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Van Allen Initial Results from the Radiation Belt Storm...

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Initial Results from the Radiation Belt Storm Probes EMFISIS/Waves Instrument W. S. Kurth (1), G. B. Hospodarsky (1), O. Santolik (2,3), C. A. Kletzing (1), S. R. Bounds (1), J. R. Wygant (4), J.W. Bonnell (5), M. W. Chutter (6) (1) U. of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, USA, (2,3) Inst. of Atmospheric Physics, Prague, Czech Republic, (3) Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, (4) U. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA, (5) U. of California, Berkeley, CA USA, (6) U. New Hampshire, Durham, NH, USA Abstract The twin Van Allen Probes were launched on or after August 30, 2012. The Electric and Magnetic Field Instrument Suite and Integrated Science (EMFISIS) investigation in- cludes a plasma wave instrument (Waves) designed to measure three orthogonal com- ponents of the wave magnetic field from ~10 Hz to 12 kHz and, with the support of the Electric Fields and Waves (EFW) instrument sensors, three components of the wave electric field from ~10 Hz to 12 kHz and a single electric component up to 500 kHz. For the wave magnetic fields, Waves uses a set of orthogonal triaxial search coils. EFW uti- lizes two spin-plane booms with tip-to-tip lengths of 100 m and a spin axis boom with a nominal tip-to-tip length of ~13 m to be determined on orbit. Commissioning of the spacecraft and their instruments was completed within about two months of launch, at the end of October. In this paper we plan to provide initial observations from Waves in- cluding an assessment of in-flight performance and early observations of plasma waves thought to play significant roles in the acceleration and loss of radiation belt. The vari- ous classes of waves we anticipate studying include whistler-mode chorus, plasma- spheric hiss, and magnetosonic equatorial noise. EMFISIS/Waves may, at times, be able to measure the upper frequency extent of electromagnetic ion-cyclotron waves. At the other end of the spectrum, the Waves instrument will also detect electron cyclotron harmonic emissions and the band at the upper hybrid resonance frequency. The latter band will be used to determine the local electron density as an important parameter of the plasma required for various modeling and simulation studies. EMFISIS/Waves has a number of operating modes, but they can be considered a basic survey mode plus various burst modes which provide additional temporal and/or spec- tral resolution over the survey mode: • The survey mode provides spectral matrices for the 10 Hz - 12 kHz frequency range based on 468 ms waveforms from all 6 sensors plus an HFR spectrum. • Burst modes, including: • Continuous waveforms -- nearly 6 seconds of waveforms from all 6 sensors • 30 msec mode -- spectral matrices every 30 milliseconds • Fast survey -- survey spectral matrices every second • Onboard WNA -- wave propagation parameters as fast as every 30msec The two triaxial search coil assem- blies for Van Allen Probes A and B are shown on pre-launch test fix- tures. The search coils consist of 40-cm mu-metal rods and 10,000 turns of fine wire. Radiation tol- erant preamps are housed in the cylindrical fixture which doubles as the structure holding the search coils at the end of one of the sensor booms. Performance of this system is excellent, given the superb dy- namic range afforded by the 16-b A/D converters used in the 6-chan- nel Wavefrom Receiver The EMFISIS/Waves instrument on the twin Van Allen Probes utilize a complete array of plasma wave sensors. Three orthogonal components of the wave magnetic field are obtained from a triaxial search coil magne- tometer on a 3-m boom. Three orthogonal electric field components are obtained from the EFW (Electric Fields and Waves) sen- sors including 2 spin plane booms 100 m tip-to-tip and an axial boom approximately 13.4 m, tip-to-tip. The Waves instrument comprises a 6-chan- nel waveform receiver for frequencies be- tween 10 Hz and 12 kHz and a high frequen- cy receiver (HFR) covering frequencies up to 500 kHz. A set of four FFT engines are floating point accelerators optimized for Fast Fourier Transforms. In addition, they compute spectral matrices required for car- rying out wave-normal analyses (WNA). The FFT engines are controlled by the CDPU which also includes the capability to complete WNAs and determine various propagation characteristics of waves on- board. A basic capability of the Waves multi-component waveform measurements is the determination of wave propagation characteristics such as wave-normal angle, Poynting flux, polarization, etc. These parameters -- magnetic and electric spectral density, polar angle of the Poynting flux, wave-normal angles, ellipticity, and polarization were all