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veUb JTH' nerea thUi' · 2017. 12. 17. · ''Duringthe war with Napoleon1 the 'English "debt.....

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v 1 1 t r a- - h k --- v- hi .j m n W IH 0- k : f W '1 3 ) t 4 r i t; .. 1 '. Mr If H; t . . V; i'i ft I, -- i i'f ?. r , 'J ' - " " - - ..-- ' . . - . . . - - . . . -- v.- . - ' ' - . - , - - ' . ,. . , , . . - . . if?: JI;HLi. .I i .Pnt4AnAn-r-t- A i -- ,,,.. ' ? 1 r m . - . - - -- . t1 - in- . ii i : i- -u iu i Iju'j aafcaJ Jill I I t f(Q., - 2-ft- L; ., . . :X!I. . , , 1 Two Dorars year in fvnce, . CT All Wills fo Adrerticemeota, Job- - VVork, or 3aVcripiitn, considertd dna tcn t except Hgahist those with whom we. h,vi"rmningacconnta, , , ttt' 3 ibscribers failing to order a discon- - tinuuptef tUe paperat tpe expiration of be Jipe for which they may. have subwribed. nro cottsldered i wishiug'to renew; and it wiltLaconitnued. taihem accordingly . . , OCT Bs.Pper will be sent out o the ' roiintj; niilesap'aid for' in aivaDce. I Advertisements inserted at One Dol-(lu- t( pr jtquare f Tvlv; Litres f je4 for therst insertion: Fifly C;iis foir each otjtiiiOa4ce. '"'- - ' OCT.-P.arsoa- advertising br thsyear, will Ve charged Forty. Uullqrs for a hole, foiiimu, Twcmjr-ftoiiar- i icr one-b- all 'Vess DIliar for on-nr- ter. Jo dmm-tio- n from thtse Urns v ruler any circumstances r"The pririlrge- - of yearly advertisers is trtSrtt limited to their own immediate and teo- - ' tlr busintesLini the bunincos of an adter-- i i .sing jiriu is noi co'iiiuerea as mciuaing inat f its individual nirubers. JCJ Annonncitigcandidate6.Thr-- f Dol- -' 1;irs, to le paid in advance in tvery caie. : Advertisctoents not marked with the number of isxeruvns when fcar.ded in, ! continual until ordered out, and pcyinentex- - uftei. ; ; .', , I - tjr Ar euleert irment ititerted gratuitously. ftT A.ivertisemcuU of cu abusive nature, 'scfcV nnlitiserttl at any price. . .CO", Job arlnli,o am. neofy i'on?Mi W!vTj l. on as reasonable titm4 any isflire in Tenncsjiee. I o J'aper will be jiiKContitiued until 11 nrrear are paid ' up except at the cp- -' t ok of tii Publisher. . ,.; War.Utbuf lie Norib. V V Nctt jYork "Heraid, of T .j)tliT in an editorial upon Northern Tmances, says: -- ' - . ''During the war with Napoleon1 the 'English "debt.. increased from one hundred - to1 eight hundred; millions of pounds sierjing, aiid the outhij of ,t'ie ;(Jovermnent was aljout lour thousand millions of mb&t crbeariog itvid. - Thxpi ice arc crcncding into 4i fctr years the cxjtendUitrcs of a quarter of a century. war cesos the co the very from from v. rinnnff hiaViltf cirilU tail! Atmec Amuiuiin-r- : bes. iqneslion, bej jarred , ,Do keUery wus.w.hen gan, have play that than held that that, liuell hest much have Thewrv rmy corres- - Kenub- - 1j. in' thus battles: people Appearance ' ptucyicuau. fonnatioo Ltlie army, notthe enual the. Confederate;, and .'jf- he sueh troops as "world would not be long 'in fihdihg.it out. Mlis disasters are justly attributable to. his ' of generalship, much.as to character .'his troops." The manner which conducted retreat from Richmond, and .his affairs thus far in are enough' to him he-ranke- d. with ablest com- -' manders either side. Officers tell that a close inspection of works and a thorough pxamination of ments,"from day day, after the KbaUles disclose one solitary mistake blunder oi) ;IIe best that 7pould done At point, "the and with inaterial he had around him,. is to, give enemy ."credit tod ability, than' too Htv- Cotton Card Factory is in uc- - ., Ga:, 'with wire ''.enough .the pianu- - facturers say, twelve1 thousand The cards sold Mswyi,,, ' 'JrL - " T pprLrilJ-.- : mmmimmmmm - . TT" .w .' ' "1 ti'Ofil 'IStitS Fxploi U ui Coofe'derate Steamer Tlie New; York Her , Id ; p.ubUb th: btatimeif of three .un&ters ol tlihi baVe," bren. boint'by. the and snys (bat Capiaia Semmte, of the r. asi s u a r rii i liailimore o insert, he ' efi'ective. Iotid.,fcrmety totheih ouKof veUb and Europe.! Uh,s thedaughter. of Stotj tg" sue- - onSera Uln.irilton; carry rtg'tVh fev pacoJe (ojbejnd I?M4n nerea rifle gTbese lbrA iqi ...cnn. c. . ... tercntest testruc;i l he r;iui. i,jm h0 ! . , P mi frti.;i ..Tf, is evideol, all 6f inlmense 'W'l as ascertain M0'! w, ;.ibe II U.i ,be 'Alabama '8"R?w; can.",: lea$t'8L as .great as lours, ofilwa : ninety. Vu, .,,....- - "I " i aurf ne V A'tnrnv f'-'"."- oL L Kip thu'tiirriir rif 1 j , ., i miumoiiutu a uij-uu- j m"0 irfuratPH mn hth IdGth Alahnma. Pbip. ... i .u the: tcein Her "tpeed ; appears to be uoiqoallvd both under strsiin and 'Her sailing 'uaiitii e, as d, are superior to tbe ?peed of nine-tent- hs our 6te;.aiors . in ;.lhe navj,'tmd' tinder steam aud cauvass ombined iVuvll take Vanderbiit or ste:im'-r- s 'f similar class, to with, in a rh488. iHer bMttery is formidable, iquul -- to many of purVcrew' slco-.af-wv"- l. f the btcpe 'vjafi aD(l vastly superior to any of put. small r yeWcj' Sb'e is in n FpctVaii ogly "i ustrmrr, (u .WPOf thfate ship. NortHeni YWM i0fini.JrVe4 tosc6e'j: . ;tV:' voun'ffUadv. Pm.; i . destroy :.; W VflPK!?!; of property npsilion-'nu'- eath-u- l uapmrosa peuua an unfob- - V.-e;- " . patnvwi uona ?, ndji'o j)iirni7 that ft-- ' n.me of the ibip.btfe Cni,.ftb(fe bound, and the.cbitjactf hi? cargo.- - ''..,. IJ . . in i Kit i anid that.eome oftjs cafga llapse Will .. nn Hip mnrlnnerv ot bufei- -' . . iioglhi reply, jSemmestcow.ee at new.ivi.Ite. again - asit tlienr.bo- - Wll?re W ,he but .much more disastrously . . & on . we more 4,, n : ."S f li I TU - papas' unfortunifely hav-Thes- is dds; kea, compared which II, : and the feil-follo- w the end of tins war, ere financial fanners are more for-- ; a prize, formerly. - PEftSpKAL APPEARANCE We have the opinion CuptaiQ Ilagar'says boweytr IcClQllaiuiiid were the Stinmes may hd a'good ;GeneralsW intelligent Nvy, he hiaentircly chared the . Snvminan "" j ' - r jjjj oi wmcpare lican, late letter, speaks ' tytbrow that of Victor Emanuel 'MeClellan, after the Maryland ejatiiely in t,he6bac!et and isetident attention.. nothe impror to pr,wipetrti that rgestrhere the the.a Confederate States led Brtgw ,Mxa hoi, . T r v 91 - T - . 