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VCDS - Proceduri

Date post: 08-Jul-2018
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  • 8/19/2019 VCDS - Proceduri


    Stopuri Spate:


    [09 - Centr. Elect.]

    [07 - Coding]

    [Long Coding Helper]

    Byte 9: Debifati toate ca!tele a! "odificati ca!ta

    DEC in cifra 0 #$ero%

    [&ranfer Coding']

    [Do (t']

    E08C8F0700041A00000A00000F000000000959435C dec era 10

    Activare Coming Home & Leaving Home[Select]

    [09 - Cent. Elect.]

    [07 - Coding]

    [Long Coding Helper]

    Byte 0:

    - bifati Bit ) #*itance Dri+ing Lig,t - Lea+ing Ho"e


    - bifati Bit 7 #Co"ing-Ho"e acti+e%

    [&ranfer Coding']

    [Do (t']

    Modificare timpilor pt Coming Home & Leaving HomeSelect]

    [09 - Cent. Elect.]

    [0 - *daptation]

    C,annel 0: n!"ar!l de ec!nde care doriti ca co"ing ,o"e a fie acti+ - de la 0 pana 0

    C,annel 0: n!"ar!l de ec!nde care doriti ca lea+ing ,o"e a fie acti+ - de la 0 pana




    [Done/ o Bac1]

  • 8/19/2019 VCDS - Proceduri


     Afisarea vitezei pe ecranul Radio CD.


    [)2 - 3adio]

    [0 - *daptation]

    C,annel 0: 0 4 de$acti+are 5 4 acti+are #afiarea

    +ite$ei in 1"5, pe diplay-!l radio!l!i%



    [Done/ o Bac1]

    Dupa aceasta operatie se apasa butonul meniu (de la radio-CD) si in acelasi timp se apasa pe butonul depornire (power).

    Inchidere proiectoare cand dai flash sau faza lunga


    [09 - Centr. Elect.]

    [07 - Coding]

    [Long Coding Helper]

    Byte 7: bifati Bit ) #6ront 6og lig,t deacti+ated it, Hig, Bea"%

    [&ranfer Coding']

    [Do (t']

    Regenerarea filtrului de particule (D!"#

    NOTA: Aceasta procedura se efectueaza NUMAI in cazul in care procedura descrisa in manualul

    de utilizare a autovehiculului nu functioneaza!!

    Testat pe motor de 2.0 TDI 140 cp., functioneaa cu !a" Com #0$ sau #12.4

    Contactul %&', motorul pornit , apa peste $0 "rade ( ei temperatura in easurin" *loc+s canalul002 , campul nr 4)

      se urmari alorile D% in easurin" *oc+s canalul 0/$ , casuta nr . n caul n care aloarea de nc3rcare este de peste 'pecificaii (din casuta numarul 2), atunci filtrul trebuie inlocuit, altfel poate crapain timpul re"enerarii.

  • 8/19/2019 VCDS - Proceduri


    Consumatorii electrici si mecanici ane5ati motorului sa fie porniti (incalire scaune, clima, lumini, etc, etc)

    67T-ul ( "aele de eacuare I8I8T6 D6 T&9*I8 ) sa fie peste /00 :C inainte de a porni testul.


    [0 - Engine]

    [Coding-(( - ] # doar +arianta 80) tie aceata opti!ne %

    *cti+ea$a 3egenerarea prin introd!cerea cod!l!i 9).

    [Do (t']

    [ea. Bloc1 - 08]

    electea$a ro!p-canalele 070 and 07).


    'emnificatii ;Canal 0/0 casuta nr. 1; 9e"eneration 'tatus (55555551 < 8ormal 9e"eneration actie, 55555515 < orced9e"eneration actie)Canal 0/0 casuta nr. ; 9e"eneration Counter=Timer DurataCanal 0/$ casuta nr. .1; 67T inainte de turbinaCanal 0/$ casuta nr. 2; 67T inainte de %article ilter Canal 0/$ casuta nr.; Incarcarea %article ilter - %article ilter oadCanal 0/$ casuta nr.4; 67T dupa %article ilter 

    %orniti si urmariti alorile mentionate mai sus.

