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Verification of Cfd Based Computation of Thermal Comfort Indices

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  • 8/9/2019 Verification of Cfd Based Computation of Thermal Comfort Indices



    International Aerospace CFD Conference(Paris, June 18 19 2007)

    Verification of CFD-based Computation ofThermal Comfort IndicesD. Lampe, E. BjergAirbus Deutschland GmbH, Kreetslag 10D - 21129 Hamburg, Germany.

    ABSTRACT: This study investigates the applicability of User-Defined-Functions (UDFs) for determination of thermal comfort indices for non-uniform

    environments. The demand for such an investigation derived from the need toevaluate thermal environments in aircraft cabins in a more comprehensiveway.

    It is normal practice by Airbus to determine the initial layout of ventilationsystems also on the basis of computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Theresulting set ups are subsequently tested in scale 1:1 cabin mock-ups that arebasically life size cabin models. When airflow simulations for the A400M cargohold were performed with CFD, thermal comfort was assessed in accordancewith ISO 7730. The assessment of such environments was approached bycomputing the Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) and the Predicted Percentage ofDissatisfied (PPD) (Fanger, 1970). CFD-measurements in strongly non-uniform environments shall be conducted at several locations, at or aroundthe subject to form average quantities (ISO 7726).

    The study compares indices based on CFD computed parameter

    quantities averaged over an area or a volume of cells near a human model toindices based on human subject votes. The CFD model offered realityequivalent airflow behavior confirmed by comparison with practical experimentdata. The human subject votes derived from laboratory experimentsconducted by P.O. Fanger.

    Surfaces that partly covered the human models were created formeasuring the thermal comfort indices as well as single parameter values.

    Results with accuracy within +20/-10 percentage points PPD wereachieved when no special precautions were taken. Measurements performedat surfaces placed 50 cm from the human models resulted in accuracieswithin 10 percentage points PPD.

    A proposed alternative solution, which involves a user-defined function thatdisregards human model induced radiant heat, yielded results with accuracy

    within 5 percentage points PPD off target values for the optimal measuringdistance to the human models.

    Keywords: Thermal Comfort, Fanger, Cabin, PPD, PMV

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    The motivation for this study about the applicability of thermal comfortcomputation for non-uniform environments derived from the need to evaluatethermal environments in aircraft cabins. Environmental control engineers atAirbus employ CFD to determine the initial layout of ventilation systems ofnew aircraft and also to improve thermal comfort in existing planes. A broadvariety of investigations are made in order to find optima for location andairflow velocities of air outlets, insulation properties, temperature distributions,airflow-, cooling- and heating-requirements, control parameters and otherproperties of interest. In this context, CFD-calculations range from locallylimited phenomena up to the modeling of complete full size cabins. WhereasCFD is very helpful for design, it is still indispensable to verify final results bytests.

    For thermal comfort considerations, it is until recently common practice to

    evaluate temperature and velocity of the flow and also wall temperatures inseparate plots, values and diagrams. Nevertheless, when airflow simulationsfor the A400M cargo hold were performed, thermal comfort was alsoassessed in accordance with ISO 7730. This means that Predicted Mean Vote(PMV) and Predicted Percentage Dissatisfied (PPD) (Fanger, 1970) were alsoevaluated.

    Fig. 1: Path lines within the cargo hold of the A400M occupied by passengers.

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    The standard ISO 7730 describes calculation of thermal comfort indicesbased on physical parameters. The quantities need typically only to bemeasured at a small number of locations that represent the entire occupantszone.

    However, when dealing with non-uniform environments, like in aircraftcabins, there are no single locations, that are representative for the entirecabin. Under such circumstances a number of quantities is needed in order toform average values that represent the zone in question. A humansperceived thermal comfort is impacted by the airflow properties of itssurrounding flow field, this region is however, also affected by the humansown presence.

    The optimal method for calculation of thermal comfort indices in non-uniform environments needs to be based on the properties of the near-human

    airflow. Nevertheless, the quantities should be obtained outside the regionwhere the humans own presence induces faulty results.

    The overall goal of this study was to establish a recommendation for theuse of surface-averaged comfort indices in CFD computational set ups byanswering the question: How well do surface- or volume-averaged PMV- andPPD-values correlate to the values determined from the uniformenvironmental conditions at the boundary of the computational domain?


