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VBA Function for Excel

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VBA function for Excel 2007
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Recording a macro in Excel How to record a macro in Excel 2007 and Excel 2010 In Excel 2007 (and Excel 2010), the “Record Marco” menu option is under the “View” ribbon. Click on the “Macros” button towards at the right end of the ribbon and then click “Record Macro”. A pop- up box will ask you to enter the details of the macro. If you are just starting to record your own macro, you can simply click on the “ok” button. After this you can carry out the steps that you want like entering numbers, formulas, formatting cells, inserting charts etc etc. Once you are done you can stop recording the macro by clicking the “Stop Recording” option under the “Macro” button. Alternatively, you can begin and stop recording a macro in Excel 2010 (and 2007) by clicking on the icon located at the bottom-

Recording a macro in ExcelHow to record a macro in Excel 2007 and Excel 2010

In Excel 2007 (and Excel 2010), the Record Marco menu option is under the View ribbon. Click on the Macros button towards at the right end of the ribbon and then click Record Macro. A pop-up box will ask you to enter the details of the macro. If you are just starting to record your own macro, you can simply click on the ok button. After this you can carry out the steps that you want like entering numbers, formulas, formatting cells, inserting charts etc etc. Once you are done you can stop recording the macro by clicking the Stop Recording option under the Macro button.

Alternatively, you can begin and stop recording a macro in Excel 2010 (and 2007) by clicking on the icon located at the bottom-left of the application window, right next to where it is labelled Ready.You can now view the macro that you just recorded by clicking the View Macros option under the Macros button. Alternatively you can press Alt+F8 as the shortcut key. You can give a descriptive name to the macro or assign a shortcut key so that by pressing that key combination, the macro will begin execution.

How to record a macro in Excel 2003 (& earlier)In Excel 2003 and earlier versions, you can record a macro by clicking on Tools option in the menubar and then clicking on Macro and then choosing the Record New Macro option. Click ok on the pop-up box that appears and then carry out the steps that you wish the record in the macro. Once you are done, you can click the Stop Recording option under Macro from the menu.

You can view the macro you just recorded by clicking on Tools option in the menubar and then clicking on Macro and then choosing the Macros option. Alternatively you can press Alt+F8 as the shortcut key. You can record a complete set of macros and then run them one after another to get a the steps related to a task accomplished at one go.How to edit a macroCongratulations! You have now written your first macro. The logical next step is to check out the code that was generated by the macro. The code generated by the application is in a language called VBA (Visual Basic for Applications). To view the code, we will need to open the VBA Editor (also referred to as the VBA IDE or VBA Integrated Development Environment). You can use the shortcut key Alt+F11 to open up the IDE or simply use the following menu options.Editing a macro in Excel 2010 and 2007You can turn on the Developer tab by clicking on the Office button located at the top left corner of the Excel workbook. Click on the Excel Options button and then turn on Show developer tab in the Ribbon checkbox the under the Popular menu option.

Having done that, you can now use the Developer tab to access the VBA Editor by pressing the Visual Basic button.

Editing a macro in Excel 2003 and earlier versionsThe visual basic editor can be accessed using he shortcut key Alt+F11, by using the visual basic editor button in the visual basic toolbar or by choosing the visual basic editor option from the menu as shown below.

You may want to keep just one workbook open to avoid confusion while opening the VBA editor.Once youve opened up the VBA IDE, heres how it would look like.

At this point, it is important to familiarize oneself with the various windows and menu options. A few minutes spent in understanding these can potentially save you a ton of effort later.To view to code of the macro that you just recorded, click on the Module under the project explorer window and then double click on Module1. It would open up a window like the one shown below with a few lines of code.