    'e ruleaa masina cu 0->0 +m=? - la 1$00-2$00 rot=min ,durata apro5. 1$-20 inute . 'ofati pana cand%article ilter oad deine cat mai aproape de aloarea 0@ (dar in interalul de timp mentionat).

    Daca alorea nu scade atunci conditiile de rulare nu sunt corespunatoare cu datele de aici sau motorultau are probleme mecanice sau electronice ( supape, tac?eti, a5a cu came, inAectoare, compresie - saudebimetru, senor apa, actuatori turbo=e"r)

     Anularea diagnosticarii $eroare %ec ars$ pentru semnalizare


    [09 - Centr. Elect.]

    [07 - Coding]

    [Long Coding Helper]

    Byte 8:

    - debife$i Bit ) #Cold Diagnoi &!rn Signal acti+e%

    - debife$i Bit 7 #Cold Diagnoi Side &!rn Signal acti+e%

  • 8/19/2019 VCDS - Proceduri



    [&ranfer Coding']

    [Do (t']

    Schim%area lim%a pe afisaul displa'ului 


    [7 - (ntr!"ent]

    [0 - *daptation]

    C,annel 0 :

    0000 - er"an

    0000 - Engli,

    0000; - 6renc,

    0000< - (talian0000) - Spani,

    00002 - =ort!g!ee

    00007 - no te>t

    00008 - C$ec,



    [Done/ o Bac1]

    Inchiderea automata a masinii dupa viteza de )*+m,h



  • 8/19/2019 VCDS - Proceduri





    [Done/ o Bac1]

    Bptional se mai pot seta ca la inc?iderea=desc?iderea masinii sa se aprinda aariile sau sa se auda un

    clacson scurt

    %t acestea, modificari si;

    Optional channels - flash blinkers or sound horn said:

    C?annel 0$; &nloc+, ?orn sounds (1 < ctiate = 2 < Deactiate)

    C?annel 0>; oc+, ?orn sounds( 1 < ctiate = 2 < Deactiate)

    C?annel 0/; &nloc+, turn si"nals flas? (1 < ctiate = 2 < Deactiate)C?annel 0#; &nloc+, turn si"nals flas? (1 < ctiate = 2 < Deactiate)

    %ro"ramare c?eie


    1/ - Instruments

    o"in - 11

    &se /-di"it %I8='EC

    6nter t?e /-di"it %I8, Date on w?ic? t?e %I8 was "enerated bF t?e dealer, alon" wit? t?e Gor+s?op Code

    (G'C) and t?e Importer number of t?e dealer t?at "enerated t?e code.


    !7-CB will alidate t?e data Fou ?ae entered and return Fou to t?e o"in screen, w?ere t?e o"in

    Code will s?ow as HH.

    Do ItJ

    daptation - 10

    6nter 21 in HC?annel 8umberH


    T?e H'tored !alueH is t?e number of +eFs currentlF matc?ed.

    6nter Hnew alueH of 0


  • 8/19/2019 VCDS - Proceduri


    T?is clears out t?e old +eF-matc?in"s.

    6nter a Hnew alueH correspondin" to t?e total number of +eFs to be matc?ed, includin" anF e5istin" +eFs


    Done, 7o *ac+

    Close Controller, 7o *ac+ - 0>

    'witc? i"nition off and remoe +eF

    Insert ne5t +eF to i"nition and switc? i"nition on a"ain. T?e warnin" li"?t for t?e Immobilier will l i"?t up

    for K2 seconds, t?en "o out. 'witc? i"nition off and remoe +eF

    9epeat step 1> wit? eac? +eF until all +eFs ?ae been matc?ed

    AT "#T $%IM:

    Control odule Codin"

    'elect 1/ (Instrument Cluster)Codin" -L unction 0/

    00MM505; 65tra-Bptions

    N01 - *ra+e %ad Garnin" actieN02 - 'eatbelt Garnin" actieN04 - Gas?er luid Garnin" actieN1> - 'edan (Oetta)

    'o if Fou wanted eerFt?in" actie....

