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Varsity Social Sciences Questions-History

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  • 8/14/2019 Varsity Social Sciences Questions-History


    Varsity History Questions

    Q: Four police officers from what city were indicted for the 1991 beating of Rodney King?

    A: Los Angeles

    Q: Olav the 5 th was king of what nation, ruling from 1957 to 1991? His father, Haakon the7th was exiled to London when Vidkun Quisling held power in the country.

    A: Norway

    Q: The Sinn Fein political party was founded on what island in 1905?

    A: Ireland

    Q: What British commonwealth was created in 1900? It was formerly used as a penal


    A: Australia

    Q: The Greek War of Independence resulted in the army of what country being defeated andexpelled in 1828?

    A: Turkey

    Q: The former province of Outer Mongolia declared itself independent from which nation in1911?

    A: China

    Q: In 1980, the former British colony of Rhodesia became which independent African state?

    A: Zimbabwe

    Q: Operation Sealion was a German plan to invade what country? The operation was never carried out.

    A: United Kingdom or Great Britain

    Q: Besides Hong Kong, what special Autonomous Region of the Peoples Republic of Chinawas created in 1999 after Portugal Handed over control?

    A: Macau

  • 8/14/2019 Varsity Social Sciences Questions-History


    Q: The Battle of Midway took place in what body of water?

    A: Pacific Ocean

    Q: Edward Everett was the featured speaker at the dedication of what national cemetery in

    1863? Abraham Lincoln also spoke.

    A: Gettsyburg

    Q: What famous road was built in the late 1930s from Lashio in what is now Myanmar toKunming, China? Its orginal purpose was to supply China in its war with Japan.

    A: Burma Road

    Q: What gothic church was built on the orders of Edward the Confessor and consecrated in1065? It is the traditional site of coronation of British monarchs.

    A: Westminster Abbey (or The Collegiate Church of St. Peter, Westminster)

    Q: What modern country was once known as the Dutch East Indies?

    A: Indonesia

    Q: In 1864, Archduke Maximilian of Austria was named Emperor of what nation? In 1867,he was deposed by Benito Juarez.

    A: Mexico

    Q: Pierre Trudeau twice served as prime minister of what country? Paul Martin is thecurrent office holder.

    A: Canada

    Q: What city was selected as the seat of the International Court of Justice in 1920?

    A: The Hague, Netherlands

    Q: The Crystal Palace was built in 1851 for the Great Exhibition in what city?

    A: London

    Q: Stonewall Jackson was wounded during which Civil War battle?

    A: Chancellorsville

  • 8/14/2019 Varsity Social Sciences Questions-History


    Q: Operation Barbarossa was Nazi Germanys codename for the invasion of what nation?

    A: The Soviet Union or Russia

    Q: Sainr-Domingue was the colonial name of what Caribbean nation?

    A: Haiti

    Q: The Anschluss was the term for the political union of Germany with what neighboringnation? The union took effect on March 12, 1938, and was broken following the fall of

    Nazi Germany.

    A: Austria

    Q: The Opium Wars were mainly fought between China and what country? The first war was precipitated by the actions of the East India Company.

    A: Great Britain

    Q: On January 8, 1916, allied forces withdrew from Gallipoli, a city in what currentnation?

    A: Turkey

    Q: The first European explores of New Zealand came from what modern nation? AbelJanszoon Tasmans expeditions sailed along the coasts in 1642. The old Zealand is a

    province of this nation.

    A: The Netherlands

    Q: What radio program began in 1925 as the WSM Barn Dance, making it the longestrunning radio show in the US? In 1927, the name changed to the current one and has

    been produced in Nashville since its inception.

    A: the Grand Ole Opry

    Q: The Saturday Night Massacre, which involved the firing of Archibald Cox occurred inconnection with what presidential scandal? This Scandal was named for a WashingtonD.C. hotel where a burglary occurred.

    A: Watergate

    Q: The 1998 agreement between the Irish and British governments bears the name of whatcity, in which it was signed? This is the capital of Northern Ireland.

    A: Belfast

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    Q: What citys subway system was attacked in 1995 when cult members released sarin gasinto cars?

    A: Tokyo

    Q: In what country did the Dreyfus Affair occur in the late 19 th century?

    A: France

    Q: On January 12, 1991, the United States Congress passed a resolution authorizing the useof military force to liberate what nation?

    A: Kuwait

    Q: In 509 BC, what city state was declared a republic? It eventually became an empire

    under the rule of Augustus.A: Rome

    Q: The Meiji Restoration succeeded the Tokugawa Shogunate as rulers of what nation?

    A: Japan

    Q: The Roman provinces of Achaea and Macedonia were situated in what modern nation?

    A: Greece

    Q: What city held the famous war crimes trials of Nazi officials from 1945 to 1949?

    A: Nuremburg

    Q: Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto may be best known for planning the attack on whatHawaiian location?

