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VarazdatKarapetyan ICGFM Transparency English

Date post: 30-May-2018
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  • 8/9/2019 VarazdatKarapetyan ICGFM Transparency English


    International Conference

    Public Financial Management in the Era of

    The New Normal ocial Control Mechanisms for

    reater Transparency andccountability

    ,Varazdat Karapetyan PhD

    Armenia,GCCI Advocacy and Assistance Center

  • 8/9/2019 VarazdatKarapetyan ICGFM Transparency English


    :A visitor of AAC told his story .My daughter was born five months ago

    ,She was born prematurely in her seventh, .month and was very weak The doctor

    worked hard to successfully improve her.strength Now each time we visit him for,a consultation his assistant requests

    . ,50 USD I give him the money althoughaccording to health care legislation in

    ,Armenia medical care is absolutely free.for children under seven years old

    llustrative Case ofCorruption

  • 8/9/2019 VarazdatKarapetyan ICGFM Transparency English


    - H e is re a d y to p a y th e b rib e e a chtim e fo r h is fa m ily a n d ch ild s

    .w e llb e in g

    - H e d o e s n o t w a n t to fig h t fo r h isrig h ts b e ca u se h e w a n ts to h a v e

    .g o o d re la tio n s w ith th e d o cto r

    - T h e sa m e situ a tio n e x ists in th e, , ,fie ld s o f h e a lth e d u ca tio n ju stice, .sta te ca d a stre ta x a tio n e tc

    ow can we solve this problem?

    ase Analysis

  • 8/9/2019 VarazdatKarapetyan ICGFM Transparency English


    ystemic Analysis ofhe Case

  • 8/9/2019 VarazdatKarapetyan ICGFM Transparency English


    hat Needs to Happen?- All parties must realize the holistic

    picture of the cycle, and the role andresponsibility of each participant.

    - Dialogue and cooperation between allstakeholders and parties of the cycle:doctors, hospital administrations,government, citizens, etc.

    - New approaches of management:from a central planned economy to afree market economy.


  • 8/9/2019 VarazdatKarapetyan ICGFM Transparency English


    AC as the Local Leaderf Systemic Reform

    - Works in all regions of Armenia, islocalized.

    - Creates public-private dialogueand cooperation.

    - Supports systemic reforms throughquick responsive actions andadvocacy work.

    - Directly responds to localcorruption cases, helping citizens

    and companies to be protected

  • 8/9/2019 VarazdatKarapetyan ICGFM Transparency English


    :egharkunik AAC Examplef Systemic Reforms

    - Tax legislation changes created adispute between 100 businesses ofGavar and the Tax Office.

    - The Tax Office heavily fined 10businesses. All other businessesfaced corruption risk and tax officials

    started to extort them.- Businessmen threatened to close the

    shops and stop working, givingreasons that it is impossible to paythe heavy tax fees or bribes.

  • 8/9/2019 VarazdatKarapetyan ICGFM Transparency English


    - AAC organized three meetingsbetween business owners and the

    Tax Office.

    Results:- The Tax Office promised not to finebusinesses for a period of twomonths.

    - The Tax Office held seminars toexplain tax changes in a more easilyunderstandable language forbusiness owners.

    - The business owners promised towork in accordance with the new tax

    :egharkunik AAC Examplef Systemic Reforms

  • 8/9/2019 VarazdatKarapetyan ICGFM Transparency English


    A survey of corruption shows that oneof the most corrupted offices inArmenia is the State Registry ofEnterprises.- The businessmen are uninformed

    about fees, documentation,timelines, etc. for registering newenterprises.

    - Officials take advantage of their lackof information and extort startupbusinesses.

    AACs response:- Gegharkunik AAC installed

    :egharkunik AAC Examplef Systemic Reforms

  • 8/9/2019 VarazdatKarapetyan ICGFM Transparency English


    - A disabled citizen applied to AAC becausea medical committee unjustifiablydeprived her from her disability pensionwithout any reason.

    AACs response:

    - An application to the correspondingmedical committee. They refused tocomply.

    - A second medical examination wascarried out in the capital.

    In the result:

    Re-establishment of the right to receive theension and re a ment of the amount that

    :egharkunik AACndividual SuccessStories

  • 8/9/2019 VarazdatKarapetyan ICGFM Transparency English


    - The citizen applied to AAC,announcing that the traffic policegave him a fine for no real reason.

    AACs response:- Requested a copy of the traffic finefrom the Regional Police Department.

    - Filed an appeal against the traffic

    police actions before the NationalPolice.Results:

    The fine was annulled, and the visitors

    rights were protected.

    :egharkunik AACndividual SuccessStories

  • 8/9/2019 VarazdatKarapetyan ICGFM Transparency English


    hank you for your time!nd attention

    Questions are welcome