This is the point now where you can begin to edit the code that the macro generated while you were recording it in Excel. For example, you have to automate a task where a certain column is populated with numbers starting from 1 to 10. You recorded the first three steps so that you now have the code that can enter the numbers 1, 2 and 3 in the first three cells of that column. You would now like to write the next seven steps.If you looked at the code given above, you would have guessed that there is a structure to the code. The application first moves the cursor to the cell by using an instruction like Range(A1).Select and then editing its contents by something like ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = 1. So for the remaining steps, we can simply repeat these steps by providing the address of the new cell and then in the next step providing the value that we would like to enter. For example if you wanted to enter 4 in cell A4, you would write:12Range("A4").SelectActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "4"

and then repeat the step for the all the other values that you would like to enter.Once you are done editing, save the workbook. You can play back this marco either by pressing F5 while still within the main body of the macro or going back to the excel workbook and using the Run button after selecting the required macro from the Macro list window shown above.Please take a few minutes to carefully read through the code that the macro has generated. If you are a beginner, a few minutes invested in reading through the code and yield tremendous results and will go a long way on familiarizing you with commonly used objects in VBA. (Please bear in mind that this example is only for illustration. There are better and faster ways of achieving the same results, some of which we will cover in the sections below.)Improving speed to execution of an Excel MacroSo far so good. Lets move on to learning some tricks that can help you speed up the performance of your macros VBA code. Lets take the example of the code snippet shown above. On a high-end computer the above code will probably run faster than you can click an eyelid but suppose we we had to run the same code over and over again for 50,000 cells (or iterations). That would take some time. If the macro that you wrote runs into hundreds of lines of code, you can improve the speed of execution by cutting down on all the other processes that are not required when the code is executing.Using Application.ScreenUpdating commandThe first trick is to stop Excel from updating the screen as the code executes. That helps Excel save all the processing power executing the code and update the screen with fresh value only after the code has ended executing. To achieve this, we can write a statement at the beginning of the code to turn off screen updation and turn it right back on at the end of the code.12345678910Sub Macro1()Application.ScreenUpdating = FalseRange("A1").SelectActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "1"Range("A2").SelectActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "2"Range("A3").SelectActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "3"Application.ScreenUpdating = TrueEnd Sub

The Application.ScreenUpdating command tells the application to forget about updating the screen with real-time results from the code and to refresh it only after the code has been fully executed.Using Application.Calculation commandThe second trick is to turn off automatic calculations. Let me explain. Whenever a user or a process updates a cell, excel tends to recalculate all the cells that depend upon that cell. So if say, 10,000 cells depend on the cell that your code is going to update, excel will recalculate all of them before the code completes executing. Now if there are a number of such cells, the recalculation can severely slow down code execution. To prevent this from happening, you can set the Application.Calculation parameter to manual at the beginning of the code and then right back on towards the end of the code.123456789101112Sub Macro1()Application.ScreenUpdating = FalseApplication.Calculation = xlCalculationManualRange("A1").SelectActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "1"Range("A2").SelectActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "2"Range("A3").SelectActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "3"Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomaticApplication.ScreenUpdating = TrueEnd Sub

Be careful to turn on this option back on at the end otherwise it will remain turned off even when the code has fully executed. If you let it turned off withing the code, you can change it to automatic by using the Tools -> Options -> Calculation tab from the menu as shown below:

Avoid Cell and Range Selection in VBAWhen you record a macro, you will typically see lines of code like Range(A1).Select. In our example above, we have used such statements multiple times to select a particular cell and then changing its value. You can avoid doing this by simply assigning a value to the cell without selecting it. (The macro recorded your cursors movement from one cell to another and hence inserted these steps, however they are not necessary when working with VBA code). So in this case, a far more efficient code would be:1234567891011Sub Macro1()Application.ScreenUpdating = FalseApplication.Calculation = xlCalculationManualRange("A1").Value = 1Range("A2").Value = 2Range("A3").Value = 3Range("A4").Value = 4Range("A5").Value = 5Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomaticApplication.ScreenUpdating = TrueEnd Sub

What weve done here is to simply reference a cell and then provide a value to it without selecting it at all. This is way faster than the previous one.How to write loops in VBAYou can refer to some of the previous articles dealing with this. You can learn more about VBA For Loop here. For the Do While Loop please refer to this article.How to fix runtime errors in VBAOnce you have learnt how to record and edit a macro and acquire the skills to write basic VBA code, it is important that you learn about error handling. Error handling prevents the application from crashing when an unexpected event occurs. Please read more about fixing runtime errors in VBA here.Excel macro ExamplesHere are a few examples of VBA code that can help you automate some frequently repeated tasks.Excel Macro to insert a row123Sub Macro1()Rows(2).EntireRow.Insert 'Insert a new row above the second rowEnd Sub