    A: Pearl Harbor

    Q: Abraham Lincoln was born in what state?

    A: Kentucky

    Q: Golda Meir served as Prime Minister of what nation?

    A: Israel

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    Q: Which military commander used elephants as weapons against the armies of Rome in thesecond Punic War?

    A: Hannibal

    Q: Who was the only United States president to nominate a sibling for his cabinet?

    A: John Kennedy

    Q: What political leader left Russia in 1907 to found his newspaper, The Proletarian?Later he became the first Premier of the Soviet Union.

    A: Vladimir Lenin

    Q: Who was the seventh president of the United States?

    A: Andrew Jackson

    Q: Who is credited with turning the colony of Virginia into a profitable venture by initiatingthe cultivation of tobacco? This settler also married Pocahontas.

    A: John Rolfe

    Q: Marcus Junius Brutus was one of the men who conspired to assassinate what world leader in 44 BC?

    A: Julius Caesar

    Q: What presidents social policies were known collectively as the Great Society?

    A: Lyndon Johnson

    Q: By what other royal name is Mary Stuart, daughter of James V of Scotland, popularlyknown?

    A: Mary, Queen of Scots

    Q: Who was the eighth president of the United States?

    A: Martin van Buren

    Q: Yuir Andropov succeeded which man as Soviet Premier?

    A: Leonid Brezhnev

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    Q: After being found guilty of treason by the National Convention, what French king wasguillotined in 1793?

    A: King Louis XVI

    Q: What American woman led the fight to reform care for the mentally ill in the 19 th century?

    A: Dorothea Dix

    Q: Who was shot outside the Dakota apartments in New York by Mark David Chapman onDecember 8, 1980?

    A: John Lennon

    Q: Who was proclaimed the 125th

    Emperor of Japan in 1990?A: Akihito

    Q: Who founded the Mongol Empire in 1206?

    A: Genghis Khan

    Q: Guam, Puerto Rico, and Hawaii became United States possessions during whose presidency?

    A: William McKinley

    Q: Who was the Prime Minister of the Russian Provisional Government just before theBolsheviks and Lenin came to power in 1917?

    A: Alexander Kerensky

    Q: Which United States President had three different Vice Presidents serve during his terms?

    A: Franklin Roosevelt

    Q: What monarch celebrated her Golden Jubilee in 2002? Unlike the Silver Jubilee in 1977,the Sex Pistols did not charter a boat on the Thames to blast God Save the Queen at theshore.

    A: Elisabeth II

    Q: Who served as the nineteenth President of the United States?

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    A: Rutherford B. HayesQ: Whose presidency was termed The Era of Good Feelings? It was during his term the

    policy of European non-interference in the Americas was stated.

    A: James Monroe

    Q: What noted abolitionist edited the newspaper Genius of Universal Emancipation withBenjamin Lundy? He is far better known as the publisher of The Liberator.

    A: William Lloyd Garrison

    Q: Identify one of the two men who signed the 1939 non-aggression pact between NaziGermany and the Soviet Union. Both men were their countrys foreign ministers and the

    pact held until the Germans began Operation Barbarossa in 1941.

    A: Vyacheslav Molotov or Joachim von Ribbentrop

    Q: What monarch reigned as King of England and Lord of Ireland from 22 April 1509 untilhis death on January 31, 1574? Though his accomplishments included the unification of Welsh and English law, he is probably best remembered for his six wives.

    A: Henry VIII

    Q: Arthur Wellesley was the first holder of what British dukedom? Wellesleys greatestachievement was the defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo.

    A: Wellington

    Q: What man assumed control of all war industries in Germany in January, 1940? Thisofficial escaped death by hanging at Nuremburg by poisoning himself with a cyanidecapsule.

    A: Hermann Gring

    Q: What American statesman and organizer of the Boston Tea Party articulated many of the principles of republicanism that formed the basis of 18 th Century American politics?

    A: Samuel Adams

    Q: Who started the De Beers Mining Company in 1888? He also served in the SouthAfrican government and the territory of what is now Zimbabwe and Zambia was namedfor him.

    A: Cecil Rhodes

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    Q: What British statesman coined the term Iron Curtin?

    A: Winston Churchill

    Q: Who was the 34th

    vice president of the United States? He took office in January, 1945,and three months later became the 33 rd president.

    A: Harry Truman

    Q: Which U.S. Admiral gas been called the father of the nuclear navy? His efforts led tothe creation of the first nuclear powered submarine, U.S.S. Nautilus .

    A: Hyman Rickover

    Q: Which Babylonians legal code was discovered in Iran in 1901?

    A: Hammurabi

    Q: Who was elected Prime Minister of France in 1986? He then served as the FrenchPresident after his terms as Prime Minister.

    A: Jacques Chirac

    Q: In 1894, who succeeded Czar Alexander III of Russia? He was deposed in 1917.