    002505 w?ere 5 is t?e alue of t?e ori"inal codin", letPs saF it was set t?ere from t?e factorF.

    To remoe seat belt warnin", Aust subtract t?e 02.... so it would now be;


    F stoc+ codin";00220

    Git? no seat belt c?ime;002120

  • 8/19/2019 VCDS - Proceduri


    &etra'erea pistonaselor pentru inlocuirea placutelor de frana pe spate se face cu va'-com!

    rane de parcare---inlocuire placute;

    'electare module$ - rana de parcare

    'etare de baa - 04

    7rup; 00/


     ctiare setare de baa


    6trierul se desc?ide.

    7ata, inapoi

    'e inlocuiesc placutele.

    7rupul 00> in setare de baa a readuce pistonul.

    7rupul 010 in setare de baa are caracter de test;

    in prima faa etrierul se desc?ide 15, dupa care stran"e de 5.

     Activare inchidere automata a geamurilor tinand apasat %utonul doar -




  • 8/19/2019 VCDS - Proceduri


    [Long Coding Helper]

    Byte 00: - bifati Bit < #Dayti"e 3!nning Lig,t #@ort, *"erica%%

    Byte 7: - bifati Bit < #Daylig,t 3!nning Lig,t +ia 6ront 6og Lig,t%

    Byte 0:

    - in ca!ta DEC "odificati +aloare #in procente% in )0

    [&ranfer Coding']

    [Do (t']

    9espectia aloare inscrisa in casuta D6C poate fii modificata dupa bunul plac

    Deschiderea pistoanelor pentru inlocuirea placutelor de frana pe spate


    [); - =ar1ing Bra1e]

    [0< - Baig Setting]

    r!p: 007


    *cti+ating baic etting


    #*ici etrier!l e +a dec,ide.%

    [Done/ o bac1']

     cum se pot inlocui placutele de frana

    Inchiderea pistoanelor dupa inlocuirea placutelor de frana pe spate


    [); - =ar1ing Bra1e]

    [0< - Baig Setting]

    r!p: 002


    *cti+ating baic etting


    #*ici etrier!l e +a inc,ide.%

    [Done/ o bac1']

    Nota; 7rup-ul 010 in Hbasic settingsH are caracter de testQ in prima faa etrierul se desc?ide 15, dupa carestran"e de 5.

  • 8/19/2019 VCDS - Proceduri


    !unctia $cornering$ pe proiectoare0 

    NOTA: Aceasta functie mer'e activata doar la masiniile produse (U)A iulie *++,!


    [09 - Cent. Elect.]

    [0 - Coding]

    [Long Coding Helper]

    Byte ;:

    - bifati Bit #(nternal &!rn Lig,t Control *lgorit,"


    - electia la Bit-!l ;-

  • 8/19/2019 VCDS - Proceduri


    EeF atc?in"%rereUuisites;

    Vou can matc? up to # +eFs.G?ile adaptin" eac? +eF, ma+e sure to place t?e ot?er +eFs awaF from t?e i"nition loc+ (reader coil). T?epassen"er seat is an adeUuate place.*atterF olta"e at least 12.0 !.

    'elect2$ - Immobiliereas. *loc+s - 0#'elect *loc+ 001.7oJT?e alue in field must be 1. If alue is not 1, t?e +eF is not capable of bein" adapted to Immobilier.

    Vou can c?ec+ eac? +eF in t?is manner.Done, 7o *ac+

    o"in - 11T?ere are 2 possibilities ?ow to enter a %I8, c?oose t?e one t?at applies for Fou.

    4-di"it %I86nter ero followed bF t?e 4-di"it %I8. or e5ample, if Four %I8 is 124, enter 0124./-di"it %I8&se /-di"it %I8='EC

    6nter t?e /-di"it %I8, Date on w?ic? t?e %I8 was "enerated bF t?e dealer, alon" wit? t?e Gor+s?op Code(G'C) and t?e Importer number of t?e dealer t?at "enerated t?e code.BE!7-CB will alidate t?e data Fou ?ae entered and return Fou to t?e o"in screen, w?ere t?e o"inCode will s?ow as HH.Do itJ

    daptation - 106nter 01 in HC?annel 8umberH (if not aailable use C?annel 21).

