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Valdez daily prospector. [Valdez, Alaska]. 1916-05 …...Alaska Inv. Co. 2t Oscar Meyer, who has...

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New Dancing Slippers A SHIPMENT of New Dancing Slippers has just been unpacked and placed on sale. The qualities will be found good and the pricings unusually reasonable Description: v A black satin pump, chiffon rosette, light turn, high military heel. Price three dollars. A white satin pump, chiffon rosette, trim- med with Rhinestone, high military heel. Price three-fifty. A four strap, dull kid pump, Vienna heel turn, very good looking. Price three-fifty. Valdez Mercantile Co. ■ST TONY’S PLACE ™” EVERYTHING ANTON CARLSON, FIRS'! CLASS Manager. CHAS. R. CRAWFORD CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Dealer in Agent for Building Material. Machinery, Gas Engines OFFICIALS ABE' UNABLE 10 ACT ('AWOT BURY BODY OK SHORT Subscription Will Probably Have to Be Taken Up to Inter Remains of Prospector Pound on Mountain Last Saturday. The remains of Louis Short, who disappeared from here about a year ago, were found Saturday afternoon on the mountain north of town, by Elmer Postal and George Taylor, while engaged in fixing the monu- ments on their mining claims. The remains were found at the foot of a bluff, lying on a clump of alders, and it is believed that the unfortu- nate man either fell over the face of the cliff or fell while trying to climb up the face. A heap of boulders near is thought to indicate that the rock fell with the man, and he was prob- ably instantly killed. It is also be- lieved, from the examination made by Messrs Postal and Taylor, that the right arm had been broken. The finding of the remains has been reported to the authorities, but as yet no action has been taken. Un- der the law the Commissioner can- not hold an inquest over the remains unless it is alleged that the death was due to suicide or foul play, neither of which is Indicated in this case. Un- less an inquest is held the Marshal is not authorized to bury the remains, and in fact, instructions have been re- ceived by that office from the depart- ment of justice that no expense shall be incurred by the marshal in cases of this kind. It is probable that a subscription will have to be taken up to defray the expenses of interment. The deceased was a member of the I ---- Western Federation ot' Miners, Ketch- ikan local, but was not in good stand- ing. He was also a member of the Ketchikan lodge of the Loyal Order of Moose, and if in good standing in that lodge at the time of his death $100 should be available from the lodge to defray the burial expenses. So far as known Short had no rela- tives in Alaska, his parents residing at 9 Fleet Street, London, England. ODD FELLOWS’ DANCE WAS A HUGE SUCCESS One of the swellest and most nu- merously attended dances of the sea- son was that given by the local Odd Fellows last Saturday night in Eagle Hall, to celebrate the ninety-seventh anniversary of the founding of the order. The hall was crowded to the limit, the attendance being greater than at any function given here this winter. Piukus’ seven-piece orchestra furn- ished excellent music and the dancing was thoroughly enjoyed. At midnight the dancers adjourned to Moose Hall, where an elaborate spread was serv- ed. The hall had been tastefully dec- orated with potted plants and fes- toons and streamers of colored crepe paper and the viands served were of great variety and excellence. After the banquet dancing was again re- sumed and continued until a late hour. BIG CROWD SEES “MIDNIGHT AT MAXIM’S.” A big crowd attended the Empress last evening to witness the Ballet Ex- travaganza, “Midnight at Maxim’s.” Patron’s should, not miss this out of the usual feature, as it portrays all the latest dances 'as danced by such well known celebrities as the Camer- on Sisters, the Castles, Ethel Rose, and Leo Pernikoff. It will be shown again this evening at eight-ten. Verne Elliott, of Cordova, a broth- er of Walter Elliott of this city, came up on the Evans and will spend a short time in Valdez. Alaska Investment Co. Real Estate, Insurance, Mining Stocks rHMS* Reed Bid,. Ike HI < PINZ8N BAR Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquors and Ciprs Phone 69 PLAINTIFF GWEN AWARD BY JURY DAMAGES ASSESSED AT $573.00 Walter Storey Is Given Verdict for 9112.50 for Rent Due and Further Sum for Damages to MacCormac Hotel Building. % Late Saturday evening, the jury in the case of Walter Storey