    A: Nicholas II

    Q: Whos touring Wild West Show was a top draw in the late 19 th century? At times,Annie Oakley and Sitting Bull both appeared as part of the show.

    A: Buffalo Bill (William Cody)

    Q: Which French king approved a law in 1785 stating that handkerchiefs had to be square?This law apparently had no bearing on the decision to guillotine him eight years later.

    A: Louis XVI

    Q: What Prime Minister of India began her first term in 1966? She served continuouslyuntil 1977, then returned to the office in 1980 and served until her 1984 assassination.

    A: Indira Ghandi

    Q: The Battle of Jutland took place during what war? The navies of the United Kingdomand Germany were the principal combatants in this 1916 battle.

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    A: World War IQ: What was the name of the Polish trade union federation founded in 1980 to protest

    conditions imposed by the communists? Lech Walesa was one of the early leaders.

    A: Solidarity

    Q: In what year did Cornwallis surrender to Washington following the Battle of Yorktown?

    A: 1981

    Q: What religion was founded in 1827, when Joseph Smith announced that he had receivedgolden plates from an angel?

    A: Mormonism

    Q: What famous march began on November 15, 1864? Creating a swathe of destruction, the

    roops stopped after capturing Savannah, Georgia.A: Shermans March to the Sea

    Q: By what other name is the 1862 Battle of Pittsburg Landing known?

    A: Battle of Shiloh

    Q: The following events occurred in January of what year: the TV mini-series Rootsebuted; Gary Gilmore was executed by firing squad in Utah; President Ford pardonedTokyo Rose; President Carter pardoned Vietnam draft evaders.

    A: 1977

    Q: What was the name of the group of 20,000 World War I veterans who camped inWashington, D.C in 1932 and demonstrated for immediate payment of certificates for \their wartime service? The use of the military to forcibly remove the veterans caused anoutcry.

    A: Bonus Army or Bonus March

    Q: What treaty was signed to end the Mexican-American War? Mexico ceded over 500,000acres to the United States which made up a large portion of the modern AmericanSouthwest.

    A: Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Q: What was the name of the German rotor-based encryption machine erroneouslyconsidered unbreakable by the Nazi military?

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    A: EnigmaQ: What key event in American history occurred on March 5, 1770? The incident began

    when a wigmakerss apprentice accused a British officer of not paying his bill. It endedwith the shooting of five civilians by British troops.

    A: Boston Massacre

    Q: In what decade did the following events occur: Jean-Pierre Blanchard and AmericanJohn Jeffries traveled from Dover to Calais in a hydrogen balloon, becoming the first tocross the English Channel by air; William Herschel discovered Titania and Oberon, twomoons of Uranus; Britain recognizes the independence of the United States?

    A: 1780s

    Q: what was the name of the first nuclear-powered submarine, launched in 1954?

    A: (USS) NautilusQ: Archduke Franz Ferdinand, whose assassination sparked World War I, would have ruled

    what empire?

    A: Austro-Hungarian

    Q: In what year did the United States Constitution take effect?

    A: 1789

    Q: What slab of stone inscribed with a royal decree from 196 BC was uncovered by Frenchtroops in 1799? It has been in the possession of the British Museum since it was forfeitedto the British in 1801.

    A: the Rosetta Stone

    Q: What was the margin of victory for Andrew Johnson in his 1868 impeachment trial?

    A: One

    Q: What was the original name for the holiday now known as Veterans Day?

    A: Armistice Day

    Q: How many wives did Henry VIII have?

    A: 6

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    Q: What office did Millard Fillmore hold immediately before becoming President of theUnited States?

    A: Vice President

    Q: What is the term for the land route taken by merchants between northern China andVenice, Italy in ancient times? There was also a sea route given the same name.

    A: the Silk Road

    Q: What two words are used to describe the state of the American Great Plains in the early1930s? The condition was a result of a prolonged drought.

    A: Dust Bowl

    Q: What royal house opposed the House of Lancaster in the English Wars of the Roses?A: York

    Q: How many Crusades were there?

    A: 8

  • 8/14/2019 Varsity Social Sciences Questions-History


    Q: Identify these military operations of World War II:

    1. Allied operation to take German held bridges in the Netherlands in September 1944. It failed at the end because the last bridge was not held by the allies.

    2. Allied operation to invade the coast of Normandy in June 1944.

    3. German operation to invade the Soviet Union in June 1942.4. Allied operation to invade French North Africa in November 1942.

    1. Operation Market Garden2. Operation Overlord3. Operation Barbarossa4. Operation Torch

    Q: Identify the following about events of World War II

    1. Which battle resulted in the destruction of an ancient Italian monastery which the

    Allied troops assumed was occupied by the Germans?2. What was the name given to the French government which collaborated with theGermans?

    3. Babi-Yar was the site of a mass murder of Jews in what country?4. What battle between the Russians and Germans still remains the largest armored

    engagement of all time?

