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V0,XXXIX..N° -12,12*. NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1*80. PRICK FOUR CUNTS. my i ».*?.< NEWS AT THE CAPITAL. .? INVESTIGATIONS AND BKPOKTS. JKIBVTIS IO MIK I.ATK SK. NA Toll ( ll AN DI.KR.TnK A( Ts.VlloNS AGAINST Mit. IIAY1 WKAKNBSS OF TIIF. NAVY. There WM a laipe attendance to listen to tho eulogies on Hm late Senator Chandler. It WU noticeable that the Democrats did not take jmrt Id the speaking- The Senate Committee in- ve-tiguting the accusations against Commis¬ sioner Hayt is said to have obtained confirm¬ atory evidence. The House. Committee on Naval A flairs has agreed to a hill providing for a permanent construction fund for the Navy Depart mont, and authorizing the gide of old material and vessels. This is to he the first step toward re¬ organizing the Navy, which the Committee Bays is very weak. '1 lie Warner hill on free coinage has boen agreed to by the House Committee on ('"inapo. The Senate Committee on Appropriations agreed to report toefl used appropriations for Mk-eOMl fort ilic.it ions. Kl LOUIES ON SENATOR CHANDLER Ci'MMKMOKATIVF. I'ltOCKKDING* IN 1IIK sr.na TR¬ IHI: COOIOU CBOWOBD.UNUSUAL PJKPBCI PAIO lo nt* DICnXOOMHED DKAD. Hiv Hlltlllll TO nu: ti:ii:ise.| Washing ion, Jan L'S..It is prohable tliat curios¬ ity to see ami heai thc eminent living on an wea- linn when they were to attempt to appear at their best, mingled with respect for the eminent dead, Formed the motive whieh induced an audience of the most intelligent and favored of fortune to crowd boo the galleries of the Senate to-dav. until there was not even staiirting room left unoccupied. Hut it is uot probable that any other sentiment than that of respect for the memory of Zacoariah Chand¬ ler brunaht to the llour of the Senate, in a fcre.it ;rowd, members of the Cabinet, the most distin¬ guished men of th* lower branch of Congress and ithers in high official life, or served ko k<<>p in their teats during three hours consumed ni the delivery ii the commemorative eulogies, the great majority nf the eminent men of all parties who were the .flicial associates of the departed statesman. Funeral oratory is no novelty to a Washington imiienee nd especially IO one composed so largely >f men in official life, and too often the occasion for ibo delivery of eulogies upon the dead is taken ad- rantage of by the living to transact business of a jaturc uot in keeping with tho occasion. Thc event if to-day was in strong contrast, in this respect, iritli many similar prcceeding events. Newspapers MID untouched j le;ter writing and letter reading iras suspended, coiiv-'isaiicii was uot indulged In, hut with one aouOMl Senators ami visitors re¬ mained, during tho commemorative service-;, in atti¬ tudes of respectful attention and silence. TM notable of the sj.e,-ches were thoac hy BSM- tors Blaine Md Bayard, the latter being Um only DMMJM Si-nator who took any part in the pro- Seedings. His* speech was brief, but embodied a glowing tribute to the stalwart sincerity and hon- isty of purpose ot Mr. ('handler. In the long course if their uliieial asscciat ion tliey Md usually been [onad m the position of political antagonists, vet 1 e t>ore willing testimony to the per.'onal v'rtlies of ll.e lead MUM and could recall many hMtanOM ot the accommodating kiudiicss wbieh rendered inter- :ourse with him easy. Senator Blaine's remarks were ibo brief. They leeuied lo bc tho words of ono who Cell btOMtlftO be in sympathy with the convictions which formed Uie motive* of him to whom they referred. Ho ikeiehed the official career of Mr. Chandler, briefly touching upou the historic poiuts of prowl neill Ul from bis first entry into tho Senate, as one of the minority, to which his coining was like a reinforce¬ ment of fresh troops to a beleaguered army, to the time when thc principle* upon which all his actions were based became triumphant in th-election and inauguration of Abraham Lincoln. Then be said it was found that many of the old leaders, having MM trained in the minority, were unskilled in the exercise of tliose qualities with which eaeoeeafnl jM.litical ptlIlea are best able to girt effect to their principles. Mr. Chandler, however, seemed as hy instinct to uinlcr-tand the nen cities of the hour, iud the prominent part be took iu the stirring ami terrible events of thc time are known to all the world. MWf Logan narrated, with deep feeling.the events of the lust day and night of Mr. Chandler's life m Chicago, on which occasion he made a apeecb j beyond ali compar.sen the kieatct of his life, No inch spontaneous outburst, said Senator Lagan, iver greeted an orator in that city; the vas: au¬ dience rising to their feet as OTC mau to gi ve evi¬ dence of the depth of conviction which retailed from his words. Senator Blair, representing the Stati which nialwad afr Chandler aa its sou, told tba atony of his early life. Senator Hamlin, the only survivor of that little knot of eminent men who took Kart in the procc dings of tho Senate arbon lr. Chandler tirst lui ame a niemher of the body, Benatoi I) n Cann ron, toe associate of the late Sen¬ ator in the Cabinet and in i he Seriate, and his tm peeeoi ku the position of chairman of the Republican National Committee, and Senator Morrill, the as> iodate daring many yean ol Senatorial life of Bena¬ toi Chandler, all apoke feelingly and In terms ni the ¦Mat exalted respect and admiration for the man. Of ooaree the principal apeecbes ot tba day wen those from the two Michigan Senators. Benatoi IN ri v's apaaeb waa tbefltatandthe Longest ol the day's proceedings. It embraced a sketch of Benatoi Chandler'* career from hi* boyhood np, and waa a glowing tribute to the dead statesman, .¦senator Baldwin's was it teaJhw eulogy of Mr. Chandler, arbon be aoeeei dad in we Senate. Funeral eulogies iii tuc House ol Representatives do noi a.llj a area"en wmh interest, dui ina me¬ morial esMfroaea to-day were an execution. The galleries wee well filled tor nearly two bonis after tin service- hagan, ami until about a half dozen of the speeches had BM! made. Two things were noticeable. As soon as the reso¬ lutions in relation to the di aili ot the late Senator Chandler had been read, Dearly every prominent Democrat left the chamber. Among the few who remained lor mow time were Mr. Reagan, ol Texas, General Joseph E. Johnston, of Virginia, and Mr. Clialmeis, ot MhweeippL The other nottoeabk fool waatoal no Denaocntk RepreeentotiYe mada any remarks on the noolathu, lt is customary on such oacaaieaa lot inenbera of both political parties to (oin in paying the laat tribute to the dead. The eulogy pronounced on Mr. Bonton! by Itr. Lama-, when the latter was a member of the Hon--, was not forgotten to-uuy bv those rb) noticed the vacant (hairs and tba silence on the Democratic ¦ide. while addresses in memory ot Mr. Chandler Ikere being delivered, lt is understood that some of the Michigan Repreaontativea went toa number of the Demoorata and asked them to toke apart, but that none of them found it convenient to do so, JUSTICE STKONG'S RECE1T10N. A BRW.I.tANr ANO CIIAKAC1KKI8IIO KNIFIITAIN- arxr-i.Aif(;K.i.v ai iksdkk nv i minim i-ki:son-. fBT TELKIHlAlll IO TIIK TKII1IM.] Washington, Jan. 28,.An entertainment to Marly 400 guests was given this arnnJag at No. 1,111 H-st., tbe residence of Associate-Justice Strong of the Supreme Court. The bost and hostess were assisted in nani?mg by two charuiing daugh¬ ters. Misses Marv and Julia. Another daughter is studvingart in Philadelphia. The large house is well adapt"'! for entertaining, ard the scene was biilllimtly chara* tensile ot Washington life in its bent phases, lhere was scarcely a man present who has not in some Held of public service aohiCTed marred eminence, and the parlors were a study in faces of strong individuality and commanding intellect. A lew of the b*gt know Congie smcu were n. mg the guest*, aud a lal ge number rf Batutata, lim Su¬ preme Court and the Court of Claims, itu execu¬ tive mansion, the (abm t and leading diplomatic and scientific circles were well represented. The dreeing of the ladies was costly and elabor¬ ate beyond anything previously seen this Winter. A pleasant feature ol the evening was the tea-room Upstairs, artistically decorated with flowersaud terns by Miss Julia Strong, to which many guests repaired, after the abuudant collation served be¬ low. Judge strong is an official member of the New- York Avenue Bresbvtetian Church, and Mrs. Strong ls president of tal Woman's Christian Association, and faces we'l-known In the religious life of the city graced tho occasion by then presence. INVESTIGATING MR. IIAYT. SOMK IMPORTANT DKVKUiPMl.Nl S RKI'ORTI D.CIR- Ct'MSTANTlAL AND DnCCMKN1ARY KVIDKN< I IN St PPOHT Ol" Gr.NKRAI. FISK'S ACCUSATIONS. IBT TELKORAPII TO THE M1MIM.1 WisitiNGTOX, Jan. 28..Tho committee appointed hythe Board of Indian Commissioners, on (he M- <ine\t of Secretary Behan, to Inreetiauto the accnea* lions broiu'ht by General fisk against Coiiiuiissioiicr Hoyt has been steadily at work for nearly Cine weeks. It is said that thc committee will compote its labors this week. A special meet inc; of the Board will lie held in New-York next Tuesday, to receive and consider thc report nf the committee, and to agree upon recommendations to the Sect clary of the Interior. The sessions of tho committee have been sc- erer, but some ot tho facts developed have al¬ ready leaked out. A nooil deal of attention has hedi devoted to tho Arizona Mine scandal, with which it was asserted both Commis¬ sioner Hay! nod Indian Inapeetor Hammond wan connected, lt may be remembered that in a letter from Mr, Hayt toTiiK TitinrNK, which was published PeoembfT 21. INTO, tho Commissioner in reply to the accusation that the proceedings atrainst Agent Hart, of the Ma Carlos AfOOOy, In. not been prosecuted with due diligence, said the ac¬ cusations against Hart had been made thc subject of a communication to tho Department of Justice on the 23d of October last. The OOmmittea has dis¬ covered that the only subject relating to the Ari¬ zona business, on which tho Commissioner of Indian Allans had written to the Attorney- General, WM one relating to some irregularities about a beef contract. Tho charges against Agent Hart, which were specified by General Fisk, were quite a different matter, and these charges, it has been found hythe committee, were not. sent from the Department of tho Interior to the Attorney- Gcnrral until the Otli of January, more than two wooka ofter Commissioner Halt's letter was written to Tnt: TuiHfNi:, and the day after General fisk's accusations were presented to the BeOMtOf] of the Interior. Unreported that the committee was considerably staggered bv the discovery. Ex-Indian Inspector Hammond was examined by tba committee si veral days ago. It came out, in his examination, that he met Commis¬ sioner Hoyt in New-York last Sunday morn¬ ing, in response pg a te'ei/ram from the latter, and that they came on to WaahitiejtOO to¬ gether. In the course of Mr. Hammond's examina¬ tion he was coufronted with Hie following letter: i:\ avsTon, nj,, .lah 7. 1879. To ii. L. Bast, E»q., lan I arin Indian .\<jr,tcy. DOAB Mi:: I have made ii primary re- i oi t to th* iinimmiiie Secretary ol lae la- tenor and tba Bonerabla Commissioner of Inoiaa affairs ss lo Bani arion Al-, ic. anil SIB to be Order 'I to Annum to complete ny wort ss le is Carlos and Um oilier annoy la i*i»- Territory, and in replv to Tour too, ni rles bea leave to say tba) your realanstlna was aeeepted, and further, thai I bavi d Kist I will not Its Um afJdavits mole sgalosi yo '. nor will 1 make any use whatever of thew against ron, lt does not at an to lae aoceeaary to oe co. JPeryre- spi tully, J. ll. BAOUaOXO. In forwarding t'nis lotter to Flak, ll nt says tba! "it was given in answer to ¦ reojneet toeeethe charges said to have been made agolnal meas pa mt, I have inver at cn then, nor have 1 the has, nba what they are." Hun's lifter is doted Bl Constitution, Ohio, January 3, ls>«<). After reading this letter Mr, Hammond pronounced i: ta bo an elegant forgery, lt hg h»werri, the noaaimon opioiou of the elerkn and officials In tiie Ii dian Office, who aro familiar with Ham¬ mond's handwriting and signature, tnat the letter is genuine. lu Impactor 1Iammond*a latter to Conmuaiooei Hoyt, written fran the ism Carlos Agoocj lae) Bpriug, he Informs tbs Commiasiooei that li- has taken a bond in tim Washington Mine, from Agent Han. Tba Washington flinc waselaimedto be in tbs san Carlos !»'