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Vajra (Diamond) Sutra February 18, 2011 Lecture

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  • 8/7/2019 Vajra (Diamond) Sutra February 18, 2011 Lecture


    The Vajra (Diamond) SutraFebruary 18 lecture

    as outlined by a Buddhist monk(Listen live or recorded audio explanations atwww.wondrousdharma.org)


    u yBodhisattvas

    Q&A What is patience in not producing a dharma?

    Q&A Vigor and the Vajra Sutra

    S 26 The Dharma Body is not appearances

  • 8/7/2019 Vajra (Diamond) Sutra February 18, 2011 Lecture


    Verse for opening a sutra

    Homage to the Vajra Prajna Paramita Sutra and theVajra assembly of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas (3x)

    The unsurpassed, deep, profound, subtle, wonderfulDharma,


    In a hundred thousand million eons, is difficult toencounter, Now that Ive come to receive and hold it, within my

    sight and hearing,

    I vow to fathom the Thus Come Ones true andactual meaning.

  • 8/7/2019 Vajra (Diamond) Sutra February 18, 2011 Lecture


    Q&AQuestion: The Buddha taught the 4 Application of Mindfulness

    which is to contemplate that the body is impure, feeling issuffering, thoughts are impermanent, dharmas are devoid of

    self. Yet in the previous weeks lecture, a Bodhisattvamentioned that such contemplations dont qualify as prajnaparamita. How do we reconcile.


    The 4 Applications of Mindfulness were given by the Buddha asa dwelling place for the Bhikshus after his departure intonirvana.

    The 4 Application of Mindfulness is part of the 37 Wings ofEnlightenment that comprise the Path to extinction, the last of

    the Four Holy Truths.3

  • 8/7/2019 Vajra (Diamond) Sutra February 18, 2011 Lecture



    Being part of the 37 Wings of enlightenment, NagarjunaBodhisattva says that these contemplations are beingpracticed by Arhats.

    Nagarjuna Bodhisattva also says that the contemplationof permanence, bliss, suffering, and true self can enable

    one to end the suffering of birth, sickness and death.


  • 8/7/2019 Vajra (Diamond) Sutra February 18, 2011 Lecture



    Nagarjurna Bodhisattva also encourages by saying, thebodhisattva should study all dharmas and realize all

    forms of wisdom, namely the wisdom of Arhats,Pratyekabuddhas and the Buddhas.

    .others are empty and false.


  • 8/7/2019 Vajra (Diamond) Sutra February 18, 2011 Lecture



    The contemplation of 4 Applications of Mindfulness cantranscend desire but these contemplations contain wisdompertaining to general character of dharma.

    Bodhisattvas however use the contemplation that theA earance of Realit is without a earance are able to

    transcend desire in this manner yet it fathoms fully thecharacter of Reality.


  • 8/7/2019 Vajra (Diamond) Sutra February 18, 2011 Lecture


    Arhats practice Bodhisattvas practice

    Contemplation 4 Application ofMindfulness of purity,bliss, permanenceand true self.

    Conditioned dharmas are likedreams and illusions becausethey are appearances of thefalse thinking mind (s 32 of

    Vajra Sutra)

    Basis ofcontemplation

    Notion of duality Absolute; put down the false,the true will appear

    Fruit ofcontemplation

    Transcend desire andend birth and deathonly

    Transcend desire, end birthand death and takes one to theWisdom of the Buddha (s 22nothing attained)

    Character ofRealty

    From within falsenessof duality, one will notbe able to transcendfalseness

    Fully fathom the character ofReality; sweep away allappearances includingemptiness. (S 14 the

    Appearance of Reality iswithout appearance)


  • 8/7/2019 Vajra (Diamond) Sutra February 18, 2011 Lecture


    Q&A The wisdom of emptiness of Arhats is that they cling to

    emptiness without transcending emptiness.

    The wisdom of emptiness of Bodhisattvas transcend

    emptiness itself; there is nothing at all not even emptiness.

    The Bodhisattvas see absoluteness and see the duality of

    dharmas such as purity and impurity as one substancewithout inherent existence.


  • 8/7/2019 Vajra (Diamond) Sutra February 18, 2011 Lecture



    In summary:

    1. When the Buddha told the bhikshus to dwell in 4

    Application of Mindfulness is to give the minimum

    wisdom required to meet the 4 Noble Truths to endsuffering.

    2. Both the contemplations by Arhats and Bodhisattvas can

    transcend desire and end birth and death3. However in the case of the Bodhisattvas contemplation

    they are able to dwell in the Desire Realm and teachliving beings without being affected by desire.

    4. The Bodhisattvas contemplation does not contradict withthe teaching of the contemplation of the Arhats yet the

    Bodhisattvas wisdom on Reality does not only transcend

    birth and death but take us to the wisdom of the Buddha.9

  • 8/7/2019 Vajra (Diamond) Sutra February 18, 2011 Lecture



    Question: What is patience with non production of dharmas?Answer:

    Venerable Master Hsuan Hua Patience with beings means Ifsentient beings scold you, beat you or kill you, you are able tobear it. It requires that one understands emptiness of people.

    when ou reach this state, ou see eo le as em t .


