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Vampire of One Technical Handbook

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why the characters of "Vampire of One" do what they do.
Vampire of One (Reference: Preface to “Vampire of One”) Technical Handbook (Fictional) To understand the misunderstanding of the folklore of a “Vampire” we must first understand how such a being could exist in the first place. Second, we must look at why the term “Vampire” was used and feared. And third, we must grasp the knowledge that is presented and realize that there is a reality that may or may not express fear or acceptance of another race that is not to be feared living amongst us.
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Vampire of One(Reference: Preface to “Vampire of One”)

Technical Handbook(Fictional)

To understand the misunderstanding of the folklore of a “Vampire” we must first understand how such a being could exist in the first place. Second, we must look at why the term “Vampire” was used and feared. And third, we must grasp the knowledge that is presented and realize that there is a reality that may or may not express fear or acceptance of another race that is not to be feared living amongst us.

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Historical Timeline (Major Events)

5000 BC ? The genetic introduction to humans: Fallen angels procreating with human women to produce weird hybrid offspring known as the Nephilim. These offspring humans were highly intelligent and practiced religious sacrificial rituals. These rituals involved captured human children to try and induce cross fertility resulting in many wars and bloodshed. The Nephilim were recorded as destroyed in the great flood, later to return as the undead wandering the world. Myths surround the foreseeing of this destruction and the Nephilim manipulating the genetic sequence of offspring to resemble humans and thus a few were saved from the destruction while the parental figures escaped through timelines with the Garzalon’s help. Each of these creations is genetically designed to mimic humans at different ages in order to blend in with the population. This was the birth of the Annunaki. (Some also believe these were aliens visiting the earth and left prior to the time of the great flood to return later. Sometimes referenced as inhabitants of the “12th Planet”.)

3979 BC The Biblical human sacrifice: the blood bath. Abel brings a lamb and completes a blood sacrifice of an innocent to God. Cain was furious and killed Abel as Abel had sacrificed the lamb. God asked Cain to repent for “bathing in the blood of his brother”. Cain refused and God reached out and was given a “marker” within his DNA so that no one would be able to kill him. Cain was then sentenced to wander the earth forever. Cain was driven internally to become human and to seek death but was denied, so he earnestly destroyed the souls of mankind with blood sacrifices to God, as they were innocents.

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3100-2900 BC The Flood had only succeeded in wiping out the Nephilim that were currently on the earth at that time, the battle was won but the war wasn't over. With the destruction of the Nephilim, the scientific knowledge of DNA manipulation was lost. The Annunaki scattered throughout the world and mingled among the humans. They began trying to rediscover the lost art of playing with the genetic offspring of humans by bloodletting. They visited human children at night while they slept and would introduce their blood into the child. The entry point of this blotched transfusion was the jugular vein. This early practice resulted in the child becoming comatose and eventually dying from the superior makeup of the Annunaki’s blood.

The myth of vampire’s was born.

2900-1600 BC Annunaki families and human caretakers move from Northern Europe and thrive in the Takla Makan Desert of China. First use of domesticated sheep used to sustain red blood levels in the Annunaki. Introduces advanced technology used in farming, irrigation, weaving, and dyeing. Sheela na gigse carvings on family tombs paid homage to inter breeding between the Annunaki and the original human caretakers. Mummies discovered from these tombs in the 1900’s were found to be six feet tall and Caucasian, a rare find among a generally populated area by Turkic or Mongols. The Annunaki and their human caretakers abandoned the area when the Chinese of the Shang Dynasty entered the area building what was to be called “The Silk Road”

1500BC -702 AD Annunaki families and human caretakers move from the Takla Makan Desert of China into Northern Africa area known as Tunisia. They were described in history books as a light skinned people with advance knowledge of languages, farming, and military power. Known as the “Berbers” they defended their traditions and knowledge against the Greeks, Romans, and Arab nations. It wasn’t until the Arab nations declared Jihad

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and somewhat conquered the Berbers in 702 AD that the original Annunaki families left the area. Queen Kahina, who ruled the Berbers at the time was rumored to be an Annunaki and was revered by the Berbers as a Prophetess. Even as the Arab aggression overtook her kingdom, she ordered the area to be “returned to the desert”. When the Arab army arrived and declared victory, they found wasted land and cities. The capture of Kahina remains controversial to this day and historians cannot say if she was killed in battle, committed suicide, executed, or simply disappeared. This was the second recorded gift of future vision used by the Annunaki. There are many legends about Kahina, but all state that she was taller than her subjects and of great beauty. Some even declared her a sorcerer and at the time of her demise depicted as 127 years old but still retained her beauty. The influence and impact of the Annunaki with the Berbers remain even today as they continue to be rebellious against change. Many Berbers were eminent scholars, writers, translators, architects, artists, musicians, philosophers, and theologians.