. ervi ion, and ia the aame mine afterward bought from Hart i>\ Mr. I Iv. ard Knapp, who ia sain io be a di phew ol i omtniasioiier Hayt, and a member ol his ia :i\ li is reported thal Inspector Hammond, who lett hero quito suddenly on the eToniug of the nay be testified, will appear before thc committee tins week, lt is understood that he i- determined uot to be made i acap "goal of ii be can help ii. lt would s.-t in that in regard lo tin- iwo above mentioned, the evidence against Mr. Hoyt thus far is ot a elreumatantta] and documentor] liar Kier only. Ra is ropreaentod brlo,u the oom* mlttec by ( ininent legal COUUSCl. TM feeling againai Mr. il ayn's adminiatration appean to be vi rv general and quite bitter, from i nenI nemben of Congren bara re- eeived many lotion from constituents supple¬ menting the accusations bronchi i>\ Qeneral Tish ami ofli ring proof to suatoin them. < me number of the House has recoil ed a Idler from a hading and influential member of tbollickaita Branch of tba .¦society of Friends In which the writer nys: lt beneral Fisk will seeurs rome papers ol Harelay White,Mooni Molly, New-./i w y * * * bs will have enoaah to pat Mr. Hayt la a very tight place. Hayt mus', so. or we munt ko. Hie orthodox Mends lune K"nc. Now will tape put Genera] Fisk In possession of thin Information Immediate] rec Ipi ol tins ami help us In tills limiter. Thee o Per¬ sonal friend of the President, lind If bc kaea ons half of Hayt 'i con option be weald bare bim bounced ut once.'' BEA COAST DEFENCES. nu. >i.na ik com mi ri ri in FAVOR Ol BHUUMOB) AITIfOl'ltlAlHlNS. foi mi.m. nan Naran nd Washinoion', Jan. 28..TM Sonata Committee on Appropriations reopened Ito former action in re¬ gard to tko Fortifications Appropriation bill, lt was finally decided to-day to report thc bill back to tho Beoate to-morrow, with a recommendation that the amount granted by the House lor the armament of noa-cnast fortificatii ns. Dandy, $8215.000, ba increased to 0400,000, The commit leo will also recommend an Increase ol 950,000 ni tko House it.rn of 1100,000 for the pippen atlee and repair ol formica¬ tions. No change is made in the item of 900.000 for torpedoes. Tba lorna of the pro- visioll tor the armament nf fortifications are amended by tho Senate Commit ter so as to include not ralf tho conversion of smooth-bores into rifled or lianne, but also ¦pa¬ cifically t he manufacture of " four improved breech- loading rifled guns ol twelve-inch calibre." WKAKVE8S OF TH1 HAW. nra flan mp takm towabd rcomakizatiop, |i.i:m kai. noni nisiAi'ni Washington, Jan. 28..Ropronntotiye Harris, of Mi- aebnaotta, to whom was rantnd Um bill pro¬ viding for the. establishment of a Hoard of Assist nuts for the Navy of tho I'nited Slates, and for other purposes, to-day reported to the full Commit! ¦>. on Naval Affairs a substitute bill. The substitute was adopted unanimously by the committee, am! w ill be presented to the House to-morrow, rn ith the re'|in:st that au carly day be s^t for its consid¬ eration. This bill, which is intended as the fore¬ runner of legislation looking to the complete reor¬ ganization id the Navy, authorizes the sub1 pf u]\ such stoles belonging to the Navy Department as are found to bo unserviceable, the I io- (.(¦cds to be paid into the Trcas- to the eredif of tba permanent ((instruction fund of the Navy. The bill also authorizes tba sale of all vessels unlit for f uri her service, and nil unfinished vessels that cannot bi furnished wil'imit gnat and disproportionate BZMOOB, thB proOM ls to be placed to thc eonstruetio i fund of the Department. Provision is also made for the establisnmciit af a pt ifanont construction fund, which shall conant of appropriations mad' fran tint ti tum by Cosigns-, and the sale of old OT emoh inned \< nip, malena's, stores, etc. Tl ls fund is ta bo expended l>\ tho Secretary ot th- Navy in Hm construc¬ tion, armament and rqulpneot of new na¬ val TtnaM. and tor DO* otMr purpose. No uiicxpcudc! balance of this lund is to bc In rooffc i covcied into the Treasury, or M nada av pliable for any POMPOM not provided for by the hill. I he bill also prOYldn that M TOMOl OOW belong¬ ing lo the .Vtw shall bc finished ol repaired where tho estimated cost of ita completion or repair shall exceed 40 per cent 01 ww cost of a new Vessel of tho same sizo and model, exclusive of the arma¬ ment, unless a Hoard of Officers selected by the Secretary shall recommend such completion and repair; to whieh ease, tbe cool shall be paid fron thc permanent bOftetroctkm funn. The bill further authorizes thc Perretary to accept models, plans, etc, for vessels, en* l'iiics, machinery. armaments, etc., from any and all source", and to determine what tUUJ .hall be paid for them. The report accompanying this hill says thal there are onlv forty-eight ont Bl the Ml'war ships of the count ry capable of filing a gun. ..?- Ml!. TUCKER'S PROPOSITION. hf. PnoPOan TO ciivk mr sim*ki ii i-dwi.ii mi>K- PKIVH Till: MIN(il:ll V OP AN IMFAMTABT RKiHT. IBV TII.KHUUII IO T1IK TltIIU'Ni:.l WsOBraoToy/,Jin.28..Tho Denoenti who are determined to mort io every possible moana to hore their own way in the Boneo, aa long ns they control its orgauintlon, diacloted a new plan to¬ day lu a brief diacuaaion of the rules. Tim scheme is embraced in an amendmenl proposed by Mr. Tucker, of Virginia, to the revieed roda of rules. In effect it gives the Rneakerof the Hoon the power io deolan at any tine- that then la a quorum present. It was io he expected I Ml the minority would abd ject to such a propoettlon to rab the mtnetity oft* traditional parliamentary rlaht.and Core is i ot tho slightest probability thal the proposed amendment will be adopted, oren it tho Demoerata unite DOM it, until every pal hame.italy expedient has boen exhausted. Tba debate anon it will un¬ doubtedly be long. If tin- Democrats insist upon any such pmnoaition, there is little prnbabllit) toot the rules rn iii be changed at tins -essuni. speaker Kami.ill is said to he opposed lo the now amendment, on thc ground, if for no other, that it endangers the li na I adoption of the now rulee. WASHING I ON NOTES \\ Asms,.!u\. Wedn.-sil.i.y .1:111. 2S. 1 S«0. The Kxociitive (eaiinlltee of tin- Ci.Heil States Agri¬ cultural Motet* and ol the A n.cr,can Ai'iiciilttirul Asee- elattoa oonuisotwd basti ben lader. JaM Merryana,seq.,of Marrlsud, ls the president of both organisations, winch any at .-onie tatars tine be con¬ solidated. Tba naman af tM Trcanri to-enj raebrred at sn earelopei postmark d Ifew-Torfc, two mutilated United statis nab rn af 190 neb, tooan r with tM faOowng staii nu nt: M Ure, Brawn antin te eanaal tar oblige" Hon to thc r,nv( rniruit by returnlM I" Its Tn the eneloted u surltles." The notes will bi :.-- deemed by lbs Treasurer, anil the ai.into! f40de> posited lu the treasury oa accounl of tbi lund. Tho Consul st Beean Ayna la a ilepatoh tM Do- portnaai dated Deeembei i". 1 -7». npoi t* that dnrng i tie week past tBTcral ¦. ti m - bad cared from that port fer Heston and Na w-York with tarawi s ot lae wool. Owtoa t" tn high sd i ibmin dulls bs -c.s. Il hm ben tofore t.n lui possible io kiit|i these wools le nn> United Btates, thal cw I j the lou priced earpel liave found i ,.>a s.iit sm,.nt. ire Hool' lilllie] t Ile SlimUllI* Ul,lill all ||i|i|'d\ d ade IS tn vi uk io pi ni < in t ie rain ,1 at It bow Bi ¦ pri table Ibst ex-Be] Glover Ita anal tareoUgator, ». eua wera wan! te throw his party associates Into terror, viii in.' beeens Inveetlgsted. if la believed tu some quarters that Mr. Glum baa tai nae liable to punlahroeul undi r i makes il i' any pabllc d.intents, looks 01 oiler i., en I.mn Ibe Capitol; bm a luajortii ol the member* II. i- applier to think ii rf li Mt I...mi i'"l ,- 1 bi ramona "report," Le was aulltj el aowoneaa ol- renee iii,iii in'!, larceny, Be].ni ..live v inn.-, of (iiiin, m...!.. aa argument Mon in v before lbs tub-committee of tbeoenate Ju Committee, bating la cbsrjn bis nsolatloa to Investt- gato ttie maaaet af eondueilng bostnen la 1 h * .. til tba e am enW - i' pretest sj rti ni. I, (Jud d ute* M -ii ii ii! ii tor pei nonal service, a ¦'. ii 1 bi -. ivlei i- pei:¦ ii I case ol niaii) ol il. elli, leis '.flt" « cf clerk of lei sad < irenii ( Tiwi du:' - ut the tao posltisSM im.iirf identlenl, ¦'id law eoDtempbiies tLal ic * shall receite UUUlu, tin -na of tai li I.iiiiinj tm euoas i.rn III SIM ss /\ ll III sis. tram aaan obi u labob. BlCHMOND, V a.. .lin. 28..TelcLMiitns re- t ired here tbi* moral g -ta'- thal Inteuas nxcitemeni prevail* la bbensadoah County le eonsegneaee of aa spprebended collision tata a toe while and black laborer* ai Columbia 1 11 uear Ediuburg, m th.it t m.ni,. 'l bc in-' eeruUned, lm« ..n in ila- facl that John W. Whistler0>Co., the proprietor* ot the Colnmb > od t.-i-iu Pnruaei s ii -nu. a.,- v. I;!'.- for red Bli >r In iii lr worhi Uovcrnor eas orders inx - lo bs In readlm 11 to quell any dutui bsne -. -?- 'lin-; PBILADBLPUIA EX< UABG1 rmt.vi.i.i.riiiA, Penn., .).m. 28..At tin ( niniii'-i Iel l.Ii-iiaiiL'e to- la] lae following "Hli I . t' serve for tbs ensuing rear were Inducted rn offlre. President, William MoAleertf president, Henry K. Cumming*: tr»s urer, P. D. Wurley; managera. Will .:¦ I;, si,nth. .1 (ines Mar ral I Pi rot, li. P. lam (ince, w. u. Steel a id .1. Uoffmaa. COLOBADO MIMINA l-l.m., l»l WUK, Cul., .1,111. 'Jil.. \ di -putcll fin.11 Hirer CHI nye tM BUver Cul Minina and kliaiag < ns pjuy sUpped ball a dos ¦ stiver brteks yesterday, ipa result et the Hist clean up ilnee startles thc ntump lulll, which ls deemed a arra) *i BILVBB I.M'l.' il.1» PBOM |BI IHI tl Kt. Lui is, Jan. 28..Seyeral lending; riti- ¦eneol tai* eny im\e taken -:. n lootgealm a company to develop allver mince la Montgoin | County, Arkan¬ sas, whick un- prunoui 01 d by mtnlni experts lu \ al iialde. ? CABAD1 tM OBEN 10 iii: tMAYER Bl 11 i.vii.i.k, tint., .I;in. 28..Aboal SOO pounds ol selected spcclanos el rartoas kinda al ow fran tM mineral region* of ike North nata nat from I li :s pori i1 si 11 dav lu ll ulta lo, f..r lie fill |io-e nt li a vick them aesoyed, _________ ______ Titi: GBAXJ) .f/.'/l "/ Till. REPUBLIC. At nt un, N. Y., Jun. 28,.TIM fiuirtceiitli anani eaganpneal ol ibe Stol tinta Anny af lbs Bi pallin- opes* d lo- lav With un nf tendance of nli.ait -!<>.» delegates and comrades, Including Generals MeQuade, Baraam, Qraoam, I.eat, ¦ Lb uieasnt-OovernorG -n ersl Bobnaoo, Peel Oammaadec Taaaer, Jndgna Mot POO, Willard, Ililli.ird. and Bibi Ma ol OaMm ina.li¬ an addrate of weleeoM to tti»- rlsiloi ii; be 1 leen Boom Jiepiirtiii'-nf (1 iiiiiiiuidir Milkia ie responded. I.. U Briggs then made au addr.,aad wai followed bi Cor¬ poral 1 Miinrr, ol Mew Yoi.. . baplaiu Poster raadaa original poem, and toe encampment then aeotlatoei ci utlvo se.ssKui. Till: 8PHJGI fi ! STA 11:. Pbotidbwcb, K. I., Jim. 28..Mr. /. Cbaffoo, trustee, has pre* Bted to ita bis mrs »f lbs A. J W". apraguf Maoufaciuriag( ompaay, ins snaualstah of the result ol operattom rm- thc year 19T0. lin net proflts Iron manalaeiurinp wi pud toe receipt* limn dividends, rent*, eic., *.>-'.!is7. Tbs net decrease lu liabUltton Wiu$'2!iOfil3. Ue ex pt ela io pp] :i ii^ i-ikikI on July in vt. CM1M&8ASD CASUALTIES BJ TBLBQBAPB. a i-nsi t,h 1 m. noubi n IfonniaTOWX, N. .1 Jan. U8. ie Poet Off! nate Ht Hil* BlsO SAM I'l'-Ki 11 mti :.inl robbed lu»t Bight. Bl ii 1 m. "I a Mi ci 1.1 POLK 1.. Nungi tuc, Va.. .) an. >. def-il-Foliee Kons<m thia mornlaa blow ont hi lirainawttha iilatel. Caaasiaber ¦ minn ul ii".j I ii-Mili'ii.: tuan d»m< -ne ItOUblS* ^ ion r at a i; m.i. Pittptom, Penn., Jan. '-> In an altercation al 1 Inti nt Pie**. Vallei.oeai Ibu place, ni.iav night, U .1 11,11 ley shot and inUllv wouuded Michael l.inin.ti. n»|.-v 'in lu Jail. Tilt; POI 'A-d'.'l PANATIO tBOUT TO BR ThlKH. UaIiiIIAM, Mas... Jan. -J^ 1 tl.. 11. .. Pf I In milli, thc I* rssin inna ii «|i|t' 01 -iii tor trial before Jad Mortoo.igtbs8 inreini'court, lo-norroat Qturamg. ile Hid ptoualili lu s.iit lui iii AN mi' 1.A nt RM KO I A I II" A X >.. (j,, .lila. 2S. Mis. Joseph l'.|lhol, li, seveati alght vrsn old, a atdoa, was yesterday ba .1 lo ilea'li ul in le lin ir. Vvrain un c man li ia *aii|m.<.- nut I,, ni., in a 'a-r ma-1 cn 11. ii widie sttematiag n> u»,tii ¦ -1 li IDM UV A PANA tl] I N Haupax, n. rt., Jan. 28. Uountv-Counsellor [.,,nm a. i" ti.a.r.e. a aaiu .mil' li « ,- fo ii il. ul li, li 'sui" Hill 'i.iiriitinr, loan inlles [r on Ha Idl U*upuO.Sd tO llSVi .nilli.it'i- ¦! Hiddle by IhuikuiK Vk Ililli in INCH Ufo TO Ml IUiK.lt. MuNiii'si, Jan - s -Auihr. I'anasan and his .ouJoaeph, ol ibo Milo- olnt v,...-.ii hava beea srreated ami li,..iiLiit to rn* COI -.1 Uv Mr* village, willi ia.Kiii;,' proposals I* ber that shs «m tor i.iistiuiiii. j.'