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visual basic tutorials. For absolute beginners. Visual Basic Exercises

of 108

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Visual Basic .NET

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Day 1 Programming language syntax, declarations,

    operators, statement, classes

    Day 2 VB Form and Common Controls

    Day 3 More VB Controls and other Features

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Objectives of this Lesson

    Elements in the Visual Studio Environment


    Object-oriented programming

    Concepts of classes, objects, properties,

    methods and events

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Programming Languages Overview

    Procedural older, traditional, sequential


    (Cobol, RPG, Pascal, etc.)

    Event-Driven (Visual Basic 6.0 & earlier) Contain some elements of OOP but not all

    Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Visual Basic .NET (2005 or later)

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    OOP and VB.NET Objects have properties, methods and events

    Each object is based on a class (a blueprint which all objects

    are based upon)

    Objects Examples Forms which are windows within the VB environment

    Controls are components contained inside a form

    Properties Examples Name (each object has a name )

    Text ( what the user sees inside the control)

    Methods Examples Open (methods perform an action)

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas


    Events Examples User clicks a mouse button

    User selects an item from a list


    Classes are like blueprints ( or

    templates) used to create objects

    Classes contain the definition of all available

    properties, methods and events for that


    Each new object created is based on a class

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Creating three new labels makes each label an instance of the Label class

    Object Model Analogy

    A car belongs to the Car Class

    The make, model, and color of the car are the

    properties of the car

    Each car is an object of the Car Class. This is

    called an instance of the Car Class

    When the car starts, stops or turns, these are

    methods belonging to the Car.

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    An event occurs when the car pulls to the gas


    Objectives of this Lesson

    Basic steps for writing a VisualBasic project

    Explore the files that make up a Visual Basic


    Define design time, run time and debug time

    Error types: syntax errors, run-time errors and

    logic errors

    Launching Visual Basic .NET

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Writing Visual Basic Projects

    1. Design the UI (including the controls)

    2. Set up the Properties for the controls

    3. Code following the language syntax rules

    Syntax Rules that MUST be followed such as

    punctuation, spelling, use of special symbols

    and keywords.

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    VB Application Files

    Many files make up one VB application

    Solution File (.sln) this is the one file that the

    programmer interacts with. Avoid opening all

    other files that are automatically created with

    each solution!

    Executable File (.exe) this is the file that the

    end user ultimately runs (executes)

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Various Modes of VB

    Design Time used when designing the user

    interface and writing code

    Run Time used when running the application

    (from the users perspective)

    Break Time occurs when and error or other

    condition occurs

    More Terminology

    Each user action causes an event to occur

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Event procedures code written by the

    programmer to react to events

    VB will ignore events for which you don not write



    Syntax Errors (must be fixed)

    Sometimes called a compile error

    VBs editor will detect and correct many

    A blue squiggly line appears under code that

    the editor does not understand

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Mouse over the code to receive more details

    The Error List window shows errors and more



    Logic Errors (produces incorrect results)

    Easy to overlook

    Check calculations and other logic against

    known test data results

    VB editor can not detect logic errors

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Debugging tools

    Launch Visual Basic

    Click Start

    All Programs

    MS Visual Studio 20xx

    MS Visual Studio 20xx (again)

    This will launch Visual Studio and we will now

    be able to work with Visual Basic .NET within

    Visual Studio

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Launching VB Demo

    DEMO Create a Console Application

    Most commonly used VB function MsgBox()


    Naming Rules

    Begin with letters

    No spaces

    Avoid special symbols

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Use camel casing Examples




    Question Which of the following local variable names are allowed in VB, and which

    have the correct style?





  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas




    your salary



    Answers: volume allowed, correct style;

    AREA allowed, but area preferred;

    Length allowed, but lower-case l preferred;

    3sides not allowed, starts with a digit;

    side1 allowed, correct style;

    lenth allowed, even with incorrect spelling of length;

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Mysalary allowed, but capital S is preferred;

    your salary not allowed (no spaces allowed in middle of a


    screenSize allowed, correct style; Dim not allowed it is a


  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas


    In the following, what are the values of the

    variables after each statement?