computed on-board at 30 msec intervals. As is now expected, the chorus near 2 kHz propagates away from the equator. Eu Ev Bu Bv Bw Eu, Ev or Ew 10 - 500 kHz High Frequency Receiver 10 Hz - 12 kHz 10 Hz - 12 kHz 10 Hz - 12 kHz 10 Hz - 12 kHz 10 Hz - 12 kHz To Spacecraft 6-Channel Waveform Receiver 10 Hz - 12 kHz Ew FFT Engines CDPU + - + - + - Eu Ev Ew Bu Bv Bw EMFISIS/Waves Block Diagram EFW Van Allen Probe A Integrated Magnetic Field Spectral Density Integrated Magnetic Field 0.1 to 0.5 fce, nT 2 Van Allen Probe A Lower Band Chorus Occurrence nT 2 Van Allen Probe A Orbit 169, November 1, Day 306, 2012 Frequency (kHz) Relative Power R = 5.8 Re; MLAT = 1.7 Deg. MLT = 6.2 Hr f ce /2 Van Allen Probe A, Orbit 130, October 17, Day 291, 2012 Frequency (Hz) Van Allen Probe A Electron Density vs R Radial Distance (R e ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 N e (cm -3 ) 1 10 100 1000 10000 Orbit 130 October 17, Day 291, 2012 16:09 - 24:00 UT 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 Frequency (kHz) E SD B SD Poyn WNA SVD WNA SVD Ellipticity Polarization 10:32:00 10:32:30 10:33:00 10:34:00 10:33:30 Van Allen Probe B, Orbit 123, 30 msec mode WNA, October 15, Day 289, 2012 R = 5.7 Re; MLAT = 4.2 Deg.; MLT = 6.4 Hr; L = 5.8 EFW Spin Plane Wire Boom EFW Spin Plane Wire Boom EFW Spin Plane Wire Boom EFW Spin Plane Wire Boom EFW Axial Boom EFW Axial Boom EMFISIS Search Coil Magnetometer EMFISIS Flux Gate Magnetometer Sensors Used by EMFISIS/Waves Van Allen Probe B Orbit 168, November 1, Day 306, 2012 EuEu Sum of BuBu, BvBv, BwBw Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz) f ce /2 f ce /2 The major premise of the Van Allen Probes mission is that having two spacecraft traversing the radiation belts with an evolving orbital phase be- tween them provides an array of multipoint measurements of a highly dy- namic system. In this comparison of data from the two probes, spacecraft B is trailing A in orbit by about an hour. While the basic wave spectra are very similar between the two positions, they are not identical. Such comparisons will enable the determination of the temporal and/or spatial evolution of the radiation belts. These spectrograms represent the HFR data in the upper panels, and the electric and magnetic field spectra in the middle and bottom panels, respectively. The duration of each plot is about 9 hours, or one orbit from periapsis to periapsis. A gray line at f ce /2 is in- cluded in the bottom panels to highlight the boundary between upper- and lower-band chorus. Narrowband electron cyclotron harmonic emissions are seen at higher frequencies and plasmaspheric hiss and equatorial mag- netosonic waves at lower frequencies. An obvious capability of the Van Allen Probes plasma wave measurements is to enable synoptic studies of the occurrence of plasma wave phenomena such as whis- tler-mode chorus which is known to be an effective accelerator of electrons as well as a loss mechanism through pitch-angle scattering. The upper panel shows data from probe A early in the mission repre- senting the intensity of lower band cho- rus (0.1 to 0.5 f ce ) as a function of MLT and radial distance. Clearly, there are in- tensifications in the chorus during times of enhanced activity as shown in the time history of the intensity of the lower-band chorus shown in the lower panel. The frequency of the up- per hybrid band as seen in the HFR provides direct information on the elec- tron density N e which is a fundamental plasma pa- rameter required for nu- merous magnetospheric models. The basic data collected by Waves are waveforms. This is an ex- ample of the continuous waveform burst capability, acquired in two 6-second intervals. While all 6 components are captured, this panel only shows the spectrum for the B u component. An onboard algo- rithm selects such captures based on the amplitudes in the chorus bands above and below f ce . The EM-quiet spacecraft and 16-b dy- namic range make for an excellent data set. Van Allen Probe B, Orbit 129, October 17, Day 291, 2012 The basic survey output of the EMFI- SIS/Waves instrument is a set of spectral matrices covering the frequency range of 10 Hz to 12 kHz utilizing six chan- nels (3 E and 3 B) and a single-channel spectrum for the HFR frequency range of 10 kHz to 500 kHz. While this spec- trogram shows little in the way of am- plitude differences between the chan- nels, the spectral matrices capture phase differences between the various wave components and allow later determina- tion of wave propagation parameters. Van Allen Probe A Orbit 169 November 1, Day 306, 2012 EuEu Sum of BuBu, BvBv, BwBw f ce /2 f ce /2
  • Initial Results from the Radiation Belt Storm Probes EMFISIS/Waves InstrumentW. S. Kurth (1), G. B. Hospodarsky (1), O. Santolik (2,3), C. A. Kletzing (1), S. R. Bounds (1), J. R. Wygant (4), J.W. Bonnell (5), M. W. Chutter (6)