-. ;iii acer*. ¦HOT iiiiAH ai -fi ih-:n r ai.i.v. BTBACtJSK, N. Y.« Jan. 28.- At noon to-day Elias i: rilli :i it. ii vu a j iii il. in i hardware atora, waa accirientjtlljr ahot and inaiautlr kl tower wno was shoot barina pplalol, which ( a e. a Dii( ii ¦¦ ll "a ll a as aol kuie.\u tnal lt waa bstosa. Tao tu.slia.itii iinayuojivd. PEACE IN MAINE. DISSOLUTION OF TIIK FFSIONtST nODT. AN W'Jol IINMKNT INTIl. Atilt ST.MOST Off TIIK ffOgaO-fni-bIO RETl'ItN TO TIIK STATE HlU'SK. Tho Ftisionist lindy hi Maine lias adjourned nntil August, hut most of the liicinlier.s will poon enter tho legal Legislature. Major Smith will return to hid home, never to reenter tho political held. Some of the Fusionists t-ilk of R-COt-Og u train in August, hut the adjournment yesterday in gen- ernlly looked upon ns u way of let- til-g tho counteil-in members flown easily. Only one eoinpany of troops remains in the State House. FADING AWAY. TM! ffDUOMfgl l!OI»Y ADJOI HNS t'NTIL ACOOOT, ¦VT. MARY Og TU.'. M1MIII KS WII.I. JOIN 1HK r.KI'CIH.ICANS.MA.li.l! HMITII TBBO08B WITH Pumics. BoaTOM, Jun. 28..Tbe Fiminnist Loglalatanant mt Aifoata, He., this morning. In tba Benato Mr. Dibbs moved thn| all roporten be excluded. Ro¬ wen aim excluded from the Hoon, A dispatch to Th* tferaUsays: "The Fusion Leg- isliitiiri', after a prolonged secret seeelon thia after- aeon, adtonrned to meet on the first Wednesday in Au put next. Many of the memben will go home, imt. In return here befon tbOt 'lute ; ntlieis will ITO boob lo lin people of their districts lo n hide hy tln-ir deci. mi :is to joining or remaining ool of thc state House I.-irislutiire and ot lors will take tin ir Mats anona Jn-ir ttepnblieao bntbnn. Some of tho c unite,l-in memben will go home, while ot hers will contest tin-seats of the.r rivals in the Capitol lor tticsakeot getting- tin- par naually voted to di rented inti stan! -. 'I wo Fuslonistab -doy appeared la tba 1 .Vpn Win m House, :i ml uni in ot hers ii a vc ex pres . d . heir intention to follow them to-morrow. I he Fnsioir.st 'Governor,' Smith, will return to hts bane in OldtOWU to-morrow, and Mr. Talbot, 'Spcakei 'ot itu- fusion Bonna, will also leave for iii/- home to-morrow." A general preoednpatcb (rom Angoatonjai " In the l'l incus this ilfternootl til" otiin- ion 'i the Couti was Emly rtlprnaard. tba do- bate taking aliot.t the Mine (MM as previous tiilk mn ii the sui j. 11. Bereral of those who wero ai Bra! in i.mu ot itanding oat, regaidiess ot tlc ' a, in hi to their pound. I he inoie conservative membera were In favor ot jrielding. It was tinnily voted ¦urn until the first Wednesday in AtiKiist No division was called in either branch, and no Dian* ber recorded himself tor or againat tba no "-ure. The proposition was limply <>- cl.d carried, and the r'nsinnial LegiaLaton ad- loomed. Koine Fusion hito claim thal it is their hom xi parpoM and Intention to meet on tba day iiml tba! ibej will enter upon heavy cam¬ paign a in k for i in- next election, endeavor to bare tv.oi. -.< iiiiil votes- one to be cent to tin in. to the Legislntun mognind by the e Mt il ll il! the] Will 111 ike lip il CISC to iiii-itf thc eleetor 1 I oto." \S n n M in- on isl " (Inverina.' ni ibe Bnpreme Coori ip, he sani to :i ti" iiil correspond* A nan t.i. Mi.: |l|a ..ta; nih ami so io oin i i. i tater i eliin--. bavlos r.i i umstances. t ..'¦ ;. .1 \ \\ III now lie n ni lu til'- pei.I lb I I baw ucl tn witb- «t md « . n eu ia an to provoke a utite-t si ¦¦ 'i iv tin- ,t nu. tituiK .- * ii ..ai it wiii be essa I , 'inlv to-.lav " a ii .alii ii -l-.-i a lu .',Um- MK . ¦' aa ol B ili.i.is itu In IUD :.'! Hu- a. in..ns the si ita il. u ut I was I ¦-. ll M .ni. .'na-, al to a hill v. ii i'll i e ld ii ii, i,-. I, .-. in ii to pul us ii tie stole ¦ I it..,n Flail the I Ile mill .' v -I. li¬ ll' i ii I . most ul 0 .1 I.- .- I. :.' ti th A iii-" .i:it om l'i uland ."/¦'. Era, the leading Orei >acl mite lo I !.¦' de- ciston ot tlc Supi mi Coori and appeals to the lt also i pnbhsh a de,-1 a ni ion ol the principles ol tin- Iii ,< s. I',... J.'M.Ile-, iii.M il. i. elli Iii _ i.lii. lin,in .11,11 Willi tin tn." FU8lON18Tb I" I v ..I IHES'I _TE HOUSE. \i -1 "i mi MKMg tis v. ii «,i\ r i HR Ri hi I io .-a .\\ i:\s-, ar AY Off Iii mm; DOWN ttl. ¦>! \ i. ti s u MRI t:-. Ali.' -tv. hie, .li lv. fe- l.'i -puhiti lins and quite a n a. i.cr of Kim that tue adjourn¬ ment of the Fusioiiist body w * the easiest poaaible wa] ". i tiing down Ibe counted-tn memben. who bare given their onocial sa good deal of trouble. That the Foaiomal Legislalara will never again meet 11 >- -a\ wdi lie shown to-morrow hv its un lulu rs tabina scats iii the regular Legislature, The eourn punned was an indirect hui tn h i of diaaolviog. If tbe memben go homo thej will soon be morned by meir con¬ stituents to look out for important inter- isis coning befon tbe Legislature thia ¦I. 'I'uis will he the lever that will tin- town*, winch iii tiiin will move theirKepresentattvea. Tba Mate lloiis,- Legisla- 11 :.- will dei ne recant -il seats thal an- not now Blled, liol ie¦¦.. eiee; mus w ill he ordered, Major s-i.iih will leave tor hu.in tba earl, morning traia to ;it'<'nd to his lumbering baal- tu-ss. He holds the sana- views as eX- l'i - I in the dispatches hisl ni_ht, a.ul reeomannda the quiet subniaslon ofella..I eltitens to tbe "ill of tba Coart, Ile will i e-vcr agree toa proposition thai Ibe Fusion nt Legjalatun ball coin- togethi r again. Ol tin l-'iis.on -ona; us who will tiike seats in the State Hone Senate, the following liiiiy he sn te Iv mentioned: Hasan, Strickland, of Aroostooki I hm np-on, of Ki ox | Atwell, ll liker iiiiil Bogara, of Penobeeot: I.mn,ot somemt,and EMls,ofWaldo. Mr. Patton.of I'euoiiscoi, Las telegraphed to bbl people for inst ructions j Mi. I ';i ri tn. of Sot :u i-.et, will Proli¬ ant) ko nome. "Speaker" Palbot nye ba cannot toke ai in tin House, hut M ara. Hobson, Wilson, Loug, Hnsaey, Knowlea, and, in tact, Ina leading m. n amoog tbe Pnatonuita will corni.inletly to¬ ni..now ami tiike theil seats. Ano.lt (ille- loiirth will c un" in to-morrow, Rod the re¬ in maier will iro home fol :i brief visit lol.la; and then et.ph will return to maka up n "nt two-thIrd* of tin- entire bomber. .ba Fusion isl "Mecretars ol Blote," Saw¬ yer, has in linn s <i to i tni.i the raluatloo I.ks to tl.|Bce OT IhC Secret: ry of Slate, and it is though) thal lie will ti"t claim io be Seeiiiaiv any longer. Mr. Unite was unable to be hen to-iiay, bal telegraphs to the Einauce Cominlllee that he would read tin- opinion of thc coori and meet them to-iuiiiow. his univ desire bariug boen tu aeonre himself Him bondsmen againsl loee. The opinion prevails tba! he will Ireelj surrender tlie keys and property of tbe I'ri'asary aa aoon aa bli raeeeaaor ia (ia.iiiiie i. iInly one company of militia is now at tho State ll ui-e. and that will soon tie relieved from duty. lt'sill'- opinion on all eldon thal the ooutoatiaal an ci.(I. AIiVK i; PROM a GBKENBACE LEADER / pa a a Litter bp Solos ( pom ia fas anna Harald. Winn nil hone iii recOBTuitk>0 l».v the Court hs vauntli it, o' nu- iii -1 ntiiiek Be preses lativet "jlae " wiia tue Republicans al tbs Bute House, lt puts tn rest in.- \. tbe qui non ol tbs legality ol lbs L I..: aie. tills i_.i |i -a a, direction of law illili nidi r, Ulai -.Yill (inlet ff..- Si ile. I ail COUTBS Mill lie U 'ollleseeil In by tbe sober seoond tbouabl nt toe people, sad |_ am ISI a.Mi e Mi. . ely of " stick " to t he .mt ide of n c sum- (louee, ii mi Inp on '.> th-- skirts efa hostile court. Tbe Orecubscker* inside of the state lions.., fae tn tin a Willi tile K plltllleiitl.s, Will have mn-ii more powai io advance oin o.m*e tbsn organised nit-it--, aint branded by lbs Bopreme emin hs ii li ai. ri :i I.us", :u:ni<. tint is admitted le tu¬ ttle no Oreeubaeken sn s pawer lo ie pood. Tue oouiniou-sruse Or enbacker ol the Legislature win c. re lunn way eui bat lo abide bj tbe dsolalunot I lie M.pula, oil! i. ile'- is I] tel' ¦..¦ il -I li e HI s.-. TblS will binlsli rroui Ul) sUli- wars ami IBUOlS Bf wars, restors to tbe iieopbsa tieliup of security, ami ,,i,. Ha-iv. pt toe ra* buby eparsle like tbs diamond. Winn 1 Have been lu tue SWaasg I buvu hmuKlit up no chance to cut tbe Mump, and tbe team stuck. Tbs only way out wns to hltob to the hltirl end of the si. il and haul the loud back. The Supreme Court ls tbe stump. Thc nose nf the off mimer ls bann np a.alnst the Court. The way ou. In to bitch them snare" to thc hind bar, pull the lund brick mid then move ou. MARKETIXd CEXTliAl. PACIFIC STOCK. COMPLETION OF TIIK NEW CONTRACT FOR Till: MU OF 100,000 8HAHKH-50.000 RBUBU TO ni: sold to-day at thk stock RXC~-t*0~. fifty thnoaand shares of Central Paeun eteoki one-half of that recently boogbt of tko original owners of the road by ii syndicate of hunkers, will be offered for sale at IO o'clock this mornina on the Stink Rrebange. The contract for the sale of the 100,000 shares was completed1 yesterday hy the si en ti tu rn of C. P. Iluntiuirton and liv the delivery of the stock sold Outright. The purpose of the s\ u- di'ate wm to uri ko tho Central Pacific BM active stock on the Kxclianee. Monbon of tba Ezaeattn Committee said yesterday that it would have been an easy matter to market the stock at private aaleat prices higher, perhape. than would ba obtained In the open market, hut th.-ii the purpose of the ayn- (licit" would not be accomplished by disposing of it in Um manner. Numerous applications fm the pun- ion of tim stock have been received by the committee and by other memben of the syndicate. Nearly all af thew cann bare been made by aeraona who lionel't the stock for pernianeol luveetment; tbe majority of them h:ive been al prices above then at which il \s ill be offered to-day at the opeuiug of the Kx- cbange. Brokers who are not BntOOg tM inbacrihen to tbe syndicate s:iv that then has been recently an active inquiry for the sio.k, hm that then- wan little afloat in the market; tbat bide of 95 and 97 had berni made on tlus floor ot the Eiobange, hut that no sales bed boen made even af ''owe prta s. In p circular letter the committee, which con.isis ol B. P. Flower, J.D. Prince and .J. D. Pro tat, has annooaccd that tba stock will be oi)(iid at a scale of prices ranging from 80 to 84, and thal "tba atartiug prin ia pur¬ posely made low- m order to gin ample opportunity for profit to porchi Broken generally expressed the opinion yester¬ day that the stick would be sold viry rapidly, and that tho opening of Ibe dealings on the t>tock Ex¬ change would be the scene of couaiderabls exeito- m. nt. " Il will he the Qatekeet man." i-aid Daniel H. Retch, of Hatch & Foote, who an memben of tbe syndicate," and not the bigheat bidder who will at cnn this stock," Harvey Fisk, ol' Fisk di Hatch, saul that the firm had targe orders for the purchase of the stock, and that from the inquiries that had been made ba believed thal other Hi uh had received atmibtr or- den. He roparded tbe stick aa un excellent Invnt- mont, likely to poy regularly dividends of at lent»! per cellt. A member nf tim Executive Committee said that be bad no doubt that toe sec¬ ond 50,000 shares would ho called within ;i few days, and tbel the syndicate would he closed withine month hy theeale of ;n<' eatbrc amount I Knight. A -online to tim annual report of thc company tbe debts on January 1. is7'.». were$82,772,90097, ucl ml u:: United States subsidy bonds amounting to f_7,85fl,680; the Besets anion tod tot 187.A0S.0_4. In tin- st itement the value i the ornpenjrs landa was estimated :it abonl if'-' BO an pen. I he average price real ind In kite yean 1ms Increased largely, and baaed on thal obtained m l^T* Ibe Taine of the lauds would be over three tunes as large na the eatimeted value then given. mn ira uv. HORACE THOMPSON. Horace Thompson, ot st. Paul, Minnesota. om-of no-most prominent npltobatool toe Hortaweet, nt .! inddenly "f plcuro-pni nmonla yeeterday aeea al t ie PUtb Av.