Cult of the Dead first noted by Herodotus in 425 BC. This practice of lying in tombs with the “undead” to await dreams that guided humans through life was only allowed by a few. The tombs and monuments were built and occupied by those deemed not dead but asleep awaiting for an event to awaken.

702-900 AD Annunaki families and human caretakers move from Tunisia by ship to ports in the Visigothic Kingdom known in modern times as Spain. They quickly fled the southern area after having a vision of Arab armies preparing to invade. They settled in the Pyrenees area that was foreseen as a safe haven and continued their talent as shepherds. They easily bonded with the human population of Christians and Gothicism. Even through 732 AD the Arab armies had subdued all of the area except for the mountainous region in the extreme north Pyrenees. It was not until 900 AD that the Annunaki families felt safe when Berber settlers from Northern

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Africa spread out through country and made up 20 percent of the occupied territory.

902-1400 AD Annunaki prophesizes a great suffering of religions by “crusades” that would destroy thousands of lives. The families and human caretakers give safe haven to “The People of the Light” (Albigensians), Muslims, and the “Poor of Lyons” (referred to as Waldensians) into the area as they flee the Roman Empire. The Annunaki sign a treaty with the Kings of Aragon and Catalonia that allows them freedom and safe haven within the Pyrenees Mountain range in exchange for timber for their shipyards.

Timber production is halted as the Annunaki see visions of the “Black Death” arriving at the port of Barcelona. All the inhabitants of the mountain range are instructed not to stray outside of their villages. Annunaki visit and give comfort to lower surrounding areas of the Pyrenees, as the virus did not affect them. They build shelters to isolate and care for those affected. (A theory of why they were not affected by the virus is the result of blood bathing in affected sheep’s blood, which introduced low-level toxins directly into cells of their immune system serving as a vaccine.)

1401-1500 AD In the winter of 1411 the Annunaki prophesizes that a female child would be born in a small village near Domremy, France, in the Meuse River valley that could be of true blood and a possible human surrogate. A 5-Star Family of three females and two males was selected to travel to the village and observe the child as she grew. The Family set up their background teachings and healings within the village. The child was born and given the name of Joan in early January of 1412. They were instructed to visit the child as she slept until she reached the age of awareness and as needed to teach important prophesies as required for her to reach her potential as a surrogate. At an early age she had learned from the Family members their gift of humility, goodness, military insight, and piety. She at times expressed these “visions”

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to her parents who dismissed them. By 1428, the Family urged her to end the siege of Orleans, as there was much suffering. Her friends, who believed she was divinely inspired, helped her to leave the village dressed in boy’s clothing and went with her to a military unit at Vaucouleurs. Her first attempt to use her military knowledge was dismissed, but the next year her plan impressed the new Capitan. He helped her to travel to the Royal Court at Chinon to present her knowledge to Dauphin Charles. She was allowed to travel with an army and direct their resources.

The years that followed showed great military success. However, in late April of 1430 the Family received news of a new prophecy that Joan would be captured at Compiegne before the end of June. The Family visited her and shared the knowledge of how and when she would be betrayed. They were very concerned and shared their fear of what may happen if she was captured. A decision was made after Joan expressed that she would not heed their warning, a Family member would continue to visit her throughout her capture, imprisonment, and trial and give her comfort and support. This decision also required that Joan was not to be executed or suffer physical atrocities. A family member was required to “time displace” Joan with herself at these times. Joan was deemed too valuable a human and at the time of her execution by fire the family member took her place and later that night after the charred remains were thrown into the River Seine, the family member rebuilt her cells and joined the group to return to the Pyrenees. This was the first use of “time displacement” by a Family member learned from the Nephilim.

Spring of 1492, the Annunaki prophesizes ships would sail for a sea route to the Orient but would instead find the “New World” at what we now know as San Salvador. A 5-Star Family was dispatched to join the discovery, leave a family member and report back. They also repeated this procedure for the second and third

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trips. The Annunaki were now established in the America’s.