vs. S. 0. Breedman returned a verdict in favor of the plaintifT, after being out about six hours. The verdict awards the plaintiff the sum of $112.50, as instructed by the court, for one-half a month’s rent of the MacCormas hotel at Cordova, and a further award of $573 was made as damages for failure on the part of the lessee (Breedman) to leave the premises in a habitable condition when he gave up the hotel. The action grew out of the throw- ing up of the lease by the lessee be- fore it had expired, and the removal of furniture and fixtures from the building which had been placed there- in. The action was brought to recov- er rent from the time the building was vacated until a new lease of the premises was made to other parties several months later, and the second cause of action was for damages to the building from the removal of the fixtures. PICTURE SHOW FOR MINERS AT LATOUCHE Capt. A. E. Lathrop, proprietor of the Alaskan chain of Empress thea- tres, passed through to Anchorage on the Evans. He has the full equip- ment for the new theatre for Anchor- age. He will also install a fine mo- tion picture show at Latouche, for the benefit of the miners at that place, about 300 being employed there. Captain Lathrop lias just arranged j for a high-class series of films for j his circuit, among which is "The Birth of a Nation,” and several other large productions. He also has ac- quired the Alaska rights for the Patlie News and Paramount features. This will give Valdez people the best to be seen in high-class films, as j the high cost prohibits independent theatres "from handling anything but the cheapest plays. The Empress cir- cuit, by playing the large productions in its chain of show-houses can give the people a much better class of pic- tures than if it had but one show. -- DEATH OF CHARLES SCOTT, WELL KNOWN IN VALDEZ Word has been received here of the death at his home in Seattle, on May 4, of Charles A. Scott, formerly a resident of this city. Mr. Scott came to Valdez in 1911 and practiced law here for about a year, and accompanied the “Floating Court” on its westward trip that year as attorney for defendants. In 1912 he was appointed United States Com- missioner at Cordova by Judge Cush- man, and remained in that town for several months, Anally resigning his position and returning to Seattle, where he has since resided. He is survived by a brother, Thomas S. Scott, of Cordova, and a sister, Miss Dora Scott. LOCAL BREVITIES Miss Belle Qualley left on the Ev- ans for Anchorage, where she will en- gage in business. Kodak Supplies at the Valdez Drug Company. tf Superintendent W. R. Millard re- turned to the Granite Mine on the B. F. M. this morning. Several pieces of desirable proper- ty for sale. Oscar Fish. tf A shipment of 26 half barrels of beer from the Valdez Brewery went over on the Evans to Seward. Bristles in your teeth? Not if you buy a guaranteed tooth brush at the Owl. tf Mrs. L. Graham returned on the Evans from an extended visit to the States. Spring Samples in heavy weights, tor Alaska wear. Guy F. Cameron, Tailor. tf Anything in the jewelry line at the Valdez Drug Co. tf A fine display or nugget Jewelry at Valdez Drug Co. tf Try our Malted Milk. Hot or Cold. Candy Kitchen. tf Shellac, varnish, stains, enamel paints and bronze at Mend's tf MIKE MARTIN GETS COURT DECISION In an action tried today before Judge Brown, Mike Martin the plain- tiff was given judgment for the sum of two hundred and five dollars for damages and costs, agaihst the Pa- cific-Alaska Company for the loss of two suit cases and contents which, plaintiff claimed the steamshtp com- pany tailed to deliver to him at La- touche on the voyage of the Steam- ship Watson leaving Seattle May 15. Judge Brown sustained the plaintiff’s demurrer to the defendant’s answer alleging the plaintiff's ticket limited the steamship company’s liability in a sum not greater than one hundred dollars and that plaintiff was required under the terms of his ticket to bring suit within ninety days from the dis- covery of the loss. J. L. Reed ap- peared as attorney for plaintiff and Lyons & Ritchie for defendant. SEWARD HAS BEEN MADE PORT OK ENTRY Leon Booker, secretary of the Sew- ard Chamber of Commerce, has re- ceived a telegram from Delegate ...ersham, stating that Seward lias been created a port of entry and that a customs house will be established at that place. J. J. Cavana and Mrs. Cavana ar- rived in town on the Alameda, and will remain here for several days, when they will leave for Seward, at