-llUe Hotel. He came Baal BbOUl two Wi ks ago, inti inline to enjoy » tow month*' nopin from toa Ifa. Wm ii In- a fi .ut. 1'aiil ho ra ap- p.ireii'iv ia tn ben of health* bot ea ¦atooeay Mst in- j,, ip Unaly tokea ink, sod thouin hts ilia an was not KiDtMlereU dan«-eroa* at first, be «r»w wonie rapidly until vestenlsy. winn br died. Mr. Thenpna m ban in Pouitnev. Vermont, tn 1828, bul cally n ta ired toOeorgla, whan aa livid until i s,-,(i, iu toal jaar ba weat to flt. Peal, when n an remained ever siaes, and 'Mn re pp Rpg eoan tu ho re¬ garded ss the leedlna tooker ef thal etty, aa ! sus 11 toe .: il Dtlsl li.i ll In till Si lt( M BBS - UV he fell tnle.I tb* Mist Hit na il oink ill the North We ( i.i r- .:-. ni »:. Psul.and si tbs inn. ol his T . pti ti-tlt Ul ll 'VII ed O'li-fl ill nf l-l (tOCk. ii :i .ri I ul :n" '.iiiiil.., m. Iowa Mild Wisconsin. Ile waa inuei, nu --. ,1 i: r III 'ii altair-, a .I lo lils i, ll ;. _ t Cbureb ol Hi. Paul ts ebiegy iBdebt- ed lor I- e Ii » ii'- h '- "HS "t .'i-e. I fin el ii a. i.nais tare In thu Bt-te. He lesves s wile, au adopted ... r anil wo -ol all of cl.uni ii ie u-ii|i,i prof ni. il for, tn- wife -i daiiabfer wen with Him at the time a N \ ark wMb toe n m ,-\. ni:.. -. .. I' il. I hy uni I.- mi a: Kiicbcstei bi 'Hilts ol si. Paul, .uni tin' funi" .-.I el l i.i place on Bundey .it tin- ipti burch el teal el'y. .i PAWXY I if \si:. [nt ti LBUUAPa Ri t;ii: ll nu R Annapolis, Md., Jud. 28..Mina fanny Clmae, ii el Samuel Cbaw, of Mai v.uni. one of toe rs of I he Lase) trallon ot Indep ndeaee, sn _is ef tile I.ile .1 le.ul.ih I air', li distinguished JadgS nial j inst, died bi I-- lo d i>. sin- wm tbe poaaeasac af son- ...... wealth, wbicb tbs come Into p<.talon ol tbrougu wealtb) relatives in KnctandL Bbs was htgbJy e.-ti i lind by tin lill il- Ol -'no. ur. i: wa. OF BnVWBOBOUOH. London, .Int. 29.-John George Brabagoo Ponsonby, Earl ol Bessboreoarb, I* dead. Eta wm han lu l KW s d succeeded to the title In l -17. ritot i;s-m: DKUILL. II vi ii vx, N. s., .Jan. 2eV.Profeoaor Demil!, of im lahousiii Col rge, sntbor of iiu> .. Dodge lab " ead Btber work*, died bore to-day siter a sheet lllaees fl m .tlOB Ol the I'I'.'-"'¦ A. S - Tl 1.1. MA V. II At; ir »i.i». .J.in. 1^. .Ally ti S. Stillman, eg Maror,ead lo1 punt years tba th-t seleetana of toni lill IO I ly Bl the .lue ...- e'_-lltv J ears. WILLIAM H. BHBWaTBB. Boston, Jun. L's..Willi.un ll. Brewgtor, one ol ile- proprtetoi i "i in- BntoN imrrtirr. died ai New¬ buryport, Uses., IBM Bight, M.-hud reen rn il health for some linn'. ____________________ A BROOKLYN i III ll IS TROUBLE. ntl P1OT0* OP tin T'OtruNs avi.nii: OOH tl \t iona r i nt tu ti ni sn; ss aim it: a pas nu: Mi¬ di I ss iiA\ A Yt Alt. The Kev. Samuel ll. Freeland, who a little Ibm tu.hi a yaw ago wm sailed te tn pastorate af toa lampions Avenue Coaengatioaal Church, lo Brooklrn, <m Baadai nenmg ofered hit re- s!_nit:inu, Which Wis incepted ill il ¦BBtUg of Hie ituircii ami Society on Keaeay analog, A Tumi tu; nportercalled laatereatog epeatto Ker, in-, j. m. pnerwood, presatnent anntof af tn Bneelyp Presbytery, and] ono of tbe oppon- iiits of Mr. Talann. on kn ban for two ni tt.rec yean a ngubu sttoadaai (uiih<>u_h eat aann* tn nf tbs TonpkUJS Avenue (hurcli, and from bim oo¬ tannat toe following ¦tatoanei bi rennan n toa saan of tin Kev. Mr. Fret land's resignation : " gol quin' I Var Iga Mr. rrcelniid, wini WM theil Nt le.sion, win* iriveti a uoanliiioiiH cull, mid lils salary was lived at-si,(lim. Then had ben a Ranker nf candi liatM lielore toa <'hurt li, and there WM mjnio np; osltloii nu tho part of ell or ie Vc ll to eslUoa him. hut lii-verthelc.ss the call wu* liia.li. tmardioniis. mid Mr. Fret laud was tfiven tho privib)gael toritng mich abenkoaaod paatannn eta.sr to aenaen tn anaetl wkteh ikaoM mutati him His bnnttothn iM ROt tako place until penni months afterward, and ton ka invited to the enact! only tbOM churches connected with tho Manhattan Association -Dr. atom's B8d ol hers -and miine cluirchcs in conn, client and Massaehuesns. Ia asakmeaa nc) mate ia ihe renipta and eipenan tor the coming year, tile IrUStCM ncentlv illscoveicd lh.it there wss :i prospective deficiency nf tTHiKi aihuk tluee WeeM iKO tocy called Mr. Fne '.nial ie ii meering of tn Board, -mid a«.cd Run to rellnnnltb -ikmi ol inn nwry. Tie had already folBntaruy atveo up *4<io durina last ynr, and eeoc tu tuid lion would leaiie a quarter nf Ids sahul. Me said _B could lint accept tilts proposition, as ll would eoeapeB hts services before tbs congregation and pal dlebouor Upon hun. Tln> Insisted opiili their deanna, mid Mr. Freeland took tuts to be thu exp lon of a desire toal he should resin.1' lae church ls divided on the Him ehcr q:i< -ntlnll, wha-li has separated into toe di.t lad fm tnu^ tia-1 '.n i,re_a- llolnil elllliclli' ol' this illy lind ll.'nok ll Q. pastor pievluiii lo Mr. Prei laud was tm- Rev, Dr. C. 1> he'iinei. who waa annuled la iw77 ap aoouncii in winci Mr. Reseller too* a Rtadlag pori, »nd pr-.-ai ben tbe in. ntilUatloll ncl'lll'lU. lAtvixiua r kum aiskuaij. OEBMINT DISTBUSTuTG BUXBIA, TnE WKICIIIS POO Mit. KUIll.1.AKI.V Iln|;sES _,N. N<»f.V('!.Il-A RI '1 Igggfl I. IM'JKIXKM' I* nurapofrrtvo moat. In Neilin, a Upsn*Og journal admits thal the pro¬ posed increase in tho army results from di sf runt of _bn_a___ I he we ci, |. wbteb Mi. I on!l .rd', in mp imII have to eerry el abe Banna Spring Meeting an bo* bounced. A Fr RM anni has Rimed ,t Havre With the eareaasea of ULOMO sheep preset v cd by » ¦ow aroona, MB. Li (KI Ll ABD* RMJRM Alll.«»\|(. Lo.li in. Wediiesdiv. Jan. RO, 1 .«<» Tlie woighta nt tnt hg-alarap tMOg al ide ¦peon Rprlne Mi etina are announced. Far Ibo face far He City and RabMtJM Hand MO, v. bl h -.viii like place on Tanadoy, tn ll I al Aiirll, Mr. IV I. nilatdV nitres wilt corry wrlabn m Mlowei noon aeMtog 1 (aged) will eerry tn top oaarot, ito pewena aaa] han year-old hay Boll l-'aiseHolii placed third on Ila- list eltk i-'i nciitid'. Uta Mon yate ali -natani eoM Mi < luke, II _.-.i a '.iii pian,.l.s ; tRfM JTP1 PJi kOJ nit Ililli I i ton -v ar od rbeetnai tiny My Dpew. til aeoasbi. apb: M.li a-.i 1.11 ., n pg] id- <oi.1.Uh'. OJ pound.; r< i: ai.! ra.--am cdt RTalnanan, *.»i paaonlai timi- yen- Ul bal 111) Nereid. »'.! ]> annis, :niil toni -vci.r-.ld du- unit nth p ippooae, ss pumpa* li r Mn- rae NUT tbe Mieui Muley liam! oap. wlilcll will eulin tr mi n il i>. Atir-.l 90, I'.role _j hpOOd mi -'. wiln T..I ia.mids. Mmtake pirBU 90 PW.ls] sn Diuee tu puned*; WaHea.telu ul i-n-. sad .Ni iii S'.l P'lUllik 'ia-1-ne for tin- 1'riiiee of Vans' RtahM, wbiek a lb roo ea tn wai day. Parole ie oral m toe l», WU 144 pi um lu. pad I'n -i-t a secoBU, witt 133 1-.11..1- MUtake!«b*iTea 110pounds) Km'-N*.m Mam. los poiuid.eacb; Ueraidne 107 pound-; V. a lei -nm luA 15 Nereid 103 pounds, awl Pappeoee 10*2 p 1 ila race f r Ula Great Metropolitan Ifakea, walch wi H nam oil on Wi din via >, April 'J 1. Mi. P ii..Hon's .: iii li iv ol! Isi iniiilj. fli'-t OU tia- Ist.witb I'M ililli.t.s, ami Mr. I*. len iIIhkI'm K.tl_rllo thtrl. With i_t munis. Aeeepunr 1. niusl tn- ucl ucl iii peat III -dui te'.! limy :i; Ihii- are Inti 11.un. nalia tm iii si race, ."ni im tn- >i eon I, .">1 mi tbe tm.1, uml ;i_ lal the Um. why QEBMAKT U \l BIKO. lil lil is, Wrltin s.'.n lan. §$, |s-n. The National /litiinj, in aligeneeMbJ th. pee> ; Rn rs isa el toe ..i .n>. ni«: 1 a-'.-i anni Nallan is _lnio»t uiuiriltuou- la itn.it>- I ri. val of i'rluee liisuiaii k's rrsolBUoa to r.-l't Len¬ in,vi .n as san a- it sui. 1 11- s.resent ipaattva in,d pggresalve nwer. As rel Uerauav pnperm ft eu.Uv reliiin.iH wi'ti nftl lal gussie, BUI Kui. |m. eau only M ti.m Hi.ii i|rn ..-I ky aster1teas in iu« pince a bi bus toe Muses of tn r saltation han- pioci - .,r |. a. e iio'u tbs I'.ui-i-i*!! pu is oagul n ne received with (teat sattofaettoa, k«rt H nan uoibeinr- 1.-H- b Uiat it .a inure eitK) toexclic teen MM I' pacify then. AK.Il'MINiJ CAULK KAU l..iM"i>. \Ve.lne_day. .1 Tao i'iiMiiritr tins __oroiag nye 1 M_aoonja> -eui,ul\.-s ot the Krui 11 faille a. 11 panv are pan neco- v. tn tin- aaatte Ap p arf for tbe ritetiti.it! ef toa 3 ehilltnn torn*, if nu su-wiuf-nt ls reaeued, Mn .\ti_io-.\ii.i-iiiiii Qa nppoj kant a sixpenny lang on Preaeh auatoesa Iran Um l-t or P0k> r.niiv ia x , slid on all li.-mi .-mi..-ii the l-n-in-b 10m- pani's Kbb ii-ii con..i-i lea 11 m.nie." AFGHAN HOSTILITY IO TIIK BBiTISff. LuiiuiR. Tfednsgai. Isp. - IMA A ilisnntcii fruin LdlBOtg to lld linly A<st tlBR Al rfi in "sirdars li ..if milorfd Ibe Ko,1 .tunis to ef i-i ¦'¦:> I" 'h. I.-.'iii. The a ol Bs ck -en .- word tti.it sis ers preparna au capt ditton Bgalaai tbe in liiK MLAMIK HOLLAND DI8ABI l l>. I.., Mus. RT| .'in -dal .1 M The Niltiollill I. tie sicatncr ll-ill:iii«l. l'i|'« reran, koon January gi tor Mea I iw. nan tiirti-d to QMeaaaewB. tovlag beetank wm u aix) mm vaot "i Iknknt, AN l.Xrr.KIMi:.M IN MKAT (MM. 1 Lowooa. Mi toeodar. ie en, The Fro no li steamer i'ur.-i^iiuy h.. RJTtl <l at U.v?^ Hom Hmitli Atmrn-1 willi 1 -i.ii--- Berri .i i>y toe frlgoriee pewee ia. A BEW-TOBI IUNK (I RR tl .!>.;!>. I.-.- 1. .si --.I. Tao st'inddid's eon lapoadeal perts tba) acnirknall w-Yerk ian'. led witb fso.ooo, bas beta ¦.' -:"< la Pan* il at0.000 ,.., hi.noa. Tia- cl rk states Mal h. I.¦." .ooo lu Kl ... Bl .-..lillian.p.un. PREFABING FOR IHR PBDft'B'W I/H WB. Ottawa, out.. Job SB..Loral Lone _ni sinn love fm iljitfjx at ._' o',-io k t li\ le neel r 1: .\ 1. Utohacas, Protean Loause. aatosatlan ail tm ni-t tn- t.ei: tiieropk ss, gorti anpno hm! iinsOanaa, pudav eenauasl efl 1 Iel 1 Al heit victor ead Oeorge Prcsnrnk, nen ef tbi Pt*.f i.- mi 1....ii.i. Tiler.- oilaf ronan (,ft!.. \s .-I lu lee! present to Iske part la ito n ti..11 um ti cxpeetedl. iiaaoer Una 00 tn ant arrival ol thc Prim QKNEBAL QB__NT8 CUBAN iori.'. HATAVA, .lin- 'J^-lii in r.il Or.iut ami party al'i'iiil d Hu' Ann rican lireils la-t BBgat, and hil for in Va Ita Alida MU' uornlli_. They v, ll protiahly re- ui-i, I. Ila'.'a: 1 on Satur !a\. The K urned toaatotoOn nittnootot ins pnaatok af noarna> litton up.niii- leentea af toa pawa stoat's ooy. It is -a thal Meaera; Ml ant wnl not SW lo N 1 1. -ill. A 11inaber ol illpbl -.ksi.rlkguake weiwleltnan Vuelta Ai'.') yi -t. rdav. -?- FOBKIGN NOTES. Uwimw, w, _ .'.a.. gao. M, l^io. Tho Ren-hsta; 1. sann aed n aanl n toaJJabef Psbruaiy. H.. Adniiiiisir nive I'aim .. .1 ipi tai nf Mel 'iivni. ns noa atirelj deon nd P Tm bin for ihe ponkan of tn ReaRnalaa r4tiwavi by monti hasii n a iopicii in M.- ChasBbw si i>.-iu» UM. 11,, goenes Rtoaasshlp Onapaay Intend to anni s heaw nnh tiiiuiy Iroin lVrii for lin- iotMllM it ibt -I- aan I.Illulia. rm /. ¦¦/..' Masnassd Mom to-day sarsi MM< keel tii.it .1 Meld lim- <f steeenn ntwen ll lng rn te 1 -t ties is ouBtenplano," The rtanFl Parh Ma_enub *ays the Ooanrenattal tienevu, wim wen- coiidcmu. d lu default in 1M71, an 11ho.1t la nu ct lo seoal hw tn propriety of suiici.dcrini iReninlves 10 stead irtol bj torts TM -ti .liner Mralbli veli, nf 2.-lilli tulls, ba- al :ncd at Gibraltarftost _g_nalte,n kn oap n ia ad.m. with an i-xiieriinetital run:" nt fresh meat Ifl *.<¦> .-. tlfty IiUIIocKh and nfl ral i.iindicii head ol Stone The medici! men iii Madrid d ff.-I d about the mental eoadltioaot Kim '«i-. (Here Ueaninvtn w ali be rei lille, some s v la.lt In- ls s«ln. walli- iii. rs rtilBlBBS tn.il ac ls ai mine- .le. His 11 mt. Mn ri lure, w |I I i,,, s.iiiihui (Ciitisi rv.iiive). un mini oi t.. 1; ano of COnann fer L ve ip et, addi, rscd .. anal C na ti vu uiccitng herc last aigbt la nape rt el the <.iv.tirs ian', ll lie fOI Mle se lt III tile llollne Iliad Val .lilt 11} MlO death nt Ml Jo Hi loll. ike ftssn'sBerilu eerreepeoaVal tnink* Mar.- uno teat ili.it Mi- c ..ni- uipliiti .1 . sf tot I'm- crewuti will Mts mi si el, bnanneh »* ni other ..anns unanimously oekm aUdga ino neaautj of tbe prop s <i Inen »« .¦' tee -rwy. TUE slEAMSIill' I.ol Isl l.V.t. Ni \v-Oi;i.ka\s .Tan. RS..A «lt>i»;iti li from Captain ii.i<ir, of the stl unled »'eaiiis|ii(i I. u ii »ayK: "Hum- tiim wu evaanori -.>" tan of Mn aaagw to llgbtea Ibe shl|i. Can univ PM Inrbtcrs If weather should n ciini. i'n _hMer kw ken. Inoneen oaas ta Kort Lad*. Wi'd Hve >uip." llgtoR PM I f" tbe ri lief of lilt steal.'!!' A lal-r .|s|,,i,|, fiann I mUlll <;,i_.r stans teal be rzpeets toloil tin- ilraatei un mah mle to-hiKi"- The wat. r ls nt. h. A lli_c parl of ibe cargo ha* kina taeeeestalli lightsmt. THO hlA.lli.Ls oh LL.0, __AOTOV, Penn., Jan. 28..At a meeting of the tm e s pi I, storetn«sMrg 10 .tav. tn Mem ot LL.ll. WM eiinferr..! upon Mle lina. II. erv (Irecii. of thc Rnpr ni c..mi of Pi Baaylvanto, aodj the Her Alonso i.ai", vie. -luisidi nt sf MssbluglM C_tWga. lVllt.s.VlMllll.l. 77//. KB OB the nthsos MOVlXm, Polv.iiKKKPsiK, N. \., Jilli. 'J.H..Kciuirta fl. lil .. »M-\ IMf toOl R He I' .. m tie i».| I. nu tbe univ e. Asl .ina' and two karan aaOBBl RM Ik t. aft «|s hoou. mid a .loop ;a.ncij neilla.
Page 1: V0,XXXIX..N°-12,12*. NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29…chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1880-01-29/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1*80. ... imiienee ndespecially