    The above-mentioned question was answered by the following procedure:

    (1) Compute the flow properties and temperatures of the original laboratoryexperiments conducted by P.O. Fanger by means of CFD. In order toensure correct modeling of the flow, an analog benchmark configurationwas computed first in order to determine the best CFD parameters.

    (2) Determine average values of PMV and PPD over several differentlylocated surfaces within the computational domain. For this purpose, aUser-Defined Function (UDF) was employed.

    (3) Compare the CFD-computed PMV- and PPD-values averaged over thevarious surfaces with the human subject votes reported from thelaboratory experiments conducted by P.O. Fanger.

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    Wherever humans occupy artificial climates, as it is very much the case inaircraft cabins, the aim is to ensure not only a healthy but also a pleasantenvironment. Thermal comfort is in ISO 7730 defined as The condition ofmind which expresses satisfaction with the thermal environment.

    Thermal discomfort will be felt as either an excessively cold or excessivelywarm sensation of the body. If the body is getting too warm, its internal heatsensors notice it. They tell the thermoregulatory system via the hypothalamusto start the cooling process. Firstly the blood vessels vasodilate (expand)which increases the blood flow through the humans skin, secondly sweatproduction on the skin is initiated. When the sweat evaporates it consumesenergy, the energy comes from the hot blood running through the skin andsubsequently the core of the body is cooled down when the blood returns.

    Only a few tenths of a degree more than the permitted 37C core temperature

    stimulates sweat production, which very effectively provides the necessaryheat loss.

    If the body is getting too cold i.e. when the skin temperature falls below

    34C, it is registered by the skin-sensors that, also via the hypothalamus, tellthe thermoregulatory system to start the bodys defence against cooling down.Firstly the blood vessels vasoconstrict (contract) and thereby reduce the bloodflow through the skin to reduce heat loss. Secondly the internal heatproduction is increased by stimulation of the muscles that start shivering. Thedefence against cooling down is very effective, even under extremecircumstances where the blood stream to arms and legs can be shut off andshivering becomes very severe.

    To be able to determine how far from perfect the environment actually is,the PMV and PPD indices have been introduced. According ISO 7730, thePMV value can be calculated on the basis of the following 6 main parameters:metabolic rate, air velocity, air temperature, humidity, mean radianttemperature and clothing insulation.

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    The PMV index is the predicted mean rating from a large number of people

    on a psycho-physiological scale. The scale has 7 different ratings rangingfrom Cold (-3) to Hot (+3). The PMV index tells if occupants feel too warm ortoo cold under given circumstances. The information about which percentageof the occupants would be dissatisfied is provided by the PPD, which can bederived from the PMV according ISO 7730. Its dependency is shown in thefollowing Fig. 2.

    Fig. 2: PPD vs. PMV according ISO 7730.


    The theory behind the PMV and the PPD was derived on the basis of practical

    experiments with hundreds of human subjects performing validation ofthermal comfort under various thermal conditions, see (Fanger P.O. 1982).For each of the tests, 8 college-age females, 8 college-age males, 8 elderlyfemales and 8 elderly males were subjected to different test conditions for3 hours in a climate chamber. The chamber dimensions were 5.6m long x2.8m wide x 2.8m high. During the tests, the air temperature was maintainedat 4 different levels: 21.1C, 23.3C, 25.6C and 27.8C. The mean radianttemperature was kept equal to the air temperature and all tests wereconducted at RH = 30% and RH = 70%. The chamber had furthermore beenfitted with heated wall panels for controlling the radiant heat load as well as airtemperature and humidity control devices.

    The subjects were all seated performing light sedentary work at ametabolic rate of 1.0 met and wearing clothes representing a clo-value of 0.6.The climate chamber was ventilated at an air exchange rate of 40 h

    -1by an

    equally distributed air stream from the ceiling exiting through slots in the floorperiphery.











    -3 -2,5 -2 - 1,5 - 1 -0,5 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3

    PM V


    ( )24 2179.003353.095100 PMVPMVePPD +=

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    Fluent offers a wide range of options for setting up the boundary conditionsand the numerical solver. A benchmark experiment involving air velocity andtemperature measurements above a heated cylinder was chosen as referencefor the CFD calibration. Just as the Fanger experiments, this is a low-Reynolds-number, natural convection case with identical temperaturegradients. The test conducted at the Technical University of Berlin (Streblow,2006) involved measurement of air velocities and heat distribution above aheated cylindrical body as shown in Fig. 3.