'A J""c"r .appfara be complete Federal if ot"any ii had to com- mand, the y not lack so the in his 'conduct Ma- ryland, Entitle to the on me -- ! liis 'Tiefore.Richmor.d, his movcf to cpmmenced, did pot .his 'part. did the be, every under circumstances, the It j safer, for much A ce8sful operation Rome, " lviirs. - at -- present . for tannedrhefpkms. npK? -- iwMaaMiaMMaFwasssawrsssamass T 'if '16 'PMfddel'AJlia Ho ZrZ a do, anything very vosel, that occupies mucn .taV the from 0.mmaDUe.r ltjiphae Navyt to. ()pbiualiqn olJ-a-fi- it Kid and Oibbshe irtust piious pirtei,the ;(Worli kqowu- .- XV tike jDfrvQtrtM tle.la.liiioja ported as.vfrj In they.tako r'jWrg bqt what suits ; them, If :repenilRh-ia- g their rt-j-c- sugari taking" jaQthg-ut- , the glotes the sametbey refuse colcW, and, will nothing, but; fltbite.-s- o it is wit h ihepili wliy thrpugb. appropriate H'ttf ttjog find worth having, and iiesfroy-th- e regt, aud.ar? pirates in 'eUy :,ff'B8f of the do.ppt.lVkp lify-- or rather;, tiotiyel dppe Alibamt there irere: between lorr fifty f 'the ,the di(r Tbey wete ceu&oed below iu ifgirs, iA,tbt 'ii'pt mlserablaTcoDt arwe bere try rain' on MmJ every sea ia:a.tetible try tbiog with th they;jbe lonee'd the' plrafts permfttiag p bnggag except" the rOall5tiuan-- ' liquor, ' ' ' ' ' , . t k. i i . 's n . sHr i mmrmm mm ' i 1 1 - 1 i a m aiiii ( i ui i a in . :ti i r - r j . . i ,i,iiW 'before, 4 li.M P?"3 &6iSiUStr' ; 'e Uve.bcon.lavoredith.he?-"i0'- '' Jy !iAvr it could .no i ce idItv!l' ir w tTiT;;' - , . i,- - i.. ' . J. r luojmisuuig, 'thA'eumnlhn puvsician a . -- ?efvre. ibey b r;; iof whicfi .place i a , Sr.inmes cou DOl inora 10 oa u9r:m-- r xeiiuimiu haVfi to for Ion sbip fiUed prisoners. '"t UairUle profwsionr The that acmmes' nas Warda removed to KnoxvilTe led tung;firh bis,ceMs'S led- - whe7e 'lived about three Marion, . ;e PosMon t ears previous deVotion e.ven-ine- b BlaktV 'There'are not less 'probably the otmaoy vessels the present war.K ' r rlnrV nf .nrl' thUi' O.5? promoters , l at d JTH' ' Bt Wl; . . oi is un . A : e SS hll1S far I by 'obscgptiort hucdrand . ha W8DT. o " - . - " . . V " ' J ' mo . . j ' .. r v, ' ' ' P.fh. and pere . u? tbe Mnln out . "Imay j ours .our for ' ,a;.. ber ftemmes. aje brpwo They They fell he .bfind carries h r until sets tier ou uu 'I I. Ki.i r.f TT. lire. sue niiiii v i wm.im'ij. v can .mjiDY.miN,: oer..-sbipiiUbi- n E.' nnmnnr iu7iuui. a prey that sore ciiine, and the Jit?t poor 11of. vbq.VrtJo serve causa . bomapitiV AiTpntuallv xyujht-- a u,iuv a rtiuuve urrnca vessel?. ould- - mtb qpjr Tin nessee a o., A j. a ... no ir f trmia T . .! . . . - tt t I i . a " If i of nnnr i a.. n.n tiia ufider That Jbey fnnlrnuf WKotti "make Ala: 'and. Fredeeick, 26, poor toah tdea, thdn track C.V. WOcargo fr. inch bdssisle.ariiOUDt leatu built: Cap- - timea OlilCerS Tm.""." lillruli sliini'. .Ad gone preseru warKoqwu, jost 'frcm-'ibe- f tJnitd &te gives some' South, Carolina Mis-olb- er sjeamffs, wbose;nainr.s tn- receinir ;...in ddniAu ' . . antamCV WhlCh resigned f.?.- - - -- !Mm' irnn.iLl irnrnt!v brlllt s1&, dl(anf? !of ill-heal- th. James Stuart, Dea'ce . The stradon has uasion,teiow Aa.verpooi,nciDiiv - - stands towards tlnnking Jromme'nt politician the. Yalley, - .ii n iiu: nua a v - tiir.ilulracnaiillllP Su ut?a ne jut iw viciuity, arvaiting is moruii'g f of uor Virginia Convention 1850, mar- - a sister .pmr. :Duringl early -- BELLB'Was distinguished her. m any nvhsfut of .their : course,. n d sprighUinss ani thei vivaaty themst Ues guo tbe abama; with the cer'auity that before reader an seems: tnoj ef W V'AVH ? the fame ppbrjquity W? This t will I euable extract is tuuia -- i tbipi to her the immense; niouptr foiiowing article the columns without: much'.ciuUipg. jpf. Philadelphia Inqmfef.'' ''! ' ' . ti :n iirrnvJ t r h i v .- - - 1 i i i i a ( c :. r r a a r i i . ' . . . - Wrn'anr'the'll" i . - - uuuumi aVuh i . women - - . . f the beforidepdatiohs TLeJ.arcmtroduced -- l :iu.ucr, , , t vu, tvar oca, mm- - nrsf . r t I t - ; 1 . of , J .- : not W - were our - .. ' ; .. . ' - u ; ' of . that tm-- l I 1 1 .--, . - . I he of " 'at ; -- J . i pvhv care-- ' three apt , - ayigentlemen. plaodt-ringjbl- i ;. 8tdres,:tbeyjnvariablyf Us, loaf. - With have pure woid.eXrpt.tbey hve sfl,;i.napt.aQa the tjf 'J crewi of diiioo. Crop of1 and ; ght;jbavipg:.osr bi a. a w f r. err u tj srir-"- - ih:it v t x , . , was , up4 vas iWtibout'tno tfii can dark, ana men l be seen e,very bgbr, the to' the xrhn , ' . . i n . corresrjbndentssay about from bii-pecti- n will detection recognition frbm'thosc hd:: birri. n.imps known. The pom, $d. lecieraie plan duty sense iiot to themselves conspicno'us she, who Sept. 180 mam mmnown io: ner, mvf iierp trv are 'therefore be useful te, wa:1.Q 14 of ,U.crrt aaiu ioui iruci and it.anp;ers. uniii t.v, !..;-- - fnnt nn.'nhu ..w ar rnrtr .uua. nun n Of he , '.,... ff? rour Adm thrown i : I 'u , a ", Miss : '. , r 1 1. teen Miss that ,The ai.aaia uvuiw in the le.iion nuiu mnmruMi nea iuiss mutu- - of be of "J our of lan we bullion ."lcciuaini? ineaims - hnonii; , men be op ! i itlipir n f save i ana wn an' TLT a Am n ! vTan r- - a i j . w a success - . " ' iij in iir iiv iiv u 11 111 uu uu a - a,, va in xs uv u ; , ... i j " r sw w I ; 1.1 ir. i w aa - late mat oi with. w.,...! t,:..k ,r..- - .1tJiii,.j;ia i !,- -, w iianan name, wnco- - receniiT war th. 