which place they will make their home. Mr. Cavana has held the office of Commissioner at Naknek, on Bris- tol bay for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Cavana made a trip of more than 200 miles over the snow from Xaknek to reach a point on the southern side of the peninsula where a steamer touch- ed. The Fish building recently pur- chased by A. M. pieringer, which has been in process of moving from low- er McKinley street, is now in position on the lot adjoining the Whaling building. Carpenters are working on the John Eniel house, corner of Alaska avenue and Sherman street, repairing the foundation and making minor repairs to it. LOCAL BREVITIES. A swell line of crepe dechine and wash silk waists just arrived on the last boat at E. Winters. tf Bill Holmes came up from the Cliff mine yesterday and is spending a few days in town. Stop that Infernal Racket Show your wife how much you love her and send that noisy old pump to the Valdez Iron Works and let them remove the peace disturber, your neighbors will appreciate it. tf Mr. Rowland and daughter, who have spent the winter fishing at Kani- kluk. returned to town yesterday. They report the fish very plentiful at that place and succeeded in putting up 180 barrels of herring. ---- Mon, women’s and children's wear- ing apparel, household utensils and articles of every day need, at the Emporium. * John S. Heckey left on the Alameda for a trip to Cordova. FOR SALE—Lot on Front street near dock. New sidewalk. Big snap. Price $100. Alaska Inv. Co. 2t Oscar Meyer, who has been serv- ing on the jury here, left on the Ala- meda for his home in Cordova. Pictures developed at the Valdez Drug Company. tf Oscar Breedman, who has been here attending court, left for Cordo- va on the Alameda. Pure Fresh Drugs at the Valdez Drug Store. tf Just received a fresh line of box candies. Candy Kitchen. tf •_ Just Received—the latest Popular i Songs and Music. Valdez Drug Co. tf WANTED: Work of any kind by two Finnish girls. Enquire Arctic Hotel. 6t Are you particular about your health? Then be particular about your druggist. The Owl for yours. FOR SALE—All Valdez Hospital furniture. Mrs. E. C. Dalton. An up-to-date line of cook stoves and ranges at Mead’s. tf George Mead has added to his fine line of ship chandlery until he now has one of the finest stocks in the city. Much carpenter and repair work is going on in the city, many parties tak- ing advantage of the sunshine to fix i:p their premises. j We have the Facilities For Properly Handling Your Business. We issue Drafts on all parts of the world Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent THE FIRST BANK OF VALDEZ RESOURCES $250,0001 THE PINZON Cigars, Fruits, Candies OPTIMOS MARCA RICAS REPRESENTAS EE SIDEEOS BARRETTS EOVERAS JUAN de FUCAS VAN DYCKS MONOPOEES CARABANAS WEBSTERS Haas & Sons Celebrated Candies— Always Fresh. Valdez Dock Co # PHONE NO. 1 JOBBER IN COAL, HAY GRAIN and LUMBER Office, foot of Wall street. We Are Agents For The Dayton Electric House Pumps Which have fewer parts, run more easily and quietly, require less attention and cost less per year of service than any other pump on the market. And the “Thor 5” Vacuum Gleaner This is one of the finest household cleaners ever made for the low price at which it sells. •We stand back of both the above machines. Alaska Water Light & Tel. Co. DONALDSON SCHEDULE __ •» Lvs. Fort Llscum Lvs. Valdes 8:15 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 1:15 p.m. 4:00 p.m. TUESDAYS 8:15 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 1:16 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. SATURDAYS 1:15 p.m. 4:00 p.m. A 7:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m.dP There wUl be no trip of the laune* on the second ana fourth Fridays of each month, these days being used to clean boilers. Mrs. M. L. Mooney, wife of Sergt. Mooney of the local cable office, was an outgoing passenger on the Ala- ; meda. L. L. Mlddlecamp, superintendent of the EUamar mine,' came in Sun- day. and is spending the day in town on business. John Miller, the well known Slate Creek operator, arrived on the Ev- ans and will leave in a day or two for his mining property. Walter Storey, who has been here for several days In connection with a case in the district court, left on the Viameda for his home in California.
Page 1: Valdez daily prospector. [Valdez, Alaska]. 1916-05 …...Alaska Inv. Co. 2t Oscar Meyer, who has been serv- ing on the jury here, left on the Ala- meda for his home in Cordova. Pictures