    (1) U. of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, USA, (2,3) Inst. of Atmospheric Physics, Prague, Czech Republic, (3) Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, (4) U. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA, (5) U. of California, Berkeley, CA USA, (6) U. New Hampshire, Durham, NH, USA


    The twin Van Allen Probes were launched on or after August 30, 2012. The Electric and Magnetic Field Instrument Suite and Integrated Science (EMFISIS) investigation in-cludes a plasma wave instrument (Waves) designed to measure three orthogonal com-ponents of the wave magnetic field from ~10 Hz to 12 kHz and, with the support of the Electric Fields and Waves (EFW) instrument sensors, three components of the wave electric field from ~10 Hz to 12 kHz and a single electric component up to 500 kHz. For the wave magnetic fields, Waves uses a set of orthogonal triaxial search coils. EFW uti-lizes two spin-plane booms with tip-to-tip lengths of 100 m and a spin axis boom with a nominal tip-to-tip length of ~13 m to be determined on orbit. Commissioning of the spacecraft and their instruments was completed within about two months of launch, at the end of October. In this paper we plan to provide initial observations from Waves in-cluding an assessment of in-flight performance and early observations of plasma waves thought to play significant roles in the acceleration and loss of radiation belt. The vari-ous classes of waves we anticipate studying include whistler-mode chorus, plasma-spheric hiss, and magnetosonic equatorial noise. EMFISIS/Waves may, at times, be able to measure the upper frequency extent of electromagnetic ion-cyclotron waves. At the other end of the spectrum, the Waves instrument will also detect electron cyclotron harmonic emissions and the band at the upper hybrid resonance frequency. The latter band will be used to determine the local electron density as an important parameter of the plasma required for various modeling and simulation studies.

    EMFISIS/Waves has a number of operating modes, but they can be considered a basic survey mode plus various burst modes which provide additional temporal and/or spec-tral resolution over the survey mode:

    • The survey mode provides spectral matrices for the 10 Hz - 12 kHz frequency range based on 468 ms waveforms from all 6 sensors plus an HFR spectrum.

    • Burst modes, including:• Continuous waveforms -- nearly 6 seconds of waveforms from all 6 sensors• 30 msec mode -- spectral matrices every 30 milliseconds• Fast survey -- survey spectral matrices every second• Onboard WNA -- wave propagation parameters as fast as every 30msec

    The two triaxial search coil assem-blies for Van Allen Probes A and B are shown on pre-launch test fix-tures. The search coils consist of 40-cm mu-metal rods and 10,000 turns of fine wire. Radiation tol-erant preamps are housed in the cylindrical fixture which doubles as the structure holding the search coils at the end of one of the sensor booms. Performance of this system is excellent, given the superb dy-namic range afforded by the 16-b A/D converters used in the 6-chan-nel Wavefrom Receiver

    The EMFISIS/Waves instrument on the twin Van Allen Probes utilize a complete array of plasma wave sensors. Three orthogonal components of the wave magnetic field are obtained from a triaxial search coil magne-tometer on a 3-m boom. Three orthogonal electric field components are obtained from the EFW (Electric Fields and Waves) sen-sors including 2 spin plane booms 100 m tip-to-tip and an axial boom approximately 13.4 m, tip-to-tip.

    The Waves instrument comprises a 6-chan-nel waveform receiver for frequencies be-tween 10 Hz and 12 kHz and a high frequen-cy receiver (HFR) covering frequencies up to 500 kHz. A set of four FFT engines are floating point accelerators optimized for Fast Fourier Transforms. In addition, they compute spectral matrices required for car-rying out wave-normal analyses (WNA). The FFT engines are controlled by the CDPU which also includes the capability to complete WNAs and determine various propagation characteristics of waves on-board.

    A basic capability of the Waves multi-component waveform measurements is the determination of wave propagation characteristics such as wave-normal angle, Poynting flux, polarization, etc. These parameters -- magnetic and electric spectral density, polar angle of the Poynting flux, wave-normal angles, ellipticity, and polarization were all computed on-board at 30 msec intervals. As is now expected, the chorus near 2 kHz propagates away from the equator.