    1. Battle of Monte Cassino2. Vichy3. Soviet Union4. Battle of Kursk

    Q: Answer the following about locations in the Pacific theatre of World War II:

    1. What Philippine peninsula on Luzon was a major defeat for the United States andresulted in a death march?

    2. The island fortress of Correigidor was located in what Philippine bay?3. What May 1942 battle was the first ever fought in which neither, the Japanese nor

    the American fleet came within sight of each other? It was completely waged by planes.

    4. What battle in the Solomon Islands was the first major American amphibiousoperation in the Pacific?

    1. Bataan2. Manila Bay3. Battle of the Coral Sea4. Guadalcanal

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    Q: Answer the following about World War I:

    1. What country did Germany invade in 1914, despite declaring war on France andRussia?

    2. What two countries sent troops called Anzacs?

    3. In what year did the US enter the war?4. On what day in 1918 did the Allies sign the armistice with Austria-Hungary?5. What unarmed British ship was torpedoed by Germany in 1915?6. What famous naval battle occurred in the North Sea in 1916?7. What name did the British Royal family adopt to replace their German family


    1. Belgium2. Australia and New Zealand3. 19174. November 3

    5. Lusitania6. Jutland7. Windsor

    Q: Answer the following about the beginning of World War II:

    1. What British Prime Minister met with Hitler in 1938?2. What region of Czechoslovakia was occupied by Germany in 1938?3. British forces are evacuated from which French port in 1939?4. The British Royal Navy sank which countrys fleet in 1940?

    1. Neville Chamberlain2. the Sundetenland3. Dunkirk 4. French

    Q: What were the first four nations to break away from the Soviet Union in 1991?

    1. Latvia2. Lithuania3. Estonia4. Georgia

  • 8/14/2019 Varsity Social Sciences Questions-History


    Q: Answer the following about the American Revolution:

    1. On what hill did most of the action in the Battle of Bunker Hill take place?2. Benedict Arnold planned to betray what American location?3. What black man was killed during the Boston Massacre?

    4. Who commanded the ship Bonhomme Richard ?

    1. Breeds Hill2. West Point3. Crispus Attucks4. John Paul Jones

    Q: Answer the following about the Crimean War:

    1. - 2. Identify two of the four nations allied against Russia.3. What Black Sea port city was the site of a major siege by the allies from

    1854-1855?4. Who led the Charge of the Light Brigade at the Battle of Balaklava?

    1. - 2. Great Britain, France, the Ottoman Empire, Sardinia3. Sevastopol4. Lord Cardigan

    Q: Identify the Vice-President in office for each of these events:

    1. The first Gulf War 2. Start of the Iran hostage crisis3. Arrival of the former Iranian hostages back in the United States4. Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

    1. Dan Quayle2. Walter Mondale3. George H.W. Bush4. Henry Wallace

    Q: Identify the second-place finishers in the Electoral College presidential votes of these years:

    1. 2005 1. John Kerry2. 2001 2. Al Gore3. 1997 3. Bob Dole4. 1993 4. George H.W. Bush5. 1985 5. Walter Mondale6. 1977 6. Gerald Ford

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    Q: Identify the Presidents in office for each of these events:

    1. Creation of the Social Security system.2. Spanish-American War.3. Space Shuttle Challenger disaster.

    4. End of post-Civil War reconstruction.5. Tennessee readmitted to the Union.6. Sherman Anti-Trust Act takes effect.7. Creation of the Peace Corps.8. NAFTA takes effect

    1. Franklin Roosevelt2. William McKinley3. Ronald Reagan4. Rutherford B. Hayes5. Andrew Johnson

    6. Benjamin Harrison7. John Kennedy8. Bill Clinton

    Q: Identify the following about the French Revolution:

    1. On what date in 1789 was the Bastille Seized?2. Which revolutionary was known as The Incorruptible?3. The Committee of Public Safety served as the government during what period?4. Who staged a coup in 1799 which signaled the end of the republican phase of the


    1. July 142. Maximilian Robespierre3. the Reign of Terror 4. Napoleon Bonaparte

    Q: Answer the following about the French monarchy:

    1. Who was the second Carolingian ruler of the Franks; he was given the epithet"The Great"?

    2. Who was the first emperor of France?3. Which king was executed in 1792?4. Who was the last emperor of France? He was deposed in 1870.

    1. Charlemagne2. Napoleon3. Louis XVI4. Napoleon III

  • 8/14/2019 Varsity Social Sciences Questions-History


    Q: Identify these English monarchs:

    1. King whose death and subsequent squabbles over the throne led to the Normaninvasion.

    2. Succeeded his brother, Richard the Lionhearted; often viewed as one of the worst

    monarchs.3. Founded the Church of England after splitting with Rome.4. Abdicated to marry Wallis Simpson.