New Dancing Slippers A SHIPMENT of New Dancing Slippers

has just been unpacked and placed on

sale. The qualities will be found good and the pricings unusually reasonable

Description: v

A black satin pump, chiffon rosette, light turn, high military heel. Price three dollars.

A white satin pump, chiffon rosette, trim-

med with Rhinestone, high military heel.

Price three-fifty.

A four strap, dull kid pump, Vienna heel

turn, very good looking. Price three-fifty.

Valdez Mercantile Co.


FIRS'! CLASS Manager.


Dealer in Agent for

Building Material. Machinery, Gas Engines



Subscription Will Probably Have to

Be Taken Up to Inter Remains of

Prospector Pound on Mountain

Last Saturday.

The remains of Louis Short, who

disappeared from here about a year

ago, were found Saturday afternoon

on the mountain north of town, by

Elmer Postal and George Taylor, while engaged in fixing the monu-

ments on their mining claims. The

remains were found at the foot of

a bluff, lying on a clump of alders, and it is believed that the unfortu-

nate man either fell over the face of

the cliff or fell while trying to climb

up the face. A heap of boulders near

is thought to indicate that the rock fell with the man, and he was prob- ably instantly killed. It is also be-

lieved, from the examination made

by Messrs Postal and Taylor, that the

right arm had been broken. The finding of the remains has

been reported to the authorities, but

as yet no action has been taken. Un-

der the law the Commissioner can-

not hold an inquest over the remains unless it is alleged that the death was

due to suicide or foul play, neither

of which is Indicated in this case. Un- less an inquest is held the Marshal is not authorized to bury the remains, and in fact, instructions have been re-

ceived by that office from the depart- ment of justice that no expense shall

be incurred by the marshal in cases

of this kind. It is probable that a

subscription will have to be taken up

to defray the expenses of interment. The deceased was a member of the

I ----

Western Federation ot' Miners, Ketch- ikan local, but was not in good stand-

ing. He was also a member of the Ketchikan lodge of the Loyal Order of Moose, and if in good standing in that lodge at the time of his death

$100 should be available from the

lodge to defray the burial expenses. So far as known Short had no rela-

tives in Alaska, his parents residing at 9 Fleet Street, London, England.


One of the swellest and most nu-

merously attended dances of the sea-

son was that given by the local Odd Fellows last Saturday night in Eagle Hall, to celebrate the ninety-seventh anniversary of the founding of the order.

The hall was crowded to the limit, the attendance being greater than at

any function given here this winter. Piukus’ seven-piece orchestra furn- ished excellent music and the dancing was thoroughly enjoyed. At midnight the dancers adjourned to Moose Hall, where an elaborate spread was serv-

ed. The hall had been tastefully dec- orated with potted plants and fes- toons and streamers of colored crepe paper and the viands served were of

great variety and excellence. After the banquet dancing was again re-

sumed and continued until a late hour.


A big crowd attended the Empress last evening to witness the Ballet Ex- travaganza, “Midnight at Maxim’s.” Patron’s should, not miss this out of the usual feature, as it portrays all the latest dances 'as danced by such well known celebrities as the Camer- on Sisters, the Castles, Ethel Rose, and Leo Pernikoff. It will be shown

again this evening at eight-ten.

Verne Elliott, of Cordova, a broth- er of Walter Elliott of this city, came

up on the Evans and will spend a

short time in Valdez.