Excel Macro to insert a column123Sub Macro1()Columns(3).EntireColumn.Insert 'Insert a new column to the left of the 3rd colmunEnd Sub

Excel Macro to insert a column123456Sub Macro1()'Change the formatting of the cell D2 to bold, underlined and itallicCells(2, 4).Font.Bold = TrueCells(2, 4).Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingleCells(2, 4).Font.Italic = TrueEnd Sub

Excel Macro to traverse a range123456Sub Macro1()For Each cel In Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(10, 5))counter = counter + 1cel.Value = counterNext celEnd Sub

VBA For Next LoopThe For Next loop has the following syntax:123For a_counter = start_counter To end_counter 'Do something hereNext a_counter

What we are doing here essentially is create a loop that uses a variable a_counter as the time keeper of the loop. We set it to a value equal to start_counter at the beginning of the loop and then increment (or reduce) it by 1 during each loop till. The loop will execute till the time the value of the a_counter becomes equal to end_counter. The loop executes for the last time when both the above values match and then stop.Example of a for loop1234567Sub my_for_loop1()For a_counter = 1 to 10 j = a_counterNext a_counter

msgbox "The value of the counter in the last loop was " & a_counterEnd Sub

The final value of the of the a_counter in the above loop is 11.VBA For Loop in Reverse with STEP InstructionIt is not necessary that counter in the for loop only move from a lower value to a higher value you can have the for loop backwards too. Here is an example of for loop in reverse:1234567Sub my_for_loop2()For a_counter = 10 to 1 Step -1 j = a_counterNext a_counter

msgbox "The value of the counter in the last loop was " & a_counterEnd Sub

The final value of the a_counter in this loop is 1.As you can see, we can use the Step n instruction to ensure that the for loop works either forward or in reverse. By default the Step value is forward 1, however it can be set to a number more than 1 to skip forward loops or negative for the for loop to work in reverse.VBA For Each In Next LoopThe For Each In Next loop has the following syntax:123For Each item_in_group In group_of_items Do something hereNext item_in_group

The item_in_group here belongs to a group_of_items (smart aint I). What I mean is that the object used as a group_of_items has to be a collection of objects. You cant run a for each item loop on individual objects (lest Microsoft throw the friendly run-time error 438 at you !)

The above loop moves one item at a time starting with the first item in the collection of objects. You can use this particular for loop syntax to iterate along sheets in a workbook, shapes in a sheet, pivot tables in a sheet or any collection of objects in general.Lets take the example of how you can use the for loop to iterate through all worksheets in a workbook:12345Sub my_for_loop3()For Each sht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets MsgBox sht.NameNext shtEnd Sub

Now lets see how we can loop through all the pivot tables in a sheet:12345Sub my_for_loop4()For Each pvt In ActiveSheet.PivotTables MsgBox pvt.NameNext pvtEnd Sub

End For Loop before End ConditionIf you need to end the For loop before the end condition is reached or met, simply use the END FOR in conjunction with the IF statement. In the example given below, we exit the for loop prematurely and before the end condition is met. The for example given below, the loop exits when a_counter reaches a value of 3.123456Sub my_for_loop5()For a_counter = 0 To 5MsgBox a_counterIf (a_counter = 3) Then Exit ForNext a_counterEnd Sub

Move out of or Skip a particular loop in a For LoopIt is not advisable to move out a for loop and then move back again. Lets take a very convoluted example:12345678910111213Sub my_for_loop6()Dim j As IntegerFor i = 0 To 5b:If (j = 3) Then GoTo a:j = iNext ia:j = 4GoTo b:

MsgBox ("Final value of j = " & j)End Sub

What weve tried to do here is a move out of the for loop in one particular iteration (when j = 3). What do you think is the final value of j in the above example. 3 ? 5? Well none of them really. The loop executes endlessly and would soon lead to overflow.However it is possible to skip a loop in the For Loop. You can increment the counter by 1 (or any other number) and that can cause the for loop to skip all the loops in between. Heres an example.123456Sub my_for_loop7()For i = 0 To 5i = i + 1MsgBox iNext iEnd Sub

