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Vaughan Superior

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7/25/2019 Vaughan Superior http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/vaughan-superior 1/37 Vaughan Superior 1. T-33 Comparaciones Canada / Spain Menos que ... / No tantos como ... There are few provinces in Canada than in Spain There isn’t as much snow in Spain as in Canada There isn’t as many oilwheel in Canada as in Spain 1
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Vaughan Superior 

1. T-33 Comparaciones

Canada / Spain

Menos que ... / No tantos como ...

There are few provinces in Canada than in Spain

There isn’t as much snow in Spain as in Canada

There isn’t as many oilwheel in Canada as in Spain


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2. T-34 Fechas / I used to ...


La uerra empe!" en ... y termino en ...

Cesar naci" en el a#o ... y muri" en el a#o ...

$hen was Napoleon %orn&

$hat year was el 'ui(ote first pu%lished&

2.- I !SE" T# ... $TES H#%

) used to ... alo que sol*a hacer pero que ya no es

+elipe ,on!-le! used to %e the most powerfull politician %ut not anymore.

+elipe didnt used to wear a tie %ut now he does

3.- V#C&!'%(

to lenthen alarar  outoin e0trovertido%lend me!cla physician  medico

napin servilleta

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3. T-3)

1.- %EVIE* !SE" T# / FECHS

2e used to %e a fith richt

2e used to %e handsome

3id you use to lie artichoes&3id he use to read the newspaper&3id you use to have reen hair&3id your hair use to %e reen&

2.- "#$+T ,ET C%%IE" *(. HE IS$T $#T THT T''

4epe es tan alto que puede encestar sin saltar. no es tan alto

2e is not that tall.

3.- V#C&!'%(

4artner socio4alm tree palmera4ace ritmo4hase fase4erseerin perseverante

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4. T 3

todos los dias day %y day day after day da0 in da0 out every sinle day

she is drivin me cra!y / nut / insane / up the wall

on top of that she doesn’t care

1.- %E*IEV

) used to %e ...

5nlish is difficult %ut is not that difficult

2.- "I%ECT $" I$"I%ECT SEECH

2.1.- "I%ECT IE%TIV#

6ohn 7eenedy said8 9 don’t as what your country can do for you as what youcan do for your country.:

4epe told me / said to me8 if you leave you will losse this (o%

2.2.- I$"I%ECT %E#%TE" SEECH IE%TIV#

2.3.- IT IS H%" F#% E $#T T# "# / I C$+T HE' "#I$,

it is hard not to smilethey decided not to invadethey made a decision not to) cant help fallin in love with youit’s hard not to eat too much ...

2.4.- THE( "ECI"E"

3.- V#C&!'%(

to illustrate ilustrar  to in(ure lesionar  

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to imply insinuar to o wal dar un paseoto demonstrate demostrar 

4.- %!$$$I$, #!T #F

don’ t you reme%er me to you ..) didn’t remem%er to swicht

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). Tema-35

1.- %E*IEV

2.- V#C&!'%(

all the timeto idnap secuestrar  item conceptoto leave out omitir to appreciate aradecer  

3.- %EE&E% 6 I$F / %EE&E% 6 I$,

) remem%er meetin you a few mounths ao) remem%er to %uy a present for my wife

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. T-37

1.- %EVIE*

2.- V#C&!'%(

simpathy compasi"nas aue medidor de asolinatrun / %oot ;%r< maleteroto leave out omitir to apreciate aradecer  


3.1.- &C / &CE &EF#%E C%IST / &EF#%E THE C#!$ E%

6ulius Cesar was %orn in 1== %c and was assesinated in >> %c.