    9eadT?e H'tored !alueH is t?e number of +eFs currentlF matc?ed.6nter a Hnew alueH correspondin" to t?e total number of +eFs to be matc?ed, includin" anF e5istin" +eFs.T?e old +eFs are automaticallF beein" cleared.'aeDone, 7o *ac+Close Controller, 7o *ac+ - 0>

  • 8/19/2019 VCDS - Proceduri


    9epeat t?e followin" steps until all +eFs ?ae been matc?ed;

    'witc? i"nition off and remoe +eF.

    Insert ne5t +eF to i"nition and switc? i"nition on a"ain.

    T?e warnin" li"?t for t?e Immobilier will li"?t up for K2 seconds, t?en "o out 'witc? i"nition off andremoe +eF.

    8ote; T?e aboe steps after sain" t?e adaptation, s?ould not e5ceed 0=>0 secondsJ

    IMMO III - Immobilier III EeF atc?in" (Cluster)

    Determinin" IB-ID W !I8'elect1/ - Instrumentsoo+ at t?e first H65traH field. T?e first 1/-di"it strin" is t?e !I8. T?e second 14-di"it strin" in t?e Immo-ID.Close Controller, 7o *ac+ - 0>


    'elect1/ - Instruments

    eas. *loc+s - 0#'elect *loc+ 0#1.7oJT?e first 1/-di"it strin" is t?e !I8. T?e second 14-di"it strin" in t?e Immo-ID..Done, 7o *ac+Close Controller, 7o *ac+ - 0>

    EeF atc?in"%rereUuisites;

     ll +eFs are eit?er new or were adapted to t?is car (IB-ID) before.

    Vou can matc? up to # +eFs.G?ile adaptin" eac? +eF, ma+e sure to place t?e ot?er +eFs awaF from t?e i"nition loc+ (reader coil). T?epassen"er seat is an adeUuate place.

  • 8/19/2019 VCDS - Proceduri


    *atterF olta"e at least 12.$ !.

    'elect1/ - Instrumentseas. *loc+s - 0#'elect *loc+ 022.7oJT?e alue in field must be 1. If alue is not 1, t?e +eF is not capable of bein" adapted to Immobilier.Vou can c?ec+ eac? +eF in t?is manner.

    'elect *loc+ 024.7oJa+e sure t?e s?own loc+ times in field 1, 2 and are 0 (eac? field represents a time in minutes).

    If t?e loc+ times are 8BT 0;Do 8BT switc? off t?e i"nitionJ llow t?e car to sit for T 6'T t?e number of minutes t?at were indicated bF t?e fields 1-.Done, 7o *ac+

    o"in - 11T?ere are 2 possibilities ?ow to enter a %I8, c?oose t?e one t?at applies for Fou.

    4-di"it %I86nter ero followed bF t?e 4-di"it %I8. or e5ample, if Four %I8 is 124, enter 0124.

    /-di"it %I8&se /-di"it %I8='EC6nter t?e /-di"it %I8, Date on w?ic? t?e %I8 was "enerated bF t?e dealer, alon" wit? t?e Gor+s?op Code(G'C) and t?e Importer number of t?e dealer t?at "enerated t?e code.BE!7-CB will alidate t?e data Fou ?ae entered and return Fou to t?e o"in screen, w?ere t?e o"inCode will s?ow as HH.Do itJ

    IMMO III - Immobilier III EeF atc?in" ('eparate)

    Determinin" IB-ID W !I8'elect2$ - Immobilieroo+ at t?e first H65traH field. T?e first 1/-di"it strin" is t?e !I8. T?e second 14-di"it strin" in t?e Immo-ID.Close Controller, 7o *ac+ - 0>

  • 8/19/2019 VCDS - Proceduri



    'elect2$ - Immobiliereas. *loc+s - 0#'elect *loc+ 0#1.7oJT?e first 1/-di"it strin" is t?e !I8. T?e second 14-di"it strin" in t?e Immo-ID..Done, 7o *ac+Close Controller, 7o *ac+ - 0>

    EeF atc?in"%rereUuisites;

     ll +eFs are eit?er new or were adapted to t?is car (IB-ID) before.