V0,XXXIX..N°-12,12*. NEW-YORK, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1*80. PRICK FOUR CUNTS.my i ».*?.<




TIIF. NAVY.There WM a laipe attendance to listen to tho

eulogies on Hm late Senator Chandler. ItWUnoticeable that the Democrats did not take jmrtId the speaking- The Senate Committee in-ve-tiguting the accusations against Commis¬sioner Hayt is said to have obtained confirm¬atory evidence. The House. Committee on

Naval A flairs has agreed to a hill providingfor a permanent construction fund for theNavy Depart mont, and authorizing thegide of old material and vessels. Thisis to he the first step toward re¬

organizing the Navy, which the CommitteeBays is very weak. '1 lie Warner hill on freecoinage has boen agreed to by the HouseCommittee on ('"inapo. The Senate Committeeon Appropriations agreed to report toefl usedappropriations for Mk-eOMl fort ilic.it ions.



Hiv Hlltlllll TO nu: ti:ii:ise.|Washing ion, Jan L'S..It is prohable tliat curios¬

ity to see ami heai thc eminent living on an wea-

linn when they were to attempt to appear at theirbest, mingled with respect for the eminent dead,Formed the motive whieh induced an audience of themost intelligent and favored of fortune to crowdboo the galleries of the Senate to-dav. until therewas not even staiirting room left unoccupied.Hut it is uot probable that any other sentiment thanthat of respect for the memory of Zacoariah Chand¬ler brunaht to the llour of the Senate, in a fcre.it;rowd, members of the Cabinet, the most distin¬guished men of th* lower branch of Congress andithers in high official life, or served ko k<<>p in theirteats during three hours consumed ni the deliveryii the commemorative eulogies, the great majoritynf the eminent men of all parties who were the.flicial associates of the departed statesman.Funeral oratory is no novelty to a Washington

imiienee nd especially IO one composed so largely>f men in official life, and too often the occasion foribo delivery of eulogies upon the dead is taken ad-rantage of by the living to transact business of a

jaturc uot in keeping with tho occasion. Thc event

if to-day was in strong contrast, in this respect,iritli many similar prcceeding events. NewspapersMID untouched j le;ter writing and letter readingiras suspended, coiiv-'isaiicii was uot indulged In,hut with one aouOMl Senators ami visitors re¬

mained, during tho commemorative service-;, in atti¬tudes of respectful attention and silence.TM notable of the sj.e,-ches were thoac hy BSM-

tors Blaine Md Bayard, the latter being Um onlyDMMJM Si-nator who took any part in the pro-Seedings. His* speech was brief, but embodied a

glowing tribute to the stalwart sincerity and hon-isty of purpose ot Mr. ('handler. In the long course

if their uliieial asscciat ion tliey Md usually been[onad m the position of political antagonists, vet 1 e

t>ore willing testimony to the per.'onal v'rtlies of ll.eleadMUM and could recall many hMtanOM ot

the accommodating kiudiicss wbieh rendered inter-:ourse with him easy.Senator Blaine's remarks were ibo brief. They

leeuied lo bc tho words of ono who Cell btOMtlftObe in sympathy with the convictions which formedUie motive* of him to whom they referred. Hoikeiehed the official career of Mr. Chandler, brieflytouching upou the historic poiuts of prowl neill Ulfrom bis first entry into tho Senate, as one of theminority, to which his coining was like a reinforce¬ment of fresh troops to a beleaguered army, to thetime when thc principle* upon which all his actions

were based became triumphant in th-election andinauguration of Abraham Lincoln. Then be said itwas found that many of the old leaders, havingMM trained in the minority, were unskilled in theexercise of tliose qualities with which eaeoeeafnljM.litical ptlIlea are best able to girt effect to theirprinciples. Mr. Chandler, however, seemed as hyinstinct to uinlcr-tand the nen cities of the hour,iud the prominent part be took iu the stirring amiterrible events of thc time are known to all theworld.MWf Logan narrated, with deep feeling.the

events of the lust day and night of Mr. Chandler'slife m Chicago, on which occasion he made a apeecb jbeyond ali compar.sen the kieatct of his life, Noinch spontaneous outburst, said Senator Lagan,iver greeted an orator in that city; the vas: au¬

dience rising to their feet as OTC mau to gi ve evi¬

dence of the depth of conviction which retailedfrom his words.Senator Blair, representing the Stati which

nialwad afr Chandler aa its sou, told tba atony ofhis early life. Senator Hamlin, the only survivorof that little knot of eminent men who took

Kart in the procc dings of tho Senate arbonlr. Chandler tirst lui ame a niemher of the body,

Benatoi I) n Cann ron, toe associate of the late Sen¬ator in the Cabinet and in i he Seriate, and his tmpeeeoi ku the position of chairman of the RepublicanNational Committee, and Senator Morrill, the as>iodate daring many yean ol Senatorial life of Bena¬toi Chandler, all apoke feelingly and In terms ni the¦Mat exalted respect and admiration for the man.

Of ooaree the principal apeecbes ot tba day wenthose from the two Michigan Senators. BenatoiIN ri v's apaaeb waa tbefltatandthe Longest ol theday's proceedings. It embraced a sketch of BenatoiChandler'* career from hi* boyhood np, and waa a

glowing tribute to the dead statesman, .¦senatorBaldwin's was it teaJhw eulogy of Mr. Chandler,arbon be aoeeei dad in we Senate.Funeral eulogies iii tuc House ol Representatives

do noi a.llj a area"en wmh interest, dui ina me¬

morial esMfroaea to-day were an execution. Thegalleries wee well filled tor nearly two bonis aftertin service- hagan, ami until about a half dozen ofthe speeches had BM! made.Two things were noticeable. As soon as the reso¬

lutions in relation to the di aili ot the late SenatorChandler had been read, Dearly every prominentDemocrat left the chamber. Among the few whoremained lor mow time were Mr. Reagan, ol Texas,General Joseph E. Johnston, of Virginia, and Mr.Clialmeis, ot MhweeippL The other nottoeabk foolwaatoal no Denaocntk RepreeentotiYe mada anyremarks on the noolathu, lt is customary on suchoacaaieaa lot inenbera of both political partiesto (oin in paying the laat tribute to the dead.The eulogy pronounced on Mr. Bonton! by Itr.Lama-, when the latter was a member of the Hon--,was not forgotten to-uuy bv those rb) noticed thevacant (hairs and tba silence on the Democratic¦ide. while addresses in memory ot Mr. ChandlerIkere being delivered, lt is understood that some

of the Michigan Repreaontativea went toa numberof the Demoorata and asked them to toke apart,but that none of them found it convenient to do so,

JUSTICE STKONG'S RECE1T10N.A BRW.I.tANr ANO CIIAKAC1KKI8IIO KNIFIITAIN-arxr-i.Aif(;K.i.v ai iksdkk nv i minim i-ki:son-.

fBT TELKIHlAlll IO TIIK TKII1IM.]Washington, Jan. 28,.An entertainment to

Marly 400 guests was given this arnnJag at No.1,111 H-st., tbe residence of Associate-JusticeStrong of the Supreme Court. The bost and hostesswere assisted in nani?mg by two charuiing daugh¬ters. Misses Marv and Julia. Another daughter isstudvingart in Philadelphia.The large house is well adapt"'! for entertaining,

ard the scene was biilllimtly chara* tensile otWashington life in its bent phases, lhere was

scarcely a man present who has not in some Held ofpublic service aohiCTed marred eminence, andthe parlors were a study in faces of strongindividuality and commanding intellect. A lew ofthe b*gt know Congie smcu were n. mg theguest*, aud a lal ge number rf Batutata, lim Su¬preme Court and the Court of Claims, itu execu¬tive mansion, the (abm t and leading diplomaticand scientific circles were well represented.The dreeing of the ladies was costly and elabor¬

ate beyond anything previously seen this Winter.A pleasant feature ol the evening was the tea-roomUpstairs, artistically decorated with flowersaudterns by Miss Julia Strong, to which many guests

repaired, after the abuudant collation served be¬low.Judge strong is an official member of the New-

York Avenue Bresbvtetian Church, and Mrs. Strongls president of tal Woman's Christian Association,and faces we'l-known In the religious life of thecity graced tho occasion by then presence.




WisitiNGTOX, Jan. 28..Tho committee appointedhythe Board of Indian Commissioners, on (heM-<ine\t of Secretary Behan, to Inreetiauto the accnea*lions broiu'ht by General fisk against CoiiiuiissioiicrHoyt has been steadily at work for nearly Cineweeks. It is said that thc committee will compoteits labors this week.A special meet inc; of the Board will lie held in

New-York next Tuesday, to receive and considerthc report nf the committee, and to agree uponrecommendations to the Sect clary of the Interior.The sessions of tho committee have been sc-

erer, but some ot tho facts developed have al¬ready leaked out. A nooil deal of attentionhas hedi devoted to tho Arizona Minescandal, with which it was asserted both Commis¬sioner Hay! nod Indian Inapeetor Hammond wanconnected, lt may be remembered that in a

letter from Mr, Hayt toTiiK TitinrNK, which was

published PeoembfT 21. INTO, tho Commissionerin reply to the accusation that the proceedingsatrainst Agent Hart, of the Ma Carlos AfOOOy, In.

not been prosecuted with due diligence, said the ac¬

cusations against Hart had been made thc subject ofa communication to tho Department of Justice on

the 23d of October last. The OOmmittea has dis¬covered that the only subject relating to the Ari¬zona business, on which tho Commissionerof Indian Allans had written to the Attorney-General, WM one relating to some irregularitiesabout a beef contract. Tho charges against AgentHart, which were specified by General Fisk, were

quite a different matter, and these charges, it hasbeen found hythe committee, were not. sent fromthe Department of tho Interior to the Attorney-Gcnrral until the Otli of January, more thantwo wooka ofter Commissioner Halt's letter was

written to Tnt: TuiHfNi:, and the day after Generalfisk's accusations were presented to the BeOMtOf]of the Interior. Unreported that the committeewas considerably staggered bv the discovery.Ex-Indian Inspector Hammond was examined by

tba committee si veral days ago. It came out,

in his examination, that he met Commis¬sioner Hoyt in New-York last Sunday morn¬

ing, in response pg a te'ei/ram from thelatter, and that they came on to WaahitiejtOO to¬

gether. In the course of Mr. Hammond's examina¬tion he was coufronted with Hie following letter:

i:\ avsTon, nj,, .lah 7. 1879.To ii. L. Bast, E»q., lan I arin Indian .\<jr,tcy.DOAB Mi:: I have made ii primary re-

i oi t to th* iinimmiiie Secretary ol lae la-tenor and tba Bonerabla Commissioner of Inoiaaaffairs ss lo Bani arion Al-, ic. anil SIB to be Order 'Ito Annum to complete ny wort ss le isCarlos and Um oilier annoy la i*i»- Territory,and in replv to Tour too,nirles bea leave to say tba)your realanstlna was aeeepted, and further, thai I bavi

d Kist I will not Its Um afJdavits mole sgalosiyo '. nor will 1 make any use whatever of thew againstron,

lt does not at an to lae aoceeaary to oe co. JPeryre-spi tully, J. ll. BAOUaOXO.In forwarding t'nis lotter to Flak, ll nt says tba!

"it was given in answer to ¦ reojneet toeeethecharges said to have been made agolnal meas pa mt,I have inver at cn then, nor have 1 the has,nba what they are." Hun's lifter is doted BlConstitution, Ohio, January 3, ls>«<). Afterreading this letter Mr, Hammond pronouncedi: ta bo an elegant forgery, lt hg h»werri,the noaaimon opioiou of the elerkn and officials Intiie Iidian Office, who aro familiar with Ham¬mond's handwriting and signature, tnat the letteris genuine.

lu Impactor 1Iammond*a latter to ConmuaiooeiHoyt, written fran the ism Carlos Agoocj lae)Bpriug, he Informs tbs Commiasiooei thatli- has taken a bond in tim WashingtonMine, from Agent Han. Tba Washington flincwaselaimedto be in tbs san Carlos !»'. ervi ion,and ia the aame mine afterward bought from Harti>\ Mr. I Iv. ard Knapp, who ia sain io be a di phewol i omtniasioiier Hayt, and a member ol his ia :i\

li is reported thal Inspector Hammond, who letthero quito suddenly on the eToniug of the nay betestified, will appear before thc committee tinsweek, lt is understood that he i- determined uot tobe made i acap "goal of ii be can help ii.

lt would s.-t in that in regard lo tin- iwo

above mentioned, the evidence against Mr. Hoytthus far is ot a elreumatantta] and documentor]liar Kier only. Ra is ropreaentod brlo,u the oom*

mlttec by ( ininent legal COUUSCl.TM feeling againai Mr. il ayn's adminiatration

appean to be vi rv general and quite bitter,from inenI nemben of Congren bara re-eeived many lotion from constituents supple¬menting the accusations bronchi i>\ Qeneral Tishami ofli ring proof to suatoin them. < me number ofthe House has recoil ed a Idler from a hading andinfluential member of tbollickaita Branch of tba.¦society of Friends In which the writer nys:

lt beneral Fisk will seeurs rome papers ol HarelayWhite,Mooni Molly, New-./i w y * * * bs will haveenoaah to pat Mr. Hayt la a very tight place. Haytmus', so. or we munt ko. Hie orthodox Mendslune K"nc. Now will tape put Genera]Fisk In possession of thin Information Immediate]rec Ipi ol tins ami help us In tills limiter. Thee 1» o Per¬sonal friend of the President, lind If bc kaea ons half ofHayt 'i con option be weald bare bim bounced ut once.''

BEA COAST DEFENCES.nu. >i.na ik com mi ri ri in FAVOR Ol BHUUMOB)

AITIfOl'ltlAlHlNS.foi mi.m. nan Naran nd

Washinoion', Jan. 28..TM Sonata Committeeon Appropriations reopened Ito former action in re¬

gard to tko Fortifications Appropriation bill, ltwas finally decided to-day to report thcbill back to tho Beoate to-morrow, with a

recommendation that the amount grantedby the House lor the armament of noa-cnast

fortificatii ns. Dandy, $8215.000, ba increased to

0400,000, The commit leo will also recommend an

Increase ol 950,000 ni tko House it.rn of 1100,000for the pippen atlee and repair ol formica¬tions. No change is made in the item of900.000 for torpedoes. Tba lorna of the pro-visioll tor the armament nf fortificationsare amended by tho Senate Commit ter so

as to include not ralf tho conversionof smooth-bores into rifled or lianne, but also ¦pa¬cifically t he manufacture of " four improved breech-loading rifled guns ol twelve-inch calibre."

