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Value Chain Road Map-General Approach

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  • 8/6/2019 Value Chain Road Map-General Approach


    Value Chain and Strategy Formulation

    Linking Strategy to Action

    General Approach and Road Map For Implementation

    Know your Business, Build your Strategy

    BAIRP FrameWork

  • 8/6/2019 Value Chain Road Map-General Approach


    Know Your Business, Build your Strategy

    [email protected] Mohamad Nazmi2011


    Objectives of The Presentation

    Schematic Diagram of the Approach

    Detailed Diagram of the Approach Five Areas-Five Concepts-Success Criteria

    Steps Detailed (Build)

    Steps Detailed (Assess)

    Steps Detailed ( Improve) Example on Prioritizing

    Steps Detailed ( Review)

    Steps Detailed ( Plan)

  • 8/6/2019 Value Chain Road Map-General Approach


    Know Your Business, Build your Strategy

    [email protected] Mohamad Nazmi2011

    Objectives of this Presentation

    This presentation aims to present the full road map for the approach

    suggested to build the Main activities value chain and link it to the

    Strategy Map of any organization.

    The Presentation is directed to strategy representatives, whom can

    implement the approach to validate their strategy linkage to the

    overall strategic directions of Organization.

  • 8/6/2019 Value Chain Road Map-General Approach


    Know Your Business, Build your Strategy

    [email protected] Mohamad Nazmi2011

    Schematic Diagram of the Approach

    Build Assess Improve Review Plan

  • 8/6/2019 Value Chain Road Map-General Approach


    Know Your Business, Build your Strategy

    [email protected] Mohamad Nazmi2011

    Detailed Diagram of the Approach

    Understand the OrgStructure

    Prepare Datacollection Sheets

    Conduct AwarenessSessions to Units


    Distribute the forms

    Gather the formsand validate

    Create the ValueChain Diagrams

    Identify Products andServices

    Select the Criteria

    of DefectsCreate Headaches


    DistributeHeadaches Sheets

    Gather and Analyzeheadaches

    Identify Defects

    Set initiatives tomitigate theheadaches

    Create Action Plans

    for initiativesDistribute tasks on

    employees and linkto PA

    Follow Up on ActionPlans tillCompletion

    Set & ImplementInitiatives

    Measure theCustomersSatisfaction

    Identify No-ImprovementDefects and re-assess initiativesand inputs status

    Assess Defects Status

    From Lines ofBusiness andproducts set themission

    From the Missionbuild theperspectives

    From theperspectives buildthe strategy story

    From Strategy Storybuild Objectives

    Create The Strategy

    Build Assess Improve Review Plan

  • 8/6/2019 Value Chain Road Map-General Approach


    Know Your Business, Build your Strategy

    [email protected] Mohamad Nazmi2011

    Five Areas-Five Concepts-Success Criteria


    Excellence Model will govern all of thestages

    RADAR will be used alwaysKPIs will be set to all project stages and

    action plans shall be metWe will benchmark when applicable

    and possibleWe will keep all of the evidences in a


    Project Team

    We will deal with the information in aconfidential manner

    We will transfer knowledge to all We will not be biasedWe know that People know more so we

    will listen to themOur role is to change but not to force

    the change, people shall buy in


    IT solutions will be used when necessaryOnly

    IT solutions can not replace people We think business not machines Computers are faster but not smarterWe will use technology to facilitate the

    project progress and to document


    We are all involvedWe dont believe in the ugly baby

    syndromeWe will implement improvement

    We will not hide information and wewill be working as a transparent team

    The project is a Priority on our daily list


    Leaders are Convinced to LaunchLeaders are Ready to Champion the

    ChangeLeaders are willing to improve Leaders will delegate authorities

    Leaders will spare some good time forthe project

  • 8/6/2019 Value Chain Road Map-General Approach


  • 8/6/2019 Value Chain Road Map-General Approach


    Know Your Business, Build your Strategy

    [email protected] Mohamad Nazmi2011

    Steps Detailed Assess

    Build Assess Improve Review Plan

    Select the Criteria of


    Identify Criteria forDefects, such as:

    Time Delay

    Missing Information

    Missing point ofcontact

    inconsistent quality

    Prepare Inputs

    headaches Sheets

    Prepare Inputsheadaches sheet, for theunits to evaluatesuppliers and the sheetwill have:

    Unit name

    Product Name


    InputsImportance (Out of 5)



    Prepare outputs

    headaches Sheets

    Prepare outputsheadaches sheet, for theCustomers to evaluatethe units products and

    the sheet will have:

    Customer Name

    Product Name

    Importance (Out of 5)


    Overall Satisfaction

    Meetings and Datacollection

    Conduct awarenesspresentation or conductmeetings to explain tocustomers and units howto fill the form