    Eu, Ev or Ew

    10 - 500 kHz High Frequency Receiver

    10 Hz - 12 kHz

    10 Hz - 12 kHz

    10 Hz - 12 kHz

    10 Hz - 12 kHz

    10 Hz - 12 kHz

    To Spacecraft

    6-Channel Waveform Receiver

    10 Hz - 12 kHz
















    EMFISIS/Waves Block DiagramEFW

    Van Allen Probes

    Van Allen Probe A Integrated Magnetic Field Spectral Density



    ed M


    tic F



    to 0

    .5 fc

    e, n


    Van Allen Probe A Lower Band Chorus Occurrence


    Van Allen Probe A Orbit 169, November 1, Day 306, 2012



    y (k




    e P


    R = 5.8 Re; MLAT = 1.7 Deg. MLT = 6.2 Hr


    Van Allen Probe A, Orbit 130, October 17, Day 291, 2012



    y (H


    Van Allen Probe AElectron Density vs R

    Radial Distance (Re)

    1 2 3 4 5 6

    Ne (

    cm -3







    Orbit 130October 17, Day 291, 201216:09 - 24:00 UT










    y (k


    E S


















    10:32:00 10:32:30 10:33:00 10:34:0010:33:30

    Van Allen Probe B, Orbit 123, 30 msec mode WNA, October 15, Day 289, 2012

    R = 5.7 Re; MLAT = 4.2 Deg.; MLT = 6.4 Hr; L = 5.8

    EFW Spin PlaneWire Boom

    EFW Spin PlaneWire BoomEFW Spin Plane

    Wire Boom

    EFW Spin PlaneWire Boom

    EFW AxialBoom

    EFW AxialBoom

    EMFISIS SearchCoil Magnetometer

    EMFISIS Flux GateMagnetometer

    Sensors Used by EMFISIS/Waves

    Van Allen Probe B Orbit 168, November 1, Day 306, 2012


    Sum of BuBu, BvBv, BwBw



    y (H







    y (H




    The major premise of the Van Allen Probes mission is that having two spacecraft traversing the radiation belts with an evolving orbital phase be-tween them provides an array of multipoint measurements of a highly dy-namic system. In this comparison of data from the two probes, spacecraft B is trailing A in orbit by about an hour. While the basic wave spectra are very similar between the two positions, they are not identical. Such comparisons will enable the determination of the temporal and/or spatial evolution of the radiation belts. These spectrograms represent the HFR data in the upper panels, and the electric and magnetic field spectra in the middle and bottom panels, respectively. The duration of each plot is about 9 hours, or one orbit from periapsis to periapsis. A gray line at fce/2 is in-cluded in the bottom panels to highlight the boundary between upper- and lower-band chorus. Narrowband electron cyclotron harmonic emissions are seen at higher frequencies and plasmaspheric hiss and equatorial mag-netosonic waves at lower frequencies.

    An obvious capability of the Van Allen Probes plasma wave measurements is to enable synoptic studies of the occurrence of plasma wave phenomena such as whis-tler-mode chorus which is known to be an effective accelerator of electrons as well as a loss mechanism through pitch-angle scattering. The upper panel shows data from probe A early in the mission repre-senting the intensity of lower band cho-rus (0.1 to 0.5 fce) as a function of MLT and radial distance. Clearly, there are in-tensifications in the chorus during times of enhanced activity as shown in the time history of the intensity of the lower-band chorus shown in the lower panel.

    The frequency of the up-per hybrid band as seen in the HFR provides direct information on the elec-tron density Ne which is a fundamental plasma pa-rameter required for nu-merous magnetospheric models.

    The basic data collected by Waves are waveforms. This is an ex-ample of the continuous waveform burst capability, acquired in two 6-second intervals. While all 6 components are captured, this panel only shows the spectrum for the Bu component. An onboard algo-rithm selects such captures based on the amplitudes in the chorus bands above and below fce. The EM-quiet spacecraft and 16-b dy-namic range make for an excellent data set.

    Van Allen Probe B, Orbit 129, October 17, Day 291, 2012The basic survey output of the EMFI-SIS/Waves instrument is a set of spectral matrices covering the frequency range of 10 Hz to 12 kHz utilizing six chan-nels (3 E and 3 B) and a single-channel spectrum for the HFR frequency range of 10 kHz to 500 kHz. While this spec-trogram shows little in the way of am-plitude differences between the chan-nels, the spectral matrices capture phase differences between the various wave components and allow later determina-tion of wave propagation parameters.

    Van Allen Probe A Orbit 169 November 1, Day 306, 2012


    Sum of BuBu, BvBv, BwBw