    1. Edward the Confessor 2. John3. Henry VIII4. Edward VIII

    Q: Answer the following about Richard Nixon:

    1. Who was his first vice president?2. In what state did he lose the election for Governor in 1962?3. Which president pardoned him for any wrongdoing in the Watergate cover-up?4. He was vice president under what president?

    1. Spiro Agnew2. California3. Gerald Ford4. Dwight Eisenhower

    Q: Identify the immediate predecessors to each of these Presidents:

    1. Franklin Roosevelt 1. Herbert Hoover 2. Benjamin Harrison 2. Grover Cleveland3. William McKinley 3. Grover Cleveland4. John Tyler 4. William Henry Harrison

    Q: Identify these 19 th Century historical figures:

    1. Who founded the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama?2. What conductor spent the latter portion of her life building and funding a

    nursing home for older, homeless freed slaves?3. Who lectured throughout the US and England on the brutality and immorality of

    slavery and published North Star ?4. What abolitionist published The Liberator ?

    1. Booker T. Washington2. Harriet Tubman3. Frederick Douglass4. William Lloyd Garrison

  • 8/14/2019 Varsity Social Sciences Questions-History


    Q: Answer the following regarding the English Civil War:

    1. Who was the king at the time of the civil war?2. What name was given to the kings supporters?3. What Puritan leader became Lord Protector?

    4. What was the name of the party that supported him?

    1. Charles I2. Royalists or Cavaliers3. Oliver Cromwell4. Roundheads

    Q: Identify the following Civil War commanders:

    1. The commander of the southern troops that besieged Fort Sumter in 1861.2. The Union commander during the battle of Gettysburg.

    3. The commander of the Army of the Potomac who later ran against Lincoln in theelection of 1864.4. Name the man who replaced the answer to number 3.5. Confederate Calvary commander who was killed at Yellow Tavern6. Union general nicknamed fightin Joe.7. Union colonel who commanded the all-black Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry.8. Confederate general who surrendered at Appomattox Courthouse with

    Robert E. Lee.

    1. P.G.T. Beauregard2. George Meade3. George McClellan4. Ambrose Burnside5. J.E.B. Stuart6. Joe Hooker 7. Robert Gould Shaw8. James Longstreet

    Q: Identify the four nations that formed the Quadruple Alliance of 1718:

    1. Great Britain.2. France.3. The Netherlands (Holland).4. Austria.

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    Q: Identify the country which was ruled by these dynasties:

    1. Capet 1. France2. Bruce 2. Scotland3. Plantagenet 3. England

    4. Jagiellon 4. Poland

    Q: Identify the nation from these past or current leaders:

    1. P.W. Botha, Willem de Klerk, and Nelson Mandela.2. Olaf Palme and Ingvar Carlsson.3. David Ben Gurion, Itzhak Rabin, Menachem Begin, Shimon Peres4. Stanley Baldwin, Anthony Eton, Tony Blair, William Pitt, Harold Macmillan5. Helmut Kohl, Angela Merkel, Willy Brandt6. Mary McAleese, Mary Robinson7. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, Corazon Aquino

    8. Roh Moo-hyun, Kim Dae-jung, Lee Hae-Chan, Roh Tae-Woo1. South Africa2. Sweden3. Israel4. United Kingdom or Great Britain5. Germany6. Ireland7. Philippines8. South Korea

    Q: Identify these explorers:

    1. Dutch explorer who reached New Zealand in 1642.2. Norwegian explorer who reached the coast of what is now Canada in about 1000.3. English explorer who circumnavigated the globe in 1580.4. Portuguese explorer who reached Brazil in 1500.

    1. Abel Tasman2. Leif Eriksson3. Francis Drake4. Pedro Cabral

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    Q: Identify these explorers:

    1. Circumnavigated the globe and confronted the Armada.2. Killed by Hawaiian islanders while sailing from Tahiti on a search for the

    Northwest Passage.

    3. Discovered the sea route to the East Indies.4. Commanded the ships Gabriel and Michael while seeking the Northwest Passagefor England.

    1. Francis Drake2. James Cook 3. Vasco da Gama4. Martin Frobisher

    Q: Give the first names of these Spanish explorers:

    1. Cortez 1. Hernando2. Coronado 2. Francisco3. DeSoto 3. Hernando4. de Leon 4. Ponce

    Q: Identify the explorer who commanded the following ships:

    1. Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria2. Hopewell, Half Moon, Discovery3. Endeavour, Resolution, Adventure, Discovery4. Roosevelt

    1. Christopher Columbus2. Henry Hudson3. James Cook 4. Robert E. Peary

    Q: Identify the explorer from a ship he commanded:

    1. HMS Resolution2. Half Moon3. Endurance4. Matthew

    1. James Cook 2. Henry Hudson3. Ernest Shackleton4. John Cabot

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    Q: Following World War I, what nations made up The Big Four which dictated the termsof peace in the Treaty of Versailles?