Throughout Spain, in 1492-93 religious groups were expelled from the country. The Annunaki openly accepted these groups within the territories of the Pyrennees. These expelled groups were Moors, Jews, and other sects that would not accept the “cross”. The Annunaki treaty with Aragon and Catalonia allowed all human religious sects to live within their villages peacefully and without fear of persecution. This treaty remained in effect until the end of the 19th Century.

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I know that when you hear the word “Vampire”, you instantly recall all the horror stories of a blood sucking killing beast. Far from the truth, the Annunaki have always depended on humans to supply them with what we lack. Originating from the same gene pool but with a slight twist of the DNA sequence, Annunaki have a 45 percent white blood cell count to a low 2 percent red blood cell. A normal human maintains a 25 percent red blood to a 2-5 percent white cell count. The balance is the same between Annunaki and humans of which is plasma.

This high white blood cell count enables their bodies to last almost indefinitely but they pay the price of a low red blood cell count that supplies oxygen. This high white blood cell count makes the Annunaki immune to disease and any wounds heal very quickly. One of their years aging is equal to 366 years of human life.

The low count of red blood cells is used by an Annunaki’s body similar as humans and must be replenished. Normal human red blood cell lasts 100-120 days and the human body is constantly creating and re-circulating. An Annunaki’s red blood life cycle is much shorter and lasts 30-38 days and their system is not capable of reproducing these lost red blood cells. In place they must use the method of transfusions to recover.

The Annunaki must have an infusion of red blood cells from a human or nonhuman source by a transfusion within a seven to ten day period of time of their depleted red blood cell life cycle or exhaustion takes control and places their bodies in a deep sleep similar to hibernation. They then can only be awaken with an infusion of red blood cells which will provide the required oxygen which enables them to be reborn. These unique blood cells are universal and can accept any type of human or nonhuman blood. However, another Annunaki’s

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blood should only be used as a last effort to save a severely damaged vampire.

A quite curious and fortunate side effect of having such a high immune system is that their brain cells do not die off as a human’s does. This allows them to remember instantly everything that has occurred in their personal timeline. Another “perk” is that a few of them can see into the future, but only for a five-day period each day as they rest. Thus, they will never seem to be without money and always know when to “disappear” when in danger.


Annunaki can be killed. However, it is not a wooden stake through the heart. It is a deprivation of red blood cells. Once the deprivation occurs as mention above and they fall into a deep hibernation sleep, white blood cells can then be extracted. If that can be accomplished, flushing their system with an overload of red blood cells without the key high count of white blood cells will result in a complete breakdown of their immune system that allow them to exist. They would, as the movies suggest, return to dust.

Another method even more gruesome and cruel would be subjecting an Annunaki to intense (UV) rays until spontaneous combustion occurs.

This spontaneous combustion occurs when an Annunaki’s aurora and the (UV) rays combine to create gamma rays (high-energy particles) that interact with the oxidation-reduction in the body’s cells due to low oxygen carrying red blood. This reactive mechanism is irreversible and triggers the spontaneous combustion.

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Future Generations

Continuation of the bloodline through sex cannot be achieved with another Annunaki. The high white blood cells create an enormous amount of “T” cells that attack the female egg upon impregnation. The egg destroys itself from within. Impregnation through a human surrogate at this time also is impossible. The same blood cells will not only destroy the egg but will also attack the human females entire cell system, thus destroying a Annunaki’s lover. The same is with a human male, the female vampire’s sexual fluids will absorb into the skin cells of the human males sexual organ resulting in the same fate. The human males sperm is destroyed by the white cells that view this intrusion as alien.

This particulate five star family of Annunaki s has explored the long sought perfect human surrogate for five centuries. With the hope of new biological and genealogical methods, the family told through this story once again continues the struggle of finding the perfect surrogate. This surrogate with the help of yet developed anti-antigens would be used to blend the two species together. However, the missing key that must exist is “Love”.

The Five Star Family

The Annunaki family consists of a multi-feed array of five individuals each with their own directional support they have chosen. Each individual will not survive very long without assistance from another. This array of individuals acts as a smaller piece of a puzzle, that when placed together within a community becomes a power of one. Each “point” of the star feeds and transmits energy to the other

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“points”. The amount of energy that a family member can collect from the other “points” determines the top point of the star. No other point of the star can dominant within an established family.