3.2.- " $# "#I$I

4.- !SE" T# I$F / I !SE" T# "#I$, STH

) used to et up early

) am used to ettin up early / ) am accustomed to ettin up early

).- V#C!'%(

convenience convenienciatownhouse adosadomilddelihtful encantador  

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5. T-38

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8. T-37

19. T-38

11. T-49

1.- %E*IE"

1.1.- C#ST!&%%SE ' VI" "E CS"#.

un marido solo le gusta la comida de su madre

marido que aprieta la pasta de dientes por el medio

otro) didn?t mind it ain?t no pro%lem it was on the conformist %asically ) don?t reallycare for me it?s not a %i pro%lem if ) don?t lie food if it?s the only food )?ll eat it so

) don?t really care and then ettin used to Spanish women ) too me a year toet used to the style in Spanish women ) didn?t lie it in the %einnin %ut stillonly download Spanish women with no pro%lem no pro%lem oay honey it wasdifferent the first date ) had in Spain with a Spanish woman who maes them inyour face too many of them ) didn?t understand ) didn?t understand her at all and )ased him could you repeat please could you repeat more slowly please and of course she said no pro%lem she repeated %ut in Spain the Spanish lanuae isC?est La @ie and so she said you

)ch ha%e nichts daeen es ist ein 4ro%lem ist es auf der onformistischen war im ,runde nicht wirlich fAr mich mir eal es ist ein roBes 4ro%lem wenn ich5ssen nicht men wenn es das ein!ie Le%ensmittel ist esse ich werde es sodass ich don ?t wirlich interessieren und dann auf Spanisch +rauen ewhnenich mich nahm ein 6ahr in spanischen +rauen um den Stil !u ewhnen ich esnicht am Dnfan efallen hat a%er immer noch nur Spanisch +rauen ein4ro%lem ein 4ro%lem in Erdnun 2oni 3ownload war es anders das erste3atum das ich in Spanien mit einer spanischen +rau hatte die sie in )hrem,esicht macht !u viele von ihnen die ich nicht verstand ich A%erhaupt sie nicht

verstehen und ich frate ihn Sie nnten Sie %itte mehr wiederholen lansamwiederholen nnte %itte und natArlich sate sie ein 4ro%lem wiederholte siea%er in Spanien die spanische Sprache ist C?est La @ie und so sate sie )hnen.

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12. T-41

1.- %EVIE*


2.- ,ET

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13. T-43

1.- ,ET %#!$" T# "#I$,. ''E,% HCE% ',#

) didn’t et around to callin Mss 5vans.

$o: 0ou hae around to it

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14. T-4)

1.- I+" %THE% $#T *E% THIS SHI%T.

2.- I" %THE% $#T (#!/ HE SS

3.- V#C&!'%( $" E;%ESSI#$

from %einin to end from star to finish

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1). T-4

1.- E;%ESI#$ES %EVIE*.

Faise sth / rise

have you added up all the columns

$e sti<< have two left

2ow do you want me to star this letter&

This isn’t (ust any letter. )t’s addred to the president / to a @)4

Sin it on the %ac in the middle.

)f i hadn’t %een for you ) don’t now where ) would %e.

Gefore you leave / Gefore leavin ) want you to tae a loo at this

) want you to tell me the whole story from %einin to end.

$e’re not allowed to used this proramms. They are only for authori!edemployes.

personal pro%lems / personnel pro%lems

$e are not allowed to used them

There’s oin to %e another reorani!ation.

2.- %EVIE*= I *#!'" %THE% (#! "I" IT

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1. T-45

1.- %EVIE*

even if they don’t wan’t

even thouh they don’t

straiht hours / in row / consecutive

deep down she would rather do ...

stic up for me / covered me / %acde me

) can’t comply

2e has the tendency to do that / The economy has a ut trend

)s there anythin to do&

do ) have anythin left to do&

to recruit /recrut/ recrutar  

to ic out echar a patadas

to aravate aravar  

to let down decepcionar a aluien

he tends to call last minit meetins

) can’t complain

)’d rather %e at the %each / I’d rather (that) he weren’t here

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15. T-47

1.- %EVIE*

)t’s clear 

to tye loose ends

to stand out destacar  

ive or tae punto arri%a o a%a(o

to pic on so meterse con aluien

to stic up for so dar la cara por aluien

to an on so meterse con aluien en rupo

2.- $#THE% / #THE%

2.1.- $#THE%

) don’t want this car. ) want another.

he doen’t want his piy %an. 2e wants another one

they didn’t want that lawnmower / %a%y’s rattle cortacesped/ sona(ero

2.2.- #THE%

Some people smoe %ut other people don’t

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17. T-48

ella no quiere ese vestido de lunares.