    1. United Kingdom.2. United States.

    3. France.4. Italy.

    Q: Identify the current nation where these famous battles took place:

    1. The Bulge. 1. Belgium2. Gallipoli. 2. Turkey3. Waterloo. 3. Belgium4. Brunete. 4. Spain

    Q: Identify the modern nation in which the majority of battles in the following wars were

    fought:1. Wars of the Roses. 1. England or the United Kingdom or Great Britain2. Opium Wars. 2. China3. Boer War. 3. South Africa4. Crimean War. 4. Ukraine

    Q: Identify the modern states in which these Revolutionary War battles took place:

    1. Brandywine. 1. Pennsylvania2. Bennington 2. Vermont3. Yorktown 3. Virginia4. Germantown 4. Pennsylvania5. Breed's Hill 5. Massachusetts6. Cowpens 6. South Carolina7. Vincennes 7. Indiana

    Q: Identify the American wars in which these battles took place:

    1. Midway 1. World War II2. Shiloh 2. Civil War 3. Vincennes 3. Revolutionary4. Wolmi Island 4. Korean War 5. Leyte Gulf 5. World War II6. Petersburg 6. Civil War 7. Brandywine 7. Revolutionary8. Inchon 8. Korean War

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    Q: Identify the states from which these tribes were relocated to Oklahoma as a result of theIndian Removal Act of 1830:

    1. Seminole 1. Florida2. Cherokee 2. Georgia

    3. Choctaw 3. Mississippi4. Creek 4. Alabama

    Q: Give the state of birth for the following U. S. presidents

    1. Ronald Reagan 1. Illinois2. William McKinley 2. Ohio3. George Bush 3. Massachusetts4. James Madison 4. Virginia

    Q: Identify these famous Smiths:

    1. Founder of the Mormon Church.2. Founder of Jamestown3. St. Louis Cardinals Hall of Fame shortstop4. Statesman beaten by Herbert Hoover in the 1928 Presidential election.

    1. Joseph Smith2. John Smith3. Ozzie Smith4. Al Smith

    Q: Identify these Freds and Fredericks:

    1. King of Prussia from 1740 to 1748.2. German Barque composer who composed The Messiah .3. Lead singer of Queen?4. Host of a PBS childrens series from 1968 to 2001.

    1. Frederick the Great or Frederick II2. George Frederic Handel3. Freddie Mercury or Farok Bulsara4. Fred Rogers

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    Q: Identify these Jacksons:

    1. Left fielder for the Chicago White Sox in 1919?2. Instructor at the Virginia Military Academy and later served as an officer for the


    3. United States Supreme Court Justice and chief United States Prosecutor at the Nuremberg trials?4. Baseball player known as Mr. October?

    1. Joseph (Shoeless Joe) Jackson2. Thomas (Stonewall) Jackson3. Robert Jackson4. Reggie Jackson

    Q: Identify these Kennedys:

    1. Author of Profiles in Courage.2. Served as a Senator from New York from 1962-1968.3. Serves as a Senator from Massachusetts.4. Father of the answers to parts 1 through 3.

    1. John2. Robert3. Edward (or Ted)4. Joseph

    Q: Identify any four of the seven British monarchs from the House of Stuart.

    James ICharles ICharles IIJames IIMary IIWilliam IIIAnne

    Q: Four monarchs reigned over Britain in the 19th century. Identify them:

    1. George III2. George IV3. William IV4. Victoria

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    Q: Answer the following about Mao Zedong:

    1. What country did he rule?2. What 1958 plan was intended to be an alternative model for economic growth

    compared to the Soviet use of heavy industry?3. Who was the first United States President to visit him?4. Within two years, in what year did he die?

    1. China2. Great Leap Forward3. Richard Nixon4. 1976 (accept anything from 1974-1978)

    Q: Identify these Thomases:

    1. Second African-American to serve on the Supreme Court.2. Current president of basketball operations of the Knicks and a Hall-of-Famer for the Pistons.

    3. Founder of Wendys Old Fashioned Hamburgers.4. Welsh poet and writer of Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night.

    1. Clarence Thomas2. Isaiah Thomas3. Dave Thomas4. Dylan Thomas

    Q: Identify the last four dynasties of China, order is not important:

    1. Song or Sung2. Yuan3. Ming4. Ching or Manchu

    Q: Identify these ancient Egyptian rulers:

    1. This female pharaoh ruled as a man - even wearing a false beard.2. The Jews were oppressed and finally left Egypt under the rule of this pharaoh.4. This woman was the last Greek ruler of Egypt.5. The Greek ruler of Egypt after Alexander the Great

    1. Hatshepsut2. Ramses II3. Cleopatra4. Ptolemy

  • 8/14/2019 Varsity Social Sciences Questions-History


    Q: Identify the centuries in which these events took place:

    1. Leonardo da Vinci paints the Mona Lisa.2. Thomas Beckett is murdered at Canterbury.3. Spanish missions are established in California.