The top point of the star is able to observe and predict human nature in a matter of minutes whereas the other family members would take several hours or days to do. The five-day period of looking into the future is only capable by the top point member of the family. This is essential to the financial and protective existence of the family. It is also a useful tool to avoid dissentient within the family.

There must be an interactive role played out with more than one other Five Star Family. This interaction will insure an outward appearance of relatives or friends visitation to the community of humans that the vampires reside.

Individual Support Within The Five Star Family

Each family member has unique a talent that supports the unit as one. This talent is much more intensified where one's natural abilities and traits are blended together with acquired skills, experience, and attitudes over centuries. These backgrounds in able to support the family can be financial, educational, scientific, defensive, historical, physics, spiritual, and many others. However, they must intertwine with the community in which the family resides. Otherwise, the family would stand out and be observed as an oddity. This could raise suspicion, accusations, and intrusion that would result in the head of the family declaring a state of emergency.

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Normal Daily Activity of a Vampire

Yes, normal activity can be achieved amongst human habitat. The human caretakers can play out their day activities which make it seem the Five Star Family members are elsewhere working, traveling, and otherwise busy.

Careful planning for nighttime activities that involve the community is crucial. Parties and social gatherings that allow co-mingling and discussion of human issue’s are a prime example. Work with the human population to appear involved both primal and financial.

State and Federal laws do allow private companies to pay for blood and plasma. This is an excellent opportunity for both humans and vampires.

History Of The Search For A Human Surrogate

Five centuries ago, Dr. Robert Lower preformed the first successful blood transfusion with both nonhuman and human subjects. This was observed through an Annunaki’s sleep, which launched the beginning of a new talent among Annunaki: The ability of

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replenishing red blood cells without having to immerse themselves in blood baths.

Prior to this innovative method, Annunaki needed to absorb red blood cells through their skin in order to replenish. This method of absorption was widely used and some Annunaki turned to human sacrifices versus using animals: domesticated or wild. The practice of using humans was widely condemned among Annunaki families and was usually exploited by renegade individuals. The 15th century Romanian general and Wallachian Prince Vlad III who masked his real identity by impaling Turkish prisoners exposed this practice.

The very important implication of this discovery was that now there was a way of infusing the blood of both human and Annunaki. The search began in 1680 and continues today.

The History of a Vampire’s Coffin

Prior to Dr. Robert Lower’s discovery of successful blood transfusion in the 1600’s, Annunaki’s used coffins or vessels of this type to replenish their red blood cells and also to sleep. I should say, educated and members of Five Star Families used this method with non-human blood. Owning mortuaries were an excellent source of human blood within large communities where farmland was scarce. Renegade Annunaki enjoyed the demoniacal method of ripping a human’s throat and having the blood flow over their body while embracing their victim’s last breath.

These coffins were originally constructed similar to a boat but with a raised platform to keep the head above liquid while sleeping. Blood would be poured in until it reached a level that would cover a submerged Annunaki’s body. A cork or some similar item would be

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placed in a hole in the bottom of this coffin. After a period of sleep and adequate absorption had taken place, the blood would then be drained and mixed with some type of grain and fed to the livestock. A caretaker would then clean the coffin in preparation for the next day’s use.

Members of Five Star Families would have commissioned caretakers to build elaborate coffins that would be unique to each Annunaki’s background and historical experience.

Renegade Annunaki (non Five Star Family members)

From early Romanian mythology the renegade Annunaki was known as a “strigoi” or “moroi”. The belief was that these living people had certain magical properties that would allow them to transform into a variety of animals or even the art of invisibility. All these myths refer to the ability to drain a person or animal of their blood. The myths also suggest that these living people were not capable of these acts during sunlight as the victims were discovered in the mornings.

This “practice” was used by non-Annunaki family members and was applied against humans and their domestic animals without consent. The renegade would cut the external and internal jugular vein with a two-prong knife (this allows continuous flow from both) when the victim was in a lying down position. The knife was constructed of two hollow blades with one longer that the other in order to puncture both jugular veins. The entry point left by this method resembled teeth punctures and the human population regarded this as a vampires bite. This drainage of blood would be completed within 2 minutes and the victim would die in about 1 minute afterwards. Uninterrupted, the amount of blood collected for blood bathing or later use of transfusions would be roughly 10-11 pints (5,000 milliliters) from an adult human or 20 pints (10,000 milliliters) from an average cow.