'siop in its mad career of, persist- - England, a fbMfiy of cderal torae;" second, the (ing in iniquitous except j nQS. command oi'Laptaiu -- t V ai rv Tk At Fioclanitttion; third, lie st jioremn intervention! very uiuiKeiv) fiir NnrlhpVn 'solditts: fourth, or cnnnter-revolutio- n the " eouiiotiou 'that1 the coi quv-s- t j North, brewing very rap j he of. tbis Tftl of t he would f ne- t- TbUr idly. ; The democrats are be changed , (that of, ger: tpe u?on, prove Dirrtn acep-ii- o speas out maniuiiy, anu to ue-tre- ju 6fih,ihtf 'the unconstitutionairty of tng'titijiuciaV craab';MVxb, Jiht the) proclamation t coufidence onibeT'Jpar.t of . Some say. the Confederate-arm- y Niarthtro soldiers that there disappointed the reception AflUTW; Pysn-- . more1 fighting' between audlin This hardly le,',10?' !F?g l i??1!' McU.ell n,Mnd n corresponding desire i tor they came the part boat baard and urds the . ,7 " ' 1 Tthaf ib're should be State v Mi.i'iin nn i.r.urii i r t, i : .mi...ri ,r-- i ii cuui, iub nn m v i ""; '"p-- f vr r pigjn vptrauouo uu iwiuiut "i jese iuum ni;- - I vSiti ., - a.ro On bis t ? l'f VJ ; ;n.i , .t lion now in progress between nd??!not know ushered into the prisence tbe under assumed. ca c -- .k o;rt Km iti tht 30g , - , -- ? r. or old Democratic Part v and its allit s.. 4o.-.r- f r.v i r tdHQe isu iuhu'wuu' nftmpstn rmr oncers, so asio avom - ., vs. Q fit rof tpr t oir. ' : f cn ;;,r,e atr 18 will, tc vr unless jn b m.s tunate ' OF SlftlMES. .- -' naa m mau- - uer '. it it it 60 it of fc d x r inHmnimf hp1' r to of or hard .'Aii cttuoi'il ir'ivca. have been U. S. a ,h3 qVer - li kid it Ihe th,y tbey onboard, i vessel T m tiiiPir iirai j Arrrfw;ni,.ilv ix ! U immediate the vi a.iir ftfc : yi--- k Firat. I (i au i of year- s- have fife tKt fnp ' y.... are aside them ai Mr, in --- f c; It hl.4 IHV5 are ul tie to r. n aI na 7 jturAts uulhiii. aww ;J iu' rcf voluu Tl, iwii. oi ot 8D ftn as re- - g T.V mio ieit cf. to it :.und.i a' n-it- l diati oiuvn, v. nf a is to Ji out abidr at it on to only 7 Au,, y? n'jD r;--- v it are uie ;. of .i .... jiu. jir-- j Run Dff fan a9 In as ii to m o. Shameful Negligence. -- When '"Maryland with the. more Ajainrhe will 'aoleo; cruise 'ttfheir persons unknown' my Hlf back.roin ns tikUmimc; liejfeeanthey are enabled fre- - an lerrible the Ins lalKit Sin AtlF1-- wnr 'mnny ot on iiip n,. an in r... pirate 'j nl as ; or it ..az'iwv is South 1! to " '? Warn n- - than ever: of! n 11 nn ..... : , - .,t'r l. : ... i- - i. k u r Kut nf mi. iichi uitu.uu v uu.- - coal, aei.enaii.g upon ms queiiuy, meei. wmuinij, wuu - - . crVoL' entiioljchtsiarate times, theofficers of 'everyj tu-- a yery lHge amount .army sufficient his He car- - rf giment in the whole column, and j ?lf 5f ?; t P - v 'foVS months; aP cS ':&ayrer3 helgof notev'iEey' achieve ae not removed by the Con stores' he 'may W;-HeVi- U be Kilf-knowled-- of the strength oNQrtwma-twr- , or diUnba ed to our itlre1: ! .modern Uecdy soldiers; c.nnot tell. , P. r- - here 'tcH3a3 ahd1" tHw tomorrow,'; bur forces. and will be ' certain to ' De louna . wariare a paranei ro iu useoi buuu , r.-.- r" ' r t. ,.;?".';r :c - I one is for ; him. accomplishments for suchApirr pose? 'hl fXu T;Jti-M- m n1ke 16ok- - chief of these spies is the eel- - able spoils, though we AV T ' ' ' ' JL Tl . ! 1 J L T i J" . , - 2 i i ' - . i wa i tt i r ii TYi o ! u inif1 1 ifii i ui in if arm. ins for needle1 in .a haystacK,' jeUratedtteueiioya. iieracKnovti-i-'v- - ' d&ith i of Vessels (edgd superiority for machination j aliua to ; iIrov Be..is oiay wThaeer'uising' at the piint and intrigue. haagiyei. her the heood all n PpM now. tine; should onf of tliem b fortii-'- ; leadhi. and coptfplof the female for tbe .lanksent dewfl Seventy nate, enough to sec him. "all w'e.slaU! spies, in the Valley of Virginia wagons.a .few da) e, ago d, hauled nefit thereby ill tc a look, andShe. -- X 'if v!ll rhntJrineto ' be : j until !vli'eff jft and itblhe-light- s now was have 5 ' old be.'or- - prmn tbc VtiiKt. n.'rtVftTlP IUl ' suSicaently, i . ' , i - Faulkner; . ' i r r . . - i . L fromfWansof , ' .11 . . fc -- ! A a I . . . . - i . ' ' I t , . , v i . t i . ; stay,' all showed j Oreto,conmaDd-t- d JVVt Government, fuli;crew, beginning President's Rooking persecuted abolitionist o Confederate waited'upon embraced . lltH'tjanauoimomst. proclamation rebels," Confederates 'defcpairMr.1 ed, ktUonis' our; ordinary - - - - - i VlilUlVVU - . . of ;as , -- of ' rin. Ilie. rUMi uu, 1 ; : " , - , ' - i i , ; i , i " " i . . . . l a i for ' '' . afc me t n t ' can I . was he . . .. - 9 1 the he . ' ' ' - I J m .. tbe hid ' to' . w :, J . - . : . I T- - " I "f . ' 5 ' w I at o w. ij vv 14 i i tViT - me here, for ; x . ! ordinary civilized ! . . . ... .... t . of ordinarv gre.aterpeed mdther; , rpgrt - instance taUing- W 'i . TT J . v ' i : :;' ' with alt - :' J' but ' t - tne t ? of t .tvp on thc ; 1 tho hank . of of . bv of ? kn 5 ... . .V , , th his WOre. ISoO was in" the' : - , At !V , - i r .ir .A.- -. u L k r. 1 piece of fry do' fire 0 te This we b, 1 : ' tlie that he as; V r. bait , that p9rk - - rfU manv, M T . 1 ra - J. "v . ; T 7 . . 7 ' V S I w . iv. T vixen ,a. v- - can confer .n lc has the d of maurea the Four-- The' pnv ao , ii . goca , l r the entire of carpets . f , ; 5 ifqapr or m: Ce:r Ho get frora- - its ofi be coh- - H thii woman saw int6 for ii- - Jrte: r1.Pr Snmo of the of aWri nut to bv for wnat i"i . ihy and of rwho .shei one she intror duced as to ru.it-a- .; mi ' tb vBSsei :. Ud W .is faf Miss the end over them, and ths so well r.t: ;)jew to tQ the wound . itsspit feat tiOn the' Dog: their i'g will rxitui for W . . 4 peting and and cut, will five The well "the, the Newr are" and their But them she the the and South; I ...11.. at do tne wre rnnim I: i be, i ' tit; one up i 11' .r'0r r t fbere there men did that would knew who the would be 4 The St or. cae. are we Captain 'II;ffifr bpakina i, of ll.a 'in at the Italian 1 - of war,' of -- lir.. Atlaiitieia Ilalinn in Music ll 'i t !b ol 7 t Southern to put-u- p served tcfth'e )a-- '. 1 negro "will be w anxious about nnpr.ato TTnin'n man 'ns aboul ""."r.''"" ,.. I welhas it or of sout, ahct in wjth without go resort lex .'couldn't to be waited as iiicv. buy . to the and ini..imc mnflflm QTirl ui, the of rrr.li1. ruins nnf?