WKAKVE8S OF TH1 HAW.nra flan mp takm towabd rcomakizatiop,

|i.i:m kai. noni nisiAi'niWashington, Jan. 28..Ropronntotiye Harris, of

Mi- aebnaotta, to whom was rantnd Um bill pro¬viding for the. establishment of a Hoard of Assist nuts

for the Navy of tho I'nited Slates, and for otherpurposes, to-day reported to the full Commit! ¦>. on

Naval Affairs a substitute bill. The substitute was

adopted unanimously by the committee,am! w ill be presented to the House to-morrow, rn iththe re'|in:st that au carly day be s^t for its consid¬

eration. This bill, which is intended as the fore¬runner of legislation looking to the complete reor¬

ganization id the Navy, authorizes the sub1 pf u]\such stoles belonging to the Navy Department as

are found to bo unserviceable, the I io-

(.(¦cds to be paid into the Trcas-to the eredif of tba permanent ((instruction fund ofthe Navy. The bill also authorizes tba sale of allvessels unlit for f uri her service, and nil unfinishedvessels that cannot bi furnished wil'imit gnat and

disproportionate BZMOOB, thB proOM ls to be placedto thc eonstruetio i fund of the Department.Provision is also made for the establisnmciit af a

ptifanont construction fund, which shall conant ofappropriations mad' fran tint ti tum by Cosigns-,and the sale of old OT emoh inned \< nip, malena's,stores, etc. Tl ls fund is ta bo expended l>\

tho Secretary ot th- Navy in Hm construc¬

tion, armament and rqulpneot of new na¬

val TtnaM. and tor DO* otMr purpose. No

uiicxpcudc! balance of this lund is to bc In rooffc i

covcied into the Treasury, or M nada av pliable for

any POMPOM not provided for by the hill.I he bill also prOYldn thatM TOMOl OOW belong¬ing lo the .Vtw shall bc finished ol repaired wheretho estimated cost of ita completion or

repair shall exceed 40 per cent 01 ww

cost of a new Vessel of tho samesizo and model, exclusive of the arma¬

ment, unless a Hoard of Officers selected by theSecretary shall recommend such completion andrepair; to whieh ease, tbe cool shall be paid fronthc permanent bOftetroctkm funn.The bill further authorizes thc Perretary to

accept models, plans, etc, for vessels, en*

l'iiics, machinery. armaments, etc., fromany and all source", and to determine what tUUJ.hall be paid for them. The report accompanyingthis hill says thal there are onlv forty-eight ont Blthe Ml'war ships of the count ry capable of filinga gun.


Ml!. TUCKER'S PROPOSITION.hf. PnoPOan TO ciivk mr sim*ki ii i-dwi.ii mi>K-


WsOBraoToy/,Jin.28..Tho Denoenti who are

determined to mort io every possible moana to

hore their own way in the Boneo, aa long ns theycontrol its orgauintlon, diacloted a new plan to¬day lu a brief diacuaaion of the rules. Tim scheme

is embraced in an amendmenl proposed by Mr.

Tucker, of Virginia, to the revieed roda of rules.In effect it gives the Rneakerof the Hoon the powerio deolan at any tine- that then la a quorumpresent.

It was io he expected I Ml the minority would abdject to such a propoettlon to rab the mtnetity oft*

traditional parliamentary rlaht.and Core is i ot tho

slightest probability thal the proposed amendmentwill be adopted, oren it tho Demoerata unite

DOM it, until every pal hame.italy expedienthas boen exhausted. Tba debate anon it willun¬doubtedly be long. If tin- Democrats insist uponany such pmnoaition, there is little prnbabllit) tootthe rules rn iii be changed at tins -essuni.

speaker Kami.ill is said to he opposed lo the nowamendment, on thc ground, if for no other, that itendangers the li na I adoption of the now rulee.

WASHING I ON NOTES\\ Asms,.!u\. Wedn.-sil.i.y .1:111. 2S. 1 S«0.

The Kxociitive (eaiinlltee of tin- Ci.Heil States Agri¬cultural Motet* and ol the A n.cr,can Ai'iiciilttirul Asee-elattoa oonuisotwd basti ben lader. JaMMerryana,seq.,of Marrlsud, ls the president of bothorganisations, winch any at .-onie tatars tine be con¬

solidated.Tba naman af tM Trcanri to-enj raebrred at sn

earelopei postmark d Ifew-Torfc, two mutilated Unitedstatis nab rn af 190 neb, tooan r with tM faOowngstaii nunt: M Ure, Brawn antin te eanaal tar oblige"Hon to thc r,nv( rniruit by returnlM I" Its Tnthe eneloted u surltles." The notes will bi :.--

deemed by lbs Treasurer, anil the ai.into! f40de>posited lu the treasury oa accounl of tbilund.Tho Consul st Beean Ayna la a ilepatoh t» tM Do-

portnaai dated Deeembei i". 1 -7». npoi t* that dnrngi tie week past tBTcral ¦. ti m - bad cared from thatport fer Heston and Na w-York with tarawi s ot lae wool.Owtoa t" tn high sd i ibmin dulls bs -c.s. Il hmben tofore t.n lui possible io kiit|i these wools le nn>

United Btates, thal cw Ij the lou priced earpelliave found i ,.>a s.iit sm,.nt. ireHool' lilllie] t Ile SlimUllI* Ul,lill all ||i|i|'d\ d ade IS

tn vi uk io pi ni < in t ie rain ,1 atIt bow Bi ¦ pri table Ibst ex-Be] Glover

Ita anal tareoUgator, ». eua wera wan!te throw his party associates Into terror, viii in.'

beeens Inveetlgsted. if la believed tu some quartersthat Mr. Glum baa tai nae liable to punlahroeul undi r

i makes ili' any pabllc d.intents, looks 01 oiler i., en

I.mn Ibe Capitol; bm a luajortii ol the member*II. i- applier to think ii rf li Mt I...mi i'"l ,-

1bi ramona "report," Le was aulltj el aowoneaa ol-renee iii,iii in'!, larceny,Be].ni ..live v inn.-, of (iiiin, m...!.. aa argument

Mon in v before lbs tub-committee of tbeoenate JuCommittee, bating la cbsrjn bis nsolatloa to Investt-gato ttie maaaet af eondueilng bostnen la 1 h *

.. til tba e am enW- i' pretest sj rti ni.

I, (Jud d ute* M -ii ii ii! ii tor peinonal service, a ¦'. ii 1 bi -. ivlei i- pei:¦ ii

I case ol niaii) ol il. elli, leis'.flt" « cf clerk of lei sad < irenii (Tiwi du:' - ut the tao posltisSM im.iirf identlenl, ¦'id

law eoDtempbiies tLal ic * shall receiteUUUlu, tin -na of tai li

I.iiiiinj tm euoas i.rn

III SIM ss /\ ll III sis.

tram aaan obi u labob.BlCHMOND, V a.. .lin. 28..TelcLMiitns re-

t ired here tbi*moral g -ta'- thal Inteuas nxcitemeniprevail* la bbensadoah County le eonsegneaee of aaspprebended collision tata a toe while and blacklaborer* ai Columbia 1 11 uear Ediuburg, m th.itt m.ni,. 'lbc in-' eeruUned, lm«

..n in ila- facl that John W. Whistler0>Co., theproprietor* ot the Colnmb > od t.-i-iu Pnruaeis ii -nu. a.,- v. I;!'.- for red Bli >r In iii lr worhiUovcrnor eas orders inx - lo bs In readlm 11 to quellany dutui bsne -.


rmt.vi.i.i.riiiA, Penn., .).m. 28..At tin( niniii'-i Iel l.Ii-iiaiiL'e to- la] lae following "Hli I . t'

serve for tbs ensuing rear were Inducted rn offlre.President, William MoAleertf president, Henry K.Cumming*: tr»s urer, P. D. Wurley; managera. Will .:¦

I;, si,nth. .1 (ines Mar ral I Pi rot, li. P.lam (ince, w. u. Steel a id .1. Uoffmaa.


l»l WUK, Cul., .1,111. 'Jil.. \ di -putcll fin.11Hirer CHI nyetM BUver Cul Minina and kliaiag < ns

pjuy sUpped ball a dos ¦ stiver brteks yesterday,ipa result et the Hist clean up ilnee startles thc ntumplulll, which ls deemed a arra) *i

BILVBB I.M'l.' il.1» PBOM |BI IHI tlKt. Lui is, Jan. 28..Seyeral lending; riti-

¦eneol tai* eny im\e taken -:. n lootgealm a companyto develop allver mince la Montgoin | County, Arkan¬sas, whick un- prunoui 01 d by mtnlni experts lu b« \ aliialde.

?CABAD1 tM OBEN 10 iii: tMAYER

Bl 11 i.vii.i.k, tint., .I;in. 28..Aboal SOOpounds ol selected spcclanos el rartoas kinda al ow

fran tM mineral region* of ike North nata nat fromI li :s pori i1 si 11 dav lu ll ulta lo, f..r lie fill |io-e nt li a vickthem aesoyed, _________ ______

Titi: GBAXJ) .f/.'/l "/ Till. REPUBLIC.

At nt un, N. Y., Jun. 28,.TIM fiuirtceiitlianani eaganpneal ol ibe Stol tinta Anny af lbs Bipallin- opes* d lo- lav With un nf tendance of nli.ait -!<>.»

delegates and comrades, Including Generals MeQuade,Baraam, Qraoam, I.eat, ¦ Lb uieasnt-OovernorG -n

ersl Bobnaoo, Peel Oammaadec Taaaer, Jndgna MotPOO, Willard, Ililli.ird. and Bibi Ma ol OaMm ina.li¬an addrate of weleeoM to tti»- rlsiloi ii; be 1 leen BoomJiepiirtiii'-nf (1 iiiiiiiuidir Milkia ie responded. I.. UBriggs then made au addr.,aad wai followed bi Cor¬poral 1 Miinrr, ol Mew Yoi.. . baplaiu Poster raadaaoriginal poem, and toe encampment then aeotlatoeici utlvo se.ssKui.

Till: 8PHJGI fi ! STA 11:.

Pbotidbwcb, K. I., Jim. 28..Mr. /. Cbaffoo,trustee, has pre* Bted to ita bis mrs »f lbs A. J W".

apraguf Maoufaciuriag( ompaay, ins snaualstahof the result ol operattom rm- thc year 19T0.

lin net proflts Iron manalaeiurinp wipud toe receipt* limn dividends, rent*, eic., *.>-'.!is7.Tbs net decrease lu liabUltton Wiu$'2!iOfil3. Ue expt elaio pp] :i ii^ i-ikikI on July in vt.

CM1M&8ASD CASUALTIES BJ TBLBQBAPB.a i-nsi t,h 1 m. noubi n

IfonniaTOWX, N. .1 Jan. U8. ie Poet Off!nate Ht Hil* BlsO SAM I'l'-Ki 11 mti :.inl robbed lu»t Bight.

Bl ii 1 m. "I a Mi ci 1.1 POLK 1..

Nungi tuc, Va.. .) an. >. def-il-Foliee Kons<mthia mornlaa blow ont hi lirainawttha iilatel. Caaasiaber¦ minn ul ii".j I ii-Mili'ii.: tuan d»m< -ne ItOUblS*

^ ion r at a i; m.i.Pittptom, Penn., Jan. '-> In an altercation al 1

Inti nt Pie**. Vallei.oeai Ibu place, ni.iav night, U .1

11,11 ley shot and inUllv wouuded Michael l.inin.ti. n»|.-v'in lu Jail.

Tilt; POI 'A-d'.'l PANATIO tBOUT TO BR ThlKH.UaIiiIIAM, Mas... Jan. -J^ 1 tl.. 11. .. Pf I In milli,

thc I* rssin inna ii «|i|t' 01 -iii tor trial before JadMortoo.igtbs8 inreini'court, lo-norroat Qturamg. ile Hid

ptoualili lu s.iit lui iii

AN mi' 1.A nt RM KOI A I II" A X >.. (j,, .lila. 2S. Mis. Joseph l'.|lhol, li,

seveati alght vrsn old, a atdoa, was yesterday ba .1 loilea'li ul in le lin ir. Vvrain un c man li ia *aii|m.<.- nut

I,, ni., in a 'a-r ma-1 cn 11. ii widie sttematiag n> u»,tii ¦-1 li IDM UV A PANAtl] I N

Haupax, n. rt., Jan. 28. Uountv-Counsellor[.,,nm a. i" ti.a.r.e. a aaiu .mil' li « ,- fo ii

il. ul li, li 'sui" Hill 'i.iiriitinr, loan inlles [r on Ha IdlU*upuO.Sd tO llSVi .nilli.it'i- ¦! Hiddle by IhuikuiK Vk Ililli in

INCH Ufo TO Ml IUiK.lt.MuNiii'si, Jan - s -Auihr. I'anasan and his

.ouJoaeph, ol ibo Milo- olnt v,...-.ii hava beea srreatedami li,..iiLiit to rn* COI -.1 Uv Mr*

village, willi ia.Kiii;,' proposals I* ber that shs «mtor i.iistiuiiii. j.'-. ;iii acer*.

¦HOT iiiiAH ai -fi ih-:n r ai.i.v.BTBACtJSK, N. Y.« Jan. 28.- At noon to-day Elias

i: rilli :i it. ii vu a j iii il. in i hardware atora, waa accirientjtlljrahot and inaiautlr kl tower wno was shoot barinapplalol, which ( a e. a Dii( ii ¦¦ ll "a ll a as aol kuie.\utnal lt waa bstosa. Tao tu.slia.itii iinayuojivd.




Tho Ftisionist lindy hi Maine lias adjournednntil August, hut most of the liicinlier.s willpoon enter tho legal Legislature. MajorSmith will return to hid home, never

to reenter tho political held. Some of theFusionists t-ilk of R-COt-Og u train in August,hut the adjournment yesterday in gen-ernlly looked upon ns u way of let-til-g tho counteil-in members flown

easily. Only one eoinpany of troops remainsin the State House.