alunos sillones son c"modos otros no

1.- "IE$SI#$ES ( C#$SI"E%CI#$ES "E !$ IS#

2ow many square meters are there& / has the flat& / plot of land

parcel H paquete

2ow hih is the asin price&

location / floor / comunity spenses

Thins to consider when rentin an apartment.

few square meters has the floor&

where it is located the floor&

that floor is the floor&

that hih are the costs of community&

that entry price as&

3ine !u %eachten wenn eine $ohnun !u mieten.

wenien 'uadratmetern hat das $ort&

wo sie auf den Goden liet

dass Goden ist der Goden&

dass hoch sind die 7osten fAr die ,emeinschaft&

dass 5intrittspreis verlanen&

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2.- F%SES

Can you imaine what this proramm would %e lie without me&

the sooner you spea with her the %etter.

tell me somethin.

there were I== people on hand for the inauurationhave fun and don’t et into trou%le.

that’s the last ) spected from you

what ood does it do to call her now& / $hat’s the point of ...

te de(o para siempre / para la eternidad ) left her for ood / ) loveyou for ever / we will %e toether for ever.

empe!aron mal / they ot off a %ad start

you are fihtin for a lost cause

%ioloysettelthin over %o0office

allman auurio

spea to him / say hello / ood%ye to they / tell me a story

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18. T-)9

1.- IT "EE$"S #$

)t depends.

$hat does it depend on& )t depends on the weather 

$hat does it depends on& )t depends on whether the weather isood or not. The weatherman forecasts rain.

)t depends ;on< where we o

2.- V#C&!'%(

renear crany

to eep trac of mantener un control

) attend your class every other day

impresionante impressive

contrase#a password

invertir to invest

pauta pattern

pensar en vo! alta to thin outloud

insinuar to insinuate

the Canary island

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29. T-)1

$hat is the most prosper country in the $orld&

$hich country is most prosper Spain or +rance&

1.- V#C&!'%(

 Ds a eneral rule ) prefer to leave my people alone

 Ds far as ) now there have %een any chanes

 Ds far ) am concerned you can do what ever you want.

en el me(or de los casos tenemos suficiente dinero para llear amayo Dt %est we have enouh money to et throuh Dpril

to spea / tal at lenh a%out the matter 

$e had the chance /chans/ to spea at lenh a%out this matter 

Jou’ll come %ac emptyhanded you’ll see

$e have to start from schrat aain

)n the lon ride it will finish well

meanwhile / )n the meantime ) want you to do this

En %ehave of the president ) want to e0press my apresiation

pala shovelpecador sinner  to tihten apretar  ataque de nervios nervious %readown

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21. T-)2


) am in chare of the %ussiness

) am the manaer 

)t is worthy to do ti.

They arrived safe and sound

sooner or later you’re oin to have to do it.

) wasn’t %orn in the late K=’s nor in the mid K=’s.

They haven’t crossed the finish line yet /;hiedra</

Jou’ll have to pull some strins) had to resort to treats

to stutter tartamudear  to tease %acilar  to tear rasar /ter/ llorar /tiar/syscraper rascacielosto splitt hair 

you’re oin to mae a illin te vas a forrar  

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22. T-)3

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23. T-)4

1.- S!E>#S I *ISH I "I" /IF #$'( I H"


) wish ) new / nu / Grad 4itt or ,eore Clone

)f only ) had a %etter car ...

)f only it were more cheap

2.- V#C&!'%(

performance actuacionoyster ostraissue temapostpoment apla!amiento to put off  to underrate infravalorar  

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24. T-))

1.- V#C&!'%(

circuit /sercuit/seesaw %alancincan you add up these fiures for me&

Jou are allways in a hurry / in a rush slow downwe’d had quite a few pro%lems with the new sistem

tae advanes of my enerosity / mae the most of my enerosityhe is quite a %it taller than a thouh) may not %e so enerous in the futureas soon as you et to %an call mehe is %y far the %est in the country

relia%le fia%leprior to previo apride orulloproud orullosopraiseworthy dino de eloioto advise aconse(ar  

3on’t you wish you could do that / et invisi%le ...