- - .?.-..-- ... il.' f' trili ao ilOieill uuiuiuwi 1 in a to a ir.r-- . rrM of if. ..... as--; to to to Tt-- m ;Ie de ' i .V i:: ty is not an - r r. .... t. -- .. Mississippian easuy of our in to us on nien on wait "the we ghips good; who. 08 ,s the out got lory agar, fmrafp may h.ye the ent reg-- ! by' nine roh n.c and eariv- - with this qnm9 iwas Xee tim3 banf By uuumair. The the and urreo at lie Jus by Ho the rep m'a1 way that was. man and ahd more tears anej the than "his ,....-....- , the the never, him that the bear part laws lAlptUlU. proper-- i "Jiixcose me, said cause IV.ot 1o.K-.- l appliance o"t,-1'- j war, if,., indeed, it.inot The wriat and may come tba ion the the side President's. ' paper "quits" respectable !on iooi.to ?ncce retaliation: not Ufiscaiidndlt-y&- f 'eves' are rfWS ... V)? property in extending! sbrta'ef fibres, and colors;which " .-- ..u ueite lamsourg ,e c:.pnat u-;- -t rrSTTi o passed llorses and jie vet hod' lyand any who ,is a good deal ;0f yi; She is a sharp-feature- d, and. Aire D4 of L UmpiIig. fe. presume th6vaythaS 2o,,or..jare pLin is 01. tueLast ; 4 to sented a friendJwith a piece and .havegiyn ,of. sll"i.Vnishlisuosheiw;th enough oA iwwi 'appearance Last summer, whilst miles.N 01 incisors and molars.;- - IIe-thi- ghe a' revolver her 5,000. .It ia Connected baJ a narrow escape battle pleantlyUkhWstb dusk lieleft yah f 7" Our.fnend,!M.;5..i?prnikje, .fjas h - rfvnT1ppt:'n ,v th lWrstdwrr;Lt::..i:a; iTaacJiittetts ?nldn lleseizcdfheCfPA" tbe' sliouldcr and nice oflnMetoW8$f? fee dttet Westward, WV yh dn Vour! loj. hive; ormfeaMW: is fifth postpout fce.hHcr, tharad ta?Xu wert Attractive from adelphia, kd by M not SJ " mohth. A good; ot .irrhrnih .resolute' necfed, with thriving townsrit r.l!Ml fftates in the. of volunteer- - lk nn.n nut nt no ... .tzrr. X1J14H,. "",7 black-eve- d is m theintenor-Qj.rtne.C)tate.- t hurtangto many. a Ld ncation a meetinir held' Vnd by economical pronipi 4akenorchi?e thatpieceofpari ?&'s.iir- - lx)ufs clothibr the selves greased; ;;tom 1. tt;w. orur, w,n,f- ,- Rji,:,,.. .would-i,V- deli-hi- ed offered itock m i. esiablishment our.uon:aog, .wnenueep; pmnlnv kindred fSS tieV Weil; I verted Wring 'theiol- - .W,:rt. hk.r irnrynfoiirvounff idea mun ficehce roauufacre Georeia from gj-aX- n hti? a.'ston f. ltelt.it warn' wSsXtoTo had Another arrl iGwirJtrnjS apdso.to potoiows fhapSbe is yeryiofte Jcpfheir Anderson, feriOtwi.now shecaiii onlyprac-ticee- r landismeUtjS uBon gomtdavs. reports norteicssiv which South'- - gripe;" impend-Jnoun- ce boston, Maryalnd. K1 farm eder.te mayrti formed .of hundred twenty rooms, .when make oven hupdred com- fortable and blankets.- - radicals?, in Wushinston. savs Yorc'Herald,r tuscussin '". levies offiifers. separaticai and compromise obtain nnmbet.3oT''ltwen North any.UmonJ syin-i- h cause afterwards. Sensible Conclusion. seemea have uutuicuw nuu confiscation sponsil fceen has eyen you' Pr1L- - ncrc7n cTirJlr rntitTriltr found who he to his horse and away. they ,In the 3rd, two iments paroled pnsoners tne 32nd Ohio and the )J;. ascepaiueu the tarVyinc tt b EI:rkely;f5alenTd,'rifl?t gaus..V:The gunboat IT' ia.. rrossed uuu- - 1 iuo Ani:cd6tfbf Weiidittrp.hilliju Mf.'iTraify .a fcpeedb.atj; That distinguished Oiarlesf6np before he wasrvery-iwell.-known- ; and a.hote!'. had breakfast room, and sfaveV opportunity resent negro very thetic a1 brother, tbatf-jjhat Lincoln's breakfast nrrninsf was reUltona because condition serts, finally, Phillips or reason, dered away;-sayin- g en-fh- d upoii luiirtr. uu y ,7!.- - .".i .... 'private masa,,,. "must stay I silver ware. v. oi .L)',-",,- ' Jackon says: usages, it is nav-.-uce- . exchanges iouiM-o- c destruction qpon-- J anaicomc printed in-ti- n "border '.if rapef." .n looks have. 1 5 ll0n, Slaves, x cattie, cr0ps printer's TenSn; .Banner, sylvania, 'furniture dwelling a,by county,) intrigue Xrnf Af Pittsburg the'great U the tvtoii ich Pennsyjva- - -- WhoW, VvT,,,i;:. matter H9 paymaster, '4'1 appju? krmy ruwiwg caopwow compnseS good-size- di as as liim nnfl before, .Federal was,'he put' spurs Chicago ISCih'-Nc- who tb negro, in t " in Va ' aif. n-- l ..-r- !l ! i ln.r a.f . ... ii hi - w uni w p - r r f i A Vli UnU 111 O AA VVU IIS AAA Vkia at uaa V . ii. i on oi irocgetk fOHM.anaicrowtii.a iiiiu ' .... i. . t. . 'I . r i rant 111 1 1 rt . l T ?.-- . .. . -- 1 I I Am- - A -- .. .1 iiuvcj wvuvtl UO: ILUItw promised Oif -- an emaV.opafion prec- is mat iou .hodld be'i'ut't,'Mye wait patiently' -- 'afeo fo'.'Mr tifeely s ttrea hundred thousrtd.---iV.--T- : TlorWi The Jackson: Mississippian of r . - . j . York broke oui :intO'bpen Thu-';thed2- th st that fomthe Io?t tiriV; and armed reirimenta had' tOiformat'orf received'at that city,- - ' -- . .. Y . ,. UK- -. Cr:.it;A- - ?;.--- - it. i be ordered out to repress tne in-- 1 i.:75t.,lk1,.ivvra' subonlinaticra.' It''sideht,'' at Cpnntfe has eehrbnt feaytheTTmeV-'tha- t a deep rooted "1?. over estimated.- - J U wi.d not ' rnuljordination' is rife among those ;T-ro- ?' eed -- OOO in kiKed, trocrosi '"The Lincoln irovcrtmefftl wouiided fd' missing is putting th'ej J troops ' intoi the s odl : j rijsf.f-Z!- ; service again, without bein'gex- -' In changed " ' ''"'; . the 10th -J- hid-regfrnent lost fl i ; ..1 iMi:ii. t irtn Rilrptl . find xronrulpil.' ThV . - r JC-"- '.V 7 Z 1 i 'An editor; inkdrawinpr attention f luth Kentucky iosi-X945ri9- n to an an tcie agavis i araeni ipiriji eius aiuuieu.oijiceni . uici in' one Cf the inhor pagfs'of pa-- Col' Iopij woudded; ft Cot: .Tc per, savs: "Fdrih'd effects of iiitern "'Mat; Campbell antTCapt. Mv perance see 'i)tif-inside- r ; ;rkilled. fKvl .i tlil 7 lev .::' , . 'i ' - f . y . . - f ' ' . h ! t V it! t.'! .1
Page 1: veUb JTH' nerea thUi' · 2017. 12. 17. · ''Duringthe war with Napoleon1 the 'English "debt.. increased from one hundred-to1 eight hundred; millions of pounds sierjing, aiid the