    Vou can matc? up to # +eFs.G?ile adaptin" eac? +eF, ma+e sure to place t?e ot?er +eFs awaF from t?e i"nition loc+ (reader coil). T?epassen"er seat is an adeUuate place.*atterF olta"e at least 12.0 !.

    'elect2$ - Immobilier

    eas. *loc+s - 0#'elect *loc+ 001.7oJT?e alue in field must be 1. If alue is not 1, t?e +eF is not capable of bein" adapted to Immobilier.Vou can c?ec+ eac? +eF in t?is manner.

    'elect *loc+ 00.7oJa+e sure t?e s?own loc+ times in field 1, 2 and are 0 (eac? field represents a time in minutes).

    If t?e loc+ times are 8BT 0;Do 8BT switc? off t?e i"nitionJ

     llow t?e car to sit for T 6'T t?e number of minutes t?at were indicated bF t?e fields 1-.Done, 7o *ac+

    o"in - 11

  • 8/19/2019 VCDS - Proceduri


    T?ere are 2 possibilities ?ow to enter a %I8, c?oose t?e one t?at applies for Fou.

    4-di"it %I86nter ero followed bF t?e 4-di"it %I8. or e5ample, if Four %I8 is 124, enter 0124./-di"it %I8&se /-di"it %I8='EC6nter t?e /-di"it %I8, Date on w?ic? t?e %I8 was "enerated bF t?e dealer, alon" wit? t?e Gor+s?op Code(G'C) and t?e Importer number of t?e dealer t?at "enerated t?e code.BE!7-CB will alidate t?e data Fou ?ae entered and return Fou to t?e o"in screen, w?ere t?e o"inCode will s?ow as HH.Do itJ

    daptation - 106nter 01 in HC?annel 8umberH.

    9eadT?e H'tored !alueH is t?e number of +eFs currentlF matc?ed.6nter a Hnew alueH correspondin" to t?e total number of +eFs to be matc?ed, includin" anF e5istin" +eFs.T?e old +eFs are automaticallF beein" cleared.'aeDone, 7o *ac+Close Controller, 7o *ac+ - 0>

    9epeat t?e followin" steps until all +eFs ?ae been matc?ed;

    'witc? i"nition off and remoe +eF.

    Insert ne5t +eF to i"nition and switc? i"nition on a"ain.

    T?e warnin" li"?t for t?e Immobilier will li"?t up for K2 seconds, t?en "o out 'witc? i"nition off andremoe +eF.

    8ote; T?e aboe steps after sain" t?e adaptation, s?ould not e5ceed >0 secondsJ

    IMMO III - Immobilier III EeF atc?in" (EessF)

    Determinin" IB-ID W !I8'elect0$ - cc='tart ut?.eas. *loc+s - 0#'elect *loc+ 0#1.

  • 8/19/2019 VCDS - Proceduri


    7oJT?e first 1/-di"it strin" is t?e !I8. T?e second 14-di"it strin" in t?e Immo-ID..Done, 7o *ac+Close Controller, 7o *ac+ - 0>

    EeF atc?in"%rereUuisites;

    *atterF olta"e at least 12.0 !. Ge stron"lF recommend t?e use of a batterF c?ar"er.Vou can matc? up to # +eFs.

     ll +eFs are eit?er new or were adapted to t?is car (IB-ID) before.G?ile adaptin" eac? +eF, ma+e sure to place t?e ot?er +eFs awaF from t?e i"nition loc+ (reader coil). T?e

    passen"er seat is an adeUuate place.If all EeFs are new B9 t?e first inserted EeF is new, t?e I"nition will 8BT switc? B8 wit? t?is +eF.%ut t?e first EeF into t?e i"nition oc+, but do 8BT switc? B8 t?e i"nition.%ress and Rold t?e *ra+e %edal for 20 'econds to wa+e up t?e Dia"nostic Databus.