    Fig. 3: Benchmark test experiment (Streblow, 2006).

    Airflow was introduced through the ventilation slot in the lower left wall.The upwards air velocity (natural convection) induced by the cylinders 100Wheat dissipation was measured by means of laser Doppler anemometry at two880 x 880 mm planes above the cylinder. The heat distribution was recordedwith a thermal camera on a surface above and on the cylinder itself. The sizeof the room as well as the environmental conditions in the test was verysimilar to the conditions in the climate chamber used by Fanger. Therefore theempirically obtained data from the benchmark test provided an excellenttemplate for setting up the CFD-model to be used in this project. An exactreplication of the test facility was created in Gambit and discretised by acircular grid around the heated cylinder, a tetrahedral transitional grid withrectangular outer geometry and a hexahedral grid modeling basically theremaining volume of the test room.

    The optimal set up of turbulence models and solver settings wasdetermined by comparison between the theoretically simulated data and theempirically obtained data from the test. As criteria for good agreement

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    between CFD and experiments, the average velocity at the measuring grid

    was used.The near-wall region around the heated cylinder was discretised by two

    different approaches: The Standard Wall Function approach, which issuitable for coarse grids and the Near Wall Model approach, which requiresvery fine meshing. For turbulence modeling, Fluents RNG k- model wasused including Enhanced Wall Treatment (EWT) for the Near Wall Modelapproach cases.

    Whereas the Standard Wall Function approach without boundaryresolution showed unsatisfactory results, the Near Wall Model approach withresolution of the boundary layer performed very well. For the latter case, astructured resolution of the boundary layer with a growth function and also anunstructured Tgrid-approach were successful. For the unstructured boundarylayer resolution, the cylinder face was initially meshed with triangles of muchsmaller size than the Tetrahedrals within the surrounding volume. This

    constellation ensured high grid resolution in the immediate vicinity of thecylinder, while the total number of elements was kept at a reasonable leveldue to the rapid cell growth. All residuals were stable and below 10

    -3and the

    mass flow imbalance was

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    The preconditions for calculation of PMV and PPD are that energy and

    species transport for water vapor as well as radiation calculations have takenplace. For simulation of the radiant temperature the Discrete Ordinates (DO)radiation model was used.

    The Virtual Climate Chamber (VCC) was created according to thedimensional properties of the original test facilities provided in the work ofFanger. Human models were placed in a volume within the VCC, which wasmeshed with a tetrahedral grid. This volume acted as transition between themodels small size surface triangles and the main volumes large tetrahedralgrid. As in the original work of Fanger, the human models were placed in aseated position, 2x4 human models, face to face in the middle of thechamber; see Fig. 4(ref. Nevins, 1966).

    Fig. 4: Computational set up of Fanger experiments.


    The VCC walls were defined as solid walls whereas the entire ceiling wasdefined as a velocity inlet. The floor area was defined as part wall and partpressure outlet. The wall temperatures were set to the desired temperature ofeach experiment in order to attain a mean radiant temperature equal to the airtemperature. The emissivity for all walls was set at a value of 0.97, as in thecylinder experiments, with a diffusion factor, fdof 1.

    According to the work of Fanger the average climate chamber temperaturewas kept at 21.1C, 23.3C, 25.6C and 27.8C for the respectiveexperiments. Thus the air inlet temperatures needed to be slightly lower inorder to compensate for the human heat emission. The desired temperaturefor each case was originally achieved by means of a temperature sensor andan inlet air temperature control unit. Due to the unknown amount of heattransferred from the humans to the air before having the CFD-results, the inlet

    air temperature had to be adjusted manually in an iterative way. It had to bemodified until the correct volume average temperature of the VCC wasreached.

    Air Inlet

    Air Outlet

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    The inlet air velocity of 0,031 m/s resulted from an air exchange rate of



    as in the original experiments. For all cases, a turbulence intensity of5 % was used. Each set of boundary conditions listed in Table 1representsone of the tests conducted by Fanger.

    Table 1:Air Inlet Boundary Conditions.