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Two Dorars year in fvnce,

. CT All Wills fo Adrerticemeota, Job- -VVork, or 3aVcripiitn, considertd dna tcn

t except Hgahist those with whomwe. h,vi"rmningacconnta, ,

, ttt' 3 ibscribers failing to order a discon- -tinuuptef tUe paperat tpe expiration of beJipe for which they may. have subwribed.nro cottsldered i wishiug'to renew; and itwiltLaconitnued. taihem accordingly .

. , OCT Bs.Pper will be sent out o the'roiintj; niilesap'aid for' in aivaDce.

I Advertisements inserted at One Dol-(lu- t(pr jtquare f Tvlv; Litresfje4 for therst insertion: Fifly C;iis

foir each otjtiiiOa4ce. '"'- - '

OCT.-P.arsoa- advertising br thsyear, willVe charged Forty. Uullqrs for a hole,foiiimu, Twcmjr-ftoiiar- i icr one-b- all

'Vess DIliar for on-nr- ter. Jo dmm-tio- nfrom thtse Urns v ruler any circumstances

r"The pririlrge- - of yearly advertisers istrtSrtt limited to their own immediate and teo- -

' tlr busintesLini the bunincos of an adter-- ii .sing jiriu is noi co'iiiuerea as mciuaing inat

f its individual nirubers.JCJ Annonncitigcandidate6.Thr-- f Dol- -'

1;irs, to le paid in advance in tvery caie.: Advertisctoents not marked with thenumber of isxeruvns when fcar.ded in,! continual until ordered out, and pcyinentex- -uftei. ; ; .', , I- tjr Ar euleert irment ititerted gratuitously.

ftT A.ivertisemcuU of cu abusive nature,'scfcV nnlitiserttl at any price. .

.CO", Job arlnli,o am. neofyi'on?Mi W!vTj l. on as reasonabletitm4 any isflire in Tenncsjiee.

I o J'aper will be jiiKContitiued until11 nrrear are paid ' up except at the cp- -'

t ok of tii Publisher.

. ,.; War.Utbuf lie Norib. VV Nctt jYork "Heraid, of

T .j)tliT in an editorial uponNorthern Tmances, says: -- ' -

. ''During the war with Napoleon1the 'English "debt.. increased fromone hundred - to1 eight hundred;millions of pounds sierjing, aiid theouthij of ,t'ie ;(Jovermnent wasaljout lour thousand millions of

mb&t crbeariog

itvid. - Thxpi ice arc crcncding into4i fctr years the cxjtendUitrcs of aquarter of a century.war cesos the co


very fromfrom


rinnnffhiaViltf cirilU



Amuiuiin-r- :



jarred , ,DokeUery wus.w.hengan,


play that


held that that,liuell hest much have

Thewrv rmy corres- -Kenub- - 1j.

in' thus




'ptucyicuau. fonnatioo

Ltlie army, notthe enualthe. Confederate;, and .'jf-

he sueh troops as"world would not be long

'in fihdihg.it out. Mlis disasters arejustly attributable to. his

' of generalship, much.as tocharacter .'his troops." Themanner which conductedretreat from Richmond, and .his

affairs thus far inare enough' to him


with ablest com- -'

manders either side. Officers

tell that a close inspection ofworks and a

thorough pxamination ofments,"from day day, after the

KbaUles disclose

one solitary mistake blunder oi)

;IIe best that7pould done At point,"the and withinaterial he had around him,.

is to, give enemy ."credittod ability, than' too Htv-

Cotton Card Factory is in uc- -

., Ga:,

'with wire ''.enough .the pianu- -

facturers say, twelve1 thousandThe cards


Mswyi,,, ' 'JrL - " T pprLrilJ-.-:mmmimmmmm - . TT" .w .' ' "1 ti'Ofil 'IStitS

Fxploi U ui Coofe'derate Steamer

Tlie New; York Her , Id ; p.ubUb

th: btatimeif of three .un&ters ol

tlihi baVe," bren. boint'by. the

and snys (bat Capiaia Semmte, of the

r. asi s u a r rii

iliailimore o

insert, he

' efi'ective.



veUb and Europe.! Uh,s thedaughter. of Stotj tg" sue- - onSera Uln.irilton; carry rtg'tVh fevpacoJe (ojbejnd I?M4n nerea rifle gTbese lbrA

iqi ...cnn. c. . ... tercntest testruc;i l he r;iui. i,jm h0 !. , P mi frti.;i ..Tf,

is evideol, all 6f inlmense 'W'l as ascertain M0'! w, ;.ibeII U.i ,be 'Alabama '8"R?w; can.",: lea$t'8L as .great as lours, ofilwa : ninety.

Vu, .,,....- - "I " i aurf ne V A'tnrnv f'-'"."- oL L

Kip thu'tiirriir rif 1 j , ., i miumoiiutu a uij-uu- j m"0 irfuratPH mn hth IdGth Alahnma. Pbip. ... i .u

the: tcein Her "tpeed ; appearsto be uoiqoallvd both under strsiinand 'Her sailing 'uaiitii e, as d,

are superior to tbe ?peed ofnine-tent- hs our 6te;.aiors . in ;.lhenavj,'tmd' tinder steam aud cauvassombined iVuvll take Vanderbiit

or ste:im'-r- s 'f similar class, towith, in a rh488. iHer

bMttery is formidable, iquul -- tomany of purVcrew' slco-.af-wv"- l. fthe btcpe 'vjafi aD(l vastly superiorto any of put. small r yeWcj' Sb'e

is in n FpctVaii ogly "i ustrmrr,


.WPOf thfate ship. NortHeniYWM i0fini.JrVe4 tosc6e'j: . ;tV:' voun'ffUadv.

Pm.; i . destroy:.; W VflPK!?!; of property

npsilion-'nu'- eath-u- luapmrosa peuua anunfob- - V.-e;- "


patnvwiuona ?,ndji'o j)iirni7 that ft-- '

n.me of the ibip.btfe Cni,.ftb(febound, and the.cbitjactf hi? cargo.- -

''..,. IJ . . in i Kit i

anid that.eome oftjs cafgallapse Will .. nnHip mnrlnnerv ot bufei- -' . .

iioglhi reply, jSemmestcow.ee atnew.ivi.Ite. again -

asit tlienr.bo- - Wll?re W ,hebut .much more disastrously .