  • 8/7/2019 Vajra (Diamond) Sutra February 18, 2011 Lecture



    Patience with dharma is when you see dharmas as empty.(Dharmas are tangible things like gold and jewelry and intangible things like

    our views and thoughts)

    en peop e an armas are o emp y, you ave pa encewith non-existence of beings and dharmas.


  • 8/7/2019 Vajra (Diamond) Sutra February 18, 2011 Lecture



    It is a state of mind in which one does not see even the

    smallest dharma (thing) come into being or perishes, suchthat people and dharma are empty. This kind of state can onlybe borne in the heart; it cannot be expressed in words.


  • 8/7/2019 Vajra (Diamond) Sutra February 18, 2011 Lecture



    1. Seeing bitterness as bitterness is common and not beingpatient.

    2. Seeing bitterness as sweetness is patient paramita.

    3. Patience paramita is therefore transforming bitternessinto sweetness without any lingering thoughts arising

    4. The thought of practicing patience is second grade

    patience.5. Not thinking of practicing patience or being naturally

    patience is truly patient paramita. Everything is sweptaway.

    S 9 says, Subhuti is foremost in practicing Aranya.Since Subhuti does not practice anything, he iscalled Subhtui who delights in practicing Aranya. s


  • 8/7/2019 Vajra (Diamond) Sutra February 18, 2011 Lecture



    Pertinent questions arising are:

    1. How do we behave when we are abiding in patience withnon production of dharmas?

    . a oes e a ra u ra says per a n ng o pa ence


  • 8/7/2019 Vajra (Diamond) Sutra February 18, 2011 Lecture


    Concepts Empty people Empty dharmas

    The 4


    No self, no others, no

    living beings s3 egoless

    No life or everything else dont

    really exist (s3)All appearances Not real and false (s5) Not real and false (s5)

    Existence People never existed(s14)

    All thoughts are not thoughts(s18)

    Behavioral action Empty people Empty dharmas

    Contemplation People are dreams andillusions s32

    Dharmas are like dreams andillusions s32

    Contemplation Take people for what theyare ignorant (s22)

    Reality is without appearance nothing (s14)

    Wholesome deeds Without the 4appearances (s23)

    Empty the notion of 4appearances. (S 23)

    Dont grasp atappearance (s32)

    Forget people noaffection nor hate (s14)

    Forget dharmas - a mindwhich does not attach toanything (s 10)

    Remain unmoving(s32)

    Patient Immortal (s14),aliving dead person

    Concentration or unmoved bythoughts; No Strife samadhi s 9


  • 8/7/2019 Vajra (Diamond) Sutra February 18, 2011 Lecture



    Question : What is the role of vigor pertaining to the Vajra PrajnaParamita Sutra? Does it end when one realizes bodhi or



    The doctrine of the Vajra Sutra set out in s 3 is I must cause.

    helping all.

    S 2 sets out the intent of the Vajra Sutra, how should he

    subdue his mind? Subduing the mind is vigor in mind.


  • 8/7/2019 Vajra (Diamond) Sutra February 18, 2011 Lecture



    S 6 says, You should know that such people havenot planted good roots with just one Buddha, twoBuddhas, three Buddhas, four or five Buddhas, but

    they have planted good roots at the places ofimmeasurable tens of millions of Buddhas. This isvigor in practice.

    S 15 The Thus Come One spoke for those intent onthe Great Vehicle, for those intent on the foremostvehicle. tells us that the Vajra Sutra is for those intent

    on becoming a Buddha. This is vigor in mind.


  • 8/7/2019 Vajra (Diamond) Sutra February 18, 2011 Lecture



    Because of the difficulty to subdue the mind, the only

    path to really subdue the mind is through vigor.

    Once awakened to the principle, one continues to be


  • 8/7/2019 Vajra (Diamond) Sutra February 18, 2011 Lecture



    Great Master Sixth Patriarch was awakened to the

    principle that the basically there was nothing at all, sohow could there be defilement?

    Hui Neng replied, The rice has long been ready. It isnow waiting only for the sieve.

    The explanation by Venerable Master Hsuan Hua is The

    rice has long been ready. It is now waiting to besieved.

    Here the sieve represents getting rid of the filth.


  • 8/7/2019 Vajra (Diamond) Sutra February 18, 2011 Lecture



    Chapter 4 of the Lotus Sutra tells of the poor son who

    spent twenty years of getting rid the filth of the delusionof views and the delusion of thoughts.

    Later on the 5th Patriarch says, Start on your journeynow and go south as fast as possible. Do not speak toosoon, for the Buddhadharma arises from difficulty.

    The Great Master 6th Patriarch lived among hunters for15 years teaching Dharma to them as appropriate.