Pumics.BoaTOM, Jun. 28..Tbe Fiminnist Loglalatanant

mt Aifoata, He., this morning. In tba Benato Mr.Dibbs moved thn| all roporten be excluded. Ro¬

wen aim excluded from the Hoon,A dispatch to Th* tferaUsays: "The Fusion Leg-

isliitiiri', after a prolonged secret seeelon thia after-aeon, adtonrned to meet on the first Wednesday inAu put next. Many of the memben will go home,imt. In return here befon tbOt 'lute ; ntlieis will ITO

boob lo lin people of their districts lo n hide hy tln-irdeci. mi :is tojoining or remaining ool of thc state

House I.-irislutiire and ot lors will take tin ir Mats

anona Jn-ir ttepnblieao bntbnn. Some of thoc unite,l-in memben will go home, while ot hers willcontest tin-seats of the.r rivals in the Capitol lor

tticsakeot getting- tin- par naually voted to di rentedinti stan! -. 'I wo Fuslonistab -doy appeared la tba

1.Vpn Win m House, :iml uni in ot hers iia vc ex pres . d. heir intention to follow them to-morrow. I heFnsioir.st 'Governor,' Smith, will return to hts

bane in OldtOWU to-morrow, and Mr. Talbot,'Spcakei 'ot itu- fusion Bonna, will also leave foriii/- home to-morrow."A general preoednpatcb (rom Angoatonjai " In

the l'l incus this ilfternootl til" otiin-ion 'i the Couti was Emly rtlprnaard. tba do-bate taking aliot.t the Mine (MM as previoustiilk mn ii the sui j. 11. Bereral of those who wero

ai Bra! in i.mu ot itanding oat, regaidiessot tlc ' a, in hi to their pound.I he inoie conservative membera were Infavor ot jrielding. It was tinnily voted

¦urn until the first Wednesday in AtiKiist Nodivision was called in either branch, and no Dian*ber recorded himself tor or againat tbano "-ure. The proposition was limply <>-cl.d carried, and the r'nsinnial LegiaLaton ad-loomed. Koine Fusionhito claim thal it is theirhom xi parpoM and Intention to meet on tba day

iiml tba! ibej will enter upon heavy cam¬

paign a in k for i in- next election, endeavor to baretv.oi. -.< iiiiil votes- one to be cent to

tin in. to the Legislntunmognind bythe e Mt il ll il! the] Will 111 ike lip il CISC to

iiii-itf thc eleetor 1 I oto."\S n n M in- on isl " (Inverina.'

ni ibe Bnpreme Cooriip, he sani to :i ti" iiil correspond*

A nan t.i. Mi.:|l|a ..ta;

nih ami so io oinii. i tater i eliin--. bavlos

r.ii umstances. t ..'¦

;. .1 \ \\ III now lie n ni lu til'- pei.Ilb I I baw ucl tn witb-

«t md « . n eu ia an

to provoke a utite-t si ¦¦ 'i iv tin-,t nu. tituiK .- * ii ..ai it wiii be essa

I , 'inlv to-.lav" a ii .alii ii -l-.-i a lu .',Um- MK

. ¦'aa ol B ili.i.isitu In IUD :.'! Hu-

a. in..ns the si ita il. u ut I was

I ¦-. ll M .ni. .'na-, al to a hillv. ii i'll i e ld ii ii, i,-. I, .-. in ii to pul us ii tie stole

¦ I it..,nFlail the I

Ile mill .' v -I. li¬ll' i ii I . most ul0 .1 I.- .- I.

:.' ti th

A iii-" .i:it om l'i uland ."/¦'. Era,the leading Orei >acl mite lo I !.¦' de-ciston ot tlc Supi mi Coori and appeals to the

lt also i pnbhsh ade,-1 a ni ion ol the principles ol tin- Iii ,< s. I',...J.'M.Ile-, iii.M il. i. elli Iii

_i.lii. lin,in .11,11 Willi

tin tn."

FU8lON18Tb I" I v ..I IHES'I _TE HOUSE.\i -1 "i mi MKMg tis v. ii «,i\ r i HR Ri hi I

io .-a .\\ i:\s-, arAY Off Iii mm; DOWNttl. ¦>! \ i. ti s u MRI t:-.

Ali.' -tv. hie, .li lv. fe- l.'i -puhiti lins andquite a n a. i.cr ofKim that tue adjourn¬ment of the Fusioiiist body w * the easiest poaaiblewa] ". i tiing down Ibe counted-tn memben. whobare given their onocial sa good deal of trouble.That the Foaiomal Legislalara will never againmeet 11 >- -a\ wdi lie shown to-morrowhv its un lulu rs tabina scats iii the

regular Legislature, The eourn punned was

an indirect hui tn h i of diaaolviog. If tbe membengo homo thej will soon be morned by meir con¬

stituents to look out for important inter-isis coning befon tbe Legislature thia

¦I. 'I'uis will he the lever that willtin- town*, winch iii tiiin will move

theirKepresentattvea. Tba Mate lloiis,- Legisla-11 :.- will dei ne recant -il seats thal an- not now

Blled, liol ie¦¦.. eiee; mus w ill he ordered,Major s-i.iih will leave tor hu.in tba earl,

morning traia to ;it'<'nd to his lumbering baal-tu-ss. He holds the sana- views as eX-

l'i - I in the dispatches hisl ni_ht,a.ul reeomannda the quiet subniaslonofella..I eltitens to tbe "ill of tba Coart, Ilewill i e-vcr agree toa proposition thai Ibe Fusion nt

Legjalatun ball coin- togethi r again.Ol tin l-'iis.on -ona; us who will tiike seats in the

State Hone Senate, the following liiiiy he sn te Ivmentioned: Hasan, Strickland, of AroostookiI hm np-on, of Ki ox | Atwell, ll liker iiiiil Bogara, ofPenobeeot: I.mn,ot somemt,and EMls,ofWaldo. Mr.Patton.of I'euoiiscoi, Las telegraphed to bbl peoplefor inst ructions j Mi. I ';i ri tn. of Sot :u i-.et, will Proli¬ant) ko nome. "Speaker" Palbot nye bacannot toke

ai in tin House, hut M ara. Hobson, Wilson,Loug, Hnsaey, Knowlea, and, in tact, Ina leadingm. n amoog tbe Pnatonuita will corni.inletly to¬

ni..now ami tiike theil seats. Ano.lt (ille-

loiirth will c un" in to-morrow, Rod the re¬

in maier will iro home fol :i brief visitlol.la; and then et.ph will return to maka upn "nt two-th Ird* of tin- entire bomber.

.ba Fusion isl "Mecretars ol Blote," Saw¬yer, has in linn s <i to i tni.i the raluatlooI.ks to tl.|Bce OT IhC Secret: ry of Slate,and it is though) thal lie will ti"t claimio be Seeiiiaiv any longer. Mr. Unite was

unable to be hen to-iiay, bal telegraphsto the Einauce Cominlllee that he wouldread tin- opinion of thc coori and meet themto-iuiiiow. his univ desire bariug boen tu aeonrehimself Him bondsmen againsl loee. The opinionprevails tba! he will Ireelj surrender tlie keys andproperty of tbe I'ri'asary aa aoon aa bli raeeeaaor ia(ia.iiiiie i.iInly one company of militia is now at tho State

ll ui-e. and that will soon tie relieved from duty.lt'sill'- opinion on all eldon thal the ooutoatiaalan ci.(I.

AIiVK i; PROM a GBKENBACE LEADER/ pa a a Litter bp Solos ( pom ia fas anna Harald.Winn nil hone iii recOBTuitk>0 l».v the Court

hs vaunt li it, o' nu- iii -1 ntiiiek Bepreseslativet "jlae" wiia tue Republicans al tbs Bute House, lt puts

tn rest in.- \. tbe qui non ol tbs legality ol lbs LI..: aie. tills i_.i |i -a a, direction of law illili nidi r,Ulai -.Yill (inlet ff..- Si ile. I ail COUTBS Mill lie U 'ollleseeil

In by tbe sober seoond tbouabl nt toe people, sad |_am ISI a.Mi e Mi. . ely of " stick " to t he.mt ide of n c sum- (louee, ii mi Inp on '.> th-- skirts efahostile court. Tbe Orecubscker* inside of the state

lions.., fae tn tin a Willi tile K plltllleiitl.s, Will havemn-ii more powai io advance oin o.m*e tbsn organisednit-it--, aint branded by lbs Bopreme emin hs ii

li ai. ri :i I.us", :u:ni<. tint is admitted le tu¬ttle no Oreeubaeken sn s pawer lo ie pood.

Tue oouiniou-sruse Or enbacker ol the Legislature winc. re lunn way eui bat lo abide bj tbe dsolalunot

I lie M.pula, oil! i. ile'- is I] tel' ¦..¦ il -I li e HI s.-.

TblS will binlsli rroui Ul) sUli- wars ami IBUOlS Bfwars, restors to tbe iieopbsa tieliup of security, ami,,i,. Ha-iv. pt toe ra* buby eparsle like tbs diamond.Winn 1 Have been lu tue SWaasg I buvu hmuKlit up

no chance to cut tbe Mump, and tbe team stuck. Tbsonly way out wns to hltob to the hltirl end of the si. iland haul the loud back. The Supreme Court ls tbestump. Thc nose nf the off mimer ls bann np a.alnstthe Court. The way ou. In to bitch them snare" to thchind bar, pull the lund brick mid then move ou.



MU OF 100,000 8HAHKH-50.000 RBUBU TOni: sold to-day at thk stock RXC~-t*0~.

fifty thnoaand shares of Central Paeun eteokione-half of that recently boogbt of tko originalowners of the road by ii syndicate of hunkers, willbe offered for sale at IO o'clock this mornina on theStink Rrebange. The contract for the sale ofthe 100,000 shares was completed1 yesterday hy thesi en ti tu rn of C. P. Iluntiuirton and liv the deliveryof the stock sold Outright. The purpose of the s\ u-

di'ate wm to uri ko tho Central Pacific BM activestock on the Kxclianee. Monbon of tba EzaeattnCommittee said yesterday that it would have beenan easy matter to market the stock at private aaleatprices higher, perhape. than would ba obtained Inthe open market, hut th.-ii the purpose of the ayn-(licit" would not be accomplished by disposing ofit in Um manner. Numerous applications fm thepun- ion of tim stock have been receivedby the committee and by other memben ofthe syndicate. Nearly all af thew cannbare been made by aeraona who lionel't the stockfor pernianeol luveetment; tbe majority of themh:ive been al prices above then at which il \s ill beoffered to-day at the opeuiug of the Kx-cbange. Brokers who are not BntOOg tMinbacrihen to tbe syndicate s:iv that thenhas been recently an active inquiryfor the sio.k, hm that then- wan little afloat in themarket; tbat bide of 95 and 97 had berni madeon tlusfloor ot the Eiobange, hut that no sales bed boenmade even af ''owe prta s. In p circular letter thecommittee, which con.isis ol B. P. Flower, J.D.Prince and .J. D. Pro tat, has annooaccd that tbastock will be oi)(iid at a scale of prices rangingfrom 80 to 84, and thal "tba atartiug prin ia pur¬posely made low- m order to gin ample opportunityfor profit to porchiBroken generally expressed the opinion yester¬

day that the stick would be sold viry rapidly, andthat tho opening of Ibe dealings on the t>tock Ex¬change would be the scene of couaiderabls exeito-m.nt.

" Il will he the Qatekeet man." i-aid DanielH. Retch, of Hatch & Foote, who anmemben of tbe syndicate," and not the bigheatbidder who will at cnn this stock,"Harvey Fisk, ol' Fisk di Hatch, saul that the firm

had targe orders for the purchase of the stock, andthat from the inquiries that had been made babelieved thal other Hi uh had received atmibtr or-den. He roparded tbe stick aa un excellent Invnt-mont, likely to poy regularly dividends of at lent»!per cellt.A member nf tim Executive Committee said

that be bad no doubt that toe sec¬ond 50,000 shares would ho called within;i few days, and tbel the syndicate would he closedwithine month hy theeale of ;n<' eatbrc amountIKnight.A -online to tim annual report of thc company

tbe debts on January 1. is7'.». were$82,772,90097,ucl ml u:: United States subsidy bonds amounting tof_7,85fl,680; the Besets anion tod tot187.A0S.0_4. Intin- st itement the value i the ornpenjrs landa was

estimated :it abonl if'-' BO an pen. I he average pricereal ind In kite yean 1ms Increased largely, andbaaed on thal obtained m l^T* Ibe Taine of thelauds would be over three tunes as large na theeatimeted value then given.

mn ira uv.

HORACE THOMPSON.Horace Thompson, ot st. Paul, Minnesota.

om-of no-most prominent npltobatool toe Hortaweet,nt .! inddenly "f plcuro-pni nmonla yeeterday aeea alt ie PUtb Av.-llUe Hotel. He came Baal BbOUl two Wi ksago, inti inline to enjoy » tow month*' nopin from toa

Ifa. Wm ii In- a fi .ut. 1'aiil ho ra ap-

p.ireii'iv ia tn ben of health* bot ea ¦atooeay Mst in-

j,, ip Unaly tokea ink, sod thouin hts iliaan was not

KiDtMlereU dan«-eroa* at first, be «r»w wonie rapidlyuntil vestenlsy. winn br died.Mr. Thenpna m ban in Pouitnev. Vermont, tn

1828, bul cally n ta ired toOeorgla, whan aa livid untili s,-,(i, iu toal jaar ba weat to flt. Peal, whenn anremained ever siaes, and 'Mn re pp Rpg eoan tu ho re¬

garded ss the leedlna tooker ef thal etty, aa ! sus 11 toe.: il Dtlsl li.i ll In till Si lt( M BBS - UVhe fell tnle.I tb* Mist Hit na il oink ill the North We

( i.i r- .:-. ni »:. Psul.and si tbs inn. ol hisT . pti ti-tlt Ul ll 'VII ed O'li-fl ill nf l-l (tOCk.

ii :i .ri I ul :n"

'.iiiiil.., m. Iowa Mild Wisconsin. Ile waa inuei, nu--. ,1 i: r III 'ii altair-, a .I lo lils i, ll ;. _

t Cbureb ol Hi. Paul ts ebiegy iBdebt-ed lor I- e Ii » ii'- h '- "HS "t .'i-e. I fin el ii a. i.nais

tare In thu Bt-te. He lesves s wile, au adopted... r anil wo -ol all of cl.uni ii ie u-ii|i,i prof ni. il

for, tn- wife -i daiiabfer wen with Him at the timea N \ ark wMb toe n m

,-\. ni:.. -. .. I' il. I hy uni I.- mi a: Kiicbcstei bi'Hilts ol si.

Paul, .uni tin' funi" .-.I el l i.i place on Bundey .it tin-ipti burch el teal el'y.

.i PAWXY I if \si:.

[nt ti LBUUAPa Ri t;ii: ll nu R

Annapolis, Md., Jud. 28..Mina fanny Clmae,ii el Samuel Cbaw, of Mai v.uni. one of toe

rs of I he Lase) trallon ot Indep ndeaee, sn _is eftile I.ile .1 le.ul.ih I air', li distinguished JadgS nial

j inst, died bi I-- lo d i>. sin- wm tbe poaaeasac af son-...... wealth, wbicb tbs come Into p<.talon ol

tbrougu wealtb) relatives in KnctandL Bbs was htgbJye.-ti i lind by tin lill il- Ol -'no.

ur. i: wa. OF BnVWBOBOUOH.London, .Int. 29.-John George Brabagoo

Ponsonby, Earl ol Bessboreoarb, I* dead. Etawm hanlu l KW s d succeeded to the title In l -17.

ritot i;s-m: DKUILL.II vi ii vx, N. s., .Jan. 2eV.Profeoaor Demil!,

of im lahousiii Col rge, sntbor of iiu> .. Dodge lab " eadBtber work*, died bore to-day siter a sheet lllaees fl m

.tlOB Ol the I'I'.'-"'¦

A. S -Tl 1.1.MA V.

II At; ir »i.i». .J.in. 1^. .Ally ti S. Stillman, eg

Maror,ead lo1 punt years tba th-t seleetana of tonilill IO I ly Bl the .lue ...- e'_-lltv J ears.