. & on.we more 4,, n

: ."S f li I TU-papas' unfortunifely hav-Thes- is

dds; kea,compared which II, : and the feil-follo- w

the end of tins war, erefinancial fanners are more for--;

a prize,formerly.


We have the opinion CuptaiQ Ilagar'says boweytr

IcClQllaiuiiid were the Stinmes may hd a'good

;GeneralsWintelligent Nvy, he hiaentircly chared

the . Snvminan "" j' - r jjjj oi wmcparelican, late letter, speaks '

tytbrow that of Victor Emanuel'MeClellan, after the Maryland ejatiiely in t,he6bac!et and isetident


nothe impror to pr,wipetrti thatrgestrhere the the.a

Confederate States led Brtgw ,Mxa hoi,

. T r v 91 - T - . 'A

J""c"r .appfara be complete

Federal ifot"any ii

had to com-

mand, they

not lackso the

in his

'conduct Ma-

ryland, Entitleto the



liis 'Tiefore.Richmor.d,his movcf

tocpmmenced, did pot

.his 'part. did thebe, every under

circumstances, theIt

j safer,for much

Ace8sful operation Rome,

" lviirs. - at -- present. for tannedrhefpkms.

npK? -- iwMaaMiaMMaFwasssawrsssamassT 'if '16 'PMfddel'AJlia

Ho ZrZ

a do,anything



that occupies mucn.taV


from 0.mmaDUe.r ltjiphaeNavyt to. ()pbiualiqn olJ-a-fi- it

Kid and Oibbshe irtustpiious pirtei,the ;(Worli

kqowu- .- XVtike jDfrvQtrtM tle.la.liiioja

ported as.vfrj Inthey.tako r'jWrg

bqt what suits ; them, If :repenilRh-ia- g

their rt-j-c-

sugari taking" jaQthg-ut- , theglotes the

sametbey refuse colcW, and, will

nothing, but; fltbite.-s- o

it is wit h ihepili wliy thrpugb.appropriate H'ttf ttjog

find worth having, and iiesfroy-th- e

regt, aud.ar? pirates in 'eUy :,ff'B8f

of the do.ppt.lVkplify-- or rather;, tiotiyeldppe

Alibamt there irere: between lorrfifty f 'the ,the di(r

Tbey wete ceu&oed below

iu ifgirs, iA,tbt 'ii'pt mlserablaTcoDtarwe bere try

rain' on MmJ every sea

ia:a.tetibletry tbiog with th they;jbelonee'd the' plrafts permfttiag p

bnggag except" the rOall5tiuan--' liquor,

' '' ' '

, . t k. i i . ' s n . sHr i mmrmm mm ' i 1 1 - 1 i a m aiiii ( i ui i a in . :ti i r - r j . . i

,i,iiW 'before, 4 li.M P?"3 &6iSiUStr' ; 'e Uve.bcon.lavoredith.he?-"i0'- '' Jy

!iAvr it could .no i ce idItv!l' ir w tTiT;;' - , . i,- - i.. ' . J. rluojmisuuig, 'thA'eumnlhn puvsician a .

--?efvre. ibey b r;; iof whicfi.place i a ,Sr.inmes cou DOl inora 10 oa u9r:m-- r

xeiiuimiu haVfi tofor Ion

sbip fiUed prisoners. '"t UairUle profwsionrThe that acmmes' nas Warda removed to KnoxvilTe

led tung;firh bis,ceMs'S led- - whe7e 'lived about three



;e PosMon t ears previous deVotion e.ven-ine- b BlaktV'There'are not less 'probablythe otmaoy vessels the present war.K ' r rlnrV nf .nrl' thUi' O.5?

promoters , lat d JTH' ' Bt Wl;. . oi is un . A

:e SShll1S far I by 'obscgptiort

hucdrand. ha W8DT. o "

- . - " . . V " ' J '

mo . . j ' .. r v, ' ' ' P.fh. and pere . u?

















.bfind carries

h r until sets tier ou uu'I I. Ki.i r.f TT.lire. sue niiiii v i wm.im'ij. v

can .mjiDY.miN,:oer..-sbipiiUbi- n E.'

nnmnnr iu7iuui.a

preythat sore ciiine, and the Jit?t

poor 11of. vbq.VrtJoserve causa . bomapitiV


xyujht-- a

u,iuv a rtiuuve urrnca vessel?.ould- -

mtbqpjr Tin







no irf

trmia T . .! . . . - tt tI i

. a "If i ofnnnr i a.. n.n tiia



fnnlrnuf WKotti

"make Ala:'and. Fredeeick, 26,


toah tdea, thdntrack C.V.WOcargo fr.


leatu built:

Cap- - timea


lillruli sliini'.



preseru warKoqwu, jost 'frcm-'ibe- f tJnitd &te gives some' South, Carolina Mis-olb- er sjeamffs, wbose;nainr.s tn-

receinir ;...in ddniAu' . .

antamCV WhlCh resigned f.?.- - --- !Mm' irnn.iLl irnrnt!v brlllt

s1&, dl(anf? !of ill-heal-th. James Stuart, Dea'ce . The stradon has uasion,teiow Aa.verpooi,nciDiiv- -stands towards tlnnking Jromme'nt politician the. Yalley,

- .ii n iiu: nua a v -tiir.ilulracnaiillllP Suut?a ne jut iw

viciuity, arvaitingis

moruii'g fof


Virginia Convention 1850, mar--a sister .pmr.

:Duringl early-- BELLB'Was distinguished her.

m any nvhsfut of .their : course,. n d sprighUinss ani thei vivaatythemst Ues guo tbeabama; with the cer'auity that before reader an

seems: tnojefW V'AVH ? the fame


W? This t will I euable extractis tuuia -- i tbipi to


theimmense; niouptr foiiowing article the columns

without: much'.ciuUipg. jpf. Philadelphia Inqmfef.''''! ' '. ti :n iirrnvJ

t r h i v




i i i i a ( c :.

r ra a r i i .'

.. .


Wrn'anr'the'll"i . - - uuuumi aVuh i

. women - -. .f the

beforidepdatiohs TLeJ.arcmtroduced-- l:iu.ucr, , , tvu, tvar oca, mm- -


. r t I t



. of , J .-



W -were

our- ..



.. . ' -u

; 'of

.that tm-- l

I 1 1 .--, . - .I





-- J. i

pvhv care-- '


, -


i ;.


Us, loaf. - With

have pure


sfl,;i.napt.aQathetjf 'J crewi of

diiioo. Crop

of1 and ;



a. a w f r. err u tj

srir-"- -

ih:it v t x , . ,



vas iWtibout'tno tfii


dark, ana menl

be seen e,very






'. .




corresrjbndentssay about


bii-pecti- n will detection recognition frbm'thoschd::birri. n.imps known.






sense iiot to themselvesconspicno'us she, who Sept. 180mam mmnown io: ner, mvf iierp trvare 'therefore be useful



,U.crrt aaiu ioui


andit.anp;ers. uniii t.v, !..;-- - fnnt nn.'nhu..w ar rnrtr .uua. nun n

Of he , '.,... ff?rour Adm thrown

i: I



", Miss

: '.,


1 1.




ai.aaia uvuiwinthe

le.iion nuiu mnmruMi

nea iuiss mutu- -

ofbe of "J


oflan we

bullion ."lcciuaini? ineaims



men be op!

i itlipir



save i ana wn an'


a Am n ! vTan r- - a i j . w a


- ." '

iij in iir iiv iiv u 11 111 uu uu a - a,, va in xs uv u; ,






sw w



1.1 ir. i w aa -late mat oi with.