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2). T-)

1.- %EVIE*

aside from a few pro%lems at the %einnin every thin is runninwell.

he is %y far the %est player in the country

There are quite a few pencil left / there is a %it of water left

your are allways in a hurry

$e had quite a few pro%lems with the new sistem

Its as i? ) had nown him for many years

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2. T-)5

1.- %EVIE*

1.1.- E$#S '

Its a good thing

Its @ust as :e<< that it didn’t rain

)t’s (ust as well that the car stopped in time

1.2.- I '##AI$, F#%*%" T# SEEI$, (#! ,I$

Jes when ) was a ind ) used to loo forward to oin to schol

1.3.- TIE#S

lately continuos

plan ya esta%lecido ) am tain my car to the shop

2.- "% V!E'TS '$ES

te estas planteando / dar vueltas a )’m thinin a%out oin

%ac / studin

se te ocurre / piensa en thin of city where thepeople spea french and erman

) thin of a tool to mae a %oo

pienso hacer ya esta decidido tener la intencion ) amplanin to call her tomorrow.

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3.- V#C&!'%(

to refuse nearse a

cheetah uepardo

ruins /r uuins/ ruinas

acquisition /aquisishion/ adquirir 

faltas de orto to misspell

Masterin 5nlish tae a lot of wor / effort

) want to find out how did it

tae care of yourself are you up&

) am fallin %ehind

They lac natural resources

They are force to import natural / ro: resources

La%our cost have risen

don’t waste your time fillin those orders

They’re not lielyto e0tend the deadline

)t will %e a pain process %ut we don’t any other choice

$e have to remove the o%staculs that eep us from proressin.

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25. T-)7

1.- %EVIE*

4ensa%a casarse con Glas

) am plannin to tae you to Toscani.

Jes %ut didn’t you now that ) am playin to marry Glas

2.- V#C&!'%(

to sin up for apuntarse a alopressure roup /prea/ rupo de presi"nprescription prescripci"nto mae sure /or/ aseurarse

to mae sense tener sentido

3.- "BETIV# SI$ S

a fivepae letter a threeyear old child

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27. T-)8

1.- %EVIE*

$e watched a threehour film

Jesterday ) was in an eihthour meetin

2.- 'IST

)’m sorry ;that< ) did it

) shouldn’t have it

) wish ) would do it

)t’s a pitty they didn’t %rin any water 

3.- #B' $# H!&IE%

4.- 'ISTS

Jou’ve made a accurate assessment evaluation at of the currentsituation

Jou would mind sayin it so that everyone can hear you&

) %rouht it so that you could use it

2e’s left the company for ood.

) confident that events would proof me riht

).- V#C&!'%(

to shave afeitarse

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praise eloio al%an!acop policiaround trip ida y vueltaprayer oracion

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28. T-9

Fe%ecca de Mornay

1.- #B'

menos mal )t’s a ood thin

) wish )’d done my ta0 return on time

2.- V#C&!'%(

parcela plot of landem%ara!ada prenantaflo(ar to loosenllear a fin de mes to mae ends meet%urlarse to mae fun

estar muy contento to %e over moon

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39. T-1

asado as er?ect aprost negatia) didn’t win ) wish ) had won ) wish )’d won ) wish ) hadn’t won

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31. T-2

7eep it (ust in case. Jou never now when you me need it.

1.- &%#S

 Dre you pullin my le&

 Dre you have me on&

2.- V#C&!'%(

%ar%illa chinresolver to taclerespaldar to reinforce

3.- %ECE%SE

) don’t loo anythin lie my mother.) lie my father 

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32. T-3

1.- %EVIE*

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33. T-4

su%en o %a(an& are you oin up or down&

menos mal ... )t’s a ood thin ) have a %i %rain

que tienen q ver los curas $hat do prists have to do with ourfuture prospects

1.- ESE%%

espero pasar tiempo rueo espero e0pectativa

) hope the persons calls

) will continuo to wait another IK minetes for the call

) e0pect to see you tomorrow

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34. T-)


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3). T-8)t’s time they left)t’s a%out time they left)t’s hih time they left

)’ve %een to Cordo%a onces and %een in 4oland twice

)’ve one to Madrid three times.

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3. T-89 a<read0

yet & ya

not yet no todav*a

si already ya

si still todavia

any more

no loner 

never aain