Alaska Investment Co. Real Estate, Insurance, Mining Stocks

rHMS* Reed Bid,. Ike HI

< PINZ8N BAR Imported and Domestic

Wines, Liquors and Ciprs Phone 69



Walter Storey Is Given Verdict for

9112.50 for Rent Due and Further

Sum for Damages to MacCormac

Hotel Building. %

Late Saturday evening, the jury in

the case of Walter Storey vs. S. 0. Breedman returned a verdict in favor of the plaintifT, after being out about six hours.

The verdict awards the plaintiff the

sum of $112.50, as instructed by the

court, for one-half a month’s rent of

the MacCormas hotel at Cordova, and a further award of $573 was made as

damages for failure on the part of

the lessee (Breedman) to leave the

premises in a habitable condition when he gave up the hotel.

The action grew out of the throw-

ing up of the lease by the lessee be-

fore it had expired, and the removal

of furniture and fixtures from the

building which had been placed there-

in. The action was brought to recov-

er rent from the time the building was vacated until a new lease of the

premises was made to other parties several months later, and the second

cause of action was for damages to

the building from the removal of the



Capt. A. E. Lathrop, proprietor of

the Alaskan chain of Empress thea-

tres, passed through to Anchorage on

the Evans. He has the full equip- ment for the new theatre for Anchor-

age. He will also install a fine mo-

tion picture show at Latouche, for

the benefit of the miners at that place, about 300 being employed there.

Captain Lathrop lias just arranged j for a high-class series of films for j his circuit, among which is "The

Birth of a Nation,” and several other

large productions. He also has ac-

quired the Alaska rights for the Patlie

News and Paramount features.

This will give Valdez people the best to be seen in high-class films, as

j the high cost prohibits independent theatres "from handling anything but

the cheapest plays. The Empress cir-

cuit, by playing the large productions in its chain of show-houses can give the people a much better class of pic- tures than if it had but one show.



Word has been received here of

the death at his home in Seattle, on

May 4, of Charles A. Scott, formerly a resident of this city.

Mr. Scott came to Valdez in 1911

and practiced law here for about a

year, and accompanied the “Floating Court” on its westward trip that year as attorney for defendants. In 1912 he was appointed United States Com-

missioner at Cordova by Judge Cush-

man, and remained in that town for

several months, Anally resigning his

position and returning to Seattle, where he has since resided. He is

survived by a brother, Thomas S.

Scott, of Cordova, and a sister, Miss

Dora Scott.


Miss Belle Qualley left on the Ev- ans for Anchorage, where she will en-

gage in business.

Kodak Supplies at the Valdez Drug Company. tf

Superintendent W. R. Millard re-

turned to the Granite Mine on the

B. F. M. this morning.

Several pieces of desirable proper-

ty for sale. Oscar Fish. tf

A shipment of 26 half barrels of

beer from the Valdez Brewery went

over on the Evans to Seward.

Bristles in your teeth? Not if you buy a guaranteed tooth brush at the

Owl. tf

Mrs. L. Graham returned on the Evans from an extended visit to the States.

Spring Samples in heavy weights, tor Alaska wear. Guy F. Cameron, Tailor. tf

Anything in the jewelry line at the Valdez Drug Co. tf

A fine display or nugget Jewelry at

Valdez Drug Co. tf

Try our Malted Milk. Hot or Cold. Candy Kitchen. tf

Shellac, varnish, stains, enamel paints and bronze at Mend's tf


In an action tried today before Judge Brown, Mike Martin the plain- tiff was given judgment for the sum

of two hundred and five dollars for damages and costs, agaihst the Pa- cific-Alaska Company for the loss of two suit cases and contents which,

plaintiff claimed the steamshtp com-

pany tailed to deliver to him at La- touche on the voyage of the Steam-

ship Watson leaving Seattle May 15.

Judge Brown sustained the plaintiff’s demurrer to the defendant’s answer

alleging the plaintiff's ticket limited the steamship company’s liability in a sum not greater than one hundred dollars and that plaintiff was required under the terms of his ticket to bring suit within ninety days from the dis-

covery of the loss. J. L. Reed ap- peared as attorney for plaintiff and

Lyons & Ritchie for defendant.


Leon Booker, secretary of the Sew- ard Chamber of Commerce, has re-

ceived a telegram from Delegate ...ersham, stating that Seward lias

been created a port of entry and that a customs house will be established at that place.