WILLIAM H. BHBWaTBB.Boston, Jun. L's..Willi.un ll. Brewgtor, one

ol ile- proprtetoi i "i in- BntoN imrrtirr. died ai New¬buryport, Uses., IBM Bight, M.-hud reen rn il healthfor some linn'. ____________________


ntl P1OT0* OP tin T'OtruNs avi.nii: OOHtl \t iona r i nt tu ti ni sn; ss aim it: a pas nu: Mi¬

di I ss iiA\ A Yt Alt.

The Kev. Samuel ll. Freeland, who a littleIbm tu.hi a yaw ago wm sailed te tn pastorate af toalampions Avenue Coaengatioaal Church, lo

Brooklrn, <m Baadai nenmg ofered hit re-

s!_nit:inu, Which Wis incepted ill il ¦BBtUg of

Hie ituircii ami Society on Keaeay analog,A Tumi tu; nportercalled laatereatog epeatto Ker,in-, j. m. pnerwood, i» presatnent anntof aftn Bneelyp Presbytery, and] ono of tbe oppon-

iiits of Mr. Talann. on kn ban for two

ni tt.rec yean a ngubu sttoadaai (uiih<>u_h eat aann*tn nf tbs TonpkUJS Avenue (hurcli, and from bim oo¬

tannat toe following ¦tatoanei bi rennan n toa saanof tin Kev. Mr. Fret land's resignation :

" gol quin' I Var Iga Mr. rrcelniid, wini WM theil Nt

le.sion, win* iriveti a uoanliiioiiH cull, mid lils salary was

lived at-si,(lim. Then had ben a Ranker nf candi

liatM lielore toa <'hurt li, and there WM mjnio

np; osltloii nu tho part of ell or ie Vc ll to

eslUoa him. hut lii-verthelc.ss the call wu*

liia.li. tmardioniis. mid Mr. Fret laud was tfiven tho

privib)gael toritng mich abenkoaaod paatannneta.sr to aenaen tn anaetl wkteh ikaoM mutati him

His bnnttothn iM ROt tako place until pennimonths afterward, and ton ka invited to the enact!only tbOM churches connected with tho ManhattanAssociation -Dr. atom'sB8d ol hers -and miine cluirchcsin conn, client and Massaehuesns. Ia asakmeaa nc)mate ia ihe renipta and eipenan tor the comingyear, tile IrUStCM ncentlv illscoveicd lh.it therewss :i prospective deficiency nf tTHiKi aihuktluee WeeM iKO tocy called Mr. Fne'.nial ie ii meering of tn Board, -mid a«.cd Runto rellnnnltb -ikmi ol inn nwry. Tie had alreadyfolBntaruy atveo up *4<io durina last ynr, andeeoc tu tuid lion would leaiie a quarter nf

Ids sahul. Me said _B could lint accept tiltsproposition, as ll would eoeapeB hts services before tbscongregation and pal dlebouor Upon hun. Tln> Insistedopiili their deanna, mid Mr. Freeland took tuts to be thu

exp lon of a desire toal he should resin.1'lae church ls divided on the Him ehcr q:i< -ntlnll, wha-li

has separated into toe di.tlad fm tnu^ tia-1 '.n i,re_a-llolnil elllliclli' ol' this illy lind ll.'nok ll Q.

pastor pievluiii lo Mr. Prei laud was tm- Rev, Dr. C. 1>he'iinei. who waa annuled la iw77 ap aoouncii in winciMr. Reseller too* a Rtadlag pori, »nd pr-.-ai ben tbe in.ntilUatloll ncl'lll'lU.

lAtvixiua r kum aiskuaij.


N<»f.V('!.Il-A RI '1 Igggfl I. IM'JKIXKM' I*nurapofrrtvo moat.

In Neilin, a Upsn*Og journal admits thal the pro¬posed increase in tho army results from di sf runt of_bn_a___ I he we ci, |. wbteb Mi. I on!l .rd', in mp imIIhave to eerry el abe Banna Spring Meeting an bo*bounced. A Fr RM anni has Rimed ,t HavreWith the eareaasea of ULOMO sheep preset v cd by »¦ow aroona,

MB. Li (KI Ll ABD* RMJRM Alll.«»\|(.Lo.li in. Wediiesdiv. Jan. RO, 1 .«<»

Tlie woighta nt tnt hg-alarap tMOg al ide¦peon Rprlne Mi etina are announced. Far Ibo face farHe City and RabMtJM Hand MO, v. bl h -.viii like placeon Tanadoy, tn ll I al Aiirll, Mr. IV I. nilatdV nitreswilt corry wrlabn m Mlowei noon aeMtog 1

(aged) will eerry tn top oaarot, ito pewena aaa] hanyear-old hay Boll l-'aiseHolii placed third on Ila- list eltki-'i nciitid'. Uta Mon yate ali -natani eoM Mi < luke,II _.-.i a '.iii pian,.l.s ; tRfM JTP1 PJi kOJ nit Ililli I i

ton -v ar od rbeetnai tiny My Dpew. til aeoasbi. apb:M.li a-.i 1.11 ., n pg] id- <oi.1.Uh'. OJ pound.;r< i: ai.! ra.--am cdt RTalnanan, *.»i paaonlai timi-yen- Ul bal 111) Nereid. »'.! ]> annis, :niil toni -vci.r-.lddu- unit nth p ippooae, ss pumpa*

li r Mn- rae NUT tbe Mieui Muley liam! oap. wlilcllwill eulin tr mi n il i>. Atir-.l 90, I'.role _j hpOOd mi

-'. wiln T..I ia.mids. Mmtake i« pirBU 90 PW.ls]sn Diuee tu puned*; WaHea.telu ul i-n-. sad.Ni iii S'.l P'lUllik

'ia-1-ne for tin- 1'riiiee of Vans' RtahM, wbieka lb roo ea tn wai day. Parole ie oral m toe l»,WU 144 pi um lu. pad I'n -i-t a secoBU, witt 133 1-.11..1-MUtake!«b*iTea 110pounds) Km'-N*.m Mam. lospoiuid.eacb; Ueraidne 107 pound-; V. a lei -nm luA

15 Nereid 103 pounds, awl Pappeoee 10*2 p1 ila race f r Ula Great Metropolitan Ifakea, walch

wi H nam oil on Wi din via >, April 'J 1. Mi. P ii..Hon's.: iii li iv ol! Isi iniiilj. fli'-t OU tia- Ist.witb

I'M ililli.t.s, ami Mr. I*. len iIIhkI'm K.tl_rllo thtrl. Withi_t munis. Aeeepunr 1. niusl tn- ucl ucl iii peatIII -dui te'.! limy :i; Ihii- are Inti 11.un. naliatm iii si race, ."ni im tn- >i eon I, .">1 mi tbe tm.1, uml ;i_lal the Um.

why QEBMAKT U \l BIKO.lil lil is, Wrltin s.'.n lan. §$, |s-n.

The National /litiinj, in aligeneeMbJ th. pee>; Rn rs isa el toe ..i .n>. ni«:

1 a-'.-i anni Nallan is _lnio»t uiuiriltuou- la itn.it>-I ri. val of i'rluee liisuiaii k's rrsolBUoa to r.-l't Len¬in,vi .n as san a- it sui. 1 11- s.resent ipaattvain,d pggresalve nwer. As rel Uerauav pnpermft eu.Uv reliiin.iH wi'ti nftl lal gussie, BUI Kui. |m. eauonlyM ti.m Hi.ii i|rn ..-I ky aster1teas in iu« pincea bi bus toe Muses of tn r saltation han- pioci

- .,r |. a. e iio'u tbs I'.ui-i-i*!! pu is oagul n nereceived with (teat sattofaettoa, k«rt H nan uoibeinr-1.-H- b Uiat it .a inure eitK) toexclic teen MM I' pacifythen.

AK.Il'MINiJ CAULK KAUl..iM"i>. \Ve.lne_day. .1

Tao i'iiMiiritr tins __oroiag nye 1 M_aoonja>-eui,ul\.-s ot the Krui 11 faille a. 11 panv are pan neco-

v. tn tin- aaatte Ap p arf for tberitetiti.it! ef toa 3 ehilltnn torn*, if nu su-wiuf-nt lsreaeued, Mn .\ti_io-.\ii.i-iiiiii Qanppojkant a

sixpenny lang on Preaeh auatoesa Iran Um l-t or P0k>r.niiv ia x , slid on all li.-mi .-mi..-ii the l-n-in-b 10m-

pani's Kbb ii-ii con..i-i lea 11 m.nie."


A ilisnntcii fruin LdlBOtg to lld linly A<sttlBR Al rfi in "sirdars li ..if milorfd

Ibe Ko,1 .tunis to ef i-i ¦'¦:> I" 'h. I.-.'iii. Thea ol Bs ck -en .- word tti.it sis ers

preparna au capt ditton Bgalaai tbe in

liiK MLAMIK HOLLAND DI8ABI l l>.I.., Mus. RT| .'in -dal .1 M

The Niltiollill I. tie sicatncr ll-ill:iii«l. l'i|'«reran, koon January gi tor Mea I iw. nan

tiirti-d to QMeaaaewB. tovlag beetankwm u aix) mm vaot "i Iknknt,

AN l.Xrr.KIMi:.M IN MKAT (MM. 1

Lowooa. Mi toeodar. ie en,The Fro no li steamer i'ur.-i^iiuy h.. RJTtl <l

at U.v?^ Hom Hmitli Atmrn-1 willi 1 -i.ii---Berri .i i>y toe frlgoriee pewee ia.

A BEW-TOBI IUNK (I RR tl .!>.;!>.I.-.- 1. .si --.I.

Tao st'inddid's eon lapoadealperts tba) acnirknall w-Yerk ian'. ledwitb fso.ooo, bas beta ¦.' -:"< la Pan* il at0.000,.., hi.noa. Tia- cl rk states Mal h. I.¦." *¦ .ooo lu

Kl ... Bl .-..lillian.p.un.

PREFABING FOR IHR PBDft'B'W I/H WB.Ottawa, out.. Job SB..Loral Lone _ni

sinn love fm iljitfjx at ._' o',-io k t li\ le neel r

1: .\ 1. Utohacas, Protean Loause. aatosatlan ail tm

ni-t tn- t.ei: tiieropk ss, gorti anpno hm! iinsOanaa,pudav eenauasl efl 1 Iel 1 Alheit victor ead Oeorge Prcsnrnk, nen ef tbi Pt*.f

i.- mi 1....ii.i. Tiler.- oilaf ronan(,ft!.. \s .-I lu lee! present to Iske part la ito nti..11 um ti cxpeetedl. iiaaoer Una 00 tn antarrival ol thc Prim


HATAVA, .lin- 'J^-lii in r.il Or.iut ami partyal'i'iiil d Hu' Ann rican lireils la-t BBgat, and hil for

inVa Ita Alida MU' uornlli_. They v, ll protiahly re-

ui-i, I. Ila'.'a: 1 on Satur !a\. The K urnedtoaatotoOn nittnootot ins pnaatok af noarna>litton up.niii- leentea af toa pawa stoat's ooy. It is-a thal Meaera; Ml ant wnl not SW lo N 1 1. -ill. A11inaber ol illpbl -.ksi.rlkguake weiwleltnanVuelta Ai'.') yi -t. rdav.


FOBKIGN NOTES.Uwimw, w, _ .'.a.. gao. M, l^io.

Tho Ren-hsta; 1. sann aed n aanl n toaJJabefPsbruaiy.H.. Adniiiiisir nive I'aim .. .1 -¦ ipi

tai nf Mel 'iivni. ns noa atirelj deon nd PTm bin for ihe ponkan of tn ReaRnalaa r4tiwavi

bymonti hasii n a iopicii in M.- ChasBbw si i>.-iu»UM.

11,, goenes Rtoaasshlp Onapaay Intend to anni s

heaw nnh tiiiuiy Iroin lVrii for lin- iotMllM it ibt-I- aan I.Illulia.rm /. ¦¦/..' Masnassd Mom to-day sarsi MM< keel

tii.it .1 Meld lim- <f steeenn ntwen ll lngrn te 1 -t ties is ouBtenplano,"The rtanFl Parh Ma_enub *ays the Ooanrenattal

tienevu, wim wen- coiidcmu. d lu default in 1M71, an11ho.1t la nu ct lo seoal hw tn propriety of suiici.dcriniiReninlves 10 stead irtol bj tortsTM -ti .liner Mralbli veli, nf 2.-lilli tulls, ba- al :ncd at

Gibraltarftost _g_nalte,n kn oap n ia ad.m. withan i-xiieriinetital run:" nt fresh meat Ifl *.<¦> .-. tlftyIiUIIocKh and nfl ral i.iindicii head ol StoneThe medici! men iii Madrid d ff.-I d about the mental

eoadltioaot Kim '«i-. (Here Ueaninvtn w ali berei lille, some s v la.lt In- ls s«ln. walli- iii. rs rtilBlBBStn.il ac ls ai mine- .le. His 11 mt. Mn ri lure, w | I I

i,,, s.iiiihui (Ciitisi rv.iiive). un mini oi t.. 1; ano ofCOnann fer L ve ip et, addi, rscd .. anal C .« na ti vu

uiccitng herc last aigbt la napert el the <.iv.tirsian', ll lie fOI Mle se lt III tile llollne Iliad Val .lilt 11} MlOdeath nt Ml Jo Hi loll.

ike ftssn'sBerilu eerreepeoaVal tnink* Mar.- unoteat ili.it Mi- c ..ni- uipliiti .1 . sf tot I'm-

crewuti will Mts mi si el, bnanneh »* ni other..anns unanimously oekm aUdga ino neaautj of tbeprop s <i Inen »« .¦' tee -rwy.

TUE slEAMSIill' I.ol Isl l.V.t.

Ni \v-Oi;i.ka\s .Tan. RS..A «lt>i»;iti li fromCaptain ii.i<ir, of the stl unled »'eaiiis|ii(i I. u ii

»ayK: "Hum- tiim wu evaanori -.>" tan of Mn aaagw to

llgbtea Ibe shl|i. Can univ PM Inrbtcrs If weather should

n ciini. i'n _hMer kw ken. Inoneen oaas ta KortLad*. Wi'd Hve >uip." llgtoR PM I f" tbe

ri lief of lilt steal.'!!' A lal-r .|s|,,i,|, fiann I mUlll<;,i_.r stans teal be rzpeets toloil tin- ilraatei un mahmle to-hiKi"- The wat. r ls nt. h. A lli_c parl of ibecargo ha* kina taeeeestalli lightsmt.

THO hlA.lli.Ls oh LL.0,

__AOTOV, Penn., Jan. 28..At a meeting ofthe tm e s pi I, storetn«sMrg 10 .tav. tn Mem ot

LL.ll. WM eiinferr..! upon Mle lina. II. erv (Irecii. of

thc Rnpr ni c..mi of Pi Baaylvanto, aodj the HerAlonso i.ai", vie. -luisidi nt sf MssbluglM C_tWga.lVllt.s.VlMllll.l.

77//. KB OB the nthsos MOVlXm,

Polv.iiKKKPsiK, N. \., Jilli. 'J.H..Kciuirtafl. lil .. »M-\ IMf toOl R He I' .. m tie i».| I. nu tbe

univ e. Asl .ina' and two karan aaOBBl RM Ik t. i» aft «|s

hoou. mid a .loop ;a.ncij neilla.