    'elect0$ - cc='tart ut?.eas. *loc+s - 0#'elect *loc+ 022.7oJT?e alue in field must be 1. If alue is not 1, t?e +eF is not capable of bein" adapted to Immobilier.Vou can c?ec+ eac? +eF in t?is manner.

    'elect *loc+ 02.7oJa+e sure t?e s?own loc+ times in field 1, 2, and 4 are 0 (eac? field represents a time in minutes).

    If t?e loc+ times are 8BT 0;Do 8BT switc? off t?e i"nitionJ

     llow t?e car to sit for T 6'T t?e number of minutes t?at were indicated bF t?e fields 1-4.Done, 7o *ac+

    'ec. ccess - 1>T?ere are 2 possibilities ?ow to enter a %I8, c?oose t?e one t?at applies for Fou.

    4-di"it %I86nter ero followed bF t?e 4-di"it %I8. or e5ample, if Four %I8 is 124, enter 0124./-di"it %I8

  • 8/19/2019 VCDS - Proceduri


    &se /-di"it %I8='EC6nter t?e /-di"it %I8, Date on w?ic? t?e %I8 was "enerated bF t?e dealer, alon" wit? t?e Gor+s?op Code(G'C) and t?e Importer number of t?e dealer t?at "enerated t?e code.BE!7-CB will alidate t?e data Fou ?ae entered and return Fou to t?e o"in screen, w?ere t?e o"inCode will s?ow as HH.Do itJ

    daptation - 106nter 21 in HC?annel 8umberH.9eadT?e H'tored !alueH is t?e number of +eFs currentlF matc?ed.6nter a Hnew alueH correspondin" to t?e total number of +eFs to be matc?ed, includin" anF e5istin" +eFs.T?e old +eFs are automaticallF bein" cleared.'ae

    Done, 7o *ac+Close Controller, 7o *ac+ - 0>

    'witc? I"nition B and remoe EeF, 'teerin" oc+ s?ould en"a"e.Insert first EeF a"ain and switc? I"nition B8.T?e Garnin" i"?t for t?e Immobilier will li"?t up for K2 seconds, t?en "o out. 'witc? I"nition B andremoe EeF.

    9epeat t?e followin" steps until all +eFs ?ae been matc?ed;'witc? I"nition B and remoe EeF, 'teerin" oc+ s?ould en"a"e.Insert ne5t EeF to I"nition and switc? I"nition B8 a"ain.

    T?e Garnin" i"?t for t?e Immobilier will li"?t up for K2 seconds, t?en "o out. 'witc? I"nition B andremoe EeF.

    8ote; T?e aboe steps after sain" t?e adaptation, s?ould not e5ceed >0 seconds wit?in" matc?in" 2 oft?e +eFs and ?ain" one +eF in t?e i"nition s?ould not e5ceed 0 seconds.J

    Control odule Codin"'elect 1/ (Instrument Cluster)Codin" -L unction 0/

    00MM505; 65tra-Bptions

    N01 - *ra+e %ad Garnin" actieN02 - 'eatbelt Garnin" actieN04 - Gas?er luid Garnin" actieN1> - 'edan (Oetta)

    scai * din ,

  • 8/19/2019 VCDS - Proceduri


    pentru stopuri spate:

    'elect0X - Centr. 6lect.0/ - Codin"on" Codin" Relper

    *Fte X; Debifei toate casutele sau modifici casuta D6C in cifra 0 (ero)

    Transfer Codin"JDo ItJ

    Dec,idere electi+a





  • 8/19/2019 VCDS - Proceduri



    =entr! reali$area acetei adaptari treb!ie a foloiti

    !n cod pentr! a +a loga. Cod!l ete ;;.


    [0 - Engine][Login - ]

    introd!ceti cod!l ;; pentr! a acti+a adaptarile


    [Do (t']

    [*daptation - 0]

    Selectati canal!l : t!ratia de ralanti. aloarea din

    fabricatie ete ;728 corep!nde !nei +alori de 90;

    rp". &!ratia e "odifica prin creterea a! caderea

    +alorii date.