However again, this is not a good coding practice and can lead to headaches for the folks maintaining the VBA code later. Instead check if the particular condition is to be skipped in a FOR loop, try using an IF function or even a SELECT CASE statement.Using a simple IF function in VBAHeres an example of the IF function. This piece of VBA code is simply checking whether the condition specified (i.e. 1 > 4) evaluates to TRUE or FALSE. In this case, we have only specified the steps to be completed when the condition evaluates to TRUE. In this case, the result will be a message box being displayed on the screen. If the function were to evaluate to FALSE, the VBA code will do nothing.12345Sub IF_FUNCTION()If 7 > 1 Then MsgBox "7 is greater than 1"End IfEnd Sub

The THEN statement is essentially a directive indicating that the steps immediately following it are to be executed if the condition just before if evaluate to TRUE.The IF function typically ends with an END IF declaration which lets the application know that it is the last line of the IF function. Given below is a slightly shorter form of the IF function. Note that the END IF statement has been eliminated in this and thus three lines of code has been merged into one.123Sub IF_FUNCTION_SHORT()If 7 > 1 Then MsgBox "7 is greater than 1"End Sub

However this form should be used only when there are no ELSE or ELSE IF statements are needed. Lets look at what they are and how they help enhance the IF function.Using a IF function with ELSE in VBAIn the example given above, we saw that the IF function would be able to carry out steps only if the condition evaluated to TRUE. But what if we wanted to specify the steps to be carried out when either of the conditions were met. One way to achieve branching out of an IF function is to use the ELSE statement. Simply put, the ELSE statement causes the application to execute the steps mentioned in the ELSE block when the condition specified in the IF clause evaluates to FALSE.In the VBA code example below, the condition in the IF function evaluates to false, the steps mentioned in the ELSE block are executed with the result that the message 1 is less than 4 gets displayed on the screen. Multiple steps can be added to the block to have them all execute one after another.1234567Sub IF_ELSEIF_FUNCTION()If 1 > 4 Then MsgBox "1 is greater than 4"Else: MsgBox "1 is less than 4"End IfEnd Sub

Using a IF function with ELSEIF and ELSE: in VBAThe ELSE statement may be supported by ELSEIF statements. They are typically used to check for specific conditions and if all of them evaluate to FALSE, the steps specified in the ELSE condition will finally get executed. The IF statement will check for a given condition. If that condition turns out to be FALSE, the condition specified in the first ELSEIF statement will be checked. If that also turns out to be FALSE, the condition specified in the second ELSEIF statement will be checked, and so on and so forth. If all conditions specified in the IF and ELSEIF statements turn out to be FALSE, by default the steps mentioned under the final ELSE: block will get executed. Please remember that if there are multiple ELSEIF statements, the first one that evaluates to TRUE will get executed and once completed, the code execution will move to the END IF statement. Even if there are multiple ELSEIF conditions that evaluate to TRUE, only the first one that evaluates to TRUE will be executed.1234567891011Sub IF_ELSEIF_ELSE_FUNCTION()If < > Then MsgBox "1 is greater than 4"ElseIf < > Then MsgBox "2 is greater than 4"ElseIf < > Then MsgBox "3 is greater than 4"Else < >: MsgBox "1, 2 or 3 are lesser than 4"End IfEnd Sub

In the example shown below, the IF condition is checked first. Since it evaluates to FALSE, the first ELSEIF condition is evaluated, followed by the second. Since none of them evaluate to TRUE, the steps mentioned in the ELSE: condition are executed.1234567891011Sub IF_ELSEIF_ELSE_FUNCTION()If 1 > 4 Then MsgBox "1 is greater than 4"ElseIf 2 > 4 Then MsgBox "2 is greater than 4"ElseIf 3 > 4 Then MsgBox "3 is greater than 4"Else: MsgBox "1, 2 or 3 are lesser than 4"End IfEnd Sub

Quick Tip How to make IF statements work fasterBoth the pieces of code appear similar. The two ELSEIF conditions in the second function have been swapped. Which one of the following pieces of VBA code do you think executes faster?1234567891011Sub IF_NEED_FOR_SPEED_1()t = TimerFor i = 1 To 100000000If 1 > 4 ThenElseIf 3 > 4 ThenElseIf 5 > 4 ThenElse:End IfNext iMsgBox Timer - tEnd Sub