    4. Attila the Hun conquers much of Europe.

    1. 16 th (1500s)2. 12 th (1100s)3. 18 th (1700s)4. 5 th (500s)

    Q: Answer the following about the Iran hostage crisis:

    1. In what year were the hostages taken?2. Who effectively ruled Iran through this period?

    3. How many days were the captives held?4. What other important event in the United States history occurred the day the lasthostages were released?

    1. 19792. Ayatollah Khomeini3. 4444. Inauguration of Ronald Reagan

    Q: Answer the following about the Rwandan genocide of the 1990s:

    1. and 2. What two ethnic groups fought each other during the genocide?3. To the nearest hundred thousand, how many Rwandans died during the

    genocide and the subsequent civil war?4. What international body was on the ground at the start of the genocide but

    could not generate international support for direct intervention?

    1. and 2. Hutus and Tutsis3. 800,000 (700,000 900,000)4. United Nations

  • 8/14/2019 Varsity Social Sciences Questions-History


    Q: Answer the following about events between 1400 and 1450:

    1. What French heroine was born in 1412?2. What city became the capital of Denmark in 1445?3. Cosimo de Medici became the ruler of which Italian city in 1434?

    4. Henry V of England defeated the French at what battle after taking Harfleur in1415?

    1. Joan of Arc2. Copenhagen3. Florence4. Agincourt

    Q: Identify these events from the 1550s:

    1. Bartolomeo Eustachi made important discoveries concerning which sensory

    organ?2. Which Holy Roman Emperor abdicated in 1556 leaving the Holy Empire to her brother Ferdinand?

    3. What Asian colony was established by Portugal in 1557?4. Akbar the Great became the Emperor of what country?

    1. ear 2. Lady Jane Grey3. Macau4. India

    Q: Answer the following about events of 1860:

    1. The Discovery of what planet was announced in Paris? It was later retracted.2. What delivery system made its first run from St. Joseph, Missouri to Sacramento?3. Who was elected vice president of the United States?4. What college was founded in Rock Island, Illinois?

    1. Vulcan2. Pony express3. Hannibal Hamlin4. Augustana

  • 8/14/2019 Varsity Social Sciences Questions-History


    Q: Answer the following about events of 1880:

    1. Construction began on what major waterway?2. The streets in which American city were illuminated by electric lights?3. Who performed the first test of an electric railway in Menlo Park, New Jersey?

    4. Who was elected President of the U.S.?

    1. Panama Canal2. New York 3. Thomas Edison4. James A Garfield

    Q: Answer the following about events of 1892:

    1. Immigrants began passing through what New York Island?2. James Naismith first published the rules of what sport?

    3. What company was formed by the merger of the Thomson-Houston Company andthe Edison General Electric Company?4. Whos family was found murdered in Fall river, Massachusetts? She was latter

    acquitted of the double axe murder.

    1. Ellis Island2. Basketball3. General Electric (GE)4. Lizzie Borden

    Q: Answer the following about events that occurred in 1916:

    1. Who became the first woman elected to the U.S. House of Representatives?2. Albert Einstein completed work on what theory?3. Pancho Villa continued to evade what American General?4. The battle of Verdun took place in what nation?

    1. Jeannette Rankin2. General Theory of Relativity3. John Pershing4. France

  • 8/14/2019 Varsity Social Sciences Questions-History


    Q: Identify these people in the news of 1911:

    1. What future Prime Minister was appointed First Lord of the Admiralty?2. Who won the Noble Prize in Chemistry?3. Who wrote The Innocence of Father Brown ?

    4. Whose expedition reached the South Pole?

    1. Winston Churchill2. Marie Curie3. G.K. Chesterton4. Roald Amundsen

    Q: Answer the following about events that occurred in 1919:

    1. Which United States constitutional amendment took effect on January 16?2. What American President suffered a stroke and was partially paralyzed?

    3. A general strike began in the Ruhr area of what country?4. The Weimar Constitution became the supreme law of what nation?

    1. 18 th or Prohibition2. Woodrow Wilson3. Germany4. Germany

    Q: Answer the following about events of 1925:

    1. Adolf Hitler published volume one of what book?2. The former Scandinavian capital of Christiania was renamed what?3. The third incarnation of which New York City landmark opened?4. Who transmitted recognizable human features by television?

    1. Mein Kampf 2. Oslo3. Madison Square Graden4. John Logie Baird

  • 8/14/2019 Varsity Social Sciences Questions-History


    Q: Answer the following about events of 1928:

    1. 14 people drowned in flooding of what London river?2. Who became the first woman to successfully pilot an aircraft across the Atlantic?3. Who did Herbert Hoover defeat in the U.S. Presidential election?