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Human blood collection is the preferred method since on the average they sleep alone in separate rooms. Domesticated animals are confined in a barn or other structure together in close quarters making the withdrawal more dangerous. However, multiple withdrawals from an average cow of 4-pints (2,000 milliliters) could occur every 2-4 weeks allowing the animal to recover. Many stories are told by farmers of their cattle having ‘vampire” type holes with dried blood on their necks.

Vampire and Mirrors

The myth of a vampire not being able to see their reflection in a mirror due to the fact that they wandered around without their soul, is just that: a myth.

It is true that Annunaki do have issues with mirrors. Depending on the strength of a Annunaki’s aurora being too close to a mirror does result in a distorted or lack of reflection. The positive charge emitting from this aurora bends the light reflecting from the mirror and to a human’s eye appears that the Annunaki do not exist. Annunaki have adjusted to this problem and if humans are present will not go any closer to a mirror than their aurora projects. Thus, the myth that vampire avoid mirrors does have some substance.

Vampire Electromagnetic Fields

The same reason an Annunaki’s cells produce their blood

makeup also results in an electromagnetic field creation. Humans also have this aurora that surrounds them. An Annunaki’s aurora is simply more complex.

This electromagnetic field is comprised of charged particles:

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The negative charge remains within an Annunaki’s body and is critical to the healing and longevity of cell structure.

The positive charge is projected as an aurora and far more dangerous.

The longer an Annunaki lives combined with the energy within the Five Star family intensifies both positive and negative charges.

There are some extreme benefits and cautionary requirements that an Annunaki must learn and use with these “powers”. An Annunaki must learn to control his or hers limit of aurora power.

A spreading out of the aurora can affect both human and Annunaki alike. A human can be rendered with a hypnotic state as the Annunakis’ aurora disrupts the normal flow of that human’s electromagnetic field. This hypnotic state can be used to confuse and have a time of memory stolen.

We have already discussed how the aurora field can bend light and affect a reflection of a mirror. If an Annunaki has the strength of the five star family within him or her this aurora can also be used to pull back and provide a protective barrier from attack. This would create a highly charged positive ion plasma shield that would repel the (UV) rays. This shield if squeezed even tighter would produce multiple miniature explosions that would reflect outward in a wave. This wave would be used as a protective action if the Annunaki were in danger.

Caution must be stated here, as this aurora field is very active and if used to the extreme would have a draining effect on an Annunaki. Too many usages would require a resting period to recharge. The amount of time required would depend on the five star family’s energy output.

A five star family member uses this aurora field activation as a defensive method. A renegade vampire, depending on the individuals’ energy strength, would use this aurora field as both an offensive and defensive tool.

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Environmental Dangers

Ultraviolet (UV) is radiation energy in the form of invisible light waves emitted by the sun. These light waves elevate the positive ion levels within the body. Annunaki are very sensitive to this energy depending on the output of an Annunaki’s aurora. This combination and the same high white blood cells that heal and keep the Annunaki alive in immortality actually intensify this sensitivity. The exposed skin or more importantly the eyes of the Annunaki lack the red blood cell count that creates the protective layers needed to defend against this (UV) energy. The suns energy causes a photo allergic reaction that conflicts with the body’s high white blood cell immune system and views the exposed surface as an antigen invader. The immediate reaction is a burning sensation as the immune system begins destroying the sun-exposed areas. The inflammation continues as long as the area is exposed and can literally cause instant spontaneous combustion if an Annunaki is subjected to this energy for more than sixty to ninety minutes depending on the individual strength of each Annunaki. Removing one self from the suns energy switches off this antigen invader attack and returns the immune system to normal. The healing process begins and normally requires a resting period. Depending on the amount of “burned” exposed area; this may require a deep REM sleep within the confines of an Annunaki’s “coffin”. A short exposure usually will result in a painful irritation and exhaustive feeling that will subside and disappear within an hour or two.

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The development of tanning beds using (UV) technology would be a death trap if an Annunaki were somehow locked within it for a period of time.

When the Nephilim gave birth to the Annunaki, the aurora was diminished in order to live among the humans without discovery. The Annunaki were able to tolerate the (UV) energy but were forced to wear many layers of clothing. As time nourished their powers, so did the increased effects of their aurora become their downfall during daylight exposure to (UV) energies. If the aurora were to be extended outward during daylight or if exposed to the (UV) energies, the (UV) energies would be able to penetrate this shield. By controlling the thickness of this shield, the Annunaki would be able to tolerate some exposure to (UV) energies.