OR1234567891011Sub IF_NEED_FOR_SPEED_2()t = TimerFor i = 1 To 100000000If 1 > 4 ThenElseIf 5 > 4 ThenElseIf 3 > 4 ThenElse:End IfNext iMsgBox Timer - tEnd Sub

The answer is that the second one executes much faster than the first. Why? Because the second one needs to application to go through lesser lines of code before it finds a condition that evaluates to TRUE. Remember that the first ELSEIF condition that if found TRUE gets executed and none of the other conditions are evaluated, even if they were to also evaluate to TRUE. In the first piece of the VBA code, the ELSEIF function on line 6 evaluates to TRUE while in the second, line 5 meets the criteria. In essence, the more likely the condition is to get evaluated to TRUE, the earlier it should be placed in the VBA code, all else being the same

VBA Code Multiple Column Text to Column Conversion

Heres a bit of VBA code to convert Text to Column which will work across multiple columns selected together at one go.

Heres the code:Sub Multi_Column_Text_To_Column()

Dim selected_range, selected_range_individual_column() As RangeDim one_to_how_many_columns, col_count As Long

Set selected_range = SelectionOn Error GoTo err_occured:

'-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'one_to_how_many_columns value = Number of colums that a single column should be split into'Provide a sufficiently large value so as to prevent overlaps and overwriting'-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------one_to_how_many_columns = 10

Application.DisplayAlerts = FalseIf Not (TypeName(selected_range) = "Range") Then EndReDim selected_range_individual_column(selected_range.Columns.Count - 1) As Range

For col_count = LBound(selected_range_individual_column) To UBound(selected_range_individual_column) Set selected_range_individual_column(col_count) = selected_range.Columns(col_count + 1) 'MsgBox "Value = " & selected_range_individual_column(col_count).Cells(1, 1).ValueNext col_count

'Begin Text to Column conversion process by starting from Right and proceeding leftFor col_count = UBound(selected_range_individual_column) To LBound(selected_range_individual_column) Step -1

If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(selected_range_individual_column(col_count), "") = 0 Then GoTo next_loop: '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'DataType = xlDelimited or xlFixedWidth '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'If Data Type = xlDelimited then one has to specify the delimiting characters ' Change the boolean values for various delimiting characters such as : ' ConsecutiveDelimiter, Tab, Semicolon, Comma, Space and Other tokens as per requirement 'If Data Type = xlFixedWidth then one has to specify the widths of the fields using the FieldInfo Array. ' This example specifies three widths for splitting into five columns with each array ' bit containing the cumulative sum of chars till the beginning of each word ' You will have to edit and modify (add more or delete) these values as per need '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

selected_range_individual_column(col_count).TextToColumns _ Destination:=selected_range.Cells(selected_range.Row, one_to_how_many_columns * col_count + 1), _ DataType:=xlDelimited, _ TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, _ ConsecutiveDelimiter:=True, _ Tab:=False, _ Semicolon:=False, _ Comma:=False, _ Space:=True, _ Other:=False, _ FieldInfo:=Array( _ Array(0, 1), _ Array(3, 1), _ Array(6, 1), _ Array(12, 1), _ Array(17, 1) _ ), _ TrailingMinusNumbers:=True next_loop:Next col_counterr_occured:Application.DisplayAlerts = TrueEnd Sub

Microsoft Office Excel can convert only one column at a time. The range can be many rows tall but no more than one column wide. Tray again by selecting cells in one column only.In the code above you can change:one_to_how_many_columns = Determines how many columns should be used as a gap to place the (split/converted) data when two consecutive columns are converted.DataType = xlDelimited or xlFixedWidth (The text to column feature has two modes Character Delimited and Fixed Width.)TextQualifier = xlDoubleQuote or xlSingleQuote or xlNoneTab = True or FalseSemicolon = True or FalseComma = True or FalseSpace = True or FalseTrailingMinusNumbers = True or FalseConsecutiveDelimiter = True or FalseYou can download a sample worksheet with a example of multiple column text to column here or click on the button below:

Heres the source data for all the examples:

Create a pivot table using a VBA MacroThe sample vba code shown below helps create a pivot table.123456789Sub create_pivot()ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase, _SourceData:="Sheet3!data").CreatePivotTable _TableDestination:=ActiveSheet.Cells(10, 10), _TableName:="PivotTable1", _DefaultVersion:=xlPivotTableVersion10ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1).AddFields RowFields:="Name"ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1).PivotFields("Name").Orientation = xlDataFieldEnd sub

Parts of this VBA macro that you may want to change:SourceData = Provide a range that contains the underlying data for the pivot table. In its present form, the code simply create a pivot table by picking up all the used cells present near the active cell.TableName = Give the Pivot Table a name that you likeTableDestination = The cell where youd like to place the pivot table. Format to use= [filename.xls]Sheet1!R1C1Delete all Pivot Tables Using a VBA Macro123456Sub Delete_All_Pivot_Tables_In_Sheet()For Each pvt In ActiveSheet.PivotTables pvt.PivotSelect "", xlDataAndLabel, True Selection.ClearContentsNext pvtEnd Sub

Refer to a Pivot Table directly within a VBA Macro12345678Sub Refer_Table()Dim pvt As PivotTableSet pvt = ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1) 'Referring to Pivot Table with Index 1Set pvt = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1") 'Referring to pivot table with Pivot Table NameMsgBox pvt.NameMsgBox ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1).NameMsgBox ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").NameEnd Sub

You can either set the pivot table to an object or refer it directly using the index or the pivot table name.Refer to a Pivot Table Field directly within a VBA Macro12345678Sub Refer_Pivot_Table_Field()Dim pvt_fld As PivotFieldSet pvt_fld = ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1).PivotFields(1)Set pvt_fld = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Sales")MsgBox pvt_fld.NameMsgBox ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1).PivotFields(2).NameMsgBox ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Sales").NameEnd Sub

Again, you can either set the pivot field to an object or refer it directly using the index or the name of the pivot field in the macro.Refer to a Pivot Item of a Pivot Field present in a Pivot Table directly using a VBA Macro12345678Sub Refer_Pivot_Table_Item()Dim pvt_itm As PivotItemSet pvt_itm = ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1).PivotFields(1).PivotItems(1)Set pvt_itm = ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Name").PivotItems("Adrian")MsgBox pvt_itm.NameMsgBox ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1).PivotFields(1).PivotItems(1).NameMsgBox ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Name").PivotItems("Adrian")End Sub

Remove Old (ghost) Items from a Pivot Table using VBA MacroOften times you will items show up in the list drop down of a particular field in pivot table even though those values do not exist in the pivot table. More likely than not, these are old items left over from the earlier data in the pivot tables cache and still continue to appear in the table. As a good practice, if you have large amounts of data in a pivot table and that table gets updated with fresh data frequently, you may want to call this procedure to clean up the pivot table.123456Sub Remove_Old_Items()For Each pvt In ActiveSheet.PivotTablespvt.PivotCache.MissingItemsLimit = xlMissingItemsNonepvt.PivotCache.RefreshNext pvtEnd Sub

Refresh All Pivot Tables in a Workbook using VBA MacroThe classic case of refreshing all pivot tables in a workbook in one go. A must when you have more than a handful of pivot tables in the workbook 12345Sub Refresh_All_Pivots_1()For Each pvt In ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches pvt.RefreshNext pvtEnd sub

OR1234567Sub Refresh_All_Pivots_2()For Each sht In ActiveWorkbook.WorksheetsFor Each pt In sht.PivotTables pt.RefreshTableNext ptNext shtEnd Sub

Refresh All Pivot Tables in an Excel Sheet using VBA Macro12345Sub Refresh_All_Pivots_In_Sheet()For Each pvt In ActiveSheet.PivotTables pvt.PivotCache.RefreshNext pvtEnd Sub

This is the simple method of expanding a pivot table so that the underlying data is revealed. This requires that the pivot table store a copy of the underlying data set with it for it to work well.Extract Data (Expand) from a Pivot Table using a VBA Macro12345678910Sub Extract_Data_From_Pivot()For Each pvt In ActiveSheet.PivotTablesWith pvt .ColumnGrand = True .RowGrand = TrueEnd WithSet rng = pvt.DataBodyRangerng.Cells(rng.Rows.Count, rng.Columns.Count).ShowDetail = TrueNext pvtEnd Sub