    VCC-temperature [C] 21,1 21,1 23,3 23,3 25,6 25,6 27,8 27,8

    Relative humidity [%] 30 70 30 70 30 70 30 70

    Inlet air temp. [C] 20,7 20,7 22,9 22,9 25,2 25,2 27,5 27,5

    MassFrac. H2O [g/kg] 4,9 11,4 5,6 13,1 6,5 15,1 7,4 17,2


    The creation of the human models was constrained by two importantrequirements: The models needed to be created with dimensional propertiesequivalent to real humans in order to ensure realistic flow conditions in thenear-occupant regions. Also the surface area and body part proportionsneeded to be equivalent to those of real human subjects. The dimensionalrequirement was met by the use of DIN 33402-2, which deals with mansergonomic dimensions. The surface was split up in segments in order to makedefinition of the heat dissipation for individual areas possible. The arearequirement was met by correlating each model segment to equivalentsegments of a thermal manikin for which the surface area has been measuredby laser scanning (Srensen, 2003).


    The heat dissipation of the 8 human models was set as a heat flux boundarycondition with variable boundary surface temperature.

    Wet heat loss components that cause water evaporation were neglected inthis study, because they have only minor effect on the surrounding airflow andtemperature as they only increase the humidity. Dry heat loss components inthe form of dry respiration heat loss, radiation and convection have significantimpact on the surroundings causing radiant heat transfer and buoyancy drivenairflows. The human models total heat dissipation was set as function of thesurrounding air temperature in accordance with the dry heat dissipation givenin (Danvak, 1997 p. 501).

    The heat dissipation was split up in a clothed skin part and a bare skin part.70% of the total heat loss was set to be dissipated over the clothed area ofthe human model whereas the remaining 30% were dissipated over handsand heads.

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    As can be seen in Figure 5, the heat dissipated from the humans causedconsiderable natural convection, leading to updrafts in their vicinity. Theshape of the toroidal vortex can easily be deducted from the figure.

    Fig. 5: Airflow velocity vectors in midplanes of VCC.


    For each row of human models 6 surfaces, A to F, were created. Each surface

    consisted of three planes named Back, Front and Top. Thus the term

    surface, followed by a capitol letter (A-F), refers to the combination of three

    planes (Back, Top and Front), whereas the term plane refers in the following

    to single planes.

    Fig. 6: CFD Measuring surfaces.

    Surface A, was placed at a distance of 50mm from the human models,surface B at 100mm and the remaining surfaces in increments of 100mmaway from the human models. It was decided not to let the surfaces cover theentire body in order to avoid interference between front planes and humanmodels on the opposite side.

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    From Figure 8, one can read:

    (1) Air temperature is too high for all planes and surfaces.(2) Planes Top and Front are significantly high.(3) All plane and surface values approaching target value with increasing

    distance to human model.

    Fig. 9: Mean radiant temperature for the case 21.1C / 30%RH.

    From Figure 9, one can read:

    (1) Mean radiant temperature is too high for all planes and surfaces.(2) Planes Front are significantly high.(3) Mean radiant temperature is decreasing with increasing distance to

    human model.

    Fig. 10: Air velocity for the case 21.1C / 30%RH.

    From Figure 10, one can read:

    Radiant Temperature @ 21.1C / RH30












    Surface A Surface B Surface C Surface D Surface E Surface F

    tr [C]




























    Target Value

    Velocity @ 21.1C / RH30












    Surface A Surface B Surface C Surface D Surface E Surface F

    va [m/s]

























    Target Value

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    (1) Air velocity is too low for all surfaces.

    (2) Planes Top and Front reach target value for surface A(3) Air velocity decreasing with increasing distance to human model.


    Figure 11shows that the PMV index was interpreted too high for all surfaces.

    As can be seen in Figure 12, this causes too low PPD indices, at

    temperatures below thermal comfort level and too high indices above.

    Fig. 11: Summary of PMV Surface Results at 30% RH.

    Fig. 12: Summary of PPD Surface Results at 30% RH.

    PMV Surface Values RH30









    21.1C 23.3C 25.6C 27.8C

    Surface A

    Surface B

    Surface C

    Surface D

    Surface E

    Surface F

    Target Value


    Avg. Room Temp.

    PPD Surface Values RH30








    21.1C 23.3C 25.6C 27.8C

    Surface A

    Surface B

    Surface C

    Surface D

    Surface E

    Surface F

    Target Value

    PPD [%]

    Avg. Room Temp.

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    For all experiments the computed PMV indices were too high compared to thetarget values. This resulted in faulty PPD indices that were found up to 20percentage points off target for the most severe cases. The excessive PMVread-outs were caused by too low air velocities as well as too highlyinterpreted air- and radiant temperatures. As expected, the air velocity as wellas the air and radiant temperatures were found to be decreasing with growingdistance to the human models.