  • 8/7/2019 Vajra (Diamond) Sutra February 18, 2011 Lecture



    The period subsequent is similar to the awakening of a

    Chan Master Huitai Yuanjing when he read from the

    Verse of Perfect Enlightenment One must hit the ballquickly by the swift waters

    be vigorous if he were to succeed getting rid of the dungand filth.


  • 8/7/2019 Vajra (Diamond) Sutra February 18, 2011 Lecture


    S 26 The Dharma body is not appearances

    Sutra: Subhuti, what do you think, is it possible tocontemplate the Thus Come One in his Thirty-twoPhysical Appearances?


    In s 5 the Buddha had said that all appearances are empty,

    we can contemplate the 32 appearances of a Buddha.

    The question was raised because earlier on the Buddha had

    taught that the reward for practicing of blessings and wisdomfor 100 eons will result in one having the 32 physicalappearances.


  • 8/7/2019 Vajra (Diamond) Sutra February 18, 2011 Lecture


    S 26 The Dharma body is not appearances

    Sutra: Subhuti said, So it is. So it is. It is possible tocontemplate the Thus Come One in his Thirty-twoPhysical Appearances.


    Is it the case that Subhuti who is foremost in emptiness

    does not know that all a earances are em t and

    false? No, it is just the Buddha and Subhuti is playing a role to

    bring out any doubts that may linger in the minds of thepeople in the assembly and in the future.


  • 8/7/2019 Vajra (Diamond) Sutra February 18, 2011 Lecture


    S 26 The Dharma body is not appearances

    Sutra: The Buddha said, Subhuti, if one couldcontemplate the Thus Come One in his Thirty-twoPhysical Appearances, then a Wheel Turning Sage

    King would be the Thus Come One.Comments:

    The Thirt -two Ph sical A earances are ust the reward

    of having cultivated blessings and wisdom for 100 eons. And so it is not surprising that the Wheel Turning Sage

    King also has these appearances..

    The Buddha when he was just born was predicted tobecome either a Buddha if he chooses to practice thespiritual path or become a Wheel Turning Sage King.


  • 8/7/2019 Vajra (Diamond) Sutra February 18, 2011 Lecture


    S 26 The Dharma body is not appearances

    Sutra: Subhuti addressed the Buddha, World HonoredOne as I understand what the Buddha has said, oneshould not contemplate the Thus Come One in his

    Thirty-two Physical Appearances.Comments:

    Why shouldnt we see the Buddha in his Thirty-two

    Physical Appearances? It is because the appearance is just the Transformation

    body and not the true Dharma Body.

    The Transformation body dwells in this false world ofexistence and therefore it is not permanent.


  • 8/7/2019 Vajra (Diamond) Sutra February 18, 2011 Lecture


    S 26 The Dharma body is not appearances

    Question: The Appearance of Reality is withoutappearance. (s 14). What do you mean by without

    appearance and how do we apply in our daily life?


    The Buddhas life span knows no birth or death. Thus it

    eons: eternal in the Pure Land of Eternal Stillness andLight, not produced and not extinguished

    The Buddha-nature is light; but that refers to the

    wonderful light of basic enlightenment. Basicenlightenment is the natural inherent enlightenment of us

    all, and it is also the Buddhas light. And it is from thislight that the beings are transformed.(VM Hsuan Hua)


  • 8/7/2019 Vajra (Diamond) Sutra February 18, 2011 Lecture


    S 26 The Dharma body is not appearances

    Eternal stillness and not produced and not extinguishedis expressed in the Vajra Sutra s 29 The Thus Come

    One does not come from anywhere nor does he goanywhere. Therefore he is called the Thus ComeOne.

    And s 32 of the Vajra Sutra teaches how to be withoutappearance: By not grasping at appearance andbeing in unmoving thusness.


  • 8/7/2019 Vajra (Diamond) Sutra February 18, 2011 Lecture


    S 26 The Dharma body is not appearances

    Venerable Master Hsuan Hua explains, Everything isproduced from the self nature and within the mind whichis thus, thus unmoving true reality is to be found. Seenin this way this state is the original nature exactly; it isthe hi hest enli htenment.

    Great Master Sixth Patriarch explains it as:

    Fully able to discriminate among appearances,

    But unmoving in the primary sense The very act of viewing in this way

    Itself is the function of true Reality.


  • 8/7/2019 Vajra (Diamond) Sutra February 18, 2011 Lecture


  • 8/7/2019 Vajra (Diamond) Sutra February 18, 2011 Lecture


    Dedication of merit

    May every living beings,

    Our minds as one and radiant with light

    Share the fruits of peace, with heart of goodness

    luminous and bright. If people hear and see, how hands and hearts can find in

    giving unity


    , ,

    and to joy. May kindness find reward; may all who sorrow leave their

    grief and pain;

    May this boundless light break the darkness of theirendless night.

    Because our hearts are one, this world of pain turns intoparadise;

    May all become compassionate and wise (2x)