w.,...! t,:..k ,r..-- .1tJiii,.j;ia i !,- -, w iianan name, wnco- - receniiTwar th. 'siop in its mad career of, persist-- England, a fbMfiy of

cderal torae;" second, the (ing in iniquitous except j nQS. command oi'Laptaiu-- t V ai rv Tk AtFioclanitttion; third, lie st jioremn intervention! very uiuiKeiv)

fiir NnrlhpVn 'solditts: fourth, or cnnnter-revolutio- n

the " eouiiotiou 'that1 the coi quv-s- t j North, brewing very rap j he of. tbis Tftlof t he would f ne- t- TbUr idly. ; The democrats are be changed , (that of, ger:

tpe u?on, prove Dirrtn acep-ii-o speas out maniuiiy, anu to ue-tre- ju

6fih,ihtf 'the unconstitutionairty oftng'titijiuciaV craab';MVxb, Jiht the) proclamation t

coufidence onibeT'Jpar.t of . Some say. the Confederate-arm- y

Niarthtro soldiers that there disappointed the reception AflUTW; Pysn-- .more1 fighting' between audlin This hardly le,',10?' !F?g l i??1!'

McU.ell n,Mnd n corresponding desire i tor they came the partboat baard and urds the . ,7 " '

1 Tthaf ib're should be State v

Mi.i'iin nn i.r.urii i r t, i : .mi...ri ,r-- i ii cuui, iub nn m vi ""; '"p-- f vr r pigjn vptrauouo uu iwiuiut "i jese iuum ni;--I vSiti .,- a.ro On bis t ? l'f VJ ; ;n.i , .t lion now in progress between nd??!not knowushered into the prisence tbe under assumed. cac --.k o;rt Km iti tht 30g, - , -- ? r. or old Democratic Part v and its allit s..

4o.-.r- f

r.v i r tdHQe isu iuhu'wuu' nftmpstn rmr oncers, so asio avom - .,vs.




t oir.' :

f cn

;;,r,e atr18 will,

tc vr

unless jnb m.s

tunate ' OF SlftlMES.

.--'naa m mau- -

uer '.


it60 it

offc d


r inHmnimf hp1' rto




.'Aiicttuoi'il ir'ivca.

have been

U. S. a

,h3 qVer


kid it






m tiiiPir iirai


Arrrfw;ni,.ilv ix !




vi a.iirftfc


yi--- k




i of

year- s-



tKt fnp ' y.... are

aside them



--- f


hl.4 IHV5 are







jturAts uulhiii. aww;J iu'






as re--




cf. to it:.und.i

a' n-it- l

diati oiuvn, v.nf a

isto Ji



at it on

to only7 Au,, y?

n'jD r;--- v it are uie;.of

.i ....jiu. jir-- j Run Dff









Shameful Negligence. -- When '"Maryland with the. more

Ajainrhe will 'aoleo; cruise 'ttfheir persons unknown' my Hlf back.roinns tikUmimc; liejfeeanthey are enabled fre--


lerrible theIns

lalKit Sin AtlF1--




oniiip n,.

an in r...pirate







is South1!

to " '?

Warn n-- than ever:of!

n 11 n n..... : , - .,t'r l. : ... i- - i. k u r Kut nf mi. iichi uitu.uu v uu.- -coal, aei.enaii.g upon ms queiiuy, meei. wmuinij, wuu - - .

crVoL' entiioljchtsiarate times, theofficers of 'everyj tu-- a yery lHge amount .army

sufficient his He car-- rfgiment in the whole column, and j ?lf 5f ?; t P - v'foVS months; aPcS ':&ayrer3 helgof notev'iEey' achieve ae not removed by the Con

stores' he 'may W;-HeVi- U be Kilf-knowled-- of the strength oNQrtwma-twr- , or diUnba ed to our

itlre1: ! .modern Uecdy soldiers; c.nnot tell. , P. r- -here 'tcH3a3 ahd1" tHw tomorrow,'; bur forces.and will be ' certain to ' De louna . wariare a paranei ro iu useoi buuu , r.-.-r" ' r t. ,.;?".';r :c - I

one is for ; him. accomplishments for suchApirr pose? 'hl fXuT;Jti-M- m n1ke 16ok- - chief of these spies is the eel- - able spoils, though we

AV T ' ' ' ' JL Tl . ! 1 J L T i J" ., - 2 i i ' - . i wa i tt i r ii TYi o ! u inif1 1 ifii i ui in if arm.

ins for needle1 in .a haystacK,' jeUratedtteueiioya. iieracKnovti-i-'v- - 'd&ith i of Vessels (edgd superiority for machination j aliua to ; iIrov Be..is oiaywThaeer'uising' at the piint and intrigue.haagiyei. her the heood all n PpM now.

tine; should onf of tliem b fortii-'- ; leadhi. and coptfplof the female for tbe .lanksent dewfl Seventy

nate, enough to sec him."all w'e.slaU! spies, in the Valley of Virginia wagons.a .few da) e,ago d,hauled

nefit thereby ill tc a look, andShe.-- X 'if v!ll rhntJrineto ' be : j until !vli'eff jft and itblhe-light- s now


have5 ' old be.'or- - prmn tbc

VtiiKt. n.'rtVftTlP IUl






, i -



' i


r . .





, ' .11 .

.fc -- ! A a I

. .






' It


. ,

v i. t i


; stay,'all showed


Oreto,conmaDd-t- d













rebels,"Confederates 'defcpairMr.1 ed,


our; ordinary- -- - - i

VlilUlVVU -. .

of ;as , -- of '

rin. Ilie. rUMi uu,

1 ; : " , - ,



i i,









. . . l

a i for' ''.



t n t





. .. - 9 1the


' '


- I Jm ..

tbe hid


to'. w :,

J . - . : . I T- - "I

"f . ' 5 ' w Iat ow. ij vv 14 i i


- mehere,

for; x . !ordinarycivilized !


. . ... ....t .

of ordinarvgre.aterpeed mdther; , rpgrt - instance taUing-

W 'i .







: :;' ' with alt- :' J' but '

t - tne t? of t .tvpon thc ; 1 thohank .of of .

bv of ? kn 5... . .V , , th

his WOre. ISoO was in" the' : - ,At !V

, - i r .ir .A.- -. u L k r. 1

piece of fry do' fire 0 te This we b,

1 : ' tlie that he as; V

r. bait , that p9rk - -rfU manv, M T .1 ra - J. "v . ; T 7 . . 7 ' V S I w . iv.

T vixen ,a. v--

can confer .n lc hasthe d of maurea

the Four-- The' pnvao , ii.

goca ,l r theentire of carpets.

f ,


5 ifqapror

m: Ce:r Hoget frora--

its ofi be coh--

H thii woman saw int6 forii- - Jrte: r1.Pr Snmo of the


aWri nut to bv



i"i .

ihyand of rwho .shei

one she introrduced as to

ru.it-a-.; mi ' tb vBSsei :. Ud W .is faf Miss the end

over them, and ths so well



to tQ the wound







i'gwill rxitui



. .


peting andand cut,

will five

The well "the,the

Newr are"and their But

them she the the and South;

I ...11..






i be, i'




11' .r'0r r t

fbere theremen did

that wouldknew who

thewould be

4 The St

or. cae. are we

Captain 'II;ffifr






the Italian1 -



-- lir..


in Musicll 'i t


7 t

Southern to

put-u- p


tcfth'e )a-- '.


negro"will be w anxious about

nnpr.ato TTnin'n man 'ns aboul""."r.''"" ,.. I

welhas it or of sout, ahctin

wjth without goresort lex .'couldn't to be waited

as iiicv. buy .to the and

ini..imc mnflflm QTirlui,the of

rrr.li1. ruins nnf?- -.?.-..-- ...

il.' f' trili ao ilOieill uuiuiuwi




air.r-- . rrM

ofif. .....


toto to

Tt-- m;Ie de '

i .V i::ty is not an- r

r. .... t.