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Dim a, b, c, d As

    Integer d = -8 a = 1 *

    2 + 3 b = 1 + 2 * 3 c =

    (1 + 2) * 3 c = a + b d

    = -d

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Double.Parse Sample String to number conversion

    for arithmetic operation

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Sample String to Number


  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Sample Number to Number


    What is Operator

    Operators determine behavior of statements

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Exercise 1

    Using Double types, write a program which converts a

    Fahrenheit temperature to its Celsius (centigrade)

    equivalent. The formula is:

    c = (f - 32) * 5 / 9 Note:

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Use InputBox() to get the fahrenheight value from the


    Display the value of c (centigrade)

    Exercise 2 Calculate and display the series resistance, given by:

    series = r1 + r2

    and the parallel resistance, given by:

    Use InputBox() to get the value or r1 and r2 from the user.

    Use your calculator to check the output.

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    If Statement Sample

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    If Else statement

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    ElseIf keyword

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    IsNumeric() function


    Cinema (movie theatre) price

    Write a program to work out how much a person pays

    to go to the cinema. The program should input an

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    age from an InputBox() and then decide on the

    following basis: under 5, free;

    aged 5 to 12, half price;

    aged 13 to 54, full price; aged 55, or over, free.


    Betting A group of people are betting on the outcome of three throws

    of the dice. A person bets P1 on predicting the outcome of the

    three throws. Write a program that uses the random number

    method (VBMath.Rnd()) to simulate three throws of a die and

    displays the winnings according to the following rules:

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    all three throws are sixes: win P20;

    all three throws are the same (but not sixes): win P10;

    any two of the three throws are the same: win P5.

    Sample Using Date

    Date syntax

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Sample Using Date 2

    Formatting the Date Display

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Sample Using Date 3

    Adding day and month

    VB Windows Form


    Sample code using Windows Form

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas


  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas


  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Exercise The calculator Write a program which simulates a simple desk calculator (See Figure) that

    acts on integer numbers. It has one button for each of the 10 digits, 0 to 9. It

    has a button to add and a button to subtract. It has a clear button, to clear

    the display, and an equals (=) button to get the answer.

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    When the clear button is pressed the display is set to zero and

    the (hidden) total is set to zero.

    When a digit button is pressed, the digit is added to the right

    of those already in the display (if any).

    When the + button is pressed, the number in the display is

    added to the total (and similarly for the button).

    When the = button is pressed, the value of the total is



    Rock, scissors, paper game In its original form, each of the two players

    simultaneously chooses one of rock, scissors or

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    paper. Rock beats scissors, paper beats rock and

    scissors beats paper. If both players choose the same,

    it is a draw. Write a program to play the game. The

    player selects one of three buttons, marked rock,

    scissors or paper. The computer makes its choice

    randomly using the random number generator. The

    computer also decides and displays who has won.

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Select case sample

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    For Next / While

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Do Loop

    For Each

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Exercise Saw-tooth pattern

    Write a program to display a saw-tooth pattern, as

    shown in a Figure, in a text box.

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Use do loop statement.


    Array Data that is grouped together

    into a collection of


    Example: Telephone directory, flight schedule.

    Sample Array

    Array of Numbers

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Array of Names

    Array and indices

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Creating an Array

    Dim ages(5) As Integer indices going from 0 to 5.

    Dim band(3) As String

    Input a value for an element of an array: ages(2) =

    CInt(TextBox1.Text) band(2) =

    TextBox2.Text output

    values: TextBox3.Text = "the first age is " & CStr(ages(0))

    TextBox4.Text = "the 4th band member is " & band(3)

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Length of an Array

    Use of the Ubound() (upper bound) Dim length As Integer length = UBound(table)

    Use of the Length



    Array can be rebuilt to a different size using ReDim Dim table(19) As Integer

    ReDim table(39)

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Use Preserve as not to destroy the data: ReDim Preserve table(24)

    Exercise - Array

    Write a program that inputs a series of integers into an

    array. The numbers are in the range 0 to 100. Calculate

    and display: the largest number; the smallest number; the sum

    of the numbers; the mean of the numbers. Apply looping (while or do statement) to store values into


  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas


    ArrayList - Dynamic array.

    ArrayList Example:

    Dim collection As ArrayList = New ArrayList()

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    ArrayList Properties & Methods


    Count - The number of items in the array list.