J. J. Cavana and Mrs. Cavana ar-

rived in town on the Alameda, and will remain here for several days, when they will leave for Seward, at which place they will make their home. Mr. Cavana has held the office

of Commissioner at Naknek, on Bris-

tol bay for some time. Mr. and Mrs.

Cavana made a trip of more than 200

miles over the snow from Xaknek to

reach a point on the southern side of

the peninsula where a steamer touch-


The Fish building recently pur- chased by A. M. pieringer, which has

been in process of moving from low-

er McKinley street, is now in position on the lot adjoining the Whaling building.

Carpenters are working on the John Eniel house, corner of Alaska avenue

and Sherman street, repairing the

foundation and making minor repairs to it.


A swell line of crepe dechine and

wash silk waists just arrived on the

last boat at E. Winters. tf

Bill Holmes came up from the Cliff

mine yesterday and is spending a few

days in town.

Stop that Infernal Racket Show your wife how much you

love her and send that noisy old

pump to the Valdez Iron Works and let them remove the peace disturber, your neighbors will appreciate it. tf

Mr. Rowland and daughter, who

have spent the winter fishing at Kani-

kluk. returned to town yesterday. They report the fish very plentiful at

that place and succeeded in putting up 180 barrels of herring. ----

Mon, women’s and children's wear-

ing apparel, household utensils and articles of every day need, at the

Emporium. *

John S. Heckey left on the Alameda for a trip to Cordova.

FOR SALE—Lot on Front street near dock. New sidewalk. Big snap. Price $100. Alaska Inv. Co. 2t

Oscar Meyer, who has been serv-

ing on the jury here, left on the Ala- meda for his home in Cordova.

Pictures developed at the Valdez Drug Company. tf

Oscar Breedman, who has been

here attending court, left for Cordo- va on the Alameda.

Pure Fresh Drugs at the Valdez Drug Store. tf

Just received a fresh line of box

candies. Candy Kitchen. tf •_

Just Received—the latest Popular i Songs and Music. Valdez Drug Co. tf

WANTED: Work of any kind by two Finnish girls. Enquire Arctic Hotel. 6t

Are you particular about your health? Then be particular about

your druggist. The Owl for yours.

FOR SALE—All Valdez Hospital furniture. Mrs. E. C. Dalton.

An up-to-date line of cook stoves

and ranges at Mead’s. tf

George Mead has added to his fine line of ship chandlery until he now

has one of the finest stocks in the


Much carpenter and repair work is going on in the city, many parties tak-

ing advantage of the sunshine to fix

i:p their premises. j

We have the Facilities For Properly Handling

Your Business. We issue Drafts on all parts of the world

Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent






Haas & Sons Celebrated Candies— Always Fresh.

Valdez Dock Co # PHONE NO. 1



Office, foot of Wall street.

We Are Agents For The

Dayton Electric House Pumps Which have fewer parts, run more

easily and quietly, require less attention and cost less per year of service than any other pump on

the market.

And the

“Thor 5” Vacuum Gleaner This is one of the finest household

cleaners ever made for the low

price at which it sells.

•We stand back of both the above machines.

Alaska Water Light & Tel. Co.



Lvs. Fort Llscum Lvs. Valdes 8:15 a.m. 9:45 a.m.

1:15 p.m. 4:00 p.m. TUESDAYS

8:15 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 1:16 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m.

SATURDAYS 1:15 p.m. 4:00 p.m. A 7:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m.dP There wUl be no trip of the laune*

on the second ana fourth Fridays of each month, these days being used to clean boilers.

Mrs. M. L. Mooney, wife of Sergt. Mooney of the local cable office, was

an outgoing passenger on the Ala- ; meda.

L. L. Mlddlecamp, superintendent of the EUamar mine,' came in Sun- day. and is spending the day in

town on business.

John Miller, the well known Slate Creek operator, arrived on the Ev- ans and will leave in a day or two

for his mining property.

Walter Storey, who has been here for several days In connection with a

case in the district court, left on the Viameda for his home in California.