    Agree on time to collectforms and collect theforms

    Categorize theheadaches per productfor customers and persupplier for the units

  • 8/6/2019 Value Chain Road Map-General Approach


    Know Your Business, Build your Strategy

    [email protected] Mohamad Nazmi2011

    Steps Detailed Improve

    Build Assess Improve Review Plan

    Analyze Headaches

    Use the followingformula for the OutputsHeadaches sheet perproduct:

    Weight=Avg.((Importance +(Frequency%*5))perproduct/Headache/customer)

    List products weight inascending order

    Highest weight will bethe first to start withthen lower and lower inweight*

    Root-Cause Analysis

    Follow the product valuechain diagram reaching tothe activity producing theproduct

    link the Activity to a unitor an employee

    check if there is an Inputheadache for the product

    Ask the Activity owner if

    he/she believes that theinput headache (If Any)will cause this headache

    If not Analyze theprocess and come with aninitiative


    If the problem is caused byan Input headache thencreate an SLA with supplier

    if the input is caused byan internal issue (root-caused) create an actionplan for the initiative thathas the following:

    Detailed tasks

    Time Plan Budget if needed

    Risks expected

    Action Plan shall beimplemented andmonitored by APPR.

    Reporting APPR will be sent fromOwner to the projectteam

    project team willprovide theManagement by an ESR

    Monthly meeting Shallbe conducted to reviewthe APPRs and

    recommendations shallbe prepared by teamand discussed withmanagement

    * Example is Provided in the next slide

  • 8/6/2019 Value Chain Road Map-General Approach


    Know Your Business, Build your Strategy

    [email protected] Mohamad Nazmi2011

    Example on PrioritizingProduct Customer Importance Headache Frequency% Weight

    A 1 3 AH1 30% =3+0.3*5=4.5

    A 1 3 AH2 60% =3+0.6*5=6

    Total Weight Avg.(5+6)=5.5

    B 2 4 BH1 40% =3+0.4*5=5

    B 3 2 BH3 30% =2+0.3*5=3.66

    Total Weight Avg.(5+3.66)=4.33

    Notes: You Can Add Weights (%) for your customers according to their importance

    You Can Add Weights (%) for Importance and Frequency according to its importance

    So We Will Start Working on Product A as it has more Weight (So budgets and Manpower

    will be directed to it)

  • 8/6/2019 Value Chain Road Map-General Approach


    Know Your Business, Build your Strategy

    [email protected] Mohamad Nazmi2011

    Steps Detailed Review

    Build Assess Improve Review Plan

    Focused group Analysis

    Re-send the headaches Sheet toyour customers whom hadheadaches in the past

    Review and analyze theheadaches again (If Any)

    Review the initiatives

    Gather all progress reports of theinitiatives

    According to the DGEP RADAR,analyze the effectiveness of theApproach

    Meet the initiative owner andanalyze the root-cause again

    Implement the new initiatives

    When to do the same againIt is not advised to conduct the samepractice more than once per year (Valuechain analysis)

    It is advised to measure the satisfactionof your customers on general termsevery 6 months

    Initiatives for improvement from nowon shall be linked to the value chaindiagrams

    A Week that is called KAIZEN week shallbe implemented every six months togather initiatives from the employees

  • 8/6/2019 Value Chain Road Map-General Approach


    Know Your Business, Build your Strategy

    [email protected] Mohamad Nazmi2011

    Steps Detailed Plan

    Build Assess Improve Review Plan

    Mission represents our lines of business which can be gathered from the products andactivities list

    Example: We provide Services Directly to customers and we do not generate revenue,and at the same time we are doing so many technical processes that depends on ouremployees skills (Human Resources Based processes)

    So the Mission Might be: Meeting Customers Satisfaction through Our Lines OfBusiness, Implementing the highest standards of requirements of services that we

    provide, while ensuring Financial Budget terms is available to effectively improve

    our Human Capital

    Mission Statement

    Your Strategy Map shall be consisted of themes, and objectives, your Themes are themain Functions on the Value Chain like shown in the next slide and the objectives arethe unresolved issues in each function or planned next issues

    Strategy Map

  • 8/6/2019 Value Chain Road Map-General Approach


    Know Your Business, Build your Strategy

    [email protected] Mohamad Nazmi2011

    Steps Detailed Plan

    Build Assess Improve Review Plan


    Theme ISSUE

  • 8/6/2019 Value Chain Road Map-General Approach


    Know Your Business, Build your Strategy

    [email protected] Mohamad Nazmi2011

    Maintain or After-sales

    List all major activities




    AuditQuality Assurance





    Tender and ContractThesequenceofvaluesaddedtothe


    Follow up or


    List all major

    activities here

    Build or Sell

    List all majoractivities here



    Legal Affair

    Knowledge Management

    Support Services




    Outcome of the organization



    Outcome of the organization

    Outcome of the organization

    Outcome of the organization

    Outcome of the organization

    Outcome of the organization

    Outcome of the organization

    Outcome of the organization

    Design or Procure or


    List all major activitieshere


  • 8/6/2019 Value Chain Road Map-General Approach