    Add -Add a new object to the array list. The new item is added at the end of

    the list.

    RemoveAt - Return and remove the object at the specified index from the

    array list. Any remaining items are moved up to fill the gap created.

    Remove - Remove the object from the array list.

    Insert - Insert a new object into the array list at the index position specified.

    Any items are moved down to make space for the new item. Parameters: index As Integer, newItem As Object

    Clear - Empty the complete array list.

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Exercise - ArrayList String ArrayList Write a program that uses an arraylist of 10 strings.

    Write methods that carry out each of the following

    operations: 1. Input values from the keyboard via a text box.

    2. Display the values.

    3. Input a word from a text box and search to see whether

    it is present in the array.

    4. Display a message to say whether it is present in the

    array or not.

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    ListBox Adding Items to a list


    Removing Item from a list ListBox1.Items.RemoveAt(3)

    Inserting items within a list ListBox1.items.Insert(5,tea)

    Length of a List : ListBox1.Items.Count

    Indices: ListBox1.selectedIndex

    ListBox1.items returns an ArrayList

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Exercise Write a program in which an item selected in a list box (by

    clicking on it) is immediately deleted. Alternatively, provide a

    'delete' button to delete the item that is currently selected.

    Add another button so that items in the list box are

    automatically sorted into alphabetical order.

    Add a button that causes the list box to be emptied, using the

    method Clear

    Write a program that allows items to be inserted or removed

    from any position within a list box, using suitable buttons.

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Inserting single quote to a String

    Use two quotes to stand for a single one: TextBox1.Text = "The word ""Object""" which displays:

    The word "Object"


    End-of-line markers within a string. Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.ControlChars

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Dim s As String = "Tom" & NewLine & "Jerry" Or



    string1 = "Version 1.1"

    resultString = string1.ToLower()

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas


    string1 = "Basic"

    resultString = string1.ToUpper()

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas


    string1 = " Center "

    resultString = string1.Trim()

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas


    This method lets us insert characters into a

    string at a specified position, as in: string1 = "Visual programming"

    resultString = string1.Insert(7, "Basic ") The result is "Visual Basic programming".


    This method removes a given number of

    characters at a given position, as in:

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    string1 = "Deadline" resultString =

    string1.Remove(1, 4) The result is "Dine"


    string1 = "position"

    resultString = string1.Substring(2, 3)

    We have selected from s (which is at index 2)

    for 3 characters, hence the result is sit.

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas



    Write a program which inputs one string and

    determines whether or not it is a palindrome.

    A palindrome reads the same backwards and

    forwards, so 'abba' is a palindrome. Assume

    that the string contains no spaces or


  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Exception Handling

    Try main task

    Catch exceptionObject As FormatException display an error message

    Catch exceptionObject As Exception Throw a new Exception

    Throw new Exception(Wrong input)

    Finally termination code

    End Try

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas


    Write a program which provides two textboxes for the

    input of integer values a and b.

    Display the result of a\b and b\a.

    (Recall that \ performs integer division.) Incorporate exception handling for zero and

    nonnumeric input textbox values.



  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    a stream of data flowing in or out of the program


    The file classes are in the System.IO namespace.

    This is not automatically imported, so use: Imports System.IO

    Read and write lines of text The ReadLine() of StreamReader.

    This reads a whole line of text into a string, excluding the end-of-line


    The WriteLine() of The StreamWriter class. This writes a string to a file.

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    The OpenText() and CreateText() of the File class. These are shared methods, and provide us with a new instance of a

    text stream.

    File Output Example ' write some lines of text to the file

    Dim outputStream As StreamWriter = _


    outputStream.WriteLine("This file will")

    outputStream.WriteLine("contain 3")

    outputStream.WriteLine("lines of text.")


    File input 'read the file line-by-line

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Dim inputStream As StreamReader = _ File.OpenText("c:\myfile.txt")

    Dim line As String line = inputStream.ReadLine()

    While line Nothing

    TextBox1.AppendText(line &

    vbCRLF) line = inputStream.ReadLine()

    End While inputStream.Close()

    Using file dialogs


    Ex: If OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then MessageBox.Show(OpenFileDialog1.FileName)

    End If

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Using file dialogs


    Ex: If SaveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then MessageBox.Show(SaveFileDialog1.FileName)

    End If

    Exercise - File

    Write a program which puts your name and

    address in a file named address.txt. Use an editor to check that the file has the expected contents.

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Write a program to count the number of lines

    in a file. Ensure that it works for an empty file

    (producing a value of zero).

    Color Dialog

    Demo for ColorDialog

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Font Dialog

    Demo for FontDialog

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas


    Create a list of movies titles (5 movies) using

    ListBox. Change the background color of the

    list of movies to yellow and the foreground

    color of the list to red.

    Creating Splash Screen


  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Creating About Form


  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Creating a Menu


  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Exercise - Menu

    Create a Editor Menu that will implement the


    File Open, File Save, Welcome Screen, Help,

    About and Exit

    Creating a Module


    Write a program which produces a random

    number between 200 and 400 each time a

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    button is clicked. The program should display

    this number, and the sum and average of all

    the numbers so far.

    Use Random class

    Creating a Class

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Creating Constructor

    Creating an instance

    Exercise - Class

    Bank account Write a program that simulates a bank account.

    A text box allows deposits (a positive number) to be made into

    the account and withdrawals (a negative number) to be made.

    The state of the account is continually displayed and, if the

    account goes into the red (negative balance), a suitable message

    is displayed. Create a class named Account to represent bank

    accounts. It has methods Deposit and Withdraw, and a property


  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Exercise Class 2

    Scorekeeper Design and write a class that acts as a scorekeeper for a

    computer game. It maintains a single integer, the score. It

    provides a method to initialize the score to zero, a method to

    increase the score, a method to decrease the score, and a

    method to return the score. Write instructions to create a

    single object and use it.

    Creating Subroutine and Function


  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas


    Balloons Add to the class Balloon some additional data, a String

    that holds the name of the balloon and a variable

    that describes its colour. Add code to initialize these

    values using a constructor method and add the code

    to display them.

    Enhance the balloon program with buttons that move

    the balloon left, right, up and down.

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas



    Enabled Set to True to switch the timer on. Interval The

    frequency of Tick events in milliseconds (1/1000




    Called when the timer ticks every Interval milliseconds.


  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Graphics Constructor

    Created from a picture box object using CreateGraphics. For


    Dim paper As Graphics = PictureBox1.CreateGraphics() Methods

    Clear - Clear the graphics area and fill it with the colour provided

    as the parameter.

    DrawLine - Draw a line. Parameters: myPen As Pen, x, y, width, height

    DrawEllipse -Draw an ellipse. Parameters: myPen As Pen, x, y, width, height

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    DrawImage - Draw an image. Parameters: myImage As Image, x, y, width, height

    Graphics Methods:

    DrawRectangle - Draw a rectangle. Parameters: myPen As Pen, x, y, width, height

    FillEllipse - Draw a filled ellipse. Parameters: myBrush As SolidBrush, x, y, width, height

    FillRectangle - Draw a filled rectangle. Parameters: myBrush As SolidBrush, x, y, width, height

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas


    Dim paper As Graphics

    paper = PictureBox1.CreateGraphics() Dim

    myPen As Pen = New Pen(Color.Black)

    paper.DrawRectangle(myPen, 10, 10, 100, 50)

    paper.DrawRectangle(myPen, 10, 75, 100,


    Exercise Steps Write a program to draw a set of

    steps made from bricks, as shown in Figure.

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Use the library method DrawRectangle to

    draw each brick.

    (Use for loop)

    Exercise -

    Graphics 1 Write a program which displays

    changing minutes and seconds,

    representing them by two long

    rectangles: make the maximum width of the rectangles equal

    to 600 pixels to simplify the arithmetic (10 pixels for each

    minute and each second). Redraw the two rectangles every

  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    second. The Figure shows a representation of 30 minutes and

    15 seconds.



  • Prepared by: Noel Anonas

    Design and write a class that acts as a

    scorekeeper for a computer game. It

    maintains a single integer, the score. It

    provides a method to initialize the score to

    zero, a method to increase the score, a

    method to decrease the score, and a method

    to return the score. Write instructions to

    create a single object and use it.