    The velocity read-outs were found below the target values for all surfacesalthough the Front and Top planes provided reasonable accuracy in closevicinity of the human models. Air velocity does however, play a minor role inthe range between 0.0 m/s and 0.1 m/s where natural convection dominates.

    The air velocity is furthermore given as an approximate value in thedescription of the original experiments, which indicates some degree ofuncertainty about the accuracy of this parameter.

    The deviance in air temperature was primarily caused by excessivetemperature values at the Top and Front planes. The excessive heat on thoseplanes was due to natural convection and the higher heat dissipation rates inthe head and hands regions. The impact from this source of error could havebeen minimised by performing measurements around the entire body as thiswould somewhat compensate for the extra heat dissipation in the head andhands region.

    The mean radiant temperature deviated significantly from the target valuefor all experiments. The deviance amounted to several degrees Celsius abovethe target values at surfaces near the human models. This was due toexcessive mean radiant temperature read-outs at all planes, particularly highvalues were observed on the Front planes that were placed between the tworows of human models. The planes in this location were subjected to humanmodel induced radiant heat from several directions and only to a small extentsubjected to wall radiation. In order to achieve correct mean radianttemperatures, only the wall radiation should be taken into consideration.Allowing only the surrounding boundary surfaces (walls, floor and ceiling) andnot the human models to take part in the radiation measurements wouldreduce the main source of error considerably when calculating surfaceaveraged thermal comfort indices.

    Inserting the results at the CFD measuring surfaces for temperature, airvelocity and humidity together with a mean radiant temperature equal to thewall temperature into the equations for PMV and PPD from ISO 7730improved the accuracy of the PPD indices significantly. This procedure,which is almost equivalent to using the previously mentioned user-definedfunction, yielded maximum errors within 10 percentage points off target PPD.

    Humidity was found close to the target values at all planes/surfaces for allexperiments and thus causes only minor error.

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    Thermal comfort indices can be successfully computed as surface averagedvalues by means of CFD. The accuracy was found to be within +10/-20percentage points PPD for all measurement surfaces without specialprecautions. The 3 main sources of error were:

    (1) Low velocities(2) High temperatures(3) Excessively high radiant temperatures

    The velocity read-outs only reached the target value when measured veryclose to the human models and decreased with growing distance. Thisparameter does on the other hand, only have minor impact on the PMV at airvelocities as low as 0.1 m/s.

    All experiments show that the human model heat dissipation causeselevated temperatures on the measuring surfaces. The heat impactdecreases with growing distance however, this also results in changed airflowconditions. No conclusive optimal surface-to-human model distance can bedetermined as low distances result in excessive heat read-outs, whereaslarge distance measurements may not represent the near-human flowconditions.

    The measuring distance will inevitably pose a trade-off between elevatedheat measurements and altered flow conditions and should therefore beindividually considered for the flow field in question. For flow fields similar tothose considered in this project, a surface distance of 50 cm can berecommended.

    A proposed alternative method, which disregards the human modelinduced radiant heat, indicated considerable accuracy improvements. Thehuman model induced radiation heat should be disregarded on the measuringsurfaces.

    Estimation calculations have shown that accuracies in the region of 10percentage points are achievable by using this method. All results forSurface F were furthermore less than 5 percentage points off the targetvalues when disregarding human model induced radiation heat. This order ofaccuracy is considered acceptable when it is taken into consideration that thesurface averaged thermal comfort indices are only to be used for initialventilation layouts and comparison between various ventilation configurations.


    Fanger P. O. (1982) Thermal Comfort Analysis and Applications inEnvironmental Engineering, Malabar, Florida: Robert E. Krieger Publishing


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    Danvak ApS (1997) Varme og Klimateknik, Grundbog 2. udgave 1. oplag,

    Bondes og Dyva Grafisk A/S, Kbenhavn.

    Nevins R. G.et al (1966) Temperature-Humidity Chart for Thermal Comfortof Seated Persons. In: Ashrae Trans. 72. I: 283 291.

    Srensen D. N. and Voigt L. K. (2003) Modeling flow and heat transferaround a seated human body by computational fluid dynamics. In: Building

    and Environment 38 pp. 753-762.

    Streblow R. (2006) Route 06 V&V CFD for Special Cabins, TechnicalUniversity of Berlin, Institute for Energy Engineering.