    Aber+ati c!" e "odifica ralanti-!l i daca !nteti



    Sc,i"barea li"bii pe BC


    [7 - (ntr!"ent]

    [*daptation - 0]

    Selectati canal!l ale: canal!l

  • 8/19/2019 VCDS - Proceduri


    Inainte de a face orice modificare notati-a aloarea e5istenta.

    olosirea "resita a adaptarilor poate conduce la nefunctionalitatea motorului, asa ca orice modificare o

    faceti pe propriul risc J

     daptarea functioneaa numai la modelele care dispun de sistemul de aertiare sonora a obstacolelor laparcare.


    DisplaF - less common modules

    /> - %ar+in" id

    daptation - 10

    introduceti aloarea numarului canalului ales;

    canalul 1 ; olumul aertiarii marsarier (alori 2 - /)canalul 2 ; frecenta aertiarii marsarier (alori 0 - 4)

    canalul ; olumul aertiarii fata (alori 2 - /)

    canalul 4 ; frecenta aertiarii fata (alori 0 - 4)


    Bbserati cum se modifica nielul si frecenta aertiarii sonore, si daca sunteti multumiti


    &e'lare pozitie de referint a farurilor cu enon OM

    Inainte de a face orice modificare notati-a aloarea e5istenta.

    olosirea "resita a adaptarilor poate conduce la nefunctionalitatea motorului, asa ca orice modificare o

    faceti pe propriul risc J


    DisplaF - less common modules

    $$ - R i"?t 9an"e

    notati-a aloarea 'oft. codin". ea repreinta aloarea presetata si in caul in care nu obtineti reultateleasteptate puteti reeni la aceasta aloare.

    9ecode - 0/

    modificati aloarea din campul software codin" dupa cum urmeaa;

    scaderea acestei alori HridicaH farurile si iners.

  • 8/19/2019 VCDS - Proceduri


    modificati aloarea in incremente relati mici $ - 10

    Do it

     cum este neoie de recalibrarea senorirol pentru autoaAustarea nielului farurilor.

    Din modulul deAa selectat $$ - ?eadli"?t ran"e

    *asic 'ettin"s - 04

    7roup 001

    asteptati catea secunde pana cand primul camp se modifica din HwaitH in HsetH

    acum mer"eti un

    7roup 002

    asteptati pana cand afiseaa HlearnedH

    daca doriti sa mai modificati in continuare poitia reluati procedura pana cand obtineti reultatul dorit.

    $ombinatii luminoase la bord

    Inainte de a face orice modificare notati-a aloarea e5istenta.

    olosirea "resita a adaptarilor poate conduce la nefunctionalitatea motorului, asa ca orice modificare o

    faceti pe propriul risc J

    'elect1/ - Instruments

    o"in - 11

    introduceti codul 114> sau 012# sau 1#>1 pentru a actia adaptarile speciale

    Do ItJ

    daptation - 10

    introduceti aloarea numarului canalului ales;

    canalul 1X ; modul de iluminare a bordului (indicatoare si scala)notati-a aloarea e5istenta si nu modificati decat cifra cea mai din stan"a.

    05555 totul se ilumineaa la pornirea luminilor

    15555 indicatoarele aprinse tot timpul (odata cu contactul de c?eie)

    25555 scala aprinsa tot timpul (odata cu contactul de c?eie)

  • 8/19/2019 VCDS - Proceduri


    5555 indicatoarele si scala aprinsa tot timpul (odata cu contactul de c?eie)


    Bbserati cum se modifica iluminarea displaF-ului de bord si daca sunteti multumiti.