Remove or Include a Pivot Field in a Pivot Table using a VBA MacroOften times we need to remove a particular field from the pivot table. The following code will help you achieve it.1234567Sub Hide_Fields()For Each pvt In ActiveSheet.PivotTables For Each pvtfld In pvt.PivotFields pvtfld.Orientation = xlHidden Next pvtfldNext pvtEnd Sub

In the above code, we have tried to hide all pivot fields in a pivot table. You may want to selectively remove fields by referring to them either by their index values or by their names. Example:ActiveSheet.PivotTables(PivotTable1).PivotFields(Name).Orientation = xlHiddenTo include the fields again and have them display in the pivot table, use this code:1234567891011Sub Show_Fields()For Each pvt In ActiveSheet.PivotTables For Each pvtfld In pvt.PivotFields 'Use any of the four options listed here 'pvtfld.Orientation = xlRowField 'pvtfld.Orientation = xlColumnField 'pvtfld.Orientation = xlPageField pvtfld.Orientation = xlDataField Next pvtfldNext pvtEnd Sub

Hide Pivot Items of Pivot Field located in a Pivot Table using a VBA MacroThe following code will help you turn off a field from the drop-down of a particular field in a pivot table12345678910Sub Hide_Items()On Error Resume NextFor Each pvt In ActiveSheet.PivotTablesFor Each pf In pvt.PivotFieldsFor Each pit In pf.PivotItems pit.Visible = FalseNext pitNext pfNext pvtEnd Sub

By default, atleast one pivot item needs to be left turned if you decide to hide items in the drop down of a field in a pivot table. Other wise you will have excel throwing an error which says : Run-time error 1004: Unable to set the Visible property of the PivotItem class. To ensure that we do not have the error blocking the code during runtime, we insert the On Error Resume Next in our code. (You may want to read more about error handling in VBA here). To make the fields show again, simply turn them on by replacing the pit.Visible = False statement with pit.Visible = true.Moving and change orientation of Pivot Fields in a Pivot Table using VBA Macro12345678910111213Sub Move_Fields_Of_Pivot_Table()For Each pvt In ActiveSheet.PivotTablesFor Each pvtfld In pvt.PivotFieldspvtfld.Orientation = xlHiddenNext pvtfldNext pvtFor Each pvt In ActiveSheet.PivotTablespvt.PivotFields("Target").Orientation = xlDataFieldpvt.PivotFields("Product").Orientation = xlRowFieldpvt.PivotFields("Month").Orientation = xlColumnFieldpvt.PivotFields("Manager").Orientation = xlPageFieldNext pvtEnd Sub

Reduce time taken to update a pivot table when using a VBA macroPivot tables can be notoriously slow when you work with large data sets in VBA. Moving, updating and hiding items can a long time to happen. To reduce update and response time when working with Pivot Tables in VBA, try setting the update option to manual. Manual update can reduce the time taken to update and work with a pivot table by around 10% for very small tables (say 10 rows in source data) to as much as 75% in large tables (with more than 50,000 rows in source data).12345Sub Set_Manual_Update_OnActiveSheet.PivotTables(1).ManualUpdate = True 'At the beginning of code'YOUR CODE HEREActiveSheet.PivotTables(1).ManualUpdate = False 'At the end of codeEnd Sub

You can test the improvement in speed by say comparing both the pieces of VBA code shown below. The first piece of the code will run much slower than the later.123456789101112Sub Manual_Update_Off()t = TimerFor i = 1 To 20On Error Resume NextFor Each pf In ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1).PivotFieldsFor Each pit In pf.PivotItems pit.Visible = FalseNext pitNext pfNext iMsgBox Timer - tEnd Sub

This one will work much faster.1234567891011121314Sub Manual_Update_On()t = TimerActiveSheet.PivotTables(1).ManualUpdate = TrueFor i = 1 To 20On Error Resume NextFor Each pf In ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1).PivotFieldsFor Each pit In pf.PivotItems pit.Visible = FalseNext pitNext pfNext iActiveSheet.PivotTables(1).ManualUpdate = FalseMsgBox Timer - tEnd Sub

You can download an example of the pivot table and vba macro code here or click on the button below:
