00pm Learn more about working as a live-in nanny in the USA by speaking to Au Pair in America specialists. https://www.facebook.com/AuPairInAmericaAU/events

US Universities Visiting Sydney to Recruit Students Six leading American Universities are holding information session in September about Undergraduate Study in the US for Australian students and their parents. Wednesday 2 September 5:15 for 5:30-7:30pm Cranbrook School – War Memorial Hall 5 Victoria Road, Bellevue Hill – Enter via gates on New South Head Road and Wolseley Road Bookings via https://ugadmission.northwestern.edu/register/sydney15 Thursday 3 September 5:15 for 5:30-7:30pm MLC School Level 3, ILC Centre Rowley Street, Burwood Bookings via: https://ugadmission.northwestern.edu/register/sydneytwo15 Tuesday 8 September 6.00-7:30pm Redlands The Arnold Library 272 Military Road, Cremorne Bookings via: https://key.admissions.upenn.edu/register/Australia

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Margie Morgan, Katharine Watts 3 Sep: Julie Clear, Michelle Cook,

Michaela Bondo, Illya Shackel, Leonie Blanckensee

4 Sep: Melanie Lindquist, Susan Mayall, Michelle Mulligan, Jennifer Vahldieck, Alison Cappetta Rebecca Dwyer

7 Sep: Annette Bradford, Donalda Brown, Rosalind Elliot, Grace Ooi

8 Sep: Louise Frith, Nina Stowers-Kahui, Cristina Gutierrez, Julia Wright

9 Sep: Joyce Aimond, Diane Pastuszak, Janet Pereira, Cindy Van Kampen, Melissa Stephens

10 Sep: Sally Engerman, Marg Mitchell, Margaret Weller, Karen Whitehead

11 Sep: Brid Bowers, Sue Rennie, Vicki Robinson, Teresa Ukrainetz, Shann Curtin

14 Sep: Jennifer Sheldon, Tara Smith, Matthew Farmer, Corinne Madden

15 Sep: Sandra Fitzgerald, Kirsty Hudson, Natasha Byar, Sarah Walls, Jason Smith

UNIFORM SHOP 2 Sep: Karen Whitehead, Margie Weller,

Melissa Papikian,Cristina Gutierrez 9 Sep: Ann Haron, Angie Ong, Gemma

Metzker, Sharni Brown, Karen Caswell

16 Sep: Janet Pereira, Donalda Brown, Sue Rennie,Josie Spano

2 Sep: Winter Sports Assembly – 9:50am 4 Sep: P&F Fathers Day Breakfast - 7am 7-17 Sep: Yr11 Preliminary Assessment Week Solidarity Night Patrol 9 Sep: Y9 Parents Drug and Alcohol Program 11 Sep: Y7 Reflection Day Solidarity Street Level Cafe 18 Sep: Year 12 Graduation Day

Graduation Mass 5pm Graduation Ball – 7pm

Final Day of Term 3 19 Sep – 5 Oct (inclusive) School Holidays 20 Sep – 5 Oct: History and Languages

Excursion Yrs 9, 10 and 11 – France and Belgium

5 Oct: Labour Day Public Holiday 6 Oct: Staff Development Day 7 Oct: Term 4 Commences 9 Oct: Yr 11 into Yr 12 Goal Setting, 1-4:30pm 12 Oct: HSC Examinations begin 13 Oct: Yr7 Vaccinations    16 Oct: Year 11 Social with Mt St Benedicts  13 Nov: Staff Spirituality Day – Pupil Free