Mississippianeasuy of our in

to us onnien on wait "the

we ghips good; who. 08 ,s

the out







the ent

reg-- !

by'nine roh













the and


at lieJus

by Hothe rep

m'a1way that was. man and

ahd moretears anej

thethan "his,....-....- ,

thethe never,

him thatthe bear

part lawslAlptUlU.

proper-- i

"Jiixcose me, saidcause

IV.ot 1o.K-.- lappliance o"t,-1'- j

war, if,., indeed, it.inotThe

wriatand may come tbaion the the side

President's. ' paper "quits" respectable !on

iooi.to ?ncce retaliation: not Ufiscaiidndlt-y&- f 'eves' are rfWS... V)? property in extending! sbrta'ef fibres, and colors;which" .-- ..u ueite lamsourg ,e c:.pnat u-;- -t

rrSTTi o passed llorses and jie vet hod' lyandanywho,is a good deal ;0f yi; She is a sharp-feature- d, and. Aire D4 of L UmpiIig. fe. presume

th6vaythaS 2o,,or..jare pLin is 01. tueLast ; 4 tosented a friendJwith a piece and .havegiyn ,of. sll"i.Vnishlisuosheiw;th enough

oA iwwi 'appearance Last summer, whilst miles.N 01

incisors and molars.;- - IIe-thi- ghe a' revolver her 5,000. .It ia Connected baJ a narrow escape battlepleantlyUkhWstb dusk lieleft yah f 7"

Our.fnend,!M.;5..i?prnikje, .fjas h- rfvnT1ppt:'n ,v th lWrstdwrr;Lt::..i:a; iTaacJiittetts

?nldn lleseizcdfheCfPA"tbe' sliouldcr and

nice oflnMetoW8$f? fee dttet Westward, WV yh dn Vour! loj. hive;

ormfeaMW: is fifth postpout fce.hHcr,

tharad ta?Xu wert Attractive from adelphia, kd by M not SJ "mohth. A good; ot .irrhrnih .resolute' necfed, with thriving townsrit r.l!Ml fftates in the. of volunteer- -

lk nn.n nut nt no ... .tzrr. X1J14H,."",7 black-eve-d is m theintenor-Qj.rtne.C)tate.- t

hurtangto many. a Ld ncation a meetinir held' Vndby economical pronipi 4akenorchi?ethatpieceofpari ?&'s.iir- - lx)ufs clothibr theselves greased; ;;tom 1. tt;w.orur, w,n,f- ,- Rji,:,,.. .would-i,V- deli-hi- ed offered itock


i. esiablishmentour.uon:aog, .wnenueep; pmnlnv kindredfSS tieV Weil; I verted Wring 'theiol- -

.W,:rt. hk.r irnrynfoiirvounff idea mun ficehce

roauufacreGeoreia from gj-aX- n hti?




wSsXtoTo hadAnother

arrl iGwirJtrnjS apdso.topotoiows fhapSbe is

yeryiofte Jcpfheir


feriOtwi.now shecaiii onlyprac-ticee- rlandismeUtjS uBon



whichSouth'- -

gripe;" impend-Jnoun- ce





mayrti formed

.of hundredtwenty rooms, .when

make oven hupdred com-

fortable and blankets.- -

radicals?,in Wushinston. savs

Yorc'Herald,r tuscussin'".levies offiifers. separaticai and compromiseobtain nnmbet.3oT''ltwen North


syin-i- h


Sensible Conclusion.seemea



nuuconfiscation sponsil


has eyen


Pr1L-- ncrc7n cTirJlr rntitTriltr

found whohe to his horseand away.


,In the 3rd, twoiments paroled pnsoners tne32nd Ohio and the

)J;. ascepaiueuthe

tarVyinctt b EI:rkely;f5alenTd,'rifl?tgaus..V:The gunboat



rrossed uuu--



Ani:cd6tfbf Weiidittrp.hillijuMf.'iTraify .a fcpeedb.atj;

That distinguishedOiarlesf6np

before he wasrvery-iwell.-known-;

and a.hote!'. hadbreakfast room, and


resent negro verythetic a1

brother, tbatf-jjhat

Lincoln's breakfastnrrninsf was reUltona

because conditionserts, finally, Phillips

or reason, dered away;-sayin-g

en-fh- d upoiiluiirtr. uu y ,7!.--

.".i ....


masa,,,."must stay I

silver ware.v. oi .L)',-",,-'

Jackon says:usages, it is nav-.-uce- . exchanges iouiM-o- c

destruction qpon-- J

anaicomc printed in-ti- n

"border '.if rapef.".n looks

have. 1

5 ll0n, Slaves,x cattie, cr0ps printer's

TenSn; .Banner, sylvania, 'furniture dwellinga,by county,)



AfPittsburg the'greatU the

tvtoiiich Pennsyjva-- -- WhoW,VvT,,,i;:. matter






good-size- di

as as

liim nnfl

before, .Federalwas,'he put' spurs



who tb



t " in Va ' aif. n-- l ..-r- !l ! i ln.r a.f. ... ii hi - w uni w p

- r r f iA Vli UnU 111 O AA VVU IIS AAA Vkia at uaa V . ii. i


irocgetk fOHM.anaicrowtii.aiiiiu ' .... i. . t. . 'I . ri rant 111 1 1 rt . l T ?.-- . .. . -- 1 I I Am- - A --.. .1iiuvcj wvuvtl UO: ILUItwpromised Oif -- an emaV.opafion prec-is mat iou .hodld be'i'ut't,'Mye waitpatiently' --'afeo fo'.'Mr tifeely s ttreahundred thousrtd.---iV.--T- : TlorWi

The Jackson: Mississippian ofr . - . j .

York broke oui :intO'bpen Thu-';thed2-th st that fomthe Io?t

tiriV; and armed reirimenta had' tOiformat'orf received'at that city,- -

' -- . .. Y . ,. UK- -. Cr:.it;A- - ?;.--- - it. ibe ordered out to repress tne in--1 i.:75t.,lk1,.ivvra'subonlinaticra.' It''sideht,'' at Cpnntfe has eehrbntfeaytheTTmeV-'tha- t a deep rooted "1?. over estimated.- - J U wi.d not

' rnuljordination' is rife among those ;T-ro-?' eed -- OOO in kiKed,trocrosi '"The Lincoln irovcrtmefftl wouiided fd' missingis putting th'ej J troops ' intoi the s odl : j rijsf.f-Z!- ;

service again, without bein'gex- -' Inchanged " ' ''"'; . the 10th -J-

hid-regfrnent lost fli ; ..1 iMi:ii. t irtn Rilrptl . find xronrulpil.' ThV. - r JC-"- '.V 7 Z 1

i'An editor; inkdrawinpr attention f luth Kentucky iosi-X945ri9- n

to an an tcie agavis i araeni ipiriji eius aiuuieu.oijiceni . uiciin' one Cf the inhor pagfs'of pa-- Col' Iopij woudded; ft Cot: .Tc

per, savs: "Fdrih'd effects of iiitern "'Mat; Campbell antTCapt. Mv

perance see 'i)tif-inside- r ; ;rkilled. fKvl .i

tlil 7lev .::'

, . 'i' - f

. y . .

- f ' '