    65act. ai in detaliu, este orba despre Instruments = daptation = C?annel 1X unde ai un numar din $

    cifre, prima repreentand modul de iluminare;

    - 0 (sau absenta) < nimic iluminat

    - 1 < doar indicatoarele iluminate

    - 2 < doar cifrele iluminate

    - < indicatoarele si cifrele iluminate

    Anulare centura 9ectific codul dupa un studiu mai amanuntit ;000/10$ unde00...brea+ pad (frana de mana)0/ seat belt(centura)1 locatia ;europe0$ .lic?idul de la ster"atoareodifici 0/ (-02) in 0$ si anulei semnalul de centura , nu mai apare nici in bord . Iar unu repreintalocatia sau limba 1 europe , 2 usa ...

    )ilot Automat

    'elect01 - 6n"ineo"in - 116nter 114> to actiate cruise controlDo ItJ

     fter doin" t?is procedure, t?ere s?ould be a letter H7H in t?e Component field

    Volkswagen Golf Auto RainClosing Windows and Sunroof 

    An undocumented feature on the Golf MKV i automatic rain cloin! "indo"#

     $he onl% re&uirement i ha'in! a

    • (e!en)icht*en +(ain)i!ht*enor,

    -.eration of the %tem

    • (ain cloin! acti'ate onl% "hen the car ha /een loced#

    •  $he "indo" and unroof if tted "ill cloe automaticall% after 24 hour#

  • 8/19/2019 VCDS - Proceduri


     $o acti'ate the feature there are t"o te. one i to ena/le the feature and one i to ena/le themenu if there i a full hei!ht MF to !i'e the o.tion to ena/le or dia/le# f there i no full hei!ht

    MF the %tem "ill till o.erate correctl% /ut to ena/le or dia/le %ou "ill need to ueVa!com6VC*#

    f the car i tted "ith an alarm and the interior enor thee "ill need to /e dia/led /%.rein! the /utton on the .illar /efore locin! the car a o.eration of the unroof and "indo"

    ma% acti'ate the alarm#

     $he "i.er tal ma% need to /e in the automatic6intermittent .oition to o.erate#

    Step 1 – Enable Auto Rain Closing

    1# -.en the Central Electronic Controller +09, and clic on the Codin! o.tion#

    2# Clic the dro. do"n /o: and chooe the (e!en)icht*en +(ain)i!ht*enor,

    3# ;ote the oft"are codin! +00,208933, +mot car ha'e di# Con'ert to ecimal +00,471077 and re.lace the old codin!# +00,4792>9

    f %ou?re unclear on the con'erion te. ee theDei!al to Hex and Hex to Dei!alon"ersion !uide#


  • 8/19/2019 VCDS - Proceduri


    Step # – Enable $enu to Enable%Disable&optional'

    1# -.en the Comfort *%tem Controller +4>,

    2# n lon! codin! chan!e %te 09 to =e: 02

    E:am.le13 90 0> 88 51 03 48 3F 2 04 05 8F 0 08 0A 04 88 9C 00

    to13 90 0> 88 51 03 48 3F 2 02 05 8F 0 08 0A 04 88 9C 00

     $he menu "ill no" !i'e %ou the o.tion to turn on or o< the (ain Cloin! Feature#


     $o tet "ind do"n the "indo" and o.en unroof if tted loc the car# @ait around 2 minute and.our ome "ater on the rain enor +mounted on the !la /ehind the rear 'iion mirror, and

    after a hort dela% the "indo" and unroof "ill cloe#


     $here are reall% no iue "ith ena/lin! thi feature# $here ha'e /een a fe" re.ort of .eo.le!ettin! a fault a..earin! in their Central Electronic Controller +09, from time to time 02071


  • 8/19/2019 VCDS - Proceduri


  • 8/19/2019 VCDS - Proceduri



    [09 - Centr. Elect.]

    [07 - Coding]

    [Long Coding Helper]

    Byte 7:- bifati Bit #&!rn Signal a =ar1ing Lig,t [?S*5Canada]%

    - in ca!ta DEC "odificati +aloare #)-;)G a! cat doriti% cat a fie de il!"inate

    [&ranfer Coding']

    [Do (t']

    Din proprie e5perienta a spun ca un $@ intensitate este foarte o+.Ce sare de 40@ deAa deine deranAat si nici nu aAuta la o mai buna iluminare.