    4. Congress approved the construction of what dam on the Colorado River?

    1. Thames2. Amelia Earhart3. Al Smith4. Hoover or Boulder

    Q: Answer the following about events that occurred in 1964:

    1. Who replaced Khruschev as General Secretary of the Communist Party in theSoviet Union?

    2. Who lost the United States Presidential election?3. Yasser Arifat became the leader of what guerrilla force?4. What investigative commission reported that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone?5. Who won the United States Presidential election?

    1. Leoned Brezhnev2. Barry Goldwater 3. Al-Fatah4. Warren Commission5. Lyndon Johnson

    Q: Answer the following about events of 1966:

    1. Charles DeGaulle was inaugurated for a second term as president of what nation?2. A 48-hour Christmas truce temporarily suspended war in what nation?3. What woman became Prime Minister of India?4. Andrei Gromyko became the first Soviet official to meet the leader of what state?

    1. France2. Vietnam3. Indira Ghandi4. Vatican City

  • 8/14/2019 Varsity Social Sciences Questions-History


    Q: Answer the following about events that occurred in 1967:

    1. What NFL team won the first Super Bowl?2. Albert DeSalvo, the "strangler" of what city was sentenced to life in prison?3. What United States President signed the Consular Treaty?

    4. What nation tested its first hydrogen bomb?

    1. Green Bay Packers2. Boston3. Lyndon Johnson4. People's Republic of China

    Q Answer the following about events of 1973.

    1. What New York building officially opened in April? It is no longer standing2. Who defeated Bobby Riggs in the Battle of the Sexes tennis match?

    3. Who declared that he was not a crook to a group of newspaper editors?4. What band released the album Dark Side of the Moon ?

    1. World Trade Center 2. Billy Jean King3. Richard Nixon4. Pink Floyd

    Q: Answer these questions concerning events of 1979:

    1. The state of Ohio reached a settlement with the families of victims of the 1970shootings at what university?

    2. What leaders regime collapsed in Cambodia?3. The Sandinistas took control of what nation?4. Who became the de-facto ruler of Iran in February of 1979?

    1. Kent State2. Pol Pot3. Nicaragua4. Ayatollah Khomeini

  • 8/14/2019 Varsity Social Sciences Questions-History


    Q: Answer the following about events of 1985:

    1. Eduard Shevardnadze became Foreign Secretary of what nation?2. Andrei Gromyko became President of what nation?

    3. President Reagan announced limited sanctions against what nation over its policyof apartheid?4. Daniel Ortega became President of what nation?

    1. Soviet Union2. Soviet Union3. South Africa4. Nicaragua

    Q: Answer these questions concerning events of 1988:

    1. What Middle Eastern war ended on August 20?2. The Olympic Games were held in what nation?3. Benazir Bhutto was elected Prime Minister of what nation?4. What Vice Admiral was indicted along with Oliver North in the Iran-Contra


    1. Iran-Iraq War 2. South Korea3. Pakistan4. John Poindexter

    Q: Answer these questions concerning events of 1989:

    1. Pro-democracy students occupied what square in Beijing?2. What American Lieutenant Colonel was convicted of crimes associated with the

    Iran-Contra affair?3. David Dinkins became the first African-American mayor of what city?4. NASA launched the Galileo probe to what planet?

    1. Tiananmen2. Oliver North3. New York 4. Jupiter

  • 8/14/2019 Varsity Social Sciences Questions-History


    Q: Answer the following about events that occurred in 1990:

    1. What former Panamanian dictator surrendered to American forces on January 3?2. What South African president promised to free Nelson Mandela on February 2?3. On April 7, John Poindexter was found guilty of five charges for his part in what

    scandal?4. What Soviet leader was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?

    1. Manuel Noriega2. F.W. de Klerk 3. Iran-Contra4. Mikhail Gorbachev

    Q: Answer the following about the events of 1999:

    1. What currency was introduced on January 1?

    2. Whose notable acquittal occurred on February 12?3. Who won the Tour de France?4. What company was declared to have monopoly power by Judge Thomas

    Penfield Jackson?

    1. Euro2. Bill Clinton3. Lance Armstrong4. Microsoft

    Q: Answer the following about the events of 2000:

    1. Who was nominated for a fourth term as Federal Reserve Chairman?2. Tarja Halonen was elected the first female president of what nation?3. What Russian submarine sank, killing the 118 submariners on board?4. What United States ship was badly damaged by two suicide bombers in Aden,


    1. Alan Greenspan2. Finland3. Kursk 4. USS Cole

  • 8/14/2019 Varsity Social Sciences Questions-History


    Q: Answer the following about the beginning of the 20 th century:

    1. The United States acquired control of what waterway in 1902?2. In 1903, the Entente Cordiale was established between what two countries?3. Richard Steiff first designed what toys in 1903?

    4. Who won the 1904 United States presidential election?

    1. Panama Canal2. Great Britain and France3. teddy bears4. Theodore Roosevelt
